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» Interior of a children's room for a preschool boy. Design of a children's room for a boy. Vintage desk by the window

Interior of a children's room for a preschool boy. Design of a children's room for a boy. Vintage desk by the window

Creating a children's room design is a series of endless dilemmas and solutions to difficult issues - it is necessary to correlate the possibilities of the room (its size and shape, layout) with the age of the child, his needs and interests, choose safe and environmentally friendly materials and furniture, but take into account that new renovation is just around the corner, because your child’s preferences are changing. How can you not only stay within the financial budget for a small reconstruction or major renovation, but also please the child’s wishes and not go against his opinions and requests? In this publication we will try to find answers to all these questions in relation to the boy’s room. We hope that the 100 best photos of design projects for children's rooms for boys different ages will help you be inspired for your own achievements and create the interior of your dreams.

Criteria for choosing a nursery design for a boy

Of course, the main factor influencing the design of a children's room is the age and height of the baby. Obviously, the age of the child determines not only the composition of interior items, but also the design concept itself. Of course, there are things that every child needs, regardless of age, for example, sleeping area corresponding to his height. But otherwise, the decor of a children's room can vary greatly.

In addition to age, the concept of decorating a nursery is influenced by the following: important factors How:

  • room dimensions - in small room it is difficult to place even a minimal set of interior items, and in a spacious nursery you can literally organize a center for development, sports and creativity;
  • the location of the room relative to other rooms of the home, the number of doors and window openings– these factors influence the interior layout;
  • location of the nursery relative to the cardinal directions, level natural light- influence choice color palette and the number of lighting fixtures;
  • the child’s temperament, level of development, hobbies and interests - influence color schemes, furniture, sports equipment (if there is room for them) and additional interior elements;
  • financial capabilities of parents - assortment finishing materials, furniture and decor in modern stores are presented in an incredibly wide range of prices, it is obvious that it is important for every family to find best option repair costs and comply with the requirements of safety and environmental friendliness, aesthetics of the final result.

Room design for a boy from birth to 2-3 years old

Most of the design projects of rooms for newborns that we see on foreign (and Russian) sites are most often presented in pastel colors. Delicate light shades literally envelop all surfaces - from wall decoration to textile design of the bed. And there are many reasons for this. At first, the child doesn’t care what material it’s made of. carpet covering what quality of wallpaper is covered on the walls or whether it is possible to break a chandelier by aiming a ball at it. The main thing for the baby is a favorable atmosphere in the room where he is located - sufficient temperature, humidity and light. Parents do the first repairs mostly for themselves.

As the child grows up, he begins to explore the world outside the crib and the arms of his parents. And in this case, it is already necessary to ensure that the furniture does not have sharp corners, the shelves are screwed to the walls, and the interior elements do not have decor that a child can tear off and try to swallow. The main requirements for the interior at the age when a child begins to move independently can safely be called safety factors. It is best to use open shelving as storage systems. The fewer door fronts on the cabinets, the fewer reasons the child has to get injured. Of course, it is not recommended to use storage systems with glass inserts in the doors. If the storage system model contains drawers, then it is necessary to equip them with limiters.

Room for a preschooler

The main requirement for a preschooler’s room is to provide maximum leisure time for the child. Depending on the boy’s temperament and his hobbies, these could be sports activities, creativity in various directions, or simply active games. Obviously, for this it is necessary to free up as much free space as possible. Built-in furniture, loft bed models, come to the rescue, allowing you to save useful space in the room. If the size of the nursery allows it, be sure to equip it with sports equipment - a wall bars, a small horizontal bar, a punching bag or a whole sports and gaming complex will be a great help in the physical development of the boy.

It is in the rooms for preschool boys or students primary classes Thematic design options are most often used. Hobbies for any cartoon characters, fairy tales, comics, or just one of the themes allows parents to show their design abilities and not only decorate a standard children's room, but create a truly unique one. small world as part of a room for sleeping, relaxing, doing creative work, sports and acquiring new skills.

For example, marine themes and motifs of adventure romance, the spirit of travel, are close to many boys. For parents, the convenience also lies in the fact that you can use the entire palette of many favorite shades of blue color

Children's room for a schoolboy

Your boy already has a full-fledged workplace (a desk and, most likely, a 2-in-1 computer desk) even at the stage of preparation for school. But this does not mean that toys will completely disappear from his life, and therefore from the children’s room. Storage systems still need to take into account the presence of toys, books, stationery, sports paraphernalia and, of course, clothing and shoes.

Experts recommend using height-adjustable furniture to create a workplace that is not only comfortable and practical, but also ergonomic. There are many tables on sale whose table top height is adjustable. Chairs or computer chairs. It is important that the child’s back has proper support - a modern child has to spend a lot of time doing homework.

It may not be easy for a schoolboy to express his opinion when drawing up the design of his room, but also to take an active part in choosing all the interior components. Perhaps your child will not be very interested in a finishing materials store, but he will probably want to express his preferences in choosing a color palette, interior theme, selection of furniture, textiles for decorating a greasy area and windows, and choosing carpeting.

Room design for a teenage boy

Decorating a teenage boy's room is a joint project between parents and child. It is important to take into account your son’s wishes when choosing colors, general concept design, furniture and decorative elements. After all, it is the children's room that most often becomes a refuge of calm, rest and relaxation for a teenager with a difficult rhythm of life. Of course, the capabilities of the room itself (its size and layout) and the family’s financial budget for renovating the nursery will largely determine it appearance, but it is important to try to find a compromise between the son’s wishes and the parents’ resources.

During adolescence, boys often experience growth spurts, when literally in one summer the child grows several clothing sizes. In this regard, experts recommend purchasing furniture that is called growth. A full-length bed, desk, chair or armchair with maximum height adjustment, easy-to-use storage systems.

Current room design ideas for a boy in 2018

The design of a children's room certainly has its own specifics. To withstand what is called the “purity” of many stylistic directions It's hard enough. And some interior styles are not at all suitable for the design of a children's room. For example, it is difficult to imagine a room for a boy in the minimalist style, because a child’s desire to surround himself with many interesting objects and the very concept of this style are not compatible. But many trends in the design of living spaces can still be used when creating design projects for children's rooms.

Modern interior design style strives for the maximum possible use of environmentally friendly materials. The use of safe for humans and environment materials has always been relevant, but in Lately takes on a truly total character. For decorating a children's room, this trend is more relevant than any other, because no parent would voluntarily use toxic, harmful materials for finishing surfaces or as raw materials for the production of furniture in their child's room.

The use of safe, environmentally friendly materials often serves as the basis for the entire design concept of a room, often leaving behind issues of aesthetics, practicality and even cost. For example, cork floors or wall panels do not look luxurious, but they are an excellent heat and sound insulating coating for surfaces with the highest level environmental friendliness

The use of natural materials is inevitably associated with an increase in the cost of a global renovation project or a small remodel of a children's room. But in most cases, you can find a decent compromise on interior design with any size estimate. For example, the use of natural fabrics for decorating beds and draping window openings is accessible to almost everyone.

Another recurring trend in the world of interior design for many seasons has been the use of Scandinavian motifs. The use of environmentally friendly materials, an abundance of white color, wooden surfaces and the use of contrasts to create a certain visual impulse - all these design techniques can be successfully used in creating the interior of a children's room for a boy. The design is light, but at the same time cozy, practical, but attractive in appearance, not cheap, but safe and environmentally friendly.

As mentioned above, another trend when decorating children's rooms is the use of so-called “growing furniture.” After all, the furniture in a children’s room is subject to not only the requirements of practicality, environmental friendliness and ease of use, but also ergonomics. It is important that the child’s sleeping and working place (desk, computer desk or creative corner) correspond to the child’s age and height.

Color trends for a boy's room

If we talk about the most popular color schemes for decorating a boy’s room, then they are neutral colors. White color and all its shades are perfect for decorating small spaces. A light and fresh image can be created even without experience in the field of interior design, in a small room and with minimal skills in combinatorics, because White color easy to combine with any color solutions. But in the weather for a clean, weightless image, it is important not to get carried away with white, diluting it with bright accents and warm tones, otherwise the room risks becoming like a hospital ward.

Gray has been on trend for several seasons now. Its neutrality and versatility attract designers and their clients all over the world. Only at first glance, shades of gray may seem boring to use when designing a children's room. For example, you can achieve very beautiful combinations in a boy’s room gray with shades:

  • blue and cyan (turquoise);
  • mint;
  • pistachio;
  • olive (mustard);
  • yellow;
  • orange.

The color blue is very often associated with boy's room design. Many shades of this color can create interesting images rooms - from light, bright and cool to contrasting, dynamic and energetically charged. The rich spectrum of shades of blue gives us the opportunity to select combinations to create the optimal interior design, depending on the desired end result (the child’s temperament, his character, activity level).

Children's room for two boys

Organize several full-fledged functional zones It’s not easy for two boys to live in one small room at once. But given the fact that the problem of organizing sleeping and working places, sectors for leisure and creativity within small spaces is many years old, designers have accumulated a certain amount of techniques and methods for optimizing the usable area of ​​the rooms of the most different sizes. The use of two-tier structures is one of the most common ways to save space. However, it is not always we're talking about about the organization of two sleeping places. In some cases (usually when boys with a large age difference live in the same room), it is more advisable to “raise” one of the beds to the upper tier, and organize a workplace or a spacious storage system under it.

If the area of ​​the children's room allows you to install two beds parallel to each other, this is an ideal option for organizing sleeping places, because they will be accessible from almost all sides. IN narrow room beds can be installed parallel along the walls and limited to one nightstand or chest of drawers between them. In a room with a square or similar shape, you can install the beds perpendicularly, occupying one of the corners.

In addition to the difficulty in organizing sleeping places for two boys within a medium-small room, problems also arise when installing workspaces - desks or computer tables. Depending on the age difference between the children, you may need either two full-fledged workstations or one desk for the older child and a small corner for creativity and activities for the younger one. The least amount of free space will require a simple console, which can be attached to the wall or rest on one support.

Boy's room - design 2019

Children grow quickly, and their tastes, character traits, and behavior patterns change at the same speed. All these points must be taken into account when creating a children's room design for a boy, even if he was recently born and does not yet distinguish green from blue. If you approach the decision thoughtfully key issues design of the space, the result will please not only the parents who put their whole soul into it, but also the happy children.

Children's design depending on age

The rapid development of a child is the main factor that you should pay attention to when organizing the interior of a boy’s nursery. Who will live in it: a newborn with a minimum set of needs or a teenager who is interested in music? The room is the place from which children begin to explore the world, develop and form as individuals. Therefore, choosing the right design means making your contribution to the happy future of your child. All elements should be relevant, interesting and pleasant to the occupant of the room. Let's consider the basic design rules for each stage of life!

Boy under 3 years old

In the first years of a boy, the design of a nursery is more important to parents. A comfortable crib, educational toys, plenty of space for movement and exploration - this is quite enough for a developing baby. Furniture must be safe, without sharp corners. The floor has a warm carpet that is easy to wash.

It is desirable that the interior be made in pastel colors, not too colorful, but at the same time varied enough for the child to learn to perceive shades and highlight objects of interest to him. Funny, aesthetic stickers will help decorate your child’s little “world.”

At first, it is better to organize a boy’s children’s room minimalistically, so that over time you can add new, more complex details and objects.

Boy from 3 to 5 years old

During this period, the children's individuality begins to form. They try to express their desires, which also relate to filling the room. Boys develop their own hobbies, so convenient location You should place a small table and chair - a miniature workspace.

Entertaining and educational toys are still an important part. Parents gradually teach boys to have order, so storage spaces should be as convenient as possible.

Interior of a room for a schoolchild

Filling the interior becomes more complicated. Due to the fact that the boy is loaded school curriculum, the priority is to purchase a full-fledged workplace with shelves for books, drawers for notebooks, and so on. Already at this age, the child must independently organize his personal area, while maintaining order.

Games gradually take the form of hobbies. For example, in the room of a young musician you need to find a place for a piano, or an artist for an easel.

Before this time, there was probably at least once a need to update the finish. Wall decor in the children's room becomes more serious, stickers are replaced by paintings. A wall with a large world map, which also creates color accents in the interior.

Room for a teenage boy

During this period, not as much depends on the tastes of the parents as on the family budget. A teenage boy shows independence in arranging a room, but this concerns more decorative elements: walls covered with posters, figurines from comic book fans, and so on.

Which style should you go for?

There are not many stylistic options for decorating a children's room for a boy, but even they will not appear in the canonical interpretation. When setting up a home, parents often start from a specific theme, focusing on the child’s hobbies.

Using a certain style will help you create a design correctly, as well as fit it into the overall image of the apartment. In addition, at a more mature age, teenagers usually give up children's fun, preferring a presentable appearance. Let's look at the most popular solutions for boys of different ages.

Children's room for a boy in a modern style

Perhaps the most versatile option. You can fit into such an interior interesting furniture unusual shape(for example, in the form of a typewriter), walls with photo wallpaper, bright colors. At the same time, toys and equipment look harmonious, being a continuation of the design of the room.

The furniture is functional, comfortable, without unnecessary decor or details. Multi-level one-piece sets that combine several zones at once: for sleeping, entertainment and study look trendy.

Children's room for a boy in a space style

Of course, this is not futurism, but rather a more primitive imitation of it with the active introduction of space themes. Very popular among younger boys, because who didn’t dream of becoming an astronaut as a child? Even if in the harsh adult reality the child has to give up this fantasy, he will still have time to feel partially in the desired role.

When designing such an interior for a boy’s children’s room, you will have to start primarily from the budget. But ordinary suspended ceiling with starry sky, some glowing globes and toy spaceships will look very interesting.

Children's room for a boy in pop art style

This style will fit well into the room of a young comic book or video game lover. Bright colors, stylized posters and paintings, outrageous figures - your child will be delighted with such a space. An option for creative children who are focused on leaving their place in the world of art and definitely will not lose their enthusiasm over the years.

With proper design, such a nursery for a boy can look solid and stylish, the main thing is not to overdo it with colors. Geometric shapes fit perfectly into the space.

Children's room for a boy in loft style

If the house is decorated in a loft style, then the children's room will most likely suffer the same fate. For boys, this will only be a plus, because nothing enhances the desire for adventure more than bare brick walls, as if in old castles and catacombs, brutality and unique decorative objects.

Modular furniture, characteristic of this style, is ideal for a developing child, whose needs and number of things grow every year. The loft is an excellent “canvas” onto which the boy will eventually add the bright colors of his hobbies.

Selecting the color scheme

In the modern world, there is a tendency to deviate from typically feminine and typically masculine colors. Indeed, a child’s tastes may vary: some like a calmer range, others like bright or rich ones. However, at a young age, color plays an important role in the formation of character, so for educational purposes it is better to focus on a cold palette.

Blue nursery for a boy

This refers to all shades of blue - from blue to deep sea. It is not for nothing that this color is considered the most popular solution for boys: it has a positive effect on them, helps to calm and balance them.

In addition, blue is associated with the sea, dark tones are associated with space, and this is perfect for a themed interior of a children's room. It is better if it is the dominant shade, since in combination with bright colors the calming effect is simply neutralized.

Green nursery for a boy

Another optimal option that will help instill in your child a love of nature. A natural, aesthetic color will create a peaceful atmosphere in the interior of a nursery, especially if combined with white or brown.

White nursery for a boy

An excellent solution in the first years of a baby's life. In the future, it is necessary to add bright accents so that the child does not get bored in such a children's room, since if used incorrectly, the space can acquire a feeling of sterility.

Gray nursery for a boy

A serious, presentable color that will help a child feel like an adult. The gray shade goes well with other options, balancing them out. In order not to make this design of a children's room for a boy faceless, add interesting pieces of furniture, paintings or posters to the walls, and also fill the space with natural light.

Purple nursery for a boy

Cooler shades are suitable for sensitive creative types, while maintaining a masculine character. Decorating the entire nursery in this color will look too bright, but purple textiles, one side of the trim or other attention-grabbing elements will look very interesting.

Decorating a children's room

The aesthetics of space is, of course, important and plays its educational role, but we should not forget about the health of the child. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of finishing materials, giving preference to hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly bases.


Boys under 6 years of age spend a lot of time on the floor, where they learn to walk or play with cars. The coating should be smooth, but not slippery, elastic and easy to clean. Conventional parquet loses in the last parameter, since dirt often gets clogged in the cracks between the boards, from where it is difficult to remove it using conventional methods.

Marmoleum, which has high aesthetic properties, is considered a universal and environmentally friendly option for a boy’s nursery.


Wall coverings should be easy to clean and replace. This is due to the dynamically changing tastes of the child, who will eventually want a different design, as well as the active actions of children, who often paint or stain the partitions.

In this case, wallpaper will ideally cope with its tasks. Just give preference to environmentally friendly options, such as paper, liquid or eco-wallpaper.


A simple white ceiling, even with slight irregularities, remains universal option for any interior. It will look more interesting in a boy's nursery suspended ceiling with a starry or cloudy sky - only for some dreamy children such a decision will definitely prevent them from falling asleep quickly.

The selection of furniture for a nursery depends on the style of the interior and the age of the owner of the room. But there is general rules that will help you make the right choice.

Convenience and safety come first. Make sure that objects do not have sharp corners, high locations, or awkward fits. The workplace, like the bed, should be suitable for the physiological characteristics of the developing body, without causing pain or distortion.

Despite the comparative high cost, furniture made from natural materials is a priority. The tree is not only harmless, but also has a positive effect on human well-being. Pay attention to the covering of the headset: it should be hypoallergenic and not collect dust.

Design of a small nursery for a boy

Unfortunately, not all residents of our country can allocate a spacious room for their child, in which there will be enough space for him to meet all his needs. But don't despair! You can decorate a small space comfortably and beautifully if you follow simple recommendations.

The simplest advice that will at least visually save a few square meters- choose a light one color scheme, not forgetting about bright accents. At the same time, there should not be too much decor to avoid the effect of fragmenting the design.

When planning a nursery for a boy, you will have to move away from standard solutions. For example, try moving the radiator by organizing work area by the window - this place is often empty.

If the height of the ceilings allows, consider a podium for the bed, which will additionally act as a storage space. Multifunctional walls will also help you plan your interior wisely, combining several zones in a small area.

Arranging a children's room is as pleasant and interesting as it is responsible, complex and expensive. Obviously, the design of a room for a boy will depend on the size and shape of the room, the age of the child, his range of interests and preferences. At the same time, the decoration and furniture should be safe and environmentally friendly, and the colors should be bright and rich. But not so much as to irritate the little owner’s psyche. Confused yet? Our extensive selection of room design projects for boys has options for all occasions. We hope that among the presented interiors you will find an inspiring design that will help you create a children's room design that suits the child and does not ruin the family budget.

Design of a room for a boy depending on age

The first and most important aspect for creating a comfortable, convenient and functional interior for a children's room is the age of the child. Each stage of your baby's life has different priorities. At first, he does not have his own preferences and the design of the room should mainly please his parents, setting them in a calm, peaceful mood. If the parents are satisfied and happy, then the baby, sensing their mood, will enjoy life. As the child grows up, his favorite activities, preferences in games and creativity appear. Cartoon and fairy tale characters become integral part a child’s life, and he wants to see them in the interior of his room. Further, games are gradually replaced by activities, the preschooler is already doing a lot and he needs storage systems not for toys, but for books and sports accessories. In the future, the school will completely displace toys from the children's room. Well, in a teenager’s room, parents generally have little to decide - the child has his own opinion not only about the layout of the room, the color of the wallpaper, but also the design of the bedspread, covers for decorative pillows and more.

Room for a child up to 3 years old

In the first years of the baby, room design is important primarily for parents. As a rule, for a newborn, the room is decorated in soft, pastel colors, using bright accents as toys and stickers in the baby’s relaxation and play area. The child begins to crawl and then walk, so the priority for the children's room is safe furniture, a minimum of decor and a simple but warm carpet that is easy to wash at home.

Rounded corners on the furniture, table and chair commensurate with the height of the child, convenient systems storage without doors and sliding mechanisms- all these design techniques will help create a comfortable and safe atmosphere in the children's room.

“from 3 to 5” – the golden time of childhood

During this period of life, your baby begins to actively show his own individuality; he can already talk about his desires and preferences. The child will be grateful for the comfortable and convenient atmosphere of his room. And for parents it is important that the furniture is made from safe materials, is easy to clean and does not pose a danger. Therefore, it is better for now to limit yourself to open shelves for toys and books or use drawers with limiters. During the developmental period after 3 years, it is important to use bright accents when decorating a child’s room. If you did not plan to make renovations that greeted the baby in his first days of life, then the easiest way would be to use textiles and toys to raise the brightness level of the room. A colorful bedspread or bright curtains, original frameless poufs or colorful colors of a children's table can radically change the image of the room.

Between the ages of 3 and 5, children spend most of their time in games and creative activities, which means parents are faced with the task of providing a comfortable and safe place for their child to have fun. If the space of the room allows, be sure to install sports equipment - a wall bars or a crossbar with rings or a rope. The physical development of the child at this stage is extremely important.

If the child is over 6 years old

The boy still spends a lot of time playing, but activities also become an important part of his life. Therefore, purchasing a desk and an adjustable chair or a chair with a backrest becomes a priority for parents. There are still a lot of toys in a preschooler’s room and they need appropriate storage systems, but open shelves with books already take up a lot of useful space in the room.

Why limit yourself to a whiteboard for art or activities when you can use an entire wall? There are enough products for this in stores - you can install magnetic blocks to which creative elements can be easily attached and the surface can be wiped off with a regular damp sponge, black-painted boards on which it is convenient to draw and leave notes, as well as fabric segments to which you can attach anything -or with Velcro. Children love these types of creative areas and activities in game form are more fun and effective.

If there is a bay window in the baby’s room, then arranging this area can become a secluded corner for the child - in this segment you can organize a place for privacy by hanging curtains and providing seating in the form of frameless poufs or regular pillows bright colors.

The space around the window is rarely used rationally in the homes of our compatriots. This is mainly due to the location of heating radiators under the window sill. If you move the radiator a little, you can organize a full-fledged workplace with a natural light source and many storage systems located around the window opening.

Room design for a schoolchild

As your child ages, your priorities change. If previously he spent most of his time in his room playing games, now he is mainly busy preparing homework and being creative. But this does not mean that the entire nursery furniture needs to be replaced - your student probably already has a desk. Now it is important to convert storage systems for toys into bookshelves and containers for sports paraphernalia.

A schoolchild begins to have his own responsibilities, but this does not mean that he stops playing. Therefore, the main point in decorating a boy’s room is a clear zoning of space. It will be more convenient, practical and rational if the areas of study and creativity do not overlap with the segment of games and sports.

If your student likes geography, travel stories, customs different countries– a large map of the world must be present in the interior of the room. Using a large map or wallpaper with photo printing, you can not only provide your inquisitive child with information, but also create color accents in the decoration of the room.

Several ideas for the interior of a teenager's room

It’s not easy to please teenagers; they have an answer to every question, and a counterargument to every proposal. Obviously, when planning the interior of a teenager's room, you will need to work very closely with your child. The main thing is to agree on the basic concept and stick to this idea. The design of a room for a teenage student will depend on:

  • shape and size of the room (number of window and door openings);
  • level of natural light in the room;
  • the preferences of the owner of the room (obviously, a collector’s room will be radically different from the room of an extreme sports fan);
  • parents' budget.

In a teenager’s room, you simply won’t be allowed to use wallpaper with teddy bears or cars. You will have to come to terms with the idea that changing the decoration of a teenager’s room is inevitable. As accent wall in the room of a growing future man, you can use an imitation brick wall. This design technique will allow you to bring a touch of brutality to the interior of the room.

You can also use wallpaper with photo printing to accent the walls in a teenager’s room. The image depends on your child's preferences - from photos of real cities or places to symbolic images of comic book characters or street graffiti.

An interesting idea for an accent wall is photo wallpaper that you can paint yourself. Usually the surface of this type of wallpaper is easy to clean - your boy will be able to make more than one attempt.

Often teenagers choose dark and even gloomy colors to decorate their rooms; parents have to obey the child’s choice, because he spends most of his time in this room. But growing men still need bright colors and accent spots in the interior. The easiest way to add color variety to the gray interior of a room is with the help of wall decor or colorful textiles - bedspreads or curtains for draping windows.

How to arrange a room for two boys

Only at first glance, organizing one space for two sons doubles the problems of parents. It seems that it is impossible to place two sleeping and work spaces in one room, not to forget about double storage systems and at the same time leave enough space for games. But they will come to your aid design ideas, which have been tested on thousands of families, have been formed over the years and have served faithfully for more than one generation. Bunk bed is one of the most popular and practical options arrangement of two sleeping places with minimal costs useful space of the room.

If boys have a large age difference, then use bunk bed with a solid frame it will be impractical. In this case, it is much more effective to use a loft bed for a younger boy, and place a sleeping place for an adult son under it. Usually, with such an arrangement of places for sleeping and rest, there is space below for storage systems or arranging an area for study or creativity.

If the space of the room for two boys of the same age allows, then the arrangement of separate beds will be ideal option. If we manage to create mini-houses for each of our sons, we can consider that the parents’ mission has been completed.

In a room for two teenage boys, you will need to take care not only of the ergonomic arrangement of the beds, but also of organizing a desk for two. Here are examples of such workplaces that meet ergonomic rules and have an attractive appearance.

Examples of small room designs for boys

Most standard apartments in our country cannot boast of large room sizes, and in private houses there are often situations when it is possible to allocate a very small room for arranging a room for a boy. Parents are quite acutely faced with the issue of organizing a comfortable and ergonomic sleeping place, installing a desk, but it is also important not to forget about all kinds of storage systems - for clothes and shoes, toys and books, items for creativity and sports. In this case, time-tested layouts and multifunctional furniture come to the rescue - beds with drawers at the bottom, built-in storage systems that can easily be transformed into bookcase or shelves for sports equipment, poufs with space to store toys inside.

Residents of Russia who have lived in small communal apartments know very well that in a small room furniture must be placed along the walls. In the case of organizing a comfortable room for a boy in a small space, this principle works great - install a desk by the window, and place the bed perpendicularly along one of the walls and you will have enough space for games. Use as storage systems hanging shelves open type.

Snow-white wall decoration and light-colored furniture will help visually expand a small nursery room. If you use mirror surfaces as decoration for one of the walls or part of it, then visually the room will have no boundaries at all.

A loft bed helps save a significant amount of square meters in a child's room. You can place storage systems under the sleeping area or organize an area for study or creativity, just don’t forget to provide this poorly lit area with sources of artificial light. Many children like to sleep on a raised bed, and under the bed you can create a place for privacy if you hang curtains - it all depends on the temperament of your boy, only parents know what is needed for their child.

Here is an example of a built-in furniture complex, consisting of two beds (one of them is retractable), a workplace, cabinets and open shelves. Even in a room with an area of ​​10 to 12 square meters, you can organically fit such a complex, while children will have some free space to play.

Built-in furniture significantly saves space in a children's room. First, you place toys on the open shelves of built-in storage systems, then books replace them. The only thing you have to worry about is the size of the built-in bed. Either you will need to arrange a sleeping place with a significant reserve, or change the furniture in 2-3 years.

Helps you save money usable space the room has a bed located at some elevation. In the depths of such a podium there can be a spacious storage system.

For a room located in attic room The complexity of the arrangement may lie not so much in the size of the nursery as in its irregular geometry and the large slope of the ceiling. In such spaces, storage systems are usually located in the area of ​​the lowest ceiling height - low shelves for books and toys. The workplace should be placed by the window, if the geometry of the room allows, the remaining space should be distributed as a sleeping and relaxation area.

Themed interior of a nursery for a boy


The marine theme is one of the most popular for decorating a boy's room. Firstly, all shades of blue are considered suitable for the interior of a boy’s nursery (and most often boys are delighted with this color palette), and secondly, many of the guys really love everything related to ships, sea voyages and the attributes of this area life. In this case, it is revealed to the parents wide range products on a given topic - from beds in the shape of boats and even sailboats, to ready-made curtains with anchors or steering wheels. The advantage of a nautical theme is that much of the children’s decor can be made independently.

The maritime theme is not only about ships, steering wheels and anchors. Nautical animal world- a vast theme to implement in the design of a room for your little explorer of the depths.

We love comics and more

If your child loves comics and cartoons based on them, then there will be no problems with decorating the walls in the child’s room. It is only important to take into account that sufficiently bright posters can have an aggressive effect on the boy’s psyche. But only parents know everything about their child and can decide whether he will be comfortable among the bright and colorful pictures.

Game of Indians

Who among us didn’t love playing Indians as a child? You can run around the apartment and scream, paint your face and shoot from an improvised bow. Modern children also like this theme. It’s not difficult to beat it from the point of view of arranging a children’s room, the main thing is that the space allows you to install a small wigwam. Children love to retire to small spaces; every child needs their own houses and places for secrets. For some boys, such a place of solitude in the form of an Indian tent is simply necessary - to be alone, collect thoughts, concentrate, calm down emotions.

Having a place for privacy is especially important for rooms where two boys live. An inexpensive Indian tent will allow you to create a small house for one without requiring a large investment of space or money.

Sports theme

If your boy is interested in any kind of sport, then he will certainly be pleased to play with this theme in his own room. It is not necessary to set up a gym in your son’s room. There are many ways to play with the sports concept - drawings on textiles, small pieces of furniture in the form of sports equipment and simply wall decor with posters and paintings depicting scenes on the chosen topic.

"Space" room

If your child is interested in everything related to space, then these examples of decorating children's rooms will be useful to you. Space in a boy’s room also includes a “starry sky” created with glow-in-the-dark wallpaper or special lighting suspended ceiling, these are images of planets and fantasies about the existence of aliens, this is the shine of stainless steel, the use of rivets and fasteners as in spaceships, this is a corresponding print on the curtains and textiles of the sleeping place.

897 662 Dix https://www..pngDix 2016-04-03 12:57:07 2018-11-30 11:17:30 Design of a children's room for a boy

Design of a children's room for a boy, like a mirror of a friendly family

Most ideas in our life have real chances success only if you approach them with both responsibility and creativity. This fully applies to both renovation and interior design of a house or apartment. Let's try, using the example of which design of a children's room for a boy to choose, to make sure of our assumption.

Design of a children's room for a boy: importance or reason for compromise

The choice of a specific style and design of a children's room, first of all, depends on the age of its futureowner. There is no doubt that the personal territories for a preschooler and a 4th-5th grade student should be different, not to mention what a 15 or 16 year old boy wants to see it as.

When arranging a nursery, not only the preferences of the parents should be taken into account, but also the wishes of their son. We agree that this room will become his personal space only when it is comfortable, cozy and interesting. The task is not an easy one, but only by solving it correctly will you get the desired result. The main thing is not to “collapse” in favor of the template - children will feel it immediately.

Design of a children's room for a boy: if he is under three

Alas, the most common mistake parents make when choosing a room design for their children is underestimating their children’s perceptions. Usually in this situation, adults rely only on their opinion, but already in a three-year-old child the formation of values, preferences and even artistic taste begins, which means the color of the walls, the geometry of door and window openings and free space on the floor matter.

It is important for the baby what they will be like:

  • Space allocated for storing toys;
  • Drawing board;
  • Paintings and photographs on the walls of his room;
  • Books standing on a shelf.


Even the slightest danger of getting hurt or cutting yourself on the sharp corners of the furniture should be eliminated. The floor should not be slippery. Good decision- large carpet or carpet. They will eliminate the possibility of losing balance and, together with warmth, will give the room comfort. Remember - this is an active play area, which means children don’t have the time or desire to think about being careful.

The baby's room should be the brightest in the house or apartment. Daylight must complement the artificial, and for reading bedtime stories, a bedside lamp will not be amiss .

Design of a children's room for a boy from 3 to 7

Boys under seven are a fireworks display of hobbies, interests and preferences. They “flow”: hyper-curiosity, hyper-activity and enviable initiative. This is a compelling argument that the interior of a children's room for a 4-7 year old boy must be different from the design in which he lived a year or two ago.

For toys that have grown up with their owner, it makes sense to purchase compact and transformable storage units. They can be shelves and cabinets with drawers.


For safety reasons, absolutely all drawers (and not only in the children's room, but throughout the entire apartment) must have limiters. Furniture that can fall is not allowed.

The time has come for the boys to have a mandatory sector for self-education. It becomes difficult to do without Swedish wall with rope and rings.

The boys' lives continue to be filled with games, although some of their free time is already claimed by compulsory classes to prepare for school. A desk and chair may appear in the nursery.

The volume of the room remains a source of light: transparent curtains, non-tinted glass, light wallpaper and carpeting in combination with a set of furniture - all this should emit light and, as a result, a good mood.


Between the ages of three and seven years is the time for boys to actively grow. It makes sense to choose a bed, sofa or sofa bed with a reserve for the coming years to come.

Design of a children's room for a boy: when school appears

Obtaining the status of “schoolboy” should automatically affect the design of a children’s room for a boy. From now on, specific areas for recreation, study and entertainment must be designated in the baby’s living space.

In order not to distract from studying, the desk should be removed from shelves and boxes of toys. With age, it is time to change the images on the walls, for example, a Winnie the Pooh poster - to a geographical map or a collage on a space theme.

It is advisable to connect the sleep area with storage of necessary and not so necessary things. Modern solutions by furniture makers in this direction offer the most unexpected in aesthetics and original in practical terms.

At the same time, it is unacceptable to overload the room with massive furniture and rush into a “grown-up” interior. Take your time - your child is still very much attached to childhood.

About design for teenagers

One day we realize that the child suddenly becomes a teenager. This is no longer a baby who fulfills your demands and desires unquestioningly or under pressure. This is already a person who has his own views on:

  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Menu on the table and daily routine;
  • Design of your room and family relationships.

A parent's search for compromises in design can become a hostage to peace in the family, and its acceptance on the part of a teenager can be the joy of the former and the basis for his harmonious development. For a teenager, the interior of his space in the apartment is no less important than the most important aspects of his life.

You should not be afraid that the design of a child’s nursery during these years will not be compatible with the overall design of an apartment or house. All children are unique in their own way. So why would his room be a copy of something?

During adolescence, the criteria for interior attractiveness undergoes changes. They change and you need to be prepared for it. Surely, friends may come to visit the boy, and at this age their opinion about the room is more than an authority. Thanks to possible guests, additional chairs or a sofa should appear in the room. There is no escape from the appearance of a zone where the computer and its “family” will “live.”

The zone of games and creativity remains, but takes on more adult qualities and outlines.

Setting up space for two

IN modern apartments children's rooms are allocated no more than 12-14 square meters. However, this does not mean that this area cannot be divided between two brothers. Design solutions for the sake of convenience, compactness and ergonomics will definitely cope with this task.

The largest objects in a children's room are beds. Their two-story structure is logical in most cases. Design proposals can not only be practical, but will undoubtedly decorate the nursery. At the same time, you can solve the problem with both clothes and linen. However, two floors of beds are not always inevitable. There are options when separately standing beds, fit harmoniously into the area, even of a very compact room.

If the difference in the ages of the brothers is not great, the solution to the problem becomes somewhat simpler, but if it is different, the creative thought takes on an additional zest. The arrangement of any living areas for the brothers should not be considered an impossible task.

The main thing here is logical imagination, attention to the needs of children and the practicality of their plans. Cabinet doors should be sliding or, like roller shutters. The shelves are open. Corner sofas as "champions" maximum use space is a priority. Transformation of furniture in this option is a reliable assistant and the shortest way to solve the problem of lack of space and volume. This is a signal to purchase:

  • Table-books;
  • Folding table;
  • Chair-beds.

Little tricks that can “push apart” walls and “raise” ceilings include:

  • Mirrored wardrobe doors;
  • Wallpaper with a vertical pattern;
  • Suspended ceilings, etc.

We subordinate the design of a children's room for a boy to the general idea

Experience successful designs speaks of victory where the decision is obeyed general idea. In other words, the situation and decorative design ceilings, windows and floors - everything should be subordinated to the overall theme. Let's name a few popular topics among boys:

  • Marine;
  • Space;
  • Sport;
  • Trips.

This list is not final, because there are no limits to boys’ fantasies. It would not be a bad idea to look ahead and foresee the possibility of a change in the boy’s interests. This suggests that the need for “restyling” of the nursery may come much earlier than renovation of the entire apartment.

The strength of every family is its friendship. We agree that furnishing the interior of all rooms in an apartment or house is an important component of this. And the design of a children's room for a boy (s) is not an exception, but one of the main components!

Renovations in a children's room are often done before the baby is born - sometimes parents don't even know the baby's gender in advance. Are you sure that a boy will live here? Decorate the room so that it is pleasant and comfortable for the little prince.

Interior of a children's room for a boy

Boys' and girls' rooms - what's the difference?

Not only in color. In addition, decorating a boy’s room in shades of blue is somewhat old-fashioned. Boys are more active; parents often equip their rooms with sports section.

A wall bar will also be useful for a girl, but given the modest area of ​​a city apartment, parents of little princesses give preference doll furniture, for example, a toy kitchen to the detriment of sports equipment.

Interior design for boys is often more laconic and austere, with less textiles and intricate details. But you don’t have to make the room boring - interior solutions can be restrained and spectacular at the same time.

Design of a children's room for a boy

Taking into account the boy's age

The newborn's room is arranged primarily for the convenience of the parents. The interior for older children should satisfy the owner of the room. Well, the design of a teenager’s apartment can be completely entrusted to the boy himself. During the renovation process, you will adjust some points based on rationality and financial capabilities.

Room for a newborn

In addition to the cradle, in the baby’s room there is always a changing table and a chest of drawers for baby onesies and rompers. Be sure to consider a seating area so that the mother can comfortably breastfeed her baby. Often mothers install an ironing board in the nursery, because diapers and baby things have to be ironed constantly. Please note that as soon as the child begins to crawl, the board and iron will need to be removed to another room.

For your baby's room, choose pastel shades which have a relaxing effect on the psyche. You can make several bright, simple accents so that the baby learns to focus his eyes. It is advisable to place accents away from the rest area so that bright colors do not distract the child while falling asleep.

Sooner or later, the child leaves the crib and moves independently. Please pay attention Special attention security:

  • install plugs for sockets;
  • buy furniture with rounded corners;
  • furniture fittings should not have sharp parts;
  • all objects dangerous to the child must be kept out of his reach;
  • do not hang curtains to the floor - give preference to window-sill-length curtains or horizontal blinds.

Boy's room design

If you don't plan to renovate your nursery in the coming years, consider decorating the room in white. When the boy grows up, it will be possible to replace some interior elements, for example, textiles, in accordance with the owner’s preferences. And any shades will be combined with white.

Preschooler's room

If your boy is from two to seven years old, the most important thing in the interior of a children's room is storage systems . Numerous toys need to be put somewhere. To accustom your child to order from childhood, stock up on bright and cheerful baskets for toys, hanging hammock shelves, colorful organizers made of safe materials: cardboard + non-woven fabric, textiles, silicone, plastic.

At this time, you can think about purchasing a full-fledged wardrobe, because the wardrobe will gradually increase - things bigger size take up more space, and the things themselves become larger. A rational solution would be buying a wardrobe – it usually contains not only clothes, but also shoes, bedding, sports equipment, and large toys.

If you want to save money, buy a bed to grow into. You can purchase a teenage or standard single bed, or you can choose transformable bed , the dimensions of which are adjusted in accordance with the growth of the child. If you are installing a small crib with the expectation of replacing it in a few years, keep in mind that you will need more space for the new furniture - think about the layout in advance.

Be sure to equip it for your child creativity corner . This could be a small table and chair, an interactive board for playing with magnets and drawing with chalk, etc. Modeling from plasticine, drawing, paper crafts, mosaics and puzzles develop fine motor skills, logical thinking, attention and imagination, and these skills are very important for a future man.

Interior for a schoolchild

The main element of a schoolchild’s interior is desk . He should stand near the window so that the light falls from the front or left. Consider lighting the work area in the evening and in cloudy weather. It doesn't have to be desk lamp– you can use a sconce or floor lamp based on the overall interior composition.

When designing a work area, do not forget that there should still be a place for games in the room. Define boundaries play area, by laying, for example, a track mat.

Teenager's room

Instead of a desk, a teenager will most likely need computer desk . Buy a model with a special pedestal for your monitor and a pull-out shelf for your keyboard, so that there is plenty of space on the tabletop for writing and drawing.

A teenage boy's room already resembles a man's room. I want to hide my favorite alarm clock in the shape of a car in a far corner so that friends who come to visit won’t laugh at me. Here it is important to understand the son’s experiences and come to terms with the fact that the boy is growing up.

The easiest way to make a room more “grown-up” is by replacing the textile decoration. Buy bed linen in gray, gray-blue, black and white colors. You can also use khaki, olive, beige. Replace curtains and possibly covers on upholstered furniture. Checks and stripes look very stylish among the ornaments. Often young guys like camouflage print.

Choosing an interior style

From 3 to 12 years is the approximate age when a boy can truly appreciate a stylized interior. Let's look at the most popular styles among young gentlemen.


Here it is advisable to choose a narrower direction so that the interior looks fully thought out.

Children's room for a boy in a marine style

Transport theme

What does your boy like? tanks, cars, planes ? A car bed already seems something banal to parents, but kids are guaranteed to be delighted with such furniture. Lay a carpet on the floor with a pattern that imitates a racing track.

A print with cars and spare parts can decorate bed linen, wallpaper, curtains, and furniture facades. For the airplane lover, don't bother looking for interesting air transport shaped lamps on sale. If your son is a fan military equipment, a couple of posters with tanks and camouflage textiles are enough.


Sport style

If the boy is interested in one of the sports, decorate the interior in the appropriate style. It is not at all necessary to arrange a sports corner, because the area of ​​​​the apartment does not always allow this.


  • images of balls and other projectiles on sheets, wallpaper, cabinet fronts;
  • posters of famous athletes on the walls;
  • diplomas and awards in frames, cups on shelves - if your baby has already reached certain heights;
  • contrasting colors – red, white, green, blue, yellow;
  • color block technique - large color fragments instead of small ornaments.

A soft bean bag chair in the shape of a deflated soccer ball will become a functional and very colorful element of the interior.

The boy spends most of his time in his room: sleeping, studying, having fun. Let the children's interior promote good mood, good rest and new achievements!