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» Early, late and sweet melon varieties. To help summer residents, photos and names of different varieties of melons

Early, late and sweet melon varieties. To help summer residents, photos and names of different varieties of melons

It is impossible to describe all the variety of thousands of varieties of melons. They are grown everywhere, even in England and the Leningrad region there are their own zoned varieties of melon. Of course, in terms of sweetness and taste, they are far from the Turkmen and Uzbek varieties, which are famous throughout the world and are even exported. However, breeders have forced the heat-loving plant to bear fruit wherever there are greenhouses.

How to understand the variety of varieties

The first feature that made it possible to grow melons was the ripening time:

  • ultra-early ripening, hybrid with ripening in less than 60 days;
  • early ripening, ripening in 60-70 days and sugar content. from 8 to 15%;
  • mid-ripening, they ripen in 75-100 days, they contain 14-15% sugar;
  • autumn-winter, ripen in 95-100 days, very sweet, long-lasting, large;
  • winter, huge, weighing up to 30 kg, sugar up to 16%, but stored well in a cool room;

The shape of melons is ellipsoidal, spherical and elongated like skittles. Top part can be smooth, mesh or ribbed. The fruit pulp is crispy, white, yellow or greenish. In some varieties, during storage, the flesh gradually turns from green to yellow.

There are several subspecies of melons. It is generally accepted that fruits grown in Central Asia, are the most delicious. But among them, the Uzbek melon is the most popular. This is facilitated by the composition of the soil and the warm period without frost, ranging from 193 to 273 days a year.

European varieties were obtained later; these are mainly early-ripening and ultra-early-ripening hybrids, most obtained using the Cantaloupe variety. Currently, European hybrids reach a sugar content of up to 15% with a ripening period of 55 days from the ovary.

Melon varieties loved by summer residents

Before growing a melon in the garden summer cottage You should study the characteristics of the variety and choose zoned, that is, specially created varieties for your climate. You cannot plant southern varieties that you like to taste in the North. The harvest won't work.

The Gulaba melon is the hallmark of the melon region - the Fergana Valley. This is the famous Charjui melon. The variety is known in the country because it is suitable for transportation. The average weight of these melons is 3-5 kg. Gulyabi is cultivated in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The variety is late ripening. The sugar content reaches 15%, the pulp is white, dense fibrous. The large amount of pulp allows this variety of melons to be used to produce dried and dried products.

Cantaloupe melon or Persian or cantaloupe melon is named after the Italian city. This is a variety of the Asian population, but adapted to different conditions. This species is characterized by small fruits with a ribbed surface. It gave rise to greenhouse European varieties that are more moisture-loving and tolerate a lack of light and heat. The pulp of cantaloupe is orange, aromatic, slightly tart.

Musk melon comes from Persia and was cultivated before our era. For the inhabitants of Persia, she was a symbol of the sun and goodness.

Turkmen melon is a late-ripening variety of Uzbek varieties. It has a medium fruit size. Most often it can be seen with a green mesh skin. You need to wait until this fruit is completely ripe and only then eat it. Usually, the berry is brought to the northern regions unripe and therefore few people are able to taste the tasty, sweet, soft slices of this variety. A sign of ripeness can be a dark, almost brown crust in the cracks. It is impossible to forget the aroma and taste of ripe Turkmen.

Pineapple melon or delano have ellipsoid-shaped fruits weighing about 2 kg. IN middle lane Melon is grown through seedlings and the watering regime is important. If the summer is rainy, the plant should be protected from excess moisture. The fruit may burst.

About 100 days pass from germination to ripeness. The skin of this variety is thin, the flesh is sweet and aromatic. The plant is vigorous and requires pinching. The keeping quality of ripe fruits is good, transportation is possible.

Green melon is named for its greenish flesh, which can turn yellow over time. All these varieties are characterized by green or gray-green peel. It can be ribbed or smooth, oval or round. Such varieties are available in Japan and Uzbekistan. As an example of a green melon, you can take the Israeli variety “Galia-Diamant”. The fruit is oval, mesh rind, green-white flesh, sweet and aromatic. Tannins and minerals give the melon a slightly astringent taste. In Uzbekistan there is a variety of green melon called skullcap. The variety grows only in the vicinity of Karshi, it resembles both a watermelon and a skullcap on the outside, and the pulp is melon-like, very pleasant to the taste.

Cinderella melon is an early ripening variety. The plant is recommended for cultivation in small farms and country houses. Variety early date maturation. Melon vines are long and require growth regulation. The fruit is yellow and smooth with a net. Berry weight is 1-2 kg. The pulp is approximately 3 cm, not very sweet, 5-9% sugars, but tasty and aromatic. Fruits are stored in within three weeks, are consumed locally, since transportability is low. The plant is resistant to temperature changes.

Melon Lada is a successful variety of Astrakhan selection. It is adapted to hot, dry climates. But this variety also does well in greenhouses. Important properties is its unpretentiousness. Irregular watering does not lead to cracking of the fruits. melon aphid, American and downy mildew do not damage the bush. The variety has smooth round fruits with a net, the weight of which is 2-3 kg. The pulp contains up to 10% sugars and is light cream in color. This variety is loved by many gardeners.

Ribbed melons as a variety characteristic are characteristic of cantaloupes. They can be green, yellow. In Ukraine there is a variety called ribbed melon. In appearance, these melons look more like a pumpkin and are called “puffy” melons. Ripe ribbed melon is considered the most delicious, aromatic and sweet berry in Ukraine.

Uzbek melons require a special description. Over 100 varieties are cultivated in the region, divided into 6 districts, each with its own varieties. Zones in which natural conditions Certain varieties of melon are grown, divided into:

  • Tashkent.
  • Samarkand.
  • Bukhara.
  • Khorezm.
  • Fergana.
  • South.

Depending on solar activity, the number of clear days per year, and temperature, the most adapted varieties are cultivated. Products High Quality exported to other countries.

Among the many varieties, people always hear about the torpedo melon, locally Mirzachul melon, green Basvaldi and others.

There are varieties whose taste can only be enjoyed on site. The fruits are tender, juicy and cannot be stored. Others reach out to New Year's table. Beneficial climate, suitable soil create conditions ideal for converting the energy of the sun and earth into a healing product, which is mentioned in the Bible. Fruits grown in other climatic conditions, are inferior in taste to melon ripened in Uzbekistan.

Sweet melon fruits are widespread all over the world, not only as a dessert with aromatic, sweet and juicy pulp, but also as a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Initially, the birthplace of this truly heavenly fruit is the countries of Central Asia, Africa and India. But in last years Breeders have developed many frost-resistant varieties that grow quite comfortably in the middle zone and even Siberia.

Interesting! It is worth noting that melon is a very ancient melon crop, since it was grown even in the times of the pharaohs not only for its juicy fruits, but also as a medicine from various ailments. It appeared in Russia in the 16th century and was grown in greenhouses.

Melon varieties, depending on the timing of ripening, can be early, mid-ripening and late. The shape of the fruit can be either round or oval. And the flesh of this juicy vegetable varies from white to bright orange. It is important to note that melon with orange flesh is most often found among late varieties.

Why is the inside of a melon orange?

Sometimes, after cutting into our favorite delicacy, we notice that the melon is orange inside. Why does this happen and what gives it this color? The orange color of the pulp depends on the type of fruit, soil composition, growing conditions and shows the stage of ripeness of the crop. The color of the melon pulp in no way affects its taste. By the way, the melon, which is orange inside, was called “red meat” in Uzbekistan.

Melon varieties with orange pulp

People with a sweet tooth are looking forward to the summer to taste the harvest of this juicy and healthy delicacy. And in the spring, summer residents and gardeners prepare the soil for growing their favorite melons. In this section we will talk about the most popular varieties of melon with orange flesh, adapted for cultivation in central Russia and which have received recognition from amateur gardeners.

The Cantaloupe variety has become widespread due to its comfortable growth even at low temperatures. Thanks to this feature, it can be grown on open beds. The fruits weigh on average 1 kg, and the juicy pulp has a bright orange color and a delicate honey taste. When grown in greenhouse conditions using mineral supplements the variety can produce record yields.

Melon "Princess Mary" has gained wide recognition thanks to harmonious combination color and taste. A high-yielding hybrid is characterized by a greenish-gray color of ripe fruits and a very dense network on them. Melon pulp is soft, juicy and has a sugary taste. Ripe fruits can weigh up to 1.5 kg. The variety is grown in the middle zone in greenhouses. Princess Mary is not meant to be long-term storage, but is characterized by high disease resistance.

"Orange" melon. This variety has yellow or orange flesh when ripe. The hallmark of this variety is the unusual ovoid shape of the fruit. The crop is mainly grown in Central Asia under the hot southern sun, but can also bear fruit in the central part of our country. Orange melons are different long storage and excellent taste, and the average fruit weight is usually about one and a half kg. Due to its unpretentiousness, the variety can bear fruit even in unfavorable weather conditions and lack of care.

Many people have their own proven favorite varieties that are grown year after year. But not every gardener knows that the world of melons is very diverse and numbers thousands of varieties, including amateur ones. In this post I want to talk about the varieties of melon that I was lucky enough to grow. Among them are not only ordinary cultivars, but also exotic ones: with various combinations colors, unusual shapes and excellent sweet, sometimes even fruity taste. I will also add a few recommendations for growing so that the melons ripen on time and are tasty and aromatic.

Shaping and pinching the melon

Proper shaping and pinching of the melon will allow you to get an early harvest of larger fruits.

  • I form plants at the stage of 5 true leaves by pinching the main shoot above the third leaf.
  • Second-order shoots grow from the axils of the remaining leaves, I remove the bottom one, and pinch the top 2 again above the 4-5th leaf.
  • From the axils of the second-order shoots, third-order shoots will grow, and female flowers appear on them.
  • After the ovaries grow a little (up to 3-4 cm), I leave 5-6 fruiting shoots on the plant with one fruit on each.
  • After about 2 weeks, I pinch off the fruit shoots.
  • I pinch shoots of the fourth order above 3-4 leaves.

Watering, loosening and mulching melons

In melons and melons, the roots go deep into the soil - in hot and dry conditions, this is how they get water. But in the northern regions, where groundwater often very close, long roots play a cruel joke - when they reach the aquifer, they rot.

  1. This is easy to do - you need to water the plants not at the roots, but along the furrows that are made in the middle between the rows.
  2. However, it is important not to overdo it with watering - it is only needed in very hot weather.
  3. The next day after watering, the soil must be loosened and mulched so that there is no soil crust.


I shared about the varieties and characteristics of growing watermelon in my other article:

Photo: Rocky Ford melon variety

Melon varieties

I think many gardeners would like to try to grow at least a few plants of such a miracle on their plot. After all, many of these varieties, in addition to all of the above, have excellent decorative qualities!

A less common variety.

  • The fruits are oval up to 150 g, look like the fruits of an apple tree, creamy white in color.
  • The pulp is like butter, the taste of nectarine, very strong aroma.

Photo: Apple White variety

The variety comes from Korea. Very productive and very early, a good choice for northern gardening.

  • Early ripening (60-70 days).
  • The plant is medium-sized, climbing.
  • Yellow fruits with a silver stripe, rounded and elongated up to 7 cm, 6-8 cm in diameter. weighing 400-800 grams.
  • The flesh is white, crisp and sweet.

Photo: Variety Early Silverline

It got its name because incredible speed growth and high productivity.

  • Early - 85 days.
  • Fruits up to 900 g, round, beige colour, covered with a thick mesh.
  • The pulp is very thick, green, juicy, incredibly sweet and aromatic.
  • The seed chamber is small.
  • The bush is compact, up to 1.2 m, and grows very quickly.
  • Suitable for dense planting and small areas.

Photo: Green Maxine variety

  • Early (65 days).
  • The fruits are rounded and elongated, golden in color with green streaks when ripe, fruit weight is approximately 650 g, do not crack.
  • The pulp is tender and aromatic. crispy.

Photo: Variety Rocky Fort Honeydai

A true treat for children and adults. Ripe fruits make very fragrant jam, marshmallows and marmalade, as well as other sweet and confectionery products.

  • Early ripening 40-50 days
  • The plant is medium-climbing, with green rounded leaves of medium size; the vine has 2-3 lashes of the second order and 1-2 of the third order.
  • The fruits are similar in color to watermelon, rounded and elongated, weighing up to 500 g
  • Young greens are very tasty, crispy, with very tender flesh, ripe at biological ripeness, very sweet with thin skin, fragrant - a mixture of the aroma of watermelon and melon.
  • Disease-resistant, high-yielding species.
  • Cold-resistant, drought-resistant.

Photo: Watermelon-melon variety

Vietnamese Pineapple

The plant can be classified as a sugar-bearing subspecies (Var. Saccarinus). Possesses medicinal properties, it is useful for children, adults and the elderly to eat the fruits along with seeds. Plant it, you won’t regret it, the kids will be delighted. Good variety for culinary delights and processing. It looks very elegant, as if the suns were burning right on the garden bed, emitting their own fluorescent light.

  • The fruits are oval-elongated, up to 10 cm, when ripe they are green-striped, and when ripe, the color turns orange with yellowish stripes.
  • The mass of melons is small - 100-200 grams.
  • The pulp is dark orange, sweet, fragrant, but with some kind of piquant, sour aftertaste, like pineapple. The unripe fruit is also tasty, but the sourish taste is stronger, something between pineapple, banana and melon.
  • The plant is early ripening, begins to bear fruit on the 35th day after germination, powerful, long-climbing, up to 400 cm, has many side shoots of 2-3 even 4th order.
  • High-yielding, up to 50 fruits per plant in 2-3 months of growing season.
  • Very resistant to diseases and weather conditions than ordinary melons, it bears fruit until frost.

Photo: Vietnamese Pineapple variety

Good both fresh and for making preserves, jams, candied fruits, compotes, jams, etc.

  • Ultra-early, ripening about 60 days after germination.
  • The plant is medium-climbing, semi-bush, up to 120 cm long.
  • The fruits are elongated pear-shaped, green-striped, and turn slightly yellow when fully ripe. They have a very strong smell that stimulates the appetite.
  • Fruit weight is 400-600 g, on average 200-300 g.
  • The flesh is crispy, sweet, and ripens smoothly. The skin is thin.

Photo: Chinese variety Tydagunkuaiha

Variety from China. Very tasty fresh, as well as in preserves, jams, tinctures and even in wine. Amazing yield - conveyor belt, the fruits ripen one after another.

  • Miniature, weighing up to 500 g, very early, up to 40 days.
  • The plant is powerful, long-climbing, well-leafed.
  • The fruits are round, slightly elongated, and resemble the Gold Delicious apple variety in shape.
  • The rind is white, slightly yellowish, very thin, and can be eaten without peeling.
  • The pulp is fleshy, buttery-honey, sweet, tender, with a unique aroma of melon and apple.

Photo: Apple variety Tydabayzami

Chinese melons belong to another genus, Cucumis melo L. Var. Conomon. Originally from Far East. Very unusual exotic vegetable, 2 in 1.

  • The fruits look like table pumpkin, spotted or striped, large, up to 6 kg.
  • A long-climbing, powerful variety, up to 500 cm long, with great potential for side shoots.
  • Mid-season, 60-80 days.
  • The fruits are oval-oblong, up to 20 cm, up to 10 cm in diameter.
  • The color of the bark is yellow, with a green mesh surface, tuberculate.
  • The pulp is yellow-orange, with redness, dense, like a watermelon, crispy, sweet, the taste is a mixture of watermelon and melon.
  • Weighing up to 5 kg. - the first fruits, the subsequent ones are smaller.
  • Disease-resistant, cold-resistant, unique variety.
  • Feels good as in open ground, and in the greenhouse.

Photo: Variety Guan Gua

Unique! Constantly sets fruit until frost.

  • Mid-season variety (70-85 days).
  • The plant is medium-climbing, has small lashes of the 2nd and 3rd order, powerful, up to 3 m long.
  • Fruits weighing up to 2 kg, strawberry-shaped.
  • The peel is thin, flexible, smooth.
  • The flesh is salmon-colored, juicy, sweet, aromatic, melting in your mouth.

Photo: Strawberry variety

Unique, collectible, rare variety.

  • The plant is long-climbing, 3.5-4 m, and also has long branches of the second order and short branches of the third order.
  • The fruits are large, 2.5-3.5 kg, ribbed in the shape of a peeled orange.
  • The flesh is salmon-colored, aromatic, honey-sweet, tender, and oily.
  • Disease-resistant, high-yielding variety.

Photo: Strawberry Giant variety


An old variety, folk selection. This melon has been grown since the post-war years and has been preserved to this day. Over the years, it has been adapted to local central Russian conditions. In central Russia it ripens earlier than usual. When fully ripe, they burst, which is probably why it was called Lopanka, but its real name is still unknown.

  • The fruits are yellow, with a slight greenish tint, in portions, ripen already in July and smell so invitingly that it is impossible to pass by the beds.
  • The taste is no different from any other melon.
  • Early ripening (up to 70 days). the plant is medium-climbing, semi-spreading. The shape of the fruit is round-elongated, slightly ribbed, bright orange with thin skin.
  • Fruit weight is 1-2 kg. They are inferior in sweetness to southern varieties, but very tasty.

Photo: Lopanka variety

In areas of unsustainable agriculture, they are grown under film covers on a spread or in greenhouses on trellises. The seeds are amazing - like apple seeds. They are eaten fresh, used for making marmalade, jam, preserves, as well as for drying and drying.

  • Medium early (from germination to fruiting 71-79 days).
  • The fruits are round, smooth, bright yellow, without mesh, weighing 1-1.5 kg.
  • The pulp is creamy yellow, melting, very sweet, with a delicate aroma.
  • Variety value: resistance to anthracnose and powdery mildew, unfavorable weather conditions, cold resistance, high percentage of sugar content.
  • The stems are pinched after 5-6 leaves, and 3-5 fruits are left on the plant.
  • Watering is stopped 10-15 days before ripening.

Photo: Sugar Apple variety

The melon looks very much like a pumpkin, especially the one from which the godmother made a carriage for Cinderella (the description of the variety warns about large sizes fruits). This melon is most often consumed fresh. The Ethiopian forms compact bushes and powerful vines. Its leaves have a characteristic shape resembling a heart, the fruits are not afraid of sunburn, they love a lot sunlight and warmth.

  • The fruits ripen 70-80 days after the first sprouts appear.
  • Bright yellow melons, covered with a continuous mesh pattern, are divided into segments shaped like large lobes.
  • The skin, rough to the touch, is thick and elastic enough for the fruits to be well stored and easily transported over long distances.
  • The average weight of one fruit is 3-4 kg, but you can grow a melon up to 7 kg without much trouble by limiting the number of ovaries.
  • The pulp of the fruit is very light, almost white, and has a breathtaking aroma, an abundance of juice and honey sweetness.
  • There are many seeds, they are located in a medium-sized seed chamber.

Photo: Ethiopian variety

Orange Sherbet

Sweet, juicy melons, fully ripened on the vine. Plant in the sunniest spot possible, as these melons are ready to soak up as much sun as possible.

  • The fruits are ribbed.
  • The pulp is orange, like an orange.
  • The fruits are large, weighing up to 2 kg.

Sweet melon is the most awaited summer product, which many of us prefer to other fruits and vegetables. You should not limit yourself to one type of melon, because there are a lot of them and each has its own advantages. Today we will tell you all about the brightest varieties of melon. You have never seen such a variety of shapes and types!

Most Popular

Collective farmer

Who hasn't tried the good old Kolkhoz Woman? This variety is familiar to everyone since childhood: sweet, juicy and aromatic.

Kolkhoznitsa is a European variety of melon. These are small, light fruits that are easy and convenient to carry home when running from work to the local market. The pulp is dense and sugary: even in difficult climatic conditions, this unpretentious variety manages to “sugarize” properly.

Despite its noticeable sweetness, Kolkhoznitsa is low-calorie product(about 30 kcal per 100 g), rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and lowers cholesterol levels.


Towards the end of summer it ripens in large quantities Torpedo appears on the market - an incredibly popular Central Asian melon variety originally from Uzbekistan.

This variety does not taste as sweet as Kolkhoznitsa, but its white flesh has a very rich taste and a unique aroma, somewhat reminiscent of the bright and at the same time fresh smell of pear or pineapple.

It is believed that Torpedo melon is the most useful variety for strengthening the immune system. In addition, in moderate quantities, it increases metabolism and stabilizes intestinal function.

Chardzhui melon

The Chardzhu melon was once bred in the region of the same name in Turkmenistan and since then immediately began to be called the “queen of melons.”

The variety has earned this proud title for its incredibly sweet, juicy pulp and alluring, pronounced aroma. This variety has a high carotene content (more than carrots), is rich in vitamins A and C, and is also rich in potassium and iron.

Despite the fact that the Chardzhui melon variety is the most unpretentious and easily tolerates storage and transportation without spoiling or losing its wonderful taste, you rarely see it here. Traders explain this by saying that Chardzhui melon is too expensive to purchase - this variety is so highly valued.

The most original


The homeland of this melon is the modern territory of Iran, but today it is considered more of a Western European variety: the first person to try it was the Pope, who immediately ordered a melon plantation to be set up on his estate Cantalupo in Sabina.

One of its names for Cantaloupe is Thai melon, as large quantities of this variety are grown in Thailand today. It has many subspecies, but they are united by a low sugar content (no more than 8%), a characteristic aroma, a whitish reticulated bark, and also a bright orange pulp(Cantaloupe is a relative of pumpkin).

This variety stands out among others for its ability to remove toxins, strengthen the immune system, care for the skin and resist hair and nail loss.

Vietnamese (pineapple) melon

The most extravagant variety of melon is Vietnamese or pineapple. The characteristic aroma, pleasant and soft texture, as well as rich taste make this melon similar to the sweetest Central Asian varieties.

The original striped pattern is not the only distinctive quality of the Vietnamese melon. This is a small-fruited variety of melon: the weight of the fruit does not exceed 250 g and they easily fit in the palm of your hand.

Pineapple melon pulp is easily digestible and improves digestion, helping the stomach digest food eaten and protecting it from heartburn. Just like other varieties of melon, it contains folic acid and a lot of fiber, which cleanse the body.

Melon crops are found in almost every garden plot. One of the most common and useful of them is melon. This fruit is valued for its high concentration of easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins, as well as mineral salts, which tone everything internal organs person. Plus, this vegetable crop famous for its rich taste properties. Let's look at five of the most delicious varieties melons and we'll bring them brief description each of them.

The homeland of this plant of the Pumpkin family is traditionally called Central Asia and Asia Minor. However, today melon is grown everywhere. Its growth is especially successful in greenhouses and greenhouses. Breeding specialists develop improved varieties that delight their consumers with deep aroma and taste. Some of them can grow in short northern summer conditions and bear fruit after the second month of germination.

The described variety is officially included in State Register selection achievements approved for use. It belongs to the category of ultra-early ripening and requires about 60–70 days for the first harvest of fruits. For this reason, “Cinderella” is excellent and is planted mainly in central Russia.

The plant itself is particularly climbing. However, the fruits are very attractive appearance. All of them are smooth, oval, with a uniform yellow color without a pattern. Approximate weight melon is 1.5–2 kilograms.

Cinderella fruits have a very attractive appearance

The pulp stands out for its significant thickness. It has a light cream color, tender, juicy and crispy in taste.

Interesting facts about the Cinderella variety:

  • It can be grown in a greenhouse, seedlings or in open ground;
  • Resistant to a large number diseases, pests, as well as temperature changes;
  • It can be consumed fresh or used to prepare various sweet dishes and desserts.

This melon will become a desirable plant in any garden. It ripens by the beginning of August, during which time it can be found in the markets of all regions of Russia.


Most lovers of agricultural crops know that the sweet, aromatic and juicy variety “Torpeda” ripens in late summer.

The product is grown mainly in Central Asia and can be easily transported, which explains its huge supplies to Russia. This melon is famous for its taste and is sold at markets, fairs, and supermarkets.

Most lovers of agricultural crops know that the sweet, aromatic and juicy variety “Torpedo” ripens in late summer.

The shape of the fruit has a characteristic oblong shape, reflected in the name of the variety. The length of the vegetables is 35–45 centimeters and the weight is 5–10 kilograms.

Skin yellow color covered with a fine network of veins. When chewing the pulp, you can detect aromatic notes of vanilla, pear and pineapple.

The inflorescence is included in the category of southern and heat-loving crops, therefore in the central European part of Russia it is recommended to cultivate it in a glassed greenhouse or greenhouse. The variety belongs to the late-ripening varieties of melon, the fruits of which become ready for consumption after 85–95 days.


The birthplace of this group cultivated plants Krasnodar is considered. They were classified as inflorescences of medium ripening time. The period from the appearance of seedlings to the readiness of the fruit is 70–85 days. Agricultural producers harvest this melon in mid-August.

Golden melon is known for its abundant and consistent yields. With proper care, it is possible to get more than a hundred centners per hectare.

The fruits of the plant stand out for their round, elongated shape, with a poorly defined network. Their surface is smooth with a predominance of yellow-orange shades and a complete absence of patterns. Melons reach a weight of 1.5–2 kilograms.

Melon "Golden" is known for its abundant and fixed yields

Under the thick skin hides very juicy and tender pulp, colored... White color. When chewing it, you can feel the dense and thick structure of the melon.

The variety is widespread and also approved for use in the North Caucasus and Lower Volga regions since 1979. The fruits of this melon culture can be found on market shelves and in some stores specializing in the sale of fruits and vegetables.


This is a hybrid that was originally bred for industrial cultivation very early ripening fruits for sale. However, after some time, this variety was especially loved by gardeners for its resistance to changing weather conditions and rapid crop reproduction.

The fruits of “Caramel” are ellipsoidal in shape and weigh up to 3 kilograms. Melons are covered with a bright yellow skin with a large white mesh and thick skin. They are fully ripened by the end of July and from then on can be ready for sale.

The subcutaneous part of the vegetable is almost completely white. When chewing it, you can clearly detect the rich taste of caramel.

The fruits of “Caramel” are ellipsoidal in shape, weighing up to 3 kilograms

Approximately 60–65 days should pass from full germination to the first harvest of fruits. This variety is included in the State Register for the North Caucasus region and is actively grown there.

Interesting facts about the Caramel variety:

  • Watering the crop is done no more than once a week;
  • Resistant to many diseases, especially fusarium;
  • Accepts fertilizers exclusively in diluted form, and not in their concentrated counterparts.

At proper cultivation Gardeners will receive a delicious melon that exudes a pleasant aroma and has a marketable appearance. You can find this product both in Russia and Ukraine. It is sold in markets and has a modest price compared to other varieties.


It was bred by Russian breeders and included in the State Register in 2013. This variety tolerates heat without noticeable complications and is not susceptible to the formation of yellow burns on the rind, which distinguishes it from many of its fellows.

Melon "Ethiopian" is attributed to mid-season varieties and requires the first harvest of fruits after 80–90 days. The goods usually ripen by mid-August.

The bush of the plant looks very compact, and its unique property is self-pollination. Thanks to this, all the melon flowers are set.

Melon "Ethiopka" is classified as a mid-season variety and requires the first harvest of fruits after 80–90 days

The fruits of the variety are especially large and weigh about 2.5–3.5 kilograms. They all acquire a dark yellow color pigment.

Under the medium-thick peel lies orange, fragile pulp that melts when chewed. While eating it, you can feel a sharp melon aroma, which promotes appetite and carries some honey shades of smell.

This is a heat-loving variety that is available for cultivation in the Lower Volga region and is especially loved in private farming. The fruits are transported to all corners of Russia and are sold in markets.

Taking into account not particularly picky care requirements, plants of the Pumpkin family have a noticeable healing effect. They are able to lower cholesterol in the blood, cleanse blood vessels and improve the overall biological background of the body.

The most delicious types of melons are mainly preferred in the southern growing regions and require medium ripening periods. Nevertheless, the plant quickly adapts to different soil and climatic conditions and can be grown in any garden.