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» Spring planting of onion sets: timing and rules for planting bulbs. Rules for planting onions on a head in the spring When to plant an onion on a head in the open

Spring planting of onion sets: timing and rules for planting bulbs. Rules for planting onions on a head in the spring When to plant an onion on a head in the open

With the onset of the new season, each gardener pre-plans which plantings should be done first and which ones should be left for later. late period. The same thing happens with onion sets. This crop is undemanding in care, but there are some rules and recommendations for planting it on the head, caring for it and growing it, which must be followed to obtain a good onion harvest.

Note! Planting sets and planting onions on a head (or turnip) are the same thing.

Regardless of the type of onion, there are General requirements, whose strict observance and implementation will help to avoid possible errors and guarantees good harvest further.

  • The soil in the area intended for planting onions must be nutritious and loose, which guarantees the passage of air to the roots of the plant.
  • It is better to choose an open area, well lit throughout the day, since the lack of light significantly slows down the growth of the crop.
  • Low air humidity is important for onions, but the soil should be constantly moderately moist. This is especially true during the growing season and bulb growth. After which excess moisture is unacceptable, as this will negatively affect further storage.
  • Groundwater in the garden bed should not be located closer than 50 cm to the soil surface.
  • It is unacceptable to clog the bed with weeds, as they have a depressing effect on the onions. Crops should be weeded regularly.
  • It is necessary to plant onions in an area where crops such as cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes previously grew, that is, those plants whose agricultural technology requires the introduction large quantity organic fertilizers.
  • It is not recommended to grow onions after garlic and carrots.
  • The crop reacts negatively to planting in acidic soil, which leads to its damage peronosporosis, As a result, the plant weakens and is unable to withstand the effects of pests.

Note! Onion sets should be planted in their original place after 3 years, and optimally after 5 years.

Optimal timing of planting

There is no exact date and time for spring planting of onion sets, since it depends on the weather conditions of the current year and the climate of each region. Also, many gardeners prefer to rely on the favorable phases of the moon, so as not to be disappointed in the result.

Landing according to the lunar calendar in 2019

A calendar, which includes the dates of the location of the Moon in one phase or another, is a kind of cheat sheet for the gardener, since scientists have long proven the relationship between the growth and development of plants depending on the movement of the celestial body.

According to the lunar calendar for 2019, favorable days for planting onion sets on the head are:

  • in March – 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April – 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20.

It is not always possible to plant seedlings during a favorable period, but there are days, according to the lunar calendar, when it is completely undesirable to do this:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Based on this, any gardener has the opportunity to plan in advance the spring planting of onion sets and prepare the seed and plot for this.

Note! Favorable dates By Lunar calendar for planting onions on a feather (on greens) are different, but the sets are planted specifically on the head (turnip).

At the time of buying seed For onion sets, you need to pay attention to its variety and ripening time, since the manufacturer always indicates information about the time for planting the sets depending on the species.

Therefore, to the ripening period, it is enough to add 5-7 days for the seed to germinate and you will get an estimated planting date.

Ripening time different varieties set:

  • early - 3-3.5 months;
  • mid-season - 4-4.5 months;
  • late - 5 months.

Note! Planting seedlings in the spring should be carried out when the soil warms up to a temperature of +12 degrees to a depth of 10 cm.

Depending on the climatic conditions of the region

An important indicator is climatic conditions region. When planting onions on turnips, there is no need to rush, as return frosts can cause bolting.

First of all, it is necessary to plant sets less than 1 cm in diameter, and after 1-2 weeks larger bulbs.

In the southern regions countries, spring planting of sets is recommended to be carried out at the end of March - in the first ten days of April.

In conditions Volga region Seeds should be planted at the end of April or beginning of May, taking into account the weather conditions of the current year.

IN Middle lane(in outskirts of Moscow) It is best to plant onions in May throughout the month.

On Ural and Siberia There is no need to rush, so it is better to sow at the end of May - the first half of June.

Early boarding Onion sets for turnips in the spring can lead to bolting of plants in the event of sudden changes in day and night temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to start the procedure when the threat of late frosts disappears.

How to plant seedlings correctly in spring

But for successful cultivation Onion is not enough to calculate the correct timing. It is also necessary to take into account some rules and features of the procedure, and it is also recommended to carry out pre-sowing preparation of seedlings and beds for planting. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself in advance with how to do this correctly.

Selection of planting material

On sale you can find onion sets sorted by bulb size, but which one is best to use for planting on the head and stem in the spring is worth figuring out, since the diameter of the bulb directly affects the final result.

Classification of sets by size:

  • 8-14 mm is the smallest calibration, which should not be used for spring planting, since the development lag will be 3 weeks;
  • 15-21 mm - medium calibration, ideal for spring planting bow on the head, resistant to shooting;
  • 22-24 mm - large calibration, ideal for spring growing onion per feather, because it ripens early;
  • 25-30 mm is a very large calibration that has appeared recently, its advantage is that it has low price compared to other sizes, but is only suitable for growing onions per feather.

There are other basic criteria that help you make the right choice.

Bulbs on appearance should not have obvious signs of deformation or damage, as well as no suspicious spots. Consistency planting material it should really be tight with light pressure. The set should be dry to the touch, but light moistening is allowed upon purchase; in the future, it should be dried at home by sprinkling the bulbs in a thin layer on newspaper.

Note! You should not buy seeds outside in frosty weather, as there is a high probability that they will freeze, which will lead to the seed becoming unusable.

Pre-sowing preparation of bulbs

There are several ways to process onion sets before planting, allowing you to avoid many problems during the growing process. But the most mandatory procedure is warming up the planting material, which helps reduce the percentage of arrowheads appearing in the future.

Video: processing onion sets before planting

Preliminary preparation of beds and soil

A full onion harvest can be obtained if the soil on the site is loose and breathable. This crop prefers to grow on loam and sandy loam soil with an acidity level in the range of 6.5 - 7 pH.

It is recommended to start preparing the site with autumn. To do this, you should dig it up to the depth of a shovel, clear it of the roots of perennial weeds and add rotted manure (humus) in a ratio of 5-8 kg per 1 meter of area, as well as. IN later in the spring You will need to level the area with a rake.

If you don’t have time in the fall, prepare in the spring should be carried out 1.5 months before planting. During this period, in addition to humus, it is recommended to add complex of mineral fertilizers in proportion to 1 sq. meter: ammonium nitrate or urea (20 g), potassium sulfate (20-30 g), (30-40 g), or simply nitroammophoska.

Rules and landing patterns

Before planting onion sets, it is necessary to mark the rows at a distance of 20-25 cm. The depth of the furrows should be within 5-8 cm. This depends on whether mineral fertilizers were applied when digging the area or not. In the case of the latter, they can be poured directly into the holes, sprinkling a 1-2 cm layer of soil on top.

The bulbs should be placed in rows at a distance of 10 cm, after which they should be sprinkled with a layer of earth 3-5 cm thick.

Video: subtleties of planting onion sets

Note! Planting sets too deeply leads to the fact that the plant begins to develop late and eventually forms elongated bulbs, while shallow planting will not allow the roots to receive nutrients from the soil.

How to properly care for sets after planting

Further care planting onions involves several basic procedures, on which the quality and quantity of the future harvest largely depends.

First of all, experts recommend regularly loosen the soil to destroy the surface crust that slows down plant growth. This is necessary so that the roots have constant access to air. Before emergence, the row spacing should be loosened, and then the plantings.

When the bulbs reach medium size, it is necessary to gradually rake away the soil from them, which helps to increase their size and rapid ripening.

Onions need constantly moist soil during the active growing season, so watering at this time it is necessary to carry out 1-2 times a week. In July, when the bulbs begin to ripen, excess moisture is no longer needed, so moistening is carried out once every 2 weeks in the absence of seasonal precipitation. Watering should be stopped completely 3 weeks before harvest.

Onion planting needs constant weeding, which will help avoid the development of fungal diseases. If grown in a contaminated bed, the bulbs will develop a thick, juicy neck, which will negatively affect their further storage.

To obtain a good harvest, it is necessary to carry out regular feeding, since this culture responds well to nutritious nutrition. First stage It is better to apply fertilizers 20-30 days after planting the seedlings. To do this, it is recommended to use organic matter: rotted mullein 1:10 or chicken droppings 1:15. Consumption nutrient solution should be within 10 liters per 1 sq. m.

Next stage It is recommended to fertilize onions on the head in spring 3 weeks after the previous time. To do this, you need to scatter ammonium nitrate And potassium sulfate in dry form, 15 g per meter of area immediately before watering.

In the future, feeding onions to the head should be carried out if necessary, as can be judged by external signs:

  • the plant forms a small bunch of greenery, and the feathers grow short - lack of nitrogen;
  • pale leaves with slow growth - lack of nitrogen;
  • gray tint of feathers with a corrugated edge - lack of potassium;
  • the bulbs begin to dry out prematurely - a lack of phosphorus.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out timely treatment against pests and diseases. In this case, for example, you can use universal remedy: 1 tsp. copper oxychloride or copper sulfate, 35 ml liquid soap dilute in 10 liters of water. Carry out the treatment by spraying the aboveground part of the onion every 15 days.

Video: feeding and protecting onions from onion flies

When to collect and how to store

The harvest period for onion sets planted on the head falls at the end of July - mid-August, and in some regions it shifts to September. This largely depends on weather conditions. A clear sign of onion readiness is the lodging of the leaves, followed by their yellowing and drying. At the same time, the neck becomes thinner and softer, and the bulbs acquire a characteristic shade corresponding to the variety.

It is recommended to pull out the bulbs entirely with tops, and then put them in a warm, well-ventilated room to dry. Then the dried leaves must be cut off, leaving a tip 5-10 cm long, and the onion must be additionally dried in a heated room at a temperature of 25-30 degrees for 10-14 days. After this, it must be put into baskets for long-term storage and placed in a warm, dry room.

Video: tips for harvesting and storing onions

It is not difficult to grow a good harvest of onion sets, but it is necessary to take into account all the preferences of the crop. In addition, by providing it with complete drying, you can preserve the vegetable until spring.

Video: how to plant onion sets

In contact with

Onion is vegetable crop, which is in great demand today not only in cooking, but also in medicine. And this is not surprising, since it contains a huge amount of useful components and vitamins that have a positive effect on human body, increasing his immunity. You can grow onions for heads on your own plot, if you know the main points of planting and caring for a vegetable crop.

How and when to plant

Soil preparation

You won’t be able to get a high harvest if you don’t prepare the land in advance. In the fall, the bed will need to be fertilized with manure. Moreover, it is boring for it to be rotten. Fertilizer should be applied together with digging the beds and removing weeds.

Already in the spring, before planting, you will have to loosen the soil with a rake or dig it up with a shovel. If you perform larger plowing, it will disrupt the structure of the lower layer of soil, and this will cause the loss of moisture accumulated for the development of planting material.

To get a high onion yield, you will need to use the following fertilizer options:

  1. Apply organic matter in the fall. To do this, take 1 kg of ash and combine with 5 kg of compost. The resulting mixture is enough for 1 m2.
  2. Complex mineral compounds . They must be applied in an amount of 1 kg per 10 m2.
  3. In spring it is worth applying mineral fertilizers. Their proportion is similar to autumn.

So that the mineral compounds used give the onion the maximum amount nutrients and don't burn the roots, you shouldn't bring them in too deeply. But how to grow nigella onions for seeds, and how to do it correctly, is described in great detail in this

In the video - planting an onion on the head:

Preparation of planting material

For getting great harvest Before planting an onion, you need to perform a number of actions, including:

  1. Sorting. Divide the existing seedlings into 3 groups. Place those bulbs that are approximately 1 cm in size first. They should be planted earlier. The second group will contain sets up to 3 cm in size, and the third will contain the largest onions.
  2. Warming up. If this procedure is not followed, then onions will do in the arrow. This process can be divided into 2 stages. The duration of the first is 3 weeks. Temperature in the room where the sowing is located, it should be 20 degrees. Then you need to achieve a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Keep there for about 10 hours.
  3. Soak. Take warm water, lay the planting material for 10 minutes. After this, place the seed in the solution complex fertilizer for 5 o'clock.
  4. Disinfection. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of copper sulfate. Take 10 liters of water and 35 g of product. You can simply immerse the sevok in the solution, but you shouldn’t keep it there.

In the video - preparing onions for planting:


You can plant onions on heads both in autumn and spring. It is possible to get a high yield if mixed planting. Its essence is that part of the planting material should be planted in the fall, and part in the spring. The seedlings also need to be treated with a growth stimulant.

In early May, the soil has already been thoroughly warmed up, so you can proceed to planting. To do this, use the following instructions:

If selected autumn planting, then it’s worth choosing sets small size– up to 1 cm. It should be planted 2 weeks before the onset of frost. The earth will excellent protection from freezing. Such a bow will not shoot in the spring and will give excellent results when harvesting.

You may also find it useful to know whether you can plant onions and garlic together, or whether to do so

How to care

Regular watering is important for this crop. It should last from the beginning of planting until July. Moreover, after each irrigation the soil must be loosened. Approximately 10 liters of water will be needed per 1 m2. Watering is best done in the evening or during the day. It is enough to water the plant 2 times a week. If it is very hot outside, then increase the amount of moisture.

Fertilizer application

Before fertilizing onions, it is worth removing weak and sickly plants. At this time, the onion lacks nitrogen and phosphorus. For a normal growing season, it is necessary to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers as soon as the plant has 5-6 leaves.

To do this, take 10 liters of water, add 20 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium. The resulting solution should be applied in dry weather. If the weather is humid outside, it is best to sprinkle dry fertilizer between the rows and work them a little into the soil.

But you shouldn’t use fresh manure for fertilizer. The fact is that it slowly decomposes and initial stage During development, the plant will not receive the nitrogen it needs so much. But in the summer there will be quite a lot of nitrogen, as a result of which the onion will produce abundant and green feathers, but the bulbs will receive insufficient nutrition. But how to care for onion sets Centurion will help you understand this

Secrets of a good harvest

To get an abundant and high-quality onion harvest, you need to know some secrets:

  1. Onions will not tolerate clay soil. If you have one on your site, then you should add sand, peat and mix everything. Also, do not plant onions on the ground with increased acidity. To reduce it, you will have to perform liming. Dolomite flour helps with this.
  2. When planting bulbs, be sure to disinfect them in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. It's also worth trimming top part sowing so that it begins to germinate faster.
  4. Place a little salt in the trench, which will be an excellent preventative against onion flies.
  5. It is worth planting carrots near the onions. It will also repel the onion fly, and the onion itself will repel the carrot fly.

    Onions and carrots

  6. It is necessary to fertilize 3 times during the growing season.. The first time this should be done is in the two-leaf phase. The second feeding is 14 days after the first, and the third is at the end of June. Excess nitrogen should not be allowed, as it will only cause feathers to grow. Potassium sulfate is an excellent potassium fertilizer, because onions are demanding of sulfur.

    Applying fertilizer for onions

  7. Do not use fresh manure and potassium chloride for feeding.. This reduces yield. But phosphorus should not be neglected, since the size of the bulbs depends on it.
  8. For long-term storage onions must be harvested before the first August rains. It is best to do this at the end of July. If you are late with the deadlines, the onions will become saturated with moisture and you will not be able to store them for a long time.
  9. After harvesting, the onions should be thoroughly dried. It is better to do this in the attic, where there is excellent ventilation. After removing the dried dirt, cut off the dried feather and leave 8-10 cm. But how to grow Yalta onions from seeds, and how to choose the right seeds, is outlined

    Drying onions

  10. While storing onions, you should periodically sort them out.. If at least one head deteriorates, the rot can spread to the rest of the crop.

It may also be useful for you to learn about how to plant Red Baron onions, and for this you should read this

You can get a high and high-quality harvest when growing onions if you approach this issue responsibly. It is important not only to plant correctly and carefully care for it, but also to create conditions for the full growth and development of vegetable crops.

Every summer resident wants to grow a good harvest of vegetables and fruits on his plot. And first of all, this is due to the fact that you can get high-quality products with your own hands.

But at the same time, the entire growing process, from planting to harvesting, requires constant monitoring. In addition, there is also the possibility of using safe fertilizers of organic origin, rather than pesticides and herbicides, with the help of which it may be possible to harvest a good harvest, but how harmless it will be.

The content of the article:

If the cultivation technology with main crops has been perfected for years, then with onions everything is not so smooth. It is not uncommon for summer residents to make unsuccessful attempts to plant onions on heads suitable for storage. And all because they did not take into account the peculiarities of planting onions, which are different for greens and heads.

Preparing the soil for planting onions

It is quite difficult to get a good harvest of heads if you do not fertilize the beds with manure a year before planting. It is necessary for him to rot. We start preparing the beds in the autumn - we dig, remove weeds and apply fertilizers.

In this case, all we have to do in the spring is to loosen the soil. This can be done with a rake, or with a shovel, but no more than half a shovel. With deeper digging, you can damage the lower layer of soil, or rather its structure. And this, in turn, can lead to the loss of moisture accumulated here, which is necessary for the development of the seed.

To get a good harvest, we fertilize the soil using one of the following methods.

  • Organic fertilizers (apply in the autumn, mix 1 kg of ash with 5 kg of compost, distributed over 1 square meter).
  • Complex mineral fertilizers (per 10 sq. meters 1 kg of fertilizers).
  • In the spring, nourish the soil mineral fertilizer in the same proportion as in the fall.

To get the most from fertilizers useful substances, and in order not to burn the young roots, we do not plant it too deeply into the soil.

Planting onions on a head in spring (VIDEO)


Video No. 2

How to plant an onion on a head?

Planting onions on heads can be done not only in autumn, but also in spring. But at the same time, in cases of combined planting, that is, when some of the seeds are planted in the fall and some in the spring, the chances of a harvest can be significantly increased. It may also be useful to treat the sowing with a growth stimulant, but you can also use the old proven method for these purposes - soaking in potassium permanganate (in a thick solution), with further drying.

As a rule, in the spring, onions are planted at the beginning of May, since the soil warms up well enough to plant them only by this period. But the planting process itself is divided into several stages:

  1. First, we plant bulbs up to a centimeter in size. These are varieties that do not form arrows.
  2. We plant the main sets or small-growing varieties 1–2 cm in size after 10–14 days. At the same time, you can also plant medium- and multi-cavity varieties with bulb sizes of 2–3 cm.

Sevok planted early will go into arrows, so what can you expect? big harvest the head is not worth it.

In cases of autumn planting, it is recommended to choose small bulbs with a diameter of up to 1 cm. Plant them approximately 2 weeks before the first frost. In this case, the earth can still become a good protection against freezing for them. Such onions, after germination in winter, will not go into arrows, but will produce large heads when harvested.

To plant an onion on the head, you can use one of the three most effective options:

  • Pre-seeding method;
  • The method of sowing seeds in spring;
  • Method of growing from seedlings;

The onion head is a biennial plant, to obtain which you need to plant onion sets and collect the bulbs. In the next gardening season, we plant bulbs in the soil, from which by the end summer period will grow large bulbs.

At agro-industrial enterprises, this process is carried out as follows:

  1. The seeds are wrapped in cotton fabric(you can use gauze folded in several layers), then they are immersed in water at a temperature of about 50 degrees for about 25 minutes, and then in cold water for 1 minute.
  2. Next, the seeds are soaked in warm water for 24 hours;
  3. Then the water is drained, but the seeds themselves are kept in a damp cloth for another 24 hours. We do not allow the seeds to dry out.

It will be possible to harvest onions grown by seedlings by the end of the summer period, and before that you can also get green, juicy feathers from them. We plant seeds for seedlings in February, in boxes. After sowing, we spill the soil with warm water, if there is sand, you can sprinkle it a little, after which we cover the box with polyethylene. In this case, it is necessary to make several more holes in the polyethylene itself, which is necessary for air circulation.

After the sprouts appear, add soil, but you will also need to loosen them. It is not recommended to tear through plants, even in areas of dense germination. In approximately 55 - 60 days we will receive seedlings ready for transplanting into open ground. Onions planted in the ground can be thinned out. But the harvest will be possible by the end of the summer period. At this time, their feathers will already be hard and tasteless, plus at this time the onion heads will already be rising from the ground.

The next way to plant onions is to sow seeds, which can be done in mid-spring. Largest part the seeds will sprout within 10–12 days, and after another week they can be thinned out.

When thinning, we first remove frail shoots, and there should be a distance of about 7 cm between healthy plants. The heads can be collected for storage in August.

What else to consider when planting an onion on the head?

Onions grow well in sunny places and poorly in lowlands and shade. For ease of tillage and weeding, it is recommended to make the beds narrow. We plant this plant in the same place with an interval of at least three years. This crop grows quite well after tomatoes, early cabbage, cucumbers and potatoes.

Tip #1. Onions do not like clay soil. In this case, it is necessary to add peat and sand to the soil, and then mix everything thoroughly or plow it. But in cases with acidic soil, in the fall you need to add here for deoxidation dolomite flour. Flour is added to the soil in late autumn.

Tip #2. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant or sow onions next to carrots, or you can plant by alternation. That is, a row of carrots, a row of onions, etc. Onions will repel carrot flies, and carrots will repel onion flies.

This herbaceous plant, like onions, is grown by almost every summer resident. However, not everyone knows how to do this correctly and makes a number of mistakes. This crop is considered to be quite whimsical, therefore, if you do not handle it correctly, the harvest may deteriorate. If the onion grew too bitter, this indicates that it experienced a lack of moisture at the initial stage of the growing season. A small head is a consequence of a thickened or deep planting. Failure to comply with crop rotation leads to the appearance of diseases and affects the keeping quality. Sometimes summer residents harvest a crop, half of which cannot be preserved even until mid-winter, and the other part can only be used for adding to soups, due to its excessive pungency. How to make sure you get a high-quality harvest and what features to consider when planting?

Planting onions

How to prepare a site for planting?

Onions should be planted in a well-lit place. This crop does not tolerate low areas with heavy, waterlogged soil. Ideally, plant onions in soil in which cabbage, cucumbers, and nightshades grew. The thing is that these crops and onions do not have common pests and diseases, and due to the fact that they are grown using a huge amount of mineral and organic fertilizers, many nutrients remain in the soil for a long period.

You can also plant onions after zucchini and peas. But you should not locate it in the place where carrots previously grew. This crop is not fertilized with fresh organic matter. Such soil is not suitable for onions, since it cannot be called fertile. Moreover, the area for it becomes available late, so you may not have time to prepare it for planting a new crop. But planting plants in reverse order quite acceptable. It is permissible to return the crop to its original place no earlier than after 3 years. If she was affected by diseases, such actions are possible after 5 years.

Plant onions on the head in spring time needed in loose soil, with moderate humidity. In this regard, the area should be dug up in the fall, and with the arrival of spring, fenced off with a rake and leveled. IN autumn period You can also feed the soil with compost, humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. To neutralize the solution, acidic soil is treated with chalk or lime. Places that were fertilized with fresh manure should only be replanted in the second year.

If the site is dominated by heavy clay soil and it does not warm up enough, in the fall wide ridges are cut on which the crop will be planted.

When do you plant onions on the head?

It is impossible to say unequivocally when to plant onions, as this is influenced by weather and ground temperature. Onions are considered a crop that is resistant to cold, however, if they are planted in unheated soil, this will lead to the fact that they will shoot, and this in turn will negatively affect the quality of the harvest. You can go the other way and complete the procedure when the soil has not yet lost moisture, which the onion especially needs at the initial stage of growth. And the rather long growing season of the crop does not tolerate delay.

Planting onions on a head in the spring is not a labor-intensive and complex procedure, but it requires certain knowledge from the vegetable grower. If you do everything correctly, 9-12 weeks (depending on the growing region) after planting the seedlings in open ground, you can get the heads onions, which will be especially large, aromatic and crispy. Today we will talk about planting onions on the head in the spring.

When to plant onions in the spring

The main criterion that helps determine the right timing planting a seedling, is the soil temperature. In order to get a good harvest of onions over time, it is necessary to plant the sets in open ground until the soil in the area warms up to at least 12 degrees. At lower soil temperatures, it is not advisable to plant onion sets on the head.

This limitation is not due to the fact that the planting material may not tolerate possible frosts: the cold resistance of this crop is well known. The thing is that at low soil temperatures and environment There will be a rapid growth of green mass and, on the contrary, an extremely slow development of the bulbs themselves.

Onions are a biennial crop. For getting large head, which can be used for preparing first and second courses and added to salads, you need to have a set. You can plant this crop seedling method, but not all varieties are suitable for this option.

The time it takes to plant it depends on the size of the bulbs, so it is sorted as follows:

  • less than a centimeter in diameter is planted in a greenhouse or in open ground in mid-May;
  • from 1 to 2 cm in diameter can be planted about two weeks after the small ones (as a rule, this is the main part of planting);
  • large ones, with a diameter of 3 cm or more, are planted later than everyone else, so that they do not go to shoots early. You can plant them separately on greenery.

Onion varieties for growing per head

In order for the harvest to be significant, you need to decide on the cultivation technology and choose the variety that is ideal for planting in your conditions. Onions per head can be grown in three ways: sow the seeds in the ground in early spring, plant sets (small bulbs grown last summer) or use seedlings. The choice of technology determines the planting time. The cultivation method also determines the varieties you should choose.

Suitable varieties for growing from seeds:

  • Exhibition.
  • Danilovsky 301.
  • Odintsovets.
  • Annual Siberian.
  • Strigunovsky.

Pre-sowing preparation of onions

There are several ways to process onion sets before planting, allowing you to avoid many problems during the growing process. But the most mandatory procedure is warming up the planting material, which helps reduce the percentage of arrowheads appearing in the future.

Technique for planting onions on the head

Shallow grooves are cut on the leveled bed. The distance between the grooves should be 15-20 cm to make it convenient to care for the plants. If the soil is not moist enough, the furrows are shed with water. Onions respond well to the addition of wood ash and sand into the furrows.

Treated seedlings can be planted in the prepared bed. The bulbs are buried with the bottom down to the “shoulders”, and then sprinkled with earth, so that a layer of 2 cm is formed on top. Surface plantings will give earlier shoots, but with this technique you will not be able to get a good turnip.

The sets in the row are placed at a distance of 6-10 cm (depending on the variety). Some summer residents advise planting it densely in a “snake” pattern in order to obtain not only bulbs, but also greenery from one bed. As the plants grow in the row, they are thinned out, removing the bulbs along with the feather. This method is convenient for a small garden bed, when you are confident that it will be thinned out in a timely manner.

How to care for onions

Proper watering - required condition good care. Bulb crops are very sensitive to stagnation of water and excess moisture. IN initial stage growth when growing root system and the feather is forming, the plant needs more moisture. You need to water once or twice a week. When the head begins to form, watering is reduced to once every two weeks. Watering should be stopped 30 days before harvesting the onions. The harvest must ripen and dry completely in the ground, otherwise it will not be stored for long.

If the soil has been prepared correctly and all necessary fertilizers and microelements have been added, there is no need to apply additional fertilizing. You can water the plantings with weed infusion three times a season. The arrows that some varieties throw out just need to be cut off. Such seedlings will have small bulbs.

During the first phases of plant growth, care must be taken to ensure that the onion is not affected by pests. Sometimes appears onion fly, nematode and thrips. At making the right choice location and crop rotation, the risk of infection is minimized. If pests appear, it is necessary to treat the beds with a fungicide solution. Onions cannot be processed for greens.

Onion harvesting and storage

Many times I observed a picture when gardeners deliberately trampled onion feathers so that they would die. This cannot be done forcibly, because if the feather is still standing, then the bulb is still in the development stage.

When all the stems have already fallen, you can start harvesting, it’s good if it’s a dry and sunny day. Then the bulbs can simply be spread in an even layer right on the garden bed so that they dry out and the soil falls off from them.

It is imperative to dry the onion well; when it dries, cut off the roots and stem, leaving a length of five centimeters (if the onion will be stored in braids, then you need to leave fifteen centimeters).

The onions are dried in a ventilated room; you can’t leave them in the sun for too long, they can get baked and then quickly rot. Look at the tails; if most of them are dry, then the onion is ready for storage. Select onions with raw stems; they are best used for canning or for preparing dishes right away.

Onions should be stored in a dry room, temperature from +18 to +22. You can also store it in a cellar, if it is dry and ventilated, but the temperature is not lower than +5 degrees. At home, onions are perfectly stored:

  • In baskets;
  • In cardboard boxes;
  • In vegetable boxes;
  • In stockings;
  • In braids.

Bulbs should not be placed in plastic bags; canvas or paper bags, which do not retain moisture, are acceptable.

At least once a month it is worth checking and sorting the onions, just “moving” them to improve air exchange.