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» External corner profile for plasterboard. Profile for drywall: sizes and types, areas of application. Fasteners for plasterboard systems

External corner profile for plasterboard. Profile for drywall: sizes and types, areas of application. Fasteners for plasterboard systems

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P using thin-walled aluminum profile is attached, the walls are insulated and the ceilings are installed. In addition to the well-known PP type products, there is a wide range of aluminum products that facilitate installation and help save builders’ time, and, accordingly, the customer’s money. What types of profiles there are for drywall, sizes and types, photographs and examples of use are in this material.

Profile construction

An experienced and talented craftsman will be able to build a frame from any profiles he has. There are three main types of aluminum guides that are used for all types of work - these are straight guides PP 50/40, PN 60/27 and PP 27/28. They are intended for creating frames with straight surfaces, but with simple manipulations they can be used to mount curved structures, arches and small architectural forms. However, the work will be easier, and the result will be of better quality, if for each type of work you use material specially designed for this purpose. Drywall profiles, the sizes and types of which are standard, will serve as examples for the description.

Frame elements

The PN type guide has a cross section of 50/40, 75/40 or 100/40 mm. It is used to mark boundaries plasterboard construction, install and secure racks - main more structural elements, to which the sheathing sheets will be attached. Its shape is flat U-shaped, it usually has pre-drilled 6 and 8 mm holes for fastening, but is often supplied without perforation. It is most often made of galvanized steel, so the profile is not subject to corrosion. The types of profiles for drywall can be very different, but the basis of the frame is always made up of guides.

The PS rack profile is a product that is used in conjunction with the guides described above and has the appropriate cross-section - 50/40, 75/40 or 100/40 mm. Also made of steel, has U-shape, but during the rolling process additional stiffening ribs are squeezed out on it - one at a time on the ribs, at least three at the end. The ends of this profile are bent inward, which gives additional rigidity. PN and PS are used for installation of vertical structures.

Guide 28/27 is an exact reduced copy of the PN profile described above, which is used for installing partitions. The PP 28/27 guide is intended for the manufacture of a suspended ceiling frame. It is mounted around the perimeter, and a PP ceiling profile corresponding to its size is inserted into it. PN 28/27 is made from galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.4 mm.

Ceiling profile PP 60/27 is a lightweight guide designed for use in structures with low loads. It is mounted together with the PN 28/27 guide, has the shape of the letter U, but is equipped with additional stiffening ribs, its edges are bent inward. A set of PN 28/27 and PP 60/27 can be used not only on the ceiling, but also to create lightweight frames in those structures where increased strength is not needed. Due to their smaller size, their cost is much lower than that of rack profiles.

Arched (flexible) is a profile that has special notches and perforations that allow them to be evenly bent in different directions. This eliminates the need to make frequent cuts and be careful not to damage the guide. The special shape of the notches allows bending without the formation of sharp corners. These are the main types of profiles for drywall.

Auxiliary parts

  • The connecting longitudinal bracket is an element that allows you to join and thus extend the profile. It is a spring, fastened with self-tapping screws on the sides.

  • Plinth strip – fastener, with the help of which the border of the sheathing sheets is indicated at the bottom, top or sides. The outer edge is perforated, meaning it is assumed that visible part will be puttied.

  • Hat profile – special kind profiles that can be used without guides, and are mounted directly to the wall or ceiling. Used as a frame for insulation.

  • Z-profile – used as additional stiffeners.
  • L-shaped profile - traditionally used as a starting or finishing element in structures with open ends.

Sizes and characteristics

Guides and racks are made of galvanized sheet steel. Whatever the profile for plasterboard: dimensions and types, its configuration, in any case, the choice of material must be determined by strength requirements. Plasterboard walls and ceilings are suspended structures that are not designed for heavy loads, but they are still possible during operation. The profile frame must provide, first of all, spatial rigidity and not allow the sheathing sheets attached to it to bend and deform.

The thickness of steel for racks and guides must be at least 0.4 mm. The corner profile can be thinner, since it does not experience structural loads. The wider the profile and the longer the unsupported span, the thicker the metal should be. Fasteners are made with a thickness of 0.4 mm.

Helpful information! The standard profile length is 3 meters, but 2.5 guides are available for sale; 2.8; 4; 4.5 and 6 meters long. If desired, the profile section can be extended using special connections.

Video: types of drywall profiles

Mounting options

Fastening elements are intended for the construction of ceilings, since when constructing a wall frame, fastening is carried out using ordinary self-tapping screws at the intersection of profiles. Special elements serve to give spatial rigidity and connect parts located at different levels. Profiles for drywall can have different types, so the fastening is selected individually in each specific case.

  • Suspensions are the most common type of fastener, which is a perforated plate with special notches that bends and turns into brackets of various configurations. The end of this bracket is attached to the ceiling, and the free ends hold the ceiling profile hanging.

  • Corner joints are brackets that allow fastening from the end of the profile.

Examples of units and structures

Example 1: the ceiling is ready for covering, the frame has been completed and insulation has been completed.

Example 2: complex multi-level ceiling With big amount curved lines.

Example 3: alternative connection scheme for plasterboard profiles.

Example 4: classic direct suspension mount.

Example 5: closed arch profile of increased strength.


In order for the construction of a plasterboard frame to be strong and stable, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. A corner made of plasterboard profiles, which you can make yourself, will help strengthen the structure.

Example of a mounted corner from metal profiles for gypsum boards

It’s worth learning how to make a corner with your own hands and on our own arrange the fastening element. The first thing you need to know is that angles are divided into two types:

  1. External corners.
  2. Internal corners.

Each of these types of fasteners has its own assembly features and installation technology. Of course, you should study each of them so that high-quality and durable elements are fixed in the corners of the room.

The corner from the profile for plasterboard is often used in various fields repair work, as well as in the embodiment of other ideas for transforming space. Design in the form of corners from plasterboard sheet, can be used in the following options interior work in a house or apartment:

  • assembly of door frames;

    Design door frame from profiles

  • for various items;
  • and also the corners are used to fasten the profile, which weighs a lot;
  • also requires strengthening the structure with corner elements;
  • those who plan to assemble also use angles from profiles;
  • to reinforce walls that need to be leveled, corners from profiles are also used;
  • when, use corners from profiles that are guides and racks. This allows you to strengthen the structure of the shelving and make the cabinet stable;

    Drywall cabinet frame

  • corners from profiles are applicable when.

    Assembled frame for decorative fireplace

  • Required tools and materials

    Before attaching the profile and corners from leftover material, of course, you need to buy the materials required for the mission, as well as. These are:

    It is better to give preference to quality and durable materials. This will allow you to perform work on high level like a true professional.

    Internal corner

    To create internal corner do it yourself, you will need the following materials:

    The process must be performed consistently and in the correct order to avoid the slightest error.

    Step-by-step instruction

    After the last stage - reinforcement of the corners, that is, strengthening the frame using corners from profiles, can be considered complete.

    Watch the video: an option for installing the inner corner of a metal frame.

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Types of profiles for drywall and methods of their installation

Greetings, comrades! Today we have to find out what types of drywall profiles there are, for what purposes they can be used and how they are installed. In addition, we will analyze a couple basic designs, which are the basis of almost all types interior decoration premises using gypsum boards.

Why profile

As you know, for the installation of frames and lathing under gypsum boards, not only galvanized profiles are used, but also. Which material is better?

The answer is quite clear: profile. Arguments are at your service:

  • Galvanized steel lasts indefinitely, regardless of atmospheric humidity. Of all negative impacts the steel profile is only afraid of corrosion, from which it is reliably protected by a layer of zinc coating;

  • Galvanization is not afraid of insect attacks, which in just 10-15 years are quite capable of destroying or rendering a wooden frame unusable;
  • The geometry and dimensions of the steel frame elements are unchanged, while the beam will lengthen and warp with each seasonal increase in humidity. Changing the shape of the frame will predictably lead to cracks appearing between the sheathing sheets or even right along them.

GCR, however, can be mounted on even wooden walls without sheathing, thereby reducing inappropriate use usable area rooms. It is also used for leveling walls made of mineral materials on glue beacons. In this case, the sheet is glued to a spot-applied gypsum adhesive or any leveling gypsum mixture.

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What types of profiles can be found on sale?

To assemble frames and battens, only 4 types are used:

However, if desired, construction stores You can find two more varieties:

  1. Arched (flexible). It is capable of arching with a small radius, forming vaults of arches or bending the edges of multi-level ceilings;

  1. Angular. A perforated galvanized corner is placed under the putty to strengthen the outer corners of walls, door and window openings.

The corner profile is made not only from galvanization, but also from PVC. Plastic reinforcing corners are often supplied with reinforcing mesh.

In the future, we will turn our attention, first of all, to those types of plasterboard profiles that are used for assembling rigid frames and sheathing - CW, UW, CD and UD.


How do the types of profiles for drywall and their application compare? To answer this question, just re-read the titles.

  • Rack-mounted used for mounting vertical posts when assembling wall frames and. It can also be used as jumpers between posts, reinforcing the rigidity of the frame;

The main element of the wall frame with niches is the UD stud.

  • Guide mounted on permanent structures (floor, adjacent walls and ceiling). The edges of the racks are inserted into it;

  • Ceiling and ceiling track are used in the same way when installing suspended ceiling lathing. With the same success, they can be used to level walls with large (over 50 mm) blockages, bends and differences.

The racks have sufficient rigidity to withstand bending loads, but the ceiling profile, due to the low height of the side walls, requires additional fixation. For this purpose, suspensions are used - straight and adjustable.

If the ears are not long enough, two straight dewlaps can be connected in series, thereby increasing maximum distance from the capital structure to the cladding.


What are the profile sizes?

First, let's get acquainted with the standard sections of the main varieties:

  • All ceiling profiles for plasterboard have the same wall size - 60 and 27 millimeters;

  • Ceiling guides are compatible with them - 27 and 28 mm, respectively;

  • Rack-mount ones have side walls 50 mm high, but the width (bottom wall) can be 50, 75 or 100 mm;

The wider the post, the greater its rigidity with respect to bending load.

  • The height of the side walls of the UW guides is 40 millimeters, the width of the guide corresponds to the width of the racks - 50, 75 or 100 mm.

With length, everything is somewhat more complicated. Theoretically, according to the manufacturers, all varieties are produced with a length from 2.5 to 6 meters inclusive.

In practice, the range of products in stores is much smaller:

  • For guides and ceiling guide profiles, the standard length is 3 meters;
  • For rack and ceiling - 3 and 4 meters.

If maximum length ceiling profile is insufficient for your purposes (that is, less than the length of the room or the height of the wall that is supposed to be leveled), so-called straight connectors are used to splice products of shorter length. In addition to them, you can find cross connectors called “crabs” on sale.


How much do galvanized sheathing and frame elements cost? I will give current prices (November 2016) for the Leroy Merlin chain of stores.

The actual cost depends not only on the cross-section and length of the profile, but also on the thickness of the metal from which it is made. Galvanized products with a thickness of 0.55 - 0.6 mm are designated in the company’s price list with the words “premium” or “strong” and cost the buyer approximately one and a half times more expensive than “economy” class profiles (0.4 mm).


So, we have studied the classification of profiles and their purpose. It's time to move from theory to practice.

General rules

Here are a number of installation rules common to all types of frames and battens:

  • Can be used for cutting galvanized steel only metal scissors. Abrasive cutting with a grinder on metal is extremely undesirable. The fact is that heating the cutting area leads to burnout of the anti-corrosion zinc coating, and the edge of the frame element remains defenseless against rust;

  • Tracks, guide ceiling profiles and hangers are attached to brick, stone and concrete surfaces dowel-screws. The size of the fastener depends on the strength of the surface: for heavy concrete a size of 40x4 mm is sufficient, and for loose aerated concrete or shell rock it is better to increase it to 80x8;
  • When attaching the guides, the wall, ceiling or floor is drilled with a hammer drill directly through the profile pressed against them. Then a dowel-screw is inserted into the drilled hole and tightened with a screwdriver. This fastening scheme will save you from the problem of matching holes in the profile and the capital structure;

  • The step between the mounting points of the guides should be about half a meter;
  • Suspensions along the profile on the ceiling are attached in increments of 60 cm, and on the wall where the suspension is tested minimum load — 80;
  • For attaching guides to wet areas It is strictly forbidden to use wooden choppers. In an atmosphere with periodic fluctuations in humidity, they quickly dry out and fall out of the holes;
  • To connect the profiles to each other or with hangers, use metal screws 9 mm long. Self-tapping screws can only be screwed in with a screwdriver: it is almost impossible to connect two profiles with your own hands using a screwdriver;

The photo shows a corded screwdriver that I use to assemble drywall structures.

  • The standard step between posts or sheathing elements is 60 centimeters: this is exactly half the width of a sheet of drywall. The pitch is measured not between the edges, but between the axes of the frame elements. In this case, the seam between adjacent sheets will fall exactly in the middle of the profile;

  • If the structure will experience significant loads during operation (for example, when we're talking about about the wall in narrow hallway), the step between the profiles can be reduced to 40 or even 30 cm. The main thing is that the width of the plasterboard remains a multiple of this step;

Strengthening the partition frame can be achieved without increasing the thickness or reducing the pitch of the racks - by inserting a 50x50 block into each of them or by connecting the racks in pairs (putting one CW into the other or simply securing them next to each other).

  • For sound insulation, damper tape is placed under the guides. It dampens acoustic vibrations, preventing their transmission from the plasterboard to the permanent structures of the building;
  • Door and window units(including metal-plastic) are attached to the side profiles and horizontal jumpers with self-tapping screws 16 - 32 mm long (depending on the thickness of the box), screwed through the profile. As a seal and to strengthen the connection on outer surface block, it is necessary to first apply a strip of polyurethane foam.

Suspended ceiling, wall alignment

How to install profiles under plasterboard when assembling a single-level suspended ceiling?

Step-by-step instructions are at your service:

  1. Having marked the horizontal line of the ceiling, secure the UD guide along it. You can safely use additional sections of any length, the main thing is that the guide is securely fastened at the junction with the ceiling CD;
  2. Mark the lines along which the ceiling profiles will be mounted, and fasten the hangers along these lines;
  3. Trim (or join) the ceiling CDs to length and insert them into the guides;
  4. Having aligned each CD according to the long rule, pull the hangers to its side walls;
  5. Bend the ears of the hangers towards the ceiling.

If you are assembling the sheathing to level the wall, all steps are completely identical to those described above, adjusted for the vertical orientation of the frame.


How to assemble a partition frame?

In general, this is done like this:

  1. Using a plumb line, mark the axis of the partition on the ceiling, floor and adjacent walls;
  2. Secure guides along this line;
  3. Mark the position of the racks on the ceiling and floor, using the same plumb line;

The markings should remain visible even after covering the frame with plasterboard. It will help you secure the sheets to hidden paneling racks.

  1. Cut the posts to length and align them according to the marks;
  2. Secure each post to the rails on both sides.

A special case is the assembly of a noise-insulating partition. In this case, we need to decouple the wall cladding on both sides acoustically. The goal is achieved by assembling two independent frames at a small (within a centimeter) distance from each other.


So, we got acquainted with the types of galvanized profiles for gypsum plasterboards and the technique of their installation. As always, the reader can find Additional materials in the video in this article. I look forward to your comments. Good luck, comrades!

December 7, 2016

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A corner profile for plasterboard is a metal product designed to design and strengthen the outer and inner corners of plasterboard sheathing on a metal frame. There are two fundamentally different types angles:

Dimensions and installation features

Relatively heavy profiles LWi (internal corner) (Fig. 2) and LWa (external corner) (Fig. 3) have the same dimensions - two shelves 60 mm wide, bent 90 degrees relative to each other. The thickness of the metal used is 0.6 mm, which creates sufficient fastening rigidity and stability when the corner profiles are vertically oriented.

In general, they are intended for the formation of thin (from 100 to 200 mm) L-shaped and T-shaped partitions without large quantity cross guides. They fit in size with standard CW rack profiles and are included in a set of profiles for creating independent independent plasterboard structures.

Corner profile for gypsum board

it is attached to the guides using self-tapping screws, the same way plasterboard sheets are screwed on, only the self-tapping screws are used with a flat head.

In a certain sense, the perforated corners complement the design. Having modest dimensions of 15x15 mm and a thickness of only 0.35 mm, they perfectly protect and form a single corner of the structure, but at the same time completely disappear under the plaster. The perforated corner can be secured using self-tapping screws or plaster applied as the first layer. In very rare cases they are used adhesive compositions, but only to hold the corner profile in the correct position.

How to choose and where to buy

It's rare that a store can offer

a corner profile for plasterboard with such characteristics, and almost no one can boast of having all possible ceiling, rack and corner profiles in one place. And if you consider that the entire system also requires fittings with plasterboard, then one such trip can cost a pretty penny, but this is at first glance.

Our store is one of the few that can offer the entire range of products for the installation of plasterboard partitions and ceilings. We can choose from several manufacturers, standard sizes and materials for making profiles.

Choosing profiles on metal carcass, you should pay close attention to the surface texture. And if gloss is the norm for rack and ceiling profiles, then the corner profile for plasterboard sheets is always matte with the natural color of galvanized or stainless steel. It is installed in internal parts, so it does not require additional protection measures (zinc plating, polymer coating)

For independent choice For metal corner profiles for plasterboard, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the following criteria and design features:

  • the corner along its entire length (2.7 or 3 meters) should not show signs of changing shape (bends, twists and distortions);
  • The rigidity of the profile can be checked by taking one end and rotating it in a horizontal position around its axis, while the corner should not begin to “helicopter” and bend more than half a meter at the other end;
  • all fold lines must be made at the same angle and with the same radius without visible cracks or creases.

Cutting and marking corner profile

Cutting any metal profile is associated with the appearance of burrs and unevenness in the cut itself. For mechanical cutting, a grinder with thin disks is used, and for manual cutting, scissors and metal files are used. In both cases, the corner profile for drywall needs to be cleaned with a file and sandpaper.

For exceptional cases of pre-drilling, standard metal drills HSS, P6M5 and P18 are quite sufficient.

Markings for cutting and drilling are made using a scriber, a caliper (ShTs-1 and ShTs-2) and a core. In order not to damage or crush the corner profile when cutting, you need to place a wooden block under it.

Drywall is a revolutionary material in construction market. Since its appearance, leveling walls and ceilings has ceased to be a problem. It is widely used in construction and interior decoration. Its flexibility is a godsend for designers who use drywall to realize their most daring designs. design projects apartments and offices. But in order to attach plasterboard to a ceiling or wall, or to make a partition out of it, you cannot do without special profiles for plasterboard to hold it. Various metal profiles will allow you to quickly and easily make the desired frame to which the gypsum board sheets will be attached.

The profile varies in thickness and metal composition, from 0.4 to 0.7 mm. The tolerance is usually up to 0.05mm. The rule here is simple: The thicker the steel, the better, stronger the structure. In non-load-bearing structures, the use of a profile with a thickness of 0.5 mm is allowed. We do not recommend taking thinner ones. The savings are often not justified, since on a thin profile you have to use more suspensions, which neutralizes all the attractiveness of a cheap profile.

You should pay attention to the metal itself. If it is soft, then the screws will scroll, even with a large thickness of steel.

Our company, Synergy Stroy, offers products Russian manufacturers profiles made of galvanized steel, in addition, we control each new batch. Our profile for gypsum plasterboard complies with the stated technical characteristics.

Main types of profiles for drywall:

  • Profile for plasterboard guide (PN) - without it it is impossible to build frames for leveling walls and ceilings, or build partitions. It has a U-shape and is used in conjunction with rack-mount and ceiling profiles of the same standard sizes. The sections of the guide profile for gypsum boards are 50X40mm, 65X40mm, 75X40mm, 100X40mm. These are the most common sections, but some manufacturers may have their own sizes. Therefore, it is important when purchasing profiles for drywall to choose Construction Materials one manufacturer.
  • Rack profile for gypsum plasterboard (PS) – used as a rack when creating a frame for drywall. The profile is C-shaped. Additional rigidity of this profile is provided by corrugated fastening shelves. The height of the shelves is usually 50mm, the width is the same as that of the guide profiles for plasterboard from 50 to 100mm.
  • Profile for ceiling gypsum plasterboard (PP) – designed for fastening suspended structures, widely used for suspended ceilings. This profile has a C-shape. The ceiling profile shelves have a height of 27mm, the width can be different. Most standard sizes 60mm, 28mm. The ceiling profile for plasterboard is marked PP60x27, where 60 is the width of the profile, 27 is the height of the walls. The edges of the ceiling profile are curved inward.
  • Arched profile for gypsum boards. IN modern design The design of doors in the form of arches is widely used or the installation of a complex curved ceiling is used. For these cases, a special arched profile is provided, with the help of which various bends are created. There are metal or plastic profiles. Metal products are stronger, but due to their design, which includes holes, cuts and other special devices, this does not affect their flexibility, and the arched profile can take almost any curved shape.
  • Corner profile for drywall. Can be made from various materials, depending on the purpose. Yes, steel corner profiles are used to strengthen facades, aluminum are used to reinforce corners and door slopes, protecting from mechanical damage. Galvanized corner profiles contain holes filled with putty; they are used for additional finishing works. PVC profiles perform protective and decorative functions. They prevent drywall from chipping and are a design element.
You can buy various profiles for gypsum boards in one click in the Synergy Stroy online store. Please contact our qualified managers for a free consultation in advance. They will help you calculate the number of metal profiles for drywall depending on the size of your task. Follow the news and promotions on the site where you can buy building materials cheaply.