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» Corridor with floral wallpaper. Design of a corridor in an apartment with combined wallpaper. Choosing the color scheme of wallpaper for the corridor

Corridor with floral wallpaper. Design of a corridor in an apartment with combined wallpaper. Choosing the color scheme of wallpaper for the corridor

Wallpaper for a small hallway provides great opportunities for interesting design solutions, playing with light, color and shapes. A compact hallway with a narrow corridor will not seem cramped if you choose light-colored walls. There are many options for decorating walls using wallpaper of various colors, patterns and textures.

Rules for organizing a small space

Before you bring to life the idea of ​​the most elegant and cozy hallway, you should pay attention to general rules organizing a small room:

  • The walls are a light base color.
  • To increase the height of the walls, wallpaper with vertical lines is used.
  • Horizontal stripes visually expand the space.
  • A small hallway should not be cluttered with furniture and accessories. Instead, it is appropriate to use one bright piece of furniture - an armchair, a table, a lampshade - combining it in color and shape with additional accessories.

Ways to expand a narrow room

Small compact hallways can look more spacious if you use techniques that visually increase the space.

  • Light colors in the decoration of the room. Light-colored walls and ceilings bring “air” to a small room. The distance between the walls, as well as the ceiling and floor, seems larger.
  • Use of certain types of patterns in finishing. Wallpaper with small patterns and vertical lines virtually expands the space.
  • Use of contrasting colors in decoration. Black and white hallways, as well as rooms decorated in a combination of black-white-red, can sparkle in a completely new way and turn a small hallway into a cozy and stylish room.
  • Glossy surfaces. The expansion of space can be achieved not only by smooth surfaces of furniture and objects, but also by wallpaper with a mirror effect, which includes coatings with a metallic sheen.

When choosing interior design options for a small hallway, as well as a “Khrushchev” hallway, you should refuse dark colors in finishing. The option of dark wallpaper with large patterns will also be unsuccessful.

Large ornament sizes are acceptable if a small and narrow room combines a narrow corridor and very high ceilings - in this case, a large pattern can compensate for the extra centimeters and make the room more neat and comfortable.

Low ceilings can be visually made higher by using wallpaper of a darker color for the walls. Wallpaper with an embossed pattern and textured wall coverings also help to visually enlarge a small room.

Which wallpaper should you choose?

For compact hallways and narrow corridors, choose durable, durable coatings that allow you to keep the walls clean without much effort. The environmental friendliness of the material is of great importance. Small hallways, as a rule, are closed rooms without windows, so the wallpaper must have good breathability and not emit substances harmful to human health.

When choosing wallpaper for the hallway, take into account various characteristics material:

  • Practicality. Wall coverings must be dense and have a surface resistant to mechanical abrasion. This can be thick, smooth wallpaper, from which stains and dirt can be easily removed.
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for health. Preference is given to finishing materials on a natural basis - “breathable”, not conducive to the appearance of fungi on the walls, and also safe in composition.
  • Current design. The choice falls on options that provide ample opportunities for combination with other types of wall coverings, furniture, and combinations with interior items. Interesting textures and texture solutions are selected.

In the photo, the small hallway and corridor are decorated using combined patterned and striped wallpaper. The alternation of blue and gold stripes creates a rhythmic pattern that expands the space.

Types of wallpaper

The most suitable for small hallways are paper, non-woven and bamboo wallpapers. Such rooms can also be decorated with vinyl, textile and cork wallpaper.

Vinyl They differ in density, which allows you to create ideal smooth surfaces walls Vinyl wallpaper can have smooth, almost mirror-like surfaces, and look impressive in small hallways of both classic and modern styles. They last up to twenty years, do not fade, and retain an attractive appearance for a long time.
Paper They have an affordable price and at the same time they are environmentally friendly. IN Lately two-layer are produced paper wallpaper. This type of product has an additional layer that protects it from wear and damage.
Textile They also have two layers. The basis of this finishing material is paper. The top layer consists of textile fibers. In addition to decorative functions, these wallpapers perform thermal insulation tasks.
Non-woven Non-woven coatings can have a vinyl layer and also be the basis for subsequent painting of walls in the desired colors. The advantages of non-woven fabric are strength, breathability and low flammability.

Absolutely natural, made from plant materials without the use of harmful chemical compositions. They have a natural color, which can be different depending on the country where the plant grows - milky white, golden, pistachio, a rich palette of shades of brown and red. Bamboo wallpaper can be used as a covering for the entire wall, or for the design of small hallways with a combination of different materials.

Color solution

Wallpaper in light colors, a small amount of furniture and accessories is one of the basic principles of interior design for a small hallway.

Wallpaper is often used in combination with other materials - brick and stone panels, wood masonry, plastering and painting. The variety of shades, textures, and patterns allows you to use them in the design of an accent wall, which, in turn, sets the tone and mood of the entire room.

The limited space of small compact hallways in Russian city apartments, especially in Khrushchev-era apartments, requires combining two tasks in the design of the walls - visual enlargement of the room and originality. The first is achieved through the use of light colors, contrast, room zoning and other techniques.

The most popular color scheme in modern hallways- These are different shades of beige. Together with the classic style in the design of the entire room, this design leaves a pleasant impression - a feeling of peace, order, grandeur. The beige color looks noble, does not irritate, and is combined with a good natural texture wooden furniture and doors in a small hallway.

Style selection


For a fresh twist on tried-and-true classics, plus visual magnification area of ​​a small hallway, wallpaper is combined with painting the ceiling in White color, as well as dividing the walls into sections decorated in different colors.


The noble classics, beloved by most apartment owners, can be rivaled by another equally popular style - minimalism. For small spaces it is especially relevant. Wallpaper for a small hallway in a minimalist style can be bright, plain or with a pronounced print, geometric and floral patterns.

The room, decorated in a minimalist style, has little furniture and interior items. “Clothing” for the walls plays a worthy role in giving the room an atmosphere.

The photo shows a small hallway in a minimalist style. The laconicism in the color scheme made it possible to give the atmosphere of the room austerity, and Brown color wallpaper added volume.

You can apply other styles in the interior design for small hallways.

Provence and country

Provence is characterized by lightness, airiness, light, natural tones. Wallpaper in the Provence style can have a floral pattern, as well as a texture close to natural materials- stone, wood.

In country, unlike Provence, you can see brutal accessories in the interiors - a massive stool carved from wood or coarsely woven rugs. Wallpaper in this style can have dark shades, matching the wood and stone from which village houses are built.

High tech

Metallic reflection of surfaces, strict geometric shapes, new functional solutions in furniture and accessories – distinctive features this style. Wallpaper for a small hallway in high-tech style can have a metallic color, as well as all kinds of “acid” tones in stylish combination with classic, calm shades.


Characterized by restraint, minimalism, calm color schemes. The main color is white. Wallpaper for a small hallway in Scandinavian style can be white, light gray, as well as other, mainly pastel colors.

Drawings and design

Each interior style requires its own wallpaper design - from small patterns to large patterns. Certain styles require wallpaper with a texture that reflects the overall theme of the room.

  • Plain, suitable for hallways in English, classical, and minimalist styles. Allows you to apply brighter details to the rest of the interior design - in furniture and accessories.

  • Wallpaper with large patterns and ornaments in the form of rosettes and monograms are inherent classic style. Often, in combination with this type of coating, gilding is used, or wooden slats, which bring greater elegance and a touch of luxury to the design of a small room.

  • Wallpapers with images various plants used in Provence and country style. Floral patterns are also often found in oriental style.

  • help create a more vibrant and interesting basis for decorating a small hallway in modern styles, such as high-tech. The drawing may be abstract and not clear, but it can set the tone for the atmosphere of the room.

When choosing wallpaper for a small hallway, take into account general style rooms. Wallpaper with a distinct design style can be hung on one wall, thereby emphasizing the stylistic identity of the interior.

In the photo, the wallpaper with a pattern in bright orange tones made the wall a full-fledged element of the interior, matching the color with the rest of the details.


Wallpaper for a small hallway is chosen taking into account its ability to visually expand the space. Light wallpapers will not look faded if combined with various elements design, which can be in the form of additional colors in the design of walls, as well as interior items.

  • Walls pastel shades look good with white stucco ceilings.
  • Volumetric cornices and baseboards in combination with wallpaper of a contrasting color, they delimit the space and give it completeness.
  • Horizontal division of walls Using different shades of wallpaper will allow you to control the visual effect. Dark wallpaper at the bottom of the wall - an “apron” from the floor to the middle of the wall, and light shades of the same color - at the top. This separation will allow you to avoid monotony, massiveness and heaviness that arise in the design of walls with a single color.
  • The best solution for colored walls is a combination of three colors. You need to choose one basic tone; it will occupy the bulk of the space. Wallpaper for a small hallway is of a light shade, and this is the base color. Two more complementary colors can be used in furniture, accessories and textiles.

Combination with doors

The doors in the hallway match the chosen style of the entire interior. In a classic design, doors can be in natural wood color various shades– from light beige to dark brown. In the interior of a small room in the style of Provence, Scandinavian, minimalism, the doors can be white, while pop art and hi-tech allow you to bring freshness and originality to the interior in the form of doors in bright, rich colors.

Important: you need to put up wallpaper in the hallway after replacing the doors. If the work is carried out in reverse order, during installation of doors, the wallpaper may be damaged.

Doors and wallpaper should not be the same tone, otherwise the door will simply get lost against the general background. The exception is white doors in interiors, where the space is formed by additional design elements - pieces of furniture and accessories in expressive colors, colored sections of the walls.

The white door in the design of a small hallway does not match the wallpaper of deep, dark colors. In this case, the door will look like an inappropriate bright spot.

A door in light colors can be combined with light elements in the interior - vertical stripes of wallpaper, a wall opposite the door, framing of interior items rectangular shape, for example, paintings or photo frames. Doors will not get lost against the background of light walls if the coating is one shade lighter than the tone of the doors.

Dark doors go well with light wallpaper with discreet patterns and geometric designs.

People enthusiastically make design revolutions in their bathrooms and toilets, but very often they leave the hallway without due attention. Meanwhile, the overall impression of your apartment directly depends on how neat and organic this space looks. Maybe it's time to pay close attention to it? Wallpaper for the hallway, photos of which we will present below, will help you with your birth interesting ideas, related to the arrangement of this small, but such an important isthmus, connecting all the rooms of your cozy “home”.

Vertical or horizontal?

When making such a choice, it is important to know some of the nuances that they introduce into our character of perception of a particular room:

  • vertical- make the corridor more symmetrical and taller;
  • horizontal- expand the space and visually lower the ceiling slightly lower.

Of course, any change in height and width is nothing more than an illusion of human perception, but it directly affects how a person will see his corridor in the end.

Here is a vivid example of how high a corridor covered with vertical wallpaper appears

And in this case, horizontal wallpaper expands the distance between the walls and helps achieve optimal visual comfort for the owners of the room

Let's look at some more examples of this type.

As you can see, even the most unfriendly and wide corridor can be made warm and cozy if you successfully select wallpaper and some remarkable interior details.

And again, horizontal stripes come to the rescue - it’s hard to deny this room’s atmosphere and harmony.

Real mansions, not an apartment. However, every square meter of space is used as successfully as possible. Including walls with spectacular vertical stripes and abstract patterns. Decorative Venetian plaster was selected for the wallpaper.

Notice how high the ceilings seem. This is largely due to wallpaper with vertical stripes.

Classic options for your corridor

One of the most common colors is beige. The same beige that always comes to the rescue and holds up well in any interior. Here is a vivid example of classic vinyl wallpaper beige colour. They create a calm atmosphere in the hallway and are ideal for narrow spaces.

And here is another example of the fact that beige is always relevant. It should be noted perfect combination brown baguettes for paintings with a calm, balanced tone of wallpaper.

It is rightly said that with the right lighting, even plain wallpaper are transformed. It is difficult to blame the owners of this apartment for a careless attitude towards the interior - it is obvious that it has been thought out to the smallest detail.

Do you want to make your corridor visually higher? Use wallpaper with a vertical pattern. In this example, the wallpaper clearly does not suffer from any special artistic delights, but it combines perfectly with the doors and generally fits perfectly into the concept of the dominant light palette. True, if your corridor is very narrow, then this option is undesirable - it will deprive your room of the necessary space and air.

The corridors of the good old Khrushchev buildings have a bad reputation, but look how you can add comfort, life and air to them if you choose the right wallpaper and lighting.

Similar example: discreet beige wallpaper with a geometric pattern successfully correlate with other interior details.

Fi, how boring, you say. It’s normal, we will answer. And this is really an example of normal wallpaper for a corridor modern apartment, not rich in square meters. Compared to their more thoroughbred competitors, they, of course, look somewhat modest, but they fit perfectly into a cramped room and, oddly enough, provide it with the necessary supply of air, sufficient for the guest to feel at home. I mean, it's cozy. Isn't that what you need?

Liquid wallpaper is a fairly common choice for owners of small apartments. They do not pretend to be overly decorative, but they perfectly convey volume and look natural.

The pattern used here can hardly be called inventive, but look how well it fits into the interior.

Just a nice and bright corridor in calm colors. Proper supply of light allows you to saturate to the limit narrow space air.

In this example, the issue of lighting is also important. Are you using dark wallpaper? Be prepared for the fact that you will need to select the appropriate light for them.

A variant of wallpaper for the corridor with a light palette. Experts call such options a win-win. In the sense that in any case it will make your room warm and cozy.

If your search for wallpaper for your hallway led you to antique motifs, you definitely have good taste. These are timeless illustrations that successfully highlight the grandeur of ancient architecture. Such wallpaper exudes sacred depth and unostentatious seriousness. Needless to say, these motifs are best revealed in rooms designed in strict colors, as well as minimalist surroundings.

Wallpaper with a stone texture

Stone stylized wallpaper for the hallway will allow you to achieve a spectacular and memorable style. Monumentality, luxury, nobility - this is what comes to mind when you observe this.

Do you think that the walls of this corridor are decorated with slate? No, this is wallpaper decorated to resemble this type of stone, skillfully conveying the volume and texture of this popular finishing material.

It's hard to find a better option for such an original corridor

In this case, 3D wallpaper was used. They are especially good if you want to convey the smallest nuances rocky texture.

Embossed wallpaper for the corridor, made in a classic, unobtrusive format. Such wallpapers do not bring anything special to the room - but they very well emphasize the created coziness and warm atmosphere. Diligent housewives sound the alarm about the dubious practicality of the presented samples, while simpler people simply enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and pleasant mood.

Flower petals

The petals stretching upward against a dark background can hardly be called an artistic revelation, but they generously add sophisticated notes to the somewhat austere and schematically executed interior of the room.

An interesting design solution with a horizontal division of the walls into a plain blue bottom, creating airiness and volume, and an expressive decorative part at the top. Flowers in flowerpots are successfully bordered with random patterns.

Plain wallpapers are often used in corridors, but this does not prevent them from being wisely diluted with well-chosen decors. One of these options is given below.

The problem of the inexpressive narrow corridor can be solved beautiful wallpaper with a highly detailed pattern, as well as big amount mirrors that visually expand the space.

There is an opinion that too large flowers on the wallpaper visually reduce the space. Here is just such an example. What can you say? In our opinion, everything is more than wonderful!

And in this case, large buds help create a soulful intimate atmosphere.

When your ideas have left you, and you still can’t escape repairs, it makes sense to use a proven option - abstract patterns. The example in the photo is indicative: an evenly maintained temperature range, if it does not set you up for creative feats, then, in any case, does not interfere with enjoying the comfort and at least does not irritate you when entering the room. What else is required from wallpaper in a hallway?

Colorful wallpaper is not a brain explosion, but a well-balanced style

Annoying colorful wallpaper in the hallway is not the best option if it does not follow the overall design solution of the apartment. However, in the case when they are part of a single artistic concept, it is quite the opposite.

The rich red color absorbs all attention and pushes the slightly psychedelic abstraction underlying the drawing far into the background.

Bright and attractive wallpaper that gives a lot of scope for interpreting your non-standard floral design.

A riot of geometry out of control - in quite stylish and contrasting wallpaper that will fit perfectly not only into ordinary city apartments, but also into a large house. There is room for your imagination to unfold as you contemplate them every day!

At first glance, there is nothing colorful here. However, the original applied pattern literally attracts the eye - I think that if your interior is not particularly diverse, and you don’t mind updating it significantly, such wallpaper will be a real breath of fresh air.

Black and white wallpaper with a flashy pattern fits perfectly into a modest interior

Another example of vertical colorful wallpaper in the corridor. The example is quite controversial, but this in no way detracts from his right to live in a separate apartment. Would you choose something similar? Be careful not to overdo it - not every room can accommodate such expressive and flashy wallpaper.

Summary: among the wallpaper for the hallway, the photos of which you looked at above, there are probably many options that are perfect for you, but do not rush into making a choice and refrain from blind copying. Try to design your room and take into account all the most insignificant nuances - then your corridor will definitely please the eye every day, and a lot of credit for this will go to the correctly selected wallpaper.


The hallway is the face of the house and you need to pay careful attention to its appearance. Nowadays there are countless different materials for finishing rooms on the market. Everyone chooses finishing materials according to their taste and taking into account their financial capabilities.

Many people prefer wallpaper, especially since their choice is very diverse. Not only is their selection of quality options great, but their color range knows no bounds. Wallpaper comes with a pattern that imitates other finishing materials, such as brick, wood or plaster.

Choosing a color scheme

For small room It is important to choose colors so that they do not visually reduce the space of the room. There are several basic rules to choose from color range:

  • Wallpaper for a small hallway is usually chosen in light pastel shades; this makes the room larger and brings coziness to it.
  • If there are small children or animals, the lower part of the hallway is covered with more wear-resistant materials.
  • Bright colors can hide the volume of a small hallway; they are often glued in the form of separate inserts or combined with calmer shades.
  • Dark colors are good because they will hide dirt, but they will make an already small hallway much smaller than it is. Moreover, most often there are no windows, which means that a lot of additional lighting will be required.
  • It is good to use dark colors when combined with contrasting light ones. This technique will help hide uneven walls.
  • When choosing wallpaper with a pattern, you need to know that a large pattern will visually make the hallway smaller. Patterns located vertically will raise the ceiling, and horizontal patterns will expand the walls.

Important ! When choosing wallpaper, make sure that it matches the furniture in the hallway.

Wallpaper characteristics

Diversity finishing materials There are a huge variety for walls; knowing their characteristics, you can choose something of your own. Wallpaper quality is most often:

  • Washable.
  • Natural.
  • For painting.

Often these qualities occur simultaneously in one type of wallpaper.

Types of wallpaper

Paper wallpaper

Paper wallpaper is the most popular and cheapest. They are environmentally friendly, easy to use, big choice in color and texture, with their help you can hide the imperfections of the walls. They come in two types:

  • Single-layer - simplex.
  • Two-layer - duplex.

The disadvantages of such a coating are that it is not moisture resistant and deteriorates under mechanical and chemical influence. With frequent friction, their surface will lose its original appearance. Fades quickly in natural light. If they get dirty, you can’t wipe them with a damp cloth or brush. If you hit them with anything sharp, you will immediately tear them.

Due to its disadvantages, such wallpaper is not suitable for a hallway, especially a small one.

Cork wallpaper

Cork wallpaper is a good sound insulator. They are antistatic, which is why they do not attract dust at all. Eco-friendly as they are made from pressed crumbs balsa wood. There is no allergic reaction to them.

The disadvantages are: high cost, good moisture absorption, little color variety and difficulty in pasting. This type of coating requires special glue.

They can be used in small hallway, additionally treating the surface with varnish or wax

Bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo wallpaper is environmentally friendly, has good wear resistance, and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. They are easily applied to walls using liquid nails and the walls do not need to be additionally primed or leveled.

Their disadvantage may be high price, poor color range and feature appearance, this is not suitable for every interior.

Such wallpaper is well suited for a small hallway if its interior is in a tropical style.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is highly breathable, inexpensive, not afraid of water and humidity, wear-resistant and environmentally friendly. They will hide cracks on the wall well and can be painted if you want to change the interior. The variety of colors and textures will delight any owner.

The disadvantages include their transparency; before gluing it to the wall, it must be well prepared. This can turn into a plus if the wall is painted with a suitable shade before pasting. Also, a disadvantage may be the rather small selection of drawings.

When choosing such material for the hallway, consult with a specialist about their moisture resistance; there are several varieties according to these criteria.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpapers have a huge variety. They come on a paper or non-woven basis, smooth and embossed or in the form of silk-screen printing. Different techniques for their manufacture:

  • Foamed vinyl - has a three-dimensional texture, good for painting;
  • Flat vinyl - smooth, easy to clean;
  • Thick vinyl - the most expensive of this type, very wear-resistant and moisture-resistant;
  • allows you to create looks that imitate wood, stone, plaster and more.

Disadvantages include their airtightness and when burned they release toxic substances.

In the hallway they use wallpaper with high moisture resistance.

Acrylic wallpaper

Acrylic wallpaper is a good choice for families with small children or animals. They are a cross between non-woven and paper wallpaper. They are easy to care for, just wipe with a damp cloth, they are breathable and are available for any financial opportunity.

The downside is that they will not tolerate strong humidity, nor strong mechanical stress. And the choice of designs and patterns is smaller than other types.

They are not recommended for use in the hallway if you have a large family.

Fiberglass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is environmentally friendly as it is made from natural materials. They are not afraid of water and fire, there is no need to additionally treat the walls before gluing, such wallpaper will easily hide all the unevenness. Well suited for repeated painting.

The disadvantage is their weak elasticity; such material is applied to a special glue and is difficult to remove. Very little choice patterns.

Metallized wallpaper

Metallized wallpaper - made using foil, due to which it resembles metal. They are wear-resistant and tolerate moisture well. They do not lose their original appearance and look very impressive and expensive.

The downside is their poor variety, dark and cold colors, and they do not allow air to pass through at all.

You can use them in a small hallway only if the interior style of the room is high-tech.

Textile wallpaper

Textile wallpaper will emphasize the sophistication of the interior. They are environmentally friendly; due to their thinness, seamless walls can be created. They have good thermal insulation and sound insulation. Huge selection of colors and designs.

Their high price and only dry care are a disadvantage. They attract odors and dust. Pasting such wallpaper requires special skills and not everyone can stick it on their own.

This type of wall covering is not suitable for everyone's hallway.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is essentially a type of plaster. Sold in powder form and diluted with water. They are applied without any joints, are environmentally friendly, easy to apply, do not fade and are soundproof. If there is minor damage, it is easy to wash off the damaged part and apply a new layer.

Easy rinsing is big drawback such material, since it is impossible to carry out wet cleaning. But with additional surface treatment with varnish, this disadvantage can be removed. The small color variety can also be considered a disadvantage, as can the high cost.

Important ! Such wallpaper is used in the hallway only with an additional coating.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers are well suited for creating an individual interior. The variety of designs will satisfy even the most capricious buyer. They are versatile and quite easy to care for. Eco-friendly and easy to use.

The disadvantage is the additional preparation of the walls so that the drawing looks perfect and even. Also, over time, the picture may get boring and you will have to redo everything.

This material can be used in small hallways if the pattern does not hide the space of the room.

You can watch the video to see how to properly apply photo wallpaper:

Quartz wallpaper

Quartz wallpaper is a new material for buyers and has a grainy surface. They are environmentally friendly, wear-resistant, and good for painting, although their color range is also varied. They do not fade, they mask wall unevenness well and the joints are almost invisible.

They are quite expensive, they are afraid of moisture, they can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. When gluing, a special glue is required, which is also expensive.

Such wallpaper is not suitable for everyone in the hallway.

Stone wallpaper

Stone wallpaper is a good replacement natural stone, consist of a gypsum base. They are light, moisture-resistant, wear-resistant, with a variety of textures and colors. Can be combined with any other materials.

The disadvantage of such wallpaper is that it is expensive and difficult to install. Their textured surface collects a lot of dust, which requires frequent cleaning.

Such wallpaper will look good in the hallway if combined with another type of wallpaper.


Knowing the types and characteristics of wallpaper, all that remains is to choose the color scheme to match the intended interior style or the interior design, using the rules for using shades to visually expand a small hallway.

Not all residents can boast large areas apartments and private houses. That is why it is so important to choose the right wallpaper even for a small room, so as not to make it even more constrained and unattractive. Hallways are of great importance for the entire home: upon entering the house, residents and guests immediately find themselves in this room, which means it should be ideal and as spacious as possible. Next, you will learn in more detail how to choose the right wallpaper to equip a small hallway, and also become familiar with the features of materials for such rooms.


Wall covering is very important for any room. As for wallpaper, you can easily use it to visually enlarge any small room, making it more spacious and bright. And if you add the right lighting, then even the absence of windows in a small hallway will not become a problem.

Features of wallpaper for a small hallway include the following:

  • Products for such premises are available in a huge range and variety. You can easily choose them yourself, without even resorting to the help of specialists.

  • Wallpaper can be very simple, as well as various eco-friendly options for nature lovers.
  • This type of coating can be several times cheaper than any other. However, if we talk about paper options, then, despite the fact that they are not very expensive, their service life leaves much to be desired.

Nevertheless, paper wallpaper is an excellent solution for those who really like change, because replacing them after a couple of years can significantly refresh the atmosphere and improve the mood of the household.

  • Wallpaper in a small hallway can be successfully combined with each other. It is not necessary to focus exclusively on light shades, dark and bright options sometimes it comes in handy too.

  • Right choice Wallpaper for a small room will also depend on the furnishings of the hallway. It is equally important to take into account the floor covering, which should also be in good harmony with the walls.

For a small hallway, it is not advisable to choose options with large drawings. This feature of choice is due to the fact that you can visually reduce the space.

Types of wallpaper

Modern market offers a huge range of the most different types wallpaper, which include:

  • Paper wallpaper. They come in single-layer and double-layer. The latter are considered the most practical. The popularity of this type of wallpaper is due to the fact that it is cheap and at the same time safe. Their disadvantages include the fact that they are very sensitive to moisture. With regular friction, products of this type may not retain their original appearance. If there are windows in the hallway, the wallpaper may fade over time.

  • Cork wallpaper are not considered the most popular type, however, they create excellent sound insulation. At the same time, they create an antistatic effect, due to which they absolutely do not accumulate or attract dust. The disadvantages of products of this type include the fact that they, like paper versions, are afraid of moisture. Sometimes buyers may have problems gluing them, and special glue is required.

  • Some of the most popular and in demand are considered non-woven options. This type of wallpaper is considered very practical, and the price will certainly please you.

This wallpaper is perfectly breathable. Compared, for example, with paper options, non-woven ones are considered moisture-resistant and very wear-resistant.

  • You can find a huge variety vinyl wallpapers, which many experts recommend for purchase. This type is considered very practical, however, it has its own number of pros and cons. Vinyl wallpaper comes in both paper and non-woven backing. In addition, their varieties are made using different techniques.

  • Acrylic type of wallpaper is considered the golden mean between non-woven and vinyl options. Such wallpapers are perfectly breathable, do not require scrupulous care and are sold at very affordable prices. Their disadvantages include the fact that they are not moisture resistant, therefore, if the hallway or corridor is not protected from moisture, then it is best to take a closer look at other options.

  • If you do not want to prepare and process the walls in advance, then be sure to pay attention to fiberglass wallpaper . They are considered environmentally friendly because they are made only from natural materials.

With this type of wallpaper you can easily hide all the imperfections on the walls.

The minor disadvantages of these products include the fact that they are quite difficult to remove from the walls and they are less elastic compared to other options.

  • For the most exquisite interiors hallways you can take a closer look at textile varieties of wallpaper. They are considered environmentally friendly, however, they are difficult to maintain because dust settles on them very quickly. In addition, such products are quite difficult to glue on your own. Here it is best to call an experienced technician.

  • Very often, for small hallways, craftsmen recommend purchasing liquid wallpaper. They are a kind of plaster that can be easily prepared at home and applied to the walls. This does not require special skills. This type of wallpaper is also considered environmentally friendly, however, over time, if the wallpaper was not chosen of the highest class, it may fade.

  • Among the huge variety you can find stone wallpaper, which will be an excellent alternative to masonry.

  • Ideal for painting quartz wallpaper, which are considered a relatively new variety.


The biggest color palette for paper and non-woven wallpaper. In addition, paper products are produced in a huge variety and with different decorations. Among such an assortment, even the most picky buyer will be able to make a choice.

Cork wallpapers do not have the largest color palette, but they already have a lot of advantages. Acrylic options also cannot boast of a large assortment and various designs, but from many companies you can certainly find exactly what you need.

In metallized options you can find very unusual shades of various metals with a beautiful shine.


Natural wallpaper, which is made from paper, bamboo, cork and even palm leaves, are considered the safest, they are chosen not only by environmentalists, but also by lovers of everything environmentally friendly. Actually everything natural materials Today they are considered more in demand and popular.

Best choice for the hallway, of course, there will be light wallpaper that visually enlarges the space, for example, in milky or nude shades. For a small hallway, for example, in a Khrushchev-era building, you can choose any of the types of wallpaper, the main thing is that the walls do not visually reduce the size of the room. It's also worth considering here correct lighting and do not choose massive furniture so as not to constrain the space.

Metallized wallpaper is made using special foil, which is how this effect is achieved. However, they cannot be called safe because they do not allow air to pass through.

But non-woven and fiberglass wallpapers are also considered environmentally friendly, as they are made from safe materials.

Which ones are suitable?

Cork wallpaper can be an excellent option for a small hallway, as it has many advantages.

Of course, they have a high price, but they have a long service life. It is very important that such products are safe, practical and environmentally friendly.

With the help of non-woven wallpaper you can perfectly hide unevenness and small cracks on the walls. True, in order to be sure to hide all the flaws, they need to be prepared in advance. That is why it is best to use the services of specialists.

Flat vinyl wallpaper is very smooth and pleasant to the touch, it is easy to clean and is perfect for hallways. Nevertheless, any vinyl wallpaper is considered airtight, which means that this is the criterion by which many buyers refuse to purchase them.

How to choose?

Even though the market building materials offers a lot of the most various options wallpaper, when choosing it for a small hallway, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Products must be practical, wear-resistant and resistant to various external influences. It is desirable that they are simple and easy to care for.
  • When choosing, one of the most important meanings is color. How correctly you choose it will depend general perception rooms.
  • Don't skimp on wallpaper. The better quality they are, the longer they will last.
  • It is no less beneficial for hallway rooms to choose wallpaper with small or very small patterns. Various floral motifs and abstractions look good, on which, for example, small stains and dirt will be less noticeable, because over time they still appear.

  • Unusual and original wallpaper with sparkles and decorative chips will be an excellent solution that is suitable for designer renovation in the hallway room.
  • When choosing wall coverings, you should pay attention only to trusted companies and brands that have been producing these products for several years. In addition, from a huge assortment you can choose wallpaper from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.
  • Today, many experts agree that the quality of domestic building materials products has improved in many ways, so there is no point in overpaying and buying imported wallpaper when its own market offers options that are no worse.
  • It is best to choose wallpaper for the hallway directly in the store, and not on the Internet, since only in this case will you be sure of the quality of the product you are purchasing.

The best choice for the hallway, of course, would be light wallpaper that visually enlarges the space, for example, in milky or nude shades.

Arriving at the house, guests immediately find themselves in the corridor and the first impression they receive will remain forever. A boring and gray design will not make a good impression, and an overly colorful interior can cause an ironic smile among visitors. That is why it is very important to take a responsible approach to choosing wallpaper for the corridor. Due to the fact that most corridors are small in size and lack the required amount of light, buyers are faced with the question: “What wallpaper to choose for the corridor so as not to visually make the room smaller or darken it even more?”

In this article we will talk in detail about what wallpaper will be appropriate, practical and beautiful for a narrow, wide, dark or light corridor.

Selecting wallpaper for the corridor by type

The corridor is a constant risk area for pollution, since it is exposed to dust, dirt from the street every day, and there may even be a threat of mechanical damage. Therefore, it is best to purchase washable wallpaper for the walls in the corridor.

Washable wallpaper vary in degree of water resistance. One type of wallpaper should be washed only with a soft, damp sponge, since it cannot withstand “roughness,” another type is not at all afraid of cleaning agents, and still others even have a positive attitude towards a rough brush. To determine the level of water resistance, there is a special watermark on the wallpaper label.

Vinyl washable wallpaper very durable and resistant to various types of influences. They are very easy to wash as they are not sensitive to various detergents. This type of wallpaper is ideal for a narrow and cramped corridor.

For those who operate on the “set it and forget it” principle, you can choose vinyl wallpaper, in which the top layer is made of silk threads. They are not at all picky about care - just occasionally wiping with a damp sponge is enough.

Glass wallpaper After pasting, you can paint it any shade. Their main difference from paintable wallpaper is their resistance to solvents, which allows you to remove outdated paint and apply a new one. They are also characterized by very high resistance to mechanical damage; dirt can be scraped off with a brush.

Cork wallpaper, the technology of which is that cork material is applied in a thin layer to paper, will also look very good in the corridor. They are highly environmentally friendly, easy to clean and durable, have a pleasant texture and excellent color range with various inclusions. But such wallpaper is only suitable for a bright room, as it absorbs quite a lot of light.

Paintable wallpaper can quickly and efficiently mask all the unevenness of the walls

Liquid wallpaper, which is applied to the wall with a spatula, can also be suitable for the corridor. The advantage is that they completely fill various irregularities and there are no seams on the coating. They can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and when applying varnish, they can be easily treated with a damp sponge.

Choosing the color scheme of wallpaper for the corridor

There are no hard and fast rules about what kind of wallpaper to put in the hallway by color, it all depends on the owner’s preferences, but there are some expert tips that can give the hallway a stylish look and hide various stains as much as possible.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing wallpaper for a corridor is lighting.

A well-lit corridor presents no problems, but a dark room requires a special trip. The color of the wallpaper for a poorly lit corridor should not be too dark and gloomy; it is better to choose light and rich colors, they will visually enlarge the space and give the feeling of sufficient illumination of the room. But it is worth noting that you should not use a very bright shade to decorate the walls of a dark corridor, as it tends to absorb light.

Choosing a wallpaper pattern for the corridor

The magic of drawing is quite powerful; it can both hide any imperfections of a surface and highlight its advantages. For example, geometric regular patterns or stripes will draw attention to the unevenness of the wall, but random color effects can mask almost any defects in the corridor.

When choosing wallpaper, you also need to take into account the size of the corridor. It is always worth remembering that a bright ornament can hide the volume of a room and make the corridor smaller, and wallpaper with a small pattern can visually enlarge a small room.

For a short and wide corridor you can select almost any wallpaper, but the choice of wallpaper for a narrow and long corridor is more challenging task. It is not recommended to glue wallpaper with large and contrasting patterns in them, since such wallpaper can hide the room - a spectacular little stuffy box will appear. A horizontal stripe will make the corridor even longer, and a vertical stripe will make it even narrower, so it is best for such a corridor to choose a simple pattern without any contrasting details.

For a wide corridor good option There will be wallpaper with a narrow vertical stripe or pattern; it will visually raise the ceiling of the room.

Textured wallpaper that imitates leather, tiles, fabric, wood or decorative plaster will look very cozy in the hallway.

If you plan to place various paintings or photographs in the corridor, then plain wallpaper is quite suitable.

Decorative techniques for the corridor

Combining wallpaper

To change the space of the corridor and make it as cozy, practical and effective as possible, you can use a combined wallpaper.

Light wallpaper at the top of the corridor, and dark wallpaper at the bottom. A light top will add light and visually expand the space, and a dark bottom will maximally protect the surface from dirt. It is important to choose the right shades. For example, a good option would be to paste the lower part of the walls with a vertical strip, and the upper part with plain or finely ornamented wallpaper. The joints can be masked with a thick baguette to match the entire design of the corridor.

Combinations are suitable for a long narrow corridor different wallpapers on opposite sides of the wall. For example, it will look impressive if on one side of the corridor you glue a vertical strip in greenish shades, and on the other - a large floral print pattern on a beige background.

Also, in a long corridor, the space near the front door can be covered with one type of wallpaper, for example dark with some kind of ornament, and the far part with another, for example, lighter shades, and an arch can be made at the junction. With this method of pasting, the corridor will not seem so narrow.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper applied to the far part of the corridor will look very original. Warm shades the surface will be visually shifted, and panoramic cool colors will increase the space.

Small photo wallpaper on one side of the corridor can be framed, resulting in an unusual landscape painting that will perfectly decorate the entire corridor design.

Wallpaper for the corridor - photos of interesting and beautiful examples decorating the corridor with wallpaper:

How to calculate the required amount of wallpaper for a corridor

Determining the required amount of wallpaper is not difficult. First you need to measure the surface. For example, you need to cover a corridor measuring 2x4 meters and 2.5 meters high. Standard width The wallpaper is 53 centimeters and the length is 10 meters.

The perimeter of the room becomes 12 meters, it must be divided by the width of the wallpaper: 12/0.53 = 22.64. We round this figure up, resulting in 23 meters of wallpaper. But, when calculating the required amount of wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account the height of the walls, therefore total length wallpaper for the corridor is: 23x2.6 = 59.8 meters (we take the height not 2.5, but 2.6, since it is necessary to take into account the alignment of the wallpaper).

Now we determine the number of rolls themselves: 59.8/10 = 5.98 pieces. So, to cover a corridor measuring 2x4 meters, 6 rolls of wallpaper are required.

But, you need to purchase approximately 2 more rolls; the leftovers will always come in handy in case of defects during pasting.

And in the end, it is worth noting that no matter what wallpaper you choose for the corridor, the main thing is that it fits as closely as possible into the rest of the design of the corridor elements - the ceiling, furniture, doors and floor. All components must be in complete harmony with each other.