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» Combined turnkey chalet house. Chalet houses: comfort must be practical. Features in design

Combined turnkey chalet house. Chalet houses: comfort must be practical. Features in design

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The construction of chalet-style houses is not at all mainstream; such houses appeared in Austria and Switzerland back in the 16th century, when the local population, living in the rather difficult conditions of the Alpine Mountains, thought about how to build a house that optimally combines the advantages of two fundamentally different materials- stone and wood.

The most obvious option is to upholster stone house board (lining or wood panels). But there is a problem - the space between the stone and external finishing very soon all kinds of living creatures will begin to fill it - from woodlice to mice. Alternative option- clad a wooden house with stone. But this also has its own nuances - the cladding can be completed only after a year and a half, when the timber has finally sagged. And since the coefficient of thermal expansion of these materials is different, it will not be possible to install them “back to back”, the wood will begin to crack, and the internal microclimate will be disrupted.

The chalet house project is the only one real option combinations of wood and stone, and in such a way that each of these materials advantageously offsets the disadvantages of the other. Projects and prices combined chalet houses"turnkey" projects are presented in the corresponding section. For example, we offer a number standard projects, the cost of which is fixed. But any project can be changed at the request of the customer, and we can also draw up an individual plan that will fully meet your ideas about an ideal home.

All projects of houses and cottages in the chalet style have one key feature– the first floor is built of stone ( a natural stone, brick, foam concrete), and the second is made of wood (rounded logs or timber). This design allows you to successfully combine two seemingly incompatible materials and provides the maximum level of reliability and operational comfort. Chalet-style house designs are unique in a number of advantages:

    wood and stone are natural, environmentally friendly materials, they are safe and hypoallergenic;

    the first floor made of stone is optimal for a dining room, living room with fireplace, garage, workshop, kitchen, bathroom;

    the stone perfectly resists the destructive effects of heat and moisture, it is durable and fire resistant;

    on the second wooden floor bedrooms, work rooms and children's rooms are usually located;

    the tree does not come into contact with the ground, therefore it gains increased operational durability;

    the warm, lively atmosphere of the second floor is ideal for sleep and relaxation; unlike stone, wood has natural ventilation;

    The stone walls of the first floor allow the installation of reinforced concrete floors, increasing the strength of the structure.

Thus, a turnkey chalet house, the price of which depends on the area and design features, is ideal for living and recreation. And if you consider that we offer turnkey construction inexpensively with the ability to implement any order, regardless of its complexity, then the choice is obvious.

Bath-chalets: when relaxation is a reason to be proud

The turnkey sauna-chalet seems to have been created for those who value not just rest, but quality relaxation in harmony with themselves and the world around them. After all, such baths are built according to the principle of chalet houses - the first floor is made of stone, and the second floor is made of wood. Accordingly, on the ground floor of a turnkey chalet-style bathhouse there is a steam room, sauna, shower room and other rooms that will experience increased humidity and temperature during the operation of the bathhouse. Stone, unlike wood, easily tolerates such loads and does not collapse.

The second floor of a combined bathhouse, made of solid logs or timber, is ideal for relaxing in friendly company, leaving the steam room. After all, wood literally “breathes”; it creates a cozy, positive atmosphere, as if filling the rooms on the second floor with forest freshness. It is best to sleep in rooms made of wood, so on the second floor of a bathhouse-chalet there are usually located not only relaxation rooms, but also bedrooms.

The bath-chalet designs that we offer are optimal in terms of layout and practical in operation. However, at the request of the customer, any project can be changed according to any parameter; moreover, our specialists build bath-chalets according to individual orders. You yourself can choose not only the configuration of the project, but also the materials from which the bathhouse or house will be built, right down to the roof (flexible, ceramic, composite tiles or larch shingles).

Buying a chalet-style house or bathhouse is the choice of people who reject excessive pomp and flashy pathos in favor of stylish and authentic ergonomics. Chalet houses are ideal for the Russian climate; life in them is truly filled with an atmosphere of purity and naturalness, so close to the spirit of every Russian person. This is unity with nature in the format of maximum comfort.

The steam room is main part baths, and it is on its arrangement that the most time is usually spent. However, what the building itself looks like, as well as its other rooms, is also very important. A chalet-style bathhouse is an option popular in foreign countries, but residents of Russia also choose it quite often. This article discusses the features of this style and also presents beautiful projects for your home.

Distinctive features

Before you start construction work, you need to understand what features the chalet style has. At first, the interior in this style was chosen only for country houses, but now bathhouses and various other buildings are decorated this way. Prerequisites- Availability large space and quite high ceilings.

In addition, a bathhouse designed in this way should be:

  • flat;
  • quite simple;
  • squat;
  • sustainable.

A building in this style should evoke a feeling of peace and be associated with reliability.

Such buildings are distinguished by clear lines and symmetry, but at the same time they seem to continue the natural landscape.

The following can be distinguished important features of this style:

  • open terraces;
  • sloping roofs with large overhangs;
  • The walls are made of solid timber, the base is made of stone.

In order for the perception to be holistic, even small details should be carefully thought through. This way the design will be aesthetic and as harmonious as possible.

Baths in this style are suitable for those who:

  • prefers to use environmentally friendly materials;
  • gravitates towards calm, romance and stability;
  • always chooses simplicity;
  • prefers to be close to nature.

Chalets are not your type of design if you prefer the hustle and bustle of the city. This style is the embodiment of natural harmony and tranquility.


Primary colors should not be bright; it is recommended to choose muted tones. Previously, stone and wood were most often used for the construction of various structures. Chalet-style design implies the presence of just such unpainted materials (having natural shades). It is also possible to use imitation stone and wooden surfaces.


To create a chalet bathhouse, you can choose a timber or rounded log. To simulate natural materials some also choose foam concrete. Door designs usually made of brick and are very large in size. There should be as many windows as possible, and each of them will need to be divided into parts.

The roof is usually made of four or two slopes. In many cases, wood shingles are used.


The birthplace of the chalet style is the Alps. It owes its origin to ordinary shepherds. Such buildings were erected in the mountains, so they turned out to be warm and reliable. The main features of the style are simplicity and the use of raw materials.

The chalet has some similarities with rural country, however, there are also distinctive features. There is no focus on details, although they play some role in creating the design. In chalet buildings, everything is simpler and aimed at practicality.

For the floor, for example, large and rather rough boards can be used, on which coloring compounds and varnish are not applied.

The walls in such rooms are most often wooden or plastered. Such a building will also be decorated with speakers ceiling beams. For chalets (as well as for English style) is characterized by the presence of a large fireplace. This may be due to the fact that shepherds often sat by the fire to escape the weather.

This style often uses aged pieces of furniture., mostly wooden. The highlight of the interior can be simple and somewhat rough large sofas and leather chairs.

Decorative elements

Possible different variants decor.

The following varieties can be distinguished:

  • Female. Such rooms are decorated with small crafts, rustic embroidery, photographs and old paintings in wooden frames.
  • Male. When decorating, preference is given to the theme of hunting. The interior can be decorated with forged elements, animal skins, tapestries related to hunting, and trophies.

The chalet bath should be used natural tones: terracotta, cream, beige. Of the dark ones, burgundy, greenish, and brown are preferable. Furniture upholstery and textiles should be selected from unpainted materials.

Today, many people equip their baths not only with washrooms, relaxation rooms and steam rooms, but also with kitchens and even bedrooms. In such a bath house you can accommodate friends or, if necessary, settle down yourself for a while.

You can add some zest to your interior with the help of unusual lighting fixtures , stylized as vintage lamps. You can install a stove in the rest room, which will bring comfort and warmth into the room.

The bathhouse is an integral part of Russian culture. People come here not only to wash themselves, but also to relax their soul and body. When building a bathhouse it is worth Special attention pay attention to the interior. It should be comfortable and cozy, and at the same time not lose its functional value.

Nowadays, the chalet architectural style has become especially popular. This type of construction combines aesthetics and practicality.

Alpine style

The Alpine style in architecture came to us in the 20th century from France and Switzerland. Translated from French, chalet / “chalet” means “shepherd’s hut”. Small strong houses were built by shepherds high in the mountains. They served as a place of rest and overnight stay. Alpine houses provided good protection from bad weather; they were warm and cozy.

To build the huts, available materials were used - stone and wood. The foundation and ground floor were built of stone. Wood was used to construct the attic floor. This design stood firmly on the mountainous terrain, and the stone walls reliably protected it from bad weather.

Features of bath projects

The Alpine-style bath project involves the use natural materials: stone and wood. IN modern version it is allowed to sheathe the first floor of the bathhouse with brick or foam concrete.

Doors should be made large and glass. There should also be a lot of windows. The roof is usually made of two or four slopes.

When choosing materials, it is worth considering that the roof must be durable and frost-resistant, retain heat and have good sound insulation. The coating is usually wood shingles, but other variations are possible.

Architectural style The chalet is easily recognizable, as it has a number of distinctive features:

  • One of the main features of the chalet is the sloping roof with large overhangs - the edge of the roof protrudes significantly beyond the edge of the facade. This type of roof has several advantages. Firstly, aesthetic appearance. The bathhouse looks like a real home. Secondly, functional significance. Such a roof protects the façade of the building from bad weather. And in winter period she holds a large number of snow.
  • Another distinctive feature is the high stone base. It makes the building durable and protects from harsh weather conditions. For the construction of the first floor, materials such as facing stone, brick and textured plaster.

  • The attic is built from wood, timber or logs coniferous species. This ensures lightness of the upper structure. The chalet style is characterized by simplicity of execution. Therefore, there are no complex wooden patterns here.
  • Another characteristic feature of the chalet are the spacious balconies and terraces. As a rule, they are located under the roof. This allows you to be outside even in bad weather. As finishing material Usually they use a special decking board that is resistant to moisture and temperature changes. This helps make the terrace beautiful, warm and cozy.

Chalet interior

The Alpine interior is characterized by simplicity and comfort. The decoration of a chalet-style bathhouse is done using natural, eco-friendly, unprocessed materials. Most often it is stone and wood or materials imitating them.

The ceilings in such a bath should be high and wooden with large protruding beams dark color. They are usually not bleached.

Stone walls the first floor is plastered or covered with wood. Sometimes you can find stone trim. This decor is made in rooms with high humidity. And also there is wall painting, decor with carvings and varnish.

The floors in the Alpine bath are covered massive boards. To create a worn effect, they are not covered with anything.

This technique adds an element of antiquity to general interior. Sometimes stone is used as flooring. Materials for such coating are selected with abrasions or chips.

You should choose furniture that is massive and wooden, but at the same time comfortable. It must be antique or artificially aged.

Chalet-style furniture is not characterized by decor and patterns. But sometimes you can find walls and chests of drawers with beautiful carvings. The upholstery of such furniture can be plain, patterned or leather. There is also wicker furniture.

For alpine style Natural colors of natural materials are characteristic. When decorating a room, preference is given to colors such as orange-yellow, creamy beige or terracotta. But pastel design diluted bright accents. These are mainly shades of red.

It is better to choose textile materials for furniture upholstery and decoration from undyed fabrics in natural colors.


An integral part The decor of the chalet is the fireplace. Stone is usually chosen for its cladding. This detail makes the room cozy, warm and comfortable. It is advisable to make the fireplace real, since an electric one will not be able to create the desired atmosphere.

The resulting interior is entirely built on decor. We saved wooden walls. The only thing is to emphasize the texture, they were slightly tinted. The rest room and hallway will be used open wiring and a lamp with retro lamps.

The interior is made in traditional color scheme chalet: red, black, green and gray colors. This combination is also associated with Christmas and holidays in the mountains. The mood in the relaxation room is supported by decor in the form of aged skis on the wall, stump tables, a floor lamp and a mirror with wood.

Part of the wall in the relaxation room is occupied by the stove from the steam room. We highlighted it and decorated it with tiles. We hope this will be a favorite place for all family and friends.

Shower room

The wall on which towels and hooks are placed is decorated with tree cuts. The walls of the shower cabin are made of tempered glass with dark tinting to hide water inlets. Glass was chosen for another reason: walls wooden bath are movable, which is why the tiles may fall off over time. The glass is partially attached to the wall, so movements of the walls will not affect its fastening.


An interesting element of the hallway is the panel above the chest of drawers, which hides the electrical panel. The Customer family is very creative people, they plan to paint the tiles with their children and turn them into an artistic masterpiece.


Steam room

It was very important to create a feeling of lightness in the steam room, which is why we did not close the curtains on the sides and added lighting. There is a panel of salt panels on the wall. There is lighting behind the panels, so that when the light is on, the panels flicker very beautifully.

Chalet-style house designs have long been recognized as classics in Europe and America, and in Russia they are becoming more and more popular from year to year. And this is not surprising, because a turnkey chalet house is the ideal solution eternal problem: how to build reliable and safe housing that would combine the comfort of environmental friendliness, romantic intimacy with nature and constructive practicality?..

The designs of chalet-style houses and cottages are unique in that they are combined, that is, the first floor of the building is built from stone, and the second from wood. Stone perfectly compensates for the main disadvantages of wood - fragility, low level of fire resistance, susceptibility to destructive influences external environment. In turn, wood is superior to stone in terms of aesthetics, because it “breathes”, it is alive environmentally friendly material, which literally creates an indescribable, natural atmosphere.

The first floor is stone. The design of a chalet house is really optimal, because, you see, even in ordinary wooden houses kitchens, boiler rooms, bathrooms, in general - technical premises are additionally sheathed with plasterboard, asbestos and other materials to protect the wood from the destructive effects high humidity or temperature. On the ground floor of a two-story chalet house there is usually a bathroom, toilet, garage, workshop, dining room and living room with a fireplace. It is convenient and reliable, given the strength and durability of the stone.

The second floor is wooden. This floor can be attic or semi-attic; bedrooms, children's rooms and work rooms are usually located here. Wood (log or timber) creates a “warm” atmosphere in which it is pleasant to relax and work. The wood does not come into contact with the ground, therefore the durability of the material increases, in addition, due to the fact that the first floor is made of stone, installation is possible reinforced concrete floors. This will significantly increase the reliability of the structure, but such a step is impossible if the house is entirely built of wood.

This is what makes the construction of chalet-style houses unique - a combination of the advantages of wood and stone while completely eliminating the disadvantages of both materials. For the Russian climate, chalet houses - a real find, and here it is interesting to note that the first buildings of this type appeared in Switzerland and Austria in the period from the 16th to the 17th centuries.

The word “chalet” itself is translated from French as “shepherd’s hut”. Such buildings were erected on the slopes of mountains in the Alps, where winters are hardly inferior to ours, and in addition, there is always the danger of an avalanche. The ideal solution steel houses with stone ground floor, which provided reliability and safety, and the first (and sometimes second, attic) floor, built from logs, an inexpensive and environmentally friendly material.

Chalet-style baths: relaxation on a different level

Bath-chalet projects are no less popular than projects of residential buildings and cottages made in the same style. The design is similar - the lower part of the building (ground or first floor) is made of stone, the upper part (second, attic or semi-attic floor) - made of wood.

The stone makes the bathhouse reliable and increases fire safety. On the ground floor there is a stove, steam room, shower, sauna and other rooms that will experience increased moisture and thermal load. The second floor of the turnkey bathhouse-chalet, made entirely of wood, will allow you to relax and unwind, as if you were in a wooden hut in the middle of the forest. The atmosphere of combined turnkey chalet-style baths is really difficult to describe; it is a unique feeling of unity with nature, with one’s roots.

Buying a cottage or chalet house means providing yourself with housing that is pleasant to stay in, pleasant to work and enjoy life in, and most importantly, a protected, safe building. A chalet-style bathhouse is perfect option For countryside holiday, which, on the one hand, fully complies with fire (and other) safety requirements, on the other hand, is distinguished by impeccable comfort and natural proximity to nature.

Projects and prices of turnkey combined chalet houses may depend on many factors. There are a number of standard projects that have proven their practicality and convenience, but our specialists also implement individual orders. Please note: we offer turnkey construction of bathhouses and chalet houses inexpensively and with a quality guarantee. The construction of buildings is carried out in full compliance with the requirements of GOST and SNiP, all our work is absolutely transparent, all the nuances are discussed. After all, our goal is to give you a home that you will be proud of.