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» Correct preparation of characteristics sample. Examples of characteristics from the place of work. Personal and business qualities

Correct preparation of characteristics sample. Examples of characteristics from the place of work. Personal and business qualities

Every citizen at least once in his life may need characteristics from place of residence. This sought-after document can be requested by educational institutions, courts, law enforcement agencies, and this is not the entire list of organizations for which you will have to provide a reference.

How to correctly draw up a household reference, why it is needed, whether it should be certified in some way - in this article you will get answers to all your questions.

Why do you need a household reference from your neighbors at your place of residence?

There are many life situations, when characteristic from neighbors is needed. Among them:

  1. Obtaining and hunting weapons.
  2. Participation in criminal proceedings. A reference from the place of residence can be requested both in relation to the accused person, but also in relation to the victim. For example, it is customary to collect personal characteristics of victims in the event of opening cases of bodily injury.
  3. When applying for a job. In particular, when a citizen gets a job in private security structures or enlists in military and paramilitary organizations.
  4. During . For example, when cases of deprivation of parental rights (or restoration thereof), or adoption are considered. The document will be needed in cases of parole from MLS, etc.
  5. Upon admission to an educational institution, when we're talking about about educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense, institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other departments of a similar nature.

How can someone write a reference from their place of residence?

Depending on the destination of the characteristics indicated above, the following persons have the right to compile it:

  • District police inspector.
  • Representatives of the population self-organization committee.
  • Housing office workers.

A reference from the place of residence is drawn up in the presence of the neighbors of the person in respect of whom the reference is being drawn up.

How to write a reference from your place of residence

There is no specific form for how to write a character reference from neighbors, but there is a main point - the document must contain basic information about the personality of the person in respect of whom the character reference is being written. When compiling a paper, it is recommended to use the following structure:


In the upper right corner, according to generally accepted business rules, the addressee's data is written. Therefore, the description from the place of residence must also contain certain information, such as the full name of the head and the full name of the institution.

Information about the citizen for whom the reference is being written

This section contains the data of the person being characterized: full name, date of birth, place of residence. Sometimes the person's age is indicated.

Information about the identity of the citizen being characterized

This section is the main one in the specification, since it contains the information for which this paper is requested. It needs to be done short description lifestyle of the citizen being characterized, character traits, marital status, behavioral characteristics. Important: in the descriptive part of the paper, emphasis is placed depending on the purpose of the document. For example, if the conversation is about adopting a baby, then in the description it is recommended to write about whether the citizen knows how to find mutual language with children, how he behaves with them, and so on.

Conclusion characteristics

This part of the paper indicates the full names of all neighbors, the number of the apartments in which they live. Neighbors must provide personal signatures. If a person lives in the private sector, then the neighbors’ house numbers, full name and mandatory signature of each neighbor are indicated. The full address may not be entered.

Sample characteristics from the place of residence of neighbors

To the head of police department No. 5
Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Sevastopol
Police Lieutenant Colonel
N.M. Bergs

Household characteristics from the place of residence from neighbors. Sample

On Anatoly Dmitrievich Vasilenko, born on March 12, 1977, living at the address: Sevastopol st. Marshala Krylova, 15 apt. 5.
Vasilenko Anatoly Dmitrievich has lived at the specified address since 1990. During the period of residence, it proved itself to be a good one, no negative situations were noticed. Married, has a son, Peter, born in 2002.
Relationships with family are trusting and friendly. He is kind, friendly and polite with his neighbors. The attitude is courteous, attentive, respectful. He is not known to abuse alcoholic beverages and always has a neat appearance.

Palkin A.G. sq. 15 - Signature
Oleynikova O.L. sq. 16 – Signature
Yarygin V. N. apt. 7 – Signature.

We would like to point out that the sample characteristics from neighbors discussed above contain sections that are most often used in practice. It is recommended that the paper describe those characteristics of a person’s behavior and character traits that actually exist. For example: “never refuses help, is always responsive and friendly, takes an active part in community cleanups.”

So, if you need a sample reference from your place of residence, then the example above can be used as an approximate (but not the only) sample.

Characteristics from place of residence - sample for court

When documents are collected for court, a description of the place of residence must be drawn up with special attention for the reason that the court's decision often depends on its content. Practice shows that the defendant’s fate can be mitigated positive reviews from neighbors and leave a positive review.

Let's figure out what the text of the characterization for the court should be in addition to the description of the person. The description must contain information that is directly related to the case under consideration. For example, if a case of deprivation of parental rights is being considered, then the paper should indicate how the citizen being characterized treats his own child, what educational methods he uses, and so on.

It is clear that such information about the person being characterized will not be appropriate if the court is considering a case of deprivation of a driver’s license for driving a vehicle while intoxicated. IN in this case, it would be appropriate to write in the characterization about the citizen’s tendency to use alcohol and drugs.

Criminal trial

Vasilenko A.G. was not known to use drugs or abuse alcohol. He communicates with neighbors and enters their apartments - after the visits, no missing items were discovered.

The process of depriving parental rights

Vasilenko A.G drives a GAZ-2410 car, license plate A785AA89 RUS. While driving the vehicle, he was not observed to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Vasilenko A.G also does not violate parking rules.

Child adoption process

Vasilenko A.G. is legally married and has two minor children. With children he is always attentive, calm, and caring. In everyday life it is characterized on the positive side.

An important point: when you send a reference from your neighbors to the courts or other official institutions, it must be certified accordingly. This can be done by a representative of the homeowners association or an employee management company. The characteristics are sealed with the seal of the organization.

A citizen may need a reference from his place of work when applying to various authorities and organizations.

There are certain rules for drawing up this document.

Depending on the purpose of compilation, the content of the document may vary. Let's look at how to write a job description.

Depending on the purpose of obtaining characteristics, they are divided into two types:

  1. Internal. This type applies only within the organization when a transfer is made to another position, a move to another department, a disciplinary sanction is assigned, etc.
  2. External. They are written on the initiative of a citizen or third-party organizations. Such documents are intended to be presented upon request outside the employee’s place of work. For example, when applying for a loan, when hiring a new employer, or guardianship authorities, for the military registration and enlistment office, for municipal organizations, etc.

How to correctly write a reference for an employee - sample and procedure for drawing up

From the point of view of the law, there is no single generally accepted form of the document, that is, each employer can draw up a reference at its own discretion.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for applying for parental leave.

Example of compilation of characteristics

Let's look at an example of a correctly composed document.

The possible text of the document can be considered using the example of a description of an enterprise accountant compiled for presentation at a new place of work.

After indicating the date of the document and the title, the following text may appear:

“Issued to Margarita Petrovna Kharitonova, born on July 15, 1981.

She received her education at Moscow state university majoring in economics. Married. Has two children (7 and 5 years old).

She worked at the LLC “Vash Dom” company from 04/04/2010 to 15/02. 2016 as an accountant.

While working, I was sent to trainings under the “Chief Accountant” and “Consultant Plus” programs, and took courses under the “ Financial statements 2016". Every year she received a year-end award for effective and qualified professional activity. She was not subject to disciplinary action.

The characteristics of an employee from the place of work still do not lose their relevance. How to write this document professionally? What points should be reflected, and what is better left “behind the scenes”? Are there any features in this matter that should be paid special attention to?

It’s easy to find answers to these and many other questions – just read the information presented below.

In what cases is it compiled?

The document we are considering is an assessment of the head of the organization of the personal qualities of his subordinate, his professionalism, and ability to behave in a business society.

A character reference for an employee from the place of work is drawn up in the following cases:

  1. At the request of the employee.
  2. At the initiative of government authorities (for example, the police or the court).
  3. Independently by the head of the organization (for certification, awarding a bonus to an employee, considering the issue of filling a certain position, etc.).

These are the most common situations in which such a document is required.

Their types

The main classification feature of such a document as the characteristics of an employee from the place of work is the place of its application. In accordance with it we can distinguish:

  • Domestic characteristics. They are intended for use directly in the company, for example, when an employee is promoted or transferred to another department, in the event of an award being presented or a disciplinary sanction being imposed.
  • External. The compilation of such characteristics is carried out either at the request of the employee himself, or at the request of government bodies, for example, the police or military registration and enlistment office.

There are no significant differences between internal and external characteristics for an employee from the place of work no. They are compiled in accordance with generally accepted rules, which will be discussed below.

In addition to the place of destination, characteristics of employees from the place of work can also be divided according to the purpose of their use:

  • for submission to the military registration and enlistment office;
  • for submission to court;
  • per student;
  • per student;
  • from the place of internship.

This list is not exhaustive. Such a document is drawn up in other cases.

Basic requirements for preparing characteristics for an employee from the place of work

There are no strict rules for drawing up such a description: the solution to this issue falls entirely within the competence of the head of the company or other responsible person. The document is drawn up in writing in free form, in printed form or by hand.

Despite this, in practice there are some rules that should be taken into account in the process of preparing this document:

  1. It is best to use A4 sheets.
  2. The narration should be conducted in the third person, using verbs in the present or past tense, depending on the situation (for example, works, worked, etc.).
  3. At the top of the sheet the name of the document is indicated - “Characteristics”. After this, the surname, name and patronymic of the employee, his position or place of work are written. Abbreviations in this block are not recommended.
  4. The direct text of the description should begin with personal information about the employee: date of birth, level of education, place and time of its receipt, direction of training.
  5. The main part of the document must reflect information about the employee’s career path. Many employers limit themselves to describing the employee’s career growth directly in their company: indicating the time of enrollment, position, promotion. It will be great if you can tell about other achievements of the person.
  6. You should definitely cite the most significant, striking moments labor activity employee. Here you can indicate the management of serious projects, participation in major events, supervision of certain tasks, etc.
  7. If at the time of compilation of the profile a person has received additional education or taken courses in professional retraining, then this fact should also be reflected in the document.
  8. No less important point is an assessment of the professional and business qualities of an employee. Excellent theoretical knowledge of current legislation and the ability to apply it in practice, the employee’s relationship with team members, the ability to solve analytical problems, the ability to comply with established deadlines for the performance of their duties - all this, if available, can be indicated in the document in question.
  9. In addition to competence, a job description of an employee should also contain information about the person’s personal qualities - his ability to establish contact with others, control himself in conflict situations, and readiness to help if necessary. This block can also describe the general cultural and moral development of a given person.
  10. You should not lose sight of the employee’s incentives from management (or disciplinary action).

The document ends with information about the place where it is intended - new job employee, police department or for internal use, etc.

Registration of such characteristics is allowed both during a person’s work activity in the organization and after dismissal from it.

There are cases when a reference for an employee is not drawn up on the official letterhead of the organization; in this case, the document should be stamped.

Who prepares and signs

In the vast majority of cases, preparing a reference for an employee from the place of work falls on the shoulders of the employee’s immediate supervisor. If the organization is very small, and there is only one manager, then he is responsible for resolving this issue.

The document is signed by the same person who created it. If present in the organization, his signature is also affixed.

How to correctly write a reference for an employee

Each specific situation(place, purpose of compiling a profile) has its own specific features that should be taken into account when preparing a profile for an employee from the place of work.

Upon dismissal

If a person plans to move to a new place of work, then when drawing up a description, the manager should pay attention to the following points:

  • business qualities of a person;
  • his suitability for the position held;
  • level of development as a professional in his field.

It is also recommended to talk about the most significant personal qualities - for example, the ability to quickly establish contact with people, the ability to quickly eliminate conflicts that arise in the work team, initiative and responsibility.

However, often the employer cannot speak positively about his employee, which is why he, in fact, fires him. IN similar situation the manager has the legal right to talk about all the nuances of a person, including the most impartial.

The document can indicate any shortcomings - both personal and professional. Conflict, irresponsibility, failure to meet deadlines for completing work, inconsistency with the position held, violation of the company’s internal regulations - anything, if it’s true.

For the court

Particular attention should be paid to the situation when such a document is required to be submitted to the court. When a person commits an administrative or criminal offense, the court has the opportunity to request a reference from his place of work.

The judge needs this information so that he can make the fairest possible decision. The main problem in such a situation is the lack of specific instructions from the judge. The employer simply does not know what exactly needs to be said. If you do not want to harm your subordinate, seek help from a lawyer and talk to the employee himself.

It must be indicated that the document is intended to be submitted to the court. If a person’s tenure in an organization is less than 6 months, information from other places of his work may be required.

For the police

In such a situation, the head of the organization should pay increased attention not to the professional and business skills of his subordinate, but to his business and personal qualities.

Tell us about the person’s character, what kind of relationships he has with members of the team. Reflect awards and disciplinary sanctions (if any, of course).

At the same time, do not forget that the statute of limitations for violating the company’s internal regulations is one calendar year. After this period of time, all offenses, if they occurred, are deleted from the characteristics.

For awards

If an employee has achieved success in his work activity and is entitled to encouragement, then the characteristic, first of all, should reflect those qualities of the person that helped him achieve this goal. For example, strength of character, hard work, responsibility.

To the military registration and enlistment office

As a rule, such a description is compiled by employees educational institution where the conscript was trained - school, college or university. This document should talk about the person’s existing relationship with the team, his ability to decide conflict situations, adapt to the new environment.

What not to do

Despite the fact that the manager has considerable scope for creativity when drawing up characteristics, he should still adhere to some rules.

Firstly, in such a document, as in any other document, the use of emotionally charged words and insults is not allowed. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you are satisfied with the employee’s work or not - the need to observe etiquette in the business sphere has not yet been canceled.

Secondly, it is prohibited to provide false information. The employee's job description must reflect only truthful information about professional qualities person. It is not allowed to indicate information that is not related to professional activity(religious and political beliefs, nationality, living conditions, etc.).

Thirdly, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, the transfer of personal data to third parties is allowed only with the consent of the employee himself, so make sure that such consent is in writing.

In addition, you should monitor your literacy. If an error is detected, it must be corrected - for which the text of the characteristic must be rewritten.

If the above requirements are ignored, a person can always appeal the received document.


Thus, when drawing up a profile for an employee from the place of work, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: for whom and where it is intended, whether the person worked well in the organization, or whether he cannot boast of success in his career, and much more. Following the tips presented will help you create a truly professional document.

Video - for some, writing and signing a reference for an employee from the place of work turns into a whole problem:

In legislation Russian Federation There are no rules directly stipulating a citizen’s obligation to provide references from neighbors. At the same time, in all branches of law (not only civil and criminal, but also labor, administrative, etc.) law enforcement and government agencies It is recommended to thoroughly study the identity of the person in respect of whom a certain legal issue is being resolved.

In this regard, there are often situations when it is desirable to provide complete characterizing material, including an assessment made by third parties. Sometimes positive information about a person's lifestyle plays a decisive role even in the most difficult life problems.

Characteristics from neighbors in criminal law

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation obliges the court to investigate data about the defendant. In every case there are always:

  • information from the Information Center of the Internal Affairs Directorate regarding the prosecution of the defendant;
  • certificates from psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries, which indicate whether the person is registered, with what diagnosis, etc.;
  • character reference from the local police commissioner at your place of residence.

Let us note that this list of documents cannot always fully “tell” about the defendant. Often, the district police officer simply cannot provide information on a particular person living in the supervised area. Lack of awareness of the police officer can occur when a citizen does not live for a long time at the place of registration, when the nature of his work is traveling, etc. Usually, local police officers pay attention to “problem” people who have been seen in fights, have a criminal record, etc., while they know nothing about other citizens.

If the documents available in the case file about a person do not contain sufficient information, the lawyer or the defendant, on their own initiative, may provide the court with any other information about the person, including a description of the place of residence from neighbors, an example of which may be as follows:

To the Leninsky District Court of Moscow
Petrova P.P., Volkova I.I., Vlasova A.A.,
living in building 1 on the street. Lenin, Moscow

Characteristics of Ivanova I.I., born in 1984,
residing at the address: Moscow, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1

We, the undersigned, are neighbors of I.I. Ivanov. at the entrance. We confirm that Ivanov I.I. has lived at this address since 2005. During his stay Ivanov I.I. has proven itself exclusively on the positive side.

Ivanov I.I. always takes an active part in public works to improve the house and the surrounding area, is on friendly terms with all residents, and has had no conflicts with anyone.

Ivanov I.I. lives with his wife, has two children, the family is very friendly and hospitable. He has not been found to abuse alcoholic beverages and has no bad habits.

Petrov P.P., born in 1976, (Moscow, Lenin St., 1, apt. 2), _____ (signature).
Volkov I.I., born in 1980, (Moscow, Lenin St., 1, apt. 3)______ (signature).
Vlasova A.A., born in 1979, (Moscow, Lenin St., 1, apt. 4)______ (signature).

Characteristics from neighbors in criminal procedural law

Characteristic information about the accused can be provided to the investigator before the case goes to court. Let us note that at the stage of preliminary investigation this is especially important when choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention or house arrest. Judicial practice There are cases where positive reviews from neighbors significantly influenced the decision on whether to keep a citizen in custody or not.

An example of a characteristic is almost the same as we have already given. At the same time, in order to choose a written undertaking not to leave the place of detention, one can focus on the presence of stable family ties and family relationships with the accused. Since only the court decides on the application of coercive measures such as house arrest or detention to the accused, the description should be addressed to the court:

To the Izmailovsky District Court of Moscow
Generalova M.P., Verina A.I., Nosova I.K.,
living in building 2 on the street. Mayakovsky, Moscow

Characteristics of Rudneva R.R., born in 1990,
residing at the address: Moscow, st. Mayakovskogo, 2, apt. 1

We, the undersigned, are neighbors of R.R. Rudnev. at the entrance. We confirm that Rudnev R.R. has lived at the specified address since birth (since 1990). During his stay Rudnev R.R. established himself as a caring husband, father and son.

Rudnev R.R. has a dependent elderly mother, Rudneva I.O., born in 1945, who has been paralyzed since 2010. All this time, her son Rudnev R.R. takes care of her, provides her with medicines and care. Rudnev R.R. - the only son of Rudneva I.O., there is no one else to look after her.

In addition, he is dependent on his young son, born in 2012, whom the accused is raising alone, since his wife died suddenly in 2014.

Rudnev R.R. leads a healthy lifestyle, when he has not been seen in dubious companies, other housing besides the apartment. 1 d.2 on the street. He doesn't have Mayakovsky. He has been working for the same company as an accountant for many years.

Generalov M.P., born in 1970, (Moscow, Mayakovskogo str., 2, apt. 2), _____ (signature).
Verina A.I., born in 1980, (Moscow, Mayakovskogo str., 2, apt. 3)______ (signature).
Nosova I.K., born in 1973, (Moscow, Mayakovskogo str., 2, apt. 4)______ (signature).

The Criminal Procedure Code provides for the possibility of applying a preventive measure in the form of a personal guarantee. This implies taking responsibility for the accused - that is, ensuring his proper behavior, timely appearance before law enforcement agencies, etc.

Neighbors can also take on such an obligation; in this case, you need to write a corresponding petition to the investigator or interrogating officer, similar in form to the sample description provided. The last lines must indicate that the citizens who signed are ready to bail the accused. It would be fair to note that personal guarantee as a preventive measure is very, very rare in practice.

Characteristics of a person serving a sentence

A positive reference from neighbors is extremely important for a convicted person who wants to get rid of his criminal record or shorten his suspended sentence. In addition to other requirements (such as serving half of the sentence), in order to have a criminal record expunged, you must prove your early correction. The opinion of neighbors in this case plays a special role for regulatory authorities, since it contributes to the formation of an objective assessment of the convict’s lifestyle. Information about impeccable behavior, confirmed by residents of the house, may be needed when:

  • the convicted person has already served his sentence (it can be anything, including imprisonment) and in accordance with Art. 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation applies for early removal of a criminal record (characteristics are submitted to the court);
  • the convict is serving compulsory, correctional labor or a suspended sentence (characterizing documents are provided to the penal inspection where he is registered).

Since in these cases there must be evidence of correction, in the neighbor's description it is important to focus on a conscientious attitude to work, participation in public events, charity - in a word, to present the facts of gratuitous benefit to society.

Characteristics from neighbors in civil law

In civil cases, information about a person is most often provided when considering claims for adoption, establishment of guardianship, restoration of parental rights, etc. In this regard, it is advisable to write in the characteristics positive traits related to raising children:

In the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow
Lyubimova L.D., Maly V.N., Nekrasova N.G.,
living in building 3 on the street. Tsvetnaya, Moscow

Characteristics of Repina O.L., born in 1987,
residing at the address: Moscow, st. Tsvetnaya, 3, apt. 1

We are neighbors of Repin O.L. and we can confirm that Repin O.L. is an excellent family man who takes care of his own and his neighbors’ children and actively participates in their upbringing.

So, Repin O.L. a football team was created in the yard, on our own a club called “Young Football Players” was organized, where Repin O.L. is a volunteer trainer. Activities of Repin O.L. contributes to the suppression of child crime, develops personality in our children, increases the authority of sports and healthy image life. We consider Repin O.L. a person worth looking up to.

Repin O.L. there are three children whom he teaches to work, is engaged in their additional education, and personally takes part in resolving all issues that arise during training in educational institutions.

Repin O.L. has no bad habits, spends all his free time from work with children.

Lyubimov L.D., born in 1970, (Moscow, Tsvetnaya St., 3, apt. 2), _____ (signature).
Maloy V.N., born in 1974, (Moscow, Tsvetnaya str., 3, apt. 3)______ (signature).
Nekrasov N.G., born in 1978, (Moscow, Tsvetnaya str., 3, apt. 4)______ (signature).

Characteristic references from neighbors for employment

When applying for a job, people are rarely asked to provide personal characteristics. However, if the work involves social character, requires special communication skills, then the employer may insist on providing the candidate’s personal qualities, confirmed by neighbors.

In addition, in some cases, when challenging unjustified dismissal, an employee may well provide a written opinion from his neighbors as evidence of his law-abiding behavior.

Legal consequences for neighbors who characterize a person

You need to understand that everything that is written in the characteristics can be verified at any time by the court, prosecutor's office or other law enforcement agencies. In addition, all those neighbors who signed the document can be summoned to court and questioned as witnesses. For those who were asked to confirm the positive qualities of a neighbor:

  1. Specify the purpose of obtaining information about the resident.
  2. If you are asked to indicate specific qualities of a neighbor, write only those in which you are confident.
  3. Don't sign Blank sheet, confirm only the information already indicated, and not future information, by carefully reading the text.
  4. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to provide explanations for the information provided if required. By virtue of the law, a witness does not have the right to refuse to testify, otherwise criminal liability may arise.

Negative feedback from neighbors

Sometimes neighbors initiate a collective appeal to the police regarding violations of public order, the creation of brothels, or acts of hooliganism by individual citizens living in common house. In this case, in addition to the application itself, you can provide the relevant characterizing data on the violator:

To the district commissioner of Police Department No. 10
in the Leninsky district of Moskvyzhitley
house No. 27 on Zelenaya street, Moscow.

per resident sq. 1 house No. 27 on the street. Green Moscow
Borisova N.N., born in 1989

We inform you that we are neighbors of N.N. Borisov, who has been living at the above address since 2014. During his stay Borisov N.N. has proven itself extremely negative side. This tenant leads an antisocial lifestyle, does not work anywhere, drinks alcohol with other people in entrance No. 2 of the specified building, smokes on the landing.

Borisov N.N. was repeatedly seen lying in drunk in the elevator, making it difficult for other people, including the elderly, to use the elevator.

Borisov N.N. participates in the damage of public property, paints the doors and walls of the entrances of the specified house.

He does not respond to numerous comments from people living in the house.

Sazonov N.L., born in 1971, (Moscow, Zelenaya St., 27, apt. 2), _____ (signature).
Popov P.S., born in 1966, (Moscow, Zelenaya st., 27, apt. 3)______ (signature).
Solovyov O.Z., born in 1958, (Moscow, Zelenaya st., 27, apt. 4)______ (signature).

Characteristics are an official document issued by an organization to an employee in various situations. And although legislation in the field of labor and labor relations does not require the employee to submit a reference, many organizations do not neglect this document if the employee submits a reference, for example, when applying for a job, and in some cases, organizations may make an official request to the previous place of work for the presentation characteristics of the employee. The characterization is usually drawn up by the manager structural unit, in which the employee works (worked). When drawing up a characteristic, the head of the department must demonstrate an individual approach, show that he knows the employee well, and objectively evaluates his business and personal qualities. Precisely because the characteristic must be objective, in some cases it may contain not very flattering assessments of the employee’s qualities. The main thing is to maintain restraint, correctness, and not allow expressions that are offensive to the employee or unfair assessments.

As a rule, the characteristics contain an assessment of the employee as a specialist, an assessment of his professional activities as an employee, business and personal qualities.

The text of the characteristics can be divided into several parts:

1 – header part;

2 – personal data about the employee;

3 – data on the employee’s work activity;

4 – assessment of the employee’s business and personal qualities;

5 – final part.

■ In the first – header - parts indicate the title of the document (CHARACTERISTICS), the position held by the employee (including the name of the organization), last name, first name, patronymic of the employee (in full), for example:

■ In the second part – personal data– indicate the surname, initials of the employee (the full name and patronymic no longer need to be repeated), year of birth, education (it is also indicated what educational establishments, where and when the employee graduated), specialty (profession), academic degree and rank (if any). As a rule, this part of the characteristics is formatted as the first paragraph of the text, for example:

■ The third part contains characteristics employee's work activity. Usually this part indicates in what year and in what position the employee began his career in this organization (it is allowed to indicate in which organizations and in what positions the employee worked before joining this organization), it indicates which positions and in which divisions the employee was transferred, that is, given brief information about his career growth. This part also contains a description of the results of the employee’s work: the most significant results of his work are listed (what work he supervised or took part in, what work he performed independently). Information about advanced training, obtaining additional education, second profession, retraining, etc., for example:

Sokolov M.V. has been working at Praktika LLC since January 2002. First, he held the position of auditor of the audit department, and since 2004 he has been working as a senior auditor of the same department. Before joining Praktika LLC, Sokolov M.V. For two years he worked at CJSC “Mark of Quality” as an assistant auditor. While working at Praktika LLC, Sokolov M.V. As part of a group of specialists, he participated in audits of a number of companies, in particular, Nota OJSC, Investbank OJSC, etc. Currently, he is the head of a group providing consulting and audit services to Rosta CJSC.

In 2005, Sokolov M.V. Graduated with honors from advanced training courses at the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

■ In the fourth part it is given assessment of an employee’s business (professional) and personal qualities. The indicators by which such an assessment is carried out can be very diverse. Of particular importance in the characterization is the assessment of the employee’s professional competence, his business qualities, efficiency, psychological and ethical qualities.

When assessing the professional competence of an employee, you should pay attention to his experience, level of professional knowledge, knowledge of legislative and other regulatory documents, erudition, interest in foreign experience, ability to self-educate, knowledge of one’s own rights and responsibilities, etc.

An employee’s business qualities are manifested in his ability to establish and maintain business relationship with colleagues, management, employees of other companies; in the ability to exercise leadership functions or conduct analytical work, engage in work planning, monitor the execution of work, etc.

An employee’s performance is assessed by how active he is in performing assigned duties, by his ability to organize labor process and perform work efficiently and on time, according to behavior in difficult situations, by the ability to take responsibility for work results, by the effectiveness of decisions made or work results.

An employee’s personal qualities are manifested in his relationships with colleagues (friendliness, sociability), in the level of the employee’s general culture, and his psychological qualities.

When assessing the qualities of an employee, it is very important to correctly place the emphasis and, if possible, accurately determine the level of knowledge and skills of the employee. Naturally, in one case the level of knowledge, experience, and skills can be assessed as “very good” or “high” (for example, has extensive experience, has high level knowledge, has deep knowledge), in another case as “sufficient” (for example, has sufficient experience, has sufficient knowledge), in the third case as “not very sufficient”, “small” (for example, I don't know enough about the issues... does not have sufficient knowledge...), in the fourth case as “lack of knowledge, experience, skills, etc. (For example, has no experience in the field..., does not have the skills... and etc.).

The same fourth part of the characteristics provides information about the employee’s forms of encouragement, awards or penalties available to him (for example, based on the results of work in 2005, he was awarded a valuable gift).

■ The final part of the specification indicates purpose of characterization (characteristics compiled for presentation in...).

The text of the description is presented in the 3rd person, present or past tense ( graduated, worked, performs, has). A characteristic is drawn up for standard sheets A4 paper, signed, as a rule, by several persons, for example, the head (or deputy) of the organization and the head of the personnel service (or the head of the department in which the employee works). The reference letter can be signed by one person - the head of the organization; in this case, it is necessary that the copy of the reference sheet remaining in the organization bear the visas of the head of the department in which the employee works and the head of the personnel service. Signatures are certified by the seal of the organization. The date of issue of the specification is indicated below, under the signatures on the left. The characteristics are drawn up in two copies: one for transfer (sending) to its destination, the second (copy) remains in the organization.