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» The best time to sow pepper seeds for seedlings. February and March dates for sowing pepper seeds for seedlings. Planting pepper seeds and growing seedlings

The best time to sow pepper seeds for seedlings. February and March dates for sowing pepper seeds for seedlings. Planting pepper seeds and growing seedlings

Growing peppers is in many ways similar to tomato concerns - after all, both of these crops belong to the nightshade family. They require special care; growing them in Russian latitudes is not a problem, and therefore such vegetables are extremely popular. But still, there are some subtleties in this matter - and in this article we will tell you when to plant pepper seedlings, how to properly care for them and how to prepare them for planting. permanent place.

Planning planting: when to sow seeds?

But some novice gardeners rightly ask the question: why not just throw the seeds into the ground? Well, you can experiment: if you just do this, the pepper will ripen a full 20 days later than if you grew it from seedlings. And it is not a fact that all plants will survive until this time.

Planting seeds traditionally begins at the end of February. If you have a good greenhouse, then you can do it earlier. Also, at home, everything can be organized even in winter, but then specially purchase fluorescent lamps for additional lighting.

Choosing a variety: for salad or pickling?

As for choosing seeds, first decide what exactly you are going to grow. If these are large-fruited peppers with thick flesh, then take varieties such as “Winnie the Pooh”, “California Miracle” and the like. But for conservation, varieties such as “Kupets” and “Topolin” are more suitable. Also pay close attention to the shelf life of the seeds - the longer it is, the worse it is, and then you will wonder why, with all the careful care, the sprouts grew so frail.

To be more sure, pour warm salted water over the seeds - take half a teaspoon of salt per glass. Mix well, and after 7-8 minutes, drain the water along with whatever floats on its surface. But we keep the drowned ones for ourselves - wash them and dry them on thick paper.

So, when should you sow a vegetable? Let's put it this way: for central Russia this is the end of February - the beginning of March. To the south - earlier, to the north - a little later.

Preparing soil for pepper seedlings

The simplest recipe for growing soil is this: a bucket of garden soil + a bucket of compost + a bucket of black peat + a glass of ash. It’s even easier to buy ready-made soil for growing in a store. Fill the containers with soil for? from height. Firm lightly with your hand and water generously.

Processing seeds for seedlings

Select from available best seeds: purely visually, simply throwing away the deformed and dried out ones. The rest are spread out into several folded gauze, wrapped and placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. The color of the latter should be bright.

To “activate” a vegetable good growth, you can soak its seeds for half an hour in the following solutions:

  • "Energen";
  • "Zircon";
  • "Silk";
  • "Novosil".

Such sowing will allow you to get the first shoots within a week!

Some tips from an experienced gardener:

We germinate, grow and dive

You can soak the seeds like this: keep them in water (40°C) for 20 minutes, and then wrap them in damp cloth until roots appear. Next, prepare a container for growing seedlings: glasses, boxes, cassettes or crates. Fill them with soil and water with a solution of potassium permanganate. Using your fingers, make holes up to 1.5 cm deep, so that the distance between them is about 4 cm. Place two grains in each hole and sprinkle with earth. Do not water, just cover with film and place in a warm place.

By the way, not everyone puts seedlings in a dark corner first - some experienced gardeners They believe that it is not normal for a newly hatched sprout to struggle to find even a drop of light. Handle the sprouted seeds very carefully, plant carefully and with the root facing downwards.

After 10-14 days, shoots will appear, and then the sprouts will need to be immediately placed in a bright place and started to be watered. From time to time, feed from mineral fertilizers. Water the soil well, but do not let it stagnate. Water the plant with water at room temperature, preferably thawed water. This needs to be done regularly, because peppers, unlike tomatoes, do not tolerate drought well. Spraying the plants from time to time won't hurt either.

It is advisable that the peppers still receive light, otherwise the sprouts will stretch out. The most important thing is to avoid cold; the seeds do not tolerate it very well. Keep the seedlings only in a bright and warm room, at a temperature strictly in the range of 21-28°C. If it drops to 13°C, the pepper will stop growing.

But vegetables don’t like diving - they can even seriously slow down their development. Therefore, it is better to immediately plant them in a normal container, one seed in each glass. But, if there is no other option, make a pick as soon as you notice three leaves on the plants - this will already be the 15th or 20th day after the appearance of the first shoots. You need to plant the vegetable in looser containers with moistened soil, and then put all the seedlings in the shade for a few days so that they come to their senses.

Do it this way: before transplanting, water the sprouts well so that all the clods of soil are wet later. After all, dry soil easily falls apart, and just as easily tears thin roots.

  • Step 1. Carefully remove the sprout from the wet soil, trying not to damage even the most inconspicuous fine hairs on the roots.
  • Step 2. Plant in a new location at the same level as the seedlings grew before.
  • Step 3. Containers must have holes at the bottom of the containers so that they are saturated with moisture.
  • Step 4. Gradually pour wet soil into the cups up to the cotyledons, and gently press the soil around the stem itself. After this, place the pepper under the lamp again. If the picking was successful and without damage, the very next day you will notice the beginnings of new leaves, and on the fourth - one or two real ones.

Now let's make sure that the future harvest will please you with volume - carefully pick off the very first flowers. This way, the plant will no longer spend all its energy on a single fruit, but will invest its full energy first in the development of the bush. Grown sprouts need to be fed once every 7-10 days.

Well, as soon as the last frost has passed, you can safely plant the plant in the ground. You can find out that she is ready for this by the number of leaves - there should be 7-8 pieces. Remember: pepper does not tolerate even partial shade, so plant it only in the warmest and sunny places. After all, this sweet and juicy fruit comes from warm countries, and therefore will never stop loving the sun and warmth.

That's it, it's not a complicated technology at all and simple conditions– and you can independently grow strong and productive seedlings of homemade pepper. Try it!

That lunar phases one way or another influence all life on the planet, it has been known for a long time. The same explains the popularity of lunar calendars for gardeners and gardeners. Today we will talk about how to properly sow pepper seedlings according to the lunar calendar.

Conditions for growing peppers

Organizing the necessary temperature conditions for the development of pepper seedlings in a living room is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

You should at least know that under the ceiling of the apartment the temperature is 1-2 degrees above average, and above the floor level - 2-3 degrees below. The brightest place in the room, the window sill, turns out to be also the coldest, but seedlings require warmth.

But it can be organized for seedlings artificial lighting, close to natural, in a warmer place in the apartment. Being at a temperature of 26-28 ºC, the pepper will germinate within the eighth to twelfth day. At a temperature of 20-26 ºC, the seeds will sprout in the period from 13 to 17 days. At 18-20 ºC – after 18-20 days. At 14-15 ºC, seedlings will appear after 30 days.

As soon as the seeds begin to sprout, they will need to be moved closer to the light. The temperature will need to be lowered to 15 ºC for 7 days. Then raise it again to 23 ºC during the day and to 20 ºC at night.

Important! Regularly ventilate the room with seedlings, but do it quite carefully. Seedlings are afraid of cold air and especially drafts.

How to choose the time to plant pepper seedlings using the lunar calendar

Using the sowing calendar, you will find out the favorable time when it is best to plant pepper seedlings. You will learn the changing phases of the moon, which determine the quality and quantity of the harvest. Plants should never be planted during the full or new moon.

The fact is that during these periods all the nutritious juices of the seedlings are collected either in the upper part or concentrated in the root system. This course of events prevents the plant from developing fully.

But if you plant pepper during the waxing period of the moon, its growth activity will be much higher compared to the waning period.

Favorable days for planting pepper seedlings in January are the following: 5, 6, 7, 8, 30. Only on the 11th and 28th is it not recommended to undertake this task.

Pepper seedlings in February favorable on these numbers - 14,16, 23. There are two unfavorable days - 11 and 26.

Planting peppers in March 4, 14, 20, 31 are desirable, and 12, 28 are undesirable.

Favorable days April- 9, 18, 27, 28, and unfavorable - 11, 26.

Favorable days for planting pepper seedlings in May the next ones are 8, 14, 24. Unfavorable ones are 11 and 25.

IN June It’s better to do 2, 11, 20 and forget 9, 24.

Favorable days July– 3, 4, 26, 30, and unfavorable – 9, 23.

August favors 2, 22, 24, 28, and warns 7 and 21.

Favorable days September– 5, 23, 26, 27, unfavorable – 6, 20.

IN October we sow pepper for seedlings - 3, 4, 22, 30, do not sow - 5, 19.

Better days November- 2, 3, 19, 20, 30, and the worst - 4, 18.

December 2, 20, 25, 29 are favorable and only 3 and 18 are unfavorable.

Did you know? The first written records of pepper were found in India. They were written in Sanskrit more than 30 centuries ago. India is considered the birthplace of pepper, even though it grows in other tropical countries.

To grow peppers, planting seedlings of which must occur according to several important criteria, it is not enough to use only the lunar calendar.

To grow it in 2017, you should consider two important points:

  1. Features of the planted variety.
  2. Is a pick-up planned? If so, the plant's development will be delayed by about 10 days.
Pepper, depending on the variety, ripens from 100 to 150 days from the moment the first shoots appear. You can accurately calculate the day to plant peppers in February if you know the exact characteristics of the variety. Early ones need 60 days before transplantation, medium ones - 70, and late ones - 75.

Local climate conditions also play an important role. Having decided on the approximate date for transplanting the pepper to a permanent location, subtract from 60 to 85 days from this number. This will give you the optimal date for sowing pepper seedlings.

After this, check again with the lunar calendar for 2017. This way you will calculate favorable days for planting at home and in the future you will receive good harvest.

Did you know? Once upon a time, pepper could be used to pay for goods and pay off fines.

Features of growing pepper seedlings: selection of planting material and seedling care

You can choose sweet and hot peppers according to many criteria, most of which are individual in nature. The main condition for selection is to rely on basic criteria.

The main varieties and hybrids of pepper must be selected in relation to the climatic features of the zone in which they will be grown.

In the south, gardeners have almost unlimited choice, because there you can grow late varieties vegetable crops that are highly productive. In the north they produce a good harvest mainly early ripening varieties, ripening 14-17 weeks.

Remember that you need to choose exactly the seeds that are suitable for growing seedlings. Sowing seeds in unprotected soil is a thankless task, since the pepper will not be able to produce a harvest before the onset of frost.

If you have unsuitable conditions at home for germinating seedlings, then don’t bother purchasing seeds at all. It is better to purchase planting material from nurseries, specialized stores or garden pavilions.

After all, this is where you have the greatest chance to buy exactly the varieties of pepper that you want, as well as get qualified advice about seedlings. But it’s not always possible to buy either seeds or seedlings in such places, so you just have to move in the direction of the market.

When buying seedlings, pay attention that the leaves of the seedlings are sufficiently developed, even Green colour, there was no white coating or spots. In general, the seedlings should look strong and elongated.

If it is weak and drooping, then do not take it even after the sellers’ assurances that after planting it will perk up. There are often cases when seedlings are sold on the market, at first glance good and healthy, but as a result the product turns out to be illiquid.

He may be overfed nitrogen fertilizers, growth stimulants or inhibitors, on the contrary, inhibiting development. Such seedlings bloom poorly, develop poorly and produce an unimportant harvest.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to recognize such a trick based on the place of purchase. Therefore, it is better to take seeds in a package from a trusted manufacturer and grow them as seedlings at home in the usual way.

Important!Buy seeds for pepper seedlings exclusively in specialized stores. Also, always ask for a quality certificate for the selected seed.

Decide what kind of pepper you want to grow: hot or sweet, because their growing habits vary significantly. Calculate in advance the number of fruits of a particular variety that you want to receive at the output.

Find out which varieties and hybrids are more resistant to adverse conditions, diseases and pests. First of all, choose the most hybrids resistant varieties. If in subsequent years you want to harvest only from your own seeds, it is better to buy varietal peppers.

From them you can collect seeds that you won’t have to buy again next year. It turns out that you will select the best varieties for yourself and then grow them for several years. You can also choose pepper according to external signs. Sweet pepper fruits have an incredible variety of colors and shapes.

Did you know?Pepper nameChileAlthough it is a homonym in Russian, consonant with the state of Chile, it comes from the word “chilli” from the Aztec Nahuatl languages, which means “red”.

Soil mixture for pepper seedlings

It is better to sow pepper seedlings in loose, nutritious, sterile and neutral soil, possibly slightly acidic with a pH level of 6-6.5. You can buy ready-made soil mixture in specialized garden stores or prepare it yourself at home.

There are several recipes for cooking optimal soil for sowing pepper seeds.

Take leaf soil, sand and top peat in a ratio of 1:1:1. The acid level of the soil can be corrected with lime fertilizers.

Sod land, river sand and humus in proportions 2:1:1.

Humus, peat and well-washed sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. Then sift the mixture through a sieve.

Humus, sandy loam soil and turf in a ratio of 1:2:2. Stir and add to the mixture a matchbox of potassium sulfate and two boxes of superphosphate per 10 kg of this mixture.

Any of the soil mixtures must be disinfected before applying fertilizers. A 10% solution of manganese is suitable and should be used to water the soil.

Preparing pepper seeds for sowing

If you bought pre-prepared pelleted seeds, then when you sow peppers for seedlings, you should not prepare them. Since they are encapsulated in a mixture of fertilizers and growth promoters, soaking them may damage the protection.

To disinfect ordinary seeds, they should be kept in a solution of potassium permanganate. It is prepared as follows: 1 g of the drug must be diluted in 100 ml of water and pepper seeds should be placed in it for 20 minutes.

When disinfection has been successfully completed, place the seeds in a growth stimulator, which must be prepared strictly following the manufacturer's instructions. Or you can fill them with a solution of mineral fertilizers for 5 hours. After this, rinse the seeds with warm clean water and sow wet.

You can also use bubbling of seeds, in which they are placed in a gauze bag and lowered into water, into which air is supplied by a compressor. The duration of this procedure takes 5 hours.

But often the seeds are germinated. They are wrapped in wet gauze or loose fabric, placed in a warm place and regularly moistened, preventing the fabric from drying out. It is better to place the bag of seeds on a saucer and place it under loose cling film.

Important! Never flood the seeds with water, as they also require oxygen to germinate.

Best results this method gives at a temperature of 20-23 ºC. But seeds that have sprouted have a significant drawback - the sprouts can break off when planted.

Sowing peppers for seedlings at home and caring for them

One of the features of sprouted pepper seedlings is the long recovery after picking. Therefore, it is recommended to sow seeds in separate pots or cups with a diameter of 10 cm and a depth of 12 cm.

If this is not possible, it’s okay. Prepare a spacious container so that later it will be easier to transplant the seedlings with a large lump of earth into pots. The depth of the box should be 5-7 cm, and the soil level should not reach the edge by a couple of centimeters.

Before sowing, be sure to disinfect the container in a solution of potassium permanganate. It is better to sow pepper seedlings using tweezers. Spread the seeds over the surface of the soil mixture in 2 cm increments and press down. Moisten through a strainer and sprinkle with a 1 cm layer of soil. Lightly compact. Cover the container with glass or plastic film.

Watering pepper seedlings

During the first days, pepper seedlings should not be watered.. If the soil begins to dry out, then gently spray it with water from a spray bottle. From the moment the cotyledon leaves open, watering the seedlings should be switched to thirty-degree water.

After the seedlings can be moistened with settled rainwater or tap water that has stood for room temperature day. Do not allow the soil of the seedlings to dry out, as peppers react negatively to dry periods.

Excess moisture in the root system is also unacceptable. Maintain 70% air humidity in the room with seedlings and remember that soil in a small container loses moisture faster than in a large one.

Illumination of pepper seedlings

Peppers have a longer growing season than others. vegetable crops Therefore, February or March are the most suitable months when it is necessary to sow pepper.

At this time, the daylight hours are still quite short, but the seedlings require daily lighting for at least 14 hours in a row.

Consequently, it is necessary to equip additional sources of artificial light. Otherwise, the seedlings will grow thin and elongated with sparse leaves.

To illuminate seedlings from February to March, 20,000 lux is required, when natural lighting is only a quarter of this - only 5,000 lux.

For the process of photosynthesis to occur, the necessary spectrum of light rays is needed: red acts as a stimulator for seed germination and seedling flowering; purple and blue help form cells; yellow and green rays have no effect on the formation of plants.

It is for this reason that there is no point in using ordinary yellow incandescent lamps for the development of pepper seedlings. In addition, they also emit infrared radiation, which overheats the seedlings and stretches them out.

The best option for artificial lighting is fluorescent lamps or LED lights created specifically for these purposes. The lighting power should be 200 W per 1 m² of crop area.

In the first stages of development, the backlight should be placed at a height of 20 cm from the tops of the peppers, and over time it should be raised. With the onset of the development phase of cotyledon leaves, to stimulate rapid growth of seedlings, seedlings should stand under lamps for 72 hours.

As soon as the first leaves of the peppers grow, reduce the length of daylight hours to 14 hours. If pepper sowing occurred in February, then illuminate the seedlings from early morning until eight in the evening without interruption. In April, light should be provided from 6 a.m. to noon and from 4 to 7 p.m.

Did you know? The conquistadors, who were still conquering wild America back then, became acquainted with red pepper thanks to the Indians. They fought off the "palefaces" by sprinkling smoldering coals on them when the wind blew towards the invaders.

Feeding pepper seedlings

To root system pepper seedlings developed faster, they should be fed with potassium humate in a proportion of 5 ml per 2 liters of water.

Not yet laid flower buds, pepper seedlings grow slowly. Afterwards, growth gains intensity and during the flowering period the seedlings should be fertilized with a composition rich in microelements. Its recipe is simple: in 10 liters of water, dissolve 1 g of manganese sulfate and 1 g of iron sulfate, 0.2 g of zinc sulfate and 0.2 g of copper sulfate, 1.7 g of boric acid.

Pinching pepper seedlings

Homemade pepper seedlings must be pinched to remove the growing points of the seedlings. This procedure should be carried out in order to stimulate the development of the root system in the seedlings and the growth of stepsons in the internodes from dormant buds, because additional inflorescences are formed in them.

Pinching is carried out during the period of intensive development of pepper. Using scissors, remove the part of the plant that is located above 4-6 internodes. When the stepsons begin to grow, adjust the load of the bush, leaving the 5 most developed stepsons and removing the rest. Do not touch the stepsons in the lower internodes.

Picking pepper seedlings

If the pepper grows in a large container, then at the stage of the appearance of two leaves, the seedlings should be pricked. Moisten the soil well and let it drain excess water. Dive the seedlings into separate 150 ml containers.

Carefully transfer the seedlings along with the earthen ball into pre-made holes. They should be of such a size that the plants along with the root system can be accommodated without problems. Place the roots loosely, avoiding bends, and sprinkle the hole with soil and press lightly.

Do not deepen the root collar of the seedlings by more than half a centimeter. After transplanting, water the seedlings. At first, protect it from direct sunlight and keep it at a temperature not lower than 15 ºC. Already at 13 ºC, seedling growth stops.

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75 once already

How to plant pepper seedlings? This vegetable is considered one of the main horticultural crops used for home planting and obtaining a harvest in the conditions of a personal plot. The yield of a plant largely depends on the quality and growing conditions of the seedlings.

Pepper refers to southern cultures, and therefore is considered quite capricious. If planting technology is violated, the seedlings become coarser and subsequently produce a low yield. For these reasons, owners of their own plots often have the question of how to plant pepper seedlings with a guarantee of obtaining a high yield.

Biological cycle and time of fruit ripening

If you follow the recommendations, you can get high yields with high quality fruits The complete biological cycle from the moment of planting the seeds to the receipt of ripe fruits is 150 days; this period determines the time of planting the crop.

If pepper seedlings grow without stress at home, the ripening of peppers begins around day 100, but is generally determined by the properties of the selected variety. Planting technology helps to obtain a high-quality early harvest. Our portal offers you a comprehensive overview that tells you how to plant pepper seedlings correctly. Also use the material from the report “Pepper, planting seedlings. Moon calendar».

To obtain a harvest in mid-July, it is recommended to plant seeds for seedlings in February. In more southern regions, it is practiced to plant a greenhouse in January. Seedlings can be started to be grown in March, especially in the northern regions of Central Russia. In this case, ripe fruits can be collected in the autumn.

Planting of seedlings in open ground is carried out within 60-80 days from the moment of germination. Planting pepper seeds for seedlings is recommended between February 21 and March 11.

When sowing pepper seedlings, it doesn’t hurt to follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar. TO general recommendations refers to planting seeds on the growing moon. However, this requirement for when to sow pepper seedlings is not strict. At proper care Peppers planted on the waning moon also grow well.

Preparing soil substrate for a greenhouse

Pepper, unlike other garden crops, is very demanding on the quality of the soil; it must be loose, airy, but not acidic. Therefore, peat substrates are only applicable as an ingredient for creating your own soil mixture. Pepper seedlings at home often grow poorly and produce low yields precisely because the requirements for the quality of the planting soil are ignored.

Having figured out when to sow pepper seedlings, let’s move on to the soil preparation requirements. There are a number of recommendations on this matter, each of them worked out under certain conditions. To determine the best substrate, it makes sense to sow pepper seedlings in each of the proposed soil mixtures.

Soil substrates for growing pepper seedlings

Soil mixture for peppers No. 1:

  • mix ½ part of pre-sifted washed sand at a ratio of 1:3 to the soil; this mixture is considered universal when using soil from highly fertile soils.
  • In the absence of humus and compost, use potassium humate as a fertilizer. It improves the conditions for growing and germination of seeds.
  • Fertilizer is applied according to the standard recommendation, watering the soil before planting.

Soil mixture for peppers No. 2:

  • humus or compost – 2 servings;
  • peat – 2 servings;
  • thoroughly washed sand – 1 serving.

Other soil mixtures in which pepper seedlings grow well at home:

  • humus and forest soil – 2:1;
  • peat and compost – 1:1;
  • compost and turf soil – 3:2;
  • peat soil and forest soil – 2:1;
  • peat, turf soil, compost, rotted sawdust – 4:2:1:1.

If pepper seeds are planted for seedlings in store-bought peat-based soil, chalk or crushed dolomite is added to it.

Experienced gardeners also recommend, when planting pepper seedlings, to mix the mixture in a 1:1 ratio with flower soil or garden soil. The soil should be loose, providing the root system of the seedlings with sufficient access to oxygen, this required condition obtaining high-quality, well-fruiting seedlings.

Soil disinfection

After preparing the soil, it is recommended to cultivate it. The best option is steaming in a double boiler for 1 hour. This procedure can be replaced by calcination in an oven at 90°C or disinfection with a solution of potassium permanganate. Sowing pepper seedlings is carried out only in fully prepared soil.

When cultivating pepper seeds for seedlings, it is important to create conditions acceptable for growing the seeds. They can be grown without a greenhouse; if you want to create microclimatic conditions, use polyethylene containers in which cakes are usually packaged. Holes are made in the lid for ventilation. Growing in a microgreenhouse is recommended if the seeds were planted for seedlings in March. In this case, the seedlings will develop faster, and fruiting will begin in 100 days.

Preparing pepper seeds for planting

If a gardener is interested in how to plant pepper seedlings correctly, first of all, they are advised to learn how to prepare seeds. There are two approaches, in which the seeds are soaked to achieve disinfection, or they are germinated and waited for awakening. The first option is acceptable when pepper seeds were planted for seedlings in February. The second is used for later sowing, especially if seed germination is expected after March 10.

Sowing pepper seedlings without preliminary seed preparation does not guarantee the production of high-quality seedlings, but does not exclude this possibility.

The first stage is seed selection

If pepper seedlings are grown at home from ready-made breeding seeds, no pre-selection is required. Seed selection is carried out using a solution table salt. Prepare it from 40 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Stir and place the seed in it for 6-7 minutes. High-quality seeds will end up at the bottom; they are separated from low-quality ones, dried and sorted.

The second stage is disinfection and stimulation of planting material

Disinfection seed material carried out in a solution of potassium permanganate (dark pink) for half an hour. After this it is washed running water. The next step is to soak the seeds in the nutrient mixture. For these purposes, you can choose one of the options:

  • wood ash per 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tsp nitroammophoska or nitrophoska per 1 liter of water;
  • an aqueous solution of liquid potassium humate.

The seeds are kept for 1 day at a temperature of 18-25°C, then treated with Liposal (1 ml per 0.5 cup of water) and dried. The most the best option Of all those proposed, potassium humate is considered, this universal remedy, when treated with which pepper seedlings at home sprout faster. Wood ash is used in cases where you need to do without purchased products.

The third stage - hardening

If planting pepper seeds for seedlings in February went without any problems, then planting the soil, depending on the variety, can be done after 60 days or in mid-April. To ensure better resistance to low temperatures, the seeds are pre-hardened. In this case, the seedlings better tolerate early planting in the ground. Hardening will take 6 days, it can be excluded from preparation if sowing of seedlings is carried out in March and planting is expected after May 10.

Seed stratification is performed as follows:

  • keep in the refrigerator for 2 days;
  • kept in a cool room for 2 days;
  • freeze in the refrigerator for 2 days.

After this, they are immediately planted in prepared soil.

The fourth stage - germination

How to plant pepper seedlings, ensuring germination and high-quality growth of seedlings? For these purposes, germination is performed. Especially in cases where you are late with planting, and the sowing of pepper seedlings was done after March 10th.

For these purposes, use a saucer or greenhouse. Place napkins or paper towel on the bottom. Moisten the base with water or ash solution (0.5 tsp per 1 cup of water). Place the prepared seeds, cover transparent material and keep at 25-30°C until germination for 10-14 days. In March, germination proceeds faster; planting material can be obtained in a few days.

Planting prepared seeds in a greenhouse or container

After preparing the seeds, they are planted in an open seedling box, greenhouse or separate containers, the diameter of which should be 7-10 cm. In a seedling box with previously prepared and spilled soil, mark the planting site at a distance of 2.5-3 cm, lay out 2 seeds and sprinkle with soil about 1 cm.

There is no clear answer to the question of how to properly sow sweet pepper seedlings. Considering that this crop does not tolerate damage to the roots, it is best to use a box or pots for final planting without picking. The absence of stress guarantees sweet peppers excellent fruiting in the summer and large fruits. The box is covered with a transparent film and placed on the battery, having previously placed a wooden board on it.

Growing seedlings

The greenhouses are opened as soon as the first shoots emerge and watering stops. After this, the boxes are moved to the sun, finding a cool place with a temperature of 12-16 ° C, and the room is ventilated in the evening. In this mode, the seedlings are kept for 1 week. After this, they are transferred to a warm room with a temperature in the sun up to 27°C.

Rooted seedlings are watered abundantly about once a week, strictly at the root, without getting on the shoots. We’ve figured out how to properly sow sweet peppers for seedlings, now it’s worth describing the picking procedure. How necessary is it? There is no clear answer to this question. Try to come to your own solution on your own. Diving is carried out after the sprout has produced 2-4 leaves. Peppers are transplanted into separate 500 ml containers.

During the growing process it is necessary:

  • carefully loosen the soil, avoiding crusting, otherwise the plants will get sick and lose their fertility;
  • perform fertilizing.

The first feeding is carried out 14 days after picking; it can be done with potassium humate. The second is performed before planting plants in outdoor greenhouse, in this case you can use sodium humate.

Planting in an outdoor greenhouse

Planting in a garden greenhouse is done in the interval from 50 to 70 days after germination. Plants begin to harden off about two weeks before planting. To do this, open the window and keep for 1 hour at natural temperature. The hardening time is increased gradually to 8 hours a day. Before planting, the seedlings are placed in a cold place or taken out of the greenhouse overnight. Then they are planted in a greenhouse.

Planting in the ground is carried out without deepening. It is advisable to plan the transplant for the waxing moon. Despite the unscientific approach, following the recommendations really helps increase productivity.

If you have to plant flowering seedlings, nothing threatens them in the greenhouse. To repel pests, low-growing marigolds are planted near the peppers. Basil and coriander feel good nearby, flowering plants attract bees and are essential for pollination of peppers. Pollinating insects can also be attracted by the skins of apples or bananas.

When growing peppers, pinch off the top and remove shoots from the unlit side. The fruiting period of pepper is quite long, and the yield increases with regular harvesting.


As a result of your own experiments, you can independently calculate the date when to plant pepper seedlings in your region, taking into account traditional cultivation methods. Careful care of plants will help ensure a rich harvest.

Pepper, like many other heat-loving crops, is grown seedling method. It has a long growing season, which makes it impossible to grow it in open ground from seeds. The seedling method accelerates fruiting and has a beneficial effect on the quality and quantity of the future harvest.

The optimal temperature for growing peppers and fruiting is 20-26 degrees. For fruit development, long daylight hours and good lighting are required. The land must be fertile and well structured.

That is why pepper is not sown in open ground, but rather grown as seedlings. Seedlings produce strong, disease- and temperature-resistant plants that produce large, even fruits.

When to plant pepper seedlings - sweet, bitter

It is selected in accordance with the climatic characteristics of the region. Pepper is grown in open ground, greenhouses, greenhouses, and tunnels. The sooner the pepper is transplanted to the main place, the earlier the seeds are sown for seedlings.

Early varieties of sweet and hot pepper it is necessary to sow 50-60 days before transplanting plants to a permanent place, later varieties - 70-80 days.

The best period for sowing pepper seedlings is the end of February - beginning of March.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the varietal characteristics of the crop. Early pepper ripens 90 days after sowing, mid-ripening produces the first fruits after 90-120 days, late after 120 days or more.

When transplanting adult seedlings, the stem height should be 17-20 centimeters. The plant should have 8-10 leaves and developed buds.

In a heated greenhouse, seedlings are planted at the end of April, in greenhouses, film greenhouses, tunnels - during May, in open ground planting is carried out at the end of May - the first ten days of June.

When transplanting, the soil should warm up to a depth of 10 centimeters, and the air to 15 degrees.

The garden beds include peas, beans, carrots and onions. You cannot plant pepper seedlings after eggplants, potatoes, tomatoes and beans!

When growing peppers, you need to follow all the steps. Neglect of at least one of them leads to weakening of plants, and sometimes to disease and death.

Land preparation

The land for growing seedlings is prepared in the fall. You cannot take soil from flower beds and beds. The turf is taken from an area where perennial grasses have been growing for several years. Leaf soil is collected under the trees. It is poured into containers and left to freeze for the winter.

A week before sowing, it is brought indoors, if necessary, defrosted and sifted through a sieve. Coarse sand, peat and rotted humus are added to it in a ratio of 3:1:1:1. You can also mix soil with humus in a ratio of 2:3. Everything is mixed and disinfected. For this soil mixture calcined in the oven at 100 degrees for an hour or poured with a strong hot solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.

Cassettes, cups, pots, peat tablets or plastic boxes, containers with a depth of at least 10 centimeters and a width of 15-20 centimeters are taken as containers for planting.

Peppers have weak, fragile roots and it is better to sow them immediately in separate containers. When planting in a heap, when plants are planted, they stop growing, which delays transplanting into open ground by about 2 weeks.

They do not retain germination well and cannot be purchased in reserve. They must be collected no later than 2 years ago.

To cull the seed, take a saline solution (30 grams of salt per liter of water), immerse the seeds in it and mix thoroughly. After 10-15 minutes, weak, empty and damaged seeds float to the surface and all that remains is to remove them, while high-quality, healthy seeds sink to the bottom. The solution is drained, the remaining seeds are washed well with running water and laid out on paper to dry.

The dried seeds are poured into a fabric bag and placed in a weak warm solution potassium permanganate for 25 minutes. Then they are placed in a solution of a growth stimulator (Zircon, Epin, Heteroauxin) for a day.

Pepper seedlings must have strong immunity. To increase resistance to diseases and temperature changes, seeds are hardened. Seeds need to be kept in warm water(50 degrees) until swelling, then they are placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and remain there for a day.

Then, for final germination, the seeds in a damp bag are laid out in warm room for 1 day, after which you can start sowing.

  • Containers are disinfected from harmful microorganisms.
  • 2 centimeters of drainage are poured at the bottom, soil mixture is placed on it, to a height of about 8 centimeters. The soil is evenly distributed and watered with warm water.
  • Seeds are distributed on the surface at a distance of 5 centimeters and sprinkled with a centimeter layer of sand or earth.
  • Containers with sown seeds are covered with film (glass) and sent to a warm place.

For the germination of pepper seeds, a stable, high temperature of 23-27 degrees is required.If it is below 20 degrees, the seeds do not germinate. Before emergence, watering is not required, since condensation will form inside the container under the cover. Sprouts appear after 7-14 days.

After emergence, the seedlings are placed on the south side (window sill, heated balcony), the temperature drops to 17 degrees.

After the cotyledons open, the room temperature rises to 23-25 ​​degrees. During the day, the temperature should not drop below 20 degrees, as plant growth will stop. At night the temperature drops to 18-20 degrees.

Seedlings need to be watered once every 3 days or when the earthen clod dries out. This can be determined by pressing on it with your finger.

At first, the plants are watered with a teaspoon, pipette or syringe directly to the root. Watering of grown seedlings is carried out from a watering can without a nozzle along the edge of the container, without touching the leaves and stems of the plants.

Watering is carried out with warm, settled water until the soil is completely moistened. Overwatering, as well as lack of moisture, is unacceptable! When stretching seedlings, watering is reduced and the room temperature drops.

Plant roots need oxygen. After watering, the soil should be loosened with a clove, skewer or match, slightly destroying the crust on the surface of the soil.

The place where the seedlings grow is provided with additional lighting, since they can stretch out if there is not enough light. The seedlings are illuminated in the morning and evening with a phytolamp. Daylight hours should be 10-12 hours. When sunny spring days arrive, the leaves of the seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight with tulle or white paper attached to the glass.


At the stage of opening the cotyledons, the plants need to be fed. As a potassium supplement needed for peppers, you can use mineral fertilizers or an infusion of ash and nettle, or banana peel.

At the stage of three true leaves, fertilizing is carried out with complex fertilizers consisting of:
10 grams of potassium sulfate, 10 grams of urea and 30 grams of parts of superphosphate per 5 liters of warm water.

You can also use organic fertilizers: infusion chicken droppings(1 part manure to 20 parts water) or mullein solution (1 part humus to 10 parts water).

The seedlings are fertilized at the root without touching the leaves! A liter of solution is required for 10 plants. The next watering uses settled water, this will protect the plants from burns and excess fertilizing.

The next feeding is carried out at the stage of 5-6 true leaves. The concentration of the solution and consumption increases by 2 times.

If the ground is covered with a dry white coating (soil acidification), it is powdered with ash.

In the phase of 5 true leaves, seedlings (if necessary) undergo diving into larger containers.

Before diving, the soil in containers with seedlings is spilled with water.

In prepared containers bigger size a drainage layer and soil mixture are poured. The planting holes should be equal to the diameter of the plant's root ball. Using a spatula, the plants, one at a time, together with the earthen ball, are removed from the previous container and transferred to the prepared holes.

To make transplanting seedlings less painless, when sowing, the walls and bottom of the container can be covered with a large plastic bag, and drainage and soil can be poured on top of it. When transplanting, the bag is removed from the container and opened flat. In this case, the roots of the seedlings are less damaged; they simply move away from each other.

The roots are covered with earth and watered with warm water. The growth point cannot be covered when deepened. For better adaptation seedlings are sprayed with Epin. This will help the plants quickly recover and grow.

IN further seedlings It grows in these containers before being transferred to a larger pot or planted in open ground or a greenhouse.

If you have a large space, pepper seedlings can be grown immediately in individual containers or peat tablets.

  • Seeds are sown in pots, cups, cassettes and tablets in 2 pieces. When shoots appear, the weaker sprout is removed.
  • In spacious containers, plants grow until they are transferred. In peat tablets, the sprouts are transplanted into spacious containers as they grow.
  • When each plant has 4 true leaves, it is transferred to a larger pot.

Pepper seedlings undergo hardening a few weeks before planting. This increases resistance to diseases and temperature changes in open ground. Containers with seedlings in the sun warm weather moved to the balcony or closed veranda for 2-3 hours.

The temperature must be at least 13 degrees, otherwise the seedlings will freeze.

The duration of cool stay increases daily. If there is no balcony in the room, a window or window is opened slightly and a lower temperature is created on the windowsill.

The duration of ventilation also increases daily. After the end of the night frosts, the seedlings are left on the balcony, veranda or sent to the greenhouse until transplanted to a permanent place.

Drafts and direct sunlight should not be allowed during hardening!

When growing seedlings without picking, the pepper is ready for planting 2 weeks earlier, since in this case the plants develop faster.

Before transplanting, seedlings are watered; this simplifies the handling of the earthen clod and reduces the likelihood of damage to the roots.

Seedlings in peat pots lands right in them.

In order for the seedlings to take root without problems after planting in open ground, for the first time they need to be covered with non-woven material, for example, film or spunbond.

In the future, the plants need to be provided with proper care and they will reward you with an excellent harvest.

Significantly reducing productivity. Significant crop losses most often occur due to disease.
Most often, diseases are caused by the lack of preventive measures. Most infections can be prevented. Getting rid of them is much more difficult, and sometimes impossible.

Blackleg affects the lower part of the stem. It turns black, rots and dries out over time. The reasons are dense plantings, waterlogged soil, frosts, and sudden temperature changes. You can save the plants by spraying the plants with Zaslon and reducing watering to once a week.

Fusarium leads to yellowing of plants and rapid wilting. Black vascular contours appear at the base of the stem and petioles. Affected seedlings are removed. The soil near the remaining plants is loosened, watering is reduced to once every 7 days.

Pepper pillar leads to yellowing and drying of leaves, stunting of growth, and deformation of fruits. The disease is spread by insects. Prevention consists of regular loosening, weeding of beds, and preventive treatment of plants with protective drugs against pests.

Cladosporiosis or brown spot appears as light yellow spots. Light spots appear on the petioles and leaves, and in their place appears dark coating. The stalks and ovaries do not develop and fall off. Free planting of seedlings and regular thinning of plants helps prevent damage. At the first signs of the disease, spray with garlic infusion, copper sulfate (3%).

Mosaic causes leaf deformation and a series of light and dark spots, yellowing of fruits. Prevention of the disease is disinfection of seeds, spraying seedlings once a week with water and milk (1:10).

Late blight on the future harvest it appears as black spots. The drugs Barrier and Zaslon help in the fight against the disease. For prophylaxis, the drug Oxychom is used.

Spider mites can be recognized by their thin webs under the foliage. They suck juices from plants and carry many viruses that infect plants when they feed. You can get rid of pests with the help of Fufanon, Karbofos, Fosbecid or Actellik.

Aphids and ants also suck sap from plants. Pests can be destroyed in just 2 days with insecticides or nettle infusion.

When slugs appear around the pepper beds, you need to make grooves and treat them lime mortar. The loosened soil between the rows is sprinkled with ground pepper or dry mustard. In case of pest damage, the Strela remedy helps.

When growing pepper seedlings at home, gardeners quite often make mistakes that deteriorate the quality of the grown plants, and in some cases lead to their death.

Possible mistakes:

  • Incorrectly composed soil mixture;
  • Absence or improper preparation of seeds;
  • Too early or, conversely, late sowing of seeds;
  • Non-compliance temperature regime in room;
  • Bad light;
  • Drafts and sudden temperature changes;
  • No darkening when direct sunlight hits the delicate leaves of plants;
  • Insufficient or excess nutrition;
  • Failure to comply with the irrigation regime;
  • Lack of disease and pest prevention;
  • Late response to the appearance of diseases and pests;
  • Neglecting to harden plants before planting;
  • Incorrect timing for planting seedlings in open ground;
  • Failure to follow the watering regime for seedlings after transplanting into the ground.

Any of these mistakes can, if not destroy the plants, then cause serious damage to them. If the growing rules are not followed, the seedlings turn out weak, take root poorly in a new place, suffer for a long time and subsequently produce a poor harvest.

How to grow healthy pepper seedlings: video

Caring for pepper and eggplant seedlings: video

Growing pepper seedlings subject to all requirements and exceptions possible errors, is a fairly simple task and, once figured out, anyone, even a novice gardener, can cope with it.
Self-grown seedlings guarantee a good harvest.

Growing pepper seedlings has its own characteristics. If errors occur with watering, sudden temperature fluctuations or unsuccessful transplantation, the plant stems become coarser and their potential yield is reduced. How to properly grow pepper seedlings?

How to plant pepper seedlings? Pepper is a rather quirky and heat-loving crop. However, gardeners are sowing pepper seedlings, and even more, they are growing crops with great success. The main thing is to know when to plant seeds for seedlings, and then provide the pepper with proper care when grown outdoors.

In Siberia

When to plant pepper seedlings in Siberia? Pepper varieties differ in maturity. The sowing period for seedlings depends on them; pepper in Siberia for seedlings must be sown taking into account the harsh climatic conditions. It is necessary to guess the time of pepper ripening in the open ground at the hottest time summer time- July, early August.

The beginning of warm July is positive for collecting seeds, ripening fruits, rooting cuttings, and fertilizing. you can find out when to harvest peppers, eggplants and which days are unfavorable for sowing plants in July according to the Lunar calendar.

When to sow seedlings for peppers in Siberia? Varieties and growth time before planting in open ground:

  • Early varieties. The ripening period of seedlings is 100-120 days, the age of seedlings for planting in open ground is 50-60 days, sowing time is in mid-March.
  • Average maturity. The ripening period of seedlings from the moment of sowing is 120-135 days, the age of seedlings for planting is 60 days, the sowing time for seedlings is the third ten days of February.
  • Late varieties. The ripening period is 136-150 days, the age of seedlings for planting is 60-75 days, sowing time is early February. The timing of seed maturation and its age for planting vary greatly in time because the seed germination time can vary from 14 to 35 days.

In the Urals

When to plant pepper seedlings in the Urals? Pepper is a plant that is heat-loving and only ripens in the southern regions. In all other areas it is grown only through seedlings; pepper in the Urals for seedlings simply cannot grow physically, it simply does not have time.

In what month should you sow pepper seedlings in the Urals?


The best dates for planting pepper seedlings according to the Lunar calendar will be February 9, 19, 23, as well as March 7, 20, 22. The ideal time would be the middle, or even better, the beginning of February. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that not all varieties of pepper, but only Siberian selection, suitable for planting, they are most suitable for such conditions. Now on the market there is a good choice such varieties and hybrids of this nightshade culture. The most famous among them are:

  • "Red Bull";
  • "Bogatyr";
  • "Merchant".

Sowing peppers in February for seedlings

Most optimal time sowing sweet pepper seeds in middle lane Russia - mid-February. It is too early to plant them in January because winter month does not provide enough light and the plants will be lethargic and weak or require additional lighting.

For the southern regions of Russia, sowing begins earlier, since the warm climate allows earlier planting of seedlings in greenhouses and open ground, and for the northern regions - later. Many gardeners use a calendar lunar seeding, and sowing time may vary from year to year.

In January

Favorable days for planting pepper seedlings in January are as follows: 5, 6, 7, 8, 30. Only on days 11 and 28 is it not recommended to deal with this issue.


December favorable days 2, 20, 25, 29 and only 3 and 18 are unfavorable.

Sowing sweet pepper seeds for seedlings

Start growing pepper seedlings in late February or early March, but keep in mind:

  1. An experienced gardener decided that if everything goes well, by the end of May or beginning of June the seedlings will be completely ready for planting in open ground.
  2. If you live in the middle zone or further north, then March is better for you. For owners of more southern plots, the end of February will be a suitable date.
  3. If you're having trouble deciding, check with your neighbors across the country or other tinkerers who have experience growing pepper seedlings.
  4. Pepper seedlings begin to grow in February or March. In February, the suitable period for sowing pepper will be from 17 to 29, in April - from 16 to 28.
  5. More specifically, especially the most favorable day, it will look like this: February 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26 and March 18, 19, 24, 25, 26.

When to plant hot pepper seedlings

To make your seedlings strong, you first need to know when to start sowing hot peppers for seedlings. The lunar calendar will help you with this. The most favorable days begin from 10 to 15 and from 24 to 26 February. Planting also depends on the region in which you live. If the climate is warmer, then it is better to harvest at the beginning of February, and if it is cold, then at the end of the month.

Preparing pepper seeds for sowing seedlings

How to prepare pepper seeds for planting? The most difficult stage in cultivation is traditionally considered to be the first stage - planting. If preparing pepper seeds for sowing seedlings is done correctly, then further care will not be difficult, and you have every chance of getting an excellent harvest of sweet peppers.

Soil for seedlings of peppers and tomatoes

How to prepare soil for pepper seedlings? When the seeds are ready to sow, it's time to prepare the soil. For seedlings, you can use universal soil, which can be bought at any store.

You can even use soil from your garden. If it has been stored on the balcony all winter, before sowing the seeds it is brought into the warm room for 4-5 days so that it warms up. You can also mix all-purpose soil with garden soil in equal parts and add ash to the mixture.

How to properly prepare seeds

An important step in growing pepper seedlings is preparing the seeds for sowing. Since the seeds of this crop take a long time to grow, they must be pre-germinated. You will need to:

  • Seed disinfection. This step can be skipped, but we recommend disinfecting the seeds in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. It is enough to keep them there for 30 minutes.
  • Soaking pepper seeds. Wrap the seeds in a napkin, wet them well, place on a plate and wrap in a plastic bag or cling film.
  • Place the seeds in a warm place. Place the plate with the seeds in a warm place (preferably a radiator). Make sure there is enough moisture. After about 3 days, the seeds should swell and hatch.

Planting pepper seeds and growing seedlings

Preparing the soil for pepper seedlings begins with choosing the soil. Peat tablets give good results when growing crops that experience increased stress during transplantation. For example, if tomato seedlings tolerate picking well, Bell pepper reacts painfully to transplantation. After picking, he does not move for a long time, especially if the picking was a little late and the seedlings have outgrown. This problem can be easily avoided by sowing pepper seedlings in peat tablets and growing them without picking.

How to grow peppers for seedlings in tablets

Peat tablets contain everything necessary for the development of seedlings. They allow you to grow good pepper seedlings even for beginners. Traditionally, pepper seedlings are sown at the end of February, when the days are still short.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

To get strong seedlings, it is necessary to supplement the crop with additional light. When grown in tablets, the sowing period can be postponed to the beginning of March, since without germination the seedlings will develop faster. Longer daylight hours will also contribute to this. Therefore, the favorable period for planting pepper seeds in peat tablets is from March 1 to March 10.

Sowing methods

A good way would be to sow pepper into the snail. You can get a large number of planting material with a small area.

There are lovers of experiments among the residents of the Urals. Planting peppers in boiling water - isn't it amazing! You can act in different ways:

  1. First, pour boiling water over the soil, and then distribute the seeds in it randomly. Spray the soil lightly and close the container tightly.
  2. Lightly moisten and tamp the soil, sprinkle pepper seeds and water on top hot water. The seed material itself will find its place in the ground. Close the container.

If you plant pepper seedlings in boiling water, then, according to the creators of the method, friendly shoots appear in 4-5 days. If necessary, the soil is spilled.

Ventilation of pepper seedlings is mandatory! Excess moisture on containers is removed with a sponge.

With the appearance of the first plants, the “greenhouses” are removed from the containers and placed in a well-lit window. Now you need to make sure the soil doesn't dry out. The cue for picking (with this method of growing seedlings) is the appearance of three or four actual leaves. Diving can be carried out in any container, or in diapers.

How to fertilize seedlings of peppers and tomatoes

The seedlings are fertilized in the morning. This method will help avoid blackleg and help properly absorb nutrients:

  • Before applying mineral fertilizers, the soil must be watered. Instead of regular watering, use infusions of shells or tea.
  • When fertilizing, it is important to ensure that the liquid does not get on the stems and leaves of the plants. You should not pour it under the root; it is better to irrigate it with soil around the stem.
  • After the first shoots appear and until the end of fruiting, it is recommended to apply fertilizers 2 times a month.

The smaller the container in which eggplants or peppers are grown, the more nutrition there will be. In between, gently loosen the soil around the stems to improve ventilation and prevent root rot.

All liquid fertilizer is used only in warm form. Cold solutions can cause shock, ovary drop, or plant death. If fertilizer gets on the leaves, it should be carefully washed off with warm water from a watering can.

Timely feeding will ensure normal development seedlings, plant health and excellent yields. By experimenting with fertilizers and different rates, you can achieve impressive results both at home and in the greenhouse.


You can also watch a video where they will tell you how to properly sow pepper seedlings.