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» Cuba is the official language of the country. What is the language in the cube. How are things with the Russian language in Cuba?

Cuba is the official language of the country. What is the language in the cube. How are things with the Russian language in Cuba?

Cuba(Spanish Cuba), official name- Republic of Cuba (Spanish República de Cuba), unofficial since 1959 - Freedom Island) - Island state in the northern part caribbean. The country occupies the territory of the island of Cuba as part of the Greater Antilles, Isle of Youth and many smaller islands. From North America Cuba is separated by the Strait of Florida to the north and the Yucatan Strait to the west.

The capital and largest city is Havana.

Geographical position

Cuba is located at the junction of North, Central and South America, on the island of Cuba (the largest in the West Indies), the island of Youth, as well as on the adjoining about 1600 small islands and coral reefs belonging to the Greater Antilles group. The coast is characterized by deep bays and many convenient bays. The island is framed by reefs and other coral formations.

The territory of Cuba is 111 thousand km². The island, stretching from west to east for 1250 km, is often compared to a lizard, whose body is facing the Atlantic, and the tail is located at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. In the south, Cuba is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea, in the northwest by the Gulf of Mexico, and in the northeast by the Atlantic Ocean. The distance from Cuba to the United States at the narrowest point of the Florida Strait is 180 km, to the island of Haiti through the Windward Strait - 77 km, to the island of Jamaica through the Strait of Colon - 140 km, to Mexico through the Yucatan Strait - 210 km.


The relief of Cuba is predominantly flat. Hills and mountains occupy about a third of the territory. The highest mountain range Sierra Maestra stretches along the southeast coast for 250 km. Its highest point is Turkino Peak (1972 m). The picturesque low mountains located in the west of the island are intricately dissected and poorly populated.

In Cuba, karst is developed everywhere, in connection with this, many caves are known, including large ones. So, in the west, the cave of Santo Tomas has an extensive network of underground galleries with a total length of 25 km. Often there are so-called "mogotes" - forms of tropical karst, which are hills with almost vertical slopes and flat tops. Approximately 2/3 of the entire area of ​​Cuba is occupied by slightly hilly plains. They are the most populated and developed. The shores are usually low, sometimes swampy, in many cases overgrown with mangroves. Often there are sandy beaches that stretch for many kilometers (for example, on the Hicacos Peninsula, where the famous resort of Varadero is located).


Cuba occupies one of the leading places in the world in nickel mining (2nd place in the world in terms of reserves and 3rd in production), has significant reserves of chromium, manganese, iron and copper ores, asbestos, rock salt, and phosphorites. Oil and gas fields have been discovered in the west of the country.


The climate of Cuba is tropical, trade winds. The average annual temperature is 25.5 °C. The average temperature of the coldest month (January) is 22.5°C and the hottest (August) 27.8°C. Temperature surface water near the coast in winter it is 22-24 °C, in summer - 28-30 °C. The average annual amount of precipitation, which usually falls in the form of showers, is 1400 mm, but dry years also occur frequently.

There are two distinct climatic seasons in Cuba: rainy (May-October) and dry (November-April). The rainy season accounts for 3/4 of the total annual precipitation.

A feature of Cuba's climate is typical high humidity throughout the year. The combination of high humidity and high temperature has a generally unfavorable effect on people's lives. However, on the coast, the wind from the sea moderates the heat, brings freshness, and in the evenings, coolness. In any place, the winds are distinguished by a certain constancy, so you can often see trees whose trunks also have a corresponding slope.

Cuba is subject to the action of tropical cyclones, which originate in the summer-autumn period (June - mid-November) east of the Lesser Antilles and in the west of the Caribbean Sea, then moving towards Florida. Typhoons are accompanied by heavy rains and strong winds that can cause great damage to the economy and the population of the island. The rivers in Cuba are short and shallow. Forests, covering about 10% of the territory, have been preserved only in mountainous and swampy areas. The fauna of the land is relatively poor. At the same time, in the waters surrounding Cuba there are valuable commercial fish, molluscs, lobsters, shrimps, and sponges.

Administrative division

Cuba is a unitary state. For political and administrative purposes, the national territory is divided into 14 provinces and the special municipality of Isle of Youth.

  • Isla de la Juventud (Spanish: Isla de la Juventud)
  • Pinar del Rio (Spanish: Pinar del Rio)
  • Havana (Spanish: La Habana)
  • City of Havana (Spanish: Ciudad de La Habana)
  • Matanzas (Spanish Matanzas) Cienfuegos (Spanish Cienfuegos)
  • Villa Clara (Spanish: Villa Clara)
  • Sancti Spiritus (Spanish: Sancti Spiritus)
  • Ciego de Avila (Spanish: Ciego de Avila)
  • Camagüey (Spanish Camagüey) Las Tunas (Spanish Las Tunas)
  • Granma (Spanish: Granma)
  • Holguin (Spanish Holguin)
  • Santiago de Cuba (Spanish: Santiago de Cuba)
  • Guantanamo (Spanish: Guantanamo)

The island of Cuba has Railway(Cuban Railway, Ferrocarriles de Cuba), road network. Maritime and air communications have been established with other countries. Cuba's leading airline, Cubana de Aviación, has offices in 32 countries around the world.


After Castro came to power, the development of telecommunications on the island turned out to be extremely difficult. Cuba, however, received a lot of help from the Soviet Union, which provided some resources, such as communication channels.

In 2003, there were 2 ISPs operating on the island. National

Today, Cuba has a single mobile operator - ETECSA under the brand name Cubacel. An interesting fact is that until 2008 the use of mobile services for ordinary residents of the country was prohibited. Mobile communication services were allowed to be used only by foreign citizens and senior officials of the country. After Raul Castro abolished the rules for using mobile phones in the country, the national telecom operator - the company ETECSA - from April 14, 2008 began to provide communication services for ordinary citizens. Cuba currently operates the GSM 900 standard, and in some areas of Havana and the resort of Varadero - GSM 850.


Cubans are a people of mixed origin. By the time the Spaniards arrived here, Cuba was inhabited by the tribes of Siboney, Arawak Indians, Guanachanabeys and Indians who had migrated from Haiti. But as a result of the Spanish colonization, the Indians were mostly exterminated.

Since the Spanish colonists needed a lot of labor, primarily to work on plantations, they began to import slaves from central Africa (mainly Yoruba, Ashanti, Ewe, Congo). Over 350 years, more than 1 million African slaves were imported by the Spaniards, their descendants make up 40% of the population. For the same reason, between 1853 and 1874, more than 125,000 Chinese were imported from Asia. Until now, in Havana, "China Town" has been preserved. In addition, Indian slaves were imported, but in small quantities, from Yucatan, Central and South America. In the same period, 850,000 immigrants arrived from Spain, mostly Galicians, Castilians, Navarrese, Catalans, although it should be noted that not all of them remained to live in Cuba. They are collectively called the Gallego (Galicians). From the end of the XVIII century. a large stream of French from Haiti and Louisiana also arrived here. A fairly intense flow of immigrants was also from Germany, Italy and Britain. At the beginning of the 20th century, many Americans settled in Cuba, who created their colonies on about. Pinos (present. Isle of Youth). There were very strong waves of immigration to Cuba during and after the first and second world wars, primarily Jews moved here.

Data on the racial composition of Cuba is contradictory. According to official data, the population of Cuba consists of whites - 65.1%, mulattoes - 24.8%, blacks - 10.1% (according to the 2002 census). According to the Institute for Cuban Studies at the University of Miami, 68% of Cubans are blacks and mulattos. Minority rights group International claims that 51% of the population is mulatto.

In 1953, the proportion of the white population was 84%, but then decreased, mainly as a result of emigration after the revolution.


The first European to arrive here was Columbus, who landed in the east of the archipelago in October 1492. In 1511, Diego Velasquez de Cuellar subjugated indigenous people islands, built Fort Baracoa and became the first Spanish governor of Cuba. By 1514, seven settlements had been founded. In 1515, Cuellar moved his headquarters to Santiago de Cuba, which became the first capital of Cuba. Colonization took place in the conditions of struggle with the indigenous population of the island - the Taino Indians, who made up 75% of the population.
In 1823, the first independence uprising was put down.
In 1868, the Ten Years' War for Cuban Independence began; The rebels were backed by the US. Hostilities culminated in 1872-1873, but then the rebels fought only in the eastern provinces, Camagüey and Oriente. In 1878, a peace agreement was signed that eliminated the most unpleasant legislative acts for the inhabitants of the island.
In 1895, a detachment of Cuban patriots landed in Cuba under the leadership of José Marti. This event was the starting point of a new war with the Spaniards, during which the Cubans gained control over almost the entire territory of the island, excluding major cities (see War of Independence of Cuba).
In 1898, the United States began a war with Spain, in which they won. Cuba becomes dependent on the US. The constitution stipulated the right of the United States to send troops to the territory of the country. This clause was abolished in 1934.
In 1933, as a result of a coup organized by revolutionaries led by Sergeant Fulgencio Batista, the dictator Gherardo Machado y Morales was overthrown and a democratic regime was established.
On March 10, 1952, Fulgencio Batista carried out a coup d'état and established a personal dictatorship.
On July 26, 1953, a group of revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro attempted to take over the Moncada barracks. The attempt was unsuccessful, and the participants in the assault ended up in prison, but this event became the starting point of the Cuban revolution. In 1955 the revolutionaries were granted amnesty. On December 2, 1956, a new group of revolutionaries landed from the Granma yacht in the east of the island and began military operations against the Batista government.
On January 1, 1959, the dictator Batista fled Cuba. At that moment, the rebel forces occupied the city of Santa Clara in the center of the island and controlled large areas of the area in the east, although the capital was not in immediate danger, and Batista remained at the disposal of significant military forces. Amid the power vacuum created by Batista's flight, on January 8, the rebel column entered Havana, where it was greeted with popular rejoicing.

As a result of the victory of the revolution, the government of the "left" orientation, headed by Fidel Castro, received power in Cuba, which then leaned towards the path of building socialism and is in power to this day. The ruling and only permitted party of the country is communist party Cuba. The government of Fidel Castro carried out agrarian reform, the nationalization of industrial assets, launched broad social transformations, which alienated many groups of the population, the result of the same process was the mass emigration of dissatisfied people, mainly to the United States, where a large diaspora of opponents of Castro and his policies was created.
In April 1961, Cuban emigrants, with the active support of the United States, landed an armed landing on the southern coast of the island with the goal of organizing a mass uprising against the policy of the new government in the future, but the intervention was quickly suppressed, and the expected social explosion did not occur. Subsequently, emigrant organizations repeatedly organized terrorist attacks and small-scale landings on Cuba, but without much result.

From the early 1960s to the early 1990s, Cuba was an ally of the USSR, which provided significant financial, economic and political support, actively supported the Marxist rebels and the Marxist regimes of Latin America (Puerto Rico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Bolivia, Peru , Brazil, Argentina, Chile), Africa (Ethiopia, Angola) and Asia, and also pursued a policy of providing humanitarian assistance to various countries of the world. In the late 1980s, more than 70,000 Cubans were abroad on military and humanitarian missions.

Immediately with the revolution of 1959, political repressions began (see repressions during the reign of Castro), primarily directed against the figures of the overthrown regime of the dictator Batista and CIA agents.

Castro reacted negatively to the perestroika policy in the USSR and even banned the distribution of a number of Soviet publications in Cuba (Moscow News, Novoye Vremya, etc.), and at the same time supported Gorbachev's main opponent, Yeltsin. According to Yeltsin's memoirs, Castro expressed sympathy for him both during the years of disgrace and later, after he came to power, despite the obvious anti-socialist nature of the reforms in Russia.

With the collapse of the USSR, Cuba suffered huge economic losses (up to half of GDP), and analysts predicted the imminent fall of the Castro government, but by 1994 the situation had basically stabilized, and the country's economic condition is currently assessed by international organizations as quite satisfactory.

On February 19, 2008, through the Granma newspaper, Fidel Castro announced his resignation from the post of chairman of the State Council and commander-in-chief of the Cuban troops. “To my dear fellow citizens, who have given me the immeasurable honor of electing me as a member of Parliament, in which the most important decisions for the fate of the revolution will be made, I inform you that I do not intend and will not give my consent to take the post of Chairman of the State Council and Commander-in-Chief,” it says. in circulation.

Certain fears for the political stability of Cuba among observers are caused by the process of transfer of power from Fidel Castro to his heirs.

State structure

State administration is a republic. The legislature is a unicameral parliament (National Assembly).

Executive power belongs to the Chairman of the State Council (Head of State) and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Head of Government).


Advantages: The tourism industry attracts foreign investors. Export of sugar and nickel. Elite cigars. The banking sector is strengthening.

Weaknesses: Due to the US embargo, lack of access to important markets and investments. Acute currency deficit. Fluctuations in world prices for sugar and nickel. Sophisticated trade restrictions and a lack of regulation discourage investment. Bad infrastructure. Shortage of fuel, fertilizers and spare parts. Hurricane damage in 2001

There are different points of view regarding the level of development of Cuba before the revolution. According to a number of sources, in terms of GNP per capita, Cuba was ahead of Spain and Japan at that time. Robin Blackburn also wrote that Cuba was one of the richest countries in the underdeveloped category. Professor Maurice Halperin, who worked in Cuba immediately after the revolution, objected to the use of the term "underdeveloped" for pre-revolutionary Cuba, which, in his words, caused false associations with truly backward countries, and suggested calling it "medium developed." On the other hand, the Groningen Growth and Development Centre, having carried out their own retrospective calculations using a special method, received data stating that Cuba in 1958 was inferior to these countries and a number of Latin American ones.

According to statistics, in 1951 there were 122 thousand cars in Cuba for 5.5 million people, that is, 1 car for 41 people. At the same time, according to the authors of the Area Handbook for Cuba, “all this, as a fact, does not matter, since there were de facto two Cubas, in one the elite lived beautifully and comfortably, and in the other the most necessary things for life were not available ".

In 1960, a massive nationalization of the private sector was carried out. Currently, Cuba has one of the most state-owned economies in the world. In the second half of the 1960s. the government has been trying to abandon central planning in favor of sectoral planning and is moving towards experiments involving morale incentives and wide application free forced labor. The fall in the level of production and the avoidance of forced labor forced a return to Soviet-style central planning. In the 1970s - 80s. with the help of the countries of the socialist block in Cuba, the basis of the industry is being created.

After the collapse of the USSR, there was a reduction in purchases of Cuban sugar and the cessation of economic assistance. For 1989-1993 Cuba's GDP has shrunk by a third. Economic collapse was averted by opening up the country to foreign capital in industry and tourism.

Venezuela (Hugo Chavez is a personal friend of Fidel Castro) provides Cuba with cheap oil; Cuba provides Venezuela with medical care.

According to official data, in 2006 GDP growth amounted to 12.5%. According to the CIA handbook, in 2007 real GDP growth was 7%.

The main branch of the Cuban economy is the sugar industry. The capacities of sugar factories in Cuba are capable of processing 670 thousand tons of sugar cane per day (production of 9-9.5 million tons of sugar per year). In the past, the industry developed extensively thanks to the support of the CMEA.

The Cuban government, in order to attract foreign investment, creates free economic zones (FEZs). In 1996, a law was adopted on the procedure for the creation and functioning of free economic zones. The term of the concession for the right to operate in the SEZ is 50 years. In 1997, three SEZs (Mariel, Havana City and Wahai) began to operate.

Exports ($3.8 billion in 2008) - sugar, nickel, tobacco, seafood, medical products, citrus fruits, coffee. The main export partners are China (28%), Canada (25%), Spain (6%), the Netherlands (5%), Iran (4%).

In November 2004, during a visit to Cuba by Chinese President Hu Jintao, an agreement was reached that China would invest $500 million in Cuba's nickel industry. In January 2008, Brazilian President Lula da Silva and the head of the state oil company Petrobras, Jose Sergio Gabrielli, who visited Cuba, announced their intention to invest $500 million in the exploration of Cuban hydrocarbon deposits in the Gulf of Mexico and the construction of an industrial oil plant in Cuba.

Cuba imports ($14.5 billion in 2008) - petroleum products, food, industrial equipment, chemical products. The main import partners are Venezuela (31.5%), China (11.8%), Spain (10.6%), Canada (6.7%), USA (6.6%).

The banking system of Cuba consists of the Central Bank, 8 commercial banks, 13 non-banking financial institutions, 13 representative offices of foreign banks and 4 representative offices of foreign financial institutions. There are 2 types of currency in Cuba. Citizens of Cuba receive black and white Cuban pesos, foreigners receive colored (convertible) pesos when exchanging currency. Western means mass media reported on the currency fraud of the top Cuban leadership and the family of F. Castro.

Since 1962, a card system has been operating in Cuba, products are issued according to the same norms for the whole country. According to Cuban experts, at present, the population receives from 40 to 54 percent of the minimum required calories from products distributed by cards. Milk is given free of charge by the state to children under 6 years of age or purchased by the population in the market. During all the post-revolutionary years, there was a black market in Cuba. A number of goods, the distribution of which by cards is carried out irregularly or intended only for beneficiaries, are still purchased on the black market.

In 2008, Cubans were allowed to buy cell phones, computers, and DVD players, as well as 19- and 24-inch TVs, electric pressure cookers and electric bicycles, car alarms, and microwaves(but only for convertible currency). About 100 thousand cars are registered in the country, of which 60 thousand are old American cars that were on the island before the revolution.

According to the BBC broadcaster, there is an increase in prostitution and corruption in Cuba. The average monthly salary in Cuba is $12, but there are many government benefits. For example, free clothes are given to workers. There is a system of free medical care and free higher and secondary education.

Foreign policy


August 23, 2004 - President of Panama Mireya Moscoso announced the recall of the Panamanian ambassador from Cuba in response to a warning made on August 22 by the Cuban Foreign Ministry about its readiness to break off diplomatic relations with Panama if its authorities pardon the criminals who were preparing an assassination attempt on Fidel Castro. At the same time, the President of Panama noted that the recall of the Panamanian ambassador from Havana does not mean a break in diplomatic relations between the two countries.
August 25, 2004 - Cuban Ambassador to Panama Carlos Zamora, at the request of the Panamanian authorities, left for his homeland. Before leaving, he made a statement to the press, in which he noted that "Cuba considers it its duty to achieve an exemplary punishment of the terrorists" who were preparing an assassination attempt on Fidel Castro. In March 2004, the Supreme Court of Panama sentenced six conspirators detained in Panama in 2000 to prison terms. The new President of Panama, Martin Torrijos, who takes office on September 1, expressed the hope that the Panama-Cuban conflict would be resolved on the basis of mutual "respect and common sense."


From the very beginning of the revolution in Cuba, the attitude of the leadership of the CPSU towards the Island of Freedom was ambiguous, in a sense similar to the position regarding the SFRY. First, neither the Castro brothers nor their associates were formally Leninists. Their theoretical base was limited to the legacy of Marx and Engels. Secondly, among other things, Cuba was fundamentally not part of military blocs. Highly appreciating freedom, Cuba, starting from the Belgrade Conference (Yugoslavia, September 1-6, 1961), was one of the most active participants in the Non-Aligned Movement. She joined the CMEA only in 1972.

January 21, 1964 - The USSR and Cuba signed a long-term agreement on the supply of sugar to the USSR.

Relations between Cuba and Russia changed after the collapse of the USSR, which, in particular, was caused by the cessation of economic assistance to Cuba and the reduction of the Soviet (Russian) military presence on the island. Soviet military bases were placed here in the early 1960s. Their existence was based on an agreement between the Soviet and American leadership reached after the "Caribbean crisis" in 1962. In 2001, the last Russian military base in Cuba was closed, and all remaining Russian troops were withdrawn from Liberty Island. Recently, since November 2008, there has been a revival of interest in building relations between Russia and Cuba that are economic, political, scientific and social in nature.

The United States owns the Guantanamo Bay military base in Cuba. The military base of Guantanamo Bay is located on the territory of southeastern Cuba, occupied by the United States under a 1901 treaty, which the Cuban authorities later abandoned. In January 2002, a prison for suspected international terrorism was established at the base, where the first 20 people accused of participating in hostilities on the side of the Taliban were brought from Afghanistan.

In relation to Cuba in 1961, the United States introduced an embargo regime, any ties with Cuba were prohibited, US sanctions against Cuba continue to operate as of 2008; this blockade is regularly condemned by the UN General Assembly.

However, now the US share in Cuba's imports is 6.6% (in 2008).

In 1962, the US Department of Defense planned Operation Northwoods, the purpose of which was to prepare American public opinion for an armed invasion of Cuba and the overthrow of the government of Fidel Castro. The operation was part of the Mongoose operation, developed by the US government at the initiative of President John F. Kennedy, directed against Cuba, and involved the implementation of terrorist acts with imaginary and / or real victims in the United States, Cuba and other countries, including hijacking, imitation of hostile actions under a false flag, state-organized acts of terror. However, Kennedy rejected the project.

In 2001, five Cuban agents (the "Cuban Five") were sentenced to long prison terms in the United States. According to them, they transmitted information about the upcoming terrorist attacks against Cuba.

In 2006, a committee was created at the US State Department to develop US policy towards Cuba in the event of the death of Fidel Castro.

Participation in international organizations

Cuba is a member of the WTO and the World Customs Organization. Participates in international agreements - the New York Convention on International Arbitration, the Paris Convention and the Madrid Protocol.


On the eve of the revolution, there were 6,000 doctors in Cuba, that is, 1 doctor per 1,000 people, which was equal to France. However, unlike developed countries, Cuba did not have a system of health insurance and cheap or free social medicine. Therefore, for example, the infant mortality rate was 100-110 per 1,000, which corresponded to the level of the most backward countries of Western Europe—Spain and pre-war Italy.

Immediately after the revolution, about 3 thousand doctors left the country. However, this shortcoming was filled by the organization of the medical education system.

Currently, the Cuban health care system is considered one of the best in the world and has extensive primary health care and scientific development programs. A 2009 CIA estimate put the average life expectancy in Cuba at 77.45 years. Cuba has the lowest infant mortality rate among Latin American countries. All types of medical care are free.

Public spending on health care (2004): 5.5% of GDP.


Cuba has a traditionally high educational level of the population. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there has been a system of state free 9-grade elementary education for children from 6 to 14 years old (the ninth grade was optional, the rest are mandatory). In 1932, 90% of children attended elementary schools (state and church). school age. In 1951, illiterates accounted for 22% of the adult population, which was lower than in Spain and pre-war Italy.

In 1961, a massive campaign to eradicate illiteracy began. As a result, in 1980 the number of illiterates was only 2%, and in 1990 Cuba became a country of complete literacy. A public secondary and higher school was created. During the 1960s, the number of students doubled (from 717,000 to 1.5 million) with a population growth of 1-2% per year. In total, counting all stages of education, the number of people covered by them has tripled.

At present, Cuba has a compulsory nine-grade education (the average is a 12-grade education). There are 50 higher education centers. Education at all levels is free.

The main educational institution of the country is the University of Havana, located in different parts capital Cities. Until 1999, Russian was also taught there as the main foreign language (faculty of the Pais brothers). The work of this faculty was supervised by the Central Moscow State University. After 1999, English became such. Other universities in Cuba: Agrarian University of Havana.

Budget spending on education (2002-05): 9% of GDP.



Independent Cuban painting arose only at the end of the 19th century. In the 1930s, artists who visited Europe got acquainted with modern artistic trends there and brought them to Cuba. So, Marcelo Pogolotti used cubism to create images on topics related to the poverty of the Cuban people. The most famous Cuban artist, Wifredo Lam, painted in a surrealist style. Mario Carreño was greatly influenced by the work of Mexican muralists. Jorge Arche is known for his portraits, similar in style to those of other Latin American artists of the 1930s.

The science

Illiteracy was virtually eradicated in Cuba in 1961. Education here is free at all levels. primary school up to higher educational institutions- and compulsory until the end of the ninth grade. All graduates of primary, secondary, complete high school and technical schools are guaranteed the opportunity to continue their studies, and graduates of higher educational institutions are guaranteed the right to work. Since 1959 higher education in Cuba became available to everyone. Now there are about 700,000 people with higher education in the country. Out of every seven Cuban workers, one has a diploma from a higher educational institution.

The country has about 9,500 primary schools, about 2,000 secondary and 48 higher educational institutions. The school is considered the basic cultural institution.

There are more than 170 research institutes in Cuba.

After the victory of the Revolution today in Cuba, about 630 thousand people graduated from higher educational institutions in various specialties, and millions received secondary education. The illiteracy rate (among the population aged ten years and over) is 3.8 percent.

There are 1,115 kindergartens in the country attended by 145.1 thousand children. Kindergarten services are used by 135,000 working mothers.

The total number of primary school students - 1,028,900 children of secondary school students - 778 thousand; students of higher educational institutions - 127 thousand. More than 100 thousand people are covered by the system of secondary and higher evening and correspondence education.

There are 9,487 elementary schools, 1,943 secondary schools and 48 institutions of higher education in Cuba. There are a total of 17.8 teachers for every thousand inhabitants. 9 percent of GDP is allocated for education. The country allocates significant funds for scientific research, in particular, related to human health, in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering, the production of vaccines and numerous medicines; the results of these studies have received universal recognition. All this became possible thanks to the existence of significant human resources, including highly qualified specialists trained within the framework of the national education system.

Cuba also ranks 4-5 among the countries of Latin America (and 51 in the world) according to the UN classification in terms of Human Development.


In Cuba, the church is separated from the state, and the Cuban Constitution guarantees freedom of religion for the people. The most common religion is Catholic.

Despite the peculiarities of socialism as a socio-political system that has dominated the country for many decades, Cubans are quite religious. Even members of the Cuban Communist Party are not prohibited from attending churches. Catholic churches exist throughout the country. Even after the victory of the revolution, masses are celebrated daily and solemn services are held on national or local religious holidays.

With the arrival of black slaves on the island, various beliefs of African origin spread. Over time, three main currents were formed from them, which still exist and are popular today. These are Regla de Ocha (Spanish: Regla de Ocha) or Santeria (Spanish: Santeria), Las Reglas de Palo (Spanish: Las Reglas de Palo) and La Sociedad Secret Abakua (Spanish: La Sociedad Secreta Abacu). As a result of the historical process, a mixture of Catholic dogmas and African cults was also formed. For example, the Most Pure Virgin of Mercy of Cobra is considered by Catholics to be the patroness of Cuba. In Santeria, she goes by the name Ochun.

In recent years, there have been Protestant churches especially in the provinces.


Sports in Cuba are available to everyone, and this mass nature of it allows you to constantly replenish national teams in various types sports that brought important world and Olympic awards to the small Caribbean island. Cuba is the birthplace of world famous athletes. Baseball, boxing, athletics and volleyball stand out among the sports.

Armed forces

The Cuban Army (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias - FAR) is the main armed formation of Cuba, providing its national defense.

The Cuban constitution indicates that the president of the country is the supreme commander and determines the structure of its army.

The Cuban army includes the following units:
Ground troops
Air Force and Air Defense.

The Cuban army is under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Raul Castro.

The daily newspaper of the Island of Freedom "Granma", bears the name of the yacht of the same name, on which a group of revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro landed in Cuba to carry out a guerrilla struggle against the Batista regime. The newspaper is the official guide and promoter of the policies pursued by the Cuban Communist Party (CCP). Once a week, Granma Internacional is published in English. Also, the press of Cuba is represented by such publications devoted to the problems of economy, tourism, finance, culture, politics, such as Opciones, Bohemia, Juventud Rebelde, Trabajadores.

Having learned what language is in Cuba, they sit down at Spanish textbooks and try to learn at least basic phrases and expressions. Indeed, almost the entire population of Cuba does not speak other than Cuban-Spanish, no other language.

It is possible that during your trip you will come across a Cuban who knows Russian, but it will be a person who studied in the Soviet Union, and there are very few such people.

There is another category of Cubans who speak English - these are the so-called friends. These are young Cubans who are trying to make money on foreigners and pester them on the streets. They always begin their appeal to a tourist with the phrase: “My Friend”. Hence the name of these "friends" of the white man. Friends themselves understand that not knowing in English, they will not be able to earn anything in Cuba, so they teach him intensively. They make money on tourists by offering to find accommodation, a girl, cheap cigars, a restaurant and coke. They will walk with you all day and you will have to support them, i.e. buy them food and drinks if you went to a bar with them.

When you ask Cubans what language they learned in school in Cuba, the most common answer is English. Although in practice it turns out that they do not even understand basic words such as "Hello", "Yes" and "No". It is impossible to explain this phenomenon.

So what language is spoken in Cuba, and what should tourists who do not know Spanish do? The answer is simple, you need to learn Spanish and learn it seriously, because you won’t agree with the local population on your fingers. They do not understand sign language, unlike Asians.

If you are flying through a travel agency, you will most likely arrive in Varadero, where you will probably not need Spanish if you do not leave the hotel into the city. If you go on excursions with a Russian-speaking guide, then you will not need Spanish either. But if you are an independent traveler, then before the trip, go to Spanish courses. And remember that Cuban pronunciation of words is different from Spanish.

brief information

Liberty Island was discovered by Christopher Columbus on October 27, 1492. After that, the Spaniards tried to colonize it for four centuries and turn it into their overseas province. The British and Americans also wanted to succeed in this later. However, none of them managed to establish their own rules there. Therefore, even now they say about Cuba that it is the “Island of Freedom”. Cuba is famous all over the world for its carnivals, dances, songs, boxing, volleyball, Cuban cigars and Cuban rum, beautiful sea and magnificent beaches.

Geography of Cuba

The island nation of Cuba is located in the Caribbean Sea. It consists of the islands of Cuba, Youthud and several other archipelagos. The United States is located 180 kilometers north of Cuba, and Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic are located to the south and southeast. The total area of ​​the country is 110,860 sq. km.

Cuba is the largest island in the entire Caribbean. Most of its territory is plains. Mountain systems can be found only in the west, in the center and in the southeast. The highest peak is Turquino peak in the Sierra Maestra mountain range, whose height reaches 1,974 meters.

The coast of the island of Cuba is indented with picturesque bays and bays, and near the coast there are beautiful coral reefs. In general, there are about 4,000 thousand islands and reefs near Cuba.


Havana is the capital of the state of Cuba. More than 2.3 million people now live in this city. Havana was founded by the Spaniards in 1515 on the site of an ancient Indian settlement.

Official language of Cuba

The official language is Spanish.


More than 60% of the population identify themselves as Catholics, but only about 5% of them attend church regularly.

State structure

According to the 1992 Constitution, Cuba is a socialist republic in which the "leading force of society and state" is the Communist Party. The First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba also acts as the President of this state.

The local parliament is called the National Assembly, it consists of 609 deputies elected for a 5-year term. Executive power is vested in the Council of State and the Council of Ministers, which consists of 31 ministers.

Administratively, the country is divided into 15 provinces, which in turn are divided into 168 municipalities, and one special municipality (Khuventud).

Climate and weather

The climate is subtropical, the average annual air temperature is about +27C. The hurricane season lasts from July to mid-November. Most often, hurricanes and tropical storms occur in September and October.

You can practically relax in Cuba all year round but the best time is winter months when there is no rain.

Average air temperature in Cuba:

  1. January - +26C
  2. February - +27C
  3. March - +28С
  4. April - +29C
  5. May - +31C
  6. June - +30C
  7. July - +30C
  8. August - +32С
  9. september - +31C
  10. october - +29C
  11. November - +27C
  12. december - +26C

Sea in Cuba

The island of Cuba is surrounded on all sides by the Caribbean Sea. Off the coast there are beautiful coral reefs.

The average temperature of the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Cuba:

  1. January - +25С
  2. February - +24C
  3. March - +24С
  4. April - +26C
  5. May - +27C
  6. June - +27C
  7. July - +28С
  8. August - +28С
  9. september - +28C
  10. october - +28C
  11. November - +27C
  12. december - +27С

Rivers and lakes

Several rivers flow through Cuba. The largest of them is the Cauto River, which begins in the Sierra Maestra mountains in the province of Santiago (its length is 370 km). The Almendares River flows through Havana, supplying the capital drinking water. In general, there are several hundred rivers and small streams on this island.

History of Cuba

On October 27, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in Cuba, and since then the modern history of this island, and then the state, begins. At the beginning of the 17th century, Diego Velasquez founded the first seven settlement cities on the island - Baracoa, Bayamo, Santiago de Cuba, Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus, Camaguey and Havana. In the process of colonization, the Spaniards almost completely destroyed the indigenous population. During the 4 centuries of Spanish domination, tens of thousands of slaves from Africa were imported to Cuba.

The Spanish occupation of Cuba ended only at the end of the 19th century, but the country became politically dependent on the United States.

On January 1, 1959, the Revolution won in Cuba, and the country embarked on the path of building socialism. One of the leaders of the Revolution, along with Camilo Cienfuegos and Ernesto Che Guevara, was Fidel Castro.

In April 1961, the Americans attempted to overthrow the Cuban government led by Fidel Castro, but their mercenaries were defeated in the Bay of Pigs.

Some capitalist countries, including the United States, have not yet lifted economic sanctions against Cuba, which hinders the development of this amazing country.


Cuban culture has been shaped by Spanish, African, French and Asian influences and is therefore known for its diversity. This country has become the birthplace of many musical styles and dances, among them the most popular are mambo and cha-cha-cha.

However, Cuba is known in the world not only for music and dancing, but also for sports achievements in boxing and volleyball. Sports can also be considered a reflection of cultural traditions.

Cuba cannot be imagined without festivals. For example, every summer Havana hosts the famous Chariot Carnival, during which special stages with music and dance groups drive through the streets of the Cuban capital for three days, and street processions of musicians are also held. In general, the Carnival in Havana lasts, as a rule, 12 days, and the legendary cabaret Tropicana, founded in 1939, takes part in it.

Also in Havana, fairs of folk crafts are regularly held in the summer, in which various musical, dance and theater groups participate.

Every September, the festival of traditional Cuban music Festival del Son takes place in Santiago de Cuba. This holiday lasts for four days.

Cuisine of Cuba

Cuban cuisine has been heavily influenced by Spanish culinary traditions. Many Cuban dishes are very similar to those served in Andalusia (southern Spain). However, African, Portuguese, French, Arabic and even Chinese culinary traditions have also influenced Cuban cuisine.

The main food products are potatoes, malanga, yucca, wheat, fish and seafood (especially lobster), meat (chicken and pork), rice, bananas, vegetables, beans. Hot spices are rarely used.

Tourists are advised to try "Moros y Cristianos" (black beans with rice), "Arroz con Pollo" (yellow rice with chicken), "Ropa Vieja" (beef fillet pieces), "Ajiaco" (vegetable stew with meat and garlic), " Fufú" (mashed boiled green bananas, often served with meat), "Piccadillo" (spiced beef with tomatoes and onions). Popular desserts are Helado (ice cream) and Galletas (sweet biscuits).

The traditional soft drink is coffee. The best Cuban coffee comes from the Sierra Maestra.

Traditional alcoholic drinks are rum and rum cocktails. Every self-respecting Cuban bartender should know at least 100 cocktail recipes with rum or other alcoholic drinks.

Sights of Cuba

Most of the monuments of Cuban culture belong to the colonial era. Several monuments are considered objects world heritage UNESCO:

  1. Historic Center of Havana Vieja and Fort (Havana)
  2. Old City of Trinidad (Sancti Spiritus)
  3. Sugar mills around Trinidad (Sancti Spiritus)
  4. Fortifications of San Pedro de la Roca del Morro (Santiago de Cuba)
  5. Ruins of the French coffee plantation La Gran Piedra (Santiago de Cuba)
  6. Desembarco del Granma National Park

Tourists are of great interest National parks"Alexander Humboldt", Almendares and Sierra Maestra, Los Indios Reserve and Punta Frances Marine Park.

Cities and resorts

Most big cities- Santiago de Cuba, Camaguey, Santa Clara, Holguin, Bayamo, Cienfuegos, Guantanamo, Holguin, and, of course, Havana.

Cuba is world famous for its beach resorts, which are visited by residents of Europe and North America. The most popular of them are Varadero, Cayo Guillermo, Cayo Coco, Cayo Largo and Holguin. Every year in Varadero, for example, more than 1 million tourists rest (about 45% of them are foreigners).

Most local resorts offer tourists a well-developed recreation infrastructure, with restaurants, discos, nightclubs and entertainment shows in hotels. All resorts have excellent opportunities for beach holiday, including diving, sea excursions and yacht trips.


The most popular souvenirs from Cuba are any items depicting Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, products folk art, ceramics, Cuban coffee, coffee cups, Cuban cigars and rum.

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00-15:00

The shops:
Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00
Sat: 10:00-14:00

Tue-Sat: 09:00-17:00
Sun: 08:00-13:00


Ukrainians need a visa to visit Cuba.


There are two currencies in circulation in Cuba - the Cuban peso (CUP) and the convertible peso (CUC). Tourists must exchange dollars for convertible pesos. $100 = 87 CUC. In turn, 1 dollar = approximately 24 Cuban pesos. Credit cards not widely distributed.

Customs restrictions

The state of Cuba occupies the island of the same name and many other smaller ones that are part of the Greater Antilles. At the same time, most of the country is the island of Cuba, whose area is 105,000 square kilometers. And all the other island possessions of the Cuban state account for less than 5% of its area. It is worth noting that after the conflict between the United States and Spain, the American military received the right to a small plot of land in the province of Guantanamo, where to this day there is a world-famous military base with a once secret CIA prison. From all sides, Cuba is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea, and the beaches along almost the entire coastline of the country are considered among the best in the world.

Absolutely all beaches in Cuba are free and belong to local municipalities. Only some hotels are assigned small areas shores where there are no locals.

Where is Cuba located and what is the climate like there

Cuba has an amazing warm and mild climate, which is due to its geographic location. From the famous American state of Florida, Cuba is separated by a small Strait of Florida, the width of which does not exceed 153 kilometers. A warm current runs along the surface of this strait, which can be considered part of the Gulf Stream. Due to the abundant warm sea currents along the coast of the island, even in winter, the water temperature on the beaches of Cuba does not drop below 22 ° C, and in summer this figure is at the level of 27-29 ° C. In general, the climate in Cuba is tropical trade winds, which in practice means a clear division into two seasons: rainy and dry. Rain falls on Cuba from May to October, and dry and sunny weather can be enjoyed from November to April.

Cuba is separated by a small sea from the Yucatan Peninsula, which is a territory of Mexico. Surrounded by Liberty Island there are also such heavenly corners like the Bahamas, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. From these geographical objects, Cuba is separated by small straits with a width of 70 to 160 kilometers.

In clear weather, Florida can be seen from the northern coast of Cuba, as the distance here does not exceed 150 kilometers. America's proximity is also used by illegal immigrants crossing the strait in makeshift ships.

How to get to Cuba from Russia

The total flight time to Fidel's homeland will be about 12 hours. Direct flights from Russia are operated by Transaero and Aeroflot, whose planes arrive in Havana and Varadero, a resort town in the north of Cuba, whose beaches are the best in this part of the world, according to UNESCO. Usually straight regular flights to Cuba can be counted only from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Most charter flights also depart from the airports of the capital's air hubs, so travelers should find convenient connecting flights in advance.

Geography of Cuba

The island of Cuba, which is part of the Greater Antilles, is located in the Caribbean Sea. The length of the island is 1,199 km, the area of ​​​​its territory is 105,006 square meters. km. Most of the island is occupied by hilly plains, in the southeast of the island there are the Sierra Maestra mountains with the highest point in the country - Turquino Peak (1975 m).

State structure of Cuba

The Socialist Republic of Cuba is headed by the President of the Republic of Cuba, who is elected by the National Assembly of People's Power for a five-year term. The main judicial body of the country is the Supreme Court of Cuba. The main body of executive power of the country is the National Assembly of People's Power.

Weather in Cuba

The peak tourist season in Cuba falls on Christmas, Easter and in the summer months - July and August, when hotels and other service businesses raise prices. In July and August, Cuba has very hot, dry weather. The best time to visit Cuba is between January and May (worth warm weather, no threat of hurricanes).

Language of Cuba

Spanish is the official language of Cuba and is spoken by most of the country's population. Immigrants speak Catalan and Corsican. English, German and Italian are the languages ​​of tourism.

Religion in Cuba

About half of the Cuban population are adherents of Catholicism. About 4% of the population professes Protestantism, local folk beliefs are also common on the island.

Currency of Cuba

The monetary unit of Cuba is the Cuban convertible peso (CUC) and the Cuban peso (CUP). Basically, the country uses Cuban convertible pesos.

Foreign currency can be exchanged at bank branches and exchange offices international airports. The commission for the exchange of US dollars is 8%.

International bank cards are accepted in major hotels, restaurants and shops.

Customs restrictions

It is forbidden to import into the country weapons, narcotic and psychotropic substances, antiquities, precious metals. It is allowed to export cigars (23 pcs).

You can import duty-free:

  • Tobacco products (200 pcs.)
  • perfumery
  • Medicines and items for personal use.


In Cuba, it is customary to leave 10% of the bill for tea. The hotel maids leave 1 dollar.


Tourists bring jewelry from Liberty Island from corals, tortoise shell, national musical instruments(e.g. bongos). Do not deny yourself the pleasure of capturing the famous Cuban rum and Cuban cigars from Cuba. Don't forget the famous Cuban blouse, the guiabera.

Office Hours

Banks are open from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 15:00 (Mon-Fri), on Saturday they are open from 8:30 to 10:30. Sunday is a day off.

Most shops in the country are open from 9 am to 6 pm Monday through Friday. Do not forget about the midday siesta, when all commercial establishments are closed. On Saturday, shops are open from 9 am to 3 pm. Large supermarkets in tourist centers open at 10 am and close at 8 pm.

Photo and video shooting

Photo and video filming of strategically important objects (airports, bridges), as well as military equipment is prohibited.


Cuba has a generally calm criminal environment, however, in Central Havana there is a high probability of being robbed, especially at night.


Cuba has fairly high standards of medical care. Most types of medicines can be found in local pharmacies. Tourists are advised to take out medical insurance before entering the country. IN major cities tourists are provided with modern clinics with English-speaking staff.

Mains voltage:


Code of the country:


First level geographic domain name:


Emergency Phones:

National Police: 82-0116
Fire brigade: 81-1115
Ambulance: 24-2811

Representative offices of Cuba in the territory of the Russian Federation: