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» How to grow freshwater aquarium plants. Growing plants in the simplest way. Plants without soil: or fantasy

How to grow freshwater aquarium plants. Growing plants in the simplest way. Plants without soil: or fantasy

Over its long history, aquarium farming has become widespread in all countries. The market has remained stable for decades. The only thing that has a significant influence on him is fashion. Yes, it is fashion for certain and specific types fish, plants, decoration styles. A beautiful and well-decorated aquarium adds grace and nobility to the room.

People who have the opportunity to watch fish in their home receive true pleasure and peace. But those who combine their favorite pastime and work get even more pleasure. It's about about those lucky ones who are engaged in the aquarium business. Do you want to become one of them? Welcome!

IN last years in the aquarium hobby, the most popular design styles remain those that combine keeping small fish, colorful flowers, and beautiful aquarium plants. And if the supply of fish on the market completely satisfies even the most capricious buyer, then with aquarium plants the situation is completely different. Often it is not possible to purchase the desired plant species due to their absence or Bad quality. It is on this, at the right approach, you can make good money.

Before starting specific actions in the aquarium business, you should study the available literature on the relevant topic. Thankfully modern people have the opportunity to use the Internet. In this way, it will be possible to fill the gaps in the necessary knowledge.

If the desire to start a business has not yet disappeared, let’s begin specific actions.

In parallel with growing plants for aquariums, you can also use them in quite good demand.

Where to get money to start own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In this article we have revealed the most current ways to obtain starting capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

You should start by purchasing aquariums in which algae will grow. To get started, 10-15 aquariums, 200 liters each, will be quite enough. You also need to worry about purchasing special lighting lamps, water heating devices, thermometers, and water purification filters. All equipment and necessary equipment can cost up to $5,000.

When aquariums are installed permanent place, and all lighting and water purification systems are installed, you can begin populating them with plants. According to the recommendations of experienced specialists, beginners should start with the most unpretentious species. The most suitable ones would be Anubias, Vallisneria, Cabomba, Cryptocoryne, Echinodorus, etc. These types of aquarium plants are characterized by good growth vigor, ease of reproduction and minimal requirements for water quality indicators. But, like all others, they require constant care and periodic feeding.

The price of one bush from those listed above can vary from 1 to 10 US dollars. The size of the plant, its appearance, and general condition are taken into account. From the moment the plants are planted until the first sales occur, it will take at least six months. During this time, the aspiring businessman will accumulate the necessary experience in working with aquarium plants. And then it will be possible to expand the range, offering algae that are more demanding in terms of maintenance conditions. The main cost item in this business will be electricity for lighting aquariums and heating water. You should proceed from the calculation of 1 Watt per 1 liter of water in the aquarium.

The most important factor for the success of this business is a well-established sale of algae. There are two possible scenarios here:

1. An entrepreneur registers an individual entrepreneur, draws up Required documents, receives a patent and begins to sell aquarium plants on his own;

2. Searching for clients among pet stores and market traders, offering them plants for sale. In this case, you can count on 40-50% of the revenue, and for a month of such work the amount can reach 2000 US dollars. In this case, you can completely devote your time only to growing algae. It is always easier to go this way, especially for beginners.

Beginning aquarists who decide to practice growing plants, questions are often asked on forums: how to apply fertilizers, how to supply CO2, how to plant, how to prune, what to do with black coating on the leaves, etc., etc.... They are usually advised to “achieve balance”... And this is certainly true , but all these are general words, there are no instructions like: “How to achieve balance in an aquarium, step by step...” In Lately I am also often asked about similar topics and the idea came to me to write such instructions based on own experience. Why not? After all, we all launch new banks and use the same launch schemes and parole...

In order to immediately avoid the wrath of the great gurus who are always and everywhere, I will give a photo of my aquarium (at the bottom of the article) and what it looks like at the time of writing this opus. Since the launch, all this has gone through all types of algae without chemicals and technical means such as CO2 cylinders, external filters, UV lamps... Ordinary daylight T4 6400k lamps are used instead of standard ones, as I wrote earlier... There are no super-spectra or similar super-products for super money!
My instructions will most likely be multi-variant, and the number of options will depend on the goals of the aquarist and the initial conditions.. However, it seemed to me possible to average this out, so to speak)) Therefore, I decided not to take the initial conditions into account at all! No no, I don’t have a fever and I’m not delirious)) But since we need to achieve balance, it means it doesn’t exist yet... and that means that the initial conditions are as they are. Well, I think it will be clearer later...

I'll start with the simplest option: aquarist grows plants for himself and the speed of plant growth is not important for him. If only it was clean and free of algae. An aquarium gardener does not grow plants for wholesale sale, does not trim them after three days, and does not have technical devices such as CO2 installations and expensive UDOs, which by the way, for example, I didn’t need at all. As I already wrote, I use my own self-mixer)

So the first option and let's call it:

Growing plants in the simplest way.

We have an aquarium 1 or 6 months old with a flip flop, a beard and a black coating on the leaves, the water is clean but from time to time green threads come out, sometimes blue-green (for example in the soil or at the roots)... Light in the aquarium is simply very important. LIGHT AND NOT SUPER LAMPS! For example, I have ordinary fluorescent lamps, but: 100W for 140 liters...

Let's start, as was suggested before, with a change of water. But first, let's take a couple of steps. For this we will need clay balls and self-made udos, which are described below.

Step one:

We densely plant the aquarium with plants such as valisneria, hornwort, hygrophila and, for example, rotala indica... In short, in addition to what we have, we add cheap but very unpretentious plants that grow quickly and are designed to eat up excess nitrates and phosphates. I select plants in this way so that there are both lovers of nitrates (hornwort) and big fans of phosphates, or rather quickly absorbing them - as a rule, plants actively produce aerial roots and are ready to eat not only leaves... Rotala, by the way, contrary to popular belief, eats both nitrates and and phosphates, well, that’s true, by the way... the main problem- the number of fish and organic matter in the water. That's why

Step two:

We cultivate in the soil, EXACTLY IN THE SOIL, a culture of nitrobacteria. I would recommend Nitrivek, I use it myself during startup.. Why in the ground? Because since there is a lot of organic matter in the water, the filter (simple, with a sponge) needs to be washed often! Once a week and thoroughly.
We dig clay balls into the soil of the plants, which you can make yourself, if only there was clay. This is necessary in order to introduce less water into the water... After feeding, we begin to change the water.
The first week - every other day by 30%. The second - two days later by 30%, the third week - once by 50%. Then change the water weekly by 25 - 30%. And it’s important: we try to keep the temperature, if possible, no higher than 25 degrees! The fact is that at low temperatures, plants that have not yet started to grow properly will have an advantage in the supply of nutrients over algae. With more high temperatures plants have less chance only if they have not already begun to actively grow. Algae will start much faster!

At this stage we are not pouring any water at all! We only hope for fish. The number of fish can be calculated approximately like this.
Optimally 7 cm per 10-12 liters of water. Those, if you have a 120 liter jar, then it is advisable to have no more than 12 fish in there, the size of which is about 7cm... This is of course approximately and roughly, but the principle is clear, fish best manufacturer fertilizers, but also organic matter, and we need it in such a proportion that it has time to decompose and nourish our grass. The goal is for bacteria to quickly decompose organic matter and for plants to assimilate it faster than algae.

Step three:

We take a time out... About 2-3 weeks... We change the water and don’t do anything.... The aquarium is a self-regulating system.. The clay does its job in the soil.. We don’t interfere and wait for the biological balance to manifest itself, and this will happen approximately in 2-3 weeks. How to see it? Just. You will see that the filter begins to clog more slowly, the water is always clear, and you wipe the glass from plaque less and less often... and... you trim the rotala once every 10 days and the valisnria begins to spread its shoots throughout the jar... All this is still not in perfect condition but it is clear that the life of the grass has begun to spread throughout the volume..

Now we are one step away from what we want!!!

Step four:

This step depends on the results of the previous steps. Namely:
If the algae disappears in the aquarium, and the plants begin to grow, then there is no need to give additional water. In general, there is no need to get into the biosystem while it is healing itself! Then, when the cleanliness comes, you will feed the plants leaf by leaf and improve their size, but for now just watch the miracle: everything grows by itself! This is truly a miracle, nature regulates itself very effectively without our intervention and chemistry... You can add more complex and beautiful plants)

If purity has already arrived, then when scheduled shift water, we begin feeding with self-mix. Very careful! Macro and micro + separately iron citrate. Slowly. We continue to keep the temperature low. If the temperature is reduced to 23-24 degrees. then you can increase the number of fish by 50 percent! Temperature and light - the most important factors, and in my opinion temperature is more important.

That's all! It's simple. but there are some small additions.

  • If the aquarium is young, less than 6 months old, then the denser you plant it, the better.
  • if the jar is older than 6 months, then the planting density will affect the amount of CO2 in the water, the rate of UDO absorption and metabolism, and it can be changed arbitrarily by changing the amount of UDO and the amount of CO2, respectively.
  • if the light in the aquarium is less than 0.6 W per liter, then CO2 is not needed at all when planting 30% of the volume of grass. If the light is brighter, then either give the mash CO2 or compact the planting.
  • I will separately note the usefulness of adding cherry shrimp, Beeline snails, etc. to the aquarium. There will be several times less organic matter and, accordingly, black plaque too. With thick grass, cherries will survive even with barbs and cichlids - it’s been tested, I’ll even publish a video soon.
In the next article, I will describe in more detail and accurately the schedule and number of submissions of parole by me personally. How much CO2 to give and more details about the temperature... and maybe something else))

If you have a certain amount of knowledge about aquarium flora, the compatibility of certain plant species, their classification and the necessary conditions for normal growth and reproduction, then you can easily make a stable business from this - growing and selling aquarium plants. You can use professional literature on this topic, study information on the Internet, or consult with qualified florists or botanists.

Very often, this line of business is developed by people for whom aquarium keeping has been a hobby since youth or a long-term passion. Then you can get maximum financial results and pleasure at the same time. At the first stages, the implementation of a business idea for growing aquarium plants is quite troublesome and time-consuming.

As for competition in this business segment, it is not very high, and the demand, on the contrary, is great, since the opening of modern shopping centers, business centers, cafes, restaurants, offices and apartment renovations are often accompanied by the ordering of aquariums and their decoration. Moreover, the fashion of using large, exotic, predatory fish in aquariums, which eat and destroy plants in the aquarium, has already passed and is now an indicator, most likely, of the owner’s bad taste.

The initial investment in breeding underwater flora will average 2-3.5 thousand dollars.

The main cost item is the one-time purchase of 200 liter aquariums (five to ten of them will be needed) with lighting systems and air circulation, purchase of soil and feeding. The total cost will be 1200-2000 dollars.

Purchasing plants is another thousand dollars. It is best to choose unpretentious plants at the first stage, such as cryptocoryne anubis and echinodorus. These types of plants produce rapid growth. The price of a bush, depending on the size, is from 2 to 20 dollars.

Old-timers in the aquarium hobby do not recommend that beginners take on the task of breeding rare and expensive plant species. Firstly, they require more attention and experience, secondly, they are often very capricious to the slightest temperature changes and feeding, and thirdly, they reproduce more slowly. Another mistake many debutants make is trying to combine growing plants and fish in one aquarium. An oversaturation of organic matter in water leads to disastrous results.

The current cost item will be the rental of premises (if necessary), as well as electricity charges. Each month, one aquarium consumes $12-13 worth of electricity.

Taking into account initial capital investments and current expenses, you need to be prepared for the fact that

The business will begin to pay for itself only after 7-8 months.

When developing a business plan, it is necessary to study sales markets and product sales mechanisms. There are several options here.

The first is that you can sell those grown under aquatic plants through pet stores or through companies specializing in the sale and installation of aquariums, receiving a certain percentage of the volume.

The second way is to independently explore the pet market by obtaining a trade patent and registering as a private entrepreneur.

IN major cities net income from growing and selling aquarium plants ranges from $1,000 to $2,500 per month.

At the same time, many entrepreneurs do not stop at cultivation alone. An additional source of profit can be services for developing an aquarium design, selecting plants according to individual order client, cleaning aquariums and caring for plants. Price list for such services: design of a Dutch aquarium - 150-300 dollars, a simpler aquarium - 50-100 dollars, cleaning - from 25 dollars and more. Selling plants, with a good clientele, can bring in from 600 to 1200 dollars per month.

You will hardly find an aquarium in which fish do not coexist with plants. Well, unless it's a display aquarium. In any other situation, underwater plants take on several very important tasks. They are integral part natural environment aquarium species: live, feed, die along with fish, creating a special biological microclimate.

Plants convert purified or even tap water live, filled chemical elements And organic compounds. Underwater greens, like terrestrial ones, are capable of synthesizing oxygen under the influence of light rays. Plants absorb nitrogen and carbon dioxide compounds, acting as biological filters. In addition to all this, plants can be a favorite treat for some fish. In view of these advantages, the demand for aquarium plants never decreases, new species arouse genuine interest, and a queue forms for the imported exotics.

Modern technologies make it possible to grow new varieties at tremendous speed. Industrial breeding occurs in test tubes in laboratory conditions and produces a colossal yield. Most aquarium plants in European pet stores are obtained in this way, but for domestic market still a curiosity. Therefore, home gardening is not only a great way to regularly update your underwater garden, but also an opportunity to make good money.

In order to create a miniature garden, you will need to understand the methods of propagating underwater and marsh plants, which are in demand among aquarists.

Generative propagation by seeds- a rather rare method. It should be used only when offspring cannot be obtained otherwise (for example, in aponogeton). Seeds various types have different germination rates. One of the most important conditions for good germination is maintaining a temperature appropriate natural conditions flowering period in nature.

Swamp plants can be sown in moist soil. The seeds of hydatophyte plants germinate in water; later they can be transplanted into pots with a sand-clay mixture. Such tubs can also be placed in a community aquarium, but it is advisable to protect them with gauze from snails.

Vegetative propagation occurs much easier and faster.
Most aquarium greens can be propagated from cuttings. Side shoots After cutting, roots quickly develop and begin to branch.

No less effective propagation by layering, formed on the shoots of mother plants Cryptocoryne, Echinodorus, Vallisneria and Sagittaria.

Reproduction by rhizome
, is a backup option of any type in case of unfavorable conditions for flowering. To stimulate the process, you can divide the rhizomes into sections with a knife, leaving at least one vegetative bud on each.

Some species tend to form daughter plants on their own stems and leaves (for example, Ceratopteris (horn-shaped) fern and Microsorum (Javanese) fern). For further development it is necessary to carefully separate the adventitious sprout from the uterine stem. Reproduction by bulbs and tubers occurs only in the genus Aponogeton and Crinum, but they very rarely germinate and develop.

Whatever method you choose, for mass breeding you will need to organize your own mini-farm. You can use filtered tap water as water. Sand enriched with sand is recommended as a soil. nutrients. You can sprinkle quartz chips 1-3 mm in diameter on top. Lateritic soil from pet stores or loam is added to increase nutritional value, but the pH should be maintained at an acidic or neutral level.

It is recommended to acquire several free aquariums in which plants will be sorted. The main selection criteria will be temperature and light level. An aquarium with tropical and subtropical species should be equipped with a water heater. The fact is that temperature plays a leading role in the development of young shoots. Many heat-loving species are able to live at an average temperature of 24-26ºС. However, an increase to 30 ºС promotes increased growth. In addition, pay special attention to species that are accustomed to daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations.

It is very difficult to bring the lighting of an aquarium closer to natural. During the day the intensity sunlight uneven. The quantity changes throughout the year sundial. The plants in your aquarium are illuminated under constant conditions and it is very important that these conditions are as suitable as possible. Therefore, it is recommended to separate the light from shade-loving plants. Otherwise, you will have to look for a compromise, and this is a good solution for a general-species aquarium, but in the case of breeding plants for sale, this option is undesirable. The daily length of daylight in your nursery should vary between 12-15 hours depending on the season. You should not follow the advice and arrange “dark” preventive days, because even in cloudy and rainy times, some of the light penetrates under the water, stimulating the production of oxygen.

However, much more important than the level of illumination is the spectral parameter. Plants need the advantage of the red and blue spectrum. Special emitters and fluorescent lamps for plants are produced by many lighting manufacturers. The picture looks unnatural, but the issue of aesthetics is better left for a general-species aquarium.

Ratios of oxygen and carbon dioxide in water plays a significant role in maintaining the microclimate. Of course, during the day, plants produce their own oxygen, and for this they need CO2. Normally, carbon dioxide is a product of the respiration of fish and plants themselves at night. But there are no fish in the plant breeding aquarium. How to replenish this supply overnight?

Use special devices, sold in pet stores. The use of such devices increases the risk of the formation of insoluble compounds that can damage plants.

It is necessary to artificially soften the water, and to replenish the deficiency of minerals, periodically feed the soil with multivitamins and fertilizers.

To somehow balance the unstable balance in the underwater world without fish, get snails. They perfectly loosen the soil, release carbon dioxide and nitrates, eat dead areas of leaves and clean glass. And to control the number of these tireless workers, regularly collect them by hand or on a piece of apple.

Growing aquarium plants is simple and difficult at the same time. This is the paradox. For their successful breeding you need very little, but the question is what are you ready to provide them with what they need. In my opinion, they need very little: light, water and fertilizing. From my own experience, I can summarize that if an aquarist complains about poor growth plants, this means that somewhere our hero “successfully” saved... However, let’s return to the topic of the story. So, easy breeding of aquarium plants in 5 steps...

Aquarium substrate

If you set out to breed aquarium plants, then you shouldn’t skimp on substrates. For half existing species For plants, it is the substrate that is important, since it will contain their roots, through which they receive the nutrition they need. The substrate should contain several types of useful microminerals: magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and so on. You can combine several substrates in one aquarium. For many plants, iron is important, so laterite substrates are your choice if you don’t want to bother. As a rule, the composition of the substrate is always written on the packages, listing all these useful things. You can read more about substrates and soils here.

Providing light

Aquarium plants require a lot of light. When breeding, it is advisable to opt for aquarium lamps specialized for this purpose. These lamps have many advantages, but there is also a drawback: the price. If your budget allows, then it is better to fork out for a specialized lamp. And so, you can use any lamp with wide range, that is, “daylight” light. You can read more about the types and types of aquarium lamps here.

Carbon dioxide or CO2 system

To ensure rapid growth of aquarium plants, you will need a carbon dioxide supply system. In the case of an aquarium densely populated with plants, the amount of carbon that is formed in the aquarium itself and enters it from the air will not be enough, which will lead to a slowdown in the growth of plants and a deterioration in their appearance. Here you will be saved either by an artificial CO2 supply system or its analogues , in the form of liquid solutions of co2. These solutions can be poured directly into the aquarium and they contain “liquefied” CO2. If you intend to grow aquarium plants on a large scale, then take care of purchasing a CO2 supply system. You can read more about CO2 systems here.

Adding the necessary fertilizers

To ensure the well-being of aquarium plants, various feedings will be required. These supplements should contain those elements that you observe a deficiency in the aquarium. You can check the amount of useful elements in the aquarium using special tests.

They can be bought at any normal aqua store. There are two types of fertilizers: solid tablets and liquid. The composition of fertilizers also varies and can be found in the corresponding instructions. You can read more about feeding aquarium plants here.

Maintaining aquarium water quality

Quality aquarium water It has great importance for aquarium plants in general. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly change the water and check the levels of ammonia and nitrites. Filtration systems have a significant impact on maintaining water quality.

Home Farm Aquarium Fish Part 1 HD

In theory, you should have it as soon as you decide to purchase the aquarium itself. You can read more about aquarium filters and filtration systems here. Details on ammonia and nitrite levels are here.


As you can see, to successfully breed aquarium plants you don’t need much. By and large, any normal home, and not only home, aquarium should have the above points.


The biggest problem when growing plants in an aquarium is insufficient light levels because... Standard lamps in most aquariums do not provide the required level of illumination. There are several ways to correct the situation: replace the lamps with more powerful ones; switch to the option of an open aquarium with MG lamps; The first two options will be discussed in more detail below.

Adding lamps

It is possible to add lamps if the lid allows it, i.e. if there is a place to install them. The most common fluorescent lamps in aquariums are T8; T5 lamps and compact lamps are also used.

Prices and selection of T8 lamps: Prices and selection of T5 lamps: Prices and selection of compact lamps: All you have to do is decide which lamps to use. T5 and compact lamps have a significant advantage in light output, all other things being equal, you can read more about the advantages here: and here: . In addition to the lamps, you will have to purchase electronic ballasts.

The fact is that a fluorescent lamp does not connect directly to the 220 network, but requires an additional starting and control device, which can be either electromagnetic (EMP) or electronic (EPG, ELG). It is believed that

Electronic ballasts are significantly better than Emballasts; you can read about the advantages of the former here: If you decide that you will use electronic ballasts (and the vast majority of aquarists do this), the prices for these devices may unpleasantly surprise you: (relatively inexpensive models). Of course there are even more cheap option- Electronic ballasts of Chinese and domestic production, which are significantly cheaper, but firstly, there are a number of negative reviews (especially about Chinese ones), and secondly, not all lamps can be found with domestic or Chinese electronic ballasts.

For example, if you decide to add 55W compact lamps, then in fact the choice is narrowed down to OSRAM electronic ballasts:, the prices are quite steep. After a long search, I managed to find an alternative - electronic ballasts produced by the German company V ossloh-Schwabe ( whose prices are almost half as low as OSRAM prices.

At the same time, among the obvious advantages in comparison with Chinese electronic ballasts: a large German manufacturer; normal warranty from the distributor. The distribution of V ossloh-S chwabe products in Moscow is carried out by the Terna company (

I tried to call this company (+7 095 775-0100) and was pleasantly surprised by the fact that they politely helped me choose a suitable electronic ballast and informed me that I could purchase it even for cash and in a single copy. Installation of lamps and electronic ballasts is quite simple.

For lamps, it is recommended to use dust- and moisture-proof sockets, which can be purchased at markets such as “Gardener” or in online stores, for example: In most cases, the diagram for connecting lamps to electronic ballasts is indicated directly on the electronic ballasts. The switch cuts into circuit 220, up to the electronic ballast.

There are electronic ballast models (and quite common) that are designed to connect several (2, 4) lamps. Naturally, such electronic ballasts are significantly cheaper than several electronic ballasts operating with one lamp.

The main advantage of using the “one lamp - one electronic ballast” scheme is that it is possible to light each lamp separately - sometimes in this way they simulate periods of low illumination during sunrise and sunset.

Adding lamps - Glomat

Glomat - a device manufactured by Hagen, is a ballast in a separate housing that connects to a 220 network plus the required number of waterproof cartridges on wires.

Those. this device is plugged into a socket, and the sockets are simply put on the lamp (in reverse order, naturally J). Currently, there are analogues of this device from other manufacturers. With Glomat, adding lamps is as simple as purchasing the Glomat and lamps.

In some cases, additional lamps are not attached inside the lid at all, but are simply placed on the ties in the aquarium, Glomat sockets are put on them and plugged into an outlet. Naturally, such a simple option ultimately turns out to be a little more expensive than separately purchased electronic ballasts and cartridges. You can purchase Glomat in specialized aquarium stores or in online stores, for example:

Replacing lamps

The operation of replacing lamps is completely identical to the operation of adding, with the only change that the old lamps and ballasts must first be removed. This method is convenient because it makes it possible to completely redesign the placement of the lamps in the lid because The space occupied by old lamps is freed up.

When replacing lamps, switching to T5 lamps or compact lamps is a very attractive option. A very common situation is when an aquarium manufacturer puts two T8 (60cm) 18-20W lamps on a 110-140L jar with a width of 80cm.

Naturally, this level of illumination (~0.33 W/l) is not entirely optimal for most plants; moreover, dimly lit areas appear in the corners of the aquarium. It is quite easy to replace these lamps with compact 55W ones. The illumination level will immediately increase to ~1W/l.

Of course, there will also be poorly lit areas, but since the lamps can be positioned at your discretion, it is enough to simply arrange them in such a way that the least illuminated area falls on the corner most loaded with equipment or on the scenery, the appearance of which, being slightly less illuminated, only benefits. The costs for such a replacement are approximately as follows: Electronic ballast V ossloh- S chwabe ELXe258.525 - 1 piece * 550r = 550r. Detailed instructions.

  • first you need to decide on the design of your aquarium, and only then purchase plants suitable for it. To do this, you need to collect all the information about the features of growing them in books or on the Internet. Before purchasing plants, take measurements of your aquarium so that you can calculate how many plants you need, do not forget to take into account that plants tend to grow. We advise you not to buy copies big size, it’s better to buy their cuttings, they are cheaper, and you will have time to gain proper experience in caring for them. Before planting, the cuttings are separated and washed in water, then it is recommended to place them in a separate vessel with water for several days. This is necessary in order to get rid of excess inhabitants that can live on plants, various insects and snails. Having noticed their presence, remove them, and only after this procedure, plant the plants in the aquarium. Do not forget, if you are cleaning the aquarium or preparing to plant plants, place the plants in water or irrigate them abundantly, because aquarium plants can die without moisture. Before planting, pour out a special substrate 5 cm thick, lay 2-3 cm of gravel on top of the substrate. Purchase the substrate in the store. It contains various microelements and useful material, which are necessary for the growth and life of plants. Instead of gravel, some use sand, which has a bad effect on the root system, it becomes clogged, try to avoid this. Fill the aquarium halfway. Before pouring water, place a plate in the middle of the aquarium and carefully pour water into it, this is necessary so that the stream does not erode the layers of substrate and gravel. Use hard water for this, because... it contains more micronutrients that plants need. Every plant requires a certain temperature at which it grows best, so find out what temperature your plants require and heat the water to the appropriate temperature using a heater. After this, proceed to planting plants. Planting aquarium plants is carried out as follows: make a depression in the substrate, place the plant in it, fill it and press it down with gravel. If your plant has too long roots, you can trim it back a little. After planting, check whether the plants are firmly fixed. Do not forget that those plants that will grow large should be placed in the background of the aquarium, small ones - in the front. This arrangement looks more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing. For full life, development and growth, plants need good lighting about 12 hours a day. To do this, it is worth purchasing a special full-spectrum fluorescent lamp. And, of course, care, do not forget about it. Clean the leaves and walls of the aquarium from algae that grow over time, change the water, if the plants have grown too large, prune them.

If you are new to aquarium keeping, start with unpretentious plants , they will also delight you with their beauty, you will gain experience, and your success will inspire you to further achievements.

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Growing aquarium fish and plants for sale for offices

An aquarium is a place in the office where balance and calm atmosphere. Really beautiful exotic aquarium fish against the backdrop of tropical underwater plants will really calm your nerves at work and at home.

But when you find out the cost of such therapeutic pleasure, you can’t help but think: about the aquarium as a business idea. After all, these are fish. They produce dozens of offspring using hundreds of eggs.

And each fish costs at least a dollar. Besides different breeds fish, different prices. The cheapest aquarium fish is the Guppy. The price of one such fish is 1 dollar per piece. A dozen female guppies produce 300 fry per month.

When selling, you can get a good income. But in this type of business, the concept should be built in a different way. When you start selling Guppies, you will be faced with finding clients for large retail sales.

Despite the high profitability, it is difficult to obtain large profits. It's all about selling products. It is quite difficult to find markets for large volumes of sales of aquarium fish and plants.

And caring for aquarium fish and plants is not an easy task, which complicates the successful maintenance of large quantities. Here, from the point of view of the business concept, it is better to work not on quantity, but on quality.

It is better to breed a wide range of aquarium fish than to increase their number. In addition, you can also grow exotic plants for aquariums, so the range will be even wider.

Prices for aquarium fish and plants

Tropical, exotic aquarium fish can be quite expensive. For example, the Pecoltia breed L260 () has a price of $140 per fish. Pecoltia fish is a beauty.

In an aquarium it reaches sizes up to 15cm. She is calm and peaceful and gets along with all types of fish. But it will be quite difficult to find clients to sell such fish.

The category of clients must be sufficiently solvent. This is not a problem, the variety of aquarium fish is the greatest. For example, everyone's favorite clown fish Clown Ocellaris () S (), price 15 dollars. Its subspecies is also very beautiful Clark's Clown chocolate S(), has a price of $20.

Very beautiful and inexpensive predatory aquarium fish. The legendary Piranha predatory 5-6cm () costs only $8. The predatory beauty Cichlazoma diamondata () measuring 20 cm in length will cost $40.

In the aquarium business, the range should be expanded not only with beautiful fish, but also with exotic underwater plants. The sale of aquarium plants is most often carried out in parallel with the sale of fish. Plants require less care than fish.

They don't need to be watered :) Plants will cost much less than fish. For example, the beautiful Ambulia aquatica and Limnophila aquatica will cost your client less than $2. But expensive algae can beat you.

Echinodorus major () has a high price of $17 due to its uniqueness, survival and ease of care ( it does not grow above the water level). Prices for aquarium fish and plants depend not only on the beauty and uniqueness of the species, but also on the conditions and requirements for maintenance.

Therefore, prices may not be clear at first glance. The owner of an aquarium business should understand all the intricacies in order to attract more customers.

Preparation for growing and selling aquarium plants and fish

Growing aquarium plants and tropical fish for sale to offices - this is relative new business an idea that is gaining momentum with the active emergence and expansion of office infrastructure. When growing aquarium plants and tropical fish for sale to offices, it is extremely important nuance proper care remains.

These types of plants, and even more so tropical fish, are very vulnerable and sometimes capricious. Therefore, it is necessary to study in detail all their types, habits, climatic conditions content.

And when selling, you should develop important recommendations for new owners, so that your work will be rewarded more than once. Aquarium business is responsible. The first rule is not to buy plants from cold water tanks.

Look at the color of the plant you buy. Having previously studied on the Internet or special books what the color of your plant should be. This also applies, of course, to the purchase of algae for growing aquarium plants and tropical fish for sale to offices.

All aquarium plants are bright green in color, without spots or rotten color. In this case, the aquarium plant must have integrity. Do not catch a plant or fish yourself - our reservoirs contain plants and fish that are unsuitable for an aquarium-office lifestyle.

Caring for aquarium plants when growing for sale

In order to plant an aquarium plant, you need to wash it warm water room temperature(). If there are any other microorganisms, other algae or plants stuck to it. It is not necessary to immediately fill the aquarium plants with water.

All that is needed is moisture and warmth on the surface of the plant. It is better to give preference only to young plants. It is not a fact that a large plant will take root and not wither, or even disappear altogether.

There is a known method for disinfecting aquarium plants: dilute a two percent solution of manganese in a liter of water and keep the plant in it for no more than 10 minutes. Then rinse the plant under the tap with running water.

If the roots are quite long for the layer of soil where you plant them, then you need to trim them. This procedure stimulates algae to grow. After these simple procedures, you can plant the plant in the aquarium.

It should be remembered that tight spaces are harmful to aquarium plants. Maintain distance between seedlings. After all, all marine plants grow very quickly and can increase in size many times over.

The soil for aquarium plants should under no circumstances restrict or put pressure on the roots, but on the contrary, there should be a constant, comfortable flow of water. By the way, some types of fish loosen the soil ().

The roots of the algae should be covered with soil, and the growth bud at the base of the plant should be on the surface. Iron deficiency has a very bad effect on aquarium plants. The first thing that happens to them is that they lose their rich color.

To prevent algae from turning pale, use special fertilizers.

Moving from growing aquarium plants To breed tropical fish for sale in offices, you should outline the main guidelines in their content. This is, first of all, enhanced light, without lengthening the daylight hours, sometimes darkening the aquarium with curtains while the light is on.

The light mode must match natural conditions vital activity of tropical fish. The aquarium should contain those aquatic plants that are familiar and necessary for this particular species.

The same can be said about coexistence different types tropical fish in one body of water (). A carbon dioxide dispenser is also required.

In addition to constant food, it is necessary to regularly feed tropical fish with various special vitamins or mineral supplements, if the fish need them. As for water, it is important to maintain a stable temperature, because, unlike simple fish, tropical fish need a slightly different climate.

In case of non-compliance temperature regime tropical fish will simply die. There is no need to densely saturate the aquarium with plants - this is too inconvenient and will create discomfort for the fish.

Nano-aquarium technology will help increase sales

You can also consider production and sale of aquariums. But this will require materials and the ability to use tools. It is better to make the first aquarium according to the model.

Pre-purchase finished sample and make another one based on it with your own additions. You can start small. Now “nano-aquariums” are gaining popularity - these are small aquarium blocks with a volume of 20 liters.

They are suitable for decorating not only offices, but also desktops. Aquarium blocks include: itself small aquarium with lighting, compressor, musical accompaniment and all this is designed in hi-tech style.

Dry aquariums also find their customers and are suitable for initial experience in this craft. You can also produce dry fish food. Here you will need desire, additional knowledge of zoology and an industrial grinder. In conclusion, let us once again remember what the aquarium business provides.