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» Average consumption of wallpaper glue per square meter. Wallpaper glue and its consumption How much glue is needed for wallpaper

Average consumption of wallpaper glue per square meter. Wallpaper glue and its consumption How much glue is needed for wallpaper

The calculator will help you calculate how much glue is needed for 1 m2 of wallpaper. You enter basic data into the service (surface area, glue consumption kg/m2, package packaging) and immediately get the result. Be sure to include a construction reserve of at least 10% in your calculations so that you do not have to purchase additional material during the work process.

The consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2 is usually indicated on the packaging of the purchased composition, but practice shows that this consumption is not always accurate and during work, as a rule, the glue runs out at the most inopportune moment.

It is also not uncommon for cases when, after completing wallpapering of the areas planned for renovation, there remains a large number of unclaimed adhesive composition which has to be thrown away.

Dependence of glue consumption on the materials used

To calculate the glue required for wallpapering a room, you must first of all decide on the type of wallpaper that will be used during work, select the glue and determine the area that needs to be covered with wallpaper. To do this, the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. It is necessary to carefully prepare the surface on which you plan to apply wallpaper.
  2. A wall covered with plaster must be thoroughly puttied and coated with a primer, since without these operations there will not be enough glue, since it will be absorbed into the porous base. The plaster consumption calculator will help you quickly calculate the required amount of material for a given type of construction work.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the type of wallpaper, since the glue consumption for them may be different. So, for example, for paper wallpaper, when working with which the glue is applied to the material itself, the consumption will be the same, but for wallpaper on a non-woven basis, when the glue is applied to the base to which the wallpaper is glued, the consumption will be completely different.
  4. When determining the area of ​​the surface to be pasted, you must not forget to subtract from it the areas of window and doorways.

For each type of wallpaper you need to use a special glue

Adhesive Absorption Capacity different materials and the unequal drying speed of the glue contribute to a wide spread in the consumption rates of the adhesive composition, the calculation of which is still advisable to carry out based on practical experience, and not the descriptions on the packaging.

The most profitable option for wallpaper stickers in terms of economical consumption Glue is to work on a flat and smooth base.

Calculation of wallpaper adhesive consumption

After studying the initial data about technical specifications and the qualities of the materials used in the process of pasting and the walls themselves, you can proceed directly to the calculation itself. To do this, you must follow the following instructions:

  • First, the area of ​​the walls of the room is calculated. For example, the length of a room is 6 m, width 3 m and height 2.5 m. Calculate the area long wall 6x 2.5=15 m2, then determine the area of ​​the short wall 3 x 2.5=7.5 m2. We add the results obtained and multiply them by two: (15 + 7.5) x 2 = 45 m2. The area of ​​doors and windows is subtracted from this value. For example, the window area is 1.2 x 1.5 = 1.8 m2 and the door area is 2.1 x 1.1 = 2.31 m2, 45-(1.8 + 2.31) = 40.89 m2. We get an area of ​​approximately 41 m2;
  • we determine the amount of wallpaper required for gluing on walls with a total area of ​​41 m2, with a wallpaper width, for example, equal to 0.53 m and a length equal to 10.5 m. 41/(0.53 x10.5) = 7.37 rolls ;
  • Next, using the instructions on the packaging, we determine the volume of glue required to stick a given amount of wallpaper. For example, a package of glue weighing 200 grams is usually written that this is enough to stick 6-9 rolls;
  • Accordingly, in the case under consideration, one package of glue will be enough to wallpaper a room.

Calculating how much glue is needed for non-woven and vinyl wallpaper, you need to take their actual width into account. When diluting the dry adhesive composition with water, you must follow the instructions indicated on the packaging. For more information on how to properly prepare wallpaper glue, watch this video:

Even an open pack of wallpaper adhesive cannot be stored for a long time, so it is necessary to do the most accurate calculations glue.

In any case, before purchasing glue, you should agree with the store about the possibility of returning unused adhesive composition after use.

Dependence of glue consumption on its brand and type of wallpaper

Today on construction market there is a wide variety of adhesive compositions designed for a wide variety of different types wallpaper, taking into account the surfaces on which this wallpaper can be pasted.

The glue consumption, depending on its name, types of wallpaper and dilution methods, can also be determined from the table:

Name Weight Type of wallpaper Area Water consumption Glue for all types of paper wallpaper 180 g Paper 5 rolls 5 liters Glue for vinyl wallpaper 180 g Vinyl 4-5 rolls 4 liters Cleo ultra 250 g Glass wallpaper
Special wallpaper
Priming 18-25 m2
30-40 m2
30-40 m2
30-40 m2
55 m2 3.5 liters
5 liters
5 liters
5 liters
6.5 liters Cleo smart 200 g Lightweight vinyl wallpaper
Heavy vinyl wallpaper 7-9 rolls
35-35 m2
5-7 rolls
25-35 m2 7.5 liters

For gluing paper wallpaper, ordinary wallpaper glue is used, in which starch or its substitute methylcellulose is used as a base. All other wallpapers are glued with specialized glue, the consumption of which is determined separately for each specific case. To learn how to choose glue, watch this video:

Vinyl, non-woven and fabric wallpaper glued to glue, which should contain a high content of PVC and PVA emulsions up to 50%. The same glue is used for gluing glass wallpaper.

You will also need specialized glue to apply wallpaper in rooms with low temperatures, high humidity, drafts and other possibly difficult conditions. The glue consumption for this wallpaper per 1 m2 is also determined individually.

In most cases, the packaging of wallpaper glue indicates its consumption per square meter. However, in reality, there is almost always excess glue left or not enough and you have to run to the store for new packaging. What this is connected with and how to correctly calculate the consumption rate of wallpaper glue per 1 m2, we will talk in this article.

Let's start with the fact that a plastered wall absorbs glue well, and if you do not apply a primer to it first, you will have to use more glue than the amount indicated on the package, approximately +5-10 g per square meter.

The second point on which the consumption of wallpaper glue will depend is the area to be covered. At full coverage walls with wallpaper in calculations should be based on the entire area of ​​the walls. If you plan not to touch the space behind the furniture or implement other design ideas, not the entire surface of the walls will be covered with wallpaper, and accordingly, you will need less glue. In this case, from the total area of ​​the walls it is necessary to subtract the area of ​​those areas that will not be covered with wallpaper.

The third point that you should pay attention to when calculating the consumption rate of wallpaper glue is the type of wallpaper. In some cases (paper wallpaper), the glue is applied to the wallpaper itself, in others (non-woven, vinyl) - to the wall. Different absorbent properties of surfaces and drying speeds cause different glue consumption.

Finally, in order to achieve best result For each type of wallpaper you need to use a different glue. This information is always indicated on the packaging.

How much wallpaper glue do you need?

Take into account the above data when starting to calculate the consumption of wallpaper glue per m 2.

We will provide a formula for calculating average consumption, which you, of course, can use in your own calculations, taking into account the nuances of your apartment or house.

1. Calculate the area 2 perpendicular walls in a rectangular room, and then multiply the resulting figure by 2. To calculate the area of ​​a long wall, multiply its height by its length. For example, 2.8 m * 4 m = 11.2 m 2. Similarly, we calculate the area of ​​the short wall: 2.8 m * 3 m = 8.4 m 2. Next, we calculate the total area of ​​the walls in the room: (11.2 m2 * 2) + (8.4 m2 * 2) = 22.4 m2 + 16.8 m2 = 39.2 m2.

In such calculations, specialists subtract door and window openings from the total area. However, if you do not consider yourself a professional in this matter, we recommend not to experiment. The remainder of the wallpaper may be needed, for example, to cover the wall behind the radiator or to replace scraps that were lost when combining the pattern, and the glue will be useful for gluing the joints.

2. Calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper. For example, let's take paper ones. Their standard width 0.53 m. Usually the roll length is about 10.5 m. The number of rolls is calculated as follows:

39.2 m2: (10.5 m* 0.53 m) = 7 rolls.

3. Next, we calculate the consumption of wallpaper glue, for example, Moment Classic 200 g. The consumption on the glue packaging is 6/9 rolls. We conclude that to paste a room with an area of ​​39.2 m2 you will need 1 package of glue. When diluting, follow the proportions of water and adhesive indicated on the package.

For non-woven and vinyl wallpaper, the calculation is performed in a similar way, taking into account the larger width of the roll.

In order for an apartment renovation, even a cosmetic one, to be successful, you need to know exactly the amount of materials purchased, in particular, the consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2. Of course, online calculators can calculate the consumption of different types of materials, but this will be an approximate, aggregated calculation. For example, if you have to decorate a room with a complex configuration, even the most advanced program will not help. For example, the program will not be able to advise you whether you need to cover the walls behind the furniture, how to adjust the pattern, or whether to take into account the area of ​​window and door openings when calculating. With glue it’s even more difficult. There are many on sale different compositions, which differ in a variety of parameters. The conclusion suggests itself: it is much better to arm yourself with a notepad, a calculator and calculate everything yourself. Of course, you will have to spend time, but you will more than make up for it during the repair process. At the same time, you will save money.

Wallpaper glue consumption - what does it depend on?

Most often, manufacturing companies indicate the amount of glue consumption on the packaging. But, unfortunately, the information provided in most cases, to put it mildly, does not correspond to reality. If you blindly follow the instructions, the result will most likely disappoint you. It is more correct to dilute the dry mixture thicker in order to increase the strength of the connection between the panel and the base.

It is also important to decide on the type of trellis that will be used as wall covering. The glue consumption for non-woven wallpaper per 1m2 and the same indicator for paper trellises will be different. If only because the brands of adhesive compositions will be different.

Is it possible to save money?

It’s possible, but you’ll just have to work hard first. The following points are taken into account:

  1. Before gluing, you must carefully prepare the surface.
  2. To improve the quality of gluing walls, you need to first coat them with a primer. By the way, this will make it possible to reduce the consumption of the adhesive composition, since it will be less absorbed into the porous base.
  3. When calculating the surface area to be pasted, do not forget to subtract from it the total area of ​​the door and window openings.

Important! The nature of the surface being glued also affects the cost of glue: different materials have different absorbency. The most economical option is to tape a flat and smooth surface with trellises.

Calculation of wallpaper glue - procedure

After studying the properties and characteristics finishing materials and the walls themselves, you can start making calculations. The algorithm for calculating how much wallpaper glue is needed is as follows:

  • Calculate the area of ​​the walls of the room. From the resulting amount, subtract the total area of ​​window and door openings. For example, as a result of calculations, you get a sum equal to 40.5 squares.
  • Calculate how much wallpaper will be needed to cover the walls. If the roll width is 0.5 m and the length is 10 m, then total area one roll is 5 m2. Thus, you will need 40.5/10=4.1 (5 rolls for good measure).
  • Read the instructions written on the packaging. As a rule, information is presented in approximately the following form: 250 g of dry matter is enough to glue 7-8 rolls. Therefore, even if you make a fairly thick solution, then one package is enough.

Important! Modern adhesive compositions can be stored for quite a long time, even in the form of a solution. However, this should not be abused, so all calculations must be made with maximum accuracy.

Glue consumption and its brand - is there a relationship?

IN construction stores You can find many adhesives. Depending on the brand, the consumption of the mixture will be different. Let's look at the most typical examples of popular brands.


Dry glue mixture for light paper wallpaper. The glue is diluted with water (a pack of 0.4 kg per 2-4 liters of water room temperature). Ready to use in 3 hours.

One package is enough for 5-6 standard rolls (0.53x10.5 m).

KMC-1 (chips)

Dry mixture for washable wallpaper based on paper. A pack contains 100 g of mixture (diluted in 2.5-3.0 liters of water).

The mixture is enough to stick 4-5 rolls

KMC-N (dry)

Economical composition. Equally well suited for gluing light and heavy paper wallpaper, vinyl and acrylic wallpaper based on paper or textile.

200 g of the composition is enough to cover an area of ​​50 m2.

KMC Extra-fast

Wallpaper adhesive with high filling capacity. Can be used for gluing plastered or concrete surfaces paper wallpaper - light or acrylic coated.

The solution consumption (200 g of glue including added water) is:

  • Primer - 6 liters per 60-70 m2.
  • Light types of paper wallpaper - 6 liters per 20-25 m2.
  • Paper wallpaper with a washable coating - 5 liters per 15-20 m2.


Dry instant mixture for washable wallpaper with synthetic resins. Ready to use in 5 minutes. When gluing it does not leave stains on the surface. Due to special additives, it prevents the development of fungus. Environmentally friendly, has a long shelf life.

200 g of glue is enough for:

  • primers - from 100 to 120 m2;
  • pasting walls with washable wallpaper - from 7 to 8 rolls.


A universal mixture that can be used for all types of wallpaper. Instantly soluble, has good adhesiveness, and is resistant to temperature changes. The composition is chemically neutral and has special anti-mold additives.

Consumption of 150 g of dry mixture:

  • Primer - 100-120 m2.
  • Acrylic - 50-65 m2.
  • Heavy types of wallpaper - about 50 m2.
  • Vinyl wallpaper - about 40 m2.

Kelid Murale

A universal, ready-to-use composition for paper, non-woven trellises and fiberglass. The composition is applied using a spatula or roller. The mixture contains bactericidal impregnation.

Calculating the amount of wallpaper glue for the world's most common brands - Metylan, Exlusive, Quelyd, Kleo, Pufas, or Moment is not difficult. On the packaging, in addition to instructions for preparation and information for what type of wallpaper this or that adhesive composition is intended, it contains information about how many rolls can be pasted with a given volume, what amount of solution will be obtained if the contents of the package are diluted, and what area in m 2 can be paste over with this volume. Therefore, it is very easy to decide how many packs of wallpaper glue you will need during the renovation.

Certain discrepancies between the data indicated on the packaging and the actual consumption may occur in several cases. We will talk about them in this article.

Why does consumption depend?

The consumption of wallpaper glue may differ from the tabular data given by the manufacturer on the packaging in the following cases:

  • using glue that does not match the type of wallpaper;
  • applying wallpaper to the wall and canvas, if the technology requires applying glue to only one of the specified surfaces (for fiberglass and non-woven);
  • loose, uneven, porous, unprepared wall surface;
  • application to a previously unprimed wall (critical for heavy and non-woven wallpaper);
  • excessive application to the wall and canvas due to the use of an inappropriate tool - a long-haired roller or a large brush.

How to avoid overspending

In the tabular data on the packaging, the manufacturer indicates the approximate surface area of ​​the walls or the number of rolls, for gluing which one package of this wallpaper adhesive composition will be enough.

The “reference” data obtained during test tests of each batch are presented. You should never focus on the consumption of the amount of dry glue substance per 1 m2 by measuring it from a pack with spoons and weighing it on scales.

The manufacturer uses the wall surface prepared in accordance with the national standard and SNiPs, which are almost always ignored by those doing work in apartments and those doing their own repairs.

Therefore, there is no need to complain about the unreliability of the data provided. If you don’t have enough glue or there is a lot of it left after finishing the work, look for the reason in a violation of the technology for preparing the walls, in the tool used, or in the fact that the composition does not match the type of wallpaper (especially heavy or non-woven).

The most effective method to avoid overspending is to prepare the walls.

In addition to removing old wallpaper and obligatory filling with finishing putty, the wall must be primed before pasting.

For priming, you can successfully use the same adhesive composition that you plan to use for wallpaper, only diluted in a 1:2 ratio with water. But this should be done if there is no special acrylic primer available.

It is: firstly, cheaper, and secondly, its composition has much higher waterproofing properties. Much less moisture is absorbed into putty or plaster. After such preparation, non-woven wallpaper can be removed from the wall during repairs very easily.

How to calculate quantity

To prevent overuse of wallpaper paste from becoming a problem for you an unexpected surprise– make sure that the composition you purchased matches the type of wallpaper (paper, non-woven, vinyl, etc.). If you use the so-called “universal” or “for all types of wallpaper”, be prepared for the fact that the discrepancy between the tabular data (m2) on the packaging and the actual consumption can be up to 20%.

This is due to the fact that such adhesive solutions are prepared from the same composition, but using different amounts of water. The greater the dilution, the lighter the type you can glue.

Therefore, one pack can be enough for 5-7 strips (530 mm x 2500 mm) of heavy “foamed” vinyl, 7-10 of non-woven ones, or 15-20 strips of the same size of light single-layer paper.

Usually the area occupied by windows and doors is neglected because standard houses they occupy 7-12% of the wall area. This error does not matter if you are renovating a small apartment or a separate room.

But, if the renovation area is 100 m2 or more, and the room has “French” windows, attachments, stained glass windows, built-in furniture that cannot be dismantled during renovation, then their area, of course, should be subtracted from the surface area of ​​the walls.

In custody

When purchasing glue, you must remember: no construction or finishing specialist will be able to calculate how much of a particular building material will be needed with an accuracy of less than 10%. Buy so many packs of glue so that its actual quantity exceeds the need with just such a reserve.

When making repairs - and, in particular, when gluing wallpaper - it is necessary to accurately calculate the consumption various materials, which are applied. With wallpaper, everything is quite simple, because their consumption approximately corresponds to the area of ​​the walls, you only need to make a small error for various potential errors, and also, if there are overlapping places or holes in the wallpaper, then on them.

The amount of glue directly depends on the method of applying it to the wallpaper.

Everything is much more complicated with glue. Its consumption depends on many factors. We can identify a number of key ones, which will be discussed further.

Wallpaper type

As you know, wallpaper has several varieties, on which their characteristics depend. One of the characteristics on which glue consumption depends is the thickness of the wallpaper, which must be taken into account.

  • If we take paper ones, the thinnest ones, then they require the least gram of glue per m2. Moreover, any glue is suitable for them.
  • If a person chooses vinyl, jute, wallpaper with fiberglass, and so on, then not only does the total consumption increase, but there is also a need to select special types glue. Moreover, it is often necessary to select not just a strong glue, but also a special type, for example, glue with a fungicide for waterproof wallpaper.

The need for priming

Sometimes the surface is not one hundred percent ready to hang wallpaper on. In this case, it is necessary to pre-treat the surface. And this will also directly affect the overall glue consumption.

If we take approximate figures, then during preliminary priming, 5-10 extra grams of glue must be added to each m2.

Surface type

Consumption also directly depends on what kind of material the gluing is carried out on. For example, if it is wood or fiberboard, then the consumption will be minimal. The reason is that the glue penetrates very quickly into the top layers and sticks very quickly. With other materials everything is somewhat more complicated.

On flat surface Wallpaper sticks easily

For example, concrete, stone or plaster do not have the same properties, so they require slightly more glue. Therefore, when working with such surfaces, feel free to add 5-10% to the amount calculated in advance.

Average consumption

To roughly understand what exactly the consumption of this or that glue will be, you need to pay attention to the turnover of its pack. Usually it indicates the approximate amount of glue required for gluing wallpaper of one type or another. It is difficult to give universal figures, because each brand of adhesive composition has its own distinct characteristics.

Information on back side wallpaper paste packs

If we still take some average indicators, then for thin paper wallpaper it is usually 15 grams per m2. If you take thicker wallpaper, for example, vinyl, then this figure can reach up to 50 grams per m2.

That is, you can roughly estimate that the average consumption will be something like 20-30 grams per m2.

But, again, you still need to study the information on the pack as carefully as possible in order to take into account the features various types glue and various wallpapers.

Counting principle

When you know approximately how much glue is needed for each m2, you need to start calculating. They are carried out quite simply. It is necessary to measure the length of the walls and the height of the ceilings for each room. Based on this, you can calculate the area of ​​each wall.

Next, you need to subtract from this area those areas that will not be used in any way, for example, windows or doors; their area is also very easy to measure. After this, it is worth making an adjustment to the surface - whether a preliminary primer is needed, or without it in in this case really get by, as well as its type.

Priming walls with wallpaper glue before gluing

Next, using the instructions on the back of the package, you need to calculate the approximate glue consumption in this case, based on the type of wallpaper you have. If for some unknown reason it turns out that you have glue without the original packaging, then you can take the approximate values ​​that were given just above.

After this, you simply need to multiply the data from the packaging by the total area of ​​wallpaper in each room. You can take a little more glue so that in the future, if you need to re-glue any part, there will be a reserve. As a result, you will come up with a number, usually several kilograms, which will indicate exactly how much glue you will need. If suddenly you need to paste over the ceiling as well, it also needs to be taken into account.

Bright wallpaper on the ceiling

Remember that buying a little more glue will be a smart decision, but it’s not worth buying it for future use, because each glue has its own expiration date, and gluing is already dangerous, and besides, it will no longer be as effective. It turns out that you will simply waste the extra money without winning anything.

Which glue is more economical

If you want to choose glue that will be used most economically, then you should give preference to liquid variations. Their quality will be the highest, they will not have lumps or other imperfections. But there is a catch, which is that these adhesives are more expensive than others. So, in an effort to save money, you may end up spending more money.

It is known that there are several types of wallpaper, and each of them has its own specific paste. If you want your efforts to decorate the walls not to be in vain, you must follow the rules for selecting and combining materials, as well as calculation rules required quantity each of them.


Wallpapering requires priming the walls; this unique ritual will help the wallpaper stick firmly to the wall. For priming, you can use a special primer or regular branded wallpaper glue, which is marked “for priming.”

To simplify the choice, you can use the same wallpaper glue for pre-treatment of walls as for gluing, then its packaging should indicate “for priming walls before gluing.” It must also be taken into account that different types wallpapers require different amounts of glue for priming and gluing.

Calculation and application

Calculation of the amount of glue is done in two directions: for priming and for gluing walls. Each manufacturer supplies packaging with the composition detailed instructions about the method of its preparation, use and calculation, but there are some basic indicators. So, for ordinary paper wallpaper you will need from 70 to 80 grams of the finished composition per 1 square meter of area for priming, and from 42 to 48 for gluing.

For vinyl wallpaper: from 70 to 80 grams of the finished composition per 1 square meter of area for priming, and from 28 to 34 for gluing.

Textile and texture wallpaper heavier, and therefore the glue for working with them must be special, its consumption will increase. For the primer you will need about 90 grams, and for gluing from 32 to 38. Please note when choosing that such special compositions usually have the prefixes “Super” or “Premium” in the name.

Popular non-woven wallpaper is also glued with a special glue, and if you choose wallpaper on a smooth basis, you will have to spend from 30 to 32 grams of the composition per square meter, but if not embossed - from 25 to 30. For the primer you need to take a paste in the amount of 70 grams per square.

Fiberglass wallpaper has good adhesiveness, and therefore to prime the walls under it you need a smaller amount of mixture; it is enough to apply 50 grams per square, and for gluing use 25-30 grams. Please also note that the glue is very “tenacious”, so it is often used to work with heavy coatings (vinyl, non-woven fabric), using the same calculation scheme as for glass wallpaper. When applied more composition often forms lumps and wet bubbles, so in this case, savings are not only reasonable, but also necessary.


You should not take concentrated adhesives with reserve; they usually contain an additive that has the ability to “corrode” a thin layer of material in order to ensure a high degree of adhesion. Therefore, for priming, concentrates must be diluted based on the basic calculation of 90 grams per square, and for gluing - 15-25 grams, no more.

Professionals recommend finding out the area of ​​the room being repaired before hanging wallpaper yourself. Besides, Special attention You should pay attention to studying the packaging of the glue. On the back of the boxes or bags it will be indicated what type of wallpaper this glue corresponds to, and how much glue you will need to use.