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» The best way to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen. DIY ceiling in the kitchen: attaching plastic panels with step-by-step steps. Plain painted ceiling in the kitchen

The best way to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen. DIY ceiling in the kitchen: attaching plastic panels with step-by-step steps. Plain painted ceiling in the kitchen

What parameters should you consider when choosing a ceiling?

1. The ceiling must be durable.
2. The ceiling should not be afraid of water, or it could be easily restored after a flood.
3. The ceiling must be in accordance with the design and layout.
4. The ceiling must have an acceptable price per 1 square meter and installation.

The rest is just details. Every place has its own nuances, it all depends on whether you live in a private house or apartment, what your ceiling height is, whether your kitchen is equipped gas stove, what kind of lighting you plan, etc.

Also, a lot depends on the area. For example, a cassette ceiling will look good on a large ceiling, but a caricature in a small kitchen. Therefore, you need to know everything, and what is better to choose - decide for yourself when you find out the options.

Whitewashed ceiling

It would seem that in our 21st century, considering a whitewashed ceiling at the renovation planning stage is simply absurd. But this is if you remember the ceilings that are made in adobe huts. They are uneven, the stripes from the “muck” are clearly visible on them, they give off a bluish color due to the added blue...

Who forces you to apply whitewash exactly this way? If you whiten the ceiling not with a brush, but with the same roller, then the look comes out very nice. And, if you use a spray bottle, a song will come out!

The ceiling will look like it was painted with water-based paint (of course, if you previously leveled the surface with putty). You can add a little snow-white dye to the whitewash for greater effect.

What could be the downsides?? Honestly - none. If we were talking about walls, then yes, whitewashing would be a completely unsuitable option, since it “takes on” your hands and clothes. And who will rub against the ceiling?

Therefore, we can say that this option is quite suitable and working. In operation, this coating is simply ideal. It only needs to be refreshed once a year with a new solution, since soot and smoke in the kitchen will cause the whitewash to turn yellow. But to be fair, gas will turn anything yellow, not just whitewash. And, if an update here costs such pennies that you are too lazy to even count, then with other materials it will be more expensive.

Plain painted ceiling in the kitchen

Everything here is the same as in the case of whitewashing. The only thing, water-based paint costs a little more. Yes, there are expensive paints that can be washed. But to wash is said very loudly, frankly speaking. They can be lightly wiped damp cloth, and that's all. Therefore, you won’t achieve any special cleanliness; you’ll have to repaint everything, but you’ll be wasting your money.

More great importance What matters in practicality is what kind of base the paint is applied to. If it’s directly on the putty, and it’s on concrete, then this is a good option for the kitchen. If it’s on a plasterboard box, the situation is worse if you live in a multi-story building.

Why? But because there are a lot of places in the kitchen where water can leak from a pipe that has burst in the neighbors above. And if regular ceiling It will just end up with red streaks that can be easily and simply painted over, then they will sag and crack. The entire structure will have to be changed.

So, if you are not confident in your neighbors, then you should not do it in the kitchen plasterboard boxes, no matter how you want to place the spots. It’s better to get by with an ordinary chandelier, but protect yourself from the “pleasure” of suddenly having to repair a damaged ceiling. Even if your neighbors pay you for your work, why do you need this unnecessary trouble? And if they don’t pay (and this is what usually happens, the neighbors extend the loan for a year), it’s really a shame.
Judging by the reviews, this ceiling is the best choice.

Wallpapered ceiling

What can you say about the wallpaper on the kitchen ceiling? It's not the most brilliant choice. Not only will they darken from soot, but the seams will also crack. Both do not “like” high humidity and warmth. And in the kitchen this will happen, and very often.

And after a couple of years, the seams on your ceiling will be clearly visible, and the wallpaper will “gather” in waves in the corners. No, this is not the best option, even if it is paintable wallpaper. You understand that no amount of fresh paint will save you from seams that have come apart.

And in the event of a flood, you will have to remove the wallpaper and re-clean the surface from any remaining paper. Then, hanging wallpaper well is beyond the power of a non-professional. Painting it yourself is easy, but dealing with wallpaper is not. The joints will still be visible, which is very ugly.

Well, the last argument is that it’s not fashionable, even if you want to hang some extra-new and unusual wallpaper.

Stretch ceiling

Glossy suspended ceiling much easier to wash than fabric, as it is perfectly smooth. But it is difficult to get rid of divorces. But, if you use a special microfiber cloth, then anything is possible. More glossy ceiling, 100% not afraid of floods.

Fabric stretch ceilings are good because they look expensive and solid. They cannot be distinguished from a perfectly plastered and painted surface. But otherwise, from a practical point of view, they have no advantages for the kitchen. They allow water to pass through, since the rubber coating is extremely thin and it becomes covered with microcracks if it experiences high pressure (which it will in the event of a flood).

So, as you see, there should be no questions left, matte ceiling choose or glossy. People praise these same ceilings and according to reviews, this is quite a worthy choice.

Ceiling made of PVC panels

Plastic is last century, Honestly. Yes, it is quite practical and very suitable for the kitchen. And it is convenient to wash and in case of a flood it does not deteriorate. But what to do with the appearance?

His appearance is unpresentable and even burst! No, maybe you can find a plastic that doesn’t look like a coating public toilet, May be. If yes, then it's easy perfect option for kitchen.

Ceiling made of polystyrene foam boards

What are the benefits of polystyrene foam boards? The fact that they are very inexpensive, you don’t need to perfectly level the ceiling for them, you can glue them yourself and the ceiling looks good. Even good.

The only thing you should not forget about is that they must be painted on top. Water-based paint is best suited for these purposes. This ceiling smokes just like others, but you don’t have to wash it, it’s enough to refresh it with paint once every couple of years.

If a flood happens, then nothing will happen to the tiles if they are glued with “Dragon” glue and not “planted” on the putty mixture. If they were glued to putty, then they would fall off, of course. But then you can glue them with glue and everything will be fine.

By the way, now there are already slabs that, when fastened, do not have seams. The ceiling looks cast and not made of pieces.

Wooden lining ceiling

Now it's very fashionable option. For example, ceilings in the Provence style are entirely made of lining, painted in White color. It's beautiful, they can be tinted when they get smoky...

But if your neighbors flood you, the lining will simply warp, it will lose its shape, and cracks will become visible. Replacing such a ceiling is very expensive. Therefore, think.

Aluminum slatted ceiling

In the kitchen, such ceilings look good if the appliances, work apron or furniture are also steel-colored. In terms of cost, such a ceiling is not cheap, but it is eternal. It is not afraid of water, it is easy to wash (unlike stretch ceilings), and nothing will happen to it if you catch it with a sharp object.

On the other hand, the design is somewhat aggressive, which means it will quickly become boring. Therefore, if you are not sure that aluminum slats on the ceiling are the limit of your dreams, it is better to refrain from such finishing. It will quickly get boring, and it will be a pity to throw it away.

Cassette ceilings (Armstrong type)

No, you don’t have to think that we mean the most ordinary, gray Armstrong, which is used in all supermarkets and offices in the world. A cassette ceiling is exactly the same technology, only the cassettes themselves can be any color you like.

There are some with pictures, some in silver, some in bronze... You name it! The option is not bad, but it all depends on what the cassettes are made of. If they are made of thin plaster, then the option is bad (remember about floods), but if they are made of plastic, you can take them.

The only negative here is that they “eat up” 10 - 15 cm of the wall height. This means that if you have a Khrushchev building with a ceiling height of 2.20 meters, then for you suspended ceiling- definitely not good.

Ceilings made of MDF panels

They do this too... But, in the end, the ceiling looks not like a kitchen, but like a bath (because the main pattern of MDF panels is wood-like).

This is a rough look and there is absolutely no practicality in it. MDF will swell from the flood, become smoky, it will need to be scrubbed vigorously, and it is afraid of abrasives... No, we cannot recommend such a ceiling.

Ceilings "Grigliato" (lattice)

Very cute and unusual ceilings. Yes, it is very original and modern. But a kitchen is a kitchen, and soot is soot. Not one, not even the most best hood, will not save you from a sticky ceiling.

Can you imagine what it’s like to wash these wonderful-looking “honeycombs”? Imagine and discard this idea. Grilyato is not at all for the kitchen, but for those rooms where there is and never will be soot.

Tiled ceiling

Some people make the ceiling out of tiles. What motivates these people is not very clear to us. But the view is very frightening and strange. Maybe they just had extra tiles and decided to use them? But, in any case, let's tell you about the disadvantages.

The tiles are the kind of thing that can fall off if the neighbors above start walking on the floor (for example, drilling something, also laying flooring or baseboards). And a tile that fell from the ceiling and landed right on your head... You yourself understand what it is.

Mirror ceiling

Also a stupid idea. This is both expensive and impractical. There is always something squealing and splashing in the kitchen, and no matter how you close the lid on the dishes, something will still end up on the ceiling.

And, if microspatters of grease are not visible at all on the painted ceiling, then everything is perfectly visible on the mirror. Therefore, if you do not plan to constantly jump under the ceiling and scrub it, it is better not to pursue beauty. Moreover, there is nothing really beautiful in mirrored ceiling, there are more interesting options.


Let's be honest: we don't know which ceiling is best for the kitchen. All options have their pros and cons. Therefore, start from your material capabilities and taste. The main thing is that we showed you all sides of popular types of ceiling finishes. But still, the very best practical option- ordinary, painted ceiling.

In general, in our opinion, it doesn’t matter at all what the ceiling is. Where furniture is more important and accessories. So they “make the weather”, but the ceiling does not.

The kitchen area is constantly exposed high humidity and temperature changes. This most strongly affects the ceiling, since vapors, soot, and hot air rise up. In order not to have to deal with repairs every year, you need to make the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands, taking into account these factors, choosing the appropriate materials.

What ceilings are suitable for the kitchen?

The ceiling in the kitchen must withstand high and low temperatures, have water-repellent properties, and be easy to clean. Do not use flammable materials or materials with a porous surface. Additionally, you should take into account the possibility of flooding from above and choose a structure that can retain a large volume of water. Or vice versa, choose the type of ceiling that is easiest to restore.

The easiest way is plastering and painting. and the painted ceiling does not fade for a long time original appearance, does not warp when exposed to moisture, is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and is easy to clean. If water leaks from above, the damaged area can be restored in a matter of hours. Both paint and putty are quite affordable, and you can do all the finishing yourself.

Plastic panels are considered an acceptable option for kitchen ceilings. They do not burn, have very low hygroscopicity, and are easy to clean. To avoid deformation from high temperatures, the panels should be fixed with movable fasteners - clamps. It is better to give preference to seamless panels with a glossy finish, on which less soot and dust accumulate. In addition, the plastic ceiling is not afraid of flooding: water almost does not pass through the tight joints and flows out at the corners of the structure.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are also well suited for kitchens. They look great, are not afraid of moisture and heat, are easy to clean, and most importantly, retain water when flooded. This coating also has its disadvantages: the film can be easily damaged by any sharp object, the cost of the canvas is quite high, and it will not be possible to install it yourself.

The methods described are the most practical and easy to implement. Such ceilings are easy to care for and retain their attractive appearance for a long time. Of course, a lot depends on the intensity of use of the kitchen and quality. The less evaporation, the less impact on the ceiling covering, and vice versa.

Video - DIY kitchen ceiling

The ceiling in the kitchen is of decisive importance for the presentability of this multifunctional room. Today there are a lot building materials, with which you can qualitatively and beautifully decorate the kitchen ceiling. Huge variety of colors and textures modern cladding makes it possible to create the desired ceiling in the kitchen that will match any interior.

But it should be borne in mind that all surfaces of this room are subject to extreme loads. When deciding which ceiling is best for the kitchen, it is necessary to evaluate the proposed finishing material according to several criteria.

The main purpose of the kitchen is cooking. This process is associated with the release of a significant amount of heat, oil and fat vapors. When washing dishes and walls, the ceiling in the kitchen is exposed to water and detergents. Romantic dinners by candlelight are fraught with the formation of soot, which can completely cover the ceiling in a small kitchen. Ventilation of the room is associated with low temperatures and the possibility of condensation appearing and freezing.

Therefore, when deciding which kitchen ceilings will best withstand such operating conditions, you need to choose a material with the following qualities:

  • waterproof;
  • durable surface that can withstand repeated cleaning;
  • resistance of the pattern to detergents;
  • environmental cleanliness and safety;
  • presentable appearance;
  • long service life.

An example of quality lighting working area

When choosing a finish for the kitchen, you should not focus on the most budget options. Repair is quite a troublesome task, but when deciding which ceiling is best for the kitchen, you need to stick to proven and reliable cladding methods.

You can save on repairs if you carry them out on our own. Most finishing methods do not require the worker to have professional skills or purchase complex, expensive equipment. Before you make a kitchen ceiling with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the types of building materials that can be used for this purpose. Right choice and the efforts made will allow you to create a kitchen ceiling that will delight the owners for years.

Let's consider what, what and how best to make the ceiling in the kitchen on your own.

Video instructions for choosing a finish

Painting the ceiling slab

If you look for the simplest, fastest and cheap way arrangement of the ceiling slab, then you should choose the option with putty and painting. But this type of repair requires great skill from the plasterer. The surface must be perfectly leveled, since even the slightest flaw will immediately be evident.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • wide and narrow steel spatula;
  • paint brush and roller;
  • abrasive mesh;
  • liquid primer;
  • starting and finishing putty;
  • sandpaper of various grain sizes;
  • water-based paint.

Installation of beacons Puttying (leveling) the flow Final level check

In order to be able to easily reach the ceiling with the tool, you will need a high stepladder or other stable base. The plasterer making a ceiling of this type must protect the respiratory organs and eyes from dust, which will be released in abundance during work.

The ceiling in a small kitchen is finished in a certain sequence:

  1. All lighting fixtures are removed from the base plate. All unstable fragments of the old coating are removed. The stove is cleaned of oil deposits and other contaminants;
  2. Large cracks and holes are sealed. The slab is treated with a liquid primer;
  3. The starting putty solution is mixed. It must be applied quickly even to a small ceiling area, since this type of putty hardens very quickly;
  4. hardened plaster is treated with a primer;
  5. a layer of finishing plaster is applied. After hardening, its surface is leveled with abrasive materials, cleaned of dust and coated with a primer.

Sequence of applying paint layers

The final stage of repair is painting the leveled surface. If the kitchen is finished with high ceilings, then it is advisable to use paint in beige tones, on which dust and oil deposits are practically invisible.

Painted ceiling tile options

Video instructions for painting surfaces

Suspended plasterboard ceilings

Drywall is lightweight and inexpensive sheet material, which has a lot of advantages.

These include:

  1. the ability to disguise serious defects in the floor slab without major repairs;
  2. the presence of space between the load-bearing slab and hanging sheets, which can be used for placement, communications, insulation and built-in lighting fixtures;
  3. a variety of volumetric structures in several levels created from gypsum plasterboard;
  4. perfect Smooth surface, received after completion of work.

The best kitchen ceiling that can be created from plasterboard is a multi-level structure with curved projections, equipped with a hidden pendant, built-in and external lights. However, only a kitchen with high ceilings will look good with such a design. If the height of the walls is less than 250 cm, then it is better to limit yourself to a single-level surface. Using your imagination, you can create your own unique project, turning it into reality with your own hands.

To do good ceiling from the plasterboard you will need the following:

  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • steel spatulas;
  • ceiling plasterboard;
  • steel profile;
  • plaster;
  • liquid primer;
  • abrasive mesh;
  • finishing.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Markings are applied to the walls and ceiling. The holes for the frame are drilled;
  • The vertical hangers and the supporting profile are secured. For this, self-tapping screws or dowel nails are used;

Marking the surface for the frame

  • The frame is assembled from the ceiling and arched profile. Longitudinal and transverse parts are connected using special hardware;

Creating a wireframe

  1. the frame is covered with plasterboard. Self-tapping screws are screwed in at intervals of 15 cm and recessed into the sheet by 1 mm;
  2. holes from screws and joints between slabs are sealed. After this, the surface is plastered, sanded and treated with a primer.

Don't forget to put insulation if necessary All wiring must be done in advance GCR can also be attached in parts

If the kitchen abuts the ceiling with a small gap, then a gypsum plasterboard structure can effectively hide it, creating the illusion of a monolithic structure of furniture and suspended structures.

Video instructions for installing gypsum boards

Wallpapering the ceiling

Today you can buy wallpaper that is resistant to the most extreme external factors. But it should be taken into account that their front part has a three-dimensional structure. This provokes the accumulation of fat deposits on the wallpaper, which are extremely difficult to get rid of.

To cover a load-bearing slab with wallpaper, you need the following equipment:

  • chop cord;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • paint brush and roller;
  • pencil;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • spatula for removing glue;
  • electric drill with mixer;
  • rags.

When considering the best way to cover a ceiling slab, you should opt for non-woven wallpaper. This practical material, resistant to moisture and chemicals.

Ceiling after wallpapering

The sequence of gluing wallpaper on the supporting slab is as follows:

  1. the main ceiling is leveled with putty and treated with liquid primer;
  2. A plastic or foam baseboard is glued to the ceiling and painted;
  3. blanks are cut the right size. Their length is calculated so that after gluing there is no gap left on the bearing surface;
  4. a line is drawn along which the first strip will be glued. The carrier plate is lubricated with glue;
  5. The cut strips of wallpaper are glued. Excess glue is removed with a spatula and rags. The joints are carefully aligned.

DIY wallpapering method

Method of wallpapering with a partner

Pasting should be done when behind closed doors and windows. Ventilation can be carried out one day after completion of work.

To create a beautiful and original ceiling, you can make a surface from liquid wallpaper. This is one of the types of decorative plaster, which is applied to the base with a spatula.

Liquid wallpaper looks very impressive and unusual, but the bill for the purchased finishing material can be very impressive.

Video instructions for wallpapering

Suspended ceiling "Armstrong"

Despite the fact that tiled hanging systems are accessories for offices and service premises, they can also be successfully used for furnishing kitchens. This is due to the fact that in addition to practicality, modern ceilings"Armstrong" have high aesthetic properties. Made from glossy or mirror cassettes and a chrome profile, the ceiling looks extremely beautiful and elegant.

In addition, communications, lamps, insulation and ventilation can be installed above the slabs. Maintenance of tiled structures is very easy. You need to reach to the ceiling and remove the cassettes from the grille. After this you can clean them all available means and methods, including completely immersing in various containers with a cleaning solution.

Types of Armstrong panels

Tiled suspension system has the following advantages:

  • ease of installation with your own hands;
  • masking defects in the floor slab;
  • creating additional space for installing communications, air ducts, insulation and lighting fixtures;
  • a wide selection of cassettes of various colors and textures;
  • the ability to quickly and freely access equipment located above the stoves;
  • affordable price.

When deciding how to make a ceiling in the kitchen, you can stop at glass inserts. Transparent matte cassettes or slabs with drawings of various themes are used. The color of the Armstrong tile ceiling can be changed at any time to match the updated interior of the room.

To build this system, you will need such devices and materials as:

  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • oil level;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • modular lamps.

The ceiling can be made from slabs measuring 60x60 cm or 60x120 cm. Modular lamps are adapted in size to the frame lattice and have a size of 59.5x59.5 cm. They are equipped with fluorescent and LED lamps.

The arrangement of the tiled ceiling is carried out in the following order:

  • Markings are applied to the walls and ceiling. Screwed to the walls corner profile. Vertical adjustable hangers are fixed to the floor slab;
  • Communications, air ducts and hidden lighting fixtures are fixed on the supporting plate.

Armstrong structural elements

  • The frame is being assembled. First, longitudinal profiles with a cross-section in the form of an inverted “T” are installed, aligned and secured. After this, the crossbars are installed.

Frame assembly

  • slabs are laid on the frame. Modular luminaires are connected and secured to the frame and ventilation grilles. Sensors and CCTV cameras are installed in office premises.

Installation of slabs and lighting

The kitchen is one of the most important premises in the house. This is where the housewife spends most of her time cooking, causing soot, fats and steam to rise to the ceiling. Therefore, in this situation it is so important to choose high-quality materials for the ceiling covering. This article will help you understand the pros and cons of the materials used to decorate the ceiling, and will also tell you which ceiling is best to make in the kitchen.

White two-level ceiling in the kitchen.

The materials used for the kitchen ceiling must have certain qualities: they must be moisture-resistant, easy to clean, and also, importantly, fit into the interior of the room.

Types of ceiling coverings

Interesting ceiling design in the kitchen.

The ceiling in the kitchen must be easy to clean, as well as withstand high temperatures and be resistant to moisture. Porous or flammable surfaces should not be used in this room. In apartments, it is necessary to use coatings that are easily restored, and also capable of withstanding water pressure that may be affected by flooding of neighbors above.

Wavy design slatted ceiling in the kitchen.

The most common ceiling coverings in the kitchen are:

  • Plastic ceilings;
  • Plasterboard coverings;
  • Expanded polystyrene boards;
  • Painting the ceiling;
  • Ceiling plaster;
  • Wallpapering;
  • Stretch ceiling.

View of a panel ceiling in a kitchen interior.

Plastic ceilings

Plastic ceiling in the kitchen with a picture.

This type of ceiling covering is one of the most optimal for the kitchen. Plastic yards tolerate moisture well and are also easy to clean. In addition to specialized construction stores, we now offer a wide selection of different colors and configurations. of this material, which allows you to choose exactly the option that fits into the interior of your kitchen. However, these designs, like any other, have their pros and cons.

Plastic ceiling with built-in lights.
  1. It does not require leveling the surface, so it is often used in apartments with uneven ceilings;
  2. Cleans well;
  3. Quickly installed;
  4. Suitable for installing spotlights that last years have become a trend for kitchen premises.
  1. They are expensive, unlike wallpapering or plastering;
  2. In apartments with low ceilings, this design takes at least another 6 cm, since metal profiles are used for their installation.

Plastic panels in interesting design in the kitchen.

To install this structure with your own hands, you will need materials such as: plastic panels(length and quantity, which depends on the coverage area), screwdriver, construction stapler, screws, wooden slats or metal profiles, a hammer, a screwdriver, a construction knife, as well as a level and a pencil.

For fastening plastic structures preliminary alignment ceiling surface is not required, however, if there was wallpaper or paint on the old ceiling, it should still be removed. After removing old materials from the ceiling, the surface should be thoroughly treated with primer, this is necessary to prevent mold or fungal growth on the ceiling. In addition, if there are cracks on the surface or joints between the wall and ceiling, then they must be covered with putty.

Installing plastic panels on the ceiling in the kitchen.

The next step is attaching the frame. To do this, the first thing you need to do is determine the lowest point of the ceiling covering and, based on this, use a level to make markings along the entire perimeter. You need to step back no more than 3 cm from the markings, maybe a little less (depending on the height of the ceiling) and begin installing the slats. The fastening of the slats should be no more than 50 cm in width and length, otherwise the plastic panels may sag. Before attaching the plastic rails, it is necessary to do all the preparatory work for installing the lighting lamps.

Plastic ceiling with mirror stripes in the kitchen.

After installing the fasteners, you can begin installing the plastic rails themselves, which are attached using self-tapping screws. The yards must be attached parallel to each other. Places with the passage of sewerage, heating or water pipes are cut out using construction knife or hacksaws.

After the final installation of the last beam, you should mark out places for future spotlights (if such are suggested by the kitchen interior), then cut them out and install the lighting fixtures. The final stage of installation plastic ceiling in the kitchen is installation ceiling skirting boards, which can be done in two ways, using liquid nails or self-tapping screws.

Plasterboard coverings

This type ceiling structure has mass positive qualities. It can be manufactured in different configurations with several tiers that highlight modern interior your kitchen.

Plasterboard coverings on the ceiling in the kitchen.

However, in addition to the advantages of this design, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Plasterboard ceiling, a rather expensive coating;
  2. Multi-level installation – labor-intensive process;
  3. Has low heat resistance;
  4. Requires careful preparation of the base.

Before installing this structure, regardless of the number of levels (1 or more), the old ceiling covering should be thoroughly treated, namely, degreased, removed residual moisture, leveled, and also treated with primer to avoid the occurrence of fungal formations.

After processing and thorough preparation of the old coating, you can begin installing the frame which, as with plastic panels, includes the use metal profile. With a single-level plasterboard covering, the profiles are attached at one level, and with various multi-level (2 or more) profiles, they are installed depending on the location of the future ceiling.

DIY kitchen ceiling design.

Plasterboard sheets are attached to the profiles using self-tapping screws. After that, the fastening points are covered and rubbed with putty. After final installation sheets, the surface can be covered with wallpaper or painted, depending on the style and interior of the kitchen. In most cases, spotlights are used for this ceiling covering, which can be installed after all work on installing drywall is completed.

This coating is often used in kitchens with uneven ceilings, resulting in a perfectly flat ceiling without joints or cracks.

Expanded polystyrene boards

This type of ceiling covering is less labor-intensive during the installation process. To install such a ceiling with your own hands you will need: plates and special glue.

This type of coating has both pros and cons. The first include speed of installation and cost-effectiveness (they are relatively inexpensive). The disadvantages include: flammability, as well as color change (from contact with fatty fumes).

Expanded polystyrene boards on the ceiling in the kitchen.

Before applying polystyrene foam boards, the ceiling should be thoroughly cleaned of the old coating and treated with an antiseptic. After on reverse side Glue is applied to the slabs and applied to the ceiling; work in this situation may only take you a few hours. After gluing the entire ceiling using the same glue, the baseboards are glued and the lamp is installed.

Painting the ceiling

This is one of the most common ceiling covering options in the kitchen. This type of coating is similar to whitewash, but it is more practical and is used specifically for kitchens. This type of coating, like most others, has both pros and cons.

Painting the ceiling using a sprayer.
  • You can cover the ceiling using paint yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists (savings);
  • Unlike a whitewashed one, a painted ceiling is easy to clean and is resistant to moisture;
  • Resistant to high temperatures.
  • This type of coating is not characterized by durability and it, since the whitewashed one should be periodically updated;
  • In apartments, if upstairs neighbors periodically flood, the paint may begin to peel and crack. In this situation, restoration of one section of the ceiling is not practical, so the entire coating needs to be replaced and updated.
  • Over time, the painted ceiling coating begins to crack and change color due to exposure to high temperatures or the deposition of greasy fumes from cooking.

Before application special paint For the ceiling, the surface should be carefully prepared. First of all, you need to remove all the old coating (paint, putty or whitewash) from it. Afterwards the surface should be treated antiseptic and cover thoroughly with soil.

Painting the ceiling in the kitchen white.

IN in this case When painting the ceiling, not all lighting fixtures can be used; for example, spotlights are absolutely not suitable for this type of coating.

Ceiling plaster

Leveling the ceiling in the kitchen using plaster.

Shelf plaster is also often used for kitchens; this option has been used for many years.

  • Economical in terms of material costs;
  • May be stained;
  • Cover yourself with wallpaper;
  • Levels the surface;
  • Does not burn.
  • To cover the ceiling with plaster, it is necessary to hire a specialist (costs of performing the work);
  • Not resistant to moisture;
  • Requires updating over time.

Before applying plaster, the ceiling, as with other types of coatings, should be prepared. Remove old materials from it, treat it with an antiseptic to prevent the occurrence of fungal formations, and dig it with soil.

After preparatory work The first layer is to apply the base plaster, then let it dry (a day or two) and then cover finishing plaster. With this coating, the final stage is the application of paint, if any, as well as gluing the ceiling plinths.

Plastering ceilings in the kitchen.

Spotlights, which are often installed in kitchens, are possible with this type of coating, but only if the plaster is applied to plasterboard sheets that were previously mounted on metal profiles.


Wallpapering the ceiling in the kitchen has been used since our ancestors, but in recent years this option has faded into the background due to its disadvantages.

Disadvantages of wallpapering:

  • Pasting the ceiling is a labor-intensive process and takes quite a lot of time, unlike, for example, painting;
  • If your kitchen is often flooded by neighbors from above, then this covering option should fade into the background. Since they will immediately come off and will need to be replaced;
  • Wallpaper, regardless of its quality and high cost, has the ability to burn, which is not acceptable for the kitchen;
  • Due to fumes, as well as fats from cooking, reaching the ceiling, the wallpaper will begin to peel off and separate at the joints, which will subsequently require their replacement.

Wallpapering the ceiling in the kitchen.

However, despite the many negative qualities wallpapering in kitchens, they are still popular among consumers, and this is due to the fact that:

  • They are relatively inexpensive, since to cover the ceiling you only need wallpaper and glue;
  • They can be washed periodically (washing wallpaper).

Before wallpapering, the ceiling should be cleaned and treated with a special antiseptic, after which you can safely proceed to wallpapering. The final stage of working with wallpaper is gluing the baseboard and installing the lamp (pendant).

Ceiling decor in the kitchen with wallpaper.

Stretch ceiling

This type of coating has become very popular in recent years, not only for kitchens, but for the entire home. This modern look ceiling thanks to the extensive selection color ranges, able to fit into any interior.

However, when choosing this coating, you should know that it can only be installed by specialists in this field and this makes it one of the most expensive types of ceiling coverings.

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen interior.

Advantages of suspended ceilings:

  • It is resistant to moisture;
  • Able to hide all existing defects in the ceilings;
  • Cleans well;
  • Is perfectly level;
  • Possible various options its installation;
  • When flooded by neighbors above, this type The ceiling is capable of holding all the water, which can then be drained by puncturing several small holes in different places.

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings:

  • Expensive;
  • Requires installation by specialists;
  • When installing it, holes are immediately made for installing future lighting fixtures and subsequently they cannot be moved to another location;
  • It is not recommended for use in kitchens with low ceilings, since when installing it, several centimeters are subtracted from the surface itself, which will make the kitchen even lower.

White stretch ceiling in the kitchen.

As mentioned earlier, only specialists can make such a coating, and special preparation of the ceiling covering is not as important as in previous methods.

Before renovating the kitchen, in particular the ceiling covering, you need to carefully consider which covering will best suit your interior. Construction stores nowadays they offer their consumers a lot various materials for repairs, which will help solve the question of which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen.

Video: Installing a ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen in any apartment or country house is considered a special room. This is a favorite place for the whole family to eat and socialize. During renovations, there are usually no issues with finishing walls and floors. But many people don’t know how to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen so that the coating looks good and lasts. Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Requirements for materials for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen

Kitchen is special place where food is constantly being prepared, windows are often opened. There are different conditions here, so it is important to choose the right ceiling finish in the kitchen. Temperature changes occur in the kitchen; there is always high humidity. While cooking, steam from the cookware rises to the surface of the room. All this should be taken into account when choosing material for the cladding.

The main parameters by which a coating is selected include beauty and practicality.

When deciding what to make a kitchen ceiling from, you must take into account the following requirements for the facing material:

  • moisture resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • how easy it is to clean. It is desirable that wet cleaning be possible;
  • safety in operation;
  • non-flammability;
  • simple installation of the coating;
  • smooth surface, aesthetic appearance.

Taking into account the above requirements, you can consider options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen.

Which ceiling is better to make?

In construction markets big choice materials for lining the kitchen ceiling space. When choosing which ceiling is best for the kitchen, you need to take into account not only the practicality and service life of the material, but also many other equally important characteristics.

There are several main options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen, which are used most often:

  • painting;
  • whitewash;
  • polystyrene tiles;
  • plasterboard sheets;
  • wallpaper;
  • plastic panels;
  • plaster;
  • clapboard finishing;
  • stretch fabrics.

The best way to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen depends on taste, and on how well the material will be combined with the overall designer style apartments or country house.

Before deciding what ceiling to make in the kitchen, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials listed above.

What to cover with?

To decide on the material and choose what to cover the ceiling in the kitchen with, we will consider in detail the most common cladding options for kitchen premises. You should also separate the coverings for a country house and apartments in a high-rise building. We will talk about these differences after discussing materials for kitchen coverings.


Despite the large selection of finishing materials for kitchen spaces, plaster is still one of the most popular options.

Using plaster to finish the ceiling and walls of the kitchen has the following advantages:

  1. budget option, especially when doing the work yourself;
  2. environmentally friendly material;
  3. perfectly hides any defects and surface irregularities;
  4. if you decorate the ceiling in the kitchen with plaster, then its height will not be affected, because the layer of material does not exceed 3 cm;
  5. you can apply plaster to a surface made of any material;
  6. if applied decorative plaster, then the room will look unusual.

The disadvantages of using the material include the process itself, which is quite labor-intensive. The amount of work is quite large and requires certain skills. If the surface becomes dirty, all stains will remain visible. When the structure shrinks, cracks may form on the ceiling.


To the very obvious advantages whitewashing refers to the low cost of the coating. And any owner of an apartment or house can whitewash a kitchen surface. The work will be especially simple if no preliminary leveling of the surface is required.

But, over time, the whitewash turns yellow and the coating loses its original appearance. Whitewash does not withstand prolonged exposure to moisture and vapors released during cooking. When choosing this option for finishing a kitchen covering, you should take into account the likelihood of a quick repair.


Among the advantages of using paint are the following:

  1. economical, inexpensive option;
  2. the height of the room does not suffer;
  3. easy care;
  4. easy to apply.

The only disadvantage of coloring is uneven surface, which does not hide itself the best paint. It turns out that before painting it is necessary to prepare the ceiling. And this is a rather difficult process.


Expanded polystyrene tiles with a cellular structure have the following advantages:

  1. inexpensive;
  2. no surface preparation required;
  3. moisture resistant;
  4. easy care, you can do wet cleaning.

The disadvantages include:

  1. rapid contamination;
  2. If the tiles are carved, they get dirty faster and are difficult to clean.

If you are at a loss as to how you can make a ceiling in the kitchen, then you can choose tiles from different materials, except polystyrene foam. These are tiles laminated with film, which better protect against moisture, or tiles made of plastic.

U plastic tiles has its advantages:

  1. large selection of colors and structures;
  2. quick installation;
  3. good sound insulation;
  4. possibility of mounting lighting fixtures in the ceiling.

But plastic plates will make the room several centimeters lower.

Plasterboard sheets

Drywall is considered one of the best options for finishing a kitchen ceiling, due to the following advantages:

  1. no preparation required;
  2. lighting and ventilation can be mounted on the ceiling;
  3. the ability to create any type of surface, from flat to wavy, or with transitions in height;
  4. inexpensive.

The disadvantages include labor-intensive installation and reduced room height.


If you glue wallpaper to the kitchen ceiling, it must be waterproof and washable. The best option The wallpaper will be fiberglass.

Advantages of the material:

  1. inexpensive option;
  2. not difficult;
  3. height will not be affected;
  4. strength;
  5. long service life.

One of the nuances of such finishing is the mandatory leveling of the working surface.


Separately, it is necessary to say about finishing the ceiling in the kitchen with clapboard. Nowadays different profiles are produced with different widths and structures. This option would be ideal for a country house or cottage.

If you cover the ceiling in the kitchen with clapboard, you can leave the material unpainted. The material will look like this if the interior of the entire room is made in rustic style. You can paint the lining if you choose more soft style, for example, Provence.

Lining for finishing kitchen ceilings used as in country houses, and in apartments. If the material is painted, white is usually used. This way you can decorate the room in a Scandinavian style.

In the apartment

To properly decorate the ceiling in a kitchen in an apartment, you need to take into account the area of ​​the room, height, and combination with the interior.

The floor of the apartment is of no small importance. So, if the floor is the last, then you need to take care of the normal condition of the roof before deciding what is best to make the ceiling in the kitchen from. If the roof is leaking, then some Decoration Materials will not withstand the presence of moisture, and the repair will have to be done again.

Among the most popular ceiling coverings for apartment kitchens are materials such as:

  • plastic panels;
  • painting;
  • stretch fabrics;
  • rack structures.

Most often, in high-rise buildings, the ceilings are no different great height. Therefore, you need to choose a coating that will not take away the required centimeters of height.

In a private house

When choosing a kitchen ceiling finish in a private home, you need to adhere to such material requirements as practicality, durability and combination with general style Houses.

Unlike ceilings in apartments, in a private house you can apply any, the most incredible solutions. It can be loft or country style, high-tech, Provence, or the surface is simply covered with wooden beams.

There are many options. And besides the most common ones, in the form of painting, stretch fabrics, paneling, or painting, you can start from any preferences. This is the advantage of a private house compared to an apartment.

Choosing ceiling decoration for the kitchen of a country house, one should also take into account such a thing as thermal insulation. For example, clapboard cladding would be a wonderful option for a kitchen in a private home.

When choosing a finish, the features of the ceiling device are also taken into account. In private houses, to reduce heat loss, a rough ceiling is installed. As a result, the main load is borne not by the walls, but by the ceilings.