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» Abandoned cities of Russia where people live. Abandoned places in Russia - top creepiest places

Abandoned cities of Russia where people live. Abandoned places in Russia - top creepiest places

There are many beautiful cities in Russia that attract crowds of tourists. But there is a category of people who are not attracted by new buildings and clean streets, relaxing on the beach or going to expensive shops. They call themselves stalkers and are ready to endure a long road, bad smells and mountains of dust, just to search for traces of long-gone years. Ghost towns of Russia - dead cities abandoned by people become the object of their excursions. Let's walk with them along the uncharted streets filled with outdated, worn-out signs.

Ghost towns of Russia: dead settlements

Magadan Region. Abandoned urban village (UV) Kadykchan. Previously, one of the GULAG facilities was located here. People settled in this place due to rich coal deposits in 1943. The population of the town reached almost six thousand when a tragedy occurred: an explosion at the mine. The village was closed, the heating was turned off. There were only four hundred old-timers left in the settlement, refusing to leave. In 2003, Kadykchan was given the status of an unpromising village and residents began to be resettled. There were old cars in the garages, furniture and books in the houses.

In the Komi Republic located PGT Halmer-Yu. In the distant past, local Nenets brought the dead to this place, considering the place sacred. In 1942, a seam of valuable coal was discovered here. In 1993, the mine was liquidated. In 1995, the issue of clearing the city of its population was decided radically: riot police forces took the residents of Halmer-Yu out of the town against their will. Now in the abandoned village there is a military training ground.

In Neftegorsk, located on the island of Sakhalin, there were four kindergartens and one comprehensive school. In 1995, graduates celebrated last call in one of the city cafes. Glasses clinked and cigarettes smoked. Nobody knew that these were their last hours. On that day, Neftegorsk experienced a 10-magnitude earthquake that claimed the lives of more than two thousand citizens. Rescuers went to the scene. The survivors received apartments and free higher education for children. We went to different cities, and Neftegorsk was empty.

Perm region. Old Gubakha is an abandoned settlement of coal miners. In the 18th century, two coal deposits were discovered in the area. In 1924, State District Power Plant No. 3 named after was built in Gubakha. Kirov. A holiday village has now been formed on the basis of the abandoned town. The old buildings were almost completely swallowed up by vegetation.

City of Mologa was located at the confluence of the river of the same name into the Volga. People have lived in this place since the 12th century. In 1935, the construction of the Rybinsk hydroelectric complex began, which included the flooding of territories, among which was Mologa. IN last years During the existence of the city, several cathedrals, factories, and schools functioned in it. Prisoners were involved in the construction of the waterworks and the destruction of the city. Residents were hastily relocated to other settlements. Mologa, due to a decrease in the level of the reservoir, appears from the water several times a year.

The ghost towns of Russia in the Arctic Circle are dead cities, shackled by the cold. Nizhneyansk- an empty village in the Ust-Yansky ulus. In the forties it was created as a promising seaport. In 1999, the population did not exceed 2.5 thousand people. Gloomy two-story blocks buildings stretch along the street deep into the city. Wires are broken, lights are knocked down, equipment is abandoned.

Ryazan Oblast. Kursha-2 is a workers’ settlement created to develop the riches of the forest. By 1936, about one thousand inhabitants lived in the town. The summer turned out to be hot and flared up strong fire. They realized it too late, only when the wooden bridge was already on fire. Of the entire population of Curonian-2, 20 people survived. Today, on the site of the village there are burnt ruins overgrown with grass. Although the town was restored in the post-war years, after the closure railway it was completely abandoned.

Vologda Region. The city of Charonda, which once had 11 thousand inhabitants, gradually turned into a village, and then into a ghost settlement. Located on picturesque shores Lake Vozhe, the settlement is of great cultural significance. Ghost towns of this kind in Russia, although they have turned into dead cities a long time ago, deserve more attention. In 2015, the last indigenous resident of the village died. Old temple St. John Chrysostom nourished until the extinction of the village wooden houses electricity thanks to a generator. At the moment the device is broken, the depopulated village is freezing under the snow.

Cities that are candidates for ghosts

On the coast of the Kara Sea there is an almost abandoned urban settlement Amderma. Founded in the summer of 1933 for fluorite mining. Expeditions to the Arctic were supported by the Amderm radio station. Sea and air routes crossed here. Since the 1990s, the town began to decline. The garrison and the oil exploration expedition were withdrawn, and most of the enterprises were closed. The population is about five hundred people.

Tula region . The village of Krapivino, like Charonda, was previously a medieval town. Since 2002, the Nettle Festival has been held on the territory of the village. There are two churches and a cathedral on the territory. The population in 2010 was one thousand people. Residents try to be careful, avoiding bricks falling from old houses.

There are a great many such villages. Some of them were abandoned long ago, others are quietly dying out before our eyes. Ghost towns of Russia, and villages are overgrown tall grass, wild animals live in houses.

The Most Scary Ghost Towns in Russia!

Khalmer-Yu (Komi Republic)

In the 40s, a coal deposit was found here, but attempts to establish a full-fledged settlement here were unsuccessful until 1957. Then a serious material base appeared here and the village began to grow, turning into a city with a population of seven thousand people.

In 1993, the mine was closed, people were relocated to Vorkuta, and now there is a landfill on the site of the abandoned city. It was used in 2005 to demonstrate the power of the Tu-160 to Vladimir Putin. Then the president was the co-pilot on board a strategic bomber and fired a missile at one of the Halmer-U buildings.

Mologa (Yaroslavl region)

Not far from Rybinsk there is the ghost town of Mologa. Once upon a time it was one of the largest shopping centers in Rus' (the city was founded in the 12th century).

But in 1935 Soviet authorities They ordered the construction of the Rybinsk waterworks, and Mologa was simply flooded. People began to be resettled, and those who remained died. The city has sunk under water, and now that the level is falling, some buildings are becoming visible.

Kursha-2 (Ryazan region)

The city of Kursha-2 was founded at the beginning of the 20th century in the Ryazan region. People came here from all over Russia to take part in the large-scale development of forest areas. In the early 30s, more than a thousand people settled here, but soon almost all of them died. On August 3, 1936, a fire engulfed the entire city - only a few survived. Now there is a huge mass grave near the burnt settlement. The city itself is now completely destroyed, not a soul on the streets.

Kolendo (Sakhalin region)

In the early 60s, development of an oil and gas field began in the very north of Sakhalin. People from all over the island began to come here, and by 1979 more than two thousand people had settled here.

Until 1995, everything was in order, but a powerful earthquake happened, after which the reserves natural resources decreased greatly, and people began to leave the settlement en masse. Nobody lives there now.

Industrial (Komi Republic)

The city was founded in the 50s. All buildings were erected by prisoners, and until the 90s more than 10 thousand people lived here. Life here stopped after the explosion in the Tsentralnaya mine. Overnight, all the workers here turned out to be of no use to anyone. Families began to move to other settlements, and soon Promyshlenny turned into a ghost town.

Neftegorsk (Sakhalin region)

Another victim of the 1995 earthquake was the city of Neftegorsk. Here the level of tremors reached 10 points. More than two thousand people died. The authorities evacuated the survivors, and now Neftegorsk is empty. Its streets still resemble a bombed town - nothing but ruins...

Charonda (Vologda region)

In the city of Charonda on the shore of Lake Vozhe, 11 thousand people once lived. Once upon a time life was seething here, but in early XIX centuries, all trade routes that passed through Charonda ceased to exist, and the city turned into a village where only old people live.

Kadychkan (Magadan region)

In 1943, large coal deposits were discovered in the Magadan region. The city of Kadychkan was founded next to one of these. Of course, this settlement was built, as they say, on the bones of prisoners who were sent here in the thousands. Nevertheless, the city continued to develop, and after the thaw, in 1986, its population amounted to 10 thousand people.

The extinction began in 1996 after a terrible mine accident, where an explosion killed more than a thousand miners. After this, the city was almost completely empty, and in 2003, by order of the authorities, the last residents were removed from here and resettled in other cities. Now the village is empty.

Iultin (Chukchi Autonomous Okrug)

The village was founded thanks to the tin deposit found here. Since the 50s, people began to come here. Houses were built here, families settled, but in the 90s the enterprise went bankrupt and people began to leave the village. In 1995, there was no one left in Iultna.

Yubileiny (Perm region)

The settlement was built by miners. The miners of the Shumikhinskaya mine developed the city from the 50s to the 90s. Then the enterprise was cut in half, and those who were left without work were forced to either change their profession or leave. The city emptied very quickly and soon turned into another ghost. Now it is difficult to imagine that life was once in full swing here.

Without taking Pripyat into account, since this city today is not in Russia, but in Ukraine, we will name 10 ghost towns in our country, the most famous:

1. Mologa

The city was located not far from Rybinsk, at the confluence of the river of the same name into the Volga. It was created at the end of the 12th century, in the 15-19th centuries it was a large shopping center. In 1936, during the construction of the Rybinsk Hydroelectric Complex, it was flooded along with 700 villages. But this was not the cause of death. After 1941, the city was given over by the authorities to be “torn to pieces” by prisoners. Residents watched with sadness as they dismantled their small homeland, stone by stone. Afterwards, the authorities decided to resettle the townspeople. Most people were taken by force to other cities. Of approximately 5,000 people, only 294 Mologans remained. After a wave of suicides swept among them (many drowned themselves in the Mologozhsk reservoir), the authorities decided to evict those who remained and cross Mologa off the list of cities that have ever existed. Mentioning it as a place of birth was punishable by arrest and imprisonment. Soon Mologa went under water. Only twice a year does it appear on the surface, exposing ancient cemeteries and bridge churches.

2. Iultin

City located in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, was once one of the largest polymetallic deposits. When in the early 90s, molybdenum, tungsten and tin began to be mined unprofitably, workers began to slowly leave it. It was completely empty in 2000.

3. Alykel

Alykel (translated from Dolgan - “swampy meadow”) is located not far from Norilsk. It has never been inhabited by people. No, of course, the authorities first wanted military pilots and their families to live there, and even began building new houses for them. But soon, for unknown reasons, everything was abandoned. Today the city is left to the mercy of merciless time, complex weather conditions and marauders.

4. Kadykchan

The city of the Magadan region, whose name translated from the Even language means “small gorge,” was built by political prisoners during wartime along with a mine. In 1986, an explosion occurred at the mine, killing 6 people. It was decided to close it. People began to be relocated to other cities. In 2012, there was only one person living in Kadykchan Old man, who did not want to leave the place to which he was accustomed.

5. Halmer-Yu

The village, whose name alone is truly impressive (translated from Nenets as “Dead River”), is located in the Komi Republic. It began construction in 1943, when a valuable type of coal was discovered here. On December 25, 1993, a decree was issued to close it and liquidate the mine. People began to be evicted with the help of riot police. They were forced into wagons and taken to Vorkuta. In 2005, the House of Culture was destroyed during military exercises. 3 missiles were launched at it from a TU-160 bomber, on which Vladimir Putin was already president of Russia. Today no one lives in Halmer-U.

6. Nizhneyansk

The Yakut city of Nizhneyansk, located in the delta of the Yana River, arose in 1954 and within 10 years was inhabited by river workers from Yansk, who were supposed to maintain and maintain the river port. In 1958 it was designated as a workers' settlement. In 1989, about 3 thousand people still lived in it. Today, less than 150 people live in the city, or rather “live out” their days, and no one needs them. And he himself was badly destroyed.

7. Staraya Gubakha (Perm region)

It was once a mining village. Today it is very much destroyed.

8. Nave Tegorsk (Sakhalin region)

Until 1970, it was called Vostok and numbered about 3,100 people. On May 28, 1995, it was destroyed by an earthquake that occurred at one in the morning. More than 1000 people died. To date, the city has not been restored. A memorial complex was built on its territory, a chapel was built and a cemetery was located where all the dead are buried. It is worth noting that " landscape design"Neftegorsk can be used for filming films about the Apocalypse.

9. Kursha-2 (Ryazan region)

The workers' settlement was built almost immediately after the revolution. The main task of its inhabitants was to develop the significant forest reserves of Central Meshchera. In 1936, a strong fire broke out here, which, with the help of the wind, quickly reached the village and consumed all its inhabitants, leaving only 20 out of 1,200 people.

10. Industrial (Komi Republic)

The city was founded on November 30, 1956. There were 2 mines operating on its territory: “Promyshlennaya”, which was closed in 1995, and “Tsentralnaya”. On the second, at 03:46 on January 18, 1998, a terrible fire broke out, leading to a methane explosion and the appearance of coal dust. 27 miners out of 49 who were there at the moment were killed, 17 were missing. After the incident, the Tsentralnaya mine was liquidated. In 2005, the school in Promyshlenny closed, and people began to leave there. In 2007, the village was officially closed. At that time, 450 people lived in it.

The list is closed, but far from complete. How many more cities, villages and villages have died out, how many people have been left without their small Motherland probably no one can count them.

Video on the topic


  • 4stor magazine - 5 ghost towns in Russia
  • Vseorossii.Ru - Ghost towns of Russia
  • Federal Press - Top 10 "ghost towns" in Russia

Deserted streets broken windows, broken wires, asphalt overgrown with grass - behind each of these numerous settlements Russia has acquired the nickname “ghost town”. Dead villages, towns and cities were sometimes abandoned overnight, leaving behind personal belongings, furniture, clothing and cars. Residents cherished the hope of returning someday, but fate decreed otherwise, and today the cities attract only numerous lovers of dark romance and industrial tourism.


Kadykchan, Magadan - literally means “Valley of Death”. It was a small, densely populated town, near which rich coal deposits were found. In the 80s of the last century, more than ten thousand people lived on the territory of Kadykchan. However, after an explosion in one of the mines and the defrosting of the city boiler room, it was quickly abandoned by the residents and over time turned into a city.


Khalmer-Yu (“Dead River”) is an urban-type settlement in the Komi Republic. It became a ghost town in 1993 after the Russian government decided to liquidate the village; many people were then forcibly evicted. Today it has turned into a military training ground where exercises are regularly held.
Alykel is an unfinished city of military pilots. While the military unit was alive, several were built here apartment buildings, ready to accept many families, but after the disbandment of the squadron, the village was abandoned.


Neftegorsk, Sakhalin region is a dead city, of which only ruins remain. At the beginning of May 1995, over 3,000 people lived in the city. On the night of May 28, 1995, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 9 occurred, which destroyed Neftegorsk to the ground and claimed the lives of most of its population. According to official data in that terrible night More than two thousand people died under concrete rubble in their own beds. After the tragedy, it was decided not to rebuild the city. The only new building was a memorial and chapel near the cemetery where earthquake victims were buried.


Bechevinka-Finval is a military town on Sakhalin intended for families of military sailors. In the early 90s, this small city, like many others, turned out to be unnecessary to the new authorities and the military unit was disbanded. The houses in Bechevinskaya Bay are empty, but continue to stand, making a frightening impression on the rare visitors to this place.
In the 90s, dozens of cities, urban-type settlements and hundreds of villages disappeared from the map of Russia. They turned out to be no longer needed by their homeland and became ghost towns: Iultin, Korzunovo, Promyshlenny, Kolendo, Amderma.


Mologa is a city with one of the most mysterious histories of the Soviet period. The history of this city at the time of its destruction spanned eight centuries; it was a fairly large shopping center with developed infrastructure. In 1939, for the sake of building the Rybinsk reservoir, it was decided to flood this city and the 700 villages adjacent to it. There were rumors that not all residents agreed to move; more than two hundred people, contrary to the orders of the authorities, decided to stay and the city was flooded along with them, and those who survived committed suicide. After liquidation, it was forbidden to even mention its existence under pain of criminal punishment, although this is more like a scary fairy tale about the horrors of Stalinism.

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Decide where you want to buy a house or apartment. It is desirable that the area be located in an environmentally safe zone, but at the same time have good infrastructure. Find out in advance about the cleanliness of the air in the chosen location, the proximity of transport interchanges, the presence of a good road, whether there are kindergarten, school, clinic, shops.

Contact a real estate agency. Professionals will be able to help in selecting options, but each of them should be checked personally.

When choosing, pay attention to the age of the house and the date of its last overhaul. This does not mean that housing built later will necessarily be of better quality. A Soviet house may be inferior to a modern one in layout and price, but be more reliable and durable. Inspect the apartment from the inside, including assessing the condition of its walls, ceiling, floor, and heating system. An important indicator disrepair may become appearance balcony - if it is damaged and even crumbles from below, it means that the condition of the entire structure may require better.

When purchasing a private house or cottage, contact a master builder who will help you evaluate not only the quality of the walls and roof, but also the sewerage system and other auxiliary systems, the repair of which costs a decent amount.

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Evaluate the apartment from the point of view of safety and legal purity of the transaction. By the time of purchase, all its old occupants must be deregistered, and there must not be any cases or applications in the local magistrate's court challenging previous transactions with this housing.

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Ghost towns in Russia: list and photo of the dead cities to visit on your own


Hello readers! Ghost towns in Russia are the topic of today's conversation. Have you ever thought about how big our country is? I think not each of us can really imagine its scale. And almost every city, be it Rostov or, is filled with people who often leave their home for various reasons. Every city in Russia has an abandoned corner, and empty villages are scattered throughout the country; many of us no longer remember their names.

Ghost towns of Russia: list of abandoned places

The list is compiled according to my research and likes, and information from various sources - all the places you can, they are real. If you know other ghost towns, it will be interesting to read about them in the comments, and if you have them, upload their photos and names.

Today we will talk about such abandoned and dead places as:

  • Nuclear lighthouse at Cape Aniva (Sakhalin)
  • Abandoned castle in Zaklyuchye (Lykoshino village, Tver region)
  • Hotel "Northern Crown" (St. Petersburg)
  • Eighth workshop of the Dagdizel plant (Makhachkala)
  • Diamond quarry "Mir" (Yakutia)
  • Khovrinskaya Hospital (Moscow)
  • Kadykchan village (Magadan region)
  • Building of the sanatorium "Energy" (Moscow region)
  • Maternity hospital (Vladimir region)
  • Ghost town Halmer-Yu (Komi Republic)
  • Ghost town Pripyat (Ukraine)

So, let's go. Some places will be illustrated with videos. Let's start with a place like

Nuclear lighthouse at Cape Aniva

it is located in Sakhalin.

The lighthouse was built back in 1939 and, due to its design, became the most difficult structure to construct on the entire coast of Sakhalin. Thanks to nuclear servicing, in the late 90s, the costs of its operation were minimal, but soon there was no money left for this either. Since then the lighthouse has been empty. And in 2006, special installations were removed from it, thanks to which it once shone 17 miles into the distance.
Now it is looted and empty.

You can see the abandoned lighthouse by going to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to the city of Korsakov, and then taking a boat to the cape. You look, and this photo resembles a horror film, and the lighthouse resembles the film “Shutter Island” from. But, to be honest, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

Abandoned castle in Zaklyuchye

Do you think this is a cursed place or just a superstition that shouldn’t be believed? The castle itself is located in a picturesque forest, on the banks of a small river, just between two capitals, the current and the past. This estate was built according to the design of the owner of the house. The estate surprises with its asymmetry and the fact that it is made of different types materials that are not used at all together in modern construction.

What's so mystical about this place?

During the day, the estate looks very friendly, especially since it is being reconstructed. There used to be a sanatorium here, so the house cannot be called completely abandoned, but local residents tell legends that people who went into the forest and saw the castle returned from there completely different. I don’t really believe in this, but I myself didn’t dare to stay there overnight.

Although I asked my friend’s mother about this place, just before we wanted to go there on an excursion, she told me that she had never seen a more beautiful place in her entire life; she spent her childhood here. Her father's parents worked at the sanatorium until the day it closed.

Mom helped her grandmother because her parents left her with her for the summer. She felt like a queen, walking along the alleys and by the river. According to her, it was a real paradise with fountains, a large palace, roses, and squirrels. Mom said that at the front entrance there were large flowerpots with flowers, and these were best flowers throughout the entire district. Every year the sanatorium received about 200 people, and it closed simply because funding was stopped.

If you have not been there yet and have not seen the castle with your own eyes, I strongly advise you to do so, especially since it is not far from Moscow and St. Petersburg, and you can get there on your own.

By the way! Recently appeared interesting service Vivaster, which allows you to find and take excursions from local residents, rather than travel agencies. This, in my opinion, is much more interesting and authentic than contacting industry giants. In a word, pay attention.

Hotel "Northern Crown"

If you have ever been to St. Petersburg, then you probably know how beautiful and pompous this city is. No, really, it’s not for nothing that it’s called the cultural capital of Russia. I think many residents and guests of the city know about one abandoned hotel, which is located at the embankment of the Karpovka River, 37

Residents of St. Petersburg, who believe in mysticism, claim that the hotel was abandoned for a reason. Just think about the fact that the wiring has already been done, all the plumbing has been purchased, and then one day the project was closed. Locals claim that everything happened after the death of a priest, who was invited to a large banquet in honor of the anniversary of the largest city bank, where, in addition to him, the mayor and his wife were present. After all the solemn events, the hotel owner asked the bishop to bless the guests and invite everyone to a meal, but then suddenly he felt ill and died, right in the middle of the hall. Since that time, this place has been called “cursed.”

Today they are trying to demolish the building, but for some reason no one dares to do it. Even shabby walls, peeling paint and crumbling plaster did not prevent the hotel from maintaining its luxury. Despite closed doors, you can get into the hotel through the roof, but be careful, the hotel is carefully guarded by the authorities.
Another place of honor in my ranking is occupied by

Military facility - Eighth workshop of the Dagdizel plant (Makhachkala)

They say that many have seen ghosts there.

I haven’t been to this place yet, but I would really like to go there. Maybe some of my subscribers have already seen these places, if so, please share your impressions. Long ago, this was a station where naval weapons were researched and tested. The workshop is located 3 kilometers from the shore, but for reasons unknown to me it has not been used for a long time.

The construction of the workshop took more than one year, someone says that during construction a man died there, and has been within the walls of the building for many years; his body has never been found. The interesting thing is that the foundation was made on the shore, and only then delivered to the construction site. To all lovers of the Caspian Sea and those who want to tickle their nerves by looking at abandoned workshops - go there.

Diamond quarry "Mir" in Yakutia

This place fascinates with its grandeur and beauty. There is definitely some mysticism here, because the quarry can be considered not only the most mystical places, but also the most beautiful places our country. Open pit diamond mining ended 12 years ago. This is the second largest and longest canyon mine in the world. The airspace here is closed due to possible accidents helicopters, which were drawn here by a large air flow. The “world” looks so mysterious and unknown.

I was not lucky enough to visit these places, but a friend of mine was once there, he went down almost to the very bottom. He said that at the bottom there is a salt-sulfur lake and it is very bad smell like a rotting corpse. Diamond mining in open method has not been carried out for a long time, but locals are building a mine that will allow them to go even deeper by several hundred meters. Construction is very expensive because the environment inside is unfavorable for human life.

Khovrinskaya Hospital in Moscow

These are the places in the capital that evoke horror. It is not surprising that people die very often in her area. According to unofficial ratings, this place was included in the ranking of the most mystical and dangerous places worldwide. The hospital was built on a cemetery, but was never opened. This place already has its own folklore, and urban informals often gather there. But what is paradoxical is that for many years this building has not been saving lives, but on the contrary, it has been maiming and killing. Every day the police come here and tragic events occur.

The mysticism is enhanced by the very sinister external characteristics of the death hospital. If you look at it from a bird's eye view, the located main buildings resemble international sign mortal danger Biohazard.

As I already said, the hospital was built on a cemetery, because of this the land turned out to be ruinous: all the basements were flooded, and the main buildings were slowly being destroyed. According to legend, the police wanted to catch sectarians and Satanists who performed their rituals in basements. When they found and brought everyone out into the street, they blew up the tunnel, but they did not take into account that there were still people there who were hiding from the people in uniform. Some of the Satanists were blown up, but all their remains were never found.

I can say that today the hospital was surrounded metal fence from welded mesh, and on top it is covered with barbed wire. It’s better not to go there, there is plenty of security there, fighters with dogs are constantly on duty. Would you dare to climb into this mystical place?

Closed village Kadykchan

another place on my list.

Translated, it means “valley of death.” I don’t really know who names the cities, but I can’t understand one thing for sure: how can you live peacefully and hope for a bright future in a city with such a name? Apparently local authority is not at all interested in mysticism, and does not believe in paranormal phenomena.

This city was built by prisoners, and at the end of the work about 10 thousand people lived in it, and by 2007 there were not even five hundred left here. 4 years ago only one lived here old man who didn't want to go anywhere. Once upon a time, coal was mined here, which provided energy for half of the Magadan region.

But the explosion at the mine changed Kadykchan, and people began to leave. It's surprising that they didn't even take things with them; here you can find books, magazines, toys, clothes and much more. The city was cut off from heat and electricity, today it is an abandoned place, the streets and houses are gradually being destroyed.

Building of the Energy sanatorium in the Moscow region

occupies the next place of ghost towns in my ranking.

Don’t be surprised, but in our country, working and non-working buildings of the same sanatorium can function on the same territory. In the Moscow region, the Energia sanatorium is very popular, which has been welcoming everyone who wants to improve their health for many years.

There is one next to the working buildings that no one wants to reconstruct, and this is not due to lack of funds. Once the building burned down and took the lives of more than a dozen people; they say that even Energia workers do not enter the burnt building after nightfall. Now there are heaps of garbage, but the mysticism of these places attracts guests and tourists. Preserved after the fire beautiful staircase, which is made in a palace style, many heard voices here at night. (I wonder what people do at night in such places?)

Maternity hospital in the Vladimir region

There is not enough money in the country to build a normal hospital, but in the Vladimir region there is an operating medical institution that just needs to be renovated, but for some reason the locals are not in a particular hurry to go work there and repair something.

Mystic? It is quite possible, because what could be more mysterious and scarier than an abandoned medical institution? Even a hospital that is working causes unpleasant emotions in everyone, simply due to the specifics of its work, especially since every clinic, even a children's clinic, has a morgue, and such places are already scary.

The building, which was built at the beginning of the last century, houses a maternity hospital. Judging by the documentation, it functioned 5 years ago, but is guarded until today. Much of the hospital remained untouched and locals still do not understand why the maternity hospital stopped accepting pregnant women. You know, only horror films should be shot in such places. Maybe someone has information about this maternity hospital, write in the comments.

Ghost town of Halmer-U

In the past, it was an urban-type settlement in the Komi Republic. Translated, this city means “River of the Valley of Death” or “Dead River”. The village appeared when a deposit of valuable coal was discovered here in 1943. A mine was built here, which began operating in 1957; 250 thousand kilograms of coal were mined per day.

But the government of the country, for reasons unknown to me, decided to suspend the operation of the mine. People did not want to leave their homes, and even riot police were used to force them to do so. 11 years ago they began testing bombing technology over the city and the president himself destroyed the village’s former recreation center. Today Halmer-Yu is the “ghost” of our country.

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Pripyat city

Yes, it does not belong to Russia, but it was once part of former USSR, and it became a ghost town while still part of the Union. I think everyone who played Stalker will understand why I added this city.

Pripyat is a ghost town located on the banks of the river of the same name a few kilometers from nuclear power plant Chernobyl. According to the population census, which was conducted in the fall a year before the disaster, about 50 thousand people lived here. It was planned that by the end of the year the number of residents would increase by another 20 thousand. All residents were evacuated in April 1986 due to a tragic accident. Today the city is located in special zone alienation. More than one film was made about the nuclear power plant accident documentary, it also formed the basis for many performances and computer games.

Today, many residents of our planet dream of getting to Pripyat. Of course, a fraction of a percent of people’s interest was caused by the game “Stalker”, which was played by hundreds of thousands of people. The game completely copies the city, if you have completed it, you probably know where to go in Pripyat.

In conclusion, I want to say that I would be very interested in reading your opinion and finding out your rating of ghost towns in Russia and beyond. I'm also looking forward to your videos and photos. I’m also wondering if it’s worth including points on Google maps in the article so that you can find these places on the Internet yourself? Please write in the comments!

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