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» Options for insulating houses. Insulating a house from the outside: selection of materials, main standards and installation methods. External insulation technology

Options for insulating houses. Insulating a house from the outside: selection of materials, main standards and installation methods. External insulation technology

Naroznikov N.K., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines.

According to Art. 128 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, services are one of the objects of civil rights. As a rule, most of them are of a paid nature. This follows from the essence of the legal nature of any civil contract, which is always presumed to be compensated, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, content or essence of the contract (clause 3 of Article 423 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). By the way, under "others" legal acts"judicial practice understands only presidential decrees Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation; regulatory acts of federal executive authorities are not among them<*>.

<*>Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. 2004. N 1. P. 8.

At the same time, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation knows a certain number of services that can be provided free of charge either by virtue of the very essence of the contract or in accordance with its terms.

Thus, in its essence, a loan agreement (Chapter 36 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) is gratuitous. It is usually referred to as contracts for the transfer of property. But since this agreement has fiduciary properties, it can be regarded as the courtesy of the lender to provide a gratuitous service to the person whom he trusts. Interest-free loan agreements also fall into this category. By law (clause 3 of Article 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), this agreement is assumed to be interest-free (unless it expressly provides otherwise) when it: a) is concluded between citizens for an amount not exceeding fifty times the minimum wage established by law, and is not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity by at least one of the parties, b) under such an agreement, it is not money that is transferred, but other things determined by generic characteristics. However, in any other case, the parties to the contract may agree on an interest-free loan.

Directly to services as objects of civil law of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of Article 779) includes services provided through the conclusion of contracts provided for in Chapters 37 - 49 and 51 - 53. Basically, these contracts are recognized as compensated. However, some of them may be free of charge.

Thus, storage in the wardrobes of organizations is assumed to be free of charge, if the remuneration for storage is not specified or is not otherwise stipulated in an obvious way when the item is deposited (Clause 1 of Article 924 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Storage of things (except for money, other currency valuables, valuable papers and other precious things) in hotels, motels, holiday homes, boarding houses, sanatoriums, bathhouses and other similar organizations is also free of charge (Article 925 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Unless otherwise provided by the agreement or court decision that established the sequestration, the sequestrator<*>(i.e., the custodian who stores the thing in the order of sequestration) provides sequestration services free of charge (Article 926 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

<*>The term “sequestrator” is used by F.M. Dydynsky in his Latin-Russian dictionary to the sources of Roman law (M., 1998. P. 496).

An attorney (Chapter 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) performs certain legal actions on behalf and at the expense of the principal. By agreement between the parties, services under an agency agreement can be performed free of charge (Article 972 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Trust management of the property of a ward or a citizen recognized by the court as missing (Articles 38, 41, 43 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) can often be implemented in the form of the provision of a service (courtesy).

A guarantee may also be gratuitous (Article 361 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), if, according to Art. 423 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this is indicated in the contract.

In all of the above cases, relations between service providers and service recipients (in the case of trust management of the property of a citizen recognized by the court as missing - between the manager and the guardianship and trusteeship body) are regulated according to the rules of the relevant chapters and articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

However, in everyday life, in the course of providing services, actions that have external signs retribution.

Thus, the owner of a residential premises has the right to disinterestedly (free of charge) provide it for residence to his relative, close friend or even an unfamiliar citizen for a specified or indefinite period.

In turn, the tenant and citizens permanently residing with him, by common agreement and with prior notice to the landlord, have the right to allow temporary residents to stay in residential premises for free for up to six months (Article 680 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A citizen who does not carry out relevant business activities in the field of household contracting (§ 2 of Chapter 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), but has the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities, has the right to disinterestedly (free of charge) provide a certain service, perform certain work<*>any individual or legal entity. For example, friendly neighbors provide selfless help to a sick neighbor: at his request, they wash his clothes, repair his clothes, apartment, cook dinner, make some things, etc. It often happens when a group of friends jointly and selflessly help their friend build country house or other building, cultivate a garden, provide another service. Relatives sometimes turn to a specialist (lawyer, doctor, veterinarian, psychologist, computer specialist, etc.) for free consultations or help, former classmates, friends, acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintances, and it can be awkward for him to refuse to provide the appropriate services.

<*>According to established tradition, it is generally accepted that contract agreements are concluded not for services, but for work; however, paragraph 2 of Art. 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, without any doubt, classifies contracting relations as services in in a broad sense. This opinion is shared by Professor A.Yu. Kabalkin.

No one has the right to prohibit the owner of any transport (road, air, rail, sea, inland waterway, horse-drawn) from providing free service for the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage for familiar and unfamiliar citizens, for organizations, when he is approached with such a request or when he takes the initiative of his own free will.

Even in relationships that are superficially similar to relationships under a commission agreement and an agency agreement, gratuitousness may appear.

Services may be provided free of charge, an approximate list of which is given in paragraph 2 of Art. 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, are communication services, medical, veterinary, auditing, consulting, information, educational, tourist and others, for example hotel, legal, security, etc. A doctor can consult or treat a patient free of charge, a lawyer or another lawyer can provide legal services free of charge.

Most unilateral transactions, many of which are aimed at providing services, are essentially gratuitous. These, in particular, are the issuance of a power of attorney to a close relative to drive a car, forgiveness of a debt, execution of a will (Articles 1133, 1136 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), an offer (offer to provide services), renunciation of ownership rights (Article 236 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) in whose - benefit, etc.

The legal nature of relations for the gratuitous provision of services is not always sufficiently spelled out in civil legislation. In cases where they are directly stated in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (provision of services for free storage, assignment, guarantee, etc.), they, as already noted, are regulated by the relevant norms of the Code. Other types of gratuitous provision of services are sometimes in a legal vacuum. With a certain degree of convention, we can assume that they fall into the sphere of charitable or sponsorship activities. But sponsorship as a legal institution is unknown to Russian legislation, although in real life it exists and is not always gratuitous.

As for charitable activities, it has a number of specific features that do not cover all types of gratuitous services.

Firstly, charitable activities according to Federal law dated August 11, 1995 N 135-FZ "On charitable activities and charitable organizations"<*>means the voluntary activity of citizens and legal entities in the disinterested transfer of property, including money, to citizens or legal entities, the disinterested performance of work, the provision of services (and not the provision of services), and the provision of other support. But the said Law understands unselfishness not only as gratuitousness, but also as the implementation of the listed actions on preferential terms, therefore, still on a reimbursable basis.

<*>NW RF. 1995. N 33. Art. 3340.

Secondly, participants in charitable activities are philanthropists, volunteers and beneficiaries. Philanthropists are persons who make charitable donations in various forms: disinterested transfer of ownership of property or intellectual property, as well as disinterested granting of rights to own, use and dispose of any objects of property rights. Philanthropists - legal entities, in addition, disinterestedly perform work and provide services to beneficiaries. Volunteers are only citizens who carry out charitable activities in the form of free labor in the interests of the beneficiary. Consequently, citizens providing free services previously listed in this article do not have the status of volunteers; Nor do they have the status of philanthropists. In other words, the subject composition in charitable activities for the provision of services differs from the subject composition in the provision of other gratuitous services.

Thirdly, Article 2 of the mentioned Law lists 11 purposes of charitable activities:

  • social support and protection of citizens, including improving the financial situation of the poor, social rehabilitation of the unemployed, disabled and other persons who, due to their physical or intellectual characteristics, or other circumstances, are not able to independently realize their rights and legitimate interests;
  • preparing the population to overcome the consequences natural Disasters, environmental, industrial or other disasters, to prevent accidents;
  • providing assistance to victims of these disasters and catastrophes, social, national, religious conflicts, victims of repression, refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • promoting peace, friendship and harmony between peoples, preventing social, national and religious conflicts;
  • promoting the strengthening of the prestige and role of the family in society;
  • promoting the protection of motherhood, childhood and paternity;
  • promoting activities in the field of education, science, culture, art, enlightenment, spiritual development personalities;
  • promoting activities in the field of prevention and protection of public health, as well as propaganda healthy image life, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens;
  • promoting activities in the field physical culture and mass sports;
  • security environment and animal protection;
  • protection of the proper maintenance of buildings, objects and territories of historical, religious, cultural or environmental significance, and burial sites.

Meanwhile, the gratuitous provision of services may also pursue other goals, say, simply a courtesy towards friends, neighbors, and relatives. Sometimes a service is provided at the request of the service recipient, while the service provider fulfills such a request without any particular desire. Sometimes the provision of a gratuitous service may pursue distant and latent (mercantile, calculating, etc.) goals. Often, gratuitous services are provided for advertising purposes. Thus, in terms of goals, the provision of gratuitous services is somewhat different from charitable activities.

Fourthly, providing monetary and other assistance to commercial organizations, as well as support political parties, movements, groups and campaigns. But at the same time, everyone has the right to provide them with a free service.

The similarity between charitable activities and other activities involving the provision of services free of charge is that in both cases the rights and obligations of both service providers and service recipients are not defined by law. Of course, if, during the provision of a service, harm is caused to the life, health, or property of the service recipient due to deficiencies in the services, the service provider will bear civil liability according to the rules of the third paragraph of Chapter 59 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. But it is unlikely that the service recipient will bear adequate responsibility if harm is caused to the service provider. Thus, by providing, at the request of the service recipient, a free service for the transportation of cargo or luggage, the service provider may cause damage to his vehicle. By helping a friend repair his computer for free, the service provider could be seriously injured. Philanthropist - entity, providing a disinterested service (free of charge or on preferential terms), may incur unexpected losses. The law does not explain whether in such cases the service recipient must compensate for the damage caused to the service provider. In these cases, it is not always possible to equate the status of a gratuitous service provider with the status of a gestor - a person acting in someone else's interest without instructions (Chapter 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Gestor acts on his own initiative and without the pre-promised consent of the dominus. A gratuitous service provider sometimes acts at the request of the service recipient. In the same way, such a service provider cannot be placed in the position of a donor (Chapter 32 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), since the subject of the gift is either a thing or property rights, but not a service.

The Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” does not provide for contractual relations between philanthropists and volunteers, on the one hand, and beneficiaries, on the other. In this regard, we can conclude that a charitable donation differs from a donation as special type donation (Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), which involves the conclusion of an appropriate agreement. In addition, the subject of a charitable donation can be, in addition to things, works, services and gratuitous labor.

It seems that, from a civil perspective, the problem of gratuitous provision of services is currently becoming significantly more urgent. The considerations expressed in this article are only one of the first approaches to its study.

This question is of most interest to people living in their own home. City residents rarely resort to external insulation walls of their apartments, as this is associated with high costs, including the services of industrial climbers. However, many people own some buildings in which it is necessary to create good conditions, including temperature. For example, a country house, a garage, a bathhouse.

Not everyone understands that insulation allows not only to create a comfortable microclimate in a particular building. External insulation of any structure also provides a purely economic effect. Firstly, there is no need to frequently turn on additional heating elements for the premises. After all, electric heating devices are mainly used for this. Consequently, you have to pay even more for energy than usual. Secondly, the lower temperature in the building (and if the humidity is appropriate) also favors fungus. And this is rotting or damage to walls, ceilings, and things. And again - money “out of pocket”: for repairs, for buying a new thing.

The outside of the house is insulated various materials. But when choosing “insulation” you need to focus on what the walls of the house are made of in the first place. After all, for everyone building material(in particular, insulation) has its own installation technology. It may turn out that insulation concrete house The chosen material will work, but it will require a lot of additional work. This means there will be a loss of time and again the same money. Therefore, the choice must be optimal. Let's look at some insulation materials and consider the features of their installation.

Methods for external insulation of a house using various materials

You need to understand that external thermal insulation is the most effective. It does not reduce the “cubic capacity” of the premises, does not accumulate moisture in the rooms, and therefore the walls do not “sweat”. Thermal insulation of walls requires increased attention. Experts say that up to 30% of the heat “escapes” through them. So, we begin to insulate with various materials.

Foam insulation

One of the most popular, light and cheap insulation materials. To work with it, no special devices or technologies are required. However, you need to take into account what falls into the category of combustible building materials. The work order will be as follows:

  1. preparation of wall surfaces. It is necessary to achieve its careful alignment. Polystyrene foam is available in slab format. If such a slab is applied to an uneven surface, voids will form. Firstly, when mechanical impact the foam will simply burst in this place. Secondly, any isolated space is a potential accumulation of moisture, various insects, etc.;
  2. as part of the preparation - subsequent priming of the surface. If there are remains of whitewash on the wall, for example, then the glue that will be used to attach the foam simply will not “grab” the wall. That’s why you need to wash it well and prime it;
  3. the next stage is the installation of ebb tides (external). They need to be leveled horizontally using a level so that you don’t have to cut the foam board later;
  4. Before laying the slabs, it is necessary to lay the base. It is also called " starting bar" It will not allow the slab to slide down, and it will be much easier to maintain the line.

Laying foam boards begins from the bottom. The evenness of the entire row depends on how correctly the bottom plate is positioned. The slabs are “set” on glue. Professionals recommend additionally securing them with nails three days after sticking (if the wall material allows this).

If a house made of timber is insulated with polystyrene foam, then all holes and cracks must be carefully sealed. Any material will do: mineral or ecowool, polyurethane foam or something else. The main thing is to eliminate air circulation and drafts.

Calculator for calculating the amount of insulation:

We insulate with mineral wool

This material has several names, and most often it is called briefly -. There are also names for glass wool, stone wool, mineral wool insulation. This material is based on fiberglass. There are special slabs made of this material on sale that are used to cover external walls. To fasten such slabs, special reinforcement is used. Stone wool “Linerock” is especially popular. It is used to insulate walls, roofs, and attics. This material, unlike foam plastic, is flexible, so its installation does not require such careful surface preparation.

Insulation with polystyrene (penoplex)

As a rule, they are most often used for insulation basements, cellars, foundations, walls. This material is one of the best for protecting buildings from the effects of groundwater. For external insulation, polystyrene boards and special plaster containing this material are used. You need to keep in mind that there are several brands available. “31” and “35” are suitable for home use. Warming is carried out in several stages.

  • slabs are glued to the wall using a plaster mixture;
  • On top of the slabs are covered again with one layer of the same mixture. This layer is needed for additional protection insulation material;
  • an alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh is placed on top;
  • the entire surface is primed;
  • the last layer is at the owner’s choice. You can simply paint or plaster. Can you cover it with something? decorative material. This is a matter of taste.

Features of insulation of wooden houses

It must be taken into account that any tree, no matter what type it is, evaporates moisture. In such cases they say that it “breathes”. It is for this reason that when external insulation wooden buildings you need to think about creating good ventilation of the walls. Experts recommend using glass wool or basalt wool. It's practically the same thing, the only difference is the price. Glass wool will be cheaper.

Before installing the insulation, it is recommended to replace wooden window frames to plastic ones. Installation begins after installing the frame. It is mounted from wooden slats, installed vertically (similar to a lathing). The distance between the slats is chosen equal to the width of the slab of insulating material. To fasten the slabs to the slats, special plastic dowels are used.

First, a layer of vapor barrier is laid, then insulation. After installing the insulating layer, the special film(windproof). Its purpose is to “release” moisture from the wall, but not let it through from the outside. At the last stage, you can lay a layer and cover the walls with siding.

Before choosing any specific insulation, it is better to consult with a specialist. After all, there cannot be a single recommendation for everyone. In addition to those features that have already been mentioned, other factors need to be taken into account. For example, climatic conditions in the region of residence. This includes humidity with its changes, and maximum and minimum temperature environment.

It is also necessary to take into account how the selected material reacts to aggressive chemical substances, on the impact sun rays and the possibility of allocating them harmful substances, etc. Therefore, the cost of the material should not be decisive, although it does matter.

During the construction of private houses, many mistakes are made, due to which the walls become cold in winter, and funds for heating have to be lost. Installation helps resolve the issue. proper insulation. For installation, you need to know how to insulate the walls of a house from the inside and select the necessary materials.

Insulation can be placed both outside and inside the house. The home will become much more comfortable: about 30% more heat will be retained in the room, which would have gone outside.

Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with certain disadvantages of insulation inside the house:

  • After installing insulation, the walls stop receiving heat from the home. Increases the likelihood of cracks appearing.
  • Many insulation materials contribute to the accumulation of condensation.
  • The free space at home is decreasing.
  • It will not be possible to insulate the ceiling, so a cold bridge will remain.

Due to the listed disadvantages, it is recommended to use insulation inside the house when it is not possible to implement other options.

Before choosing how to insulate a house from the inside, you must complete preparatory activities. This includes items:

Sealing cracks in walls and insulation

Wooden beams are dried according to certain rules, microscopic cracks appear and are visible to the human eye, which must be removed. Sealants, resins, etc. are used for sealing. Assembly is widespread. If a synthetic sealant is purchased, there should be no acrylic substance.

When using silicone compounds, it is important to purchase a substance with a high degree of frost resistance. Any mixture is introduced to the maximum depth into the cracks; as soon as it hardens, the application areas are leveled. Polyurethane foam used in places where there will be cladding.

Wood shavings are mixed with an adhesive composition. The gap is cleaned in advance, and the prepared composition is poured into it. After drying, sanding is required for leveling. This method can be used to seal small cracks.

A budget option is to use tow, moss, and other similar compounds. When using them, it is important to treat the cracks with an antiseptic solution and a mixture to eliminate fungus and mold. If the walls are wooden, the joints are sealed only with such mixtures. To prevent the cracks that can grow in the wood from increasing, you need to constantly inspect the beams.

Installation of sheathing

If a private house made of wood, used wooden materials. Metal elements can be installed if the walls are covered with moisture-resistant plasterboard. Activities are carried out in a certain sequence. First, markings are applied to install the sheathing.

Its width is selected taking into account the width of the insulation. You need to subtract 3-4 mm from the figure. Insulation elements must be installed against the sheathing. This action is not necessary for all types of materials.

Installing racks in corners

To make the corners of the room even, you need this action. The height of the beam 50x100 mm is chosen equal to the height of the room. A small beam is secured to the edge with self-tapping screws large timber to make a right angle. The steps are repeated for each corner.


For the sheathing, boards are prepared that are installed vertically. After they are secured, the correct installation is checked with a level. The sheathing is installed first in the corners, moving towards the center.

Installation of vapor barrier and waterproofing

Use polymer films for this; a foiled surface is possible. Fastening is done using a stapler. Definitely overlap. The joints are sealed with tape. Actions are performed over the entire insulated surface.

It is attached to the sheathing; there should be room for ventilation. Roofing felt is most often used. It helps to get dry walls and prevents condensation.

Important! Any wooden elements, installed to insulate a house, must be impregnated with compounds against mold and mildew.

Choice of insulation

Each insulation material has special properties. To choose the right composition that has all the required parameters, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of each of them. One of the popular materials is extruded polystyrene foam. It is dense, has a thickness of 20-40 mm. It is attached to the wall using adhesive mixtures. Then the surface is treated with plaster, you can glue wallpaper directly on top.

Insulation using expanded polystyrene is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the wall is leveled and treated with an antiseptic;
  • the material is fixed with tile adhesive. To increase adhesion, you can apply it with a roller. adhesive composition to the surface. Be sure to coat the entire surface to the edges;
  • It is advisable not to use dowels - steam penetrates through them, leaving pores;
  • after hardening, the seams are filled silicone sealant to prevent steam penetration;

You can glue wallpaper on top of the fixed material. If finishing is required, reinforcement with fiberglass mesh using glue is necessary.


This material is most often used for external wall insulation. Can also be used inside the home. Its advantages are well preserved heat, noise absorption. During the production process, the products are treated with mixtures against insects and rodents. Temperature changes do not render the insulation unusable. To cut into pieces, you can use any suitable tools, there are no restrictions.

To secure fiberboard to the walls, nails longer than 3.5 cm are enough. It is advisable to drive them in in a checkerboard pattern. One sheet is pierced with approximately 16 nails. After additional treatment with plaster, you can cover the surface with wallpaper, lay wires, making the required channels. Using of this material there is a possibility of condensation.

Insulation with mineral wool and glass wool

Before insulation with mineral wool begins, it is required mandatory installation battens. Thermal insulation characteristics the composition is high, easy to install, and has a long service life. It is important to secure the material between the boards so that there are not even the slightest gaps left. For more secure fastening, you can use dowels.

The composition is laid from the bottom of the walls, moving upward. To ensure a higher sealing density, the edges are pressed down and trampled. You need to lay it in an even layer, without kinks. You can do several layers. After installation, the vapor barrier layer is installed.

Glass wool should be laid using protective equipment.It crumbles, glass particles can damage the respiratory tract, so you need a respirator. It is important to install protective structures after laying the insulation. You can use fiberboard.

Ecowool insulation

The answer to the question whether it is possible to insulate a house from the inside and with what cannot be called unambiguous. The process is carried out in one sequence, but the selection of materials and wall features will be individual. Ecowool is a natural insulation material. It is made entirely of paper (cellulose). It contains antiprenes and boric acid, not capable of releasing harmful volatile compounds.

Advantages of the material:

  • no restrictions on geometric dimensions;
  • All cracks are closed, which ensures high sound insulation;
  • the material has low thermal conductivity;
  • does not rot due to antiprenes, is protected from pests by impregnation with boric acid;
  • releases moisture well, dries quickly in case of waterlogging;
  • the composition is not flammable.

Cons of ecowool:

  • high price;
  • relatively complex installation process.

Insulation with foil

When figuring out how and with what to insulate a house from the inside, it is important to analyze the pros and cons of each insulation. Such insulation materials have a number of advantages that are not available in other materials.

Among positive qualities highlight:

  • High degree of heat reflection. Up to 95% of thermal radiation is retained inside the house.
  • Moisture is repelled because hydrophobic material.
  • The installation process is simple and does not take much time.
  • External influences do not affect the quality of the insulation.
  • High degree of noise absorption.
  • Ecological cleanliness. The composition does not contain impurities harmful to humans.
  • Long service life. The foil does not corrode for a very long time.
  • High elasticity. You can easily give the necessary shape to the insulation.

There are materials on sale that are covered with foil on one or both sides. There are no restrictions on use: you can insulate not only the walls, but also the ceiling and floor. To prevent heat from leaving the house when heating with radiators, polyethylene insulation is installed between them and the wall. It is important to leave about 2 cm of free space.

Comparison of insulation materials. Thermal conductivity table

IzoverRockwoolExpanded polystyreneEcowoolFoam concretePolystyrene concreteMineral woolExpanded clayMPB - basalt mats
Thermal conductivity
0,048 0,045 0,039 0,038 0,18 0,13 0,038 0,18 0,045
Required layer thickness253 mm233 mm200 mm200 mm550 mm300 mm200 mm950 mm240 mm
CondensateForms, needs a vapor barrierForms, needs a vapor barrierNot formedForms, needs a vapor barrierForms, needs a vapor barrier Not formedForms, needs a vapor barrier
10,1 8,16 7,18 9 302,5 135 9,1 4,75 4,8
Ecological cleanlinessPhenolic binderPhenolic binderStyrofoam granulesWood fiberModifying additivesStyrofoam granulesPhenolic binderClayPhenolic binder
Fire safetyDoes not burn, but binders do burn, combustion products are toxicAt 80 degrees Celsius releases toxic substancesInflammable, combustion products are harmlessDoes not burnDoes not burn Does not burnDoes not burn, but binders do burn, combustion products are toxic
BiostabilityRodents won't startRodents won't startRodents won't startRodents won't startRodents won't startRodents won't startRodents won't startRodents won't startRodents won't start
Approximate cost per 1 m2230 rub.490 rub.280 rub.235 rub.227 rub.1200 rub.430 rub.807 rub.350 rub.

Technology for insulating walls from the inside

For each type of wall there are specifics on how to insulate a house from the inside. For frame houses it is necessary to first check their condition. If defects are found, they must be eliminated before insulation work begins. The first step is to remove from the walls foreign objects and clean the surface. It is important to eliminate any gaps present on the surface. This is done using polyurethane foam.

If the walls are damp, they must be dried with a hair dryer. A waterproofing layer is installed. It is worth cutting it in advance into strips that will be equal to the size of the walls of the house. Next, the material is attached to the surface. Thermal insulation is installed and secured between the pre-installed sheathing. To increase the efficiency of insulation, you can lay the insulation as tightly as possible, if its structure allows.

Insulation of a wooden house

Do not confuse how to insulate a house inside with methods of external insulation. Work should begin by installing the sheathing. It is fixed on load-bearing walls. It is worth using timber for this purpose. Metallic profile should be used only if the cladding is made using moisture-resistant plasterboard. To make even corners, it is necessary to prepare corner posts, for which a beam with a section of 50x100 mm is used. In height they are equal to the height of the room.

The walls must be pre-treated with special compounds that prevent burning and rotting of the material. Next, the bars are installed at a distance of 50 cm, and the process of fixing the sheathing is considered complete. Afterwards the insulating material is attached. The most popular is mineral wool. The material is adjusted to size, the width must exceed the distance between the vertical wooden structures by a couple of centimeters.

Mineral wool is secured using anchor bolts. You can lay it in a couple of layers, placing a film between them. Upon completion of installation of the material, 30x40 mm bars are installed. Sheathing is carried out, for example, with clapboard. If the named material is used, this will additionally insulate the home.

Insulation of a panel house

To create suitable conditions for a comfortable stay, mainly in panel houses mineral wool is used. In addition, you can use fiberboard or penofol. You can insulate the house from the inside with polyurethane foam. The first step in the insulation process is the removal of the old coating. A vacuum cleaner is often used to remove dirt.

The cleaned wall is treated with an antiseptic solution and primer. After each applied layer, the wall must be allowed to dry. Further uneven surfaces covered with plaster mortar, joints are coated with mastic or sealant.

The next stage is installing insulation. The material is installed according to the rules given above. These rules are slightly different for each lineup. The final stage is the final finishing.

Insulation of brick houses

Having figured out how to insulate the inside of a house, you can begin to study the insulation features of each type of wall. Brick dwellings are distinguished by their durability and strength. But the thermal conductivity of brick is high, heat goes outside quickly, compared, for example, with a dwelling made of timber.

To create comfortable temperature indoors, insulation is required. If we look at the insulation process using an example mineral wool, it is worth considering that the material cannot be left open. It will begin to emit dust, which is harmful to human health.

Picture 45. Insulation of a brick house.

It is necessary to waterproof the thermal insulation layer - materials usually easily absorb moisture. In this case, their properties are lost. To secure all the required layers, you first need to prime and plaster the walls. There is no point in making the surface flat - it will be covered with lathing. When the walls are completely dry, a layer of waterproofing is attached to them.

The sheathing is installed if the insulating material requires it. It can be secured with screws. The insulation is fixed. A vapor barrier layer is installed on top of it. You can cover the outer layer with plywood or drywall. The joints between the sheets are sealed with putty.

Common mistakes when insulating walls

The rules on how best to insulate a house from the inside or outside should be sorted out in advance. Incorrect actions lead to rapid deterioration of the walls and retention of moisture in their surface. If the walls are not insulated, when there is dampness and sub-zero temperatures outside, they will distribute incoming moisture and cold over the entire surface. The insulation process helps save money on heating. Don't think that interior decoration walls are insulated. This is mistake.

Typical mistakes when insulating walls:

  1. Wrong combination of wall material and insulation. Foam concrete blocks, polystyrene foam does not combine with wood. You need to use mineral wool or other materials that trap moisture outside.
  2. Laying of mineral wool slabs takes place only in dry weather. The material is able to absorb vapors and remain damp for a long time, losing its properties. Close the insulation finishing material You can only plaster it after it has completely dried as quickly as possible so that it does not have time to become damp.

Important! When insulating with expanded polystyrene or other similar materials, you need to apply glue not pointwise, but over the entire surface. Condensation will form in the layers of the “thermal coat”.

At the end of the insulation process, the walls can sometimes freeze even more, but do not become warmer if gross mistakes. Many questions are asked regarding whether it is possible to insulate a house from the inside. From a technological point of view, it will be correct. This will keep the walls from freezing. At least 70% of the heat from the external walls of the building is retained. Therefore, carry out insulation work inside the building only if there is no other way out.