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» Technology of building a house from laminated veneer lumber. Pros, cons and reviews of houses made of laminated veneer lumber. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber video

Technology of building a house from laminated veneer lumber. Pros, cons and reviews of houses made of laminated veneer lumber. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber video

Glued laminated timber is a type of timber that consists of several pre-dried lamella boards that are glued together with a special compound. A house made of such material shrinks less than a house made of logs or ordinary timber; the material itself almost does not change shape during use. Such qualities make construction from laminated veneer lumber increasingly popular, despite its relatively high cost. How to build a house from laminated timber?

The first stage is project development

It is better to entrust this work to professionals. They will take into account all the customer’s wishes and the characteristics of the material and develop a house that will be comfortable and safe. Ready-made projects can also be found on the Internet; as a rule, they reflect only the main points: the size of the building, the location of the rooms, internal partitions, stairs, windows, doors. But it should be remembered that a house is not only walls and a roof, but also communications, which also need to be laid in accordance with certain requirements.

Technology of building a house from laminated veneer lumber

When the project is developed, the house is assembled according to the diagram, like a constructor. However, the construction of walls from this material has its own characteristics.

  • It is important to check the evenness of all joints and the geometry of walls and corners.
  • Jute insulation is used for seams.

Glued laminated timber can have a German or Finnish profile, which differs in the number of grooves and ridges. Thanks to the tongue-and-groove connection, laminated veneer lumber, like profiled timber, is better protected from moisture between the crowns.

Technology for building a house from laminated veneer lumber includes a strip shallow reinforced foundation. The depth of the foundation, as a rule, is no more than 70 cm, while it should rise above the ground by at least 50 cm. If the house is large, then additional brick columns are laid under the floor joists.

The floor joists are attached to the first crown of the timber. After laying them, walls are erected, and then an interfloor or attic floor.

Technology for laying laminated veneer lumber for wooden houses even simpler than the technology of laying profiled or solid timber due to more accurate geometry.

In the corners, laminated veneer lumber can be joined in several ways. The easiest way is if you bought a timber that has already been marked and sawn “for the project”, then cups for joining have already been cut into it, all that remains is to simply assemble the house according to the instructions. If an unmarked beam is purchased, it is connected in the same way as other types. Connection using metal corners. Can be used the following types connections:

  • on dowels,
  • root thorn,
  • end to end
  • half a tree,
  • in the paw
  • frying pan or semi-frying pan,
  • dovetail at 45 degrees.

The floor consists of a rough flooring, which is attached to the joists using a metal corner, and insulation is laid on it between the joists. A finishing floor is made on top.

A rafter system is made for the roof. You can also use laminated veneer lumber for it, usually smaller in size than for walls. The sheathing is nailed to the rafters and arranged roofing pie with waterproofing, insulation and vapor barrier.


Is it necessary to insulate a house made of laminated veneer lumber? There are different opinions on this matter, but if the house is intended for year-round residence, experts advise insulating it from the outside. If the house is used periodically and is not heated every winter, then internal sealing is necessary. The benefit of insulation also lies in the fact that in an insulated house, the right conditions for wood, it does not rot or dry out.

Insulation of a house made of laminated veneer lumber includes the following measures:

  • sealing all seams in the house, eliminating holes, cracks,
  • insulation of the attic, if any,
  • sealing all openings near doors and windows,
  • sealing of floors,
  • sealing and thermal insulation of the building with insulation from the outside,
  • floor insulation.

How to insulate a house and what insulation to choose? In the choice of material main role wall thickness and climatic conditions. Typically used as insulation:

  • felt,
  • cork,
  • Styrofoam,
  • mineral wool.

If you decide to make do with insulation from the inside, then the optimal thickness of the insulation is 3 cm. This thickness does not significantly reduce the area, but it retains heat quite effectively and works as sound insulation.

Before laying insulation, the walls of the house are treated with an antiseptic. To insulate the outside of the house, a frame made of bars is attached to the walls of the house; the distance between the frame elements should be slightly less than the width of the insulation sheet so that the heat-insulating material fits tightly between the two bars. After this, the insulation is laid from bottom to top, and attached to the top windproof membrane. The final stage is decorative finishing.

Window installation

Important! Despite the fact that laminated veneer lumber shrinks less than a log or profiled beam, it still occurs, so time must pass between the construction of walls and the installation of windows.

Both wooden and plastic windows are installed in houses made of laminated timber. Installation plastic windows in a house made of laminated timber it is done as follows:

  • The first stage is window marking. The height of the window sill is made within the range of 90-130 cm. A smaller height is unsafe, and a larger height is inconvenient. Next, the dimensions of the window structure itself are marked on the wall, from which the dimensions of the casing are set aside - 2.5-5 cm (board thickness). The thickness of the window carriage into which the frame is inserted is also taken into account. In addition, add 1.5 cm for polyurethane foam.
  • Further cut a hole for the window. This is done with a circular saw. After cutting, you need to cut off all split areas. Then the hole is checked for level and its edges are ground.
  • After this the tree treated with antiseptics.
  • Constructing a casing box. She will protect window design from shrinkage of the house, which will continue throughout the entire period of operation, although less than at first. There are two options here: either the groove is cut out at the ends of the beam, and a tenon is cut into the casing frame, or vice versa. The casing is made from planed and sanded boards.

Attention! When installing a window frame, it is advisable not to use fasteners, especially self-tapping screws or nails. The casing frame must move in the opening so that it can soften the load on the glass unit from shrinkage of the house.

After this, the window is installed. If the block is a sash, then the sash is removed and the frame is installed first, and then the sash is hung. If the window is not casement, then assistance will be required, since the weight of the window is quite large.

  • The frame is inserted into the opening, leveled and grabbed in several places.
  • Next, the glass unit is finally leveled and screwed simultaneously on the right and left.
  • The installation of windows in a laminated timber house is completed by foaming the gaps.

Advice! If you do not have experience in such work, then it is better to turn to specialists. Of course, you will have to pay, but you will receive competent work with a guarantee. If you are confident in your abilities, but have not yet installed windows yourself, you need to consult a specialist.

Glued laminated timber - modern material, and building a house from it is for many reasons easier than from other lumber. However, it also has its own characteristics. It is important to observe geometry during construction, and if the house is assembled according to finished project, do not deviate from the instructions.

LLC "GK Priozersky timber processing plant" has been operating in the timber market since 1999 and is the largest full-cycle timber processing enterprise in the North-West region.

The main activity of our plant is the production of houses from profiled laminated timber and the sale of related lumber. Manufacturing of houses is possible both according to standard and individual projects. The development of the design documentation section (wooden structures) is carried out in the office in St. Petersburg. Finished houses are delivered to different regions RF.

Construction is also one of the main activities of our company. It is possible to assemble a house kit in the option “ Warm contour" - it includes the foundation, assembly of walls, installation of a roof with insulation, installation of communications, heated floors, installation of doors, double-glazed windows, etc. The output is completely ready for finishing interior decoration house. The price of our houses (the house kits themselves) depends on the choice of timber section, as it is calculated by the volume of lumber in cubic meters.

You can build a house from laminated veneer lumber in a few months. You can discuss the cost and buy a house kit throughout the year. Sales are carried out at the company's head office at the address: St. Petersburg, emb. Martynova, house 6.

Rapid development construction technologies and lightning-fast filling of the market big amount the latest building materials led to a completely justified popularization of environmentally friendly raw materials used for the production of construction products. In this regard, the popularity of houses built from environmentally friendly pure materials, also grew exponentially. This phenomenon did not go unnoticed prefabricated houses from laminated veneer lumber, built in accordance with the basic provisions Finnish technology. They were soon appreciated by developers, which is due not only to their interesting appearance, but also a lot of undeniable advantages. Cottage made of laminated veneer lumber, built using Finnish technology, has become the personification internal comfort and high environmental friendliness, which was achieved through the use of natural materials. What are the features of laminated veneer lumber? Why are developers increasingly using treated wood, and especially laminated veneer lumber, as a building material? Answers to these and other construction-related questions Finnish houses from laminated veneer lumber, you will find in this article.

The use of laminated timber: a brief excursion into history

The historical roots of laminated veneer lumber go back to antiquity, approximately 1900s. It was at this time that Japanese archers began to practice using bamboo and wood in the manufacture of weapons, the components of which they glued together. Subsequently, this principle, implying the use of glued wooden structures, fastened with staples or wedges, attracted European architects, and therefore they slightly modified this technology and began to be used in the construction of houses. Russian masters of wooden architecture also liked this technique for constructing architectural buildings. Despite the fact that the Japanese were the progenitors of this technology, it was officially patented only in the middle of the 19th century by the German carpenter Otto Hetzer, who introduced this technology to the world in the framework of the construction of bent laminated trusses made of two or more lamellas.

Modern high-tech timber made from pine was first introduced by Finland in the late 70s of the last century, and, despite the fact that this was not so long ago, it is rightfully considered its homeland. After all, it is thanks to the Finns, who use high-tech equipment in the production of laminated veneer lumber, this material got to the construction market, where he undeniable advantages allowed us to establish ourselves with best side. At the end of the 19th century, Finnish construction companies relied on the development of wooden housing construction, and, despite the fact that wood has many advantages, they faced inevitable problems, such as:

  • Cracking of the surface part of the logs during the drying process;
  • Twisting and deformation of logs.

By turning to the centuries-old experience of their ancestors, as well as using modern technical and scientific achievements, they were able to revive wooden house construction, making it a national brand of Finland.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber photo

Technological features of real Finnish wood

Traditional Finnish laminated timber is made from wood coniferous species, grown specifically for its production. In this regard, it is characterized by a number of features that are not characteristic of classical material. Let's look at what they are:

  • Highest strength and frost resistance due to the fact that the tree was grown in northern countries;
  • The strength and low thermal conductivity of timber, which determine the material’s ability to accumulate heat for a long time, is achieved by competent Finns by gluing wood fibers in different directions;
  • Thanks to the correct distribution of construction adhesive in the wood structure and optimal thickness lamellas, it does not clog it completely, allowing it to “breathe”, which cannot but affect the quality of the finished structure;

  • When producing timber, Finns use trees only with powerful trunks of the same thickness and without delamination, which can always be seen by assessing the color of the lamellas; it will always be the same;
  • Treatment of laminated veneer lumber with fire retardants makes it resistant to fire and rot, as well as damage from various rodents, insects and mold;
  • Stability geometric shape laminated timber and resistance to delamination is also achieved through the use of lumber of the same configuration. The use of wood of the same species ensures the same moisture content of the building material, and therefore it is not afraid of shrinkage and deformation;

Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber: main advantages

No kind capital construction will not be able to boast of the advantages characteristic of Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber. What are they?

Use of lightweight building materials. The construction technology of Finnish houses involves the use of lightweight building materials, which do not require powerful lifting equipment to move. Thanks to this, work on the construction of houses made of laminated veneer lumber can be completed by two or even one worker, and therefore it becomes possible to use the foundation on screw piles and shallow-depth strip structures, which makes the housing construction process less expensive;

Significant reduction in construction time. Unlike the construction of block or brick buildings, which takes at least two years, the construction of houses using Finnish technology can be completed in two months, due to the use of simplified methods of assembling the structure. Since the construction process does not involve “wet” operations that involve the use of water, the construction of Finnish houses can be carried out at any time of the year;

Simplified assembly technologies. Architectural projects of Finnish houses involve fitting all the details of the structure directly at the enterprise, while construction site- just a place for assembling a ready-made “constructor” - this is how many builders speak about the Finnish house. At all stages of the construction of a Finnish house, any amendments can be made to its design, which are implemented with virtually no additional costs or time delays;

Versatility of designs is the key to ease of repair. Due to the accessibility of all components of the Finnish structure, in case of damage, repair activities will not pose any difficulties. If it becomes necessary to redevelop the building and make changes to the original construction design, you can do this yourself;

Lightness of finishing or even lack thereof. Frame buildings, built using Finnish technology, are characterized by absolutely smooth surfaces that practically do not require interior finishing.

The nature of the soil is not the main thing. In the process of building a Finnish house, you may not think about the type of soil on which the construction will be carried out and the proximity of groundwater. The nature of the soil in in this case does not matter, since the foundation does not require long-term shrinkage, and building materials of Finnish origin are not afraid high humidity. In this regard, you can carry out construction on soil in which sand predominates, as well as in the case of surface groundwater;

High heat and sound insulation characteristics. This is due to the construction of Finnish frame structures made of wood characterized by low thermal conductivity, as well as the use of high-quality insulation contributes to the fact that winter time The house is always warm and cool in summer. Besides thermal insulation characteristics, laminated veneer lumber has high sound-proofing properties, and the additional use of sound-absorbing fabric completely prevents the penetration of external sounds;

Long service life. It's no secret that wooden houses cannot boast of long-term operation. However, this does not apply to the legendary Finnish houses. Thanks to the treatment of wood with special compounds that prevent deformation of the material, its delamination and drying out, and also increase its resistance to various biological agents, the service life of a structure made of Finnish laminated veneer lumber often corresponds to that of stone structures;

Environmental friendliness and high aesthetic characteristics. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber are characterized by high environmental friendliness, and the smell of freshly cut wood does not disappear in the house. Such buildings are not only incapable of distinguishing environment harmful substances, and moreover, wood, which constantly exudes phytoncides - antiseptics of plant origin, contributes to the health of the person in this room. And the fact that these buildings not only can become a masterpiece of wooden architecture, but will also fit perfectly into the landscape of any site is not worth even mentioning, since this is obvious.

What else do you need to know about Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber?

  • Finnish houses are characterized by an area not exceeding 250 square meters. m, which is considered the most comfortable for human habitation, since the construction of houses with larger area will entail an unjustified increase in material costs;

  • Houses made from Finnish laminated veneer lumber are built using timber with a cross-section larger than 22 cm. However, it is important to assemble as carefully as possible to prevent the formation of cracks;
  • If a house is built by Finns, they always provide a place for building a sauna, without which it is difficult to imagine a true citizen of Finland. The construction of many utility rooms is another sign of a Finnish house being built;

  • A distinctive feature of Finnish houses are spacious rooms - bedroom, kitchen, living room. There are no massive partitions between them, which contributes to the feeling of limitless space;
  • Maximum illumination of the building is achieved due to the large glazing area;
  • Despite the fact that this feature is often neglected in Russia, a traditional Finnish house is a one-story building, often equipped with an attic. The presence of two moves is a prerequisite;
  • The use of laminated veneer lumber allows you to achieve maximum vertical orientation of the corners.

Construction of houses from laminated veneer lumber using Finnish technology: a step-by-step guide

Construction of any house is a long and very expensive process, but if we're talking about about the construction of a turnkey Finnish house, everything happens exactly the opposite. If you prefer this option, construction company will take on all the burdens of building a house: from developing a project for a Finnish house made of laminated veneer lumber to pouring the foundation and cosmetic finishing of the building. This option is considered one of the most expensive for the customer. The most economical option is to purchase a ready-made kit. It is a so-called “Lego constructor”, that is, a prefabricated structure that includes ready-made elements, which is mounted directly at the assembly site. If you have the appropriate knowledge and tools, you can build such a house yourself.

Important! On construction market you can find ready-made kits domestic production, which, despite visible similarities, are characterized by significantly lower quality, which is due to production from local raw materials.

If the process of building a Finnish house is presented in general terms, it will look like this:

  • Pouring the foundation;
  • Installation and installation of crowns made of laminated veneer lumber;
  • Installation of flooring and floor beams;
  • Construction of walls from laminated veneer lumber;
  • Installation activities for construction rafter system and roofing;
  • Carrying out external and internal finishing.

Construction of a house from Finnish laminated timber: preparatory activities

Preparatory activities are as follows:

First of all, it is necessary to obtain a construction permit, and after the project is approved, proceed to site preparation, which implies:

Carrying out geological exploration, which consists of taking soil samples and subsequently determining the depth of occurrence groundwater. After carrying out these activities, you can easily identify problem areas on the site and bypass them when constructing the foundation;

Next, it is necessary to clear the area of ​​various debris and vegetation, after which the construction site is leveled and, if necessary, work is carried out to drain the area. Then it is recommended to connect electricity and other utilities.

Arrangement of the foundation: step-by-step guide

The first step after implementation preparatory work is the arrangement of the foundation for a house made of laminated veneer lumber. Due to the lightness of laminated veneer lumber, experts recommend abandoning the pouring of a strong foundation and giving preference to strip or columnar foundation, which will allow significant savings on construction. In addition, time costs will be reduced, since the construction of the more common strip foundation takes no more than three weeks.

Before you begin arranging the foundation, at the site of its construction, using special equipment, remove upper layer soil, the depth of which must be at least 15 cm. Then the foundation is marked, for which pegs are driven into the ground on the sides of the structure and a rope is pulled between them. This allows you to create a very specific foundation scheme. The direct construction of a strip foundation begins with digging a trench, for which you will also have to resort to the help of special equipment, and this time it will be an excavator. If you plan to equip a shallow foundation, then the depth of the trench should be 0.5-0.7 meters; if it is buried, then the figure increases to 1.5-2 meters. After you have dug the pit, make its edges plumb, which will prevent the earth from collapsing.

Next, the place where the foundation will be built must be strengthened. For this purpose, sand is poured into the bottom of the pit in a layer of at least 10 cm, and it is compacted until the shrinkage stops. A layer of crushed stone 5 cm thick is poured onto the sand layer and compacted in the same way. An improvised “pillow” is poured concrete mortar, the layer of which is from 5 to 10 cm. This is how the screed is arranged.

After 48 hours (the time for the concrete to completely harden), they begin to arrange the formwork, the manufacture of which will require boards or plywood. The formwork is made along the entire perimeter of the foundation and supported by wooden beams.

Reinforcing blocks are laid on the previously prepared substrate, each of which is fastened together. The mesh should be slightly thicker at the joints and corners. The use of reinforcement during the construction of the foundation will significantly strengthen and strengthen the foundation.

Then the formwork is watered and filled with a 25-centimeter layer of concrete, after which it is also compacted and the surface is leveled. After the work is completed, the concrete is covered with a film and left until the concrete hardens completely, which requires at least a month.

Technical features of assembling a house from laminated veneer lumber

Before you begin assembling the structure, order laminated veneer lumber, made in accordance with the design of the Finnish house, as well as floor joists and constituent elements roofs made of wood - sheathing, ridge, rafters. Buy everything necessary tools And Consumables. Stock up on bio- and fire protection products for wood.

Before you receive the ordered products, prepare a site for storing them (most often this is the construction site itself). Unloading is carried out taking into account the construction of the house, and therefore the timber is laid on the side of its installation.

The sequence of assembling a Finnish house made of laminated veneer lumber:

Place directly on the foundation waterproofing material(most often this is roofing felt). A backing board with a thickness of at least 55 mm, pre-treated, is laid on it bitumen mastic, which protects the structure from the damaging effects of moisture in its lower part.

In accordance with the log cutting plan, the first row of laminated veneer lumber is assembled. At the same time, it fits into the groove thermal insulation material(most often it is jute), after which the second row is laid and assembled. This is how all the crowns are further assembled.

Technical features

An integral element of the design are wooden dowels, when correct installation which the structure acquires the necessary strength.

Important! The installation of the dowels is carried out so that they are at a distance of 0.7-1.5 meters from each other and are inserted into every third beam in such a way that they fasten the house, which will prevent the occurrence of distortions. The installation of dowels is carried out in the protruding part of the rims, which is due to their greatest susceptibility to twisting.

The shape of the roof, like roofing material, you can choose at your discretion. In most cases, these issues are resolved at the design stage. Roof installation work can take up to two weeks. The final stage assembly is the arrangement of rough and finished floors, the technology of which also depends on your preferences.

At the end of the work, electrical wiring, water supply, sewerage and heating systems are installed, as well as windows and doors.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber video

Since ancient times, wood has been the most popular building material. It was used in almost any area where something needed to be built. But in some cases, for special architectural ideas, ordinary logs cannot be used. We have to use other materials. After the advent of laminated veneer lumber, it became possible to build complex buildings entirely from wood.

Appearance of the end section of laminated veneer lumber with a description of its advantages.

With such construction, it is required that the technology of building a house from laminated veneer lumber be carried out very carefully and carefully. When a house is built, the best and highest quality materials are selected for it.

Become preferred natural materials that meet basic requirements. They must be durable, reliable and consistent with the external design. The recently developed technology for building a house from laminated veneer lumber has revived the lost interest in building houses from wood. After all, in Lately Houses built from brick became very fashionable.

The project and its features

Every construction always begins with design. The construction of houses from laminated veneer lumber is no exception. A special tool will allow you to independently develop and design a house made of laminated veneer lumber. computer program. Of course, such work will require certain knowledge. When developing documentation and drawings of a house made of laminated veneer lumber, you need to prepare:

Foundation for a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

  1. Foundation plan. A drawing of the foundation is being developed, which indicates its type, the depth of the trench, the materials used, and so on.
  2. Floor beam plan. The type of support beams will depend on the type of foundation chosen. For this, a special drawing is made, which will become the basis for future floor construction.
  3. Floor plan of the building. Such documentation is considered the most labor-intensive when developing a plan. The drawing must show the places where there will be: windows, doors, walls, internal partitions.
  4. For each part, all overall dimensions must be indicated. In addition, it is desirable that the completed drawing shows the location of the fireplace and all utility lines.
  5. Screeding. During construction, the drawing shows a section of the house wall. In accordance with these drawings, the preparation of laminated veneer lumber is carried out. This process is the most labor-intensive and needs to be addressed Special attention. I must say that this is the most difficult design point. When screeding technology is developed, the walls of the future building are drawn, an axial section is made, all the details of the wall and its connection with other walls are shown. In the final form of laminated veneer lumber houses, a drawing of each wall detail is made. All major dimensions, hole diameters, cutouts and cups are shown.
  6. Numbering. Each project gives all elements an individual number, with which it can be easily identified in the future.

Advantages of a house made of laminated veneer lumber

Positive qualities are ensured due to the manufacturing technology of laminated veneer lumber. It is first cleaned, all knots are removed, then sorted according to texture and color shades. This technology allows you to get a great appearance:

Construction of house walls from laminated veneer lumber.

  1. Constancy of overall dimensions. Glued wood is able to maintain its dimensions. It does not change shape after many years of use. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber do not shrink, since the timber does not twist and does not begin to bend over time. The reason for these properties is the absence of internal stresses and perfectly dried raw materials.
  2. Strength. Solid wood is much inferior to laminated wood in this regard. Its strength is half that of laminated veneer lumber. Therefore, such timber began to be used in the latest wooden house construction. The characteristics of houses made of laminated veneer lumber meet the requirements of construction technology.

Thermal properties of a house made of laminated veneer lumber

It has long been known that any wooden house is warm. Excellent thermal performance makes it possible to save on the purchase of expensive heating equipment and fuel. To heat houses made of laminated veneer lumber, tens of times less fuel is required when compared to a house built of brick.

Construction of a wall in a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

The time it takes to build such houses is much less than the time required to build the same building if untreated wood is used. This became possible due to the fact that laminated veneer lumber is manufactured at the factory to precise dimensions and good drying. The structure of the house is assembled very quickly, installation is not particularly difficult. After laying the foundation, assembly of the house lasts approximately 5 weeks.

A lot of space is allocated to insulating the house. In ordinary wooden houses There are seams that are very difficult to seal. With houses made of laminated veneer lumber everything is much simpler. During assembly, the beams are precisely adjusted to size, so there is no need to install additional insulation to close the grooves. It should be noted that the design of such beams protects its middle from water. Such a house is never affected by rot.

Individual logs are very difficult to finish even with excellent fit. The walls still remain uneven, and the finishing process becomes much more complicated. Walls made of laminated veneer lumber are very smooth, the surface is completely smooth. This wall looks like it is monolithic. There is no need to finish these walls from the outside.

The nuances of construction from laminated veneer lumber

Any home starts with a foundation. For laminated veneer lumber, a strip version is used. Such a foundation must have a well-ventilated space (directly under the house). Therefore, special vents are provided in this foundation, thanks to which the subfloor is ventilated. For each part of the strip foundation there must be two air vents.

At the first stage, the dimensions of the strip foundation are determined.

Beam fastening diagram.

A one-story house made of laminated veneer lumber usually has a foundation poured to a depth of 800 mm. Its width reaches 500 mm. 15 cm of the dug trench is filled with sand, which must be compacted.

After the foundation work is completed, all construction is carried out according to the classical system:

  • a reinforcement frame is made;
  • formwork is installed;
  • Concrete is being poured.

The formwork should rise above the ground level by approximately 300 mm. Before pouring concrete, it is necessary to prepare in advance ventilation holes. To this end, in the right places Mortgages are inserted, which are subsequently knocked out. You can, of course, do without installing mortgages. It is possible to make holes using a hammer drill. However, such work is quite complex and time-consuming. They wait exactly a month for the foundation to dry.

The second step of construction means mounting the crowns. Before this operation, the foundation is covered with waterproofing material. First, the entire surface is coated with bitumen mastic, and then several layers of roofing material are laid.

Schemes for marking joints of beam corners.

A crown is installed on top of the insulation, which consists of beams laid directly on the foundation. First, the bottom trim is done. Floor joists are laid along with it, after which the first crown is installed. This structural element laid along partitions: it is installed together with load-bearing walls.

After completing the work with the crown, the construction of the walls begins. In this case, installing a house made of laminated veneer lumber is similar to assembling a construction set. The beams are fastened with spikes, which are driven into pre-prepared holes. In this work, much attention is paid to when the corners are bandaged.

Final moments of construction

Connecting timber along the length with a straight rim lock and an oblique rim lock.

One of the penultimate steps in the construction of houses made of laminated veneer lumber is the installation of the roof. Its installation is similar in complexity to the construction of walls. As mentioned above, such houses are built according to a special design in a factory. They are brought to the construction site in the form of finished parts that only need to be assembled.

One of these parts is the roof. In this regard, its installation only requires correct fastening necessary elements in specific places. Basically, such houses have a roof made of colored flexible tiles. It must be said that only the roofing material in this case is not made of wood.

The final operation of constructing a house from laminated veneer lumber requires only finishing the surface of the floor and walls. Most important work During this technological operation, the production of the floor is considered. This is usually a multi-layer structure with moisture-resistant plywood placed underneath. A special one is mounted on top of it decorative coating. Both of these layers are separated by a reinforced screed, and sometimes a durable boardwalk is laid.

The surfaces of the walls inside the house are most often made of wood, but decorating with other types of materials will also look good.

Wood is one of the most ancient and widely used building materials. For the construction of some buildings simple logs are not suitable, so they were previously replaced with various other materials. However, as soon as a material such as laminated veneer lumber was discovered, it became quite possible to construct even quite complex structures from wood.

A house made of laminated veneer lumber has many advantages. The main ones are speed and excellent speed of construction, as well as high strength and finished house. In order to independently build a house from laminated veneer lumber, you need to thoroughly understand all the nuances of such construction.

Construction of a foundation for a house made of laminated veneer lumber

Tools needed for work: hammer, screwdriver, level and tape measure, drill.

The process of building a house from laminated veneer lumber with your own hands begins with the construction of the foundation. However, before you proceed with this job, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • gasoline or electric saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • axe;
  • perforator;
  • drill;
  • nails and screws;
  • level and tape measure;
  • shovels;
  • concrete mixer

It is best to build a house with your own hands on a shallow strip foundation. First the marking is done. In one of the corners you need to drive a wooden stake, then take right triangle and determine the direction in which you will need to pull 2 ​​threads, with the help of which the sides of the future foundation for a house made of laminated veneer lumber will be marked with your own hands.

Measure the required distance and drive in the second peg. Go back to the first one and pull a new thread, which will show another side of the base. Mark all other sides of the structure in the same way. Be sure to check the markings are correct. To do this, stretch the diagonals and measure their lengths. If they are the same, then the marking is done correctly.

Next, you will need near each driven peg with inside mark the square. Usually squares with a side of 0.5 m are marked. Drive pegs into the corners of the resulting square and stretch a rope between them. This is how the internal contour of the base for a house made of laminated veneer lumber will be marked with your own hands.

When the marking is ready, dig a trench. Deepen it by about 0.5 m. Check the uniformity of the bottom of the dug pit. Eliminate existing differences. Place a layer of sand 10-15 cm thick at the bottom of the hole. Level it thoroughly and compact it.

Make a frame from reinforcing bars. Lower it into the hole. In the middle, as well as in the corners of the pit, linings for the frame should be installed. They can be made from broken and unnecessary bricks. After this, you will need to make shields for the base of the future house from laminated veneer lumber with your own hands. For this, use 2.5x15 cm boards; moisture-resistant plywood will also work.

Ventilation ducts must be installed in the foundation walls, thanks to which the underground will remain dry. Take a piece of timber, insulate it with roofing felt, and then squeeze it between the panels. Wait until the foundation for a house made of laminated veneer lumber hardens with your own hands, and knock out these blanks.

For pouring, a standard solution is prepared from 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, water and 5 parts gravel or crushed stone.

The solution must be poured in even layers. Monitor the integrity of the shields. Each poured layer must be compacted with a vibrator. Leave the poured foundation for about a month so that it gains strength.

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Guide to laying crowns

First of all, you will need to ensure reliable moisture protection of the bottom trim from the foundation of a laminated bursa house with your own hands. To do this, you need to cover the entire surface of the base with several layers of roofing material. You can coat it with bitumen mastic and lay waterproofing on it.

Lay the frame beams in place in accordance with the drawing of your house made of laminated veneer lumber with your own hands. Beam connections can be made in several different ways.

To connect the first crowns to the base, use metal pins or crutches. Drill at least 2 through holes in the beam. Each of them should have a diameter of about 1 cm. Go deeper into the foundation of your future house made of laminated veneer lumber with your own hands by about 5-10 cm. Remove the beam, drive a wooden plug into the resulting hole, return the beam to its place, drive in a crutch or a pin. The starting row is covered with thermal insulation (usually tow or jute is used). The next row of beams is placed on top of the thermal insulation.

To connect the beams to each other as securely as possible, you need to use wooden dowels. At the joints or next to them, make holes with a diameter of about 4 cm and a depth equal to 1.5 beams. The dowel should be 1-2 mm larger than the diameter of the hole, and its length should be 40-50 mm less than the depth of the hole. Drive in the dowel and add additional pressure on top to make it deeper.

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Step-by-step instructions for building a floor

When building a house from laminated veneer lumber with your own hands, the most often used method is to build a floor on support pillars. This is one of the simplest and most effective solutions.

First, the soil for the support posts is removed. To do this, you need to dig a hole with sides about 40-50 cm and depths of half a meter. The distance between the posts is 70-80 cm. Fill the holes with 10 cm of sand and the same layer of crushed stone. Compact the backfill thoroughly. After this, you should make a reinforcing frame for the base of the support column, lower it inside and fill it with concrete mortar.

Wait until the concrete gains strength, and you can do it brickwork. If the supporting columns are higher than 25 cm, the masonry is made of 2 bricks. If their height is less, 1.5 bricks will be enough. The top of the columns is covered with thermal insulation.

Place the beams on the prepared posts. Place logs on them. This method requires a fairly large consumption of lumber, but the finished floor of the house can normally withstand high loads and you won’t have to glue anything extra. Use self-tapping screws to connect the beams.

Inside, between the lags, it is necessary to lay a rough roll. It is fastened to the joists using metal corners. To make the roll, use moisture-resistant plywood. Waterproofing material should be laid between the sill and the joists. Bring the edges of the insulation up along the perimeter. The film is laid overlapping. Tape the joints with tape. Place thermal insulation material inside and lay a subfloor. Finish coating on at this stage doesn't fit. This will be done in the process of finishing the finished laminated timber house with your own hands.

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How to build walls?

At this stage you will need to find at least 3 helpers. Thermal insulation is laid on top of the crowns and the first row of beams is installed. Use nails to temporarily secure each beam. They need to be driven into the ends on both sides. Take a drill and make holes for the dowels. Drive in the dowels.

Monitor the vertical and horizontal levels of the walls. After the wall box is completely ready, it is covered with beams interfloor covering. Install the beams and mark where they will be laid. Move the beams to the side, make half-beam cutouts in the previously designated places and lower the floor beams into them. Check that they are installed horizontally building level. If you plan to have several floors in your home made of laminated veneer lumber, continue to build walls using the same technology. After all the walls and ceilings are ready, start manufacturing truss structure for the roof of your house made of laminated veneer lumber.