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» Condensation forms on plastic windows from the inside. Condensation on plastic windows, what to do. Why is condensation dangerous?

Condensation forms on plastic windows from the inside. Condensation on plastic windows, what to do. Why is condensation dangerous?

Of course, we all know very well that metal-plastic windows and doors can retain heat in the house much better than wooden ones.

Since wooden ones can pass cold air through the gaps between the frame itself and the glass, just like the wood itself, air passes through perfectly.

But any wooden frames- whether balcony or window - have one undeniable advantage, and this advantage is that they are made of natural material- wood.

The same, unfortunately, cannot be said about metal-plastic structures.

Yes, they do not allow cold air to pass through, but at the same time the process of air ventilation in the room is disrupted.

Preparing a sleigh in the summer

When carrying out renovations indoors, you need to think about increasing thermal insulation, which will save your money in winter, and about proper ventilation, which will protect you from dampness and mold. By considering all of the above and some other possibilities when repairing and replacing indoor windows, you can save time, money and health.

When replacing windows in summer period You may not encounter a condensation problem. In the summer heat, the room is almost constantly ventilated, air circulation is excellent and, no matter whether it is damp outside or not, moisture on the windows can only be seen when it rains. With the arrival of cold weather, the problem becomes obvious. In the absence of heating in the fall, we often cannot ventilate the room - saving heat and trying to close ourselves off from the weather. This process inevitably leads to high humidity indoors, which in turn will invariably be reflected on your glass.

Where does condensate come from?

It is the tightness factor, but only in conjunction with a violation of heating and air convection in the room, that causes the formation of condensation. Condensation begins to appear on the glass when the room temperature drops below +18 degrees. As a rule, it begins to actively appear in the autumn winter period when the heating is on and the temperature outside is much lower than inside.

How does heating affect condensation?

Have you noticed drops of condensation on the glass? Typically, moisture appears in the corners of frames or at the bottom of the glass. Most often, the appearance of moisture indicates insufficient thermal insulation of the room, or deficiencies in the heating system. By thoroughly approaching the solution to this issue, you can get rid of water droplets on the glass forever. “Drying” the window surface is quite simple; to do this, you need to install an additional heating radiator in the room. This way you will increase the room temperature in winter and your windows will no longer be covered with drops of moisture.

We fight condensation by insulating walls

If it is not possible to install a radiator for technical reasons, you can consider insulating the walls from the inside. True, in this case you will have to repair the walls in the room, but your costs will pay for themselves in the next heating season. Another solution could be external wall insulation. However, to do this you will have to hire professionals to perform high-altitude work. However, the effect of such insulation will be double. In winter you will keep warm, in summer you will keep a cool atmosphere in the apartment. And most importantly, if you live in a private house, do not forget about insulating the attic, since it is through it that a huge amount of heat escapes.

Good ventilation prevents moisture loss!

However, you can think about the issue of indoor air ventilation in advance. Devices will help you forced ventilation, which you can install in ventilation grilles during repairs. Also, when ordering metal-plastic windows, you can provide the opportunity to set the window to micro-ventilation mode, or order a ventilated double-glazed window profile. Heating radiators, as we have already said, must be taken care of in advance, without blocking the access of hot air to the room. Knowing that the room is often damp, try to minimize the presence of flowers in the room.

Mold and mildew removal products

Answering the question of what to do and how to get rid of mold on windows, we will consider all possible combinations of actions. The most common ways to remove fungus on plastic windows, are the following:

  • Mechanical methods for eliminating fungus:
    • mechanical cleaning,
    • ultraviolet irradiation, carried out using professional irradiators,
    • alternatively, the affected areas can be treated with a quartz lamp,
    • heat treatment with a stream of hot dry air - for example, using a hairdryer.
  • Treatment of affected areas by special means, for this the following are traditionally used:
    • Long-acting fungicides - they are used to treat window openings, resulting in the disappearance of mold and mildew on assembly seams and window slopes are guaranteed for 5 years.
    • Bleach solutions are also very common and are used to permanently remove fungus on the slopes of plastic windows.
    • Among folk remedies The most common mold killers are hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, lemon acid, copper sulfate, boric acid.
    • Separately, it is worth noting this product based on sodium perchlorate - not only is this substance in itself dangerous for humans, it is completely unsuitable for treating porous surfaces, for example, window slopes made of plasterboard.
    • From modern means can be noted oil tea tree, which is very economically consumed and suitable for processing large areas. It is enough to dilute 1 tbsp. oil in 1 glass (standard, 200 ml) of water, pour into a spray bottle and thoroughly treat the areas affected by the fungus. Having removed the plaque, there is no need to thoroughly rinse the product in the future. Grapefruit seed extract is used similarly.
    • A product made from copper sulfate (100 g), bleach (100 ml) and water (1 liter)
    • Good old alcohol is also used for disinfection.
    • If the depth of the damage is high and the fungus has penetrated into the concrete, you will have to remove the damaged part using a hammer drill or spatula.

Preparing and treating mold-affected surfaces

As a rule, fungus is eliminated quite simply. You will need:

  1. Thoroughly rinse and clean the affected surfaces, trying to remove as much mold as possible,
  2. Prepare and apply the fungicidal agent or other substances recommended above,
  3. Rinse it off thoroughly with water,
  4. Dry the treated area thoroughly - it is best to use a dry rag for this (you need to throw it away later), and then use a hairdryer, which will thoroughly dry the surface with a stream of hot dry air.

This algorithm applies to cases where traces of fungus were found on windows.

But what to do if fungus appears on the slopes of plastic windows? In this case, the following cleaning measures should be carried out:

  1. First we disassemble the slope,
  2. We additionally insulate existing voids polyurethane foam, the excess of which must be cut off after hardening,
  3. We treat with any fungicidal agent or bleach solution,
  4. Dry the treated area
  5. We are restoring the slope.

If dark spots begin to appear at the joints, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. First we clean the joints,
  2. We check whether the mold has gone even deeper, down the slope,
  3. If not, dry the joint, treat it with bleach,
  4. Dry thoroughly
  5. We apply a suitable sealant, treating all slopes and joints with it,
  6. We finally restore the joint.

If the root cause of mold appearing on window slopes is high humidity, there are several recommendations for eliminating the problem:

  • If the window sill is too wide, holes are made in the window sill itself and plastic grilles equipped with blinds are installed to improve ventilation. Such gratings can be found in almost every hardware store. They perform the function of directing air in the direction from the heating battery to the window.
  • To control the level of humidity, special hydraulically controlled ventilation valves are installed at the top of the window, capable of automatically opening when the humidity level rises. It is thanks to such valves that continuous air flow and a noticeable reduction in humidity in the room are ensured.
  • As a last resort, an additional ventilation system would not hurt - for example, an air conditioner with a filter made of fungicidal impregnation, which helps destroy mold spores.

Prevention of occurrence

If there is no mold or mildew on your windows, this is not a reason to relax and forget about it. possible emergence. Therefore, it makes sense to ask in advance preventive measures, which include:

  1. Constant fight against dust
  2. Control of humidity in the room, preventing its excess (especially when pipes leak, large quantities indoor plants, etc.)
  3. Availability of air conditioning and ventilation systems,
  4. Maintaining a stable microclimate (humidity not higher than 60%, and the air temperature in the room is approximately 22-24 C),
  5. If you have not yet installed PVC windows, before starting installation you need to treat the window opening with any fungicide - you can buy it in every construction market.
  6. Keep kitchen and bathroom vents open to ensure good air circulation.
  7. Check that the window frames are working properly and are not damaged. Fix damage immediately.
  8. It is advisable to keep interior doors open.
  9. Ventilate the apartment 1-2 times daily.
  10. Do not dry clothes indoors with the windows closed or on radiators.
  11. It is preferable to use moisture-resistant materials for finishing the apartment.
  12. If you have previously encountered fungus on windows, it makes sense to treat potentially dangerous areas monthly with a solution of some fungicidal agent.
  13. When installing plastic windows, it is recommended to install a built-in ventilation system in them.

In the article we discussed everything related to fungus on PVC windows and the fight against it. It remains only to advise readers to remove fungal deposits immediately after detection, without jeopardizing the health of their loved ones and themselves.

Condensation is a consequence design features glass unit. Hermetically sealed windows, on the one hand, mean comfort, warmth, absence of noise, street dust and soot, and drafts. On the other hand, blocking natural ventilation through window frames, which can lead to constant fogging of the glass. Reasons why it is necessary to eliminate condensation from the inside of the window:

  • an unfavorable atmosphere in the apartment in the form of high humidity and poor ventilation can cause respiratory diseases;
  • a high moisture content in the air will lead to damage to furniture, wallpaper and other materials;
  • water that has formed on the window sills can cause the formation of mold and mildew, which are very harmful to health: their appearance in a children's room is completely unacceptable;
  • V winter time water quickly turns into ice;
  • Foggy windows look unattractive and collect dust and dirt.

High humidity due to condensation creates an unfavorable atmosphere in the apartment

According to building codes 2.04.05-91, average temperature in residential premises should be 20-22 degrees. Approximate moisture content is 30-45%. In such conditions, condensation will not form on PVC windows, it will become comfortable to stay in the apartment and it will be easy to breathe. If water continues to collect on the glass, this indicates a poor microclimate; the cause must be identified and eliminated.

To better understand why condensation collects, let's understand the term dew point. This is the temperature value at which steam becomes water. The lower the humidity level in the room, the lower the dew point will be. The indicator is influenced by the following factors:

  • density of materials in the “filling” of the wall;
  • temperature outside and inside the room;
  • humidity outside and at home.

At the dew point, moisture can settle inside the room, both on the wall and on the windows. Accordingly, the problem is in the wall structure, double-glazed windows, or appears for external reasons.

Most people who experience condensation on their residential windows blame the window installation company. The victims claim that previously, when the old frames were installed, there was no fogging, but with new modern packages it appeared.

According to statistics, about 3-5% of cases where the company is at fault. Otherwise, other factors influence the formation of moisture on windows.

The resulting condensation on the windows represents the process of separating water from steam. That is, steam turns into a liquid state - into water. The lower the temperature of the inner glass of the double-glazed window in the room, the higher the risk of condensation. Do not forget about room humidity, which especially leads to fogging of windows.

According to the laws of physics, the level of relative air humidity, called the “dew point”, represents temperature regime, in which steam in the air can turn into moisture. At the moment when the dew point becomes higher than the temperature of the glass located inside. In this case, “tears” will inevitably appear on the window.

You should consider the reasons why windows fog up and how to get rid of it.

We do not recommend installing single-chamber double-glazed windows. Saving money on the cost of double glazing will lead to many problems. A single-chamber double-glazed window is inferior to an energy-saving package, since by installing it in the windows of your home, you will ensure that the windows fog up.

Perhaps the glass unit should be replaced with a new one? Please note that we are not talking about replacing the entire window, but only the glass unit.

A wide window sill that completely covers the radiator will cause condensation to appear on the windows, or blackout curtains. The window sill and curtains will prevent the natural circulation of warm air.

It turns out that this issue can be safely resolved. Hang the curtains on longer distance from the window and redo the window sill, reducing its width. Also, come up with alternative air circulation.

Airing the room for at least a quarter of an hour twice a day, regardless of weather conditions, will help reduce the degree of condensation on window glass. There may be excess moisture in the living room, which can cause water to form on the plastic windows.

When faced with fogging windows, check the condition of the room ventilation or its absence, as well as the functionality of the fans. Clogged ventilation grilles or ducts will become an obstacle to access to the room fresh air.

Your favorite flowers on the windowsill can also cause moisture to form on your windows. Growing “live” flowers release moisture, and it accumulates on the double-glazed windows.

It happens that you forgot to set the winter window maintenance mode and the opening sashes do not fit well when closed to the profile. This can lead to drafts and the formation of ice and condensation.

Start adjusting plastic windows.

If windows or slopes are installed poorly, drafts are also possible, due to which the glass becomes colder, which leads to the formation of ice and condensation.

Without delay, contact the company to eliminate the defects.

Fogging of windows most often occurs in the kitchen, because there are many sources of high humidity. You boil the kettle, cook food, wash the dishes.

What to do when slopes are made incorrectly

Do windows on the side of the slopes fog up? The reason lies in their insufficient insulation. Cold turns steam into water. Plastic slopes can be easily upgraded. To do this, remove the PVC panels from the slopes. They are easy to pull out if you pick them up and pull them out of the profiles. Carefully foam the space between the opening and window frame so that the inside of the slope is filled with foam.

In case of plasterboard slopes the design cannot be reused. To solve the problem, you will have to dismantle the old structure, carry out insulation according to the instructions and install a new one. If the windows are single-chamber, you will not be able to get rid of fogging. The reason is in the double-glazed windows themselves. In most cases, they are not able to provide sufficient thermal insulation due to an insufficient number of air layers. The problem is solved by forced heating of windows or replacing them with new ones quality windows PVC from several chambers.

You should not immediately open the perimeter of the window and look for voids in the foam. First you need to ensure a normal flow of warm air to the window: remove the radiator grille or stop folding the curtains on the windowsill. If you make the surface of the windows 1 - 2 °C warmer, then condensation will not appear.

  • If you have concluded that the reason for the appearance of condensation lies in the insufficient amount of glass, there is only one way out - to replace the single-chamber double-glazed window with a double-chamber one.
  • The most unpleasant thing is the defect that occurred during the installation of the window unit. To correct careless thermal insulation of the perimeter, you will have to break the plaster, dismantle the slopes and the window sill. When long distance Between the frame and the opening, the entire block will need to be replaced.
  • Replacing a wide window sill with a narrow one helps improve convection, but is not always acceptable: some gardeners cannot refuse a floral oasis on the window. In such cases, a grille is installed in the window sill to allow heat from the radiator to enter, or additional heating is arranged using alternative sources: a thermal curtain, a lamp.
  • Cleaning the ventilation system will improve the situation, and installing forced ventilation is guaranteed to speed up the removal of excess moisture from the apartment and reduce condensation on plastic windows.

Knowing the reasons for the formation of condensation on window frames and glass will allow you to effectively combat fogging and prevent the formation of mold. If mold has already appeared, then treating it with special compounds and then following the recommendations for combating weeping glass will allow you to get rid of the harmful fungus forever.

If the windows fog up on the side of the plastic slopes, you should remove the panels and foam the space between the opening and the window frame

How to escape from high humidity

When it comes into contact with a cool surface, the vapor becomes a liquid. Condensation forms because plastic windows are the coldest objects in the apartment. It's about about the winter period - it is at this time that the problem of moisture on glass becomes relevant. There is always a certain level of humidity in the air.

To maintain an optimal microclimate in the apartment, it is better to take care of the ventilation system in advance

At first glance, useless, small barred holes in the kitchen and bathroom serve important function– the air gets rid of excess moisture. If ventilation efficiency decreases, condensation will occur. You can try to get rid of it:

  • First of all, check the operation of the ventilation. To do this, take a lighter, lit match or candle and bring it to the ventilation grill. If there is a noticeable deviation of the flame towards the hood, proceed to the next steps. If the light burns straight, it means the ventilation shaft is clogged and you need to contact the utility service.
  • It also happens that condensation on double-glazed windows occurs when the shaft is working perfectly. Check how well the room is ventilated - open the windows slightly. If the kitchen is actively preparing food, use electric hood. It is placed above the stove. This convenient device It pulls out not only excess steam, but also strong odors. In winter, when you can’t open the windows wide, kitchen hood- a real salvation.
  • If many people live in an apartment, then it would be advisable to install a pressure valve in the bathroom and toilet. This device will force air out of the room. You won’t have to worry about the quality of the “native” hood in your apartment.

The appearance of condensation on window glass is a reason to check the ventilation. If it doesn't work even with open windows, all exhaust openings (in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet) should be cleared of dust and debris. If this does not help, you should inform the service company about the need to clean the ventilation shaft.

Sources of moisture

In a residential area, the humidity level is 40–50%. If the owner of the apartment is a lover of indoor flowers or an aquarist who keeps a huge aquarium, then it is natural that the air humidity increases and excess moisture settles on the glass in the form of condensation. The habit of drying clothes at home or frequent cooking in the kitchen contributes to fogging.

We get rid of moisture at minimal cost

In this article we will look at how to properly operate windows and what to do if condensation remains on the plastic windows. All more people install plastic windows in their houses or apartments. This is no coincidence, because plastic windows have a number of advantages over wooden ones.

But it should be said that plastic windows can bring their owners both joy and some inconvenience. This is due to the fact that plastic windows form condensation. There are several reasons for this, by establishing which you can remove condensation on plastic windows.

Very often, condensation appears in those windows where there is only one chamber. Of course, such windows are much cheaper than others, but there are quite a lot of problems with them.

If you purchased such a double-glazed window and are faced with the problem of fogging, then there is only one way out of this situation - replacing the double-glazed window. You can replace only the double-glazed window and leave the old profile.

Another reason for fogging is the lack of heat blowing through the glass unit. This is due to the fact that the large window sill does not allow the flow of warm air from the battery to reach the window.

There may be several ways out of this situation. You can simply move the battery to another location. Or you can reduce the window sill itself without changing the double-glazed window.

Pay attention to the ventilation in the room. It often happens that blockages form in it, and then condensation will appear on the window. You can simply clean the ventilation and restore air circulation in the room. This will stop the windows from fogging up.

Many housewives love houseplants. And they, in turn, love the sun very much, so in many apartments there are flowers on the windowsill.

But all plants emit moisture, and since they are located in close proximity to the glass, the moisture gets onto the window. You just have to remove the plants from the windowsill.

The most common reason for condensation on a plastic window is insufficient ventilation in the room. If you have plastic windows, then make it a rule to ventilate the room every day for 10-15 minutes. This way you will not only let fresh air into the apartment, but also get rid of condensation.

Look for any cracks through which cold air can enter. They could have formed due to improper installation of windows or slopes. This error can be corrected by sealing all existing cracks properly.

If the window fogs up in the kitchen, you will have to change it to a double-glazed window.

Find out the causes of fogging and get rid of them. And then the plastic window will only bring joy.

Plastic windows are now no longer a sign of luxury, but a necessity, which is why stylish designs can be seen in almost any apartment. Windows can be roughly classified by the number of cameras (from one to four) and the opening mechanism (fixed, tilting, rotating, combined, rotating). The temperature in the room will depend on the number of cameras (interglazed spaces) - the cooler the climate, the more cameras need to be installed.

The main concern of the owners of these modern designs– condensation on plastic windows that forms during the cold season. You can choose windows with a self-cleaning surface - the need for cleaning will occur less frequently, but this will not affect the frequency of vapor formation. Here it is important to influence the cause of the appearance of drops and smudges that interfere with the view and increase the humidity in the room. We will talk about how to get rid of fogging of plastic windows a little lower.

Why does condensation collect on plastic windows?

The water contained in the air is in a vapor state. You can measure room humidity using special devices– its normal indicator will be 30-45%. At a certain low temperature, moisture changes from vapor to liquid. Because The coldest place in the apartment is the window; steam tends to escape there and, encountering a temperature barrier, turns into water, settling on the glass.

  • During cooking (heated air is distributed throughout the entire volume of the room, in the area of ​​​​the cold window there is a transition between states of liquid)
  • At high humidity (make sure that the indicator in the room is no more than 50%)
  • In apartments with wide window sills (heat from the radiator is blocked, so plastic windows are not heated)
  • If the windows are not insulated during installation or before the start of the season
  • In case of leaks
  • If the room is crowded

Having found out why condensation collects on plastic windows, we will describe the consequences of its occurrence:

  • Bad review
  • Unaesthetic appearance
  • Formation of dirty smudges and puddles on the windowsill
  • Due to constant humidity, fungus forms on building structures, which has a bad effect on the respiratory system of apartment residents
  • In winter, ice appears on the inside of the glass.

Another extraordinary way for those who love experiments. One of the materials is suitable for it: nichrome thread, conductive film, foil. Attach any of the materials around the perimeter of the window and pass a current of 12-24V through it. A little heating will get rid of two problems at once - fogging and freezing.

If you need to quickly get rid of condensation before guests arrive, you can use a car anti-fog spray

Modern double-glazed windows have gotten rid of many of the “sores” that plagued their wooden predecessors. In addition to reliable protection from street noise, there is no longer a need to seal, insulate and tint window frames every year, and heat loss has significantly decreased. Despite obvious advantages"plastic", owners of such windows still face the old problem - the appearance of condensation on the windows, and in winter, a more serious problem - ice. How to avoid this?

The problem worsens during the winter and off-season. And ignoring or untimely elimination of the condensation problem often also causes the appearance of mold and mildew in the room, which can negatively affect the emotional and physical health owners. Not the brightest prospect for future comfortable living, is it? To understand how to avoid problems, consider the most common signs of condensation.
Moisture on windows can manifest itself in different ways:

  • for example, only in one room (usually the kitchen), but not in others;
  • appears only in the morning or during the cold season;
  • Only the window sill becomes wet, while the glass itself is dry.

All these manifestations have physical nature. Due to the large temperature difference (sometimes reaching 30 degrees) on both sides of the window, water in the air in the form of vapor turns into a liquid state on the coldest surface. Moreover, the higher the humidity and temperature in the room, the large quantity moisture settles on the glass. This phenomenon is called the “dew point”. If the boundary of the “zero” mark (water freezing temperature) passes through inner surface window glass- condensation gradually turns into ice.

As you know, a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. That is why experts recommend, first of all, eliminating the causes of condensation. Old wooden windows were ventilated naturally, but the “plastic” is completely sealed, which leads to disruption of proper air exchange. Therefore, it is extremely important to check the operation of the ventilation system in the apartment. It's very easy to do. Bring a lit match (lighter) to the ventilation shaft exit. If the hood is not clogged and works correctly, the flame will “lean” to the side ventilation grille. The inspection must be carried out in compliance with all rules and regulations fire safety, do not bring fire to materials and surfaces that may catch fire or ignite! As a safe alternative, you can check the operation of the ventilation duct using steam, or even by attaching a sheet of paper to the grille (it should “stick”).

The abundance of moisture in the air is one of the main causes of condensation and ice. Pay attention to factors and sources of high humidity. Most often they become: indoor plants, cooking, wet cleaning, washing machine. New residents need to take into account that recently completed renovations are also a source of additional moisture in the house, separate construction and Decoration Materials capable of maintaining it for up to two years. If, after eliminating unwanted “humidifiers,” the condensation does not go away, it is recommended to install an additional moisture absorber in the room - an air dehumidifier. The device perfectly draws some of the moisture from the room onto itself.

Disruption of natural air convection, in which its warm layers rise upward and cold layers sink down, also has unpleasant consequences. That is why windows are installed above radiators, which heat the glass and prevent it from fogging up. If the glass still fogs up, the reason may be mechanical obstacles to convection: the window sill is too wide, decorative overlays, curtains or curtains made of dense heavy fabric. Sometimes owners put special ones on radiators decorative panels, completely covering the radiator, and with it the access of heat to the window.
If you have eliminated all the causes, but condensation and ice still do not disappear, here are some useful tips.

1. Ventilation is a popular and easiest way to prevent moisture on windows. What does it give? Humid air is replaced with fresh and dry air. As an alternative to old-fashioned ventilation, a window air conditioner can be installed. This is a special element that is mounted at the bottom of the window structure. Today, some manufacturers offer a ready-made solution - a double-glazed window that includes such an air conditioner. If it is not there, it is recommended to ventilate the room at least 3-4 times a day for at least 4-5 minutes.

2. Another way to eliminate the problem of window freezing is to install a convection screen above the heating radiator. The device is quite simple, it consists of lattice plates installed at an angle of approximately 30-60 degrees to the surface of the window sill. The principle of operation is simple: they pass rising from the battery warm air, “refract” it and direct it straight to the surface of the window.

3. An effective method for eliminating condensation can be the use of the so-called “winter mode” of the window (micro-ventilation mode). All modern windows are equipped with it. The option makes it possible to open the window sash only 2-7 mm. Thus, fresh air penetrates into the room without cooling it down. This mode is especially relevant if the window from the room faces a glazed loggia.

4. Sometimes the problem can only be solved with help modern technologies. Among them are ventilation supply valves that ensure proper air exchange in the room. Such a device successfully “eliminates” the tightness of the double-glazed window, which is often the cause of delay excess moisture in room. Supply valves are mounted in the upper part of the glass unit and ensure silent air flow.

5. In the fight against ice, all means are good, even auto chemical products. Enterprising homeowners use several types of sprays designed to defog car windows. Before use, it is recommended to wash the window well, dry it and only then apply chemical agent. It is worth noting that this method will only temporarily eliminate the problem, but will not solve it.

6. Special attention deserves finishing of slopes. At improper processing Moisture can collect on them and mold can form. Experts categorically do not recommend plastering this element of the window block without first insulating it with foam plastic or foam filler in combination with drywall. It’s even better if the slope is covered with special plastic with air chambers.

7. Along with simple and in technological ways To eliminate the causes of condensation, there are more unusual ways to solve the problem. One of these is use of nichrome thread. It is mounted around the perimeter of the window block and operates under low voltage – 12-14V. This “additional” heating reliably protects the glass from moisture formation. Some manufacturers of double-glazed windows even offer ready-made solutions with installed low-power heating elements.

Photo:,,,,,,, www.favorit-

Text: Ekaterina Nikitenko

Expert opinion

Very often, people who encounter this problem complain to the manufacturer about a low-quality product. To be fair, it is worth noting that the percentage of defects that cause condensation to form is relatively small: up to 3%. All other manifestations of condensation are associated with the above factors, and sometimes a combination of them. We have been working for almost 15 years, and from my own experience I can say that the reasons for this phenomenon often lie not in the windows, but in a damp room. And no, even the highest quality double-glazed window, will eliminate the problem if the humidity in the apartment is allowed to exceed 55%. Here, condensation will not just appear in drops on the glass, but can flow along the walls. In this case, only eliminating the source of moisture will help.

Head of window production at Soba-S Unitary Enterprise

Condensation - droplets of moisture that form on the surface of profiles and double-glazed windows, as well as external elements of fittings - is always unpleasant. However, as soon as you see the first drops on a newly installed window, you should not panic and assume that the fault lies with the specialists who installed the windows in your house or apartment...

Before you figure out why your PVC windows sweat, look at them carefully... And determine where exactly the condensation appears? If there are droplets of water on the inner surface of the glass unit, the problem is most likely due to improper installation and leakage of the glass unit. If condensation occurs on outer surface glass unit, if water flows from it, then there may be many more reasons.

Formation of condensation on the inner surface of the glass unit

The reason - in almost 100% of cases - is a defect in the manufacture of double-glazed windows and during installation (the inadmissibility of moisture inside the chamber is also enshrined in GOST 24866-99). This is good for the apartment owner, if only for the reason that the installation company is obliged to correct the defect. In addition, if condensation inside the double-glazed window is not accompanied by its appearance outside, or if condensation collects on external surfaces in insignificant quantities, the problem can most likely be dealt with one way or another.

Formation of condensation on the outside of the glass unit and on the profile

Possible causes of moisture condensation on external surfaces include:

  • improper installation of a PVC window (the window structure is either located too close to the outer plane of the wall, or is located flush with the thermal insulation layer);
  • too high humidity in the room (for example, large condensation appears in actively used small kitchens);
  • lack of ventilation in the house;
  • choosing a glass unit that is too thin and has a low thermal capacity;
  • loose connection of the sashes to the frame.

It is usually not possible to immediately find the reasons why windows sweat from the inside. But there are a number of ways that will definitely help you find a reliable explanation of the source of the problem.

Finding the cause of water protruding on the glass and profile

There are several ways to find out:

  • candle method (bring a lit candle or lighter to the junction of the sashes and frames, to the mounting seams - if the flame begins to fluctuate intensely, depressurization occurs assembly seams or a malfunction in the valve abutment mechanism);
  • using a fan (a switched-on fan placed on the windowsill causes a large amount of water and even a puddle to appear on the windowsill, which means the double-glazed window is not working efficiently enough);
  • consistent improvement of the microclimate in the house (using supply and exhaust ventilation, ventilation, sealing seams or moving radiators further or closer to the wall, reducing the width of the window sill).

As soon as the main factor causing condensation disappears, condensation will not collect.

Prevention: anticipate and avoid

What to do to avoid condensation on plastic windows? The ideal “cure” for fogging is careful selection of the installation contractor - in most cases right choice will protect you both from condensation and from any other problems.

It is worth remembering, however, that even the best PVC window installer will not be able to help you with anything if your house is humid, there is no ventilation, and you insisted that the cheapest double-glazed window be glued into the window, whose thermal insulation capabilities are clearly insufficient.

When preparing for installation - this is especially true if the windows in the house are large - try to take care of ventilation. Active supply and exhaust ventilation can work wonders in these cases. Try not to place a lot of flowers, containers with liquid, aquariums, or humidifiers on the windowsill - all this increases the level of humidity and increases the risk of condensation on the glass unit.

Ventilate the room regularly and use a micro-ventilation system (if it is not installed, order it).

Carefully choose the double-glazed window and the profile from which the frames and sashes will be made - after all, the more effective the thermal insulation of the window opening, the less the risk that the windows will “cry”. Be sure to order not only the installation of windows, but also the finishing of the opening (installation of slopes), as well as the adjustment of fittings.

And finally, try not to carry out installation in the cold season or simultaneously with repairs - above-zero temperature “overboard” according to all GOSTs and SNiPs is prerequisite installation

Briefly: conclusions

Key points to reduce the risk of condensation:

  • correct installation;
  • the presence of good ventilation in the house (even a hood in the kitchen is already good);
  • frequent ventilation;
  • correct choice of glass unit and profile.

Answers on questions

1. PVC windows sweat: what to do?
First, determine where the moisture is located (inside the glass unit or outside). If it’s inside, it’s almost definitely a marriage. If it’s outside, assess whether the humidity level in the house is too high: it definitely needs to be lowered. Check the tightness of the connection of the sashes to the frame and the tightness of the seams at the opening walls.

2. Why do PVC windows produce condensation in positive weather?
As a factor causing fogging, it is not so much the temperature outside that is important, but the difference between what the thermometer shows in the house and “outside”. It is necessary that closed window provided thermal insulation of the room. It is also possible that in the house it is simply high level humidity.

3. Why do double-glazed windows sweat in autumn and winter?
In winter and autumn, they sweat due to the significant difference in temperature indoors and outdoors. If the thermal insulation is poor, the window begins to fog up because cold air from the street and warm air from the room “meet” on its surface.

4. Why do single-chamber double-glazed windows sweat?
Single-chamber packages in most cases are not intended for installation in windows - they perform well in cold glazing of balconies. If installed on a window, one camera is simply not enough to thermally insulate the opening. As a result, condensation forms.

5. Why is there condensation on PVC windows in the morning?
This is due to both the climate and the operating mode of central heating. The fact is that at night the temperature of the batteries is usually the highest - for 5-6 hours room temperature increases significantly. But outside in the morning the temperature is minimal.

6. Why do windows sweat after insulation?
The reasons may be the following: the insulation is carried out so well that the level of humidity in the room increases (with poor ventilation, moisture has nowhere to go) or the insulation is carried out with errors - in the places of contact between the profile and the wall in window opening moisture accumulates.

7. Is condensation allowed on double-glazed window?
If the glass unit has no defects and if the window is installed correctly, and the humidity in the house does not exceed 45-50%, it is unacceptable. However, condensation can also appear on a good double-glazed window if the outside temperature is extremely low.

8. How to clean plastic windows if there is condensation on them?
You need to remove condensation - especially if it happens in winter - very carefully, using a cloth made of non-woven fabric that absorbs water well. This will prevent the glass or plastic of the profile from being scratched by pieces of ice that may appear along with condensation.

9. Which metal-plastic windows do not sweat?
They don’t sweat, in principle, just right installed windows PVC, which is regularly opened for ventilation, is located correctly (away from the outer edge of the wall), with unclogged drainage channels and with well-sealed seams.

10. Condensation with a large number of indoor plants.
This is a common phenomenon: plants form their own microclimate, which - if there are a large number of them - begins to influence the microclimate of the house. One of its components is high humidity, which ultimately provokes the appearance of condensation.

11. Condensation due to improper installation.
Very often, condensation is a consequence of improper installation. For example, the location is too close to the outer surface of the wall (to create a wide window sill) or the seams between the frame and the walls of the window opening are poorly sealed.

12. Why do condensation and ice appear on PVC windows?
Ice is a clear sign that the cold has found its way from the street into your home. This could be a crack in the double-glazed window, or a loose fit of the sash to the frame. Or - the double-glazed window is too thin and has few chambers (in severe frost, a single-chamber package may become covered with frost).

13. Who should I contact if plastic windows sweat and freeze?
To the company that installed your windows. In any case, specialists will quickly determine the cause of condensation and select options to eliminate it. There is no need to worry that the contracting company will “blame” its shortcomings on the microclimate of the apartment - a good contractor always cares about its reputation.

The most accurate diagnosis can be made using a television examination, but in general, the classification of the root causes due to which it begins to settle on the glass includes four points. The problem may arise due to one or several factors at once: Reasons for the appearance and control of condensation on plastic windows, Reasons for the formation of condensation, ways to deal with it. The most accurate diagnosis can be made using a television examination, but in general, the classification of the root causes,

General information

The problem may arise due to one or several factors:

We suggest that you familiarize yourself in more detail with why condensation forms on plastic windows, so that you can then find out how to effectively deal with it.

Detailed analysis of the causes of condensation

Indoor microclimate disturbances

So, what requirements are put forward according to SanPin for the microclimate in a residential area?

Please note that the most comfortable temperature for living is from +18 to +23 degrees, and the humidity should be from 40 to 50% and the air exchange rate from 3 m3 per linear meter indoors, if it will be used for relaxation and leisure time.

But keep in mind that in kitchen area air exchange should be 2-3 times faster (with an electric and gas stove, respectively). From the recommendations we can conclude that a living space can be considered comfortable not only when it is warm, but also if enough fresh air gets into it.

Problems due to improper installation and design of slopes

If you are 100% confident in the window manufacturer, then there are assumptions that the cause of the “fog” may lie in poor-quality foaming of the frame or poor coating. Sometimes builders can completely “forget” about the last factor, since they simply do not know how to properly install waterproofing in window design. For this reason, only professionals should be allowed to install windows. Believe me, correcting mistakes that were made during the installation of plastic windows is much more difficult.

Other reasons

Condensation on glass can also form in structures with plastic panel, and with wood. The main reasons for “fogging” are:

  • Seasonal cold.
  • A lot of moisture in the room.
  • The window structure has poor thermal insulation.

Since you definitely won’t be able to cope with the cold outside, all that remains is to either influence the level of humidity inside the room, or replace the double-glazed windows with more modern ones, moreover, they must have enhanced thermal insulation (with a special coating and a double chamber). Don’t think that only modern windows can “sweat”. Condensation can appear anywhere, and the type of material that was used to create the profiles will not be the main reason. It all depends on the tightness of the selected window design.

Even the same windows from a Finnish manufacturer with load-bearing wooden frame and double-glazed windows will sweat less than windows made according to European standards and having one chamber. This is due to different thermal insulation properties - in two-chamber windows, thermal energy insulation is much better. There is water vapor in the air, and as the temperature rises, the amount of moisture in the air begins to increase. If you bring something really cold into a room that is saturated with moisture, an invisible “casing” of cold air will immediately begin to appear around you. Such a temporary shell is not capable of retaining a lot of moisture, as the rest of the air in the room does, so the surface of the introduced object will very quickly become wet due to that very “dew”.

The more water there is in the atmosphere, the less “demanding” the moisture will be regarding the temperature level of objects on the surface of which it will fall as condensation. It turns out that they no longer need to have the same temperature as vegetables from the refrigerator or a bottle of drink. If the saturation in the air is approximately 100%, then steam will begin to settle on all objects whose temperature differs by 1 degree or even less from the temperature of the atmosphere.

When the inner glass in the double-glazed chamber has the same temperature at which the formation of the dew point begins or even lower, the humidity inside the structure will also correspond to a certain parameter, and there will be even more condensation on the plastic window. For this reason, “tears” on the glass are direct evidence that there is a high level of humidity inside the house.

There are the following possible reasons:

  • The result of daily activities throughout the apartment.
  • Broken process.
  • A glass unit with damage or defects.
  • Violation of installation technology glass structure into the frame opening.

If the essence of the problem is that the air is poorly conditioned, then the appearance of condensation can be perceived as a call to ventilate the room once again. But if, even after ventilation, the glass begins to become cloudy again, and frequent opening of windows will result in excessive heat consumption, then it makes sense to start stabilizing the ventilation system, and even find a replacement for the already installed double-glazed window.

Important! Try to select a new design that takes into account typical temperature fluctuations for your region.

If in your area the temperature in winter -20 degrees is quite normal, then the double-glazed window should be taken taking into account the parameters of the appearance of the dew point and the level of humidity and heat of the air inside the room that is comfortable for you and your family. If your normal air humidity is 60%, and the air temperature is about +20 degrees, then in such conditions the dew point will be +12 degrees. At the same temperature and humidity of 40%, the dew point will be +6 degrees. How to use this knowledge in practice?

When studying the range of double-glazed windows, you should pay attention to the indicator, the measurement unit of which is C/W. With the initial data described above (outside -20 degrees, inside the house +20 degrees and humidity 40%), the thermal insulation indicator of the window structure, i.e. Rо should be greater than 0.35 m2оС/W. When the humidity increases, for example, to 55%, the new value will be 0.54 m2oC/W. What else do you need to know when selecting a new double-glazed window?

Please note that if the supporting structure with a distance-type frame is made of aluminum, then cold bridges will appear at the edges of the metal products.

Because of this, when cold weather begins, there is a possibility of condensation appearing on the glass near the line of contact between the transparent elements and aluminum profiles.

We suggest considering additional measures to reduce the likelihood of condensation on the glass of PVC windows:

  • Find out whether near all (or not) windows the heated air from the radiator reaches the glass (a strongly protruding edge from the window sill and closely spaced curtains can interfere with the process).
  • Install ventilation valve, which allows a portion of fresh air to flow to the surface of the glass, which will also help in the fight against condensation.

Now let's look at how to deal with this.

How to deal with fogging

To avoid having to deal with condensation on the glass of plastic windows again, it’s better to installation work into the window openings of a new double-glazed window to navigate the selection of good and reliable design. Determine the ideal dew point level for you, and then tell the obtained data to the manager who will serve you, and say that you want to purchase windows with a value higher than the parameter you calculated.

To ensure that your request is not simply ignored, ask to include this parameter in the contract, and make sure that everything really is exactly like that. If the sellers refuse, then perhaps it’s worth changing the company? Why should you buy a double-glazed window, the technical characteristics of which will be similar to the windows that are in your house and are not satisfied with the quality?

When everything is ready, the double-glazed window has been made as needed, and the installation has been carried out according to the instructions, you can rejoice, but after the first cold snap, not before. Sometimes it happens that at the first cold, small clouds of condensation appear - what to do in this case? Change again? No. Small spots are quite natural and not problematic, unlike what we will talk about next.

This is what may be happening behind the scenes:

  • Window openings that are disguised decorative slopes, have cold bridges, and because of them, moisture gradually begins to accumulate under the panels, and this can provoke the appearance and further growth of mold, as well as loss of technical quality insulating gasket.
  • Slopes prevent heated air from reaching the surface of the glass (tips that describe how to prevent the appearance of moisture on the glass will help here).
  • Old Soviet windows are remembered by many for the fact that they have many cracks, from which it blows strongly during the cold season - but at the same time, such micro-holes participated in the process of natural ventilation of the apartment. At the moment, all this is disappearing faster and faster due to the installation of metal-plastic windows (the problem is quite significant and requires the urgent creation of a new and effectively working ventilation scheme inside the living space).

Let's look at a few more possible problems and ways to combat them.

First the windows sweat, and then they become covered with a crust of ice

It is extremely rare that those who installed metal-plastic windows did not encounter the formation of condensation on the glass. This kind of trouble can happen various reasons, and even professionals cannot always say exactly why such a problem arose. To identify the causes, certain knowledge of physics and practice and experience will be required. But eliminating the reasons why windows “cry” will make it possible to forget for a long time what foggy windows are.

Explanation from a physics point of view

When the window begins to fog up, you see the real, actual result of atmospheric moisture being converted into vapor into a liquid due to exposure to low temperature. The fact is that cold air cannot hold much water, so the excess of the latter settles on everything that has a temperature lower than that of the air.

If the window is the coldest area in your apartment, then moisture from the cooled air will settle on it. If the volume of condensate produced is large, it can become a real problem, since not only does it building construction will begin to become very humid, you may have mold in your house! And if there is severe frost outside the windows, then “icebergs” may even appear on the window, and this is only because high humidity air. But keep in mind that with excessive dryness, problems can also arise, but with health. How can you get rid of condensation without harming your loved ones or yourself? The ideal method would be the old-fashioned method - to ventilate more often.

Why is there no condensation in apartments with old windows?

The current double-glazed windows are sealed and do not allow air flows to get inside. Because of this I completely disappeared natural ventilation apartment, which, by the way, was taken into account during the design of the building. The air masses, although they entered the apartments little by little, dried the air in the room, which prevented condensation from forming on the windows. When replacing conventional frames with modern ones (it is not necessary that they be made of metal profile), but with sealed porches, natural ventilation was stopped, and excess moisture in the apartment began to settle on the glass.

To achieve normal humidity, ventilate the room or install windows that have a delicate ventilation system, and then air microcirculation will be restored and the windows will no longer “cry.”

Additional factors that may affect fogging

Interestingly, very often the “culprit” for the formation of condensation is wide window sills, which prevent warm air flows from the radiator from reaching the vertical surface of the window opening. The presence of flowerpots can also aggravate the situation. If you do not have the opportunity to create normal convection, then get ready to constantly run around with a rag for wiping and open the window as often as possible.

If, in addition to complete tightness, natural ventilation does not occur, and the hood is broken or does not exist at all, then you will encounter fogging all year round. For this reason, a kitchen hood over the stove is not a whim, but a useful household item that can maintain normal level humidity inside the house. Don't forget to purchase this device when you start renovation work– the main thing is not to turn it on when it has just been pasted. And finally, even sadder are the consequences when the owners incorrectly carried out the reconstruction or even completely removed ventilation system. In this case, freezing and condensation will not take long to occur.