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» Amaranth plant cultivation. Amaranth flower growing from seeds. Proper care of amaranth during further growth

Amaranth plant cultivation. Amaranth flower growing from seeds. Proper care of amaranth during further growth

If you want to plant an unfading flower on your site, then amaranth would be an excellent solution. This effective plant, which can decorate flower beds, flower beds, paths and borders. It grows in the form of a bush that is short and compact in size. Amaranth can be planted in combination with other crops or separately, using different varieties.

Description and varieties

Amaranth is present today in wide variety varieties. Each of them differs in size, color and cultivation characteristics. The following varieties remain popular:

  1. Redleaf. This crop can grow up to 1.5 m. Its flowers are dark purple in color. They are presented in the form of tails that hang above the ground. The leaves of large-leaved amaranth are red in color. But how to grow Lavender angustifolia from seeds will help you understand this

    Red-leaved amaranth

  2. Gullievre. This variety allows you to grow a low-growing crop, the height of which reaches 50-70 cm. It is very popular among gardeners, as it has an incredibly beautiful lower appearance. Flowers form from the ground to the top of the bush, forming a beautiful spadix of small inflorescences. They have a dark lilac hue. By external sign Gulliver is similar to an exotic cactus. It will also be interesting to see what it looks like in the photo


  3. Using this variety, it is possible to grow a low-growing crop, the height of which reaches 70 cm. The inflorescences are presented in a pyramidal shape, their size reaches 15 cm. The variety can be distinguished by its white flowers with a greenish tint. How Iberis evergreen is planted and cared for, and what it looks like in the photo. can see

  4. Argentinian. This variety is a classic bush amaranth, the height of which reaches 1.5 m. It has many tails, the color of which is lilac. It is this tweed culture that is actively involved in the formation of bouquets. It will also be interesting to see what it looks like on


  5. White-seeded. This type of plant is highly valued for its ability to serve as food for domestic animals. The height of the bush reaches 2 m. It has large gray leaves, the inflorescences have a pyramidal shape. All of them are collected in the form of panicles, which have a bright red color. But you can see what planting and caring for red castor beans looks like in the photo:


  6. Caudate. This is a classic amaranth variety. It is used when leaving bouquets. Inflorescences are presented in various colors.


  7. Emerald. The variety received this name due to its incredibly beautiful green color. The bush reaches a height of 70 cm.

  8. Helios. This is a grain type of amaranth. Its leaves are light green in color and its tails are orange. Using this variety, amaranth oil can be extracted.

  9. Aztec. This is a forage plant. It has red-green leaves and a red panicle.

  10. Sem. This is a fodder variety of amaranth, which is used for the production of amaranth oil. The plant's stem, leaves and panicles are presented in red colors.
  11. Kharkovsky 1. This universal variety, as it can be used for animal feed and as a folk medicine. It has green leaf mass and a similarly colored panicle.


  12. Lera. This is another grain variety that is used in the production of oil. It has a green stem, but the panicle is red.

How and when to plant

And although amaranth has many advantages, it also has its disadvantages, including long germination. If you are planting amaranth to obtain oil, then you should decide in advance on the timing of sowing. At the same time, make sure that the plant has enough light and warmth.

In the Russian climate, where short summer, seeds should be planted in the first half of February. With this early sowing it is necessary to provide auxiliary lighting and monitor the temperature. For the full development of young seedlings, it is necessary to ensure a room temperature of 22-25 degrees.

The substrate for amaranth can be used as a universal one. It still needs to be prepared in the fall. Soil mixture It should be loose, retain moisture well and contain all the necessary microelements.

If you are going to grow seedlings, then you should use a substrate consisting of turf soil, peat and humus. Take everything in equal quantities. Saturate the soil with mineral and potassium fertilizers in advance. You can also add nitrogen and wood ash. In addition, the soil should be disinfected. To do this, pour boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate over it. This will eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.

It will also be interesting to learn about how Ursinia Undine is grown from seeds:

Sowing seeds

In the video - growing Amaranth:

For small seedlings, moderate watering is necessary, but without stagnation of water. If the seedlings are planted tightly, they should be thinned out. Perform picking 2-3 times so that the crop develops a powerful root system.

During picking, deepen the sprout to the first leaves. Caring for seedlings also involves the use of fertilizers. Complex fertilizers, for example, Kemira, are suitable for this. It should be applied as soon as true leaves form. The second time feeding will be necessary in a couple of weeks.

Planting in open ground

To grow a full-fledged plant, it is necessary to create adequate conditions for it. When choosing a site, make sure that it has fertile land and good illumination.

In the fall, fertilize the soil using humus with the addition of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. This should be done not in the spring, but in the fall. Dig up the area thoroughly. Plant grown seedlings in holes located at a distance of 30 cm. Such activities should be carried out at the end of May, when the soil is thoroughly warmed up and there are no frosts.


Caring for amaranth is not at all difficult. This should be done only before the plant begins to grow. The first month the crop develops slowly, so you will have to carefully water it, weed it and loosen the soil. Then the plant accelerates its development and weeds no longer form.

The video shows how to properly care for the plant:

Regular watering for amaranth in the first month is extremely important. It is during this period that the active formation of the root system occurs. When the roots of the plant have already penetrated deep into the ground, watering can be canceled. Irrigate the crop only during drought.

It is also important for amaranth to fertilize. do it 3-4 times per season. It is best to use a solution of mullein and ash in a ratio of 1:5. Fertilize in the morning, as soon as the area has been watered.

Amaranth is a crop that, although it is especially popular today, still flaunts in flower beds and flower beds. The plant has numerous properties, as it can be used as animal feed, oil is obtained from it, and it is also an excellent decoration for anyone. personal plot.

The amazing amaranth plant came to us from the wild lands of China, America and India. IN Eastern countries it has long been cultivated, both as a grain crop and as vegetable crop, And How ornamental plant.

No wonder, because amaranth is incredible in that it is completely edible and looks gorgeous in any flower bed.

Description of the plant Amaranth is also called amaranth and belongs to the Amaranth family. In Mexico and South America

It was this plant that became the main one used in nutrition in ancient times among indigenous peoples. Now some varieties of amaranth are already considered weeds.

This culture came to Europe from the Spaniards, who brought amaranth as an element for decorating flower beds. Later the plant began to be used as feed and grain. Amaranth plant Amaranth can grow on branched or porous stems. The leaves are always entire and alternate, and can be diamond-shaped, ovate or lanceolate.

They are elongated at the base, the top of the leaf has a small pointed point and a slight notch. Axillary flowers are found in various colors: golden, green, purple, red.

Flowers are always collected in bunches, and at the very top they are represented by spike-shaped panicles.

After flowering, it forms a fruit in the shape of a box, where rather small seeds are found. The whole plant also has various shades of purple, green or violet, and some varieties combine all these tones.

The variety also affects the height of the amaranth, and can vary from 30 centimeters to 3 meters. It is most often grown as an annual plant. Because of its decorative and unpretentiousness, the flower is often used for arranging flower beds and flower beds. For more details regarding the formation of a flower garden at the dacha, see In our open spaces, amaranth has many alternative names: cat's tail, amaranth, cockscomb, velvet, axamite. However, the name amaranth has Greek roots and is translated as an unfading flower. And the qualities of each type were derived accordingly: in food - on the taste of the whole plant, in grain - on the number of seeds and their taste, in fodder - on the nutritional value and size of the plant, in decorative - on the bright and unusual appearance.

Food grade

Food amaranth stands out for its high content of various beneficial nutrients and a fairly high protein content in the stems and leaves. Reproduction occurs, as in all Amaranthaceae, by seeds. Despite the emphasis on nutritional qualities, the plant is most often used for decorative purposes. These varieties are also characterized by the fact that absolutely all parts of the plant are edible: stems, leaves, seeds.

The most famous edible varieties:

  • Valentina;
  • Sturdy;
  • In memory of Covas;
  • Ororeo or Opopeo;
  • White amaranth (White Leaf).

Amaranth seeds are incredibly healthy and can be used to make oil, for food and to feed pets. Cereal species are characteristic big amount It is the seeds that are harvested, and the leaves and stems are considered inedible. The most famous grain varieties:

  • Helios;
  • Kharkovsky-1;
  • Voronezh;
  • Ultra;
  • Orange giant.

Orange giant

Most farmers appreciate the benefits of growing fodder varieties of amaranth. These varieties are most often very tall, have succulent leaves and stems, grow quickly and produce large yields. Suitable for feeding almost all animals: cows, pigs, chickens, rabbits. All parts of amaranth can be eaten, including the root system.

The following varieties are suitable for sowing forage amaranths:

  • Giant;
  • Aztec;
  • Lera;
  • Kizlyarets;
  • Royal;
  • Emperor.

Decorative varieties vary in leaf color and flowering beauty. Flowers can not only be bright, but have radically different shapes. Decorative amaranth will delight appearance both during the dry period and until frost. A lot of time was devoted to the cultivation of ornamental varieties. Only the most famous varieties:

Dark amaranth

  • Dark Amaranth;
  • Tailed Amaranth;
  • Red or paniculate Amaranth;
  • Tricolor Amaranth;
  • Green Amaranth;
  • Rother Dam;
  • Yellow Amaranth;
  • Hot Biscuit;
  • Rotschwanz;
  • Pygmy Torch.

All decorative amaranths are incredibly beautiful, so they are often used not only to decorate a flower bed or garden plot, but also in making bouquets, flower arrangements, and wreaths. They remain fresh for a very long time after cutting, and when grown in the ground, they are very resistant to weather conditions.

Features of growing from seeds

Amaranth can be sown in pots to obtain seedlings, and immediately in open ground. For growing in pots, best time- March. You can take regular ones from the container. flower pots or peat, and a suitable height is 10 centimeters. The seeds do not sink very deeply, 1.5-2 centimeters is enough and this makes watering much easier: the ground can simply be sprayed with a sprayer.

The speed of germination depends on temperature regime and light. At a temperature of 22ºC degrees, the first shoots will appear on the 4th-5th day, and at 16ºC – on the 10th day. To stimulate the growth of green mass, seedlings can be treated.

Since the germination rate of Amaranth seeds is very high, the sprouts will need to be thinned out as soon as they have three full leaves, and then planted in separate slightly deeper pots.

Planting in open ground

Amaranth germinates very well even when sown directly into the ground. Here it is important to wait for the time when, at a depth of 4-5 centimeters, the soil warms up by about 10ºC under the sun. Before this time, it is advisable to fertilize the soil on the site. Will fit mineral mixtures And complex fertilizers. You will need 30 grams of mineral fertilizers for each square meter for digging, and complex ones are mixed as indicated in the instructions. For more information on the types and use of mineral fertilizers, see. When choosing a fertilizer, try to find formulations with lowest content nitrogen, since amaranth “knows how” to process nitrogen fertilizers into nitrates.

Soil preparation

Sowing in the ground exactly at this temperature, usually at the end of April, allows amaranth to grow quickly without the risk of being “suppressed” by weeds. Sowing in May will also give good seedlings, but you will have to constantly weed the amaranth from weeds. Sowing is done in furrows with moist soil. You can place each seed 1.5-2 centimeters into the soil, or you can mix the seeds with sawdust or sand in a ratio of 1:20. The grooves should be 45 centimeters apart, and 7-10 between seeds. The first shoots will appear in a little more than a week, and all frequent shoots should be thinned out. Be sure to loosen the soil until the amaranth “comes into force.”

When the plant reaches 20 centimeters, you can “feed” the amaranth a little more. Now it will do, but reduce the concentration by half as recommended by the manufacturer.

Planting of seedlings occurs when the night frosts have definitely ended. Most often this is mid to late May. The best soil is nutritious and light, with limestone admixtures, and the site is lighted and drained.

Planting seedlings

Amaranth is not known for its capriciousness, but the cold and a large number of He doesn't like moisture in the ground. Before planting amaranth seedlings, dig up an area with 20 grams of nitroammophoska per square meter. Read more about the properties and application rates of nitroammofosk fertilizer.

The location between seedlings is determined by the amaranth variety and can range from 10 centimeters to 30, and the rows can be spaced from 45 centimeters to 70 centimeters apart.

Until the seedlings are definitely established and begin to actively grow, they will have to be watered regularly, but without fanaticism, since the plant still does not like moisture. If cold weather suddenly sets in, the amaranth will have to be covered so that it does not get sick or die.

Collecting seeds after flowering It is very easy to collect seeds for future planting. Amaranth seeds will retain their germination capacity for another 5 years.

Storing them is also easy - a paper bag or box will do.

  1. Collecting seeds
  2. Choose one or more of the “strongest” amaranths and do not pick their leaves. Wait until lower leaves
  3. They will turn red, dry out on their own, and the amaranth will shed them. By this time, the stem of the plant will become almost white.
  4. Now we need calm and dry weather to cut off all the inflorescences on the amaranth. It's better to start from the bottom.
  5. After collecting the inflorescences, they should be dried. Drying is best done in a room with good ventilation and without moisture. The “panicles” will take several weeks to dry.
  6. As soon as the inflorescences dry well, you can start collecting seeds. This will have to be done manually, rubbing each “broom” with your fingers. Small seeds will spill out of the “boxes” very easily.

At the end, be sure to sift the amaranth seeds through a sieve. If you planted several varieties, then dry them in different places so that the seeds do not mix. The remaining parts of amaranth can also be used. The remaining stem can be folded into compost pit


, which will provide amazing fertilizer for the future. Amaranth is completely undemanding in terms of care. The most difficult period for this plant is until the moment of active growth.

Usually amaranth needs almost a month to become well established and during this time it grows very slowly. In the first month you will have to weed the beds, regularly water the amaranth and loosen the soil near the seedlings. Feeding is not often necessary. Enough 3-4 times throughout the season. The most the best feeding– solution of mullein and .

The solution is diluted in proportions 1:5, and ash will need 200 grams per 10 liters of water. The best time of day to fertilize is early in the morning after watering the entire area. Some varieties can grow 5-7 centimeters in just one day. After this, there is no need to water the amaranth frequently - its roots go very deep. However, if there is a very dry period, watering will still be needed. Just make sure that the soil is not too dry or constantly wet.

Diseases and pests

Amaranth is also distinguished by its excellent “health”. It is practically not attacked by pests and almost never gets sick. Only weevils and aphids can harm the plant. The latter pests pose a strong threat only in the first month of amaranth growth, but weevils develop in the amaranth stem and can greatly delay its development.

An aphid attack can be expected if the summer is too wet, but everything can be solved by treatment. by special means. Both aphids and weevils die after treating the plant with karbofos (fufanon) or actellik. Strong moisture can also provoke fungal diseases. But they are also very easy to treat with spraying. Copper oxychloride, colloidal sulfur, copper sulfate and other fungicides.


For more useful details about growing amaranth from seeds, watch the video


The only drawback of amaranth is its inability to survive the winter. In hotter countries, this plant is considered a perennial, but in our latitudes, sowing is necessary every year. Incredibly useful and beautiful plant will find a place in every area, especially since it requires virtually no maintenance. It looks great as part of flower arrangements. More details regarding creation beautiful flower bed look at the dacha. Amaranth is a natural source of such beneficial carotene and contains a lot of vitamin C. There are now quite a few recipes floating around the internet with amaranth.

Amaranth is an ornamental plant that pleases people with its attractive appearance and beneficial properties, for more than 8000 years. America is considered the birthplace of culture. The name of this plant comes from the word “amanthos” and is translated as “unfading flower.” In addition to its external beauty, amaranth is a fodder crop, used as medicine, and also as food. In this article you can learn how to grow amaranth and the features of caring for the plant.

Amaranth is a very beautiful plant that can become a real decoration summer cottage or lawn. This annual crop, reaching 2-3 m in height, has a fleshy stem and leaves of red, purple and green colors. Amaranth is a weed crop, so it is not afraid of long droughts, is little susceptible to diseases and pests, but at the same time loves light and warmth. Amaranth is absolutely picky, grows on any soil, except wetlands, and in any conditions. weather conditions, with the possible exception of the desert and the far north. It feels best at an air temperature of 25 to 30 °C, and can easily tolerate light frosts and heat of 45-50 °C.

In addition to their decorative properties amaranth is used in livestock and poultry farming. This plant serves as the most effective and environmentally friendly feed compared to other feed crops. It contains 18 out of 20 all existing amino acids. Amaranth is not just a fortified and nutritious food, but also replaces some medications.

In addition, the plant is actively used in human nutrition. Grain and flour made from it are used in baked goods, in canning and as an additive to vegetable salads. Bread made with amaranth flour does not go stale for a long time. Leaves and inflorescences are used to prepare medicinal tea, which can remove harmful salts and radionuclides from the body. The leaves can also be added to fresh salads instead of spinach. And amaranth oil is considered more useful than even sea buckthorn oil. It is very widely used in Food Industry and in cosmetology.

Amaranth varieties

There are many varieties of this beautiful and useful plant. Get to know the most popular types:

  1. Decorative variety “Red-leaved” - its height can reach up to 1.5 m in height. Inflorescences of dark purple color in the form of “tails” hang almost to the ground. The leaves have a rich red color.
  2. The decorative variety "Gulliver" is a low-growing crop, reaching a height of 50 to 70 cm. This variety is unusual because of its appearance - flowers form from the very ground to the top of the plant, forming a beautiful ear of small flowers of dark purple or almost black color. "Gulliver" is very similar to an exotic cactus.
  3. Decorative variety "Elbrus" - low growing plant about 70 cm in height. Unusual 15 cm pyramidal inflorescences have White color with a greenish tint.
  4. The “Argentine” variety is a classic bush variety of amaranth, reaching a height of 1.5 m. It has a large number of “tails” of purple-lilac color. It is from this type of amaranth that decorative bouquets are made.
  5. The White-seeded variety is a very valuable type of amaranth, which is used to feed domestic animals. The plant reaches 2 m in height and has large grayish leaves. Pyramidal inflorescences in the form of panicles are bright red or green.
  6. Variety "Tailed" - classic look amaranth, which is used to decorate bouquets. It has inflorescences of various colors.
  7. The “Emerald” variety got its name for its beautiful green color. Amaranth grows up to 70 cm in height.
  8. Variety "Helios" is a grain type of amaranth. Its leaves are light green, its “tails” are orange. The largest percentage of amaranth oil is extracted from this variety.
  9. Variety "Aztec" is a forage species of amaranth. In addition to livestock feed, it is used for the production of amaranth oil, and the grain is used for baking bakery products. The height of the crop reaches 1.5 m. It has red-green leaves and a red panicle.
  10. Variety “Sem” is a forage species of amaranth. Used to make amaranth oil. Has a high protein content. The stem, panicle and leaves are red.
  11. Variety “Kharkovsky 1” is a universal variety of amaranth (food, fodder, grain and medicinal). It has green leaves and a panicle of the same color.
  12. Variety "Lera" - a predominantly grain variety of amaranth is also used for making oil. It has a green stem and green leaves with red veins. The panicle is always red.

Obtaining amaranth seeds

In order to grow amaranth, you can buy seeds at any specialized store. Still, many people prefer to grow crops from their plants. It’s easy to get amaranth seeds:

  1. Cut the amaranth at the very base and place the panicles on a table or any other surface to dry completely for another 2 months. The room in which amaranth will dry must be dry and well ventilated.
  2. After 2 months, sift the panicles using a sieve with very fine mesh.
  3. Place the extracted seeds on the surface in the same well-ventilated area and leave for another 7-10 days. Stir the seeds periodically.
  4. Make sure that rodents do not get to the seeds. To do this, place elderberry sprigs around the seeds.
  5. Place the dried seeds in paper envelopes or boxes. They can be stored for 4-5 years.

Germinating amaranth from seeds

Germinating amaranth from seeds for seedlings does not require special effort, but some recommendations are still worth considering:

  1. You can start germinating seeds for seedlings as early as March.
  2. Prepare a special soil - mix humus and sterile sand in a 3/1 ratio. Don't forget to warm the soil to kill pests and various fungi.
  3. The container in which you plan to grow the seeds must be at least 10 cm high. These can be pots or wooden boxes.
  4. Pots must have holes to drain excess moisture and water. If there are no such holes, make them yourself. This required condition, otherwise the seedlings may rot.
  5. Place the seeds in moistened soil to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. After this, cover the boxes and pots with film.
  6. Pots and boxes with seeds should be in a warm and bright place.
  7. It is best to moisten the soil with seeds from a spray bottle. If you do decide to water the soil, do not overdo it, otherwise the seeds will rot.
  8. Provided that the room temperature is 22 °C, the seeds will germinate in 3-4 days. If the air temperature is 16 °C or lower, then you will have to wait for sprouts no earlier than 10 days.
  9. It is advisable to thin out the seedlings so that they do not grow too densely. Leave only stronger and healthier sprouts.

Picking seedlings:

  1. When 3-4 leaves appear on the sprout, each seedling must be transplanted into separate pot. The diameter of the pot must be at least 12 cm.
  2. Fill each pot with soil. It is correct to use the same soil in which you germinated the seeds.
  3. Moisten the soil in which your seedlings grow in advance, and only then carefully remove each sprout.
  4. Make holes in the soil and plant seedlings in it. Water the plant.
  5. After transplanting each seedling into a separate pot, pinch the top of the sprout. This will help strengthen the roots of the plant.
  6. You can plant seedlings in open ground in early May, when average temperature air will reach 4 °C. By this time the soil will have warmed up enough, and there is no danger of frost.

Transplanting amaranth into open ground

Choosing a place in the garden

Before transplanting seedlings into open ground, you need to choose a place where the plant will be comfortable. Amaranth is absolutely not picky and takes root anywhere. And, nevertheless, there are some points that need to be taken into account when choosing a place to transplant seedlings:

  1. Amaranth loves a lot sunlight and warmth. In such conditions, it will grow much more actively, and its inflorescences will have a brighter color.
  2. Amaranth does not like too wet and swampy soils, but prefers loamy, sandy loam with good drainage.
  3. The soil for planting seedlings must be prepared in the fall: dig up, add humus and mineral fertilizers (potassium and phosphorus).
  4. Amaranth feels good and looks great next to any other plants.
  5. It is advisable to plant amaranth in the background of a common flower bed in the garden. This will highlight its unusual beauty well.

Preparing seedlings for transplantation

In May, when the average air temperature reaches above 4 °C, you can begin planting seedlings in open ground. Since the seedlings have been in greenhouse conditions all this time, before transplanting they need to be prepared - hardened and accustomed to outdoor conditions:

  1. 7-8 days before the planned transplant, reduce watering of the seedlings.
  2. Start taking pots of seedlings outside. This could be a balcony, loggia or garden.
  3. During the first days, leave the seedlings outside for 2-3 hours. And after 3-4 days it will be possible to let the seedlings spend the night in new conditions.

Planting seedlings

If you have already hardened the seedlings sufficiently, the soil is completely ready to accept seedlings, and there is no threat of frost, it’s time to start planting plants in open ground:

  1. Moisten the soil with the seedlings in advance so that you can remove the flowers without any problems.
  2. Make holes in the ground. If you want to plant amaranth in rows, then the distance between them should be at least 80 cm, and the distance between the bushes 40-50 cm.
  3. Remove the seedlings from the pots and transplant them into the holes. Amaranth must be planted slightly at an angle and deepened to the first leaf.
  4. The best time to transplant amaranth is cloudy weather. If you still decide to replant the seedlings in sunny weather, wait until the evening when the sun is not so bright.
  5. After transplanting, water the plants well.

How beautiful amaranth grows from seeds can be seen in the photo:

Features of caring for amaranth

Amaranth is completely unpretentious in care, it does not require a lot of moisture or any special conditions. But in order for the plant not to die and give good harvest, must be adhered to the following recommendations:

  1. Throughout the summer, amaranth needs fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  2. Although amaranth is drought tolerant, it must be watered regularly in very hot summers, otherwise it will simply stop growing.
  3. Amaranth can be affected by aphids. To avoid this, it is necessary to treat plants for prevention. biological drugs– akarin and fitoverm.
  4. Weed and hill up plants as necessary.
  5. Be sure to tie up the amaranth so that its branches do not break under the weight of the flowers.
  6. In June, pinch the tops of the plants, then the bushes will be more lush, the stems will be stable, and the number of ovaries on the branches will be greater.
  7. In the fall, you will be able to collect a new crop of seeds and grow seedlings from them for the next planting.

Amaranth diseases

Some pests and diseases can be dangerous for amaranth:

  1. The biggest danger to the plant is aphids. It can completely destroy the harvest of young amaranth. Most often, aphids become active in very rainy and damp weather. To combat this pest, it is necessary to use special pesticides.
  2. Another dangerous pest- weevil. Its larvae settle in the stems and reproduce there, thereby delaying the development and growth of amaranth. Special pesticides are also used to control weevils.

So, you have already learned everything about amaranth, growing it from seeds and about the features of caring for this crop. As you can see, growing amaranth from seeds is absolutely easy. It is completely unpretentious and can easily tolerate dry weather. The main thing when growing is to adhere to the following recommendations - create special conditions in the room where the seeds will germinate, moisten them in time, choose the right place and prepare the soil for replanting. After the seedlings are planted in the ground, it is necessary to periodically weed and hill up the amaranth bushes. If you do not forget all these rules, amaranth will give a good harvest and will delight you with its beauty all season long.

Growing amaranth. Video

Amaranths are annual and perennial herbs with branched, less often simple, stems. The most widespread in floriculture is amaranth caudate with drooping purple-red or yellowish-green inflorescences, red stems and bright green leaves.

Amaranth caudate is an unpretentious, fast-growing annual plant, reaching a height of 100 cm. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, collected in large inflorescences. Numerous stems end in long, trailing, racemose panicles reminiscent of a fox's tail; this is why the plant is nicknamed "fox tail." The seeds are small, round, reddish-brown. Germination persists for 4-5 years.

Amaranths are propagated by sowing seeds (May) in picking boxes or peat pots in a greenhouse or greenhouse, followed by transplanting into the ground after spring frosts(June). It blooms on the 35-40th day after sowing. It sprouts well by self-sowing and sowing in the ground in spring or autumn. The distance between plants should be 30-50 cm.

Amaranth care

Amaranth grows well in open sunny places and fertile loose soils, with regular watering, the plants bush up strongly and form powerful hanging inflorescences. For greater compactness and bushiness, the tops of the plants are pinched.

The garden variety of caudate amaranth is hybrid amaranth. The plant is 90 cm tall with brown-red leaves and erect red inflorescences.

Application of amaranth

Amaranths are used for flower beds, in ground and single plantings, when planting tall groups of shrubs and for cutting (can also be dried for winter bouquets).

Everyone probably knows amaranth as a weed, but amaranth is its cultivated cousin. This plant was known in South America several thousand years ago. Ancient peoples valued it on a par with gold, and it was not only the main grain crop, but also a cult plant, revered as a symbol of immortality.

Amaranth was brought to our country by N.I. Vavilov, after whose arrest the plant was declared a weed. Later new varieties were developed. The best variety is Valentina, with a red-brown color and up to 2 m in height. This annual plant, sown in the second half of May, is resistant to drought and is little affected by diseases and pests. Does not tolerate acidic soil.

Amaranth seeds contain a high content of protein, lysine, biologically active substances, vitamins; 200 g of amaranth leaves are equivalent to a kilogram of tomatoes. The oil contains squalene, a polysaturated liquid hydrocarbon that suppresses cancer cells, improves immunity, normalizes cholesterol. The substances contained (rutin, beta-carotene and zeaxin) prevent the development of eye diseases and suppress bacteria and fungi.

Amaranth can be used as an additive to dishes in the form of seed flour or dry crushed leaves. Amaranth oil is useful for dressing salads or drinking 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

Amaranth caudate (fox tail) is a good dried flower, also suitable for cutting. You can get a well-developed plant on loose fertile soils, well permeable to water; in a sunny place.

Amaranth is an unpretentious, fast-growing plant, the rapid growth of which can be caused by pruning the roots that go deep into the soil. If a more compact form is required, just pinch the top of the seedling.

Considering the impressive size of amaranth, it is better to plant it as a tapeworm on the lawn or as a central plant in a composition with shorter ones. Amaranth works well as a hedge, decorating unsightly places in the garden.

The technology for growing amaranth is quite simple. Due to its unpretentiousness, the plant is especially popular. This is a unique flower, native to the lands of America. The crop has been grown for more than 8 thousand years. Many young leaves, flowers and stems are eaten, sent to feed livestock and used as medicinal plant. To grow healthy and beautiful amaranth, you need to know when to plant it in open ground and how to care for it.

General rules for growing amaranth

The crop can be grown in almost any climate zone, except for the desert and the Far North.

When cultivating it, the following characteristics of the plant should be taken into account:

  1. Amaranth is drought-resistant. It tolerates them much better than overwatering.
  2. Does not like excess moisture in the soil. Therefore, watering should be moderate. After each procedure, the soil between the rows must be loosened.
  3. To grow it, you should choose a well-lit place, since amaranth loves the sun very much.
  4. Optimal growing conditions are +20°C, but the plant can easily tolerate light night frosts (not lower than -2°C).
  5. It is little affected by pests and diseases.

To grow amaranth in Siberia, you need to use ready-made seedlings.

In order for the crop to branch well and produce a higher yield, it is necessary to systematically weed the bed and thin out the seedlings. A distance between stems of up to 10 cm is preferable for food specimens. A wider space (about 20 cm) is required for plants that are grown for seeds.

After the first month of growing season, the crop adds 6-7 cm per day. At this stage, there is no need to weed it, since the weeds cannot compete with amaranth. But we should not forget about introducing organic or mineral fertilizers. Plantations need to be fed once every 10 days. It is better to do this in the morning, immediately after watering. You cannot overdo it, as nitrates will accumulate in the plant, as a result it will be unsuitable for food.

What do the seeds look like?

Many people do not know what amaranth seeds look like. In fact, it is not difficult to distinguish the grains of this crop from other plants. Planting material amaranth is very small. Light varieties of plants with green leaves have seeds sand color(like white sesame, only much smaller), with dense, smooth, slightly shiny shells. Such varieties are used for food and feed purposes. Plants with red leaves are decorative varieties which are grown for beautiful flowers. They have black seeds, also very small. Before planting amaranth seeds, it is recommended for convenience to mix the grains with sawdust or sand in a ratio of 1:20.

The seeds ripen well when placed on inflorescences in a dark place.

The growing season of amaranth is 70 days, and the seeds are formed after 3 months of cultivation. The grains do not ripen at the same time, so it is easier to cut off entire amaranth inflorescences, otherwise some will simply end up on the ground.

When the panicles turn brown and dry well after about a month or two, you need to remove the seeds. They need to be dried only in a dark place.

You can simply clean them in the wind or on a very fine sieve. When stored in a dry place, amaranth seeds retain the ability to germinate for five years.

Technology for growing amaranth from seeds

In this way, varieties oriented toward the accumulation of green mass are cultivated. Before growing amaranth from seeds, it is necessary to prepare beds for it in the fall. To do this, the earth is dug up to a depth of at least 20 cm, and also added. The best option- This is humus or compost. For each hundred square meters you will need approximately 500 kg. The beds should be oriented in a north-south direction. It is impossible to sow amaranth on slopes, since even small streams from rain can wash away its seeds. In the spring, the beds need to be dug up again and mineral fertilizer applied. Amaranth is sown in rows and then thinned out.

In order for the grains to germinate well, it is important to choose right time planting a plant. The soil should have time to warm up to positive temperatures. This is usually the end of May. The depth of the holes should be about 5 cm. In such conditions, the seeds will germinate well, and the crop will grow so quickly that it will easily overtake the weeds and they will not be able to choke out the amaranth. You don't even have to weed it.

If you miss optimal period and sow later, you will have to fight weeds, as well as pests: aphids, weevils, caterpillars. In a flowerbed or small garden, amaranth is sown by hand. In large fields, sowing is carried out using special seeders. The soil should be moist and nutritious. Also, in order for amaranth to develop well in open ground, in addition to care, it is necessary to follow the planting rules.

The distance between rows should be:

  • 70 cm when growing amaranth for seeds;
  • 50 cm when cultivating the plant for feed purposes.

The first sprouts break through the ground after a week or 10 days. At first, amaranth grows slowly, but then noticeably accelerates. You can re-sow after 2 weeks so that the period of formation of young greenery is as long as possible.

In Siberia, ordinary plant varieties from seeds can only be grown for green mass, since they do not have time to form new grains. It is better to cultivate in this climate zone early ripening varieties amaranth, for example, Cherginsky. You can also plant plant seedlings in open ground.

Growing amaranth seedlings

Cultivating a plant from seeds is the easiest way. But to speed up the ripening period of amaranth, which is about 3 months, it is better to grow it using seedlings. This method guarantees more lush flowering, That's why this method also practiced for decorative varieties.

Before germinating amaranth at home, you need to remember that the grains should be sown in a container at the end of February or in March.

In order to grow amaranth for seedlings you need:

Another option for obtaining seedlings is to sow the seeds in a box of soil and place it in a plastic bag and place it in a warm place. After one or two weeks, shoots appear and the plants can be kept on the windowsill.

Some tips on how to germinate amaranth at home:

  1. In order for amaranth seeds to germinate better in an apartment or house, they must first be soaked in water for several days so that they “hatch”.
  2. The soil is best prepared from a mixture of peat, leaf humus and soil from the garden. It is important to add ash and superphosphate to the mixture.
  3. Until the sprouts appear, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at least +20°C.
  4. Watering should be moderate but regular. You can do it using a spray bottle.

You cannot plant seedlings at lunchtime when it is very hot outside.

If the first three or four leaves appear on the seedlings, this means it’s time to pluck the amaranth. To do this, you need to take pots with a diameter of about 12 cm and plant the plants so that there is only one specimen in each of them.

Planting amaranth and care in open ground

You can plant seedlings in open ground about a month after germination. The best month is May, when there is no longer any danger of frost. The average daily temperature must be at least + 5°C. The procedure should be carried out in cloudy weather. It is also good to plant a flower in the evening.

The culture feels great on various soils. Including on sandy and rocky soils, even on salt marshes.

Transplant stages:

  1. To begin with, the grown amaranth seedlings are well watered.
  2. Two or three plants are planted in each hole.
  3. After planting, the stems are sprinkled down to the first leaf.
  4. Water generously.

Caring for amaranth obtained from seeds or seedlings is no different. At the beginning it is weeded, and then only watered and fed. For better “branching”, you can pinch the top of the plant at the end of June. It is good to periodically hill up the crop, and tie up the tallest specimens. If this is not done, they may break due to their heavy panicle flowers.

When the plant reaches a height of 20-25 centimeters, it can be trimmed for greenery. Through a short time the stems will sprout new shoots. After harvesting, it is better to put the remains of the plant in a compost pit to get excellent fertilizer for the next season.

As can be seen from the article, planting and caring for the amaranth plant is very simple. To grow beautiful flower It is enough to follow the basic rules.

The process of growing amaranth - video