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» How to replant an azalea from a store pot. How to replant an azalea at home? The main problems when growing a plant

How to replant an azalea from a store pot. How to replant an azalea at home? The main problems when growing a plant

Transplanting an azalea at home is a necessary measure for the successful growth of a flower. Changing the substrate and updating the pot after flowering will help renew the plant, give it strength and lay the foundation for further formation of buds. Since azalea is known for its capricious temperament, you need to know how to replant it correctly - the slightest mistake will lead to disastrous consequences.

Some flower growers advise replanting the azalea as soon as it comes into home conditions after purchase. However, such an event is a rather risky undertaking, since the plant may die. It is better to wait a little, waiting until the azalea in the transport pot gets used to the new habitat and adapts to it.

Under no circumstances should you replant an azalea while buds are setting and flowering, as the bush may shed flower buds. Exceptions to the rule: suspected disease, flooded soil, the appearance of mold and traces of salinity on the ground. To prevent the plant from dying, it is better to quickly change the substrate in the pot, removing all or most of the buds.

From transplant to winter time it is better to refuse, since during this period all life processes are inhibited, and the azalea itself is in a dormant stage. It is better to wait until spring - with the onset of warmth, the flower will grow and respond well to a change in “place of residence.”

Preparatory stage

To successfully transplant azaleas at home, you need to worry about in a suitable pot, and also prepare the substrate.

Selecting a container for transplantation

For azaleas, small-sized containers are preferable, in which root system will feel as comfortable as possible. It is best to choose a pot whose diameter exceeds the diameter of the previous one by only a couple of centimeters. In it, the roots will not only develop faster, but also the risk of flooding the earthen coma will be minimal.

It is better to choose a pot with low edges, but at the same time wide. Since the azalea's root system develops horizontally, such a container will provide suitable conditions for root growth.

The material of the pot can be anything: either plastic or ceramic will do. However, it is best to give preference to naturalness - in a ceramic container the azalea will be able to “breathe”. Drainage holes at the bottom are required to ensure rapid removal of excess moisture.

Substrate preparation

Azalea is a lover of soil with high acidity, so compiling soil mixture sufficient attention must be paid to the required characteristics. The resulting substrate must be sufficiently loose and allow air to pass well to the roots.

It is best to prepare the soil for planting azaleas at home yourself, using the following components:

  • Special soil for azaleas or rhododendrons;
  • Crushed tree bark, pre-steamed;
  • Fresh (needs to dry a little) or dry sphagnum moss;
  • Fine sand and perlite;
  • A small amount of charcoal and vermiculite.

You can also obtain a high-quality substrate using other schemes by mixing:

  • 2 parts coniferous soil, 1 part peat and 1 part sand.
  • 2 parts pine needles, 3 parts high peat, 1 part leaf soil and 1 part sand.

The prepared substrate must be disinfected by spilling it with a special preparation (Fitosporin and its analogues) or by frying the mixture in the oven. You can also steam the soil over boiling water - to do this, place it in a colander, secure it over a saucepan and, after boiling, leave for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Undisinfected soil can be infected with various pests and fungi, which, after planting the azalea, will quickly spread to the plant. That is why it is better to worry about the cleanliness of the substrate in advance, so as not to treat the bush later.

How to replant an azalea at home

Before direct transplantation, it is necessary to treat the azalea root system in several stages:

  1. After the earthen lump is pulled out of the pot, the remnants of the old substrate must be carefully removed, being careful not to damage the roots. Then the plant is placed in settled water room temperature to remove all soil from the root system.
  2. After cleansing, the root system must be carefully examined - all suspicious shoots are removed, and all healthy ones are slightly pruned for renewal.
  3. After pruning, the bush is immersed in a solution of root growth stimulator with “Zircon” (increases the plant’s immunity and reduces stress from replanting), prepared according to the instructions on the package.

All tools that will be used to trim azalea roots must be sterilized. To do this, the blades are wiped with alcohol or pierced over a fire.

Azalea transplantation at home is carried out as follows:

  • A layer of drainage approximately 3 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the new pot;
  • The top of the drainage is covered with pine bark, which will help increase the acidity of the soil;
  • The bark needs to be covered with a thin layer of prepared soil, sprinkled with the drug “Trichodermin” (to prevent fungal diseases and rot);
  • The azalea needs to be removed from the stimulant solution and the excess moisture allowed to drain;
  • Then the plant is placed in the center of the pot, and its roots are evenly sprinkled with fresh soil;
  • All voids in the pot need to be filled, then the soil must be lightly compacted;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the root collar of the azalea is not buried in the ground;
  • The substrate is lightly watered with the solution in which the azalea was soaked before transplantation.

Caring for azaleas after transplantation

For successful acclimatization after azalea transplantation, you need to provide high-quality and constant care. Immediately after the procedure itself, it is recommended to place the bush in a place with sufficient light. However, direct Sun rays should not fall on the plant, so a south window is not the best option.

It is not advisable to place azalea near radiators, convectors and other heating devices, and also leave the bush in drafts. It is better to avoid watering in the first days after transplantation - it is recommended to moisten the soil after 3-4 days. It is better to use settled, thawed or rainwater, filtered is also suitable.

Since during acclimatization (lasts up to 2 months) the azalea’s condition is unstable, you can help it cope with stress with the help of Zircon. It must be periodically added to water for irrigation, diluting according to the instructions indicated on the package.

For those who forgot or did not know how to transplant an azalea - this article. To care for plants, you need to know about all their whims and desires, goals and capabilities. Each plant has its own growing conditions. What they should be like for planting and replanting azaleas - everything is in the descriptions below.

Complete transplant

From April to the end of summer it is possible to replant azaleas to propagate. Any of the options requires painstaking work. A florist can obtain young plants using cuttings, seeds and by dividing the bush.

Replanting is also done some time after purchasing a new flower. When the plant finishes flowering, it needs to be allocated a new container for growing. And then, over time, it will again turn into a gorgeous tree, the foliage of which is not visible under the flowers.

In general, azaleas should be replanted after purchase.

The procedure is carried out only once and fully. Compliance with the rules will help the plant develop quickly and well. Every year they deal exclusively with transshipment of plants in order to increase the volume of planting capacity. And only if several bushes grow in a pot, they should be planted. Thickening interferes. And diseases that threaten the health of the root system can spread from one shrub to another. In addition, a stronger plant may interfere with the others.

Young flowers need replanting once a year, adults - once every 24 - 36 months. Transshipment is carried out not only when the pot has become small, but also if unforeseen circumstances occur.

To plant and even move an azalea, you should know what it looks like and what to do with the lump of earth that is located on the roots. So, a healthy plant should have a lump like a sponge. It cannot be shaken off or cleaned. Thin roots, often located on the surface, can only be separated with a sharp knife and with great care.

It should be remembered that peat soils, which are used to fill special containers for selling and transporting plants, tend to grow to the roots of azaleas.

And this greatly interferes with division.

It must be remembered that this rhododendron needs the preservation and presence of its own microflora of the root system. It should be the same throughout the life of the plant. And if an azalea is deprived of this microflora, the bush may even die.

Container and soil

Every gardener, beginner and experienced, should remember that any containers are most suitable for growing azaleas, as long as they are large enough big size and definitely wider than the previous ones. The bottom of the pot should be covered with drainage. Height - at least 3 cm, maximum - 5 cm. This should not be more than 50% of the container. Next, lay out the crushed pine bark. It will give the entire soil the necessary acidity.

Azaleas at home can be grown and replanted in special soils, which are characterized by low acidity levels from 4.0 to 5.0 pH. These are sold in various flower shops with a special mark indicating the purpose of the soil. You should also not forget about baking powder. Heather soil is quite suitable. A mixture of pine needles and peat in a ratio of 2:3 is also suitable. They should be filled with a mixture containing 1 part river sand and 1 part leaf soil.

Perlite and vermiculite, charcoal or sphagnum are needed to add qualities such as air and moisture permeability, as well as friability, to the soil mixture. To prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases and putrefactive processes, you need to add Trichodermin. Kornevin should always be at hand. You can also use Zircon or Epin.

Correct actions are the key to success

The plant is planted and replanted, having the entire above set at hand. This is necessary so that the flower subsequently grows well and delights with flowering. Replanting is usually combined with pruning. Spring is the best time for this the right time. Pruning bushes after flowering is an individual process. Sometimes the best solution is to remove the dried buds by hand.

To obtain excellent result in the form of a strong flowering plant, you need to create complete care behind him.

Care during transplanting and propagation will help ensure excellent growth and good development plant. Beauty requires taking into account even the most inconspicuous nuances.

Transplantation and care during reproduction

If you follow all the rules, then azalea can be easily propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush and using seeds. The first method is the most effective.

Reproduction method: using cuttings

If a gardener is not confident in his abilities and knowledge, it is advisable to start growing azaleas at home with cuttings.

It consists of several stages:

    • After flowering ends, the plant is pruned. The cut cuttings must be at least 10 cm long. Shoots that are already 6 months old are best suited. They are cut obliquely under the bud. The lower 3–4 leaves are removed. The rest should be cut in half. The petioles should remain 0.5 cm. Indoor flower requires rooting. Therefore, a florist should never forget about such solutions as Zircon, Heteroauxin, Kornevin. 5 – 6 hours of soaking is quite enough.
    • Drainage is an important part. In a bowl or box it will take up about a three-centimeter layer. Then it should be sprinkled with sand, 2 cm is enough. The rest is allocated to the nutrient soil mixture. Before pouring, you should check its reaction to acidity. Or purchase special soil for azaleas at the store. Rotted pine needles and added peat (in equal parts) suit this plant perfectly.
    • The cuttings planted at a distance of no more than 4 cm are buried by 3 cm. The soil should be moistened. The greenhouse effect, as usual, is created using film. The place for growing is chosen to be bright, but with some shade. Spraying and ventilation - daily. It is enough to remove the film every 24 hours for 40 minutes. The soil should always be warm and slightly moist. Humidity of 80% and temperature above 25 degrees Celsius will provide excellent conditions.
    • After 4 - 6 weeks, the rooted cuttings should be transplanted. Next, young azaleas will grow in permanent pots. But a week before this, plant cuttings should be accustomed to new conditions. This is similar to the hardening process. The film must be removed for a longer period of time and then removed altogether. Only after this can young bushes be planted. Constant care and timely pinching will create all the conditions for new and strong shoots to appear on the bush. Those who are familiar with balsam, toast or croton can easily cope with care, especially pinching azaleas.

Propagation by seeds and transplantation

Reproduction using seeds is more than possible experienced gardeners. Often, grown azaleas will not retain varietal characteristics. Seeds must be used within 10 - 11 weeks, after which they lose their ability to germinate. But many take risks, because when a young azalea is transplanted, you can get a plant with flowers of a different color.

Sowing occurs from March 1 to March 10. Seeds should be mixed with sand and sown on a moistened substrate. Not forgetting about their photosensitivity, you need to cover them with glass and expose them to sunlight. Ventilation and watering - as in the first option. Don't forget about settled water. Sorrel acid can soften it. Overmoistening of the soil is fatal for seeds and seedlings. After 11 – 21 days 70% the seeds will sprout. Even young gardeners know how to replant such a small azalea.

The seedlings simply dive into another container. They do this together with a lump of earth. The distance between plants is again the same as for cuttings, at least 3 cm. The depth is carried out at the level of young leaves. Further, everything regarding growing conditions and care is the same as for cuttings. Transplantation into separate growing containers occurs in August. Diameter of individual pots in in this case– 7 cm. Now the azalea will bloom only after 7 years.

Successful breeding by division

You will also have to replant the beautiful azalea at home if the gardener decides to propagate the plant by division. In this case, take a healthy plant. Age limit: from 3 years. It is necessary to carry out this procedure with the skills of dividing other flowers, because it is quite possible to damage the thin roots. Soil mixtures, drainage - everything should be as described above. The delenki should be planted in separate wide but shallow containers. The soil should be well watered, but place the pots in a shaded place for at least 7 days.

So that the star of the collections of the East brings joy to your home lush flowering and lush greenery that hides behind flowers, the gardener will have to adapt to its capricious disposition.

Paying attention to the plant also means knowing how to replant an azalea at home. Following the rules and paying attention to detail will help you get maximum results.

Azalea is a rather special flower for home gardening. Even from the moment you chose it in a flower shop, it will urgently require close and almost constant attention to itself, as well as especially careful care.

But there is no reason to worry. Thoughtful care for azaleas at home will not allow this to happen. beautiful plant die. On the contrary, it will actively grow and delight its owner with beautiful and lush flowering. The main thing is to know what to do and not make fatal mistakes.

One of the features of azaleas is the rather unusual microflora around the roots. If its integrity is violated, the flower may die. We can say that the delicate root system is the weak point of the azalea. Therefore, in this regard, you should be very careful with the plant. Especially when moving from one pot to another.

But there is no doubt that this article will tell you in detail how to care for azaleas at home after purchase.

How are azaleas kept in stores?

In large and small shops that sell flowers, any plants are always brought from so-called nurseries. Most flower growers - both amateurs and professionals - know that this flower itself is quite capricious in terms of care. Manufacturers artificially prepare azaleas for flowering and subsequent sale.

In these nurseries, flowers are treated with special synthetic means, which put the plant into a kind of sleep. The flower looks quite presentable for sale, and can bloom for several months, thanks to the fact that it received special fertilizers at the nursery. Often the soil is even overfed with them.

However, the azalea root system, which we have already mentioned, does not develop in any way, because, in fact, it sleeps. Therefore, the plant, in the end, often gets sick - the roots of the flower die from the fungus. This is considered one of the main reasons why new owners do not even have time to properly begin caring for azaleas at home after purchase.

Most popular variety For indoor floriculture, the variety of evergreen Indian azalea is considered. The buds boast a variety of shapes and colors.

There are some details that can affect the cost of a flower:

  • Its variety is a garden or indoor azalea;
  • The size of the plant itself and the roots - accordingly, the larger, the more expensive;
  • How many buds does a flower have?

Most online stores have consultants who will not only help you choose suitable flower or decide on the variety, but they will also be able to tell you everything you are interested in about caring for azaleas at home.

How to prevent a flower from dying

When you have made a long-awaited purchase and brought an azalea to her new house, do not rush to take it out of the store packaging. It is better to leave the plant alone for about half an hour so that the flower gets used to the microclimate of the apartment.

It is important to decide permanent place stay of the plant. Here are some recommendations:

  • A space with good lighting, but without direct sunlight;
  • Coolness – approximately +16-18;
  • Humidified air.

It is very important to examine the soil of the azalea - to do this, you need to remove it from the flowerpot. In stores, they often fill the flower with water to make it look fresher.

What to do if the soil is too wet:

  • Remove the flower from its pot and wrap the roots and soil with paper that absorbs moisture well;
  • Repeat this action until the soil is sufficiently dry, but this must be done extremely carefully due to the fragility of the roots.

If the plant is too dry:

  • It needs to be placed in a container of water directly in the pot for about sixty minutes. The water should reach the edges of the pot;
  • Then you need to take out the flower and allow the excess moisture to go away - to do this, place the pot in a saucer or a special tray lined with expanded clay so that the soil and liquid no longer combine;
  • You should not replant the flower immediately, especially if the flowering period has begun.

Adaptation to a new room

You can be sure that the azalea has fully adapted only when, after moving from flower shop On the home windowsill, the plant will fade and sprout further shoots. During such a rather exciting period, you should care for the flower with all care. And carefully observe how he behaves.

Azalea does not like heat very much, so it is better to move the pot away from heating systems. In addition, they are very poorly affected by low humidity levels. The more coolness it gets during habituation, the greater the chance that the flower will remain alive.

There is also no need to rush with fertilizers. While in the nursery, the azalea is placed in already overfed soil so that the flower can live quietly until it reaches the store counter.

If you follow all these rules, all you have to do is wait.

A special spray called “Epin” can help with habituation. This substance is a special biostimulator for indoor plants.

Its action helps the plant to reveal its own protective functions, increases the level of immunity and resistance to stress. The instructions for use can be read on the packaging, and spray about once every ten days.

What care should I provide to the purchased plant?

First of all, the azalea needs to get used to the new environment where it found itself after the store. Caring for azaleas at home after purchase is actually quite troublesome. Due to its very capricious nature, a flowering and fragrant plant just yesterday may lose its buds and leaves in just two or three days.

If the leaves begin to fall and the plant rapidly loses its luxurious appearance, this can be called a harbinger of the death of the flower. That is why, before buying an azalea, you need to be prepared for something like this and remember exactly how to act in such a case.

In order for the newly acquired azalea to delight your eyes with its beauty and lush blooms for a long time, it is extremely important to strictly follow the basic rules of care.

Please note that after purchasing the azalea, it is advised to transship it. But you shouldn’t replant it right away.

Transshipment is quite easy to do:

  • You need to carefully remove the plant from the store pot along with a lump of earth;
  • Move it along with the soil to a new spacious flowerpot;
  • Cover the empty space with a special mixture;
  • Try not to over-wet the soil.

How to save a newly acquired flower? Under what conditions will azalea be able to more easily adapt to a new environment?

The roots also require special inspection. Symbiont mushrooms live on its roots, which provide the azalea with nutrition. In soil with a high alkali level, these symbionts die. And, as is easy to understand, the plant too. This is why flower roots should not be washed.

The substrate mixture should be acidic and allow water and air. It is better to buy soil already prepared for this flower. It is recommended to replant young flowers every year. And when the plant has matured, then once every two to three years. The top layers of soil are replaced, trying not to affect the fragile roots.


The most favorable temperature for the growth and development of azalea flowers will be from +10 to +15. It's okay if the temperature is a little higher. The main thing is that it does not exceed +20. But during the summer heat it is quite difficult to provide the plant with such a regime. At the same time, in summer season Azaleas go dormant.

To support vitality plants, outdoor shade is also perfect. If possible, an excellent solution would be to bury the flower in the ground right along with the pot. But first, it will be useful to pull nylon tights or stockings over the potty. This is necessary to prevent pests from attacking the plant. Experienced flower growers they say that pests really like the earthen mixture for this color.

As the fall season approaches, buds begin to form. It will be useful to lower the temperature level for the flower to +6 degrees. And when the flowers appear and begin to bloom, you can raise the degrees to +15. Remember - the cooler the azaleas are, the longer the flowering will last.

Azalea does not tolerate hot weather. But under no circumstances should you water it. cold water! This risks causing fungus to develop. IN summer period The pot can be lined with ice cubes. This will not only protect the plant from the heat, but will also add humidity to the air.

Humidity level

This is one of the most important factors. Dry air can simply kill a flower.

Here's what you can do to keep humidity at the proper level:

  • Choose a deep tray for the pot;
  • Cover the tray with pebbles and moss;
  • Make sure there is moisture in the pan;
  • Spray the leaves during flowering;
    When spraying with a spray bottle, try to keep the droplets small.


Azalea really just loves bright light. At the same time, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight - this can cause it to wither. A room located in the northern or western part of the apartment is perfect for azaleas.

You can place the flower in the southern room, but then it is better not to place it on the windowsill. A good solution would be to buy a special stand and place it near the window.

How to water correctly

As with any plant, water is very important detail, which saves them from withering.

For home flowers, the following are of great importance:

  • Water quality;
  • Temperature level;
  • Frequency and abundance of watering.

Never water your azalea with cold water or even ice water! An unexpected change in temperature conditions can become a real stress for the flower.

To the point that this can serve as some kind of signal for the plant that autumn has already arrived. And then the azalea will shed both flowers and leaves. Ideal for azaleas would be water at the same temperature as the flower itself.

Only soft water is needed. It would be better to boil the water first, then let it cool. It is also important to water only top layers water in a container, trying to prevent sediment from getting into the ground.

If you water the soil with regular water, acidic soil will become alkaline because it contains a lot of mineral salts. After boiling, they become the aforementioned sediment. To acidify the soil a little more, you can add three drops of juice to a liter of water.

If you bury your azalea in the street soil during the summer, rain will only benefit it.

This plant will not be able to tolerate drought. If you notice that the leaves or flowers have begun to droop, this is the first signal that the flower needs to be watered immediately. Nothing like this should happen. It is better to maintain the moisture content of the soil mixture at normal levels. Excess liquid can also harm fragile roots, and they can begin to rot.

This plant loves water, so it’s a good idea to water it abundantly. Typically it should be watered every other day. But if the air in the room where you placed it is dry (this happens especially often in winter period), then it will be better to water every day.

You need to water the plant from above, and it is better to drain excess water from the pan. As you probably already understood, you need to monitor the soil moisture so that the leaves do not start to fall.

"First aid" for azalea

What should never be allowed:

  • Droughts;
  • Heat;
  • Excess moisture;
  • Direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Sudden change in temperature;

What to do if the plant begins to wither:

  • Inspect the soil in the flowerpot;
  • Moisten if necessary;
  • Monitor air humidity;
  • The location may not be the most suitable - move the plant to a cooler place, away from sunlight.

If the azalea begins to shed its leaves, this is most likely the first signal that the plant is beginning to die. What to do:

Azalea is a very demanding and capricious plant. It requires not only care in accordance with all the rules, but also a lot of attention. It often happens that even after all the rescue operations, the azalea cannot be brought back to life. Therefore, it is better to monitor the flower every day than to bring it to such a state and then frantically try to save it.

If you properly and carefully care for your flower, it will delight you with its luxurious blooms for many years.

An inexperienced gardener will probably find that azaleas take a lot of time and bring a lot of trouble. But in practice, all these rules gradually become a habit that will only bring pleasant emotions.

First and most important!

Never replant or replant an azalea in winter! It is better to do this when new shoots begin to grow.

Also avoid replanting your azalea in unfavorable days. Check with lunar calendar. However, this applies to any plants.

After the azalea has bloomed, it needs to be replanted or transshipped. Pay attention to the photo: this is what the azalea looks like when we take it out of the pot. The lump is just roots: there is no way to shake off the soil or clean the roots. It's some kind of sponge. What to do?

First, let's prepare this:

  1. A bowl of boiled or filtered water
  2. Pot (it can be either glossy or plastic, 1 size larger than the previous one. You often read on websites that the pot should be wide and flat, since azaleas have a shallow root system. But if you add 5 cm of drainage, then you and the pot will be taller, and accordingly, wider by the same 5 cm)
  3. Knife and scissors wiped with alcohol
  4. Kornevin, zircon, trichodermin
  5. Pine bark (pre-shredded and steamed in the oven)
  6. Sphagnum moss (pre-washed, dried and crushed into dust)
  7. Vermiculite or perlite
  8. river sand
  9. Land for azaleas (only special, in no case universal primer as in the ground for azaleas increased acidity)
  10. Charcoal(can also be crushed)

Vermiculite - leavening agent

Coal for soil disinfection and rot control

Special soil for azaleas

Expanded clay - drainage, which is placed at the bottom of the pot

Pre-grind the pine bark and steam it in the oven. Used as a substrate additive

Kornevin is used as a stimulant for root growth

Sand is also used as a leavening agent

You can simply transship the azalea, especially if it has flowers (emergency transshipment was required), you can replant it. I offer several ways below, ranging from less extreme to the most extreme. I want to say that we tried all these methods and did not find the most optimal one.

Method one

We dilute the root in a basin according to the instructions, add a few drops of zircon and soak the azalea removed from the pot in this water for 20-30 minutes. At this time, prepare the substrate:

  1. Mix the soil for azaleas with vermiculite (it is needed to make the soil more air- and moisture-permeable)
  2. Then we crumble sphagnum there (both vermiculite and sphagnum should be visible in the ground). Sphagnum disinfects the soil well.
  3. Then we add a little river sand
  4. Mix it all well

Now we put drainage (fine expanded clay or shards of an old pot) at the bottom of the pot; the height of the drainage is about 3 cm. Then we put pine bark. It increases the acidity of the soil, which is so necessary for azaleas. At all best land for azaleas it is pine litter. Then sprinkle it with a little earth. We sprinkle trichodermin - it is from various fungi and rots. In general, it is important to add it during any transplant.

So calculate how much higher the pot will be, unlike the previous one. 5 centimeters! Well, wider accordingly.

Now we take out the lump of azalea from the solution, squeeze it out a little, and give excess water drain and place in the center of the pot. Now carefully sprinkle the lump on all sides with substrate, turning the pot around its axis. Under no circumstances should you sprinkle soil on top, otherwise you will cover the root collar.

Second way

This is the same as written above, but there are small nuances. Before soaking, the lump is trimmed from below by 1 cm with scissors or a very sharp knife. The top is also slightly trimmed around the circumference. On the coma from top to bottom, longitudinal cuts are made along the entire circumference of the coma with a depth of 0.5 cm with a very sharp knife. All this is done to make it easier for the roots to master the new soil.

Third way

Even more drastic circumcision of the coma. The lump is cut around by one third and you get something like an egg.

Trimming the clod using scissors. Let's gut the lump

That's how much peat I cleaned out of the coma

After transplanting or transshipment, the azalea is watered with the same solution in which it was soaked, but only slightly, since the lump is already completely saturated with liquid. Place the azalea in a bright, warm place, but not in direct sunlight, do not water it for 3-4 days, then carefully begin to water it with water with the addition of zircon. It helps grow roots and helps with adaptation. A transloaded or transplanted azalea should not be fertilized for 1-2 months, as the root can be burned.

The most radical way

Here is a half-dead azalea

Ostalette variety

We cut the lump like a cake with a sharp knife rubbed with alcohol.

Now “we gut the segment with scissors, as if clearing out peat. You grab the transport soil with scissors and pluck it out. It seems to you that there are solid roots there, but this is not so. It is some kind of sponge. That’s what’s left.

Soak for a short time in the root (solution), let the moisture drain, plant in a mixture for azaleas + vermiculite.


Is it possible to handle a blooming azalea?

It is generally not recommended to handle and replant flowering plants. But there are exceptions. For azaleas - if you brought it from the store and it is flooded , if the potty is clearly too small for her, and other force majeure circumstances.

If you have only one azalea, then just move it over. Other methods are very radical and can be used if you are an expert in floriculture and have a light hand.

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Message: I bought an azalea at the market, but it was rolled up in plastic bags. I want to replant it. I don’t know how I do it, please tell me, thanks in advance.

Answer: There is no need to replant in the fall. Now it needs to be adapted: sprayed with zircon (or watered) or other anti-stress agents. Water only when the pot becomes light, boiled water room temperature. Place on east or north window. Preferably temperature +20 +22. It must be replanted in the spring, when it begins to grow.

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Message: Good afternoon! My azalea has just begun to bloom (only 3 buds have bloomed), but the leaves have begun to dry out, I water it with fertilizer for blooming azaleas

Answer: Natalya, how often do you water it? It could be from the bay. And there is no need to overfeed. It’s better to pour in stimulants: zircon, HB-101, eco-gel anti-stress...

Gulnara, unfortunately, you entered your address incorrectly. I answer you here.

Yes, you need to get good at azaleas. They are generally capricious. In general, success depends on the condition of the plant and its genetics. You need to carefully choose azaleas in the store, or even better, buy ours in greenhouses.
Everything is written in detail on the "Where to start" page.
I choose those that have just been brought to the store. To do this, I often go there and track the delivery.
I buy medium-sized specimens with half-opened buds, slightly thick and green leaves, without fallen leaves, with new green shoots near the flowers.
I shake them there unnoticeably. If the foliage falls off, I don’t buy it.
I bring it, put it on a bright, cool window sill (eastern or northern window), temperature +20-22, window for micro-ventilation. I water it with zircon solution (1-2 drops per 2 liters of water). I don’t touch it, I water it when the pot becomes light, either from above or into the pan.
In two or three weeks it will be clear whether the azalea has taken root.
It's stressful for her when the heating starts. Here again you need to use zircon or HB-101, increase the humidity by placing the azalea on a tray with wet expanded clay. Move it as close to the glass as possible. It is advisable that there is no battery under the windowsill. I rarely fertilize when I remember. In winter it is also good to illuminate them with lamps daylight, but I don't do that. But they bloom infrequently for me (1-2 times a year)
In general, I would refuse to buy azaleas. Flowers, of course, are beautiful, but they are too capricious.

After purchasing, which pot is better to choose, water immediately or later - all these questions arise immediately as soon as you become the owner of this luxurious flower.

Let's take a close look at the plant - the azalea is planted in a small transport pot. Usually it is made of plastic, without a tray and does not have the slightest gap to the top edge, that is, regular watering from above becomes impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to replant the azalea.

How to replant an azalea in a pot

Which pot should I transplant the plant into - plastic or ceramic?

From an aesthetic point of view, ceramics are more attractive, but for practical reasons, it is better to choose plastic.

In plastic pots, moisture is distributed more evenly, it is more convenient to make good drainage holes; in extreme heat, the pot does not heat up so quickly and does not cool so much in winter. In addition, it is more convenient to water azaleas by submerging the pot, using the so-called bottom watering. This involves keeping the pot submerged in water for about 20 minutes. The plastic will not suffer from such a procedure, but beautiful ceramics The glaze may start to come off.

You can replant an azalea immediately after purchase or do it after flowering. As you prefer.

In what soil should I transplant my azalea?

It should be replanted in acidic or slightly acidic soil - light, loose, nutritious. Coniferous-leaf soil will be ideal for planting. As a last resort, you can use ready-made peat soils suitable for azaleas, gardenias, camellias, and begonias. If you see that the quality is not very good - the soil for planting is dense, monolithic, then you need to add some kind of loosening element to it - vermiculite or perlite.

How to replant an azalea by transshipment

You need to transplant the plant into a container bigger size. For example, from a shipping pot with a diameter of 12 cm, you will need to transplant it into a container with a diameter of no more than 18 cm, which is about 1.5 liters in volume.

We take the azalea out of the pot, we see that 3 or 4 cuttings are planted together, the roots are very well developed.

Divide? In no case!!! You need to replant without dividing the lump into parts!

If we make three out of one, we will lose everything, because... when dividing, there will inevitably be injuries to the roots, and it reacts extremely painfully to this - it may begin to shed leaves and flowers.

Azaleas need to be replanted by transshipment. At the same time, the roots are not disturbed, because we practically move it from one pot to another. We make drainage holes, usually there are 2 or 4 of them.

You can use a pointed stick to slightly separate the roots, as in these photos.

We put a small layer of drainage at the bottom, about 1 cm, pour earth on it and try on an azalea.

Align it in the center and place it so that 1-1.5 cm of soil can be poured on top, and at the same time about a centimeter remains to the top edge of the new pot free space for convenient watering.

Now we fill the free space with earth and carefully compact it.

Replanting the plant turned out to be easy and simple!

Water well, abundantly, so that the water reaches the pan. After 20 minutes, remove excess water! If you neglect this, then the water, remaining in the pan for a long time, will block the access of air to the roots. Deprived of oxygen, they will gradually begin to rot, and the plant may die from this.

In order for the azalea to better take root in a new place after transplantation, after transplantation it can be spilled with Kornevin’s solution or sprayed and watered with Zircon.