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» Yasenets (burning bush): cultivation and use. Growing ash tree White ash tree growing

Yasenets (burning bush): cultivation and use. Growing ash tree White ash tree growing

Yasenets - perennial from the Rutaceae family. People call ash tree, bergenia or wild star anise. Yasenets is considered a rather unpretentious plant and very common throughout Russia.

The ash tree grows up to one meter in height, the stems of the ash tree are densely pubescent with glandular hairs, they are erect. Thanks to the hairs of the ash tree, it received its second name: burning bush. And all because when they come into contact with the skin, these hairs release a substance that, under the influence sun rays may cause burns. When working in a flower garden where ash trees grow, be careful.

There is an opinion that if in dry hot weather Bring a burning match to this plant, and the flame will light up.

Otherwise, the ash tree is very attractive. White or pink flowers ash trees with red veins, fragrant, collected in tall racemose inflorescences.

Immediately after the ash seeds are ripe, they are sown in open ground. Ash seeds can also be sown in spring or before winter.

The ash tree blooms at a “mature” age, usually in the fourth year. The ash tree will not cause you any more problems. It will grow in one place for many, many years. Also, ash trees can be propagated by dividing the bush. Its roots are divided in autumn or early spring. In summer, ash trees can be propagated by green cuttings. For better rooting, cuttings can be treated with rooting stimulants and covered with a plastic bottle until rooting.

Ash tree can grow well in sunny areas and in the shade. In particular, it grows and develops well on neutral or alkaline soils. It is necessary to remember that ash tree does not tolerate damp soil, and if there is close underwater groundwater on your site, then when planting the plant, do not forget about drainage.

Caring for ash is not difficult. Watering, weeding the soil, loosening the soil. During the flowering period it is recommended to feed complex fertilizers.

The ash tree blooms in June within 30-45 days. The ash tree looks great in group plantings. In flower beds, ash looks good with heuchera, daylily, monarda, and liatris.

Beautiful flowers, a pleasant aroma attracts people, but few people are familiar with this plant and know that white ash is dangerous for the body, and at the same time useful for some ailments. Poisonous flowers that secrete essential oils can cause burns, but can help treat diseases that modern medicine cannot cope with. Officially, ash tree is not used as medicinal product, his beneficial features popular only in folk medicine. Its history began many centuries ago, it got its name from its place of origin, translated from Latin as “mountain on Crete” and shrub. They were first discovered on the Mediterranean islands, in particular on Crete.

Description of the plant, habitat

Perennial herbaceous plant Ash tree belongs to the Rutaceae family. The plant is known for its dangerous aroma, which is emitted by essential oils from the flowers of the plant.

The roots of the bush, branched, go deep into the soil. The stem is smooth with fluff along its entire length, the length reaches up to 1.5 m depending on the species. The most famous is the white ash tree or its second name, the burning bush. The plant has no branches, but is the most tall bush among its related plants. plant with a small amount leaves up to 5-7 pieces growing, not in pairs, has an unpleasant sticky trunk. At the end, buds ripen and open in June-July, emitting an unusual citrus aroma.

The fruits ripen by August, these are boxes small size with seeds. During the period of ripening and falling, the fruits emit a special aroma similar to cinnamon.

Grass grows in countries of Eastern Europe, Siberia, China, Mongolia, as well as in Asian countries. Very rare, but still found in the Ural mountains.

The plant loves calcareous soil, so it is found on rocky rapids and on the edges of forests. It grows in direct sunlight without changing in any way.

The substances in ash are highly flammable; in hot weather, under the influence of the sun's rays, a light, barely noticeable haze appears over the plant.

Due to the combustion of substances, ash is considered a dangerous and poisonous plant. The herb is not used in official medicine, but in folk infusions and decoctions they are popular for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, heart, male and female genital organs.

Ash tree has several subspecies, but not all are used in folk medicine. One of these dangerous species is the Caucasian ash tree. It has toxic dangerous action on living organisms. Alkaloids and volatile essential oils cause severe irritation to the mucous membrane, which subsequently causes dermatitis. Cases have been recorded when the Caucasian ash tree caused allergic shock in humans. The beautiful, attention-grabbing Caucasian ash can cause harm even with short-term contact with the flowers of the plant.

When preparing decoctions and tinctures, the roots of the plant are used; they are less toxic, but contain all the necessary substances to obtain the desired effect.

Beneficial features

Despite the danger of getting burned by touching or smelling ash, it is collected to prepare mixtures, infusions and decoctions. The chemical composition of the plant is rich in vitamins and microelements, which are recommended for the treatment of many diseases and the elimination of their symptoms. The bush's grass contains alkaloids, bitter substances, bergapten, furocoumarins, saponins and essential oils. In horse ash, among other things, there are sitosterols and fatty acids.

Balanced composition of microelements and useful substances beneficial for the body as a whole. In addition, white ash, thanks to its useful chemical composition has a number of beneficial effects, it has a diuretic, anthelmintic and sedative effect. Used to improve and normalize the menstrual cycle in women. Useful for algomenorrhea, oligomenorrhea.

Used for external use for skin problems, lichen, baldness, eczema. An indispensable plant for bloating and flatulence. It is believed that ash tree can cure sexually transmitted diseases, for example, vaginitis caused by Trichomonas.

Indications for use

The rich composition of the plant allows it to be used for diseases of various organs human body:

  1. Gastrointestinal tract. Flatulence, gastritis, worms.
  2. Genitourinary system. Cystitis, nephritis, stones and sand in the kidneys.
  3. Nervous disorders. Insomnia, neuroses, epilepsy, asthenia.
  4. Female reproductive system. Hormonal imbalance, menstrual irregularities.
  5. Musculoskeletal system. Radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis. Pain for no apparent reason.
  6. Skin diseases. Eczema, dermatitis of various origins.
  7. Male diseases. Potency problems, erectile dysfunction, male impotence.


White ash, like all other species, is a very dangerous toxic plant. When picking fruits, as well as simply touching the plant without gloves, it is dangerous. Harm to the body is also caused by improper use, large dosages, and simply abuse of the medicinal effects of the plant.

It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to consume ash, as it has an abortifacient effect. For women during lactation, it harms not only the mother, but also the child. Contraindications, in addition to individual sensitivity, include:

  • heart disease;
  • respiratory problems;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases of the excretory tract;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • deep wounds;
  • weakened immune system;
  • stomach upsets, a consequence of high acid secretion;
  • childhood.

In this article we bring to your attention ash (aka dictamnus, aka burning bush, aka wild star anise) - a special flower with an unpredictable character.

Description of the species

The habitat of the ash tree or burning bush is Europe, all of Asia, located in temperate latitudes, western Russia and the Caucasus. It’s not in the nature of the Yasenite to look for easy ways, so to live in wildlife he chooses rocky places among bushes, and even on calcareous soil.

Blooming ash

Thanks to the bushiness of ash or dictamnus (whichever name is more familiar), it is capable of creating real thickets. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that thanks to the appearance of this plant in your flower garden, you will also receive a piece of wild nature in addition.

Dictamnus in the wild

Ash tree is a perennial plant that can reach almost a meter in height. The ash tree received its main name for the similarity of its dark green leaves with the leaves of the ash tree. The popular name - the burning bush - was given to the ash tree for its complete amazing property– burn and don’t get burned! Such an almost Biblical miracle is possible thanks to the presence large quantity essential oils in the fruits of a plant that can ignite with one match. Another popular name - wild star anise - was given to the ash tree for the similarity of flowers, and especially fruiting body(star-shaped box with seeds) with dry ripe fruits of real star anise.

Dictamnus blooms until almost half of summer in white, pink and dark red. And so in all respects an original plant, dictamnus also smells in a special way - citrus.

Previously, best known in landscape design species, white ash was considered, but today botanists propose to combine all known species(Caucasian ash lat. dictamnus caucasicus, hairy ash lat. dictamnus dasycarpus, holocolumnar ash lat. dictamnus gymnostylis and narrow-leaved ash lat. dictamnus angustifolius) into one species. Therefore, we will consider them only as other names for the white ash tree (lat.dictamnus albus).


Reproduction of ash

Often in natural conditions you can see an ash tree growing, grabbing onto a rock. It can really take root in a crevice and feel great there, between the stones. As soon as it gets into home conditions, the ash tree will require cultivated soil. Growing ash is carried out in three ways: you can propagate ash by seeds, dividing the bush or cuttings.

How to grow ash tree using seeds

IN open ground you need to sow, so to speak, fresh seeds, just collected (if you do this in the fall or spring, then for some seeds this will slow down germination for a year). If you do not want self-sowing in your flower garden, then collect the seeds before they are fully ripe and shoot out of the fruiting body. But don’t rush to choose for the ash tree permanent place life - for the first two to three years, dictamnus will grow and develop in the seedling row. Determine a place on your site that should not serve a decorative function and sow it with seeds, then thin it out in the spring (so that there is 20 cm between shoots) and plant it, and after three years, take it from “ kindergarten"and plant white ash in the flower garden. Some gardeners note that in our temperate climate, dictamnus seeds do not always have time to ripen, then you will be interested to learn about the vegetative method of growing ash on your site.

How to grow ash tree by dividing the bush

Choose early spring or early autumn for this procedure, because in the summer heat all transplanted sections will die. Even in autumn and spring, when it is no longer very hot, it is still worth choosing cloudy weather for transplanting. There are no special requirements for planting holes, except for the distance to neighboring plants - at least 50cm. After planting, constant, abundant watering is required. When you notice that the plant has taken root and begins to grow in a new place, it is better to reduce watering a little so that the roots do not begin to rot. We can say that propagation of dictamnus by bushes gives almost 100% results. Although some gardeners do not favor this method, fearing that the bush may get sick after replanting. The biggest enthusiasts place stones at the foot of the ash tree planting so that, while warming up in the sun, they can give their heat to the plant all day long. It is also recommended to plant dictamnus bushes in the south or west of the site. A little shadow is allowed.


Another way to propagate dictamnus on a plot is by cuttings. If you cut the young shoot correctly, there is a high probability that it will take root successfully. To achieve this for sure, do not forget about abundant watering, as well as a growth accelerator. It is recommended to cut 10-15cm shoots in the spring and plant them in a greenhouse or under a jar.

Shrub propagation

Whatever method of propagation of dictamnus you choose, do not forget to protect your skin and eyes. For safety reasons, it’s better not to even smell dictamnus – admire it from afar! After carrying out all procedures with the plant, wash your hands and face with soapy water. All this is necessary in order to protect yourself from minor redness and even burns on the body. From close contact with the plant, some may even develop a slight fever and weakness.

Sowing seeds, dividing a bush and cuttings - success will await you everywhere if you carry out the planting procedure correctly and at the right time. The burning bush will delight you with its appearance for many years.

Care and cultivation features

As we have already seen, the ash tree can “show its teeth.” But don’t let this scare you away from planting such an interesting, albeit slightly aggressive plant on your site. The effect of toxins is especially pronounced in hot weather, and burns, although quite unpleasant, are not irreversible. So, if you understand the character of the ash tree, you will not have problems with it, especially since it has obvious advantages: it is beautiful, durable, and does not require frequent replanting.

Be careful: ash tree causes burns!

Sowing, planting and caring for ash is not difficult; growing it, you will see how unpretentious this plant is. Pay attention to lighting, soil type, watering and fertilizing.


In the wild, white ash can be found in sunlit places - the edge of a forest, a mountain slope, as well as in partial shade - sparse forest, thickets of bushes. In culture, it is preferable to plant dictamnus on sunny side plot.

The soil

Ash grows well in light and well-drained soil. He would rather enjoy poor soil than one rich in organic matter. To prevent weeds from drowning out the plant, the soil around it needs to be loosened. It would also be a good idea to mulch the soil around the bush with grass, straw, and peat.


Dictamnus does not like oversaturation of the soil with moisture. So don't overdo it! Water it generously only in hot weather and for the first time after transplanting. If you forgot to water the ash tree, don’t worry - it tolerates drought painlessly.

Top dressing

You need to maintain the ash tree twice during flowering by applying complex fertilizers. Dictamnus will grow and bloom on sandy soils without additional feeding, but do not expect an increase in the number of flower stalks from it.

All about ash according to a gardener (video)

As you can see, caring for ash is not difficult. Dictamnus does not even need shelter for the winter, because it is winter-hardy. And also the Caucasian ash tree, white or whatever it is called, is not affected by any pests or diseases, since it is poisonous looking, so you won’t need to fool around with spraying ash trees against pests. Even weeding, which we wrote about above, serves more of an aesthetic purpose than a practical one, since not a single plant can “clog” its growth.

Ash tree as a landscape decoration

What should you consider when planning to place a dictamnus on your site? Well, first of all, it is poisonous and quite aromatic. When planting an ash tree for permanent residence, think about whether children or pets will walk past this place. No matter how exotic it may be, you should not plant ash along paths and in recreation areas. Dictamnus will successfully perform its decorative function even from the depths of a flower arrangement.

The ash tree copes with the following tasks on the site with a bang:

  • Serves as the peak of the entire composition in the highest part of the floral ensemble;
  • Decorates flat flower beds;
  • Along with other plants, it participates in creating the effect of relay flowering;
  • Will fit into any composition in which pinker tones predominate;
  • Will complement any group of plants;
  • Can act as a background for other colors;
  • Looks confident also as a single landing;
  • Fits organically into rock gardens and juniper thickets;
  • Friends with red day, kachim, limonium, heuchera, iris;
  • Lives in one place without transplanting for up to 10 years;
  • Will stay in a vase for 4 days;
  • If you love country style design, then ash tree can become the most bright accent in him.

In the flower garden

Use of the flower in folk medicine

We have already written above about the toxicity of dictamnus - burns (sometimes even second degree) upon contact with the skin are caused by toxic oils. After a few hours, a blister forms, which, after bursting, leaves a long-healing wound. The scar after a burn fades within a few months. Although in fairness it should be said that the poisonous properties of ash are lost in cultivation and on cool days, when working with gloves, you don’t have to worry about your skin.

In addition to harming the skin, dictamnus also brings benefits. It is due to the presence of essential oils and other beneficial substances in each part of the plant that medicines are made from it.

It is not difficult to prepare ash at home:

  • Roots like many others medicinal plants, dig either in the fall or in the spring;
  • Dry the roots at a temperature no higher than 30 o;
  • Harvest the leaves and stems and dry them in the summer.

Preparations, infusions and extracts are used for:

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (including sexually transmitted diseases) and kidneys;
  • Mastopathy, benign tumor of the uterus and cervical erosion;
  • Gases in the intestines, worms and gastritis;
  • Impotence, general weakness of the body and fatigue;
  • Radiculitis, Gospel disease, eczema and many others.

The medicinal properties of dictamnus are recognized only by traditional medicine.

Despite all its versatility, ash does not require special care, but at the same time it will bring a special character to your site!

Ash tree (Dictamnus) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Rutaceae family. It is popularly known as the “burning bush.”

Has a characteristic and dangerous feature– in hot and dry weather, stems and leaves release volatile, flammable substances into the air. If you bring a burning match to a plant, it will momentarily burst into flames without being harmed by the fire.

Refers to poisonous plants. This must be taken into account when planning to plant a flower on your site. If you touch the stems and leaves in hot weather, you can get a chemical burn that does not heal for a long time. Inhaling the aroma of dictamnus, there is a risk of getting burns to the respiratory tract.

The most common types of ash in flower beds are white and Caucasian. This unpretentious plant, which does not cause much trouble in growing, in the middle zone of our country and in particular in the Moscow region.

Dictamnus forms bushes with erect shoots up to one and a half meters high. The stems are covered with hairs with glands that secrete a burning substance. When working with the irresistible bush, you only need to wear gloves and closed clothing!

Ash inflorescences are a raceme, 20–30 cm long, consisting of large white with pink stripes, dark pink or lilac flowers, shaped like orchids or lilies. The aroma of blooming dictamnus is pronounced lemon. Ash flowering occurs at the beginning - mid-summer, and lasts 35 - 40 days. The seeds ripen in August and are enclosed in a fruit capsule.


  • White ash is common in Siberia and Europe. Forms bushes up to 150 cm high. Blooms with pink or red flowers with a cinnamon scent.
  • Caucasian is found in southern Russia. It reaches a height of 80 cm. The flowering is white or lilac. May cause allergies and dermatitis; it should not be touched with bare hands or smelled.
  • Holostolbikovy grows in the Crimea, in the Lower and Middle Volga. The height of the stems is slightly more than 100 cm, the flowers are large white or pinkish, with a dark red longitudinal stripe on the petals. May cause skin burns when touched, especially in hot weather. Winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

Choosing a site in the garden and preparing the soil

Ash grows well in sunny places and in light shade, because in nature it is found mainly at the edge of the forest. Dictamnus is undemanding to soils and can grow in poor sandy soils, put up with excess humidity. But in order for the plant to demonstrate the beauty and splendor of flowering as much as possible, it is worth choosing fertile soils with moderate humidity.

Loams or sandy loams filled with humus and sand, with the addition of rotted manure or compost, are suitable. When lying close groundwater Drainage (crushed stone, expanded clay, pebbles and sand) must be poured into the planting holes.

An ash tree can grow in one place for 20 years, so you need to prepare the area for the flower with the utmost care.

Reproduction of the burning bush

Ash tree can be propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. The last method is the simplest and most often used by gardeners. At the beginning of summer, a part of an adult dictamnus bush is cut off with a sharp shovel and transplanted to a new place. The resulting hole near the mother bush is filled with humus. It is important to carry out the operation quickly, without allowing the roots to dry out. For better survival, ash divisions are watered with a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin. Plantings are mulched to retain moisture in the ground.

Ash seeds do not always have time to ripen in climatic conditions In the Moscow region, therefore, it is better to purchase them from large manufacturers. You need to take fresh ones, as the ash tree quickly loses its viability.

Sow before winter in a prepared bed with loose, weed-free soil. The burning bush can sprout even a year or a year and a half after sowing, so you should be patient.

Spring sowing of ash is carried out as soon as the soil has warmed up a little (around April). Place the seeds at a distance of 15 cm, cover the crops with film or lutrasil.

Seedlings emerge and grow very slowly, and bloom only in the third or fourth year. At the entire stage of ash tree growth, they strictly monitor the cleanliness of the soil from weeds and regularly water the plantings.

Caring for mature plants in the garden

Ash tree is an unpretentious plant. It requires watering only during the dry period; in a normal summer in the middle zone there is enough natural precipitation. Responds positively to mulching the soil surface with humus, tree bark, and mown grass. Under the cover, the soil does not dry out or overheat, and the growth of weeds is inhibited.

The plant does not require fertilizing. It is enough early in the spring to sprinkle the soil around the bush with rotted compost or manure. In mid-summer, it is useful to scatter 250 - 300 g of wood or grass ash under the bushes.

Faded shoots from the plant are cut off so that the bush retains its decorative appearance.

The ash tree does not suffer from any diseases. Pests also bypass poisonous plant side.

In the middle zone it winters well under snow cover; additional shelter is not required. The above-ground part of the flower is cut off before the onset of stable frosts.

Ash tree in a flower garden

Overgrown flowering bushes Burning bushes look beautiful in single plantings on the lawn. Ash trees are planted in rock gardens, rock gardens, and in the background of mixborders. Good partners will be: heuchera, daylilies, gypsophila, monarda.

Do not forget about the toxicity of the plant. Dictamnus should not be placed near paths, playgrounds or recreation areas. Ash peduncles are not cut for bouquets, although the flower remains decorative for a long time. It is better to admire the beautiful blooms from afar.

In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and anthelmintic.

Beautiful plant with white or pink inflorescences decorates flower beds in mid-summer. Growing and caring for the “burning bush” ash is not difficult, and the bush will give the garden the picturesque effect of a natural corner. Attention should be paid only to the placement of the plant - away from paths, in the middle of a flower bed or rock garden.

Plant danger

Yasenets should not be placed in close proximity to places of active human activity due to its interesting feature– release of a large amount of essential oils (anethole and methyl chavicol). This process intensifies during seed ripening. In windless heat, an open fire brought to the ash tree provokes the ignition of the oils. The phenomenon was reflected in popular name plants - burning bush. The ash tree itself does not suffer from fleeting fire. The climate of Russia, with the exception of the extreme southern regions, is unlikely to allow gardeners to observe this specific phenomenon in their own garden.

But plant flowers and seed pods, when touched in hot weather, can cause photodermatitis or even allergic shock. You can't smell flowers. At first, the lesion is not felt at all; signs of the burn appear after 10-12 hours with redness of the skin and the formation of blisters. Possible increase in temperature. Scars remain on the body that last for about a year. Contact with the “burning bush” is especially dangerous for children’s delicate skin.

Ash tree is dangerous due to its effect on the skin only in hot sunny weather.


Yasenets (Latin name - Dictamnus) belongs to the Rutov family. There are several varieties of these wild herbaceous shrubs in warm regions Europe and Asia. Previously, scientists distinguished Caucasian ash, hairy ash and angustifolia, but now they have determined that this is one plant - dictamnus alba. Breeders have developed varieties with bright pink and dark red petals.

The stem is straight, strong, 0.6–1 m in height, densely covered with glandular hairs, sticky to the touch. The woody rhizome is creeping, so when favorable conditions Thickets form, but the plant does not occupy a large area. The leaves are odd-pinnate, dense, with finely toothed edges, intensely dark green in color, with a bluish tint, located at the bottom of the stem, covered with dots - glands with essential oils.

Lacy inflorescences of white or pink flowers with richer veins are long - 20-40 cm. The diameter of the 5-petal asymmetrical flower is 2-2.5 cm. They smell sharply, reminiscent of medicine or the aroma of citrus peel. The "burning bush" ash tree blooms for 20-30 days in June-July. The seeds ripen in August in a small box. In conditions middle zone Russia, in the northern forest-steppe and forest zones, the seeds may not ripen.

Role in garden design

The ash tree looks fresh even in hot weather and does not get lost against the background of other greenery thanks to its graceful inflorescences and intense coloring of the leaves. Flowers of pink shades with bright veins are delicate and surprisingly elegant. White petals are monochromatic. The plant loves an open sunny place, tolerates partial shade. Ash tree is unpretentious, winter-hardy, and decorative throughout the entire season. It grows in one place for a very long time, up to 15 years, maintaining a luxurious decorative appearance.

It is planted in the garden for different purposes:

  • bright soloing in the center of a flower bed, rock garden, double-sided ridges;
  • creating an expressive component in country style gardens;
  • formation of the background of flower beds;
  • an element of landscape plantings or romantic groups with pink flowers.

The first rule in growing ash should be to remove it from the recreation area into the depths of flower ensembles and prevent tactile contact with the plant.

Care and caution must be taken when caring for the burning bush.

Ash goes well with flowers that love the sun: , gypsophila, .


Ash trees are propagated by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Seeds

The seeds have quite short term germination. If they have been collected, you can sow them in the marked place in the fall, before frost.

Sometimes seeds sown in spring germinate the following year.

Seedlings of spring and autumn sowing are thinned out. They develop slowly in the first year. Sprouts do not like excess moisture. The ash tree is transplanted to a permanent place in the 2nd–3rd year.

Self-seeding is possible in the southern regions. In this case, the seedlings are transplanted after a year.

Growing from seeds makes it possible to admire flowering in the 3rd–4th year.

  • Dividing the bush

As flower growers note, vegetative way It is not always possible to propagate the ash tree. Sometimes the result is a weak plant. But since in cold regions the ash tree does not produce seeds, this The best way start it in the garden.

Work only with gloves. For the division procedure, choose early spring or September (in summer, the ash tree does not take root in a new place). Large cuttings are replanted and watered regularly.

  • Cuttings

Young shoots that have not yet become lignified are cut and treated with root formation stimulants. They are rooted in mini-greenhouses, which can be made from scrap materials: plastic bottle or glass jar. Upper part must be opened every day a short time for ventilation. Water carefully, keeping the soil moderately moist.

All care work near ash tree plantings is carried out with gloves. Do not touch your face or rub your eyes after contact with the plant.


In the shade the plant will be depressed. At best, the perennial will survive, but will not bloom. For cultivation, choose an area protected from cold winds. Ash tree prefers alkaline dry soil. It develops poorly on neutral or slightly acidic acids. On rocky soils, loose and loose, it produces the most magnificent flowering.

The hole is dug at a distance of 50-70 cm from other plants. This way the ash tree will develop freely without interfering with other plantings, and the grower will have less contact with it.

  1. To plant, add 300-500 g of lime into the hole, mixing it with soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 1:2:2.
  2. Melt or rainwater should not collect at the planting site.
  3. A good place is the western or southern slope.
  4. Ash trees are planted in cloudy weather.
  5. After planting, large stones are placed near the hole, which, when heated by the sun, will share heat with the plant.


The drought-resistant ash tree does not require care in summer. Actually, it comes down to rare watering and loosening the soil.


After planting, the ash tree is often watered, keeping the soil slightly moist. Abundant watering is stopped after signs of plant development become visible. Otherwise, the roots may begin to rot.

  • If the ash tree blooms during a dry season, water more often so that the flowering does not stop.
  • The flower stalks will be more powerful, and the whole plant will look colorful for much longer when watered.
  • A layer of mulch will protect the soil from drying out and eliminate the need to loosen the soil near toxic shrubs.

Top dressing

After fertilizing with complex fertilizers, the plant develops more luxuriantly, but when proper cultivation It is more important to apply alkaline fertilizers to the soil once a year. In the spring of the second or third year of growth, ash trees can be fertilized with calcium nitrate, dolomite flour or other similar means.


Growing ash involves low pruning in autumn. Some gardeners prefer to leave tall plants to create an expressive graphic effect in winter garden. In this case, the dead wood is cut off in early spring, carefully so as not to damage the awakening buds.

The ash tree is frost-resistant; in the central regions it is not covered for the winter. Pests, as well as pathogens, avoid it.

Easy to grow, minimal care, elegant flowering make the plant desirable in any area.