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» What does the name Alice mean? Alice: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person. Famous personalities with this name

What does the name Alice mean? Alice: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person. Famous personalities with this name

Any name certainly gives rise to associations. When you hear the name Alice, what comes to mind?

Prim England with unchanging traditions, and suddenly there is a curious and brave little girl Alice, rushing to plunge headlong into the secrets of Wonderland. Self-confident and smart, and at the same time, such a calculating Fox Alice from the fairy tale about Pinocchio. Cosmic, fantastic, distant - and so close and alive Alice from the film Guest from the Future. The contradictions of the name Alice encourage writers and directors to give it to their most striking and beloved characters. What are the contradictions? Let's figure it out.

Origin and meaning

Nobility. It is this root that hides the name Alice. Initially, in the ancient Germanic language this name sounded like Adalheid (Adelaide). Translation: adal (noble, noble) and heid (type, genus, image). In France, this name sounded like Adelais, and then Aalis. In England they remade it in their own way, and it turned out Elis (Alice). And for us - accordingly, Alice. Translated from Latin “alis” means "wings". Everything points to elevation in the interpretation of this beautiful name.

Boris Khigir: Character of the name

A well-known professor of psychology says that indeed, by nature, Alice is usually a sophisticated woman, with excellent taste, loves everything beautiful. Beautiful things and beautiful people. Therefore he is often mistaken in choosing a man, choosing someone who makes a strong external impression. Also, when choosing a life partner, Alice pays attention to the status of the man, his ability to provide her with comfortable life. She loves comfort even more than beauty. With all these criteria for selecting a husband, Alice often makes mistakes, and the man’s character is usually complex. But this is how these women are made - they steadfastly endure all the challenges of fate, never complain. They do not put on a pose and try to create comfort and tranquility in their family. Usually, this tactic is successful. Alice very bright, she is an individual – graceful and unique.

She usually has high self-esteem and, although she is usually not a clear leader in a team, she knows how to lead other people. Calmly and consistently achieves his goals.

Name day

Named Alice in Orthodox calendar No. Babies are usually baptized under the name Alexandra. It is interesting that Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova, the wife of Nicholas II, received the name Alice at birth, in honor of her mother, Princess Alice of England, daughter of the British Queen Victoria.

Letter analysis

If we take the name Alice apart letter by letter and analyze their meaning, we get, first of all, creative, constructive beginning in Alice's character, and at the same time - the desire for a spiritual and physical comfortable state. These qualities are defined by the double letter “A”. Labor is a physical need for such people; they are very proactive. The “core” of the name is the letter “I”. This speaks of the subtle spirituality of the owner of the name Alice, love of art, sensitivity, and sophistication. At the same time, Alice not devoid of common sense and authority in relations with people. She is not an obvious leader, but a person who strives to find out, organize and bring everything into sequence.

Child Alice

Alice as a child flexible and serious girl. Outwardly, she often looks like her father. Its practicality is touching because it is more often characteristic of adults than children. Little Alice loves to put things in order, she is clean and thrifty. She looks very quiet, she is incredibly inquisitive. With age, this quality determines Alice's high intelligence and her will to achieve. In her close circle, Alice shows artistry and imagination.


Alice usually has from birth good health , a lot of energy. At the same time, you need to spend it wisely. From childhood, little Alice needs to be taught a healthy lifestyle, routine and proper nutrition. Moreover, this is facilitated by the child’s character.

Name color

Color of the name Alice - lilac. This means secrecy, distrust, patience. People whose names correspond to this color are introverts, speak little and endure any shocks in life. Life's difficulties do not force them to be tougher. For those who need help, they will always help and show their participation. This color is conducive to depression. But even here the Alices don’t care – they are born fighters.

Name by season of birth

Alices born in winter

There are contradictions in the nature of the “winter” Alice. This “explosive” women, straightforward, principled. They themselves suffer from their categoricalness, because it both attracts and repels men.

"Autumn" Alice softer, their life credo: “Help everyone.” The doors of such Alice's house are always open for guests, she responsive, kind to everyone. He prefers to remain in the shadows, demanding nothing for his generosity.

Born in summer

Alice, born in spring, often: at work and in her personal life, she does not know how to defend her position, she is flexible and accommodating. Other people often take advantage of this - and as a result, it is very difficult for Alice to build a career and a happy family life.

The most favorable month In order to name a girl Alice, it’s summer. Most likely, summer Alice will be happy. She usually pulls out that same ticket, and her luck helps her cope with all problems. She is always aware of the most interesting events, and is successful everywhere.

Alice is a popular name that suits a cheerful baby. Its origin is uncertain, there are several versions. The representative of the name has a strong character. She is purposeful, strong-willed and ambitious. Based on these qualities, Alice's future can be predicted. It will be happy. Alice will have a strong family, she will build a successful career at work and will win the love and respect of her colleagues and friends.

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      Origin of the name

      The name Alice arose a long time ago, but there is still no single version regarding its origin. Philologists identify four theories. Their description reflects the divine origin of the name:

    1. 1. The name comes from the Latin word “alis”. His translation is very beautiful and poetic - “wings”.
    2. 2. Alice - short for the name Elizabeth, translated as “who worships God.”
    3. 3. There is a version that the name originated from English name Alice. Literally means: “noble origin.”
    4. 4. The name comes from the name "Aalis", which has common roots with the name Adelaide. It is translated as “noble”.
    • Name in Orthodoxy

      In Orthodoxy there was no saint named Alice, so Orthodox meaning name is missing. However, there is a mention in Catholic scripture. Catholics celebrate Alice's name day in December, January and June.

      At baptism, parents can independently choose any Orthodox name to kid. It is worth starting from the child’s middle name. The name should be consonant with it.

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      Character traits

      As for Alice’s character, she is straightforward and easy to communicate, knows how to stand up for herself, and is able to repel an offender. Thanks to her sociability, she easily meets people and makes friends. Alice is distinguished by determination and willpower. Thanks to these qualities, Alice's character evokes admiration among others.

      Despite her openness in communication, Alice keeps all her experiences to herself. He prefers to solve his problems on his own.

      The name Alice gives the child a bright, strong and strong-willed character. Based on this, we can draw a conclusion about the future that awaits the girl.

      Often Alice is the only or eldest child in the family. But she is not spoiled by the love of her parents. He always helps his elders with pleasure, and diligently takes care of younger brothers or sisters, if there are any in the family. Homework does it with pleasure. Cleans the house and spends time in the kitchen to please her parents. The qualities described above are inherent in the child by nature, but parents must develop them.

      Love occupies an important place in Alice's life. But because of her ambition, she often faces a choice between love and a successful career. Finding a compromise in this case can be difficult. You have to make decisions and set priorities. Alice's family is strong, based on sincere love and mutual respect. Her husband is a reliable person who will be a worthy support for her. She will successfully continue her family line, and wonderful children will be born in her marriage. Alice is a caring mother, the best friend for her children. She is also a good hostess who will always welcome guests.

      Alisa is an active girl who loves to play sports. He prefers extreme sports, likes to drive a car and shoot guns. Representatives of this name are ardent opponents of hunting. They love animals and consider killing them cruel.

      Alice is in good health and has a naturally strong immune system. But that doesn't mean she can ignore the principles healthy image life. With age, Alice's beauty only reveals itself, and she retains her beauty until old age.

      Parents like to call their children diminutive names. The most popular: Alya, Lily, Alice, Alice, Ladder, Aliska.

      Dependence of a child’s character on the time of his birth

      If a girl was born in winter, then she is bright and sensitive. She listens to her heart, often ignoring common sense. Alice is very independent, so she doesn’t often ask for advice from others. She has her own principles, which she never changes. A girl born in winter tends to be stubborn.

      In spring, tender and romantic girls are born. They are very kind, often cannot refuse people's requests. Those around you evaluate kindness as soft-heartedness and weak-willedness, but this is not so. Alice considers helping people her duty and does it out of sincere motives.

      Alice, who was born in the summer, has a bright personality. A wonderful sense of humor is one of her best character traits. The girl is purposeful and firmly stands her ground. She is one of the best students at school because she tries to achieve perfection in everything. Thanks to diligence, she will achieve her goals in school, and then at work.

      A girl born in autumn is bright Sunbeam for your parents. She tries to make people laugh and put a smile on their face. She is also distinguished by kindness and a sincere desire to help to the best of her ability. She does everything selflessly, so people trust her with their secrets and worries. Thanks to these qualities, Alice has many acquaintances and friends.


      Alice is an amorous girl who, from childhood, needs the admiration of others. It is important for her to feel attention and interest in her person. But she does not try to evoke reciprocal feelings in her chosen one. She will experience her first love at a young age. Regarding marriage, the interpretation is ambiguous. Self-education and career are very important for Alice; she devotes a lot of time to them to the detriment of her personal life. Therefore, the marriage will be late, or Alice will live with her common-law spouse without official registration their relationship.

      It is not difficult to live with her, she has an easy character and a gentle disposition. A man will feel comfortable next to her. But sometimes Alice spends too much time at work. Because of this, her loved ones feel that she pays little attention to them. But this is not true, she is simply too hardworking and strives to be the best in everything. Alice dearly loves her family and cannot imagine life without them.

      Male names with which compatibility is unlikely: Alexander, Vsevolod, Denis, Taras. Best compatibility with male names: Timur, Stanislav, Evgeniy. A strong marriage will develop with Vitaly, Evgeniy or Vladislav. She expects care and support from her husband. In his wife he will find a worthy life partner, support in all his affairs and endeavors.


      If speak about future profession girls, then it will be associated with risk and is more characteristic of a man than of a fragile girl. This may be the field of medicine, in particular surgery. Or work in law enforcement. Among Alice there are many talented representatives of the arts, so creative professions cannot be ruled out. Girls with this name make wonderful journalists, artists, teachers, designers and fashion designers.

      She feels great in the work team. Thanks to her honest character, her superiors value her. But it is often difficult for management to find mutual language with Alice. This is due to her independent character. She openly shows emotions and expresses her opinions. It is difficult for her to admit her mistakes, because of this sometimes misunderstanding arises. As a boss, she is strict but fair. He prefers to have a constructive dialogue with his subordinates. She is always ready to accommodate her employees halfway if they do their job well. Thanks to her entrepreneurial spirit, Alice is able to successfully lead own business.

      Famous people named Alice

      Among popular women there are many representatives of this name. Below are several significant people who have contributed to history and are an example to millions of people around the world.

      Alisa Brunovna Freindlich is a theater and film actress. Films with her participation are admired by film fans. She was loved thanks to the films “Straw Hat”, “ Love affair at work", "Cruel romance". These are just a few films with the participation of Alisa Freindlich, which are included in the “golden fund” of Russian cinema.

      Alicia Alonso is a small, fragile woman who has reached great heights. She is a famous Cuban ballerina who inspires not only her compatriots, but also many talented women around the world. Thanks to her work, the National Ballet of Cuba was created.

      Silent film actress - Alice Brady. Her talent and attractive appearance won the love of Americans. After successful roles in silent films, she continued her career in sound films.

      Princess Alice of Battenberg is an example of goodness and true pure female love and sacrifice. During the Second World War, she did not leave Athens and took care of Jewish families. Later she founded the sisterhood of Martha and Mary.

Full name:

Similar names: Alice, Alison, Alis, Alix, Alisi, Alicia, Ailis, Elish, Eli

Church name: -

Meaning: noble

The meaning of the name Alice - interpretation

The name Alice first appeared in France in the middle of the 12th century, and became widespread in England at the turn of the 19th century. Many girls in royal families were called Alice. There is a version that this name is Latin and literally means “wings.” If we interpret its meaning in the English manner, Alice is translated as “a person of noble birth.” This name is not included in the Orthodox calendar. Today, many girls who grew up reading Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland" call their daughters this way.

Name Alice in other languages

Astrology of the name Alice

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Despite her calm character, little Alice’s strong-willed inclinations become noticeable in early childhood. If she is surrounded by friends who are not mentally stable enough, the quiet-looking girl can easily suppress them.

But this feature does not prevent her from always remaining a faithful friend and comrade, ready to help in Hard time. In friendship, Alice does not pay attention to gender - her soul is open to both boys and girls.

Many adults associate the baby with the heroine of a famous fairy tale, so she is invariably everyone’s favorite. A child with this name is spoiled by attention.

Alice is an example of femininity and charm. In her youth, a seductive coquette awakens within her, fraught with a mystery that crowds of fans strive to unravel. At first glance, it is difficult to understand what is on the mind of a pretty girl.

She thinks synthetically, paying attention to details. When problems arise, he does not strive to delve into their essence, considering any life obstacle in his path very superficially. Young Alice's moral principles are unstable and can change if it suits her. The girl tries to live to the fullest and does not miss available opportunities.

Despite a large number of fans, owners of this name get married late. It is important for them to first experience the delights of life in all its manifestations and only then plunge into the routine of family household duties.

Adult Alice is often contradictory in her judgments, but despite this, her opinion is usually fair. If she decides something, then she will not change the chosen tactics of action, and in case of failure, she will not regret what she did.

A woman with this name prefers to stay in the shadows and not stand out from other representatives of the fair sex. But such a desire does not prevent her from remaining a person with a pronounced individuality.

Alice loves comfort and is considered a thrifty, clean, pragmatic and principled person. She is not inclined to envy other people's successes and can be sentimental. In behavior adult woman You can often notice the features of the naive girl from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale.

Alice's character

WITH early years Alice is an active, optimistic child. This positive trait remains her constant companion until her old age. Alice's kindness and responsiveness deserve admiration.

She belongs to the category of those rare people who are always ready to help. Thanks to this property, Alice easily manages to turn enemies into friends. The owner of this name loves communication and knows how to carry on a conversation without causing irritation in the interlocutor. She quickly forgets the harm done to her and is able to forgive the offender.

Alya, as her family and close friends sometimes affectionately call her, combines many positive qualities, but there is also a fly in the ointment in the barrel of honey.

TO negative traits The character of this woman can be attributed to her dreaminess. She loves, like the heroine of Lewis Carroll's famous fairy tale, to be mentally transported to another reality. In her youth, a girl lives with dreams, which she makes no effort to realize.

Alice does not have enough persistence to make her plans come true. The owner of the name can remain in the illusory world of her fantasies throughout her life. The sensitive nature of this young lady is the reason for her touchiness.

Alice's fate

Alice's fate is going well thanks to her hard work and desire to always finish the job she starts. People around her admire and sympathize with a woman with this name, so she is not subject to negative influence from the outside. Alice is an executive officer and good friend, deservedly respected.

Confidence in her abilities, an objective view of many things allow her to successfully overcome many obstacles in life. life path. The owner of a fairy-tale name always tries to hide her inner experiences; in the company of strangers, her behavior is characterized by restraint.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

If Alice is passionate about building a career, her personal life immediately fades into the background. This woman approaches her choice of profession responsibly and gives preference creative work. Good specialists The name Alice can be found among journalists, fashion designers, philologists, and architects.

These women do not like to work under subordination; they have tense relationships with their superiors. Alice herself, in the role of boss, is a stern, principled, demanding person. She is lucky in solving financial issues. She does not like to waste money, so she usually does not experience serious financial problems. If desired, Alice can easily succeed in running any business.

Marriage and family

Alice is in no hurry to tie the knot. This is due to her love for freedom and independence, which are difficult to part with. The passion for intrigue and love adventures is often the cause of disappointment. Numerous unsuccessful novels often discourage these women from wanting to get married as soon as possible.

Alice has inflated demands on her life partner. The person who will be next to her must have the best masculine qualities. When choosing a spouse, she does not pursue material gain. The priority is sincere feelings and mutual assistance in difficult times.

Alice usually gets married in adulthood - she will not risk erasing her youth with a sudden marriage. There are always a lot of guests in her house. If the owner of this name lives with her mother-in-law, women do not have disagreements on domestic issues.

Sex and love

Bearers of a beautiful, romantic name are passionate and temperamental people. They prefer variety in intimate relationships and strive to meet new feelings that give vivid emotions. Many Alices are prone to cheating - stable and measured family life seems boring to them.

When choosing sexual partner Alya makes strict demands on his external data. Only attractive people can be in her bed charismatic men. Women with this name are amorous, love to attract the attention of the opposite sex, but do not rush into a new relationship without looking back.

As a life partner and partner for intimate relationships Alexey, Vladimir, Oleg, Andrey or Arthur are suitable for Alice. Her man should not be given a reason to be jealous - it will greatly hurt romantic nature and can cause a break in relationships.


Since childhood, Alice has not had any serious health problems. She is growing up as an active child with excellent immunity. With age, good health must be maintained, but Alya often forgets about this.

She may limit her night's sleep, eat poorly, or not follow optimal mode work and rest, which gradually leads to problems that have a negative impact on the general condition of the body. In adulthood, Alice’s genitals are susceptible to diseases, requiring increased attention vegetative nervous system. Provided they follow the correct diet and rest regime, women with this name can live to a ripe old age.

Interests and hobbies

Alice is interested in art. It can be seen at an art exhibition, in the theater at new production. For her, the cost of a ticket does not matter if she wants to attend a concert of her favorite artist or musical group.

It’s hard to imagine the leisure time of a romantic woman living in a dream world without a good book. Alice prefers to alternate periods of solitude with active pastime in the company of friends. The passion of her life with youth Traveling remains until old age.

What does the name Alice mean:
This name is usually translated as origin from the noble class.

Origin of the name Alice:
It is generally accepted that the name Alice is a diminutive form of a name such as Adelaide. And this name, in turn, is of ancient Germanic origin, so adal, translated as noble, and heid, translated as class.

Character conveyed by the name Alice:

Alice will always be in the center of everyone's attention from early childhood. These are cheerful and mischievous girls who are always sociable and sociable; Alice easily and simply finds a common language with almost everyone. As a child, Alice communicates more and is friends with many boys, she hates lies and betrayal and does not tolerate bullying of weaker children, and therefore quite often takes them under her wing and tries in every possible way to help them in difficult situations. She true friend and a wonderful comrade, she is also my mother’s assistant, and of course my father’s favorite - all this is about her. Alice is a very capable student, she is an activist at school, actively demonstrates her ability to creative activities, madly loves all her brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces and other relatives, she is energetic and purposeful - which often causes envy among her peers and naturally undisguised adoration among adults.

Then, having matured, Alice does not change much, she is just as straightforward, easy and simple to communicate, quickly makes friends and is always respected among her colleagues. But Alice’s relationship with management can sometimes be tense. It would seem that with such enormous potential it would be possible to achieve global success in almost any field of activity, but Alice’s career will not be the most main role in her life. Rest assured, family will always be much more important to her.

Alice can enter into marriage only out of love; in general, for her, without great feelings, there simply cannot be any close relationships. Her family life is usually very successful and happy. Although sometimes Alice may well be strict and categorical with her children and husband, despite this, she can with full confidence be called an unusually devoted wife and madly loving mother, on whom you can always rely and be absolutely sure that Alice will never under no circumstances will it fail. She is sensitive and caring, she really values ​​long and stable family relationships, Alice can rightfully be considered the keeper of the hearth.

In addition, Alice is strict with herself and even too obligatory, she can never forget about other people's requests, and of course she always keeps her word. Alice never makes promises unless she has the opportunity to fulfill them as well as possible. Meanwhile, Alice can easily forgive people for their negative offenses, but only when it comes to things that are not very important, but Alice won’t let anyone go easy on them. At the same time, she is not at all vindictive or touchy. And it is very rare that she will simply take someone’s word for it; she would prefer to hear and see everything for herself, and only then believe.

It's no secret that a name determines not only a person's character, but also predetermines his fate. In this article, we invite you to find out everything connected with the name Alice: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the person named by it. Alice's name Lately is coming back into fashion, and all because it not only sounds beautiful, but also endows its owner with nobility and fearlessness. Let's consider in our article what other character traits a woman is endowed with unusual name Alice.

How does the meaning of the name Alice affect character and destiny? Where did this name come from? Find out from our article.

Origin and meaning of the name Alice

How did the name Alice appear and what does it mean?

The meaning of the name Alice: according to philologists, it has several versions of origin:

  • According to one of them, this name comes from the Old French name “Aalis” short form the name "Adelais", which has roots with the Germanic name Adelaide, meaning "noble";
  • according to another version, the name Alice arose from the English name Alice, which also means “of noble birth”;
  • another version says that the name Alice is a shortening of the name Elizabeth (Elizabeth) and means “who worships God”;
  • By latest version The name Alice comes from the Latin word “alis”, which means “wings”.

That is why the name Alice has become popular again, the origin and meaning of which is so attractive to many. Another reason is the character traits that the name imparts to its owner from early childhood.

What character might Alice have?

The characteristics of the name Alice are based on the influence of the planet Jupiter.

A woman named Alisa is straightforward and easy to communicate with. Since childhood, she will not tolerate injustice and will be able to fight back against any offender. A. quickly makes friends. Alice has a strong will and impressive intelligence. Alice is a person of her word, which she always keeps. She is by no means characterized by feminine willpower and determination, however, these qualities do not in the least scare men away from her. In public, A. behaves with restraint, hides her true experiences and emotions, because she does not like to talk about what worries her. This could humiliate her.

Love is important for Alice, but she often faces a choice between love and career. It will be quite difficult for her to combine both, and some area of ​​her life will definitely suffer. Alice is characterized by a love marriage. She will choose a worthy partner for herself as her chosen one. As a mother, Alice will prove herself to be a caring and fair woman.

Alice's hobbies include sports and skillful driving. She also likes to shoot guns for fun. Hunting of animals will not be tolerated. In the house, A. proves herself to be a hospitable hostess, ready to delight her guests with a delicious treat.

As a rule, A. chooses for himself professions of a masculine nature associated with risk, for example, a policeman, a taxi driver, a surgeon, a builder. However, Alice may be interested in architecture, philology and design. Interest in art will depend on how interested her parents were in it.

A. is characterized by good health. She naturally has excellent immunity. True, it won’t hurt her to avoid bad habits, move a lot and eat right. Alice is slowly aging and looks great into her old age.

The basic character of a child named Alice will depend primarily on the time of year of his birth:

  • Vesennaya is a charming and cheerful girl who loves drawing and dancing, and with age she achieves great success in art.
  • the summer one is a bit of a know-it-all and questioner, she quickly becomes the leader of any company, fights for justice, she can make an excellent lawyer and defender.
  • autumn - an active child prone to sports.
  • Winter is a serious and responsible girl, she may be seriously interested in technology.

What fate awaits Alice?

Characteristics of the name Alice tells what the character of a child with the name Alice will be

Now we will consider what impact the name Alice can have on a person’s life; the meaning of the name and the fate of a person are inextricably linked with each other. The name Alice energizes its owner positive features characters that are so attractive to the people around them.

A., as a rule, is the only child in the family or the eldest, but only with a very large age difference with the youngest due to the late birth of the mother. Alice will happily help her mother take care of her brother or sister. She will also do household chores diligently. Usually A.'s parents are divorced, but this will not affect her, since Alice is naturally endowed with wisdom and logic. She will not be deprived of attention from either her mother or her father.

Alice will get married late or will completely refuse to officially register the relationship. The fact is that studies, hobbies and work will take up most of her free time, and the girl will simply have no time to think about starting a family. Alice will definitely have a daughter, whom she will raise in her own image in severity and justice.

Alice will love her job. Will achieve great success regardless of the chosen field of activity.

As she ages, Alice will not lose her natural optimism and will practically not get sick.

What will a child named Alice be like?

Before choosing the name Alice for their child, parents read the meaning of the name for the girl.

Let's consider the characteristics and character traits of a child named Alice; the meaning of the name for a girl will be reflected in her main character traits.

From childhood, A. will delight his parents with his calm behavior and unpretentiousness. For this child, whims with or without reasons are practically not typical. She will literally radiate optimism. Alice will get along quickly with children, this girl has an excellent memory, so she will master reading and letters quite quickly; it’s worth devoting a few minutes a day to this activity. Alice practically does not suffer from any serious illnesses. Her immunity has been good since birth. A. will grow up to be daddy's favorite.

At school, Alice will be a diligent girl. Some difficulties may arise with the humanities, but with the support of teachers and parents, the girl will quickly cope with the problems. She will be more inclined to exact sciences, especially mathematics. During breaks, the guys will surround Alice from all sides, because this girl is naturally magnetism. She will become a role model for some girls.

In adolescence, A., due to her versatility, will become interested in several types of hobbies; she will have practically no free time to yearn for boys. Most likely, the boys will miss the always busy Alice and shout her name under the windows. Alice will only have a trusting relationship for the rest of her life with her father.

Famous people named Alice

  1. A. Freindlikh (born 1934) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1981), winner of four State awards Russian Federation (1976, 1996, 2001, 2008).
  2. A. Kleybanova (born 1989) is a Russian tennis player. Winner of 7 WTA tournaments (2 of them in singles), semi-finalist of 1 Grand Slam tournament in doubles (US Open-2009), winner of 2 junior Grand Slam tournaments in doubles. Former 3rd racket of the world in the junior rankings.)
  3. A. Krylova (born 1982) is a Russian model, businesswoman, author of an automobile column in the Rublyovka Magazine, winner of the Mrs.Globe 2011 and Mrs. Russia 2010 contests.
Published: 2016-05-22, Modified: 2016-11-20,