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» The Mother of God does not pray for those who swear. Hello, tell me, please, prayers from swear words and gluttony. And how to thank God for everything? Thanks

The Mother of God does not pray for those who swear. Hello, tell me, please, prayers from swear words and gluttony. And how to thank God for everything? Thanks

Complete collection and description: a prayer from the foul language of others for the spiritual life of a believer.

About the sin of foul language

Woe to the foul language. Their larynx is an open coffin.

An unfortunate incident happened in the family of my friends. Their little daughter went to kindergarten. Two weeks after visiting the kindergarten, the girl sprinkled every little sentence of hers with terrible, dirty curses, of course, completely unaware that she was using foul language.

The saddened parents turned to the manager. They were not the first to come with this complaint. The manager promised to look into it - and figured it out. It turned out that the children learned bad words from the teacher!

Foul language, bad words - this is how the Russian people have long called swearing. The root comes from the word "filth".

Dahl’s Dictionary of the Great Russian Language says: “Filth is abomination, muck, dirty tricks, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, indecent, that disgusts carnally and spiritually, impurity, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stench; indecency, debauchery, moral corruption; everything ungodly."

Exhaustive feature. Even on this linguistic definition it is clear that foul language and “lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption, everything that is ungodly” is a sin. What is this sin?

When a person speaks nasty, obscene words, violating the biblical one: “Let no rotten word come out of your mouth”, he defiles, soils his lips with mud. The foul-mouthed man pours vile dirt into the ears of those around him. Often, by doing this, he causes real suffering to those who cannot stand swearing. I want to close my ears and run. The mood is spoiled, that is, the good mood of the soul is swept away, embarrassed.

The content of swear words is such that it affects the consciousness and even the subconscious of a person, and especially children. Every word, whether good or bad, has weight and power. An evil word leads to evil thoughts, sows evil, albeit unconsciously. After all, if our thought is material, then certainly our impious expressions are even more material. So abusive words accumulate over us with a black aura, bringing trouble to both the swearer himself and those around him. Foul language, of course, affects the formation of the moral core in a person. It is especially scary when children are brought up in an environment of swearing. Through the ears and into the soul, ungodly words enter and lay moral dirt in a person.

Shame is inherent in all ages, places and peoples. This vice is a purely pagan heritage. It is entirely rooted in phallic cults ancient east, starting from the depths of satanic and dark abysses of debauchery in honor of Baal and other idols. Moreover, this vice and some strange attraction to it are in direct proportion to how close a person stands to God. And if he moves away from God, he immediately begins to enter into the realm of Satan and acquire this nasty habit - to call on the name of the evil one instead of God and instead of Divine things - shameful, nasty, monstrous expressions, obscene abuse - in fact, prayer formulas addressed to demons.

Shameless, shameful curses make pious people shudder.

This is not just frivolity, rude jokes, not simple vibrations of air waves. By uttering terrible spells, that is, speaking obscene words, a person calls upon himself the most vile demons, makes a verbal sacrifice to Satan.

The sin of foul language is easily adopted and instilled. It has grown so much that it is no longer recognized as sin. From generation to generation, this disgusting heritage is passed on - this is how the morality of the people degenerates. But still, swearing never had such a mass character, such an unprecedented scope, as in last years. Impurity, vile curses are in the air. And this is not only not pulled back, it is not stopped, as it was before. It has become necessary detail life. This is openly encouraged. Vile obscene words rush from the TV screen, from the pages modern books, magazines, newspapers. Today in the bookstore you can buy a dictionary of swear words. So there are publishers who see this as a good thing! The diabolical forces that have rushed to destroy Russia are doing everything so that our people learn to defile themselves.

More recently, there was an understanding that swearing is a shame, that you can’t swear in front of women and children. What do we see now? AT recent times addicted to profanity. It covered all social strata of society. From all the steps of this social ladder - from top to bottom - "obscene things that disgust carnally and spiritually" pour in.

Girls are walking down the street. Beautiful, young faces, beautiful clothes. But then they opened their mouths - and dirt, dirty tricks poured out like a river. They are not outraged by anything and do not quarrel among themselves, it is simply their the usual way communication.

Unfortunately, this is the usual way of communication for almost all modern youth, and even children are infected with foul language. It hurts especially for them, and how can you blame them if they are surrounded by swearing from childhood? How to protect yourself from it? In such children, some special callousness, indifference and contempt for others are noticeable.

It is difficult to imagine them in the future creating a warm family hearth, calm and cozy.

It is especially scary when the parents themselves offend the children's ears with morally corrupting words. The character of a child is formed at an early age. Child psychologists believe that its formation occurs from infancy to seven years. Further, a worldview begins to take shape, a view of the world, of life, an attitude towards the people around him, society and various phenomena life. All this is mainly due to school age. And if a person has been under the influence of dirty words throughout this long, important and difficult period, then, of course, he will grow up flawed, with cynicism, contempt for everything, rottenness in his soul and character. In this case, the parents themselves raised an inferior, flawed person. One who constantly swears dirty can hardly be relied upon in any serious matter, there is a sign of spiritual and moral decay in this. Whoever easily allows himself impurity, rotten speech, can easily decide on impure deeds.

You should know: the tendency to foul language is the tendency to resist against the will of God; as a rule, such sins and vices of the soul as vanity, selfishness, carnal lusts, etc.

AT Old Testament If a son slandered his father or mother, he was stoned to death in front of witnesses. The Holy Scriptures say: "By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." Evil words and swearing not only harm the one to whom they are addressed, but even more so to the one who utters them.

The Word is given to us by God. This is such a wonderful and special gift of God, which is given only to man. “In the beginning was the Word,” says the Gospel of John.

With the Word, God created everything. The word and the instrument of human creativity. We enlighten and are enlightened by the word. And swearing sows darkness. The apostle teaches: “Let no rotten word come out of your mouth, it is only good for edification in the faith, so that it delivers grace to those who hear”(Eph. 4:29). The word should carry grace - good gifts, goodness, serve as edification in faith, that is, bring closer to God, and not move away from Him.

The Orthodox Church has always prohibited foul language, slander, and abusive language. The church also forbade cursing. After all, this means that you are calling devils to you.

Russia is the only country where the people called their homeland holy - Holy Russia, for its desire for holiness, chastity and high morality.

This was expressed in the language, which reflects not only the practical, but also the spiritual experience of the people. Filthy words were never considered (as they are in other languages) as the norm. They were always called shameful, they were punished for them in the old days. For example, under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, foul language was punished by corporal punishment. Disguised statesmen with archers walked in the markets and along the streets, took those who were scolding and immediately, publicly, for general edification, punished with rods.

If we want our people not to rot, not crumble into barren ashes, we must actively fight against the sin of swearing, not to let the great gift of God received by us be offended - native language. It is impossible to look with indifference how the swindlers disfigure him, using disgusting, nasty words prompted by the eternal enemy of the human race. After all, he who commits the sin of foul language deliberately cripples the image of God in himself - and this is the beginning of apostasy.

According to Christ the Savior, for every idle word that people say, they will give an answer on the day of judgment(Matthew 12:36). However, the sin of foul language is much worse than the sin of idle talk. Therefore, the punishment will be much worse!

The gift of the word is given to man first of all in order to glorify the Lord. And our very lips, with which we should praise the Lord, are defiled by shameful talk.

Following Holy Baptism, through the anointing with sanctified chrism, the seal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is placed on the lips of the person being baptized. Shamefulness offends the Holy Spirit, who has sanctified the lips of man for their use to the glory of God. With bad words, a person repels the Spirit of God from himself.

Through the mouth, a Christian receives the Body and Blood of Christ. By defiling our lips with dishonor, we anger Christ the Savior. Here is what St. John Chrysostom said: “It is better to spew rottenness from the mouth than foul language. When there is such a stench in your soul, tell me, how dare you approach the Mysteries of the Lord (that is, Holy Communion)?

We kiss the holy cross, saints, icons, holy relics, the holy book of the Gospel. Let us be ashamed to pronounce shameful, rotten words with lips sanctified by touching the great shrines! It must be remembered that our speech is heard not only by people whom we are accustomed not to be ashamed of, but also by the Angels and the Lord Himself. Shall we not beware of foul language, so as not to offend the angels with shameful speech, not to please the demons and not to anger God?

Let us also remember that foul language is the beginning of the path to even greater evil: a terrible blasphemy is lifted up with swearing at Sam Holy Mother of God, Lady of the Russian land.

But many do not even confess this sin and do not try to get rid of it, they easily perceive swearing, various base slang expressions, criminal jargon. Remember, this is a vile sin, avoid it, get rid of it. Together with swearing, you invite demonic forces to you, and gradually they will lead you onto the path of other vices.

Repent of this sin, call on the name of God for help, pray to the saints with heartfelt faith, and the Lord's help will surely come.

About the sin of smoking

The sin of smoking, like the sin of foul language, has gripped almost everyone in our time - from young to old.

Flocks of smoking children sit on benches, walk along the streets, stand at the subway - they are barely visible behind the clouds of tobacco smoke. The data of recent studies are terrifying: the average age of initiation of smoking in boys is 10 years, in girls - 12 years. Young mothers who carry babies in strollers smoke, even grandmothers who walk their grandchildren on playgrounds with a cigarette in their mouths are not uncommon.

Just think: the rules of conduct for a student at school no longer say that a student should not smoke, he just should not smoke inside the school!

We did not notice how a man smoking a cigarette in our face became the norm. public consciousness. Smoke? Well. If he wants it, if he has such a need.

But where did this need come from? It's not human nature to smoke. Breathe air, eat, drink, sleep - yes. But smoke, poison your body with poison, breathe fetid smoke - it's a demand of sin and not a requirement of nature.

Many consider this sin to be a venial, petty, “immortal sin.” And this “immortal sin” captures a person so much that he becomes a real slave of him, or, to be more precise, a slave of the devil. You woke up in the morning, and the first desire that covers you is to smoke. You do not make the sign of the cross, do not say the morning prayer, but smoke a cigarette. “At Divine services they burn incense, how can the slaves of sin not invent a kind of incense? - Saint Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer says about this. “The first is pleasing to God, the second should be pleasing to God’s enemy, the devil.”

Smoking is truly a diabolical invention. It originated in dying cultures Central America long before the era of the Columbus discoveries, as part of the rituals of worship of the pagan gods of the Aztecs, who were brought, among others, and human sacrifices. Christians know perfectly well what these gods are. This ungodly action was brought to Europe, and then to Russia, precisely during the discovery of new lands by Columbus. Here is what Bishop Varnava (Belyaev) writes about the history of the spread of the sin of smoking: “When on October 12, 1492, Columbus landed on the island of San Salvador, he and his companions were struck by an unprecedented sight: the red-skinned inhabitants of the islands let out clouds of smoke from their mouths and noses. The fact was that the Indians celebrated a sacred holiday, on which they smoked a special herb (its folded dried leaf - a kind of present cigar - it was called "tobacco", hence the current name came from) - to complete stupefaction, one must add, and in this state they entered into communion with demons and then told what the “Great Spirit” had told them.

Upon arrival at the homeland of our navigators, those who whispered into the ears of the Indians whispered to these, so that they would introduce the European public to a new “pleasure”.

And so, with the favorable participation and secret excitement from demons, throughout Europe and even Asia, a literally general fever of tobacco smoking began. Whatever the government and the clergy did to stop this evil, nothing helped!”

Today, hundreds of millions of people voluntarily sacrifice themselves to the devil on the globe. “Oh, how carefully the devil and the world are sowing with their tares the field of Christ, which is the Church of God,” wrote the holy righteous John of Kronstadt. - Instead of the Word of God, the word of the world is zealously sown, instead of incense - tobacco. Poor Christians! They have completely fallen away from Christ.

Burning incense to demons of passions that we breed and nest in the dwelling of our body, the smoker betrays, thereby, the image of God in himself, imbued with the spirit of stench and slow physical suicide. “Don't you know that you are the temple of God said the Apostle Paul, and the Spirit of God lives in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will punish him: for the temple of God is holy; and this temple is you”(1 Cor. 3:16-17). Are there words more convincing than these?

Everything that is given to man by the Lord should be used for good. Bodily health is a priceless gift, and every action of ours that causes harm to health is a real sin before the Creator. Many holy teachers of the Church point to this. Here are the words of St. Nektarios of Aegina: “In order for a person to be blessed and worthy of his vocation, it is necessary that he be healthy both in body and soul, because without the well-being of both, neither bliss nor capacity to fulfill the appointment can be acquired. A person should take care of strengthening both the body and the soul so that they are strong and strong. ” And one more statement of the same saint: “Health in any business is like a self-propelled chariot that carries the athlete to the finish line.” The fact that smoking is detrimental to health is proved by all modern medical studies. There is not a single organ that does not suffer from the effects of tobacco. Carcinogenic substances, irritating the mucous membranes, accumulating in the body, cause lip cancer, oral cavity, larynx, esophagus. Respiratory organs - bronchi, lungs become especially vulnerable. Evidence, facts, arguments and convincing examples that smoking only brings harm and death are countless. Smokers develop nicotine syndrome. This is the same addiction as alcohol and drugs.

The tobacco market occupies one of the most significant places in world trade, and every year millions of people work to ensure that other millions inhale harmful smoke, poison their heads and entire bodies with poison.

It is surprising why the use of drugs in the form of cocaine is prohibited by law, but in the form of tobacco is encouraged? Tobacco, this “little cocaine”, is allowed, like a little lie, like an imperceptible lie, like murder in the womb. But medicine tells us about the dangers of smoking only for bodily health. Even on any pack of cigarettes you will find the inscription: "The Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous for your health." We must remember the most important harm of this bad habit. The fetid smell of tobacco covers the smell of spiritual decay. It has been established that negative mental states lead to a change in the hormonal background of a person. Formed during stress and other internal conflicts chemical substances are excreted from the body through the external integument; the discharge has a strong odor. Tobacco use makes it impossible to recognize the spiritual state of others at the deepest biological level.

Smoking is licentiousness not only of the body, but also of the soul. This is a false calming of their nerves, so many smokers believe, not realizing that the nerves are the carnal mirror of the soul. Such reassurance is self-deception, a mirage. Therefore, this narcotic calm will be a source of torment for the soul. Now, while there is a body, this tranquility must be renewed constantly. And then this calm will be a source of hellish torment. You can calm yourself against passion only by refraining from it. Only by rising above your passions, you can enter the bright spiritual world.

It is impossible to pray with the spirit while smoking a cigarette or a cigarette. Such people cannot partake of the Body and Blood of Christ, which means they cannot be saved.

It must be remembered that after death, after the separation of the soul from the body, the passions that manifested and realized themselves in bodily life do not leave the human soul, enslaved by them during life. Not freed from this or that passion, the soul will transfer it to the other world, where in the absence of the body it will be impossible to satisfy this passion. The soul will languish and burn with an unceasing thirst for sin and lust. An insatiable need for food will be tormented after his death by those who previously thought only about food. The drunkard will be incredibly tormented, not having a body that can be calmed only by drinking alcohol. The fornicator will experience the same feeling. Selfish - too, and a smoker - too. Here good example: if a smoker does not smoke for several days, what will he experience? Terrible torment, but still mitigated by the other amusements of life. It is not so much the body that suffers, but the soul. So already here on earth every soul, having any passion, suffers. Knowing this, is it possible to be indifferent to your passions? To this terrible fire?

How can one overcome the demon of this ungodly passion in oneself? Of course, first of all, the desire to get rid of this vice and fervent prayer can help. If a person has already decided to take this step and has prepared a place in his soul for the grace of God, then he will feel in himself its amazing effect, its invisible help. Ask sincerely, without ceasing, the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints of God and you will definitely get healing.

Council of St. Silouan of Athos

Smoking, thus, alienates a person from the mountain spiritual world, serves as one of the serious obstacles to the salvation of one's own immortal soul, inclining it to sin and subordinating it to the self-will of the corruptible flesh.

“If you embark on a task and do not see God’s will for it,” exhorts St. Gregory the Theologian, “do not do it for anything. Do not leave the will of God to do the will of the people.”

So, dear reader, before smoking again, remember the advice of St. Silouan and think about whether you could first read “Our Father” or mentally take a blessing for this, no doubt, important business for you.

Council of St. Ambrose of Optina

“You write that you cannot stop smoking tobacco.

What is impossible from man is possible with the help of God; only one has to firmly decide to leave, realizing the harm to soul and body from it, since tobacco relaxes the soul, multiplies and intensifies passions, darkens the mind and destroys bodily health by slow death. Irritability and melancholy are the consequences of the sickness of the soul from smoking.

I advise you to use spiritual medicine against this passion: confess in detail all your sins, from the age of seven and throughout your life, and partake of the Holy Mysteries, and read daily, standing, the Gospel chapter by chapter or more; and when anguish sets in, then read again until the anguish passes; attack again and read the Gospel again. “Or instead, put, in private, 33 big bows, in memory of the earthly life of the Savior and in honor of the Holy Trinity”- such an answer was received from the Monk Ambrose by one layman, a heavy smoker who turned to the saint for advice, unable to cope with this pernicious passion on his own. After reading the letter, he lit a cigarette, but suddenly felt a strong headache and at the same time aversion to tobacco smoke - and did not smoke at night. The next day I automatically lit a cigarette several times, but the pain returned and did not allow me to swallow the smoke. So I quit. Some time later, this man came to the elder to personally thank him. The Monk Ambrose touched his head with a wand - and the pain has not returned since then.

Prayer from the passion of smoking to the Monk Ambrose of Optina

Reverend Father Ambrose, you, having boldness before the Lord, begged the Greatly Gifted Vladyka to give me an ambulance in the fight against impure passion.

God! Through the prayers of Your saint, Saint Ambrose, cleanse my lips, make my heart chaste and saturate it with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit, so that the evil tobacco passion will flee from me far away, to where it came from, into the womb of hell.

The use of swear words in everyday speech has become commonplace. And few people know that in reality a swear word is nothing more than an appeal to demonic forces. To protect yourself from the effects of this verbal ailment, you can read special prayers.

Reading Rules

In the Russian tradition, it was not for nothing that all swearers were called blasphemers. Swearing abuse, a person glorifies Satan and blasphemes God. This is a grave sin. The Holy Fathers say that a person who often resorts to foul language does not dare to even kiss the cross and icons until he repents. After all, his mouth uttered the words that demons communicate with.

Important! Before you pray to the Lord and his saints for deliverance from your vice associated with strife, you should take communion and confess.

The main thing is that the heart be filled with pure love for this person, then the heavenly patrons will surely hear the prayer.

How Prayer Reading Helps

Prayer helps to gain peace and humility of the soul. A person in this state will never want to scold. The very thought of it would disgust him. If bad words drain our protective field, making him vulnerable to the servants of darkness, then prayer, on the contrary, strengthens him.

Therefore, by reading prayers daily, a person protects himself from temptations, including the use of a “strong” word. Prayers bring one closer to God, elevate the soul.

How to read prayers

The ritual of reading prayers from prodigal warfare is practically no different from ordinary prayers recited in the morning or evening hours.

  1. You need to free your mind from everything unnecessary and vain. There must be the right reverent attitude.
  2. If the prayer is read not in the church, but at home, then for this it is better to choose a separate room where no one will interfere.
  3. They light a candle in front of the icons, cross themselves, ask for forgiveness for sins and offer their prayer. In the end, you need to thank the Lord and the saints for help.
  4. A sincere desire to get rid of the habit of swearing, and faith in the powers of heaven will certainly help to achieve a positive result.

You can ask for help in getting rid of the vice of foul language with the following prayers:

God Almighty, having created all creation with wisdom, raise up me, fallen by many sinners, with Your hand: give me Your help, and make me free from worldly temptations, from the devil's nets, and from carnal lusts. Have mercy and forgive me all, you have sinned all the days of my life; anoint my soul with the oil of grace and bounty of Your Only Begotten Son, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, with Him all glory befits You and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
O Mother of the Lord my Creator, You are the root of virginity and fadeless color purity. Oh Mother of God! Help me, a weak carnal passion and a painful being, I have intercession with You, Your Son and God. Amen.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker, God's Pleasure. Rudeness breaks from my lips, swearing turns into destiny. I spit out bad words, I expound my tongue with obscenities. Weakness in the soul lurked, the flesh drowned in sins. I defend myself with your blessing, I say goodbye to obscenities forever. Grant me power over vice, let this be a lesson. Amen.
O sacred head, reverend father, blessed Abbot Vitaly, do not forget your poor to the end, but always remember us in holy and auspicious prayers to God: remember your flock, if you yourself have saved it, and do not forget to visit your children, pray for us, Father sacred, for your spiritual children, as if you had boldness to the Heavenly King: do not be silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop praying for us to Christ God, for grace was given to you to pray for us. It’s not imaginary that the creature is dead: even if you’ve died from us in body, but you’re still alive after death, don’t depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of demons and the wiles of the devil, our good shepherd, if only more and relics your cancer is always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul with angelic hosts, with incorporeal faces, with heavenly forces, at the throne of the Almighty, is worthy of having fun, leading you truly and living after death, we fall down and pray to you: pray about us to the Almighty God, about the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, let us pass from earth to heaven unhindered, let us get rid of bitter ordeals, demons of air princes and eternal torment, and let us be with all the righteous heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, from the ages who have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: all glory, honor and worship is due to Him, with His Father Without Beginning, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.
It is important to remember that the one who curses does great harm not only to the one who hears swear words addressed to him, but also to himself. He defiles his mouth, denigrates his soul, and thus praises the devil.

The worst thing is when children grow up in the midst of abuse. After all, their fragile minds will continue to perceive such behavior as the norm.

Complete collection and description: a prayer from the foul language of others for the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayer from the foul language of others

About the sin of foul language

Woe to the foul language. Their larynx is an open coffin.

An unfortunate incident happened in the family of my friends. Their little daughter went to kindergarten. Two weeks after visiting the kindergarten, the girl sprinkled every little sentence of hers with terrible, dirty curses, of course, completely unaware that she was using foul language.

The saddened parents turned to the manager. They were not the first to come with this complaint. The manager promised to look into it - and figured it out. It turned out that the children learned bad words from the teacher!

Foul language, bad words - this is how the Russian people have long called swearing. The root comes from the word "filth".

Dahl’s Dictionary of the Great Russian Language says: “Filth is abomination, muck, dirty tricks, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, indecent, that disgusts carnally and spiritually, impurity, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stench; indecency, debauchery, moral corruption; everything ungodly."

Exhaustive feature. Even according to this linguistic definition, it is clear that foul language and “lewdness, depravity, moral corruption, everything that is ungodly” is a sin. What is this sin?

When a person speaks nasty, obscene words, violating the biblical one: “Let no rotten word come out of your mouth”, he defiles, soils his lips with mud. The foul-mouthed man pours vile dirt into the ears of those around him. Often, by doing this, he causes real suffering to those who cannot stand swearing. I want to close my ears and run. The mood is spoiled, that is, the good mood of the soul is swept away, embarrassed.

The content of swear words is such that it affects the consciousness and even the subconscious of a person, and especially children. Every word, whether good or bad, has weight and power. An evil word leads to evil thoughts, sows evil, albeit unconsciously. After all, if our thought is material, then certainly our impious expressions are even more material. So abusive words accumulate over us with a black aura, bringing trouble to both the swearer himself and those around him. Foul language, of course, affects the formation of the moral core in a person. It is especially scary when children are brought up in an environment of swearing. Through the ears and into the soul, ungodly words enter and lay moral dirt in a person.

Shame is inherent in all ages, places and peoples. This vice is a purely pagan heritage. It is entirely rooted in the phallic cults of the Ancient East, starting from the depths of satanic and dark abysses of debauchery in honor of Baal and other idols. Moreover, this vice and some strange attraction to it are in direct proportion to how close a person stands to God. And if he moves away from God, he immediately begins to enter into the realm of Satan and acquire this nasty habit - to call on the name of the evil one instead of God and instead of Divine things - shameful, nasty, monstrous expressions, obscene abuse - in fact, prayer formulas addressed to demons.

Shameless, shameful curses make pious people shudder.

This is not just frivolity, rude jokes, not simple vibrations of air waves. By uttering terrible spells, that is, speaking obscene words, a person calls upon himself the most vile demons, makes a verbal sacrifice to Satan.

The sin of foul language is easily adopted and instilled. It has grown so much that it is no longer recognized as sin. From generation to generation, this disgusting heritage is passed on - this is how the morality of the people degenerates. But still, swearing has never been of such a mass character, of such an unprecedented scope, as in recent years. Impurity, vile curses are in the air. And this is not only not pulled back, it is not stopped, as it was before. It has become a necessary part of life. This is openly encouraged. Vile obscene words rush from the TV screen, from the pages of modern books, magazines, newspapers. Today in the bookstore you can buy a dictionary of swear words. So there are publishers who see this as a good thing! The diabolical forces that have rushed to destroy Russia are doing everything so that our people learn to defile themselves.

More recently, there was an understanding that swearing is a shame, that you can’t swear in front of women and children. What do we see now? Recently, they have become addicted to swearing. It covered all social strata of society. From all the steps of this social ladder - from top to bottom - "obscene things that disgust carnally and spiritually" pour in.

Girls are walking down the street. Beautiful, young faces, beautiful clothes. But then they opened their mouths - and dirt, dirty tricks poured out like a river. They are not outraged by anything and do not quarrel among themselves, it's just their usual way of communicating.

Unfortunately, this is the usual way of communication for almost all modern youth, and even children are infected with foul language. It hurts especially for them, and how can you blame them if they are surrounded by swearing from childhood? How to protect yourself from it? In such children, some special callousness, indifference and contempt for others are noticeable.

It is difficult to imagine them in the future creating a warm family hearth, calm and cozy.

It is especially scary when the parents themselves offend the children's ears with morally corrupting words. The character of a child is formed at an early age. Child psychologists believe that its formation occurs from infancy to seven years. Further, a worldview begins to take shape, a view of the world, of life, an attitude towards the people around him, society and various phenomena of life. All this is mainly for school age. And if a person has been under the influence of dirty words throughout this long, important and difficult period, then, of course, he will grow up flawed, with cynicism, contempt for everything, rottenness in his soul and character. In this case, the parents themselves raised an inferior, flawed person. One who constantly swears dirty can hardly be relied upon in any serious matter, there is a sign of spiritual and moral decay in this. Whoever easily allows himself impurity, rotten speech, can easily decide on impure deeds.

You should know: the tendency to foul language is the tendency to resist against the will of God; as a rule, such sins and vices of the soul as vanity, selfishness, carnal lusts, etc.

In the Old Testament, if a son slandered his father or mother, he was stoned to death in front of witnesses. The Holy Scriptures say: "By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." Evil words and swearing not only harm the one to whom they are addressed, but even more so to the one who utters them.

The Word is given to us by God. This is such a wonderful and special gift of God, which is given only to man. “In the beginning was the Word,” says the Gospel of John.

With the Word, God created everything. The word and the instrument of human creativity. We enlighten and are enlightened by the word. And swearing sows darkness. The apostle teaches: “Let no rotten word come out of your mouth, it is only good for edification in the faith, so that it delivers grace to those who hear”(Eph. 4:29). The word should carry grace - good gifts, goodness, serve as edification in faith, that is, bring closer to God, and not move away from Him.

The Orthodox Church has always prohibited foul language, slander, and abusive language. The church also forbade cursing. After all, this means that you are calling devils to you.

Russia is the only country where the people called their homeland holy - Holy Russia, for its desire for holiness, chastity and high morality.

This was expressed in the language, which reflects not only the practical, but also the spiritual experience of the people. Filthy words were never considered (as they are in other languages) as the norm. They were always called shameful, they were punished for them in the old days. For example, under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, foul language was punished by corporal punishment. Disguised statesmen with archers walked in the markets and along the streets, took those who were scolding and immediately, publicly, for general edification, punished with rods.

If we want our people not to rot, not crumble into barren ashes, we must actively fight against the sin of swearing, not to allow offending the great gift of God received by us - our native language. It is impossible to look with indifference how the swindlers disfigure him, using disgusting, nasty words prompted by the eternal enemy of the human race. After all, he who commits the sin of foul language deliberately cripples the image of God in himself - and this is the beginning of apostasy.

According to Christ the Savior, for every idle word that people say, they will give an answer on the day of judgment(Matthew 12:36). However, the sin of foul language is much worse than the sin of idle talk. Therefore, the punishment will be much worse!

The gift of the word is given to man first of all in order to glorify the Lord. And our very lips, with which we should praise the Lord, are defiled by shameful talk.

Following Holy Baptism, through the anointing with sanctified chrism, the seal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is placed on the lips of the person being baptized. Shamefulness offends the Holy Spirit, who has sanctified the lips of man for their use to the glory of God. With bad words, a person repels the Spirit of God from himself.

Through the mouth, a Christian receives the Body and Blood of Christ. By defiling our lips with dishonor, we anger Christ the Savior. Here is what St. John Chrysostom said: “It is better to spew rottenness from the mouth than foul language. When there is such a stench in your soul, tell me, how dare you approach the Mysteries of the Lord (that is, Holy Communion)?

We kiss the holy cross, saints, icons, holy relics, the holy book of the Gospel. Let us be ashamed to pronounce shameful, rotten words with lips sanctified by touching the great shrines! It must be remembered that our speech is heard not only by people whom we are accustomed not to be ashamed of, but also by the Angels and the Lord Himself. Shall we not beware of foul language, so as not to offend the angels with shameful speech, not to please the demons and not to anger God?

Let us also remember that foul language is the beginning of the path to even greater evil: a terrible blasphemy is lifted up with swearing at the Most Holy Theotokos Herself, the Lady of the Russian land.

But many do not even confess this sin and do not try to get rid of it, they easily perceive swearing, various base slang expressions, criminal jargon. Remember, this is a vile sin, avoid it, get rid of it. Together with swearing, you invite demonic forces to you, and gradually they will lead you onto the path of other vices.

Repent of this sin, call on the name of God for help, pray to the saints with heartfelt faith, and the Lord's help will surely come.

About the sin of smoking

The sin of smoking, like the sin of foul language, has gripped almost everyone in our time - from young to old.

Flocks of smoking children sit on benches, walk along the streets, stand at the subway - they are barely visible behind the clouds of tobacco smoke. The data of recent studies are terrifying: the average age of initiation of smoking in boys is 10 years, in girls - 12 years. Young mothers who carry babies in strollers smoke, even grandmothers who walk their grandchildren on playgrounds with a cigarette in their mouths are not uncommon.

Just think: the rules of conduct for a student at school no longer say that a student should not smoke, he just should not smoke inside the school!

We did not even notice how a man smoking a cigarette in our face became the norm of public consciousness. Smoke? Well. If he wants it, if he has such a need.

But where did this need come from? It's not human nature to smoke. Breathe air, eat, drink, sleep - yes. But smoke, poison your body with poison, breathe fetid smoke - it's a demand of sin and not a requirement of nature.

Many consider this sin to be a venial, petty, “immortal sin.” And this “immortal sin” captures a person so much that he becomes a real slave of him, or, to be more precise, a slave of the devil. You woke up in the morning, and the first desire that covers you is to smoke. You do not make the sign of the cross, do not say the morning prayer, but smoke a cigarette. “At Divine services they burn incense, how can the slaves of sin not invent a kind of incense? - Saint Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer says about this. “The first is pleasing to God, the second should be pleasing to God’s enemy, the devil.”

Smoking is truly a diabolical invention. It arose in the perishing cultures of Central America long before the era of the Columbus discoveries, as part of the rituals of worship of the pagan gods of the Aztecs, to whom, among others, human sacrifices were made. Christians know perfectly well what these gods are. This ungodly action was brought to Europe, and then to Russia, precisely during the discovery of new lands by Columbus. Here is what Bishop Varnava (Belyaev) writes about the history of the spread of the sin of smoking: “When on October 12, 1492, Columbus landed on the island of San Salvador, he and his companions were struck by an unprecedented sight: the red-skinned inhabitants of the islands let out clouds of smoke from their mouths and noses. The fact was that the Indians celebrated a sacred holiday, on which they smoked a special herb (its folded dried leaf - a kind of present cigar - it was called "tobacco", hence the current name came from) - to complete stupefaction, one must add, and in this state they entered into communion with demons and then told what the “Great Spirit” had told them.

Upon arrival at the homeland of our navigators, those who whispered into the ears of the Indians whispered to these, so that they would introduce the European public to a new “pleasure”.

And so, with the favorable participation and secret excitement from demons, throughout Europe and even Asia, a literally general fever of tobacco smoking began. Whatever the government and the clergy did to stop this evil, nothing helped!”

Today, hundreds of millions of people around the globe voluntarily sacrifice themselves to the devil. “Oh, how carefully the devil and the world are sowing with their tares the field of Christ, which is the Church of God,” wrote the holy righteous John of Kronstadt. - Instead of the Word of God, the word of the world is zealously sown, instead of incense - tobacco. Poor Christians! They have completely fallen away from Christ.

Burning incense to demons of passions that we breed and nest in the dwelling of our body, the smoker betrays, thereby, the image of God in himself, imbued with the spirit of stench and slow physical suicide. “Don't you know that you are the temple of God said the Apostle Paul, and the Spirit of God lives in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will punish him: for the temple of God is holy; and this temple is you”(1 Cor. 3:16-17). Are there words more convincing than these?

Everything that is given to man by the Lord should be used for good. Bodily health is a priceless gift, and every action of ours that causes harm to health is a real sin before the Creator. Many holy teachers of the Church point to this. Here are the words of St. Nektarios of Aegina: “In order for a person to be blessed and worthy of his vocation, it is necessary that he be healthy both in body and soul, because without the well-being of both, neither bliss nor capacity to fulfill the appointment can be acquired. A person should take care of strengthening both the body and the soul so that they are strong and strong. ” And one more statement of the same saint: “Health in any business is like a self-propelled chariot that carries the athlete to the finish line.” The fact that smoking is detrimental to health is proved by all modern medical studies. There is not a single organ that does not suffer from the effects of tobacco. Carcinogenic substances, irritating the mucous membranes, accumulating in the body, cause cancer of the lips, oral cavity, larynx, esophagus. Respiratory organs - bronchi, lungs become especially vulnerable. Evidence, facts, arguments and convincing examples that smoking only brings harm and death are countless. Smokers develop nicotine syndrome. This is the same addiction as alcohol and drugs.

The tobacco market occupies one of the most significant places in world trade, and every year millions of people work to ensure that other millions inhale harmful smoke, poison their heads and entire bodies with poison.

It is surprising why the use of drugs in the form of cocaine is prohibited by law, but in the form of tobacco is encouraged? Tobacco, this “little cocaine”, is allowed, like a little lie, like an imperceptible lie, like murder in the womb. But medicine tells us about the dangers of smoking only for bodily health. Even on any pack of cigarettes you will find the inscription: "The Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous for your health." We must remember the most important harm of this bad habit. The fetid smell of tobacco covers the smell of spiritual decay. It has been established that negative mental states lead to a change in the hormonal background of a person. Chemicals formed during stress and other internal conflicts are excreted from the body through the outer covers; the discharge has a strong odor. Tobacco use makes it impossible to recognize the spiritual state of others at the deepest biological level.

Smoking is licentiousness not only of the body, but also of the soul. This is a false calming of their nerves, so many smokers believe, not realizing that the nerves are the carnal mirror of the soul. Such reassurance is self-deception, a mirage. Therefore, this narcotic calm will be a source of torment for the soul. Now, while there is a body, this tranquility must be renewed constantly. And then this calm will be a source of hellish torment. You can calm yourself against passion only by refraining from it. Only by rising above your passions, you can enter the bright spiritual world.

It is impossible to pray with the spirit while smoking a cigarette or a cigarette. Such people cannot partake of the Body and Blood of Christ, which means they cannot be saved.

It must be remembered that after death, after the separation of the soul from the body, the passions that manifested and realized themselves in bodily life do not leave the human soul, enslaved by them during life. Not freed from this or that passion, the soul will transfer it to the other world, where in the absence of the body it will be impossible to satisfy this passion. The soul will languish and burn with an unceasing thirst for sin and lust. An insatiable need for food will be tormented after his death by those who previously thought only about food. The drunkard will be incredibly tormented, not having a body that can be calmed only by drinking alcohol. The fornicator will experience the same feeling. Selfish - too, and a smoker - too. Here is a good example: if a smoker does not smoke for several days, what will he experience? Terrible torment, but still mitigated by the other amusements of life. It is not so much the body that suffers, but the soul. So already here on earth every soul, having any passion, suffers. Knowing this, is it possible to be indifferent to your passions? To this terrible fire?

How can one overcome the demon of this ungodly passion in oneself? Of course, first of all, the desire to get rid of this vice and fervent prayer can help. If a person has already decided to take this step and has prepared a place in his soul for the grace of God, then he will feel in himself its amazing effect, its invisible help. Ask sincerely, without ceasing, the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints of God and you will definitely get healing.

Council of St. Silouan of Athos

Smoking, thus, alienates a person from the heavenly spiritual world, serves as one of the serious obstacles to the salvation of his own immortal soul, incline it to sin and subject it to the self-will of the perishable flesh.

“If you embark on a task and do not see God’s will for it,” exhorts St. Gregory the Theologian, “do not do it for anything. Do not leave the will of God to do the will of the people.”

So, dear reader, before smoking again, remember the advice of St. Silouan and think about whether you could first read “Our Father” or mentally take a blessing for this, no doubt, important business for you.

Council of St. Ambrose of Optina

“You write that you cannot stop smoking tobacco.

What is impossible from man is possible with the help of God; only one has to firmly decide to leave, realizing the harm to soul and body from it, since tobacco relaxes the soul, multiplies and intensifies passions, darkens the mind and destroys bodily health by slow death. Irritability and melancholy are the consequences of the sickness of the soul from smoking.

I advise you to use spiritual medicine against this passion: confess in detail all your sins, from the age of seven and throughout your life, and partake of the Holy Mysteries, and read daily, standing, the Gospel chapter by chapter or more; and when anguish sets in, then read again until the anguish passes; attack again and read the Gospel again. “Or instead, put, in private, 33 big bows, in memory of the earthly life of the Savior and in honor of the Holy Trinity”- such an answer was received from the Monk Ambrose by one layman, a heavy smoker who turned to the saint for advice, unable to cope with this pernicious passion on his own. After reading the letter, he lit a cigarette, but suddenly felt a severe headache and, at the same time, an aversion to tobacco smoke - and did not smoke at night. The next day I automatically lit a cigarette several times, but the pain returned and did not allow me to swallow the smoke. So I quit. Some time later, this man came to the elder to personally thank him. The Monk Ambrose touched his head with a wand - and the pain has not returned since then.

Prayer from the passion of smoking to the Monk Ambrose of Optina

Reverend Father Ambrose, you, having boldness before the Lord, begged the Greatly Gifted Vladyka to give me an ambulance in the fight against impure passion.

God! Through the prayers of Your saint, Saint Ambrose, cleanse my lips, make my heart chaste and saturate it with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit, so that the evil tobacco passion will flee from me far away, to where it came from, into the womb of hell.

We bring to the attention of readers an article from the magazine "Orthodox Pilgrim".

“For every idle word that people speak, they will give an answer on the day of judgment: for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

(Matthew 12:36-37)

Nothing in our time is devalued more than the word. So I want to follow St. righteous John of Kronstadt to exclaim: “What is less respected among us as a word? What is more changeable with us as a word? What do we throw like dirt every minute if not a word?

We've reached

Foul language, or, to put it simply, swearing has recently become a widespread and widespread phenomenon in the widest strata of society. There were even special courses for children, where for the money of their parents (!) kids are taught to swear and arrange reporting concerts in front of moms and dads, where kids from the stage read poems that are not at all childish content, written exclusively in obscene words. All this is happening officially within the walls of leisure cultural centers! And what else to expect when the mat is businesslike located on the pages of newspapers, books and fashion magazines, when it can be heard from the theater stage, the TV screen, when almost all recent movies (especially foreign ones) have characters speaking this vile dialect.

Sport and mat have become almost synonymous. To understand this, it is enough to visit a football match once or live near the school stadium. In Internet social networks, there are entire communities of so-called amateur (and not so) writers who create in the language of the genitals.

So what is this infection? Where did she come from? And is she really that scary?

Secular view of the problem

There are many opinions about what constitutes checkmate. So, some scientists believe that these are just innocent words that were previously used without a shameful connotation, and then suddenly (why would that be?) became indecent. For example, at a Russian wedding they sang the so-called reproachful songs, which contained obscene modern look insulting the groom so that the bride does not have to reproach the chosen one later. Or a peasant scared away evil spirits with obscene language, confident that "the devil is afraid of matyugov."

However, no matter how our ancestors treated “innocent” words, it seems that they also understood that this was foul language. In the 17th century, one anonymous author even wrote a "Teaching on swearing," where he explained that three mothers are offended by such abuse: the Mother of God, the mother of every person, and Mother Earth. What good do you think a person can expect from life who constantly violates God's commandment: “Honor your father and your mother [so that you may be well and] so that your days on earth will be long…”(Ex. 20, 12)? That's right - nothing!

Secular psychologists argue that the use of a mat is evidence of a low level of control over one's own emotions, an increased level of aggression.

What does the Church think about this?

“Foul language is a vile vice, which in the Holy Scripture is equated with a mortal sin (Eph. 5, 4-5), writes Bishop of Vasilsursky, vicar of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese Varnava (Belyaev). Shamefulness is inherent in all ages, places and peoples. This vice is a purely pagan heritage. It is entirely rooted in the phallic cults of the Ancient East, beginning with the “deep depths of Satan” (Rev. 2:24) and the dark abysses of debauchery in honor of Baal, Astarte and others, and ending with the classical heirs of the biblical Ham. Moreover, this vice and some secret strange attraction to it are directly dependent on how close a person stands to God. And if he moves away from the Divine, then he immediately begins to enter into the satanic realm and acquire this bad habit - to call on the name of the evil one instead of God and instead of divine things, commemorate shameful things.

The Church even brought the issue of swearing to the discussion of its councils and considered it necessary to turn to the assistance of state power, especially in cases where pagans allowed themselves to use obscene language in places sacred to Christians. Here is an extract from the decision of the Council of Carthage in 419: “In these days, that there is shame, they perform obscene dances in the fields and on the stogons, and with obscene words insult the honor of the mothers of families, and the chastity of countless other pious wives who gather on a holy day, so that from the refuge of the most holy faith it is almost necessary to run away” (71 rules).

Demons applaud

St. John Chrysostom attached great importance to the words that come out of our mouths, and warned: “Truly, there are many ways of perdition through the mouth, for example, when someone speaks foul language, when he mocks, when he talks idle, when he boasts like a Pharisee ...”

When using obscene words, think about whom you serve instead of God, to whom you “pray”. “You are not just doing a frivolous deed, you are not allowing a simple rude joke,” says Bishop Barnabas (Belyaev), “your words are not a simple fluctuation of air waves. But you pronounce - although, unfortunate, you do not believe in it - terrible spells, you summon and attract the most vile demons, at this time you bring an unnatural verbal sacrifice to Satan. You become, by means of the most foul methods, a sorcerer, a magician, a sorcerer, perhaps without knowing it and not wanting to. However, the matter remains the case - and the demons surround you and applaud you.

Holy Fathers about foul language

The Apostle Paul writes: “Fornication and all uncleanness should not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints. Also, foul language and idle talk and laughter are not appropriate for you, but on the contrary, thanksgiving, for know that no fornicator, or unclean ... has an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and God ”(Eph. 5, 3-5). In the Epistle to the Colossians, the same Paul calls: “And now you lay aside everything: anger, rage, malice, slander, foul language of your mouth” (Col. 3, 8).

As early as the end of the 2nd century after the Nativity of Christ, Clement of Alexandria instructed the students of the catechism school in Alexandria, who were preparing for the adoption of Baptism, in his lectures: often and with a harsh word, throw a muzzle on the lips of those who go into such speeches. For what comes out of the mouth, they say, defiles a person” (Matthew 15:18).

And here is John Chrysostom: “Do you want to know how great evil is to speak shameful and shameful? See how those who listen to you blush from your shamelessness. In fact, what can be worse and more contemptible than a man who shamelessly talks shamelessly? .. How can you teach a wife chastity when with shameless eyes you excite her to go into debauchery? It is better to spew rottenness from the mouth than foul language. If you have bad breath, then you do not touch the common meal; but when there is such a stench in your soul, tell me, how do you dare to approach the Mysteries of the Lord?.. Nothing angers Him, the Most Holy and Pure, like such words; nothing makes people so insolent and shameless as when they speak and hear such words; nothing so easily upsets the nerves of chastity as a flame ignited by such words. God put incense in your mouth, and you put words in them, more stinking than any corpse, you kill the very soul and make it insensible.

How to be saved

First, turn your mind to God and arm yourself with the Jesus Prayer. “If you learn not to say anything superfluous,” advises John Chrysostom, “but constantly protect both your thought and your mouth with conversation from the Divine Scriptures, then your guardianship will be stronger than adamant ... Have you seen those punished for slander? Look at those who are rewarded for blessing. Bless you bless and curse you who curse(Numbers 24:9). Bless those who persecute you, pray for those who attack you, that you may be like your Father who is in heaven(Matthew 5:44-45)…

But you are talkative, do you have this defect? Talk better about your deeds to God - and this will not be a disadvantage, but an acquisition ... Do you want to be far from bad words? - avoid not only bad words, but also random laughter and all lust ...

Before all other members, let us moderate this (language), curb it and drive it out of the mouth of swearing and scolding, and foul language, and slander, and the evil habit of swearing. Let's learn how to overcome the evil demon. He usually harms us by all means, but especially by means of the tongue and lips. For no other member is so fit for him to deceive and destroy us as an intemperate tongue and an unbridled mouth.

Galina Digtyarenko

“God has put incense in your mouth, and you put words in them that are more stinking than any corpse, you kill the very soul and make it insensitive.”

John Chrysostom

“Profanity is a vile vice, which in the Holy Scriptures is equated with a mortal sin.”

(Eph. 5:4-5)

“Lord, put a guardianship with my mouth, and a door of protection against my mouth X".

(Ps. 140:2,3)

“Do you want to be far from bad words? Avoid not only bad words, but also indiscriminate laughter and all lust.

St. John Chrysostom

St. Theophan the Recluse

"Mat is bad habit And you need to get rid of it, like any other bad habit. Assign yourself a punishment: if you swore, hit yourself on the forehead, ”said Archpriest Maxim Pervozvansky, writer, author of books on family psychology, editor-in-chief of the Orthodox youth magazine Naslednik and father of nine children.

Maxim Pervozvansky. Photo: Julia Makoveychuk /

At the request of the RP, the priest told how to overcome the habit of swearing in himself and his children, what is the Church’s attitude to swearing, and how one person can force the whole world to refuse swearing.

The main question that interests us is: can an adult - who swears a lot and often - unlearn swearing? And how to do it?

This is a question from the field of how to get rid of bad habits at all, because cursing is, without a doubt, a bad habit. Methods are different, the Internet is full of them: you can limit yourself gradually, or you can quit in one day.

In my opinion, the most important thing here is the reflection of habit - its awareness, control and accounting. It's good to turn on the internal counter: if you swore - think up a punishment for yourself. For example, if a person is a believer, the punishment may be a prostration for every swear word. Unbeliever - click yourself on the forehead if you swore.

Such tactics will gradually lead to a decrease in the number of swear words in speech. But the complete rejection of foul language is not a matter of one day.

The language environment around us is quite aggressive: they swear at work, on the street, sometimes at home. Is it really possible to stop swearing in such an environment?

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov said: "Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved." One person can influence the norms of the team. If, for example, you stop swearing while standing in a smoking room at work, then it is likely that other people in the smoking room will stop swearing too.

About 15-20 years ago, it was not customary to express yourself strongly in front of girls. In some industries, the male team was specially diluted with women for these purposes - in order to wean men from swearing. Today - although girls have undoubtedly begun to use foul language more often - the situation as a whole is as follows: where girls endure swearing, they swear in front of them, where they do not tolerate it, they stop swearing. The point is that often a person is able to regulate the environment in which he is.

People who try to give up swearing note that at first it becomes more difficult to talk. Where a swear word was always conveniently placed on the tongue in speech, now there is emptiness, the brain needs time to find a replacement for it.

There was an interesting study by American scientists: they found that during World War II, the commander of an American unit spent an average of seven to eight letters or signs on an order, and the Japanese - twelve or more. The authors concluded that the speed with which orders were given ultimately led the Americans to victory in pacific ocean. In the Russian army, the number of signs was more than that of the Americans, but less than that of the Japanese. At the same time, it was not taken into account that this number of characters was greatly reduced due to the mat. Without justifying the mat, nevertheless, it should be recognized: with it, the thought is often formulated faster.

But back side lies in the fact that in the end we get used to cram the entire huge range of human feelings in one or two swear words. Using a mat, we deliberately impoverish ourselves - we move away from nuances, shades. Returning to normal speech, of course, you will have to creak your brains: the gears will rotate slowly at first, but over time they will pick up speed, become faster.

In this business, as in many others, it is also important to find a companion: it will be easier to get rid of foul language if someone supports you in your undertaking.

- A typical situation: a child comes - whether from school, from kindergarten, from the street - and brings abusive words. What to do?

Children communicate in different groups, and in some of them, unfortunately, foul language is the norm. The important thing here is what kind of language atmosphere reigns in the child at home, in the family: and if mating is also the norm at home, then all the talk about the dangers of swearing will not yield results.

Home is what shapes a child, what he goes out with. the world. Therefore, if parents do not want their children to learn the habit of swearing, there should not be a mat in the house.

Moreover, it is better for parents to play for reinforcement: to prohibit not only swearing, but also derivative swearing. And if you already broke loose, cursed - and this happens, because a person is a passionate being, with emotions, and linguistic answers help him to strengthen his emotions - then break down not on a direct mat, but on "non-obscene" curses.

There is an opinion that a child - especially a preschooler, who suddenly used a curse word, should be ignored. Say, he will understand that his swearing does not cause any reaction in adults, and he himself will stop using bad words. What is your opinion on this matter?

This cannot be ignored - the child must be made clear that foul language is unacceptable. Parents themselves know better how to do this: the range of measures here is wide - from a stick to a carrot.

If suggestion does not help, it would be good to talk to the child about the meaning of those abusive words that he utters. Often children do not understand the meaning of swear words, they heard them somewhere and thoughtlessly repeated them. It must be said that the word is not an empty sound, that there is a force in the word that forms the environment of life. Here, for example, the curse - is it effective? Most kids understand that. BUT good wishes- Wishing you a good journey? Yes. It is necessary to explain to the child that swearing is a real power that can become part of the life of his friends and relatives. The child needs a semantic base.

- What is the Church's attitude to the mat?

In the Church, more than anywhere else, the importance of the word is understood. It is no coincidence that one of the Gospels opens with the line: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Moreover, at different times, various teachings broke away from Christianity, which went even further - endowed the word with real magic power, brought its value to the absolute.

Prayer in the Christian sense is a connection with God through the word. Thus, foul language is understood as anti-prayer: curses, curses - all this is nothing but the invocation of evil, real evil with horns and a tail. Prayer gives life to the soul, while foul language kills it.

The Old Testament speaks of the idol of the golden calf - it was worshiped by those who apostatized from God. Taurus in ancient world was a symbol of sexual power: sexual themes, sexual perversions - the main topic on which the mat speculates. Therefore, if we continue this thought, then ultimately the mat is a demonic perversion of family values.