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» Dendrobium moth houseplants. Karyopteris - there is nothing simpler and more beautiful. Types of Dendrobium with photos

Dendrobium moth houseplants. Karyopteris - there is nothing simpler and more beautiful. Types of Dendrobium with photos

One of the most beautiful types of Dendrobium orchids and, moreover, the most common in indoor floriculture is Dendrobium Nobile. The advantages of this orchid are its spectacular appearance, luxurious blooms, amazing aroma, so pleasant, slightly sweet and not at all cloying! Even novice gardeners can grow Dendrobium Nobile, because due to its unpretentiousness knowledgeable people This flower is compared to geranium. In this article we will introduce you to this epiphytic beauty and tell you about proper care for Dendrobium Nobile at home.

A peculiarity of Dendrobium Nobile is the location of its peduncles - along the entire length of the pseudobulb

This type of orchid is most often found high in the mountains of India, Thailand, Nepal, Vietnam, and the Himalayas. Back in 1836, she was brought from India to Europe, where she amazed everyone with her unusual beauty. Translated from Greek, the name of the orchid “Dendrobium” sounds like “living on a tree”, and the prefix “Nobile” means “noble, excellent, noticeable or famous”. The second name of this orchid, Dendrobium Noble, very accurately characterizes this plant. tall bush, about 60 cm, has an original, very impressive appearance. Purple with a yellow spot, pink, white or red flowers cover the trunk so thickly that the bush looks like a living bouquet. Its fleshy, straight stems (pseudobulbs) with a characteristic glossy tint are usually cylindrical, thickened in the lower part, and decorated with wide leaves in the upper part. Peduncles with large bright fragrant flowers appear on them in the second year of life.

The flowers of Dendrobium Nobile are united in inflorescences, which, depending on the age of the orchid and the variety of the hybrid, can have from 1 to 3 flowers. And the entire pseudobulb, if counted, can be decorated with from 50 to 70 flowers. The diameter of one flower can reach 10 cm, but on average it is from 5 to 8 cm. Natural species of Dendrobium nobilis have petals white with purple tips and a cream-colored lip with a pinkish edging and a dark purple throat. And hybrid varieties come with white, orange, purple, lilac, dark purple flowers, even variegated ones. The shape of the petals is ovoid with elongated sepals. Flowering occurs in February - March. Adult shoots blooming Dendrobium literally strewn from base to top with unusually large beautiful flowers. Each flower stays on the peduncle for up to two months.

Scale insects on orchid leaves

Spider mite. You can recognize the appearance of the pest by the thin cobwebs that cover the leaves and shoots of the orchid. Most likely, the air in your room is too dry. These insects also feed on plant sap. Small spots from tick injections on the surface of the leaf turn into large spots. Affected leaves and flower stalks die.

You are unlikely to be able to cope with the entire colony - insect pests of indoor plants are very prolific. In addition to adult flying and crawling individuals, the colony contains their larvae and eggs, which are firmly attached in the sinuses, folds, and roots. Therefore, we recommend that in case of severe lesions you use chemicals control - insecticides. Such drugs are on sale a large number of. You can spray with one of the drugs: Aktara, Actellik, Fitoverm. Usually, re-treatment is necessary after 10 - 15 days, read the instructions.

A little about signs

According to Eastern philosophers, there are many signs associated with the presence of this mysterious flower in an apartment.

  • It is believed that Dendrobium Nobile will bring peace and prosperity to married couples. If a couple is in a civil marriage, then the appearance of this flower can lead to discord and even a break in the relationship.
  • It is not advisable to place an orchid in the bedroom. It is believed that the flower will take away the owner’s strength and he may become depressed.
  • The plant has a negative effect on people with unstable psyches.
  • U creative people it helps to awaken inspiration and new strength.
  • It gives women cheerfulness and prolongs youth.
  • The presence of a blooming Dendrobium Nobile orchid in the house is a talisman against guests with bad intentions and all sorts of ill-wishers. If such a person appears as a guest, the orchid will worsen his health and force him to leave your home.

The color of orchid petals also has its effect.

  • It is believed that orchid species with red and purple flowers help get rid of bad habits.
  • Yellow and orange orchids promote an active lifestyle and bring success in financial matters.
  • White and pink flowers relieve depression and bring harmony to the state of mind.


The orchid variety Dendrobium Nobile is slightly inferior in popularity to Phalaenopsis. Although, it is no less beautiful, can bloom for a long time, and exudes a pleasant aroma. This orchid is unpretentious in care and maintenance and reproduces easily. If you don't have a collection yet indoor orchids, then we recommend starting with Dendrobium Nobile. We are confident that you will be able to choose the best hybrid of this orchid for your soul and home, and it will decorate your home for many years.

Many people are pleased with the luxurious beauty - the dendrobium orchid, which is easy to care for at home, but will delight the eye for a long time. Flower growers love it for its beauty and unpretentiousness, often planting beautiful flower at home or in a greenhouse.

Tree dweller

IN early XIX centuries, this beautiful and unusual flower from India came to Europe and immediately fell in love with flower growers. The orchid comes from Asia, where it grows high in the mountains - in the Himalayas, Southern China, and dendrobium is found in the mountainous regions of India, Thailand, Nepal, and Vietnam.

Dendrobium - “living on a tree”, that’s what the name means unusual plant. It's unusual, but it's true. An epiphyte flower does not require nutrient soil - it takes all the substances necessary for the development of the plant from environment. And he uses trees as support - after all, he has no solid soil under his roots. It is not easy to find an orchid in nature, but it is a frequent visitor on windowsills.

At the beginning of its growth, the orchid has straight shoots, similar to trunks, later they become lodging. Leaves are long, linear, elliptical. The shoots live for 2-4 years, can reach 1.5 m in length, then they die, become bare, and give life and development to daughter rosettes, which develop in the axils of the leaves.

Orchids do not cause allergies - this also explains their popularity among lovers of flowering plants in the home. Knowing how to care for a flowering plant at home, you can grow a beautiful flower.

Types of orchids

The most popular types of orchids, dendrobium, have long been chosen best places on the windowsills of lovers of flowering plants.

  1. Dendrobium nobile (Dendrobium nobile), otherwise known as dendrobium nobile, is a Himalayan beauty, represented by different types of colors - flowers of white, pink, purple, brown and other shades often have a noticeable “lip” along the edges of a contrasting color.
  2. Dendrobium phalaenopsis (Dendrobium phalaenopsis, moth dendrobium) is a native of New Guinea, Australia. Hybrid species are colored pink, white, purple or Orange color. The most common type of orchid in indoor floriculture.
  3. Dendrobium kinga. His homeland is New South Wales. A plant with small white or purple flowers located on the top of the shoots. At home, it requires special care - differences in day and night temperatures, and needs daily spraying.

Other less common orchid species in home greenhouses include the following:

  • Lindley's Dendrobium with yellow drooping clusters of flowers;
  • Dendrobium densely flowered - its yellow flowers have a pleasant aroma;
  • Dendrobium Parisha is a light-loving species with bright pink flowers.

Features of caring for orchids

Caring for dendrobium at home involves following several important rules:

  • proper lighting;
  • protection from direct sunlight;
  • protection from drafts.

The orchid loves light very much, so it is better to place it on windows facing south, southwest or southeast. Tropical flower does not like straight lines sun rays, so on a hot day it is better to shade the window by hiding the Asian whimsy behind a thin transparent curtain, such as tulle or organza. Periodically you need to turn the pot, exposing it to light different sides plants.

In summer, a flowerpot or flowerpot can be placed on a loggia, balcony, or in the open air. The optimal room temperature is +25ºС, at night it can be reduced to +15…+20ºС. The orchid loves the change in temperature from day to night.

The most important thing for good growth and blooming dendrobium orchids - sufficient lighting.

How to determine if a flower has enough light? To do this you need to use the following signs:

  1. If the leaves of the plant are juicy, fleshy, and bright green, there is enough lighting for the flower.
  2. If the orchid does not bloom, the leaves have darkened, lost their richness and shine - it does not have enough lighting.
  3. If the leaves of your beauty have withered, turned yellow, or become light - the flower signals an overabundance sunlight, which can be detrimental to dendrobium.

All types of orchids grown at home can be divided into several groups depending on what temperature they prefer:

  1. Heat-loving. The optimal temperature during the day is +20...+25ºС, at night - +15...+20ºС.
  2. Preferring coolness. The ideal summer temperature is +15…+18ºС during the day, +10…+12ºС at night.

During the cold season, the dendrobium is in a dormant period; for it, the optimal temperature will be in the range of +10...+15ºС.

Humidity and watering

The optimal humidity level for orchids at home is 40-60%. To maintain it, it is recommended to fill the tray with moss and fine gravel, which must be moistened periodically.

In summer, the dendrobium orchid is watered 1-2 times a week, depending on the air temperature and humidity:

  1. To water, place the flower pot in a container of water for 10 minutes - when the soil in the pot is completely saturated with water, it is put back in place.
  2. A hot (35-40ºС) shower is recommended. It helps stimulate the flowering of an exotic tropical flower.
  3. The temperature for irrigation should be 2-3ºС warmer than the ambient air temperature.

Do not use unsettled water for watering tap water. It is advisable to fertilize the plant 2 times a month from April to September. It is better to use special liquid fertilizers for orchids. They need to be diluted 2 times more compared to the concentration recommended by the instructions.

It is better to fertilize by adding fertilizer to the water for irrigation. For heat-loving orchid species, it is useful in winter time fertilize with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers once a month; cold-resistant varieties are fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Dormancy and flowering period

The resting period of the Himalayan beauty lasts from autumn to spring. A resting plant needs to be provided with an optimal temperature; it may vary for different species: for example, for phalaenopsis, the best temperature during this period of plant development will be +15ºС during the day and +5…+8ºС at night. For dendrobium nobilis, the ideal daytime temperature in the resting phase is +10ºС.

Important points:

  • minimal watering;
  • large gap between day and night temperatures;
  • lack of fertilizing.

If all conditions are met, at the end of winter or spring the dendrobium will delight you with abundant flowering. To speed up this process in the spring, you can feed the plant with phosphorus fertilizer by adding it to the water for irrigation.

When preparing the plant for flowering, increase watering and spraying and place the flower in a room with more high temperature air.

Orchid flowers stay on the plant for a long time. If the dendrobium does not bloom one year, it means that next year it will bloom even more abundantly. Dendrobium flowers are large, up to 9 m in diameter, they are located along the entire shoot. The variety of shades is amazing: white, pink, purple, violet - combining different types orchids, you can create a bright semblance of a flower bed on the windowsill in your apartment. Your window will be pleasing to the eye from early spring to summer. After flowering, the plant should be allowed to rest - cut off dry flower stalks, move the pot or flowerpot to a cooler place.

Orchid transplant rules

The main rule: the dendrobium orchid does not like replanting, so the plant is replanted no more often than once every 4 years. There is no point in replanting a plant unnecessarily. But if you notice that the roots of the flower have completely displaced the soil from the flowerpot, traces of rot are noticeable on them, or midges, aphids, or mites have appeared on them - it is necessary to replant the flower. Spring-blooming tropical flower species are replanted after they have finished blooming.

Dendrobium orchids - special kind plants, when planting, use a special substrate instead of regular soil.

Instructions on how to transplant an orchid:

  1. Prepare a flowerpot or pot 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. It is better to choose a plastic one - the roots will not stick to its walls, replanting the plant next time will be easier, and the roots will not be damaged.
  2. Weighting of the flower pot - the plant does not have a complex root system, but the leaves with shoots on which flowers will subsequently appear are heavy. Weighting the flowerpot is necessary so that the Himalayan beauty does not overturn the flowerpot. It is better to choose a pot that is opaque, tall, and has large drainage holes.
  3. Drainage. Large pieces of bark and pieces of foam can be used as drainage. The drainage layer should be at least 4-5 cm. Do not use expanded clay drainage.
  4. The plant is carefully placed in the pot and straightened so as not to damage the roots.
  5. The roots are covered with substrate without deepening them.

Ready-made soil, which is sold in gardening and flower shops, is not the best the best option for home orchid hybrids. It is better to prepare nutritious soil yourself:

  • the base of the soil is pine bark, it needs approximately 1 liter per plant;
  • crushed charcoal- a handful of;
  • coconut chips - half a handful.

Another soil option for dendrobium orchids is peat, sphagnum moss, bark and charcoal. To disinfect, the substrate must first be boiled for 10 minutes, then dried well.

Orchid propagation

Dendrobium can be propagated at home in several ways:

  • daughter rosettes that appear at the top of the pseudobulb;
  • cuttings.

Reproduction by dividing the bush:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from the pot and untangle the roots.
  2. Divide the roots, leaving at least three pseudobulbs on each new plant.

Propagation of flowers by bulbs: cut off the bulb that has not bloomed, place it in a transparent plastic bag with wet sphagnum moss. The package is closed. It should be kept in the light for several months, periodically moistening the moss.

Propagation of orchids by children: carefully cut, capturing a piece of the mother's bulb. The cut area is sprinkled with crushed coal and placed in nutrient soil. When sprouts appear, the plant is planted in the substrate.

Diseases and pests

With proper and careful care, your flower is not in danger. If there is no care for the orchid, the plant may get sick. Harm the orchid:

Commercially available insecticides will help get rid of them. If the plant receives excess moisture, a fungus caused by rotting roots may develop. In both cases, the plant needs a transplant. In this case, you need to remove rotten, damaged roots, dry healthy ones with charcoal, and change the substrate.

If you carefully monitor the flower, you will notice the first signs of the disease immediately, then the flower can be saved.

When growing a dendrobium orchid, caring for it at home is not difficult. By following simple rules for caring for your dendrobium orchid, you will grow a beautiful flowering plant.

Orchid in the house

Mysterious exotic flower brings prosperity to the house, it is able to prolong a woman’s youth, serves as a talisman against ill-wishers - a person who enters your house with bad intentions will feel unwell and leave your home without causing harm.

  • red and purple orchid - will get rid of bad habits and laziness;
  • white and pink - will cure depression, promote peace of mind;
  • yellow, orange - favor success in financial matters.

In any case, this amazing exotic flower, which came to us from overseas Asian countries, will give you many pleasant moments, delighting the eye with its blooming.

The subject of our discussion can be found in flower shops at any time of the year. Dendrobium phalaenopsis or Dendrobium moth, can be easily distinguished by their massive, full bulbs, very dense leathery leaves and flowers, reminiscent of, just as tightly seated on rather long peduncles, but smaller in size.
Its correct name is dendrobium bihump (Dendrobium bigibbum), but the vast majority of both amateurs and botanists call it dendrobium phalaenopsis- the visual similarity of two popular, although not related, orchids is too obvious.

Dendrobium two-humped in nature

The homeland of dendrobium is Australia, the northeastern state of Queensland, its northernmost part is Cape York, as well as the southern part of New Guinea and the Torres Strait Islands, separating the two parts of the world.
It settles in trees in the upper layer of the tropical forest or on rocks. Grows at low altitudes compared to sea level. The climate in those places is hot, monsoonal, with a humid period from November to April and very dry the rest of the year. The temperature is never low - the annual average is above 20 degrees.

The pseudobulbs of the plant are powerful, tall, slightly thickened in the middle part, more or less covered with dense leathery leaves. The roots are quite thin, with white and green tips.
Peduncle - a raceme of varying lengths, bearing from two to twenty or more flowers. The height of the plant in nature can be from 10 to 90 cm, the color is different shades of pink.

Throughout its generally very small range, Dendrobium phalaenopsis exhibits significant variability in the height and thickness of bulbs, size, color and shape of flowers, so it is considered by some taxonomists to be a complex of closely related species.

Lots of light and warmth

Natural conditions dictate to us the requirements that must be observed in order to successful cultivation these flowers in the rooms. Native to what is officially nicknamed the Sunshine State in Australia, this dendrobium is one of the most sun- and heat-loving species.
On the one hand, it is convenient when the plant does not require a winter drop in temperature, on the other hand, if there is insufficient lighting, for example, in a darkened room or in winter, it may not bloom.

Dendrobiums that are not accustomed to the sun in a timely manner, with good ventilation and sufficient moisture, can easily tolerate even summer southern exposure. However, if there is no confidence in sufficient air movement, it is better to shade the plant a little.

Planting and watering

This is the most important and controversial question. In nature, the roots of these orchids are freely located on a support in the form of a tree trunk or stone and are constantly intensively ventilated. Therefore, it is better to choose pots with many large holes or slatted baskets filled with a coarse substrate - the size of the bark fractions is from a centimeter or more.

Watering - only after complete drying. Let us not forget that the orchid comes from areas where there is no rain for several months and stagnation of moisture surprisingly quickly leads to disruption of the roots, pupation, death of their green tips, and even to rotting.
In winter, keep the plant drier, slightly reducing watering.

Flowering conditions

Each lives for several years, slowly losing leaves, going bald, and finally dying. Lower leaves fall before the top ones.
Peduncles are formed at the very top of the bulb or in the buds close to it. To lay flower buds, differences in day and night temperatures or a hard dry dormant period are not needed - this is another advantage of this dendrobium.

Each bulb blooms repeatedly, and the absence of leaves on it is not a contraindication to flowering. Phapenopsis dendrobiums can bloom at any time of the year.
When forming a winter peduncle, additional lighting is almost always necessary - with a lack of light, the buds turn yellow and fall off.

Some varieties exhibit a certain stable pattern of behavior - some bloom in summer and again in winter, others - only in winter, some - only after the new bulb has ripened, and there are those that simultaneously grow a bulb and peduncle.

Flowers modern varieties They come in extremely varied colors: white, pink, yellowish green, deep burgundy, two-tone, striped, and also with a wavy, elegant lip. In many, the lip differs sharply in color from the sepals and petals. Flowering is long, from two to three and a half months. There is no smell.

At the base of adult pseudobulbs, young growths are formed, which manage to ripen and bloom during the growing season. The awakening of vegetative buds, as a rule, begins in the spring, although there are varieties that give the next wave of growth immediately after the previous bulb ripens.


Dendrobium is easily propagated by dividing the clump. In case of urgent need, you can separate even one fully ripened bulb, but it is better if there are two or more of them.
This is usually done in the spring. The delenka is strengthened over the substrate, which is periodically lightly sprayed.
IN favorable conditions the renewal bud awakens within a month, and when the new growth reaches the size of a bean, young roots already appear and then careful watering and fertilizing can begin.

It is believed that pseudobulbs can produce babies, which separate when their own root system develops somewhat, but I have not observed this in my conditions. Perhaps some varieties are more prone to producing babies, some less so.

The diversity of this genus is enviable - it includes up to 1,500 of the most diverse species, inhabiting vast territories from northern Japan to New Zealand.

Variety of species

Dendrobium is one of the largest genera of the Orchidaceae family. The name of the genus translates as “living on a tree,” which in itself implies an epiphytic lifestyle. True, some of its varieties are lithophytes, that is, living on rocks; there are also ordinary terrestrial inhabitants. The appearance of dendrobiums also varies greatly: from miniature species of the Oxyglossum group, several centimeters in size, to large plants of the Nobile group, reaching a meter in height.

And how different the conditions of existence of species are! Some of them come from monsoon subtropical regions - deciduous plants with an obligatory dormant period.

Others, native to tropical forests, evergreens— in their homeland they are accustomed to constant year-round heat and humidity. Therefore, it is impossible to give uniform recommendations for all plants of this genus. Scientists have now developed at least six main groups of these orchids, differing in their conditions of detention.

Main groups

According to the requirements for temperature conditions and dormant periods, most dendrobiums can be divided into two blocks: plants that require a cool dormant period and those that require year-round maintenance in warm conditions. The first block includes the largest number of species. It includes:

  • Plants that, despite the coolness during the dormant period, require constant humidity of the substrate and air (Dendrobium aggregatum, Dendrobium densiflorum, Dendrobium farmeri, Dendrobium thyrsiflorum).
  • Deciduous plant species that require dry maintenance immediately after the development of new shoots (Dendrobiumanosmum, Dendrobium parishii, Dendrobium pierardii).
  • Deciduous plant species that need a gradual transition to a short dry and cool dormant period (Dendrobium nobile, Dendrobium chrysanthum, Dendrobium wardianum).

The second block also contains plants with different growing conditions:

  • Those that require a single short dry period immediately after the ripening of new shoots (Dendrobiumgouldii, Dendrobiumstratiotes, Dendrobiumtaurinum, Dendrobiumundulatum).
  • Those that require significant restriction of watering between the end of growth and the beginning of the development of peduncles, as well as during the period between flowering and the beginning of rapid growth (Dendrobium phalaenopsis, Dendrobium superbiens).

Despite such enormous diversity, room conditions The most popular are two species, which, by the way, are typical representatives of the two above-mentioned different blocks: noble dendrobium (D.nobile) and phalaenopsis (D. phalaenopsis).


Dendrobium nobile or noble is a large orchid up to one meter high with straight, fleshy, jointed stems, thickened at the nodes. The roots are hard and white. The leaves are elongated, leathery, arranged in two rows along the entire shoot and live for about two years.

Peduncles are short, formed in the axils of last year's leafless shoots. Typically, each person carries two to four fragrant flower, painted in lilac or pink shades. However, in recent decades, a huge number of bred hybrids and varieties based on Dendrobium nobilis have appeared, so their flowers can be of all possible shades: orange, yellow, white, blue, purple and even tricolor. Each shoot lives from 2 to 4 years and then dies. To create Dendrobium nobilis optimal conditions it is necessary to have a good understanding of the patterns of its growth and development throughout the year.

Scheme of seasonal plant development

Dendrobium nobile blooms, as a rule, in winter. It lasts from three weeks in natural species to two months in modern hybrids. After flowering ends, the plant begins active vegetative growth. Young shoots grow from the bases of the pseudobulbs, and roots actively grow. This process usually continues throughout the spring and early summer. By the end of summer, new pseudobulbs begin to form. After the completion of their formation, the plant must necessarily enter a period of rest. Watering and fertilizing are gradually reduced, and the dendrobium is kept at temperatures from +10°C to +14°C for several months, with virtually no watering. During the dormant period, the dendrobium may shed its leaves. You should not be afraid of this, since in nature this species is deciduous. The dormant period ends with the appearance of flower buds on last year's shoots.

Soon the plant blooms and everything repeats again.

Care features: temperature and light

Dendrobium noble is very light-loving. It is necessary to provide him with the most illuminated places in the house. He will greatly appreciate being outside in the summer, but you need to accustom him to the sun very gradually. The color of the leaves will serve as a good indicator: they are bright Green colour with sufficient lighting. Dark green leaves signal a lack of light, and yellow leaves indicate a critical state of the plant without light. If there is too much bright light, the leaves may turn light green - this means that the plant needs protection from the sun. In winter, even in the midst of the dormant period, the lighting should remain bright. It is possible to use backlighting with fluorescent lamps.

In spring and summer during the active growing season, the dendrobium will be quite happy with the usual room temperature, but it is desirable that during the day it is 5-6° higher than at night. The plant cannot tolerate heat; growth and development processes will stop if the temperature exceeds +30°C. In autumn, when dormancy sets in, it is advisable to provide the dendrobium with a cool place with an even greater amplitude of daily temperature fluctuations. Optimal mode: at night +5°+10°С, during the day +15°+20°.

If this temperature regime is observed, watering should be stopped completely. If the plant goes through a dormant period in warmer conditions, then watering should be limited, but not completely removed. After the flower buds appear, the dendrobium can be placed in a more warm room, but the main thing is that he has enough light.

Watering, humidity, nutrition

The plant needs moderate watering. During active growth, you can water every 3-4 days. It is better to use the immersion method, but you should not keep the pot with the plant in water for more than 10 minutes and be sure to drain the water from the pan. By autumn, watering is gradually reduced to once a week, so that during dormancy it is completely stopped if the orchid is kept at a temperature of +10+12°C. In warmer conditions, you can spray the plant occasionally. If the conditions for keeping the dendrobium at moderate temperatures are met, the plant does not need high humidity.

Water for irrigation must be warm and soft.

The plant is fed with a special fertilizer for orchids only during the flowering and growth period. It is better to fertilize every week, but with fertilizer diluted two or even four times the standard concentration.


This flower is not at all a relative of another orchid - phalaenopsis, as you might think when you see its name. It’s just that its flowers and the peduncle itself are shaped a little like the corresponding organs of phalaenopsis. It also has other names - butterfly, two-humped.

It is a large orchid up to 60 cm in height with many fleshy erect shoots - pseudobulbs. Lanceolate, leathery leaves are located in the upper half of the stems. Leaves die off with age, on average they live for 2-3 years. And the older the shoot, the fewer leaves it has. The orchid blooms profusely from 1.5 to 4 months. Peduncles appear from the axils at the top of the shoot. They are quite long, up to 40 cm, can be erect or pendulous, and bear up to 35 flowers, the color of which can be white, pink, purple, yellow.

Phalaenopsis flower cuttings last for about three weeks. That is why it is specially grown on an industrial scale as a cut crop.

Indoor care

Dendrobium phalaenopsis is one of the easiest types of orchids to grow indoors. He needs light that is bright but diffused. In summer, protection from direct sunlight will be required. The temperature should be moderately warm all year round, around +20°-+25°C. IN winter period at night it is desirable to lower it to +15°C, but not less. This can easily be reproduced by placing the pot with the plant on the windowsill, where in winter it is cooler at night than in the rest of the room.

Watering has its own peculiarities. During flowering, watering should be good, every 2-3 days. After flowering ends, watering is somewhat limited (up to once a week), so that the substrate has time to dry out between procedures. As soon as vegetative growth and shoot development begin, watering is again increased to abundant watering, especially in hot weather, given that activation occurs in the summer. When plant growth is complete, around the autumn months, watering is again reduced to once a week until flower buds begin to develop.

Air humidity needs to be increased in winter. Spraying the plant is not advisable. It is better to cover the orchid with sphagnum moss and spray it regularly.

Feeding is the same as for dendrobium nobilis.

Transplantation, reproduction

Orchids are transplanted as rarely as possible, approximately once every 3-4 years.

Dendrobium does not like to have its roots disturbed, so this should only be done in the following cases: when the roots become diseased or the substrate has decomposed to the point of rot. For replanting, take a pot that is several centimeters larger than the previous one. Dendrobiums are often grown on blocks of cork oak bark or fern roots.

When growing a plant in a pot, you need to buy a special substrate for orchids, or prepare it yourself from pine bark, high peat and charcoal, taken in equal proportions.

Dendrobium propagates by dividing the bush during transplantation, as well as by stem cuttings and apical shoots - children with aerial roots.

Dividing the bush can be done no more often than once every 3-4 years. Each division must have at least three pseudobulbs. The apical shoots are babies; when they appear, you can cut them off every year.

When propagated by stem cuttings, they are cut so that each fragment has several internodes and placed on damp sphagnum moss under a transparent cover. Then the cuttings are placed under bright diffused light at a temperature of +20°+25°C. Within a month, daughter shoots may form at the nodes.

When several roots form, they can be planted in finely ground pine bark.

Unfortunately, dendrobium can be affected insect pests. To combat them you need to use standard insecticides and the sooner the better.

Overwatering can lead to various fungal diseases, so you need to be very careful about the watering procedure.

Orchids are a favorite of many gardeners. These exotic plants can become the main decoration of a home flower garden on the windowsill. This perennials, varieties of which require different conditions growing. There are several types of these flowers at specialized points of sale; the most common among flower growers is the Dendrobium orchid, or more precisely, an orchid hybrid, since it can be purchased in natural form very difficult.

The real type of this type of flower can only be purchased in nurseries or botanical gardens. Considering the species included in the purchased hybrid, the orchid may be demanding in terms of care conditions (temperature, humidity). It is not difficult to grow dendrobium at home, you just need to follow certain care rules.

Care and cultivation features are not difficult. Many gardeners effortlessly grow and propagate orchids at home. Each variety of this plant requires different conditions and nuances of care.

Important! Before purchasing an exotic flower, it is recommended to find out from the seller what climate it grows in, since due to the diversity of species, give general recommendations care is impossible.

Among the general rules for growing rules, the following can be distinguished::

  • the flower pot is placed in places where there are no drafts;
  • V summer time years, the flower should not be exposed to direct rays of the sun, otherwise the orchid leaves may get burned.

Sometimes flower growers wonder if an orchid has faded, what to do? Care after flowering consists of removing the withered peduncle and moving the pot to partial shade, without watering for several days.

Lighting requirements

Many novice flower growers are concerned about the question of how to care for exotic plant so that it pleases with its flowering and does not suffer from illiterate care. An important condition for properly caring for a dendrobium orchid is lighting. It is this factor that becomes key in the development of flower stalks and the appearance of new shoots.

Lack of light is the main reason for the growth and development of the root system and leaves to stop; the orchid does not bloom. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend installing an additional lighting source for the orchid (especially during periods of lack of sunlight - in winter and late autumn). If the plant does not have enough lighting, its growth slows down and flower stalks practically do not form..

The color of the leaves can tell whether the flower is in the right place:

  1. If the green mass has a light green color, this indicates that the plant is receiving a large amount of sunlight, so it is recommended to install partial shade.
  2. If the green mass has a dark green color, this is a signal of a lack of light.
  3. If dendrobium leaves turn yellow, this indicates an acute lack of sunlight. At the same time, not only the leaves turn yellow, but also the stem of the flower changes its color.
  4. With sufficient lighting, the green mass is green in color, without any changes.

It is recommended to install the pot with the plant on the south side. If the container is located in the west or east, additional light will be required. In summer, you can take the flower outside to a place protected from drafts and direct sunlight. In winter, it is worth using a lamp for additional lighting for 6 hours.

Important! After purchasing a plant, it is not recommended to immediately place the pot in the sun. A newly purchased flower is not yet ready for an abundance of sunlight. He needs to be accustomed to the source natural light gradually.


It is recommended to place the container in a warm and well-lit place in the spring, since it is at this moment that active growth, development of leaves and root systems begins, green mass increases and flower stalks form. If you place the dendrobium orchid in a sunny and warm place (for example, on the windowsill of a southwest or southeast window), flowers will appear on it earlier. Interestingly, those plants that bloom with white flowers do not require as much light as those plants that have rainbow-colored flowers. During the warm season, it is recommended to take dendrobium orchids outside, to a hidden place from the sun and strong wind.

Dendrobium bihump

Dendrobium christie

Dendrobium King

Dendrobium moniliforme

Dendrobium is the only one

The temperature range for dendrobium and other varieties of orchids is large. Certain types of flowers can successfully withstand 0 °C. The most optimal temperature for this plant is no more than 32 degrees in summer and about 15 °C in winter.. The dendrobium phalaenopsis orchid evaporates a lot of moisture if it grows at elevated temperatures. At the same time, under such conditions, the root system gradually dries out, as the roots stop receiving moisture. It is recommended to observe the difference between day and night temperatures, this difference largely determines correct height and development of foliage and root systems. At night the temperature should not exceed 19 degrees.

The temperature in which it prefers to grow depends on the specific variety of flower. All orchids are usually divided into those that love warmth and those that prefer cool temperatures. In the autumn season, due to temperature changes at night and daytime begin to form on the trunk flower buds. With subsequent fluctuations in temperature, flower stalks appear.

Attention! Orchids are not able to withstand very sharp and large temperature ranges.

In autumn there is no need to water the plant, but maximum lighting is important. When buds begin to form, the container with the flower does not need to be moved to another place, otherwise the buds will die, flowering will not begin, and a baby will form in place of the formed bud.

What should the humidity be?

The dendrobium phalaenopsis orchid is able to adapt to low humidity levels. When growing in the natural environment, different types of orchids adapt to sudden changes in climatic conditions - long periods of drought and prolonged rains. The uniqueness of orchids is that they can grow successfully both at home and in greenhouses. This is dictated by the fact that at low air humidity, orchids are able to consume a large amount of moisture through the root system, and the moisture evaporates into the green mass. If the amount of humidity is increased, the flowers begin to absorb less moisture. If there is low humidity in the room, you should periodically spray the plant. In winter, such procedures are not carried out. Such care at home allows the flower to fully develop.

You can place a glass of water near the container with dendrobium, this will provide additional hydration. Humidity needs to be created only around the flower itself, otherwise dampness can cause the development of fungus and various pathogens, which can provoke subsequent infection with diseases.

How to water correctly

Caring for dendrobium orchids and other varieties of flowers involves proper watering. The amount of liquid used and the frequency of the procedure are determined temperature conditions and the amount of natural light in the room. Frequent watering is required when light and temperature levels are elevated. In winter, caring for an orchid does not involve constant watering.. During this period, the growth and development of the plant slows down, so the abundance of moisture leads to rotting of the root system. Each variety of orchid requires a different interval between watering procedures. According to recommendations experienced flower growers, before watering you need to look at the soil mixture, it should be dry.

Dendrobium nobile orchid and its other varieties require watering with settled or filtered and heated water. It is recommended to carry out periodic warm shower. Such flower care will bring great benefits, clean the pores of the leaves, and have a positive effect on the green mass of orchids. When buds begin to form, you should stop watering, otherwise a baby will appear in the place of the peduncle.

The peak activity of flower growth and development occurs in spring, continuing throughout the summer. Home care during this period means that with every third watering, you need to add fertilizer to the soil for the flower. A special substrate specifically for these plants is used as fertilizer. This fertilizing is done by diluting the fertilizer halfway with water. In addition to fertilizing, it is recommended to periodically treat the bushes with diluted mineral fertilizers (foliar feeding). Such care and feeding allows the plant to fully develop.

How to choose the right soil mixture for planting

An orchid is planted or replanted in a special soil mixture, which can be purchased at specialized sales points. The most optimal substrate will be one that contains elements such as bark, moss, peat and charcoal. If the substrate for planting is prepared with your own hands, it is recommended to heat treat the soil mixture and then dry it thoroughly.

This is how disinfection occurs, this makes it possible to prevent possible damage to the flower by bacteria and fungal spores that may be in the soil. The bottom of the pot is covered with crushed stone or broken pieces of brick, creating drainage system. After which a layer of fine bark is laid, the last being peat, thanks to which the plant will grow in an optimal acidic environment.

Plant transplantation and propagation

How to transplant an orchid correctly - this is the problem that novice gardeners face, since these flowers often die during the transplantation process. This is due to the fact that their roots do not tolerate injury.. Therefore, an orchid should be replanted no more than once every 4 years, when the roots come out of the pot. Do not take a very large pot, otherwise the growth of the plant will slow down. How to plant an orchid - the plant is carefully removed from the pot and new shoots are separated, after which planting is carried out.

The plant should be propagated by dividing the bushes and by forming lateral sprouts, called children. Children need to be separated at the moment of active growth of leaves and roots, planted in individual pots. The sprout can also be cut off with the bulb so that it transfers its nutrients young seedling. The dendrobium nobile orchid is one of the varieties of flowers that, along with phalaenopsis, is most often grown at home.

Varieties of Dendrobium

Dendrobium is distinguished by an abundance of species and varieties, each more beautiful than the other. Let's look at the most attractive species grown at home.

Dendrobium phalaenopsis- Australian orchid, with pseudobulbs up to 70 cm. Long peduncles develop up to 10 burgundy flowers from 5 to 8 cm in diameter. The flowering of each of the buds lasts 2 months and appears early winter. Old pseudobulbs can bloom 2-3 times.

Dendrobium nobile- native to southeast Asia. Multi-leaved, glossy pseudobulbs reach 80 cm in length. On a short peduncle there are 2-3 fragrant flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The flower tips can be dark purple or cream pink. The petals themselves are white.

Dendrobium unicum- a miniature orchid native to Thailand and Laos. By nature, it sheds its leaves and remains in this state for most of the year. It has from 1 to 3 lateral flowers appearing on internodes that have shed their leaves. The flowers are bright orange and 3 to 5 cm in diameter. Blooms in the first half of the year.

Dendrobium densiflorum– this epiphyte comes from the Himalayas. Drooping flower stalks can contain up to 50 fragrant flowers with bright yellow petals and orange fringe along the edges. The clusters of inflorescences reach 30 cm in length.