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» How to feed flowers in the country. Effective feeding of flowers in spring - choosing methods. Chicken droppings: method of use

How to feed flowers in the country. Effective feeding of flowers in spring - choosing methods. Chicken droppings: method of use

As you know, flowering weakens the plant, so by the end of the season, flowers need strength to survive the winter and start growing again in the spring. We'll tell you how to feed shrubs (and not only them) in the fall so that your flower garden will delight you in the new season.

The most important thing in autumn feeding is to prepare the plant for winter by strengthening its root system and saturating it with useful elements. Autumn fertilizers for flowers should contain phosphorus, necessary for normal metabolism. No less important potassium, which helps the plant accumulate nutrients, and magnesium, increasing frost resistance.

How to feed roses in the fall?

At the end of the summer season, it is necessary to fertilize the roses twice:

  • at the end of August - September (immediately after flowering);
  • at the end of September - October.

For autumn feeding of roses, granular fertilizers are best suited, since they reach the roots of the plant gradually, and this is exactly what is needed to calmly prepare roses for winter. But this does not mean that you will have to give up liquid fertilizers - you can use both types of fertilizers, if possible giving preference to granules.

After applying fertilizer, the soil needs to be watered so that the nutrients can “reach” the plant.

When thinking about what to feed roses in August and September, remember - no nitrogen! This element helps increase green mass, but roses do not need this in the fall. If you apply nitrogen fertilizer at the end of the season, the plant will spend a lot of energy feeding young shoots, which means it will weaken and will not have the strength to survive a normal winter.

First-year roses do not need to be fertilized in the fall if in the spring landing hole sufficient nutrients have been added.

To the question “How to feed roses before sheltering for the winter?” We answer this way: focus on potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. For foliar feeding(spraying) the following recipes are suitable:

  • in 1 l hot water dissolve 50 g of superphosphate, add to 10 l;
  • dissolve 5 g of superphosphate and potassium monophosphate in 10 liters of water;
  • Dissolve 200 g of wood ash in 10 liters of water.

The optimal time for spraying roses is evening (before dusk) or a cloudy day. This way you can avoid the appearance of burns on the leaves (due to the scorching sun) or the development of fungal diseases (due to stagnant moisture in the soil).

For root feeding(watering at the root) prepare fertilizer according to one of the following recipes:

  • dissolve 15 g (1 tbsp) of superphosphate and potassium monophosphate in 10 liters of water;
  • in 10 liters of water, dissolve 25 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate and 2.5 g of boric acid;
  • in 10 l warm water dissolve 10 g of dry yeast and 2 tbsp. sugar, leave for 2-3 hours and add to 50 l.

Feeding roses with ash is effective: it is sprinkled on the soil under the rose bushes. About 3 liters of ash are consumed per 1 sq.m. The soil can also be mulched with compost (4-5 kg ​​per 1 sq.m).

How to feed hydrangea in the fall?

Like roses, nitrogen fertilizing is contraindicated for hydrangeas in the fall. The plant needs to prepare for the dormant period, strengthen the root system in order to overwinter without problems. To do this, it is best to feed the hydrangea in August-September with the following potassium-phosphorus composition: dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. superphosphate and potassium sulfate, and then water the soil under the bush with this solution.

Gardeners advise mulching the soil around hydrangea bushes to create a “thermal cushion” for the roots. Compost, peat or manure are suitable for mulching. These materials will slowly decompose and penetrate deep into the soil, feeding the plant over several months.

How to feed lilies in the fall?

To increase winter hardiness and strengthen lily bulbs at the end of the summer season, feed the flowers with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. With the arrival of spring, the “fed” plant will not need much energy to recover, which means that lush flowering will not be long in coming.

Water the lilies like this nutrient solution: dilute 1.5 tbsp in 10 liters of water. potassium magnesia and 2 tbsp. superphosphate. Like other garden flowers, lilies can be mulched with compost (10 cm layer) before winter to protect the bulbs from freezing.

How to feed peonies in the fall?

The end of September - the beginning of October is the time for the final feeding of peonies. The roots of this plant continue to grow in the fall, so timely application of autumn fertilizer is very important. Make a shallow furrow around the bush and add 10-15 g of potassium and 15-20 g of phosphorus into it, then cover it with soil and water it. With the first frosts, peony bushes are mulched with humus or peat.

How to feed phlox in the fall?

The last feeding of phlox is carried out in mid-August. To do this, dissolve 15 g of superphosphate and potassium salt in 10 liters of water (30 g of wood ash can be replaced). Then the resulting solution is watered at the root of the plant. No further fertilizing is necessary. To protect perennial phlox from freezing in a snowless winter, late autumn The stems of the plant are cut off, and the stumps are mulched with peat, fallen leaves or straw.

How to feed clematis, chrysanthemums and iris?

In September, these garden flowers are traditionally fed mineral fertilizers. Like other plants, clematis, iris and chrysanthemums need to prepare for winter at the end of the season. Instead of nitrogen fertilizers, a solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is applied under the roots (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). This will increase resistance to frost, nourish and strengthen the root system, which is especially important in a snowless winter.

How to feed rhododendron in the fall?

Rhododendron does not need to be fed in the fall. The last feeding occurs in mid-to-late July. Before frost arrives, it is necessary to mulch the soil under the rhododendron with rotted manure (5 cm layer) to help the roots survive the winter.

Already with the first spring rays of sunshine, work begins in the garden. Plants need to be prepared for the summer season, pruned, trunks whitened, and treated for pests. Towards the end of March, the first fertilizers are applied directly on the ice crust. Their choice is huge and it can be difficult for novice gardeners to figure out what to add and when. The article will talk about proper feeding garden

Mineral fertilizers for the garden

Phosphorus fertilizers

The most common fertilizers containing phosphorus are superphosphate and rock phosphate.

  • Most summer residents choose superphosphate, proven over decades, in the form of granules, the phosphorus content of which is 48%. The time of its application to the soil depends on the specific crop, but still, it refers to autumn fertilizers that are applied before digging the soil. This is due to the fact that phosphorus is needed for the formation of a good root system, which is so important for the successful wintering of plants.
  • When applied in spring, it increases the amount flower buds, stimulates fruit formation.

Advice: phosphorus mineral fertilizers are not recommended to be applied simultaneously with lime, as it interferes with the absorption of phosphorus by the roots.

  • The fertilizer consumption is always indicated on the packaging; for example, for double superphosphate it is 80-100 g/m2.
  • For faster absorption of phosphorus by plants, it is recommended to use liquid fertilizer. To do this, superphosphate is soaked in water for three days. Only liquid fertilizer is suitable for irrigation, and the sediment can be poured into compost heap.

Potash fertilizers

  • Potassium increases plant resistance to adverse external factors such as frost, drought or pests. It has been experimentally proven that potassium fertilizers help to significantly reduce the degree of damage to plants by fungal diseases. But it is washed out quite quickly by rain, so it requires regular application to the soil or spraying.

  • It is best to apply potassium fertilizers together with phosphorus fertilizers. But it is recommended to exclude the combination with nitrogen. This is due to the fact that potassium increases the amount of carbohydrates in the root system, which are so necessary for the formation of mycorrhiza, but nitrogen fertilizers begin to consume them for the formation of their organic compounds.

How to use potash fertilizers correctly:

  • should not be used when growing seedlings and when transplanting seedlings of garden crops to permanent place;
  • for arid areas or for feeding plants in greenhouses, it is better to use granulated potassium sulfate, and for regions with frequent rains, potassium nitrate or potassium chloride is suitable;
  • For acidic soils It will be better to use potassium chloride;
  • they are compatible with almost all fertilizers;
  • Potassium fertilizers reach the roots of the plant only after dissolution with water, so when applying it is important to water them, but not too much. Otherwise, the potassium will simply dissolve without having time to be absorbed by the roots;
  • it is recommended to include them in small quantity, but often. This gives best result than when applying a larger dose twice per season;
  • It is impossible to pour fertilizer directly to the trunk of the plant; you must retreat 15-20 cm;

Nitrogen fertilizers for the garden

Popular nitrogen-containing fertilizers that are suitable for fertilizing the garden in the spring:

  • all types of nitrate (sodium, potassium, calcium, ammonium);
  • urea, another name for carbamide;
  • Azofoska.

The largest percentage of nitrogen content is in ammonium nitrate, where it makes up 1/3 of the fertilizer. But when introducing it into the soil, one must take into account that it significantly acidifies the soil, so it is recommended to add lime along with it.

How to use nitrogen fertilizers correctly:

  • It is not recommended to apply simultaneously with phosphorus-containing fertilizers (superphosphate or phosphate rock);
  • for watering seedlings in spring or rooted seedlings in summer, it is best to use a liquid solution. To make it at home, you will need to dilute 10 g of ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water. The ammonia solution is not only watered at the root, but also sprayed onto the foliage. Thus, organic substances are more quickly absorbed by plants;
  • When applied dry, nitrogen fertilizers are recommended to be applied in the spring or in the first half of summer, as they stimulate the growth of green mass. The exception is garden strawberry, she needs nitrogen at the end of summer in order to have time to build up more leaves that will protect it from winter frosts;
  • In addition to fertilizing, nitrogen-containing solutions can be used to combat plant diseases. For example, urea with a high nitrogen content (46%) is excellent for preventing the formation of scab or powdery mildew;
  • For acidic soils, it is advisable to choose calcium or sodium nitrate. Although their nitrogen content does not exceed 15-16%, they perfectly stimulate plant growth without acidifying the soil;
  • You should not use nitrogen fertilizers in your garden that contain chlorine additives. They not only worsen the composition of the soil, but can also negatively affect the physiological development of many garden crops;
  • For fruit trees and shrubs, nitrogen fertilizers are applied 2 times per season. First in the spring, when the soil has warmed up and there is no chance of reverse frost. And the second time - at the beginning of summer. If the soil is clayey, then a fertilizer such as ammonium sulfate can be applied until autumn. But be sure to bury them in the ground, otherwise they quickly lose their beneficial properties;
  • contribute to trunk circle they need to be evenly distributed. If the soil is dry and no rain is expected, water it. This will prevent burns to the root system.

Organic fertilizers

You can not only buy fertilizers for the garden, but also make them yourself.


  • It is undoubtedly the most popular organic fertilizer on the market. garden plots and in villages. Depending on whose it is (cow, horse), the dosage and method of its application to the soil depend. But in any case, it cannot be used fresh, since all the substances necessary for the plant are still in an indigestible form.
  • When manure rots, decomposition processes begin in it, which form a large amount of gas that is poisonous to plants. In addition, there is a high risk of seed germination weeds, which did not have time to rot.

How to properly use manure as fertilizer:

  • Before application, the manure must be rotted. To do this, it is placed in a heap, sprinkled with a 20-25 cm layer of peat on top and left to rot all summer. But this method is not suitable for horse manure, it will just burn out. It is recommended to leave it for a short period of time (no more than 2-3 weeks);
  • For a higher concentration of fertilizer, mineral fertilizers can be added to the manure. So, 100 kg of manure will require 1-2 kg of superphosphate. It is advisable to apply this fertilizer to the soil once every 2 gardening seasons. Consumption depends on the fertility of the land and averages 5 kg/m2.

Bird droppings as garden fertilizer

It is worth mentioning separately about bird droppings, since in terms of the concentration of useful substances for plants, it significantly exceeds cow and horse manure.

  • IN pure form It cannot be applied to plants, even rotted ones, only during autumn or spring digging of the soil. On average, the cost per square meter of earth should not exceed 250 g.

  • It can only be used in liquid form to feed plants in the summer. To do this, fill the container one third with bird droppings and fill it with water. In order for the solution to mature, it must be stirred for 3-4 days. But even in this case, the concentration remains too high, so before directly applying the solution under the plant, it should be diluted with water 4 times.


This is an excellent organic fertilizer that requires virtually no financial investment.

  • It's being made different ways, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, many people dig compost pit and there within summer season put away organic waste, grass clippings and other unnecessary vegetation (except for weeds that may germinate over time). This method is the most economical, but to take ready compost you'll have to stir up the whole pile. And due to the lack of air access, the rotting process is somewhat slower.
  • Second way - compost bins. They are sold ready-made from plastic or you can make them yourself. The main thing is to provide a door at the bottom through which it will be convenient to take compost in the future. To speed up the ripening of fertilizers, it is recommended to use special formulations, for example, “Baikal”. You can also periodically water the compost heap with water and cover it with film. Some gardeners add bird droppings to their compost pile.
  • To prevent bad smell from ripening compost, each layer of new waste must be covered with peat.
  • If crushed branches or sawdust were added to the compost, then in this case it will become suitable for fertilizing the soil no earlier than after 1-1.5 years.


Wood ash from deciduous trees is an excellent addition to mineral fertilizers. It is rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium and a number of other microelements that are easily absorbed by plants.

How to add ash correctly:

  • In a place protected from moisture, ash can be stored for years, while calcium, phosphorus and potassium will be preserved. But it is more convenient to apply it throughout the growing season directly from the stove;
  • ash is always poured into the planting hole along with compost or rotted manure. The soil amended in this way will provide the plant with useful microelements within 3-4 years, which means it will no longer need additional fertilizing;
  • ash is scattered under young plants in early spring. Together with the melted snow, it will penetrate to the surface roots, and they receive nutrition already at zero temperature;
  • ash is good because it contains a large amount of calcium, but does not contain chlorine-containing substances.


  • This is also a type of organic fertilizer. Sapropel is sediment from the bottom of reservoirs, which rots along with silt and thereby accumulates useful microelements. It can be added to compost or mixed with mineral fertilizers when planting.

Variety of organic fertilizers for the garden

  • "Darina"- this is a whole series of drugs, but they are all made on the basis of sapropel. They also contain a complex of mineral fertilizers, such as nitrogen, humic acids, phosphorus, and potassium. Significantly affects the increase in yield.
  • EM is the name of the fertilizer, which stands for effective microorganisms. It is added to compost, which significantly speeds up its preparation (1-2 months). It is most effective when applied through composting in the fall. Suitable for poor soils and economical to use.
  • TMAU- peat mineral ammonia fertilizers. They are produced on the basis of peat, ammonia water, potassium chloride, superphosphate and a number of other microelements. It is suitable for fertilizing all fruit and berry bushes and trees. During the season, it is enough to add 1 kg of the mixture to the trunk circle of an adult plant.
  • Feeding from herbs. A beveled one is perfect for this. lawn grass, dandelion, nettle, plantain, mustard and chickweed. They fill a third of the container and fill it with water. In a few days the fertilizer will be ready. It is suitable for all garden plants, but has an extremely unpleasant odor.

  • Eggshell. Crushed eggshells are rich in calcium and help reduce soil acidity. It is recommended to use it for feeding sea buckthorn, cherries, and plums, because these crops react especially sharply to high acidity of the soil.

Homeopathic fertilizer “Healthy Garden”

  • This is a drug invented in St. Petersburg and has no analogues throughout the world. It is environmentally friendly, as it consists of purified sugar granules, which are structured under the influence of magnesium, potassium, sodium and even gold.

  • The “healthy garden” fertilizer cleans vegetables from nitrates and protects plants from pests and diseases. It is recommended to be used for those whose garden plot is located near highways.
  • On the site, “healthy garden” is used when watering or spraying both young and adult plants. Since it is sold in granule form, you will need to make your own solution. To do this, you need to dissolve 2 granules in 1 liter.

While using the drug:

  • plants become more resistant to most diseases, including scab and powdery mildew;
  • their resistance to drought increases;
  • it is especially effective for apple trees; after using the drug, carrion drops decrease several times, due to the fact that the plants are not affected by aphids, codling moth, and apple sawfly;
  • the accumulation of various poisons by plants is reduced. Which can get into the soil along with fertilizers;
  • cut flowers last longer in water.

Complex fertilizers

Preparations specially developed for plants contain all essential microelements V the right proportions. They are selected in such a way that everything is absorbed with maximum benefit and is environmentally friendly.

  • "Giant"- granular fertilizer for all types vegetable crops. After application, the soil is enriched for 3-4 years. Does not require dissolution in water. When planting cucumbers or tomatoes, add 1 tbsp to the planting hole. spoon of granules.
  • "Berry" - as the name suggests, it is suitable for application under berry bushes. It is especially loved by strawberries and wild strawberries, which are harmed by excess mineral fertilizer. It not only increases yield, but also accelerates the ripening of berries. It should be applied in the spring, 1 tbsp. spoons under the bush and in the summer, again during the ripening of the crop. It is also recommended for use on raspberries, honeysuckle, currants and other berry bushes.
  • "Ideal" Sold in liquid form in 1.5 liters. bottles. This highly concentrated preparation is suitable for feeding all garden crops. It affects the increase in yield and the plant’s resistance to diseases and pests, for example, blackleg and powdery mildew. It is also used for feeding through foliage, after diluting 50 ml of solution in 10 liters of water. It is necessary to spray twice a season, spending 5 l/m2.

Mistakes you should not make when applying fertilizer

  • Organic fertilizers are not always exclusively beneficial. Its excessive application will lead to a decrease in the frost resistance of the plant, to slower growth and worse ripening of fruits. As a result, their keeping quality will also deteriorate.
  • A large amount of mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers will lead to the death of berry crops.
  • If potassium and phosphorus granular fertilizers are simply scattered on the surface of the soil, then they are not absorbed by the root system of the plant.
  • Applying fertilizer without further watering also leads to plant diseases.

With the arrival of spring comes a busy time for summer residents who grow fruit and ornamental crops. I would like not only to deal with garden seedlings, but also to grow beautiful flowers. They will allow you to decorate the area with all the shades of the rainbow. For private territory you can choose annuals or perennials with different flowering periods. During their cultivation, it is necessary to add various fertilizers to the soil. Spring feeding flowers - pledge good growth and long flowering time.

All experts agree that feeding flowers in the spring is the most favorable time for enriching seedlings with nutrients. For this purpose, organic or mineral substances are used. They can be used separately or combined with each other. They need to be applied in measured proportions.

You can begin work at your dacha in the spring immediately after the snow melts. Some summer residents distribute preparations over the surface of the snow cover. However, this practice is fraught with the risk that all substances can leave the garden along with melt water. It is best to fertilize 7 days after planting in the ground.

Regardless of which flowers will be fertilized, after the first feeding, be sure to mulch the soil with straw or bark - this retains moisture and prevents the roots from drying out

It is advisable to first draw up a plan for which plants, which substances and in what quantities will be added to the ground. This will allow you not to confuse the proportions and provide all plantings with the required amount of microelements.

Proper feeding of garden flowers always follows the principle - everything should be in moderation. The rule does not work here - the more, the better. An excess can create a negative effect on plant growth, and a deficiency can reduce the efforts of summer residents to zero.

You should work especially carefully with mixed fertilizers and mineral preparations. They must be added to the soil strictly in the quantity indicated on the packaging.

VIDEO: Perennial flowers for the garden: names and their features

Frequency of nutrient application per season

At different stages of development, specific nutrients need to be added. The main thing is not to forget to provide everything you need in early spring. It is during this period that the application of fertilizers will give the flowers an impetus to grow and form in them a strong stem and healthy leaves that can withstand the load of the formed top.

During the growing season, at least two approaches should be used for annual plantings. The first time nutrients are used is after two and a half weeks. They will act as an additional incentive for the rapid growth of shoots. The second approach must be performed during the formation of buds. This will make it possible to saturate the plants with everything necessary for prolonged flowering.

Feeding perennial flowers in spring requires an additional third approach. This is necessary to survive successfully winter period. However, it all depends on the type of plant. For some of them, three approaches will not be enough. In order for them to delight with their beauty for more than one season, they will require up to 4-5 five approaches.

Organic matter

Organic matter is considered a natural fertilizer, as it is a product of the breakdown of living organisms. To maintain the active growth cycle of garden flowers in spring, you can use:

  • humus;
  • manure;
  • peat;
  • compost;
  • sawdust;
  • bird droppings;
  • green manure.

When choosing one type or another, you must first look at the plant. After all, not everyone can grow equally well on bird droppings. Sawdust and peat will cause soil oxidation, which may not be suitable for every representative of the flora.

Humus, green manure and compost are suitable fertilizers for all plantings. They are well suited for mulching, with regular updating of the top layer.

The use of organic matter makes it possible to positively influence the structure of the soil, making it:

  • soft;
  • loose;
  • well permeable to air.

To all the advantages of organic substances, it is necessary to add their low cost. In rural areas, this goodness can be found in complete abundance and at low cost. As a last resort, you can do it yourself.

However, in addition to obvious advantages, organics also have their disadvantages:

  • some substances can damage the root system;
  • Fertilizers must be applied in large quantities to achieve maximum effect;
  • The specific and pungent odor makes working with them not very pleasant.

VIDEO: Green organic fertilizer from grass. How to replace manure

Mineral fertilizers

Feeding flowers in the spring with the help of mineral preparations allows you to saturate the plantings with a whole complex of micro- and macroelements. They are able to quickly dissolve in the soil. At the same time, they supply representatives of the flora:

  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • calcium
  • other useful elements.

Minerals help completely replace organic matter for flowers that react negatively to natural remedies. This is the only way for them to get all the nutrients they need.

Mineral preparations may consist of one or more components. The most popular single-ingredient product is urea. It is a rich source of nitrogen for flowers in the garden. It is sold in granules. Under the influence of moisture in the ground, they quickly dissolve and are absorbed by the roots.

In order for flowers to form buds well and bloom luxuriantly, it is necessary to add substances containing a lot of potassium and phosphorus. Excellent products are saltpeter and superphosphate.

However, in most cases, feeding flowers in the spring is carried out using products containing a whole complex various elements. It contains components in correct proportion. Different drugs are designed for different periods of growth.

Store-bought drugs have a limited shelf life. They are usually used within 12 months from the date of manufacture or within the period indicated on the packaging.

When purchasing mineral fertilizers in a store, you must not forget to use natural products. An excellent addition to products industrial production Wood ash will serve. It has a number of advantages:

  • is accessible to every summer resident;
  • well absorbed;
  • Compared to chemicals, it can be used in any quantity;
  • gently deoxidizes the soil.

How to add useful elements to the soil

You can add organic matter or store-bought products to the soil in different ways. Basically, feeding garden flowers is carried out at the root. The prepared mixture can be in liquid form or dry. Mineral products can be embedded in upper layer soil or add dry to the planting hole. If desired, they can be dissolved in water and irrigated using manual or drip irrigation. Manure and bird droppings are used as infusions. The rest of the organic matter is used for mulching or filling the planting hole.

In practice, not many are able to appreciate the foliar method of fertilizing. With its help, you can quickly nourish the planted sprouts with all the useful elements.

Foliar feeding is the best option for gardeners whose young plants are sick or have various damages.

Using green manure

Green manures are plants that are planted on a site for the purpose of growing them and cutting them to incorporate them into the soil and improve the quality of its structure. With their help, the soil is saturated with nitrogen. They also stop the development of weeds.

Green manure is an affordable type of additive for saturating garden flowers with the necessary components in the spring. Everything in autumn useful material are quickly washed out of the ground by rainwater, representatives of the flora will not be able to absorb them.

Excessive dosage of celery can burn the roots. Therefore, they should be used in moderation.

Basic microelements necessary for normal plant life

When buying mineral preparations or using organic matter, you need to ensure that they contain three main microelements:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.


The most useful component, which is the basis for successful cell division. Seedlings especially need this microelement during the period from the beginning of flowering until the seeds appear. You need to add it to the soil after the first half of summer. Phosphorus increases the immunity of flowers and their ability to resist various diseases.


It is the basis for mineral nutrition. It must be added to the soil when buds begin to form and during the flowering period. The best option is potassium nitrate. It has an extremely positive impact.


This microelement must be added to the soil only in a certain dosage. Excess nitrogen will make the tissues of stems and leaves loose, which will reduce their resistance to disease. It is necessary to add nitrogen during the period of active growth. When the period of buds begins to open, its quantity must be thoroughly reduced, because it will stimulate the growth of stems and leaves, which will lead to a delay in flowering.

VIDEO: What fertilizers are good for the garden

Recommendations for fertilizing based on the example of certain types of flowers

Each crop, although they are united by the common name “perennial flowers,” requires certain rules for fertilizing and frequency. Below we will tell you how to feed the most popular species.


These plants require a predominance of nitrogen in fertilizing, and they are applied mainly in the spring. Manure often does the trick. It can be anything - cow, horse, poultry, bagged, dry or in the form of rotted compost.

Nitrogen content is very important for roses - the health of the plant, its growth and the density of buds depend on this element

  1. For newly planted bushes we offer the following recipe:
  • mullein - 1 part;
  • plain water - 3 parts.
  1. For bushes that have already been growing for more than 1 year, apply a solution of ammonium nitrate at the rate of 30 grams for each square of root space.

If spring has come late, and the plants are twisted and underdeveloped, better feeding do not use nitrogen. During this period, minerals are practically not absorbed.

  1. The third stage occurs during the ovary period. In this case, it is better to use the ready-made Kemira Universal composition at the rate of 35 grams per square.
  2. Before the buds bloom, you can water them with mullein solution diluted according to the above recipe or with sodium humate (0.5 tbsp per bucket).

It is very useful to use brilliant green - chopped grass from the plot, seasoned with water. The herbal infusion is kept for a day, after which the bushes are watered with 0.5 liters per each.

  1. In the second ten days of July, roses are fed with a complete complex composition to restore shoots and stimulate growth.

From the beginning of August until the end of the year, nitrogen is completely excluded from feeding.

  1. In autumn, it is advisable to cover the soil with wood ash.

VIDEO: How to fertilize a rose correctly and with what


Shooting stars, as breeders beautifully call these flowers, are fed at all stages of development:

  • in the spring from April to May - with organic complexes, with mandatory mulching (straw, bark);
  • when buds appear - phosphorus-potassium composition and growth stimulants (for example, “Energen”);
  • before the buds open - universal fertilizers for flowering plants;
  • from September to the end of October - mulch with wood ash.


The general order is the same as for other crops (spring, beginning of ovary, opening of buds and autumn), but this is done mainly with industrially produced nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Be sure to mulch with compost, and at the end of October - with wood ash.

To stimulate growth, in late May-early June, feed with a solution of cow manure mixed with 10 parts water and 0.5 parts wood ash.

VIDEO: Phlox from A to Z - planting, care, reproduction

One of the few crops that does not tolerate the application of fertilizers directly at the root. In order for the bush to feed normally, after planting, make a groove around it at a distance of 5-6 cm, 10 cm deep, and pour/fill/bury the compounds there.

  1. Fertilizers are applied for the first time a week after planting, for which they use an aqueous solution of cow manure diluted 1:10 with water; you can add superphosphate at the rate of 2 tbsp to stimulate the growth and development of roots. on a bucket.
  2. At the end of June, a solution of superphosphate is added (2 tablespoons per bucket), to which a half-liter jar of ash is added.
  3. At the end of August, potassium sulfate is added (1 tablespoon per bush) to strengthen the tubers and give them strength to accumulate strength for the winter.
  4. From mid-late September (depending on the air temperature), watering and feeding are completely stopped.


Very calm regarding watering, feeding and general care crop, but it is recommended to fertilize it at least twice a year.

Jasmine (chibushnik) "Avalanche"

The best and easiest way is to use ready-made compositions “Agricola” or “Effecton” for this:

  • “Agricola for flowering plants” - 1 tsp for 3 liters;
  • “Effecton” - 1 tablespoon for 3 liters.

It is highly advisable to spray jasmine, lilac, and hydrangea with the “Bud” composition (3 grams per 3 liters of settled water) before color appears.

VIDEO: How to properly care for chibushnik

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​The types of work required to care for perennial crops change from year to year. Largest quantity care falls in the first year of their growth. Planting, weeding, fertilizing, watering, loosening - all this must be done regularly, giving the plants the opportunity to grow stronger, gain strength and bloom on time.​

When caring for peonies, propagation is carried out in three ways. The easiest way is to propagate peonies by dividing the bush, in which the rhizome is dug up from mid-August to mid-September, and then divided so that each piece of rhizome has at least 3 buds. At the same time, the old roots are shortened and new plants are planted in a previously prepared place.​


​For old peony bushes (8-15 years old), the amount of mineral fertilizers is increased by 1.5 times compared to young ones. Good results feed with slurry. At the same time, it is important to prevent the fertilizer from getting on the rhizome of the plant.

Turkish cloves

​Before watering peonies, make sure the soil around the stem is dry. Watering peonies should not be frequent, but regularity must be observed.


​For growing peonies in the garden, the best soil is considered to be well-cultivated slightly alkaline loams; the acidity level of such soils (pH) is -6.5.​

The most unpretentious summer flowers

The crops are monitored every day and watered or sprayed if necessary. The top layer of soil should always be moist (not wet!). How to care for peonies when they emerge? In this case, the boxes are immediately opened and placed in a bright place.​


garden chamomile

The third and final feeding is done after flowering has ended. For liquid feeding, take a large bucket of water, 30 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of potassium sulfate. Dry feeding consists of a bucket of peat or compost, 60 grams of phosphorus-potassium mixture or 60 grams of “Autumn” fertilizer. All components are thoroughly mixed and scattered under the plants. This amount of fertilizer can feed 3 to 4 bushes.​

​Like any other plants, perennials are susceptible to attacks by pests. To avoid unwanted guests in your garden, you need to regularly inspect your plants. Most often found in garden areas spider mite, scale insects, also some fungal diseases.​

Organic flower food

​We must not forget that fertilizing with phosphorus stimulates flowering. A high nitrogen content stimulates the growth of tops, but delays flowering. To feed young plants and seedlings, it is useful to add B vitamins to the water for irrigation. Both tablets and vitamins from ampoules are suitable. One ampoule per liter of water.​

​Beautiful summer flowers are a real decoration personal plot. They can be planted along paths, to form flower beds or landscape corners. As the practice of many gardeners shows, perennial flowering plants are much more unpretentious to the conditions of care and maintenance, more resistant to adverse weather and climatic conditions and soil than annuals.​

Secret materials

Watering should be done more often in the first year than in subsequent years. Young plants need constant and uniform humidity. Watering is best done with fine-drip irrigation - this method maintains the required humidity, while at the same time preventing the formation of a crust on the soil surface.​

​Using the method of propagating peonies by layering, in the spring a box without a bottom measuring 50 X 50 cm and 35 cm high is placed on the bush. As the shoots grow, soil of 5 cm (humus, peat) is added to the box in layers. The soil in the box should be moist. During the development process, the peony forms renewal buds and additional roots. From mid-August to mid-September, it is necessary to cut off the stems under the new buds and plant them in the nursery for growing.​

Mineral fertilizers

​In the first year after planting, the most effective are foliar feeding. It is recommended to carry out three foliar feedings with an interval of 10-15 days.​

​How to feed and fertilize peonies to achieve abundant flowering? If planting was done correctly, young plants begin to be fertilized from the third year of life. The timing of fertilizer application, their rates and frequency depend on how fertile the soil is, as well as on the age and developmental phases of the plants.​

​When growing peonies in the country, preparing the soil for planting, first apply small doses of nitrogen and phosphorus mineral fertilizers. The best fertilizer for peonies is bone meal at the rate of 300 g per 1 m2. After applying it, the plants do not need to be fed for 2-3 years.​

A little about seedlings and planting

​At the end of March - beginning of April, the boxes are placed on a well-lit windowsill. In winter, when many crops lack natural light, the boxes are being illuminated. They are placed on racks equipped with special lamps for lighting.​

Produced using seeds. Seeds are sown for seedlings in boxes at the same time as vegetable seedlings, but they can be sown in open ground at the end of April. Of the annual phloxes, the following varieties can be recommended for cultivation: Twinkling Star, White Phlox, Drummonda, Attractive Mixture.​

​These supplements will provide next season lush flowering of phlox.

​Thickening of plants promotes the development of rot, fungi, and viruses.​

​In addition to the usual feedings, gardeners also have tricks. For example, that many are both blooming and fruit plants respond very well to watering with yeast solution, not everyone knows. And this method of feeding has long been successfully practiced by some gardeners and gardeners.​

​Summer perennial flowers do not need seasonal replanting, but grow in the same area from year to year, and caring for them comes down to removing excess shoots that grow by self-sowing, as well as forming a bush, removing faded flowers and dry leaves to maintain beautiful view plants. Perennial flowering plants include cannas, irises, golden ball, Turkish carnation, delphinium, columbine (aquilegia), peonies, bush and climbing roses, rudbeckia, phlox, some types of lupins, asters and dahlias.​

Pests of perennials

​When the surface of the land allocated for planting perennials is completely covered with overgrown plants, it is necessary to loosen the soil between them. Simultaneously with loosening, weeding is carried out, removing all weeds if possible.

When propagating peonies by cuttings, two weeks before the bush begins to flower, early in the morning, close to the ground, a leaf stalk is cut off, and the cut is made with a sharp knife. Take a cutting from the lower or middle part. Under the bottom sheet, an oblique cut is made after 1.5 cm; above the top sheet, an upper cut is also made after 1.5 cm (the top sheet is shortened by 1/3).​

​First feeding:​

​Peonies absorb nutrients throughout the entire growing season: at the beginning of growth, plants absorb a lot of nitrogen, during the appearance of buds and flowering - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and when buds are formed - phosphorus and potassium.​

Soil for phlox

​Before caring for peonies in the country, you should prepare planting holes in advance. This is done in July so that by the time of planting the soil in them has time to settle. When digging holes, the top layer of soil is set aside and the rest is removed. A mixture of organic fertilizers is added to the lower part of the pit. It’s good if it is a mixture of rotted manure with compost and peat, 150-200 g of superphosphate or 300-400 g of bone meal and 150-200 g of potassium sulfate.​

Fertilizers for phlox

​When caring for peonies, you need to constantly monitor the seedlings, water them regularly and moderately, preventing the soil from becoming waterlogged or drying out.​

​Good luck to you in growing phlox!​

Watering phlox

In perennial phloxes, reproduction occurs by dividing the bush and cuttings. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to spray with an infusion of pyrethrum, garlic, tobacco chips and laundry soap. These products are non-toxic and very effective. If pests appear on the plants or you introduced them with new plants and home remedies do not help, you can resort to using purchased chemicals, but you need to work with them carefully, carefully observing the indicated dosage.​

Feeding phlox

Some people use beer or homemade bread kvass instead of yeast. For a ten-liter bucket of water, take half a liter of beer or kvass. This feeding is carried out once every ten to fourteen days.

Even a novice gardener can grow summer flowers, the names of which are listed above. Let us list the types and characteristics of garden perennials.​

An important point in caring for perennials is the mandatory removal of inflorescences after flowering has completed. This preserves the decorative appearance of the perennial and, in addition, in some species it can stimulate re-blooming.​

​No more than 2 cuttings can be cut from one stem. They are placed in water to which a root formation stimulator is added and left for one day. Then the cuttings are planted in a greenhouse - these are boxes, where the bottom layer is formed by 30 cm of earth and 10 cm of sand. Plant at an angle of 45°. The leaves should not touch each other. The planted cuttings are covered and shaded for the first few days. They are sprayed twice a day for two weeks. After the cuttings have rooted, the greenhouse is gradually opened. For the winter, the leaves are cut off, covered and the plants are left in a greenhouse.​

​As soon as the above-ground part of the plants grows (40-50 g of urea per 10 liters of water).​

Phlox propagation

Reproduction by dividing the bush

If the soil on the site is clayey or loamy acidic, then add 150-200 g of crushed slaked lime. Soil from the top layer is poured to the middle of the hole, everything is mixed and compacted. The prepared layer will serve as a reserve of nutrients for future plants.​ ​If some plants suddenly become sick, they are removed and watering is reduced. When the surface of the soil dries (watering is carried out only along the edge of the box), it is sprinkled with fine dry calcined sand, ash or crushed coal. If it is not possible to stop the spread of the disease, then healthy seedlings are planted in fresh soil, which is pre-treated with fungicides ( chemical substances, used to combat fungal plant diseases). Fungicides include Bordeaux mixture, sulfur color, etc. They are also used for seed dressing.​

Propagation of phlox by cuttings

​Growing phlox​

Phlox varieties

​Phlox can be grown in open and shaded areas. In a shaded area, phlox bloom longer.

​For example, summer flowers such as peonies do not like fertilizing with organic matter. Mineral fertilizers are preferable for them.​

These are bright summer flowers. Many people mistakenly consider them an annual plant. The fact is that dahlia cannot be left for the winter in open ground. Experienced gardeners advise digging up the tubers and storing them in boxes with dry sawdust or sand until spring. With the onset of a thaw, when the soil warms up, they are planted in open ground again. Some people advise storing the tubers wrapped in newspaper, on racks, or in wooden boxes, in a dry place. In this case, you need to apply a full range of mineral fertilizers in the form of a solution when watering. Many plants can get their leaves burned if the solution gets on them, so watering should be done carefully, trying not to get it on the leaves.​ ​However, not all varieties of peonies can be rooted in this way.​ ​Second feeding:​​Peonies need to form a large vegetative mass and form buds. In the leaves during budding, the nitrogen content is 4.5-6%. It is applied several times in small doses. All fertilizing is best done from early spring until the start of flowering (4 times in total). You need to add 10-15 g of active ingredient per plant (ammonium nitrate - 60 g).​

​How to properly plant and care for peonies in the country (with video)​

​Picking seedlings.​

​is always accompanied by their reproduction and most often reproduction occurs by dividing the bush. Bushes 4-5 years old are divided in the spring, but you can also divide them in the fall. The bushes need to be divided into several parts and transplanted to a new place every 5 years to rejuvenate. If you don’t replant, the inflorescences will become smaller over time. Phlox should be planted at a distance of half a meter from each other. Transplanting phloxes has a positive effect on their flowering - it becomes more generous and lush.​

  • Peonies in the garden: growing and caring for flowers
  • Growing perennial and annual rudbeckia
  • When and how to replant lilies correctly

Peonies: care and cultivation, planting in open ground, fertilizing peonies, methods of flower propagation

Phloxes love well-groomed, fertile and moist soil, but do not tolerate acidic, clayey and damp soils. In lowlands where there is an excess of moisture, phlox will not be able to grow normally.​

​Usually packages of fertilizer are marked with three numbers. If your goal is to get abundant flowering, you need to purchase fertilizer with the highest average number. The numbers indicate the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Exactly in that order. Therefore, while your plants are at the seedling stage, the main task is to help them gain strength for further flowering. This requires organic matter and nitrogen-containing fertilizers. And for abundant flowering, phosphorus helps.

Planting and caring for peony seedlings (with video)

​It blooms only in the second year of life. No matter how hard you try, even if you plant the seedlings very early and feed them abundantly, the carnation does not bloom in the first year. Some are disappointed and say that this flower is not for them. But the point is just in the peculiarities of this plant. You need to be patient, and after some time your efforts will be adequately rewarded. Turkish carnation blooms and reproduces by self-sowing. After reaching the age of two, she will delight her owners with abundant and variegated flowering for many years to come.​

​You need to know that low-growing perennials native to mountainous or arid regions, where the soils are poor in humus, are less demanding on soils. Excess fertilizer weakens their flowering and also reduces their winter hardiness.​

​Flowering plants in the garden, do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds, floriculture at the dacha>Unpretentious flowers for the dacha. How to decorate a flowerbed (for the lazy)

​40-50 g of urea per 10 liters of water with the addition of one tablet of microelements.​


Peonies are planted in the ground at a distance of 50 to 90 cm from each other. The hole for planting the bush is prepared 1-2 weeks before planting. A hole is dug in the area with a depth of 60 cm and a diameter of about 50 cm. They are laid at the bottom of the hole in the following sequence:​

​When the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves, they are planted in special cassettes. The size of the cassettes can be 5-8 cm.​

​On the same topic​

The cuttings should be cut. To do this, we take a non-lignified shoot or part of it. It should have two pairs of leaves and one internode. We remove the lower leaves and cut the upper ones in half. You can use leaf cuttings. Fresh manure should not be applied under the phlox; various rots may occur. The land intended for planting phlox must first be fertilized. If the soil is clayey, then add coarse river sand, gravel, wood ash, peat, compost.​

​All fertilizers are applied strictly in accordance with the instructions and no more than once every two to three weeks. An excess of nutrients is just as destructive as a deficiency, and leads to the formation of elongated shoots, an ugly shape of leaves and flowers, or a lack of flowering.​

Caring for peonies: watering and fertilizing flowers

These summer flowers have many colors, inflorescence and flower shapes. Terry or simple - they are equally beautiful and in addition to bright appearance They also have a subtle pleasant aroma. Care consists of periodic feeding, and once every two to three years you need to divide the bushes so that the flowers do not lose original appearance and color, did not become smaller and the stems did not stretch out and become bare. Feeding is also necessary for plants during the growing season. However different types perennials need different feedings. If perennial crops were planted in fertile soil, then spreading compost between the growing perennials will be sufficient. In this case, there is no need to carry out other fertilizing. With a large amount of fertilizer applied, perennials will begin to develop greenery, and flowering may be less abundant. If the soil under planting perennials is low-fertile, fertilizing the plants is mandatory.

​Perennial garden flowers​

​Third feeding:​

Conditions for growing peonies in open ground: soil requirements

​This nutrient It is best to apply at planting time. 50-70 g of superphosphate is added to one planting hole. This amount is enough to provide the plant with phosphorus for a year. It is worth noting that the effect of phosphorus occurs only in the presence of nitrogen. On podzolic soils The phosphorus supply is 20-30 mg per 100 g of soil.​

​20 cm drainage layer made of a mixture of sand and gravel;​

Growing peonies in the country: how to fertilize the soil

​Watch a video on how to care for peony seedlings in the country:​

Peonies are frost-resistant plants, so with the onset of autumn it is recommended to plant them immediately in open ground. Caring for and growing peonies is not a very troublesome process, but requires compliance with certain agrotechnical rules.​

Then we plant the cuttings in a moist substrate. The substrate should be maintained high humidity, which helps the cuttings to strengthen well. We shade and spray the planted cuttings up to 7 times a day and sometimes ventilate them. As a rule, after a month the cuttings take root and take root well, and in the fall a well-developed root system and new shoots are formed. Now it can be planted in a permanent place of growth.​

​In order to fertilize 1 square meter of soil, 7 kg of peat, about 300 grams of wood ash, about 5 kg of humus or compost are required. All components are thoroughly mixed, river sand or fine gravel, 30 grams of nitrophoska, 30 grams of potassium sulfate and the same amount of Agricola-7 are added. Then the fertilized soil is dug up again. Phloxes also like pine compost, although it is not available to everyone.​

​First you need to decide what you want your flower garden to look like and loosen the soil for planting. Before planting, it is recommended to add leaf humus, compost, rotted manure and, after shoveling well, leave for two to three days to allow the soil to shrink.​

  • ​If in your area, in your opinion, bad land, that is, the soil is heavy, clayey, there is no need to despair. Irises, golden balls, and rudbeckias are absolutely unpretentious to both soil composition and watering. The only thing is that golden balls bloom more shallowly on infertile soils. And on loose soil with fertilizing, flowers can be up to 12 cm in diameter.​
  • ​Let's talk a little about the perennial garden flowers that you want to plant. These are also wonderful in their own way garden plants. In autumn, it seems that their life is over, because the stems, along with the leaves, die off. But that's not true. In spring, as if by magic, fresh young shoots appear. If you buy one perennial, within a year you will already have several copies of the same plant. There are plenty of varieties of different garden flowers of perennials, so you can always choose something suitable for your flower garden in the country. Among these perennial flowers there are drought-resistant and moisture-loving ones, those that need a lot of sunlight, and those that feel great in the shade. You will definitely be lucky to find among them those garden perennial flowers that will please the eye. When planting perennials, adhere to the following rules.​
  • ​Herbaceous perennials are the favorites of the flower garden. They are beautiful, grow in the same place for years and do not require special care. True, provided that the place for them is chosen correctly.​

​2 tablets of microelements dissolved in 10 liters of water.​


​20-30 cm layer of fertilizing mixture (compost, humus, 200 g superphosphate, 100 g lime, 300 g wood ash, 100 g potassium sulfate);​

Peonies: how to water, what to feed and fertilize

​Feeding and watering seedlings.​

​How to properly care for peonies in order to achieve their lush June flowering, what to feed and how to properly fertilize the soil, as well as other secrets of agricultural technology are brought to your attention on this page.​

​Arctic, Thunderstorm, Sunray, Elenka, Yaroslavna, Svyatogor, Prince Igor, Inspiration.​

​Growing phlox​​Seedlings can be purchased ready-made, or you can grow them yourself from seeds. When buying seeds in a store, it often happens that instead of the desired variety, something completely different from what is promised on the package grows, or the bag of seeds contains a mixture different varieties. Sometimes they come across with low germination rates. To avoid disappointment, it is better to collect them yourself from healthy and strong plants of the desired variety.​

​Irises and rudbeckias grow equally well under any conditions. These summer flowers in an amateur's garden will please the eye just as effectively as in a professional's garden. Plant 3-5 plants - an odd number always looks better.

​When looking at the flower beds in most gardens, it soon becomes clear: here they dominate flowering perennials! And this is no coincidence: perennial flowering beauties, in contrast to annual bloomers, retain their colorful splendor even after several years, and sometimes even decades. In addition, they require much less space than ornamental shrubs. Agricultural technology for growing peonies requires mandatory shaping of the bush. If it is important to ensure long and abundant flowering, then after the central flowers wither, they should be removed immediately, without affecting the leaves. In this case, the new side buds will have the opportunity to develop to their full potential, and then the bush will bloom long and luxuriantly.​

Podzolic soils, as a rule, do not contain enough potassium, which is why 1-2 fertilizing is necessary. Add 25-40 g per one mature plant. Podzolic soils have a high supply of potassium - 25-30 mg per 100 g of soil. The remaining space is filled with a mixture of compost and soil.

​When caring for peonies, fertilizing is applied 7 days after picking, once a week in the morning or evening. The seedlings are watered with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers or alternated with watering with solutions of liquid organic fertilizers. If the leaves of the plants have a pale light green color (if this is not a feature of the variety), then complex fertilizers several times can be replaced with nitrogen, for example ammonium nitrate. When caring for flowers, peonies are watered after fertilizing. clean water, especially after using nitrogen fertilizers, to avoid leaf burns.​

If peonies are planted in August, then they can be sown directly into the ground. If the seeds are sown for seedlings in winter time, then in this case a two-stage stratification is artificially carried out. For this purpose, you will need a heating pad with a thermostat to regulate daily temperature fluctuations by switching.​

​Paniculate phloxes: Festival, Alyonushka, Abundant, Carnival, Scarlet Flower, Success, New, Mashenka, Natasha.​

Can't do without watering. Phloxes simply adore him. During the growth and development of buds, watering is simply necessary for phlox. You need to firmly remember that phloxes need to be watered at the root, but not on the plants themselves, especially cold water. This can provoke such a common fungal disease as “powdery mildew”. IN hot weather The watering hose can be left under the bush for a while. This method of watering for phlox is the most comfortable. Summer flowers such as primroses, marigolds, daisies, and rudbeckia can be propagated by seeds. Some types of flowers are planted as part of the rhizome or tubers.​

Among the unpretentious perennials, one cannot ignore garden chamomile. This simple, uncomplicated flower will decorate any front garden. Unpretentious in maintenance, daisies easily take root and reproduce by dividing the bush. The only caveat is that when planting part of a bush in a new place, the plant needs to be shaded for the first few days, otherwise these summer wildflowers will die.​ ​ Don’t do this color scheme in your first flower garden is too complicated. To begin with, no more than two or three shades. It is very good if one of the colors is white. It goes well with any color and also fits into any composition.​

​Your flowerbed has already been transformed: stunted, inconspicuous seedlings have turned into strong green bushes, ready to bloom. In June, the largest group of decorative flowering plants begins to bloom - from summer to late autumn, almost all perennials bloom. If peonies are grown for cutting, then the side buds should be removed, leaving one central one on the stem. This is necessary so that nutrients are supplied to it. Then the flower will be lush and healthy.​

Agricultural technology for growing peonies in the garden: bush formation

​If there is soil on the site increased acidity, then before planting peonies it is mixed with lime (1 kg of lime per 1 m2). It is not recommended to plant peonies in damp places.​

Watering should be plentiful, but infrequent.

​How to plant peony seeds and care for seedlings? Seeds are sown in small containers in moistened sand and placed on a heating pad. Over the course of a month, the heating temperature is increased to 30°C during the day and reduced to 15°C at night. The sand in which the seeds germinate is periodically moistened with a spray bottle. As soon as the roots appear, they move on to the “cold” stage.​

Methods for propagating peonies by dividing the bush and cuttings

In addition to perennial phloxes, there are also annual ones.

​During the summer, it is necessary to feed the phlox three times. If the summer turns out to be rainy, then dry fertilizing is done; if there is not enough rain, liquid fertilizing is done.

​After planting in open ground, you should not rush to fertilize. The plant needs time to get stronger. When planting perennials, you should initially pay attention to natural features kind. Some plants need bright light. For example, dahlia loves sunlight. In a shaded area it will begin to grow and even bloom, but the flowers will be small and the flowering will be very short-lived.​

Chamomile flowers live a long time, both on the root and when cut.

​ Once you choose a color scheme, try to stick to it when planting new perennials. If you started with yellow and blue, continue working with shades of these colors. Then your flowerbed will really please the eye, and not tire it with excessive diversity.​

Perennial flowers and plants for the garden. Garden perennials photo

​Perennials, like other groups of flowering and decorative foliage plants, require care. Although they are much easier to care for than annuals. One of the advantages of perennials is that they do not need to be planted annually. In addition, during the growth process, certain types of perennials form such tightly closed bushes or large clumps that there is neither room nor opportunity for weeds to develop.​

​Flowers can only be cut from three-year-old bushes; in the first two years, all buds are removed, which allows the plant to form a powerful branched root system.​

​This nutrient also plays an important role in nitrogen metabolism.​

​If in the area where peonies will grow, groundwater pass close to the surface or the soil itself high humidity, then a flower bed should be arranged for them on a hill or drainage ditches should be installed on the site. Sandy soil Before planting, fertilize with humus.

​The soil must be allowed to dry, but not dry out. Also, the soil surface must be loosened regularly to prevent the formation of a soil crust.​

Caring for perennials

​At this stage, the hatched seeds are transplanted into boxes with fertile soil(you can use peat humus cubes). For them, the temperature is reduced to 5-10°C. With the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings are transferred to a warm place (18-20°C).​


Care in the first year

The first fertilizing is done when the stems grow. Liquid fertilizer consists of 10 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of urea diluted in it. The composition of dry feeding includes: one bucket of compost or humus and two tablespoons of urea. The components are thoroughly mixed and scattered next to the plants. This amount can feed three phlox bushes.​

​For plants that are sensitive to flooding of soil, it is advisable to allocate areas on a hill.​

​Summer flowers love organic fertilizers. You can use compost, leaf humus, horse and cow manure, as well as chicken droppings as top dressing. Important: the manure should not be fresh, but rotted; bird droppings should be used in very small proportions, dissolving it in water at the rate of about a quarter glass per bucket of water.​

​If you really like a certain plant, know that after a few years it can be dug up and then divided into parts. The longer your communication with your favorite pet, the better you will know its tastes and inclinations. He will definitely reciprocate your concerns - in a few years he will give you the opportunity to increase the number planting material. And by planting the same flowers around the garden, you can give it a holistic, harmonious appearance.​

​However, if you want to have beautiful and abundantly flowering perennials, you need to care for them not only after planting, but throughout the growing season.​

When forming a bush, the buds are removed from the plant when they reach the size of a pea. Break off the buds carefully so as not to damage the plant.

Features of feeding and fertilizing perennials

​How to fertilize peonies during the period of shoot growth? At this time, they are fed with ammonium nitrate (15 g per 10 liters of water.) During bud setting and flowering, the soil is mineralized. Take 5 g of potassium salt, 7.5 g of ammonium nitrate and 10 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. After the flowering period, peonies are fed with 5 g of potassium salt and 10 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. To get a greater effect, mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones or combine them.​

Choosing perennial flowers for the garden

​You can watch a video of planting and caring for peonies here:​

​When growing peonies in open ground, certain soil requirements must be observed. Peonies prefer loose, permeable soil, rich in nutrients, without weeds. One of necessary conditions growing peonies - softening the soil with peat or humus. Before planting peonies in open ground, if the soil is sandy, add clay to it. However, before planting, it is not recommended to put fresh manure in the pits, since excess nutrients have a bad effect on the growth and development of plants.​

​Planting and caring for peonies in open ground begins in the second half of August.​


​The second feeding is done during the development of buds on phlox. To do this, dissolve 60 grams of nitrophoska and 30-35 grams of Rossa and Agricola fertilizers for flowering plants in a large bucket of water. This amount is enough to feed three phlox bushes.​

Feeding white cabbage

Flowers in spring need increased nutrition. Don't forget to feed them!


In the spring, after pruning, spray the rose bushes with a 1% solution of copper (iron) sulfate (100 g - per 10 liters of water) or a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. As soon as the buds begin to swell, add rotted manure or bird droppings to the soil, as well as any complex mineral fertilizer for flowers.

Fertilizer for lilies

Lilies are no less beautiful than roses, and their character is more flexible. The most unpretentious and winter-hardy are tiger lilies, Asiatic and LA hybrids. They do not require shelter for the winter, reproduce well and practically do not get sick.

And even to the soils undemanding, but they grow better on loose and fertile ones with a neutral and slightly acidic reaction.

In the spring, at the beginning of growth, they respond gratefully to fertilizing with a solution of calcium nitrate. When the first leaves appear, feed the flowers with mullein solution (1:10) or complete mineral fertilizer (40-50 g per 1 sq. m). It is advisable to add wood ash to the soil two to three times per season (100 g per 1 sq. m).

During the budding period, to make the flowers brighter, it is good to feed the lilies with potassium fertilizers, and after flowering - with superphosphate or any phosphorus-potassium complex.

This feeding will make the flowers larger and brighter, and the plant’s resistance to various diseases will increase.


During the growth of leaves, feed the flowers with nitrogen and potassium (1 tablespoon of each - per 10 liters of water), using 0.5 liters of solution per plant. When the daylily throws out flower stalks, feed it with phosphorus fertilizer. You can simply scatter it under planting (1 tablespoon per bush), and then loosen it into the soil.


As soon as the first leaves hatch, spray the flowers with a urea solution (40-50 g, per 10 liters of water). Peonies are very demanding organic fertilizers, so every spring add humus, compost, ready-made flower-soil mixtures under the bush at the rate of one bucket per bush - this is a layer of about 10 cm.

Bulbous flowers

To enhance flower growth, after removing the coverings, feed tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils with complex mineral fertilizer: a mixture of nitrogen and potassium (2:1). Apply fertilizer to flowers at the rate of 40-50 g per 1 square meter. m.


To strengthen and protect against pests, water the plants with lime milk (200 g of slaked lime - per 10 liters of water per 1 sq. m.). After removing the cover, feed the clematis with nitrogen fertilizer, such as urea (40 g per 10 liters of water).


Fertilizers are applied to the soil after the end of the threat of return frosts - usually at the end of May.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, dilute in 10 liters. water and pour 0.5 liters under the root of each plant. solution.


Fertilizers are applied 2 times - in spring and early summer. Feed the plant with mullein infusion (1:10) or any mineral fertilizers that contain the main nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (50 g - per 1 sq. m.)