Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Energy efficient kitchen = economical kitchen. Energy efficient kitchen Proper orientation of the house relative to the cardinal points

Energy efficient kitchen = economical kitchen. Energy efficient kitchen Proper orientation of the house relative to the cardinal points

On September 23-24, in the city of Zaporozhye, a seminar "The experience of Germany and Ukraine in housing management and thermal sanitation of buildings" was held.

Seminars and events of the German-Ukrainian project "Energy-saving rehabilitation of residential buildings" are held in Ukraine during 2012-2015. The event was held with the financial support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation FOR FREEDOM.

This seminar brought together representatives from different parts of Ukraine: Kherson, Odessa, Kryvyi Rih, Kharkov, Melitopol, Lvov. And, of course, the project partners from Germany.

This is not the first time this team has gathered in a similar composition, and, which is especially pleasing, every time I see more and more new faces.

I have determined the motto of this meeting for myself: “Winter is coming!” - short, concise, but still so much sense. This, in fact, was the main topic of conversation. Everyone is very concerned about the coming winter, or rather, the heating period.

How will we winter? How to heat our housing? How to keep warm?

Probably, every Ukrainian now asks himself these questions and is looking for any solutions. Only now the people who have gathered at this seminar think not only about their living space, but also about their condominiums, cities and regions.

Just as every housewife has her own recipe for borscht, so every energy efficiency specialist has their own solutions and advice on how to use energy in the most efficient way. After listening to a lot of speeches at this seminar, I got the impression that each "hostess" told her recipe for borscht. They are, in principle, very similar, the ingredients are almost identical, but each cook wants to add something of his own, some mushrooms, some beans, and always a piece of the soul. Summing up, I would like to bring to your attention the first Energy efficiency recipe book.

Complex lunches

Before you start cooking dinners, you need to clearly know how many people you are cooking for, no matter what happens, that a few servings were superfluous. Translating all this to the topic of energy efficiency, the process of thermal modernization should be carried out in a complex manner using the “Economically feasible model of sustainable energy development of heat supply”. This is where the order of the cooking steps is very important. First, we carry out thermal modernization of the building, that is, we reduce energy consumption, then, simultaneously with staff training, we are engaged in the reconstruction of heating mains and the installation of a biofuel boiler, already taking into account the reduced energy consumption. As a result, all products (cash) are used rationally and with maximum efficiency.

Fedor Barulin, Chairman of the Board of HOOO "Regional Council of Entrepreneurs", Leading Expert of LLC "Regional Energy Service Campaign", Kherson

Energy efficient snacks from Vadim Demchenko

  1. "Window under the film"


– energy-saving film for windows “Third glass”

Apply an energy-saving film to a previously prepared window, it is almost transparent and transmits up to 85% of light. Without additional heating, you get an increase in the temperature in the room by 3-6 ° C.

  1. "Ventilation ducts under a fur coat"


- ventilation duct

- "door", can be replaced with cardboard

In addition to windows and doors, heat escapes through ventilation ducts especially if you live in upper floors. Because the ventilation holes can't close completely. equip them with a special door or cover with a piece of cardboard. This will help raise the temperature by 5 - 7 ° C

  1. "Batteries are warm"


- battery

- heat insulator (extruded polystyrene foam or chipboard)

- foil

To keep the heat in the room, we need a heat shield. To prepare, take a heat insulator and stick foil on it, or you can immediately use ready-made polyisol, which you can purchase at any hardware store. Next, place it between the wall and the battery. The dish is ready to eat. The heat transfer of the radiator will increase by 20%, while the cost of heating the room is reduced by 4%.

  1. "Batteries" warm "with dark brown sauce"

In addition to the previous recipe, you can recolor batteries in dark brown color, it is proved that this color gives off 8 - 10% more heat than white. To do this, remove the layers from the batteries old paint, making their surface smooth, then paint the batteries from top to bottom with a brush.

Vadim Demchenko, Head of the Department for Investment Activities of the Zaporozhye City Investment Agency, Zaporozhye

Preparations for the winter for the city of Zaporozhye

98% of the city's heat needs are provided by large gas boilers and there are only 30 small boilers that can be converted to alternative fuel, that is, the only way out is to use electric heating for warming up. To minimize possible Negative consequences massive use of electricity is planned in the entrances apartment buildings install switching devices - "isolated Christmas trees". Their installation will give additional time for troubleshooting and restoration of power supply. Also, additional teams of electricians are being formed to quickly respond to the situation that has arisen.

Oleksandr Sin, Mayor of Zaporozhye

Separate meals according to the German method

The essence of the technique is the thermal modernization of centralized heating networks. Since some areas of the city are quite remote from the CHPP, the length of the heating mains is very large, as a result of frequent accidents, delays in repairs, large losses, and, of course, huge sums for their maintenance. As a solution to this problem, Ralph Protz proposed "separate power supply", that is, those areas that, as far as possible from the CHP, must be transferred to individual boiler houses. A similar technique has already been applied in Dnepropetrovsk, which led to a significant reduction in gas consumption. And for a snack - you need to move away from gas consumption as much as possible towards renewable energy sources.

Ralf Protz, Director of the Competence Center for Large Residential Areas, Berlin

Irina Yaremko,

Project manager,

HOOO "Regional Council of Entrepreneurs"

With rising energy prices and a decrease in fossil fuel reserves, the issue of energy conservation has become very acute. One of the main vectors for the development of energy-saving technologies is energy saving in construction.

Passive house project with a layout of all communications

The application of new approaches to, the use of modern building materials and modern devices Accounting for energy resources has significantly reduced energy costs and energy losses of buildings.

In addition, energy-saving technologies should be accessible, environmentally friendly, not affect the usual way of life and be safe for human life.

Passive energy efficient house is a building with low energy consumption (for heating and household needs). Ideally, a passive house should not need heating at all. in the usual way. A passive house allows you to reduce energy consumption dozens of times. Such efficiency is achieved by the use of new technologies that increase .

It's not just about new building materials, but also about a new approach to the design of structures. They try to reduce the size of the house, remove all heat leaks and use non-traditional energy sources to maintain optimum temperature inside a building (for example, using solar energy to heat water).

Passive house technologies are especially effective in public buildings, where the heat inflow comes from a large number of visitors, which helps to reduce energy costs.
And in Kyiv in 2012 they switched from words to deeds, and built such a passive energy saving house.

The term passive house is often placed next to the non-volatile house and the energy plus house. This means that, along with ideal heat-insulating materials and technologies, engineering solutions are used that make it possible to completely abandon the consumption of external energy, and in some cases even produce in excess of the required standards.

For this, passive houses are equipped with blocks solar panels combined with storage devices.

In those climatic zones where this is possible, the sun comes to the rescue. In some areas where thermal waters are close to the surface of the earth, their energy can be used - common in Kamchatka, some areas of Baikal, in the Tyumen region of the Ural region.

Scheme for mounting solar panels

A house that remains comfortable for living without additional heating, and also does not use electricity and other resources for its own needs, can be called non-volatile. And if the received energy is also enough for other needs, then it will be an energy plus house.

Technologies for building an energy-saving house

When building a passive house, they are used as traditional materials(wood, brick) and non-traditional building blocks from secondary raw materials. And of course, a large number of houses are built from modern materials with low thermal conductivity.

An example of innovative building materials that effectively save heat and can be used with great success to build a passive energy-saving house

Heat leaves the building through the building envelope - walls, floor, roof and windows. When building a passive house, several layers of thermal insulation are used. It prevents the penetration of cold external environment and heat loss from the building itself. During construction, all enclosing structures are insulated, which reduces heat loss by 10-20 times.

Unlike the traditional one, in a passive house all the air passes through the recovery system. This allows you to take the waste heat and return it back to the premises, rather than releasing it outside.

Scheme of the device for thermal insulation and ventilation of a private energy-efficient house

Much attention is paid to windows. During construction, 2-3 chamber double-glazed windows are used, and the joints between the windows and the wall are carefully sealed and insulated. Often used various sizes windows depending on the direction of the world (the most big windows facing south).

Orientation of an energy-saving house on the site

For the construction of a passive house is selected appropriate place. Ideally, you need to choose a site that will be as protected as possible from the effects of adverse external factors. But at the same time it should have maximum sunlight exposure.

Read also

Prices for projects of private houses

If you do not have to choose a site, then you need to correctly position the building on the available land. AT this case many factors must be taken into account. The building should be oriented to the south as much as possible. The light of the sun should not block neighboring buildings, fences, plantings. This is necessary so that at any time of the year - in winter and summer - Sun rays got into the house as much as possible and heated the interior space.

Correct location houses around the world

Before building a house, you need to get information about the wind rose from the local hydrometeorological center. This will determine the most windy direction and take measures to protect the building. It can be a planted green fence, a fence, a neighbor's house or any other effective solution. Barrier protection of the house from the wind will eliminate the blowing of heat from the building, reduce heat loss.

Passive house form

The outline of the building and the exterior as a whole are subject to no less requirements than the choice of the site where the building will be located. Any house loses heat through the enclosing surfaces, the larger their area, the more difficult it is to stop this process. Enclosing surfaces include all external structures: walls, floors, roofs, windows, doors.

Therefore, all projects of passive houses are calculated in such a way that, while maintaining the maximum useful internal volume, the area of ​​​​external surfaces is minimal.

One of the variants of the passive house construction form

Hence, all projects of passive houses are made very compact, without unnecessary pretentiousness and luxury in the exterior. One-story buildings with a large building spot are unacceptable here, unnecessary architectural solutions in the form of bay windows and balconies. Also, projects deprive internal corners and complex geometry in general. Most often, these houses are equipped with shed roof, which allows you to save on building materials, simplify the construction of the roof, remove cold bridges, and also provides maximum insolation of the interior.

The placement of windows, their size and number are also strictly regulated. Windows in a passive house are both a way to lose heat and a way to store it. Of course, the windows themselves cannot accumulate energy, but they let through sunlight that illuminates and warms interior spaces, and with proper arrangement internal partitions, and it also accumulates.

Table of heat loss through windows

Windows in an energy-saving house are arranged according to the following principle:

  • The maximum number of windows (up to 70-80%) on the southern facade of the building. The quantity and size is selected in such a way that the sun's rays at any time of the year (winter and summer) penetrate as deep as possible into the room, ideally they reach the far wall, heating it;
  • The eastern (20-30%) and western (0-10%) sides are equipped with windows to a lesser extent. They almost do not contribute to energy production, but are more needed for natural light. On the wind side, the number of windows should tend to zero;
  • The northern facade of the building is deaf. There is practically no sun from that side, so the window will only perform the function of heat transfer.

A passive house involves the use of only special windows - energy-saving. Such windows are equipped with two- and three-chamber double-glazed windows. Also, special attention is paid to their installation.

The joints are carefully processed, sealed and insulated, which helps prevent unnecessary heat loss.

In this video you can see an example of equipment completely independent of external systems passive house electricity.

Internal layout of the passive house

It will also differ from the layout of an ordinary cottage. Designers of energy-saving buildings put Feng Shui at the forefront. And even the inconvenience of consumers (although this factor is fully taken into account), and the principles of conservation of heat and energy, and moreover, their accumulation.

To do this, all rooms in the house should be divided into two parts - living, which will include bedrooms, guest rooms, living rooms, children's rooms. And the buffer room - these are the rooms that make life more comfortable: kitchen, bathrooms, pantries and utility rooms, dressing rooms, hall, hallway.

Building a house is always a delicate process that requires maximum attention. In addition to the fact that every home owner wants to have a reliable and durable construction, they want to pay as little as possible for electricity during operation. The ideal option for saving on ia is a passive house or. Such a structure has a number of features and nuances in technology and design.


concept passive house(otherwise called an energy-saving house), defines the list technical requirements, with which energy consumption in the house is 13%. The energy consumption indicator for the year is 15 W * h / m 2.

For the construction of such a house, it is necessary to adhere to certain requirements that will create conditions for low energy consumption. To fully familiarize yourself with a passive house, you need to disassemble each element that makes it up separately.

house shape

Considering that there is a direct dependence of heat losses on total area at home, then in the process of designing a passive house, it is important to pay attention to the shape of the structure, such as in. energy saving a private house should be done in such a way that the compactness factor is within the normal range. This indicator determines the ratio of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house to its volume.

Reference: How less value coefficient of compactness, the less heat is wasted by the house.

Be sure to take into account the need to use all future rooms and premises when determining the shape and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. The passive house should not be allowed to have unused or little used rooms (spacious dressing rooms, guest rooms or toilet rooms). They require a significant amount of energy to maintain. The ideal option for a passive house is the spherical shape of the structure.


Since the construction of a passive house is aimed at further maximum energy savings, an important point is usage, i.e. . For maximum energy savings in a passive house, all windows and doors are located on the south side. At the same time, glazing on the north side of the facade is not recommended. It is not worth planting massive plants next to the passive house, from which a large shadow is cast.

thermal insulation

One of important points, which are taken into account when building a passive house is providing the structure with thermal insulation. It is important to avoid any possibility of heat loss. All provide thermal insulation corner connections, windows, doors, foundation.

Particularly careful laying thermal insulation materials into walls (for example,) and the roof. At the same time, a heat transfer coefficient value of 0.15 W / (m * k) is achieved. The ideal indicator is 0.10 W / (m * K). Materials that allow achieving the above values ​​are: foam with a thickness value of 30 cm and SIP panels, the thickness of which is at least 270 mm.

Translucent elements

Considering that significant heat loss occurs through windows at night, it is necessary to use only energy saving windows. The glasses with which the elements are equipped serve as. They store solar energy during the day and minimize heat loss at night.

They are energy efficient window structures have triple glazing. Inside their space is filled with argon or krypton. The value of the heat transfer coefficient is 0.75 W/m 2 *K.


The tightness index during the construction of a passive house must be significantly higher than that of a conventional structure. Airtightness is achieved by processing all joints between structural elements. This also applies to window doorways. Often, a hermabutil sealant is used for this purpose.

Ventilation system

The ventilation system in the design of an ordinary house involves heat loss of up to 50%. A passive house, whose technologies are aimed at reducing heat loss, requires a different approach. Ventilation is constructed according to the recuperation type. The recovery rate is important in this matter, only a value of 75% or more is allowed.

The essence of such a ventilation system is simple. The amount of air entering the room, as well as the level of its humidity, is regulated by the system itself. Fresh air, getting into the system, heats up due to warm air which leaves the premises. This allows you to save energy for heating fresh air masses, since heat is transferred to the still cold air from the heated room.

Reference: All of the above systems can be used as energy-saving technologies for a private house separately.

Construction technology

If you want to build a passive house with your own hands, you will have to devote a lot of time to this. It is important during construction to understand the essence, which includes energy-saving technologies for a private house. There are a lot of options for using materials for construction and thermal insulation.

Before you start building a passive house on your own, it is recommended to order a project of such a house from professionals. They will be able to calculate all the nuances of the design and indicate necessary materials that are suitable specifically for the selected piece of land.

If there is a desire to build a passive house, the following technologies are used in its construction:

  • warm walls;
  • warm floor;
  • foundation insulation;
  • roof waterproofing;
  • use of SIP panels for walls, floors and roofs.

You can use the following algorithm of actions:

  • after the project of the passive house has been made, they proceed directly to the installation work;
  • Initially, a foundation is built and its insulation is carried out. Materials for this are selected individually. good option for insulation of the foundation is foam glass. A grid is being carried out for a liquid floor heating system. After that, they begin to assemble the frame of the house;
  • start building the roof. For insulation and waterproofing when laying roofing insulating material and waterproofing film are mounted to the frame;
  • complete waterproofing of walls and floors;
  • start finishing the facade;
  • install windows and doors;
  • the final stage of construction is finishing facade of the house.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of the advantages that characterize a passive house, there are:

  • the main and main advantage is the minimum power consumption during operation;
  • the air that enters your home through ventilation system, always clean. It does not contain dust, pollen and various harmful substances;
  • houses do not shrink, which allows you to engage in finishing work immediately after the construction of the structure;
  • environmentally friendly materials are used in construction;
  • in maintenance, the passive house is unpretentious, for example, if it is necessary to carry out repairs, bulk work will not be required;
  • the duration of the period of use is 100 years;
  • the possibility of erection in various and variations of architectural solutions;
  • a passive house is subject to redevelopment at any time, since it almost completely lacks internal load-bearing walls.

Of the shortcomings, the following are noted:

  • temperature constancy. All over the house temperature regime the same, i.e. both in the bedroom and in the bathroom the temperature is the same. In some cases, this causes discomfort, because you want a cooler microclimate for the bedroom, and more warmth for the bathroom;
  • there is no way to use radiators, because they simply do not exist. Drying clothes or warming up after a long walk near the radiator will not work;
  • often owners of passive houses are faced with the problem of excessive dryness of the air. This problem appears due to frequent opening front door throughout the day, especially in winter;
  • it is also not possible to open a window and ventilate the room at night in a passive house.


Among the manufacturers of passive houses, the following are distinguished:

  • Bowen House. The name of a house-building plant that builds passive houses in Russia. Provide home design services. The plant provides an opportunity to build a passive house according to various technologies, for example, a frame, Canadian, Passive Heat or a domed energy-saving house, their prices vary between 250-270 USD. for 1m 2.
  • Bronze Horseman. We build energy-saving houses and more. The firm provides both finished projects, and makes them according to custom order. Additionally, they provide interior and landscape design services, and help in choosing a site for building a house. It is possible to get a loan for construction. In the company's portfolio, you can see better energy-efficient houses.

For those who want to build a passive house, the following tips will come in handy:

  • In order to ensure the maximum life of the house, it is important to properly care for and follow certain rules. It is necessary to maintain the temperature regime at the same level, setting the heating system correctly;
  • damage to the sealed layer of the house must not be allowed, for example, with self-tapping screws or dowels and others with elements;
  • It is not recommended to use electrical appliances to heat the room temperature for a long time.

Useful video

Despite the fact that for building a passive house requires significantly more costs than in the case of conventional design, in the future, saving energy resources significantly saves the budget. Also, you can not neglect some of the features of life in such a house and be prepared for them.

We study the problem on real experience, with the calculations of specialists and members of the forum

Due to the steady increase in energy prices and the high cost of connecting gas, everything large quantity developers are thinking about building an energy-efficient home.

We have already told the readers of our site about what technologies are used in its construction.

And FORUMHOUSE users will help us with this.

From our material you will learn:

  • Which house is energy efficient and which is not.
  • Is it possible to heat an energy-efficient house with electricity alone?
  • How to calculate required thickness insulation.
  • Will building an energy efficient home pay off?

What is energy efficiency

Energy-efficient houses have been built in European countries for a long time, but for our country such a dwelling is still exotic.

Many developers are suspicious of the construction of such buildings, considering it an unjustified waste of money.

We understand whether this is so and whether it is profitable to build an energy-efficient house in relation to climatic conditions most zones of Russia, including Moscow.

An energy-efficient (energy-passive) house is a building in which the costs associated with energy consumption are on average 30% less than in ordinary house. Energy efficiency of recent times could be determined by the coefficient of seasonal use of thermal energy - E.

  • E<= 110 кВт*ч /м2/год – это обычный дом;
  • E<= 70 кВт*ч /м2/год – энергоэффективный;
  • E<= 15 кВт*ч /м2/год – пассивный.

When calculating the coefficient E, the following is taken into account: the ratio of the area of ​​​​all external surfaces to the entire cubic capacity of the house, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer in the walls, roofing and ceilings, the glazing area and the number of people living in the building.

In Europe, to determine the energy efficiency class, it is customary to use the EP coefficient, which determines the amount of electricity spent on heating, hot water, light, ventilation and the operation of household electrical appliances.

The starting point is EP = 1 and energy class D, i.e. standard. The modern classification of houses, adopted in European countries, looks like this:

  • EP<= 0,25 – класс А, пассивный дом;
  • 0.26 < ЕР <= 0,50 – класс В, экономичный;
  • 0,51 < ЕР <= 0,75 – класс С, энергосберегающий дом;
  • 0,75 < ЕР <= 1 – класс D, стандартный;
  • 1,01< ЕР <= 1.25 – класс Е;
  • 1,26 < EP <= 1,50 – класс F;
  • EP>1.51 - class G, the most energy-consuming.

In ordinary, insufficiently insulated housing with large heat losses through building envelopes, most of the energy (up to 70%) is spent on heating.

We can say that the owners of such a dwelling heat the street.

Therefore, in European countries, no one can be surprised by the thickness of the insulation in the walls of 300-400 mm, and the contour of the building itself is made airtight.

The necessary level of air exchange in the house is maintained with the help of a ventilation system, and not the mythical "breathing" of the walls.

But before buying cubic meters of insulation, you need to understand when additional insulation and the whole range of measures related to the construction of an energy-efficient house are economically justified.

Energy efficiency in numbers

In our country, the heating season lasts an average of 7-8 months, and the climate is more severe than in Europe. Because of this, there is a lot of controversy about whether it is profitable to build with us energy saving houses. One of the most frequent statements of opponents of energy efficient construction is the argument that in our country the construction of such a building is very expensive, and the cost of its construction will never pay off.
But here is a comment from a member of our portal.


In 2012, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, I built an energy-efficient house of 165 sq. m of heated area with specific energy consumption for heating 33 kWh per sq. m per year. With an average monthly air temperature in winter of -17°C, the cost of heating with electricity amounted to 62.58 kWh per day.

You should focus on the technical characteristics of this house:

  • insulation thickness in the floor - 420 mm;
  • insulation thickness in the walls - 365 mm;
  • the thickness of the insulation in the roof is 500 mm.

The cottage is built on frame technology. The heating system of the house is electric low-temperature convectors with a total capacity of 3.5 kW. Also, the house has a supply and exhaust ventilation system with a heat exchanger and a ground heat exchanger for heating outdoor air. Vacuum solar collectors are additionally installed to supply hot water.

General bill: 3.2 thousand rubles are spent on heating per month. at a round-the-clock tariff of 1.7 rubles / kWh.

Also interesting is the experience of forum member Alexander Fedortsov (nickname on the forum Skeptic), who independently built a frame house of 186 sq. m on the foundation "insulated Swedish stove", with a home-made heat accumulator of 1.7 m3 and with electric heaters embedded in it.


The house is heated by electricity through a water-heated floor system. For heating, a night tariff is used - 0.97 rubles / kW. At night, the coolant in the heat accumulator heats up to the desired temperature, and turns off in the morning. Cubic capacity of the house - 560m3.

Bottom line: In winter, in December, heating cost 1.5 thousand rubles. In January, a little less - 2 thousand rubles.

As the experience of users of our site shows, anyone can build an energy-efficient home. Moreover, it is not required to equip it with expensive engineering systems like air recuperators, heat pumps, solar collectors or solar panels. According to a forum member with a nickname Toiss , the main thing is a warm closed circuit, three times superior to modern SNiPs, the absence of cold bridges, warm windows, well-insulated roofs, foundations and walls.


Rather than paying 0.5–1 million rubles for gas connection (the price of which is constantly growing), it is better to build an energy-efficient house with an area of ​​up to 200 sq.m. Subject to the construction technology and a competent approach, its construction is economically justified with any architectural and design solutions.

Energy Efficiency - Basic Principles

How and with what to insulate a house is one of the main issues that arise during construction.
And you need to think about it at the design stage. According to Pavel Orlov (nickname on the forum Smart2305), before the economic calculation of the justified thickness of the insulation, it is necessary to determine the following initial data, namely:

  1. The area of ​​the planned house;
  2. Area and type of windows;
  3. Facade area;
  4. The area of ​​the foundation and surfaces of the basement;
  5. Ceiling height, or internal volume of the house;
  6. Type of ventilation (natural, forced).


We take as a basis a house with an area of ​​170 sq.m, with a ceiling height of 3 m, a glazing area of ​​30 sq.m. m and an area of ​​enclosing structures of 400 sq.m.

The main heat loss in the house occurs through:

  1. Window;
  2. Enclosing structures (roof, walls, foundation);
  3. ventilation;

When creating a project for an economically balanced house, it is necessary to strive to ensure that heat losses in all three categories are approximately the same, i.e. by 33.3%. In this case, a balance is achieved between additional insulation and the economic benefits of such insulation.

Maximum heat loss occurs through windows. Therefore, when building an energy-efficient house, it is important to "tie" it to the right place on the site (large windows face south) for the maximum degree of solar insolation. This will reduce heat loss with a large glazing area.


The most difficult thing is to reduce heat loss through windows. The difference between various modern double-glazed windows is rather insignificant and ranges from 70 to 100 W/sq.m.

If the window area is 30 sq. m, and the level of heat loss is 100 W / sq. m, then the heat loss through the windows will be 3000 watts.

Because it is most difficult to reduce heat loss through windows, then when designing the thermal insulation of the building envelope and the ventilation system, for balance, you need to strive for the same values ​​\u200b\u200b- 3000 W.

From here, the total heat loss of the house will be 3000x3 = 9000 watts.

If you try to reduce only the heat loss of enclosing structures, without reducing the heat loss of windows, then this will lead to unreasonable cost overruns for insulation.

Heat losses through the enclosing structures are equal to the sum of losses through the foundation, walls, roof.


It is necessary to strive to equalize heat losses through windows with heat losses through enclosing structures.

It is also necessary to reduce heat losses associated with ventilation of the premises. According to modern standards, it is necessary that the entire volume of air in the living room is replaced once per hour. House of 170 sq. m with a ceiling height of 3 m requires 500 m3/h of fresh outdoor air.

The volume is calculated by multiplying the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises by the height of the ceilings.

If only cold air from the street is supplied to the house, then the heat losses will be 16.7x500 = 8350 W. This does not fit into the balance of an energy efficient house, we cannot say that such a house is energy efficient.

There are two options left:

  1. Reduce air exchange, but this does not meet modern standards for the necessary air exchange;
  2. Reduce heat loss when supplying cold air to the house.

To heat the outdoor cold air entering the house, the installation of forced, supply and exhaust ventilation systems with a heat exchanger is used. With the help of this device, the heat of the air leaving the street is transferred to the incoming flow. This improves ventilation efficiency.

The efficiency of recuperators is 70-80%. Read our article on how to build an inexpensive and


By installing a forced-air ventilation system with a heat exchanger in the house (from the above example), it will be possible to reduce heat loss to 2500 W. Without a system of forced, supply and exhaust ventilation with a heat exchanger, it is impossible to achieve a balance of heat losses in the house.

Economic feasibility of additional insulation

The main indicator of the economic efficiency of additional home insulation is the payback period of the insulation system.

Interesting user experience with nickname Andrey A.A , who compared the costs of heating in the permanent residence mode of an insulated and non-insulated house. For the purity of the experiment, we take the following data as the initial conditions:

  • heating with main gas;
  • heat losses through the building envelope - 300 kW / h / (sq. m. * year);
  • The house has a service life of 33 years.

Andrey A.A.

To begin with, I calculated the annual heating costs in the permanent residence mode without additional insulation. After my calculations, the cost of heating an uninsulated house of 120 sq.m, with its heat loss of 300 kW / h / (sq.m. * year), amounted to 32 thousand rubles. per year (provided that the price for 1 m3 of gas until 2030 will be 7.5 rubles).

Now let's calculate how much you can save if you properly insulate the house.

Andrey A.A.

According to my calculations, additional insulation will reduce the heat loss of my housing by approximately 1.6 times. Hence, with heating costs equal to 1.1 million rubles for 33 years (32 thousand rubles per year x 33 years), after insulation, you can save 1.1-1.1 / 1.6 \u003d 400 thousand on energy costs . rub.

To get 100% economic effect from additional insulation, it is necessary that the amount spent on additional insulation does not exceed half the amount saved on energy costs.

Those. for this example, the cost of insulation should not exceed 200 thousand rubles.

After a year of operation, it turned out that after additional insulation, heat loss decreased not by 1.6, but by 2 times, and all the work done (because the insulation was carried out on our own, and the money was spent only on the purchase of insulation) paid off many times over.

Also interesting is the approach to calculating the profitability from additional insulation of a forum member with the nickname mfcn:

– Consider the following hypothetical conditions:

  • indoors +20°C, outdoors -5°C;
  • heating period - 180 days;
  • house - with a single-layer frame, costing 8000 rubles / m3, insulated with mineral wool at 1500 rubles / m3;
  • installation cost - 1000 rubles / m3 of insulation;
  • frame pitch - 600 mm, thickness - 50 mm.

Based on these data, a cubic meter of insulation costs 3,000 rubles.

We study the problem on real experience, with the calculations of specialists and members of the forum

Due to the steady rise in energy prices and the high cost of connecting gas, an increasing number of developers are thinking about building an energy-efficient home.

We have already told the readers of our site about what technologies are used in its construction.

And FORUMHOUSE users will help us with this.

From our material you will learn:

  • Which house is energy efficient and which is not.
  • Is it possible to heat an energy-efficient house with electricity alone?
  • How to calculate the required thickness of insulation.
  • Will building an energy efficient home pay off?

What is energy efficiency

Energy-efficient houses have been built in European countries for a long time, but for our country such a dwelling is still exotic.

Many developers are suspicious of the construction of such buildings, considering it an unjustified waste of money.

We understand whether this is so and whether it is profitable to build an energy-efficient house in relation to the climatic conditions of most zones of Russia, including Moscow.

An energy-efficient (energy-passive) house is a building in which the costs associated with energy consumption are on average 30% less than in a conventional house. Energy efficiency of recent times could be determined by the coefficient of seasonal use of thermal energy - E.

  • E<= 110 кВт*ч /м2/год – это обычный дом;
  • E<= 70 кВт*ч /м2/год – энергоэффективный;
  • E<= 15 кВт*ч /м2/год – пассивный.

When calculating the coefficient E, the following is taken into account: the ratio of the area of ​​​​all external surfaces to the entire cubic capacity of the house, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer in the walls, roofing and ceilings, the glazing area and the number of people living in the building.

In Europe, to determine the energy efficiency class, it is customary to use the EP coefficient, which determines the amount of electricity spent on heating, hot water, light, ventilation and the operation of household electrical appliances.

The starting point is EP = 1 and energy class D, i.e. standard. The modern classification of houses, adopted in European countries, looks like this:

  • EP<= 0,25 – класс А, пассивный дом;
  • 0.26 < ЕР <= 0,50 – класс В, экономичный;
  • 0,51 < ЕР <= 0,75 – класс С, энергосберегающий дом;
  • 0,75 < ЕР <= 1 – класс D, стандартный;
  • 1,01< ЕР <= 1.25 – класс Е;
  • 1,26 < EP <= 1,50 – класс F;
  • EP>1.51 - class G, the most energy-consuming.

In ordinary, insufficiently insulated housing with large heat losses through building envelopes, most of the energy (up to 70%) is spent on heating.

We can say that the owners of such a dwelling heat the street.

Therefore, in European countries, no one can be surprised by the thickness of the insulation in the walls of 300-400 mm, and the contour of the building itself is made airtight.

The necessary level of air exchange in the house is maintained with the help of a ventilation system, and not the mythical "breathing" of the walls.

But before buying cubic meters of insulation, you need to understand when additional insulation and the whole range of measures related to the construction of an energy-efficient house are economically justified.

Energy efficiency in numbers

In our country, the heating season lasts an average of 7-8 months, and the climate is more severe than in Europe. Because of this, there is a lot of controversy about whether it is profitable to build with us energy saving houses. One of the most frequent statements of opponents of energy efficient construction is the argument that in our country the construction of such a building is very expensive, and the cost of its construction will never pay off.
But here is a comment from a member of our portal.


In 2012, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, I built an energy-efficient house of 165 sq. m of heated area with specific energy consumption for heating 33 kWh per sq. m per year. With an average monthly air temperature in winter of -17°C, the cost of heating with electricity amounted to 62.58 kWh per day.

You should focus on the technical characteristics of this house:

  • insulation thickness in the floor - 420 mm;
  • insulation thickness in the walls - 365 mm;
  • the thickness of the insulation in the roof is 500 mm.

The cottage is built on frame technology. The heating system of the house is electric low-temperature convectors with a total capacity of 3.5 kW. Also, the house has a supply and exhaust ventilation system with a heat exchanger and a ground heat exchanger for heating outdoor air. Vacuum solar collectors are additionally installed to supply hot water.

General bill: 3.2 thousand rubles are spent on heating per month. at a round-the-clock tariff of 1.7 rubles / kWh.

Also interesting is the experience of forum member Alexander Fedortsov (nickname on the forum Skeptic), who independently built a frame house of 186 sq. m on the foundation "insulated Swedish stove", with a home-made heat accumulator of 1.7 m3 and with electric heaters embedded in it.


The house is heated by electricity through a water-heated floor system. For heating, a night tariff is used - 0.97 rubles / kW. At night, the coolant in the heat accumulator heats up to the desired temperature, and turns off in the morning. Cubic capacity of the house - 560m3.

Bottom line: In winter, in December, heating cost 1.5 thousand rubles. In January, a little less - 2 thousand rubles.

As the experience of users of our site shows, anyone can build an energy-efficient home. Moreover, it is not required to equip it with expensive engineering systems like air recuperators, heat pumps, solar collectors or solar panels. According to a forum member with a nickname Toiss , the main thing is a warm closed circuit, three times superior to modern SNiPs, the absence of cold bridges, warm windows, well-insulated roofs, foundations and walls.


Rather than paying 0.5–1 million rubles for gas connection (the price of which is constantly growing), it is better to build an energy-efficient house with an area of ​​up to 200 sq.m. Subject to the construction technology and a competent approach, its construction is economically justified with any architectural and design solutions.

Energy Efficiency - Basic Principles

How and with what to insulate a house is one of the main issues that arise during construction.
And you need to think about it at the design stage. According to Pavel Orlov (nickname on the forum Smart2305), before the economic calculation of the justified thickness of the insulation, it is necessary to determine the following initial data, namely:

  1. The area of ​​the planned house;
  2. Area and type of windows;
  3. Facade area;
  4. The area of ​​the foundation and surfaces of the basement;
  5. Ceiling height, or internal volume of the house;
  6. Type of ventilation (natural, forced).


We take as a basis a house with an area of ​​170 sq.m, with a ceiling height of 3 m, a glazing area of ​​30 sq.m. m and an area of ​​enclosing structures of 400 sq.m.

The main heat loss in the house occurs through:

  1. Window;
  2. Enclosing structures (roof, walls, foundation);
  3. ventilation;

When creating a project for an economically balanced house, it is necessary to strive to ensure that heat losses in all three categories are approximately the same, i.e. by 33.3%. In this case, a balance is achieved between additional insulation and the economic benefits of such insulation.

Maximum heat loss occurs through windows. Therefore, when building an energy-efficient house, it is important to "tie" it to the right place on the site (large windows face south) for the maximum degree of solar insolation. This will reduce heat loss with a large glazing area.


The most difficult thing is to reduce heat loss through windows. The difference between various modern double-glazed windows is rather insignificant and ranges from 70 to 100 W/sq.m.

If the window area is 30 sq. m, and the level of heat loss is 100 W / sq. m, then the heat loss through the windows will be 3000 watts.

Because it is most difficult to reduce heat loss through windows, then when designing the thermal insulation of the building envelope and the ventilation system, for balance, you need to strive for the same values ​​\u200b\u200b- 3000 W.

From here, the total heat loss of the house will be 3000x3 = 9000 watts.

If you try to reduce only the heat loss of enclosing structures, without reducing the heat loss of windows, then this will lead to unreasonable cost overruns for insulation.

Heat losses through the enclosing structures are equal to the sum of losses through the foundation, walls, roof.


It is necessary to strive to equalize heat losses through windows with heat losses through enclosing structures.

It is also necessary to reduce heat losses associated with ventilation of the premises. According to modern standards, it is necessary that the entire volume of air in the living room is replaced once per hour. House of 170 sq. m with a ceiling height of 3 m requires 500 m3/h of fresh outdoor air.

The volume is calculated by multiplying the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises by the height of the ceilings.

If only cold air from the street is supplied to the house, then the heat losses will be 16.7x500 = 8350 W. This does not fit into the balance of an energy efficient house, we cannot say that such a house is energy efficient.

There are two options left:

  1. Reduce air exchange, but this does not meet modern standards for the necessary air exchange;
  2. Reduce heat loss when supplying cold air to the house.

To heat the outdoor cold air entering the house, the installation of forced, supply and exhaust ventilation systems with a heat exchanger is used. With the help of this device, the heat of the air leaving the street is transferred to the incoming flow. This improves ventilation efficiency.

The efficiency of recuperators is 70-80%. Read our article on how to build an inexpensive and


By installing a forced-air ventilation system with a heat exchanger in the house (from the above example), it will be possible to reduce heat loss to 2500 W. Without a system of forced, supply and exhaust ventilation with a heat exchanger, it is impossible to achieve a balance of heat losses in the house.

Economic feasibility of additional insulation

The main indicator of the economic efficiency of additional home insulation is the payback period of the insulation system.

Interesting user experience with nickname Andrey A.A , who compared the costs of heating in the permanent residence mode of an insulated and non-insulated house. For the purity of the experiment, we take the following data as the initial conditions:

  • heating with main gas;
  • heat losses through the building envelope - 300 kW / h / (sq. m. * year);
  • The house has a service life of 33 years.

Andrey A.A.

To begin with, I calculated the annual heating costs in the permanent residence mode without additional insulation. After my calculations, the cost of heating an uninsulated house of 120 sq.m, with its heat loss of 300 kW / h / (sq.m. * year), amounted to 32 thousand rubles. per year (provided that the price for 1 m3 of gas until 2030 will be 7.5 rubles).

Now let's calculate how much you can save if you properly insulate the house.

Andrey A.A.

According to my calculations, additional insulation will reduce the heat loss of my housing by approximately 1.6 times. Hence, with heating costs equal to 1.1 million rubles for 33 years (32 thousand rubles per year x 33 years), after insulation, you can save 1.1-1.1 / 1.6 \u003d 400 thousand on energy costs . rub.

To get 100% economic effect from additional insulation, it is necessary that the amount spent on additional insulation does not exceed half the amount saved on energy costs.

Those. for this example, the cost of insulation should not exceed 200 thousand rubles.

After a year of operation, it turned out that after additional insulation, heat loss decreased not by 1.6, but by 2 times, and all the work done (because the insulation was carried out on our own, and the money was spent only on the purchase of insulation) paid off many times over.

Also interesting is the approach to calculating the profitability from additional insulation of a forum member with the nickname mfcn:

– Consider the following hypothetical conditions:

  • indoors +20°C, outdoors -5°C;
  • heating period - 180 days;
  • house - with a single-layer frame, costing 8000 rubles / m3, insulated with mineral wool at 1500 rubles / m3;
  • installation cost - 1000 rubles / m3 of insulation;
  • frame pitch - 600 mm, thickness - 50 mm.

Based on these data, a cubic meter of insulation costs 3,000 rubles.