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» Carved stretch ceilings - everything about them. Carved stretch ceilings: design features. Glossy stretch ceilings

Carved stretch ceilings - everything about them. Carved stretch ceilings: design features. Glossy stretch ceilings

carved stretch ceiling one of the new trends in modern interior design. Almost everyone knows what a suspended ceiling is; many people have them in their apartments, and they serve well for many years. Carved stretch ceilings are a new generation of stretch ceilings that open up new opportunities for creative imagination. The design of a carved stretch ceiling always consists of a combination of two canvases. One canvas is used as a base, or background, and artistic holes are cut out on the second canvas. Both canvases are installed at a short distance from each other (or almost close to each other), creating an interesting visual effect.

Carved stretch ceilings photo

Carved stretch ceilings production

Carved stretch ceilings are made using a special cutting plotter. Automatic cutting using laser allows you to accurately cut all the holes according to the pattern.

The holes may have different sizes and shape, and after time remain unchanged, do not sag or warp even with temperature changes.

Carved suspended ceilings with lighting

Often, a matte material is used for the bottom layer, and a glossy finish is used on the top layers to enhance the illusion of depth, creating a kind of 3D image. To further enhance the impression, light is widely used - more precisely LED backlighting. Using a combination various types lighting can achieve stunning visual effects!

Catalog of carved stretch ceilings

Carved stretch ceilings – fashion trend in interior design.

Today this is one of the most popular ways to decorate a room.

Carved ceilings are practical and durable; they are used both in office decoration and in apartment decoration.

Stretch ceiling: what is it?

Vinyl or textile stretch ceiling fixed to aluminum profile, – the material is durable and easy to handle.

The advantages of this interior element are obvious: installation of the structure is extremely simple, and its functionality is enormous - from an attractive appearance to the possibility of installing a ceiling with bactericidal impregnation.

However, apart from a flat image or photo, nothing else can be applied to a classic stretch fabric.

However, technology does not stand still - at the customer’s request, the coating can be made more voluminous using threads. Using a special apparatus, holes of varying complexity are cut out in the material.

Carved ceilings are installed on two levels, and each one uses different types the canvas is solid and has cutouts.

The distance is calculated according to the customer's requirements, and installation is carried out on double wall profiles, which allows you to fasten the panels end-to-end.

This property is especially valuable in rooms with low ceilings, as it visually expands the space of the room.

The basis of the carved ceiling is PVC film, which acts as a background for the next decorative level.

Properly selected lighting installed behind the base of the carved ceiling adds depth and volume.

The shape of the cut parts can be any - from a rectangle or circle to ornate patterns. Examples of work can be seen in the photo in the article.

Perforated ceiling – The best way reflect your individuality in the interior.

Additional lighting

The production of stylish carved stretch ceilings is a painstaking task.

Before installation begins, a design is developed on a computer - the creation of a drawing is limited only by the customer’s imagination, and even a photograph can be taken as a basis.

Afterwards, the drawing is carefully transferred to film using a laser plotter. In this case, the edges of the holes are melted, but after tension the pattern will not spread.

Then you can begin installation - attach the sheets with an overlap. At the same time, you can fix the carved ceiling with lighting installed behind the perforated canvas.

However, lighting can be of two types - external and more diffused internal.

Lighting attached to carved ceilings creates a 3D effect in the room, and if during installation you use a matte canvas for the base and a glossy one for the perforations, the LED strip will help create a volumetric effect.

The carved ceiling, decorated with LED strips, looks great in any lighting.

If the lamps are not noticeable during the day, then at dusk, after turning on the backlight, the room is radically transformed.

In addition, using LED strips for ceiling decoration has a number of advantages:

  • the tape is quite flexible, so the backlight can be easily given any shape and outline;
  • long service life of diodes - up to 10 years;
  • LED lights - safe material which will not lead to a fire or deformation of the ceiling canvas itself;
  • minimal energy consumption – diodes have low power consumption;
  • LED strip is not inferior to conventional lamps in brightness;
  • due to the small width of the tape (no more than 3 centimeters), after its installation the ceiling level practically does not fall;
  • A variety of colors allows you to create a backlight of any shade - from classic white to deep blue.

Examples of what carved suspended ceilings look like with lighting are presented in the photo in the article.

Let's look at the features of installing such a ceiling.

It is important to securely secure the electrical wiring before starting work:

  1. determine the location of the baguettes in which the canvases will subsequently be secured;
  2. using a laser level, transfer the markings for fasteners to the perimeter of the ceiling;
  3. fasten the canvases in the profiles - first the base one in the internal grooves and the overlapping perforated one;
  4. Remember that when tensioned, the image is slightly deformed, so work with a heat gun during installation with extreme caution.

Pros and cons of carved stretch ceilings

Carved covering – universal method decorating the room. For example, perforations in the shape of butterflies can be placed in a nursery, and fancy geometric patterns will fit perfectly into a high-tech interior.

You can look at the photos presented in the article for various design ideas.

Let's look at the advantages of a carved stretch ceiling:

  1. perforation holes do not deform over time;
  2. the film used for installation allows you to realize any design solution due to the properties of the material;
  3. durable coating is not afraid of water and dirt;
  4. easy cleaning - to add gloss, just wipe the surface with a damp brush;
  5. there is no limitation on the color spectrum - with the help of two layers of the ceiling you can combine both different textures and diametrically different shades, most suitable for general style premises;
  6. The glossy surface visually expands the space of the room and sets a light mood.

Carved stretch ceilings also have disadvantages.

However, there are not many of them:

  1. this ceiling model significantly “eats up” the height of the room and is absolutely not suitable for small apartments, since the perforated level will make the room seem even smaller;
  2. labor-intensive and energy-consuming installation - the material requires skills in working with similar models;
  3. if it happens indoors strong changes temperatures, then a carved stretch ceiling is in no way suitable for such a room - PVC material is not resistant to temperature fluctuations.

So, a stretch carved ceiling will help to add a “zest” to the interior and make it bright and modern.

You can install it yourself, but if you want to get a guaranteed result, it is better to contact trusted specialists.

Today, installing suspended ceilings is one of the most popular solutions in interior design. Stretch ceiling allows you to as soon as possible hide all visible defects concrete base ceiling, various communications or differences between slabs. A huge variety of colors and textures allow us to satisfy the wishes of even the most demanding customers.

Types of suspended ceilings:

  1. Matte. Distinctive feature Such suspended ceilings are characterized by the complete absence of glare on them. The matte surface ensures that objects in the room are not reflected, but at the same time allows the light in the room to be evenly distributed. Externally, a matte stretch ceiling is practically indistinguishable from a painted one, which for most clients is important criterion choice.
  1. Glossy. Glossy surface is able to bring a touch of modernism to any interior, making it spectacular and memorable. In most cases, a shiny canvas tends to reflect the interior, which creates a feeling of expanding space. The smooth surface diffuses light throughout the room very advantageously, its shine looks very modern and futuristic.
  1. Satin. Their main distinctive feature is a unique interweaving of fibers, which makes them outwardly indistinguishable from the fabric of the same name. Visually, such ceilings are more expressive than matte ones, and softer and more delicate than glossy ones. They are made from polyvinyl chloride composition. Depending on the lighting, the canvas changes its visual properties.

Depending on your goals, our consultants can help you choose the most suitable suitable option. Our company sells suspended ceilings in Moscow inexpensively for a long time and has proven itself in the market. Thanks to the use latest technologies It became possible to produce inexpensive but very high-quality canvases. Gone are the days when only people with above average income could afford a suspended ceiling. You can also buy suspended ceilings cheaply on our website.

Before making a choice in favor of any material, check out photographs of existing interiors. The scope of application of tension structures is limited only by your imagination. Almost any type of canvas is suitable for photo printing or hand painted. The ceiling can be made multi-level, play with various types lighting and backlighting. Stretch ceilings, photos of which are presented on our website, have a huge number of advantages that you may not have even imagined. It's beautiful, fast, safe and durable. You can order a suspended ceiling in just a few clicks or by phone. Our operators will be happy to answer all your questions, help you make a decision and calculate the exact cost.

Installation of suspended ceilings is carried out by our specialists in the shortest possible time. After installation there is practically no dirt left, except small amount construction dust. We cooperate only with the best masters, which means that your ceiling will be installed quickly and very efficiently, and will then delight you with its impeccable appearance for many years to come.

Our company offers only products High Quality at attractive prices. We value our reputation, so we offer an individual approach in each individual case. By cooperating with us, you can be sure of the quality and optimal cost of services. You choose the color, material, and leave the rest of the work to our professionals. By ordering a suspended ceiling on our website, you will definitely be satisfied with the service and the results of our work.

Carved ceilings are a tension structure consisting of 2 or more panels, one of which has decorative holes. Patterns, images, shapes and other artistic cuts are made through the use of laser technology. The ceiling panels are connected at one or different levels, due to which design ideas can be realized.

Features of the design of a carved stretch ceiling

Carved stretch ceilings consist of several layers, each of which is stretched towards each other in a parallel position. In this case, the canvases can be different colors and textures. As a rule, a color film is used for the first layer, the second and subsequent ones - pastel shades. To create a custom image for a client, the pattern is modeled on a computer and then transferred to film.

For the manufacture of perforations uses modern equipment- laser plotter. Thanks to this technology, the cut of the canvas looks slightly melted in appearance. But at the same time it has a uniform structure and a completed appearance. This approach allows you to maintain the integrity of the canvas even while stretching the ceiling.

It is noteworthy that, unlike traditional paintings, the carved ceiling does not sag over time.

Artistic perforation is selected according to customer preferences. Therefore, it can be of almost any diameter and shape. The cutouts are arranged both chaotically and symmetrically. However, the following are in high demand:

  • large holes;
  • graphic ornament;
  • mirror or asymmetrical composition;
  • imitation of figures.

The buyer can develop his own design or choose from a photo from a catalog of carved ceilings. You can also get information on the company’s website about how much an interior solution costs.

Note: Often, in the production of carved canvases, materials with a matte surface are used. A glossy sheen is used for the top layer. This is due to the fact that the mirror reflection of the room and pieces of furniture visually expand the space, creating the illusion of depth. In other words, they imitate 3D drawings.

Manufacturers Special attention They focus on fasteners for installing a carved ceiling. They represent a 3D profile. This patented innovation in the field of interior solutions makes it possible to install two panels at the same time. In this case, installation is carried out both of the perforated layer and classic look. At the request of the client, the manufacturer installs carved stretch ceilings on standard baguettes. However, in this case the canvas will be arranged sequentially.

Lighting for perforated holes in carved ceilings

For carved tensile structures, lighting is used in two versions - external or internal translucent. Installing a perforated sheet allows you to choose different options:

  • carved suspended ceilings with a chandelier in a classic style;
  • with backlighting from diodes to create a multi-color image.

Built-in lighting transform the decor of the room, creating a cozy or festive atmosphere. Properly selected lighting, coupled with cut-out elements on the ceiling, allow designers to implement exclusive, non-standard and sophisticated solutions.

Note: in order to create a three-dimensional image LED backlight It is recommended to place it behind the background canvas or between layers.

For example, when installing an LED strip on one side of the canvas, the gloss on the outside will be reflected with double force, giving the ceiling depth. On the other hand, the light will be refracted and form the selected image in the volume. A similar method is used for the dynamic picture.

Pros and cons of ceilings with perforated holes

The advantageous features of a carved stretch ceiling are:

  • high level of sound insulation;
  • environmentally friendly materials;
  • the coating is antistatic and non-flammable;
  • quick installation;
  • protection from water and moisture;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • long operational period;
  • compatibility with other designs;
  • easy care.

But, despite the numerous advantages, these types of ceilings have disadvantages:

  • It is not recommended to install in rooms with low ceilings, because gain altitude.
  • Low resistance to temperature changes, because PVC film is used in the production process. Therefore, experts do not recommend installing carved ceilings in country houses and other cold rooms.
  • Design features and installation technology require skills from the installer. In view of this, the work is performed by an experienced specialist.

Is it possible to install a carved ceiling with your own hands?

Due to the fact that carved stretch fabrics has high performance indicators, and is also durable and interesting design, service life directly depends on compliance with installation regulations.

Installation of this type of structure requires the master to be able to use special tools and have knowledge of technology from Apply. The fact is that it was this manufacturer who created and patented the product. Accordingly, the company's employees have the appropriate knowledge and skills. Therefore, engaging an amateur in such types of work significantly increases the risk of material damage and harm to health, because the tools involved in installation are toxic.

Important! The consumer has the right to decide on the choice of installation method - professional or independent. As a rule, the choice to install it yourself is caused by the goal of saving budget. However, if routine maintenance is violated, this will lead to double expenses.

One of possible options registration ceiling surface steel carved suspended ceilings, which Lately have become widespread. Thanks to the brightness of the colors, originality and richness, such coatings radically change the appearance of the room.

Stretch ceilings of carved complex shapes consist of two canvases. The first (solid or background) is made in the form of a single-color flat surface from PVC film. Second, it can also be plain, but of a darker or lighter shade, with cut out holes in the form of different geometric shapes - circles, squares, ovals, other designs or ornaments.

At the same time, the shades of different layers of the ceiling are harmoniously combined with each other.

When creating multi-level structures of this type, the pattern on the ceiling is cut out using laser equipment. The layout of the future ceiling is developed in software by designers, and modern technology realizes their ideas. To ensure that laser cutouts do not lose their shape or spread out during installation and operation, they are melted along the edges at the production stage.

To install structures with cut-out elements, standard baguettes are used, which are placed one above the other, or new 3D profiles specially designed for such ceilings. It is worth noting that it is much easier to work with the latter, since they are adapted specifically for these systems, and allow you to fasten two sheets at once - the upper and lower ones with perforations.

Design possibilities

This ceiling is now used in various interiors. Complex ornaments will organically fit into the design of a room made in oriental style, large round holes in the ceiling will emphasize the boldness of the high-tech direction. Symmetrical images look organic if combined with a chandelier in the center of the ceiling, and a variety of spotlights or LED strips It is better to use as a background canvas.

With these solutions you can:

  • Bring to life the most daring design ideas.
  • Create multi-level structures.
  • Make systems with volumetric effects.

Artistic 3D perforation on stretch ceilings is the latest unique way decoration of premises. Their main purpose is to give the space originality and chic. Standard cutouts create miracles that radically change the ceiling surface.

Typically, a similar technique is used in design office premises, but a ceiling that has artistic cutouts can also be installed in an apartment or house. The use of glossy films as coatings will visually increase the space, making it voluminous and airy.

Illumination of perforated patterns

Lighting fixtures can be located both inside the structure and on its outside. Variety of source variations artificial lighting– from classic chandeliers to spotlights, allows you to find suitable solution For visual increase height of the room or its reduction.

The LED strip used to illuminate perforated patterns gives the ceiling bottomlessness and makes it look voluminous.

On a note! The design and decoration of the room with lighting should be carried out at the stage of installation of the tensile structure, since after completion of the work, it will not be possible to change anything.

This is absolutely new development, with the help of which it is possible to create real masterpieces in the design of the ceiling surface.

The traditional APPLY style is represented by a top level of matte or glossy coating with applied printing. Another name is the background layer. The lower level is represented by one or more canvases with decorative cutouts. Through them you can see the background canvas.

In the production of such systems it is used durable material, which will not lose its original properties for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages of carved stretch ceiling

The main advantages of such coatings include:

  • Good sound insulation.
  • Environmental friendliness, antistatic, fire safety.
  • Quick installation. Subject to the right technology In terms of installation, suspended ceilings can be installed in a few hours.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Chemical resistance.
  • Durability.
  • Possibility to combine them with other designs.
  • Easy to care for.

However, carved stretch ceilings also have some disadvantages:

  • They take away the height of the room, so they will look ridiculous in low rooms.
  • They are afraid of sudden temperature changes, since PVC film sheets are used to create such structures.
  • Design complexity and labor intensity technological process installations require certain skills, so it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

Before installation begins, it is necessary to properly secure all communication elements, install the necessary lighting, and mark out the places where the profiles will be attached. First, the distance from the rough ceiling surface to the level at which the canvas will be installed is determined. With help laser level a horizontal line is drawn along the perimeter of the room.

Features of the installation of tension structures of this type are the use of four types of profiles:

  • H-shaped products. Perfect option in those rooms where high ceilings, and the loss of a few centimeters of height is not of fundamental importance.
  • APPLY 05 with a height of 3 cm. B in this case the canvases will be located at the closest possible distance from each other - only 5 mm.
  • APPLY 0 – the canvases are attached tightly. The room will lose only 3 cm of height.
  • APPLY 40 – the distance between the fastening elements is 4 cm. It is better to install such apply profiles in high, spacious rooms, since the loss of height will be up to 12 cm.

First, the top sheets are attached, serving as the main background. A carved canvas with perforations is fixed in the groove closest to the wall. Next, the installation is carried out in the usual way, by heating the surface with a heat gun.

When installing a suspended ceiling, we must not forget about two main points:

  • If you want to reproduce carved canvases with geometric shapes, having correct form, you need to take into account that they are slightly deformed due to the tension of the canvas.
  • It is better if any holes are of irregular geometric shape.

Modern carvings are very popular today. Technologies used for cutting holes, so that the elements are even, introduce all large quantity manufacturers of suspended ceilings. Try installing a carved ceiling in your home and your rooms will sparkle with new colors.

Installation of carved stretch ceiling video