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» Signs of a hyperactive child - should parents be worried? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child

Signs of a hyperactive child - should parents be worried? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child

Such a concept as hyperactivity syndrome is known to all parents who have small children. AT recent times there is an increasing number of children who are diagnosed with this violation of the work of the central nervous system. Statistics from doctors - pediatricians and teachers - psychologists indicate that hyperactivity occurs in approximately 39% of all children up to school age, and approximately 57% of all school-age children.

The hyperactivity syndrome has enough a large number of manifestations. So, a hyperactive child - symptoms:

  • Attention deficit.

A child suffering from hyperactivity syndrome cannot concentrate his attention on any one activity for a long time, whether it is drawing, playing, or even watching television. It is because of the attention deficit that children with hyperactivity disorder often experience learning difficulties.

  • Excessive impulsiveness of the child.

Of course, almost all children - both calm and not very - from time to time allow themselves violent manifestations of emotions. However, children with hyperactivity syndrome especially often lose control of their emotions, often frightening even their parents who are accustomed to everything with their impulsiveness.

  • Increased motor activity of the child.

Any specialist can easily identify children with hyperactivity syndrome even in a huge crowd of children. These kids are not just mobile, they are just super active. The baby is almost impossible to see in a calm state - he is constantly in motion. Either he runs, or jumps, or dances on the spot, if he was already forced to sit. Everything in this child betrays this same hyperactivity - constantly moving hands, shifty eyes, facial expressions, facial expressions.

Time of manifestation of hyperactivity syndrome in a child

There is an erroneous opinion that the first manifestations of signs of hyperactivity syndrome in a baby can be detected no earlier than the baby is two years old. However, both doctors and parents of children suffering from hyperactivity syndrome unanimously say the opposite.

The first manifestations of the hyperactivity syndrome can be detected for the first time days after the birth of the crumbs. Such newborn babies sleep very little, while their sleep is superficial and restless, they cry a lot and quite a lot, and during wakefulness they are very mobile and resemble some kind of balls of mercury.

As the baby grows, it reminds its parents disaster- they literally “jump out” of strollers, beds, try to get out of the arenas. Overturned cups, broken dishes, twigs broken from the sides of the bed, overturned flower pots and ragged curtains - troubles rain down on such a baby, as if from a fabulous cornucopia.

An already grown up baby, as mentioned earlier, cannot sit in one place for a minute, listen to the end of a fairy tale or let mom cut her nails. The child moves only by running, which makes his mother run after him a lot. Some parents believe that such activity of the child is just a consequence of the high energy reserve in the baby's body. Is it really? And if really hyperactive children, how to deal with it?

Norm or pathology?

Doctors - neuropathologists and child psychologists believe that hyperactivity syndrome is a rather serious pathology. If you have a hyperactive child, treatment should begin as soon as possible. The increased energy of the child with hyperactivity syndrome indicates a violation of the normal functioning of the central nervous system. If parents notice any deviations, they need to take care of the problem: "Hyperactive child: what to do?" Otherwise, if the parents did not attach due importance to this feature of the development of their child and did not seek advice and medical help in time, but limited themselves only to punishing the child in order to rein him in, as the child grows, the problem will only get worse.

The child will have serious problems at first kindergarten and then at school. The specificity of learning one way or another requires perseverance and attention. And a child with hyperactivity syndrome will not only be unable to perceive and memorize information on his own, but will also constantly spin and spin, thereby distracting all other children. Because of this, such children very often have systematic conflicts with teachers, and parents often listen to a lot of unflattering reviews about the behavior of their child. And this is not surprising, because classes with hyperactive children require certain skills, which in regular school Not all teachers have.

Also at school, a child with hyperactivity significantly complicates life due to excessive impulsiveness, which is characteristic of this disease. The child is excessively harsh in actions, judgments, expressions of his thoughts; at first, succumbing to the first impulse, he says or does something, and only then thinks. And because of this peculiarity of his temperament, a hyperactive child at school faces a lot of problems - relations with classmates turn out to be hopelessly spoiled, the diary is replete with remarks from teachers, as if Christmas tree garlands, and parents go to school with no less frequency than to work.

Causes of Hyperactivity Syndrome

Of course, that hyperactivity syndrome, like any other disease, does not occur without a reason, from scratch. Provoking factors can be:

  • Complicated pregnancy.

In the event that the expectant mother suffered from severe toxicosis, both in the first and second half of pregnancy, from a tendency to high blood pressure, if the child was diagnosed with intrauterine asphyxia, in the future the risk of hyperactivity syndrome increases at least three times.

  • Lifestyle of a pregnant woman.

The normal development of the central nervous system is very negatively affected by toxic substances such as drugs, alcohol, nicotine, paints, heavy metals, and others.
The expectant mother must give up all addictions, and in the event that her work is directly related to contact with toxic substances, she must write an application asking for her transfer to light work. A similar opportunity is guaranteed to a pregnant woman labor code Russian Federation.

  • Complicated course of the birth process.

Long, protracted labor, or vice versa, rapid, the use of obstetric aids such as forceps, also increases the chances of the child developing hyperactivity syndrome.

The basis of such a disorder of the nervous system as hyperactivity is a minimal brain dysfunction, which, in fact, is the cause of learning difficulties in such children. We will not bother our readers with complex and obscure medical terms that characterize minimal brain dysfunction. We suggest that parents who do not have an appropriate medical education simply accept the following facts as an axiom:

  • Minimal brain dysfunctions destabilize the normal functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Disorders caused by minimal brain dysfunctions require medical treatment - they will not disappear on their own.

Unfortunately, very often parents do not want to spend time on treatment, mistakenly believing that with age, the problem of hyperactivity syndrome will disappear as they grow older. However, the only appearance of the disorder, which will pass by adolescence, is increased motor activity. On the other hand, impulsivity and attention deficit, on the contrary, progress to a large extent and rather quickly, making the learning process extremely difficult. And the greatest difficulty the child experiences with writing and speech. Classes with hyperactive children should be carried out on an individual basis.

Features of communication with hyperactive children

Despite all their love for the child, parents of hyperactive children very often lose their last patience and break down when communicating with them. Some mothers and fathers simply - simply wave their hand at their child, noting with a heavy sigh that they will not be of any use anyway. Other parents, on the contrary, try to discipline the child with the strictest methods, rather harshly suppressing the slightest attempt at disobedience.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which tactics of parental behavior is more correct - it all depends on the specific case and each specific child. For some, “hedgehogs” is the only way to keep a child within limits, and for some, every rude word is a real psychological trauma. Carefully observe your child's reaction to comments - and you will very quickly understand what is needed for the crumbs.

If, despite all your efforts, you have not managed to find the key to your baby, seek professional help from a child psychologist. Many parents are embarrassed to visit this specialist, confusing him with a psychiatrist. However, these are completely different directions, and a visit to a psychologist is not evidence that your child suffers from any mental disorders. By the way, hyperactive children in kindergarten most often automatically fall under the supervision of a psychologist.

By the way, if you have a hyperactive child, only a doctor should decide how to treat him. Many parents buy sedative sedative medicines from the pharmacy and start giving them to their child. Remember that an incorrectly selected pharmacological drug can greatly aggravate the course of the disease.

But the most important thing that parents of hyperactive children need to realize is the fact that the child is so violent and active in no way because he wants to annoy them. All his antics are a consequence of the peculiarities of the work of his nervous system, often they are beyond the control of the baby himself. But the emotional outbursts of parents, whose nerves are already at the limit, will not bring any positive result, but they can significantly aggravate the situation.

Despite the fact that each child suffering from hyperactivity syndrome needs an individual approach, the peculiarities of their psychology allow us to give some general recommendations for all children that facilitate the upbringing of a hyperactive child:

  • Formulation of the problem.

The features of the development of children with hyperactivity syndrome are such that their logical and abstract thinking are developed much worse. That is why such a child needs to set only a clearly defined task. Sentences should be as concise as possible, not carrying any unnecessary semantic load. Try to avoid long sentences.

  • Sequence of directions.

It is highly discouraged to give a child with hyperactivity disorder several tasks at once, for example: "collect toys, wash your hands and go to dinner." It will be quite difficult for a child to perceive all the information at once and, most likely, he will not complete a single assignment, being distracted by something else. It is much more reasonable to give these instructions to the crumbs in a logical sequence.

  • Set a time frame.

These children have a very vague idea of ​​the sense of time, so keep track of the time allotted for the completion of each of your tasks. By the way, if you want to pick up the baby from the street, feed it, put it to bed - always warn him about five minutes before your action. And this applies not only to children with hyperactivity syndrome, but also to everyone else.

  • Say "no" correctly.

Strictly speaking, just the word "no" should not be used. When forbidding something to the baby, build your sentences in such a way that there is no denial in it. For example, if you want a child not to run on the grass, you should not tell him: "Don't run on the grass!". The following phrase will have a much greater effect: "Go to the path." And, of course, in all, even conflict situations, parents should remain calm.

  • How to calm a hyperactive child

If your baby is overexcited, try to change the situation to a more calm one, for example, take the child to another room, offer him some water, calmly talk to him on any abstract topic.

Finishing the conversation about childhood hyperactivity, I would like to once again remind parents that they are not alone - there are qualified neurologists next to you who know exactly how to treat hyperactivity in children. A properly selected complex course of therapy can significantly improve the condition of the child. In addition to neurologists, you can seek help from child psychologists who will tell you how to raise a hyperactive child. And remember - your baby is no worse than other children, he is just special. Good luck and be patient!

In medical practice, hyperactivity is a complex behavioral disorder that does not require any medical intervention and manifests itself in early preschool age.

The disorder can affect the child's success in school, affect interpersonal relationships, be noticeable by excessive mental and motor activity.

Signs of the disorder can be found in different children differently. In most children, the disorder is associated with spontaneous reactions that the child cannot suppress. Reactions affect the child's mobility, speech and attention. They are considered signs of an unbalanced nervous system, among adults they are called excessive emotionality.

With hyperactivity, the child has difficulty concentrating, cannot sit still, wait in line. He shouts out answers before other children, stretches his hand to be the first to answer the question, shows disorganization, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.

Due to hyperactivity, the child does not do well at school, is not able to carry out assignments with high quality, he moves a lot, talks a lot, interrupts the conversation of peers and adults.

Signs and symptoms of the disorder typically begin before the age of seven. They can be confused with another disorder - attention deficit disorder, as well as normal child behavior. Therefore, if parents notice one or more signs of a disorder in a child, this does not mean that the child is hyperactive. Conversely, if the signs are present in all situations - at home, at school, at extracurricular activities and on walks - it's time to get to know the psychologist and the doctor better.

Causes of hyperactivity in a child

The underlying causes of hyperactivity can be:

Various infections;

Birth trauma, difficult childbirth, childbirth before or after the term;

Poisoning with heavy metals and hazardous chemicals;

Wrong diet, poor daily routine.

Studies show that hyperactivity is more common in boys. It can be accompanied by sleep disturbance, enuresis, various speech disorders, and heart disorders. The disorder often occurs as part of attention deficit disorder.

The main signs of hyperactivity:

1. The child almost always has restless movements of the limbs. He cannot sit on a chair, gets up, turns, fidgets, turns, fiddles with clothes when he should sit quietly.

2. The child shows high motor activity for no reason. He aimlessly runs, jumps, climbs onto chairs, sofas, armchairs, and even in situations where this cannot be done.

3. The child cannot concentrate on the game, quietly and calmly do something. He screams, squeaks, performs sharp unconscious movements.

4. In a conversation, the child is very unrestrained, cannot listen to the end of the question, answers questions out of place, without thinking.

5. The child cannot stand and wait in line in any situation, begins to get nervous and act up.

6. The child interferes with other children, sticks to others, wedged into someone else's game, interferes with his behavior.

7. At night and during the day, the child sleeps very restlessly, rolls over from one side to the other, knocks off the sheet, throws off the blanket and at the same time loves the pose of a ball.

8. The child is unable to recognize other people's needs and desires.

9. The child is prone to emotional turmoil and cannot control emotions - both good and bad. The child may get angry at the wrong time or throw tantrums for absolutely no reason.

10. The child shows interest in many things, but almost always has problems understanding things. For example, he becomes interested in drawing, but leaves the drawing unfinished and switches to playing ball, while completely losing interest in drawing.

11. The child is unable to concentrate, even when he is addressed looking in the face. He hears the speech, but cannot repeat the conversation, or what was said to him.

12. The child often makes mistakes due to inattention.

Symptoms and deviations are clarified by specialists by observing and evaluating the child and his actions.

Attention deficit and hyperactivity in children

If others say that the child is hyperactive, this may mean that he also has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD can only be determined by a doctor based on the opinion of several specialists - a psychologist, a psychotherapist and a pediatrician. The doctor during the examination will also try to find out signs of other disorders and diseases that are similar to ADHD and need to be treated. various types treatment.

If the doctor determines that a child has ADHD, he or she offers the parents help in dealing with the problem. Many children are prescribed medication to help control their behavior. At the moment, there are a huge number of medicines that can completely cure this condition. Medicine can help children: focus attention, calm the nervous system, balance behavior, improve memory and attention.

Some medicines the child will take only before school, some - every day as part of the treatment course. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment, after consultation with the parents.

Children with ADHD need not only medicine, but also lifestyle changes. In this case, the therapist and psychologist can offer parents an individually designed lifestyle change plan, give advice on what will be useful and what should be avoided.

Children also benefit greatly from relaxation and behavioral therapy. In relaxation therapy, the doctor will teach the child to relax, calm down, do deep breathing exercises, and relax various muscle groups. Behavioral therapy can teach children to set goals and achieve them.

If a child is hyperactive (that is, such a diagnosis has been made), not only relatives and a doctor, but also teachers of the school that the student attends, must know about this. Then the child will be able to get additional help with their studies, if necessary. The school can offer parents an individual learning plan, a quiet place in the classroom, provide additional time for completing assignments.

In most cases, children with ADHD have a normal, happy childhood, and right approach completely eliminate the disease.

It is very important to know how hyperactivity manifests itself at each age stage of a child's development. However, parents should understand that most of the signs can characterize a completely different pathology, such as neurasthenia. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to diagnose or draw conclusions on your own. If you suspect hyperactivity in a child, be sure to consult a doctor.

Signs of hyperactivity in toddlers

The first symptoms of the disease may appear in the newborn. The baby is different: excessive excitability; rapid response to a variety of manipulations; excessive sensitivity to external stimuli - sound, bright light; disturbed sleep (wakes up often, it is extremely difficult to fall asleep, stays awake for a long time); lagging behind in physical development (approximately 1-1.5 months); delayed speech development. If such signs appear only occasionally, they should not be attributed to pathology. Since children under one year old can have many reasons for capricious behavior - teething, changes in nutrition, and others.

Symptoms of hyperactivity in children 2-3 years old

This is the age when the symptoms of pathology are clearly manifested. In a 2-year-old child, the disorder is characterized by the following features: restlessness; a large number of unnecessary movements in the baby; randomness of movements; delayed speech development; motor awkwardness.

Signs of Hyperactivity in Preschoolers

At the age of three, the child has the first crisis. The kid becomes capricious, stubborn. These traits are seen in all children. However, in children with ADHD, they are significantly exacerbated. At this age, most children go to kindergarten. Parents should pay attention to the opinion of educators. In preschool children, the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms: restlessness; inattention; disobedience; difficulty getting to bed; slow development of attention and memory.

Manifestations of hyperactivity in younger students

In hyperactive children with increased mental and physical activity nervous system fails. Therefore, there is a significant deterioration in the state of the school. The main signs that you need to pay attention to are: inability to concentrate; inability to sit in one place for a while; difficulty listening to an adult; imbalance; low self-esteem; irascibility; headache; nervous tic; the emergence of various phobias (fears); enuresis. Symptoms of hyperactivity in adolescents

The guys have excellent intelligence, but at the same time they are distinguished by poor academic performance. The reasons lie in carelessness. These children are very difficult to find with their peers. mutual language. Guys are prone to various conflicts. They are distinguished by impulsiveness, inability to assess the consequences of actions, aggressiveness.

Positive effects in children with hyperactivity

In addition to problems, attention deficit disorder has positive points. Numerous studies have found that children with ADHD tend to be:

1. Very creative and imaginative. A child who dreams and has dozens of different thoughts in his head can become a great master in the future, solving complex problems and throwing out a fountain of ideas. Children with ADHD can be easily distracted, but unlike others, they see things that others do not.

2. Very flexible and quirky. The child can simultaneously consider several options for solving a problem and is open to various ideas.

3. Enthusiasts. Children with ADHD are rarely bored. They are interested in a huge number of things and bright personalities. They attract people around them, have a huge number of friends.

4. Very energetic and unpredictable. When children are motivated by an idea, they work and complete tasks much faster than normal children. It can be difficult to distract them from a task if they are interested in it and if it is associated with an active lifestyle.

It is worth noting that ADHD has nothing to do with intelligence and talent. Many hyperactive children are highly intelligent and artistically gifted.

How to distinguish activity from hyperactivity?

Parents often wonder what hyperactivity is and how it differs from normal activity. How to determine the pathology yourself?

hyperactive child

active child

The baby is constantly on the move, unable to control himself. With severe fatigue and inability to move on, hysteria and cries.

The kid does not sit in one place, loves outdoor games. If interested, he is able to collect puzzles for a long time or listen to a book.

He speaks quickly and a lot. Often does not listen and interrupts. Rarely listens to answers to questions asked.

He talks a lot and quickly. Asks a lot of questions.

The child is difficult to put to sleep. The baby's sleep is restless. It is not uncommon for a child to have intestinal disorders, allergies.

Digestive and sleep disturbances are rare.

The kid is out of control all the time. He does not respond to restrictions and prohibitions. His behavior in various conditions is active.

Activity is not everywhere. Restless at home, the baby behaves calmly at a party or in the kindergarten.

The baby himself provokes conflicts. Unable to control aggression - bites, fights, pushes. Any means can be used in the course: both stones and sticks.

The baby is non-aggressive. In the heat of conflict, he is able to give back. But he does not provoke scandals on his own.

Psychologists around the world believe that if children show signs of hyperactivity due to a behavioral disorder, they should be eliminated, the sooner the better. This will avoid disappointments and difficulties that can arise from low self-esteem, as well as friction and stress accumulating in family and others.

If a child has symptoms of hyperactivity that are similar to ADHD, do not neglect the help of a qualified doctor and psychologist. You can eliminate hyperactivity in time by applying simple public measures.

Today, there are a lot of options for eliminating this feature. As therapeutic measures, a change in diet, a set of physical exercises, a change home furnishings, visiting children's circles, any other distractions that will minimize the problem.

1. Clearly organize the child's daily routine and do not change it for a long time. In this situation, the child will be able to acquire the necessary reflexes, for example, to go to bed after reading a fairy tale.

2. Create a calm, predictable environment for the child, without any irritants. This will minimize the occurrence of energy release.

3. Organize an active physical regimen for the child with visits to sports sections and classes.

4. Do not limit the child in performing active actions when the situation allows it. This will make it possible to expend excess energy.

5. A hyperactive child should not be punished, forced to sit still for a long time or perform any tedious work.

Eliminating hyperactivity problems in children is doable. The child should be allowed to spend excess energy outside the walls of educational institutions, arouse interest in learning and creativity.

A hyperactive child requires a lot of strength and attention from adults. The child must always be listened to, helped him complete the tasks he has begun, taught to be diligent. Hyperactive children need effective parenting strategies that develop structure, systematicity and clear interaction with the outside world. They need rewards and encouragement, lots of parental love, support and approval.

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Each child is active and inquisitive, but there are children whose activity is increased compared to their peers. Can such children be called hyperactive or is it a manifestation of the child's character? And is the child's hyperactive behavior normal or does it require treatment?

What is hyperactivity

This is the abbreviation for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which is also abbreviated as ADHD. This is a very common brain disorder in childhood and is also found in many adults. According to statistics, 1-7% of children have hyperactivity syndrome. Boys are diagnosed with it 4 times more often than girls.

Timely recognized hyperactivity, which requires therapy, allows the child to form normal behavior and better adapt in a team among other people. If you leave ADHD in a child without attention, it persists into older age. A teenager with such a disorder acquires school skills worse, is more prone to antisocial behavior He is hostile and aggressive.

ADHD - a syndrome of excessive impulsivity, hyperactivity and persistent inattention

Signs of ADHD

Not every active and easily excited child is classified as a child who has hyperactivity syndrome.

To diagnose ADHD, you should identify the main symptoms of such a disorder in a child, which manifest themselves:

  1. Attention deficit.
  2. impulsivity.
  3. Hyperactivity.

Symptoms usually appear before the age of 7 years. Most often, parents notice them at 4 or 5 years old, and most often age period Seeing a specialist is 8 years and older, when the child is faced with many tasks at school and at home, where his concentration and independence are needed. Babies who are not yet 3 years old are not diagnosed immediately. They are observed for some time to make sure they have ADHD.

Depending on the predominance of specific signs, two subtypes of the syndrome are distinguished - with attention deficit and with hyperactivity. Separately, a mixed subtype of ADHD is distinguished, in which the child has symptoms of both attention deficit and hyperactivity.

Signs of hyperactivity are more common in children 4-5 years old.

Attention Deficit Symptoms:

  1. The child cannot focus on objects for a long time. He often makes careless mistakes.
  2. The child fails to maintain attention for a long time, which is why he is not collected during the task and often does not complete the task to the end.
  3. When the child is addressed, it seems that he is not listening.
  4. If you give a direct instruction to a child, he does not follow it or starts to follow it and does not finish it.
  5. It is difficult for a child to organize his activities. He often switches from one activity to another.
  6. The child does not like tasks that require a long mental effort. He tries to avoid them.
  7. The child often loses things that he needs.
  8. The baby is easily distracted by extraneous noise.
  9. In everyday activities, the child is noted for increased forgetfulness.

Children with ADHD have attention span

Hyperactive children find it difficult to complete tasks that require mental stress

Manifestations of impulsivity and hyperactivity:

  1. The child often gets up from his seat.
  2. When the child is worried, he intensively moves his legs or arms. In addition, the baby periodically shudders in a chair.
  3. He gets up very abruptly and often runs.
  4. It is difficult for him to participate in quiet games.
  5. His actions can be described as "wound up".
  6. During classes, he may shout from a place or make noise.
  7. The child responds before hearing the full question.
  8. He is unable to wait his turn during class or play.
  9. The child constantly interferes in other people's activities or their conversations.

To make a diagnosis, a child must have at least 6 of the above signs, and they must be observed for a long time (at least six months).

How hyperactivity manifests itself at an early age

Hyperactivity syndrome is detected not only in schoolchildren, but also in preschool children and even in infants.

In the smallest, this problem is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Faster physical development when compared with peers. Babies with hyperactivity are much quicker to roll over, crawl, and start walking.
  • The appearance of whims when the child is tired. Hyperactive children often get excited and become more active before going to bed.
  • Less sleep duration. A toddler with ADHD sleeps much less than normal for his age.
  • Difficulty falling asleep (many babies need to be rocked) and very light sleep. A hyperactive child reacts to any rustle, and if he wakes up, it is very difficult for him to fall asleep again.
  • A very violent reaction to a loud sound, a new environment and unfamiliar faces. Because of such factors, babies with hyperactivity become excited and begin to act up more.
  • Quick switching of attention. Having offered the baby a new toy, the mother notices that the new object attracts the attention of the crumbs for a very short time.
  • Strong attachment to mother and fear of strangers.

If the baby is often capricious, reacts violently to a new environment, sleeps little and has difficulty falling asleep, this may be the first signs of ADHD.

ADHD or character?

The increased activity of the child may be a manifestation of his innate temperament.

Unlike children with ADHD, a temperamentally healthy child:

Causes of hyperactivity in children

Earlier occurrence ADHD has been associated predominantly with brain damage, for example, if a newborn has suffered hypoxia while in the womb or during childbirth. Nowadays, studies have confirmed the impact on the appearance of the syndrome of hyperactivity of the genetic factor and disorders of intrauterine development of the crumbs. The development of ADHD is facilitated by too early childbirth, caesarean section, low birth weight crumbs, a long anhydrous period in childbirth, the use of forceps, and similar factors.

ADHD can occur with difficult births, impaired intrauterine development, or be inherited

What to do

If you suspect that your child has hyperactivity syndrome, the first thing to do is to go to a specialist. Many parents do not immediately go to the doctor, because they do not dare to admit the problem in the child and are afraid of the condemnation of acquaintances. By such actions, they miss time, as a result of which hyperactivity causes serious problems with the social adaptation of the child.

There are also parents who bring a completely healthy child to a psychologist or psychiatrist when they cannot or do not want to find an approach to him. This is often observed during crisis periods of development, for example, at 2 years or during a three-year crisis. At the same time, the baby does not have any hyperactivity.

If you find some signs of hyperactivity in your child, contact a specialist without postponing this problem for later

In all these cases, without the help of a specialist, determine whether the child really needs health care or he just has a bright temperament, it will not work.

If a child has a confirmed hyperactivity syndrome, then the following methods will be used in his treatment:

  1. Explanatory work with parents. The doctor should explain to mom and dad why the child has hyperactivity, how such a syndrome manifests itself, how to behave with the child and how to properly educate him. Thanks to such educational work, parents stop blaming themselves or each other for the behavior of the child, and also understand how to behave with the baby.
  2. Changing learning conditions. If hyperactivity is diagnosed in a student with poor academic performance, he is transferred to a specialized class. This helps to cope with the delay in the formation of school skills.
  3. Medical therapy. Drugs prescribed for ADHD are symptomatic and effective in 75-80% of cases. They help facilitate the social adaptation of children with hyperactivity and improve their intellectual development. As a rule, drugs are prescribed for a long period, sometimes until adolescence.

Treatment of ADHD is carried out not only with medication, but also under the supervision of a psychiatrist

Komarovsky's opinion

A popular doctor has many times in his practice encountered children diagnosed with ADHD. The main difference between such a medical diagnosis and hyperactivity as character traits, Komarovsky calls the fact that hyperactivity does not prevent a healthy child from developing and communicating with other members of society. If a child has a disease, without the help of parents and doctors, he cannot become a full-fledged member of the team, study normally and communicate with peers.

To make sure if the child is healthy or has ADHD, Komarovsky advises contacting a child psychologist or psychiatrist, since only a qualified specialist will not only easily identify hyperactivity in a child as a disease, but will also help parents understand how to raise a child with ADHD.

  • When communicating with a baby, it is important to establish contact. If required, for this child, you can touch the shoulder, turn it around, remove the toy from his field of vision, turn off the TV.
  • Parents must define specific and achievable rules for the child, but it is important that they are adhered to at all times. In addition, each such rule should be clear to the child.
  • The space in which the hyperactive child resides must be completely safe.
  • The regime should be followed constantly, even if the parents have a day off. According to Komarovsky, it is very important for hyperactive children to wake up, eat, walk, swim, go to bed and perform other usual daily activities at the same time.
  • Everybody difficult tasks for hyperactive children, it is necessary to break it down into parts that are understandable and easy to do.
  • The child should be constantly praised, noting and emphasizing all the positive actions of the baby.
  • Find what the hyperactive child does best, and then create conditions so that the child can do this work, getting satisfaction from it.
  • Provide a child with hyperactivity with the opportunity to spend excess of their energy, directing it in the right direction (for example, walking the dog, attending sports sections).
  • When going shopping or visiting with your child, consider in detail what you will do, for example, what to take with you or what to buy for your child.
  • Parents should also take care of their own rest, because, as Komarovsky emphasizes, it is very important for a hyperactive baby that dad and mom are calm, peaceful and adequate.

From the following video you can learn even more about hyperactive children.

On the role of parents and many important nuances you will find out by watching the video of the clinical psychologist Veronika Stepanova.

One of the most common diseases in children is hyperactivity. According to statistics, 20% of children aged 3 to 5 years have this diagnosis. It is then that the disease is most manifested.

A hyperactive child experiences inconvenience during training, is poorly socialized. It is difficult for him to establish contact with peers, to focus on gaining knowledge. Pathology may be accompanied by other diseases of the nervous system.

In 1970, hyperactivity was included in the international classification of diseases. She was given the name ADHD, or Attention Deficit Disorder. The disease is a disorder of the brain, which entails a permanent nervous tension. Children shock adults with their behavior, which does not correspond to established norms.

Teachers usually complain about too mobile students. They are restless, constantly undermining discipline. Mental and physical activity is increased. Memory and motor skills may remain intact. The disease is most common in boys.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Most often, brain malfunctions are laid in utero. Hyperactivity can lead to:

  • finding the uterus in good shape (threat of abortion);
  • hypoxia;
  • smoking or malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy;
  • constant stress experienced by a woman.

Sometimes pathology occurs due to a violation of the birth process:

  • swiftness;
  • prolonged period of contractions or attempts;
  • the use of drugs for stimulation;
  • childbirth up to 38 weeks.

Least of all, hyperactivity syndrome appears due to other reasons not related to the process of giving birth to a baby:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • family problems (conflicts, tensions between mom and dad);
  • overly strict upbringing;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • dietary disturbance.

The listed reasons are risk factors. Not necessarily in the process of rapid childbirth, a baby with this syndrome is born. If the pregnant mother was constantly nervous, often lay on the save due to uterine hypertonicity or oligohydramnios, then the risk of ADHD increases.

Symptoms of pathology

It is difficult enough to separate excessive activity and simple mobility. Many parents misdiagnose their children with ADHD when the problem is not there. Some symptoms may indicate neurasthenia, so you can not prescribe treatment yourself. If hyperactivity is suspected, contact a specialist.

Before the age of 1 year, brain disorders manifest themselves as symptoms:

  • excessive excitability;
  • a violent reaction to daily procedures (crying during bathing, massage, hygiene procedures);
  • increased sensitivity to stimuli: sound, light;
  • problems with sleep (the crumbs periodically wake up at night, stay awake for a long time during the day, it is difficult to fit);
  • lagging behind in psychomotor development (they start crawling, walking, talking, sitting later).

Children under 2-3 years of age may have speech problems. She has been at the babbling stage for a long time, the baby has difficulty forming phrases, complex sentences.

Up to a year, hyperactivity is not diagnosed, since the described symptoms may appear due to the whims of the crumbs, disruptions digestive system or when teething.

Psychologists around the world have recognized that there is a crisis of 3 years. With hyperactivity, it passes sharply. At the same time, older family members think about socialization. They start to drive the baby in preschool institutions. This is where ADHD starts to show up:

  • restlessness;
  • chaotic movements;
  • motor disorders (clumsiness, inability to properly hold cutlery or a pencil);
  • speech problems;
  • inattention;
  • disobedience.

Parents may find it difficult to get their preschooler to sleep. In the evening, a three-year-old begins to show severe fatigue. The baby begins to cry for no reason, to show aggression. This is how accumulated fatigue makes itself felt, but despite it, the baby continues to move, actively play, and talk loudly.

Most often, ADHD is diagnosed in children between the ages of 4 and 5. If mom and dad paid little attention to the health of a preschooler, then the symptoms will appear in primary school. They will be visible:

  • inability to concentrate;
  • restlessness: during the lesson, the student jumps up from his seat;
  • problems with the perception of adult speech;
  • irascibility;
  • frequent nervous tics;
  • lack of independence, incorrect assessment of one's strengths;
  • severe headaches;
  • imbalance;
  • enuresis;
  • numerous phobias, increased anxiety.

You may notice that a hyperactive student has excellent intelligence, but he has problems with academic performance. As a rule, the syndrome is accompanied by conflicts with peers.

Other children shy away from overly mobile babies, because it is difficult to find a common language with them. Children with ADHD often become the instigators of conflicts. They are overly touchy, impulsive, aggressive, mistakenly assess the consequences of their actions.

Features of the syndrome

For most adults, a diagnosis of ADHD sounds like a death sentence. They consider their children mentally retarded or handicapped. This is a big mistake on their part: due to prevailing myths, parents forget that a hyperactive baby:

  1. Creative. He is full of ideas, and his imagination is better developed than that of ordinary children. If the elders help him, then he can become an excellent specialist with a non-standard approach or creative person with many ideas.
  2. The owner of a flexible mind. He finds a solution to a difficult problem, making his work easier.
  3. Enthusiast, bright personality. He is interested in many things, he tries to attract attention to himself, seeks to communicate with as much as possible. large quantity human.
  4. Unpredictable, energetic. This quality can be called both positive and negative. On the one hand, he has enough strength for many different things, and on the other hand, it is simply impossible to keep him in place.

It is believed that a baby with hyperactivity is constantly moving randomly. This is a persistent myth. If the lesson completely absorbed the preschooler, he will spend several hours behind him. It is important to encourage such hobbies.

Parents need to understand that hyperactivity in children does not affect intelligence and talent. These are often gifted children, in addition to treatment, they need education aimed at developing the skills given by nature. Usually they sing, dance, construct, recite poems well, perform in public with pleasure.

Types of disease

Hyperactivity syndrome in children can have different symptoms, since this disease has several forms:

  1. Attention deficit without excessive activity. Most often this variety occurs in girls. They dream a lot, have a wild imagination, often lie.
  2. Increased excitability without attention deficit. This is the rarest pathology, accompanied by damage to the central nervous system.
  3. Classic ADHD. The most common form, its flow scenario is individual in each case.

Regardless of how the disease proceeds, it must be treated. To do this, you need to go through several examinations, interact with doctors, psychologists, and teachers. In most cases, children are prescribed sedatives. Consultation of a psychoanalyst is obligatory for parents. They must learn to accept the disease, not to hang "labels" on the baby.

Features of diagnostics

At the first contact with specialists, it is impossible to make a diagnosis. For the final verdict, observation is required, lasting about six months. It is carried out by experts:

  • psychologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist.

All family members are often afraid of going to a psychiatrist. Do not hesitate to come to him for a consultation. An experienced specialist will help you correctly assess the condition of a small patient, prescribe treatment. The examination should include:

  • conversation or interview;
  • observation of behavior;
  • neuropsychological testing;
  • completion of questionnaires by parents.

Based on these data, doctors receive complete information about the behavior of a small patient, which allows them to distinguish an active baby from one that has disorders. Other pathologies may be hiding behind hyperactivity, so you should be prepared for the passage:

  • brain MRI;
  • ECHO KG;
  • blood tests.

In order to timely identify comorbidities, it is necessary to consult with an endocrinologist, epileptologist, speech therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist. It is important to wait for the final diagnosis.
If doctors refuse to send for examinations, contact the head of the polyclinic or act through psychologists from educational institutions.

Complex treatment

There is no universal pill for ADHD yet. Children are always prescribed complex treatment. Some tips for helping a hyperactive child:

  1. Correction of motor activity. Children are not allowed to play sports with competitive elements. Demonstration of achievements (without marks), static loads are allowed. Suitable Species sports: swimming, skiing, cycling. Aerobic activities are allowed.
  2. Interaction with a psychologist. Techniques are used to reduce the level of anxiety of a small patient, to increase his sociability. Success scenarios are modeled, classes are selected that help increase self-esteem. The specialist gives exercises for the development of memory, speech, attention. If the violations are serious, then a speech therapist is involved in corrective classes.
  3. Useful change of scenery, environment. If the treatment is beneficial, the attitude towards the baby will be better in the new team.
  4. Parents are overreacting to behavioral problems in their children. Mothers are often diagnosed with depression, irritability, impulsiveness, intolerance. Visiting a psychotherapist with the whole family allows you to quickly cope with hyperactivity.
  5. Autotraining, classes in sensory relaxation rooms. They improve the activity of the nervous system, stimulate the cerebral cortex.
  6. Correction of the behavior of the whole family, changing habits, daily routine.
  7. Therapy with medications. In America, psychostimulants are often prescribed for ADHD. In Russia, they are banned for use, since this group of medicines has a lot of side effects. Doctors recommend nootropic drugs and sedatives, which use herbal ingredients.

Drug therapy is used only when other methods of influence have not brought results. The use of nootropics in hyperactivity has no evidence base, they are usually prescribed to improve the blood supply to the brain, normalize metabolic processes in it. The use of these drugs improves memory and concentration.

Parents should be prepared for the fact that the course of treatment will last several months. Medicines positive effect give in 4-6 months, and you will have to deal with a psychologist for more than one year.

No one can diagnose ADHD without testing. Signs of hyperactivity in children can only be seen by a specialist. You should not self-diagnose and prescribe medications. Do not neglect the recommendations of specialists and regularly conduct examinations. Many are interested in the features of family life with hyperactive child- what should parents do - the advice of a psychologist in this case is as follows:

  1. Organize the day. Incorporate unchanging rituals into it. For example, before going to bed, bathe the baby, change into pajamas and read a fairy tale. Do not change the daily routine, this will save you from tantrums and excitement in the evening.
  2. A calm and friendly environment at home will help minimize energy emissions. Unexpected arrivals of guests and noisy parties are not the right atmosphere for children with hyperactivity.
  3. Choose a sports section and follow the regularity of attending classes.
  4. If the situation allows, do not limit the activity of the crumbs. He will throw out his energy and become calmer.
  5. For children with ADHD, punishments in the form of prolonged sitting in place, doing tedious work are not suitable.

Many are interested in how to calm a hyperactive child. To do this, psychotherapists give individual consultations based on change. educational process. First of all, keep in mind that with ADHD, children deny any inhibitions.

Using the words "no" and "can't" is sure to provoke a tantrum. Psychologists recommend making sentences without using direct negatives.

Tantrums must be prevented. This can be done through behavior modification.

Another problem with ADHD is the lack of control over time and frequent switching of attention. Gently return the baby to the goal. Make sure that the task takes a certain amount of time to complete. Give directions or run classes in sequence. Don't ask multiple questions at the same time.

Spend a lot of time with overly active children, pay attention to them. Engage in joint activities with them: walk in the forest, pick berries and mushrooms, go on picnics or go hiking.

At the same time, avoid noisy events that stimulate the psyche. Change the background of life. Instead of TV, turn on calm music, limit the time you watch cartoons.

If a hyperactive baby is overexcited, do not yell at him and exclude physical violence. Talk to him in a calm and firm tone, hug him, take him to a quiet place (away from other children and people), find words of comfort, listen.

Features of the learning process

Treatment of hyperactivity in school-age children should be carried out in conjunction with teachers. They should be aware of the problems of the student and be able to captivate him in the classroom. Most often, programs with creative elements in classes, facilitated presentation of material, are used for this.

Now, inclusive education is developing throughout the country, which, with the syndrome, allows children to gain knowledge not at home, but in a team. Problems and misunderstandings are not ruled out. The teacher must be able to resolve conflicts in the classroom.

During the lesson, hyperactive children need to be involved in active actions. The teacher should give such students small assignments. They can wash the board, take out the trash, hand out notebooks, go for chalk. A little warm-up during the lesson will allow you to throw out the accumulated energy.

Possible consequences

Do not let pathology take its course. The child is not able to cope with ADHD on their own. He won't outgrow this syndrome.

In advanced cases, hyperactivity leads to manifestations of physical aggression against oneself and others:

  • bullying of peers;
  • fights;
  • attempts to beat parents;
  • suicidal tendencies.

Often a hyperactive student with a high IQ graduates with unsatisfactory grades. He cannot get an education at a university or college, he is experiencing problems with employment.

In an unfavorable social atmosphere, a grown-up student leads a marginal lifestyle, takes drugs or abuses alcohol.

In a supportive environment, ADHD can be beneficial. Mozart and Einstein are known to have had this syndrome. However, do not rely only on natural data. Help your child realize their importance and channel their energy in the right direction.

Recently, more and more often you can hear from doctors that your child has hyperactivity, with which something must be done. Such guys differ from their peers with great energy, which almost never dries up. They are constantly on the move, which makes it difficult, for example, to learn new material, it is difficult for them to concentrate for a long time on the same thing. The question arises: is this behavior the result of insufficient education or deviation? Let's try to figure out what hyperactivity is in school-age children. Is treatment required or not?

Scale of the problem

Scientists and specialists have been studying this problem for a long time, but the alarm began to sound only when the accumulated data showed its social significance and scale.

According to statistics, hyperactivity occurs almost everywhere in school-age children. Treatment and education play an important role in this problem. We'll talk about this a little further.

It is believed, and it has already been practically proven, that such kids are more difficult to adapt to teams, and in adult life there may also be problems later. Scientists have calculated that almost 80% of criminals suffered from hyperactivity in childhood.

In our country, the study of this pathology was taken up later, and even now one can note some ignorance of teachers and doctors in matters relating to this disease. That is why most children diagnosed with ADHD are left without the necessary treatment.

And this is fraught with some consequences, for example, these children often have trouble at school, their parents yell at them at home for their failures, they do not receive enough parental love, and as a result they seek solace in the company of friends. And they, as you know, are different, so the consequences can be quite deplorable.

Causes of ADHD

Hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment and causes of this pathology will be considered in more detail. Let's start by finding out what can trigger the development of hyperactivity. There may be several reasons:

  1. Abnormal course of pregnancy:
  • Insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus.
  • The threat of miscarriage at different times.
  • Frequent stressful situations in an interesting position.
  • Failure to follow dietary guidelines.
  • Smoking.

2. Unfavorable delivery:

  • Too long labor.
  • Rapid childbirth.
  • If you had to resort to drug induction of labor.
  • Prematurity.

3. Other reasons:

If there is a combination of several reasons at once, then the likelihood that hyperactivity will occur in school-age children increases. The doctor must prescribe treatment, but, unfortunately, this can not always be seen. Often even parents do not pay attention to this problem and do not go to see a doctor for help.

Varieties of hyperactivity

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment will depend on the type of pathology. And they are as follows:

  1. Attention deficit without hyperactivity. The child is most often absolutely calm, but lives in some kind of his own world, constantly hovering in the clouds, it is difficult to reach him.
  2. Hyperactivity without attention deficit. This pathology is observed much less frequently. The reason is considered individual characteristics or disorders in the development of the nervous system.
  3. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common case. The child not only suffers from attention disorders, but also shows excessive activity.

Each of the cases needs its own approach to treatment, which is simply necessary.

What is the difference between activity and hyperactivity?

Many parents often ask when to sound the alarm. How to distinguish that the child is not just a very active baby, but there is hyperactivity? To answer these questions, you can use the simple comparison shown in the table.

active kid


The child loves outdoor games, but if he is interested, he can listen to a fairy tale or collect puzzles for a long time.

The child does not control himself, he is constantly in motion. When his strength runs out, hysteria begins, crying.

Interested in everything, asks parents a lot of questions.

Fast speech, often interrupts during a conversation, asking a question, the answer to it may not be heard.

There are practically no disturbances in the digestive system, normal sleep.

Difficulty falling asleep, in a dream can talk, cry. Often there are digestive disorders, allergic reactions.

The child understands where you can show your activity, and where you need to behave calmly, for example, at a party.

The kid is practically uncontrollable, prohibitions do not apply to him, he behaves the same everywhere.

Does not provoke scandals, does not show aggressiveness.

The child himself often becomes a provocateur of conflicts, does not control his aggression, while he can fight, bite, use sticks, stones and other improvised means.

These signs of comparison will help parents suspect a developmental pathology in their child and make them see a doctor. To make the correct diagnosis (hyperactivity in a child of school age), only a competent specialist can prescribe treatment. Don't hesitate to visit him.

How does hyperactivity manifest itself?

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, Dr. Komarovsky recommends starting treatment only when it is established that this is a disease, and not a manifestation of the norm. And in order to find out, you need to know the symptoms of the pathology, it can be divided into several groups:

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment (Komarovsky believes so) may not be needed when the disease manifests itself in a mild form. At the same time, a lot of effort and patience is required, first of all, from the mother in order to help the child learn to cope with their problems.

But often it may be necessary, if there is hyperactivity in schoolchildren, treatment. And symptoms other than those listed , the following are added:

If hyperactivity is manifested in this way in children of school age, Dr. Komarovsky advises to undergo treatment without fail. It should be noted that all these signs do not affect mental abilities, but academic performance often suffers, even if the child is smart, so specialist help is needed.

Establishing diagnosis

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment, correction of this condition is required. But for this you need to correctly diagnose. This is done by neuropathologists, who are required to visit if there are appropriate symptoms. It is important to identify the cause of the pathology in order to exclude the presence of more dangerous diseases, and only a specialist can do this.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is detected in several stages:

The diagnosis can be delayed for several months, only after all observations, tests and examinations, hyperactivity is detected in school-age children, treatment will depend on the symptoms and severity of the pathology. Parents have to put in a lot of effort and patience.

Hyperactivity Therapy

It will definitely be required if the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children is confirmed, treatment. And the signs should reduce their manifestation. But therapy will be long and using many methods and directions.

  1. Correct the motor activity of the child. It is undesirable for such kids to engage in sports with competitive elements, as this can provoke an increase in the manifestation of the disease. It is best to give the child to swimming, aerobic training, skiing.
  2. Help is psychological. In the arsenal of specialists there are various methods working with these children.
  3. The disease of the child cannot but leave its mark on the parents, especially on the one who spends more time with the baby. They become more irritable, nervous, so the help of a family therapist will not hurt.
  4. Relaxation. Special auto-trainings have a positive effect on the condition of children with hyperactivity syndrome.
  5. Behavior correction. This applies not only to the child, but also to adults. Children with hyperactivity are very susceptible to negativity, there are no prohibitions for them, but they respond quite positively to positive emotions. Given this, it will be more effective to praise such kids for good deeds than to scold for bad ones. Relationships should be built on complete trust and understanding, and prohibit only what really poses a danger to him. Parents should control their behavior, avoid rudeness towards each other, especially with a child.
  6. Medication is also required (if diagnosed with hyperactivity in school-age children) treatment. Drugs, for example in the USA, are often prescribed from the group of psychostimulants, but they have been found to have many side effects that negate all the benefits of their use. In our country, such drugs are not used.

Let us consider in more detail some areas of therapy.

Medical treatment

Most likely, if the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children is confirmed, treatment will be prescribed. Drugs should be selected only by a doctor. To get results as soon as possible, stimulants are prescribed, such drugs help the child improve concentration. This group includes the following drugs:

  • "Dexedrine".
  • "Fokalin".
  • "Ritalin".
  • "Methylin".
  • "Vivans".

Specialists often also prescribe nootropic medications, such as:

  • "Cortexin".
  • "Gliatilin".
  • "Phenibut".
  • "Pantogam".

They help improve cerebral circulation, improve memory, the ability to concentrate.

ADHD treatment in Israel

For "hyperactivity" in school-age children, his clinics may offer an alternative to medication. Israeli medical institutions specializing in the treatment of ADHD use the following alternative way treatment.

Or osteopathy. The system of this treatment is based on the fact that the skull is directly connected with the spine and sacrum. Even minor shifts of the skull bones can eliminate or significantly reduce physical ailments and functional disorders. First of all, the physical cause of the pathology is eliminated, especially for birth injuries, and then it is the turn of other specialists to begin treatment.

Most of the children diagnosed with "hyperactivity" after osteopathy sessions are able to study in a regular school with other guys on an equal footing.

One of these clinics is located in Tel Aviv, and is headed by the famous doctor Alexander Kansepolsky. Thus, we see that if there is a diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in children of school age, Israel offers treatment not only with medication.

Traditional medicine against hyperactivity

Therapy of this disease requires great patience from parents. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations if hyperactivity is diagnosed in school-age children. Treatment folk remedies can also be used, but after consultation with a specialist.

Here are some recipes that will help normalize sleep, the digestive system, and because of this, at least a little, but the baby's behavior will improve:

  1. Has calming properties. To prepare, you need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped roots and pour 250 ml of hot water, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool slightly and strain. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  2. Hop. For therapy, the cones of this plant are used. 1 tablespoon is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 2 minutes, then you need to insist a little, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. St. John's wort is also widely used in the treatment of hyperactivity. It normalizes sleep, promotes concentration, improves memory. You need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped grass, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 5 minutes. When chilled, give the child 1-2 tablespoons three times before meals.
  4. It helps well if there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment folk recipes. Herbal preparations are used quite often. One of them includes the following components: valerian root, lemon balm, mint, lavender flowers, St. John's wort. 2 spoons of this collection brew 0.5 liters of hot water and insist 4 hours. Give the medicine to the child 50 ml in the morning and evening before meals.
  5. Lavender flowers help to remove too much activity of the child, as well as nausea, vomiting, headaches. 1 spoon of flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 10 minutes. Take a tablespoon twice a day.

It should be noted that with the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children, treatment with drugs traditional healers can help, but only if drug therapy is carried out, the baby visits a psychologist, his motor activity is corrected.

Psychological help

In the presence of hyperactivity, it is advisable not to refuse the help of a psychologist. The specialist has in his arsenal various techniques that help to remove anxiety, increase the sociability of the child, and reduce his aggressiveness.

Modeling different situations success, the psychologist will tell parents in which area their baby will feel more confident. He conducts various corrective work, in which the parents of the baby must also be involved. Individually for each child, exercises are selected to develop thinking, attention, memory.

Do not neglect the help of such narrow specialists, classes for a hyperactive baby will only benefit.

How to communicate with a hyperactive child

Treatment is important in the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children. Prevention, meanwhile, is also essential. And it should begin even before the birth of the child. Future mother it is necessary to provide all conditions for the normal course of pregnancy.

To prevent exacerbations, if the baby is already diagnosed with hyperactivity, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Help your child learn techniques that help in the assimilation of school material.
  • During class, remove all distracting objects, create a working environment.
  • Support the child, increase motivation to continue classes.

In addition, parents should adhere to certain rules when dealing with a hyperactive child:

  1. It is necessary to praise the baby even for the slightest success.
  2. The child should have his own assignments, albeit small, but he must fulfill them himself and regularly.
  3. You can practice keeping a diary in which all successes are recorded.
  4. It is necessary to set such tasks that are feasible for the child.
  5. It is necessary to clearly define all the boundaries of what is permitted and what is categorically impossible.
  6. It is necessary to remove the orderly tone from the appeal.
  7. The house must follow the daily routine.
  8. Don't let your baby get stressed out.
  9. TV viewing time should be kept to a minimum.
  10. It is necessary to establish a sleep and wakefulness regimen.
  11. Parents themselves must remain calm in any situation.
  12. Parents should help the child choose a field of activity where he can show his abilities.

If your child is too hyperactive, then do not panic and put an end to it. FROM modern possibilities Medicine can cope even with such pathologies, you just need to pay attention to it in time and visit a doctor. Psychological help, drug therapy, psychotherapy sessions will do their job, and your child will be able to learn on an equal basis with other children and show all their talents and abilities.