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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Project of a bathhouse made of 4x4 timber. Layout of baths with separate location of sink and steam room. Optimal bath: what is it like?

Project of a bathhouse made of 4x4 timber. Layout of baths with separate location of sink and steam room. Optimal bath: what is it like?

Compact sauna 4x4 m - an excellent solution for small area. Even in conditions of such a modest-sized design, you can quite successfully arrange all the necessary premises, resulting in a full-fledged, functional and comfortable bathhouse.

After reviewing the information below, you will learn about the most optimal options for the location of the internal premises of a 4x4 m bath, the choice of rational dimensions of each of them, and the features interior decoration, as well as additional related nuances.

Drawing up a project for any bathhouse, and a building measuring 4x4 m is no exception, begins with designating the location of the most important rooms of the building in question, i.e. steam rooms, wash room and the dressing room.

Important! If a 4 by 4 bathhouse is built from logs (and this is the material most often used in the construction of structures of such modest size), keep in mind that the internal space will be somewhat smaller as a result compared to the external one. When performing calculations, subtract from inside of the logs used, the thickness of the log (in the case of felling “into the paw”), or add an additional 250 mm to this thickness (in the case of felling “into the bowl”). This will allow you to perform the required calculations as correctly as possible.

For example, if a bathhouse is built from logs 400 cm long and 24 cm in diameter, cut into a bowl, the internal dimensions of such a structure will not exceed 3x3 m. Consider these points in advance, wisely selecting the size of the logs and the cutting method, focusing on the desired internal dimensions baths

When drawing up a project, remember the following important nuances:

In the process of designing a compact bath, you need to take into account a number of additional important nuances:

The layout of the bathhouse can be supplemented with a terrace or porch, at the discretion of the owner. In general, there are usually no difficulties with designing the internal layout of a 4 by 4 bathhouse. You just need to first familiarize yourself with all the possible nuances of the work being performed so that you don’t have to redo anything in the future.

Bathhouse layout options 4x4 m

Basic information

The simplest version of a 4x4 m bathhouse is a structure consisting of one room, which simultaneously serves as a locker room/dressing room and steam room. An electric or conventional wood-burning stove is installed in the corner of the steam room. The room is equipped with 2-3 shelves 50-60 cm wide or more if free space allows. Along with this, this type of layout is extremely inconvenient, because it is much more comfortable when the bathhouse has both a washing room and a rest room. Moreover, in a space of 4x4 m it is quite possible to arrange them.

The standard layout includes a relaxation room, which simultaneously serves as a dressing room and dressing room, a steam room, and a washing room. The stove is usually installed in a steam room. As a result, the adjacent room (usually a relaxation room) is heated by heat emanating from the wall adjacent to the steam room.

If your budget allows, you can even build a small bathhouse with a 4x4 m attic. The first floor is reserved for a steam room and standard accompanying rooms, and on the second you can make a billiard room, an additional recreation room, or even a full bedroom.

One of the most popular and successful options for the internal layout of a 4x4 m bath is shown in the following image.

The proposed project includes an attached terrace measuring 150x400 cm. There is enough space to install a compact table and chairs. In the warm season, you can while away the time here with a cup of tea or another drink after visiting the steam room.

The entrance leads to the dressing room. This room can simultaneously be used as a rest room, locker room, storage space for firewood and other accessories. The stove is installed in the steam room. The firebox door of the heating unit is located in the dressing room.

The installation of the stove is carried out with the obligatory fulfillment of fire safety requirements: the walls around it are sheathed with fire-resistant material, a sheet of metal 10 mm thick is laid in front of the furnace firebox.

Also very successful is the 4x4 m bathhouse project presented in the following image.

In accordance with the previous recommendation, the interior space here was first divided into 2 identical parts, one of which was eventually equipped as a spacious lounge. The other half was again divided in half, subsequently allocating one part to the steam room, the second to the washing room. In this project, the furnace is fired from the washing room.

If desired, you can install the stove against the wall of the steam room adjacent to the rest room so that the unit is fired from a large room. In these moments, the owner is guided by his personal preferences.

For comfortable operation of the steam room in the cold season, the project can be equipped with a small vestibule, as in the image below.

The area of ​​the steam room's interior is determined in accordance with the expected number of visitors. In general, wash rooms in compact baths are in most cases made to a minimum size so that there is enough space to install a shower stall and, if necessary, a toilet. This option will allow you to allocate more free space to the steam room.

Advantages and additional possibilities of 4x4 layout

Despite such modest dimensions, a space of 4x4 m is quite enough to arrange all the necessary premises:

  • steam rooms;
  • dressing room/rest room;
  • washroom/bathroom;
  • terraces/porches.

Having a covered terrace is a big advantage. Firstly, there is an additional equipped place for relaxation. Secondly, if there is a terrace, bad weather will not be able to spoil your visit to the bathhouse.

Along with this, if the space is limited to the strictly considered 4x4 m, in order to equip the terrace you will have to significantly reduce the dimensions interior rooms. In general, the owner will still have to sacrifice something in order to make the most efficient use of the available space, and what exactly is something everyone decides for themselves.

Interior dimensions

An important stage in drawing up the internal layout of any bathhouse is determining the optimal dimensions of each room, taking into account the available space. Calculations are usually carried out in accordance with the expected number of people who will simultaneously be in the room being equipped. For example, 1-2 people will be more or less comfortable in a steam room with an area of ​​3-6 m2, for 2-3 people you need to arrange a room of a larger size - on average 4-8 m2, etc.

The information given in the following table will allow you to quickly navigate and correctly determine the internal dimensions of each bath room.

As noted, the main rooms of any bathhouse are the steam room, wash room and dressing room, as can be seen in the following image.

Key information for each room listed is provided in the following table.

Table. Bath premises

PremisesBasic information

If previously the dressing room was used primarily as a locker room, as well as a place for storing dry firewood and other bath accessories, now this room is often additionally equipped as a rest room. To do this, it is enough to place a table, chairs or a corner in the dressing room, as well as a TV and musical equipment, if space allows and there is a need for it.
When calculating the area of ​​the dressing room, follow the following rule: at least 1.3 m2 of free space per visitor. At the same time, the mentioned 1.3 m2 does not include the space occupied by furniture and technical equipment.
To ensure the required level of air exchange and overall greater comfort of use, an adjustable window is installed in the dressing room.
Important! The door leading from the dressing room to the steam room is installed with the expectation of opening strictly in the direction of the first.

The key functions of this room are fully demonstrated by its name. For maximum ease of use, the washing machine is equipped with both cold and hot water supply. The water is heated by the furnace, electric water heater or other available methods.
Design the washing room in such a way that each visitor is given free space of at least 1-1.2 m2.
The equipment for the washing station is at the discretion of the owner. For example, you can get by with installing a regular shower tray, but it is much more comfortable to place a full-fledged shower stall in the washroom.
The design of the main bath room is carried out taking into account many important nuances and additional points, among which:
- dimensions of the furnace and features of its installation;
- free space between the heating unit and the objects closest to it;
- approximate number of people visiting the steam room at the same time;
- dimensions of shelves and their number, etc.
If you follow current requirements, the steam room must be designed so that each visitor is given at least 1 m2 of free space if the person sits while in the bathhouse. The mentioned quadrature does not include the space occupied by the interior furnishings of the steam room, passages, etc.
It is recommended to make the steam room at least 200-210 cm in height - this will ensure optimal performance heating and will allow every average visitor to comfortably use the bathhouse. Regarding the length and width of the steam room, everything depends on the specifics of the project. Along with this, it is necessary that either the length or width of the room exceeds 2 meters.

The issue of designing shelves as one of the key elements arrangement of the steam room.

So, if they are placed on shelves, their width should be from 90-100 cm, and their length should be at least 180-200 cm - such dimensions will be comfortable for most visitors with an average body constitution.

If the steam room space is not enough to arrange “lying” shelves, you will have to limit yourself to installing shelves for sitting. Recommended dimensions of such elements: length - in accordance with the size of the steam room, width - 40-50 cm.

Plans for bathhouses with separate steam room and shower: a - bathhouse for 1-2 people with seated seating in the steam room

The lower shelves are traditionally made the narrowest - this part of the steam room is the least hot, which is why children usually sit below. Draw up a project with the expectation that there will ultimately be at least a 1-meter gap between the top shelf and the ceiling of the bathhouse. The recommended distance between the shelves themselves is 350-500 mm.

Plans for baths with a combined steam room and shower: a - for 1 person; b-for 2 people; c - for 3 people:
1 - steam room-shower; 2 - dressing room; 3-doors; 4 - shelves for sitting; 5-stand; 6 - oven; 7 - bench; 8 - shelf-bed; 9-bed; 10 - chair; 11 - table

If desired, the owner can change the recommended dimensions at his discretion. It is only necessary to control that, as a result, each visitor to the steam room feels comfortable in it and, at the same time, observes the basic safety regulations.

Possible configuration options for shelves in the steam room are presented in the following image.

Regarding the interior lighting of the steam room, there are only 2 recommendations:

    materials of manufacture and design lighting fixtures must be designed for use in a bathhouse;

    the installation of lamps must be done so that there is enough light in the steam room and the light does not “hit” the eyes of the bathhouse visitors.

We design the interior decoration of a 4x4 m bath

In addition to the nuances of the internal arrangement of the bathhouse premises and their dimensions, special attention should be paid to the finishing of each room. Traditionally, natural and environmentally friendly materials are used in the interior design of bathhouses. safe materials, the favorite among which is wooden lining.

Materials for interior finishing works

Wood is a natural material that meets all basic sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements regarding the internal arrangement of buildings and rooms with high levels of humidity and temperature.

Wood, unlike various kinds of artificial “brothers”, does not emit components harmful to human health during the heating process. Besides, natural material characterized by excellent thermal properties, impressive durability and relatively low thermal expansion.

However, not every type of wood will “feel” equally good in a bathhouse. Since ancient times, Russian steam rooms were finished mainly using larch, cedar and linden. Among modern options Abashi wood is highly respected - lining made from this material is ideal for finishing the inside of bathhouses. Basic information regarding the materials mentioned is given in the following table.

Table. Properties of materials for finishing bath rooms


When heated, this material releases a number of different essential oils, under the influence of which the air around is saturated with a pleasant aroma. In addition, allocated essential oils have a beneficial effect on the human body.
During operation, linden does not lose its original color, which makes it possible to think much less often about the need to repeat repair and finishing work in the bathhouse.
A material that is rapidly gaining popularity for the improvement of interior bath rooms. Tropical wood is characterized by minimal thermal conductivity and promotes effective heat retention in the bathhouse, almost without heating up during operation.
The material has a visually pleasant yellowish tint and an almost uniform texture, making the finished finish look very beautiful.
The material “feels” great in the temperature and humidity conditions typical for a steam room. When heated, cedar wood releases a pleasant aroma of pine needles.
When choosing cedar lining, consider one very important point– low-quality material during operation may begin to intensively release resin, so it is recommended that finishing be carried out exclusively using high-quality boards designed specifically for the planned event.

Edged or tongue-and-groove boards made from hardwood are excellent for cladding ceilings. Coniferous species are not suitable for finishing floors - during the heating process, many of them release resin, the contact of which with the skin leads to burns.

Walls in the steam room

The finishing of the steam room should be done using wood as much as possible. High Quality, because It is in this room that the most severe operating conditions are created.

Important! When covering the steam room with clapboard using nails, fastening must be done using the “sunk-in” method. The boards are not directly covered with anything after sheathing, because... When heated, any paint and varnish materials begin to release substances harmful to humans.

When designing the interior decoration of the steam room, be sure to provide for the installation of a high-quality thermal insulation layer - thanks to it, the heat will be retained inside the room for as long as possible, which will allow you to avoid excessive and inappropriate heating costs. Thermal insulation is usually installed in combination with hydro-vapor barrier materials, which ensure a longer service life of both insulation and finishing materials. If you wish, you can buy combined material, combining the functions of insulation and vapor barrier, for example, based on mineral wool with a foil coating.

The cladding of the steam room is best done using hardwood. Favorites include abashi and linden. A more budget-friendly and quite good option is aspen.

Steam room floor

When designing a floor, you can give preference to a leaky or non-leaky wood structure, or a permanent concrete floor. Concrete floors are usually finished with tiles. The advantage of this option is a longer service life compared to wooden structures.

Boards require much more frequent repairs compared to concrete and tiles. If wooden flooring is chosen, it is better to use edged or tongue-and-groove boards for its arrangement. The flooring elements are attached to pre-arranged timber joists. The floor design is traditionally made with a slight (usually 2 mm per 1 m) slope in the direction of the drain hole.

The decoration of the relaxation room is done at the discretion of the owner - here the temperature and humidity conditions are not as extreme as in the steam room, so the choice is limited mainly by the preferences of the owner, the available budget and the features of the project.

Wash room finishing

The walls in the washing room can be covered with clapboard made of larch, or any of the previously mentioned materials. The main requirement is that the finish must be as resistant to moisture as possible.

In view of the mentioned requirements, the most preferred finishing option for the wash room is wood coniferous species, for example, cedar or pine. These materials tolerate contact with moisture normally, maintaining key performance and aesthetic qualities for many years of service.

Video – Bathhouse 4 by 4 layout inside

Bathhouse 4 by 5: design and layout

Let's consider the option of building a bathhouse of the most popular size. Dimensions 4x5 are close to ideal. According to this, instructions for choosing a layout and building a bathhouse of this type will be of interest to many.

We prepare the project ourselves

Buy finished project a bathhouse designed by specialists and guided by during construction is a very convenient option. But not everyone can afford it, so you will have to develop everything yourself. The declared dimensions allow you to experiment a little with the arrangement of the rooms. It is even possible to create a separate room for the installation of a distribution panel and a small boiler room (if necessary). But this will require making partitions between the walls, which is often associated with increased financial costs.

When starting detailed modeling of rooms in a schematic drawing, it is necessary to consider the location of the following rooms and additional elements:

  • dressing room with rest room;
  • washing area and shower room;
  • steam room and the location of the stove in it;
  • installation of ventilation ducts and chimneys in the wall.

Room layout

In order to comfortably accommodate a large family in the bathhouse, the layout can be made by slightly adjusting the internal space. In this case, it is permissible to slightly increase the area of ​​the steam room, thereby creating the opportunity to steam in it more of people. Do not greatly underestimate the dimensions of the rest room. Sacrifice a couple of squares of washing area. Then you can rest big company, steam, and take water procedures in turn.

How to arrange a dressing room?

This is a kind of air cushion between the cold outside and the warmth in the washing department. Therefore, the procedure for insulating walls requires special attention. Its functionality should not be underestimated. The dressing room protects the premises from the cold and allows you to relax after the steam room. Perfect size in a bathhouse with dimensions of 4x5 - this is a meter wide and 3-3.5 in length. In this case, the entrance to the bathhouse can be made from one edge, separating the room itself with another door. This way, cold air will not enter the rest room.

A stove heated from the dressing room will allow you to create additional coziness. In this case, the entrance to the washing compartment should be in the middle. The steam room and shower room are located at to different parties, in this case, the steam room should be in contact with the rest room with one wall. This is where they install stove heating so that it works to heat two rooms. In addition to the correct location of the dressing room and its interaction with other rooms, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Wall insulation must be double insulated to minimize any heat loss;
  • high-quality lighting is necessary not only artificially, it is additionally necessary to install a window;
  • the location of benches for rest and clothes hangers is worked out separately.

Making a washing area

The layout allows the wash compartment to be relatively large. The placement of several watering cans is allowed, provided that direct access to water is used. There are also special requirements for the construction of this department. For example, the area is calculated based on 1 m/sq per person. A slight reduction in dimensions is allowed if it is necessary to redesign the premises. The optimal size for a bathhouse is 4x5 meters, would be a washing room with dimensions from 1.8 to 2 meters. In such an area you can place all the amenities, including benches for installing bath accessories.

In the washing department, ventilation is simply necessary. For large premises you can make two vents at the top of the walls or one full window. In some variants ventilation holes located at the bottom and top to ensure a constant flow of air throughout the room. This is more necessary to ventilate the wooden floor. If the surface is finished with ceramics, then natural ventilation is sufficient, without creating an additional inflow.

Correct steam room design

The most important thing is the functional compartment in the bathhouse. There are increased requirements for the arrangement of a steam room. Considering that in a 4x5 meter bathhouse the steam room has a fairly spacious room, it is necessary to take care of a high temperature sufficient to carry out the appropriate procedures. Therefore, it is recommended to make a stove-heater, having first built a foundation in the intended location of the masonry.

The use of devices powered by electric heating elements is not always justified in economic terms, which affects high energy consumption rates. You can reduce the dependence of consumption by double thermal insulation of the paired compartment or additional installation steam generators.

TO correct design The paired compartment also includes the level of comfortable movement. The overall dimensions of the bathhouse allow you not to save on space, and in some cases you can sacrifice space in the washing room and relaxation room to create space in the steam room. In this regard, it will be more profitable electric ovens. But for them you will have to lay electrical wiring separately. A heater is more profitable, but it takes up more space. It is necessary to find the best option. Because the room is designed for several people, there should be no discomfort due to lack of space.

The shape of the steam room is a regular square or rectangle, depending on the location. In any case, it is necessary to work out the installation of the oven in such a way that it is located on the opposite side of the shelves. If the stove is heated from the dressing room, then according to the location, the paired seats are designed in a different plane.

What will we build from?

Considering the use of all possible material options for the construction of a 4x5 meter bathhouse, it is difficult to give preference to any one type. The average dimensions allow the construction of buildings on a frame basis, but you will have to spend money on additional insulation and finishing. Brick bath, provided they are laid with ceramic stone, does not require additional decoration, but such buildings also do not have a high degree of thermal savings.

The best option would be to assemble a log house, but good tree It is not cheap and therefore will require additional finishing, both outside and inside. Treated wood eliminates this. High natural thermal insulation values ​​make it possible to avoid the need for additional wall insulation. But for such privileges, you will have to pay an amount almost equal in cost to building a brick bathhouse.

Structural features

Despite the choice of material, a 4x5 bathhouse requires a reliable foundation. Whether it is a strip base or a pile version - they must be capital, made in accordance with all standard indicators. Preliminary soil reconnaissance is required to determine the depth of the foundation. Even the most reliable strip foundation poured with reinforcement in several layers, provided that groundwater passes through it, will collapse in literally 2 years.

Having given preference to laying a log frame from untreated wood, after erecting the walls under the roof, it is necessary to allow the structure to stand for at least six months. Shrinkage processes occurring during this period of time minimize minor flaws. Insulation work will be easier to carry out, and besides, after shrinkage, the risk of breaking door structures and window openings is minimal.

Particular attention is paid to insulation, because, unlike small bathhouses, a structure with dimensions of 4x5 will be more difficult to warm up if the walls, floor and ceiling are poorly insulated. Provided that in attic the rest room will be equipped, additionally insulate the rafter system. Heating inside the attic and temperature changes contribute to the accumulation of condensation, which can subsequently cause fungal deposits to appear on the wood.

The option of building a 4x5 bathhouse allows you to experiment with the layout of the premises. But this needs to be done thoughtfully so as not to harm the overall microclimate necessary to create comfort inside.

4 by 4 bathhouse project: layout

It is not always necessary to build on the site large bathhouse, if the territory is not very large, then it is quite possible to get by with smaller sizes. If you attach a small terrace to the bathhouse, then by installing a table and several chairs, it will be pleasant to relax on it.

The size of the dressing room allows you to put a wardrobe, a bench there and remove the fire door. It’s convenient to place a shelf nearby to store some firewood. Now it is easy to use as a relaxation room, since one of its walls is as much as 4 meters.

4 by 4 bathhouse projects made from logs or timber are truly high-quality buildings that combine efficiency and functionality. They are designed for a family with average income. In this case, options are possible: simple one-story ones, or with an attic and terrace.

Bath design

The first place any construction begins is the foundation. It is constructed depending on the type of soil. But the most suitable support-columnar one made of brick.

It is quite sufficient for such a relatively lightweight design. Excavation work consists of preparing the construction site.

4x4 bathhouse projects are distinguished by the fact that, with a modest size, they will accommodate all the main rooms:

  • Washing;
  • Steam room;

If finances and the size of the plot allow, the bathhouse can be supplemented with a terrace. It will serve as an additional place to relax.

It is advisable to build a bathhouse near artificial or natural reservoirs, so that after the steam room it will be pleasant to plunge into cool water. Natural lakes or ponds must be located at least 30 meters away to avoid flooding.

Wash room

The best bathhouse is the one with all the walls made of wood - from logs or timber. They provide excellent thermal insulation, but at the same time allow air to pass through - natural air exchange occurs, regulating humidity.

There will always be a pleasant woody aroma in the room, which appears within a few minutes after the stove starts heating.

  • A simple and durable ceiling for a washing room is a hemmed ceiling, when the surface is covered with clapboard. First, several layers of thermal insulation are laid on the ceiling beams, after which it is covered with boards from the attic side.
  • A solid wall should be installed between the steam room and the washing room, and not a panel partition;
  • The door from the steam room to the washing room should not have locks.

Note! The floor in the washing room must be dry and non-slippery. And no cold elements except water. The air temperature is higher than in the waiting room, but lower than in the steam room.

Steam room: features

Should I cover the steam room with clapboard? This question worries many who decide to build a bathhouse on their own. It all depends on what material was used for construction. The timber requires mandatory additional thermal insulation.

But with a log the situation is different; the diameter of the logs has a direct influence:

  • 4 by 4 bathhouse projects made from 200 mm thick logs do not require cladding, they will retain heat well;
  • 150 mm - insulation is done at will, if it is important to save additional centimeters of area, then you don’t have to sheathe it. But then the heating of the steam room will last longer, and the heat will remain for less time;
  • 100 mm – clapboard cladding and insulation are required.

Shelves in the steam room should be placed at different levels to select an acceptable temperature. The price of arranging a steam room directly depends on its design - usual country style will cost much less than a stylized one.

To decorate the steam room, only certain species of wood are used - linden, cedar and larch, but today this list has been expanded and aspen and abashi are allowed. They do not emit harmful substances, preserving beneficial features for a long time.

Waiting room: features

It is advisable to make large windows in the dressing room, but high from the floor, the higher the better. So that cold air does not drag across the floor. The vestibule must be insulated, otherwise the heat from the steam room will flow away faster. The interior of the dressing room needs to be organized taking into account the fact that you will have to undress in it, that is, you must install hangers or a closet.

There are certain requirements for the premises:

  • No drafts;
  • Good lighting; there is no need to make it too dim, like in a steam room. It is better if the light is natural;
  • A sufficient area is required, at least 1.3 square meters. meters per person;
  • If a stove firebox is installed in the dressing room, then the approach to it should not interfere with the rest of the vacationers moving around the bathhouse.

The finishing of the dressing room can be done in classic style using deciduous trees - alder, linden or birch, but to save money, coniferous trees - spruce or pine - are allowed. Resin will not be released from them, since there is no elevated temperature.

Instructions for carrying out construction work recommends everything bath rooms cover with impregnation. It will extend the service life.


The size of the bath does not affect its benefits. By properly planning the space, you can achieve its maximum functionality. The project plays a major role in this matter - it contains all the information about what the bathhouse will be like, the material for construction and finishing, a clear interior plan (see also the article “Project of a 4 by 4 by 5 bathhouse - on “medium” sizes, like and in the “middle” class, everything holds up”).

The video in this article will tell you in detail about the features of medium-sized baths.

Bathhouse projects made of 3x4 timber - drawing

Owners of small plots of land have to constantly resort to all sorts of inventions and tricks in order to compactly place all the necessary buildings, plantings and other elements on the existing territory.

Particularly relevant in such conditions is the issue of arranging a bathhouse. Even if there is very little space, with the right approach you can still build a full-fledged building with all the necessary premises: a steam room, a wash room and a dressing room. For example, an excellent option for a small area is a compact bathhouse made of 3x4 m timber: wood is known as a completely safe, environmentally friendly material for humans, and the construction of such a small structure, provided proper planning, will not require excessive effort and financial costs from the contractor.

After reviewing the information below, you will consider in detail the most good option project of a bathhouse made of 3x4 m timber, you will be able to study the necessary accompanying drawings and, in general, receive a number of useful information regarding the competent design of compact buildings for such purposes.

Despite its more than modest dimensions, a bathhouse measuring 3x4 m has a number of advantages over buildings that are more impressive in size:

Bathhouse 3x4 m: basic information about the project

With a competent approach, even on a modest area of ​​3x4 m, you can accommodate all the necessary premises, making them, at the same time, spacious enough and comfortable to visit. The recommended dimensions are as follows:

  • rest room (at the same time it will serve as a dressing room and dressing room) – 2x3 m;
  • steam room – 2x2 m;
  • washing room (you can also install a toilet here if necessary) – 1x2 m.

One of the typical versions of a three-dimensional model of a compact bathhouse made of 3x4 m timber is presented in the following image.

For greater ease of use, the project provides for the installation of windows in the washroom and rest room. For a rest room of such dimensions, a window measuring 70x70 cm is optimal. For a washing room, you can use a product of more modest dimensions - 50x50 cm. The presence of windows will allow you to further save on furnishings ventilation ducts. As a rule, natural air exchange is quite sufficient for rooms of such modest size. If desired, a window can be made directly in the steam room (a window of about 50x50 cm in size is enough, maybe a little smaller) - thanks to this, you can be comfortable in the room during daylight hours, without spending money on electric lighting.

Installation wooden windows for dowels

The walls of the bathhouse are built from wooden beam. Both profiled and glued materials are suitable. The optimal dimensions for external walls are 15x15 cm or 10x15 cm.

Internal partitions are made of the same material with a cross-section of 10x15 cm. The recommended profile has a number of advantages:

  • the bathhouse will be strong, warm and durable;
  • moisture will not be able to penetrate between the rims, which will also have a positive effect on the service life of the bathhouse and the comfort of its operation for the user;
  • the atmosphere in the bathhouse will be as pleasant and healthy as possible (coniferous timber is used for construction, which ensures the relevance of the above statement).

To keep the steam room warm, it is finished using foil or foil-coated material, due to which a significant part of the heat generated by the stove is reflected back into the room, allowing, among other things, additional savings on heating the bath.

The best option is insulation using mineral wool. thermal insulation material with foil layer. Among other things, the advantages of using this particular material include eliminating the need to install additional water vapor barrier layers.

The insulation is placed in the space between the timber and the sheathing material.

It is customary to use lining as a finishing material - this is the most rational option in terms of technical, operational, environmental and financial characteristics. In terms of price-quality ratio, the leader is aspen lining. If you have a sufficient budget, you can give preference to cladding made from other materials, for example, abashi.

Construction of external walls and internal partitions represents a single frame, which guarantees maximum reliability, quality and durability of the finished building.

Helpful advice! If you have the desire and a sufficient budget, a 3x4 m bathhouse can be made with an attic floor. The additional space is perfect for arranging a large recreation room, billiard room, bedroom or other room at the discretion of the owner. A variant of such a construction (top view) is presented in the following image.

It is most advisable to equip the structure on a columnar foundation - it is cheaper. If the soil characteristics on the site do not allow the use of “pillars”, a strip layer is poured concrete base. In general, other options can be used supporting structures, For example, pile foundation or even a monolithic slab - these points are determined individually, taking into account the characteristics of the terrain and the personal preferences of the owner.

The design of the floors in a 3x4 m bathhouse is usually double - this solution allows you to arrange thermal insulation layer(most often made of expanded clay), which guarantees a more comfortable visit to the bathhouse and rational consumption of energy resources.

Each owner chooses a stove for heating a bath at his own discretion. In a steam room of such modest size, the most appropriate option would be to install a standard metal heater or even install a modern electric unit. If desired, you can also build a brick oven, but this will significantly increase the final price of the project.

The most appropriate layout option for a 3x4 m bathhouse is shown in the following image. It is he who was taken as the basis for compiling this material.

If you wish, you can build your bathhouse in full accordance with the given drawing or make adjustments, for example:

  • change the number, dimensions and location of internal premises;
  • add additional elements (usually a porch or terrace/veranda);
  • move internal partitions;
  • change the installation location of windows, doors, stairs (if provided) at your discretion;
  • remove elements of the architectural ensemble that you do not need.

Nuances of designing basic elements

As noted, the best option the base for a bath of this size is columnar foundation. The proposed project uses 9 blocks - one each at the corners of the structure and the intersections of walls and partitions, as well as an additional block in the center of a long internal partition or an external wall that does not have intersections with internal partitions. You can take the following drawing as a basis, adapting it to the configuration of the bathhouse being built.


To build the walls of a 3x4 m bathhouse, a coniferous profiled beam measuring 15x10 cm is used. The thickness of the walls will be 10 cm. In regions with a cold climate, it is more advisable to build walls 15 cm thick - this will increase the final cost of the project, but in the future it will make it possible to save on heating the bathhouse. The technology for producing profiled timber eliminates the need for additional exterior finishing(the interior of the premises is lined with clapboard; in general, if desired, the owner can also complete the exterior finishing).

First on top support pillars the first crown is laid. The technology is shown in the following image.

Jute is placed between the crowns for additional compaction and insulation. Options for connecting timber in crowns are presented in the following images.

To fasten the crowns, you can use metal nails in the floor of the tree or wooden dowels. The necessary drawings and diagrams for drawing up the project are presented in the following images.

Recommendations regarding the design of insulation and finishing works have been given previously. If desired, instead of profiled timber, you can use its laminated veneer lumber - this point is at the discretion of the owner.

In accordance with the project under consideration, the bathhouse consists of 3 internal rooms: a relaxation room, a washroom and a steam room itself. If desired, the bathhouse can be redesigned by changing the length of the partitions and their location.

The material for the construction of internal partitions should be selected in accordance with the material of the main frame. So, if the external walls are built from profiled timber, you also need to use it to build internal partitions.

The best option roofing structure for the building in question - a gable roof with hanging rafters at the base. One end of the rafter beam rests on the outer wall or floor beam. Elements of the rafter system are mounted in increments of no more than 120 cm. Optimally - 90-100 cm.

At the top joint, the rafter legs are fastened together using a plank or beam. To further strengthen the connection, a special wire is used. If the rafters are built from boards, the connection can be achieved using nails.

Supporting elements are constructed from boards up to 2 cm thick, depending on the chosen finishing roofing covering, i.e. expected loads. On the side of each slope, the rafters are additionally fastened with 30-40 mm boards installed diagonally.

To ensure subsequent fastening of the final roofing covering, a sheathing must be included in the design of the bathhouse - its elements are attached to the rafters. The choice of a specific lathing design (solid or sparse) is selected in accordance with the installation technology of the finishing coating used.

The sheathing is made of boards or timber. Most often, they are first attached to the rafters wooden blocks, on top of which the boardwalk is installed.

When choosing the step of fastening the sheathing, you should focus on the features of the technology for laying the finishing roofing material. For example, if you select metal tiles, the sheathing elements are mounted in increments of about 350 mm. Counter batten slats are fixed on top of the sheathing (attached along the rafters, creating the required ventilation gap and ensuring the fixation of the underlying insulating film material), and the selected covering material is attached to them.

The final roofing covering is installed in the standard sequence:

  • the coverage area and the required amount of material used are determined;
  • the selected material is equipped in accordance with the technology relevant to it;
  • installation of shaped elements is carried out;
  • eaves overhangs are being installed;
  • Snow guards are installed.

If the arrangement of the attic floor is planned, its windows are installed at the last stage of the above technology.

The decision on choosing the finishing roofing material remains with the owner of the bathhouse being built. Brief information The most popular options are shown in the following table.

The modern market offers a huge range of finishing roofing materials. Information about the finishes most often used when decorating a bathhouse is given in the following table.

Table. Roofing materials


Flexible fibrous sheets made from cellulose fibers and bitumen impregnation. The material is widely popular in private construction, “bribing” mainly affordable price and fairly good performance characteristics.
Steel roofing sheets with a complex relief surface. They are characterized by high strength, lateral stiffness, load-bearing capacity and durability.
It is famous for its excellent aesthetic indicators, practically not inferior to its natural (ceramic) counterpart, long service life and relatively affordable cost.
The only disadvantage is the fact that the material makes quite a lot of noise when it rains.
Plastic, durable, resistant to deformation, beautiful and generally perfect for completing roofing work.

Floors and ceilings

The ceilings, like the floor joists, are made of timber with a cross-section of 15x10 cm. The recommended installation step for individual support elements is 90 cm. If desired, you can use timber measuring 15x5 cm, but in this case the logs will have to be attached in 60-cm increments.

A diagram of one of the most successful and frequently used floor design options is shown in the following image.

To insulate the floor, you can use expanded clay or mineral wool. The ceiling is predominantly insulated using mineral wool materials. To line the ceiling, wooden lining is used, preferably made of hardwood (resin will not drip from such material).

The floor in the bathhouse can be wooden or concrete. Wooden structures are further classified into leaking and non-leaking.

In the case of arranging a leaking wooden floor, the boards are mounted with some gap (usually about 3 mm). Water will flow into the gaps formed. The disadvantage of the design is the impossibility of installing a heat-insulating layer.

A leak-proof wooden structure is subject to insulation, but requires an approximately 2-degree slope in the direction of the drain hole.

Traditionally used for arranging subfloors unedged board 18 mm thick. The finishing flooring is laid from tongue-and-groove boards with a thickness of 26 mm or more.

The main advantage of a concrete structure compared to a wooden structure is its longer service life. In addition, in this case it becomes possible to install a floor heating system, thanks to which the bath will be warmer and generally more comfortable.

Standard diagrams for installing a concrete floor in a bathhouse are presented in the following images.

Windows and doors

The project proposes the installation of double-hung windows with double glazing. As noted, there are 2 windows: for the rest room (70x70 cm) and the washroom (50x50 cm). The location of windows, as well as their number, can change at the discretion of the owner.

For installation in interior spaces frame doors with lining in the form of lining are proposed. There are 3 internal doors in total: for the steam room, dressing room and wash room. At the owner's request, laminated or paneled doors can be installed.

Installation of windows in the bathhouse


The traditional solution is a regular stove-heater. The owner can either buy one of the ready-made models or make the stove on his own, having read the appropriate instructions. Several of the most successful types of sauna stoves are presented in the following images.

Brick heater

The sauna stove is built/installed on its own foundation. The depth of the base is up to 50 cm in relation to the floor of the steam room or other room chosen for placing the stove. The foundation is traditionally laid out of rubble stone and filled with concrete. A layer of roofing material for waterproofing is laid on top of the hardened fill, and a row of bricks is placed on it. The stove itself is placed on top of the supporting brick row.

Important! For fire safety purposes, the floor in front of the firebox sauna stove need to be covered with a metal sheet with a thickness of 10 mm. The distance between flammable elements and heating parts of the sauna stove must be at least 300-500 mm.

Safe and efficient operation of a sauna stove is impossible without a chimney. As a basis for the project, you can use the drawing of the smoke exhaust system shown in the following image.

Materials for the construction of a bathhouse according to the considered project

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw up a table of the main building and finishing materials required for the construction of a 3x4 m bathhouse made of timber. Their number, as well as a set of additional elements, is determined individually in accordance with the characteristics of a particular project.

Table. Materials for building a bathhouse


Designing the work order

The procedure for constructing a bathhouse yourself is a topic for a separate discussion. For better orientation and understanding of the possibility of constructing the structure considered with your own hands, the table shows the standard sequence for performing this work.

Table. Sequence of bathhouse construction

Work stageImageAdditional information

The necessary preparatory measures have been carried out in advance:
- the site is cleared of debris;
- the top fertile ball of soil is removed;
- marking is being carried out.
The base is being waterproofed To do this, the upper planes of the pillars are coated with molten bitumen, on top of which roofing felt is laid and pressed.
Stacked lower crown timber
Walls are erected to the designed height Insulation, for example, jute, is placed between the crowns.
False ceiling being installed
The rafter system is being erected
A roofing pie is being made
Internal partitions are being erected
Openings for windows and doors are prepared and then installed

Logs are installed and a boardwalk is installed or a concrete floor is poured.

You have familiarized yourself with the most successful project for a bathhouse made of 3x4 m timber and received the necessary information about the main stages of drawing up the project. The knowledge gained will help you independently plan the configuration of a future compact wooden structure or monitor the activities of third-party designers if you decide to use their services.

Good luck!

Video – Projects of bathhouses made of 3x4 timber - drawing

Optimal bath: what is it like?

Many people have the desire to have their own bathhouse on site: it provides a unique opportunity to improve your health, relax and unwind after a hard day. And if the bathhouse is near your house or dacha, and you don’t need to go anywhere, this method of relaxation is generally priceless. But there are a lot of questions: where to put it, how to deploy it, how many and what kind of rooms there should be, what size and what kind of foundation to make, and a thousand others. For now, let's talk about the layout of the bathhouse on the site and inside.

Layout on the site

You need to start by choosing a place to build a bathhouse. In this case, you need to rely on data from a geological survey of the site: choose the best soils and the lowest location of groundwater. Then the foundation can be made inexpensively, and the bathhouse will stand well. Without such a survey of the site, you have to choose at random.

In this case, it is advisable to immediately exclude places where groundwater comes close. They can be seen at sunset. Inspect the area in the evening. If there are places where small midges hover in a column in one place, there is water close below. It’s good to dig a well here, but you can’t build a house or a bathhouse.

Having excluded all wet areas, you can try to fit the planned building in dry areas. There are also some restrictions here:

  • the distance to the well should not be less than 5 meters;
  • the distance to the nearest residential building is at least 8 meters;
  • toilet and compost pit should be located as far away as possible.

If your site overlooks the shore of a river or lake, it makes sense to put a bathhouse nearby: you can take a dip and not bother with building a pool. It will also be possible to organize a water supply from the reservoir, but in this case it will be necessary to fool around with the drainage so that the wastewater does not get there. So optimal location baths on the site are an individual matter.

Bathhouse layout inside

The most common layout of baths: entrance to the south, windows of the rest room to the west. The entrance is in the south because the snow melts here first and there are usually fewer snowdrifts. And windows are made in the western wall, because most often they steam in the afternoon and the setting sun illuminates the room.

But this is only the most common layout and nothing more. You can place both the entrance and the windows in the way that seems most convenient to you: maybe you have an amazingly beautiful landscape to the east, and to the west all that is visible is the wall of the neighbor’s barn. No one will stop you from doing as you see fit.

What rooms are needed in a bathhouse?

There are constant battles around how to properly take a steam bath. They also apply to the number and volume of premises. There are several approaches to this issue. Choose the one that is closest to you.


This bathhouse layout has a small vestibule. It will not allow cold air to rush into the room

The first postulate is that when using a bathhouse all-season (and in winter too), there should be a vestibule at the entrance to the bathhouse. Otherwise, the rest room will quickly get cold: with each opening of the door, a portion of cold air will rush into it. There is no debate here. There are only a few options for organizing a vestibule: it is fenced off inside or attached outside.

If you only steam during the warm season, there is no need for a vestibule. In the summer, people often relax outside after a steam room: on the terrace or porch.

Sink and steam room: separately or together?

But there is a dispute about the composition of the premises that are needed in the bathhouse. Most people are of the opinion that the steam room and sink should be separate. But since the size of the baths is usually small, these two rooms turn out to be small. This is good for dry-air saunas: small volumes warm up quickly. In this case, a separate sink from the steam room is also necessary: ​​the sauna must be dry. No more than 10% humidity. A large amount of steam at a temperature of 100°C or higher will burn the nasopharynx and bronchi. Therefore, if the bathhouse is dry-air, then the sink must be separate.

Some supporters of moderate temperatures and high humidity - a regime that is typical for a Russian bath - believe that a washing room and a steam room can and should be combined. There are several reasons for this:

  • The first is that in a small steam room, when water is applied to the stones, the temperature and humidity conditions change sharply. There's nothing you can do about it: the volume is small, and the steam literally hits everyone who is in it. If it is possible to make the steam room larger, the issue is not so pressing.
  • The second reason is physiological. In the steam room, the pores open. If it is much cooler in the washroom, they close again while you are in it. The next time you enter the steam room, you have to steam them again. If the “washing room” is a trestle bed located in the corner opposite from the shelves, then no “cooling” occurs.

In principle, the second problem can be solved: you need to maintain a fairly high temperature in the washing room, 35-40°C, and there is already enough humidity there. It will create an almost “hammam” atmosphere. Under such conditions, you can rest. To do this, trestle beds are made in the washing department, on which people rest in a warm, humid atmosphere after the steam room. Then the washing area should be large. And they go into the rest room only when they are no longer going to enter the steam room.

The second approach to vaping is different: after the body has warmed up, it needs to be cooled down. For this purpose, contrasting procedures are used - cool or cold showers, dousing, rubbing with snow, etc. That’s when a separate washing room with a cool atmosphere is needed. There are also fonts with cold or cool water here. With this approach, they stay in the steam room for quite a long time - 10-15 minutes, because they need to warm up again.

Ideally, you will need to visit both types of sauna to decide which is best for you. Whichever one will be better for you is the one worth building.

Now, let's summarize. The bathhouse can have two or three rooms. There may be a relaxation room, and separate rooms for a steam room and a washing room. In another option, there is a relaxation room, and the steam room and washing room are combined in one room.

Locker room

This room can be classified as optional, but it is desirable. It is much more convenient if all things are collected in one place. But even here questions and disagreements arise: where should the doors go. There are usually two options: to the rest room and to the washing room. Both options are imperfect.

If the entrance to the locker room is made from the rest room, then after undressing you will have to walk through this room. If there is no one else in the bathhouse, this is one thing, but if a campaign has gathered and someone is already resting, this is a completely different story.

The second option is preferable from this point of view: from the locker room you immediately go to the sink, and from there to the steam room. But then damp air from the sink will inevitably end up in the locker room. And damp air = wet clothes. It's still a pleasure. So you usually have to choose: walk through the rest room in a negligee or put on wet clothes after the bath.

But more often, they still make an entrance to the locker room from the washing room, and solve the problem of humidity with good ventilation: they make two channels, one at the bottom for the intake of fresh air, and the second at the top for the removal of damp air. An exhaust fan is usually built into the top one (for wet rooms). Like this in a couple, natural and forced ventilation cope with high humidity.

Dimensions of rooms in the bathhouse

In addition to the composition of the premises, it is necessary to determine the size. Since most often there are three rooms - the sink and the steam room are separate - we will describe approaches to choosing sizes for all three rooms.

Steam room layout

The main thing when planning a bath is to determine the optimal size of the steam room. It’s clear that you want to save on construction costs and on wood for heating. But a room that is too small is completely uncomfortable: the sauna overheats quickly, and you feel like you’re in a cage.

It is most reasonable to proceed from how many people should fit in the steam room at one time. Moreover, the sizes also depend on the type of steam room. No one moves much in the dry air vehicle. Everyone sits decorously on the shelves: at this temperature you can’t move. Therefore, one meter is enough for one person to “sit”. To lie down, it’s already 2.2. So here it is. Decide how long a person can sit with you and how long can lie down. Then you calculate the area of ​​the shelves, add space for the stove and a little for the passage to the shelves. You get the minimum dimensions of a steam room for a sauna.

In a Russian bathhouse, they mostly lie on the shelves. And also, the bathhouse attendant is waving brooms. Therefore, the dimensions here should be larger.

For a wet Russian steam room, the width and length are chosen so that two or three can lie comfortably - depending on how many people will be steaming at the same time. We calculate the area of ​​the required shelves (80-100 cm wide for one, 2.2 to 2.5 m long), add the area for placing the stove, the screen around it, approaches and gaps, and we get the minimum volume of the steam room for a Russian bath. If the dimensions do not allow, leave one “lying” place, always a place where the bath attendant stands, and, if possible, at least a small shelf for “sitting”.

In general, the area in the steam room is used more rationally if it is not square, but rectangular shape. Moreover, the stove is usually located on the long side. And also keep in mind that from the stove, even covered with a brick screen (for Russian baths it must be covered with a screen), there should be a distance of about 20-30 cm to the shelves, but more is better.

For information on choosing ceiling heights and doors, read the article « The height of the ceiling and shelves in the bathhouse and sauna ». Briefly, we can say the following: for a conditioned steam room (steam is mixed evenly throughout the entire volume), the finishing ceiling is not lower than 2.10 m, and for a pie room (steam is collected under the ceiling) not lower than 2.4 m.

Let's immediately talk about the height of the shelves - this is another stumbling block when designing a steam room. In general, each parameter is selected individually. If you customize the steam room “to suit you,” then the height of the shelf should be up to the knuckles of your lowered hand. Stand on the floor (on a grate or stool, if you have one), lower your hand down. Where your knuckles are is where the surface of the shelf should be.

If several tiers of shelves are planned, then the top one should not be closer to the ceiling than 115 cm. And one more thing: the second one is higher than the first - 45 cm: then you can not only lie on the top shelf, but also sit (if you want it “hotter” ).

You need to draw everything in size and it all should fit into the steam room in its “pure” form, taking into account the walls and insulation layer

But not everyone who will take a steam bath has the same height. That's why they make side steps. You can have several pieces different heights for people of different heights: they lean on such a step when they need to climb onto shelves. The same steps are used by the bathhouse attendant: people have different waist circumferences, and sometimes even in a steam room that is tailored to suit you, you have to stand on a step to make it more comfortable.

One little tip: make the steps wide. Firstly, if necessary, you can sit on them, and secondly, wide and low ones are more stable.

Sink dimensions

Here again, there are two approaches: either try to get by with the minimum - this is if the size of the bathhouse is limited, or plan it as convenient as possible, and put the resulting dimensions into the project. If we talk about the minimum, then you can get by with a small shower, above which you can also attach a shower device. In this case, a size of 1.5 * 1.5 meters will be sufficient. A little cramped, but not too tight.

For comfort and in case you relax in the steam room, you need to place trestle beds here. Then, probably, you need to fence off the shower stall separately - it’s 1.2 * 1.2 m (or more, if you want). And add one or two trestle beds (depending on the number of people steaming in one go). The size of the trestle beds may be similar to the shelves in the steam room, or slightly different. Here the dimensions are no longer critical. The main thing is to lie comfortably.

Some people put fonts in the washing room. Here you can’t get by with small dimensions, and the sizes of the font can be different - from one and a half meters in diameter and more.

Dimensions of the rest room

And again, two layout options even in baths of the same size. Some try to fence off the rest room as much as possible large area, leaving a minimum for the steam room and washing room. This option is suitable if the bathhouse is something like a club. Then the main action is precisely the gatherings in the relaxation room. And the room stands out and is accordingly spacious.

But there are people who enjoy precisely the processes taking place in the steam room. And then the situation changes radically: the necessary minimum is allocated for the rest room: a hanger, a table, several benches/armchairs/chairs. All. But all other areas are allocated for the steam room.

Having decided on the size of all the rooms and their location, take the time to draw everything to scale. This can be done on a computer using programs or the old-fashioned way on checkered paper. Just draw large, and while maintaining proportions, taking into account the thickness of the walls and partitions, insulation and finishing. Then count the real areas that remain in “pure” form. Absolutely: a surprise awaits you. And unpleasant. All the piers and walls take up a lot of space. And in the remaining space you will need to “fit” all the items. There are especially many difficulties with the steam room. So be especially careful here. Most likely, the already completed bathhouse plan will have to be redrawn, and more than once.

Pay attention to the location of the doors. It is desirable that they be located as close as possible. Especially in walk-through rooms. It's all about the same utilitarianism: it's impossible to use all the passages. So they eat up a decent amount of space.

From a security point of view

It is also necessary to consider the layout of the premises in the bathhouse from a safety point of view. Therefore, it is advisable to make the path from the steam room to the street as simple and short as possible, without labyrinths. This is necessary in case someone becomes ill. How faster man If he can go out into the fresh air, so much the better. Therefore, some projects provide two doors in the steam room: one from the washing room - for regular use, the second - to the vestibule - for emergency situations.

In order to be able to evacuate as quickly as possible, the washing room must have a window of decent size - no less than 50*50 cm. And it must open inward (again, safety precautions). And it’s better not to skimp on size: small sizes will not provide the amount of fresh air required for ventilation. And after small window it's hard to get out.

Many, by the way, do not install windows in either the washing room or the steam room, and they are very mistaken. Now we will briefly explain why.

These windows are needed not for lighting, but for ventilation. The steam room needs two windows - one in the wall opposite the door, measuring 40*40 cm or so. Its upper edge should be level with the door lintel. The second window in the steam room is made under the shelf. It can be small - 20*20 cm.

All of them are needed for ventilation and drying of rooms after use. Then you will not have any problems with wood and fungus. They are also opened to correct temperature/humidity. Everyone is comfortable with their own conditions, so they regulate them with the help of windows. Read more about where windows should be in a bathhouse and what sizes they are, and in the article “Which doors to choose for a bathhouse and sauna” we talk about doors and their sizes.

The window in the washing room is also an emergency exit. You shouldn’t forget about this either. Of course, we try not to break the rules and install the stoves correctly, but it’s better to be safe.

Everyone dreams of a spacious bathhouse with many rooms, but not every site is suitable for a large bathhouse, and besides, not everyone can afford it.

This great alternative. It will not take up much space, and you can choose different layouts, and its construction will be quite inexpensive. Some people prefer to make a bathhouse with a large steam room and washing room, while others reduce the size of these rooms and make a separate relaxation room.

A 4x4 sauna with a veranda is popular. This will be discussed in this article.

Advantages of a 4 by 4 bathhouse with a veranda

As already mentioned, the advantage of a bathhouse of this size is that, despite its small size, it gives you the opportunity to choose a layout to suit your needs. You can limit yourself to two rooms (steam room, washing room) and a terrace, add a rest room, make a separate vestibule.

An important advantage is the cost-effectiveness of construction. Obviously, such a bathhouse will cost less than buildings bigger size. Therefore, a 4 by 4 bathhouse is a good option for a summer cottage.

Convenient because you get an excellent opportunity to relax on fresh air and increase the benefits of bath procedures. Of course, in warm weather The last thing to do is sit in a stuffy room when you can relax, enjoying nature, and the terrace provides this opportunity! The roof will protect you from the rain, so even during rainfall you won’t have to hide indoors.

Projects of a 4x4 bathhouse with a veranda

Drafting a project is a responsible and important stage, preceding the construction of the bathhouse. You can make a project on your own, find suitable option on the Internet or order from a company specializing in drawing up projects and preparing the corresponding drawings.

The simplest design of a 4 by 4 bathhouse with a terrace provides for the presence of only those rooms without which steam procedures are impossible, namely a steam room and a washing room. This project as concise and budget-friendly as possible, and building it with your own hands will be quite simple.

But such a bathhouse has a significant drawback - it does not have a rest room, as well as a place to store clothes, shoes, various accessories. All this significantly reduces the level of comfort in using the building. In this case, you will have to leave things on the veranda, which is only possible in the summer; in addition, you need to keep an eye on them, because there is a possibility that someone will steal them. Another option is to store it somewhere in the washing room, but in this room high level humidity and a large amount of water, so leaving phones and other equipment there is highly not recommended.

You should choose such a project only if there is another building on the territory, for example, you are making a house with a bathhouse under one roof, or building it next to a country house. Then you don’t have to worry about your things: just leave them in the house and calmly go to the steam room.

Such a bathhouse is completely unsuitable for winter use, because through the front door you immediately enter the washing room, so there will often be a draft in the room. In addition, drying in a washing room, where there is a high level of humidity, is quite problematic. As a result, the risk of catching a cold increases, which obviously reduces the benefits of visiting the bathhouse.

In the summer, when it’s warm, after going to the steam room you can go out to the terrace and relax in the fresh air, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

The standard and optimal option would be a 4 x 4 bathhouse with a terrace, steam room, washing room and relaxation room. This layout does not have the disadvantages of the previous one, and is also suitable for areas where there are no other buildings.

The simplest option for this layout is to divide the premises into four equal parts.

But in such a project, the rest room has a small area; only 2-3 people can fit in it. Although if you do not plan to go to the bathhouse with a group of more than three people, then the layout is perfect.

If there is a shower room in it, then it is enough to make a room measuring only about two square meters, and allocate the rest as a rest room. Another option is to slightly reduce the terrace and, at the expense of it, increase the recreation room. And if you combine both options, you can get a fairly convenient and comfortable rest room.

You can also. This is especially true if you already have a 4 by 4 bathhouse on your site. In this case total area the construction will be bx4 m. Since the terrace is not part of the bathhouse itself, in this case there are even more layout options. Here it is not advisable to limit yourself to a steam room and a washing room; the area perfectly allows you to create not only a relaxation room, but also a separate vestibule, so that going to the bathhouse in winter would be more comfortable.

The 4 by 4 bathhouse project with a veranda is an option for a small bathhouse designed for a family. You can make different layouts in it, and the presence of a terrace will give you the opportunity to relax, enjoying the beauty of nature and fresh air.

Bathhouse made of 6 by 3 timber: projects, layout options and photos

Functional beautiful buildings on plot of land They delight the owners and provide the opportunity to use them all year round. Such buildings include 4 by 4 baths. A good size with average capacity. It can accommodate 3-4 people comfortably. These dimensions are suitable for families and entertaining guests. You can invite relatives and carry out procedures together.

What should bath complexes be built from?

Profiled timber is high-quality raw material. It has the following advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity - this contributes to a long cooling process. Heat is stored for a long time, there will be no losses.
  • various designs - there are square, rectangular and intricate solutions. You can build an irregularly shaped frame.
  • quick assembly - experienced craftsmen complete the work in 2 weeks.
  • slight shrinkage - gives the right to immediately use the object.
  • decorative appearance steam rooms - does not require facade finishing. In this case, it is necessary to treat the wood with protection from moisture and fire.
  • environmental friendliness - wood is a clean material. It allows the building to breathe. A healthy microclimate is created in a wooden structure.
  • low prices - savings occur in comparison with logs. This construction will be cheaper if the contractor has his own production.
  • baths made from 4x4 timber are durable - they last for more than 50 years, without requiring additional investments.

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Small sauna 4x4 m in size is an excellent solution for a small area. Despite the compact size of the room, you can arrange all the components for a good rest. To do this, you just need to plan it correctly and take into account all the nuances and features of the bathhouse.


Any planning of premises begins with the designation and marking of the main rooms. So, for a compact-sized bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account the location of the steam room, sink, dressing room and, if desired, a relaxation room. The material of manufacture also plays an important role in the design. If the bathhouse is built from the most popular material - logs, then it should be taken into account that the size of the internal rooms will be somewhat reduced.

To ensure that the room is not too small, it is necessary to calculate in advance the thickness of the logs and the method of cutting them.

There are important points to consider.

  • Proper division of the main rooms in the bathhouse. To do this, it is worth dividing the entire area into two large squares. One part is the dressing room or rest room, and the second is the place where the main actions take place. For further convenience, it is better to divide the second part into two compartments: a sink and a steam room separately.
  • Dimensions of the main parts of the bath. As a rule, the dressing room is a small room in area where you can leave your things. If it is also used as a place to relax, this part should be expanded so that a table, benches or sofa can freely fit. The steam room and sink can be either the same size or different. This is determined by the desire of the owners and the number of people visiting the bathhouse at the same time. If there are 4 or more people in the company, then it is more convenient to make the steam room more spacious than the washing area.

  • Furnace installation. Currently, it can be installed in any part of the bathhouse, not necessarily in the steam room. You just need to adhere to all fire safety standards and rules when constructing it and objectively evaluate the effectiveness of the placement.
  • The main entrance to the bathhouse. In general, it can be located on any side at the request of the owners, but the most common and appropriate is the entrance to the dressing room. In this case, you should take into account the distance from the bathhouse to the house so that you can easily and quickly get to the living space.

Types and features of planning

A comfortable stay in it depends on the choice of one or another bathhouse layout.

Basically there are several types.

  • The bathhouse consists of one room, which is a dressing room, a steam room, and a sink. Basically, in this layout, the stove (electric, brick) is installed in the corner to save space. Along the wall there are two- or three-level shelves for the steam room, as well as a shelf for the washing room.

The main disadvantage of this placement is the lack of a rest room or dressing room where you can go to relax after a hot steam.

  • Standard planning with separate rooms for a dressing room, steam room and sink. In this case, the dressing room can also serve as a rest room, and not just a place for storing firewood and changing clothes. It is better to install the stove in a steam room close to the wall of the dressing room. Then the heat from the steam room will be transferred to the vestibule, which will allow you to stay comfortably in it. In this option, the main area is allocated to the steam room, and in the washroom you can install only a shower stall. An option is also being considered where the stove is located in the washroom and the door is in the dressing room. This option is economical when warming up a room in cold weather.

  • Bathhouse with an extension in the form of a covered terrace. Or as a bath house. This option is the most comfortable, but also more expensive. But if funds allow, then you can install a two-story bathhouse, where the first floor is allocated for a steam room and sink, and the second floor for a relaxation room. In this case, on the second floor you can install either a mini-bar, or a small dining room, or a billiard room.

If the area of ​​the plot allows, you can add an attic, which will be an excellent place for proper rest and storage of bath accessories. In this case, it is worth considering the entrance from the terrace directly to the dressing room. This design will allow you to enjoy bath procedures and relaxation after it at any time of the year. Moreover, even on the most compact terrace you can place a table and chairs for comfortable relaxation.

Decoration Materials

One of the important components of the interior decoration of a bathhouse is not only the aesthetic side, but also safety. To do this, it is important to choose the right finishing material. The leader is wood, which meets all sanitary and fire safety standards and rules. In addition, this material is natural and environmentally friendly. It has good thermal properties without emitting harmful substances. Let's consider the main types of wood for finishing a bath.

A 4x4 sauna is a very popular project that is suitable for most clients who want to get a sauna on their site. A log bathhouse is the dream of millions. This includes health, relaxation, and traditional Russian culture. If you decide to order a log bathhouse made of 4x4 logs, call us or write by email - we will calculate the exact price just for you.

From us you can buy a 4x4 log sauna in several options:

  • Standard log house without additional extensions;
  • Bathhouse with a veranda (with a 2-meter extension, or with a 3-meter extension, or chopped pediments);
  • Bathhouse with attic ( mansard roof, essentially this is a two-story 4x4 bathhouse for a small extra charge).

Complete set of 4x4 log house

The price of a log house, in addition to the bathhouse itself, includes a temporary foundation, temporary roofing, rough finishing of the log house, as well as delivery and assembly at the client’s site. If desired, you can also order the installation of a permanent, more reliable foundation, frequent finishing of the log house after the required period, and roofing work.

Selecting the best wood for building baths

For the construction of houses and baths, we use only the best coniferous timber, which we harvest personally on the plot. We are cutting down a forest near Velizh, a small town in the Smolensk region, not far from the border with the Pskov region. Ours is also located nearby construction site, where we process our logs and assemble projects before shipping. On our site you can find ready-made log houses and order them without waiting. These are most often typical small projects, including a 4x4 sauna frame. There are options with the removal of logs under the veranda, two-story 4x4 log houses with an attic.