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» Wallpaper for the kitchen in Japanese style. Japanese-style kitchen: from layout to choice of furniture and decor. Japanese style kitchen design photo

Wallpaper for the kitchen in Japanese style. Japanese-style kitchen: from layout to choice of furniture and decor. Japanese style kitchen design photo

Japan is a country of traditions. Some of them have not changed for hundreds of years. One of these “eternal” traditions of the Land of the Rising Sun includes Japanese interiors. Initially dictated by small size Japanese houses The need to save space as much as possible, combined with the Japanese desire for perfection, made it possible to create a unique style of home decoration, which has not lost its relevance to this day. But if in Western countries decoration of houses in Japanese style are mostly dictated by fashion or the desire to achieve harmony, then in our small-sized apartments “Japanese simplicity” has a clear practical purpose. What is the smallest room in our apartments? Of course, the kitchen! Therefore, this is where the Japanese style of interior design will be most appropriate. And not only because of the small size of our kitchens, but also because the Japanese approach to design allows us to transform the kitchen from a banal place for cooking into a zone of relaxation and harmony. So, let's decorate the kitchen in Japanese style.

Style concept

Almost the entire Japanese lifestyle (and the interior in this case is no exception) is built on the basis of two concepts - Wabi and Sabi. Wabi implies wise restraint, simplicity and lack of excess, while Sabi commands to be modest, humble and submissive. Thus, a Japanese-style interior should be as simple, modest and devoid of any pretentiousness as possible.

Simplicity and functionality are the basic principles of Japanese-style interior design

In practice, this is achieved through the use of the principle of minimalism, monochrome colors, the use of natural materials and natural lighting. The Japanese interior contains exclusively necessary things, and most of them are not in plain sight, but are hidden behind opaque cabinet doors or shelves.

The Japanese believe that every thing should have its place, and if there is none, then, consequently, the thing is not particularly needed.

Color spectrum

Japanese cuisine uses only soft natural colors and shades

As already mentioned, Japanese style involves the use of monochrome colors. So you can forget about floral wallpaper or ceramic tiles with teapots and plates. The color scheme itself is represented exclusively by soft natural shades, which are given by the picturesque Japanese nature. White color of Fuji snow and cherry blossoms, blue and green azure sea ​​wave, beige color coastal sand and the dark brown shade of sakura trunks are the main colors of the Japanese-style interior. The use of bright “acid” colors in a Japanese interior is considered unacceptable.

Wall decoration

The walls in a Japanese kitchen should be smooth, light and plain. Painted drywall or paintable wallpaper are ideal as finishing materials. It would also be appropriate to decorate the walls with natural materials such as bamboo, straw, and natural cork.

As a “budget” option, we can suggest using wallpaper with a pattern that imitates one of these materials.

Speaking about walls in a Japanese interior, it is impossible not to mention light screens made of rice paper, which in many Japanese homes replace one or even several walls. If space allows, the work area can be separated from the dining area, for example, by a screen.

Smooth light walls, a work apron made of tiles with “Japanese motifs” and an imitation rice paper screen

As a last resort, one of the walls can be covered with white wallpaper with a Japanese pattern, and for greater resemblance to a real screen, a false frame made of wooden slats or bamboo poles.

One of the best options for decorating walls in a Japanese interior is decorating them with bamboo. Today this task has been greatly simplified thanks to the advent of “bamboo” wallpaper.

Floor finishing

The best materials for finishing the floor in a Japanese kitchen are natural wood or stone. If they are not available, you can cover the floor with laminate or porcelain tiles. Moreover, the laminate should look like “rough” floorboard, and the tiles should not have patterns or ornaments.

Natural wood or laminate - great option flooring for Japanese cuisine

When using linoleum, it is advisable to choose a material with a pattern in the form of a parquet board (preferably a little textured) or reed mats.

Carpets and rugs will look out of place in a Japanese kitchen. Instead, it is better to use light mats made from natural materials or their imitation.

Ceiling decoration

The principle of maximum simplicity also applies to ceiling decoration. It should be smooth and white. An excellent solution would be a ceiling with a “classic” lime whitewash(the ceiling surface will need to be carefully leveled). Single-level plasterboard structures or suspended ceilings are also quite possible for use in the Japanese style.

If speak about suspended ceilings, then their mirror glossy surface will also visually expand the space, and this is one of key principles Japanese style interior

Perpendicular dark wood beams are another characteristic technique for decorating a Japanese-style ceiling

Windows and doors

Windows in a Japanese kitchen should be as large and open as possible. If it is not possible to expand the window, then at least you should not “overload” it with various draperies. The maximum that the Japanese style allows in this regard is light bamboo or fabric blinds or rice paper roller shutters.

Door in the form of a sliding screen made of rice paper

To further save space, it is advisable to make the doors sliding, and to visually increase it - translucent.


The main rule of lighting a Japanese interior is maximum natural light. If we talk about domestic kitchens, which, as a rule, have only one small window, then natural lighting should be replaced with soft diffused light.

Ceiling and Wall lights with lampshades made of rice paper or hidden lighting from lamps daylight, hidden behind plasterboard structures.

“Classic” Japanese lamp with rice paper lampshade


Not just a large number, but a huge number of different household appliances is a feature of every Japanese cuisine. All kinds of devices and robots are used not only for cooking and washing dishes, but also to control the indoor climate, the expiration date of food and even the caloric content of food.

The principle of saving space involves the use of built-in household appliances

When choosing household appliances, it is advisable to give preference to products from Japanese manufacturers. Although, in truth, even the Japanese themselves are gradually allowing “enemy” equipment into the kitchens, so if you purchase German hob or Italian dishwasher, nothing “terrible” will happen.


The basic rule of choice is maximum simplicity and functionality.. Traditional material unpainted wood is considered to be used for making furniture, but today the “taboo” on the use of non-natural materials may not be observed so strictly. The main thing is that the materials are harmless and environmentally friendly.

Visitors to Japanese restaurants probably know that quite often the usual tables and chairs are replaced by low platforms with mats and pillows laid out around them. This is a Japanese classic designed to save space as much as possible. But if you are not ready to eat on the floor, this rule can be ignored by placing a traditional table and chairs in the Japanese kitchen. The only condition is that they must be simple, light and devoid of any carvings or decorations.

Furniture in Japanese kitchens is as simple and functional as possible

Wall cabinets and cabinets must have smooth and necessarily opaque facades. The Japanese style of interior design implies that as many things as possible should be hidden. So those who like to “show off” their favorite tea set or set of pots will be disappointed - this will not be possible in a Japanese kitchen.

Decor and accessories

Since the main principle of the Japanese interior is the principle of minimalism, there should be few accessories in the Japanese kitchen. Japanese-style wall prints, simple earthenware or ceramic dishes, or japanese plants- in the same clay pots.

A miniature Bonsai tree will help you create the most Japanese atmosphere in your kitchen.

Bonsai tree - best decoration Japanese interior

Considering that Japanese style implies maximum visual extension space, a mandatory accessory in the kitchen, and in any other room, are mirrors. They should be large, in simple rectangular frames or without frames at all.

Decorating a kitchen in Japanese style is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. True, this matter cannot be called completely simple either. Certain costs will be required for equipment and natural materials, that's all Finishing work must be performed on top level, with Japanese care and scrupulousness. But if you master this task, your kitchen will become not just a place for preparing and eating food, but a real “temple” of peace and harmony in which you can nourish not only your body, but also your soul. Good luck with your renovation!

Japan attracts with its culture, attracts with its traditions, conquers the culinary Olympus of Western countries with its dishes, so it is not surprising that they show remarkable interest in the design of Japanese houses. What is so attractive about Japanese style? What notes are characteristic of it? And most importantly: is a Japanese-style kitchen a radical and positive decision or a bad choice?

The East attracted with its wisdom, famous beauty in simplicity, which is promoted by the very design of Japanese kitchens, which reflected not only everyday life, but also national characteristics countries.

Japanese style is a variation on the theme of country style, only with a Japanese flavor. The Land of the Rising Sun is characterized by a craving for naturalness, an abundance of natural materials, attention to detail and emphasized simplicity.

Signs characteristic of Japanese-style decor:

  • multifunctionality of interior items and furniture;
  • harmony between all decorative elements;
  • plenty of free space.

Important: Japanese food bears features of national color. Therefore, here you can safely use techniques characteristic of truly Japanese premises - sliding doors in closets and as entrance group. Sliding structures allow you to save space and use it as efficiently as possible, and also make the interior more interesting.

Who is this simple design suitable for? Of course, any room can be emphasized with Japanese style, but if you have a small kitchen, then this design will create the illusion of space, visually expanding it.

The basis of Japanese design is the famous minimalism of details: fewer accessories on the surface. In other words, expansion occurs due to the fact that the surface is not cluttered household appliances and various accessories.

Diffused, close to natural light, as well as a symbiosis of a warm range of shades – this is what makes the kitchen additionally visually expand. The Japanese are disdainful artificial materials, therefore, ecological and natural furniture predominates in their kitchens. Are you planning a kitchen renovation? Do you want to enlarge your kitchen? Do you want to get rid of kitchen items that are an eyesore? Then this is a good design option to consider.

Color of Japanese cuisine: basic combinations

One of the main components is the color scheme, which brings a certain mood to the room. The Japanese are adherents of naturalness, proportion and the combination of not too many colors.

They stick to only certain shades:

  • Pearl;
  • Beige;
  • ocher;
  • Honey;

It will not be superfluous brown tones, as well as moss and stone. The Japanese use wood shades as a basis. For example, pine or ash. Many note that due to such preferences in color, Japanese cuisine turns into a center of calm and outlet.

White is best avoided as it is a symbol of mourning in Japan.

Japanese interior design is based on the use of strictly defined colors. The philosophy of Zen Buddhism, adopted in the land of the rising sun, involves unity with nature and the recognition that everything in it should be in harmony. The interior must necessarily contain colors that correspond to the masculine and feminine principles; earth, water, air, fire. Accordingly, the interior, created with your own hands, is based precisely on these colors.

Black and white colors mean the unity of the principles of masculine and feminine. In a Japanese-style interior, these colors are mandatory. They may not be the main ones, but can be used as accents.

Earth colors - beige, sand, coffee. The colors of the air are blue and blue, gray; the colors of water are blue and turquoise, and the colors of fire are red.

Important: Japanese style decor involves careful use of bright colors. Japanese cuisine does not involve the use of bright pure colors as the main ones in decoration. Red color cannot dominate - you cannot paint the entire walls in this color. But you can make a panel in the form of a red dragon or use red curtains, which will immediately make the interior bright and lively.


In order to create Japanese-style decor, it is important to choose the right materials furniture and decoration. Natural wood, bamboo, and silk most accurately reflect the concept.

In order for the interior to look organic, it must contain furniture made of natural wood. Or, as a last resort, the finishing of the kitchen unit should imitate light wood.


This is a classic finishing material for interiors in Asian style. To make the interior sparkle with national flavor, you can decorate the walls with bamboo fabric - paste over real bamboo, or wallpaper stylized as bamboo. You can also use bamboo furniture or interior parts made from this material, bamboo blinds. Japanese cuisine can be decorated with skins that imitate the texture of bamboo. The design on the Japanese-style skinnels - branches of cherry blossoms, storks, peonies - will also look elegant. You can make the decor on the skins yourself acrylic paints. The necessary design stencils can be found on the Internet.


It is also a traditional material for Japan. Japanese-style kitchen design is created using curtains and other textile accessories made of silk. At the same time, the pattern on the curtains creates a special color.

Important: You can use batik to create an ambiance. Do-it-yourself silk painting will help you create a truly authentic interior. At the same time, the simplest patterns look quite advantageous - hieroglyphs, sakura branches.


Japanese kitchens are famous for their soft light, as close to daylight as possible. Lamps, of course, have their place, but mostly lamps illuminate the room with dim light in the most functional areas of the kitchen. The lamps are light and weightless in rectangular shape. Often, rice paper or frosted glass. The lampshade should be painted in coffee, milk or red colors.

Lighting should be natural. Japanese style is created by details - lamps of geometric strict shapes are welcome, especially paper ones. Black and white lamps look very advantageous in the interior - especially hieroglyphs painted in black on white shades.

The lamps can be painted with your own hands using acrylic paints.

Japanese style kitchen furniture

Furniture must comply with all the rules of Japanese style. No money for natural furniture? Buy furniture whose color will imitate natural wood (light wood shades). Think about doing sliding structure in a doorway instead of a regular door. Ordinary curtains can be replaced with bamboo blinds or you can purchase panel curtains up to the window sill. Avoid heavy, massive furniture made from dark wood.

Japanese cuisine is unthinkable without functional furniture. To emphasize the national flavor, you need to apply only a few details. So, it is best to provide kitchen set sliding doors. Low stools and plenty of mats are welcome.

The furniture can be of any solid natural color - the contrast with the walls is important here. Painting furniture facades with motifs characteristic of the culture of this Asian country looks very advantageous.

Walls, ceiling and floor

It is recommended to make the ceiling light, using pastel and soft tones, which will not be conspicuous and unnerving. Will also fit plasterboard ceilings, designed for two levels, which are made as ceilings. You can also use decorative plaster.

Suitable for walls various options: from bamboo wallpaper, to wood finishing, painting and stone mosaics. The floor should be made to look like wood or stone.

The faucet, sink and stove, as well as the hood should be matte for better harmonization with the interior of the kitchen.

In a homemade interior, it is important to maintain the right combination of colors. The decor of the walls and ceiling in the Japanese-style kitchen in ivory color combined with black furniture looks trendy.

The ceiling must match the color of the walls. He may not be white. The ceiling in beige, light coffee, pearl color looks very advantageous. Color combinations look advantageous: cream ceiling and beige walls. Looks great too two-level ceiling as beam floors. This ceiling is made of plasterboard. If you paint it a golden wood color, it creates the illusion of a Japanese country house.


Japanese flavor is created by interior items. Just a few items can create the right atmosphere in the kitchen. You can place a real bonsai on the windowsill - miniature trees in pots. Bonsai stylizations are now being sold, which can also be used to decorate a Japanese-style kitchen.

The overall atmosphere is created by porcelain dishes, a bright fan on the wall, a batik panel on the wall in a bamboo frame, and Japanese-style vases.

Japanese-style kitchen decor looks great in rooms of any size. The main thing is not to mix styles and not to use elements of Western and Japanese culture in the interior. Then everything will look organic and complete.

Japanese style kitchen (video)

So, rational notes mixed with minimalism and naturalness are a winning option for kitchen design. Kitchens from Japan add variety to a boring life. Japanese style will bring regularity, calm and peace of mind, and will also make you forget about the small dimensions of your kitchen.

IN Lately people strive to introduce elements of discreet and beautiful exotic Japanese style into the interior of their home. It is often used to organize space in small studio apartments or in just one room, for example, a kitchen. A Japanese-style kitchen is ideal for a small space that can be decorated in a very original way.

The history of the creation of Japanese style

When creating an interior design, you need to feel the philosophy and worldview of the Japanese. In their environment, the bustle of the surrounding world is completely unacceptable, and only the order of their own thoughts and actions is important. Therefore, in order to achieve harmony with yourself, you should not purchase a large number of decorative items or other things of a representative class. You need to see beauty in small things, everyday objects. A Japanese-style kitchen is suitable for peaceful people who value order and systematization.

Japanese design was shaped by several factors:

  • climate;
  • earthquakes;
  • island population;
  • national traditions;
  • philosophy.

In our country there are a large number of people with average incomes who live in two- and three-room apartments. This is the perfect place to decorate your home beautifully in Asian style. Japanese philosophy is focused not on material wealth, but on the beauty and pristine nature of the world. This is where true value lies. Such views led to the formation of certain style features.

It so happened that geographical position contributed to the invention of unique traditions in the construction of houses. All the Japanese built and equipped their homes, realizing that they could soon be overtaken by a sharp earthquake. That is why the walls were prefabricated, so that in case of destruction they could be quickly restored. Ancient buildings were also distinguished by a collapsible foundation, and therefore the owners could easily dismantle the house and move it to a new location. Internal walls are absent in houses, this is explained not only by the earthquake, but also by the desire to acquire free space.

Due to the open layout, Japanese-style houses always have a sense of space. If a modern person does not have the opportunity to purchase a large home, then he has to protect the free space in every possible way. And Japanese style design involves a minimum amount of furniture, textiles or decor. That is why it is so suitable for a modern Russian apartment.

In traditional Japanese house There is no clear designation of the rooms, but the entire area has certain zoning. But it is worth noting that modern style somewhat different from the one that flourished in the 17th century. The events of the First and Second World Wars, new technical and scientific developments made it possible to create more advanced technologies in construction. Now the Japanese use not only natural materials, but also concrete and stone, but they do not forget about traditional wood. But the desire to unite with nature and to know oneself remained unchanged. The direct opposite of Japanese interior is high-tech style.

Basic principles of design

It's worth remembering that similar style - This is not only beautiful and exotic jewelry. When creating an ethnic Asian style in the interior of both the kitchen and any other room, you must be guided by the basic principles:

Japanese-style partitions can be used indoors, but they may not be suitable for the kitchen. It is better to use them in the living room or bedroom.

Choosing kitchen color

To make a kitchen in the traditions of Japan, you must adhere to the choice of certain colors. Traditional Japanese flowers are:

  • red;
  • black;
  • white.

Halftones are not allowed to be used, as well as their contrasting mixing. Everything in Japan strives for absolute order, so it is necessary to completely exclude kitchen area various elements cross colors. For creating beautiful interior you need to use only one of the selected colors and combine it with the natural surfaces of bamboo, stone or wood.

The beauty and structure of wood can be emphasized with white. To liven up a calm color scheme, you can add a clean shade of red to the room.

To create a feeling of harmony with the outside world, it is also necessary to use dark shades. This can be achieved by darkened wood structures combined with black furniture.

Eco-friendly materials

Typically, the Japanese used materials that were available to furnish the room. Everything that nature provided was adapted for building a house. This tradition continues to this day when decorating premises.

Materials that are ideal for furnishing a kitchen:

  1. Wood of cedar, maple, kiri and sugi.
  2. Stone tiles.
  3. Bamboo or reed.
  4. Wicker vine.
  5. Silk.

Modern Asian style limits the use of even linoleum coverings, as well as any plastic surfaces. Best used environmentally clean materials, which have a decorative surface similar to a natural analogue. For example, it is advisable to use laminate as flooring in the kitchen instead of linoleum, and instead of furniture upholstery made of natural silk, a similar textured analogue made of any fabric will do.

For the person leading sedentary image life, Japanese interior is ideal. The Japanese often tried to understand mine inner world , being in long thoughts in a sitting position. Therefore, their furniture is characterized by great earthiness. The number of items inside the kitchen should be limited. The fewer there are, the better. It is enough to purchase a low table in the Japanese style, which is suitable for drinking tea or eating food, as well as chairs with short legs.

For the kitchen, it is also ideal to equip a hearth and a cabinet with closed shelves behind which you can hide kitchen utensils.

To understand exactly what furniture should look like in a kitchen of the chosen style, it’s worth visiting one of the Japanese restaurants for fun, which can be found in almost any modern city. Instead of chairs near a low table you can often see pillows there. This saves a lot of space. Such furniture, unusual for a Russian person, can also be used in your kitchen.

Of course, this is too inconvenient for most people, so there is no point in going that far. It would be quite reasonable to find analogues. The only important thing is that all kitchen furniture is unobtrusive and compact. You cannot purchase massive objects that clutter up the space.

Natural and artificial lighting

When creating an Asian style Special attention need to be given not only interior decoration window opening, but also to the external design. Typically, Japanese houses were equipped with special canopies called engawa, which allowed diffused natural light to penetrate into the house, and they were also able to redirect rain flows in the opposite direction from the house.

IN traditional style very little light should enter the house, it is always twilight, because they were not afraid of this, and were even specially allowed into the premises. But on modern kitchen it should be quite light to easily prepare food, and therefore it is better not to attach much importance to the issue of lighting, and design the windows so that they transmit the sun's rays as much as possible.

Instead of blinds, you can use straight sheets of fabric or paper. Distinctive feature is that they move not vertically, but horizontally. Japanese curtain screens do not have various draperies or ruffles. In modern interiors, screens can also be replaced with similar Roman or roller screens. It is not advisable to use traditional Russian curtains.

If we talk about artificial lighting, then it is advisable to give preference to ethically designed chandeliers with a spherical or rectangular lampshade.

Correct design of floors

To decorate the floors, you need to use good wood, sea pebbles or stone tiles. In the traditional design, tatami were laid on the floors. But in a modern kitchen it is better not to do this, since you can spill something from the prepared dish and ruin such a thing.

To create a floor you can use the following materials:

  1. Laminated or parquet boards in a light shade.
  2. Self-leveling floor.
  3. Matte ceramic tiles.

You should not break such rules. Otherwise, the cuisine will not at all resemble traditional Japanese.

Kitchen walls

It's worth remembering What plastic materials for wall decoration - taboo. The main thing is to emphasize the beauty of natural texture. But if there is a strong desire to use plastic panels, then you should choose those that are disguised as natural product- tree.

For wall decoration, it is best to use various combinations of natural materials. For example, a kitchen may have wood paneling all around its entire perimeter. And wooden slats can be effectively combined with smooth walls that are painted in pastel colors. More traditional option there will be stonework with piers, interspersed with areas covered with wallpaper with hieroglyphs. Smooth walls It is best to decorate with engravings or paintings depicting nature.

The color of the ceiling should be the same color as the walls.

Decorating the dining area

Creating Japanese design, it is necessary first of all to strive to achieve harmony and balance. Therefore you need to know about some decorative elements, which will fit harmoniously and balanced into the room. As decorative elements You should choose items that have a bright contrast and a stand-out pattern (sakura, for example):

  1. Decorative vase, porcelain tableware.
  2. Set for a tea ceremony.
  3. Buddha figurine.
  4. Bonsai trees.
  5. Ceramics.
  6. Engravings.
  7. Calligraphic scrolls with wise sayings written there.

Very often, interior designers even advise creating a niche in the walls where you can put a vase with hieroglyphs, ikebana or some kind of plant.

Japanese interior design is considered a national trait, due to which it has become the most popular in ethnic style among modern designers. It is usually characterized by natural materials, national household items, and a desire for harmony and unity with nature. To decorate your kitchen in a Japanese interior, it is not necessary to use all national features. You can only choose the most interesting ideas and bring it to life.

It is also worth noting that the Chinese style will be very similar. Therefore, China lovers can rely on these data, changing only a few points.

It is also worth noting that if you want to create a kitchen in a Japanese interior, then you should not do it only with this particular room. It is best to create the overall appearance of the house in a traditional Japanese design.

Japanese design today attracts an endless number of people, especially those who own small kitchens, because in this our homes are very similar to the apartments of citizens of the land of the rising sun. The small area of ​​their apartments is due to the high population density, which forces them to make the most functional renovations, regardless of the available space. The skill of Japanese craftsmen to create on several square meters amazing comfort makes you carefully study the principles of their style, the essence of which is minimalism.

Japanese style kitchen for oriental man- the same place for communication as for any Slav. In addition, a cooking room, especially one combined with a dining room or even a living room, is an ideal space for obtaining maximum satisfaction from life. That is why Japanese-style kitchen design must be flawlessly harmonious.

Aesthetic laws of Japanese design

Minimalism and all renovations in general of any room are subordinated to the basic aesthetic concepts of beauty: wabi-sabi. It means simplicity, modesty and contemplation. The true value of the Japanese interior lies in the perception of the natural environment, obedient to the elementary laws of harmonious composition. From the concept of wabi-sabi, it becomes obvious that the basic principles of creating a characteristic environment are conciseness, restraint and simplicity.

Accordingly, a Japanese-style kitchen is:

  • Monochrome. A maximum of two colors is allowed, but usually a palette of one basic tone is used.
  • Minimum details.

The photo shows a Japanese-style kitchen: classic minimalism.
  • Matte furniture.
  • Light and weightless partitions.
  • Maximum visual expansion of space.
  • Naturalness and conciseness.
  • Natural materials: wooden furniture, solid wood in the dining area and living room, rice paper, light and natural textiles.
  • All decor is functional.

Another principle of creating such an interior is the abundance of light. You can't say what it is required condition, but without high-quality and effective lighting, minimalism will seem like harsh asceticism.

The photo shows a typical Japanese kitchen design with efficient lighting.

But such an ascetic Japanese-style kitchen interior does not imply a lack of technical equipment. Functional ones are used here Appliances, but they hide behind modest ones, so there is no point in buying expensive equipment just for the sake of the popularity of the manufacturer. The only important thing is how necessary this or that device is.

When renovating a kitchen in such a simple but philosophical style, it is important to understand that everything here will be restrained, including the color scheme. Minimalism also applies to the choice of basic shades. Usually choose pure and neutral tones:

  • pearl color;
  • cream;
  • honey;
  • beige, milk, coffee with milk.

Natural wood is always used in the interior - regardless of its saturation: whether it is wenge or a shade of birch. We can also use the natural shade of stone, which can also be used in Japanese design.

The use of white in this style is strictly prohibited. IN pure form it symbolizes mourning in the land of the rising sun, which precludes its use in residential premises.

An important nuance remains the natural origin of the color. Therefore, in this case it does not deny inclusion in the interior:

  • shades of water, azure sky;
  • sand and earth tones;
  • terracotta and fire.

Thanks to these shades, you can decorate your kitchen quite brightly by choosing curtains in one of the rich colors.

Repair: walls, floor, ceiling

When choosing Japanese design, you should prefer natural materials, namely solid wood, rice paper, and natural fabrics. Literally every surface can become a complete reflection of the essence and principles of Japanese philosophy and submission to simple beauty. They start, of course, with the flooring.


Usually the kitchen is Japanese style, namely its floor is covered practical material, but cannot be classified as such solid wood. Therefore, it is worth remembering another principle of arranging Japanese interiors – simplicity. According to this value, the floor in such a room is made of self-leveling coatings, artificial or natural stone, and most often - from ceramic tiles intended for use specifically on the floor.

The photo shows minimalism in floor finishing: a typical Japanese kitchen.

Walls: wallpaper, painting, solid wood

When carrying out repairs in their homes, the Japanese usually fix them with their own hands. wooden panels or even stone slabs. But the latter are heavy, which significantly limits their scope of application. Instead of stone, a mosaic would be appropriate. But this solution is optimal for the work area. But the Japanese like to use it to decorate the dining area, because it has to be washed no less often than the entire kitchen.

Japanese design does not reject painting the walls. But even in this case, it is better to diversify the texture of such a surface. Designers recommend choosing materials from the same palette and placing them on the same wall. You can decorate the corner ceramic masonry or porcelain stoneware, wood panels.

The photo shows wallpaper and furniture in the same Japanese style.

When choosing wallpaper, you should pay attention to plain ones or with a simple stylized ornament. It is recommended to choose bamboo coverings, but such wallpapers, of course, are much more expensive than ordinary paper ones. By the way, the latter should not be discounted: they are so simple and environmentally friendly that they fit perfectly into Japanese design with its principles.

The best options are wallpaper with a rough texture, reminiscent of poorly treated wood. The same can be furniture and a working kitchen set.

, as a section of the wall, is usually covered with practical materials. Most often these are ceramic tiles, or better yet, mosaics. The best option would be with a photo. The image looks interesting and can be repeated in a light partition between the kitchen and dining room. This partition can be made sliding. When open, it allows you to create a special atmosphere in the dining area or living room. A harmonious subject will be the sunrise, immersed in the greenery of a dense forest.

This surface is usually painted or whitened - traditionally and simply. Whatever is easier for you is what you should choose. You can also paste wallpaper, but only in plain colors and in the color of the main palette. Tension coatings are also applicable, but only matte ones. Repairing this surface means choosing only practical solutions.

A Japanese-style ceiling can also be covered with lathing, typical for such a room. You can perform several levels of zoning, and select one of the zones using just this technique.

Lamps occupy a special place in the interior, because lighting plays a huge role. Choose bamboo, paper or slatted lampshades. You can also buy glass lamps, but their design must be thought out.

Interior details: Japanese style kitchen furniture

Based listed principles, furniture for such a kitchen should be as simple, understandable and concise as possible. Minimalism in her design is expressed in simple surfaces, clean color scheme, in the absence of decor and even elaborate fittings. As a rule, this is an exceptional solid without additional paint, because the wood is beautiful in itself.

The furniture is compact and laconic in nature. But if the worker is perfectly straightforward and understandable, the lunch set should be comfortable. This is facilitated by the anatomically shaped chairs. Their curved backs fully follow the contour of the human back.

The photo shows a dining area with anatomical furniture.

Work set

The furniture for the work area is usually chosen no less simple than the rest of the design. But at the same time, minimalism should not affect its functionality.

Therefore, there are several principles that are recommended to be followed when choosing and ordering a headset:

  • Sliding facades will save space - a non-standard, but convenient solution.
  • It is advisable to hide equipment behind cabinet doors.
  • If you don't have enough space for some utensils, consider whether you really need those appliances or fixtures. Don't clutter the space with additional drawers.
  • You can use a folding bar counter instead of a dining table.
  • Avoid massive sets: furniture should be as light as possible.

In a modern interpretation of the Japanese style, it is possible to decorate with a typical painting - a sakura branch or hieroglyphs. Wallpaper can repeat the pattern in one accent area.

Functional details: curtains and decor

Japanese curtains in the interior are a separate category of curtains as such. These include screen-like mechanisms, but for the kitchen it is better to choose more functional models - blinds or roller products. Both curtains allow for both minimalism and any other functional style.

If you choose, you should prefer bamboo products. Rolled sheets can also be made of wood, but an array for slats of this type will be too brittle due to the minimum thickness of the lamellas.

The photo shows functional curtains for Japanese cuisine.

There is usually no decor in such an interior, but characteristic details may also be present in the kitchen. Usually this is an open fan, which is directly attached to the wallpaper in this form, as well as bansai instead of the usual plants on the windowsill. With the help of a couple of such elements, the most simple kitchen will receive a special character in the spirit of the mysterious country of Japan.

Any room can have a Japanese-style kitchen. This style does not require much space and is not affected by lighting.

Let's figure out how to create such an interior in our conditions.

A little about Japanese style

To decorate a kitchen interior in Japanese style, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • Natural materials should prevail. This applies not only to furniture, but also to decoration.
  • There are no bright accents in the color scheme. It is best to choose calm shades.
  • Be sure to adhere to minimalism and space organization.
  • The lighting should be good.
  • When decorating, you need to use ethnic elements.


When creating a Japanese interior, special attention should be paid to the ceiling, floor and walls.

Usually the walls are painted in a light shade, decorated decorative plaster or covered with wood panels. The so-called shoji look interesting in the interior - these are sliding doors installed instead of hinged doors or partitions.

The floor should be wooden. But you can use budget option– white and brown tiles.

There are various design ideas for decorating a Japanese-style kitchen ceiling. For example, you can use wood paneling, special wallpaper for the ceiling, or photo printing. If you don’t want to mess around, then just a suspended ceiling will do.

Furniture and decorative elements

The kitchen set is usually made of wood. The facades are simple, without handles or with frosted glass inserts.

The table frame is made of wood, stone or metal. For a small kitchen it is better to choose lightweight designs. The tabletop can be glass.

For lighting, it is better to choose spots - special spotlights with evenly diffused light. Bamboo, straw or paper lamps will fit perfectly into the interior.

The shape of the lampshade can be any. The main thing is to achieve good, but dim lighting.

As for curtains, when designing a Japanese-style kitchen, panel or roller curtains made of bamboo are used. It is not forbidden to hang Roman blinds or wooden blinds. You can use ordinary curtains in such an interior, but with Japanese patterns. Their style should be strict, without additional decor.

The interior of a classic Japanese house involves minimal use of decor. Although he personifies the values ​​of families. The room has a tokonoma - a niche in the wall.

It contains a scroll with a quote from the sages, engravings and a vase with bonsai or ikebana. In a modern apartment it is not necessary to use such a niche, but the main decorative conditions must be preserved.

A Japanese interior can be decorated with numerous plants. Numerous bonsai and orchids will help not only transform the interior, but also purify the air.

Vases made of porcelain, ceramics or glass look beautiful when placed on the floor, on a table or shelves if there is no tokonoma.

Paintings, photographs, scrolls depicting samurai, sakura branches or hieroglyphs are hung on the walls. The most important thing is to avoid clutter in the interior.

Kitchen utensils, which include cutting boards, stands, and dishes, should be made in the same style. Things made from bamboo are perfect.

If you look at a photo of a Japanese-style kitchen, you can see small cups and teapots, Japanese knives, sets for preparing and serving sushi and rolls. Kitchen sets may have Japanese-themed images. All this will perfectly complement the interior and transform the kitchen.

If you adhere to the basic rules, you can easily achieve a design that is as close as possible to Japanese.

Japanese style kitchen design photo