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» Thuja occidentalis - which winter-hardy varieties should you prefer? Varieties of western thuja - photo, description of the plant Thuja fan

Thuja occidentalis - which winter-hardy varieties should you prefer? Varieties of western thuja - photo, description of the plant Thuja fan

On this page you can study the types and varieties of thuja with their photos and descriptions, find out what a thuja tree looks like, thuja cones, see photos of thuja leaves and study other features of the plant. This page is only part of a large section about thuja located on the site, which also talks about diseases and pests of thuja, the formation of the thuja crown, its planting and care.

Thuja is a tree or shrub. A little biology. According to one scientific publication, thuja is a tree or shrub, that is, in nature, both trees and shrubs are found among thujas (“Trees and Shrubs of the USSR”, 1953, Academy of Sciences). However, each type of thuja has its own characteristics. Plants of thuja occidentalis, thuja foldata and thuja japonica in natural environment are represented mainly by tall trees (12 - 75 m). But the Sichuan thuja is most often found in the form of a shrub, apparently because it grows in the mountains of Southern China at an altitude of 1400 m. The Korean thuja often takes on a bush-like form, which is most often found in the form of a prostrate bush.

Thuja - conifer tree or shrub with big amount decorative varieties that were created by man based on it natural species. For example, from the following types of thuja - "arborvitae occidentalis" and "arborvitae folded", many varietal varieties have been created, from low-growing, dwarf shrubs to tall, fast-growing trees. Thus, the shrub varieties of thuja include: the western thuja variety "Danica", the western thuja variety "Frieslandia", the western thuja variety "Little Gem", the folded thuja variety "Whipcord" and others.

Is thuja a coniferous or deciduous tree? Thuja has the characteristics of conifers: needle-shaped and scale-like leaves, absence of ovaries and fruits, open arrangement of seeds, the presence of resin. So, thuja is a coniferous tree or coniferous shrub.

Thuja leaves: photo, description. The shape of thuja leaves varies depending on its type, age and variety. For example, look at the photo of thuja leaves: in the first photo there are typical scale-like leaves, in the second photo there are thuja heather leaves, which have a needle-like shape. This is surprising, but in nature the leaves of the western thuja have this form in adolescence. In natural habitats, as we grow older, modification of thuja leaf, which gradually acquires a shorter lamellar shape. In cultivated plants, such modifications do not occur and the needles of the thuja heather remain needle-shaped throughout their lives due to the method of vegetative propagation in nurseries. Thus, the heather-like form of the western thuja began to be used for decorative purposes. In the third photo: a modification of the leaf of the western thuja in the golden dwarf variety “Rheingold”, which in its youth has two forms of leaves: scale-like and needle-shaped. However, as the plant matures, the leaves gradually acquire a scale-like shape and over time, not a trace remains of the needle-shaped leaves.

Thuja - the height of an adult plant. In their natural habitat there are quite a few large trees(12 - 75 m high), however, in our usual climatic zone, the maximum height of the western thuja does not exceed 8 m (according to the scientific literature of the USSR). Arborvitae of decorative varieties grow to approximately this height.

The role of thuja in green building. Thuja is a coniferous tree that rightfully occupies a leading position in the field of landscaping among coniferous species. Thanks to the dense evergreen crown, unpretentiousness, diversity decorative forms, sizes and colors, this plant has become very popular and is used in almost all types of landscaping. Among the many varieties of thuja, there are specimens with thread-like shoots, needle-shaped needles, and weeping branches. TO important qualities Arborvitae include its excellent frost resistance, suitability for creating various trimmed compositions, topiary forms, hedges, and this is not a complete list. Scientists have noted that among all conifers, it is the thuja that best tolerates difficult urban conditions, gas pollution and soot from industrial areas, being a wind-, smoke-, and gas-resistant plant. Next we will look at photos and varieties of thuja.

Types of thuja: photos, names. These are the plants that nature gave us. Names of thuja species: western thuja, folded thuja, Korean thuja, Japanese thuja, Sichuan thuja. Let's see what a thuja tree looks like in nature, each photo contains the name of the species and enlarges when clicked.

Types of thuja: description with photo. If we delve deeper into biology, then all plant families are divided into genera, and each genus, in turn, is divided into species, the number of which is individual for each plant and each of them has its own characteristics, despite the presence of common characteristics inherent in plants of a given genus. The Thuja plant belongs to the Cypress family, to the Thuja genus, which includes five species of Thuja: western thuja, folded thuja, Japanese thuja, Sichuan thuja, Korean thuja. The homeland of thuja is considered North America(2 species grow) and East Asia(3 types).

The eastern species of thuja are three species: Korean thuja, Japanese thuja and Sichuan thuja. They should not be confused with the so-called oriental thuja or oriental planobranch (oriental biota), since it has not belonged to the genus of thuja for a long time. The North American species are Thuja occidentalis and Thuja accumulata.

The opinion that thuja terrestris exists is not true. A similar plant can be easily confused with some creeping junipers with non-thorny needles, similar to thuja needles. You can read about junipers at the link: types and varieties of junipers.

Thuja occidentalis is the most known species thuja, widely used in ornamental gardening; It has the greatest varietal diversity and frost resistance. Tolerates urban conditions well. In nature, this tree is 12–29 m high. It grows in the eastern regions of North America. In youth the crown is pyramidal, then ovoid. It grows slowly, growth slows down even more, starting from 40 to 50 years. The needles are green; in winter the scales become brownish in color. Life expectancy is 100 years or more. To the page: .

Thuja folded or giant- a tree called western red cedar in its homeland - North America, where it is found on moist soils, as well as in the mountains. Loves places near water, so it is most often found along the shores Pacific Ocean. The scales are more densely spaced than those of the western thuja, they are smaller in width and have whitish stripes on the reverse side. This is a very tall tree - long-lived with a thick trunk (diameter 1 - 2.5 m), reaching a height of up to 75 meters, on average 45 - 60 m and living up to 500 - 800 years. The bark is initially green, then red-brown, fibrous. The crown of this powerful the tree is dense, and its lower branches droop to the ground. It is not for nothing that this type of thuja is also called the giant tree of life. Frost-resistant, has a number of decorative varieties. .

Thuja Sichuan listed in the Red Book. Found in the mountains of southern China (Sichuan).

Thuja varieties with photos, names and descriptions. Thuja - decorative tree in itself, therefore all its types and varieties created by nature can already be used in landscaping. For example, the common western thuja is used to create hedges, alleys or landscaping in parks. However, based on natural species, decorative varieties of thuja have been created, each of which has its own characteristics. In addition, each variety has its own unique name, which is usually enclosed in quotation marks when written. For example: thuja occidentalis "Brabant"; where "Brabant" is the name of the thuja variety, and thuja occidentalis is the name of the species.

Thuja varieties for the Moscow region with photos and names. All varieties of thuja occidentalis are suitable for the Moscow region, but varieties of thuja foldata will withstand less frost: without consequences only up to - 30 C°. Further in the table you can study varieties of thuja for the Moscow region with photos and names - these include varieties of western thuja.

The table shows thuja varieties with photos and descriptions. For the most part, descriptions of thuja varieties are taken from the official publication - the Polish plant catalogue, but some thuja varieties are described in more detail based on the results of personal observations.

This article will discuss the types of thuja - an evergreen shrub that can be easily shaped, and their names and descriptions will be given. For better clarity, we have prepared a photo gallery for you. popular varieties.

Thuja is a magnificent tree that does not require special care. winter time of the year. In past centuries, the plant was called the “tree of life” (its cones and needles were used to treat many diseases, and the bark was used to make tea), but even today the fragrant needles of the plant cannot leave anyone indifferent. A small garden or park of thujas is great place rest and recuperation.


Thuja is the closest relative of cypress trees. The height of the trunk of this tree or shrub can reach eighty meters, but varieties with an average length of 10-20 meters are more popular.

The needles of the crop are needle-shaped and green. Mature plants have a darker shade, similar to scales. The crown is dense.

In nature, thujas are found in the eastern regions of North America. Decoratively derived forms can be found on personal plots middle lane.


Thuja occidentalis

There are five types of thuja:

  • Thuja occidentalis. Plant height up to 20 m. Needles in the form of scales.
  • Thuja chinensis. Trees with a dense pyramidal crown. Height up to 12 m.
  • Thuja Korean. This variety is rarely planted in middle lane due to the capriciousness of the plant temperature conditions. It has the appearance of a creeping shrub. IN natural environment The height of the crop can reach 8 m.
  • Thuja japonica, or Thuja standisha. An excellent option for landing on summer cottage– the plant is easy to care for and can withstand severe frosts.
  • Thuja foldata, or Thuja gigantea. IN natural conditions Thujas of this variety can reach 40 m in height. The height of the decorative forms is 4 m. The crown is pyramidal and dense.

Features of planting and care

When planting thuja on a site, it is worth considering that the plant is light-loving, but being in the sun all day, it can become dehydrated and get sick in winter.

The preferred soil is turf, with the addition of sand. Best time for planting - spring. Then it is recommended to feed the thuja. As fertilizers, it is better to give preference to complex fertilizers.

Watering the bushes is carried out immediately after planting, then once a week.

The depth of the planting hole is 60-80 cm. The distance between group plantings is up to 5 m.

Drying out the soil is not allowed! Young thuja seedlings are covered for the winter (this is usually done for the first 3 years). Adult thujas are winter-hardy.

Application in landscape design

The huge variety of forms has brought thuja fame among landscape design specialists.

And it was they who divided these plants according to their use: the first includes dwarf or shrub species used to create rockeries; to the second - thuja middle length, their place of application is “ hedge"; the third type of single or solitary plantings are taller trees that highlight design elements. Found use as a hedge element the following types trees.


Variety Brabant or Western thuja. It is characterized by good tolerance to low temperatures and a branched crown, creating an irresistible hedge. Branches should be pruned in early spring and late summer, with the best months being August and April.

Thuja occidentalis is a fast growing plant, reaching a height of four meters.

When planting, to create a hedge, Brabant is planted at a distance of fifty or one hundred centimeters between the trunks, depending on the desired density of the hedge.


Forms a narrow cone-like crown, growing up to six-seven meters in height. This plant is distinguished by its high resistance to frost and strong gusts of wind.

Thanks to its crown, “smaragd” is perfect for creating a “hedge”, as well as solitary planting.

A group of plants of this variety can create a memorable part of the landscape.


Another view western thuja- This is the Holmstrap variety. Its peculiarity is its slow growth; it will reach a height of two meters only ten years after planting.

It is used as a small decorative hedge; seedlings are planted in such a way that there is a distance of at least 75 centimeters between the bushes.

Holmstrap does not perform seasonal pruning of branches.

Rock garden

Dannika variety

The following thujas are suitable for creating a rock garden or rock garden:

  1. Dannika variety. Its spherical crown grows very slowly, reaching a height of about one meter, while its width is 50 centimeters. This type of thuja will look great in small gardens and areas like decorative element rock garden that does not require special care.
  2. Little Dorrit. It also looks like a ball, the crown dimensions are 80*60 centimeters. It is distinguished by good frost resistance. Planting locations are similar to the thuja variety Holmstrap.
  3. Hosery. A spherical shrub reaching a height of fifty centimeters and a width of sixty centimeters. Designers prefer to use this variety as an element of low decorative hedges and rock gardens.


Thujas used for single planting or group planting consisting of separate trees:

  1. Reingold. It is growing slowly. Its maximum height is one and a half meters. But it is distinguished by a spherical crown, which has a golden-yellow and even brown color. Thujas of this species are indispensable for solitary planting and creating a group of plants.
  2. Sunkist. The crown of this tree has the shape of a cone and a rare golden-yellowish color. Within 10 years it grows up to three meters and reaches meter width crowns No pruning is required to shape this type of thuja.
  3. Thuja Kornik. Very quickly reaches a height of 300 centimeters, the width of the tree is 150 centimeters. This tree is best planted in damp places on fertile soil. This plant attracts the eye with its bright green needles.

Using thuja as an element decorative design justified by the beauty of this tree, especially in winter months, as well as due to the unique aroma of pine needles and the variety of species that can be used in all types of landscape design. The plant itself improves the microclimate of the site and plays the role of protection from wind and dust.

How coniferous plants are used in landscape design, including thuja, see the following video:

The little evergreen beauty - spherical thuja - has won the hearts of gardeners all over the world. This is not surprising: an ornamental plant can take root in any conditions without requiring special care. There are only five: Sichuan, Korean, Japanese, Giant and Western. However, in Russia only Western thuja can be grown, and it will become the main character of this article! There is no need to be confused - we will not talk about types of spherical thujas, but about varieties of one type of thuja.


This variety appeared quite recently and has already gained unprecedented popularity. It's all about his amazing appearance. Thanks to its dense and lush crown, this spherical thuja variety looks like a bright pillow. In addition, Teddy is the fluffiest and softest variety, and therefore is in demand even despite the fact that it is considered quite capricious. The evergreen dwarf grows slowly, at the age of ten its height is no more than 30 cm and its width is 40 cm.

Among Teddy's advantages, one can note its tolerance to shaded areas - a couple of hours spent under the sun's rays is enough for this variety. At the same time, the plant needs regular watering, otherwise the needles will turn yellow. To ensure that Teddy's thuja branches grow evenly, you should not overfeed the bush.

This spherical thuja variety is perfect for creating stone gardens And alpine slides. It is important to take into account the change in color of needles in different times year - in the fall Teddy changes saturated green tint to bronze. This variety combines with other thujas, lush flowers and ornamental shrubs. In addition, Teddy is suitable for placement on verandas, balconies and even in rooms! Green thuja will add color and freshness to any interior.


This variety was bred in 1948 in Denmark. It can be called one of the most compact representatives of spherical thujas. It grows slowly - the annual increase in height is about 5 cm, in width - 4 cm. Over ten years, with correct landing and care, thuja Danika can grow up to 50 cm, and its diameter will not exceed a meter!

One of the main advantages of this variety is its unpretentiousness. Danica thrives in shaded areas; it also grows in direct sunlight. The only thing that thuja will not tolerate is proximity to groundwater. In this case, the plant must receive enough moisture. It is better to choose fertile soil. How to perform care and Danika? Firstly, you need to select shoots with a strong root system, without damaged roots. IN landing pit a layer of crushed stone should be laid out. By the way, it is worth planting the plant in the spring - during the summer root system will develop, the thuja will strengthen and overwinter without problems. Before the onset of cold weather, it is worth covering the young shoots with burlap. After each watering, coniferous shrubs must be loosened and mulched once a year. Gardeners recommend pruning Danica in early spring. Damaged, dry branches should be removed.

IN garden design thuja this spherical variety can be combined with other shrubs of the same shape. Group plantings look organic. Of course, such a hedge will not become an obstacle to prying eyes, but will add coziness and completeness to the garden!

Teeny Tim

Tiny Tim appeared in gardens more than 50 years ago. Thuja needles have a deep dark green color. Representatives of this variety grow extremely slowly - at the age of ten, Tiny Tim's height is only 30 cm. The diameter of the thuja can reach one and a half meters.

Caring for Tini Tim will not be difficult even for novice gardeners. The shrub does not make any special demands on the composition of the soil. The main condition is a large amount of sunlight.

This spherical thuja is usually used to create alpine slides. You can plant it in groups, or you can plant it singly. In any case, this delightful shrub will decorate the garden!


This masterpiece was invented by Polish breeders. It is miniature, but at the same time has a unique texture. This variety of western thuja loves Sun rays, so choosing a place for it should be approached responsibly. Hozeri does not have any special requirements for soil.

Compact thuja looks good next to other miniature plants. Compositions with lush flowers, such as peonies, diversify the garden. By the way, very often Hoseri is planted along facades shopping centers, residential buildings. It is suitable for decorating borders.

Golden Globe

Thuja Golden Globe has a rich yellow color. With age, the color changes to golden. This dwarf conifer ball brings life to the landscape even on gloomy days! Closer to winter, the color of the thuja becomes copper. The cute dwarf grows very slowly, 7-9 cm per year. By the age of 20, the diameter of the bush will be about 120 cm.

Gardeners love the Golden Globe thuja for its unpretentiousness: it does not need to be cut, the soil can be almost any, and there is no need for frequent fertilization. There is no need to cover the plant for the winter - it is frost-resistant. Occasionally, thuja needs to be watered and damaged branches removed. Sanitary pruning of thuja stimulates growth and makes the crown thicker.

Low thuja looks great in small gardens as tapeworms. The Golden Globe shrub is perfect for forming hedges; it can be combined with flowering plants and thujas of other varieties. Miniature thuja will become a decoration office premises, apartments, balconies and terraces, because it can be grown in containers.

Bowling Ball

The name of this thuja speaks for itself. This spherical shrub has a perfectly symmetrical shape. Its height can reach 70 cm, and its diameter is usually 100 cm. The needles look like a fringe, tightly pressed against the shoots. Closer to cold weather, the green color of the crown takes on a bronze tint.

The spherical thuja variety Bowling Ball can take root even in a shaded area. The soil for it must be nutritious, and it is important to ensure timely watering. At proper care annual growth coniferous bush can be 16-19 cm.

Bowling Ball is an indispensable element of Japanese and heather gardens, alpine slides, and walking paths. Thuja will decorate the shore of a small reservoir and forest edges.


One of the most popular varieties is spherical. Its short stature (about half a meter) and shade tolerance allow it to be used as undergrowth and planted among tall trees. Thanks to this, you can create a landscape on the site that is as close to natural as possible.

Among the advantages of the variety are good survival rate of seedlings, relative unpretentiousness and resistance to frost. Even -40 °C will not harm the bush. The young plant will need shelter before the cold weather. Experts recommend covering thuja with burlap for the winter. It should be removed no earlier than the snow melts.

In the first years, Woodwardie has a strict spherical shape, but with age it stretches out and takes on an oval shape. By the way, among other advantages, gardeners highlight healing properties plants - Woodwardy ionizes and purifies the air!


This variety is considered one of the fastest growing. By the age of 10, a spherical thuja grows up to 1.5 meters! The shape of the ball changes to ovoid with age. Khoveya has many advantages:

  • it is unpretentious and grows in almost any soil;
  • Thuja tolerates frost well;
  • This variety is not afraid of drought and high humidity;
  • cutting will not be stressful for the bush.

In winter, the lush green color takes on a brown tint. How can you use spherical thuja in landscape design? Khoveya - great option for small areas. But it also looks advantageous in spacious panoramic parks. Thanks to the possibility of growing thuja in a container, you can decorate balconies and loggias, and the roofs of buildings.


This is another representative of the western thuja. At the very beginning of its growth, Thuja Smaragd is spherical, but over the years it stretches out significantly. A few decades after planting, the shrub can reach a height of five meters! But for this it is important to follow all the rules for caring for a capricious ephedra!

Smaragd prefers loams and soil with a high lime content. It is recommended to plant thuja in sunny places. The plant needs periodic watering, mulching and loosening. The result of proper care will please you - the thuja will acquire a dark green color that will not lose even in winter! If you want the thuja to delight more than one generation of your descendants, feel free to plant a thuja of this variety: its lifespan can be more than 150 years!

This amazing plant is used as hedges. Less often, gardeners plant it in containers. How can you not? better than Smaragd suitable for creating garden sculptural compositions.

Little Champion

Bright and compact - this is how you can characterize the spherical thuja of the Little Champion variety. Maximum height the bush will not exceed one and a half meters, and the width - 90-100 cm. True, the growth process is extremely slow. By the age of 10, the Champion will only grow to 70-80 cm.

This thuja is frost-resistant, but it will need light shelter to protect it from snow pressure. The plant prefers partial shade and needs moist fertile soils. With proper care, the thuja will acquire a beautiful green color, which in winter will change to bronze-brown.

Choosing a place and landing

You are now familiar with the main varieties of spherical thujas. How to grow these cute shrubs? You should start by choosing a location.

Experienced gardeners say that thuja can grow in any area. But to improve the appearance, it is better to choose a bright place. In the shade, coniferous shrubs may lose their lushness and change color. It is important that there are no drafts in the selected area.

Two weeks before planting, you need to prepare the hole. The depth should not exceed 70-80 cm. Drainage must be laid at the bottom. You need to prepare the soil yourself: you need to mix two parts of turf soil and one part each of peat and sand. It is worth adding 5 grams of nitroammophoska to the mixture. It is best to plant thuja in open ground on permanent place at the age of 5-7 years. It is worth doing this in the fall, before frost, or in early spring.

It is important to maintain intervals between plants. For little ones globular thuja it should not be less than one meter. After planting, the plant will need watering and fertilizing. Any growth stimulants are perfect. The substances included in their composition will help plants take root and protect seedlings from diseases.


Caring for miniature conifers consists of three main stages - watering, fertilizing and pruning.

Both young shoots and adult thujas prefer a humid environment. It is best if water flows not only to the roots, but also to the crown. Moisture will help maintain good shape plants: the color of the needles will become brighter, moreover, they will gain shine, the branches will become elastic.

The optimal watering regime is 10 liters of water per week. In the summer heat, the plant will need 10 liters of water every two to three days. It is quite simple to understand that a thuja needs water - due to a lack of moisture, the crown will turn yellow, and a large number of not very beautiful cones will appear on the plant. Loosening carried out immediately after watering will help prevent rotting.

In the first two to three years after planting, there is no need to feed thuja. Later, you can add organic and mineral substances at the rate of 100 grams per 1 square meter. m. Thuja responds to fertilizing by increasing growth and splendor. There is no need to fertilize shrubs often; it is enough to do it 1-2 times at the beginning of the season. You can use regular compost; fertilizers for coniferous plants are also suitable.

Thuja pruning is necessary to limit the height and form the crown. WITH miniature plants You cannot cut off more than 10% of the crown. If you cut more, the plant may die. The best time for this procedure is April, but you can slightly adjust the shape of the crown throughout the summer. You need to start with branches that are growing incorrectly. Then it is recommended to remove diseased and dry shoots. To allow air circulation, the thuja should be thinned out.

Pests and diseases

Problems with spherical thujas arise only in two cases - when diseases or pests appear.

Excessive fertilizer leads to burns of the root system, and consequently to yellowing of the crown of coniferous shrubs. Another reason for the appearance yellow tint- defeat by thuja aphids. It usually damages the lower part of the shoots. Spraying with karbofos will help protect the plant from this pest.

Another dangerous pest- moth moth. Its size is only 4 mm, but it poses a serious danger. After being affected by thuja moth top part The shoots of the bush die, the needles turn brown. As a preventative measure, you can treat thuja several times with pyrethroid-based preparations. The best time for this is the end of June.

If there is an excess of moisture, the plant can be affected by late blight. This disease affects the root of the thuja and then moves to the top layer. The bush withers, the needles become gray in color, and the trunk becomes soft. Thuja roots take on a rotten smell.

Late blight is easier to prevent than to cure. To do this, you need to loosen the soil around the thuja and water it with fungicides. If the disease still reaches the bush, the thuja should be burned and the soil changed.

In early spring, the plant can be affected by another disease - brown shoots appear. If treatment is not started in time, the branches of the plant will begin to die. To avoid this, remove all browned shoots. Afterwards, be sure to add limestone and spray with foundationazole.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Often at the sight beautiful flower we instinctively lean in to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the opportunity long-term storage this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing difficult in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in chopped meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. She demands special conditions contents in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in large quantities cold water for several hours, preferably overnight, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes- 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late ripening periods - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious “background” plants of sansevieria do not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar I am pleasantly surprised by the balanced distribution of favorable and unfavorable days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the most good choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Ideal as a side dish boiled rice or mashed potatoes.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with interesting, non-trivial coloring of foliage. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To realize my dream of a garden that does not require great care, he probably fits perfectly. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.

Thuja is a unique tree, belongs to the cypress family evergreens. This is a plant with a bright and healthy aroma. Translated from Greek, its name means “incense”; this word literally means the process of burning wood, which releases a very pleasant aroma.

This plant is also famous for its relatively long life. A tree can grow and develop for 50-1000 years, depending on climate, care and plant variety.

Description and characteristics of thuja

Thuja is an unpretentious plant that tolerates frost well. It takes root well in both dry and humid climates, and is undemanding in terms of watering. But the plant must be protected from the wind. Well-developed branched branches and soft needles in their shape and structure can resemble a web.

There are quite a few different varieties this plant. They differ in color, size and shape. Color spectrum varies from rich green to blue, brown and even yellowish. The size of the plant depends on the variety, some trees reach several tens of meters in height, and some grow as small bush-like plants. Modern designers They can grow any plant in a wide variety of forms, but certain varieties grow in non-standard forms for a tree, independently without additional intervention. So, for example, there are trees that grow in spherical or pyramidal shapes.

By appearance needles can be judged general condition of the tree. If the needles are filled with moisture, the color matches the overall color of the crown, and they look vibrant, then everything is fine with the tree. If the needles are dry, fall off abundantly, differ noticeably in color and look lifeless, then the tree most likely lacks moisture and minerals.

Types of thuja

Today there is five main types and more than a hundred varieties of plants, which are varieties of the main five species, but differ in shape, color and other external signs. On the territory of our country, thuja does not grow under normal natural conditions, but is successfully grown by gardeners. Under natural conditions, the tree feels good in the northern part of America and eastern Asia.

Varieties of thuja

Thuja Western

Western thuja has gained immense popularity among gardeners and landscape designers. Famous for its unpretentiousness, takes root in almost any area. Based on the Western species, they bred greatest number plant varieties.

The western species is native to North America. In natural conditions it prefers moist and clay soil, which is typical for mixed forests.

Main characteristics of western thuja:

Arbor vitae

The homeland of the eastern thuja is the northwestern provinces of China. Under natural conditions it grows in rocky areas and stony soils. Initially, the oriental variety was grown in China, Japan and Korea. In Asia, the plant appeared as religious trees that were grown near mosques. In the 19th century it was brought to Europe, where it received recognition as the best coniferous ornamental plant. This kind much more whimsical to grow unlike the western thuja, but despite this the tree is very loved by designers and gardeners. There are more than 60 varieties and varieties of oriental species.

Main characteristics of the eastern thuja:

  • in natural conditions, the tree can reach 15 meters in height and 10 meters in diameter, but low bushes are also found;
  • very thermophilic, practically does not tolerate frosts, dies in cold weather;
  • there are indoor varieties;
  • the color of the crown is predominantly light green tones;
  • trunk red Brown;
  • not picky in terms of soil, but prefers rocky species;
  • cones are small in size, brownish-red in color.

Thuja folded

This species is usually classified as columnar thuja. Thuja foldata is also called a giant tree. This is exactly the type of thuja whose trees in the natural environment can reach a height of 60-70 meters. Decorative varieties, of course, much less.

In ancient times, folded thuja was actively used by American Indians for domestic purposes. The bark was used to make fibers that were used to make ropes, ropes, and even blankets. Baskets and other containers were woven from tree roots. Thanks to its impressive size and resistance of wood to rotting, folded thuja was used in the construction of houses, boats, and other water transport. It appeared in Europe in the mid-19th century.

Main characteristics of folded thuja:

  • giant tree - height in natural conditions from 60 meters, trunk diameter - from two meters;
  • considered a long-liver in flora; life expectancy can be 500-900 years, the oldest tree is 3000 years old;
  • the crown has a pyramidal shape;
  • the color of the crown, depending on the variety, can vary from rich green to green-white or green-yellow;
  • the crown is dense, the branches are often horizontal, despite the enormous height, the crown of the lower branches can touch the ground;
  • bumps large sizes Brown color;
  • the trunk of young trees is green, and that of old ones is red-brown;
  • can grow in any soil and at any height;
  • There are no resin secretions characteristic of coniferous trees.

Thuja japonica

This species is also called Thuja Stenshida. Grows mainly in mixed alpine forests of Japan. It is used not only for decorative purposes, but is also grown to produce wood for construction.

Main characteristics of Japanese thuja:

Thuja Korean

This species is rarely found in Europe. Grows mainly in China and Korea in the form low trees or bushes. IN decorative form occurs as a spreading shrub. Counts slow growing plant.

Main characteristics of Korean thuja:

Planting and care

Before planting a plant, you need to choose its type and variety. It is better to proceed from the following parameters:

  • dimensions;
  • climate perception by the plant;
  • required soil;
  • design goals.

Taking into account the characteristics of the chosen tree variety, it is necessary to choose the right: planting site (in the shade, with sunny side, distance from fences and other plants), soil, soil fertilizers, soil additives (for example, stones or sand), seedling planting depth.

Care different types will vary, but it is important to remember some general rules:

  1. Pick up the right fertilizers and plant nutrition after planting.
  2. Calculate the correct watering.
  3. It is necessary to prevent fungal diseases in a timely manner.
  4. If the variety is not resistant to frost, then it is necessary to prepare the plant for winter and cover it properly.
  5. Decorative varieties need regular pruning and maintaining their designer shape.

Thuja in landscape design

Many landscape designers actively use thuja in their projects. Thuja can complement garden beds or be used as a separate compositional element.

Thuja rightfully occupies leading position among conifers in landscape design. Both tall beauties and dwarf plants in the form of various figures. Living fences made from plants with a lush crown are very popular. In addition to various non-standard forms and size, the plant has an unsurpassed aroma and purifies the air.