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» Family joy flower. Flowers in the house: signs and superstitions about indoor plants

Family joy flower. Flowers in the house: signs and superstitions about indoor plants

Many years ago, our great-grandfathers noticed that house flowers can influence family life of people. Fortunately, in our time it is already known what indoor flowers bring happiness and prosperity to the house . Probably not many people know that houseplants have energy. It can be negative and positive. In this article we will tell you what flowers you need to choose in order to bring happiness and grace to your family.

What indoor flowers bring happiness to the house?

These flowers will add happiness to your home, strengthen mutual understanding and help preserve love for many years:

What indoor flowers bring prosperity to the house?

Let's look at some plants that will bring prosperity to your abode:

Feng Shui indoor plants for happiness and well-being

Where and in what place it is located is of great importance for happiness and well-being in the family. home plant. If it is positioned correctly, it will bring you a lot of positive energy, happiness and success.

According to Feng Shui rules, it is not recommended to place house plants very close to the resting place. The distance must be at least a meter. This is due to the fact that in the pot, processes are constantly occurring that do not correspond to qi.

Experts say that there is no place for indoor flowers in the bedroom, as they can release strong yang energy. She, in turn, can kill desire in love affairs.

Plants that have dried out should be thrown away without any regret, because they can take away vital energy.

In the richness zone, place streptocarpus, cissus and bluebell. For a zone of love, knowledge and health, choose plants such as monstera. Place Philodendron in the glory zone. He will be able to support his owners in difficult life situations.

According to the advice of Feng Shui experts, couples should have a chrysanthemum in the room. She will help establish peace between lovers.

We looked at what indoor flowers bring happiness and prosperity to the house according to Feng Shui and more. Have you considered all the flowers or are there more? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Greetings to everyone in my Village!!

Winter has been going on for a very long time, don’t you think?! And the constant white and gray landscape outside the window creates a dull mood.

What if you diversify your window and put it on the windowsill? indoor flowers? What are the best flowers to grow at home? After all, it is known that live plants can not only decorate our homes, but also influence health, relationships and even well-being in family!

What flowers will bring happiness to your home?

Usambara violet, or Saintpaulia

Violet. A very beautiful and at the same time capricious flower - a symbol of eternal love! They say that violet helps maintain peace in the family. These charming gentle flowers love careful care. They cannot tolerate hard water. They love the sun, but are afraid of direct rays. And yet this flower is very popular.

Chinese rose or hibiscus

If hibiscus appears in the house, expect passionate love, she will definitely come! Flowers this plant, incredibly beautiful and large, reminiscent of butterflies. Hibiscus needs warmth and a lot of light, because it comes from the tropics.


Guardian of peace and love considered myrtle. If this flower is in the house, your marriage will be successful, and in the current situation family it will definitely bring happiness. It is no coincidence that in some countries this is a plant They give it to newlyweds or decorate the bride’s outfit with twigs and flowers. The word “myrtle” itself is translated from Greek as “balm”. If you rub a myrtle sprig with your fingers, you will feel a pleasant aroma essential oils. Today, myrtle oil is used in cosmetology as a component of preparations for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. And homemade myrtle disinfects the room, filling the house with a unique aroma and freshness.


People call this flower tree of love, fidelity and prosperity. Aichrizon has original fluffy leaves, they are shaped like hearts. Bright yellow flowers, like numerous lanterns, will decorate your windowsill and give joy even just from contemplating it! This is a succulent plant. With proper care it can grow up to 30 cm in height.


Very beautiful and unpretentious, calathea is a symbol of domestic happiness, although many people grow it just for the sake of it beautiful leaves. This is a plant grows well in the shade. But he can’t stand it if you put it in the corner of the room (it’s impossible to imagine your happiness in the corner).


Oxalis helps solve problems in personal life. As children we called this flower just sorrel or hare cabbage. The juice of oxalis leaves contains oxalic acid, and they have a sour taste. The leaves of this plant can be added to salads! Tinctures are made from oxalis flowers, which are effective for diseases of the liver and stomach.

Spathiphyllum, or Women's Happiness

This perennial native to distant South American forests. But it is not difficult to grow. The main thing: be sure to spray the spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring, replant it in fresh soil. And then:

unmarried women they will soon find their soul mate;

– who is already thinking about a child will become pregnant;

– in a family where women’s happiness grows, there will always be love and mutual understanding.

They also say that spathiphyllum will not bloom in a house where quarrels and conflicts constantly occur.

Anthurium, or Male happiness

"Fire Tongue" or "male happiness". A very capricious flower, but very beautiful. He can't stand straight lines sun rays, requires frequent spraying because it has a weakness for high humidity(especially during growth). And also be careful this flower poisonous! But it gives men masculine strength. And all together - success and happiness in love!

Other names for this flower: “Champagne splash” or “ family happiness" This flower very good for family happiness: It is easy to care for and grows well and flowers beautifully. Only in summer you need to water it more. With chlorophytum, your family life will be happy and calm - that’s what people say.

Crassula or Crassula

Money Tree. Everyone knows that this plant is bought to keep money in the house. Our advice: for a special effect, plant this flower into a red pot, and put a few large coins at the bottom.

Keep in mind that if the Crassula will be predominant small leaves, then the change will jingle in your pocket, and if the bills are large, the bills will crunch. If the fat woman doesn’t help you get rich in any way, get her a friend - plectranthus and get a shovel ready ;).

Plectranthus, or indoor mint

In our country this plant is known as spur flower. This is amazingly cute plant provides the whole family with mental health. Long-lasting aroma of plectranthus will relieve insomnia and dark thoughts! It is very good to grow plectranthus as a ground cover to camouflage the edges of a pot.


Cacti are real guard for your home. All plants with thorns have always been credited with the ability to protect the home from evil spirits. But the cactus is not only a watchman, it is also the keeper of calm and peace in your home. It should be placed as close to the door or on the window sills as possible. By the way, how to make a cactus bloom, read

Plant flowers. Look after them. And they will not only be a green decoration for your home, but will also bring prosperity and happiness to your home.

Communicate with flowers as with friends! During the day, plants accumulate energy, and at night they are freed from “negativity.” Therefore, it is better to communicate with them in the morning. Before watering the flower, “walk” over the leaves with your hands, as if shaking off negative energy from them.

They also say that if a flower, despite your care and attention, has dried up, it means that it has warded off illness or trouble from you.

Peace and prosperity to your home!

In contact with

Indoor flowers that bring happiness to the home, strengthen marital relationships, help find a soul mate and preserve love for many years.

From time immemorial, people have decorated their homes with flowers. Our ancestors believed that plants were able to bring joy, peace and prosperity to the house, and protect its inhabitants from diseases and the evil eye. People still believe this today. Indoor flowers not only improve the health of the air in our homes, purifying it and saturating it with oxygen, but also help us spiritually: they are able to feel the mood of their owners, protect them from troubles and misfortunes, and set them in a positive mood. Each flower in a pot is a small “energy station” that can generate and distribute energy around itself special type, This Living being, capable of helping its owner fulfill desires.

Do you dream of meeting your soul mate? Do you want to fill your family nest with warmth? We will tell you about indoor flowers that will help you find your love, maintain existing relationships, protect your family happiness, protect home comfort, and bring peace, joy and grace to your home.

Flowers that bring happiness to the home

The Uzumbara violet has long been considered a talisman for lovers. With their elegant flowers and velvet leaves that resemble hearts, Saintpaulias create a festive atmosphere in the house and give its inhabitants a feeling of comfort. Many legends are associated with this delicate, fragile flower. According to one version, Saintpaulia appeared from the tears of Adam; according to other sources, Zeus turned one of the beautiful nymphs into a violet, who begged to help her get rid of Apollo’s persecution. The ancient Gauls decorated the newlyweds' bed with violets, and the French considered this beautiful flower a symbol of fidelity.

The energy of violet attracts health, abundance and prosperity - all that is so important for achieving family happiness. There is an opinion that Saintpaulias bloom only in families with a prosperous atmosphere: in houses where quarrels and conflicts are frequent, they die. Violets with red and pink flowers protect against disease and depression. Blue Saintpaulias give inspiration. With white violets, a feeling of peace, purity, and liberation from everything that oppresses comes into the house. If there is a misunderstanding between spouses, snow-white Saintpaulias will help eliminate it. And white violets are ideal for children's rooms.

Our ancestors have long considered indoor geranium a symbol of a strong and friendly family, lucky mascot for a home in which comfort and tranquility reign. Delighting their owners long flowering, the plant creates a light aura around itself. The color of pelargonium flowers is extremely varied - from white to burgundy, and the smell is very strong, even capable of causing headache. For this reason, it is not recommended to place geraniums next to the bed or in rooms where you spend a lot of time. But on the balcony and in the hallway, near front door and in the south-eastern part of the apartment the flower will feel great.

Since ancient times, pelargonium has been endowed magical power. According to ancient beliefs, flowers with pink petals attract love. White geranium calms outbursts of anger, gives peace of mind, red - gives self-confidence, helps in achieving goals and protects family happiness. It is useful for a tired person to sit for a short time in the company of snow-white geranium: the flower will share its healing energy and help to feel an emotional uplift.

People call spathiphyllum “women’s happiness” for a reason. Since ancient times, people believed that this beautiful flower helps to improve relationships between spouses, brings love and harmony to the home. They say that it blooms only in happy homes, and where they constantly quarrel, they die. By folk beliefs Spathiphyllum will help women dreaming of a child to get pregnant, single people to find their soul mate, married people to find family happiness, unmarried people to soon put on a long-awaited wedding dress. This flower will be a wonderful gift for your mother, sister, or friend.

The owner of the spathiphyllum needs to properly care for her “female happiness”, surround it with warmth and care. Only in this case will the flower be able to reveal its magical properties. It is not recommended to give the plant into the wrong hands, otherwise you will share your happiness with others.

The white color of delicate spathiphyllum flowers, similar in shape to boats, symbolizes innocence and purity. But the fiery red heart-shaped sails of anthurium - a close relative of “female happiness”, personify passionate love, are a symbol of courage, strength and freedom - everything that a man needs. Anthurium is also called “devil’s tongue” and “flamingo flower”: its inflorescences can be white or pink.

Anthurium ignites the fire of passion between lovers and enhances the emotional attraction in a couple. The flower gives its male owners success with the opposite sex, and brings bright emotions and harmony to relationships with the woman they love. Anthurium is also called “male fidelity.” According to popular beliefs, if a plant has withered, stopped blooming, and something is wrong with it, it means that the faithful need an “eye and an eye.”

Modest and inconspicuous at first glance, but very beautiful and unusual if you look closely at it, this flower from the Crassula family can reach up to 30 cm in height. Mature plant looks like a tree. It is popularly known as the guardian of the hearth. Aichrizon is called the “tree of happiness”, “tree of love”. The plant is usually given as a housewarming gift: it brings comfort, joy and tranquility to the house.

The leaves of the flower are very unusual - small, fleshy, covered with thick down: they seem to be dressed in a fur coat, and are shaped like hearts. Aichrizon is especially beautiful during the flowering period: its yellow star flowers look like little suns, and the tree itself resembles a spring meadow dotted with dandelions. It is recommended to place a “tree of happiness” on the windows or at the entrance so that it eliminates negative energy, which can enter the house from the street.

Get a hoya experienced flower growers Recommended for couples dreaming of family happiness and well-being. In some countries, one of the many varieties of the plant, Hoya Kerry, is customary to give as a gift for Valentine's Day. It’s better to place the vine in the bedroom, and let family happiness curl like its branches.

This Indian beauty is able to please its owners in many ways: it exudes a pleasant and delicate aroma, reminiscent of a tulip, but the most surprising thing is its appearance: it seems that the flowers of the plant are made of wax. Creamy white with a crimson crown, similar to stars, they largely determine the attractiveness of the plant. Most often in homes you can find fleshy hoya and beautiful hoya. In addition to the fact that the flower brings happiness and peace to the house, it also takes care of the health of its owners, although it is very unpretentious in care.

For those who are looking for happiness, strive for harmony in relationships, dream of a strong and friendly family, it’s perfect would be better suited beautiful calathea is a plant that is considered a symbol home comfort. Calathea is especially recommended for young families, for those couples who living together is just beginning: the flower will help make her long and happy. The plant brings joy, mutual understanding and warmth to the home.

Calathea is grown for its beautiful leaves, decorated with fancy designs. They can be dark green, silver-green, glossy and velvety, with original patterns in the form of stripes and spots various shades- from yellow to brown-red, and on the reverse side - burgundy, purple-lilac, pink-lilac. In some species, the leaves look like peacock feathers, they are so colorful and beautiful. Calathea inflorescences can be white, cream, pink, bright orange, they are located on long straight peduncles, which makes the flower even more attractive.

A happy family cannot do without a ficus tree. Since biblical times this beautiful tree is considered the patron saint of the hearth: it is the ficus Carica (other names are fig tree, fig tree, common fig) took pity on Adam and Eve, expelled from paradise: he fed them with his fruits and dropped leaves to cover the nakedness of sinners. Until now, this flower in the house is a sign of harmony and a happy family life. If ficus lives in the kitchen, there will always be prosperity in the house. And if you place a tree in the bedroom, it will provide a sound and restful sleep, and will help a woman get pregnant. According to ancient legend, small-leaved ficus trees contribute to the appearance of a long-awaited baby in the family.

Ficus - truly magical plant. This beautiful flower will decorate your home, create an aura of reliability and peace, and help fight seasonal depression. The tree improves mood, instills optimism, helps spouses achieve harmony in relationships, and strengthens trust between loving hearts.

With their silent presence, indoor flowers decorate our lives, filling it with joy and bright hopes. Among the mascot plants for lovers are wood sorrel, chlorophytum, hibiscus and Dracaena Sander. If you want to save your family or find your soulmate, get a wood sorrel (oxalis). Do you dream of passionate love? Let hibiscus settle in your house ( Chinese rose). Do you want your marriage to be successful? Plant a myrtle tree. In many countries this flower is considered the best gift for newlyweds. Dracaena Sandera (“lucky bamboo”, “bamboo of happiness”) will also make your family life happy. Chlorophytum will protect your love. He will make your happiness cloudless - that’s what people say. And if you dream of becoming parents, transplant the plant into a funny colorful pot and wait patiently for it to bloom.

Now that you know which flowers bring happiness to the house, all that remains is to test it in practice. Of course, plants alone cannot make us absolutely happy. They themselves cannot fulfill our desires, but they are very capable of helping us achieve our goals. The main thing is to take good care of your pets, then they will definitely share their miraculous powers with us.

Living plants bring aesthetic pleasure and joy to people. Flowers in the house have a direct impact on human energy, according to Feng Shui (ancient Chinese teaching) to harmonize the atmosphere in the home and create favorable microclimate in it, green representatives of the flora are selected and arranged in a certain way.

Flowers for home well-being according to Feng Shui

Green plants are living organisms, their biofield when correct location a flower pot in space can balance and enhance different sides people's lives. Great importance they have the shape, size of stems, leaves and color of inflorescences. To get the maximum positive energy from a space, it is better to select indoor plants for your home according to Feng Shui; at home you should keep specimens that stretch and grow upward. They activate a positive aura. Plants with round, neat leaves will bring peace and tranquility to the room.

Fresh flowers in the house according to Feng Shui

According to the types of energy released, all plants are divided into specimens with a male aura and pointed leaves (Yang) and female ones with round ones (Yin).

  1. The first include dracaena, chlorophytum, and citrus fruits. They direct the movement of energy and grow straight upward.
  2. According to Feng Shui, female flowers in the house are violet, money tree, cyclamen, begonia.

To create a favorable microclimate and balance in your home, it is recommended to have Yang and Yin plants.

According to Feng Shui, flowers on the windowsill can filter negative energy coming from outside and saturate the house with positivity. It is better to plant geraniums with pink or red inflorescences on southern windows; a cactus will feel great on a northern windowsill. pomegranate tree, placed on the western window, will breathe life into the relationship of the spouses. A white chrysanthemum or lily installed there will help household members realize creative potential, find mutual language with kids.

According to Feng Shui, flowers in the bedroom are not recommended to be kept near the bed. Many plants cannot be used in this room; they saturate it with Yang energy, which can harm the relationship of the spouses. According to Feng Shui, it is better to choose flowers for the kitchen with light shades of twigs, with round leaves - violets or begonias, you can use fruit-bearing varieties. For overhead design will suit ivy or tradescantia.

The most optimal flowers for a children's room according to Feng Shui - citrus fruits, ferns, chlorophytum, Chinese rose. They purify the air and improve memory, brain function and emotional condition child. But cactus, yucca, dieffenbachia or monstera have heavy energy for children; nightshade, oleander, and euphorbia are poisonous and can cause allergies.

Artificial flowers according to Feng Shui in the apartment

From the point of view of this science, all plants in the house are a positive symbol. Only dried and poisonous specimens need to be excluded from the house. Dried plants are considered vampires that absorb energy. According to Feng Shui, artificial flowers in the house have a positive biofield; they can be placed in areas where it is not recommended to place a living specimen. Such places include areas near fire or water - there the plant may die.

It is also believed that putrefactive processes occurring in pots have a bad effect on a sleeping person, therefore, according to Chinese teaching, living flora is used to a limited extent in the bedroom. Decorative flowers can be placed in the bathroom according to Feng Shui, or at the head of the bed, in the kitchen near the work surface. The most powerful plants that will bring harmony and happiness to their owners are lotus, chrysanthemum, peony, magnolia and orchid.

Feng Shui flowers in the painting

According to this teaching, the drawings on the wall are portals that allow positive energy into the house. According to Feng Shui, garden, mountain, forest, and indoor flowers can be depicted in paintings; they will attract harmony and happiness. Each plant has a secret meaning:

  • poppies and peonies will bring a fateful meeting to single people, and will help married couples find mutual understanding;
  • lotus gives abundance and high social status;
  • lilies of the valley and white lilies are symbols of purity and humility, peace in the home;
  • an orchid will give family happiness and numerous offspring;
  • chrysanthemums will bring balance between feelings and mind;
  • Roses are powerful conductors of positive energies and bring love into life.

According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place paintings with flowers in the house on the southwestern wall of the apartment. If you need to improve relations between spouses, hang the image in the bedroom, improve mutual understanding between household members - in the living room, achieve success at work - use the office. Which area of ​​life needs to be improved, the painting is placed in that room.

Feng Shui meaning of flowers

Indoor plants can have a beneficial effect on the health of residents - they can improve mood, relieve headaches, and fatigue. The best flowers for the home, according to Feng Shui, they cleanse the energy of the home and protect it from negative influences. In order for a plant to have a beneficial effect on people and space, you need to choose the right green friend, determine its place and provide it with care.

Azalea flower - its meaning according to Feng Shui

This plant is the best donor; it gives off the energy of creativity and creation. If you have constant fatigue syndrome, you need to know which Feng Shui flowers in the house support the energy of vigor. Azalea will help restore strength and restore inspiration to those who move like a sleepy fly all day. It develops sensitivity to people and awakens the ability to love. The aroma of azalea is moist and light, promoting concentration of the mind and purification of thoughts. At the physiological level, it regulates the functioning of the heart, chest organs and blood circulation. In order for an azalea to take root in the house, it needs to be surrounded with care.

Guzmania - the meaning of the flower according to Feng Shui

This is a lush green plant with thin long leaves and a bright rosette. Guzmania helps to lift the mood of the owners, protects against depression, and improves well-being. According to Feng Shui, such flowers in an apartment should be placed in the southwestern or eastern sector. They help create a peaceful atmosphere in the family, normalize relationships; shades of red will help maintain a feeling of love among spouses. Yellow Guzmania will attract good luck and

financial opportunities. By placing your diploma next to your green friend, you can gain recognition of your professional activities.

Callas - the meaning of a flower according to Feng Shui

According to Chinese teaching, each plant is a kind of talisman for the home and family members. To gain powerful protection from evil forces and diseases, women use white and yellow calla flowers; according to Feng Shui, their meaning is a talisman of family happiness. They help create a successful marriage and are a symbol of beauty and youth. Calla helps to resist despondency and stress, to create and act, regardless of the circumstances. Magical properties possesses not only the living flower itself, but also its image. It is appropriate to use it in clothing, hang a picture at the entrance to the house.

Indoor Crassula flower - Feng Shui meaning

The famous money tree is considered an energetically powerful plant in Chinese teaching. improves the financial situation of home owners, brings them happiness and good luck. It is better to place such flowers on the windowsill; according to Feng Shui, the south-eastern sector of the apartment is responsible for the increase in financial well-being. It is recommended to grow the tree yourself from cuttings so that it feels the care of the owner and absorbs the energy of the house. You can decorate it with coins, red ribbons, and place the pot on a purple napkin with hieroglyphs of wealth.

Feng Shui plumeria flower

This is a tropical tree of amazing heavenly beauty with an elegant scent. Fragrant flowers it comes in white-yellow and crimson with petals of regular oval shape. The plant is considered a tree of life and a symbol of immortality; in Hawaii and Thailand it is often planted near temples, where it is more popular than lotus and orchids. According to Feng Shui, it is better to place such home flowers in the southern corner of the apartment; you can use the bedroom window sill for this. In addition to heavenly beauty and a wonderful aroma, the tree has strong energy, helps its owners maintain health and gives longevity.

Nematanthus flower according to Feng Shui

This is an unusual shrub from Brazil. In the axils of the nematanthus (hypocyrtus) in dense dark green leaves, original orange buds, similar to goldfish, are formed. According to Feng Shui, such flowers in an apartment are considered healers for other plants. Next to the nematanthus, even sick relatives begin to recover. Hypocyrta has the most beneficial effect on a person - it takes over negative emotions, and in return gives peace of mind and helps achieve financial well-being. The main thing is to provide the plant proper care so that it is in a healthy state.

To create a favorable atmosphere, fresh flowers are needed in the house; according to Feng Shui, any plant has its own energy. Knowledge of the impact of each variety on humans and the environment, the ability to correctly create a phytodesign and arrange specimens in in the right places will allow you to block negative impact from some green representatives of the flora and saturate your home with positivity, achieving spiritual harmony. For a flower to show all its power, you need to install it in the right place, show it care and love, speak Nice words, thank you for your help.

They should be in every home!

For many of us, plants are simply decorative element- they decorate, enliven the interior, absorb carbon dioxide... However, experienced housewives who are actively involved in growing indoor plants will tell you that the role of flowers is much greater. A plant can become a real family talisman, and if you take care of it properly, it will bring love, happiness and good luck to your home. People have long noticed that some flowers improve the atmosphere in the house and create comfort, while others, on the contrary, have a negative effect on energy.

We present to your attention a list of ten plants that can change your life for the better!

10th place: Anthurium

Anthurium reveres the stronger sex and gives its representatives masculine strength. For single men, the plant also brings success with women; for married men, a happy family life in the home.

If you are an unmarried girl, it is worth getting this plant at least because of its beauty and, of course, for future family happiness. The flower has large dark green heart-shaped leaves, as if suspended from long narrow cuttings. If the plant is properly cared for, it blooms all year round. An anthurium flower is a fluffy white or yellow spikelet with a red-pink (see photo) or snow-white border.

The maximum height of a houseplant is 80 cm. Leaves can grow up to 40 cm in length, flowers up to 20 cm. You cannot call it a long-liver: the flower dies after 3 years.

You can always find more useful articles, interesting videos and tests on our website.

Important! Anthurium is very poisonous, so it is necessary to protect small children and animals from it.

The “male flower” is warm and light-loving, which is not surprising: its homeland is the subtropics of Central and South America. To make your anthurium feel at home and bloom better, spray it with water twice a day. Do not direct the stream at the inflorescences of the plant: they may darken and crumble. It is necessary to water the flower once a week in winter and 2-3 times in summer. Anthurium has long been included in the TOP 10 indoor plants for family happiness.

9th place: Oxalis

Oxalis or indoor wood sorrel (see photo) can only bring good luck - this becomes clear at first glance at the flower.

The shape of the leaves resembles a giant clover, shaded with dark lilac in the middle. Therefore, it is customary to give the plant to the house for the holidays. The four-leaf oxalis is held in special esteem, promising incredible luck to its owner.

“Luck” tastes slightly sour due to the high content of oxalic acid. The leaves of the plant can have different colors: green, lilac or bicolor. They fold up at night and in cloudy weather. Oxalis blooms several times a year with charming small flowers:


Water this plant, your family “happiness,” once a week, expose the plant to diffused light, and do not allow the temperature to exceed 25 degrees. From time to time, pamper the flower with mineral fertilizer.

8th place: Chlorophytum

Chlorophytrum has probably caught your eye at least once: it is a luxurious, lush plant with elongated leaves of a lush green color. There are many different names for this mop of greenery: “spray of champagne”, “spider”, “green lily”, “bride’s veil”. But most often the plant is called “family happiness,” whose patron it is considered.

A flower can not only be a family talisman, but also bring considerable benefits to the home. It has been proven that chlorophytrum intensively moisturizes and purifies the air of harmful bacteria. The effect will be enhanced if you place a couple of tablets of activated carbon into the soil at the roots of the plant.

A couple of pots of chlorophytrum, “charged” with coal, are an excellent replacement for an air purifier.

In addition, it contains a large number of essential oils. Therefore, inhaling the scent of the plant has a beneficial effect on nervous system and relieves stress. In a word, chlorophytrum literally discharges the atmosphere in the house. For this reason, the plant needs to be watered more often and exposed to the sun.

7th place: Calathea

At first glance, Calathea looks restrained and even somewhat stern. This is a real ascetic flower: it is unpretentious in care and can go without watering for a long time. It is known that in the tribes of South America, where calathea comes from, its strong leaves were often used for weaving baskets. All this fits perfectly with the fact that Calathea is the patroness of a long and lasting marriage and brings happiness to the home where it is cherished.

The large and fleshy leaves of the plant are decorated with an elegant pale pattern. By the way, a sign healthy flower is a uniform base color and clear lines on the leaves.

The size of an indoor flower can reach 60 cm. The length of the leaves is up to 30 cm. By itself, with minimal watering, calathea can last up to 4 years. If you take care of the plant and replant it in time, its life becomes endless.

6th place: Aichrizon

Aichrizon is a small shrub that is easily recognized by its thick stem and many round and fleshy leaves. By the way, to many they resemble hearts. Perhaps this is also why the flower is called the “tree of love.” The romance is also added by the fact that in wildlife aichrizon often grows “through rocks,” that is, in crevices where little is found.

The flower can reach a height of 30 cm. The color of the plant varies from lush green to light green, with whitish, reddish or brown spots. In the photo - aichrizon Guchi.

In order for the aichrizon to bloom in due time (the second half of spring), you need to try hard. In summer, the flower requires a temperature of 20-25 degrees and frequent watering, in the cool season - 10-12 degrees and one watering per week. It also needs to be sprayed from time to time warm water and wipe the heart-shaped leaves. Then at the beginning of May you will receive a home bright inflorescence from small yellow or red “suns”.

5th place: Myrtle.

Fragrant myrtle is often given to newlyweds. It is believed to promote peace, friendship and trust between husband and wife. Spouses who have a myrtle bush in their house will always support each other, seek compromises and restrain themselves even in anger. Family happiness will not leave this house. Perhaps the reason for this is the subtle soothing aroma of the plant. In addition, literally from Greek “myrtle” is translated as “balm”.

If you plant the shrub as a houseplant, it can reach 1 meter in height. The plant is demanding: it can only be placed in a sunny place, but the light must be soft and diffused. Likes moderate temperatures: 17-20 degrees in summer and 7-10 in winter.

Watering should be so frequent that the soil never dries out. In addition, the shrub needs regular spraying. By the way, you can prepare tinctures and balms from the leaves of adult myrtle.

4th place: Hoya

Hoya is a newcomer from Asia. It is also called wax ivy. IN room conditions is a medium-sized shrub with stunningly beautiful spherical inflorescences. Hoya is the patroness of young lovers, tenderness and fidelity. During flowering, it releases sweet nectar and an exciting smell. Therefore, it is best to place it in the bedroom.

In order for the flower to grow normally and not be capricious, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of 22-25 degrees in summer and 10-15 in winter. Hoya needs a scattered sunlight, but, in extreme cases, it will cost artificial lighting. It is recommended to periodically spray and water the plant with settled water. Blooming hoya produces inflorescences of small white flowers and purple stars in the middle. A house where hoya blooms is considered lucky.

3rd place: Chinese rose

The Chinese rose or hibiscus took the “prize” place for bringing passion into the home. Moreover, to everyone indiscriminately: if you are free, you will soon meet a couple. If you are already in a relationship, then the love will only intensify. In the photo - hibiscus on a trunk.

There are many interesting Asian traditions associated with hibiscus. Large red, yellow and white flowers look great against the background of black silky hair of Asian women. Therefore, the latter actively use hibiscus as decoration. A flower above the left ear means readiness for a new romantic acquaintance. Above the right - the girl is already busy. The most immodest ones can decorate themselves with flowers on both sides, hinting that they would like to meet another guy.

As “passionate” hibiscus is, it is also thermophilic. Do not be confused by the deceptive appearance of a typical deciduous shrub from a temperate zone: the Chinese rose can easily tolerate up to 35 degrees of heat. In general, the flower is unpretentious, but from late spring to mid-autumn more frequent watering is recommended, as well as mineral supplements. Bring it into the house at the first cold snap at night.

2nd place: Uzambara violet

She is also Saintpaulia, which is considered a symbol of endless love. Or love to death, as you wish. It is quite possible that the emphasis is on the sweet appearance of this plant: small bushes with velvety leaves, and during flowering small multi-colored flowers can also be seen in them. Small pots with violets are certainly a symbol of endless comfort and home warmth. Bonus - pleasant smell.

The little one, however, is a little capricious. Requires a lot of light, only soft, settled water, preferably with a mineral supplement. Watering must be done carefully - if you spill water in soft leaves, they will rot. Every 3-4 years the violet should be replanted. Pink, white, purple - these are the colors that violets are decorated with for several months of the year.

1st place: Spathiphyllum

Who could take first place in the ranking of the best 10 indoor plants for family happiness? Of course, the main female patron is spathiphyllum (pictured). That’s what they call him: “ woman's happiness" It gives love to single women, revived feelings to married women, pregnancy to infertile women, peace and tranquility in the family to large families, etc.

Spathiphyllum has narrow flexible stems on which buds form during flowering. The stems are bordered by large, but rather thin and sinewy leaves. The plant blooms with smooth white buds. By the way, sometimes the flower is called an indoor “lily” for its similarity to a calla lily.

Unlike anthurium, it is extremely unpretentious. It grows normally at temperatures from 18 to 23 degrees. If it gets hotter or cooler, it will simply “get stuck” at one stage of growth. The photo shows a spathiphyllum with white flowers.

Like most plants, spathiphyllum needs to be watered more often in the summer, and in winter, on the contrary, the water supply should be reduced. In spring, the flower can be replanted.

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