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» What to do in Rome. What to do in Rome in the evening. Architectural masterpieces, descriptions and photos with names

What to do in Rome. What to do in Rome in the evening. Architectural masterpieces, descriptions and photos with names

When asked what must do in Rome , being in it, you will find a lot of answers. The capital of Italy has always attracted travelers, and, undoubtedly, will continue to do so. Modern conditions have changed our reality, and now not all roads lead to Rome, but this does not affect its demand in any way. Connoisseurs will always find something interesting here for themselves. ancient culture, as well as fans of contemporary art.

Rome will be interesting for connoisseurs of high fashion and masterpieces of excellent Italian cuisine. But that’s not all, because both lovers of noisy parties and romantics who are focused on cozy places and off-the-beaten paths in their routes will like it here. In other words, Rome is ideal for everyone. Below we will look at what you still need to ensure that your stay there turns out to be a bright and memorable event for you.

About five million people visit the amphitheater every year. Undoubtedly, this is a must-do in Rome. Despite the fact that it has not been fully preserved to this day, having lost two thirds of the own construction, this does not prevent it from remaining just as impressive and majestic. To visit the arena of former gladiator fights, you will need to purchase a ticket valid for two days. By the way, such a ticket will open up other opportunities. For example, with it you will be able to visit the Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum.

To avoid queuing for tickets, tickets can be purchased online, which will add only two euros to the cost. You can use the Roma Pass card for the same purpose. Additionally, we offer, as an option, the following way to save time; you need to do the following in Rome: buy a ticket at the Forum box office. The fact is that there are practically no queues there. After purchasing, you can avoid the line at the amphitheater ticket office and head directly to the Colosseum.

Information regarding the Colosseum can be obtained by visiting the website of the Main Archaeological Heritage of Rome. The attraction is accessible any day of the week from 8:30 to 19 pm. The entrance ticket costs 12 euros.

As you may know, it is the former “temple of all gods”. Nowadays it is - Christian church. What is noteworthy is that this building has been preserved much better than its contemporary, which is the famous Colosseum. The dome of the Pantheon is gigantic in size and is the largest dome in the world made using the unreinforced method. There are no windows in this dome, and the only place through which light enters is the hole at the top. Light seems to flow through it, thereby being a symbol of the unity of all gods. It is believed that if you stand in the square located under the hole, the gods will forgive all sins.

Well, there are every opportunity to do this in Rome. By the way, an additional factor that may attract you to this amazing place, is free entry. If you wish, you can visit the site of the attraction. The Pantheon is open from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 19:30 pm. On Sunday, the working day is somewhat shortened; you can visit the attraction from 9 am to 6 pm.

3. Piazza Navona: drink coffee

It happens that time is simply running out, and therefore you should decide on your plans in even more detail. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to do everything in Rome literally within an hour or two, then you should definitely head to Piazza Navona. Throughout the year, a lot of interesting events take place here. For example, you may find yourself at a concert of street musicians and see how clowns and living statues surprise and, at the same time, delight the audience. Artists, by drawing caricatures, create an equally entertaining spectacle for onlookers and curious tourists.

The fountains on the square are especially attractive hot weather to the square, their coolness will restore strength and direct them to new exploits. All this funny bustle is especially interesting if you watch it from a cafe, taking a cozy table with a convenient viewing angle. However, be prepared for the fact that for your idle curiosity in such a place you will have to pay a good amount of the bill. It is not surprising that such a popular and passage place offers its services at its own “tourist” prices. If you decide not to deny yourself relaxation and admiring what is happening from the outside, then it is better to do this in Rome by ordering ice cream or a cup of coffee. Out of pure curiosity, you can look into antique stores or local shops. But you shouldn’t buy anything from them, otherwise it will cost you quite a lot.

If you are familiar with Fellini’s film La Dolce Vita, then this is not the first time you will have seen the Trevi Fountain, because the heroes of the film splashed in its waters. It so happens that there is an opinion among tourists: one coin thrown into the fountain will lead to you finding yourself back in Rome, two coins will help you meet love, three coins will lead to a wedding, and four will open the path to wealth for you. What you need to do in Rome here is, of course, up to you to decide. But keep in mind that the sign about the last four coins is indeed true, but in its own way. The fact is that utility workers catch at least three thousand euros from this fountain every day!

For photography lovers, we’d like to add that there are a lot of vacationers here during the day, so it’s better if you don’t put off visiting the Trevi Fountain. It is better to take photographs of this place in Rome before 8 am. This is an ideal time in every sense, including if you don’t like the crowds of onlookers and tourists that are growing here from hour to hour, almost exponentially.

Villa Borghese is a luxurious park complex located in the northern part of the Eternal City. If you want to have a picnic in nature, then this is definitely worth a visit. This can be done in Rome by those who want to get rid of the typical bustle of tourists and locals scurrying around the Eternal City, as well as by those who simply want to visit the famous museums. In the latter case, you won’t go wrong either, because magnificent masterpieces by Monet, Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Rubens, etc. await you.

If you are still aiming to visit the Borghese Gallery, then it is worth purchasing a ticket here in advance. The fact is that you can only get here as part of a group and only once in two hours. When visiting this place with children, we can assure you that they will not be bored either, because there is a biopark here where you can see elephants and pink flamingos, as well as an amusement park. Even a visit to Villa Borghese in winter will provide entertainment for children, because at this time the area is filled with an ice skating rink. To those who own Italian, we recommend visiting the screenings held at the House of Cinema. In this case, the performances that are held at Shakespeare’s Globe deserve special attention.

By the way, to get to Villa Borghese, you will have to go through one of the most popular places in Rome, the Spanish Steps. An equally important, if not mandatory, point in your walk around Rome should be at least short gatherings on the steps of this attraction. In this case, you can tick off another interesting place in the list of places to stay in Rome.

Speaking about what you need to do in Rome as part of your stay there, naturally, we cannot forget about the opportunity to visit the Vatican. The tiny state has a huge population density and no less number of various museums, monuments and other attractions. If you're lucky, you might even receive a blessing from Pope Francis himself.

Dwelling on the Vatican Museums, we note that there are dozens of them, including the Egyptian and Etruscan museums. There is also a library here, which contains the oldest text of the Gospel. In the Pinakothek you can see works by da Vinci and Titian. Don't exclude St. Peter's Basilica from your itinerary, because if you climb to the top of its dome, you can enjoy stunning views of Rome. To do this in Rome, do not forget about the current mandatory dress code. It consists in covering your legs and arms. In addition, women must have their heads covered, while men, on the contrary, must not have a headdress.

To get acquainted with the Vatican Museums, you can visit their website. Museums are open every day except Sunday, from 9 am to 6 pm. The entrance ticket costs 16 euros. You can buy tickets to the Vatican Museums online.

7. Shopping in Rome

If you, while in Rome, did not visit any of the boutiques there, then consider that you have committed the most real crime. In the capital of high fashion, such an oversight is simply unacceptable. So what should you do in Rome and where exactly? Now we will tell you. So, not far from Piazza di Spagna in Rome there is a street for this purpose, on which boutiques of a number of fashion houses, such as Valentino, Armani Gucci, etc. If you are interested in youth clothing brands, then it is better to head towards Campo de’ Fiori square. Affordable and versatile brands are available on Via del Corso, the city's main shopping street. By the way, the time from mid-January to the end of February, as well as from mid-July to the end of August, is ideal for bargain shopping. Discounts valid during these periods can be up to 70%. Agree, it is very attractive to shop in Rome at such a time.

Narrow streets lined with cozy ivy-covered houses. Amazing aromas that saturate the air with Italian dishes prepared in small family restaurants. Songs of street musicians that organically complement the atmosphere. It's about about the Trastevere district, located on the south side of the Vatican. Romantics will appreciate this place. Besides them, this is where people who are tired of the crowds scurrying around the city center go, both city residents and tourists themselves.

What to do in Rome: ride a Segway

Villa Farnesina plays a special role in Trastévere. What to do in Rome while here? For example, take a walk through the amazing lemon garden or look at the works of the great master Raphael, who created frescoes here with his students. If you are tired of walking on cobblestones, then ideal solution One thing you can do in Rome is rent a Segway. Using this means, you can climb to the very top of the Janiculum. From this hill there is simply a breathtaking view of the Eternal City.

If you wish, you can visit the Farnesina website. You can get here in Rome every day except Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A ticket for adults will cost 6 euros; visiting the attraction for children under 10 years of age is free.

A separate item in our cultural program from the list of things to do in Rome. The real adventure in Rome can be a seemingly ordinary trip to a coffee shop or restaurant. By the way, in the film “Eat, Pray, Love,” in which the unsurpassed Julia Roberts starred, the first part of her plan was dedicated to this particular city and this particular goal! You can do this in Rome too, easily combining your own gastronomic tour with sightseeing.

What to do in Rome: eat the most delicious ice cream

We offer one of the most interesting routes for such a case. In the morning you go to a cafe, which offers a magnificent view of the Cathedral of St. Mary's, where you can enjoy a cappuccino and some pastries or dessert. Further, closer to noon, you can visit an establishment located near the Leoninskaya wall, Old Bridge Gelateria. What is this place and why should you visit it? It’s simple, because they serve the most delicious ice cream in the city, so you definitely shouldn’t miss the opportunity to try it. A little later, you can switch to more serious dishes, say, pasta with truffles. You can do this in Rome by tasting a delicious dish near Spanish Steps, at Osteria Barberini.

And finally, in the evening you can move on to another traditional Italian dish. We are talking about pizza, which can be complemented with homemade wine. You can do this in Rome at the Trevi Fountain by visiting the gastropub La Prosciutteria. As you can see, there is a lot you can do in Rome, and this is just one of thousands of options. Tempting, isn't it?

10. What to do in Rome: see the city from above

The Eternal City, as you know, is located on seven hills. While on any of them, everyone strives to take in the city at once, which is by definition impossible. The fact is that each of the hills offers its own, different and unique view of Rome. From the top of the Pincio hill, for example, rural views open up, while from the Capitoline hill you can see the Roman Forum illuminated at night, naturally at the appropriate time of day.

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Looking at Rome in the evening , it is easy to make sure that with the onset of twilight it does not lose its charm. Under the moonlight, the capital of Italy is as beautiful and lyrical as during the day.

In such conditions, walking near the Colosseum, looking at or walking towards will seem like memorable events. Rome has a lot of unsolved secrets, and with the onset of darkness this is felt even more strongly. From of this material You can learn about several ideas for pleasant leisure time that Rome can offer in the evening.

The following is information about the excursion taking place at night. It is unique in that tourists move around and see the beauty of the city directly by car. Upon completion, you can exit in the place that inspired you the most. Details.

Imperial forums

Every year from April 13 to November 12, you have the right to take part in night tours of the forums of Caesar and Augustine.

Tourists have a unique chance to walk through the imperial forums of Rome, immersing themselves in the ancient atmosphere. An audio guide is available in several languages, including Russian.

Light effects allow you to see the first stages of the development of the Eternal City. In order to clarify the details of the excursion, you should contact the ticket office next to the forums, look into the tourist information office or contact its staff by phone.

Restaurant on rails

Seeing Rome in the evening from the windows of the tram-restaurant, created in the first half of the last century, is recommended for couples in love - the romance is incredible. Passengers of the original restaurant are served Italian cuisine accompanied by live jazz performance. The tram runs through the center of Rome from nine o'clock in the evening until midnight.

You can get acquainted with the program using the official website of the restaurant. A ride on the amazing tram costs 70 euros/seat.

Colosseum under cover of night

From March 11 until the end of the year, you have the chance to be inside the Colosseum at night. Seeing Rome in the evening in the ancient amphitheater, which is illuminated by moonlight, the excursion participants will be indescribably delighted. Those interested in a new experience are on the territory of the attraction from 20:20 to half past ten. You can reserve tickets without leaving your home.

Free evening tours of Rome

Thanks to the activities of "Free Tour Rome", tourists in Eternal City can get acquainted with its embellishments for free. Offers include a tour of Rome under the cover of darkness, consisting of two tours. The first involves visiting the following attractions: Piazza della Repubblica, Palazzo del Quirinale, Fontana di Trevi, Piazza Venezia, Vittoriano, and Quattro Fontane. You can see Rome in the evening as part of this tour from 18:00.

Along the second route, travelers will see with their own eyes: Obelisco Sallustiano, Mausoleo di Augusto, Arco di Costantino, Mausoleum Hadriani. A visit to the Vatican is the icing on the cake. You are allowed to see Rome in the evening as part of this tour from 20:15.

An unforgettable meal at Papa Rex

Another option for those who want to spend a great evening in Rome. The restaurant will delight guests with dishes served in an original way by staff in antique Roman costumes. Performances and shows made this establishment famous throughout the country.

The restaurant is located next to the Vatican. You can reserve a table for a specific time online.

Entertainment at Ice Club

Parties in the themed club “Ice Club” are an opportunity to get to know Rome from a new side in the evening. The popularity of the place is explained by atypical interior solutions and negative temperature air maintained by personnel. Just right for summer evenings! Ice glasses and a dance floor in the center of the establishment, made of ice, complete the picture. A special cape protects guests from unpleasant consequences. Club opening hours: Sunday-Thursday: from five in the evening to one in the morning; Friday-Saturday: from five pm to two am.

Rome in the evening: Italian flavor at Freni e Frizioni

Rome in the evening is ready to offer a wonderful bar in the area, which is highly respected by local residents. Visitors are attracted by the fact that if you buy a glass of drink you can eat for free. The dishes here are varied and incredibly tasty. Drinks are available to the fair sex at a discount. You can get to the establishment from 18:30 to 2:00.

The rich historical heritage of Rome is reflected in the architectural appearance of the city, and in its cultural values, attractions, whose age is estimated at thousands of years.

Who visits Rome on a package tour can choose between sightseeing tours, which are offered by numerous travel companies. Those who travel independently can make their own top list of attractions that they would like to visit first. And if you manage your time correctly and plan your route, you can see much more than planned.

So... What is a must-see in the vicinity of Rome and what attractions of the main tourist city of Italy must be visited?

Architectural masterpieces, descriptions and photos with names

Where to go and what to see in Rome? Any tour of the Eternal City includes palaces, fountains, museums and attractions that have become a kind of calling card of Rome.

For 16 euros you can purchase a single ticket to.

To avoid long queues, you can pre-book your tickets on the Vatican website (but please note that there is an additional charge of €4 for this pre-booking service).

List of free excursions

Some attractions of Rome are accessible to absolutely everyone - and completely free of charge. These are churches and museums where you don't have to pay to enter.

  • , whose history goes back more than two thousand years. Built back in 27, the temple was dedicated to the Roman gods. Its dome, 43 meters in diameter, is built in such a way that when the sun is directly at its zenith, a direct and thick ray of sun (“divine light”) shines through the hole in the dome.

    There is an opinion among people that if you stand directly under the hole in the dome, all your sins will be forgiven. Whether this works or not is unknown, but there are more than enough people who want to test the hypothesis.

  • Imperial forums(not to be confused with the Roman Forum). A number of attractions and monuments of ancient Roman architecture associated with the eras of the emperors of Ancient Rome - the Forum of Augustus, the Forum of Caesar, the Forum of Vespasian, the Forum of Trajan, the Temple of Peace.
  • Appian Way– one of the central roads ancient Rome. Today the Appian Way is a museum under open air: along the road there are mausoleums, villas, parks, churches.

    You can walk along the road, or you can take a special bus (archeobus), the cost of the trip is 12 euros. There are more a budget option travel - by bicycle, the rental of which will cost 10 euros.

    Trevi is the largest fountain in Rome. It also left its mark in cinema – the beauty of the fountain can be enjoyed in the films “Roman Holiday” and “La Dolce Vita”.

    A coin thrown into the fountain - “for good luck” - will help you return to Rome again. In the evening, the fountain is illuminated with skillfully selected lighting, and classical music flows over the square.

  • . This architectural structure is directly connected with three countries.

    On the territory of Italy there is a staircase that united France and Spain after centuries of hostility. In the same place in Plaza España, there are several other attractions– Trinite dei Monte Church and Barcaccia Fountain.

Fans of architectural heritage can consider themselves truly happy Lorenzo Bernini - Italian architect and sculptor. Many of his works adorn Rome, and all this splendor can be viewed completely free of charge. For example, the Bridge of the Holy Angel, bas-reliefs and statues in squares, sculptural compositions.

Michelangelo's famous works can also be viewed for free. These are the city gates of Porta Pia, St. Peter's Basilica, and the Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli.

Travelers to Rome should take note of a few tips in order to avoid unpleasant moments that can spoil their holiday.

  • If law enforcement officers may not pay attention to an abandoned piece of paper, then here for smoking in public place you can get a fine of up to 200 euros– these rules are strictly observed here. Especially in places where there are children.
  • Be careful on the subway. Crowded subway cars and buses are a real haven for pickpockets. Don't leave documents in your pockets Cell phones and money.
  • If you prefer walking, take care of comfortable shoes and clothing that does not restrict movement. Most roads in Italy are made of paving stones, so the best option For sightseeing in Rome, sneakers or sports slippers will be required. And don’t forget about taking breaks in the shade and staying hydrated, otherwise heat stroke will occur in the heat.

Even more interesting facts You will learn about the sights of Rome from the following video:

It doesn't matter how many attractions you can see during your trip. Any corner of Rome - be it a palace, a fountain or something else - is worth seeing with your own eyes and remembering for a long time the feeling of touching the history of the Eternal City.

In contact with

When you find yourself in the Eternal City for the first time, you immediately become somewhat overwhelmed by the huge variety of attractions. In Rome, it is worth visiting the Colosseum and the Rissian Forum (for which one single ticket is sold), the Vatican Museums, riding a double-decker bus around the city and taking a short walk through the city center.

We won’t talk much about the Colosseum; many people know this symbol of Rome. It opens at 10 a.m., but summer time Due to the huge influx of tourists, a rather large queue forms at its ticket office, in which you can stand for about an hour. This should be taken into account when planning your time. The Colosseum, especially when viewed from the inside, amazes with its huge size and architecture. The layout and organization of the premises under its arena are impressive. It’s easy to explore – a significant part of the arena has no floor covering.

The Colosseum is mesmerizing, but don't spend more than 3 hours exploring it - the Roman Forum is ahead.

To enter the Roman Forum, you must present a ticket purchased at the Colosseum. Roman Forum - excavations of ancient Rome, which are carried out directly in the city center. This is what amazes us most: the close proximity of ancient architectural monuments to the bustle of a modern city. See the arches of Constantine and Titus, the majestic columns of the houses of wealthy Romans, the Temple of Venus, the Church of St. Frances, the excavations of the palace of Emperor Nero, the ancient hippodrome and much, much more. One could easily devote the entire day to the Roman Forum.

Be sure to take a ride on a double-decker tour bus around Rome. It costs 15 euros per person, the ticket is valid for 24 hours from the date of purchase, that is, you can use it to go to the place of the desired excursion the next day. There are 4-5 companies in Rome that provide this service; the route passes through the main attractions of the central part of the city, passing by the Colosseum and the Vatican Museums. One lap takes about 1.5 hours. Take free headphones from the conductor, there is a port for them next to each seat, select Russian and enjoy sightseeing tour. How to get on this bus? Just take it at one of the stops public transport in the central part of Rome.

The Vatican Museums, one of the smallest states, amaze with their wealth. Even more striking, even for audiences with a harsh Soviet past, is the huge queue, which in the morning stretches for several blocks.

Standing in the heat in the summer is a waste of time. There are two ways to overcome this problem. You can book an excursion to the Vatican Museums from the hotel, it will be more expensive - 40-60 euros per person (depending on the company). The client will be picked up from the hotel, taken by minibus to the entrance to the museums and given a tour of the main halls out of turn with a guide. After the end of which, you can stay inside and independently visit the Sistine Chapel (2 EUR), the Cathedral of Peter and Paul and its dungeons, it is also worth climbing its dome of the cathedral (a significant part of the path can be covered by elevator, the rest will have to be on foot) - 7 EUR, walk along St. Peter's Square and send a letter to your family directly from the Vatican.

The second way to bypass the queue is as follows. Just arrive at one or two in the afternoon and there will be no queue. Entrance ticket costs 15 euros per person. Viewing of the exhibitions ends at 16.30. But it is worth checking the time in advance, as changes are possible due to religious services. To climb the dome of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul you need to enter from the square, there is a queue there too, but it is much smaller and ends earlier.

To immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Rome, you just need to stroll along its straight streets in the center. Get to the Trevi Fountain; they plan to close it for restoration, but you can still throw the traditional coin. Piazza Del Poppolo, Piazza di Spagna, Piazza Navona amaze with their beauty and fountains with clear water.

In the center of Rome there are also many small fountains from which you can collect water and drink it, it is free and the locals also practice it. While walking around Rome, at the same time choose a small restaurant for dinner. The menu and prices are posted everywhere in front of the entrance.

A well-planned route is a guarantee of a successful trip, from which vivid memories will remain. Therefore, think in advance which attractions of Rome you want to see. The number of famous historical places and architectural monuments in the capital of Italy is so large that it is simply unrealistic to see them in one trip. Below is a small list of the most interesting places in Rome, once visited which you will fall in love with this city forever.


The Colosseum is the visiting card of the Eternal City

To visit Rome and not visit the Colosseum is a kind of bad manners. This is what most tourists think, which is why there is usually a huge multinational queue at the Flavian Amphitheater (as the Colosseum is also called). Majestic ruins are all that remains of the largest ancient amphitheater, erected by the emperors Vespasian and Titus, and intended for gladiatorial fights. However, even in its dilapidated state, this place evokes awe.

Finding the Colosseum will not be difficult: any guide to Rome will tell you how to get there.


Address: Piazza del Colosseo, 1.
Working hours :

  • from 9.00 to 19.00 – from April to early October)
  • from 9.00 to 15.00 – from January to March).

Ticket price: 12 euros (if you are not a resident of the European Union). This is how much a general ticket costs, valid for two days, and allowing you to visit not only the Colosseum, but also the Roman Forum and the Palatine.
Cost of a guided tour : 4.5 euros.


Trevi Fountain – a must have when visiting Rome

Rome is the city of fountains. But the most famous and largest of them is the Trevi Fountain. Almost every tourist traveling to the capital of Italy brings home a photograph taken against its background.

Designed in Baroque style, this fountain is characterized by its this direction pomp and majesty. Masterfully executed figures of gods, tritons, pegasi and other representatives ancient mythology they look so grandiose and monumental that it is impossible to ignore this place.

Address: Piazza de Trevi.


Photo: Hernán Piñera. License:

Photo: Steve Johnson. License:


The Roman Forum is a magnet for tourists

The forum was originally a part of the city, located in the lowlands between the hills and reserved for trade, but over time it became a place of more social and political importance. The ancient Romans came here to listen to rhetoricians, to be present during the consideration of criminal cases, executions, and resolution of disputes. Over time, sanctuaries in honor of ancient gods, arches and basilicas were built here, which over time fell into disrepair and today are ruins.

Address: Via della Salaria Vecchia, 5/6.
Ticket price :

  • adult ticket – 12 euros,
  • children and reduced rates – 8 euros.

Working hours :

  • in March from 8.30 to 17.00;
  • from April to August – until 19.15;
  • in October – until 18.30;
  • from November to February – until 16.30.

Photo: Jacob Surland, Licensed Creative Commons non-commercial v4.0.

Villa Borghese – a green oasis in a busy city

In the 17th century, by order of Cardinal Borghese, a landscape park was laid out in the northern part of the capital, on Pincio Hill. It housed the villa itself and many ancient statues, and a little later a lake was artificially created here. At the beginning of the 20th century, the territory of the park became the property of the city - since then this place has become one of the most visited by both residents of the capital and tourists. The park houses a number of museums, as well as a theater.


How to get there : Climbing the steps of the Spanish Steps.
Address: Piazzale Flaminio.
Ticket price :

Working hours: from 9.00 to 19.00 on all days except Monday.



Galleria Borghese is an interesting place for art lovers

When visiting the Villa Borghese, admirers of beauty usually head to the gallery located here - a building erected in the spirit of classicism, which houses paintings and sculptures of such great painters and sculptors as Claude Monet, Lorenzo Lotto, Van Gogh, Rubens, Titian, Luigi Valadier, Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini and many others.


Working hours : from 9.00 to 19.00,
Ticket price: 13 euros.
Borghese Gallery website :



The Spanish Steps are a sign of friendship between the Spanish and French peoples in Rome

Taking a photo at the majestic Spanish Steps is one of the top things on the list of all tourists visiting Rome. At the foot of the stairs is the Piazza di Spagna, and if you climb the steps to the very top, you can go to the Trinità dei Monti church.


How to get there : Get off at Spagna metro station.
Address: Piazza di Spagna




Baths of Caracalla - a monument of architecture and “bath art”

The baths occupied ancient world important place. Citizens of Rome came here not only for swimming, but also to socialize and make business acquaintances. The Baths of Caracalla, with their marble cladding, mosaics and niches, were considered one of the most majestic buildings of this kind, therefore, even in ancient times, they were recognized as a miracle of the Eternal City.

Today, all that remains of the baths are ruins. Since 1937, opera singers have performed here, theatrical performances and concerts of contemporary world-famous performers.


Working hours : from 9.00 until the end of daylight hours.
Address: Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 52.



Piazza del Popolo - a place with a relaxed atmosphere

Translated from Italian, Piazza del Popolo means “people's square”. Despite the fact that until the 20s of the 19th century it acted as a place for public executions, today a festive atmosphere reigns here, setting the mood for relaxation. Periodically held in Piazza del Popolo public events, there are always a lot of citizens and visitors here.

How to get there : You need to get off at Flaminio metro station.

Photo: Fred PO, licensed under


Fountain of the Four Rivers - a magnificent construction by the architect Bernini

The second most famous fountain in Rome (after Trevi) is the Fountain of the Four Rivers, located in Piazza Navona. The sculptural group is represented by allegorical images of four great rivers - the Danube, the Nile, the Ganges, and La Plata, which are located at the foot of the obelisk in the Egyptian style.

The fountain is located almost in the very center of the capital, so it is convenient to get here from almost every corner of the city.

Address: Piazza Navona


Capitoline Hill - the center of ancient and modern Rome

The Capitoline Hill is the gentlest and lowest of the seven hills on which Rome was built. At its foot, the ruins of the insula of Aracoeli have survived to this day - an apartment building from antiquity, which was built for renting out housing. The Capitoline Hill is decorated with the works of the genius Michelangelo Buonarotti - the Palace of Senators, which he reconstructed, the Cordonata staircase and a number of other buildings.

For free: inspection of Capitol Hill itself.
Paid: visiting the objects located on it.


Capitoline Museums and their priceless collections

After a walk along the Capitoline Hill, it is worth looking into the museums located on it - Palazzo Nuovo, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Centrale Montemartini. They display masterpieces of world art - paintings by Rubens, Titian and other artists, famous ancient statues, a collection of Greek ceramics and many other must-see exhibits.


Address: Piazza del Campidoglio, 1.
Working hours :

  • daily, except Monday – from 9.00 to 13.00,
  • on Saturday and Tuesday there are additional hours for visits - from 17.00 to 20.00.

Ticket price :

  • 6.5 + 1.5 euros for visiting individual exhibitions;
  • free for visitors under 18 and over 65 years of age.