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» Types of decorative plaster for walls with their own hands. Decorative wall plaster with your own hands. How to stain

Types of decorative plaster for walls with their own hands. Decorative wall plaster with your own hands. How to stain

Gone are the days when plaster was used exclusively for preparatory purposes when decorating walls in a house. Now this material is widely used for surface finishing. Thanks to their decorative properties, the interior can be given an original and unique look. Decorative plaster is often confused with liquid wallpaper These materials are finishing, as part of liquid wallpaper cellulose, a natural, harmless material. The composition of decorative plaster includes cement and sand.

Purpose and benefits

Decorative plaster for interior decoration is a finishing coating of surfaces, which can be applied with or without initial preparation of the base. This material is often offered ready-made, when the mixture is diluted in advance under production conditions with a solvent or plain water. After purchase, the mixture is applied without modification.

But there are also dry mixes that require adding liquid according to the instructions before adding. To give the desired effect, various fillers are added to the plaster - pieces of shells or small pebbles.

This material has the following advantages:

  • excellent soundproof properties;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature changes;
  • smoothes out irregularities and other defects;
  • ease of application and unpretentiousness in use;
  • variety of color palette.

Material types

In stores you can find different types of coatings depending on the composition. Their use has its own advantages and application features.


It is based on acrylic resin, and the material itself is applicable for application to a wide variety of types of surfaces. As a rule, it is implemented in a ready-made form. Differs in elasticity and durability. Possessing a low level of moisture absorption, such a mixture is resistant to moisture, as well as to changes in the base. At the same time, there are disadvantages:

  • fast flammability;
  • the possibility of loss of appearance.


The powder mixture of cement suggests the need for dilution with water. It is easy to apply to the surface. The material is durable, moisture resistant, good vapor permeability and heat-insulating properties. Limiting factors will be:

  • the need to update once every ten years;
  • weak elasticity;
  • the need for subsequent staining.


It is most often used as facade decorative plaster, since it contains potash glass, which is harmful to humans. It is advisable to apply it to mineral mixture or directly on concrete. The benefits include:

  • strength and high elasticity;
  • high drying rate;
  • the possibility of cleaning with water;
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • durability.

However, this is an expensive and dangerous material for humans, requiring certain skills in working with it.


A modern material made from silicone-type resins is sold in a ready-made form with a wide color palette. Main advantages:

  • elasticity and high degree of adhesion;
  • moisture resistance and the ability to quickly clean from dust;
  • ease of finishing any type of base indoors and outdoors;
  • durability.

At the same time, the material is not cheap, and before applying the surface must be treated with a silicone primer.

The choice of plaster

Wall decoration with decorative plaster gives the interior a unique and original touch. However, to obtain the desired effect, it is advisable to choose the right texture.


It is a material with a very viscous structure. The composition includes a variety of fillers, such as mica, wood, granite or marble chips. Can be used for both interior and exterior work. Concrete, brick and even wooden bases. Advantages:

  • the formation of a durable waterproof, but breathable coating;
  • the ability to imitate other materials, such as leather, stone or wood;
  • selection of the color of decorative plaster by tinting;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation properties;
  • ease of application and affordable price.

To create the desired pattern, you need to prepare a roller with a spatula and arm yourself with a stencil.


Already proposed for implementation finished material with a base of acrylic or silicate type resins. Marble and quartz chips are used as a filler, as a result of which the structure grain is provided.

This is a universal, mechanically resistant coating. Applying decorative plaster with your own hands is quite simple, as a result, an original relief is formed.

The resulting layer is characterized by high parameters of air permeability and moisture resistance. However, temperature fluctuations do not significantly affect the quality. To apply the material, you need:

  • clear the area;
  • dry the wall
  • level the surface if necessary;
  • prime the wall and apply plaster.


To get a beautiful coating, you need to purchase a transparent ready-made mixture and add one or more colors to it. To give the surface the desired effects, the material is applied in layers, and a protective wax or varnish is laid on top.

The composition of such plaster contains particles of marble and lime. If necessary, you can get a marble or glossy surface. The applied composition dries quickly with the possibility of forming a relief like a mosaic. Among the qualities of such a durable coating, environmental friendliness, fire safety, resistance to wear and moisture are distinguished.

When applying, the following sequence of actions is required:

  • Clean and level walls.
  • Select zones up to 1 m in size, and after drying, apply the first layer.
  • For the first coating, the technology of continuous application is used, and all subsequent layers are applied with strokes. Movements should be small. By adjusting the degree of pressure, you can change the texture of the coating.
  • Smooth out the area. Repeat the steps for the entire surface.
  • Let the plaster dry.
  • Polish and apply wax or varnish for protection. As a result, you can get a coating, as in the photo of decorative plaster.

Taking advantage in modern ways wall and facade decoration, you can equip beautiful interior characterized by originality and comfort. Decorative plaster helps to solve this problem in the most effective and visually attractive way.

Photo of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster looks not only very attractive, but also greatly expands the possibilities of masters in interior design. The cost of the finished building mix for decorative wall decoration is quite high, which significantly limits the possibilities of its use. In some cases, experts reveal their secrets of craftsmanship and show by examples that decorative plastering with their own hands is in no way inferior to ready-made solutions.
It is to such a master that I would like to express special gratitude for the understandable and accessible video instructions that allow you to implement various ideas for the design of the premises. The review includes the cumulative experience of the masters, which is collected in a separate publication. The recipe and tips will help you endlessly experiment with decorative design in any room where each wall can take on a unique look.

Decorative plaster in different techniques

Versailles plaster from conventional mixtures

How to make decorative plaster with your own hands like the walls in the apartments of Versailles? It turns out that a similar texture can be achieved using ordinary dry starting gypsum plaster and finishing putty, which, when mixed and applied, give an attractive texture with light inclusions of the middle fraction. This finish requires the use of acrylic varnish, metallic paint and glitter. Detailed master class from the studio "REDecoration" is shown in the video at the end of the publication.

The sequence of work on applying Versailles plaster:

  • glue the perimeter of the future coating with plaster tape;
  • prime the surface with quartz primer, which will ensure good adhesion and allow you to work with the model mass longer. For these purposes, Ceresit "Primer paint for thin-layer plaster and paint" is suitable;
  • the model mass for decorative plastering is mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio of finishing putty and starting gypsum plaster. The manufacturer of the mixture is not important, but you can use, for example, G-Start and Satenpro dry mixes;
  • the mixture is mixed with a mixer twice, the first time immediately after adding the mixtures, the second time - after the mass has stood for several minutes;
  • plaster is applied to the wall with a layer of 2-3 mm using a spatula and trowel, making random stains to create the desired texture, Special attention given to corners and space near the ceiling frame and door;
  • the model mass is applied in an even layer on the wall, and then an additional “textured” layer is made using a plastic trowel, which creates the desired volume;
  • after the plaster has dried, the resulting irregularities are smoothed out and sanded with a spatula, paint float and sandpaper (No. 60), resulting in a beautiful smooth coating with a pronounced, but shallow texture;
  • at the next stage, a deep penetration primer is applied, well smearing all the irregularities and avoiding smudges;
  • after priming, the surface is painted, for this white paint is mixed with any selected dye, it will take about 2 hours to dry this layer;
  • with the next layer, the wall is painted with a metallic decor, silver is diluted on a primer in a ratio of 1: 1, then it is applied with a foam roller on the first layer of paint with light movements, without filling all the irregularities (pay attention so that there are no traces of the roller);
  • finishing layer surfaces are varnished with the addition of glitter. First, the varnish is diluted with water by 30% in order to avoid a varnish “peel” on the finished coating, then glitter is added at the rate of 1 tsp. per 1 liter During operation, the varnish must be stirred regularly to “lift” the settling sparkles.

Obviously, in this way you can make plaster in any color with a metallic paint finish of any shade and decorate with colored and plain glitter. You can also change the manner of applying plaster, creating different textures. The lacquer gives the coating a fairly high strength and protects the wall from fading in the sun; both matte and glossy lacquer coating can be used for coating.

Flemish plaster - two-tone tinted in mass

Working with Flemish plaster differs from the above Versailles and Venetian ones in the way it is applied and finished, it is also made from ordinary putty based on the model mass, the recipe of which is given above. The approximate consumption of such plaster is 80 g per 1 sq. m.

The key difference between this coating is that the finished decorative putty is tinted in bulk, that is, the dye is added to the plaster finish mixture, and not applied as a separate layer. In the video tutorial, yellow-brown and coffee plaster is used, which is applied with a large spatula on the prepared surface with “from yourself to yourself” movements, thus creating a beautiful two-tone texture.

At the next stage, the wall is smoothly smoothed with a trowel or spatula. It does not need to achieve perfect smoothness. The main goal is to mix two colors of plaster and get an interesting two-tone finish.

Flemish plaster is applied in three layers, using spatulas different sizes, decreasing their size from layer to layer. On the second and third - you can use a 20 cm tool. Subsequent layers are applied in such a way that a texture forms on the wall and irregularities form inside smooth surfaces. The size of the "islands" will depend on the volume of the mixture used in one putty application cycle. The more model mass will be on the spatula - the "islands" bigger size smooth surface can be done on the wall. The last layer can be applied with a Venetian trowel according to the “press-smooth” scheme, in which case a different texture is obtained.
After applying the plaster, the wall is painted with a deep penetration primer. After complete drying, the plastered area is covered with azure using a trowel. The mixture can be prepared according to the following recipe (consumption 120 g per 1 sq. M):

  • glue for non-woven wallpaper, diluted according to the instructions - 2 parts;
  • panel varnish - 1 part;
  • paint "Silver" - 0.5 parts.

In its structure, azure is a regular wax, which is covered with plaster as a finishing layer. Please note that in the recesses, the wax is not completely removed, due to which a texture with patches is obtained. varying degrees silver plating. Instead of silver, mother-of-pearl or gold can be used to prepare azure, which allows you to achieve different lighting effects.
If desired, the wall can be additionally decorated with varnish, which will give the coating strength. For wet rooms, yacht varnish or waterproof facade plaster can be used.

Prague plaster

Prague plaster or, as some craftsmen call it, "Venetian fresco" is applied to a pre-tinted surface. To do this, facade paint and color scheme of the desired color are added to the ground. The main task is to make a colored base layer simultaneously with the application of the primer. When applying a primer layer, it is not necessary to achieve uniform "coverage".

In order to prepare the model mass of decorative Prague plaster, any acrylic putty is used, 1/10 of the sand and color are added to it (preliminary consumption of 1.5 kg per 1 sq. M). The first layer of putty is applied with a Venetian trowel, forming an uneven surface in the form of "islands". Due to the sand, a more voluminous texture and a rich finish are obtained.

The second layer of putty is applied to the wall by trimming with a trowel. Movements involve pressing the trowel with mortar against the wall in a chaotic manner. Please note that the required two layers are applied one after the other. First, approximately 1 sq. m of surface and the first layer is applied, then the same area is decorated with a texture by trimming.

In the same way, the next section is covered with a solution. After that, you need to return to the previous section and smooth the plaster "on the tops" with a 20 cm spatula, removing the remaining mortar from the tool. After about five minutes, the finished surface must be polished with a Venetian trowel, while not applying special effort. The degree of readiness of the coating for this operation can be determined by touching the hand, the putty should not stick to the fingers.

On final stage the finished surface is painted after applying the layer deep primer and its complete drying. For finish coat uses a special composition of paint based on Venetian plaster, diluted with water (consumption 150 g per sq. M). Using Venetian plaster as a paint will result in a more interesting slightly shiny surface.

At the final stage, the lined surface is covered with a special wax for decorative plasters, this is done using a plastic wallpaper spatula. For these purposes, the so-called Parmesan blue can be used, which gives a very beautiful effect of noble brilliance.

Decorative plaster for finishing facades and fireplaces - stone finish

The proposed method of decorating surfaces can also be used for finishing facades and fireplace portals, but other mineral fillers are used for these purposes. Dolomite plaster can be considered a good option for choosing a stone-like finish, but, unfortunately, its price is quite high for finishing the facade.

To reduce the cost of the original decorative mixture, use dolomite flour, which is added to a stylo-acrylic dispersion (UCAR™ Latex DC 640) for exterior use, which has a high water repellency, or an acrylic putty (Sniezka Acryl-Putz) for interior use. Dye, metallized filler, glitter or mother-of-pearl are also added to the finished material.

It is necessary to apply dolomite putty on the fireplace in two layers, first with an even layer with a large Venetian trowel, then make a drawing layer by trimming the surface, followed by smoothing with the same trowel.

The surface is lightly sanded sandpaper No. 150, primed and then decorated with Venetian plaster. It is applied diluted with water like paint using a conventional roller. After application, the plaster is polished with a trowel.

The natural texture of the stone is always distinguished by shiny blotches, so the surface “under dolomite” is also decorated with a coating with a metallized filler. To do this, copper is added to the wax, it is applied according to the texture of the surface, bypassing the smooth areas of the cladding. At the final stage, the surface is waxed without glitter and polished with a soft trowel. Two-tone stone-like plaster can be obtained using the Flemish application method described above. As you can see from the examples, do it yourself decorative rock on any surface is not at all difficult and it will not cost much, and the effect will exceed all expectations.

Facade decorative plaster

After gaining experience in applying decorative plaster for interior work, the question arises about the exterior finish. For this purpose, you can use liquid glass, with which a waterproof version of the plaster is made:

  • first a primer layer is applied, using a dilute solution liquid glass;
  • a model solution of waterproof (hydrophobic) plaster is mixed in the following proportions: a ready-made solution is used plaster mixture in a ratio with liquid glass 7:1 or plaster is prepared 1:2:5 from liquid glass, cement and sand.

Video instructions for applying decorative plaster

In conclusion, we give examples of how do-it-yourself decorative plaster is made video using all the methods mentioned. Good luck. These examples will help you make expensive repairs in your home at a low cost.

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Applying decorative plaster with your own hands: video, methods and rules for performing work

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Plastering the exterior and internal walls to protect against harmful effects environment and surface leveling. Modern tricks plastering allows you to apply the finish so that the layer will simultaneously serve decorative ornament interior or exterior. When applying a layer of plaster or starting putty on the surface of the material, a certain texture is created, then staining is performed using a special technology. Other techniques allow you to apply a finishing layer in the form of artistic figures that stand out from the general background. So how do you do it yourself? We will tell in this article (video at the end).


Decorative plaster device

To make the work done look perfect, you need to align the walls for applying a layer of starting putty. Experienced craftsmen level not only the surface of the wall, but the corners and connecting lines of the walls with the floor and ceiling. For creating vertical angle 90˚ use the building level and corner. The line for leveling the connection of the wall with the ceiling is applied using a beating (colored thread), which serves as a guideline for applying the layer thickness.


Stages of preparatory work:

  • tap the surface with a hard object (hammer) and reveal a weakly adhering coating, it is removed;
  • paint, whitewash or wallpaper is completely removed from the rest of the area, cracks are separately embroidered;
  • the wall is leveled with a starting mortar, while the plaster is glued plastic mesh in places of greatest thickness, if possible, then glue the entire area. This will prevent cracking of the layer during operation;
  • sometimes it is easier and faster to use sheets of drywall, which can be placed on the frame or glued to the surface along pre-exposed beacons;
  • the surface is primed once with a weak solution (for deep absorption), the second time the solution is made according to the technology from the primer label (to fix the surface).

Preparation of the composition

Ready-made dry mixes are purchased in the store, designed to level the unevenness of the walls, they are packaged in waterproof bags and require dilution with water to start work. There are also ready-made, already diluted mixtures on sale that can be applied to the surface immediately after opening the plastic bucket. To save money, they buy dry mixes, after several times of training, the mass is easily mixed with water with a nozzle on a drill like a whisk.


For the first time, a small amount of dry matter is diluted, since the resulting solution can dry quickly, so a large amount of the solution is not prepared. To calculate the required number of bags, a preliminary calculation is used, which looks like this:

  • for plastering with coarse-grained (starting) compositions per 1 sq. m with a thickness of 1 mm takes 1.8–2 kg of dry matter, if a thick layer is required, then the norm is multiplied by the layer thickness in millimeters;
  • under the same conditions, the consumption of medium-grained material will be 1.5–1.7 kg per square, while the calculated layer thickness is also taken as 1.0 mm;
  • to make a layer with small dry mixtures 1 mm thick, 0.9–1.1 kg of substance will go per square area.

Water is poured into a clean container, then the mixture is poured (not vice versa), water is used at room temperature. For proper kneading, the entire amount of dry matter should be poured at once, if the solution is thick, it is better to add a little water. It is worse to add a dry component to a liquid solution, since lumps that are difficult to break are obtained.

After stirring, wait about 1 minute and use the mixer again. Sometimes color pigments are added directly to the finished solution or paint is applied to the finished layer.

Applying plaster to the wall

After careful preparation of the wall and preparation of the mortar, do-it-yourself decorative plaster is made, a video of the process can be viewed below. The finished starting composition is collected on a spatula and applied to the wall. Experienced craftsmen work with a large tool (60-80 cm), it is more convenient for them to smooth the surface. For those who do the work with their own hands for the first time, it is recommended to start with a spatula 45 cm long and additionally use a cap spatula, the width of which is 6–8 cm. They remove excess mortar from the handle of a large spatula and shift the mass closer to the edge of the working surface.

The thickness of the mortar layer on the wall is adjusted during application, trying not to apply too much, but not to shave so that surface defects will be visible. The work consists in applying the entire mass at a time, since you need to have time to apply the drawing before the solution completely solidifies. During plastering, a grid is applied, if it is in pieces, then it is glued with overlaps.

Method for obtaining a decorative pattern by rubbing


They take an ordinary trowel and rub the surface until the solution on the wall has completely set. . For drawing a picture, there are certain technologies:

  • Rain is obtained after rubbing the area with a plastic trowel with vertical movements (up and down), sometimes the direction of the rain threads is made oblique, for this the movements are changed to oblique. To keep the rain threads straight, use the markup with a thin masking tape.
  • The decorative lamb pattern is obtained by rubbing the base with short circular motions, which will result in a pattern resembling curls of lamb's hair.
  • There is also a technology of movements, which will result in a carpet pattern. For this, choose small plot and move the trowel first with vertical movements, then they are replaced by a horizontal direction.

If at one time it is not possible to make the entire wall, then the drawing is not done until the very border of the material applied today. After the plaster is done, the edges are joined on the next area, only after that the selected pattern is applied.

Applying a coloring layer

Before painting, the surface is sanded to smooth out too sharp transitions and defects, this is done after the solution has dried - in about a day. Sometimes thick layers do not dry out and look like dark spots, you need to wait until it dries completely. To speed up, you can turn on the heat fans by directing the jet to the problem area. After sanding, before painting, the walls are treated with a layer of soil.

Usually the first layer of paint is made darker, the second is applied lighter, but after the first has completely dried. They paint with a dark color, carefully filling in all the cavities and irregularities, using a brush for this. And the second is placed so that only convex elements fall into the working area, and the depressions are not affected.

Textured plastering device

Such dry mixes in bags or ready-made solutions in buckets are purchased at construction stores. Mixtures dry more slowly, so you can prepare the mortar in a much larger container and treat the wall surface at a time.


The alignment of the walls is done with coarse-grained mixtures intended for large thicknesses, and the textured mixture is already applied to a flat surface with a layer of about 3 mm. The material is applied with a spatula. After applying the mass, without waiting for it to set, a textured layer is applied using various devices.


To do this, use the following tools and devices:

  • rollers;
  • stencils for stamping;
  • spatulas and trowels;
  • crumpled rags.


Each method takes a little practice, so it's best to try covering the surface somewhere inconspicuous. It is convenient to work with a roller, since with the help of its textured sides you can apply small and large drawings. The complexity lies in wait for the master, who decides to make such a texture with his own hands, in that when the roller moves, the structural putty is pulled together with a thin layer in the direction of travel - at the end of the work, an unexpected thick layer of material is obtained.

To avoid such a nuisance, before applying the textured mass, the wall is divided into strips or squares using masking tape 3 to 5 centimeters wide. The plaster is applied to the space between the tapes, then processed with a roller, while the excess mass is on the tape. The strips are removed, after the total area has dried, the cavities are filled and again passed with a roller. Sometimes even squares, rhombuses or stripes look advantageous even without filling, creating a kind of decorative composition.

It is more convenient to work with stamps: they are imprinted into the soft surface of the layer with a selected frequency, while observing the depth of indentation. Ready-made stamps can be bought at the store or made by hand, embodying a pre-conceived idea. After the material has dried with a spatula and a float, unsuccessful and protruding elements are removed, and then the surface is primed before painting.

Can be used for invoice various materials that are at hand, for example, an old rag is wound onto a roller and passes are made over the area. It turns out a kind of pattern that imitates the surface of marble veins, only convex. Do not forget after a short pass to clean the roller from the accumulated putty, change the rag.

The painting of the surface with the applied textured pattern is done after the layer has dried, the correction of unsuccessful bulges, and the obligatory primer. The entire surface is painted with one color, irregularities give a shadow, the texture is emphasized in a favorable color. Sometimes two-tone coloring is used according to the principle of dark depressions and surface tinting of convex elements. Layers are applied at intervals necessary for the previous one to dry.

How to make figured artistic plaster

To perform such a drawing, you need to evaluate the chosen design of the room and decide on the placement of the artistic drawing. Some types of interior developments do not provide for the insertion of stucco molding (which, in fact, is an artistic plaster finish). But art drawings on the walls will decorate any room in classical style, baroque, rococo and other interiors. Save

If the performer of artistic plaster with his own hands cannot independently draw a picture on the wall, then stencils are used, which are made of plywood, hardboard, chipboard, MDF, OSB and other remnants building materials having a thickness. A pattern or repeating elements are cut out in the plane of the material, which will then be applied to the wall area.

The stencil is carefully attached to the surface. If the thickness of the sheet is small, then you can use adhesive tape, but more often after applying the putty, the device begins to move under weight and spoil the pattern. It is recommended to use a fixing adhesive. Putty is applied in an even layer inside the pattern, trying not to impose excess material on the body of the stencil.

The thicker the stencil, the more the pattern will protrude above the wall surface. The device is removed carefully, without damaging the edges of the pattern. If this happens, then using a soft putty, you can correct the pattern with a thin spatula, fingers or a brush. The coloring of the picture takes place according to the intended palette, including the imagination of the master.


Stucco molding requires an initial level of skill from the performer. The putty is applied to the wall with the help of the hands, then any figure is formed from it directly on the square. Often the corners in the room are decorated with decorative branches, curly leaves, window and door slopes. In the nursery, on the walls and ceiling, you can depict your favorite characters from fairy tales and cartoons, make a flower wall.

Drawings are made on a smooth background or placed on plaster. Sometimes, to complete the composition, the drawing is framed with an artistic frame made of a ready-made foam plastic frieze, then you get a real picture on the wall, made by yourself.

Do-it-yourself home repairs are always a source of pride for the owner and his household, and the creative process itself sets a person up for good deeds and accomplishments. Decorative, textured and artistic plaster will unite loved ones even more and become the basis of coziness and comfort in the house.

Video: how to make decorative plaster from putty with your bunches

When the repair comes to an end, the question arises of choosing a quality finish for the walls. Among the mass of varieties of finishing raw materials, decorative plaster is very popular.

Those who prefer non-standard decoration techniques make such plaster with their own hands, using the most common putty. At the same time, the appearance of the finished surfaces is stylish and appropriate in different styles interior design. Consider the methods of manufacturing this composition.

Features of putty and plaster

To understand the transformation of one material into another, it is necessary to have a general understanding of each of them. The final product, which is decorative plaster, differs from the usual variety of plaster materials, which are mainly coarse-grained and rough finishing composition of a pasty consistency. Its texture is softer and more delicate, so it can be prepared from ordinary putty.

The task of decorative plaster is not to level, but to decorate indoor surfaces.

Putty is nothing more than a surface leveler, which is sold in the form of a powder or a ready-made mixture in sealed packages. This is a plastic mass that is effective in leveling walls, it is used to eliminate base defects (for example, cracks, chips, scratches, crevices).

Its grit level is much less than that of conventional plaster materials, due to which it has a high viscosity. This material has a lot of advantages, the main of which is the absence of deformation and shrinkage when leveling the base.

Due to the fact that it is able to smooth the structure of the treated surface and make it homogeneous, it is one of the most relevant materials, which are preferred professional builders and finishers.

However, at the same time not every putty is suitable for the job, because the rough and finish varieties are grainy. At the same time, on the shelves you can buy oil, structural, acrylic putties.

Starting, you can prepare the base for further finishing, finishing may well become the decor of walls and ceilings, differing in the best texture uniformity.


Do-it-yourself decorative plaster made from putty has many advantages.

Consider the main ones:

  • It looks beautiful, allowing you to design a home in a different style at the choice of the owners of the house.
  • Depending on the type of material used, it can be used to decorate planes indoors and outdoors.
  • The texture of this coating can be given absolutely any: smooth, embossed, wavy, zigzag, as well as with a mass of textures and patterns that are created using various improvised tools and specialized equipment.
  • This finish simplifies and speeds up surface finishing. You can make them beautiful in 1 light day, subject to preliminary preparation of the base.

  • Decorative plaster is durable: for many years it will decorate the surface without changing its performance properties, original attractiveness of color and texture.
  • This material absorbs noise well. Due to this decor, you will be spared the annoying sounds that often come from neighboring apartments.
  • Decorative plaster is a good thermal insulation. It will insulate the walls of your home, which will be especially noticeable in the cold season.
  • It is environmentally friendly: there are no harmful impurities in the composition, so there will be no harm to health during operation, which is especially important for allergy sufferers.
  • The choice of components for creating decorative plaster is great. If desired, you can choose an individual composition that will allow you to realize the most unusual design solutions.

Crafting Recipes

Turn putty into decorative material you can do it yourself at home. This will not be difficult, although it will require additional waste. However, today it is not difficult to acquire the necessary components: trademarks offer a wide range of products in the public domain.

Consider the basic manufacturing recipes.

With PVA glue

To create a mass, take 6 kg of a powder mixture of ordinary putty and pour them into a pre-prepared clean container. 2 liters of water are added, the mass is kneaded, then 0.2 kg of PVA glue is poured into it, after which it is mixed again.

If there is no PVA glue, you can replace it with a drywall grout in a 1: 1 ratio.


For this method, a powder composition (6 kg) is used, mixed with a primer to the consistency of homogeneous sour cream, then grout is added to the mass. The composition can include colored grout or paint of the desired tone.

This recipe requires a primer. white color.

Gypsum based

Some craftsmen use white gypsum powder compositions to turn a simple putty into a decorative one. To do this, take 6 kg of gypsum mixture, add 2 l of water at room temperature to them, knead until smooth, then add a glass (0.2 l) of PVA glue.

With marble chips

This recipe is suitable for decorating the surface with the "bark beetle" technique. To create decorative plaster, you will need a simple putty, which must be mixed with marble chips in a ratio of 1: 4 (1 part crumb to 4 parts putty). The mass is diluted with water and kneaded to the consistency of sour cream. It is not recommended to add the dye immediately - it is better to do this after the plaster has dried.


This recipe requires the purchase of a special putty. In order for the surface to convey exactly Venetian plaster, it is necessary to purchase a mixture with quartz, marble, malachite chips, add slaked lime and dyes to it (you can use the color of the desired shade).

The mixture should not be liquid, but resemble a paste or thick sour cream in consistency.


After leaving for a few minutes, then mix again. If necessary, you can add color (if the cultivated area is small). Silver is used for finishing decor after the drawing is completed. Its presence is mandatory for this style.

How to make decorative plaster Versailles, see the following video.

Preparing for decorating

To avoid waste of material, to carry out the work as efficiently as possible, taking into account technological features and to make good decorative plaster from ordinary putty, it is necessary to initially prepare the base of the surfaces planned for decoration. This stage is mandatory: without proper preparation of the base, good adhesion and durability of the plaster decoration is impossible.

The process consists of several stages:

  • From the room in which the finishing work is carried out, they take out all the furniture, cover, if possible, with polyethylene what cannot be taken out.
  • Remove the old coating from the surfaces planned for decoration. If this is wallpaper, then in order to avoid the appearance of dust and accelerate their peeling, it is preferable to use a spray gun. After using it, removing them from the walls is not difficult.

  • In the presence of bumps, old paint, limes are disposed of with a metal spatula. For paint, you can buy a special wash.

  • After removing the coating, a visual inspection of the plane is carried out for chips, potholes, scratches and cracks: this will allow you to select the required amount of rough material, eliminating its overrun.
  • The wall leveler is kneaded in the proportions indicated on the packaging of the material (approximately to the consistency of thick sour cream or paste), after which holes, potholes are masked, cracks and uneven bases are removed. It is not necessary to completely cover the plane with the leveler: this will increase the consumption of rough raw materials.

  • After the walls are treated with rough material, they must be sanded with sandpaper or a special construction grater, after which the treated plane is wiped with a damp sponge or cloth.

  • On this stage it is necessary to treat the surfaces for plastering with a primer, using a composition with high penetrating power for finishing. It will make the base homogeneous, bind the dust, in some cases even the surface to perfection.

After the primer dries, you can apply decorative plaster. Since this material needs a quality foundation, from a rich selection of priming liquids, you should choose the one that contains quartz chips. This will enhance adhesion, because a viscous decorative material will stick better on a flat, rough base than on a smooth surface.

For a greater adhesion effect, you can treat the base with a primer twice, allowing each applied layer to dry.

After that, you can start decorating the plane with your own hands.

Patterns, embossing, roller textures

Although there are no great difficulties in applying decorative plaster, this process may seem complicated to a beginner.

When working, one should take into account the fact that beauty and professional look finishes directly depend on several factors:

  • confident wave of the hand;
  • tool;
  • decorative inclusions in the composition;
  • patience and meticulousness.

Applying decorative plaster to the surface is easy.

Let's look at a few tricks.


You can buy a ready-made textured roller - this will simplify the work.

If you want something exclusive, you can show your imagination, for example:

  • wind a clothesline or cord around the roller;
  • wrap the roller with cling film, deliberately creating folds;
  • use a vegetable net by winding it on a roller;
  • use a roller with a long pile;
  • paint the surface with a roller with glued leatherette.

If you want to imitate wallpaper with a relief, instead of the usual roller, you can buy an option with a relief pattern.

Such a tool will allow you to apply the material in different ways:

  • by pressing the roller into the material when the surface begins to dry;
  • by painting the dried surface with a second layer of paint or liquid decorative plaster of the desired color.

Which way to use is better - everyone decides for himself. However, in any case, before making the finishing layer, you need to putty the base with a rough composition.


Interior decoration surfaces can be decorated with a spatula. Separate strokes cover the entire plane, deliberately leaving irregularities formed as a result of the use of a narrow or wide tool.

If a pattern is planned in the form of wavy or zigzag lines, initially they try to cover the entire plane evenly (without a pattern), then (when the surface is covered) confident curly lines are drawn with a spatula at regular intervals along the entire length of the base.

With this tool, you can perform a textured surface finish for marble, stone, brick. In each case, the movements are different: straight, arched, chaotic.

Other options

Instead of a roller and spatula, you can use a trowel, as well as a sponge, washcloth and even a nail. Some craftsmen create drawings with their fingers, a massage brush, a rough annular mesh sponge.

In skillful hands, even familiar plants can become a surface decoration tool. However, for a beginner, it is unlikely that it will turn out beautifully. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to a roller or special devices.

If you want creativity, you can draw on the surface with a large nail, creating, for example, stone or brickwork.

Let's consider several relevant techniques for decorating the plaster layer:

Fur coat

This texture resembles a needle base. This technique is suitable for indoor and outdoor work. To make it interesting, polyethylene is usually used. The relief effect is due to the thickness of the polyethylene.

Dense material will contribute to a deep texture. If you need a smoother surface, use thin material. It is crushed, forming folds, and applied to the wall, slightly pressing, then the process is repeated over the entire plane.

bark beetle

This method of decorating the surface is one of the most popular. Outwardly, such a surface resembles wood carved by insects.

To imitate such a texture, you will need a special trowel - a tool made of plastic or wood with a comfortable handle. To do this, the composition is applied to the base in small portions with a layer of no more than 3 mm, applying after 5-7 minutes the tool and slightly moving it up and down.

Some masters make the directions diagonally, others like the transverse pattern.


This technique gives vent to fantasy. Today it will not be difficult to create a stencil on your own if you do not want to buy ready-made.

It is cut out of cardboard or plywood. The drawing is applied to the wall, sometimes fixed, then the solution is taken and the holes of the stencil are filled with it.

The subtlety of the process is the fact that you can remove the stencil after the decorative plaster has dried. The disadvantage of technology is the need for several templates, so buying is a more acceptable option. The advantage of the method is the relief of the pattern.

To make it look professional, after the pattern has dried, it should be lightly rubbed with a sandpaper with a fine abrasive.


This technology allows you to use two techniques in one decoration. For example, it can be the use of background plaster with a silk texture (the addition of mother-of-pearl) and a three-dimensional pattern of a related color. The drawing is preferably made in relief.

A variety of floral and plant motifs, tree branches and leaves, as well as lace curls look especially beautiful on such surfaces.

Venetian style

The base composition is tinted in the main tone, then applied to the plane, thinly distributing the composition over the surface with a wide spatula. When the base dries, it is trimmed and cleaned of dust, then covered with a transparent primer. Now bred new material divide it into 2 parts and each of them is tinted with one color, but of different intensity. It turns out two compositions: light and saturated tones.

It is applied alternately on the wall in small portions, smoothing the areas between them. After the decor dries, the surface is treated with a thin layer of varnish or wax.. The finish will resemble glossy marble.


This method needs surface preparation with quartz primer for decorative plasters. This will contribute to a better adhesion of the plaster to the base. The mass is applied to the surface with a spatula or trowel, after which a pattern is attached to it using a trowel. Movements can be undulating or chaotic.

After the pattern and the base have dried, the surface is slightly leveled, dusted, then primed and painted with water-dispersion paint. After that, silver and varnish are taken, mixed and coated on top with a paint roller, applying the composition with silver only to the protruding contours of the pattern.

After that, the entire surface is coated with a water-based varnish.

To prevent the coating from creating the feeling of a film, the varnish should be diluted by half before use.

With the help of a newspaper

In addition, to decorate the walls with plaster, you can use an ordinary newspaper, covering it with plastic wrap. In this method, it is preferable to use a starting putty, since the finishing variety can form microcracks when performing a deep relief.

The newspaper is crumpled upper part packed in polyethylene so that the newspaper does not get wet. The layer of application of polymer putty should be larger than usual (approximately 5 - 6 mm). The newspaper is applied to the surface and slightly pressed, repeating this throughout the treated plane. After the facing cloth dries, it is primed and covered with acrylic paint.

To give the effect of aging, they pass over the painted surface with a fine sandpaper, brightening the decorative plaster. own production in the places of the protrusion of the pattern.

Secrets of the masters

Each master during the finishing works There are rules that must be followed.

We note the main ones:

  • Decorative putty is not applied to crumbling surfaces and places with pollution: the material will not stick to them for a long time.
  • concrete base with oil paint will cause a lot of problems when finishing - it is necessary to wash the dye.
  • If adhesion to a given surface is doubtful, use a sickle mesh (it can be glued to the surface with PVA).

  • It is undesirable to dilute the composition with a construction mixer: the better the mass is whipped, the faster it dries.
  • Wash out the remains of each used portion completely: the remaining particles of the old composition will cause the new portion to harden soon.
  • If you are going to paint a finished relief surface, do not do this earlier than a day after decorating the surfaces with plaster.
  • Keep in mind an important point: the deep relief of the plaster will take twice as much as the surface is almost smooth (for example, Versailles).

  • Strong indentation will not give the desired effect. If you press hard on the roller or other tool, you can expose the base of the wall, which is unacceptable.
  • The structural relief of the surface must be the same in any part of the finish, the thickness of the pattern layer must be identical, and the pattern is applied 1 time (do not repeat twice in one area).
  • When creating a pattern, you can use special stencils (for example, leaf moldings or special forms, through which you can even create brickwork).

To simplify the process, and most importantly, to achieve a result no worse than that of professional craftsmen, take note of a few recommendations:

  • When making drawings with your own hands or with the help of a tool, try to keep the wave of your hand the same. If you are in a hurry, wanting to finish the job faster, the waves, strokes and curls will look detached and unprofessional.
  • Do not save money on buying a decorating tool: only professionals can create a stylish pattern using improvised tools. A pattern created with a relief roller will look better than uncertain chaotic lines.
  • If you plan to perform a relief pattern with decorative plaster, invite a specialist with artistic skills. Such individuals can do any experiments, while the result of the work will look stylish and appropriate.

  • If you plan to decorate complex areas, do not leave corners, ledges and niches for later. Start with them, otherwise uneven finishes are possible.
  • Buy high-quality putty with documentation. When buying, ask the seller for a certificate of quality and compliance with safety standards. This eliminates the risk of acquiring a fake, the composition of which can be harmful to health.
  • Don't neglect the expiration date. If a month or two remains before its end, and the repair may be delayed, do not take the material for future use. After the expiration date, the properties of the composition will begin to change for the worse, therefore, such a finish will not be durable, the uniformity indicators will deteriorate when mixing the old solution.

  • If possible, buy a dry composition: it eliminates the overspending of finishing raw materials, is more economical and convenient for decorating large planes. At the same time, the shortage problem is excluded - in extreme cases, you can always add a new portion.
  • The finished composition in sealed packaging dries faster, while the consistency becomes thicker. This fact suggests that the work does not tolerate interruptions and stops: this is fraught with the formation of joints between the treated areas.

In addition, pay attention to such a nuance: if you add any inclusion to the composition, you must do this immediately for the entire mass. If for some reason you don’t have enough homemade plaster, you won’t be able to make a 100% identical mixture again: the shade, the effect, and the consistency will be different. In this case, you can decorate the surface with white material, and after it dries, paint it in the desired tone.

IN last years decorative plaster began to be actively used to decorate walls in houses and apartments. It allows you to artistically veneer various surfaces, and it is absolutely not necessary to buy ready-made formulations, decorative trim this type can be prepared by hand. In this article, we will talk about ways to self-creation.

Types and features of decorative plaster

Decorative wall plastering has become popular means cladding due to the presence a large number benefits. thick layer (at least 10 mm) and creates a bright, attractive surface that can mimic the visual characteristics of natural finishing materials - wood and stone. Thanks to this, plaster can be used to decorate rooms in different design styles, including modern, classic and provincial trends.

There are several types of decorative plaster for walls:

  1. 1. Structural. This cladding incorporates inclusions of various additional materials- sand, quartz chips and others.
  2. 2. Textured. Allows you to create embossed surfaces.
  3. 3. Venetian. Imitates the surface of natural marble.

Regardless of the type, decorative plaster always incorporates a number of basic components:

  • an adhesive that ensures high-quality adhesion of the cladding to the treated walls;
  • decorative inclusions - marble and quartz chips, sand, cellulose, beads and other elements that provide high attractiveness of the lined surfaces;
  • excipients - plasticizer and others;
  • water.

Decorative plaster options

The most important advantages of decorative (structural and textured) plaster, which ensure its high popularity in the market, are:

  1. 1. Resistance to a range of adverse external influences, including ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and mechanical damage.
  2. 2. Creating a smooth, seamless veneered surface.
  3. 3. Simple installation, which can be carried out without preliminary preparation of the walls.
  4. 4. Alignment of minor wall defects.
  5. 5. Ecological cleanliness - the cladding does not contain hazardous chemicals, is safe and hypoallergenic.
  6. 6. Create a "breathable" surface that does not accumulate odors and does not contribute to the appearance and spread of mold.
  7. 7. Wide range of colors and textures.

However, this coating also has disadvantages. The most important of them is the relatively high price, the need to use special tools in the work and attract experienced designers to create complex surfaces. Fortunately, today it is not at all necessary to buy decorative plaster, you can do it yourself from ordinary putty. Craftsmen have come up with many options for artistic cladding. In particular, using ordinary plaster, you can perform:

  1. 1. screen plastering;
  2. 2. Venetian;
  3. 3. newspaper;
  4. 4. Versailles.

Plastering with stencils - we take cardboard and plywood

Screen plastering is one of the most simple ways creating a textured artistic layer without the use of special facing materials. This method requires the use of a number of tools and consumables. For repairs you will need:

  • stencils for decorative plaster;
  • finishing acrylic putty;
  • color;
  • starting putty;
  • primer;
  • acrylic paint.

The most difficult - proper manufacture stencil. The easiest way to make it is with a thin plywood sheet or cardboard. First, apply a suitable pattern to a sheet of plywood or cardboard, for example, a flower, a leaf, a bunch of grapes, or a graphic ornament. It is not at all necessary to draw all this yourself, you can simply print the picture from a computer and transfer it to plywood. Next, cut out this pattern in the future stencil. You can cut out cardboard with a simple clerical knife, and it is better to use an electric jigsaw to work with a plywood sheet.

When the stencils for creating textured plaster are ready, you can proceed to facing work. To do this, add color to the finishing putty, which will give the finish the desired color, and mix the composition thoroughly so that the color dissolves evenly in the putty. Apply putty on the entire surface of the wall in an even layer and wait for it to dry completely, then level the wall with a spatula and cover with a primer.

It is necessary to apply two coats of primer with a paint roller or a regular brush. Layers are applied alternately, after the previous one has dried.

When the primer dries, attach the stencil to the wall and fill the pattern with unpainted putty, which will form a pattern on the surface. You can remove the stencil only after the pattern has cooled, otherwise it will deform and the wall will lose its attractiveness. After the pattern has completely dried, the sharp edges of the patterns can be processed with fine sandpaper to make the wall look attractive and natural. At the end of the work, it remains only to paint the drawing with the prepared paint.

Venetian version - marbled pattern

Standard putty gives you the widest possibilities for decorating the interior space of rooms. It not only allows you to create flat surfaces, but also to make an imitation. For repairs, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • finishing putty;
  • color;
  • wax;
  • primer.

Apply decorative plaster Venetian style on the walls follows in stages. Prime all surfaces to be coated first. If the original color of the walls is very different from the selected color of the filler, we recommend using a primer paint. Now add the color to the prepared putty and apply it in an even layer on all the walls with a spatula.

After waiting for the base layer of the cladding to harden, clean the wall with a spatula so that it is as even and free of defects as possible, cover the surface with a transparent primer. This is followed by the most difficult stage of work, during which you need to cover the wall with putties of different shades of marble. First you need to prepare the finishing putty - divide the mixture into two halves and add color in a different volume to each of them. As a result, one part will turn out brighter than the other. After that, apply putty with chaotic strokes different colors on the prepared wall and smooth. To give the wall gloss and gloss, after the finishing layer of the cladding has dried, it is necessary to cover the surface with wax or varnish.

Making marbled plaster with your own hands is quite difficult, especially if you have no experience. To increase the likelihood of success, we recommend that you start cladding from the wall that you plan to cover with furniture. By the time you get to the exposed walls, you'll get an idea of ​​how to proceed in order to get the putty as close as possible to the marble pattern.

Invoice work with newspapers - learning along the way

Plastering with newspapers is much less difficult than creating Venetian plaster. This cladding method will require newspapers, acrylic paint and putty, and experts recommend using starting finishing compounds, as they allow you to get a deeper texture than finishing ones. To begin with, make a tool out of the newspaper with which you can give the textured surface a textured structure. To do this, you need to crumple the newspaper in such a way that it turns out to be a handle with a ball at the end. Put a plastic bag over the balloon to prevent moisture from getting on the paper and softening the newspaper.

Now apply putty on the wall with a layer of up to 10 mm. Without waiting for the material to dry, apply the newspaper to the surface, creating a textured decorative coating. We recommend starting work from the most poorly visible places on the wall, moving on to open surfaces as you understand what structure can be given with a newspaper, and how best to proceed for this. Decorative wall decoration is a multi-stage process, in which you will have to not only create a textured surface with your own hands, but also prime the walls, and after the primer dries, paint the putty with acrylic paint. If you find too rough edges on the wall, you can rub them with fine-grained sandpaper after the paint has hardened.

The creation of figured surfaces can be carried out not only with the help of a newspaper, but also with other tools. For work will do textured spatula, malka or sponge.

Versailles plastering - a multi-stage process

Finishing the walls with decorative travertine plaster is a rather complicated way of cladding, but it can be used to make the walls in the house very attractive and save money on ready-made cladding compositions. To perform such a repair, you will need a gypsum-based starting and finishing putty, acrylic paint, silver paint and quartz primer - a primer with mineral fillers (she needs to pre-treat the surface).

To make a decorative Versailles with your own hands, mix the finishing and starting putties in a ratio of 1 to 1, mix and add water to them in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. To avoid the appearance of small lumps in the putty, you need to leave it for 5-7 minutes, and then mix it again with a mixer. Lay the finished mortar on the wall in a thin layer (about 3 mm) using a spatula or spatula. To apply the pattern, use a plastic trowel, the pattern should be chaotic wavy stripes, which will make the wall attractive and original. When the putty is dry, sand it down with a spatula and go over it with fine-grained sandpaper so that the veneer is textured, but smooth enough.

Then carefully clean the entire surface of dust and cover it with a primer, when the primer dries, paint the wall with paint. Best for Versailles plastering paints are warm, neutral shades- any tone of beige. In the end, you need to mix silver with a primer or varnish in a ratio of 1 to 1 and apply the resulting solution over the paint with a paint roller. Roll the roller easily along the wall so that only the top of the textured coating is painted with silver. Next, just wax or varnish the resulting lining so that it is glossy.

Can you make bark beetle yourself?

Bark beetle is a common type of decorative plaster, which is usually used to decorate the facades of private houses. To save money, you can give the walls an equally attractive visual performance by using more affordable putty instead of expensive decorative plaster. In addition to cement putty for outdoor use, you will need marble chips (quartz chips, sand or other filler), a quality primer and water-dispersion paint. Mix dry putty with filler in a 4:1 ratio - 4 parts dry mix to 1 part crumbs or sand. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and dilute with water to get a solution that is similar in consistency to thick sour cream.

If the mixture is not mixed beforehand, then the marble chips or other filler may be unevenly distributed inside the putty, which will negatively affect the quality of the cladding as a whole. Apply the resulting solution in a thin layer on the surface to be lined, and when the composition begins to dry (after 5-8 minutes), carefully rub the surface with a small one, making quick reciprocating movements. The resulting putty structure, which will be almost indistinguishable from bark beetle plaster, will only be covered with primer and painted.

How to create a composition from scratch with glue and soap?

If you are not satisfied with the ways to create a textured surface using putty, you can make decorative plaster with your own hands using glue. For this you will need:

  • 800 g of PVA glue;
  • 2 kg of 5% CMC solution used for wallpapering;
  • 10% laundry soap solution;
  • 6.5 kg of gypsum or chalk powder.

First you need to make wallpaper glue from the CMC solution by filling it with water. See the packaging for the required amount of water for the glue. Now prepare a solution of soap by rubbing it on a fine grater and soaking it in water. When all the components are ready, combine them and mix thoroughly with a construction mixer or drill (with a special nozzle). The result should be a paste-like mixture that is applied to the walls in exactly the same way as a standard purchased putty. Making decorative plaster is very simple, but it has one very significant disadvantage- Long freezing time. Although it is this time that can be used to create textured surfaces.

In addition to self-creating putty, you can make and apply decorative plaster with various additional components. The first mixture is created from the following components:

  1. 1. River sand (washed and sifted). You can use quarry sand, but before work it must be soaked in water to wash out clay impurities.
  2. 2. Satengips. This is a ready-made gypsum-based dry mix containing various mineral additives.
  3. 3. Fugenfüller. Gypsum based ready mix containing polymer additives, she will give homemade plaster moisture resistance, strength and durability.

These ingredients must be dry mixed in a ratio of 3:3:1, then pour them with water and mix thoroughly. Add water until the mortar has a thick consistency of good plaster.

Another textured mixture is made from soil and satengypsum. It is best to use a deep penetration primer so that the resulting composition has good adhesion, moisture resistance and strength. For work, you can use any primer, the main thing is that after application it does not create an impenetrable film. To make a textured facing coating, it is necessary to dilute the soil with water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Then gradually add satengypsum to the solution and constantly knead until you get a thick, pasty plaster. Before using such a solution, let it brew for at least a few minutes, then stir again so that as much air as possible comes out of it. Lay the plaster with a spatula, after which it can be coated with paint.

To make a decorative finish, you can use any ready-made gypsum mixture with additives. You can buy it in almost every specialized store. To create textured surfaces, it is necessary to close the composition with water and add PVA to it. The result should be a thick solution that is easy to apply with a spatula and use for any of the figured plastering methods described above.

It is necessary to create and apply any decorative plasters with your own hands, taking into account the individual characteristics of the premises to be lined. For wall cladding in "wet" areas of the house, textured materials are made from tile adhesive. To do this, dilute the adhesive in accordance with the instructions on the package and apply it in a thin layer on the surface to be treated. After that, using templates, stencils or any other improvised materials, draw textured drawings on the basis. The easiest way is to make a texture that imitates the visual qualities of natural stone or brickwork. After creating the texture, you need to smooth the pattern with sandpaper and paint.

Given the diversity existing methods creating textured plaster, you can create artistic, aesthetic surfaces at home without much difficulty and high financial costs. Choose a method taking into account your capabilities and preferences, so that the interior and exterior of your home will please you and your loved ones.