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» Do they give sick leave for IVF? How to behave after IVF Hospital after embryo transfer

Do they give sick leave for IVF? How to behave after IVF Hospital after embryo transfer

The process of implantation of a fertilized egg during in vitro fertilization is little covered in the literature and is not well understood.

It is known that the whole IVF process depends on the timeliness of the transportation of the embryo.

Embryo transport begins with egg retrieval. The egg retrieval process takes place under anesthesia. After that, fertilization with seminal fluid occurs, and further embryo replanting during IVF.

Factors affecting successful replanting

This process includes two important conditions:

  • The combination and interaction of the tissue structure of the uterus and the embryo;
  • Compliance with the time and conditions of embryo replanting.

Doctors consider embryo transfer with the coincidence of this period with the formation of an implantation window.

The implantation window is a period during which favorable conditions are created in the uterus for interaction with the embryo.

It has been studied that favorable conditions for the internal tissue are created on the twentieth day of the cycle. The period may be delayed for some time due to the intensity of the use of hormonal drugs.

Features of implantation in IVF protocols

In in vitro fertilization programs, the fusion of eggs and sperm is placed in an artificial environment equipped with nutrients.

After being in these environments for a certain time, they are transferred to the natural environment of the uterus. When the embryo is implanted in the environment of the uterine mucosa, the embryo will need time to recover.

The coincidence of terms is a very important and decisive stage, in case of a delay or delay in terms, an ineffective completion of the IVF cycle occurs.

It is possible to postpone the process of introducing the embryo into the uterus for about three days. Implantation at a later date does not affect the quality of pregnancy.

Timing of implantation

Embryo transfer takes place after the hatching procedure.

Hatching is the process of piercing the shell of the embryo in order to reduce the density of the outer protective shell.

Reasons for the absence or failure of implantation:

  1. Stopping the embryo in development due to genetic indicators;
  2. The presence of inflammatory processes in the endometrium of the uterine cavity (polyps, scars, etc.);
  3. The appearance of the thick shell of the embryo. This symptom is present in aged patients and is associated with the process of egg aging;
  4. The presence of unfavorable conditions for embryo transfer - replanting the embryo after freezing, bad habits.

Medical support

For effective implantation, progesterone support with drugs is carried out.

The use of such a complex of drugs begins from the first day of the introduction of the embryo into the uterine cavity.

Preparations of the progesterone group prepare the internal tissue of the uterus for a successful transfer of the germ.

Also, to obtain a positive result of the transfer of a fertilized egg, drugs that help thin the blood, such as heparin, aspirin, etc., are used.

They help to increase blood circulation, as a result of which satisfactory factors are formed for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Embryo implantation symptoms after replanting

When performing implantation, a woman experiences a number of unpleasant sensations:

  • Migraines, dizziness;
  • Taste of metal in the mouth;
  • drowsiness, fatigue;
  • Increase in body temperature.

Sometimes these signs have a psychological justification. A woman, in anticipation of the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, does not let go of the thought of this, therefore, her health worsens.

Sometimes this condition can be a reaction to the use of progesterone drugs. And sometimes a clear sign of an embryo transfer is bleeding, but this happens in rare cases.

Embryo fixation

Fertilized eggs are fixed in the uterine cavity, as its structure consists of many villi.

At the moment the embryo enters the uterus, the villi envelop it, as it were, thereby sticking to the wall. This process occurs after hatching.

Conditions for positive embryo transfer:

  • Quantity and qualitative composition of eggs;
  • Age categories of women;
  • Frequency of previous IVF procedures;
  • Individual characteristics of health.

What happens after the transfer

Embryo transfer is a rather complicated process, but the situation after that becomes alarming. A woman in anticipation of good news must follow all the recommendations to achieve pregnancy.

The onset of pregnancy and subsequent stages are similar to natural stages. After the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity, a process of further growth and development takes place.

The introduction of the embryo into the uterine mucosa occurs on the seventh day after the fertilization procedure and lasts approximately three days. Embryo implantation is the process of immersion in the uterus.

There are 2 phases of implantation:

  • Adhesion (attachment procedure);
  • Invasion (penetration).

After these phases, the laying of the skeletal chord, neural and intestinal tubes occurs.

How to behave after embryo transfer?

After the procedure for transferring the embryo into the uterine cavity, the woman should be in a calm state.

After the transfer, the following rules must be observed:

  • The first day you need to refrain from taking baths, showers, visiting the pool;
  • Do not have sexual intercourse before pregnancy testing;
  • Do not insert tampons into the vagina;
  • Try to avoid physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • After the procedure, do not perform work for 24 hours, try to adhere to bed rest;
  • Avoid stress and negative emotions;
  • Engage in pleasurable leisure activities (knitting, reading, etc.) before receiving pregnancy test results;
  • Avoid colds and infectious diseases;
  • It is forbidden to drive a car;
  • Food with fresh fruits and vegetables.

A woman who has undergone this procedure should follow a balanced, nutritious diet, regularly take walks in the fresh air.

Bad habits must be forgotten for a long time. A woman should get enough sleep while sleeping position should be chosen in a comfortable position.

After implantation, some women experience spotting, but you should not be afraid of this. Basically, this process is associated with the use of hormonal drugs, in other words, there is a glut of hormones.

In some cases, women experience pain in the groin of the abdomen. Such symptoms appear in 25 percent of women who have undergone embryo implantation.

After the implantation procedure, it is necessary to listen to your body with special care and, at the slightest discomfort, in order to avoid complications, rush to consult a doctor.

Hormonal support after embryo transfer

The consequences after the procedure for each woman are different. Some are advised to provide hormonal support with the use of estradiol and progesterone. A harmonious balance of hormones ensures the normal development of embryos.

Embryos in the uterus produce human chorionic gonadotropin (CG). The amount of this hormone increases in quantitative terms, signaling the normal formation and growth of the fetus.

Therefore, the examination for the content of hormones is carried out on the day of implantation and a week after the procedure.

Pregnancy after embryo transfer

Pregnancy testing is done two weeks after the embryo transfer procedure. The test does not provide complete information, therefore it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound examination.

During these two weeks, the woman should be in a calm, balanced environment. Family members must understand the complexity of the situation and provide support in all matters.

If tension reaches its maximum value, you can use the following herbal sedative recipes:

  • Pour boiling water over dry motherwort herb and take a weak solution as a tea drink;
  • Mix herbs: lemon balm, mint, chamomile. Brew the mixture with boiling water in a thermos and let it brew. Consume as tea;
  • It is allowed to take tablets of a homeopathic remedy - glycine;
  • The use of aromatic essential oils (lavender oil) has a calming effect.

Video: Embryo Transfer

After implantation, a woman should follow all of the above recommendations and treat her health condition with care. At the slightest discomfort, you should immediately contact a reproductive specialist.

If it is not possible to conceive a child naturally for a year or more, then doctors make a disappointing diagnosis - infertility. To solve this problem, many couples turn to the in vitro fertilization procedure. For the protocol to be successful, a woman must know how to behave after the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity, as well as what should be done and what will have to be abandoned.

Of course, the main recommendations are always given by reproductologists, as well as those specialists who perform the procedure and lead the woman from the first to the final stage. But with all this, it is always useful to read more about how to behave during IVF: the advice of doctors and reviews of women who have gone through such fertilization will definitely help.


Initially, specialists perform hyperstimulation of the ovaries, after which mature germ cells are taken, with the help of which IVF will be performed. Next, the girl will have several days to prepare for the very replanting of fertilized eggs into the uterine cavity. On average, 5 days are given for preparation, and during this time the oocytes already have time to mature to the required stage.

In the process of preparation, you must follow all medical recommendations. Immediately on the day before IVF, you should refrain from having sex, as well as spend time in a state of rest.

Let us consider in more detail the day of embryo transfer itself, how a girl should behave. Before visiting the reproductive center, you need to take a warm shower, you should not use any hygiene products. Strong odors and chemicals can be a nuisance. Also, on the day of embryo transfer, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics.

Also, the girl should go to the toilet to empty her bladder about two hours before replanting. Before this, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible, but preferably water.

Also, many are interested in the first day of embryo transfer, how to behave in terms of nutrition. The last meal should be approximately three hours before the expected time of the procedure. It is better to eat light food that is quickly absorbed. So you can save yourself from problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

After the transfer

Every girl should understand that after the transfer of embryos, she cannot be considered immediately pregnant. To achieve the desired goal, it is necessary that the cells attach to the uterine walls. A leading specialist will talk about how to save IVF pregnancy.

Depending on how long the taken cells were fertilized (5 or 3 days), the blood results for hCG will be taken at different times. Based on them, it will be possible to navigate whether the protocol was successful, or whether it needs to be repeated.

Every woman should understand how to behave after embryo transfer so that they take root in the uterine cavity. Lifestyle after embryo transfer will be slightly different from the usual rhythm. Therefore, it is worth considering this issue in more detail.


In most cases, a reproductive specialist tells about how to behave after embryo transfer.

One of the most asked questions is: “How long should I lie down after embryo transfer?” The answer will be this. Not at all. Usually, after the transfer, the woman stays in the clinic for some time. It depends on the internal regulations of the institution. If desired, you can ask the doctor to issue a sick leave or a certificate releasing from work on the day of the transfer.

The main task is to maintain a positive attitude. And here all means are good. Someone prefers to lie down, covered with a warm blanket. Some people need family and friends. And for some, it’s even easier to unwind and spend the whole day on the move. Moreover, the movement is preferable, as it helps to avoid stagnation of blood in the small pelvis.

You don't have to worry about the egg. Since the transfer, it has been in a safe place. The villi of the endometrium, as well as the villi of the fallopian tubes, are in motion. They capture the egg and move through the uterine cavity. This movement prevents the fertilized egg from falling out and helps to find the most suitable place for implantation.

On the video you can see how the microbubble with the embryo moves (microdrop whis embryos).

Despite the fact that the embryo moves throughout the uterine cavity, it is securely held by the villi of the endometrium and is completely protected from falling out. Even while going to the toilet.


Any drugs in the period after the transfer must be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, these are derivatives of progesterone. They are prescribed to create optimal conditions for the onset of pregnancy.


Life after IVF and before the procedure is divided into two halves. This is partly due to the emotional state of a woman who could not get pregnant for a long time, and suddenly came as close as possible to the implementation of her plan. It is very important to know after IVF replanting how to behave with constipation.


In case of eating the wrong food, there may be problems with defecation. Standard recommendations for healthy eating will help solve the problem. Enough protein, fiber and fluids. An abundance of vegetables. Reasonable restriction of sweets, fried, smoked, refined and processed foods.

In any case, improving the diet will benefit both the woman herself and the unborn child.


Many girls are interested in how to behave after IVF in terms of sexual life. There are no specific recommendations in this regard. If there is sex in life that brings pleasure and strengthens the relationship of partners, it will be beneficial.


After IVF embryo replanting was performed, how to behave in the first days and hours is relatively clear. It is worth paying a little attention to the necessary medical examinations.

During the first three weeks, the girl will be subjected to the necessary diagnostic procedures. To make sure the process is moving in the right direction.

After about two weeks, they will definitely appoint a blood test to determine the level of hCG. When 21 days have passed since the transfer, IVF will be monitored by ultrasound.

Sleep Rules

Not surprisingly, most women are looking for an answer to the question of how to behave after embryo transfer during IVF. This is really important, but the main thing is not to focus your psychological attention on the same thing.

This approach will lead to the fact that the girl will begin to think that she is doing some actions incorrectly. That is why doctors often recommend reading reviews of other couples about how to behave after embryo transfer. We will give general recommendations.

Almost everyone is interested in how to sleep after embryo transfer. You can choose any position, the main thing is that the expectant mother is comfortable and convenient. Some people think that it is unacceptable to lie on your stomach, but this does not have any scientific evidence, so it is considered a prejudice.

Often behavior after embryo transfer comes down to a frequent desire to sleep. That is why, if possible, it is necessary to allocate less time for this in the evening, so that later you can take a nap during the day.

Actually, whether it is necessary to lie down after embryo transfer, whether it is possible to sleep on the stomach, and also that after the transfer of embryos, how long it is necessary to lie down is already clear. You can move on to other issues of no less interest to girls.

How to behave after embryo transfer, what can be done after IVF: recommendations and prohibitions

How to behave after embryo transfer and what to do after IVF is the most common question among female patients of reproductive clinics. It is very important to follow all the requirements that your doctor outlined after the in vitro fertilization program. As a rule, the doctor in the first hours after embryo replanting voices recommendations that cover three aspects:

  • mode;
  • dieting;
  • taking medications.

Preparing for Embryo Transfer

There are no strict restrictions for this period. A measured and healthy lifestyle is needed. Embryo transfer is a minimally invasive procedure, performed without anesthesia. Two doctors participate in the procedure - an embryologist and a reproductologist. The manipulation itself is performed by a reproductive specialist. The appearance of pain and discomfort during replanting is possible, but not necessary.

  • In the morning you need to take a shower.
  • 2 hours before the replanting procedure, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of water without gas. A slightly filled bladder will facilitate the manipulation of the embryo transfer into the uterine cavity.
  • Take with you the necessary things and a good mood.
  • It is advisable not to use cosmetics and perfumes for the comfort of doctors.

How to behave after embryo transfer with regard to taking medications

All prescribed drugs after infusion in IVF protocols lead to reproducing the physiological processes in the body that occur before the onset of pregnancy in natural conditions. That is why it is unacceptable to cancel, replace, change the dose, the frequency of taking any of the prescribed drugs without the recommendation of your doctor.

The period from the moment of replanting to the time you need to take it is called the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. At this time, an individually selected complex of drugs is prescribed to support the luteal phase and the onset of pregnancy. The main one is . This hormone creates a certain balance between the first and second phases of MC. Two more important drugs:

  • hCG (purpose of appointment - stimulation of development and);
  • Estradiol (recommended more often after a long protocol - to prepare the endometrium for implantation).

But they are used strictly individually.

Additionally, the following may be assigned:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Aspirin;
  • No-shpu;
  • Glycised;
  • Papaverine.

What to do after IVF

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the intake of folic acid. It not only prevents the development of abnormalities in the fetus, but is also involved in lowering homocysteine ​​levels. This is an amino acid that promotes thrombosis, which in turn. You can drink expensive and cheap folic acid preparations - they work the same way. It is necessary to take a vitamin after replanting embryos throughout pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

How to behave after embryo transfer

After embryo transfer, you need to tune yourself in, not get hung up, think positively, get distracted and not sit on forums and websites. Try to completely turn away from the events associated with the artificial insemination procedure. Behavior should resemble staying at a resort. The first days after IVF, you will have to lead a calm and measured life.

  • You can’t play sports, especially its extreme types and, which is extremely important, with. Since enlarged ovaries are at risk of torsion.
  • You can not go to the cinema, shops, concerts. The ban on attending public events is due to the threat of a viral infection. At the time of implantation, it physiologically loses its activity - this is how nature intended: so that the rejection of the embryo does not occur, because for the female body the embryo is a foreign body with foreign proteins.
  • You should not buy a bunch of urine tests to determine pregnancy after replanting - as they are not informative. Take in the laboratory, that is, determine the level of the hormone in the blood plasma.
  • It is not recommended, although the harm is not scientifically proven, visiting saunas, baths.
  • You can not eat fruits and vegetables unusual for the season, allergenic foods. Products that promote gas formation are excluded from the menu, such as cabbage, grape juice. Bloating will aggravate.

Do I need to lie down after replanting

Most online sources recommend lying down for 2 hours after the transfer, or even bed rest until pregnancy is confirmed. In the reviews, there are stories of patients in reproductive clinics that they were in bed for 20 days. Such recommendations are baseless and harmful.

There is no need to be afraid to get up from the chair immediately after the transfer - the embryos will not fall out. Anatomically, the uterus is located almost vertically (angulated more often anteriorly or rarely posteriorly) when the woman's body is in a horizontal position. That is, when a woman stands, sits, walks, the uterus lies horizontally. So nature took care of women in order to keep the pregnancy and to make it convenient for the embryo to attach to the wall of the organ for implantation. Therefore, you will not lose a pregnancy simply from getting up from a chair and being in a horizontal position.

Fears of unsuccessful IVF arise not only in our country. Spanish scientists conducted an experiment that proves to patients that they should not be afraid to get up from a chair and lie down for 2 weeks after the transfer.

Scientists identified two groups of patients who were placed air bubbles in the uterine cavity under ultrasound guidance. One group was asked to lie down for 2 hours, the second - to live a normal life, move, sit, walk. Two hours later, these patients looked at the ultrasound and found that the air bubbles did not move from the fact that the women changed the position of the body. This is the best proof - walking, lying, sitting after embryo transfer during IVF is not scary.

You need to do everything that is in everyday life and behave simply reasonably. If you need to make a decision regarding any action, consider what a pregnant woman would do in your place. This will help you find the answer to your question.

If constipation after embryo transfer - what to do

Provokes pain in the abdomen and the need to strain. The reason for the slowdown in the evacuation of intestinal contents is progesterone.

Large dosages of the drug have a blocking effect on progesterone receptors located on the intestinal mucosa, and peristalsis slows down. What to do? It is necessary to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of dietary measures. Of the drugs, you can take Dufalac, glycerin suppositories.

Constipation must be eliminated during this period. It is undesirable to push during the act of defecation and do an enema, as this can provoke more formidable

Can I drink coffee

Prohibited after embryo transfer. The drink will aggravate constipation. The same goes for chocolate and cocoa. Another argument “against” coffee is the difficulty of the implantation mechanism. Caffeine constricts blood vessels and affects the hormonal balance in the female body.

Replace the drink with dried fruit compotes without sugar, or brew in a thermos. This will improve the condition of the vascular wall and reduce soft tissue swelling.

When can I have sex after IVF?

This question is ambiguous. In the first days after IVF, it is recommended to abandon traditional and non-traditional sex if there are signs of OHSS (so that careless movements, pressure on the abdomen do not provoke ovarian torsion or apoplexy). When you can have sex - it is better to check with your doctor after confirming the fact of pregnancy and assessing the risk of hyperstimulation syndrome.

In some cases, for example, with delayed transfers, cryoprotocols, sex after embryo replanting is recommended by the doctors themselves. Excitation and orgasm entail the release of natural hormones that promote conception. But even in these cases, you need to be careful what happens in the body after IVF - has not yet been reliably studied.

With cryotransfer, restrictions on sex are not so categorical, because it is carried out in conditions close to.

Is it possible after embryo transfer ...

There are many questions from women regarding further behavior and daily life. You need to understand that after replanting a woman does not become sick, she is preparing to become a mother.

You can sit, take a shower, dye your hair, laugh, walk in the open air. You need to stop taking baths, yoga, sudden movements and lifting weights.

You can lie down, sleep on your stomach, on your side, the main thing is that this does not cause discomfort. The most mundane things are not forbidden. But it is impossible not to take into account the share of medical intervention in the process of conception. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to refuse, for example, a trip to the sea, do it. The acclimatization period will now be undesirable. You can’t walk and work a lot - physical activity should be enjoyable, not exhausting.

We are now living in an amazing time. The time in which the most daring desires of mankind of the 20th century and even more came true. This applies to all sectors of life, from computer technology to the latest methods of modern medicine. This also applies to reproductive medicine, which is developing by leaps and bounds and is being integrated into the everyday life of mankind as something everyday and essential. Modern assisted reproductive technologies are becoming more and more necessary every day for the normal functioning of society, the preservation of well-being and peace in families who would not have dreamed of such happiness before becoming parents before the use of in vitro fertilization techniques.

The method of in vitro fertilization involves the use of a set of sequential measures (Eco-embryo replanting) in order to obtain biological material, combine it and transfer it to the uterine cavity.

Stage 1- is necessary in order to achieve the maturation of not one, as is usually the case in the normal ovarian-menstrual cycle, but several follicles in which such follicles are located are necessary for the protocol of in vitro fertilization of the egg.

This stage is carried out with the use of hormonal ovulation-stimulating drugs. A side effect of such manipulations can be ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome - a complication that can be observed both in mild and severe form, which poses a threat to a woman's life.

Stage 2- the stage of ovarian puncture, namely mature follicles, to remove biomaterial from them - eggs, genetic material from the mother's side.

Stage 3- the moment of fusion of the mother's egg and father's sperm. Cultivation of the zygote for 2-6 days.

Stage 4- transfer (eco transplant) of cultured embryos into the uterine cavity of a woman so that they are implanted and the woman, so to speak, becomes pregnant.

Replanting is one of the most critical stages of the in vitro fertilization protocol, the course of which, as well as the woman's lifestyle, can affect the course of pregnancy, both for better and for worse.

IVF transplant - does it hurt? We can say with confidence that this is a painless procedure that delivers maximum psychological discomfort to a woman. Therefore, preparation for embryo transfer during IVF does not require special procedures.

IVF development of the embryo by day after transfer.

IVF embryo development after transfer

IVF embryo development after transfer, by day:

  • 1 day after the transfer procedure: the embryo is in the stage of blastocyst development, at this stage the division of blastomeres occurs.
  • Day 2 after transfer: during this period, the hatching of the embion takes place - it is released from the shell. After this process, nothing prevents implantation in the endometrium.
  • Day 3 - the blastocyst completes the process of exit from the albuginea and contacts with the endometrium.
  • Day 4 - the blastocyst plunges into the endometrium, the process of invasion occurs.
  • Day 5 is no longer characterized by the presence of a blastocyst, but by a gastrula, trophoblast villi begin to form, plunging deeper and deeper into the endometrium. A close connection between the villi and the vessels of the uterus is formed.

After an unsuccessful eco cycle, when should the periods start?

Well-being after IVF replanting

The state after the transfer of embryos in IVF can be characterized by a wide variety of sensations that can be caused not by the onset of pregnancy, but by the effect on the woman's body of drugs used in the in vitro fertilization protocol, as well as increased psychological stress in this exciting period of the patient's life.

IVF: sensations after embryo transfer.

Feelings after IVF replanting can be diverse, symptoms after IVF embryo transfer can change by day.

IVF: the state after replanting can be either absolutely not different from the usual one, or significantly disturbed.

Women may experience various symptoms after IVF, such as:

    Feeling of nausea, discomfort in the epigastric region, sometimes vomiting may also occur, and chest pain after IVF. These conditions must be differentiated from food poisoning, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, various gastropathy. If you feel worse after IVF, you should contact your doctor. Ectopic signs after IVF may appear extremely rarely.
  • Feelings after IVF in the form of pain in the lower abdomen. This symptom is also a frequent companion of women who have undergone embryo transfer. With such complaints, you can’t stay at home alone, but you need to immediately contact a medical institution so that the doctor can assess the woman’s condition and establish the cause of such a pain syndrome.
  • Feeling dizzy, headache;
  • Pathological states of sleep in the form of insomnia;
  • Dysphoric symptoms: a sharp change in mood, prone to depressive disorders.
    • Discharge after IVF replanting

      Discharge may occur after IVF embryo transfer. It is on this point that it is worth dwelling in more detail. Allocations after the transfer can be characterized as follows:

      • mucous secretions are physiological, that is, absolutely normal discharges - whites that are observed in all women due to their secretion by the vaginal epithelium. If pregnancy has occurred, then due to hormonal changes, such discharge may increase in quantity. You should not be afraid of this.
      • discharge that appears due to the use of vaginal forms of drugs. Often in gynecological practice, doctors prescribe drugs. Which must be injected into the vagina, their active substance is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. And the basis of such suppositories or vaginal tablets can come out of the vagina with its physiological whites. Therefore, these discharges should not alert a woman in any way.
      • implantation bleeding is a truly scientifically proven fact. As a result of the implantation of the blastocyst into the thickness of the endometrium, an inevitable tramatization of a small number of vessels occurs, thereby blood is released, which quite often, in every third woman, can be detected on linen in the form of blood streaks or scanty spotting. Such discharge may appear 6-10 days after the embryo transfer procedure. It is also important to monitor what is the basal temperature during IVF pregnancy.

      Discharges that should alert a woman include discharges of a plentiful, thick, green color with a pungent odor, which are accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the vagina, itching.

      Or bloody discharge from the genital tract in copious amounts of red blood is a threatening sign, with which immediate hospitalization to a medical facility is recommended.

      Basal temperature after embryo transfer with IVF

      Women charting their rectal temperature may notice an upward trend. basal temperature after IVF by day.

      Due to the significant hormonal changes caused by the in vitro fertilization protocol, the basal temperature during IVF may increase. However, if the basal temperature increased after the embryo transfer during IVF, this is not a guarantee that the implantation was successful.

      Also, basal temperature after IVF can increase under the influence of progesterone, a hormone that is synthesized by the corpus luteum of the ovary, and also enters the body exogenously - as support for the luteal phase in the in vitro fertilization protocol.

      Not only the basal temperature rises by means of hormonal changes in the body, but also the body temperature after embryo transfer during IVF. The upper limit of the norm is considered to be an increase in temperature to 37.4 degrees. If, after IVF, the temperature rises above 37.5, then this is definitely a reason to consult a doctor in order to find out and eliminate the cause of such hyperthermia.

      Feeling of general weakness. Fatigue, feeling unwell.

      You should not look for signs of pregnancy in any symptoms, neither an increase in temperature after IVF, nor an increased general temperature during IVF, none of these symptoms give a 100% guarantee that pregnancy has nevertheless occurred. It is necessary to be patient and wait for the moment when there are reliable signs of the effect of the in vitro fertilization protocol.

      IVF signs of pregnancy after transfer

      Reliable signs of the presence or absence of pregnancy include the result of a blood test to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Also, the level of this hormone can indicate the presence of a multiple pregnancy at a level that significantly exceeds the gestational age. A woman donates blood to the level of hCG two weeks after the embryo transfer. Only this indicator can be a reliable source of information about the presence or absence of pregnancy.

      Lifestyle after replanting IVF embryos for a woman changes dramatically. From the moment of embryo transfer, a woman begins a certain stage of life, which is characterized by significant psycho-emotional stress and requires a certain lifestyle after IVF. This is the waiting time for an answer to the question of whether eco will be successful after the transfer, will she be the happiest mother in the world?

      Of course, these questions torment a woman both day and night, leaving no strength for a good rest. The behavior of the woman's family members after IVF is extremely important. They should be informed that she currently needs increased guardianship and care, understanding and psycho-emotional support. It is necessary to create an atmosphere of peace and comfort around her. If everyone together cannot cope with this kind of experience, it is necessary to connect herbal-based sedatives, such as valerian, motherwort, to the treatment. In the case of a developing pregnancy, these drugs will not cause any negative effects, but they will create a beneficial background for its bearing.

      Life after IVF of the whole family should be aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere for the woman, as well as the management of pregnancy after IVF should be carried out by a qualified specialist.

      On the first day after the transfer procedure, it is better to postpone any business and observe a half-bed rest.

      Behavior after IVF embryo transfer:

      • Limit any physical and psycho-emotional stress;
      • Limit heavy lifting;
      • Do not take a bath;
      • Do not overcool;
      • Observe sexual rest;
      • Avoid traveling in transport, as well as driving a car;
      • It is undesirable to wear tight underwear;
      • Sports during IVF are contraindicated. A woman should treat her body like a crystal vase in order for the result to be as effective as possible.

      A very important point in the lifestyle after IVF embryo transfer is a balanced diet for a woman. General requirements for products. Which a woman eats can be described in a few words: they must be fresh, of high quality, without the use of fertilizers.

      An important component of a woman's diet should be proteins that she can get from meat. However, not all types of meat are equally useful, even if it is homemade. It is recommended to eat low-fat varieties of veal, beef, rabbit meat, turkey meat is considered a good product. It is not recommended to eat fatty pork, chicken due to its cultivation on preparations that do not carry anything positive for the health of a woman and her poor child.

      Be sure to include fish in the diet, its low-fat varieties, it is especially useful to eat red fish, red caviar.

      An obligatory component of the menu should be vegetables and fruits, as this is an inexhaustible storehouse of vitamins and minerals. However, it is necessary to exclude products that enhance intestinal motility.

      It is important to limit the intake of flour, bakery products due to their high calorie content and promote rapid weight gain. You can replace these types of sweets with dried fruits, which not only increase blood glucose levels, but also carry a lot of such necessary trace elements to maintain the normal functioning of the heart and intestines.

      The daily menu must contain fermented milk products in the form of kefir, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese.

      Categorically contraindicated products in such a crucial period are any types of mushrooms, canned foods, especially meat, stew, all types of smoked meats, as well as salted fish.

      Water balance is no less important than the entire diet of a woman. The recommended volume is at least 2.5 liters of water per day.

      As a result, the process of carrying out the in vitro fertilization procedure is a complex mechanism of consistent, and most importantly, identical actions of a married couple and fertility doctors. In an effort to get such a desired pregnancy on the site, you can place your application for the implementation of the in vitro fertilization protocol free of charge at the expense of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Health to you and your children!

Demchenko Alina Gennadievna

Reading time: 4 minutes

Increasingly, infertile couples are opting for IVF. At the same time, they are concerned about how to increase the chances of success of this procedure, and how to behave after embryo transfer. Let us consider in detail what lifestyle and regimen a woman should follow in order to achieve a positive result.

What to do after planting

After IVF, when the embryo was transferred into the female body, the expectant mother cannot feel cardinal changes in her body. And the operation itself is a painless procedure that does not take even 20 minutes. IVF is carried out using ultrasound monitoring. A catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity and 2-3 embryos are transferred.

The success of the operation largely depends on the future mother. In order for the process to complete successfully, a woman must subordinate her lifestyle to the following requirements:

  • Lie quietly for 2 hours after embryo transfer. You need to completely relax, sitting comfortably. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe a dropper, then the wait will become less difficult. There is no leakage of cells and the liquid medium in which the embryos are transferred, but for their better engraftment, it is necessary to observe complete rest in the following days. Muscles after embryo transfer should not strain. Lying with your hands behind your head is prohibited.
  • Spend more time in bed for 10 days. Postpone housework and long trips, relax, move less. Running, yoga, swimming pool - any physical activity can harm both the mother and the embryo. If necessary, the clinic will issue a sick leave.
  • Do not carry weights of more than 2 kg, exclude hot baths (warm showers are allowed).
  • Do not use tampons, even if there is discharge.
  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating.
  • Stay away from public places during an influenza epidemic. If a woman began to feel unwell, there was a feeling of aches, weakness and nasal congestion - you can put an immunoglobulin dropper to strengthen immunity and in this way cope with the virus. Stronger drugs should not be taken.
  • Taking any drugs, even "No-shpy" should be discussed with your doctor. After IVF in the clinic, the doctor must prescribe medications that support pregnancy. The course of admission and the list of drugs is determined individually.
  • Doctors allow you to have sex after the puncture (before the transfer), but this is not desirable. And during pregnancy, sex up to 12 weeks is strictly prohibited. It is during this period that miscarriages often occur. Then IVF will have to be done again.
  • Follow the doctor's prescription, do not ignore his recommendations.
  • Every day, measure the basal temperature after waking up (it must be at least 37 C) and mark the graph in a notebook.
  • "Dicinon", solution;
  • "Tranexam" in tablets;
  • "Magne B6" - solution or tablets ";
  • alcohol, syringes, sterile cotton.

You should consult a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • brownish or pale pink discharge - the doctor, as a rule, prescribes an injection of "Progesterone" until the daubing stops;
  • pink daub - it is recommended to take Tranexam (dosage and duration of administration will be prescribed by the doctor), as well as an injection of Progesterone. If after 3 days of treatment bleeding does not stop - again seek help from doctors;
  • scarlet bleeding is stopped by injections of Dicinon. If the condition does not change, add "Tranexam", an injection of "Progesterone" and maintenance therapy ("Divigel" or "Proginova" in tablets). It is recommended to drip "Magnesium" in the morning if possible, or drink tablets;
  • if there is heavy bleeding, accompanied by pain, then you need to call an ambulance. To get rid of worries, take valerian and lie down until the doctors arrive. Only they will help here, and unrest will not benefit either the woman or her condition.

Each female body is individual, so for the appointment of treatment, you must definitely contact the doctor. Do not self-medicate! Do not take drugs without a doctor's prescription!