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» How to fence high beds. Raised beds in the garden: do it yourself. Bush fences

How to fence high beds. Raised beds in the garden: do it yourself. Bush fences

Having at least a small land plot, it’s so difficult to resist planting something that will later grow and bear fruit. Summer residents know the wonderful feeling when you cut a salad from vegetables grown with your own hands, and make jam from freshly picked strawberries! Even if small, there were, are and will be garden beds on the plot. Usually the owner does not think too much about the design of the plantings, so the fences for the beds are made from available material, and they look simple. However, who doesn’t want to make the site beautiful and well-groomed? In addition, useful edges help the beds keep their shape, save water, and prevent the growth of weeds.

The edges around the perimeter of the beds give them a neat and civilized appearance. Convenient when seating areas various plants demarcated. There is order everywhere, which does not need to be restored “from scratch” after every heavy rain. You can simply maintain it, spending a minimum of effort on care, watering, etc. Fences are usually made from leftover building materials.

Wood: elegant, but short-lived

Boards as fencing can be called a classic, often found option. Depending on the amount that the owner of the site intends to spend on resolving this issue, timber and picket fence, clapboard or slab can be used. The use of any wood will be appropriate. Even the branches left after pruning trees will find use.

For some time, such a fence will look very elegant. In the future, the wood may turn black and even become covered with fungus. Trying to whitewash the sides is ineffective because the whitewash will quickly be washed away by rain. The situation is even worse with paint: it cracks and peels off. It won’t even be able to solve the problem radically. After a few years, the dull sides will have to be replaced, because soil begins to spill out through the cracks formed.

Neat wooden sides give the beds a well-groomed and attractive look. In this case, a wide variety of wood can be used: wattle from cut hazel branches looks very good and is inexpensive

Neat and expensive brick

Diagonal bricks were once in vogue. At one time, even city flower beds were edged this way. If you try, the teeth of the border will look neat and uniform. Such a fence can be whitewashed or even painted. AND garden paths, and the flower beds will receive reliable but expensive borders. After all old brick will not make the desired impression, and a new one can cost a decent amount.

Bricks can be installed not only diagonally, but also laid out in rows, the height of which depends on the parameters of the bed or flowerbed that is to be fenced

Slate under control

Slate is now used less and less for its intended purpose - as roofing material. If pieces of it remain after changing the covering, then they can be used for edging the beds. At one time, it was actively and widely used for these purposes too.

If anyone else is planning to throw it away old slate or put it in a barn for eternal storage, then let him admire these wonderful beds. After all, you can build such beauty yourself for practically nothing.

A slate edge will look neat if you simply press it into the ground so that the above-ground part rises to the same height along the entire perimeter. Slate can be broken into plates of the desired width. Covered with a layer of paint, it will even look elegant. The only negative is that thin slate will need to be kept under control and, in case of distortions after heavy rains, corrected.

A stone given by nature

Not only pieces of flat slate, but also various cobblestones look very impressive as a side. Of course, this is not a brick with a given shape once and for all. Here you will have to try, selecting stones according to size, combining them with each other and fastening them with cement mortar. But the result will be very impressive. This is a very aesthetic and, at the same time, durable fencing. The only drawback of this fence is that the heavy side can begin to settle into the ground under its own weight. Therefore, you also need to monitor his condition.

You will have to work hard with natural stone, but now you will see such beauty every day: the aesthetic pleasure is incomparable

These materials are truly traditional, we are used to seeing them on personal plots. But time does not stand still. New products appear, and old materials, whose price was unreasonably high, become more affordable. Let's look at modern fencing options.

Bed fences made of plastic

Plastic withstands seasonal temperature changes well, it is not hygroscopic and is not affected by precipitation.

Installing ready-made sides

The plastic fence is easy to install, easy to remove and replace. Such a fence, taking into account its affordability, can be considered ideal for small beds or flower beds. Plastic fences for beds of various shapes are good because they can fully correspond to the design of the site chosen by the owner. Sides can be selected according to color scheme and in height.

Plastic is not hygroscopic, it almost does not react to natural phenomena, does not rot and does not burn. At the same time, it can look whatever its owner wants

If the gardener desires, you can choose a border that imitates wood, brick or even natural stone. Both sectional and continuous fencing look great. Thanks to the legs, these fences can be easily fixed to the ground. There are also those for the installation of which special nails are used.

Border tape: affordable and simple

The most affordable border tape for garden beds is a tape-type fence with a corrugated surface, green or brown in color.

The advantages of curb tape are obvious:

  • it is easy to install;
  • it can be given the desired shape without cutting it into pieces;
  • they look very aesthetically pleasing;
  • The size of the tape is easily adjusted.

To install such a fence, you need a minimum of tools: a large stapler, scissors, a tape measure and a dustpan. The entire fencing process will not take much time. You should dig around the selected area, using a shovel to make a trench around its perimeter. We measure the required size of the tape and fasten its ends with a stapler. We place the fence in the trench at the selected depth, after which we fill the lower part of the tape with earth and compact it well.

A nice and laconic fencing made from border tape can be installed literally within an hour, and it will serve you for more than one season

If the curb length is significant, it is necessary to fix the position of the tape with pegs, which are alternately placed in front of the tape and behind it at an equal distance from each other.

Rubber curbs are laid using the same principle. Only for high beds such a side will not be suitable, because it is placed very low. Polycarbonate is also used as a material for fencing, the trimmings of which remain, for example, after making a canopy or building a greenhouse. But polycarbonate fencing for garden beds is rarely used, since it is not profitable to purchase material specifically for this purpose, and there is never a lot of scraps.

The rubber border is almost invisible, but it helps to give certain areas of the garden clear outlines, creates a kind of order, and properly organizes the space

How to use plastic bottles?

If you have to fence a lot of beds with plastic, the costs will inevitably increase. This is where people's ingenuity comes to the rescue. You can make a fencing for garden beds with your own hands, for example. That's when the plastic bottles we've accumulated come in handy!

The use of plastic bottles for fencing garden beds is a real triumph of universal justice. It’s not in vain that you have accumulated them at home: you don’t seem to need them, but it’s a pity to throw them away

You need to select bottles of the same volume; you can fill them with sand and place them upside down in the same trench that we prepared for the curb. If you cover the plastic water-based paint, you will get a very bright border. However, it also looks good without paint.

The best options for metal fencing

Metal fences, often used for garden beds, look easy to install and, at first glance, very reliable. If we take the remains for this purpose plain metal, up to 1 mm thick, then the border will really turn out quickly, but it will not be so easy to make: thin plates are unstable and can be cut. And this side will not last long, because metal in the soil quickly rusts, and such a thin one will turn into dust very quickly. In the summer heat, metal overheated in the sun will actively transfer heat to the soil, which has a detrimental effect on plants.

The polymer coating gives galvanized steel completely new properties. It looks even more attractive and does not get too hot in the sun

Much more aesthetically pleasing and promising is galvanized steel, which has polymer coating. Boxes made from this material have a neat and attractive appearance. This material has proven itself in various climatic conditions. Lightweight plates allow you to easily change the shape and size of the structure. The only, but expected, drawback for such material is its price. The expensive material is still in short supply, as demand for it outstrips supply.

More fencing ideas are presented in the video.

This neat and compact design when disassembled is made of galvanized metal. The finished box is easy to assemble and disassemble. If it is necessary to increase the size, the sides can be increased. The height of a single-tier border is 17cm. Stiffening ribs on the fencing elements give it additional strength. Manufacturers claim that such curbs will last at least 20 years.

Not everyone likes coming to the dacha to do physical labor. But such beds, even in an office worker tired of paperwork, can cause a surge of work enthusiasm

If it seems to you that the beds can be used without fencing, then you are, of course, right. But those who use borders have already seen how much easier and more effective plant care has become. And the end result of your efforts – the harvest – will help you finally believe in their necessity.

IN Lately Raised beds are becoming increasingly popular among gardeners and gardeners - original technology, which came to us from Canada. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that such structures used to be found everywhere. They were called manure beds and cucumbers were grown there.

Raised beds: what are they and what are they for?

A high, or raised, bed is a box-shaped structure with a height of 0.15–0.2 m to 0.5–0.6 m and a width of 0.5–1.2 m. Its length is limited only by the dimensions of the site. But these sizes can vary in any direction depending on the desires and needs of the owner. A nutrient substrate is placed inside the box and plants are planted.

Do-it-yourself raised beds can become the highlight of garden design

It is best to prepare the bed in advance in the fall so that the soil has time to settle and compact. In addition, in the spring there is no need to waste precious time on this, and with the arrival of warmth, the soil will warm up very quickly and sowing can be done 2-3 weeks earlier.

Video: why do we need high beds

How to make a raised bed

The sides holding the ground are made from the most different materials and improvised means:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • slate;
  • brick or stone;
  • concrete;
  • plastic bottles, etc.

Photo gallery: what you can use to make a raised bed

A bed of horizontal logs can be made very quickly A bed of vertical logs will require the application of great forces Such beds can also be made from wood High beds are most often made from boards Gravel in a mesh frame looks very unusual Often high beds are made from cinder blocks The fencing can be straw The mesh frame can be filled with any decorative material Even mesh ones are used plastic containers A garden bed can be made from flat slate(OSB)

In some cases, high ridges may not have a side fence at all and are simply earthen hills.

Raised beds are also available without fencing

Video: what are raised beds made of?

Made of wood

For the manufacture of frame structure You will need support bars and boards for the walls from wood.

Wooden boxes for high beds can be tinted in any color and coated with paint

The work is carried out as follows:

Video: making a bed out of wood

From stone

Stone structures are built to last for centuries, they look monumental, but it is extremely difficult to move them to another place.

A high bed made of stone or brick will fit well into a classic design

The work technology consists of the following stages:

  1. Along the perimeter of the selected location, they dig a trench 0.3–0.4 m deep under the foundation.
  2. A layer of waterproofing (roofing felt, polyethylene, etc.) is laid at the bottom of the trench.
  3. Pour a sand cushion to a third of the depth.
  4. A layer of stones is placed on top.
  5. Fill with concrete mortar.
  6. After a few days, the stonework is laid out.

Complex masonry work is best left to professionals

A brick bed is built by analogy with a stone one.

Video: making a brick bed

Made from slate sheets, metal or plastic panels

To build a frame structure, any pieces of old slate or metal removed from the roof will be used.

A bed whose walls are made of sheet metal can have very different shapes

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The plates are cut to the required size.

    Slate sheets are cut to the required size

  2. Dig a narrow trench around the perimeter of the future bed.

    First, dig a trench

  3. Sheets of material are installed in the dug ditch.
  4. The corners of the plates are connected using metal corners.

    Slate sheets are connected using ordinary wire

  5. The trench is filled in and the soil is compacted thoroughly.

To give greater rigidity, stakes are driven into the corners, to which a wooden frame made of bars is attached.

One of my good friends makes the sides of her beds from 1.5 liter plastic bottles. She digs them in around the perimeter with their necks down, trying to press them closer together. Frames intended for different crops are painted from spray cans in various colors. It turns out very lively and unusual.

A raised bed can be built from empty plastic bottles

Video: making a bed from sheet material

From the branches

The branch structure is constructed as follows:

Plastic containers can be placed inside the wicker box

You can simply stick several rows of branches into the ground and secure them with wire.

Branches in the wall of the bed can be placed vertically

Video: making a bed from twigs

High bed: what to fill it with

After installing the frame, the bed needs to be filled correctly:

  1. The bottom is lined with a fine-mesh metal mesh (to prevent rodents).

    Cardboard will prevent weeds from growing

  2. Pour drainage (especially if the area is wet) from stones, brick battle, shards, crushed stone, etc. In hot southern regions, large wood cuts, branches, and lumber waste are placed, which, on the contrary, will retain moisture.

    Then thick branches, logs, branches, etc. are laid

  3. Then smaller plant residues are laid:
  4. The last one top layer fits fertile soil with the addition of humus and complex mineral fertilizers.

    Video: filling the garden bed

    Fences for raised beds can be found commercially. They are prefabricated modular structures, most often made of plastic. But it’s not difficult to build such a box with your own hands.

Do you know what innovation is, how raised beds came to our country from Canada. The land there has been cultivated in this way for many years. These planting options can be used not only for growing vegetable crops, but also to create original ones. Let's find out how to make beautiful and practical raised garden beds with your own hands. Photo, description technological processes and the diagrams will help you with this.

Do-it-yourself raised beds at the dacha: photos of structures and main characteristics

The rate of gas exchange, soil moisture and the presence of beneficial microorganisms depend on the size and shape of the beds. All these parameters affect the quality of the soil.

Raised beds can be used to grow big harvest berries, vegetables and fruits. At the same time, you can get good results even from a piece of land that is not fertile. The peculiarity of high beds is that they warm up faster than low structures.

There are several types of vertical beds. They differ not only in material, but also in functionality. Some options are made from building materials, while others are made from simple ones.

Here are the types of beds that exist:

  • trapezoidal structures;

  • multi-tiered beds;

  • structures with a triangular cross-section.

When creating isolated beds, you can take into account factors such as lighting, soil composition, and its structure. At what height such beds will be placed depends on the volume of the root system, soil characteristics and your own preferences. Minimum height– 15 cm, but to provide better insulation, you can raise them by 30-40 cm. Warm raised plantings can be higher than 50 cm, since a layer is still laid on the bottom. Narrow beds can be up to half your height.

The length can be very varied. Most often it depends on the length of the garden. If the bed is too long, then its sides need to be further strengthened. When arranging any garden bed, remember your own comfort and convenience. Best width when you can reach the middle of the structure. The optimal value is 90-120 cm.

You can grow different crops in raised beds. It is not recommended to use plants with tall stems, as they will be inconvenient to collect fruits from. Root crops, strawberries, peppers, herbs and cucumbers are often planted on bulk structures.

For your information! Raised bed filler is particularly useful. It is made from organic ingredients. Wherein root system located in the fertile layer, which promotes the development and growth of plants.

Related article:

Let's find out how to make original beds and what materials they can be built from. Interesting ideas Our review will help you create a variety of designs.

Features of raised beds: pros and cons

The main advantage of raised beds is that you can accommodate a variety of vegetables and plants in a small area. Raised beds are especially popular for strawberries, aromatic herbs and cucumbers. Such designs also have other advantages:

  • bulk beds can be filled with specially prepared soil. In this case, the quality of the soil on the site is not of great importance;
  • it is possible to regulate the thickness of the soil layer for any plants;
  • raised gardens are easier to weed and dig up;
  • raised beds can be laid out anywhere, even with difficult terrain;
  • Seedlings can be planted on high embankments earlier, since the soil in them warms up faster;
  • in raised gardens the soil is looser, which promotes better gas exchange;
  • can be used for those that will hang over the edge of fences for high beds;
  • depending on the material, you can create not only practical, but also beautiful designs. Some options can become a design masterpiece for your garden;
  • high beds with sides are practically not susceptible to attack by weeds, and are also well protected from mold and fungi;
  • Installing beds is not a complicated procedure; they can also be easily dismantled. The planting location can be easily changed;
  • inside such structures you can create a convenient one;
  • the soil on raised beds is protected from freezing as much as possible. During early frosts, you can cover this planting with polyethylene;
  • the construction of high plantings is protected from erosion during rainstorms.

Such designs also have certain disadvantages, but there are not many of them. First of all, you will need fertilizing mineral fertilizers. It is also important to monitor the mole cricket invasion.

For your information! Before you start work, treat the wood parts with an antiseptic and special impregnations. This will prevent rotting processes and protect materials from destruction.

Creating vertical beds with your own hands: photo options

You can also create warm raised beds or vertical structures. They are popular because of their appearance and cost savings. usable area. In addition, this is an excellent solution for protecting crops from various pests. Vertical structures are great for growing flowers, strawberries and herbs. You can not only make such structures from available materials, but even purchase ready-made options. You can see how to make warm structures in the video:

Why you should buy a vertical bed for strawberries: prices

You can see different variants design of vertical beds, but their most important advantage is their miniature dimensions. Such structures can be built from any materials, even from plastic bottles.

Vertical products do not require special care. They are on optimal height, in order to process them conveniently.

You can see how to make a raised structure for strawberries in the video: To increase the rigidity of the pyramidal bed, you need to install an additional post as a supporting element. In this case, the boards are mounted on a horizontal surface and attached to each other. A rail is installed in the base. The resulting side is fixed vertically, and then the second and third sides are attached to it. After installation frame system The length of the slats is measured. They are placed at intervals of 25-30 cm. To make the shelf raised, its ends should be cut at an angle of 30 degrees. After assembly, the structure is filled with soil, which is compacted.

Technology for arranging vertical beds for strawberries from plastic pipes

To grow strawberries, you can build a vertical bed from. In this case, you need to prepare plastic pipes, steel rope and a special knife for cutting. The volumetric section allows you to place the required amount of soil inside. The cut should be made along the structure. To fix the bed in a horizontal position, you need to make a hole in each half. Then a fishing line or cable is pulled through them. The parts are then placed one on top of the other. In this case, you can make different levels of beds from pvc pipes with your own hands.

For your information! If you plan to place the structures in a suspended state, then you need to take into account that they can sway. Therefore, it is better to install them in places that are well protected from the wind.

Constructing vertical beds with your own hands using a construction mesh

A compact structure can be built for crops such as strawberries, greens, flowers or potatoes. A good solution would be a vertical bed. To do this you need to prepare metal mesh, straw, special soil and necessary tool for processing the material.

To create a bed you need to bend the mesh into a pipe. In this case, the cross-section should be 0.9 meters. The edges are secured with wire. Straw is laid on the sides, and the free space is filled.

To plant potatoes, such beds should be placed at a height of 50 cm from the surface level. Gaps of 10 cm are left between plants. Then the first layer should be shed, then the soil should be laid and the seedlings should be planted.

Features of arranging a vertical bed for strawberries with your own hands: using pots

To grow strawberries, you can also use ordinary ones. Such designs allow you to create an attractive external design. You can use both plastic and clay pots. In this way, you can create a multi-level composition.

Pots need to be selected so that their diameters become smaller towards the top of the structure. In this case, the difference between pairs of pots should differ little.

The largest pot is placed in the chosen location and filled with soil. After this, a smaller pot is placed in it, etc. When the structure is ready, plants are planted in the soil and watered. The largest pot is installed at the base of the structure. A rod of a smaller size than the diameter of the container is placed inside. The pot is filled with soil, and the remaining products are strung on rods one by one. After filling with soil, plants are planted. The pots are mounted on a pole or high stump.

The nuances of creating vertical beds for strawberries with your own hands from tires: photos of products

Exist different ways growing cucumbers in open ground. In this case it is possible to build vertical beds. This option is also suitable for planting strawberries.

The tire structure is mounted according to the same principle as pot structures. Tires are suitable for this different sections.But keep in mind that old products are not particularly environmentally friendly material.

Before mounting, tires should be cleaned, dried and, if necessary, painted. The largest tire is placed down, and a part is cut off from the side. The hole is filled with soil and planted with plants. In this way, other elements are also laid out. Tires can be beautifully decorated with patterns or even unusual cuts.


Traditional cultivation of the land requires a lot of time and physical strength, and the harvest does not always correspond to what was expected. That is why more and more gardeners are setting up high beds on their plots, allowing them to special effort receive annually excellent harvest vegetables Anyone can make raised beds with their own hands, because this does not require special skills or special equipment.

Benefits of raised beds

Compared to conventional beds, bulk beds have many more advantages:

  • a vegetable garden can be planted even in an area completely unsuitable for farming;
  • Digging and weeding of the garden are replaced by light loosening of the soil;
  • on limited space easier to remove weeds;
  • the high bed is easy to install and just as easy to disassemble;
  • You can lay out paths between the beds and walk along them in any weather;
  • plants ripen faster, which is especially important for cold regions;
  • when arranging a high bed, good drainage is ensured;
  • crops in the beds can be easily protected from frost by covering them with tarpaulin or agrofibre.

In addition, a vegetable garden made from raised beds can be very decorative, so you can plant it next to your house.

Fencing materials

A high bed is a frame of certain dimensions, inner space which is filled with soil, compost and fertilizers. Most often the frame is made rectangular shape, and it is assembled from boards, slate, branches, plastic and other materials.

Wood is the most affordable, easy to install and environmentally friendly material. To assemble the beds, boards, timber, small logs. Disadvantages: wood requires wood, quickly darkens and loses its attractiveness, and is short-lived.

Vine and twigs - inexpensive and original solution. Wicker walls look very attractive; you can give the bed any shape. Disadvantages: weaving vines requires skills; the service life of such a frame is very short.

Stone and brick are an option for areas with classical architecture. Very reliable and durable material, gives the beds decorative look. Flaws: high price, creating a bed will take more time and is difficult to dismantle.

Plastic – great alternative tree. Sheet plastic easy to install and disassemble, it is quite durable, has an attractive appearance, very durable and relatively inexpensive. Disadvantages: certain types of plastic contain harmful substances, so they are not suitable for the garden. Ecologically safe material has a corresponding certificate, which must be presented upon purchase.

Metal is a convenient and durable material, ideal for shaped beds. If necessary, moving the metal frame will not be difficult, as will dismantling it. The appearance of the metal walls is neat; they can be painted in any color or decorated with ornaments. Disadvantages: welding skills are required to assemble a metal curb, the price of sheet metal is quite high, and high-quality surface treatment is required to protect against corrosion.

– an excellent solution for multi-tiered beds or arranging a vegetable garden on a slope. The walls can be made monolithic or assembled from separate ones. concrete surface easy to decorate, it is extremely strong, durable, and has a neat appearance. Disadvantages: lengthy installation process, high cost of materials, Additional requirements to the installation of a drainage system.

Decorating beds with slate is a completely budget-friendly and simple option. The walls can be installed very quickly, this material lasts a long time, and for decorative purposes the slate can be painted in any color. The main disadvantage is the fragility of the material, so it should be handled with care during installation.

Each gardener selects the size and shape of the bulk bed at his own discretion. And yet, there are optimal parameters, at which the bed will be most effective:

  • height from the ground 15-50 cm;
  • width 90-120 cm;

If the bed will be poured onto fertile soil, it is made 15-20 cm high. This is quite enough for good harvest. If the soil on the site is not suitable for farming, the bed is raised to 30 cm. Compost beds are made even higher - up to 0.5 m. Sometimes the walls are raised very high, which allows you not to bend over while cultivating the soil and planting plants, but this increases material consumption and requires more time to arrange a garden. In addition, with a large frame width, it is inconvenient to cultivate the soil at such a height.

The width of the bed should be sufficient for two rows of plants. With this planting, all plants will receive the same volume of air and sunlight, which has a very positive effect on productivity. Large quantity rows leads to the fact that the average plants receive less air, are shaded, stretched upward, and the yield decreases. Cultivate the bed standard width is also much easier than being too wide.

The length of the bulk bed does not play a special role, therefore it is limited only by the size of the plot. The most common option is beds with a length of 1.5 to 3 m; They are compact and look neat in the garden.

Proper arrangement of high beds

For example, a bed with a fence made of boards is taken; This option is the most convenient and inexpensive.

During the work you will need:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • roulette;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • circular saw or jigsaw;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • boards 50x200 mm;
  • timber 50x50 mm;
  • primer;
  • construction mesh.

Step 1. Wood processing

The boards are cut to the size of the frame, after which they are coated on all sides with antiseptic impregnation. You can use used oil for these purposes, and to prevent harmful substances from penetrating into the soil, after treatment it is recommended to cover the tree with film on one side. The lower edges of the boards, which will be in contact with the ground, are treated especially carefully. The timber is sawn into pieces 50 cm long and also impregnated protective agent. After that construction material laid out to dry.

Step 2. Site preparation

The area for the garden bed should be illuminated by the sun for at least 5 hours a day. Mark the boundaries of the bed, remove stones and branches, dig perennials. If desired, you can dig up the soil together with fine grass - this will increase the permeability of the soil. If the soil is very dense and trampled, it is enough to remove the layer of turf around the perimeter of the marking to a small depth to make it easier to position the frame.

Step 3. Assembling the frame for the bed

The dried boards are knocked down in pairs into panels and connected to each other using bars. The height of the shields is equal to the height of the bed, the long sides of the frame are additionally reinforced with transverse bars in the center. Since the length of the bars is greater than the height of the walls, they should protrude 10 cm above the frame. These will be the legs of the frame. To improve the appearance of the structure, boards laid flat, the edges of which are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, are placed around the perimeter of the frame. Finally, the frame can be painted with outside.

Step 4. Installation of the structure

The finished frame is transferred to the installation site; align the structure according to the markings, make recesses for the legs, check the location of the bed building level. If necessary, place pegs or, conversely, remove excess soil. The structure should be as level as possible, with all corners at the same level. Finally, add soil around the perimeter of the walls and compact it so that there are no gaps left.

Step 5. Filling the bed

First the bottom is closed construction mesh and nail it along the edges to the walls of the frame. The mesh will protect the structure from the penetration of moles and mice. Then geotextiles are laid, which will not allow weeds to grow. Next, the beds are filled in layers:

  • small branches, bark, large shavings, leaves;
  • bird droppings, rotted manure or;
  • fallen leaves, branches, bark, grass;
  • mineral fertilizer;
  • fertile land.

The thickness of each layer is 10 cm. There is no need to mix the layers, but it is necessary to level and compact well. If the soil on the site is not of very good quality, it is better to use purchased soil. After filling, the bed is well watered and left for a couple of days. During this time, the layers will settle a little and become denser. It is recommended to cover the frame with black agrofibre, which provides better soil heating and prevents weeds from germinating.

It is recommended to make high beds in the fall or at the end of summer, so that the layers are well rotted and the roots of the plants get the maximum useful substances. If the beds are installed in the spring, it is necessary to fill them at least a month before planting and pour plenty of water several times to compact them. It is easy to turn such a structure into a greenhouse: to do this, plastic or metal arcs are installed above the frame, the ends of which are secured to the walls with bolts. A polyethylene film or special agrofibre is attached to the arches on top.

Prices for various types of construction boards

Construction boards

Construction of beds made of slate

To create bulk beds, you can use both flat and wavy slate. The technology for installing beds using this method is very simple and anyone can do it.

Table. Wave slate

To work you will need:

  • slate sheets;
  • Bulgarian;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • a piece of chalk or pencil;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • rubber hammer;
  • drill;
  • wooden pegs or metal rods.

Step 1. Marking

In the selected area, the boundaries of the beds are marked and beacons are installed. Narrow grooves are dug along the perimeter to the depth of a bayonet. If the soil is good, then remove all fertile layer inside the markings, pouring it close to the future beds.

Step 2. Preparing the material

Slate sheets are laid on flat surface, measure the required length and draw a chalk line across the waves. After this, the slate is cut along the lines using a grinder. The pegs are soaked bitumen mastic or waste oil, and if scraps of metal rods are used as racks, they are treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

Step 3. Installing the frame

The first sheet of slate is installed vertically in the groove from the corner of the marking. Next, place the next sheet with an overlap in one wave, level it, and beat it on top with a rubber hammer so that both sheets are at the same height. Check the location of the upper edge of the slate with a building level; if necessary, add or remove soil from below. The walls are reinforced with metal rods or pegs, which are driven in on both sides to a depth of 0.5 m. So, all the sheets of the frame are placed one by one, the trench is filled up and the horizontal level is checked again. After this, the soil near the walls is compacted and the excess is removed.

Step 4. Filling the bed

At the very bottom you can put old newspapers, cardboard, pieces of wallpaper, the next layer is chopped brushwood, tree bark, sawdust. After this, small shavings are poured in, plant waste, peat or compost are laid. And all this is sprinkled on top with the soil that was taken out at the very beginning. Apply plenty of water to the bed to wet all layers and leave for several days. When the bed is compacted, you can begin planting.

Garden bed care

When the plants sprout, the plantings should be well watered and mulched. Weeds that break through the mulch layer are immediately removed. After harvesting, the surface is loosened and sown with green manure. Before the onset of cold weather, all vegetation is mowed down, leveled on the bed, covered with a layer of earth on top and covered with black film for the winter. Periodically it is necessary to inspect the walls of the frame, replace or repair individual sections.

The soil between the beds is most often filled with fine crushed stone, gravel, straw, sometimes sowed lawn grass. In such conditions, the garden always remains well-groomed, weeds do not grow, and dirt does not stick to shoes. If desired, you can use tiles and bricks, or pour concrete.

Video - DIY raised beds

Video - Raised beds made of slate

Reading time: 11 minutes

Specialist with 7 years of experience in horticultural crops

Dividing the plantation into plots and their subsequent fencing will help make the garden more well-groomed and attractive. For this, special blanks and various available materials are used - old slate, plastic bottles, bricks, natural stones.

The benefits of fencing for garden beds

Dividing the plantation into mini-plots is not only practical, but also aesthetically pleasing. Fences for garden beds have the following advantages:

  1. Reducing the number of weeds. The fence will prevent the active growth of weeds.
  2. Edges for beds are a barrier to the spread of insects and microbes.
  3. Reducing dirt on paths.
  4. Maintaining soil looseness. The earth does not crumble, does not erode, does not erode. It is especially recommended to fence the garden with sandy loam or sandy soil.
  5. Increasing and improving the quality of the harvest. A “thermal garden” is being created with nutritious soil. The earth warms up faster than when maintaining a large plantation. Therefore, planting and harvesting occur much earlier.
  6. Simplicity and ease of care. Mini-beds are easier to process - loosen, weed, harrow.
  7. It is convenient to mow the grass near the beds. Curbs protect horticultural crops from damage by a lawn mower.
  8. Attractive appearance of the garden. Ridges, boundaries, paths are clearly marked.

Colored beds

Requirements for garden fences

To fence plots, do not choose materials that are very hot in the sun, otherwise the earth will dry out. Decide what you will grow in the garden beds. For flowers, choose more attractive, original fences, for vegetables - focusing on the characteristics of their cultivation (some need high fences, others need low ones). In addition, garden fences should be:

  1. Durable - to withstand the pressure of the earth, deformation does not occur in spring and autumn, when the soil gets wet.
  2. Resistant to mechanical damage - the material should not crack when struck by working tools.
  3. Durable – optimal time service – 5–10 years.
  4. Easy to assemble - it should be possible to dismantle and move the structures.
  5. Eco-friendly - without releasing toxins, otherwise harmful substances will penetrate into the soil, roots, greens, fruits. Check safety especially polymer materials, which may contain plasticizers that are toxic at elevated temperatures.
  6. Economical - the cheapest materials - boards, old bricks, plastic containers.

Plastic fence

The dimensions of the beds must meet the following requirements:

  • Height with fertile soil – from 15 cm.
  • If you plan to add a substrate, the height is 30 cm.
  • For potatoes, nightshades, beets and other root vegetables, prepare soil 40 cm high.
  • The height of the thermo-compost beds is 60 cm.
  • The width of one row is about 120 cm. So, you can process the plantings without any problems and easily reach the center.

Ready-made fences

If you don’t have the material at hand, purchase blanks or kits for arranging beds. Durable fences are made from galvanized metal, CSP (cement particle boards). Less rigid and stable fences made of flexible plastic tapes.

Galvanized fences for vegetable gardens

Galvanized options

Fence your garden with galvanized sheets. Their height and length depend on the parameters of the future bed. You can create rectangular, square, corner plots. The price for a sheet with parameters 0.45x1250x2500 is about 1000 rubles. The characteristics of the material are as follows:

Galvanized beds

During installation, a box is created from 4 metal strips, which are fastened with special clamps. Fence a rectangular or square bed like this:

  1. Form 2 letters “G” from longitudinal and transverse sheets. Side faces connect with corner ties.
  2. Fix the elements with bolts, nuts, and washers.
  3. Connect the 2 formed L-shapes.
  4. If there are jumpers, install them.
  5. Fix the structure in the desired place.

Sideboards made of cement panels

Cement panels for fencing beds

For work, use DSP panels - cement bonded particle boards. The fence will look solid. The strength of the slabs is superior to slate. The material is sold in different parameters. Price per DSP board 20x247x1250 mm – about 90 rub. Durability and strength are the main qualities of a fence.

Its other features:

The fence for the beds is created as follows:

  1. Dig a trench about 40cm deep around the perimeter of the area.
  2. Place cement panels in the recess, cover with soil and compact.
  3. Secure the fence with picket fences and bars. Nail them vertically every 2 m.

Border tapes

You can fence off the beds with flexible plastic border tape. It is sold in rolls and varies in thickness, length, width, and color. The width of the material is 10–50 cm, length up to 50 m (packages of 10 m are often found). The kits are sold with pegs to strengthen the fence. There are corrugated, flat border tapes. The price for material with parameters 10x900 cm is about 400 rubles.

Curb fence

Flexible plastic is used:

  • To enclose beds for planting in open ground, in a greenhouse. The material is fixed with pegs - this makes the structure stable and rigid.
  • For framing paths and areas for planting flowers.
  • To fence trees. For example, the site is covered with tiles or filled with crushed stone, and several areas with soil are left for planting garden crops.

Pros and cons of plastic fencing:

Tape installation sequence:

  1. Mark the area using pegs and twine.
  2. Attach the tape to the wedges. When installing the material, try to tension it - this will make the structure more rigid and will not sag.
  3. Bury the plastic into the ground.

DIY fences for garden beds

Buy ready-made borders or make them yourself. Suitable material for beds:

  • metal grid;
  • stones;
  • metal sheets;
  • plastic (including plastic bottles);
  • slate;
  • brick.

Slate fencing for garden beds

Use slate, especially if it remains after dismantling the roof. The wave material will help create multi-tiered flower beds for flowers, strawberries, wild strawberries and other crops. In addition, you can use slate to enclose compost from tops. Features of using the material:

Slate for fencing beds

All that is required is to cut the slate with a grinder, install the pieces in in the right places vegetable garden Detailed diagram arrangement of the barrier:

Tools and materials Stages of work
  • pegs, twine for marking the area;
  • shovel;
  • slate;
  • Bulgarian;
  • pegs for fixing the fence;
  • slaked lime;
  • sawdust, dry grass, leaves, substrate for preparing the bed.
  1. Mark the area with pegs and rope.
  2. Dig a narrow trench 20 cm deep around the perimeter of the selected area.
  3. Saw the slate into pieces, install it in the trench, level it, and deepen it.
  4. From the outside of the fence, drive pegs 0.5 m long to a depth of 30 cm.
  5. Disinfect the inside of the slate with slaked lime.
  6. Place sawdust, dry grass, and leaves at the bottom of the box. Sprinkle the layer with water and pour the substrate on top.

Metal borders

A neat garden can be equipped with the help of rigid and durable metal sides. They will help create clear geometric lines. Use galvanized iron or steel. The latter material is considered more durable. Explore the features of metal borders:

Metal fences

To fence the beds, use corrugated sheeting:

Tools and materials Stages of work
  • marker;
  • metal sheet;
  • metal scissors or electric saw;
  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • pliers;
  • pegs, rope for marking the site;
  • rivets for fixing the sides;
  • U-shaped profile.
  1. Determine the size of the bed.
  2. On metal sheet make markings.
  3. Cut the material using tin snips or a power saw.
  4. When installing corrugated sheeting, keep in mind that the ribs must be perpendicular to the ground. Calculate the height of the formwork, taking into account its depth of 10–15 cm.
  5. Mark the location of the bed on the site. Dig a narrow trench around the perimeter of the selected area.
  6. Install the sides into the prepared recess, level them, overlap them, and secure them with rivets.
  7. Attach a U-shaped profile to the top of the fence to hide sharp corners, protect the metal from moisture.

Plastic sides

Make a multi-tiered bed or fence off a flower bed or garden paths. Features of flat straight panels:

Plastic fencing for garden beds

The process of creating a fence:

Brick fence

If there is brick left after construction, you can easily use it to enclose the beds. Such a fence will differ as follows:

Brick fence

Instructions for arranging a garden:

Natural stone fencing

This material looks solid and noble. Pros and cons of stone fencing:

Natural stone fence

To enclose plantings, do not use granite - it deoxidizes the soil, reducing its nutritional quality. Learn the method of arranging a plantation with laying mortar:

Fence the plantings using the dry construction method:

Borders for beds made of plastic bottles

Plastic bottles for fencing beds

Try to fence the ridges plastic bottles volume 1.5–2 liters. The nuances of using such a fence:

Fence installation process:

Tools and materials Stages of work
  • plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5–2 liters;
  • shovel;
  • sand or pebbles;
  • paints.
  1. Prepare bottles of the same size and color. If the container is multi-colored, paint it inside with paint.
  2. Fill the bottles with pebbles or sand.
  3. Mark the area using a cord and pegs.
  4. Along the perimeter of the selected area, dig a trench 8–10 cm deep, with a width suitable for the parameters of the bottles.
  5. Place the container securely in the recess upside down.
  6. To secure the fence, make holes in the bottles and insert stakes into them. Stretch the wire and secure it to the side pegs.

Decorative pergola around the garden bed

Fence the plantation with a bulk decorative fence. First, a mesh steel frame is installed, then it is filled with stones of different fractions. Design Features:

Pergon for fencing the beds
