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» The most popular varieties of tomatoes. The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground with photos and descriptions. Main criteria for tomato varieties

The most popular varieties of tomatoes. The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground with photos and descriptions. Main criteria for tomato varieties

When choosing tomatoes, the best varieties for open ground- low-growing, unpretentious and productive - worth looking for in specialized catalogs. There are both promising new products and tomatoes that have already been tested by gardeners and received positive reviews. Before buying, you can look at the photo and understand what the ripe fruits will look like. According to experienced gardeners, compact standard varieties are unpretentious, tolerate temperature fluctuations and rarely get sick.

When choosing tomatoes for open ground, the size of the plants must be taken into account. Big advantage low-growing tomatoes - compact placement. On a standard bed it will be possible to place more plants, and they will not interfere with each other. The plantings are neat and easy to care for.

When deciding which seeds are suitable for the garden, it is important to pay attention to the photo of tomatoes. Low-growing tomatoes can be large-fruited or very small, round, cylindrical, or pear-shaped. Some tomatoes ripen in clusters or bunches. The most productive varieties and hybrids should be looked for in specialized catalogs, where there are not only photos, but also detailed description with nuances of agricultural technology.

Low-growing tomatoes are often planted in open ground. Their miniature size protects plants from frost, drought and other vagaries of weather. Most varieties do not require tying, pinching or pinching. If desired, you can remove the bottom castings of the tomatoes, providing light access to the ovaries.

Big advantage low-growing varieties tomatoes - disease resistance. Plants are less often affected by late blight and cladosporiosis; they are resistant to viruses, gray rot, root rot or blossom end rot.

Tomato varieties for open ground (video)

The best varieties for open ground

Promising tomatoes for private farmsteads and farms can be found at industry fairs or in catalogs that publish not only descriptions, but also photos of fruits. It is important to buy seeds only from trusted manufacturers who guarantee freshness, high quality and compliance with the declared variety.

  1. Benito. First generation hybrid, productive and cold-resistant. Compact standard bushes with lush greenery are suitable for planting in open beds, but they also feel good under film. Plants are resistant to viruses and late blight and are rarely affected by pests. Tomatoes ripen together, in clusters of 6-8 pieces. From one bush you can remove up to 7 kg of selected fruits. Tomatoes are very tasty, with sweetish elastic pulp and thin skin.
  2. Snow Leopard. Large-fruited mid-season variety Russian selection. Prefers fertile soil. The weight of ripe tomatoes varies from 120-140 g, the color is bright, reddish-orange, the taste is pleasantly sweet with a slight sourness. The variety can be grown in any region; on cold nights the bushes are covered with film. The ripening period is extended, the fruits are harvested before frost.
  3. Volgograd Pink. Low-growing, climate-tolerant tomatoes middle zone Russia. They grow well in any soil, but in fertile soil the fruits are larger. They require minimal care, no pinching is required. The tomatoes are large, beautiful pink in color, with a delicate bright taste and delicate aroma. Suitable for canning and preparing salads.
  4. Tarpan. The first generation hybrid is characterized by high productivity. From 1 m² of plantings you can harvest 10-12 kg of selected tomatoes. It is cold-resistant, but in warm climates the fruits are larger. The hybrid is demanding on soil nutrition and prefers frequent fertilizing. The tomatoes are beautiful, flat-round, warm pink. The taste is richly sweet, the flesh is juicy, sugary at the break.
  5. Betta. Dwarf tomatoes, the height of the bush does not exceed 50 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases and is rarely affected by pests. Suitable for planting in beds or large flowerpots. The fruits are medium-sized, sweet and juicy. During the ripening process, the color changes from light green to rich dark red. The thick but not tough skin makes the tomatoes suitable for canning.
  6. Gift of the Volga region. A promising variety of low-growing tomatoes of Russian selection. The bushes are low, standard type, with a moderate amount of green mass. Tomatoes of the Dar Zavolzhya variety can have red or pink fruits, weight varies from 75 to 140 g. On the lower branches the fruits are larger. The taste is rich, sweetish, the skin of ripe tomatoes is thin and glossy. Large tomatoes are eaten fresh, small ones are ideal for whole-fruit canning.
  7. Japanese Rose. Productive low-growing tomatoes, suitable for growing in open ground, in a greenhouse or under film. The fruits are richly sweet, fleshy, with big amount seeds A low plant strewn with heart-shaped dark pink tomatoes looks very elegant. Children like this variety of tomatoes; they are especially tasty fresh, but are also suitable for making juices.
  8. Cranberries in the Sahara. A variety from Russian breeders, suitable for planting in beds or large pots. The plants are productive, and after the end of the season they can be brought indoors to extend the fruiting period. The tomatoes are medium-sized, very sweet, and ripen with beautiful trusses. The taste is slightly sour, spicy. Tomatoes are good for canning as part of mixed vegetables or baby food.
  9. Torch. Low-growing tomatoes suitable for growing in cool climates. The bushes are very decorative; they expand from the roots to the top, resembling small torches. Ripe tomatoes are tasty, sweetish with a slight sourness, the flesh is dense and sugary.

Open ground tomatoes in Siberia (video)

Growing tomatoes in garden beds: secrets of gardeners

To obtain maximum yield low-growing tomatoes, it is important to choose the right seeds. A tomato grown from material collected 2 years ago will turn out especially successful. Seeds that are too old and have reduced germination should not be used. Before sowing, it is necessary to calibrate and treat with a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. A liquid growth stimulator will help increase survival rate. Early varieties tomatoes are sown in early March or late February, the exact date depends on the region.

Seedlings of low-growing tomato varieties are transplanted into beds in the middle or end of May, when the soil has warmed up sufficiently. The prepared soil can be covered in advance with a film, protecting it from weeds and preserving high level humidity. Before planting, superphosphate, potash fertilizers or birch ash are added to the soil. Old humus or small portion peat How more nutritious soil, the sooner the seedlings begin to grow.

Transplanted bushes need to be watered well. In the future, moisture is added to the soil 2 times a week, the water should be warm. Cold inhibits growth and young plants can shed their ovaries. Caring for low-growing tomato bushes is easy. It is limited to timely watering and application complex fertilizers more than once a month. Too frequent fertilizing stimulates abundant growth of green mass to the detriment of fruit formation. Once a season, you can spray the bushes with an aqueous solution of superphosphate, this will speed up the ripening of tomatoes. Ready-made fertilizers often replaced with diluted mullein or chicken droppings.

Harvesting takes place throughout the summer. To stimulate new ovaries, you don’t have to wait for the tomatoes to fully ripen and pick them green. Varietal tomatoes are suitable for collecting seeds, but hybrid bushes of high quality seed material they won't give it.

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes are an excellent choice for beginning gardeners who have not had time to acquire a greenhouse. Plants develop well in open ground and are not afraid of frost and insect pests. The most productive varieties are unpretentious, caring for them is easy, and you can collect seeds for subsequent planting yourself.

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Every summer resident dreams of a large harvest of tomatoes, but not all varieties can provide such an opportunity. It is necessary to take into account their specific features, including resistance to low temperatures and various diseases. Moreover, find delicious varieties Growing tomatoes is just as difficult as those that do not require complex care.

Instead of letting you rely on luck when choosing tomato varieties, we've put together the most important information, which will dot the i's. In this article you will find everything that will help you grow tasty and large tomatoes in the future.

Before you start choosing tomato varieties, it is very important to decide for what purpose they will be intended. Given their differences in taste and shape, not all tomatoes are suitable for vegetable salads and soups. For this purpose perfect choice there will be red or pink tomatoes that should be above average in size. The shape is practically irrelevant.

If tomatoes are to become a savory addition to a future dish, then excellent option Cherry tomatoes and similar cocktail varieties can become. Due to their small size, they will stand out not only in taste, but also in appearance.

To use tomatoes as a snack that will intrigue just by its appearance, tomato varieties with unusual colors are most suitable. For example, black, blue, yellow or mixed. But when choosing them Special attention pay attention to their taste because some will be too sour, while others, on the contrary, will be sweet.

Both red and pink tomatoes, as well as green ones, are perfect for pickling. This is the case when shape and size will not matter. But many summer residents also experiment with other colors of tomatoes, resulting in an original snack at any time of the year.

Main criteria for tomato varieties

All tomato varieties include the following characteristics:

  • Size
  • Form

Usually, information about the selected variety is on the seed packaging, but it is quite modest. Especially for you, we will offer for your consideration several varieties of tomato varieties that are considered the best in their category.

Top 5 largest-fruited and most productive tomato varieties

This variety got its name due to its pink hue and fairly large size. With proper care, you can safely count on fruits weighing up to 400 grams. The bush reaches two meters in height. The yield level is from 5 kilograms per bush.

The bright red hue of the fruits with a maximum weight of 600 grams - this variety is especially popular among summer residents. Despite the relatively modest size of the bush (160 centimeters), its yield reaches more than 6 kilograms.

The fruits of this variety are bright red and incredibly tasty. In addition, each of them can weigh up to 450 grams. With an average height of 170 centimeters, the bush will be able to please with a large harvest, which reaches almost 8.5 kilograms.

This variety is distinguished by very large fruits (up to 600 grams) with excellent shape and expressive taste. Each bush reaches approximately 1.8 meters in height. The yield level is up to 7 kilograms per bush.

Basically, the fruits of this tomato variety weigh 300 grams, but in some cases they can reach 700 grams. The size of the bush can reach two meters in height. Excellent external and taste characteristics, as well as an extremely high degree of productivity (up to 10 kilograms per bush) make the King of London variety very attractive for planting.

Advantages and disadvantages:
+ Almost all varieties are ideal for salads and fresh consumption
+ Some varieties are suitable for salting
+ Large harvest– joy for every summer resident
+ Excellent taste characteristics
- More careful care is required
- These varieties and their varieties are extremely demanding on the best weather conditions

Result: 4-2. For such merits, it’s not a pity to spend your time and effort!

Top 5 varieties of tomatoes of different shapes

The oblong shape of this tomato variety not only arouses interest in it, but also stimulates the appetite. The fruits have a soft pink tint. Its taste is excellent, as are its yield indicators.

Externally, the fruits of this variety resemble a pear, only red. With his unusual shape, this variety will not only give good harvest, but will also pleasantly surprise him with its taste characteristics. In addition, it does not require maintenance.

This variety is unique in many ways. First of all, it is an extraordinary shape that looks like a pear. The fruits are not too large, but the harvest promises to be plentiful. The variety is very resistant to diseases. Thanks to this, storage of ripe fruits can continue for a long time.

The fruits are both very beautiful and unusual. Have delicate shade, and the taste can surprise even experienced summer residents. They are perfectly preserved, despite their impressive length (up to 18 centimeters).

This variety boasts several characteristics: large fruits, beautiful shape and refined taste. They do not crack and are well preserved for a long period.

This variety of tomatoes intrigues with its bright color and non-standard forms. Moreover, the fruit size reaches 600 grams, which is very important indicator. Given its taste, the variety can be used for a wide variety of dishes. Each bush can grow up to 1.8 meters in height.

A large-fruited variety of tomatoes (up to 600 grams), which also fascinates with its unusual color, consisting of two colors - orange and yellow. The taste will be a complete surprise for you and your guests.

The weight of the fruits of this variety reaches no more than 60 grams, but due to their external characteristics they will surprise you more than once. They also emit an incredible aroma and provide true pleasure thanks to their expressive taste. The size of the bush reaches 120 centimeters in height.

One of the best large-fruited varieties, which is intended for a wide variety of dishes. The weight of one fruit can reach 500 grams. Each bush can grow up to 120 centimeters in height. The taste of this variety is no less pleasant - sweet and with a unique aroma.

The bright yellow hue of the fruits of this variety, as well as the distinctive taste - all this is the hallmark of this tomato variety. It is not too demanding to care for, and under the most favorable circumstances it is capable of producing a significant harvest, reaching 6 kilograms from one bush.

This variety is distinguished by juicy and incredibly tasty fruits that are ideal for any purpose. It will cope well with long-term drought, but due to the size of the bush it requires additional care. If everything is done conscientiously, then you will be satisfied with high yields.

It's hard to resist the taste of this variety of tomatoes. Gaining its popularity due to its unpretentious requirements for care and rapid fruiting, the Appetitny variety will become integral part your dishes. The yield from one bush reaches 6 kilograms.

The fruits of this variety include a mass useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on human health. Moreover, their taste can outshine many other varieties. The size of each fruit is relatively small (up to 150 grams), but you will have to take less care of the bush, because it is not afraid of severe frosts.

Early and late varieties of tomatoes

Early varieties of tomatoes or early ripening are those that are capable of bearing fruit after the minimum permissible period of time. Usually, the first harvest appears after 80-90 days, but there are also those that can be seen after 70 days. They are usually called ultra-early.

The best early and ultra-early tomato varieties

Benito F1 (Ultra Early)

This variety will begin to bear fruit 70 days after sowing. It is determinant, so its yield is moderate. The size of the bush is up to 50 centimeters. The fruits weigh no more than 140 grams, are very tasty and are ideal for any dish. The variety also copes well with fusarium.

Aphrodite F1 (Ultra Early)

The first fruits will begin to appear 75-80 days after sowing. This is a determinate variety that will delight you with the excellent taste of its fruits. That is why they can be intended both for fresh consumption and for salads, pickles and other purposes. The size of the bush does not exceed 70 centimeters. The weight of one fruit is up to 115 grams. There will be no problems with storage and transportation with them.

Marisha (Early)

One of the best early ripening determinate tomato varieties. The weight of the fruit reaches 120 grams, and thanks to its round shape, it is ideal for long-term transportation. The plant does not exceed 50 centimeters in length and does not require pinching. Perfect for salads and also as a snack.

Advantages and disadvantages:
+ Fast fruit ripening
+ Universal purpose
+ Excellent taste
+ Many varieties cope well with diseases
- Stingy yield indicators
Result: 4-1. Recommended for sowing!

Late and mid-late varieties of tomatoes, as a rule, ripen much later than usual, but they are distinguished by increased protection from various diseases, low temperatures and are able to please summer residents with high yields.

The best late and mid-late tomato varieties

Rio Grand (Mid-Late)

This variety begins to bear fruit after 110-120 days. Externally, the fruits resemble famous variety Cream, but the taste is much higher here. The size of the fruit varies between 115-140 grams. The bush reaches a meter in height. It copes well with pests, temperature changes and is well transported.

26.07.2016 169 961

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground are a guarantee of a tasty and rich harvest!

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground will allow you to harvest not only tasty, but also bountiful harvest. There are many varieties of tomato that bear a small amount of fruit, but delight with their taste. Breeders are constantly developing new tomato products that displace their old predecessors with their excellent qualities.

The best varieties of early ripening tomatoes

Every year the variety of tomato varieties grows, but special importance when selected, it acquires the precocity of tomatoes. Early tomatoes are always valued by vegetable growers precisely because after a long winter you can already enjoy delicious and useful vitamins from your garden. Let's look at the most popular and early ones:

in the photo - tomato variety "Alpha"

Tomato Alpha. Very early, the fruits ripen already by three months after sowing (from 85 to 96 days). The plant is standard, the stem is very dense and thick, low-growing, approximately 50 centimeters high. The best Alpha tomato varieties are sown directly into the ground, there is no need for pinching. The fruits grow red, medium in size, weighing 60-80 grams. The taste of tomatoes is excellent. Valued for what it doesn't need, as the tomatoes ripen early. The fruits are good fresh and pickled;

in the photo - tomato variety “Sanka”

Tomato Sanka. Very early ripening variety. Tomatoes ripen by 85 days after the first shoots, and if the weather permits, even earlier. The plant is short, does not exceed 50-60 centimeters in height. The fruits ripen together, their weight is within 100 grams. The variety is resistant to. The peculiarity of this tomato is not only that the tomatoes ripen early, but also ripen before the first frost in the fall. The taste is excellent, very appetizing natural form and conservation. It is one of the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground. Seeds are also collected from these tomatoes for the next season;

in the photo - tomato variety “Carotene”

Tomato Carotene. Mid-early ripening variety. These best varieties of tomatoes are valued for their high content of beta-carotene, here its amount is several times higher than in ordinary varieties. It is very good for preservation due to its increased acid content, as well as its unique taste. The fruit weight can reach 140-150 grams. Good disease resistance.
Tomato Betalux. This variety is ultra-early, the fruits ripen already at 95-98 days of growth. The plant is short, up to 50 centimeters. Tomatoes grow weighing 90-110 grams, round in size and red in color. The fruits are suitable for consumption in their natural form and are very good for preservation. Stepchildren practically do not grow, this makes it easier to care for tomatoes throughout the season;

in the photo - tomato variety "Betalux" in the photo - variety of tomatoes "Betalux"

It is better to select tomato varieties for open ground according to the region of residence and climatic conditions. The market offers a large variety of different tomato seeds suitable for cultivation in almost all regions of Russia. All you have to do is choose.

Tomato varieties for open ground - choosing the most productive ones

Gina's Tomato. It is considered one of the best varieties of tomatoes, as it combines high yields and magnificent fruits. The plant is not tall, in height 50-60 centimeters, medium branched, so it does not need to be pinched and. The fruits are round and red, the pulp is juicy, the peel is dense. Fruit weight fluctuates between 200-280 grams. A variety of medium ripeness, yield up to 10 kilograms per square meter;

in the photo - “Gina” tomatoes

Tomato Budenovka. Good productive variety tomatoes weighing 450-500 grams, do not crack. One bush can produce 7-8 kilograms of fruit. The plant is mid-early (110-115 days). It is unpretentious in care, so it consistently produces a good harvest even under unfavorable conditions. The tomatoes are pink with a raspberry contrast, heart-shaped, sweet and fleshy;

in the photo - tomatoes of the “Budenovka” variety

Tomato Stolypin. Researching the best varieties of tomatoes, Stolypin is one of the high-yielding ones. From one square meter it is possible to harvest up to 9 kilograms of tomatoes. It is a cold-resistant plant, resistant to late blight. The fruits are pink with a red tint, small in size, weighing up to 130 grams. Valued for its excellent yield and excellent unique taste. Good variety for canning and consumption in kind;

in the photo - tomato variety "Stolypin"

Raspberry giant tomato. A very high-yielding hybrid, up to 20 kilograms of fruit per square meter. Fat tomatoes weighing from 150 to 250 grams, bright crimson color. The variety is determinate, up to 120 centimeters high. The variety is resistant to various diseases. Tomatoes are great for winter preparation and fresh consumption.

raspberry giant tomatoes - pictured

Tomato Stick – Columnar, there are other names for tomato, Terry-leaved, Curly-leaved, Stick Tomato, Curl Tomato. A rare mid-season variety, the fruits ripen 105-100 days after the seeds germinate. The main stem can reach one meter in height when grown in a greenhouse or in open ground. The trunk is almost bare, small branches with leaves resemble roses. The fruits are small, round, weighing 50-60 grams. The tomatoes taste sweet with a slight sourness and are perfect for eating in their natural form and for winter preparations. A feature of tomatoes is the small number of leaves and the absence of the need for pinching. When planting in the ground, the distance between the holes is no more than 20-30 centimeters, this is enough for air exchange and ventilation to avoid late blight;

in the photo - variety of tomatoes “Stick” in the photo - tomatoes variety “Stick”

in the photo - “Palka” tomatoes
in the photo - “Palka” tomatoes

Tomato Mushroom Lukoshko suitable for growing under film and open plantations, mid-season variety with limited growth (up to 0.9-1 meters), requires staking and shaping. The seeds sprout together. Seedlings are sown in March, in the ground for permanent place planted in the second decade of May. The fruits are large, fleshy, weighing 250-350 grams. The tomato is bright red, with a pink tint, and strongly ribbed. The taste is pleasant, sugary, the flesh is tender and juicy. Used fresh, good for preservation. The original shape allows you to use tomatoes to decorate dishes;

in the photo - tomatoes of the “Mushroom Basket” variety

in the photo - tomato variety “Mushroom Basket”
in the photo - tomato variety “Mushroom Basket”

Tomato Puzata Khata refers to early ripening varieties, grown in greenhouses and open ground. The fruiting period is long and the yield is high. Up to 11 kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from one square meter. The plants are powerful and tall (1.4 - 1.5 m). The fruits are red, wide, pear-shaped, slightly ribbed. The weight of one tomato is 280-300 grams. The pulp and peel are dense, the taste is sugary, without sourness. When planting tomatoes, place 3-4 plants per square meter, form them into one or two stems, and tie them up;

in the photo - tomato variety “Puzata Khata”

Flaschentomaten, tall variety tomatoes (1.7-1.9 meters), gartering and shaping are required. It is grown in open ground, in greenhouses with one or two stems. A high-yielding, low-maintenance variety with good resistance to late blight. A large number of tomatoes on bunches will ripen until frost without loss of taste. The weight of one fruit is 40-50 grams. The shape of the fruit is bottle-shaped, elongated. The color is red with a slight orange tint, shiny glossy. The taste is magnificent, sweet, aromatic and rich. Consumed fresh, excellent for drying and winter canning, the fruits do not burst.

in the photo - “Flaschentomaten” tomatoes in the photo - Flyashen tomatoes

in the photo - tomatoes variety “Flaschentomaten”
in the photo - tomatoes of the “Flyaschentomaten” variety

When choosing tomato varieties for open ground, consider the weight of the fruit, their shape, and the ripening period of the tomatoes. An important point When choosing the best varieties of tomatoes, it is also important in what form they will be used, fresh or for canning. The taste of salad tomatoes differs from those specially grown for winter storage. The taste of fruitful varieties is not so great, but the abundance of fruits will always please.

It is not for nothing that the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground are called “the best”, since they have all the basic qualities: high yield, early ripening, good fleshy fruits, excellent taste, and of course resistance to disease.

In just a few months, the dacha season will begin, which means that lovers of such recreation need to gradually begin to plant seedlings. As advised experienced summer residents, March is the last month that is suitable for planting seeds at home or in greenhouse conditions, as well as in closed ground. Many novice gardeners believe that this matter is quite simple, but in fact it is associated with a lot of difficulties.

First of all, you need to choose the right variety, since the productivity of the site will depend on this. We decided to devote our today's review to this issue - there are a large number of different subtleties that will have to be taken into account. Let's start with the basic rules for choosing planting material.

Which tomato seeds are considered the most productive and why?

For the most part, gardeners fall for bright and colorful packaging that depicts large and ripe tomatoes. They usually believe that they will be able to grow the same fruits. When choosing seeds, you should take into account that such varieties need daily, or even hourly, care, otherwise you simply won’t be able to get a large harvest. In this regard, such packaging is an advertisement, not a guarantee. This should be remembered first of all.

Choosing planting material, you need to take into account a number of parameters that will one way or another affect plant growth and the overall yield:

  • The climatic conditions in which such crops will grow;
  • Manufacturing company - let us immediately note that you should not give preference to imported companies, since most of them do not take into account the peculiarities of the domestic climate, soil and other aspects;
  • Shelf life of seeds;
  • When choosing, be sure to inspect the packaging - it must have the variety marking and the F1 icon, which guarantees resistance to various diseases and increased yield;
  • Data regarding the percentage of germination (if 100% is indicated, then this is probably a hoax, since even for the highest quality material this figure does not exceed 80-90%);
  • The purpose of the seeds is for open ground or for greenhouses; there are also universal varieties on sale;
  • Fruit ripening period - early (late June - early July), late (late July - mid-September);
  • The purpose of the fruit is fresh consumption, pickling, canning, long-term storage, and so on.

We have selected the best varieties for owners of summer cottages, both in terms of price-quality ratio and in terms of user reviews. We hope that you find our review informative and useful. Now we will move on to a review of tomato varieties that are characterized by good yield and resistance to diseases and pests.

Early ripe tomatoes

3. Tomato seeds “Pervoklaska”

This variety is considered one of the most versatile, and fruit ripening occurs approximately 90-105 days after sprouting. It is perfect for open spaces, since the maximum height of the bush does not exceed 100 cm; it needs tying, but this is not necessary, since the fruits ripen well on the ground surface. The bush should be formed into three stems, as this ensures maximum yield. From one bush you can collect about 6 kg, and the fruits lie well and withstand transportation. In addition, this type of tomatoes will feel excellent both in open ground and in a greenhouse. The first stalk is formed approximately on the 6-7th leaf.

The average weight of the fruit is about 250-300 grams. The ribbing is low, the shape is flat-round, painted bright pink. Tomatoes of this variety have thin and slightly transparent skin, slightly translucent. The taste is pronounced tomato. Well suited for direct consumption, canning, preparing ketchups, juices, pastes and other tomato products. In respect of chemical composition this variety has many vitamins, sugars, lycopene, which will support human immunity.


  • High germination rates;
  • Pleasant to the taste;
  • Compliance with the labels on the packaging and real indicators.


  • The lower leaves are quite large, which is why ripening may slow down by one to two weeks.

2. Tomato seeds “Red Rooster”

Great for most climatic conditions our country, will feel good both when grown under cover and in open ground. This variety ripens earlier than all others - for this it only needs about 85 days under optimal weather conditions. If the weather is a little cooler, then this period may be delayed by about 10-15 days. When seedlings are planted in open ground at the age of approximately 60-65 days, this allows the first fruits to be harvested after 30-35 days. Maximum height The bush is 80 cm, so it does not require garter. In addition, it does not need tying. The best yield is ensured if there are no more than three stems on the bush.

The fruits are quite large - their average weight is about 250-400 grams; if you care for the plants well enough, you can achieve heavier tomatoes. The color is bright red, there is slight ribbing in the area of ​​the stalk. The taste is sweet, there is a slight sourness. Tomatoes are universal - they can be eaten fresh, pickled, pickled, made into juices, pastes, and so on. It tolerates transportation quite well.


  • The variety is unpretentious to weather conditions;
  • Large fruits;
  • The harvest is large, about 5 kg of fruit can be collected from one bush.


  • A hybrid variety, you won’t be able to get the seeds yourself.

1. Tomato seeds “My love F1”

The height of this variety is about 50-80 cm, in greenhouse conditions and in the south of the country it can grow up to 120 cm. The average fruit ripening period is about 90-100 days, well suited for both greenhouses and open ground. This variety does not have very many leaves, the fruits do not become cracked during ripening, and the plants are well resistant to diseases and pests, including aphids. The immunity of this variety is one of the highest among all the best tomatoes of 2018 presented in our review. The color of tomatoes is red or bright red, they are round in shape, slightly elongated. The pulp is sugary, the taste is typical tomato, slightly sweet.

Weighing approximately 150-200 grams, all fruits are the same size, which can significantly increase their commercial value. There are four seed chambers, dry matter content is no more than 5%. Tomatoes withstand transportation remarkably well and can be stored for a long time in a cool place. The fruits look ideal as canned products, but they are also well suited for fresh consumption. They contain a significant amount of vitamins and sugars, making them very beneficial for health.


  • High germination rate – can reach about 97%;
  • Great taste;
  • Fast maturation.


  • On strong wind, despite their short stature, they can either bend significantly or even break.

The best productive varieties

3. Tomato seeds "Rio Grande"

The bushes of this variety are low - reaching only 70 cm, so they do not require tying or pinching. There are not too many leaves, the fruit shape is standard. They grow in clusters of 8-12 tomatoes per plant, with a slightly oblong shape. The rafts have dense pulp and thick skin, and not too many seeds. The weight is a maximum of 150 grams, but they are often smaller and colored bright red. It tastes like classic tomatoes – with a slight sourness. Ripening occurs approximately 120-130 days after sowing. Fertility is high, can reach three months, until the onset of cold weather.


  • Strong fruits;
  • The thick skin prevents damage to the crop;
  • High level of endurance.


  • The taste is a little worse compared to large-fruited varieties.

2. Tomato seeds “Snow Leopard”

One of the most productive and hardy varieties in terms of climatic conditions - well suited even for Siberian conditions. The yield is quite high: with proper care From one bush you can collect about 8-9 kg. This variety can be considered quite early - average term ripening is about 105-110 days when grown in open ground. In terms of height, the breed is ambiguous: the bush can grow to an unlimited height, so it will need not only gartering, but also shaping. As advised experienced gardeners, it is best if it grows in two stems, besides, it should not be allowed to grow above 60-70 cm. This is quite convenient, since you do not have to tie it up.

This variety has quite a lot of foliage, and all such leaves are quite large; they should be removed in a timely manner, as they will take up additional moisture, nutrients, deny access to fruits sunlight, which will slow down ripening. The shape of the fruit is oblong, slightly flattened. The density of ripened tomatoes is medium, the skin is strong and thick, which allows them to withstand transportation. The color of the fruit is orange-red, the average weight is about 150 grams, but there are tomatoes weighing about 300 grams or even more. From one bush you can collect up to 5-6 kg.


  • Can be grown in any conditions, including on the balcony;
  • Ripens quickly;
  • Resists well against any disease;
  • Retains an attractive appearance for a long time;
  • Handles transportation well;
  • High yield.


  • It is necessary to monitor the condition of the bushes and shape them in a timely manner.

1. Tomato seeds “Asvon F1”

This is a hybrid variety that perfectly withstands temperature changes, does not get sick, and is also able to please the summer resident with a fairly rich harvest. It grows well not only in open ground, but also in a greenhouse, greenhouse or even on a balcony. The fruits will be stored in their original form for a long time and can be transported over long distances. It is distinguished not only by its high yield, but also by its early ripening. The bush is not tall and takes up little space, so on one square meter you can place significantly more plants than another variety. There are not too many leaves, dark green in color. The fruits are formed in clusters of 5-6 pieces; about 8-9 kg of selected tomatoes can be harvested from one bush. During the fruiting period, the plants are simply strewn with fruits, and they also look very beautiful.

The shape of the tomatoes is round, slightly reminiscent of a cube, and the ribbing is almost not noticeable. The skin is shiny, dense, the fruits almost do not crack. The weight of the fruit is about 100 grams - not too large. The pulp is dense and retains its original shape for a long time. The taste is rich, has a slight sourness, tomatoes contain a large amount of vitamins and sugars, dry matter no more than 6%. The color is bright pink.


  • Not detected.

The best frost-resistant varieties

3. Spiridonovsky tomato seeds

This is one of the shortest varieties of our review of the best tomatoes of 2018 - it reaches a maximum height of 45-50 cm. However, it is characterized by serious spreading, so it needs large quantities free space. It has a thick and strong stem and small leaves, colored dark green. The yield is average, but on one bush all the fruits ripen at approximately the same time. One of the main positive qualities This variety has excellent frost resistance - the bush will develop well even at a temperature of +7-10 degrees, it also perfectly resists almost all diseases and does not need additional feeding.

The fruits are round, almost not ribbed, their maximum weight is about 100 grams, but you can grow a specimen weighing up to 200 and even up to 250 grams. Fully ripened fruits are bright red in color and have a rich tomato taste with pronounced sourness. When growing this variety, you should carefully monitor the soil moisture, avoiding its excessive increase, as this can ultimately lead to cracking of the fruit. Well suited for fresh consumption and canning.


  • Does not require stepsoning;
  • Withstands strong temperature changes well;
  • Resists diseases and pests.


  • You will have to monitor soil moisture very carefully.

2. Tomato seeds “Lemon Giant”

It's quite exotic in terms of appearance fruit variety They are painted bright yellow, have a beautiful and large shape, and a pleasant taste. The bushes are tall, so they need to be tied up. The ripening period is average, the bushes can be grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse - in the first case, the fruits are somewhat smaller, but significantly more of them are formed on one plant. There are not too many leaves on the bushes. In greenhouse conditions, the height of plants can reach 2.5 meters, so they should be molded. In open soil they turn out lower, but you still can’t do without molding. At good care the weight of one fruit can reach 900 grams.

The skin of the fruit is strong, but not too thick, very elastic - the plants are not afraid of excessive watering, the tomatoes will not crack even with a significant amount of moisture. They can be picked from the bush even when unripe: they will ripen at home, and this will not in the least affect their taste characteristics. Plants can withstand low temperatures and significant changes well. They contain approximately the same amount of carotene as carrots and a high percentage of vitamin C.


  • Large fruits;
  • With proper care, high productivity is ensured;
  • Good nutritional value;
  • Withstands long-term transportation;
  • Plants practically do not get sick.


  • It is required to follow the watering and feeding regime;
  • Soil fertility must also be acceptable to ensure high yields.

1. Tomato seeds Snegirek

This variety is different small height– bushes grow to a maximum of 40 cm. The fruits are red in color and round shape with a maximum weight of 200 grams at the first level, at subsequent levels - up to 180 grams. No pinning required. It develops at temperatures from 0 degrees, even in these conditions the yield is quite high, especially with good sunlight. The crop does not develop top and root rot and is perfect for growing on a balcony, in a greenhouse and in open ground.

Seeds can be planted even in soil unprotected from frost - the main thing is that it is well fertilized. For this variety, it is advisable to fertilize the soil in the fall with humus, cow's or horse manure. When growing seedlings at home, after the appearance of two leaves, the plant needs to be pruned; during plant growth, it is necessary to additionally feed it with products containing potassium and phosphorus.