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» What is fetishism? Sexual fetishism - definition. Sexual fetishism: passion or disease? What is a fetish

What is fetishism? Sexual fetishism - definition. Sexual fetishism: passion or disease? What is a fetish

The good old normal intercourse is more than enough for most of us. However, there is an incredible variety of different fetishes and strange types of obsession. Everyone has their own hidden preferences in sex, this is rarely spoken out loud. But we'll give it a try: here's a list of 15 strange sexual preferences you've probably never heard of.

15. Knismolagnia
Simply put, it is sexual arousal from being tickled. People with this fetish build their whole sex life around tickling, they can tickle each other during sex or even tie up a partner to tickle him to his heart's content. This fetish comes from childhood: kids are often tickled, and sometimes they just go crazy with delight. Time passes, children grow up, and tickling gradually becomes a sweet torture that helps awaken sensuality. Now that you know about knismolagnia, you might be able to dodge a friendly tickle from your best friend. Or vice versa, let him have a good time.

14. Xylophilia
Xylophilia (xylophilia) - sexual attraction to a tree, wood. In a sense, the sexual attraction to a tree is a common fetish for billions of people around the world, you never know who hugs a birch. The fact is that we are talking here about the attraction to "wood" as such, this is the excitement from contact with wood, and this is not a euphemism. Not to be confused with ylophilia, which means attraction to the forest! Xylophiles are classified into different types in their sexual preferences; some are oak fans, others are pine purists. No matter what type of wood they choose, we would advise them to take some precautionary measures to prevent chips and chips. Well, it would be logical if xylophilia would automatically enroll its adherents in the League for the Protection of Green Spaces, for example. Sometimes, by the way, they use another term - dendrophilia. Who truly loves trees! Once, a Scotsman was even banned from visiting the city park after he tried to have sexual intercourse with a tree there.

13. Nebulophilia
Sexual attraction to fog is available to residents of Montreal (Quebec), for example, all year round. Fog lovers should obviously be early birds, because most often they can be caught in the morning. This is probably the most romantic fetish on the list: wandering in the fog and getting turned on is like a magical dream when you get into the fantasies of your dreams. It's beautiful, and always a little sad when the fog clears. Just a minute more and we'll start sounding like nebulophiles. Here, of course, as with wood, there is a lot of obscurity - how exactly do they drag themselves from the fog? Is it enough for them to meet a loved one in the fog, or is it the fog itself that turns them on? It's all kind of hazy! In any case, if you are a fan of this kind of thing, we wish you many foggy days and nights.

12. Autoplushophilia
Autoplushophiles get sexually aroused by impersonating huge, cartoony stuffed animals. Not to be confused with plushies, from which it is better to hide your favorite soft toys away! Autoplushophiles enjoy dressing up as Disney characters, and sometimes they buy or custom-make some really expensive costumes - usually fluffy and shaggy. Dressed up, they stand in front of a mirror until....their dreams come true. And we are happy for them.
In general, we have heard about furries - people who have sex in animal costumes. But here we are talking about cartoon animals ... probably, we can say that autoplushophiles are a subspecies of furry.
If you're an underground autoplushophile, we encourage you to go out into the world dressed as your favorite imaginary creature. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for us!

11. Agalmatophilia (pygmalionism)
If you are in Lisbon, pay attention to what a huge number of statues can be seen throughout the city. They are everywhere: some of them rise above us on huge pedestals; others sometimes stand right in the street and may suddenly spring to life to shake hands. The statues were our favorite part of Lisbon, but if they were subject to pygmalionism, we would just jump with delight!
Pygmalionism is an obsession of a special nature, this sexual attraction to statues (as well as other objects, such as dolls and mannequins), is more common in men. The role of a fetish is played by images of the human body - statues, figurines, mannequins, etc. The fetishist takes pleasure in touching and possessing them. This phenomenon was named after the legendary sculptor Pygmalion, who fell in love with the sculpture he created. Sometimes this strange sexual inclination is called agalmatophilia. Well, we can only definitely advise the guys there to plan a trip to Lisbon. Or watch "The Formula of Love".

10. Heliophilia (actirastics)
Of course, without the sun it is impossible to be healthy, it is one of the most important natural medicines known to man. Thanks to its rays, life exists on Earth. Sun tanning is necessary for a person, its influence on our body is enormous, it contributes to the production of the "hormone of joy" - serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood. Sun tanning increases a man's sex drive. Vitamin D, which is produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays, raises the level of the male hormone, testosterone, in the body. We knew all this before. But it turns out that there are people who get sexual arousal from sunlight. Dangerous passion, as it seems to us. The desire to constantly be in the sun (and even in a state of ecstasy) can lead to the most serious consequences ... at best, you will overheat. Such a passion is highly likely to lead to oncological and other problems. Heliophiles of all countries, protect yourself! Always have sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50 on hand.

9. Formicophilia
As much as everyone loves the sun, so usually they cannot stand insects. Thousands of people hate them and would never touch spider bugs voluntarily, but formicophiles just love it when ants crawl on them. Especially in the genital area. I don't even want to think about it... This fetish is one of the varieties of bestiality.
Formicophilia - sexual attraction to ants and excitement from everything connected with them (Formica - "ant" in Latin). Formicophilia is associated with arachnophilia (sexual arousal from spiders), bestiality (attraction to animals), melissophelia (high from bees and bee stings), and entomophilia (sexual attraction to all insects).
In the late 1980s, a commercial for lingerie was played on Australian television: ants crawled along the beauty’s leg, and she gave her trained anteater the order: “Drink them, Rex!” At one of their conferences, Australian psychologists discussed the effect of this advertisement on the erotic fantasies of their patients. Yes, advertisers need to think a hundred times before making public their addictions ...

8 Symphorophilia
Most people from all over the world recoil from photos of natural disasters. Whether it's a fire, a hurricane, or a terrorist attack, it's always painful and terrifying, and as a general rule, images like this should be avoided at all costs. However, some people don't think of disaster as a misfortune.
Symphorophilia - sexual arousal from everything connected with death and catastrophes (Symphora in Greek means "misfortune"). Symphorophila excites the thought of danger, destruction and possible loss of life. In addition to fires, symphorophiles are attracted to explosions, crashes, natural disasters, and other similar phenomena. It has been noted that, for reasons that are not entirely clear, they derive maximum pleasure from the suffering of completely innocent people.
We are not saying that all Symphorophiles are bad people; we do not know much about the nature of sexuality, but we know enough about the subconscious, which is not always possible to control. As long as the symphorophile does not show himself as a sadist towards real people, we have nothing against his not-too-sympathetic obsession.

7 Coulrophilia
Some people love clowns, the vast majority never think about them, and others fear and hate them. Fear of clowns (coulrophobia) is not an uncommon thing, and it is quite understandable. But it will be more difficult to understand those who are excited by clowns. If you are uncontrollably sexually aroused at the sight of a clown and you are drawn to approach him and cuddle his genitals, you are probably a member of a rare coulrophile clan. You are probably a frequent visitor to the local circus and a fan of ordering animation of a certain style to your house. Hopefully there is a kind of obsession among clowns that correlates with clown worship. If this does not exist, then - clowns, hold on! We sympathize with you.

6. Vorarephilia
We all know the old story about Pinocchio, a wooden boy who, at a certain stage of his travels, fell into the belly of a huge whale. Such a character of folklore as the "miracle-yudo fish-whale" is also most likely known to you. The craving to be swallowed is the fetish of the unique people called vorarefils. Vorarephilia (vorarephilia from Latin vorare - “devour” and other Greek φιλία - “I love”) is a type of fetishism in which a person enjoys fantasies of being eaten or eating another person. Apparently, for such people, "Little Red Riding Hood" is an erotic story.
It should be noted that this is not about being eaten, there is no smell of cannibalism here! Usually, vorarephilia does not go beyond fantasy at all and is never aimed at the death of the victim or the infliction of any damage. Practiced usually only in the imagination; for example, in dreams of micro-vore, reduction is used when a character is swallowed.

5. Passion for sneezing (paraphilia)
The sexual obsession with sneezing is probably the most innocuous and even cute thing on this list of frightening fetishes. This deviation should obviously bring a lot of unrest to the sneezing fetishist: it is impossible to predict who and where will sneeze next to him, what the situation will be around him - and he is already excited and ready to rush into battle. Every fetishist has their own version of their favorite type of sneeze: some peak when they themselves sneeze (and come out especially gracefully and melodicly); others like to be sneezed on. May the Buddha help you all, you are strange people.

3. Catoptronophilia
Katoptronophilia is the sexual desire to have sex in front of a mirror. This is a kind of narcissism, but it should not be confused with autosatisfaction. To be honest, it's hard to even call it a fetish. However, this is exactly it, because the adherents of catoptronophilia do not really enjoy looking at their copulating reflection, they, in principle, cannot achieve excitement and satisfaction if they do not look at themselves in the mirror.

2. Ballbusting
Most men don't particularly like being hit in the groin. To receive an aimed blow is akin to a small death, after which, suffocating, you barely come to your senses. In fact, this pain can be compared to labor pains, although, of course, it lasts less and the consequences are not so significant. In any case, the average man would rather run a marathon or mop the floors to avoid getting hit in his most sensitive area. But there is a category of people who want to experience pain in the genitals, and will be happy if the torment lasts as long as childbirth. These guys dream of getting their balls in the literal sense, and no compromises.

1. Macrophilia
No such list would be complete without macrophilia, which is typically a male fantasy involving a dominant giantess. Sometimes dominance (for the most extreme fantasists) means being eaten alive. A giantess may be slightly taller than a man, or she may be the size of a skyscraper. Fortunately for practicing macrophiles, if he is a man of below average height, it is not so difficult for him to find his own giantess who will be 7-10 cm taller than him, and such a couple can live happily ever after.

Fetish types are many and varied. But whatever they are, they have something in common. This is the presence of a certain object, around which a certain fetish “grows”. It can be any part of the human body, a piece of clothing, the environment, gait, behavior and appearance. Anything, in general. It is difficult to list all varieties of a fetish, but attention should be paid to some.

attraction to feet

This is one of the most common directions in fetishism, so it is logical to start with it. The attraction may be the sight and touch of the feet, the smell of their skin and the taste, the temperature, the movement of the fingers. If we talk about the types of foot fetish, it is worth noting that it is often combined with an increased interest in tights, shoes and stockings.

Also, foot lovers may like to see their partner barefoot, but in jeans. Or, for example, in slippers, sandals, open shoes or high heels. To enhance his feelings, the fetishist often decorates the partner's toes with rings, and the ankle with chains and bracelets.

It is important to note that people who experience such attraction have their own special taste for the feet. They pay attention to their size, to the shape and length of the fingers, to the pedicure. And here, as in everything else, there are no average tastes. Everyone's preferences are individual.

BDSM element

Continuing the theme of foot fetish types, I would like to note that certain BDSM practices are associated with attraction to feet. For example, bastinado. This is a very popular practice involving foot spanking. In addition, foot fetishists often diversify their act by exposing their partner's legs to low and high temperatures, tickling or sharp objects.

Many more practice trampling (body trampling) or pressing the feet of the face of the one who acts as a liability in a pair. And of course, various kinds of coercion in foot fetishism also occur.

In general, in sex, several techniques were formed related to the attraction to the feet, which were given names. In addition to the mentioned trampling, these are FeetLicking (tongue caresses), ToeSucking and ToeLicking (a more in-depth and frank version of the notorious oral caresses), FeetSniffing (smell inhalation), FootJob (stimulation with the soles), and also Foot Massage (massage). The latter is most often an element of preliminary play before sexual intercourse.

By the way, in addition to the above, there is also a “bottom view” foot fetish. It implies a person's observation of a naked object of adoration walking on a transparent surface. On a glass table, for example. When the view from below opens, a certain peeping effect is created. As a result - a splash of a certain proportion of adrenaline, which affects the excitement.

Craving for linen

It is impossible not to note her attention, talking about the types of fetish. The craving for underwear is characterized by sexual arousal experienced by articles of clothing, as well as his satisfaction with them. Very often craving for lingerie is associated with the so-called fetishistic transvestism. This is a type of sexual behavior in which the satisfaction of arousal is achieved or enhanced by dressing in clothes of the opposite sex.

People who are particularly into this type of fetish usually try to make themselves visually similar to members of the opposite sex. To do this, they use cosmetics, tightenings, various kinds of enlargers, etc.

It is also worth noting the attention of cisvestism. This is the name of the craving to wear clothes that do not correspond to one's age or social status. A vivid example is role-playing games, where a completely adult girl transforms into a schoolgirl.

And then there is the concept of homewestism. This is the satisfaction of one's arousal by putting on clothes of one's own gender, but belonging to another person (most often an object of desire or an idol).

Physical preferences

Listing the types of fetish, I would like to talk about those whose object is something related to the physical characteristics of a person.

Apotemnophilia. The concept is combined with masochism, since the subject of a fetish is physical deformity. For example, the absence of a limb.

One more thing follows from this concept - acrotomophilia. This is the name of the craving for people with amputated limbs. It is considered a sexual deviation (deviation).

There is also heterochromophilia. It is an attraction experienced by people of a different skin color.

Passion for pornography

There are many other types of sex fetishes worth talking about. Pornography is common. This is the name of the pathological passion for videos, films and photographs of erotic content. From people who periodically watch something similar, pornographomaniacs differ radically. Indeed, for them, content with erotic content is the only incentive to achieve excitement and satisfaction.

This also includes the craving for a detailed examination of erotic videos / photos, attraction to close-ups, as well as the need to observe an intimate relationship from the outside. For many people with these fetishes, all of the above is the only form of sexual release. Often, pornographers and voyeurs simply cannot feel the excitement of the upcoming act or the sight of a naked partner.

"selfish" preferences

Another fairly common phenomenon is narcissism. In this case, this is not a character trait, but to your body and yourself. Another "related" fetish is automonosexuality. This is a more complex concept. It refers to attraction to one's body while identifying it with another person. It occurs quite rarely.

The famous German sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld gave a clear definition and characterization of automonosexuality. This is a type of narcissism in which a man is aroused by imagining himself in a woman's body, and vice versa. To satisfy their desires, automonosexuals can change into clothes of the opposite sex in front of a mirror, making their fantasies more realistic.

Strange dispositions

Talking about what types of fetish are, I would like to pay attention to three of them, which can be called the most strange.

Pygmalionism. People with such a fetish are attracted to a still image of a person's body. They satisfy themselves by touching him. Also, such fetishists are able to experience the pleasure of owning this object (a mannequin, for example).

Kleptolagnia. People with this fetish are aroused by the thought of being robbed. The fear they feel when they steal, and the adrenaline rush that comes with it, gives them incredible pleasure. And it is better if it is also accompanied by BDSM elements (immobilization, pressing against the wall, etc.).

Crash fetish. Occurs rarely. A person with a crash fetish is aroused by watching his partner crush and break objects with his feet.

Attraction to mechanisms

Above, it was briefly described about what types of fetish are. Many of them are unusual, but understandable. Now it is worth touching on a much stranger kind of fetish. And this is mechanophilia. This is the name of the attraction to cars, as well as to motorcycles, helicopters, trucks, airplanes and other mechanisms.

It is not very common, but in 2008 a man named Edward Smith became known to the world - the one who had sex with a thousand cars! He was interviewed by many media outlets. Edward himself does not consider his love for cars to be something abnormal and assures that cars excite him much more than women, although he was in a relationship with ladies. Smith's first "love", by the way, was the Corvette Stingray, an American sports concept car.

Special "love" for the elements

Considering the different types of sexual fetishes, it is also worth talking about aquaphilia. People who are prone to it prefer sex in or under water, as well as on the seashore, lakes, rivers, in a pool, bathhouse, etc. If we talk about pornographic content, then they like underwater erotica the most. In the 90s there was even such a magazine - Aquaphiles Journal.

There is also the so-called pyrolagnia. It's a fire fetish. People with pyrolagnia experience excitement when contemplating a flame. It can be both a fire and a fire, and a candle, or even a match. This fetish has a more serious form called pyromania. This is not just a pathological need experienced by a person to watch the fire, but also a craving for arson. Pyromania is fraught with consequences, can harm other people, the environment and other people's property, so it must be treated.

Sexual symbolism

This topic cannot be ignored when it comes to the most popular types of fetish. Sexual symbolism is most often identified with retifism. This is the name of the attraction experienced by many people in relation to products made from a certain material.

Most often, retifists are “drawn” to latex and leather. Or rather, gloves, belts, belts, shoes, corsets, pants and other peculiar wardrobe items made from them. Retifiists prefer that their partner does not remove the product that excites them. In the process of the act, they touch him, stroke him - in general, they perceive him as an integral part of the object of passion.

Retifism is mainly characteristic of men. Those who are not averse to the fact that the girl, wearing high-heeled shoes, even briefly tried on the role of a dominant and used her exciting shoes in foreplay.

Other types of fetishes

Much has been said above about very popular sexual preferences. But this is not all types of fetish. The list is calculated not only in tens or hundreds of items. There are preferences that seem quite normal. And there are those that go beyond the framework of universal human values ​​and even the Criminal Code. However, I would like to note a few fetishes in the end.

Formicophilia. It is unlikely that many have heard of this fetish. Because it is characteristic of people who are aroused by spiders or other insects crawling over them.

Plushophilia. It even sounds cute and funny. If you do not remember that this concept means sexual attraction to plush toys.

Forniphilia. This is the name of a fetish belonging to one of the traditions of BDSM. In fact, it is an attraction to people posing as ... furniture.

In addition, there are fetishes that are not defined by one term. For example, the desire to have sex in places that are in principle public, and unwanted "eyes" may appear there. Beach, roof, elevator, mountain plateau, entrance, cinema - there can be many options. The bottom line is that lovers of intimacy in such places pick up the moment so that no one is there. But the fact that they can be seen adds adrenaline. Some are so passionate about this type of extreme that ordinary sex no longer brings them so much pleasure - there is no that “spark”.

In general, to summarize, we can say the following: a fetish is not something bad and shameful, as many people think because of the stereotypes existing in society. But still in this you need to know the measure and control yourself when necessary.

Sexologists call fetishism such a phenomenon when a man’s sexual arousal is caused not by the woman herself, but by inanimate objects that have something to do with her, for example, underwear, shoes, a hat, etc. Objects of this kind are called fetishes. To achieve satisfaction, the woman herself is not needed by the fetishist, he needs only one of the items mentioned above.

Our book, of course, is not medical, but still we will try to consider whether such a thing as a fetish has any relation to ordinary life? Yes, it does, but only in a milder form, which is not something pathological, out of the ordinary. For example, there are men (and there are many of them) who are only aroused by women with exceptionally lush hips. We can say that this feature of the female figure is a kind of fetish for such men. Other men prefer, on the contrary, only very thin and small women who look like girls. Some young people perceive as an exciting sexual object only women 20-30 years older than themselves. The fetish in this case is age. There are even men (and any sexologist will confirm this) who feel complete only next to women who have some kind of disability!

In order to make sure that men often have very definite “bindings” to certain features of female appearance, it is enough to study any of the newspapers specializing in dating advertisements. Often you can find such ads there: “I am looking for the thinnest woman” or “Persons weighing less than 120 kilograms are asked not to worry”, or “I want to meet a woman with a large bust”, etc.

It must be said that a fetish for a man can be not only some feature of a woman's appearance, but also certain items of clothing that she prefers to wear. For example, some men are only interested in women in black fishnet stockings or only in a plunging blouse, or only in tight pants, while they simply do not perceive the rest as a potential sexual object.

In fairness, it must be said that after all, most men, so to speak, are practically “omnivores”, that is, their sexual desire is not so selective and does not have a rigid “binding”. For them, the most important thing is the benevolence shown by a woman, the very fact that she provokes him to “love games”.

So, finishing the conversation, we can say that every woman has a chance to become exciting, one and only. Small and tall, plump and thin, black-eyed and grey-eyed, upturned or aquiline. The variety of male tastes is such that there simply cannot be “unclaimed” women in the world! But here is what is very important. Whatever external data nature has awarded you, you must first of all love yourself. This will give you confidence, the quality you need to lead men.

REMEMBER: no matter what external data nature rewards a woman, she always has a chance to become the only, unique and desirable for someone.

A fetish is an irrational passion for certain objects or activities. Not necessarily a fetish has a negative context, however, such addictions can cause discomfort to other people. Most often, fetishes are associated with sex and are taboo. But is there really no place for an extra drop of madness in our crazy world? This post is a list of the weirdest fetishes imaginable.

Have you ever wanted to act like a piece of furniture? Fornifils want. Some, on the contrary, like to have someone depict furniture for them. This fetish is one of the traditional parts of the BDSM subculture. It became especially popular in the 1970s after an exhibition by artist Allen Jones dedicated to "furniture made from people."


Dendrophilia is an attraction to trees. This attraction is not always sexual - rabid defenders of nature can also sometimes be classified as dendrophiles. But true dendrophiles do love trees - like one Scot who was banned from a public park after he attempted to have sexual intercourse with a tree in the park in 2010.


Usually crying does not excite, but repels. But some people really turn on tears! As you might have guessed, dacryphilia is arousal in response to someone crying. Dacryphilia can also be associated with any strong emotion. It is important that dacryphilia is not sadism - the tears themselves cause excitement, and not the pain caused to make a person cry.


If you hate insects, don't read this paragraph! Formicophilia is a craving for the sensation that comes with being crawled by bugs. Yes, it's as creepy and disgusting as it sounds. Formicophilia is a form of bestiality.

Do you like the relief muscles in men? Or does thinness turn you on? Maybe men in white coats and with a stethoscope on their chest cause a special thrill in you? Then congratulations: you may be a fetishist!

For the first time, sexual fetishism as a mental disorder was discussed around the end of the 19th century, when the psychologist Alfred Binet described this phenomenon in one of his articles. By sexual fetishism he meant sex drive, arousal that a person experiences in relation to an inanimate object.

Then, already at the beginning of the 20th century (in 1912), the psychiatrist Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing, who, by the way, also introduced the terms "sadism" and "masochism" slightly expanded the concept of sexual fetishism, adding body parts to the number of possible fetishes as well.

The word "fetishism" and the expression "Oh, this is my fetish" is constantly heard. But do we really know what it is? site - about sexual fetishism, its types and where the line between quirk and pathology lies.

Foot fetishism

What is sexual fetishism?

For example, a man may be obsessed with snub noses and fall in love with a girl just because she has something that turns him on. And if it suddenly occurs to a girl to do rhinoplasty, then that's it - goodbye, love! In severe cases, a man will not even be able to get excited if the potential partner does not have a snub nose, but, say, an even one, even if it is considered a beauty standard a thousand times.

As a rule, sexual fetishism includes not only an abnormal attraction to inanimate objects and body parts, but also the performance of certain actions with them: a fetishist, having received an object of desire at his disposal, can sniff, lick, stroke, bite, masturbate on him or "into him" or even try to eat. For example, if a man's fetish is female breasts, then he may prefer intramammary sex (i.e. sex between breasts) traditional.

But these are all difficult cases, although quite often a fetish is just an additional exciting factor, and not a necessary attribute, without which it is impossible to experience attraction. Let's say that you are turned on by muscular male breasts or increased hairiness - this is certainly fetishistic to some extent, but if this is not the only criterion when choosing a partner, then you are all right.

Uncle Freud tried to explain the reasons for the passion for the inanimate (where would he be without him?). In his opinion, true fetishists, i.e. people who are really addicted to a fetish become primarily due to childhood trauma, as a result of which a certain fetish appears, which symbolizes the genitals.

Although, reading about some fetishes, it is sometimes very difficult to imagine how this or that object can be associated (even subconsciously) with the genitals. For example, on one well-known forum dedicated to sex and sexual deviations, ... bologna jackets are mentioned as a fetish. Somehow not very similar to ... well, you yourself understand what.

However, scientists still cannot clearly name the causes of fetishism, explaining it all the same childhood trauma, then complexes and self-doubt.

Mostly men are prone to fetishism - perhaps because they really love with their eyes? Most often, their fetishes are stilettos, lingerie (often worn!), Breasts and hair. In a word, what men usually love in women, but in an exaggerated form.

For example, there is a case when one Japanese was so obsessed with women's shoes that he regularly, twice a week, went hunting for women's shoes, and usually he took only one and for some reason only on his left foot. When they nevertheless figured him out, the poor fellow admitted that he was aware of the illegality of his actions, but simply could not help himself.

By the way, along with fetishism, there is also anti-fetishism, when some object, accessory or, again, a part of the body causes a sharply negative reaction that prevents the emergence of sexual desire. For example, an anti-fetish can be a tracksuit for a man or leggings for a woman ...

Attention: lingerie fetishists!

Foot fetishism

As already mentioned, almost anything can be a fetish - from a nose of a certain shape to a bologna jacket.

But we can distinguish the most common types of fetishism, including foot fetishism (love for the feet), underwear fetishism, wetlook fetishism (excitement at the sight of a body in wet clothes), power fetish (not only biceps, but also the physical body itself act as a fetish). human strength) and medical fetishism (excitement from doctor games ).

Among the listed leaders, of course, is foot fetishism. Remember Pulp Fiction and the legendary foot massage dialogue? So, for a foot fetishist, this same foot massage can be an act much more intimate than traditional sex.

By the way, Quentin Tarantino is one of the most famous foot fetishists, and Uma Thurman owes much of its luck to its size 42 legs. Usually foot fetishists are attracted not just by beautiful feet, but by non-standard size feet - very small or, on the contrary, abnormally large. For example, the almost pathological passion of the Chinese for small feet is also, to some extent, fetishism.

But a foot fetishist can be turned on not only by size, but also, for example, by smell, so it is a mistake to think that only cleanly washed feet turn him on. On the contrary, unwashed, sweat-smelling feet can cause a real orgasm in him, although here, of course, everything is also very individual. Similarly, breasts, hair, hands, nose, ears, belly of a pregnant woman, biceps, etc. can be a fetish.

Fetishists to watch out for

Lingerie fetishism

Other popular kind of fetishism - underwear, when, for example, stockings, panties, bras become a fetish. So, in Japan, one of the most popular fetishes is worn women's panties. Moreover, a real business is built on this - girls sell their used underwear to special stores, where they are then bought by fetishists.

Fetishistic transvestism is also associated with underwear fetishism, when a person not only has a sexual interest in underwear, but also feels the need to put on an item of clothing belonging to a member of the opposite sex. So if you caught your man selflessly trying on your lace combination, you know - this is fetishism!

Is fetishism okay?

Fetishism: monstrous forms

But not everything is as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Fetishism can sometimes take truly monstrous forms. For example, types of fetishism also include necrophilia and apothemnophilia.

Everyone has heard about the first, while the second is one of the pathologies in which bodily deformities or disabilities become a sexual fetish. People suffering from (or else you will not say) this pathology may experience an irresistible desire to deprive themselves of limbs. And sometimes they realize this desire.