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» How to cover the outside of a bathhouse: choosing practical finishing materials. Lining the inside of a bathhouse with clapboard The cheaper it is to cover the inside of a bathhouse

How to cover the outside of a bathhouse: choosing practical finishing materials. Lining the inside of a bathhouse with clapboard The cheaper it is to cover the inside of a bathhouse

Have you tried and built a beautiful steam room hut? Now we need to finish the inside of the bathhouse, which requires no less attention than exterior work. High humidity and elevated temperatures place special demands on materials, because not all of them are able to withstand difficult operating conditions. The choice of cladding determines how long the structure will last and how comfortable the procedures will be. Different rooms in the bathhouse require their own approach to finishing, but the most difficult is finishing the steam room in the bathhouse.

Design of a steam room in a bathhouse Source

What material is suitable for a steam room?

There are a lot of finishing materials for interior work. To make it easier for you to choose what kind of finishing the steam room in the bathhouse will have, photos and paintings ready-made solutions Every designer has one. It is worth remembering that even if you made your own choice, it is better to coordinate it with a specialist, because not all materials are suitable for installation inside the hottest room.

Taking into account the specific operating conditions, the following requirements are imposed on the finishing:

    moisture resistance;

    heat resistance;



    environmental friendliness.

Important! For the interior decoration of the bathhouse, you should choose natural materials.

When the temperature rises, the plastic becomes deformed and begins to release bad smell, A regular tiles cracks after heating. Therefore, the use of such finishing is unacceptable in the steam room.

The best option is wood. The finishing structure depends on financial capabilities. For example, lining is cheaper than timber; it is chosen if it is necessary to meet a certain budget. Basically, bathhouse owners prefer deciduous wood. Below is an example of what the interior decoration of a bathhouse might look like, a photo of the classic version.

High-quality wood for interior decoration of a bathhouse Source

There is an opinion that you should not sheathe the inside with steamed wood coniferous species, because when the temperature rises it releases resin. But this statement is controversial, because resin has a beneficial effect on health, cleanses the respiratory tract, and strengthens the heart.

Whether or not to sheathe the interior with coniferous wood is up to you - maybe someone in your household doesn’t like the smell of pine needles or vice versa...

If lining was chosen for cladding the bathhouse, then it must be of high quality. Particular attention must be paid external treatment material - there should be no chips, knots or cracks on its surface. The lining should not deform: swell when heated or dry out at normal temperatures.

If wood is not suitable for you as a material for interior decoration of a steam room for some reason, you can give preference to heat-resistant tiles; they have proven themselves well under significant temperature changes.

Video description

How to insulate the ceiling and decorate the walls in a bathhouse is shown in the video:

Ceiling protection

Before finishing, you should protect the ceiling from hot steam. To do this, use aluminum foil or a construction membrane.

Important! Do not use foil with mineral wool or polypropylene foam glued on it. When heated, these materials release toxic substances.

Protecting the ceiling in the bathhouse with aluminum foil Source

Using lining - rational or not

Definitely yes! Lining made from linden, aspen, cedar, and abashi has become popular due to its properties. It tolerates temperature changes well, high humidity, is aesthetically pleasing, and does not absorb moisture. Cladding made of clapboard has low thermal conductivity - it does not heat up, but transfers heat to the air.

Bath lining is not covered with varnish, antiseptic, or paint; it is used in its natural form.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer the service of building a bathhouse. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Preparing the walls for finishing

When starting to finish the walls, they solve the issue of insulation and waterproofing. Without such measures, the bathhouse will not last long, and healing procedures will be reduced to simple hygienic ones. For insulation, the walls are covered with mineral or basalt wool. The second one is more resistant to high temperatures, so it lasts longer.

Insulation of walls in a steam room with mineral wool Source

Experts consider cork to be the best thermal insulator for bathhouse walls. This agglomerate does not burn, does not rot, and is resistant to fungi and mold.

Lathing - to do or not to do

Craftsmen prefer to install the sheathing and attach the interior trim to it. The popular base size is 50x50, less often they make 70x70. The pitch is not standard and varies depending on the size of the blocks being strengthened.

The sheathing is made of wood, less often of metal. Considering the operating conditions, the metal must be treated with moisture-resistant compounds. The lining or logs are secured with self-tapping screws and nails. They must be copper or brass. The installation of the base is done perpendicular to the sheathing.

Lathing walls in the steam room under the lining Source:

Stages of clapboard finishing

    Along the perimeter of the wall and ceiling fix the beam. Fastenings should be every 80–100 cm.

    Cut pieces of insulation wool placed between the tree without compacting.

    Above covered with a waterproofing agent. The joints are sealed with aluminum tape, paying special attention to the corners.

    Equip ventilation. To do this, fill the distance rail. It will provide a small gap (2–3 cm) through which air will be vented.

    Do separate upholstery doors and windows.

    Fastening the lining. You need to start from the corner, fixing each part vertically. This position will ensure free flow of water. If a horizontal arrangement of blocks is planned, make sure that the spikes are at the top. This will protect the lock from moisture.

    Lining located in corners or near walls, cut to required size. It is especially important to cut the corner block correctly. It is necessary to accurately calculate the angle of inclination so that the adjacent block is correctly fixed.

Insulating the furnace using a metal sheet Source

    metal– stainless steel or profiled iron is mounted on the wall behind the stove;

    Red brick– placed between the wall and the fire;

    tiles, resistant to high temperatures (kaolin);

    mineralite– heat-resistant board made of cement and special components.

Video description

Watch the video for step-by-step installation of the lining in the steam room:

Making the floor in the steam room

Not only comfort, but also safety depends on the choice of raw materials for the floor. Moisture on smooth tiles or linoleum leads to falls and injuries. Installation of such materials will turn the floor into a skating rink. In addition, when heated, linoleum emits an unpleasant odor containing substances harmful to health.

The optimal choice of floor for a steam room is wood. It does not require special coating, and with this design the room will be maintained in uniform style. It is worth noting that the wooden floor in the bathhouse is not made of oak. This wood becomes stronger when wet, but at the same time its surface begins to slip.

Concrete works well. A floor made of such material will be strong and durable. Tiles are laid on top of it, but the structure of the surface of such a coating is important. It should not be glossy; a pronounced relief is necessary. The floor is laid at a slight slope towards the water drainage.

Laying tiles on the floor in a bathhouse Source:

The tiles are laid from the corner, placing crosses between the blocks, tapping with a mounting hammer. After 2-3 days, the seams between the tiles are rubbed down. Put on top wooden gratings, allowing you to avoid stepping on a cold floor and providing additional safety in case of possible slipping.

And now the shelves

A very important point is the shelves in the bathhouse. Since constant tactile contact is assumed with them, increased requirements are put forward for these elements:

    they should not get very hot;

    it's better if cool down slowly;

    must be environmentally friendly;

    don't slip and not be very rough;

    don't have external damage;

    easy to wash.

Again, wood is most suitable for this purpose. Carefully cleaned, without knots or nicks, it has served people in bathhouses and steam rooms for centuries. Shelves should not have sharp corners that could cause injury. They are not made solid, leaving a small distance between the wooden boards.

Setting up a dressing room

The main function of the dressing room is to preserve heat. The temperature in the room is not high, so to decorate the walls in traditional style It is good to use coniferous trees.

Design of the waiting room and rest room “under the tree” Source

Interior decoration A log bath creates an atmosphere of antiquity, ancient fairy tales. A light aroma created by pine, fir, and spruce is appropriate here. The wood of these species resists fungus and mold well. It does not crack after drying and is durable. When heated, fir releases almost no resin.

If hardwood is preferred, experts advise finishing the room with birch. The lining can be laid out not only in even rows, but also in a pattern. It is important that the walls in the room are covered with the same type of wood.

Bathroom and washroom

These rooms don't have much high temperature, although the humidity is as high as in a steam room. The choice of finishes in the bathroom and washroom is more extensive. Lovers bath procedures It is recommended to use natural raw materials for such rooms - wood or stone. Among wood, pine is the leader - it is available material However, with prolonged use it darkens.

An example of a washroom design Source

Plastic is acceptable since there is no high temperature, and it tolerates humid air well. You can use regular tiles for the shower.

What is better to use to decorate a rest room?

The rest room should be beautiful and cozy, so the design of the room comes first. It is not necessary to install heat- and moisture-resistant materials here. The relaxation room should be:

    easy to care for;


    environmentally friendlym;



Video description

For interesting ideas for interior decoration of a bathhouse, watch the video:

The decoration of the relaxation room in the bathhouse, in addition to traditional wood, can be done:

    glass wallpaper;

    porcelain stoneware;

    natural stone ;

    decorative plaster.

Important! The tree is not installed immediately after delivery to the construction site. It is brought into the room and allowed to stand for a couple of days so that it “gets comfortable” in the bathhouse. After this procedure, the wood is not subject to deformation when heated and high humidity.


Decorating the inside of a bathhouse requires effort and imagination. But, if you do everything correctly and entrust this work to professionals, the bathhouse will last a long time to restore strength and health. All you have to do is choose what kind of decoration the bathhouse will have inside: photos of steam rooms will help you find the best option for style and materials.

After completion of the construction of the bathhouse, interior finishing of the premises will be required. The purpose of the work is to aesthetically design the space and protect surfaces from various types of influences characteristic of specific operating conditions. But first you need to decide what material to cover the walls, ceiling, and floor.

Most often, natural wood is used to decorate the inside of a bathhouse. However, not every type of wood can be used, especially when it comes to a steam room. In conditions of high temperatures and humidity, some lumber can saturate the air with harmful substances.

What materials should you avoid when decorating a steam room?

The following finishing materials cannot be used in the main room of the bathhouse:

pine wood. The reason is that in highly heated air the tree releases resins that are hazardous to health. And don’t let the pleasant smell that fills the room convince you to use pine boards in the steam room;

Read also: Fiber optics for baths and saunas: operating principle of fiber optic lighting, advantages and disadvantages, installation

Fiberboard and chipboard. The slabs swell from exposure to moisture, and the microclimate of the room is poisoned by toxins that are part of the components of the building material;

linoleum. It is also harmful when used in extreme conditions, creates favorable conditions for the appearance of mold, and also quickly collapses.

Materials suitable for finishing the steam room

Larch is best suited for a steam room. Durable, strong material does not suffer from excessive moisture and heat. It is not for nothing that bridges across rivers were previously built using larch.

Another tree suitable for finishing a steam room is linden. The material smells nice, but it is quite an expensive product, just like one made from larch. But it's worth it, because the boards are made of linden:

resist destruction from moisture and high temperatures;

contribute to optimal ventilation of rooms, that is, they have so-called breathing properties; decorative;

serve for a long time.

It is more appropriate to use wood from linden and larch in the form of lining. Thin boards are easy to install, and if necessary, a damaged element can be easily replaced. An additional advantage of such cladding is that you can do without a vapor barrier. But only if the bathhouse is built of wood, not brick. The walls will be perfectly ventilated, condensation will not form.

The best options for lining the inside of a bathhouse. What material for the interior lining of a bathhouse will look beautiful and at the same time be inexpensive. Photos from various options natural interior lining of the bathhouse.

The most important stage in the construction of a bathhouse is the installation of the internal lining. It is worth paying special attention to the choice of bathhouse for the interior design, since the service life and quality of the finish will depend on this. The finishing material also plays a role in maintaining the proper appearance of the interior coating.

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the following qualities:

  • steam resistance;
  • water resistance;
  • resistance to fire;
  • environmental friendliness;

Internal lining of the bath: the best options

The combination of foil and basalt wool has all of the above characteristics. Installation begins with the installation of a frame made of wooden beams(the best option here is wooden blocks 30 by 30 mm), then filled with cotton wool. The foil acts as insulation, as it has the necessary listed characteristics, and is placed in a layer on top of the basalt wool. The foil is secured using a pneumatic steller.

Pine lining is another option for high-quality interior decoration of a bathhouse or sauna. Linden and alder are also often used due to the fact that such wood does not release resin when heated. If you treat the material according to all the rules, its service life will be significantly extended.

Pine lining: one of the most common options for interior lining of a bathhouse due to its aesthetic appearance and decent performance characteristics

The material, which imitates timber, is also successfully used for lining the inside of a bathhouse. In addition to technical characteristics, it also has a pleasant appearance. The material is very convenient to install; it is not subject to deformation, unlike natural wood, cracks do not appear on it over time. Imitation of wood pattern gives the impression of real wood. The raw materials used to imitate timber are environmentally friendly, so this finishing option can be considered ideal.

Rules for choosing material for the interior decoration of a bath

Often the low cost of the material may seem very attractive and you will want to save on interior decoration. But you shouldn’t fall for such tempting offers, since when it comes to interior design, it is first of all worth focusing on the environmental friendliness of the material.

Attention! Use only natural materials for the interior decoration of the bathhouse, since when the temperature rises, chemicals can have a negative effect on human health, in particular, cause an allergic reaction.

Natural materials have the following advantages:

  1. Fire resistance;
  2. Absence from the lineup harmful substances;
  3. Good air permeability;
  4. They do not have a specific smell.

When visiting a bathhouse made of natural material, there will be no discomfort, since such a structure will breathe and circulate air. Wooden finishing materials will be the optimal solution here.

How to choose a coating treatment product

This question is more complex than the choice of the material itself, since the variation in means for protecting the coating is much greater, and the composition of such mixtures is very controversial.

Such products are designed to protect the coating from fungus and cracks. When choosing a wood treatment product, you should pay attention to the composition, which should not contain harmful components. When heated, such a composition should not emit carcinogenic substances, and there should be no specific odor. The amount of chemicals in the composition should be kept to a minimum, otherwise it may affect health.

Compositions on water based can be put on the priority list. For example, a varnish with such a composition, after drying well, will be completely harmless even at high temperatures.

Since the bathhouse is a room with a high level of humidity, it is recommended to additionally treat the internal lining to protect against fungus and cracks

Wax is also often used due to its ease of application. It protects wood better than other means from possible fungus, which is quite likely to occur in a room with a high level of humidity, such as a bathhouse.

Advice. It is possible to not process the coating at all. In this case, after each visit to the bathhouse, it should be thoroughly dried, and if damage is detected, the section of material should be replaced as quickly as possible.

General conclusions on choosing the interior decoration of a bath

Naturalness is the key quality bath, which will only bring benefits. When choosing, avoid cheap, but saturated chemicals materials, but use high-quality and natural ones, such as wood, varnishes and other water-based substances and wax mixtures. In the bath with natural finish you will enjoy not only the process, but also the aesthetic appearance.

Video: Internal lining of the bathhouse

Briefly about the purpose of the cladding
Bath lining
Block house for a bathhouse

The history of such a simple but necessary invention as a bathhouse goes back many years, but even today, this building practically does not lose its relevance. A shower and bath cannot completely replace a bathhouse, because in it you can not only get rid of dirt, but also improve your health. Usually a bathhouse consists of a dressing room, a sink and a steam room, but the last two points are often combined.

When building each of these rooms, it is necessary to decide how best to line the bathhouse from the inside, because the air temperature in the room will depend on this, as well as the amount of fuel needed to heat it. In this article we will talk about all the most popular and reliable options lining the bathhouse from the inside.

Don’t rush to think about how best to line the inside of the bathhouse, because lining may not be needed at all. The task of the internal lining of the bathhouse is to preserve internal heat for a long period of time, which will significantly reduce fuel consumption and combustion time. Thus, we can conclude that the casing is an integral part of bathhouses, however, this is not entirely true, because a bathhouse built from solid timber using old technologies does not need additional insulation (more details: “Sheathing with steam clapboard - how to do it right”).

Having built a bathhouse from cheaper materials, you will have to think about choosing a cladding material.

First of all, you need to mention the main characteristics that the selected material should have:

  1. It must withstand high temperatures and be non-flammable;
  2. Steam and moisture resistance are also necessary indicators;
  3. It is advisable to choose natural materials without harmful chemical treatments, so as not to harm your health with harmful fumes.

Speaking specifically about what can be used to line the inside of a bathhouse, it is worth mentioning lining, block house and magnolite. Of the three options presented, choosing one can also be difficult, so below we will talk in detail about each of them.

Bath lining

Lining is the most popular material for covering a bathhouse, because it combines all the most necessary qualities: reliability, beauty and reasonable price.

The lining also has a number of useful properties:

  • Lining allows you to save a large amount of fuel, reducing heat consumption;
  • Behind it you can hide various communications, increasing the level of comfort indoors;
  • The lining is resistant to moisture and steam; in addition, it is able to regulate the level of moisture in the steam room and allows the walls of the bath to “breathe”.
  • Longevity and resistance to the formation of fungus and mold are also important properties that this material has.

Next we should talk about the correct choice of material. First of all, pay attention to the fact that the price for lining up to 1.5 m is slightly lower than for material from 2 m, so it’s worth choosing a short length. When installing a short lining, use a batten in the middle to avoid various difficulties (more: “Which lining is best for a bathhouse - a review of materials for a bathhouse, dressing room and shower”).

It is also worth paying attention to the wood from which the lining is made:

  • The best option for a steam room is linden, because when heated, it releases essential oils that have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. Another advantage of this wood is its low thermal conductivity, which helps protect the skin and respiratory tract from burns, while increasing sweating.
  • Aspen is a worthy alternative to linden. The price of aspen lining is quite low, and the material itself is resistant to moisture and rotting processes. Warming up, aspen promotes health person.
  • It is recommended to use larch in the shower, because it has high strength and resistance to water. Larch lining has a positive effect on well-being and helps improve immunity.
  • The steam room can also be finished with white acacia lining. Acacia - very durable wood, so products made from it last a very long time. The only disadvantage of this wood is the high price.

You can see an example of such cladding in the photo.

Block house for a bathhouse

If you cannot decide what to cover the inside of the steam room with besides the lining, then think about the block house, because it has similar qualities, but a different appearance. The block house has a semi-oval shape, so walls made of this material look like a log house, which gives “historical naturalness” to your bathhouse. The strength and resistance to various influences of the block house are quite high, however, it is recommended to carry out bactericidal treatment once a year.

Block houses are classified by quality:

  • Class "C" material undergoes only surface treatment; various defects may be present on its surface, for example, cracks or chips. This material is not recommended for installation in a bathhouse;
  • Block house class "B" It is of average quality and is extremely rarely used for finishing baths. There may be small cracks and knots no more than 3 cm on its surface;
  • On the surface of class "A" material you will not find any flaws, with the exception of small knots. This option is great for a bath.
  • « Extra" class has perfect processing, and its surface is free of any imperfections. Ideal for finishing baths, but also has a fairly high price.

The block house is made from various types of wood, but only hardwood and coniferous materials are suitable for the bathhouse. Remember that using spruce and pine is highly discouraged, because you can burn your skin on their heated surface.


This is modern, however, not the best material for lining a bathhouse on the construction market.

If you are thinking about how to cover the inside of the dressing room other than lining, then you can undoubtedly resort to this option; in addition, it is perfect for other rooms due to its qualities:

  • It is completely unaffected by moisture and rotting processes;
  • High temperature, as well as temperature changes, do not harm this material;
  • Magnelite sheets are quite easy to install.

This cladding is made from the following materials: fine wood shavings, magnesium and other non-natural components, which are reinforced with glass mesh. By making the lining of a bathhouse from such material, you reduce the environmental component of the room.


Now you are familiar with all the options for interior lining of the sauna and can independently decide how to line the inside of the sauna, starting from own desires and financial situation.

Bath buildings are built from logs, concrete and cinder blocks, bricks and other building materials. The casing remains unchanged interior spaces clapboard. In this article we will tell you what other finishing and decorative products can be used in a bathhouse.

In addition to lining, what can you use to cover bathhouse buildings?

The choice of finish depends on the purpose of the room.

Inside the building, in addition to the steam room, there is a relaxation room, an entrance hall (dressing room), a bathroom or a washing room. If desired, the project includes a terrace, a residential attic or several square meters under a small pool.

Lining – universal material, with proper processing, it can cover all the walls and ceiling, but it will turn out too monotonous.

Therefore, diverse interior decoration of the bathhouse is chosen.

1. Steam room.

Already from the name it is clear that this room is periodically maintained at 100% humidity and high temperature.

We need a finishing material that can withstand such changes and also does not emit substances harmful to humans during heating: formaldehyde, ammonia, phenol and others.

  • According to the specified parameters, only solid wood is suitable, so the owners always try to line the inside of the bathhouse with clapboard made of linden, aspen, cedar, and abasha (African oak).

    Planed products from larch or pine are often used, but in this case it is necessary to choose slow-growing varieties, since they do not form the so-called resin pockets. Accordingly, the resin will not constantly be released on the surface.

  • The bathhouse, in addition to the lining, can be finished with more budget options– trimmed or not edged board from various types of wood - linden, cedar, alder, aspen.

    Only untreated wood will need to be pre-prepared for installation - remove the bark and sapwood, sand it and cover it with wood-protective water-based varnishes or impregnations with biocidal action.

  • Wall cladding inside brick bath planed board gives a much better heat-intensive effect, since the thickness of the molded products exceeds the cross-section of the lining by 1.5-3 times.
  • Do not try to cover the steam room and other rooms with sheets of sawdust: plywood, chipboard, OSB and other analogues, even moisture-resistant ones.

    During the heating process, thermosetting resins containing sawdust begin to emit toxic fumes. The result is poisoning of the body instead of healing.

  • For the ceiling, in addition to lining or edged boards, designers offer a non-standard option - hardened frosted glass, under which the lighting is mounted.

    The bathhouse will turn out to be very unusual, but modern.

  • The floor can be sheathed with clinker or heat-resistant ceramic floor tiles with special anti-slip coating. It is hygienic and will withstand high temperatures perfectly.
  • And lastly: if the bathhouse is made of rounded or profiled logs, then the finishing technology inside the building does not require covering the ceiling and walls with anything.

    It is enough to treat all surfaces with fire-retardant compounds on a water or oil-wax basis with a moisture-resistant effect.

2. Bathroom.

  • A bathhouse without a washing station is unthinkable. Invariably the best material For the bathroom and toilet, ceramic products are used: tiles, mosaics, porcelain stoneware.

    This is convenient and inexpensive, since you not only need to cover it with clapboard, but also take care of its safety. That is, constantly treat the lining with protective agents with a moisture-resistant and biocidal effect. Tiles don't need this.

  • The walls and ceiling are finished with decorative waterproof plaster, plastic panels or plasterboard or glass magnesite for painting with waterproof compounds, but only if the steam room is thermally insulated according to all the rules.
  • But for the floor in the bathroom, the choice of products is more extensive.

    How to line a bathhouse inside: beautiful and inexpensive

    Traditionally used floor tiles or porcelain stoneware, but you can sheathe a small room with modern waterproof laminate made of composite plastic (Duma Floor, Aqua-Step) or special moisture-resistant floor panels that offer famous manufacturers laminated floor coverings– Egger, Quick Step, Alloc and others.

Waiting room.

  • By definition, it is intended for changing clothes and precedes the entrance to the steam room. To set the mood in the appropriate manner, they also try to cover this unique vestibule with clapboard, but here you should not limit yourself to finishing options.
  • A multifunctional bathhouse is an excellent field for applying your imagination in the field of design.

    You can cover the walls with decorative clinker or ceramic tiles imitating stone or brick, wallpaper, including fiberglass, paint them in any color, apply decorative plaster, sheathed with plastic or veneer strips.

  • The floor in the intermediate room requires a more or less moisture-resistant material - PVC linoleum or natural marmoleum, vinyl or ceramic tile, porcelain tiles, edged boards and even plywood or chipboard for varnish.
  • The ceiling inside the dressing room, in addition to the lining, can be sheathed with panels or simply painted.

    They will look good ceiling wallpaper on a non-woven or fiberglass base.

Rest room.

  • The good thing about a bathhouse is that, in addition to everything else, it almost always has a room for relaxation. To create a special mood, use laminate and MDF or PVC panels with wood decor, vinyl or quartz vinyl tiles, and wallpaper with a corresponding pattern.
  • Some paint and varnish manufacturers offer special mixtures that allow you to imitate wood on any mineral or old wooden surfaces.

    For example, the Dulux series has two-component Trade BrushWood paint. A bathhouse made of bricks or concrete blocks is first lined with sheets of SML, gypsum board, OSB, then a composition is applied over the puttied and primed surface, which, after drying, creates a wood texture that is visually almost indistinguishable from natural.

Lining - pros and cons

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that a bathhouse cannot do without lining.

This is the best finishing material, as it has a unique set of positive properties:

  • Low thermal conductivity and high heat capacity.
  • Resistance to temperature and humidity changes.
  • Resistance to splitting.
  • Optimal noise reduction ratio.
  • Pleasant, healing smell.
  • Easy to install.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the lining is susceptible to rotting and woodworms, but the problem can be solved - it is enough to treat the surface with special protective compounds for baths and saunas in order to forget about problems with wood for 3-5 years.

Below, watch a useful video about what materials can be used to cover a bathhouse.

Characteristics log house
Features of modern baths
How to choose the right lining for cladding
Basics of lining installation
Washing room: selection of finishing material
The nuances of finishing a fresh log house with the effect of settlement

Since ancient times, baths were built exclusively from wood, and such log houses were extremely effective. The article will talk about the advantages of finishing a bathhouse with clapboard compared to using a bare log frame.

Characteristics of a log house

Initially, the features of Russian log bathhouse there was high humidity in the steam compartment and the environmental friendliness of the materials used in construction.

Logs are relevant as construction material to this day, since the most important thing for a bathhouse is massive, heat-intensive and hygroscopic walls.

At the beginning of the procedures, the walls absorb the released moisture and then release it evenly. Experienced bath attendants have even heard how logs “hiss” from condensed moisture absorbed into the pores of the wood.

The presentability and aesthetics of a Russian bathhouse is determined by the massiveness of the log house. The last conclusion can be made on the basis of photographs and ancient paintings, where the bathhouse always looks like an oversized building made of huge logs.

The main disadvantage of a log house is that it takes a very long time to heat the bathhouse.

In standard log cabins Ancient Rus' it took about four hours to prepare. Logs do not last long under such operating conditions, although they are the cheapest building material.

Features of modern baths

However, we were talking exclusively about Russian baths that have survived to this day, but not about modern buildings. Today, when building baths, builders solve the problem of reducing the consumption of thermal energy, as well as reducing the heating time to 30-60 minutes.

For these purposes, the mass of the finishing layer of wood in the bathhouse premises is reduced. Usually, the bathhouse is lined with clapboard about 1 centimeter thick, and thermal insulation material with a foil layer is attached under it.

The advantage of this design is fast heating and minimal fuel consumption, but at the same time the rooms cool down faster, fuel needs to be added regularly, and therefore the differences with a real Russian bath are significant.

The walls of such a bath do not accumulate steam, and therefore expensive stoves or steam generator units should be used to create it.

During bath procedures, steam must be supplied regularly, which requires the constant presence of a bathhouse attendant or one of the visitors next to the unit.

How to choose the right lining for cladding

Before starting work, you should decide which clapboard is best to cover the steam room of the bathhouse.

High-quality lining must meet the following criteria:

  • breathable structure (wooden), which has an antiseptic effect (fungus and mold do not form) and provides a kind of moisture ventilation;
  • environmentally friendly material with complete safety for the human body.

At the early stages of production, lining strips were made with tongue-and-groove and quarter-tongue fastenings.

To date, these options have been abandoned, since the fasteners quickly wore out and failed during operation.

Tongue/groove is the most popular method of fastening products today.

Beginner builders will find it useful next recommendation. It’s quite easy to save on material if you buy planks 1.5 meters long rather than longer ones (2 meters). Sheathing the room is not much more difficult. The amount of material should be calculated for the area to be covered, minus window and doorways.

Basics of lining installation

If we are talking about how to line the inside of a bathhouse with clapboard, then the vertical arrangement of the slats will lead to their uneven heating during the heating process.

Horizontal placement of the material will reduce the degree of drying out and expansion during operation. Also, horizontal fastening of the planks is necessary to visually lengthen a room with a small area.

Other advantages of horizontal installation of lining:

  • replacement around darkened floors facing material simplified;
  • moisture does not penetrate into the joints between the planks, and therefore the material dries faster after completing the paired procedures;
  • air ventilation behind such a facing layer is much better, but for maximum efficiency you need to create a high-quality sheathing on which the lining will be fixed;
  • also, the frame under the lining will be an excellent barrier for rodents who want to chew on the thermal insulation material;
  • finally, installation work are greatly simplified if the planks are placed in a horizontal position.

Washing room: selection of finishing material

After you have lined the bathhouse with clapboard inside the steam room with your own hands, you should take care of finishing the room where washing is carried out after the end of the procedures.

These two rooms differ in temperature, but the humidity in them is equally high.

In this regard, it will not be possible to completely cover the bathhouse with clapboard, or a number of conditions must be met:

  • You can only use moisture-resistant material based on larch wood;
  • It is necessary to install a powerful hood on the ceiling of a clapboard bathhouse that will effectively cope with moisture;
  • if the material is less protected, then you need to take care of its full treatment with various compounds that increase resistance to moisture.

If these conditions are met, the wood will not deform in conditions of high humidity, and unpleasant stains, mold, mildew, etc. will not form on it.

The most popular means is an antifungal water impregnation that will also protect the wood from various insects.

You can avoid the costs of implementing all of the above conditions if you use polyvinyl chloride plastic lining as an alternative to natural wood material.

This material is easy to install and operate, and its service life is no less than that of natural material.

However, it is worth noting that PVC lining is not suitable for a steam room, since plastic will not be able to withstand high temperatures.

As for the washing room, the material is safe from excessive temperature loads, and visitors are safe from harmful substances released when the plastic is heated.

The cost of PVC lining is lower than that of natural material. When the owner finishes the bathhouse with clapboards with his own hands, additional costs will only be required for the installation of a high-quality vapor barrier layer.

Also, do not forget about the ventilation gap between the cladding and the wall.

Thus, a certain sequence of layers will be observed:

  • lathing of the required thickness;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • support rails;
  • PVC lining.

The nuances of finishing a fresh log house with the effect of settlement

Perhaps one of the most big problems for the owner of a bathhouse, this means that before cladding a bathhouse with clapboards with your own hands, you need to wait a fairly long period.

The reason for this is the settling effect of a fresh building. For example, a settlement of 5 centimeters will lead to destruction large quantity lining strips.

The problem can be solved, but the technology described below should be used only as a last resort, when finishing must be done without fail. However, any specialist, speaking about how to properly clapboard a bathhouse from the inside, will advise you to wait the required period.

So, in a newly built bathhouse, finishing can be done using movable guides that will move after the frame.

The best way to line your bathhouse inside

On such a device, the bottom of the sheathing is fixed, as usual, rigidly, but the remaining functional elements move along guides.

There are several technologies for installing such fasteners, but when considering how to properly line a bathhouse with clapboard, experts agree that the most effective and simplest option is the following option.

A slot is made to the width of the beam, which will subsequently hold the sheathing.

The wall will settle horizontally and will not affect the cladding in any way. You need to use large self-tapping screws as fasteners, or preferably galvanized nails.

All elements of the resulting structure must be placed so that there is a gap to the ceiling from the highest point, onto which the building is expected to settle.

As for the ceiling cladding, it should be mounted on a rough base, and not on a frame near the walls.

The formation of gaps between the wall and ceiling sheathing can be avoided if the ceiling is sheathed clearly at the level of the top point of the wall sheathing. Skirting boards should be nailed to the ceiling, not the wall.

This cladding technology is universal and even allows you to use tiles as a wall covering, but for this it should be attached to moisture-resistant cardboard mounted on the guides described above.

The worst thing is when the bathhouse is built from aerated concrete blocks, the heat capacity of which leaves much to be desired, and to be more precise, the material simply freezes in the cold season. Protect the bathhouse from external influence only a reliable insulated frame indoors can handle cold air masses.

There must be a gap between such a structure and the walls of the building. It is best to use linden croaker as a finishing material. This material has unique thermal insulation properties and will allow you to concentrate all thermal energy indoors.

Bottom line

The article discusses in detail how to properly line a bathhouse with clapboards and what materials to use.

From all of the above, we can conclude that cladding is not a complicated process and is not the most expensive. Properly guided by the information provided, you can complete all the work yourself. If desired, you can entrust them to specialists who will take responsibility for all stages - from procurement necessary materials before their installation and putting the bathhouse into operation.

Advantages of using lining in a bathhouse
Types of wood for finishing
Installation options for lining
Installation of lining in a bathhouse

The quality of the healing procedures of the bath largely depends on the level of thermal insulation of the steam room. By insulating the steam room, they achieve a reduction in heat loss and preserve the wooden structures of the bathhouse.

An important element of the thermal insulation system is the lining with paired lining. To decorate the inside of the steam room, you must use only natural materials. The use of lining not only effectively prevents heat loss, but is also much cheaper than cladding with natural wood.

Advantages of using lining in a bathhouse

Cladding in a steam room involves the use of wood, and the small thickness of the panels reduces the cost of constructing a steam room.

The advantages of using lining are:

  1. Adjusting the humidity in the bath, preventing the possibility of condensation and fungal infection;
  2. Ease of processing, obtaining a perfectly flat surface;
  3. Good heat and sound insulation;
  4. Ecologically pure material and beautiful appearance;
  5. Long service life while maintaining original characteristics.

The most optimal solution would be to use not just lining, but eurolining.

Its difference is that the tongue-and-groove connection is increased to 8 mm, and the material has previously undergone forced drying. Having on back side lamellas have compensation slots, eurolining does not crack. In addition, it participates in the ventilation process of the coating. Read also: “How to cover a steam room in a bathhouse - how to choose the right wood.”

Types of wood for finishing

The best wood species for baths are:

  1. Linden, which retains heat well, releasing twice as much essential oils as other trees. Possessing hypoallergenic properties, it is ideal for the human body;
  2. Aspen ordinary - in its own way medicinal properties no different from linden;
  3. Cedar has a pleasant smell when heated, is durable, and has healing properties;
  4. Pine– durable, easily tolerates dampness and much cheaper than other wood species.

    The disadvantage is that the resin releases when heated and the color changes over time.

Much less common is oak or ash lining.

Despite very high quality indicators, their price is so high that it is not affordable for most consumers. You can reduce the cost of lining a steam room in a bathhouse by using lining made of different breeds wood, based on location.

For example, in places where the body comes into contact with wood, use lining made of hardwood from deciduous species (larch, aspen, linden, ash, oak).

In other places, softwood will do just fine.

Installation options for lining

Getting started finishing works steam room, the main question will be how to place the lining in the bathhouse - vertically or horizontally. To select the location of the cladding elements in a horizontal or vertical plane, it is necessary to take into account not only aesthetics, but also the laws of physics, in which cold air accumulates below, and hot air rises up to the ceiling.

The vertical arrangement visually increases the height of the room, making it visually more spacious. However, temperature differences are observed within the same board due to the temperature difference between the top and bottom.

As a result, deformation changes may occur in the form of warping, propeller-bearing and other defects on the surface of the board. In addition, the process of rotting may begin in the lower part of the profiled board.

Important advantages of the horizontal arrangement of the lining when covering a steam room are:

  1. Uniform heating of the board along its entire length;
  2. Equal moisture content of the elements over the entire area, which prevents the development of the rotting process;
  3. Simplifying the repair process when it is necessary to replace the board.

It is significant that there is no flow of water that gets onto the wall into the gaps of the elements when horizontal installation, which are possible with vertical cladding.

Disadvantage horizontal method styling is deteriorating natural ventilation, requiring equipment of the premises with a forced ventilation system.

The specific choice in favor of arranging the lining in a steam room vertically or horizontally depends on the preferences of the consumer and has its own characteristics in carrying out the work.

Installation of lining in a bathhouse

Before sheathing the steam room, the cladding is secured. To do this, the beam is attached to the wall with galvanized screws. Then, having defined building level straight vertical line, install the sheathing beam on it. The first slats are installed from the corner, and subsequent slats are installed in increments of 50-60 cm, moving to the next corner. A layer of waterproofing is placed under the slats and, if desired, the slats are treated with a protective non-flammable agent.

The next layer will be a layer of non-flammable insulation (mineral or basalt wool), which has excellent water- and vapor-proof properties. The main thing is to ensure a tight fit of the insulation. If necessary, additional compaction is carried out polyurethane foam or self-adhesive tape.

On mineral wool a vapor barrier layer of foil or regular film is laid, which is secured with staples from an industrial stapler.

At the final stage, the lining is laid vertically or horizontally.

It is very important to insert the planks as evenly as possible, since the slightest disturbance will cause depressions or bulges to appear on the lining wall. If pine lining is used, then it is necessary to carry out pre-treatment to remove resin and grease stains. To this end wooden slats lubricate with a 25% acetone solution.

When installing the sheathing and laying the insulation, mark the place where the ventilation holes will be. The most effective ventilation will be when placing one hole near the stove near the ceiling, and the second at a height of 15-30 cm from the floor.

For the air duct, 100 mm corrugated aluminum is used.

The finishing of the steam room begins from the ceiling, and the first board is attached at the entrance (for more details: “How to decorate a bathhouse with clapboard correctly - the master’s recommendations”). For installation, clamps are used and a finishing nail is used only for the last board. The lining is fastened exclusively using a hidden method.

This choice is dictated by the following circumstances:

  1. Heating, twisted metalware through and through, which can burn the skin;
  2. Possibility of rust appearing on hardware when exposed to wet steam;
  3. Not aesthetically pleasing in appearance when the mount is open.

The wooden paneling is secured using clamps or self-tapping screws.

The kleimer, as the fastening bracket is called, is made of galvanized iron and screwed to the sheathing with self-tapping screws. The advantage of clamps is that there is no damage to the lining sheets during installation.

How can you line the inside of a bathhouse besides lining

The height of the clamps depends on the type of materials and for eurolining it is 4 mm, and for wooden lining the height is up to 5 mm.

How to lay the lining in the bathhouse depends on the installation method. When positioned vertically, installation begins from the corner with the end board secured in a special bracket - a clamp.

Work begins from the left corner, placing a board with a length less than 5-10 mm less than required, with the ridge towards the corner.

The boards are then nailed to the sheathing battens in the middle.

The next board covers the already nailed board with a ridge, and is also attached to the sheathing batten. When using finishing nails, they are nailed strictly at an angle. All subsequent boards are attached in the same way. At the same time, the level constantly checks the correct placement of the boards. Before nailing the last board, measure the width and cut it if necessary.

For horizontal installation, you can nail the boards starting from the top or bottom. Laying horizontally begins from the ceiling by attaching the first batten to the sheathing with the groove down.

Then the boards are positioned as close to each other as possible, like a designer, with the tongue of the top board fitting into the groove of the bottom panel.

Installation from bottom to top is simpler, but the need to cut the top board to width gives the wall an untidy appearance.

And when moving from top to bottom, the gap formed after cutting the last board to the desired width can be masked with a beautiful plinth.

After completion of all work, the final decoration of the surface is carried out using special corners and ropes. The slopes of doorways are trimmed to required sizes clapboard, and framed with platbands. For additional protection from moisture, the mounted lining is finished with a special composition based on wax or a water base.

A log, concrete, frame or brick bathhouse in any case requires hydro-, heat- and vapor barrier, as well as internal lining. Traditionally, wooden lining is chosen. She has aesthetic appearance, safe for health, easy to install and operate. But the modern construction market offers other solutions.

Steam room finishing

As a rule, if the budget is sufficient, the steam room is sheathed solid wood– aspen, linden, oak or cedar lining. To save money, you can use pine materials, but in this case you need to check the boards for the absence of “resin pockets”.

What to use besides lining? More cheap option– cladding with edged or unedged linden, aspen and birch boards. The tree must be prepared for installation: remove the bark, sand the surface and open it with water-based varnish or special biocides.

How to inexpensively cover the inside of a bathhouse? For a brick building, you can use planed boards; it is more affordable, does not require lengthy preparation for installation, and provides greater thermal insulation. The thickness of the material is 1.5 times greater than standard lining.

Foil, parchment, jute, cotton wool, and foamed foil polypropylene are used as thermal insulation materials. The area near the stove is tiled.

The ceiling, in addition to the lining, can be finished with tempered frosted glass. A backlight is installed in it. The result is a rather non-standard, but modern steam room.

Heat-resistant tiles are laid on the floor. Clinker can withstand high temperatures, has an anti-slip coating and is completely safe. But, if you want maximum comfort, it is better to choose wood flooring, alder, ash, birch or poplar are quite suitable.

If the bathhouse was built from logs, the ceiling and walls inside do not require any cladding. It is enough to treat the log house with a fire-retardant, moisture-repellent and antimicrobial agent.

What material you should not choose for cladding is plastic, plywood, OSB, chipboard and any sawdust-based derivatives. Even with moisture-resistant coatings, when heating the resin and synthetics that form the basis binder, will begin to evaporate. And this is already potentially dangerous for the body. The same applies to pine and spruce boards; they cannot be used in the steam room.

Bathroom trim

What material is suitable for tiling a bathroom or sink - tiles or porcelain stoneware. Unlike wood, ceramics will not require constant treatment with moisture-protective and bactericidal agents.

Glass-magnesite boards are no less popular. This is a durable, moisture-resistant, non-flammable, non-toxic material that is not susceptible to the development of fungus or mold.

You can also use decorative moisture-resistant plaster, plastic panels, plasterboard and glass magnesite for walls and ceilings, followed by the application of waterproof solutions. PVC, slatted pebbles and fiberboard are also allowed. However, it is necessary to take care of complete thermal insulation of the steam room.

In addition to tiles, you can lay moisture-resistant laminate or panels based on composite plastic on the floor. But tiles will be more practical and durable. Wooden shields are placed on top of it to prevent slipping. What interior to create in the washing room in the photo below.

Arrangement of the rest room

The main thing here is not practicality, but comfort, a relaxing atmosphere, and ergonomic design. Most affordable way– cover the room with pine boards. They do not rot, dry quickly, and look beautiful. Based on the durability of the material, it is better to choose boards made from Scandinavian pine. A pleasant light pink shade will eventually become covered with an original patina and will give the room even more coziness.

Spruce lining can also be classified as an inexpensive and high-quality finishing material. Thanks to the Swedish and Finnish technologies treatment with hot air, the boards acquire the necessary strength and moisture resistance. There is less resin in spruce than in pine, it is more fragrant, and small knots (which are inevitable) easily turn into the individuality of the interior.

From budget materials For a relaxation room, laminated, polyvinyl chloride MDF panels, quartz vinyl tiles, fiberglass wallpaper, decorative plaster, tiles with a stone, brick or wood pattern are also suitable. In general, everything will depend on the imagination of the owners and the style in which the room is intended to be decorated.

There are also compositions (two-component paints) that completely imitate wood on any surface (mineral, old wood). The inside of a brick or concrete-block bathhouse is finished with OSB or gypsum board panels, primed and puttied. Then paint is applied.

Since there is no increased temperature and humidity in the recreation room, linoleum flooring, tiles, edged boards or chipboard followed by varnishing can be used for the floors.

It is cheaper to stick fiberglass wallpaper on the ceiling or simply cover it with paintable panels.

But, if you still want to make a bathhouse not only a place of relaxation, but also a place of healing, the use of wood cannot be avoided. You simply select varieties of inexpensive wood: birch, alder, poplar, aspen, pine. And for areas with increased workload, you can use oak, cedar and linden.

If the bathhouse will be in use all year round, it is better to install heated floors in the relaxation room, and the walls should be well thermally insulated before covering.

How to inexpensively cover the inside of a bathhouse - practical recommendations

We will tell you how to inexpensively cover the inside of a bathhouse, what materials are best suited for covering a steam room and a bathroom, and how to arrange a relaxation room

Interior decoration of a bathhouse - what is used besides lining?

Bath buildings are built from logs, concrete and cinder blocks, bricks and other building materials. The lining of the interior with clapboard remains unchanged. In this article we will tell you what other finishing and decorative products can be used in a bathhouse.

In addition to lining, what can you use to cover bathhouse buildings?

The choice of finish depends on the purpose of the room. Inside the building, in addition to the steam room, there is a relaxation room, an entrance hall (dressing room), a bathroom or a washing room. If desired, the project includes a terrace, a residential attic, or several square meters for a small pool.

Lining is a universal material; with proper processing, it can cover all walls and ceilings, but it will turn out too monotonous. Therefore, diverse interior decoration of the bathhouse is chosen.

Already from the name it is clear that this room is periodically maintained at 100% humidity and high temperature. We need a finishing material that can withstand such changes and also does not emit substances harmful to humans during heating: formaldehyde, ammonia, phenol and others.

  • According to the specified parameters, only solid wood is suitable, so the owners always try to line the inside of the bathhouse with clapboard made of linden, aspen, cedar, and abasha (African oak). Often planed products from larch or pine are used, but in this case it is necessary to choose slow-growing varieties, since so-called resin pockets do not form in them. Accordingly, the resin will not constantly be released on the surface.
  • The bathhouse, in addition to lining, can be finished with more budget-friendly options - edged or unedged boards made of various types of wood - linden, cedar, alder, aspen. Only untreated wood will need to be pre-prepared for installation - remove the bark and sapwood, sand it and coat it with wood-protective water-based varnishes or impregnations with a biocidal effect.
  • Covering the walls inside a brick bathhouse with planed boards gives a much better heat-intensive effect, since the thickness of the molded products exceeds the section of the lining by 1.5-3 times.
  • Do not try to cover the steam room and other rooms with sheets of sawdust: plywood, chipboard, OSB and other analogues, even moisture-resistant ones. During the heating process, thermosetting resins containing sawdust begin to emit toxic fumes. The result is poisoning of the body instead of healing.
  • For the ceiling, in addition to lining or edged boards, designers offer a non-standard option - tempered frosted glass, under which lighting is mounted. The bathhouse will turn out to be very unusual, but modern.
  • The floor can be covered with clinker or heat-resistant ceramic floor tiles with a special anti-slip coating. It is hygienic and will withstand high temperatures perfectly.
  • And lastly: if the bathhouse is made of rounded or profiled logs, then the finishing technology inside the building does not require covering the ceiling and walls with anything. It is enough to treat all surfaces with fire-retardant compounds on a water or oil-wax basis with a moisture-resistant effect.

  • A bathhouse without a washing station is unthinkable. Invariably, the best material for bathrooms and toilets are ceramic products: tiles, mosaics, porcelain stoneware. This is convenient and inexpensive, since you not only need to cover it with clapboard, but also take care of its safety. That is, constantly treat the lining with protective agents with a moisture-resistant and biocidal effect. Tiles don't need this.
  • The walls and ceiling are finished with decorative waterproof plaster, plastic panels or plasterboard or glass magnesite for painting with waterproof compounds, but only if the steam room is thermally insulated according to all the rules.
  • But for the floor in the bathroom, the choice of products is more extensive. Traditionally, floor tiles or porcelain stoneware are used, but you can cover a small room with modern waterproof laminate made of composite plastic (Duma Floor, Aqua-Step) or special moisture-resistant floor panels, which are offered by the most famous manufacturers of laminated flooring - Egger, Quick Step, Alloc and others.

  • By definition, it is intended for changing clothes and precedes the entrance to the steam room. To set the mood in the appropriate manner, they also try to cover this unique vestibule with clapboard, but here you should not limit yourself to finishing options.
  • A multifunctional bathhouse is an excellent field for applying your imagination in the field of design. You can cover the walls with decorative clinker or ceramic tiles to imitate stone or brick, wallpaper, including fiberglass, paint them in any color, apply decorative plaster, or cover them with plastic or veneer planks.
  • The floor in the intermediate room requires a more or less moisture-resistant material - PVC linoleum or natural marmoleum, vinyl or ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, edged boards and even plywood or chipboard for varnish.
  • The ceiling inside the dressing room, in addition to the lining, can be sheathed with panels or simply painted. Ceiling wallpaper on a non-woven or fiberglass base will look good.

4. Rest room.

  • The good thing about a bathhouse is that, in addition to everything else, it almost always has a room for relaxation. To create a special mood, use laminate and MDF or PVC panels with wood decor, vinyl or quartz vinyl tiles, and wallpaper with a corresponding pattern.
  • Some paint and varnish manufacturers offer special mixtures that allow you to imitate wood on any mineral or old wooden surfaces. For example, the Dulux series has two-component Trade BrushWood paint. A bathhouse made of bricks or concrete blocks is first lined with sheets of SML, gypsum board, OSB, then a composition is applied over the puttied and primed surface, which, after drying, creates a wood texture that is visually almost indistinguishable from natural.

Lining - pros and cons

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that a bathhouse cannot do without lining. This is the best finishing material, as it has a unique set of positive properties:

  • Low thermal conductivity and high heat capacity.
  • Resistance to temperature and humidity changes.
  • Resistance to splitting.
  • Optimal noise reduction ratio.
  • Pleasant, healing smell.
  • Easy to install.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the lining is susceptible to rotting and woodworms, but the problem can be solved - it is enough to treat the surface with special protective compounds for baths and saunas in order to forget about problems with wood for 3-5 years.

How to cover the inside of a bathhouse except for the lining in the steam room, bathroom, dressing room and rest room

What are the advantages and disadvantages of lining? Review of finishing materials for different rooms.

What is the best way to line the inside of a bathhouse?

  • What should you consider when choosing cladding for a bath?
  • Wooden cladding for a bath
  • How else can you line a bathhouse from the inside?

How to line the inside of a bathhouse and how necessary is it? The question that worries the owners of these premises may have several answers. So, if the bathhouse building is built from natural logs, the walls inside do not need to be sheathed, unless you use clapboard for elegance.

After completing the construction of the bathhouse, you should think about arranging it from the inside. For cladding, the most various materials, which are selected depending on the material of the bath itself.

The walls of brick or stone, gas or foam concrete buildings must be sheathed. Firstly, this is the only way to achieve maximum insulation of the room. Secondly, bare walls look unaesthetic.

You can cover the walls of a bathhouse or sauna with different materials:

  • clapboard made of different types of wood or block house;
  • wooden boards;
  • glass-magnesium sheets.

You can make a choice that suits your tastes and material capabilities by familiarizing yourself with the requirements for lining the inside of a bathhouse and the characteristics of different materials.

What should you consider when choosing cladding for a bath?

In steamy rooms, you should never use fiberboard or chipboard, as they emit toxic substances when heated.

Before you start choosing the skin, you need to consider that wood is the most suitable material for a bath. However, in the steam room, dressing room, and relaxation room, you can and should use different breeds of it.

For rooms with the lowest humidity and stable temperature (dressing rooms, rest rooms), pine can be used. This inexpensive wood does not crack, is characterized by low thermal conductivity and a beautiful pattern. The phytoncides that pine wood has released for many years are very beneficial for health. Pine wood impregnated with resin is not afraid of fungi, dampness, or mold. However, it is completely unsuitable for steam rooms or indoor saunas: when heated, pine begins to release resin. Using the steam room becomes inconvenient. And the heavy aroma of pine needles may make breathing difficult rather than easier.

For covering rooms with very high humidity and temperature, alder, linden, abashi, aspen, poplar or larch are suitable. Firstly, even at temperatures above 100°C, these rocks do not heat up very much. Secondly, such wood dries quickly and is not afraid of mold and mildew. It does not emit resinous substances.

Important: in the bathhouse (especially in steam rooms) you cannot use materials obtained by chemical means. Fiberboard and chipboard, linoleum, laminate and similar materials emit very toxic substances when heated: poisoning can occur. They are also very flammable. The only exception is magnetite, because it is produced without the use of chemical resins and is environmentally friendly.

Wooden cladding for a bath

It is clear that the best cladding for a bathhouse is wood or materials made from it. But what is the best way to cover a bathhouse? Ordinary boards? Block house? Wooden clapboard? Let's consider the features of all these materials.

Lining for finishing a bathhouse from the inside is excellent option. It is inexpensive and quite easy to install.

  1. Regular boards. The plank upholstery is attached to the sheathing, always at a right angle. But ordinary boards are rarely used. Untreated with antifungal compounds, they can quickly rot. A ready-to-use board is relatively expensive, but it looks worse than, for example, clapboard or a block house. Planing boards yourself and treating them with special impregnations is time-consuming and expensive. Using them to level walls is not easy. In addition, the boards may contain a certain number of knots, which negatively affects both the operation of the cladding and its appearance. That is why regular boards often prefer clapboard or block house.
  2. The advantages of lining are undeniable. It is the one most often chosen for internal lining walls in different bath rooms. Here are its main advantages:
    • since lining and eurolining are made from different types of trees, you can always choose exactly the type of wood that you like best;
    • even amateurs do not have a question about how to line a bathhouse from the inside with clapboard: convenient tongue-and-groove locks allow you to cope with facing works for both the novice master and the experienced professional;
    • clapboard cladding looks very aesthetically pleasing, attracting visitors with its unique wood pattern; the panels allow you to visually align any wall;
    • The technology of laying the boards requires that tiny gaps remain between them; they improve air circulation in the bathhouse, help the walls “breathe,” and prevent condensation.
  3. A wonderful alternative to lining is a block house. Externally similar to natural logs, this material is many times superior in strength and ease of use, does not dry out, does not crack, and does not warp. How to cover a bathhouse with a block house? The same as with regular clapboard. First you will have to build a sheathing (frame), and then use nails, staples or clamps to secure the block house. Be sure to be at right angles to the sheathing.

When choosing a lining or block house for a steam room and other “hot” rooms, you cannot choose coniferous species (except larch).

How else can you line a bathhouse from the inside?

Magnelite tolerates high temperatures, high humidity and is easy to install.

Sometimes the inside of the bathhouse is lined with magnetite. This is acceptable, but far from the best option for interior cladding. It is made of magnesium, fine shavings, binding components and fiberglass mesh. It is believed that even at high temperatures, magnetite does not emit harmful substances into the air. It also has other characteristics that make its operation convenient and safe:

  • tolerates temperature changes calmly, does not burn;
  • easily tolerates any humidity, and does not become saturated with moisture, does not change shape, does not rot or mold;
  • Easy to install and does not require complex or special tools.

Magnelite is an excellent material for covering any bath rooms. However, it is preferable to sheathe the steam room with wood, although each owner independently decides how to sheathe the inside of the steam room or sauna.

How to line the inside of a bathhouse: choice of materials

How to line the inside of a bathhouse in order to not only create a wonderful aesthetic appearance of the room, but also bring health benefits? What to choose: lining, solid wood or use glass-magnesium sheets?

We line the bathhouse with wooden clapboard from the inside

In construction it is very important that the material is as natural as possible. Wood is the most environmentally friendly of all.. Wood products have a beautiful appearance and have thermal insulation properties. In addition to load-bearing and enclosing structures, wood is also used as a finishing material. Very often the inside of the bathhouse is lined with clapboard. Thanks to its qualities, wooden lining has found wide application in construction.

Types of lining and classification

The lining is divided by type of wood:

  • Pine. The most common wood for lining. It has a beautiful appearance and low cost. Over time, a pine product begins to darken.
  • Spruce. Northern spruce is used to make the lining. It is more durable and has a beautiful appearance. Just like pine darkens over time.
  • Canadian cedar used for finishing the bath. It is not cheap, but it has excellent technical specifications and beautiful appearance.

  • Oak. Beautiful and durable material, easy to process, expensive.
  • Aspen. Beautiful light color. Has thermal insulation properties. Well suited for a bath.
  • Linden. It is very suitable for finishing a bath, because the material does not heat up much and emits a pleasant aroma.
  • Alder. In a room with high temperatures, the material does not heat up. It also hardly dries out or warps.
  • Abash. African oak has high strength and softness. Such wood does not shrink, warp or heat up. Has a beautiful appearance. The cost of abasha is quite high.

Most often, the interior lining of a bathhouse with clapboard is made of hardwood. The temperature in the bathhouse is high and under its influence Coniferous wood releases resins. Hardwoods have virtually no resin compounds, so no resin is released.

The type of wood from which the lining is made is also of great importance. There are 4 main varieties:

  • "Extra"- a product made from wood of the highest grade without a core or flaw.

  • "A"- one live knot, two resin pockets and two blind cracks are allowed per one and a half meters of the length of the product.
  • "IN"- the presence of four knots (up to 2 cm) is not prohibited, two of which must be captive. Two resin pockets are also possible, one and a half meters long for the product.
  • "WITH"- lining classified in this class allows two captive knots with a diameter of 2.5 cm, non-through cracks of no more than 5% of the length, two resin pockets up to 5 cm long and up to 5 mm wide, mechanical damage up to 6% in diameter, a contrast spot with a diameter of up to 15 cm , as well as other spots and stripes totaling up to 5% of the entire surface of the product.

Pros and cons of lining

  • Natural and environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful substances.
  • Beautiful appearance. Depending on the type of wood, the lining has various shades and texture.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • A comfortable indoor microclimate is created.
  • Easy to install.

  • High cost of material.
  • Need for constant care behind the wood.

Methods for attaching lining to the wall

Listed below are the 5 main ways to attach lining to a wall.

A clamp is inserted into the lining, which is attached to the guide rail using a nail, screw or self-tapping screw. A rail is inserted into the groove and each subsequent rail is fastened in the same way. They must be fastened tightly enough so that there are no gaps. If the last row of lining does not fit entirely, and a large gap remains, then the top row must be cut to size and secured along the guides.

First, the panel is marked in the places where the nails will be driven in. Then, at an angle of 45 degrees, the nails are nailed into the edge with the groove. The panel is applied to the wall and then you can drive in nails. After installation, the caps are recessed so that the next panel of the lining easily fits into the groove. After this, the next panel is installed using a similar method.

This installation method cannot be used for thin lining, as it will break off.

Over time, under the influence of high temperatures, the wood may dry out a little, and the locations of the plugs will appear. To prevent this problem, special compounds must be applied over the plugs.

Technology for performing bath lining work

  1. Preparatory work. All internal communications must be laid. The finishing material should already be purchased, unpacked and laid out in the drying room. Also, you need to have all necessary tool, to perform the work efficiently and quickly you will need:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction stapler;
  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • painting cord;
  • square;
  • hammer;
  • pendants;
  • fasteners (nails, screws, self-tapping screws, staples, clamps).

Bathhouse lining requires significant funds for the purchase of material and its installation. There is an opportunity to reduce the cost of material. There is no high temperature or high humidity in the waiting room. Therefore he does not require special conditions finishing. In the dressing room, you can make lining from coniferous wood. The floor does not have to be made of wood, but can be made of ceramic tiles.

In the steam room itself, it is best to cover the ceiling and floor walls with clapboard hardwood. In addition, all lava beds and other auxiliary structures must also be made of such material. This is due to the fact that hardwood does not emit resin and does not heat up under high temperatures, which ensures a comfortable stay in the bathhouse.

Lining the inside of a bathhouse with clapboard: types, pros, cons, technology

The ideal covering for lining the inside of a bathhouse is lining. It looks great in the interior of this room and is easy to install.