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» Fabric blinds for the loggia. Which blinds for the balcony are better? Types of blinds: brief descriptions and features

Fabric blinds for the loggia. Which blinds for the balcony are better? Types of blinds: brief descriptions and features


How to decide which blinds are best for a balcony if the market is replete with a variety of materials and models? What kind of in this case be guided by principles and what to pay attention to Special attention?

First, let’s define what “blinds for windows on a balcony” are, and what are they for? These are so-called curtains, consisting of a number of interconnected plates (lamellas), which can be arranged vertically or horizontally. These structures do not prevent the flow of fresh air, but perfectly protect the room from the penetration of the hot rays of the sun. Installing blinds on the balcony will also help to hide from prying eyes.

Based on the materials from which blinds are made, they are divided into:

  • fabric;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • wooden.

According to the location of the slats, blinds are:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical

There are also roll blinds for the balcony, which, thanks to their originality, become Lately increasingly in demand. To figure it out and understand which blinds are best for a balcony, let’s take a closer look at all the options.

Materials used for the manufacture of blinds

Plastic. The most common option. Plastic curtains for the balcony are convenient in design, at an affordable price And good quality. They are easy to care for, easy and quick to clean.

Tree. For greater moisture resistance wooden slats pre-treated with varnish. Blinds from of this material have a special handle for fixing the length. This option is more suitable for small balconies.

Textile. Polyester is preferred. The material is easy to clean and practically does not fade in the sun. Polyester blinds have a long service life.

Metal. Easy to care for and inexpensive aluminum blinds the balcony is not influenced environment. They are reliable and practical.

Vertical blinds

These structures consist of plastic or aluminum cornice, control cord, connecting chain, weights, runners and slats. The lamellas can be made of any material.

Vertical blinds for balconies are attached to the wall or ceiling using brackets. To do this, it is enough to drill 2-3 holes. Old slats can be easily replaced with new ones. The closing method is optional:

  • from right to left;
  • from the center to the sides;
  • from left to right.

The vertical lamellas are assembled into an accordion and easily rotate around their axis. The opinion that vertical blinds installed mainly in office premises, is erroneous.

Huge selection of textures, materials and color solutions allows you to decorate any interior with these designs.

When choosing vertical blinds for your balcony, pay special attention to the following details:

  • It is better to choose an aluminum cornice. The tendency of plastic to deform can lead to failure of the entire mechanism.
  • The plastic chain with which the vertical strips are connected at the bottom should only be white. Plastic with a yellowish tint indicates its low quality.
  • All-plastic weights have proven themselves better than all others. They don't rust.
    These designs will become excellent option blinds for balcony sliding windows.

Horizontal blinds

A huge plus of horizontal blinds for the balcony is the ability to install them directly on the window frame. In this case, they fit very tightly to the glass and do not dangle even when the window is open.

Numerous slats, connected to each other by fastening elements, easily open and close, gathering into an accordion.

The main advantages of horizontal curtains for the balcony:

  • simple and easy care;
  • take up little space without visually reducing the area of ​​the room;
  • If desired, they can be mounted on the upper slope of the window opening, wall or window frame.

Advice! If you install horizontal blinds on each window frame, you can place flowers or other objects on the windowsill, and also easily open and close the windows.

Roller blinds

Such designs consist of a special shaft on which it is carefully wound tightly. The shaft itself can be attached, depending on the circumstances, to a window frame, ceiling or wall. Roller blinds on the balcony, installed directly on the window sash, are very convenient and do not interfere at all when closing or opening the window frames.

The variety of color shades and textures of roll filters allows you to create original interiors premises. Blinds can be translucent or very thick. Attractive, reliable, comfortable roller blinds on the balcony provide comfort and coziness in the room.

It is important! When choosing roller blinds, purchase designs where the shaft with fabric wound on it is hidden inside the box. In this case, the canvas will be reliably protected from dust.

Choice of blinds. What should you pay attention to?

  • The length of balcony blinds with sliding frames should be slightly less than the length of the frame itself (5-10 cm).
  • When choosing a specific model, you need to pay attention to swivel mechanism. Its moving parts should not creak. The mechanism should function smoothly, creating only comfort during daily use.
  • Fabric vertical blinds will become the most suitable option For plastic frames. In this case, you can cover windows of any size and easily adjust the lighting level.
  • Unusually impressive roller blinds in a wide variety of colors can entail large expenses. But they will be an excellent solution for a long time and for any balconies.
  • The length of the blinds should not reach the floor. These designs successfully save room space and create comfort in it. With such a huge assortment, you can create the most striking interior masterpieces.

What kind of blinds should I install on a balcony or loggia? The answer is clear - any. It all depends on your taste. There are, of course, some restrictions. For example:

  • Sash-mounted blinds are inappropriate on balconies with aluminum or sliding windows. Otherwise, the sliding frames simply will not open, and blinds cannot be installed on aluminum at all.
  • Horizontal blinds can be used to regulate the flow of light. They can be fully raised - if you need a lot of light. And if you just turn the slats, only a small backlight is created.
  • Vertical blinds for the balcony are similar to traditional curtains, as they cover the entire window opening. The only disadvantage of such structures is that to open the window, you first need to open the blinds. And with the shutters open, it is impossible to close the blinds.
  • Roller blinds will become the most a good option for balconies that are located on sunny side. Enough thick fabric will not let in the sun's rays. If sunlight happens to be a rare guest on the balcony, it is better to choose blinds made of translucent fabric.
  • An interesting option for decoration inexpensive interior the balcony will be installed plastic blinds on PVC windows. Plastic High Quality does not deform, so it will last quite a long time.
  • Wooden blinds go well with window frames from natural wood. The downside of these designs is their fairly high cost.
  • Aluminum blinds for balconies are lightproof, fire resistant and durable. But they make a lot of noise when opening and closing.

A balcony or loggia has long ceased to be a warehouse for unnecessary things, but a full-fledged living space. Considerable attention is paid to design, and modern blinds for the balcony have become integral part interior

Installation of blinds on the loggia

The design of any blinds is complex design, and during installation you must strictly follow all the rules. Accurate step by step execution manufacturer's recommendations will not take much effort and time.

There are several ways to install blinds on a loggia:

  • into the window opening;
  • onlay;
  • on the window sash.

The installation option is selected depending on the characteristics of the window itself and the type of blinds fastening.

Before installation begins, all measurements must be taken carefully.

It is worth paying attention that when choosing the installation option in a window opening, you will have to retreat two centimeters on each side. It's about about the height offset. This measure will prevent the blinds from touching the window sill too much, that is, actually lying on it.

Choosing the “overlay” option involves adding five extra centimeters on each side when ordering blinds of a certain size. The height of the structure is determined independently. Blinds may or may not reach the floor.

To install blinds on each sash, you need to take a construction tape and accurately measure the window width. In this case, the following factor is taken into account: the fittings should not interfere with the free opening of the blinds.

Accurate measurements will allow any structure to function properly. This even applies to windows non-standard shape. However, in the latter case you will have to do individual order in order to adjust the blinds to the size of the window as much as possible.

Before starting work, you must prepare the following tools:

  • pencil or marker;
  • construction meter;
  • electric drill;
  • fastener

During the marking process, you need to take into account that the design of the blinds should not interfere with the opening and closing of the window. On the side where the cord for controlling the blinds is located, according to the rules, an additional fastening is installed. This is necessary to reduce the load.

When marking is done, the blinds are applied to the window. It is advisable not to carry out the installation alone; this will be associated with a number of difficulties. It is worth doing all the work together with a partner.

Next, we mark with a marker or pencil the place where a hole for hardware fasteners - dowels or screws - will soon be drilled. Fasteners are installed using an electric drill. Then the blind mechanism is installed.

The last stage is a thorough check of the functioning of the mechanism. If the fasteners were installed correctly, then the structure will work exactly as intended. Otherwise, the work will have to be redone.

There are several types of blinds from which you can choose what you really like. Or whatever seems most suitable for the interior. But before deciding on one type of design or another, several factors must be taken into account.

The window blocks and the door leading to the loggia often open.

It is advisable to choose colors of blinds that will not be too easily soiled. You should always give preference to blind materials that can be easily removed, washed and cleaned.

Therefore, the fastenings must be as strong as possible. It is advisable to opt for blinds made of fabric, paper or polymer materials. They make significantly less noise than metal and wooden options.

For example, horizontal blinds cannot be installed on aluminum frames. The reason for this lies in the fastening features of such models. They must be mounted directly to the sash.

If the main purpose of installing blinds on a loggia is aesthetic appeal, it is best to choose a variety called “pleated” (they will be discussed specifically later). As practice has shown, such blinds look best on large windows.

Note: If in ordinary rooms you can choose vertical blinds made of aluminum or fabric, then for the loggia the best option will polymer material plastic that does not fade in sunlight.


As for horizontal curtains, it is advisable to have them installed by a professional if plastic windows are installed on the loggia. Blinds of this type are attached to window sashes or close to walls.

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Pleats are very practical and at the same time nice option. In today's market, you can choose a number of configurations that allow you to give your interior a sophisticated look.

Like vertical structures, pleated blinds make it possible to regulate the amount of color and heat entering the room. There is no need to attach a cassette during installation.

The main advantage of this type of blinds is the ability to install them on any type of window.


Roller blinds are an ideal option for mounting on plastic window designs. Roller blinds are rightfully considered the most durable, since the material's rolling system allows it to be stored in a special box.

The curtain moves very easily and precisely along the guides, so it is not able to swing. When closed, roller blinds fit very tightly to the glass, which prevents the curtain from deforming and wearing out over time.


Like vertical blinds, roller blinds are optimal for installation on loggias or balconies. At the same time, the structure is easy to install both on the window frame and on the door itself. Installation can be done with your own hands without the help of specialists.

You should choose blinds based on the material used in their production. Blinds are distinguished from:

  • wood;
  • fabrics;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • paper.

Main plus wooden blinds- it is aesthetically attractive appearance. Blinds fit perfectly into any interior. Wooden structures very easy to use and environmentally friendly.

Fabric blinds for loggias are distinguished by high levels of not only practicality, but also durability. Special impregnation and treatment prevents the blinds from fading in the sun. Another plus is the almost unlimited choice of colors.

Plastic slats for loggias and balconies are very common. They are easy to install and do not require much maintenance. But if you choose cheap option, the blinds will quickly lose visual appeal, yellowed or cracked.

Metal blinds are chosen for installation on a loggia quite rarely. They do not tolerate temperature changes and precipitation well. They should only be installed if the balcony is used infrequently.

Paper blinds for balconies are very functional. It is better to install them in the form of a roll system or pleated system, as discussed above.

Blinds deserve a separate point in our article. There is a problem with sliding curtains that work on the “compartment” principle. Due to the fact that the shutters fit tightly to each other, the blinds cannot be installed on minimum distance to the window.

You should immediately discard the option with blinds, the design of which is intended for classic version plastic windows.

There is a way out. This is the installation of vertical blinds, roller blinds or horizontal blinds. The latter should be located a short distance from the window. Installation of the listed structures will not be easy if suspended ceilings are installed on the loggia.

The best option is to attach the blinds to the “original” concrete ceiling.

It is necessary to think over a scheme for dividing the blinds into separate fragments. This is important, since only in this way will it be possible to freely open the windows and approach them, as well as directly adjust the blinds.

When working with roller blinds, you need to plan the dimensions so that their joints coincide with the frames, and not with the glass.

If the choice fell on horizontal blinds, then a centimeter gap is made between them. This measure will avoid deformation of the slats when raising and lowering the blinds, and during gusts of wind if the window is open.

The main functions of window decoration are to protect rooms from outside views and from sunlight. In this article, we will look at balcony blinds - their advantages and disadvantages, and discuss what pitfalls you may encounter during the operation of this product.

The advantages of blinds on the balcony over curtains are obvious:

  • when disassembled, they do not prevent the penetration of fresh air into the room during ventilation;
  • the ability to smoothly regulate the flow of sunlight;
  • harmonize with additional window decor;
  • several options for installing a cornice. The question naturally arises - which blinds are better on the balcony, what should be taken into account when choosing a particular option? Blinds should create comfort on the balcony, be easy to use and easy to maintain. To reduce noise from structures during ventilation, it is not recommended to install blinds on a loggia with metal slats. When choosing materials for a window with a balcony, you should also take into account changes in temperature and air humidity. Therefore, it is not advisable to mount cheap wooden blinds to the balcony and loggia. Due to the need to regularly remove the blades for cleaning, it is not advisable to install models with questionable fastenings.

    Types of blinds: brief descriptions and features

The designs of various products generally consist of lamellas or canvas and a cornice. The slats of the devices are made of metal (aluminum), plastic, fabric, wood. In order to choose the right model of curtains or blinds that meets the requirements of the room, you should have an idea of ​​​​the various types of blinds.

Vertical blinds perfectly support the theme of a single space on balconies with panoramic glazing

2. Popular when decorating plastic windows. Models with plastic and metal slats are offered on the markets. Color design The planks are very diverse - from strict metallic shades to imitation of wooden and marble surfaces. The planks are available in various widths - from 16 mm to 50 mm.

Plastic or metal blinds for the frame of a balcony window

In a kitchen with a balcony, it is better to install blinds with metal slats, which are moisture resistant and do not absorb odors. To care for the structure, you must use kitchen surface cleaners that do not contain abrasives.

3. for the balcony they are sewn from plain or patterned fabrics. The special coating of the canvas repels dust and liquids, so it is easy to take care of the product. Roller blinds for balcony windows they can be equipped with a cassette pipe or simply screwed onto a shaft.

Neutral milky-colored roller blinds to protect the balcony from the sun Pleated blinds are laid in parallel folds. Thanks to the supporting ladder, the curtains do not “flow” down. Textured or jacquard materials with various shades. Blinds on a balcony or loggia are controlled by tension, chain, or free-hanging mechanisms.
For a bay window or curved balcony, paper or fabric pleated blinds are economical and practical

4. They are folded and are suitable for decorating a loggia in any style. Fabric blinds for the balcony are made of cotton, silk, and linen. Special impregnation prevents the fabric from fading in the sun.

Roman blinds look equally good both in a bay window and on a rounded balcony

5. for the balcony are made of light, strong wood. Models are available with lamella widths from 25 mm to 70 mm. To prevent the planks from fading or deforming, the surfaces are varnished.

It is advisable to purchase wooden blinds from trusted companies that guarantee a long service life of the products. Slats made from unsuitable wood, without following technology, can “spin” when humidity and temperature change

6. made from woven fabric. Natural material It is durable and moisture resistant. Roll/Roman models are available on the market. Products up to 1 m wide are equipped with a metal cornice, decorated with a strip with a linen shade. Models from 1 m are equipped with a cornice with wooden slats, disguised with a bamboo coattail.

Bamboo blinds for windows on the balcony may have differences in the shade of the wood, which is explained by the production technology, the naturalness of the material and is not considered a defect.

How to choose blinds for balcony glazing

It’s difficult to talk about balcony blinds, which ones are better or more beautiful, since the first stages of selection are analysis and clarification technical parameters installed window. So, for example, blinds for a balcony with sliding windows can be of one type of fastening - directly to the window frame.

When installing structures on loggias, special attention should be paid to the options for attaching cornices. Which blinds are best installed on the balcony is determined by the material from which the glazing of the room is made.

Blinds for the balcony. Which models are better - an overview of the advantages, disadvantages

Expanded range construction market allows you to choose decor for the balcony based on the characteristics of the room and the desires of the owners. When choosing, the strengths and weak sides products, their cost (depending on the size of the structure, quality of materials).

Blind type Distinctive features approximate cost
pros minuses
Vertical Easy care low price, installed on non-standard openings; easy replacement of damaged lamellas; smooth control of natural light. In case of drafts they make noise and get confused. In products with a pattern, it is difficult to replace individual damaged strips; difficult to open the doors. from 370 rub.
Horizontal Installed on separate window glazing; wipe and wash without dismantling; fixing the bottom bar eliminates noise in drafts; The level of daylight changes smoothly. Not mounted on aluminum frames, white plastic slats turn yellow over time; plastic deforms under sudden impact; from 420 rub.
Rolled They fit tightly to the glass thanks to the fastening features. The inability to smoothly regulate the natural lighting of the room. from 1110 rubles per product
with sides 0.7 m by 1.8 m
Roman Several mounting options; ease of maintenance (the fabric can be washed). The light intensity changes only by lowering/raising the canvas; high price. from 1600 rub.m.
Pleated Many installation options various systems management, design non-standard wooden, plastic, aluminum windows; The fabric is washed (by hand). High price; It is not advisable to install it on a kitchen loggia due to rapid contamination. from 1200 rubles per product
with sides 0.4 m by 1.6 m
Wooden bamboo Environmental friendliness; stylish decor window. Significant weight weakens the fastening over time; price; the level of illumination is regulated only by raising/lowering the lamellas wooden - from 2600
RUR/sq.m. bamboo – from 900

Models of blinds for loggia, balcony, bay window - differences

When installing blinds, be sure to take into account distinctive features glazing of premises. Taking these nuances into account creates a harmonious and cozy environment on the site:

Which blinds are best to choose for a balcony depends on the purpose of the room and its location. For the working corner, products are selected that smoothly regulate the degree of natural light. It is rational to install structures with thin panels on balconies on the north side. A variety of types of curtains/blinds solve lighting issues and implement interesting design ideas.

How to decide which blinds are best for a balcony if the market is replete with a variety of materials and models? What principles should we follow in this case and what should we pay special attention to?

First, let’s define what “blinds on window to the balcony,” and what are they for? These are so-called curtains, consisting of a number of interconnected plates (lamellas), which can be arranged vertically or horizontally. These structures do not prevent the flow of fresh air, but perfectly protect the room from the penetration of the hot rays of the sun. Installing blinds on the balcony will also help to hide from prying eyes.

Balcony in yellow-green tones

Cozy reading corner on the balcony

Blinds made from natural materials

Based on the materials from which blinds are made, they are divided into:





According to the location of the slats, blinds are:



There are also roller blinds for balconies, which, due to their originality, have recently become increasingly in demand. To figure it out and understand which blinds are best for a balcony, let’s take a closer look at all the options.

Spacious loggia in beige tones

Roller blinds are an excellent solution for a balcony on the sunny side

Fabric blinds

Materials used for the manufacture of blinds

Plastic. The most common option. Plastic blinds for balconies are distinguished by their convenient design, affordable price and good quality. They are easy to care for, easy and quick to clean.

Tree. For greater resistance to moisture, wooden slats are pre-treated with varnish. Blinds made of this material have a special handle for fixing the length. This option is more suitable for small balconies.

Textile. Polyester is preferred. The material is easy to clean and practically does not fade in the sun. Polyester blinds have a long service life.

Metal. Easy to maintain and inexpensive, aluminum balcony blinds are not susceptible to environmental influences. They are reliable and practical.

Loft style balcony

Loggia in gray-blue tones

Cozy sofa for relaxing + storage space

Vertical blinds

These structures consist of a plastic or aluminum cornice, control cord, connecting chain, weights, runners and slats. The lamellas can be made of any material.

Vertical blinds for balconies are attached to the wall or ceiling using brackets. To do this, it is enough to drill 2-3 holes. Old slats can be easily replaced with new ones. The closing method is optional:

from right to left;

from the center to the sides;

from left to right.

Vertical blinds on the balcony

The vertical lamellas are assembled into an accordion and easily rotate around their axis. The opinion that vertical blinds are installed mainly in office premises is erroneous.

A huge selection of textures, materials and colors allows you to decorate any interior with these designs.

When choosing vertical blinds for your balcony, pay special attention to the following details:

It is better to choose an aluminum cornice. The tendency of plastic to deform can lead to failure of the entire mechanism.

The plastic chain with which the vertical strips are connected at the bottom should only be white. Plastic with a yellowish tint indicates its low quality.

Vertical blinds - stylish solution for decorating the balcony area

Horizontal blinds

A huge plus of horizontal blinds for the balcony is the ability to install them directly on the window frame. In this case, they fit very tightly to the glass and do not dangle even when the window is open.

Numerous slats, connected to each other by fastening elements, easily open and close, gathering into an accordion.

Wood imitation horizontal blinds

The main advantages of horizontal blinds for the balcony:

simple and easy care;

take up little space without visually reducing the area of ​​the room;

If desired, they can be mounted on the upper slope of the window opening, wall or window frame.

Classic horizontal blinds

Advice! By installing horizontal blinds on each window frame, you can place flowers or other items on the windowsill and make the windows easy to open and close.

Roller blinds

Such designs consist of a special shaft on which it is carefully wound tightly. The shaft itself can be attached, depending on the circumstances, to a window frame, ceiling or wall. Roller blinds on the balcony, installed directly on the window sash, are very convenient and do not interfere at all when closing or opening the window frames.

The variety of color shades and textures of roll filters allows you to create original interiors. Blinds can be translucent or very thick. Attractive, reliable, convenient roller blinds on the balcony provide comfort and coziness in the room.

The mechanism of operation of roller blinds

It is important! When choosing roller blinds, purchase designs where the shaft with fabric wound on it is hidden inside the box. In this case, the canvas will be reliably protected from dust.

Roller blinds make the terrace more cozy

Choice of blinds. What should you pay attention to?

The length of balcony blinds with sliding frames should be slightly less than the length of the frame itself (5-10 cm).

When choosing a specific model, you need to pay attention to the rotating mechanism. Its moving parts should not creak. The mechanism should function smoothly, creating only comfort during daily use.

Fabric vertical blinds will be the most suitable option for plastic frames. In this case, you can cover windows of any size and easily adjust the lighting level.

Unusually impressive roller blinds in a wide variety of colors can entail large expenses. But they will be an excellent solution for a long time and for any balconies.

The length of the blinds should not reach the floor. These designs successfully save room space and create comfort in it. With such a huge assortment, you can create the most striking interior masterpieces.

Dining area with a wonderful view of the city

Home office on the balcony

Natural fabrics, wood and fresh flowers create a special atmosphere on the balcony

What kind of blinds should I install on a balcony or loggia? The answer is clear - any. It all depends on your taste. There are, of course, some restrictions. For example:

Sash-mounted blinds are inappropriate on balconies with aluminum or sliding windows. Otherwise, the sliding frames simply will not open, and blinds cannot be installed on aluminum at all.

Horizontal blinds can be used to regulate the flow of light. They can be fully raised - if you need a lot of light. And if you just turn the slats, only a small backlight is created.

Vertical blinds for the balcony are similar to traditional curtains, as they cover the entire window opening. The only disadvantage of such structures is that to open the window, you first need to open the blinds. And with the shutters open, it is impossible to close the blinds.

Roller blinds will be the most successful option for balconies that are located on the sunny side. A fairly dense fabric will not allow the sun's rays to pass through. If sunlight is a rare guest on the balcony, then it is better to choose blinds made of translucent fabric.

An interesting option for decorating an inexpensive balcony interior would be to install plastic blinds on PVC windows. High quality plastic does not deform, so it will last quite a long time.

Wooden blinds go well with window frames made of natural wood. The downside of these designs is their fairly high cost.

Aluminum blinds for balconies are lightproof, fire resistant and durable. But they make a lot of noise when opening and closing.

Good mood corner

Bench on the window for book lovers

Blinds not only protect the balcony from the bright rays of the sun, but also help create a cozy atmosphere and emphasize the design of the room

Which blinds are better for a balcony - video

  • It is not recommended to choose vertical slats for a small balcony space.
  • For a loggia with sliding windows, both vertical and horizontal models with ceiling mounting are suitable.
  • For loggias located on the south side, it is advisable to use products made from denser materials.
  • Small balcony windows are best decorated with horizontal structures, with a type of glass mounting.

Types of structures

There are several varieties, each of which allows you to choose perfect solution for decorating the loggia.


Quite a simple and convenient model. This design does not take up much space, looks weightless and does not overload the space of even the smallest balcony.

The photo shows a loggia with horizontal slats on the windows.


They are made of plastic, fabric, aluminum, and have many shades and colors. When completely closed, they resemble curtains and perfectly protect the loggia from the sun.

The photo shows a balcony with light vertical slats.

Lamella material

For the manufacture of lamellas they are used different kinds materials with very different textures and densities.


Lightweight, resistant to sun rays and are not subject to deformation. The only disadvantage of fabric models is their rapid contamination.

The photo shows a loggia with fabric vertical slats.


They are easy to care for, practically do not fade in the sun and do not lose their appearance over time. However, slats made of inexpensive plastic deteriorate very quickly due to the fact that they are exposed to mechanical stress.


Strong and durable metal slats are easy to clean and are not afraid of moisture. A small drawback is that such structures create noise when opening and closing the doors.

The photo shows aluminum slats on the loggia.


They look very impressive and expensive. They do not fade in the sun and do not dry out. Natural bamboo products look original and exotic and instantly attract attention.

The photo shows wooden horizontal slats on the balcony.


Pleated paper blinds are a versatile and multifunctional option for decoration. balcony windows. Indoors, they create a unique comfort.

In the photo there is a balcony with paper blinds pleated.

Types of blinds for loggias

Balcony blinds not only allow you to control the level of light, but also stylishly decorate the room.


universal option

, combining the advantages of fabric and plastic slats.

For windows of various shapes and devices

Balcony blinds allow windows to gain a more thoughtful, deep and stylish look.


Both horizontal and vertical models with a ceiling profile are suitable for sliding windows. The photo shows a loggia with horizontal slats on sliding windows. Panoramic windows Sliding For such

window openings

The current choice would be vertical slats to the floor, which can reach up to 6 meters in length or more. on a small French balcony, decorated with horizontal slats and pleated blinds. They look light and make the room more spacious. Color spectrum

Various shades create a sophisticated

color scheme in room. Multicolored


interesting solution

, which allows you to revive and add variety to the laconic and austere balcony space.


The blue color evokes associations with the sea and gives a feeling of coolness. Therefore, blue or light blue slats are especially suitable for loggias located on the sunny south side. The photo shows blue vertical slats on the loggia. small space balcony

The photo shows white horizontal slats on the balcony.


Classic design option. Calm and gentle beige plastic windows does not have an irritating effect and looks very organic.

The photo shows a balcony with beige horizontal slats.


They attract attention and look quite stylish. But on small balcony, dark red planks will make the space overloaded.

How to hang blinds?

Without drilling, blinds can be secured in the following ways:

  1. The structure can be hung using a special tape that has a double-sided adhesive surface. Before installation, it is important to degrease the balcony frame and check that it is not cold.
  2. There is also the option of mounting on special brackets that are placed over the window sash and blinds are attached to them.

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Balcony blinds are an ideal design option. Such designs allow not only to make the appearance of the room stylish and attractive, but also to take into account all its functional features.