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» DIY garden barbecue oven. Making barbecues and barbecues from brick: drawings, diagrams, procedures. Foundation for a brick barbecue oven

DIY garden barbecue oven. Making barbecues and barbecues from brick: drawings, diagrams, procedures. Foundation for a brick barbecue oven

On a summer cottage. As a result, picnics and various gatherings with friends will become much more enjoyable. In addition, such a structure will fit perfectly into any garden interior. Before you get started, you need to read the step-by-step instructions, which will give you an idea of ​​how you can make a brick barbecue with your own hands.

Preparatory stage

On initial stage It is important to make drawings of the future design. The advantage of a competent drawing is that it will not only allow the owner to do the job correctly, but will also provide the opportunity to calculate the amount of building materials.

Since there is no universal drawing on how to build a barbecue, you can draw it yourself or use the diagrams located at the end of the article.

Nuances of the drawing

  • The height of the grill must be at least 70 cm. This parameter depends on individual characteristics the owner who will cook on it.
  • The oven must be placed 10 cm below the grill level.
  • When designing a structure, it is important to take into account all the little details so that later it will be convenient to work. For example, where it will be possible to place tongs and coals.

Choosing a place

In order for a brick barbecue to perfectly harmonize with the interior of the site and be fireproof, it is important to carefully consider the place for its construction.

  • There should be no dry branches or old trees in the area near the structure that could be subject to fire.
  • The stove should be located away from outbuildings.
  • It is important to take into account the direction of the wind during construction - it should not blow towards the buildings located on the site.
  • It is not recommended to build a stove near playgrounds, greenhouses and gazebos.

Laying the foundation

You can give preference inexpensive option and use a strip monolithic foundation for the barbecue. At the same time, there is no need to deepen it.

  1. Having outlined the boundaries of the structure under construction, you need to dig a trench according to the markings, up to 40 cm deep.
  2. The bottom of the trench is filled with a mixture of sand and crushed stone. It needs to be watered and compacted.
  3. Now you need to lay the reinforcement bars in the form of a grid.
  4. Formwork is manufactured and installed.
  5. Concrete is poured.
  6. All you have to do is wait until the concrete sets.

After the concrete has dried, the foundation must be covered with roofing felt, which will serve as waterproofing.

Construction of the structure

Choosing a brick

Before making such a structure, you should purchase the required quantity of facing and refractory bricks. Among various types Materials should be given preference to fireclay bricks, from which stoves are built. It can withstand high temperatures perfectly.

How to make a solution

Prepare a solution using red clay, sand, water and cement. The required amount of clay is poured with water in advance and allowed to stand for about five days. Mix the clay with water until it becomes homogeneous. Afterwards you need to pour a little sand and cement into the solution (you can use the M200 brand, at the rate of 1 liter jar per bucket of solution). Mix everything thoroughly.

Clay is an important component when laying fireclay bricks. A solution is made from it. To clad the structure you will need a cement-sand mortar.

To lay a thousand bricks you will need 3 buckets of clay mortar. To increase the strength of the clay, you can add ½ cup of regular salt per glass of the finished mixture. An alternative would be 0.5 kg of cement per bucket of mortar. Ready solution should look like thick homemade sour cream and fit perfectly onto the brick.

Step by step instructions

To understand , how to make a barbecue, you need to follow the recommendations of experts.

We build a pedestal, oven and firebox

Ideally, the pedestal should accommodate a woodpile that would hold enough firewood for at least three fireboxes. For work you will need facing bricks.

After the previous stage of work has been completed, you can begin building the stove. The work is easy to do. It is worth remembering that in conclusion you need to make facing masonry.

It is very important to take breaks every 4 rows so that the walls dry out a little and the brick does not move.

To build an arch, you need to make a template from durable plywood that would support the structure. If you want to build an opening rectangular shape, place the lintel from the corner on the last row of bricks. Next, the laying is carried out along the entire perimeter. It is important to remember that the vault of the arch must contain a central brick, the function of which is to provide load-bearing capacity designs.

The height of a wall with an arched opening can reach 80 cm.

About the pipe

For construction chimney use fireclay bricks and clay mortar. You need to make a valve inside the pipe. During the process of laying bricks, the sides of the firebox are gradually shortened. For each subsequent row of the back and front walls, the length should be reduced by a quarter of a brick. In this case, the side side is reduced by half the width of the brick. Having formed a pipe, you need to lay it out directly in 12–15 rows.

You need to let the masonry harden. Finally, the barbecue pit is lined.


Watch a video about building a brick barbecue.

The grill is one of the required attributes summer holiday. If space and budget allow, it is quite possible to arrange it in your own summer cottage. These days there are many detailed instructions, which describes step by step how to make a brick grill on your own.

Yes, you can just buy a ready-made barbecue for your dacha, but there is something attractive in plans to build such a barbecue out of brick with your own hands. A country barbecue is not only a gathering place for the whole family and interesting element country house design.

Advantages of a brick grill (barbecue)

  1. It is possible to cook not only meat, but also other products. For example, fish, various seafood, vegetables, poultry, even sweets.
  2. Larger dimensions and a round (usually) shape of the roaster + back wall contribute to a more uniform distribution of heat over the entire area.
  3. Products are not strung on skewers, but placed on a grid, and you can change its position in height, thereby choosing the optimal mode.
  4. Heat can be obtained not only from burning wood or coal, but also from other heat sources.
  5. Existence of a hood.
  6. In some cases, a temperature indicator is installed, which provides additional convenience in cooking.
  7. It is not necessary to marinate the meat before cooking.

Choosing a place to install the barbecue and its dimensions

This is where you need to start. On several hundred square meters, when literally every “inch of land” is accessible, making a choice is not so easy. But the drawing of the barbecue is drawn up based on the size of the segment on which the stove will be built.

What is taken into account:

  • The barbecue should not become a hindrance to the daily work process at the dacha.
  • It is advisable to place the stove so that the prevailing wind blows the smoke away from the house.
  • There should be a main pipe near this place.
  • It is hardly advisable to bring a full-fledged water supply line to the object, and even pull it through the site.
  • To prevent the vagaries of the weather from becoming an obstacle when preparing barbecue, it is advisable to erect at least a light canopy over the barbecue.
  • Therefore, there should be no tall bushes or fruit trees nearby.
  • And if we take into account that the heat from the stove will not have the best effect on them, then the need for some distance from the vegetation becomes even more obvious.
  • In addition to the barbecue itself, it is advisable to equip this area with a storage area for firewood, as well as place a small table and at least a couple of benches (as an option).

It will be equally important to consider the following:

  • The ground surface must be flat;
  • It is advisable to place a barbecue area near the kitchen. This will make it easier, if necessary, to equip the cooking area with light or water.

When building a barbecue, it is better to decide in advance where you will cook the meat, serve it and wash the dishes.

The grill is a source of open fire. Its location should be at a sufficient distance from buildings, especially flammable ones, as well as from trees and bushes.


List of tools needed for construction brick barbecue:

  • measuring tape,
  • as a rule,
  • wheelbarrow,
  • chalk,
  • bayonet,
  • sledgehammer,
  • pitchfork,
  • shovel,
  • bucket,
  • trowel for laying mortar and jointing,
  • jigsaw,
  • pick,
  • chisel,
  • rubber and carpenter's hammers,
  • level,
  • saw.

Selection of bricks for the barbecue

The operation of a brick barbecue is very different from the use of other buildings.

Construction of a brick barbecue

Therefore, when selecting bricks, it is necessary to take into account the following conditions:

  1. High temperatures. When burning some types of wood, the temperature can reach 1000 °C or higher.
  2. Sudden temperature changes. Behind a short time the brick heats up to high temperatures and then cools down very quickly.

Attention! For regular red or sand-lime brick It is simply impossible to maintain such a regime. The result will be rapid destruction, manifested in the appearance of cracks.

Some types of refractory bricks are designed to withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures, e.g. industrial ovens, but are not able to withstand sudden heating and cooling. The consequence of its use will also be rapid destruction.

Therefore it is better to use red kiln brick. It is calculated specifically for significant changes thermal regime, and can last a long time without destruction.

Preparatory work

Foundation for a brick barbecue

For a barbecue in the country, given that it is made of brick, the most rational decision There will be a slab base. Firstly, strength and stability of the structure are ensured. Secondly, you won’t have to carry out extensive excavation work, which for a habitable summer cottage highly undesirable.

To begin, mark out the area prepared for the foundation. To do this, you can use twine and pegs (its size should correspond to the area of ​​the barbecue in the drawing).

Then you need to dig a hole in the designated place (a depth of 30 cm will be sufficient). In the resulting pit you need to install formwork. The bonding solution will be placed in it. This mixture is prepared from sand and cement in a ratio of 3 to 1.

The base of a brick barbecue must be reinforced. For such purposes, both reinforcing bars and reinforcing mesh are used. The rods must be placed in the base after filling half of the prepared volume of the foundation.

In the case of a mesh, it will have to be laid twice. The lower part of the foundation needs to be filled with approximately one third of the solution, lay a mesh on top of it, fill another third and lay the next reinforcing layer. Then simply fill the foundation to the required height.

Laying a brick grill

To make brick walls look neat and even, it is recommended to first lay the first row of material without mortar. On the foundation, you can mark guidelines for the location of all subsequent rows in the masonry.

The brick grill should be laid out in a checkerboard pattern, i.e. the next row will always be shifted by half a brick block in relation to the previous one.

Before laying bricks, you must ensure that the foundation is sufficiently hardened. To be sure, it is better to wait a few days before starting work.

Masonry mortar

For laying the barbecue, two types of mortar are used:

Standard building mixture for places not in direct contact with fire. Depending on the brand of cement, the amount of sand is calculated:

  • for M25, a proportion of 5 parts sand to 1 part cement is used;
  • for M50 – 4 to 1;
  • for M75 – 3 to 1.

Fireclay clay is used for laying the firebox itself. This fireproof material can withstand high temperatures. In building materials stores it can be found under the name “kaolin”.

Laying process

The procedure for laying bricks directly depends on the order of your chosen design/drawing of the barbecue, which must be strictly adhered to, so below we will only indicate general rules and tips:

  • Carefully lay the bricks of the initial row.
  • You need to start laying out the row from the corner, and only then fill the side walls.
  • The width of the spaces between the bricks is 1 cm.
  • Maintain the correct angles and level of masonry.
  • The solution for the first row should be thick.
  • The bricks of the next row necessarily overlap the seams of the previous row.
  • When laying out subsequent rows, do not forget to check the corners of the masonry for verticality.
  • Every third seam must be reinforced with mesh or steel rods.

Roasting rack

For the base under the roasting pan, it is necessary to place metal corners or reinforcing bars between the opposite walls.

The base of the firebox made of bricks is laid out on them. For us, this role is played by a metal pallet. The main condition is that the firebox is easily cleaned of ash.

In the area of ​​the firebox, it is necessary to leave side gaps unfilled with mortar. brickwork. This will ensure air enters the chamber. After all, without an influx of oxygen, the combustion process of fuel is impossible.

The base for the brazier is placed in the space between the walls of the structure. To do this, metal rods or corners can be placed between them, on which the material will be laid out. brick base. As an alternative, you can use a tray made of thick metal sheet.

Chimney for barbecue

The simplest option is to install a metal box shaped like a cone, tapering upward.

It is more difficult to make a brick chimney; practical experience is needed here. It is enough just to note that it is necessary to correctly calculate its height.

For the construction of the firebox and chimney, only refractory bricks are used.

Working surface

For greater ease of use of a brick grill, build a special one directly next to it. work area. The tabletop should be in harmony with general view the resulting stove and be convenient to use. You can take durable floor or paving tiles.

It is important for the work surface that it is durable and easy to clean.


Calculation of materials for building a barbecue made of bricks (for example)

The grill, built according to the proposed drawing, is used for preparing dishes of any cuisine: Russian, European, oriental. You can cook in it - smoke, fry, bake, boil - for large quantity eaters.


  • Brick - 1850 pcs. (without pipe)
  • Clay - 1 m³ sand - 2 m³
  • Rod ∅ 14 mm - 2.2 m
  • Strip steel 50x5 - 1.2 m
  • Sheet steel S=5 mm - 1.5 m²
  • Water and gas pipe 1/2″ - 0.4 m
  • Steel corner 100x100 - 2.9 m

Furnace appliances:

  • Grate 415x260 - 7 pcs.
  • Ash pan door 270x130 - 3 pcs.

You shouldn’t start cooking kebabs right away. . A newly built barbecue, as well as any other oven, must be preheated. This means that for at least a couple of days it is heated idle, that is, in a gentle mode, with a small addition of firewood. And only after such a kind of “break-in” can the structure be used for its intended purpose, that is, to cook kebabs.

Drawings of brick barbecues with order

When preparing the article, materials from the sites were used:

Are you ready to build a brick grill?

  • Yes, but haven't chosen a design yet
  • Yes, sure!
  • No, it's too difficult
  • Yes, but haven't chosen a design yet
  • Yes, sure!
  • No, it's too difficult

How to make a brick grill with your own hands: photos, diagrams, drawings and videos

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Brick grill: drawings, photos, videos. Instructions on how to make it simple

DIY brick grill: drawings and photos, step-by-step instructions

DIY brick grill: drawings and photos step by step instructions

Do-it-yourself brick grill: drawings, photos, how to make one

We make a grill and a barbecue with our own hands from bricks. Simplest

DIY brick grill step by step instructions with photos

Do-it-yourself brick grill - how to make it (photos, diagrams)

How to build a brick grill reliably and inexpensively

Brick barbecue drawings and photographs

Brick BBQ, drawings and photographs, a simple compact design that can also be used for cooking as an oven.

Let's look at the sectional design of the barbecue shown in the figure.

  1. Kiln red brick, mm, 65x120x250 – 392 (pieces).
  2. Door, mm, 250x140 – 1 (piece).
  3. Cleaning door, mm, 140x140 – 1 (piece).
  4. Grating, mm, 252x300 – 1 (piece).
  5. Door, mm, 250x210 – 1 (piece).
  6. Cast iron stove stove (panel), mm, 710x410 – 1 (piece).
  7. Smoke damper, mm, 192x340 – 1 (piece).

The figure shows a drawing of a barbecue with overall dimensions.

The presented stove design can be placed under a canopy on the street or inside a small room.

It is intended:

  • for heating the room
  • for cooking in dishes (frying pan, cast iron, saucepan)
  • for cooking on coals (skewers, grill)

The height of the stove slab from the floor level is adjusted by the height of the monolithic foundation above the floor level.

Barbecue masonry designed by E.Ya. Kolomakina.

1. Order.
2. Installation of a blower door and a door for cleaning the smoke duct.
3. Order.
4. Grooves are cut into the bricks into which the grate is mounted.
5. Order.
6. Installation of the combustion door.
7, 8. Order.


When laying a stove, it is necessary to tie up the bricks.
After each row, we lay a strip of square galvanized metal mesh: width 100 (mm); cell 20x20 (mm); wire Ø 2 (mm).
The width of the cut groove in the brick for installing the stove and grate is five millimeters larger than their outer dimensions.

9. Order..
10. Grooves are cut into the bricks into which the cast iron stove plate is mounted.
11. Laying the vault. On the second row of the arch with inside, grooves are cut in the bricks to install the support tube.
12. Cut out the support grooves.
13, 14, 15, 16. Order.

17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Order.
24. Grooves are cut into the bricks into which the smoke damper is mounted.

Rows 25 and 26 complete the laying of the stove.

The photo shows a brick barbecue oven designed by E.Ya. Kolomakina.

DIY brick barbecue

For many city residents, holidays at the dacha are inevitably associated with a fragrant meal at fresh air. A few hours in nature will definitely whet your appetite. But it will be even larger, and the taste of freshly prepared meat dish It's even better if you cook it yourself on your own barbecue. Well, let's figure out how to make it ourselves.

Features of building a barbecue on a summer cottage

To become the owner of your own simple brick barbecue, you don’t always need to call on professionals for help. Even intellectual workers can make this simple device with their own hands - the procedure is so simple and labor intensive.

However, before starting practical actions, it would be nice to indulge in a little reflection. This is how you can imagine the appearance of the future structure, the presence of accompanying elements of equipment, and, of course, the upcoming location of the barbecue.

An important point in such planning is the choice of material. And, based on the practical experience of many owners of such culinary facilities, the best material named brick.

Choosing an area for a barbecue

The location of the future structure should be chosen based on two motives:

  • Conditions for comfortable use
  • Safety requirements for handling open flames

It is advisable to locate a gazebo with a barbecue not too far from the house, since you will have to get water and ingredients from there. At the same time, too close a location risks the fact that sparks from the barbecue can reach highly flammable cladding materials of a residential building.

It is advisable that there are no decorative and garden plantings, as well as outbuildings and structures for animals near the location.

The integrated barbecue area should be spacious to provide a small area for eating and relaxing. When choosing a location, you need to pay attention to the prevailing winds in the area and place the structure in a place where gusts of wind are insignificant.

Choosing a building format

Depending on the dimensions, location conditions and your own preferences, the shape of the main structure of a brick barbecue for a summer house can have several types of configuration:

  • Round
  • Hexagon
  • Rectangular
  • Square
  • Triangular

And depending on the chosen shape, you will have to select the required amount of brick, as well as related materials to build a barbecue.

What else you need to consider before starting to build a barbecue

In addition to the described conditions and possibilities, before building the structure, you need to think about some nuances.

The style of barbecue can be varied, but ideally it should be combined with the style of a country house.

At the same time, there are no design requirements and the decision regarding design depends entirely on the owner of the summer cottage.

In addition, you need to take into account the need to build a gazebo or at least a light canopy. Particular attention should be paid to additional structural elements - sink, countertop, oven or smoking compartment.

With engineering precision, it is advisable to think through the placement of a brazier, grates and skewers in a brick barbecue design. To ensure safety, a special tray must be installed under the fryer grates to collect burnt-out fuel residues.

Preparing materials for barbecue

The main building component of this structure is brick.

In the process of laying a brick barbecue with your own hands, you will have to use two types of bricks, one of which is intended for facing masonry, and the second is used to lay out the barbecue frame itself.

So, how to build a brick barbecue with your own hands? For construction you will need two categories of basic material:

  • Fire brick
  • Clinker brick

At the same time, it is necessary to stock up on cement, sand, gravel, clay - these are bulk materials.

Important! Bulk materials will be needed to fill the foundation and prepare working solutions. And you need to remember that the clay mortar will be used for masonry inner surface barbecue ovens, as well as a chimney. Cement mortar will be used for the foundation base and facing works with clinker bricks.

Along with this you need to prepare:

  • Board for formwork construction
  • Metal grate for grilling
  • Waterproofing materials
  • Chimney pipe with valve
  • Metal mesh for the foundation

At the same time as the materials, you need to prepare the tools - you only need a few of them.

How to properly lay out a brick grill?

Your working arsenal should include a shovel, a trowel, a bucket for mortar, and, if possible, a mortar mixer and a grinder for cutting facing bricks.

Foundation structure

Like any construction, we build a barbecue from bricks from the foundation.

Foundation type - slab.

A depression of up to 300 mm in size is made on the prepared surface, at the bottom of which sand is placed to construct a cushion. Crushed stone is poured over it small fraction and lies down metal grid. The resulting base layer is filled with concrete mixture.

Until complete drying, which will be completed in 5-6 days, work on the site stops.

Construction of a barbecue

So, the foundation is ready, now let's figure out how to make a brick barbecue with your own hands. The stage begins with the direct construction of a brick barbecue oven. Depending on the configuration and type of construction, it is possible various nuances in the furnace project. But, nevertheless, with any type of it, you will have to perform some general elements.

First, it is placed in place waterproofing material. The first stage of construction is laid on it using ordinary bricks. A place is immediately made for storing a small supply of firewood - a woodpile. To make it, you can lay one brick.


In the process of constructing these structural elements of a brick corner barbecue, you should remember the plans of the drafted project, which includes the availability of additional funds.

If necessary, ovens, spits and other attributes must be firmly installed during the process of laying the furnace firebox and its wall surfaces. If you have a sink, it is advisable to leave space near the stove pedestal for a drainage system.

BBQ grill

During this stage, a metal grate is placed between the firebox and the collection of burnt-out residues. A sheet of metal with a thickness of at least 5 mm can also be used.

The sheets should be placed approximately on the fifth row of masonry.

To ensure strength after the fifth row of masonry cement mortar lay metal rods with a cross-section of at least 3-5 mm, or narrow metal plates of similar thickness. They should protrude 75-80 mm beyond the masonry.

After the mortar hardens and the next rows are laid, these protruding elements will serve as support for the slab or grate.

Something to remember! When building a brick barbecue oven with your own hands, you need to stick to small sizes, since a structure that is too high may have weak draft, which will constantly lead to smoke.

After completing the first tier of construction, the shape of the stove begins to narrow, gradually turning into a chimney.

After several rows of the chimney structure, a pipe is installed on top and strengthened with cement mortar.

The outer part of the wall surfaces of the barbecue is laid out with clinker bricks, and can also be used decorative brick or tiles for cladding.

During the stage of external masonry external forms of the furnace are constructed in the form of openings different forms and arches.

Final work

After finishing the laying and installation of the pipe and additional elements barbecue design, you need to give the structure an aesthetic appearance. To do this, you need to clear the seams between the brick rows from the influx of mortar, make and install seats and a table. If provided for by the project, you need to build a canopy.

Video on how to build a brick barbecue with your own hands

We build a brick barbecue for the dacha: from choosing a design to decorating the finished stove

As a rule, many people like to relax at the dacha, and what would a vacation be without delicious barbecue!

Do-it-yourself brick barbecue oven: drawings and order

To prepare such a dish you need a certain place. BBQ is perfect for this! If you don’t have this device, you can make it yourself. For design DIY barbecue makers materials that are resistant to fire are needed. These are bricks or metal surfaces.

Properties of barbecue materials used

Make brick barbecue won't be difficult. The main thing is to choose quality brick and make the right solution. An excellent choice would be ceramic brick, which is slightly different from cladding brick in its grainy and rough texture.

However, the brick structure has one drawback: it cannot be moved to another place. This can only be done using special equipment.

Metal barbecue maker also does not require special effort for the manufacture of. You need to choose a metal that fits the shape, and welding is not useful for processing the structure.

It is worth noting that over time the metal rusts and corrodes due to temperature changes, but it is quite light in weight, the barbecue can be moved to another place.

DIY brick barbecue

Detailed instructions for making a barbecue can be found on the Internet or you can ask a master stove maker. It is important to design the structure correctly. It is necessary that the emanating smoke be directed vertically and not create inconvenience during cooking. To do this, you should follow the rules when forming a combustion chamber, use 3 components:

  • brick niches;
  • metal shelves, steel plates from an old stove;
  • slabs for the base paving slabs or pouring it in the form of a foundation with formwork and cement.

A brick barbecue is built quickly, look at photos and video examples. The manufacturing process is not complicated; no special tools are required.

During the work week, many people look forward to the weekend to go out of town for fishing or to meet with friends or family. Well, what vacation would be complete without cooking over an open fire or coals.

And to prepare them, you can quickly build devices like a barbecue, but still in modern world It is much more convenient to use stationary facilities: barbecue, grill and barbecue.

Especially if you have Vacation home and a small area.

Of course, you can also purchase portable devices, but if the owner is an experienced person in construction matters, then it will not be difficult for him to build his own creation.

As many have already guessed, our article will focus on one of these devices, namely the barbecue.

A little history

There are several options about the origin of the name. But the most truthful is the ancient Greek version, meaning “foreigner.” In our case, this word “barbarus” meant “barbarian”.

Perhaps the very method of cooking food over fires in caves by wild tribes of nomads created such associations. However, all this has successfully taken root in our area and everyone likes it to this day.

But what are the differences between barbecue, grill and barbecue?

A barbecue is a simple structure made of metal or brick, where coals are placed, and skewers or a grate for food are placed on top.

A grill is a structure made primarily of metal with a closing top. The principle of cooking food is the same as on the grill, only with the lid closed. The grill is equipped with a pipe to release smoke.

A barbecue is a brazier, something between a barbecue and a grill. And it is very reminiscent of wild conditions for roasting meat. Outwardly, it looks like a hearth, open on the front side.

Perhaps the device is not in the form of a hearth, but in the form of a rim around the grate for food, which does not immediately transmit heat to the sides. Varieties of roasting pans are shown in the barbecue photo.

As you can see, all these devices are very similar, and they can be easily converted into each other.

Easy BBQ creation

Anyone can easily create a brick barbecue with their own hands in just 10 minutes. This option for building a barbecue is similar to playing with cubes.

To set it up you need:

  • almost 100 pcs. bricks, depending on the height of the structure;
  • Metal sheet;
  • lattice.

The dimensions of the sheet and the grate should be almost the same, as they determine the size of the frying space.

The diagram of a simple brick barbecue shows in detail the principle of its structure and construction.


Step-by-step instructions on how to make a barbecue

Brick laying is carried out without the use of cement mortar:

  • First, prepare a flat and tightly compacted area, away from trees and dead wood, to avoid fires.
  • Then a circle of flat bricks is laid out on this site with 50 mm gaps between them to allow air to pass through. The diameter of the circle must correspond to the size of the sheet and grate so that they cover this well. The diagram shows that one row consists of 12 bricks.
  • Next, 4 more rows are laid out in a checkerboard pattern.
  • A sheet of metal 2-3 mm thick is placed on top of the fifth; firewood will burn on it, which will turn into coals.
  • The next step is to lay 2 more rows of bricks to form the so-called hearth. But in front you need to leave a gap free from bricks. This is a firebox where you need to throw firewood and stir up the coals.
  • Now you need to place a grate for frying food on the resulting well.
  • On top of the lattice we add 2 more brick rows in a circle, but without gaps. The side will fulfill the main idea of ​​the barbecue. If desired, you can leave a gap in the side so that you can turn the food over if necessary.

This roaster is a great option for the summer season.

But, if you are concerned about the integrity of the structure in your absence, the structure can be easily disassembled and placed in the pantry for storage. It won't be difficult to rebuild it.

How to make metal barbecues with your own hands from other materials

If the owner of the site knows how to work with metal, then he can create a portable barbecue using old barrel made of metal or a gas cylinder.

Detailed drawings for creating such barbecue designs can be found below or on similar Internet sites.

Solid brick barbecue construction

This option is most suitable for respectable owners of mansions and country villas with large adjacent areas who can afford to hire specialists and build a whole barbecue complex.


But simpler people can also afford stationary barbecues, but with smaller sizes.

Having construction skills and knowledge, you can make it yourself.


To determine the location you need to know some rules:

  • Given the rules fire safety, a brick barbecue can be arranged on the terrace or in the gazebo.
  • Do not have a barbecue near the house or as an extension, and absolutely not near garages and outbuildings, this is not fire safe.
  • For reasons of hygiene and convenience, do not place the barbecue near outdoor toilets and drainage pits.
  • The area for the barbecue should be well ventilated.
  • Do not place the barbecue near trees or other vegetation to avoid fire or damage to the plants.
  • When placing a barbecue in a gazebo, position the stove so that its pipe is not close to the roof rafters; optimally, it should be placed in the center.
  • Be sure to provide paths to and around the barbecue for convenience in case of bad weather.
  • Provide the barbecue area with water and electricity. But this is optional.
  • The decor of the barbecue area should fit into the overall design of the site.

For quick and high-quality construction of a barbecue area, you can resort to the help of highly qualified specialists, but this pleasure is not cheap.

Or you can, if you have golden hands and a great desire to build a barbecue with your own hands. Go for it and you will succeed!


DIY barbecue photo

If you often spend time with friends, love meat or fish, then you simply need a brick barbecue. This functional feature will allow you to cook even large pieces of meat, turning them into a delicious, aromatic dish. We invite you to get acquainted with the design features of detailed buildings and the sequence of their construction.

Design and principle of operation of a brick barbecue

Modern complexes usually include more than three fireboxes. Their dimensions are determined at the project development stage. This device makes the barbecue oven multifunctional. A Russian stove with an oven, a brick barbecue, and a smokehouse are provided. There are other possible options. There are three or more channels, which, thanks to the valve system, can be isolated from each other.

The barbecue includes a grate installed 20-25 cm below the level of the side walls. The coal tray is solid, which provides sufficient draft. The coal smolders, so gradual, even cooking occurs. various dishes. The height of the walls ensures the formation of a warm air-smoke cushion, due to which the prepared food acquires a characteristic smoky aroma.

Where is the best place to organize a barbecue area?

When choosing a barbecue location, a number of factors are taken into account. It should be located:

  • away from flammable substances;
  • away from trees;
  • on the leeward side of buildings;
  • far away from .

It is advisable to locate the complex away from the house (at a distance of at least 5 m). At the same time on minimum distance from the kitchen so that the housewife can cook comfortably. It is advisable to pave the complex using either brick. All wooden elements coat with fire retardant.

Types of ready-made brick barbecue kits for a summer residence

Having decided to purchase ready set brick barbecue for the dacha, pay attention to the barbecue oven:

  • "Sadovaya". Suitable for year-round use. Consists of eight elements and steel pipe. Mounted on . With a height of 1.8 m, it has dimensions of 1×0.8 m;
  • "Prestige". Weighs 600 kg. With a height of 2.4 m, it has dimensions of 1.3 × 1.05 m;
  • "Picnic". Weighs 670 kg. Allows installation of a spit. Powered by wood and coal;
  • "Fairy tale". Weight: 500 kg. Only charcoal should be used for cooking. With a height of 2.3 m, it has dimensions of 1.2 × 0.8 m.

Before you buy a brick barbecue, please note that reviews on ready-made designs not always positive.

More details on ForumHouse:

How to choose a brick barbecue design: information relevant when developing a project

Among the many variety of options The most popular barbecues are:

  • barbecue stoves, made with a smoke collector above, through which smoke is removed from the grill;

  • barbecue complexes with wide functionality;

  • barbecue fireplaces.

Complexes are performed angular and frontal. They can have many elements, the need for which in each specific case is determined individually. Judging by the drawings and photographs, the dimensions of a front-type brick barbecue are usually 3.7 × 1.3 m, corner ones - 2.5 × 3 m. Good design may include not only a roasting pan, but also a smokehouse, an area intended for preparing food, various cabinets and much more.

Attention! Choice in favor large complex will allow you to diversify the list of prepared dishes.

Frontal complex with wide functionality

Popular brick barbecue projects for DIY construction

If you decide to make a brick barbecue on your own, projects from already implemented solutions will come in very handy. We invite you to get acquainted with popular options that can be recreated on.

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DIY construction of a brick barbecue oven

When starting to build a brick barbecue oven with your own hands, you need to prepare properly. You will need not only materials and tools, but also precise knowledge of the technology and drawings in accordance with which the work will be carried out. We suggest you figure out how to independently build such a building on your site.

What materials and tools are needed for work: an indicative list

When choosing materials for construction, you need to know which brick to use for a barbecue. You will need red and fireclay. The latter is intended for laying the firebox.

Attention! The required amount of brick depends on the design features and dimensions of the stove being built.

You will also need:

  • furnace casting. The list, dimensions and quantity are determined at the drawing development stage;
  • clay;
  • for the device or the main components for its preparation;
  • reinforcement to increase the strength characteristics of the foundation;
  • Metal sheet;
  • boards for ;
  • waterproofing material;
  • trowel;
  • construction level;
  • for wet cutting of bricks;
  • with suitable circles;
  • hammer with rubber striker;
  • template for a semicircular arch.

How to prepare a drawing for a brick barbecue with your own hands: useful tips

When starting to develop a drawing of a brick barbecue with your own hands, consider the following points:

  • area and strength characteristics of the foundation of the future structure. The foundation must be designed for future operational loads;
  • design features and the height of the future furnace;
  • design features of the roasting pan, skewers and grates;
  • the presence of a canopy or gazebo. If they are available, it will be possible not to depend on weather conditions;
  • presence of additional elements. In addition to the barbecue, you can provide a smokehouse or. They must be present in the drawing;
  • wind protection system;
  • coal storage area;
  • design features.

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Team leader of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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“When starting to develop a drawing of a brick barbecue with your own hands, download for free already ready-made solutions. They can be used as a basis."

Laying the foundation

The service life of a brick barbecue in a gazebo depends on the quality of the base. Work begins with preparing the pit. For this they remove fertile layer and remove the soil to a depth of 20-25 cm.

Attention! The dimensions of the foundation being laid depend on the size and design features of the barbecue. They should be 0.5 m more sizes stoves in all directions.

Illustration Description of action

A fifteen-centimeter layer of medium-fraction crushed stone is poured and compacted onto the leveled bottom of the pit. Pour a small layer of concrete. Let's do it. To do this, we drive the rods at equal distances, and also lay them lengthwise and crosswise, tying them at the intersection point.
We pour concrete to the level of the pit, cover it with a metal sheet on top and leave it for three days. The sheet should be laid on the bricks to prevent its contact with the poured mortar.

We set up the formwork and continue pouring the base.

If you want to learn the sequence yourself, watch this video.

Preparation of clay solution

Dark red clay is selected for laying the stove. It is soaked for a day before preparing the solution and mixed thoroughly every other day. Sand is added to the soaked clay in a ratio of 1:2. To increase plasticity, glue for stoves and fireplaces is added to the composition (about 3% of the volume). The composition is thoroughly mixed. You can start laying.

Step-by-step brick barbecue laying

Arrangement of the firebox and chimney

Heat-resistant bricks are used for the firebox and chimney. The formation of the pipe usually starts from the 18th row. In each of them, a quarter of the brick is removed to narrow the hole. This is done up to the 28th row. should be equipped with a valve.

Attention! Instead of brick, let's install a metal box.

We think you will find the following video with instructions interesting.

External finishing of the barbecue oven

When starting the exterior design, you should coordinate the finishing with the style of the house and other buildings located on the site. All elements of the complex should have a single decor.

How much does it cost to build a turnkey brick barbecue - price review

Not everyone can carry out the entire range of work on their own. But many are interested in the price of a turnkey brick barbecue. Here everything will depend on many factors, including the size of the building and its design features. If you decide to order a brick barbecue, pay attention to average cost popular models.

The dream of every summer resident is to build a gazebo on his property, and install in it a beautiful stove with many functions, such as a barbecue, a brazier, a stove, an oven and others. And I want it and at the same time I’m scared. What if it doesn't work out. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. The most important condition this is the presence of a passionate desire to build a barbecue oven and the availability of the necessary building material for the construction of this furnace.

Any work begins with a project. The easiest thing is to sit down yourself and draw out the order of your future masterpiece on a piece of notebook paper. There is nothing complicated here. The most important thing is to remember a few main conditions:

  1. The height of the combustion chamber is 4 rows of masonry.
  2. The height of the grill is 3 rows of masonry.
  3. The height of the fireplace is 6 rows of masonry.
  4. The casing in which the chimneys are combined occupies three rows of masonry in height.

In addition, the barbecue is installed outdoors, which means there is no need to monitor the correct passage of the chimneys for better heat transfer. It is enough to simply remove the exhaust gases into the pipe. And straighten all chimney passages as much as possible.

The photo above is what we must build as a result of our actions. And the beginning of these actions was once outlined on a piece of paper.

Preparation of materials

The barbecue oven will be located on the street, albeit under a roof, but, nevertheless, it is precisely this fact that makes it necessary to use a brick of a grade no lower than M-250 during its construction. The fact is that sometimes these devices are operated at air temperatures below – 25 degrees, and this is a gigantic “physical stress” for brick structures– rapid heating and then rapid cooling.

The total quantity of this brick, taking into account pipe laying, is 1500 pcs. Fireclay (fireproof) brick is required for use when laying fireboxes and in other places where there is contact with flames from burning wood. This brick can withstand a combustion temperature of 1000 degrees, and an ordinary brick no more than 450 degrees. By the way, you yourself can determine the heating temperature of the body by the color of the heated surface, and decide which brick to use. If the iron bar located at the top point of the flame turns dark red - the temperature is 350 0C, Red - 400 0C, if its color is bright red - 450 - 500 0C, if red turns into a white tint - 550 and higher. Usually this color occurs when air is forced to be pumped into the furnaces of melting crucibles, and if it is dazzling white - 700 0C and above.

As can be seen from these data, ordinary brick will not survive in the furnace for more than several seasons, and if the stove is laid out on the street, then even less. As a solution, we will use an aqueous solution of two types of stove mixture - a regular one for laying walls and a fireproof one for laying fireboxes, barbecues and fireplace walls.

Lay out the barbecue oven

The entire area of ​​the outdoor gazebo will be located on a monolithic concrete slab, reinforced with reinforcing bars. Therefore, it makes no sense to lay out an additional foundation. All we need to do is spread a sheet of roofing material folded in half across the width for waterproofing and start laying.

The linear dimensions of the barbecue are 250 cm long and 80 cm wide.

We lay out the starting row in order to identify deviations in the horizontality of the future furnace design. In the second row we correct errors by leveling with a solution, and in the third row we plan to lay ash pans for the combustion chambers of both the cooking plate and the cauldron.

Furnace work is a rather dirty process, so everything Consumables We keep them on special pallets.

To ensure the normal masonry process, the presence of water is necessary, required quantity stove mixture and necessarily supplied electricity to turn on electrical appliances necessary for construction work.

We will fix the barbecue fittings using oven fastening tape, by laying them in the masonry and securing them with self-tapping screws.

The ash door is installed in place, the bottom row of strips is laid in the order, the top row is straightened and will now be secured.

Simple but very effective method fixing the tape in the masonry. The next rad will fall “in a run-up” and the seam will be covered by the middle of the brick of the next row and the self-tapping screw will be securely pressed into the masonry.

We decided not to make the sides of the barbecue rectangular. They look much more impressive if they are rounded. This process is quite dirty, so it is advisable to do it before starting work, having prepared in advance the required amount of bricks - blanks for corners and other decorative elements.

Pay attention to the corners of the stove - they are lined with rolled ceramic bricks, and to the organization of the ash pan. The corners of the brick are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. This greatly simplifies the natural shedding of ash into the ash pan.

All bricks are cut to size using a ceramic cutting wheel using a grinder, but under no circumstances are they chipped with a pick.

The right ash pan for the combustion chamber is ready. There is a queue for his twin brother - the ash pit for the firebox under the cauldron.

In parallel with the ash pans, niches are laid out for storing firewood and for storing working tools for servicing the barbecue. To make it more decorative, we decided to push ¼ of the brick out.

The grate will be laid on two metal corners placed in grooves - in the front in the masonry seam, and in the back in a special slot.

We carry out shrinkage of bricks only rubber mallet. This tool does not damage the masonry and at the same time gently sets the brick in place.

pay attention to air gap between fireclay and ceramic bricks in the masonry of the combustion chamber. This place is intended for basalt cardboard and reliable thermal insulation against overheating of ceramic bricks. The thickness of basalt cardboard must be at least 5 mm.

We place the basalt cardboard in the groove and then put the grate in place.

The basalt cardboard should be equal in height to the height of the combustion chamber, therefore, so that it does not interfere with the process of raising the walls of the firebox, we slightly press it outward. There is a very high probability of crushing it. Then it will lose its thermal protective properties and will not perform its intended functions.

Next to the firebox for the cauldron we will install a special chamber for obtaining coals for the barbecue. It's iron homemade box in which logs are placed, set on fire and the firebox door restricts the access of air to them, and thus in a simple way producing coals both for the barbecue and for cooking on the cauldron firebox.

The chamber for receiving coal is being fitted.

All doors in the barbecue can be opened with the left hand. Because the right one is much more convenient to use a poker and a scoop. If you are left-handed, then think about this little thing in advance, which can then grow into big problems.

A metal box for coals must be wrapped in basalt cardboard to protect ceramic bricks from contact with it during its operation.

When laying fittings, be sure to measure its verticality using a special building level for furnace work. He has magnetic properties and attaches to iron surfaces, thereby freeing your hands from having to hold it.

The cauldron that we are going to use for preparing various oriental dishes has a volume of 22 liters. It is very large in diameter, so we did not find a ready-made slab with such an opening for it and decided to make the slab ourselves. We took a 10 mm thick metal sheet as a surface, marked it, found the middle and drew a circle with a compass. The easiest way to cut steel of this thickness is using an autogen. To do this, we simply went to an auto repair shop that does body and tin work, and there, in 20 minutes, they cut a hole to our size in the center, as well as along the perimeter of the sheet.

The hob under the cauldron is ready and will withstand all cooking incidents. There is a huge disadvantage - excessively large mass.

It is necessary to install such a massive thing only on masonry that has already set, and as further actions showed, premature operations with its installation led to redoing part of the barbecue masonry.

Let's start laying the firebox for the hob

The main task is to lay fireclay bricks in the internal space of the combustion chamber. In order not to reduce the volume of the firebox, I recommend laying refractory bricks on the edge. This way it will be used less inner space fireboxes and thereby speed up the cooking process.

It started to rain outside, and we covered the newly laid furnace masonry.

We install the door on the firebox and fasten it according to the same principle as the door of the blower, only we do not use twisted wire, but screw the stove fastening tape onto the 8-mm wrench bolts. I especially recommend doing this procedure for the upper door fastenings. They are the ones who experience very high heating temperatures when wood burns.

Despite the desire to quickly complete the construction of a barbecue oven, it is better not to work in the dark. The flaws in the masonry order are not visible.

The next day we began installing the ceiling over the woodshed and a place for tools. If this part of the furnace does not experience thermal loads, then the most best option– this is to use paired metal corners with a cross section of 50 mm. This width allows you to lay the brick so that it protrudes above the edge of the corner and thereby ensures the ability to lay the brick without defects.

We lay the corners in such a way that there is an overlap of at least 5 cm on the masonry on the vertical posts at each corner.

A prerequisite for paired corners is to grab them by welding to each other. During periods of ground movement, there is a possibility that concrete slab can “play” and if the corners are not stuck to each other, then part of the overlap may move out of place, but part will remain. The first row of masonry rests on one corner, the second and third rows rest on two corners, and the last row, just like the first, only on one corner.

It is necessary to adjust the total length of the rows for the ceiling so that the bricks do not protrude beyond the edges of the ceiling. The easiest way to cut the length of a brick is using a cutting wheel. In addition, the outer row of bricks will protrude ¼ of the way, forming a decorative protrusion.

After the ceiling is laid out, we proceed to forming the “hearth” of the barbecue and laying the corner base under the slab for the cauldron.

We lay out “UNDER” the grill using fireclay bricks. Look at the left side of the photo. On the bricks, grooves were drawn with a construction pencil for laying the slab for the cauldron.

We lay the bricks for the slab dry, after marking out the place for the groove, remove them and use a cutting wheel to make a groove 15 mm deep. 10 mm is required for planting a metal plate and 5 mm is required for laying basalt cardboard. After the bricks for the slab are prepared, we lay them on the mortar, lay the basalt cardboard and then, together with a partner, lay the slab itself. Carefully press the slab into the groove with a rubber mallet.

Laying the slab in the groove. It is necessary to lay down with the utmost care, the masonry has not yet set.

We install the cauldron, check the tightness of the installation and then “dry” lay out a row of bricks on the right edge of the slab. We measure the required length of the brick cut for the row. Only after this we lay the row on the solution.

After this procedure is completed, we proceed to laying the back wall of the barbecue. She plays two roles. The first is to impart lateral rigidity to the entire structure, and it is also a kind of screen from prying eyes from the street.

In the same way as we laid the stove for the cauldron, we lay out the hob in the same way.

We raise the walls of the grill. Its width is 30 cm. There will be no open flame, only coals, so it is enough to lay out the “under” of fireclay bricks, and raise the walls from ordinary ceramic bricks. At the same time we lay out the base of the fireplace. All chimneys run along back wall barbecue, it is above the fireplace that they will converge into one chimney.

We lay out the “UNDER” and the walls of the fireplace from fireclay bricks; there will be an open flame here, so this part of the barbecue cannot be made of ceramic bricks.

We lay out the inner walls of the fireplace, placing the brick on edge. The masonry mortar must be made only from a special thermal mixture that can withstand temperature changes.

All wall defects can be corrected directly during the masonry process, but done with the utmost care.

The fireplace cover can be made using metal corner. And then make a strapping for strength.

Do not forget the rule - be sure to lay basalt cardboard between fireclay and ceramic bricks. This required condition longevity of the fireplace.

The fireplace has no upper vault. Its role is played by the masonry tapering on each row (1/4 brick minus). Also, behind the third row of fireclay bricks, chimneys emerge from below and then the air flow goes into the pipe.

The finished barbecue oven is pictured at the beginning of the article. It turned out beautiful and functional!