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» How to save garlic from rust. Diseases of garlic and the fight against them, photo, description. garlic disease green mold

How to save garlic from rust. Diseases of garlic and the fight against them, photo, description. garlic disease green mold

Despite strong immunity, garlic is affected by viral, fungal, bacterial diseases and often attacked by insects. Garlic diseases can be treated with chemicals and folk remedies. Insecticides and preventive measures will help fight pests.

The main diseases of garlic and their symptoms

Horticultural crops susceptible to disease. Garlic is no exception, it suffers from fungi and viruses. There are many diseases that can affect a plant, they are difficult to distinguish without a certain experience. Photos of garlic diseases and methods of dealing with them will help to visualize what this or that pathology looks like, and to recognize the signs of diseases in the early stages. The sooner treatment begins, the easier and faster it will pass.

Common fungal diseases of winter garlic and their symptoms:

  • Fusarium. This common fungal disease can destroy an entire crop. You can recognize the disease by individual brown stripes that appear on the leaves. If Fusarium is not cured in time, it will reach the head, which will begin to rot from the bottom and eventually die. If the disease manifests itself at the storage stage, on the affected bulbs formed white mold- the causative agent of the disease.
  • Rust. The disease can be recognized because yellow, slightly convex, rounded spots appear on the leaves of the culture. In the future, brown-red swellings form on them, which blacken over time. The leaf dries up and dies.
  • Peronosporosis. Enough dangerous disease, which is also called downy mildew. The disease is caused by fungi of the peronospore family, which are often present in bulbs and soil. They are activated at high temperature, humidity and severe neglect of the beds. At first, the disease manifests itself as yellow-brown spots covered with a gray coating. Gradually, the lesions increase in size. The fungus develops and enters the culture head. It stops growing and dies.
  • Aspergillosis. A disease known as black rot develops in bulbs when stored improperly. The head becomes soft and then dries out. If you peel off the skin, black dust will appear - fungal spores that can be transferred to healthy heads.

Viral diseases of garlic

Vegetable culture is subject to only two diseases of this type: yellow dwarfism and mosaic. Diseases are dangerous because they cannot be cured. They spread quickly and can destroy the entire crop, so it is important to recognize them in the early stages.

  • Yellow dwarfism is carried by aphids. You can recognize the disease by sluggish and drooping leaves - they acquire yellow tint at the tips, become bumpy, twisted and reduced in volume. The culture stops growing and gradually dies off.
  • Mosaic - viral disease, which spreads through soil, seeds, plant debris. It is manifested by the fact that stripes and dots of a light yellow hue are formed on the leaves and stems. The feathers themselves weaken and fall to the ground. The plant gradually withers and dries out. The teeth become elongated, and their underdevelopment can be seen.

Bacterial infections

Garlic bacteriosis - fatal disease for vegetable crops, and it affects garlic at the growth stage and during storage. The causes of the disease are premature harvesting, improper storage and vital activity of insects.

In the early stages, the disease affects the teeth. They develop ulcers of a yellow-brown hue. The cloves rot and do not sprout. Gradually, the lobules become transparent, mucus forms in them. From garlic comes sharp, bad smell.

Bacterial infections are dangerous because they cannot be treated. The entire crop and infected seed must be destroyed.

Disease Control Measures

Viral and bacterial diseases are incurable. Measures to combat them consist in the prevention, destruction of affected plants and soil treatment with strong fungicides such as Karbofos and Hom.

Only treatable fungal diseases garlic, and their treatment depends on the stage and type of disease. In any case, fight should be at the first sign. First of all, the damaged parts of the plant are removed. From powdery mildew, the bed is treated with copper sulphate. After harvesting a recovered crop, it is important to dry the bulbs well.

Bordeaux liquid is used to treat rust. The same remedy is effective against fusarium and black rot. In addition, fungicides cope with fungal infections, for garlic it is worth using "Fitosporin", "Champion", "Kupraksat".

Folk remedies for fungal diseases

Not only chemicals will help to cope with diseases, there are effective folk recipes that destroy fungi and mold. Well helps infusion of calendula and yarrow. To prepare 50 g medicinal plants pour 1 l hot water. The mixture is infused for 7 days, then filtered and diluted with water at the rate of 1 liter of infusion per bucket.

The tool is recommended to treat the soil and seed before planting. Another spraying should be done during the growth of garlic feathers. The infusion effectively prevents fungal diseases, but it does not accumulate in the plant.

It is useful to spray garlic for prevention with a solution of fermented milk whey. For its preparation, the product is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. In addition, it is recommended to treat the bed with a solution of soda ash, made at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters of water.

Folk remedies for viral diseases

Infusions and decoctions will not be able to cure such diseases. But they will scare away aphids and garlic mites, which carry mosaic and yellow dwarf viruses. For these purposes, tobacco infusion is used. For preparation, dried and crushed leaves are poured into 10 liters of water. The mixture is infused for two days, then filtered and used for spraying.

An infusion of wood ash helps to scare away the carriers of viruses. For cooking, a bucket of water is heated, a glass of ash is poured into it, after which the mixture is stirred and infused for a day. 40 g of liquid soap is added to the infusion, after which the soil and plants are sprayed with the product.

Garlic pests and their control

stem nematode

You can recognize the pest by yellowing, withering stems and leaves with light stripes. Near the beds inhabited by nematodes, a sharp smell of rot is clearly felt. The heads of garlic gradually dry out. Nematodes are capable of destroying most of the crop. The first rule of how to deal with them is to remove the affected plants, and burn them away from the site. The soil of the bed is treated with bleach or formalin. Neighboring healthy crops - insecticides such as "Akarin", "Fitoverm". At this place it is not recommended to grow garlic for another 2-3 years.

root mite

onion moth

This insect can be seen with the naked eye. Adult butterflies practically do not harm the plant, but their caterpillars are very dangerous. These insects feed on the pulp of leaves and eat the beginnings of pedicels, which leads to the destruction of the future. seed. Insects are destroyed by spraying with insecticidal preparations. "Iskra" and "Dachnik" have proven themselves well.

Insecticides and acaricides are effective, but poisonous drugs that can accumulate in culture. If there is any doubt about how to process garlic from pests, you should try proven folk remedies. Such methods are no less effective, but at the same time safe for plants and gardeners.

Folk remedies for pests

So that the nematode does not start in the soil, each square meter beds are watered with a solution of 1 tbsp. l. salt diluted in 3 liters of water.

To scare away the onion moth, a mixture is prepared from 100 g of crushed wood ash, 1 tbsp. l. tobacco dust, 1 tsp. ground red pepper. All components are mixed, the bed is treated with this dust for the purpose of prevention 2-3 times per season.

Preventive measures

Diseases and pests of garlic are not terrible if you follow the rules for growing a crop:

  • Before planting, it is worth treating the bulbs with saline or potassium permanganate. In addition, the teeth are crushed with chalk or lime at the rate of 20 g of powder per 1 kg of material.
  • It is recommended to store seed in a room with a temperature not higher than +10°C. It is desirable that the humidity does not exceed 60-70%. Bulbs are thoroughly dried before storage.
  • Before planting, it is recommended to warm the cloves for 7–8 hours at a temperature of + 40 ° C.
  • It is desirable to treat the soil of the bed with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. This will kill fungal spores in the soil.
  • Affected parts of the culture, including the diseased planting material, should not be used for mulching beds or making compost. Such plants should be burned immediately.

It is recommended to observe crop rotation. Do not grow garlic after or near potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions. The best neighbors for culture will be calendula, thyme or mint. In addition, garlic should be grown in the same area after 3-4 years.

You need to regularly weed the bed, remove weeds. Pests and pathogenic fungi often live in such plants. It is also important to follow correct mode glaze.

Garlic is prone to diseases like others garden plants. Diseases of garlic and the fight against them (see photo below) will be described here. Despite the fact that this crop is an insecticide, different kinds molds can cause fungal diseases of garlic, which will significantly spoil your crop. Garlic diseases cause a lot of worries for gardeners, but the result is worth it - this vegetable is very useful. However, to be honest, it is profitable to grow it for sale.

Garlic gives piquancy, complements, emphasizes the taste of meat or vegetable dishes. But in addition to its taste, it is also useful not only as a culinary product, but also benefits the garden. To protect the garden and vegetable garden, not only the planting of this vegetable is used, but the treatment with compounds, the main ingredient of which it is.

Pests, pathogens do not like garlic phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on them. Very often you can see beds of strawberries, sweet peppers, eggplants and other garden gifts planted with garlic.

Weak plants most often suffer from diseases, therefore, before planting any variety of garlic, it is recommended to pre-fill the planting material hot water(approximately 50°C), hold for 10-15 minutes. After heat treatment, garlic cloves can be sprinkled with crushed chalk, and a careful selection of all spoiled cloves can be made. In order not to provoke the appearance of pathogens, the time interval between sowing this culture in one place should be at least 3 years.

Ways to deal with garlic rust O good harvest all gardeners dream. However, it is not enough to create good conditions for the growth of certain crops, water and feed them in time. It is also important to fight pests, fungal and infectious diseases. Garlic is one of the crops that is most often damaged by insects or infected with unpleasant diseases. Do not get upset ahead of time, because not every garlic disease damages the crop, and many of them can be successfully dealt with. Prevention also plays an important role. How rust manifests itself Rust is called so because of the manifestation of the disease. It can be found on the leaves, which are covered with light yellow or red spots. With severe types of disease, the leaves look "rusty" entirely. The spots have a convex shape, they look like red spores on garlic leaves. Subsequently, the leaves turn black and dry completely. Rust is a fungal disease. The entire cycle of the appearance and development of the fungus takes place on one plant. It can develop due to an infection that remains in the garden after plantings preceding garlic. Often the cause of rust can be a perennial onion planted next to a bed of garlic. This disease is very common in middle lane Russia. It is dangerous because it leads to a significant reduction in the yield of garlic. Ways to combat garlic rust In view of the fact that garlic rust is ubiquitous in Russia, it makes sense to think about disease prevention before planting a crop. Before planting, the seed must be heated for about 12 hours in the oven, in the sun or in another way. The air temperature for heating should be between 35 and 40°C. Also, before planting, garlic cloves can be disinfected with formalin solution. The cloves immediately before sowing must be peeled and put in a bag. The solution is prepared as follows: for 250 parts of water take one part of formalin (40%). Keep the bag of garlic in the solution for 10 minutes. After that, the bag must be placed in an airtight material (tarpaulin, rubber, etc.) for two hours. The last stage of processing is ventilation in the shade. Also preventive measures can be called the removal of garlic beds on considerable distance from planting perennial onions. After harvesting, all plant debris should be carefully removed from the bed where garlic will subsequently be planted. If the disease has already begun to develop in the garden, then the first step is to cut off and destroy the affected leaves. If you notice the onset of the disease in a timely manner and remove the causative agent of the disease in time, then it is quite possible to stop the spread of rust. For more severe cases, use chemicals. You can spray the leaves with copper sulfate, HOM, a solution of tar soap, Bordeaux mixture. Spraying should be repeated a week after the first treatment. Good luck at the cottage!

The main harm to garlic is caused by diseases caused by fungi. The reason for their appearance often lies in violations of agricultural cultivation.

  1. The thickening of plantings excludes air access to the leaves and roots of garlic.
  2. Excessive moisture due to over watering or rainy summer.
  3. Non-observance of crop rotation.
  4. Availability weed grass and last year's plant residues.
  5. Inappropriate storage conditions of the grown crop.

These are just some of the reasons for the development of fungal diseases.

Black mold of garlic (aspergillosis)

Black mold (aspergillosis)

As you know, the quality of the grown crop directly depends on the quality of the planting material. And if for sowing the gardener used seeds with own site or purchased from a random seller, then the storage of the harvest must be given the closest attention. It is in the repository that the disease manifests itself most actively.

If the air temperature in the room is 18 ° C or higher, then the spores of the fungus will become active and the destruction of the bulb will begin.

The lesion begins with the upper covering scales, small gray-black spots form on them - mold. Then the spores of the fungus penetrate deep into the bulb, the garlic cloves soften.

controversy black mold quickly increase their numbers and very quickly populate the entire bulb. This leads to its complete destruction. In addition, neighboring root crops become infected and, if a problem is not detected in time, this threatens to lose the entire crop.

Green mold of garlic (penicillosis)

Green mold (penicillosis)

This disease also manifests itself at the stage of storage of the crop. Wet spots form on the bottom of the bulb Brown color, and depressed yellowish marks appear on the teeth. With the development of the disease, the garlic softens, a light coating appears on it, which subsequently turns green.

The disease progresses inside the bulb and, when neglected, leads to the complete destruction of the cloves. The bulb becomes empty from the inside.

To prevent the spread of both types of mold, it is necessary to regularly inspect the crop stored for storage and remove root crops with signs of damage.

The fungus that causes this disease can infect garlic both during its cultivation in the garden and during storage of the crop. During the growing season, yellowing of the leaves begins. Appears on roots and roots white coating. This is a white rot fungus. The teeth become watery and quickly rot.

The activation of the fungus is facilitated by a decrease in temperature, up to + 10˚С. The pathogen overwinters either in the soil or on root crops.

Donets rot (fusarium)

Donets rot (fusarium)

The fungus that strikes root system garlic is called Fisarium. Infection of the plant occurs both through the soil and through the seed material. The first sign of the disease is yellowing leaves, followed by root rot. A yellow-pink coating appears on the root crops, and mold can be found between the layers of the husk. If the disease is not treated, the plant may die. And elevated air temperature contributes to the active development of the disease.

Soil treatment with Hom (according to the instructions) will destroy the harmful fungus and protect the crop.

Infection of garlic occurs before harvest, most often during leaf lodging. Excessive soil moisture, sudden cooling, excess nitrogen fertilizers- These are the main causes of neck rot.

The garlic begins to soften at the base of the leaf growth and during storage this process continues, infecting neighboring root crops.

To avoid this problem, you must:

  1. Harvest garlic in dry, warm weather.
  2. Dry the harvest thoroughly.
  3. Apply nitrogen fertilizers only at the beginning of the growing season.

Downy mildew (downy mildew)

False powdery mildew(peronosporosis)

On occurrence this disease garlic reacts by yellowing the tops of the leaves. There is a slowdown in the development of the plant, the leaves turn completely yellow and dry out.

Most often, the occurrence of peronosporosis contributes to wet weather - in rainy summer, garlic crops are at increased risk. And dry hot weather the pathogen dies.

The cause of the disease is the affected planting material and pathogens that have overwintered in the soil on plant debris. In addition, the spores of the fungus are easily carried by the wind and, in the conditions of collective gardens, infection can occur even if nothing foreshadowed the appearance of downy mildew on the site.

To prevent the disease, careful treatment is necessary seed material. Warm up in the sun for 1-2 days. It can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or the preparation "Tiram", at a concentration of 2-3%. Thirty minutes exposure of the seed material in these solutions will protect the garlic from downy mildew.

Shoots of young garlic are treated with Bordeaux liquid, at a concentration of 1%.

The harvested crop must also be well dried. However, be aware that exposure to direct sunlight shortens the shelf life of garlic.

This disease is characterized by the appearance of yellow speck on the leaves of garlic. The dots increase in size and over time capture the entire surface. Damaged leaves die, the plant weakens, which leads to a decrease in the development of garlic heads.

Use healthy seed to avoid rust on garlic. But if signs of the disease appear, then the beds with garlic must be treated with a solution of copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid (1%) or the Fitosporin-M preparation, at the rate of 15 ml per 10-liter bucket of water.

This is the name of the disease of garlic, which is caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas xanthochlora Stapp and Erwinia carotovora Holland. During the cultivation of garlic, bacteriosis is combined with fungal diseases and damages plantings. And it is fully manifested during storage of the crop. On the garlic, defects appear in the form of grooves and sores, it changes its color - it becomes yellowish.

The cause of bacteriosis may be poor drying of root crops before storage. high humidity and heat in storage can also become factors contributing to the development of the disease.

Creation optimal conditions storage of garlic will serve as a guarantee of the safety of the crop.

garlic pests

Insects are carriers of many diseases. In addition, among them there are many species that themselves are not averse to eating garlic juice, despite all the piquancy of the taste.

She wakes up in the second half of May and lays her eggs at the base of garlic leaves or on the ground, in close proximity to garlic and onion plantings. The born larvae penetrate inside the garlic head and eat young juicy scales. The plant slows down growth, then withers and gradually dries up. The root crop itself softens and rots, emitting a very unpleasant odor.

To prevent the harm that an onion fly can cause, first of all, you should:

  1. Observe crop rotation.
  2. Place garlic beds next to carrot crops.
  3. Plant garlic as soon as possible. (This applies to spring varieties.)
  4. Do not plant garlic after onions.
  5. Pollinate the plant and the ground around it with deterrents. For these purposes, a mixture of ash and tobacco is suitable, to which ground pepper or dry mustard can be added.
  6. Water the garlic with saline: 250 g / 10 liters of water. This volume is spent on 1.5-2 square meters. m. of sown area. The first treatment should be carried out when the feather grows by 5-8 cm. Repeat three times, every two to three weeks.

For spraying garlic beds against onion fly you can use the following infusion:

  • 250 g of shag or tobacco;
  • 3 liters of hot water;
  • 2 tsp ground red pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap or dishwashing detergent.

Pour makhorka with hot water, add pepper and leave for three days to infuse. For greater efficiency, the container with the contents can be wrapped with something warm. After the time has elapsed, strain the mixture, increase the volume to 10 liters and pour liquid soap. It is used to better stick the solution to the leaves.

The healing procedure is carried out every 10-14 days, starting from the emergence of shoots.

Garlic pests. Their signs and ways to deal with them: video

This pest prefers dry and warm weather. Winters in the ground, and with the onset of heat begins flight. Onion moth lays eggs on garlic beds or between leaves, at their very base. The first generation of caterpillars appears in May-June. Longitudinal stripes on garlic leaves testify to their vital activity.

Prevention measures.

  1. Compliance with the timing of the alternation of vegetable crops.
  2. Destruction of the tops of last year's crop.
  3. deep autumn processing soil.
  4. Processing garlic during the growing season with Iskra, according to the instructions.

Against the onion moth, it is possible, and necessary, to use the same folk remedies as against the onion fly.

The appearance of the stem nematode is accompanied by yellow-brown spots on the leaves. The aerial part of the plant is twisted and deformed.

When infected with a root-knot nematode, neoplasms (galls) appear on the roots of garlic. Their diameter does not exceed 2 mm. A close examination of the head of garlic can also reveal light brown egg-laying.

The root nematode is more difficult to recognize. It develops in close interweaving with fungal and viral diseases. When garlic is affected by a root nematode, the following occurs:

  • the growth of adnexal thin roots stops;
  • inclusions of a color uncharacteristic for the root system appear on the roots: yellow or brown;
  • the appearance of garlic indicates a lack of moisture and nutrients.

To protect garlic from uninvited guests, preventive measures should be taken.

  1. Purchase seed material in specialized stores.
  2. Remove self-sowing garlic.
  3. Keep garlic plantings clean.

Weeds and seedlings from random crops are the most common hosts for nematodes.

The prevention of horse nematodes includes the alternation of vegetable crops. (Sowing after carrots, beets.)

If a gall nematode is affected, garlic can be returned to the same bed no earlier than after 5 years.

Against the stem nematode, when planting garlic in the fall, soaking the seed material will protect.

  1. Water. Garlic cloves are kept for 24 hours in water with t=20˚С.
  2. manganese solution. A 5% solution of potassium permanganate is prepared and the seed material is immersed in it for a day.
  3. Formalin. You will need a solution with a concentration of 5%. Garlic is kept in it for 12 hours.

The efficiency of these methods is 95-98% and increases the adaptation of the plant after planting.

To avoid the appearance of a pest on garlic, you must adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. Observe crop rotation.
  2. Destroy plant debris.
  3. Deeply till the soil.
  4. Intersperse garlic crops and beds with carrots.

When thrips appear, you can spray the plants with infusion of celandine. 1 kg of dry raw materials insist in 10 liters of water for 2 days.

Root (or onion) mite

Root (or onion) mite

This pest is ubiquitous. The damage occurs to a greater extent in the store, but it happens that damage to plants is also caused during the cultivation of garlic on the site. He gets to the garden along with planting material.

Penetrating inside the bulb through the bottom, the mite eats away the fleshy scales, which leads to rotting of the root crop.

In order not to bring the insect to the site, it is necessary to purchase healthy planting material. It is also necessary to burn plant residues to monitor the cleanliness of garden tools.

The storage, where the garlic will overwinter, is treated with sulfur dioxide, which is formed during the burning of Gamma checkers. Disinfection will be effective if the room is hermetically sealed, and the processing time is 2 days.

Rules for growing healthy garlic

Summing up all of the above, we can highlight the basic rules for growing a healthy crop of garlic.

  1. Careful selection and processing of seed material.
  2. The return of garlic to its original place no earlier than after 4 years.
  3. Removal of plant debris from the site.
  4. top dressing mineral fertilizers: strong plants get sick less.
  5. Removal of weeds and seedlings from random sowing.
  6. Thorough drying of the harvested crop.
  7. Cleanliness and maintenance of optimal conditions in garlic storage areas.

Garlic without pests and diseases: video

Garlic is not a capricious vegetable and its cultivation does not cause much trouble, but in winter the gardener will fully provide himself and his loved ones with a vitamin product and protect against colds.

Rust on garlic- a disease that often affects this plant. Observing certain measures and conditions, you can prevent the occurrence of this disease or completely cure it.

How to identify rust on garlic leaves?

Almost all gardeners grow garlic in the garden every season. it spicy plant gives benefits and a special taste to dishes. The vegetable is added to canned and pickled foods. When grown in the garden, it allows you to provide protection for crops that grow next to it. But diseases often damage the garlic crop. For example, rust is common.

Diseases that may appear on the plant are best prevented in advance. Garlic rust first damages the leaves. The stems acquire pustules (small spots) only after a certain period of time. They have a convex shape and a pale yellow color. Then they begin to darken, becoming brown. The upper frill of the pustules is destroyed. Inside the spots are spores, which during the wind can spread throughout dacha territory, covering also neighboring areas. Therefore, garlic rust is also dangerous because it can affect other crops.

Damage from garlic rust remains rather big. The leaves completely dry out and lose their attractive appearance. The bulb, which serves as the root system, does not absorb useful trace elements, due to which it stops in development.

The taste of such garlic is also lost. The reason for the formation of rust is the reproduction of frost-resistant fungi in spores. Most often this happens if the beds were not properly processed in the spring. Then bacteria can remain from last season, causing the rust of the plant. high humidity and warm weather contribute to the rapid and intensive development of the disease. Rust can damage garlic, onions, and others. vegetable crops in the garden.

Fighting Garlic Rust

In the Russian regions, rust on garlic often appears. Therefore, special precautions can be taken to minimize the risk of a problem. To begin with, it is necessary to carry out a special treatment of the cloves before sowing. For this purpose, planting material must be placed under direct Sun rays for a sufficiently long period of time: approximately ten hours. Temperature indicators in this case should be thirty-five to thirty-eight degrees Celsius. It is also good to treat with a furatsilin solution. To do this, ten tablets of the drug are dissolved in water (one liter).

Another precaution to prevent garlic rust is to prepare a 40% formalin solution. This is an excellent disease prevention. To do this, carefully peel the garlic and put it in a tight bag of fabric material. Ten minutes are allotted for the exposition. Then the bag is placed inside the polyethylene bag, preventing air from entering. Then it is aired in a shaded area.

Do not plant perennial onions next to garlic crops. High-quality cleaning of plants is also a good prevention. For such purposes, it is necessary to dig the soil in the spring season before planting garlic. When observing the already formed rust on the leaves, they should be immediately destroyed (for example, burned).

In the event that the rust on the garlic has managed to spread over a large planting area, it is necessary to resort to help chemicals. These are blue vitriol, HOM, Oksikhom, crushed tar soap. Irrigation is carried out with similar solutions. The procedure should be carried out once a week.

Garlic Rust Treatment

You can not plant garlic every year in the same area. Also, do not plant this crop in those beds where plants susceptible to rust have previously grown. Before planting garlic, the soil must be dug deep. The beds need to be inspected every week, removing suspicious foliage. Attention should be paid to timely weeding and loosening. Garlic cloves must be cooked before sowing.