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» When is it better to plant juniper in spring or autumn? Planting juniper in open ground and further care. Selection of juniper seedlings

When is it better to plant juniper in spring or autumn? Planting juniper in open ground and further care. Selection of juniper seedlings

One of the frequent decorations of the garden is the juniper bush. This plant has a wide variety of varieties. Juniper, planting and caring for it in open ground is not at all difficult, is considered unpretentious and frost-resistant shrub.

The variety of this evergreen plant allows you to choose the most unusual shades and shapes for the garden - from golden, blue, gray and all shades of green up to bright emerald color. Perhaps this representative of the Cypress family is considered one of the oldest plants on earth. This species grows in almost all corners of the world; it is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere.

The juniper variety is not limited to shrubs; there are tree species that sometimes reach up to 15-20 meters in height. Representatives of evergreen shrubs attract attention not only with their decorative appearance and splendor of form, but also with their special medicinal properties. It is believed that these conifers capable of purifying the air from pollutants. Many experts recommend planting them under bedroom windows or around a gazebo, that is, where people often visit. In addition, tinctures and essential oils which are used in medicine. This plant rightfully deserves special attention and love from gardeners.

Very popular different kinds juniper plants in landscape design, with its help they create unusually beautiful and alpine coaster, without it it is impossible to create a landscape in a discreet, classic english style. This evergreen shrub saves appearance garden all year round, especially in the cold season, when there is no flowering yet. It brings in the colors of nature and creates a beautiful look.

Growing juniper

Even a beginner can grow juniper at home. This plant is completely unpretentious in care, but requires proper and proper landing, choosing soil and a permanent place for growth.

The following tips will tell you how to plant juniper in the garden. Initially, you need to figure out where to start and how to choose the right variety for your site:

  1. You should proceed from the size of the selected location. It must be remembered that some varieties of bushes have branches (legs) up to 2 meters long and can grow 1-1.5 meters wide. In other words, you should pay attention to the size of the plant you are purchasing and relate it to the chosen location. Caring for the plant will also depend on its variety.
  2. When choosing a place for a future cypress representative, you need to pay attention to good lighting of this area, since the shrub loves sunlight and it will need a lot of space to grow. If they are already growing in this area perennials, then you should take care of the required distance between them and the juniper.

Landing and seat selection

It is best to plant young juniper in early spring, it is not always worth waiting for the establishment of hot and warm weather. It is enough for the snow to melt from the ground and for it to warm up a little. Planting juniper in the fall is not prohibited; the only danger is short term for acclimatization. By purchasing small sprouts for planting in closed pots with an already well-formed root system, you can plant it even in summer. The only thing worth doing is to darken the area a little so that the young branches do not burn under the sun's rays.

The most important thing in this event is the choice of location.

Juniper will grow well in open areas with sufficient sunlight, and it needs light throughout the day. There are some varieties that grow well in semi-shaded areas, these include common juniper. Other varieties in a dimly lit place slow down their growth, the number of branches will be much smaller, the needles are not lush, the color is dull and not juicy. So the place where to plant juniper should be chosen wisely, according to the requirements of the variety.

After the variety and place for planting have been chosen, the soil for planting should be properly prepared. Each variety needs its own soil composition. For example, species such as Cossack and Common juniper, require additional addition of dolomite flour and lime to the soil. There are varieties that require clay or sandy soil, but in this case do not forget to add organic fertilizers. The majority of varieties of this plant prefer acidic soil, so it is worth preparing the soil in advance before planting, adding peat, sand, leaf soil or wood soil. It is imperative to mulch; wood shavings and spruce needles are ideal for this.

Planting seedlings in open ground. So, initially you need to dig a hole that will be 3 times larger than the earthen coma enveloping the root system of the seedling. The pot with planting material is placed in water and the soil is allowed to soak, after which it is removed along with the lump. The bottom of the hole must be lined with a drainage layer of broken bricks or sand with crushed stone. The young bush is planted so that the root collar is above the soil. After planting, it is necessary to water abundantly. Next, mulching is carried out; the following material is well suited for this: wood shavings, pine bark, wood chips, peat or crushed cones. When planting several shrubs at the same time, do not forget about the necessary distance between the holes.

Gardeners often plant seedlings taken from the forest. In this case, you need to choose the plant carefully. Very young bushes are well suited for this, as they root system It has not yet had time to grow and deepen much. It is advisable to replant this type of plant before the age of 2-2.5 years; older and mature shrubs are very difficult to tolerate replanting; we can say that they survive extremely rarely. This does not apply to specimens growing in flowerpots whose roots are covered with soil. If all planting rules are followed correctly, the young plant will acclimatize quite quickly.

Growing from seeds

Beginning gardeners often wonder how to grow juniper from seeds. In fact, propagation of this plant species occurs in two ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

But it is not possible to collect full-fledged seeds from all species. Juniper seeds are collected from mature plants that have reached two years of age. The berries darken as they ripen, which is a sign that they can be picked. Next, the material must undergo stratification, in other words, it is hardened by cold. To do this, the seeds are sown in special containers filled with the soil necessary for the variety and taken out into the cold, where they are stored for up to 5 months. After this process, the material is already planted in open ground in early spring.

The shell of the seeds is quite rough and dense; to speed up the growth and adaptation process, they must be scarified before sowing, i.e. expose mechanical impact(damage). After this, the seeds can be sown in open ground. Deepen planting material into the ground about 2-3 cm, no more, and we should not forget about maintaining the distance. In the future, it is necessary to carry out regular watering and, as necessary, protect young shoots from sun rays. The seedlings are transplanted to permanent place only after 3 years. The plant is removed along with a lump of earth on the roots, which will allow it to more easily take root and acclimatize in a new place.

Propagation of juniper by cuttings

The most common method of propagating ornamental species is cuttings. Cuttings are prepared in early spring by separating them from the branch. Young shoots that have a couple of nodules are suitable for this. It must be torn off with some delay, so that the heel is preserved - a piece of the mother's bark.

Next, the cuttings need to be treated with a root-forming substance and planted in a pot with special soil, which consists of equal parts of sand and peat, the latter can be replaced with humus. The ground is covered with sand from above and the cutting is covered glass jar. After 5-6 months, the cuttings will have roots, but it will be possible to transplant them to a permanent place only after 1.2-2 years.

Juniper can also be propagated by cuttings. But this method is more suitable for creeping varieties. Young branches are cleared of needles and pressed with this part to the ground, as if digging in, securing them with special clamps. After a year, the cuttings take root and send out young shoots, which are separated for planting. The transplanted plant must be protected from the sun, as young needles can get burned and dry out.

Rules of care

Caring for juniper is very simple and does not take much time. Watering should be done as needed and depending on the time of year. This type of evergreen plant can remain without water for a long time, but in fairly dry summers it is recommended to moisten the soil at least once a month. Juniper loves to be sprayed with water, but you have to be careful and perform this procedure early in the morning or after sunset so as not to burn the needles.

If the growth of the bush is slow, then it is worth feeding. Nitroammophoska is best suited for this; it will require 40-45 g per square meter. Organic fertilizer can also be applied, but no more than once every 1-2 months.

Pruning is not necessary for this type of plant. The main thing is to periodically carry out sanitary cleaning, during which dried or pest-affected branches are removed.

Many gardeners perform pruning to form a certain crown shape. But in this case, it is worth remembering that you cannot cut off many branches at once, otherwise there is a risk that the plant will get sick.

How to care for juniper in winter? You need to take care of shelter for trees or bushes. In the first 2-3 years, it is best to cover with lutrasil; in the future, it is enough to tie up the branches so that they do not break off under the snow.


Replanting for juniper is extremely undesirable, especially if we're talking about about an adult plant.

The transplanted plant takes quite a long time to get used to the new place, because of this, growth may completely stop and the color may fade. To minimize stress on the plant, you need to do the following before replanting your juniper:

  1. Prepare appropriate soil.
  2. Apply organic fertilizers.
  3. In early spring, dig up the bush at a distance of 30-40 cm from the center. Use a shovel to cut through the roots, cutting off excess shoots. To do this, the shovel must be deepened at least by a bayonet. By autumn, young roots will form at the roots, and the transplant will be less painful.

In the future, juniper requires care as usual.

Grow it beautiful plant not that difficult. Coniferous bushes or trees look great in gardens, at the dacha, on personal plots, for decorating landscapes of park areas; they will always decorate any lawn with their greenery and lush forms. Juniper brings not only beauty, but also great benefits for humans.

Juniper - everything you need to know about planting and caring for the plant

Walking in the mountains, it is impossible not to pay attention to beautiful trees, growing in river valleys. Juniper is a tree-like shrub that belongs to the cypress genus. The leaves of this plant exude an incredibly fresh, coniferous aroma that intensifies after a thunderstorm or in bright sunlight. The inflorescences are inconspicuous, but the fruits in the form of cones are very attractive.

IN natural environment habitats can be found up to seventy species, no more than fifteen varieties are used in gardens and landscape design.

For planting on personal plot experts advise choosing a variety that is resistant to harsh climatic conditions, which requires minimal care and can survive the winter and withstand the hot summer sun.

Often in specialized stores varieties are presented:

  • — « »;
  • - “Scaly”;
  • - “Ordinary”;
  • — « »;
  • — “Rocky”;
  • — “Virginsky”;
  • - “Blue”;
  • - “Horizontal” or “Creeping”.

All tree-like shrubs of this species are unpretentious; if minimal care is provided, they can grow for up to eight hundred years.

Juniper - planting and care

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner gardener or landscape designer With experience, planting and caring for juniper requires attention and responsibility, compliance with certain rules and recommendations presented below. And then your prickly and furry friends will delight the eye with a healthy and vigorous appearance.


This species prefers bright light, so when choosing a place for a seedling, avoid shaded areas. Otherwise, the tree will grow shapeless and completely lose its decorative effect.

Note: the only variety that can withstand light shade is “Ordinary”.

Plant juniper it is necessary at a distance of half a meter, if the variety is not tall; if you have chosen a tall species, increase the distance between the seedlings to two meters.

In order for a plant grown in a container to be as comfortable and painless as possible, it is necessary to thoroughly saturate the earthen ball and root system with water. To do this, place the root with soil in a container filled with water for several hours. Then you can plant juniper in open ground.

As for the depth at which planting is done, it depends on the selected variety of seedling and its size. Usually, standard size The planting hole must be at least twice the size of the root system of the tree-like shrub. If we are talking about a low-growing specimen, planting is done to a depth of seventy centimeters.

Juniper feels better and grows faster when drainage from sand and pieces of brick no more than twenty centimeters thick is provided at the bottom of the hole.

The optimal composition of the soil mixture for the plant:

  • - peat (two parts);
  • - turf land (one part);
  • - sand (one part).

Advice: It is important to correctly position the root collar of the tree and not cover it with soil. It should be fifteen centimeters above the edges of the hole if the seedling is large and at ground level for young, not yet mature plants.

Proper care of seedlings consists of maintaining appropriate soil acidity - from 4.5 pH to 7 pH. For example, common juniper thrives in soil rich in lime. To do this, it is necessary to add fluff lime to the soil before planting or dolomite flour at the rate of 100 grams per hole measuring 50x50x60 cm.

For better development For a seedling, it is important to choose a specimen whose root system is thoroughly covered with soil. Planting a representative of this species with bare roots is possible only twice a year - in spring and from the second half of August to September. In this case, the weather should be non-sunny and humid.

Advice: When planting bare-rooted junipers in the ground, be sure to treat them with a preparation to stimulate growth.

Transplant The plant can be transplanted from a container into the ground at any time throughout the entire planting season.

Trees are undemanding when it comes to feeding. It is enough to add nitroammophoska to the soil in the spring at the rate of 30 grams per square meter.


According to many gardeners, caring for a seedling is quite simple.

  1. Watering.

If in summer period Dry weather has set in; it is enough to water the tree two or three times. One plant requires from ten to thirty liters of water, depending on its size.

  1. Air humidity.

Quality care is to provide the plant with high humidity air. “Chinese” and “Ordinary” junipers especially need spraying.

Advice: It is better to spray the crown in the evening so that the bright sun does not damage the leaves.

  1. Loosening.

Only young seedlings should be treated with soil around the tree. The procedure is carried out after watering and weeds are removed during the weeding process. Afterwards, you can mulch the soil using peat or pine bark. The thickness of the mulch layer is from 5 to 8 cm.

  1. Preparing for winter.

Note: care of heat-loving plants winter period consists of mulching the tree. In spring, juniper must be opened to avoid rotting of the root collar.

It is necessary to cover the young plant completely for the winter if the tree was planted in the fall. Further, an adult juniper is able to overwinter without additional insulation. Some seedlings cannot withstand snow pressure, so better in autumn tie them up.

Particular care should be taken when pruning the tree. Since most varieties grow rather slowly, it is necessary to prune mainly dry branches. This can be done at any time of the year. It happens that some branches begin to grow to the side and thereby distort the beautiful cypress appearance of the plant. In this case, it is enough to tie the branch to the trunk and not cut it.

Possible difficulties and illnesses

First of all, it is important to carefully inspect the seedling before purchasing. Any signs of an unhealthy tree are a reason to refuse the purchase.

Most often, gardeners have to deal with a disease such as rust. An effective remedy treatment is aqueous arceride solution. Method of preparation: dilute 50 grams of the product in one liter of water. The seedling must be sprayed once every ten days. The procedures should be continued until the rust symptoms disappear.

In addition, young plants can be attacked by pests: spider mite, juniper scale insects, aphids and leaf miners. You can cope with insects with special preparations.

Transplantation and propagation

You can replant the tree in early spring, before the buds open. It is also possible to change the location of the seedling in the fall.

Note: on many garden plants The transplant has an extremely negative impact and leads to death.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to use reproduction. All varieties of juniper can be propagated by three methods:

  • - seeds;
  • - layering;
  • - cuttings.

It is necessary to plant seeds that have just been collected into the soil. After a year they will lose their viability.

If a creeping variety grows on your site, use the propagation method by layering.

Use in landscape design

Due to its decorative appearance, wood is often used in landscape design. Tree-like forms are grown as single specimens and also create beautiful hedges. Dwarf varieties and low-growing ones are great for rock gardens.

Many gardeners use this type as a preventative against soil erosion.

It should be remembered that juniper does not grow well in areas where there is a strong the air is polluted. However, breeders managed to develop varieties that are resistant to gas pollution environment cities.

As an element landscape design Juniper bushes are used frequently. This crop looks great throughout the year. In addition, this crop is used as medicinal plant.

Planting dates, location and site preparation for planting juniper

It is customary to plant this plant in early spring; it is not necessary to wait for the onset of warm weather. After the snow melts, you can already plant it.

Occasionally, planting is done later, but in this case the needles can be burned by the rays of the sun.

It is not advisable to plant juniper in the fall; the root system will not be able to take root until the cold weather. But if you purchased a seedling in a pot, then you can plant it at any time, you just need to protect it during the day from direct sunlight and provide good care.

Juniper grows well in an open area where it is well lit by the sun. Often, its decorative qualities (the density of the crown and its splendor) directly depend on the amount of light.

The soil on the site for the plant must be prepared taking into account the type of juniper purchased. For example, common juniper grows better on alkaline soil; it is also suitable for the Central Asian and Cossack varieties.

On acidic soil These junipers need liming. Other species of this plant prefer acidic soil (the soil can be acidified by adding a mixture of sand, wood shavings and peat in a 1:1:1 ratio).

Siberian juniper, planting and caring for it is best done in a light sandy soil, for the Virginia variety, clay with the addition of good compost is better suited. Don't forget to create a good drainage layer for the plant. It is made from crushed stone, brick fragments, coarse sand or pebbles, 20-25 cm thick.

Choosing a juniper seedling

It is best to plant plants purchased in 5 liter containers. They are easier to replant and quickly take root in a new location.

The best option Plants purchased in containers with a capacity of up to 5 liters are considered for planting in open ground. Such specimens are easier to replant, and they take root faster.

You can use adult plants instead of young plants; they are dug up along with a lump of earth and the root system is covered with film or burlap.

It is not advisable to replant very large specimens. They have a long taproot, which cannot be removed from the ground without damage.

Damage to juniper roots can lead to the death of the bush. Before transplanting, the earthen lump needs to be soaked in water for 2 hours.

Juniper propagation methods

Obtaining a seedling from seeds

Basically, all varieties of juniper are propagated using cuttings, but certain types of this crop can be sown with seeds.

Seed material is obtained from plants older than two years. The seeds are collected after the berries on the bushes begin to darken. But they have not yet begun to completely change their color.

After this, the embryos in the seeds go dormant, and their germination will require a lot of time and effort.

Before sowing, the grains are stratified; for this they are placed in a box filled with a mixture of moss, coarse sand and peat. It is taken outside and left for the winter. In May, juniper seeds are removed from the substrate and planted in open ground.

Juniper cuttings

Propagating this plant by cuttings is more effective than sowing seeds. To do this, in the spring, choose a healthy and strong plant, from which last year’s shoot is cut along with part of the parent plant. The size of the cutting is 10 cm; the needles are removed from it and soaked in a growth stimulator for a day. Occasionally the film is opened and the cuttings are allowed to “breathe”. It is necessary to constantly monitor the humidity of the substrate, not allowing it to dry out. After 1-2 months, roots form on the cuttings, and then they can be planted in a permanent place.

Juniper, planting and caring for the plant, sequence of work

1. First of all, at the place where the plant will be planted, dig a hole into which the root system of the plant will fit. A hole 0.5 m deep is suitable for young seedlings. The dimensions of the planting hole should be 2-3 times larger than the earthen ball of the plant;

2. A layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom; its thickness should be 20-25 cm;

3. The voids are filled with garden soil;

4. When planting, the root is carefully straightened, without leaving bent roots and without injuring it. The root collar is placed at ground level; in adult plants, the collar should be 7-12 cm above the soil surface;

5. Having filled the hole and compacted the soil, water the planted seedling well;

6. After planting, the plant is mulched; rotted cones, pine bark, old sawdust or peat, sawdust are suitable for this. The mulch layer should be 10 cm thick.

Between small plants the distance should be approximately 50 cm, between large bushes a free space of 1.5-2 m should be left.

Juniper care

The majority of juniper varieties tolerate drought well and can be left without watering for long periods, but in extreme heat it is still necessary to water the plants at least once a month. Good for juniper and spraying from a spray bottle, this must be done in the morning once a week.

In the spring, plants are fed with nitroammophos, and 45 g of fertilizer is applied per 1 m². IN warm time bushes can be fed with organic or mineral compounds, but this feeding should not be done more than once a month.

Juniper has a negative attitude towards transplants, for this reason this can only be done as a last resort. Adult plants take root in a new place with great difficulty and often die after transplantation. But if you need to replant the bush, choose comfortable spot and prepare nutritious soil.

Junipers do not need regular pruning. But old, heavily overgrown juniper needs to be renewed by cutting off diseased, broken branches and dry shoots. Thanks to pruning, it is easy to give the plant a beautiful shape, just keep in mind that it is not recommended to cut many branches at once, otherwise the bush may get sick.

In winter, young plants must be covered so that they are not damaged by low temperatures. There is no need to hide adult plants under cover; they just tie the branches together with a rope so that they do not break off during heavy snowfall.

IN spring time Most varieties of juniper get burned from aggressive sunlight. In spring, the sun can literally burn the crown, sometimes this will not only worsen their appearance, but can also destroy individual bushes.

Even if such a plant survives and recovers, its needles will turn brown or yellow.

For this reason, in February-March, plant branches must be covered with some opaque material (for example, you can use burlap for this). After the snow has melted, the cover is removed, the soil near the plant is cleared of last year’s mulch and other debris, loosened, allowed to air a little and mulched again.

How to plant and grow juniper from seeds

Growing juniper from seeds - difficult task. Let's consider what methods exist for planting such a plant, as well as the features of seed germination.

Description of the plant

Juniper is one of the most popular plants on the site. It's evergreen conifer tree it can reach a height of 12 meters, and in the form of a bush - 1–3 meters. Belonging to the cypress family, it has a pleasant pine aroma.

Source: Depositphotos

In order to grow a plant from seeds, you will need to collect the fruits

Three methods of reproduction are used:

    • seminal;
    • cuttings;
    • graft.

Sowing seeds is considered simple and in an accessible way, as they quickly adapt to local conditions. But several rules must be followed.

Collection of material

Not every juniper variety can be grown by seed. Hybrid decorative types can only be propagated by cuttings. Pollination is carried out by the wind, so full-fledged seeds for cultivation almost never ripen.

Material for propagation should be collected from 2-year-old plants during the darkening of the fruits, but before this process ends. Seeds dark berries become “dormant” and therefore require too much time to sprout.

Preparation rules

Let's look at the question of how to plant this plant from seeds. This will require stratification. For this purpose, the box is filled with a moistened substrate consisting of sand, peat and moss. Seeds are placed in it and covered with a layer of substrate on top. For the winter, the boxes are sent outside. They must remain there for 150 days of the cold season.

This is how natural stratification of seeds is carried out. It will speed up the germination process. If the seeds have not been subjected to such treatment, they will sprout only 12 months after sowing.

Landing instructions

At the beginning of spring, seeds that have gone through winter are planted:

    1. A suitable location is selected.
    1. The soil needs to be soft and fertilized. Grooves 2 cm deep are made in it, the bottom of which is compacted.
    1. The seeds are sown and covered with humus.
    1. The bed is mulched with peat or wood shavings in a 1 cm layer. This will prevent the seeds from drying out and will promote their germination.

Sowing needs the same care as seedlings of other plants. Weeds are weeded by hand, the soil is loosened and watered so that the ground is always a little damp. Before planting in a permanent place, the juniper needs to “sit” in the garden bed for 3–4 years. Every autumn, the ground must be mulched with sprouts and humus in a 4 cm layer.

It is quite possible to grow juniper in this way; you just need to follow the basic rules for preparing and germinating seeds. And the correct choice of location and care of seedlings will help accelerate the growth and development of the plant.

One of the popular solutions for landscaping a summer cottage is a coniferous tree. Among the decorative conifers, juniper stands out: this plant has many varieties and adapts well to unfavorable conditions. Planting and caring for it is not difficult, but the plant has several preferences for its location, heat and humidity.

Features of the plant

The genus juniper is a representative of the cypress family. Among the species of this genus there are both trees and shrubs. The height of trees reaches 30 m, bushes - up to 1.5 m. The shape of the crown of a tree is usually cone-shaped or pyramidal, while that of a bush is creeping. It is formed by flexible branches densely covered with scaly or needle-like needles. This is why a tree or bush appears lush.

The variety of juniper varieties allows you to choose a tree for any composition, taking into account the capabilities of the site. Of interest is not only the various shades of pine needles, but also the fruits of juniper - cones. They are painted in dark blue and have both beauty and beneficial properties. The needles of the plant release phytoncides into the atmosphere - substances that disinfect the air and saturate it with a pleasant aroma. The smell is also released by juniper wood.

Types and varieties for summer cottages

The variety is selected according to the growing region. Eat decorative forms junipers that will withstand prolonged frosts well in the Urals and Siberia. Most representatives of the genus are not demanding on watering, wintering, fertilizing and do not need pruning. At the same time, junipers are little susceptible to diseases and pests.

There are about 70 species of juniper, 15 of them are cultivated, but the most popular are scaly, rocky, common, Chinese, horizontal, middle and Virginia. For cultivation in open ground, frost-resistant varieties are more often used. The most unpretentious species are rock and Virginia.

Popular decorative species and varieties:

  1. Common - a cone-shaped type of juniper. The tree grows up to 10 m, but develops very slowly. The lifespan of the plant is approximately 200 years. The species is frost-resistant, not particularly demanding, grows well in partial shade and in drought conditions.
  2. Rock variety Blue Arrow - representative of the species rock junipers. They are very hardy and can cope with drought and frost. This is a tree of medium height, usually no more than 5 m. Blue Arrow has a narrow cone-shaped crown and rich blue needles. It looks most decorative on rocky areas.
  3. Chinese juniper Stricta is a tree up to 2.5 m tall with vertically growing branches. The prickly needles have a blue-green tint in the spring, and become steel by winter.
  4. Meyeri is an evergreen shrub. The needles at the tips are silver-blue. An excellent mixborder participant.
  5. Horstmann - tall bush with drooping branches, which gives it a resemblance to weeping willow. The shoots reach a diameter of up to 2 m. The needles are small, prickly, dark green.
  6. Juniper scaly Holger is a spreading bush, the decorativeness of which lies in the combination of dark green old needles and young golden ones.
  7. Prince of Wales is a variety of horizontal juniper. One of the most popular species, it forms dense dark green thickets.
  8. Scaly juniper Blue Sweet is a shrub with blue needles, which acquire a metallic hue by winter. The bush has a compact cushion shape. Its height does not exceed 1.5 m.
  9. Old Gold is a representative of the medium juniper species. This species is a hybrid of common and Cossack juniper. The variety is a shrub with golden needles.
  10. Mint julep is another variety of medium-sized juniper. This is a shrub with a spreading crown, its needles are rich green. Demanding of light.
  11. Andorra compact is a variety of horizontal juniper. This shrub does not exceed 0.4 m, but has a diameter of 1.5 m. The needles are scaly, blue-silver.
  12. Repanda is a creeping evergreen shrub of the common species. Easy to care for, can withstand frost. Suitable for creating a coniferous lawn.

How to choose a seedling

The best planting material is purchased in special containers. Such conifers develop well after transplantation. Another option is a tree with a lump of earth, which is wrapped in damp burlap.

  1. It should be 3-4 years old; such a plant tolerates transplantation better.
  2. The root system is closed, but open is also allowed.
  3. The color of the needles is uniform, corresponding to the variety.
  4. There should be no cracks or other damage on the trunk bark.

Where and when is it better to plant juniper on the site?

Growing juniper begins with the right choice landing sites. These conifers prefer good light and usually do not tolerate shading well. Sunlight is especially important for varieties with unusual needle colors.

Other requirements for the landing site:

  1. It should not be waterlogged or close to groundwater.
  2. Protection from drafts is required - junipers react poorly to constant exposure to direct air currents.
  3. The plant is planted at a distance from buildings and other plants.

The soil for growing should be light, loose and fertile. Junipers grow well on sandy, sandy loam and loamy soils. For dwarf specimens, soils with an average content are better suited. nutrients. Their abundance negatively affects the decorative properties of conifers.

Junipers are usually planted in the spring, when it gets a little warmer. The time of planting depends on the type of root system. It is better to plant with open roots in April or September, with closed roots - at any time from April to October.

How to plant ephedra correctly

Planting and caring for juniper is easy. You just need to follow a few rules, and then the plant will develop healthy and strong. When a good place for planting has been selected, you need to prepare landing hole. Its size depends on the size of the root system; it should be approximately 2.5 times larger than a clod of earth with roots. On average, a hole is dug 50x50 for small seedlings, and 70x70 for large seedlings.

How to plant juniper correctly:

  1. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the planting hole so that the plant does not suffer from stagnation of moisture at the roots. Expanded clay is used as drainage, broken brick, sand. Drought is not as bad for conifers as constant waterlogging of the soil.
  2. If the soil on the site is too clayey and heavy, then a mixture of garden soil and coniferous soil, sand and peat should be added to the hole. An example of a substrate for planting: 2 parts peat, 1 part sand, 2 parts humus and 2 parts turf soil.
  3. For tall varieties It wouldn’t hurt to add fertilizer to the planting hole. “Kemira universal” is suitable in the amount of 150 g or 300 g of nitrophoska.
  4. Seedlings grown at home are moved from pots by transshipment - that is, together with a lump of earth on the roots. This will minimize possible damage to the root system. The plant must be planted quickly so that the roots do not have time to dry out. This especially applies to purchases with an open root system.
  5. The seedling is sprinkled with the remaining substrate and compacted a little. The root collar should remain above the soil level.
  6. All that remains is to water each hole generously with warm, settled water and mulch trunk circle. This is necessary to retain moisture. Mulch also prevents the development of weeds. Mulch composition: peat, wood shavings.
  7. After planting, you can apply fertilizer for growth - "Epin".

Advice! When planting a group of plants, maintain a distance of 0.5 to 2 m between seedlings, depending on the type of planting and the size of the adult plant.

Rules of care

To properly care for ornamental junipers, you need to know their preferences. Many varieties love light and moderate humidity, but not all tolerate drafts and polluted air.

Young plants require protection from the midday rays of the sun, since fragile needles and bark are afraid of burns. Mature bushes and trees do not need shading, since the plant is generally light-loving.

Junipers are prized for their drought tolerance, but that doesn't mean they can be left without water for long periods of time. During periods of extreme heat, one bush uses an average of 10-20 liters of water. For some varieties great importance has spraying. This way the needles are cleaned of dust and saturated with moisture. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in dry weather in the evening or morning, when the sun will not actively evaporate the drops. If sprayed top part juniper during the day, which means there is a risk of burns.

To allow air to flow to the roots, the soil is slightly loosened after each watering. More often this is required for young animals while they are actively developing. If mulching is carried out, it is not necessary to loosen the soil.

Fertilizing is not necessary for junipers. Only during dry periods it is advisable to apply complex fertilizing or fertilizers with nitrogen to the soil, 2-3 times per season.

Every spring, hygienic pruning is carried out: all dried and damaged branches must be removed. Trimming to give shape is rarely done, since junipers do not differ in growth rate. Shoots should be shortened by no more than a third. Solitaire plants do not need to be formed, but bushes in hedges are necessary.

In order for a young juniper to successfully overwinter at the dacha, it must be protected from frost and bright sun. Shelter is usually only required during the very first winter after planting.

How to cover young seedlings for the winter:

  1. Cone-shaped trees are tied with ropes to prevent branches from breaking under the weight of snow.
  2. Plants are covered with material that allows air to pass through. It is allowed to use burlap, cotton fabric, and craft paper.
  3. To cover young bushes with spruce branches, it is placed from bottom to top in two layers.
  4. In especially cold winters, a double shelter is made.
  5. The fabric or spruce branches are not removed until March, so that the bush or tree does not suffer from the bright spring sun. Common juniper varieties are especially susceptible to scorching.

Regardless of the type and variety, juniper works on summer cottage as a natural air purifier. Planting an ephedra will not take much effort, nor will caring for it, but decorative properties a growing tree or bush will never cease to amaze gardeners.