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» Fuchsia leaves have fallen what to do. Fuchsia dropped all the leaves what to do. Temperature requirements

Fuchsia leaves have fallen what to do. Fuchsia dropped all the leaves what to do. Temperature requirements

Scroll FAQ on fuchsia diseases with photos and treatment from specialists. Problems of growing fuchsia.

Why do fuchsia leaves fall? This happens for a number of reasons:

Why does fuchsia drop leaves? This may be the result of overdrying the soil in a pot.
where the flower grows. If the fuchsia has shed its leaves, this indicates problems with the root system. In the case of overdrying of the plant, it is impossible to sharply increase the frequency of watering. AT summer period you need to water the flower after drying the top layer of soil. Spray frequently. To avoid overheating of the soil in the pot and thereby aggravate the situation, the plant is removed from the bright sun, but the light level should remain at a high level.

Why do fuchsia leaves dry? This phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons. Firstly, the tips of the leaves of fuchsia can dry out from a sharp change in air humidity. So, if the plant was grown under a hood, and then it was transferred to a room with dry air without acclimatization, then the leaves of fuchsia may dry. Secondly, fuchsia is not completely healthy when the leaves dry, this indicates problems with the root system. Violation of the functioning of the root system always affects appearance flower. Fuchsia roots can rot from an excess of moisture, damage by root rot, and overdrying of the soil. If fuchsia leaves begin to dry, you need to carefully follow the rules for caring for an indoor flower.

Hello Karina!

The reasons for the drying of a plant can be very different: unsuitable conditions or an attack by pests.

Common mistakes when growing fuchsia

Unsuitable growing conditions destroy fuchsia:

  • Bad soil. A drainage layer must be poured into the pot. The soil is usually made up of peat, humus and compost soil - 1 part of each component. Coarse-grained sand is also added - 2 parts. You can buy ready-made soil. The main thing is that it should be loose enough.
  • Wrong watering. You need to regularly and adequately water the fuchsia. Should be checked upper layer soil and water only when it dries out. Make sure that the water does not stagnate.
  • Wrong temperature. The plant loves cool rooms - up to 20 degrees. Feels good on fresh air, in the yard or on the balcony. It is also recommended to plant plants in bright pots - so that the roots bask less in the sun. For the same reason, ceramic containers are preferred. Winter for this plant is a dormant period. At this time, he needs to ensure the temperature is not higher than 10 degrees, water very moderately and do not feed. In winter, it is important not to overcool the roots. If the plant hibernates on the window, the pot is placed on a foam or plank.
  • By the way, fertilizing fuchsias is not an easy task. It is important not to overfeed, and not to leave "on a starvation diet". Feed only during the period of active growth - once a month. Suitable for various mineral and organic fertilizers. "Kemira", "Effekton", "Pocon for geraniums" are especially recommended.
  • Heat and direct sunlight are detrimental to fuchsia. It is better to put it in a place where bright, but not direct sunlight falls. Also, lighting can be artificial. Fluorescent light sources are ideal.
  • To support the plant, you can use the drug "Epin". It is useful if the plant has suffered stress (drought, temperature changes, overflow, etc.). The drug stimulates the protective functions of the plant.

fuchsia pests

Often the cause of the drying of the branches is a tick. He loves dry hot weather. Turn the sheet over and check its underside. Thin cobwebs and small not very fast insects of red-brown or yellow color- it's ticks.

But keep in mind that the tick is visible with a strong lesion - in other cases it may not be noticed. To combat it, use the appropriate drugs. Nice results gives spraying "Fitoverm", "Neoron", "Akarin". "Fukfanon" and "Aktellik" are not recommended - they are poorly tolerated by plants and are very harmful to humans. Also, when attacking a tick, you need to increase the humidity. For this, regular spraying of plants is suitable. Alternatively, you can put the pot in a larger pot, on the bottom of which pour wet expanded clay.

Whitefly is another "scourge" that causes the plant to dry out and die. For prevention, it is recommended to regularly inspect the flower and wash it in the shower. If the insects have already multiplied, use Aktara to prepare the solution and water. At large cluster pests, use insecticides - Tanrek, Iskra, Fitoverm.

If no efforts bring results and the plant dies anyway, have time to make a few cuttings. They root well if you put them in water in a bright light and cover them with a bag on top.

Sincerely, Galina.

A list of frequently asked questions about fuchsia diseases with photos and treatment from specialists. Problems of growing fuchsia.

Why do fuchsia leaves fall? This happens for a number of reasons:

Why does fuchsia drop leaves? This may be the result of overdrying the soil in a pot.
where the flower grows. If the fuchsia has shed its leaves, this indicates problems with the root system. In the case of overdrying of the plant, it is impossible to sharply increase the frequency of watering. In the summer, you need to water the flower after drying the top layer of soil. Spray frequently. To avoid overheating of the soil in the pot and thereby aggravate the situation, the plant is removed from the bright sun, but the light level should remain at a high level.

Why do fuchsia leaves dry? This phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons. Firstly, the tips of the leaves of fuchsia can dry out from a sharp change in air humidity. So, if the plant was grown under a hood, and then it was transferred to a room with dry air without acclimatization, then the leaves of fuchsia may dry. Secondly, fuchsia is not completely healthy when the leaves dry, this indicates problems with the root system. Violation of the functioning of the root system always affects the appearance of the flower. Fuchsia roots can rot from an excess of moisture, damage by root rot, and overdrying of the soil. If fuchsia leaves begin to dry, you need to carefully follow the rules for caring for an indoor flower.

Fans of bright indoor flowers should definitely have fuchsia in their home. it beautiful plant boasts stunning in shape and beauty flowers. There are a wide variety of colors fuchsia. But to achieve flowering, you need to know how to properly organize the care of this exotic beauty. What to do in this or that case, what to do, for example, if the fuchsia began to wither and fall off the leaves.

Fuchsia care rules

Fuchsia requires certain conditions so that it can grow and bloom normally. First of all, you need to deal with the issue of lighting. Fuchsia loves bright, but at the same time diffused light. You can not place a flower under the action of direct sun rays, so it is best to put it on the west or north side. Another important rule- during the flowering period, you can not move the flower, otherwise all the buds may fall off.

The next moment is watering the fuchsia. The plant should be watered abundantly at all times of the year, except for winter. Watering is carried out after drying the top layer of the earth. In winter, watering is more moderate. For irrigation take settled water. In addition to watering, fuchsia responds well to spraying. You can even place a container of water next to the fuchsia pot. It is recommended to spray the flower in the morning or evening hours. In winter, spraying should be discarded so as not to cause excess moisture.

(reklama) We must not forget about the temperature regime. For flowering, a more suitable temperature is the range from 18 to 26 ° C. In the summer heat, when the temperature exceeds the indicated degrees, the leaves of the plant may begin to dry and fall off. If, at the same time, fuchsia is also under the scorching direct rays of the sun, then the plant with highly likely will die. With the onset of autumn, the plant must ensure that the temperature drops to 6-12 ° C, otherwise, with more high temperature the plant may begin to hurt, and its foliage will become smaller. winter months It is best to spend in the garage or basement. At this time, lighting will not play any role for the plant, and the temperature should not fall below 4 ° C and rise above 12 ° C. Do not allow the soil to dry out during these months.

Be sure to take care of top dressing, which should be carried out throughout the year, except for winter. For top dressing, you can buy in the store ready solution just for fuchsia. Fertilize the flower once a week. Until the opening of the buds, top dressing can also be added to the water with which you will spray the plant. After the end of flowering, the plant is not fertilized for some time, and then they start feeding again.

Why do fuchsia leaves fall?

because of improper care in fuchsia, foliage may begin to dry and fall off. There may be several reasons for this.

Firstly, foliage can fall off when the plant has been moved to another place. Due to a change in the level of illumination, a similar reaction is quite possible. More plentiful and frequent spraying will help to cope with the problem. It will be necessary to carry it out until the flower is fully acclimatized in a new place.

Secondly, a problem with foliage may appear due to not proper watering. Due to waterlogging, the plant may rot the roots. To cope with this, it will be necessary to pull the fuchsia out of the pot and get rid of the damaged roots, after which the plant is planted again.

One of the most common reasons for the death of fuchsia in the summer is the bay.

The importance of proper watering for fuchsia cannot be overestimated. It is the foundation of a healthy and strong plant.

Bay signs

  • Shoots are drooping
  • The leaves wither, then become covered with brown spots, dry and fall off.
  • Flowers and buds crumble

In hot weather, fuchsia leaves become lethargic and drooping.

What is going on?
Fuchsia has a water exchange regulation system that allows the plant to close its stomata and thus prevent water loss.
But the stomata must be open to allow access carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Therefore, the plant has to balance between the loss of water and the assimilation of carbon dioxide.

The stomata open early in the morning. Around noon they begin to close, and just before sunset they close completely. On very hot days at temperatures of 25°C and above, the stomata are open for a very short time in the early morning and closed for the remainder of the day. The same thing happens if the plant lacks water: the stomata are open for a very short time to conserve water.
Under such conditions, respiration and photosynthesis stop, and the leaves are no longer cooled by the process of evaporation - as a result, the plant wilts.

Watering fuchsia abundantly in this state is a guaranteed death of the plant.

Watering with closed stomata of the plant can lead to death, because closed stomata cannot ensure the movement of water to the leaves.

The best thing you can do for a drooping plant in a scorching heat is spraying the leaves.

Spraying cools the leaves and helps keep the stomata open longer. It should also be done on hot days to prevent wilting of the leaves. Proper spraying during hot weather also helps to keep the stomata open longer and thus support plant growth. Spray fuchsia should be in the shade!

Proper watering

So, watering is important to carry out in the early morning. Watering in the afternoon can do more harm than good. At this time, the stomata are closed, and the roots will be in the water all night and may rot.

How to save fuchsia after the bay?

If you notice these signs of flooding on your fuchsia, save it immediately!

  1. Leave the plant in the shade.
  2. Delete excess water from the ground as soon as possible. This can be done by placing the pot on a pack of napkins, newspapers, or on dry sand.
  3. Also, an emergency transplant into a new, light and airy soil can solve this problem.
  4. Do not water the plant, but just spray with a spray bottle. Until the roots recover from the bay, they cannot fully absorb water from the soil.
  5. It makes sense to cut the stalk and put it on rooting. If the plant cannot be saved, the cutting will give life to a new fuchsia.

So, you can save fuchsia from the bay if you eliminate the cause as quickly as possible. And faced with this situation once, you will no longer allow excessive watering of fuchsia, especially in the heat.