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» Spring work on the plot. Spring work in the garden and vegetable garden at a summer cottage Work at a summer cottage in spring

Spring work on the plot. Spring work in the garden and vegetable garden at a summer cottage Work at a summer cottage in spring

When spring fully comes into its own, summer residents, gardeners and gardeners have a lot of trouble. However, not everyone knows what work is done in the garden in the spring. To understand this issue, you need to study in detail what the soil, shrubs, trees and plants expect from us individually.

Preliminary work in the garden and vegetable garden

First of all, you need to prepare the land for future work on it. First, we get rid of winter debris. Dry leaves, remains of supports and shelters, windbreaks - we have no use for them. It is important to approach this issue thoroughly, since unnecessary trash not only spoils appearance summer cottage, but also creates a favorable environment for the breeding of pests and insects. As the area is cleared, emerging weeds must be removed from the soil. Until they get stronger, they can be easily pulled out of the ground. You can also get rid of larvae and live insects that you are sure to encounter in your spring garden.

Soil work

Excavation work in the garden in the spring requires strength and some skills. You will have to work hard with a shovel and a wheelbarrow, which will be needed to distribute fertilizers. Before planting plants, the soil needs to be nourished.

Organic fertilizers – The best way do in soil favorable conditions for the life of plants, shrubs and trees.

For perennial plants, minerals that contain potassium are suitable. It can be replaced by a regular one chicken droppings. The soil for garden plants and root crops can be treated using purchased, rotted manure or finished compost. Preparing a garden in the spring is a very important undertaking, so you need to take it seriously. Baiting and mulching is possible only when the soil is thoroughly moistened.

After the past winter, you need to assess the quality of the soil:

  • If the soil is heavy, add air in the form of fine gravel or coarse sand. In this case, you will get rid of stagnant water at the roots.
  • If the soil is too crumbly, you should add a small amount of clay rocks to retain nutrients and moisture on the surface.

The next stage of spring work in the garden is the process of loosening the soil.

Experienced summer residents know that it is impossible to constantly dig up the soil on the site. During digging, all useful and nutrients go deep into the soil, plus its structure deteriorates.

A vegetable garden in spring requires slight loosening to a depth of no more than 5-8 cm. Porous and granular soil is a favorable environment for planting plants; root system will quickly gain strength and growth.

Spring work in the garden with trees and shrubs

Working in the garden in the spring requires more than just preparing and fertilizing the soil. In the coming warm period Special attention need to be given perennial plants and garden trees.

What can and should be done with them in the spring?

  • Starting in April, you can start planting shrubs, evergreens, fruit and garden trees. In addition, they can be replanted at this time.
  • Before stone fruit trees and some berry bushes– raspberries, gooseberries, currants, etc. will begin to grow again, they need to be pruned.
  • Trimming ornamental shrubs and trees is only possible if they bloom in spring and summer, such as roses. However, plants that bloom on last year's shoots should be pruned only after flowering - that is, in spring or early summer.
  • In the spring it is possible.
  • At the beginning of the season, you can begin the propagation process - cutting trees and dividing perennial plants.

Spring work in the garden

When the soil warms up to 6-7 degrees, you can start planting some species garden plants. Typically, potatoes, bulbs, garlic or seedlings are planted at this time. In order to get an early harvest of rhubarb and asparagus, they make a special forcing on open ground and blanching.

Others can be planted at the end of April - beginning of May. berry crops. If the roots of the plants are bare, then they need to be covered with earth and water should be drained from the beds.

The second half of April is the time to sow cold-resistant crops - radishes, dill, parsley, etc. White and colored ones are planted in nurseries under shelters.

Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and cucumbers are planted in open ground in late spring. Some summer residents use it for this.

Do not forget that many plants are afraid of frost, so you can finally unpack them only after the final warming.

What to do with your lawn in spring?

After the snow has melted, special attention should be paid to the lawn. Last year's grass needs to be torn out with a rake. Potholes that appear on the grass must be filled with earth mixed with sand. The surface of the lawn is leveled, sprinkled with sand and seeds are planted in areas where there is no grass. In addition, spring work in the garden involves trimming hedges and repairing if necessary.

Preparing a garden in the spring is a fun and interesting activity. The appearance of the summer cottage, the quality and quantity of the future harvest depend on how you carry out this work. Arranging your own garden, planting vegetables and caring for flowers will be a pleasant experience if you devote yourself to this process with all your heart.

Video conference - gardening in spring

The arrival of spring means the awakening of plants and the preparation of the soil for a new harvest. The weather will tell you when and what kind of work to do, especially since it is different every year. But general recommendations worth sticking to.

The spring sun is so bright, and the rays are reflected by the unmelted snow so much that the crowns of the conifers get burned. While the snow lies, the branches of young trees are tied together with twine and covered using burlap or blankets.

Low trees are covered with shields. Around the roots they pour warm water so that the frozen ground warms up and sap flows in the trunks.

Spring snow is heavy, and lingering snow breaks branches fruit trees. To protect fragile branches, it is discarded and shaken off in time, but carefully, without resorting to force.

In spring, the bark on the trunks is gnawed by hares and other rodents. It is better to remove snowdrifts from under the trunks, then animals will not get to the branches, and inspect the trunks regularly.

At the beginning of the month, on warm days, it is recommended to whitewash the trunks. Lime with copper sulfate will protect trees from waking pests, and White color will reflect the burning Sun rays. Instead of whitewashing, the trunks are temporarily wrapped in white paper.

When frosts are at least 10 degrees, begin pruning apple trees. First, old fruit-bearing trees, then young trees. Pears, cherries and plums are pruned before flowering.

Trimming rules:

  1. Thick branches are cut first, then lower, so that the crown turns out to be in the form of a bowl.
  2. Do not leave visible stumps.
  3. A cut wider than 1.5 cm is cleaned with a knife and painted over with oil paint.
  4. To avoid infecting the trees, the file and knife are disinfected with potassium permanganate.
  5. In shrubs, old branches are cut to the ground level.
  6. Fruiting shoots of bushes are shortened by 15 cm, damaged branches are cut off at the first or second healthy bud.

You cannot prune it every year, otherwise the tree will weaken. Last year's plantings are not pruned. To treat broken areas or areas damaged by frost, use pitch or clay mash.

Treatment against diseases and pests

To treat pests and fungi, use urea, iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Pests are also afraid of Fitovermom or Agravertinom.

At a temperature of 7 degrees Celsius, but before the buds enlarge, fruit trees and bushes are sprayed with a special insecticide.

It is also necessary to make grooves, drain streams and stagnant water to provide the roots with breathing.

Major cleaning work:

  1. Collect covering material, clean and put away.
  2. Clean the area: rake up last year’s leaves and grass and put them in compost pit. Remove broken branches from the area and burn them.
  3. Remove emerging weeds.
  4. Remove moss from under stones and containers.
  5. Sweep it out garden paths.
  6. Repair and paint gazebos and benches.
  7. Check containers, flowerpots, remove cracks, and treat with disinfecting solutions. For overwintered plants, replace the soil.
  8. Replace or remove old bark or decorative woodchip mulch.

When to open flowers covered for the winter

On sunny days, covered flowers are opened, as condensation accumulates under the cover, causing the plants to rot.

In the second half of March, daffodils and lilies are released.

Roses open at a temperature of 5-7 degrees Celsius, when the snow melts. The first time is for ventilation. Immediately make drainage grooves and remove the earth poured on top.

Then the roses should be covered again by making holes in the material. They finally open when the soil warms up by 15 cm.

To protect shrubs, trees and flowers, and their roots from temperature changes, a layer of mulch from fresh humus or compost is poured around. Pine bark or crushed cones are also suitable. In addition, mulching will help retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

In April they work with the soil and beds and graft trees. Carefully dig up trunk circles at fruit trees. After the snow cover melts, before the buds appear, plant the seedlings on permanent place.

Tips for working with soil:

If you dig up soil that has not dried out, lumps will remain, which will immediately harden. You also can’t wait for the soil to dry to dust.

Readiness for digging is checked by squeezing a lump of soil in your hand. It turned out to be a dense lump - it was still damp, crumbled - it was too late, fell into pieces - the earth was ready.

Before digging, scatter organic fertilizers, and then mineral and nitrogen-containing.

When digging, they remove the roots, so the litter will not grow longer.

Heavy soil where water stagnates is improved by adding gravel or sand. Hard soil is softened with sawdust, humus or river sand. Clay is added to the loose mixture. They deoxidize with ash, and malic or acetic acid will help make it sour.

Using covering material before sowing seeds, root crops and greens in heated beds grow earlier.

With the onset of warm days, it’s time to take care of the pond: clean, inspect the bottom and fill clean water. The next day, plant aquatic vegetation, and after a couple of days, introduce fish.

When insects appear, treat the area 2-3 times.

When the snow begins to melt, it’s time to spread mineral fertilizers with nitrogen, having previously leveled the snowdrifts and removed ice crusts. You should not walk on the surface so as not to leave holes.

As it dries, remove debris and leaves by combing the grass. Then they loosen using a special rake. To penetrate the soil with oxygen, pierce it with a pitchfork around the edge of the lawn.

If the surface is damaged, sand is poured into the holes and fresh seeds are sown. May is the time to cut overgrown grass.

After the snow melts, inspect the currant and gooseberry bushes. Broken, dried out and aged branches are pruned. Then they fertilize the soil under the bushes. Pests are repelled by treating with copper sulfate or using nitrophen.

Branches with swollen buds are removed, but if there are a lot of such buds, the bush will have to be thrown away - there are mites in the buds.

On warm days, branches are rooted for propagation.

The bent raspberry is first freed. After straightening, they are tied to supports, cutting off old, broken and dried shoots. Then add mulch made from manure, broken branches or straw.

Strawberry care

First, remove the snow guards, then last year's leaves and debris, old tendrils and flowers. The collected items are burned. Then nitrogen-containing fertilizer is poured under each bush, and Bordeaux mixture is sprayed on top.

The swollen first leaves are dug in, while simultaneously loosening the soil around the bush. With the onset of persistent heat, spray with dissolved calcium chloride and wood ash. Young rooted bushes are planted in place of frozen bushes. Mulching with ash and pine needles will repel.

Flowers are planted when night temperatures do not drop below plus 10. Before this, they work with hyacinths, crocuses, and snowdrops.

In order for the flowering of petunias, asters and other flowers to begin earlier, the seeds should be planted at home in seedling boxes, pre-soaked for 10-15 minutes. in potassium permanganate, then dry. Plant bulbs are kept in the solution for 30 minutes.


Clean and well-groomed area It's nice to admire during leisure hours. And timely treated shrubs and fruit trees with beds will provide a harvest for the winter.

In March, echoes of the February snowstorms can still be heard, and caring summer residents have already rushed to their suburban areas to get them in order for the upcoming season. It would seem that you can do it in the garden in early spring, when the earth has not yet warmed up enough, and there is even snow in the ditches? In fact, spring work at the dacha includes an extensive range of activities for cleaning the area, caring for trees, and preparing the soil for planting.

First of all, it is necessary to remove from the garden everything that served as protection from winter frosts. Covering material or special structures must be cleaned, washed, dried and stored in utility room until the autumn cold. From beds, flower beds and garden areas, you should remove any debris remaining from the fall: windbreaks, old branches, fallen leaves, withered grass. Even if, by spring a little garbage accumulates again.

It is quite possible that with the first rays of the sun, the enemies of cultivated plants also hatched. While the roots are weak, the sprouts can be easily removed from wet soil. Moss begins to grow in warm places, and algae begins to grow in damp places. Short growth can be easily removed with a stiff brush, and the path from natural stone or bricks with the first pockets of young moss can be washed with a strong stream of water from a garden hose. Any activities with water should be carried out at above-zero temperatures, otherwise country yard will turn into a skating rink.

Containers, flowerpots and flower pots they also need to be cleaned, their integrity restored if cracks appear, and treated with herbicides. Old soil should be removed from containers that served as wintering grounds for perennial flowers and replaced with fresh soil, and the tubers and rhizomes of plants should be thoroughly dried.

An overview of the range of gardening work that needs to be carried out in March will also be useful:

Early spring - the right time for repairing polycarbonate greenhouses that may have been damaged in winter time from snow drifts

Mulching and fertilizing the soil

Mulching is carried out in flower beds, vegetable gardens and gardens. creates for plants comfortable conditions, warming their roots in the cold and protecting them from the scorching rays of the sun in the heat. It retains moisture perfectly, eliminates the appearance of weeds, and protects against dangerous insects. Many cultivated plants(strawberries, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin) are less susceptible to rotting and increase yield on mulched soil. We should not forget about decorative effect: Mulched soil looks well-groomed and neat.

When biological fertilizer - manure - is added to mulch (for example, bark or sawdust), be sure to check the degree of its rotting. An incompletely oxidized substance can destroy plants.

Material for making mulch:

  • sawdust;
  • compost;
  • bark;
  • wood chips;
  • straw;
  • rotted leaves;
  • covering fabric.

Fruit tree care

Not complicated gardening work for caring for shrubs and trees rejuvenate them, increase yield and improve the appearance of plants.

Pruning branches and shoots

When the air temperature has surpassed 0°C and has become positive, but is still low, berry bushes should be produced. As a result of pruning, the crown of the tree should take on a cup-shaped shape with an open center, which provides ideal lighting for each branch and excellent air access. Thinning the crown and shortening the branches is appropriate at a time when there are no flowers, leaves or even swollen buds on the trees. Along with the shoots, the trunk is also shortened.

Planting fruit seedlings

With the first rays of the sun, immediately after the snow melts, young seedlings should be planted. Planting is carried out while the trees are in a state of rest, sleep, that is, they do not have buds, otherwise the seedlings will die without surviving even a couple of weeks.

Planting of young fruit trees occurs in the following order:

  • A shallow hole is dug, manure is placed at the bottom and a thin layer of enriched soil is placed on top of it.
  • The roots of the seedling are placed in the prepared hole, carefully dug in and the soil is lightly compacted with your feet.
  • They drive a peg next to the seedling, which serves as a support for it for the first time.
  • Water and make sure that the soil around the roots does not dry out.

Watch the video for more details:

Grafting to obtain new varieties

Spring is the most suitable time for tree grafting. With equal success, you can carry out budding (grafting with a bud) or copulation (grafting with a cutting). Cuttings are the most viable, since shoots from a grafted bud hardly survive the winter. The most successful time for cutting grafting is the period between mid-April and early June. The operation is performed with a grafting knife or. One of the main conditions for effectiveness is close contact between the rootstock and scion.

Spring grafting fruit trees is a great opportunity to have summer cottage many varieties, while planting only a few main trees

Treatment of flower beds with perennials

Dividing herbaceous perennials will be more effective if done in early spring. Thanks to it, the resource increases planting material and old plants are renewed, which begin to lose color, weaken and rot. If you divide the rhizomes of bells, asters, phlox, and crocosmia in time, they will begin to grow more actively, and flowering will be longer and more vigorous. Large bushes are divided into four parts with an ordinary bayonet shovel, placing them on a board. The place of dissection is the spaces between the kidneys. The roots of small plants are separated with a garden knife.

After the renewal procedure, bright crocosmias take on a second life: they should be dug up every 2-3 years, the children should be separated and planted in another place

Spring lawn renewal

In order for the silky grass of the lawn to please the eye throughout the summer, from early spring it is necessary to carry out a whole range of measures, the main of which are:

  • feeding;
  • combing;
  • aeration;
  • weeding.

For uniform and dosed application of fertilizers to the lawn, there are many devices, one of which is a convenient cart on two wheels

If the lawn is small in size, then for the combing procedure you can use a regular garden rake, and for aeration - a pitchfork

Methods of planting vegetables

If the climate allows, many vegetables are planted directly in open ground. There are several landing methods, which depend on the location:

  • in the trenches;
  • on raised ridges;
  • on embankments;
  • on flat ridges;
  • into containers.

If the soil is light, sandy, warms up quickly, but does not retain moisture well, it is better to use the trench method. Clay soils They also warm up easily and retain moisture well, which is why raised beds are traditionally used for them. Several layers of manure, soil and compost, laid according to a special pattern, form bulk ridges, which are called a “smart garden”. Ordinary flat beds are used in greenhouses, and containers are used where there is not enough free space for planting.

Material on how to make it will also be useful beautiful beds in your garden:

Raised beds are used for planting vegetable crops and flowers. Their distinctive feature is a border made of wooden planks or ceramic tiles

Pest Control

Unfortunately, with the onset of warm weather, they become more active harmful insects, capable of nullifying all the efforts of hardworking summer residents. Many of them attack fruit trees and bushes. It is necessary to carefully examine all the branches and pay attention to the fastened dry leaves. Perhaps these are nests of lacewings or hawthorns. They must be collected by hand and burned.

Weevil beetles are destroyed on cold days, when they become numb and stop moving. A film is placed under the tree, then the branches are shaken. Fallen insects are burned. For moths and leaf rollers, use an infusion of mustard or wood ash. Honeysuckers are afraid of garlic and tobacco infusion.

To spray trees against pests, a solution of copper sulfate, urea, Bordeaux mixture, and iron sulfate is also used, and laundry soap helps against aphids

In addition to the listed types of spring work, there are many others, for example, planting flower crops, updating garden furniture, cleaning ponds.

Competent work in the spring in the garden and vegetable garden are very important agrotechnical measures that allow correct landing and get the highest possible yield.

Spring work in the garden: when and where to start

It is imperative to check and prepare for the coming season.

It is also necessary to carry out a number of activities, including cleaning, pruning, removing shelters, prevention, preparation for grafting and planting. As a rule, in the southern regions you can begin to carry out such work as early as March. IN middle lane in our country and in the northern regions, the deadlines are shifted by a couple of weeks.

Gardening in spring

It is necessary to begin the first spring work in the garden with the onset of the first warm days and after the bulk of the snow cover has disappeared.

Cleaning the garden after winter

Cleaning consists of removing all plant debris, as well as inspecting the soil and garden plantings at the dacha. Early spring is the period when the first weeds appear. Roots that are not yet sufficiently strong can be easily removed from wet soil. spring soil. The first warm spring days provoke active growth of shoots not only on the soil, but also on the surface of garden paths, which should be thoroughly rinsed with a strong stream of water from a regular garden hose.

It should be remembered, that any spring activities related to water should be carried out only at above-zero temperatures, which will prevent the formation of ice. All planting containers, as well as flowerpots, flowerpots and flower pots intended for growing plants in the coming season, also need to be inspected, thoroughly cleaned, and, if necessary, restored to integrity.

Work in the garden in early spring (video)

Pruning fruit trees and shrubs

In the spring, in most cases, sanitary cleaning is carried out, as well as removing all old and unnecessary shoots and branches:

  • annual raspberry shoots need to be crowned by cutting off the top five buds, which allows stimulating the formation of new basal shoots. All frozen, weakened shoots must be removed;
  • Currant bushes are thinned out in the spring. On black currants, branches older than seven years are removed. On red and white currant bushes, you need to cut out branches older than ten years. You also need to cut off the excess root shoots and weakened shoots. All frozen tops are trimmed;
  • starting from the age of three, it is necessary to thin out the gooseberry bushes, as well as remove old branches and excess growth, which improves the illumination of the fruits and increases the yield;

  • do spring pruning Bush cherry varieties must be very carefully removed, removing thickening and old branches, taking into account fruiting on last year's peripheral branches. It is best to perform shortening in the summer, after fruiting;
  • The annual spring formation of fruit plantings allows maintaining the habit and improves insolation of the above-ground part. Any molding must be done with determination of the direction of growth processes of skeletal branches;
  • It is best to grow plums in a trunk, since bush-like forms thicken faster and become less fruitful. Formation begins almost immediately after planting the seedlings in a permanent place, which will create a productive crown by four to five years.

The crown of fruit trees can be formed in a tiered-sparse, horizontal or saucer-shaped, as well as vertical or palmette version.

Rules and terms for removing winter shelters

or special structures must be inspected, thoroughly cleaned and rinsed.

After the winter shelters have dried, they can be stored until the autumn cold. From the garden area must be old and trimmed in the process spring formation branches, fallen leaves and withered grass, as well as any other debris of plant and non-vegetable origin.

March at the dacha: protecting plants from sunburn in early spring

In the first ten days of March, the illumination increases, so during the daytime the stem part and branches of garden plantings can warm up significantly, so during night frosts the heated wood dies off. Sunburned areas show darkening, peeling, and cracking.

Whitewashing the trunk and branches of skeletal branches can effectively reduce the heating of the bark. It is best to whiten garden plantings in the fall or in the last ten days of February, choosing a dry and sunny day for this purpose. Before you begin processing, you need to inspect the plants and, if necessary, carry out preventive or therapeutic measures. Whitewashing can be done with acrylic water-dispersion paint"VD-AK 0508" or "Dekoprof" products. It is also allowed to tie the stem part with white parchment.

How to treat trees in spring (video)

How and how to treat trees against pests in spring

Treatment times vary depending on the type of plant and the composition of the solutions used for spraying:

  • prevention of fungal diseases, damage by mosses and lichens before buds open, with copper sulfate diluted at the rate of 100-150 g per bucket of water;
  • spraying grapevine and soil around until the buds open bacterial cancer, spotted necrosis and anthracnose with iron sulfate at the rate of 200 g per bucket of water;
  • mandatory treatment of garden plantings before flowering against California scale insects, copperheads, mites, weevils and flower beetles with Iskra-M, Fufanon, Iskra-double effect, Karbofos, Aliot or Biotlin;
  • treatment of currants with “Commander”, “Bison”, “Tanrek”, “Iskra Zolotoy” or “Inta-Vir” on the blossoming buds and first leaves;
  • treatment of gooseberries with “Topaz” or “Skor” before flowering.

You should also spray peach, apricot and cherry with “Horus”, “Kuprolux”, “Abiga-Pik” or “Ordan” after flowering to protect against maniliosis, curl and klyasterosporiosis.

Grafting and planting trees

As a rule, by the first ten days of May, the planting of fruit and berry trees and shrubs has already finished, and the time has come for grafting. It is best to carry out this activity when the buds on the selected rootstocks swell and begin to open slightly. Spring vaccination can be performed in several ways:

  • Copulation;
  • Butt;
  • Split;
  • Saddle;
  • In the side cut.

Regardless of the method used, prerequisite To obtain a good result, you need to use high-quality tools and a special grafting tape.

What to do in the garden in spring

In spring it's time for the main preparatory activities in the garden and in greenhouses. During this period, you need to pay attention to winter crops, perennial crops, and also prepare beds open ground and in greenhouses for planting and sowing work.

Main events

The garden is cleared of debris and plant debris. It is also necessary to remove all the shelters that were used to cover the winter period winter crops and least cold-resistant garden crops.

As soon as the greenhouse soil warms up, you need to dig it up with one shovel. At the same time, it is necessary to apply basic fertilizers:

  • applied to cucumber beds for each square meter about 5–6 kg of high-quality humus, with the addition of 50 g of any complex fertilizer and a couple of glasses of wood ash;
  • on beds prepared for growing tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, the dose of humus will need to be halved;
  • when preparing “warm beds”, the top 15 cm of soil should be removed, then the biomass should be laid and covered with a layer of fertile soil.

During the same period, film garden structures should be prepared. Tension time film shelter for greenhouses must be calculated in such a way that in the last ten days of April it is possible to sow the most cold-resistant and early-ripening garden crops.

Important check the condition of the above-ground part of garden berry fields and replace the old mulch layer. It is best to use organic matter as mulch, represented by:

  • sawdust;
  • compost;
  • tree bark and wood chips;
  • straw;
  • rotted leaves.

Good result allows the use of mulching covering fabric. In March or April, the garden soil is fertilized with complex universal fertilizers “Nitroammofoska” or “Azofoska”.

When to start planting at the dacha

Sowing and planting cold-resistant garden crops must be done while the soil is still in a soft and plastic state.

During this period, the soil is already sufficiently warmed up and contains the optimal amount of moisture for the growth and development of crops.

It is recommended to dig up the soil immediately before sowing or planting, which will not allow moisture to evaporate. If necessary, all dug up ridges, in order to preserve moisture, must be covered with plastic film before sowing, which is fixed with stones.

How to prune berry bushes in spring (video)

The harvest will depend on how correctly and timely the entire volume of spring work in gardens and vegetable gardens is carried out. That is why spring is the most important time for everyone involved in private gardening and vegetable growing.

The health of the plants, the type of garden and the future harvest depend on how timely and correctly the spring work is completed. What should you do first on your summer cottage?

First cleaning First you need to remove all winter shelters from the beds and clean up the garden. With the arrival of warmer weather (when the soil dries out a little), remove dry leaves, windbreaks, remains of supports and shelters, as well as other garden debris. As you harvest, remove only emerging young weeds before they become stronger, have time to bloom, and can easily be pulled out with their roots from the moist soil. Wash the frames and glass of the greenhouse, clean the gutters, clear the garden paths of moss, you can even paint garden furniture , if you haven’t done this in the fall, here in addition regular paint

For example, PF-115 enamel may be suitable - it adheres well to the surface and will protect the walls.

Plant nutrition The very beginning of spring is the best time to prepare your garden for spring growth. Garden plants

Additional feeding is constantly needed, even if they grow in rich soils. Fertilizers ensure they grow strong and healthy. Most fertilizers are a mixture of the most important nutrients : nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen compounds promote the growth of green mass of plants, phosphorus is responsible for strong growth of the root system and shoot formation, potassium is important for the formation of flowers and fruits. During this period, it is most effective to use complex fertilizers

Such fertilizers are produced, as a rule, in the form of granules, which are best scattered over melting snow in compliance with the application rate indicated on the packaging. This ensures uniform dissolution of the granules and gradual penetration of nutrients to the plant roots.

Pruning shrubs and trees

At low temperatures above zero, before the start of the spring growing season, trees and shrubs, including fruit and evergreens, can be planted and replanted. It is also necessary to prune stone fruit trees and some fruiting berry bushes.

Spring pruning of fruit trees is necessary to form a cup-shaped crown with an open center. This shape of the fruit crown provides better access to light and air, which means a more abundant and healthy harvest. It is necessary to eliminate dry branches with pruning shears or a garden saw, as well as thin out the central part of the tree so that future branches do not block each other’s access to the sun and fresh air.

Lawn care

At a temperature of +5, the grass on the lawn begins to grow. Spring is the time to remove leaves and debris from the lawn, adjust the boundaries and perform spring treatment of the lawn. Start processing with hard mechanical cleaning and removing debris (old coarse grass stems, leaves, moss). Use metal for this work. fan rake. Then aerate (ventilate) the soil on the lawn - pierce the top layer of soil to a depth of 10-15 cm. Aeration provides access to air, water and fertilizers to the roots of the grass.

Improving the topsoil is achieved by evenly distributing sand over the surface of the lawn. This procedure improves the structure of heavy soils, helps nourish grass roots, and also corrects minor unevenness on the surface of the lawn. Use a mixture of sand and light garden earth or leaf humus (2:1), carefully leveling the composition over the surface and correcting unevenness using the back of a rake.

Dividing perennial flowers

Early spring is the best time to divide herbaceous perennials (such as asters) before they begin to actively grow. Some of them will require some effort, cutting through the rather tough rhizomes. To do this, use a sharpened bayonet shovel. To remove large specimens from the ground, place a board under the roots, which you use as a lever by stepping on it.

The division sites are usually clearly visible - these are empty spaces between compactly located buds or young shoots on the rhizomes. First divide large bushes into four parts crosswise, and then manually you can divide them into even smaller parts. Dividing grasses such as feather grass or sedge is less labor intensive. To obtain seedlings, just use a sharp knife.

Soil preparation

For germination of seeds of cold-resistant crops (carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, beets) requires a soil temperature of +8˚С, and for heat-loving crops (cucumbers, pumpkin) - +12˚С.

If spring is delayed, you can speed up the start of the season by warming up the soil. To do this, cover the prepared area of ​​soil a few weeks before the planned sowing. garden material or black plastic, which will retain heat in the ground and prevent excess moisture from passing through. Crops grown by seedlings will also develop better in warm soil.

Preparing seedlings

To allow young plants to acclimatize, take the seedlings out into the garden on warm, windless days. If frosts are not expected at night, after a while it will be possible to leave the seedlings in the garden overnight, first wrapping them in plastic, and then without shelter. If you are growing your seedlings in a greenhouse, increase ventilation to harden off the plants. Start hardening the seedlings 1-2 weeks before planting in the ground.

Before planting in the ground, thoroughly water both the seedlings and the prepared area in the garden in advance. Start transplanting on a cloudy day or early evening. When replanting, you can slightly shorten the roots of the plant. Plant the prepared seedlings so that the soil covers the plant stem up to the first true leaves, water generously several times and compact the soil around the plants so that they cannot be pulled out of the ground without damaging the leaves.

Plants with bare roots (from a common box) are more vulnerable than plants from separate containers, and plants in peat pots will naturally tolerate transplantation into the ground most easily.