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» Decorative plaster in the interior: beautiful, stylish, non-standard. Unusual combinations of wallpaper in the interior: harmony of color of wallpaper and ceilings, furniture, floor Decorative plaster in a classic living room interior

Decorative plaster in the interior: beautiful, stylish, non-standard. Unusual combinations of wallpaper in the interior: harmony of color of wallpaper and ceilings, furniture, floor Decorative plaster in a classic living room interior

Interior decoration of apartments and private houses has long been not limited to wall coverings. Today, the range of materials allows you to bring any original design idea to life. However, a special niche on the shelves construction stores rightfully occupies. We will present photos of the interior in today’s article, but it’s worth understanding the types of such building mixtures, understand how to choose the composition, and whether it is possible. You should not ignore the cost of decorative plaster for walls. Let's start the conversation with the areas of application of this amazing (let's not be afraid of this word) material.

Decorative plaster- This is a universal finishing material that creates interiors, textures and volumes. This putty is used in apartments, private houses, cafes, restaurants, hotels... the list goes on for a long time. The first mentions of such a mixture appeared in the Middle Ages. Then it was made from natural materials. Today, natural stone and other components have replaced acrylic compounds, and the putty itself has become available to all segments of the population.

Advantages and disadvantages of this finishing material

The advantages of such mixtures are many times greater than the disadvantages. Let's try to list them:

  1. When finishing with a decorative mixture, you do not need to pre-level the walls. Surface treatment is limited to applying primer;
  2. the viscosity of the composition allows it to be easily applied to semicircular surfaces;
  3. If applied correctly, seams and joints will not be visible. It appears as if the wall was plastered in one continuous layer;
  4. the use of white decorative plaster leaves the right of tinting to the master. Paint is added while stirring the mixture;
  5. an extensive assortment allows you to choose the interior style planned by the home craftsman;
  6. additional protection in the form of special varnishes preserves the plastered surface from abrasion;
  7. Water-based putties can be restored in case of chipping.

Against the background of the above positive aspects, the shortcomings are lost, but we cannot ignore them:

  1. Such finishing material, built less than 5 years ago, is not used. Subsidence, which is mandatory in such cases, contributes to the appearance of cracks on the walls. The same applies to buildings in a seismic zone;
  2. Such coatings are not tolerated. If a special varnish protects against a small level, then it will not help in the bathroom;
  3. A significant argument “against” for home craftsmen is the high cost of putty, although today the price has dropped compared to the level of two or three years ago.

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From the article you will learn what plaster is used for, how it is classified according to materials and technologies, how to analyze costs during use, photo ideas and advice from professionals.

Decorative plaster: names of types with photo examples

The main types are structural, textured and Venetian plaster. However, do not forget about types that imitate expensive materials. These include marble, flock (silk) or marbled putty. Each of these types is special in its own way, and therefore we will consider them in detail, having familiarized ourselves with photographs of walls plastered with different mixtures and methods.

The properties of all types are identical and depend on the components of the mixture (we’ll talk about this in detail below), but appearance is different.

Textured finishing material and its appearance

The name of the type already indicates that the applied finishing material has a clearly defined texture. Applying such a coating is not difficult, the cost is relatively low, which makes the mixture popular among finishing craftsmen.

There are 3 main textures - “lamb” (the coating resembles animal hair with curls), “fur coat” (gradually losing popularity) and “bark beetle” (more difficult to apply, has the appearance of a tree with grooves similar to the result of the work of a bark beetle).

Photo of textured decorative plaster for interior work can be seen below:

Helpful information! This material has a very significant advantage - the result is noticeable immediately after application. You don't have to wait for it to dry completely to see it.

Related article:

Photos, videos, application, examples of textures and interiors, average cost, how to properly apply plaster on the wall yourself - you will find all this and much more in our material.

What is the difference between structural putty

The peculiarity of this mixture is that the master never knows what the surface structure will be after complete drying. It will not be possible to set a specific direction for the patterns. Such mixtures should not be applied during wet areas. If you want to decorate your bathroom walls with this material, you need to ensure low air humidity until the putty dries completely. We invite you to see photos of wall decoration with structural decorative plaster:

Venetian plaster and its features

Applying this putty requires experience and skill. A home handyman who has not performed such work is unlikely to be able to do everything correctly. This smooth decorative plaster, after application, looks like marble, which becomes matte or glossy, depending on the finish coating. Another difficulty in using it is that the surface requires careful preparation before application.

Interesting information! Using this material you can create the appearance of not only natural stone, but also various precious metals. This effect is achieved by adding special pigments to the mixture.

One of the varieties of this type of application can be called Leonardo plaster, photos of which are presented in a small gallery:

Related article:

Features and composition of the material, how to make it yourself, advantages and disadvantages, review of manufacturers, video lesson on preparing and applying Venetian plaster with your own hands, recommendations from experts - in our publication.

Flock or silk plaster: photos in the interior and some advantages

After application and finishing coat it looks like flowing silk with pearlescent tints. On the shelves it is presented in the following colors: golden, silver, bronze or garnet tone, as well as white, which can be tinted.

Good to know! It is not recommended to clean washable decorative plaster with hard metal brushes or abrasives. To remove contaminants, gel-based products without caustic chemical components are suitable.

Photos of hallway interiors with decorative plaster are presented below:

Features of applying decorative plaster in the bedroom

There are no differences in composition from the previous version. Any types and compositions are applicable. But if a light shade is more acceptable in the hallway, then the bedroom needs a dark, deep color. The use of a mixed interior is encouraged here. Materials such as or embossed are compatible with putty gypsum panels. An interesting option with fabric is that drapery gives a unique charm to the room and intimacy to the atmosphere.

Helpful information! A bedroom is a room in which mechanical damage to the walls is minimized, unlike the corridor. This means that wax can be used as a finishing coat. It will give the wall a gloss that visually resembles a glass coating.

Using decorative plaster in the toilet and bathroom

For such premises you need material that is resistant to moisture. As in the kitchen, a good choice would be to purchase acrylic or silicate mixtures. Plaster for such premises is more expensive due to the inclusion of impurities in its composition that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold. Often, for such purposes, façade mixtures are used for external finishing works.

Important information! Despite the fact that bark beetle plaster is resistant to moisture, it is not worth finishing bathrooms and bathrooms with it. Water will accumulate in the grooves, which will eventually lead to rusty or limescale stains on the walls. Moreover, their appearance does not depend in any way on the color or shade of the wall.

Decorative plaster: photo in the living room interior

There is room for your imagination to run wild here. home handyman. Various combinations of materials, playing with colors and styles of applying putty, and even the possibility of plastering the ceiling to look like “Venetian” or “silk”. Option with ceiling, with the right approach, will help make the living room larger and taller (visually, of course). It should be understood that if the hallway gives the first impressions of the owners, then the living room is the soul of the entire house or apartment, where a lot of time will be spent. This indicates the need for tinting in light colors. Pearlescent and metallic shades like gold, silver or bronze will help add expressiveness. But you shouldn't abuse them.

Using several different techniques for applying plaster, you can create a panel, landscape or painting on the wall - this depends on the artistic skills of the master. If you have no experience or desire to perform such work, you can turn to professional plasterers for help, but none experienced master will not be able to implement what the owner himself will do. We agree that it is difficult, but nothing is impossible. The work will progress slowly, but the result will amaze not only the guests, but also the home craftsman himself.

Several reviews about decorative plaster from netizens

The picture would not be complete without reviews of decorative plaster from people who decorated their houses and apartments with such mixtures.

Milakisa, Russia, Ekaterinburg: I am a designer. All new interesting solutions For the interior, I try to test it in my apartment before offering it to the customer. So I first applied decorative plaster to the walls in my bathroom, and then began to include it in design projects for a client. The choice in favor of this material was due to the fact that it is very practical. The resulting three-dimensional pattern is coated on top with a special wax, thanks to which the walls can be wiped with a wet cloth. And I also like the non-repeating relief pattern of this piercing, since it is applied manually, each section of the wall is not similar to the neighboring one...

More details on Otzovik:

And one more.

NadiZZZ, Russia, Nizhny Tagil: We are not designers, but when it comes to renovating an apartment, you want something new and original. My husband and I agreed on decorative plaster. Although this is quite a tedious and labor-intensive task. Moroccan plaster is decorative coating with a medium-sized texture in the form of raised areas (“islands”) of applied plaster above the main surface. The surface texture of this plaster is smooth and pleasant to the touch. (…) We are glad that everything is done! Enjoy the view! A little more about this type of plaster: it is hypoallergenic and easily tolerated wet cleaning, long warranty period, easy to repair and restore, withstands high loads.

More details on Otzovik:

How to make a mixture for decorative plaster yourself

Let's consider the option of preparing bark beetle plaster. To do this, you need to purchase a dry finishing putty, white soil and grout for seams tiles. We buy marble or granite chips as a filler. The size of the fractions determines how wide the grooves will be.

Mix the putty with the primer-based grout until the mixture looks like sour cream. To check the density, you can apply a small amount of onto a small piece of drywall. The mixture should not drip, but do not make it too thick - it will be difficult to apply. Lastly, pour in the stone chips and mix thoroughly again.

Helpful information! You need to pour marble or granite chips into the mixture in parts, periodically checking the result by applying it to a piece of drywall. An excess number of fractions will not lead to greater beauty; the result will most likely be the opposite.

Methods for applying decorative mixtures to surfaces

If the home handyman has experience in such work, they will not pose a problem. The main thing here is availability the necessary tool. If you have no experience, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with various technologies applying plaster and find out what tools you will need for this. You can learn about bark beetle plastering technologies from. If you plan to plaster with a more complex “Venetian”, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Review of manufacturers, types and costs of decorative plaster

Let's look at several different mixtures and their costs as of February 2018:

Brand View Drying time, h Strength gain, days. Package weight, kg Cost, rub.
Manifik Lisse

12 28 8 2800

12 14 30 2000
Ceresit ST174

16 25 25 2600
Baumit Edel Putz Spezial Natur Kratz

24 30 25 700

14 28 15 3200


Despite the relatively high cost, the popularity of decorative plaster mixtures is growing day by day. No wonder. After all, an interior created with such finishing material can surprise even the most experienced critic.

And finally, an educational video on the topic of applying decorative plaster with your own hands.

The photo shows a luxurious classic living room, where the walls are decorated with photo wallpaper.

Choosing wall color

When choosing a color you need to consider:

  • intensity of natural light and size of windows;
  • color of furniture set and upholstery;
  • selected interior style;
  • living room size.

If the windows face sunny side, then the cool effect will be created by blue, blue, turquoise. If the windows are on the north side, you can fill them with light and warmth using warm colors (red, orange, yellow and pastel shades derived from them: mustard, peach, ocher).

The photo shows a living room where the emphasis is on a framed mirror and a fireplace. Light colors in design, glass and mirrors fill the room with space and allow you to complement the interior with any details.

The walls in the living room interior can be a background for furniture or become bright accent. For visual highlighting dark furniture Light walls in the living room (ivory, milky, light beige, pastel shades of pink and blue) are suitable. If the furniture is light (white or light wood), then when decorating the walls, the color should be deep or bright.

The color should suit all family members; alternatively, you can combine several shades to decorate the walls. For example, make stripes, divide the wall in half, or paint adjacent ones in contrasting colors.

  • White, gray or black in the living room can be the base colors, which are complemented by yellow or orange; red or green.
  • Shades of beige and light brown are neutral in themselves and can be complemented in the interior with white, pink, turquoise and blue.
  • Deep colors (blue, burgundy, wine, purple) are appropriate only if there are several windows and a large space.

The photo shows the interior of a modern living room, where the walls are painted coffee color, and the bottom is decorated with white panels. The emphasis is placed only on the fireplace, which makes the style universal.

Finishing materials

The choice of materials for decoration depends on the desired end result for good combination textures of wall decor in the living room and furniture.

  • To paint, you need to prepare the walls (they must be perfectly even and smooth, as the paint will highlight all the roughness and cracks). The paint is not afraid of moisture, is easy to clean, does not accumulate dust, and the walls are easy to repaint. Modern special paints do not emit odor and are intended for interior decoration.

  • Wallpaper different types offer big choice colors and textures, this design hides defects and can be installed independently without the presence special tools. Paper and non-woven wallpaper are suitable for the living room. To create an accent wall in the interior, you can use photo wallpaper.

The photo shows an example of decorating an accent wall with photo wallpaper in a modern living room in natural shades.

  • Decorative plaster in the living room smooths out all the unevenness and will always look unique. Patterns are created with a spatula (bark beetle, rain beetle, carpet, etc.) and then the wall is painted and varnished for greater wear resistance.

  • Wooden decoration creates heat and sound insulation. This can be paneling, cork or laminate on the bottom of the walls around the entire perimeter, or you can cover just the accent wall in the interior with wood.

  • Decorative rock And decorative brick suitable for decorating a wall near a fireplace (TV or false fireplace) to create an interior in Scandinavian, country and classic style. Such cladding is not afraid of moisture, is cheaper than natural stone and does not create additional load.

  • Soft panels are suitable for decorating a wall near a TV or above a sofa; they will help place accents, hide defects, and create sound insulation. Suitable materials include leather, faux leather, fabric. Sintepon holds its shape better, and foam rubber is suitable for creating a softer surface.

  • Decoration with mirrors appropriate in a rectangular and small room. It can be a panel, tile or panel of square or other shape. Light colors and the reflection of a window or doorway will add spaciousness to the living room, while the reflection of an adjacent wall or furniture, on the contrary, will reduce the space.

  • 3D wall panels in the design of a living room with bas-relief and high relief, they are suitable for creating an accent even in the tone of the main walls, they are easy to attach and do not require additional leveling. There are wooden, glass, plastic, MDF, plaster.

Combination Features

Most often, the living room is the place where you can show your imagination in the interior by combining colors and textures to create unique design walls in the living room and highlighting zones.

For example, an area by the fireplace or a place for receiving guests can be lined with decorative stone or laminate, and a relaxation area with wallpaper or painting. The banquet part can be decorated with paint or plaster, and the area near the sofa can be decorated with liquid wallpaper.

Modern designers welcome any experiment in colors and textures, but if there is no desire to take risks when designing, then it is better not to combine natural finishes with synthetic ones (for example, wooden panels or veneer with plastic trim), natural colors (neutral brown, beige, white) with acidic shades of yellow and green.

The photo shows an example of creating an accent in the same shade, but using a different texture; panels and paint are combined in the design of the walls.

Decorating an accent wall

An accent wall is always different in color and texture; its task is to attract attention and visually expand the space of the room.

  • The emphasis should be created on the wall that catches your eye first when entering the room.
  • At small room You can accentuate a part of the wall or a partition.
  • For design will suit any material different from the main walls.
  • The color of the accent wall should echo the color of some interior items.
  • You can highlight a wall with color, plot, pattern and texture, but you shouldn’t combine everything together.
  • When arranging wallpaper, you need to adhere to one quality, combine patterns with plain ones and maintain a balance between a neutral background color and a highlighted bright one.
  • Photo wallpaper or painting will add individuality and a cozy atmosphere to the interior.
  • When decorated, horizontal stripes will expand the room, while vertical stripes will visually raise the ceilings.

The photo shows an example of interior design in the art deco style, which allows you to combine an abundance of gloss, glass and bright colors in the decoration. Pink 3D panels and mirror on accent wall complement the style.

Wall decorations above the TV and fireplace

If it is not possible to highlight a wall for decor, then you can accentuate the space above the interior items.

  • Suitable for decoration above the fireplace decorative rock and brick for a classic living room, and metal for modern design. For safety reasons, it is better not to hang carpets and paintings on the wall.

The photo shows the interior of the living room in rustic style, where it is appropriate to accent the wall with brick.

  • The TV can be arranged in plasterboard niche with backlight. Such a wall in the interior can be painted or covered with wallpaper. As an addition, you can use mirror mosaics, clocks or paintings. The design of the wall with a TV in the living room can be decorated in any style, but the main thing is not to overload it with details, since the TV itself is a big accent.

The photo shows the design of a rectangular living room in classic style, where glass panels on the accent wall near the TV create the effect of wide walls.

The photo shows a modern interior of the room, which combines an eco-friendly fireplace and a TV on one wall, additionally decorated with paintings.

Ideas for wall decor in the living room

Based on the style, you can choose the most varied decor. For example, baseboards, moldings, carpet, mirrors in gold frames, and fabric panels are suitable for a classic interior.

For country and Provence, decorative plates, embroidered items, wickerwork, and wooden watches would be appropriate. Antique interior items (telephone, gramophone, posters and books) are suitable for decorating a retro style.

You can make your own family tree on an accent wall, big photo or attach memorable souvenirs from your trips.

The photo shows an example of how you can decorate a wall using posters, paintings and maps. Such decor is always easy to replace or remove.

Photo gallery

The photos below show examples of use. various options wall decoration in the living room interior.

IN Lately Professional designers are increasingly using decorative plaster in the interior. In the production of this material, both natural and artificial materials. Thanks to decorative plaster, you can make your apartment or house unique, giving the walls and ceiling the necessary texture and volume. Manufacturers offer a variety of options for this material, so when selecting plaster, it is important to know its purpose.

Advice ! Decorative plaster is ideal for the “chateau” and “Provence” styles.

Types of decorative plaster

Venetian classic plaster contains stone dust, slaked lime, and natural beeswax.

Attention ! In addition to slaked lime, acrylic, latex, or cement are allowed in decorative plaster.

In order to make a certain type of relief with your own hands, a composition with particles of different sizes is used. Solid large particles are ideal for creating a clear pattern and the desired volume on the surface being treated.

Small grains will make the wall or ceiling rough. The photo shows a sample of the surface obtained using decorative plaster.

At first this material has a white tint, so to obtain different color range, a certain color is added to the original mixture. The photo shows the color scheme of decorative plaster.

When preparing a silky mixture with your own hands, ordinary water is most often used; only in the most exceptional cases a special liquid is used.

Areas of application of decorative plaster

When choosing the type of mixture, take into account the location of its application, as well as the operating conditions of the coating made.

Manufacturers offer special plasters designed for decorating house facades. They have a certain composition that gives the finished coating additional strength, as well as resistance to sudden temperature changes, high humidity, atmospheric precipitation.

The video shows options for decorative plaster

Attention ! It is strictly prohibited to use this type of mixture for interior decoration!

There are also compositions developed specifically for finishing interior spaces. They are environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for human health. Among the disadvantages is instability to temperature fluctuations, so they are not suitable for external decor.

Universal plaster mixtures presented at the modern construction market, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Among the components of plaster chemical substances, safe for humans.

Attention ! The cost of universal plasters is significantly higher than that of individual mixtures.

Before buying the plaster you like, you need to carefully read the information presented on the packaging, and if necessary, get additional advice from the seller.

Options for applying decorative plaster yourself

The usual plaster mixture is applied to the wall with a spatula. Even a non-professional can do this work; you can create a silk or relief surface on the wall (ceiling) with your own hands.

Depending on the chosen spatula option, you can get a specific pattern or relief. When using an original spatula, you will create a beautiful patterned wall decoration with your own hands.

To create silk Venetian plaster or flock coating, you will need special skills. Installation of these plaster options should be carried out by professionals, with their own hands high-quality coating Without proper experience, it will be very problematic to obtain.

Types of decorative plaster

If desired, you can choose silk (smooth) or relief plaster. Basically, after the completion of plastering work, small or large crumbs are visible on the wall. There are also options that allow a silk surface that imitates textiles or leather.

Attention ! When using the plaster mixture, do not forget that depending on the relief, the consumption of the materials used changes.

Mostly in free sale and modern interiors there is textured (structural) plaster. It is offered to customers both in ready-to-use form and in dry form.

When choosing a powder mixture, when diluting it with water, it is important to follow the proportion specified in the instructions. If you decide to make a wall of a certain color, a certain color is additionally added to the plaster mixture.

Venetian plaster fits perfectly into a classic interior, with its help the walls become smooth, reminiscent of expensive wallpaper, or natural breeds stone

The application of such a composition is carried out in several stages. That is why, after completing the finishing work, it is difficult to determine the color of the resulting silk coating. Venetian plaster can make walls or ceilings look like expensive ones natural materials. The finished coating has a unique silky sheen because the mixture contains beeswax.

Flock coating is still rarely found in interiors modern apartments, designers and builders are still only “taking a closer look” at it. In order to apply such a mixture to the wall, special professional skills will be required.

The work involves several stages and is considered difficult, but the resulting silk coating is worth the time and effort. To begin with, the wall is covered with an adhesive base, then flocks are attached to it. Next, a varnish is applied to the surface finishing coat, protecting flocks from rapid destruction.

Main characteristics of decorative plasters

Depending on the binder, mixtures are divided into four main categories. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages that determine their application.

Mineral mixtures require a cement, gypsum or lime base. They are applied to a surface that has been pre-treated with a primer.

Among the advantages of mineral mixtures, we note high strength, resistance to high humidity, vapor permeability, ease of application, obtaining a silk surface, and fire safety. The mixture is quite affordable and involves the use of chips, flocks, and various decorative elements.

Among the main disadvantages of mineral mixtures is the appearance of cracks during shrinkage of the building.

Acrylic plasters are offered to customers in finished form. They have a high level of adhesion to any mineral surfaces, high elasticity, and a low moisture absorption coefficient. But acrylic compounds are flammable, and they are not suitable for cladding.

Silicate plaster mixtures are based on “liquid” potassium glass. They are emulsions that must be stirred before use. The mixtures have excellent vapor permeability and elasticity. Finished surfaces are easy to care for, but an opened container with the mixture must be used within a short period of time.

Attention ! Such plaster mixtures are good for outdoor work.

Silicone mixtures are vapor-permeable, have a long service life, are waterproof, and are suitable for all types of coatings. If desired, you can get a mixture of any shade by adding color to the putty. The downside is the need to use a silicone primer.

Finish options

The “Bark Beetle” finish is found in many office spaces and hallways country cottages. Depending on the application technology, you can get chaotic, vertical, horizontal finishing options.

“Pebbles” are a structure that involves continuously covering the wall with fine-grained chips. Using crumb different color, you can achieve a “rainbow” effect.


Among the finishing materials used in design modern interior, decorative plaster occupies a special place.

Depending on the personal wishes of the owner of the house or apartment, the characteristics of the coating being decorated, and operating conditions, you can choose one of the many modern decorative mixtures and select the desired color and texture. This material is suitable for decorating hallways, living rooms, and bedrooms.

At the final stage of building a house or renovating an apartment, the question always arises of how to decorate the walls beautifully and inexpensively. Wall decoration with decorative plaster is one of the most popular options for decorating walls, both inside and outside the house. The process of applying decorative plaster is creative and requires special skills, but, if desired, it can be done independently. In this article we will talk about the main features of decorative plaster, as well as its pros and cons.

Decorative plaster for interior wall decoration - pros and cons

Decorative plaster for interior wall decoration has the following advantages:

  • Easy to apply plaster to walls;
  • The resulting plaster pattern will be unique for each wall;
  • Environmental friendliness of the plaster coating;
  • No joints or seams on the walls after finishing;
  • Durability and resistance to dust and dirt;
  • Possibility to wash dirty plastered surfaces;
  • Walls finished with decorative plaster have increased sound insulation;
  • The possibility of painting a plastered wall allows for flights of fancy in design

However, in addition to the advantages, finishing walls with decorative plaster also has disadvantages:

  • Difficulty in removing plaster from walls;
  • High-quality imported plaster is quite expensive;
  • Before applying decorative plaster to the walls, they must be further cleaned and treated

Also read: Liquid wallpaper in the interior - photos of rooms

Wall decoration with decorative plaster: types of plaster

Decorative plaster comes in two main types: facade and interior. Most resistant to external influence is facade plaster, so it is used for finishing the external walls of a house.

There are the following types of decorative plaster for walls according to composition:

Interior plaster is divided into four main types:

  • Silicate plaster

Produced on the basis of " liquid glass", and is most often used for finishing external walls building. This type of plaster has high ductility and is very durable. It is supplied to stores in ready-to-use form.

  • Mineral plaster

It is the cheapest plaster. It is based on ordinary cement and is white in color, so it requires painting. This plaster is sold dry in bags.

  • Silicone plaster

Silicone plaster contains silicone resins, which make it very plastic and moisture resistant. The plaster is sold immediately ready for use.

  • Acrylic plaster

Acrylic plaster is made on the basis of acrylic resin, which makes this plaster resistant to deformation of the base. This plaster Sold ready to apply.

Classification of decorative plaster according to the effect achieved:

  • Structural plaster

This type of plaster has a granular structure with the addition of small granules and may have inclusions of fine natural stone or wood.

  • Textured plaster

This type of plaster allows you to give the surface of the walls a special relief and texture. It may also have inclusions of granules, and from structural plaster has a slightly different composition.

  • Venetian plaster

Venetian plaster is made from marble powder, which gives the walls a finishing effect natural stone. The main advantage of this type of plaster is its complete waterproofness.

Necessary preparation of walls for decorative plaster

Before finishing the walls with decorative plaster begins, it is necessary to clean and prepare the walls. The old coating (wallpaper, paint or plaster) is removed from the walls, and the cracks are covered with putty. Then, before applying the plaster, the walls must be additionally primed. The wall is ready, you can start plastering.

Also read:We choose both for the corridor in the apartment - 50 photos

Modern wall decoration with decorative plaster - 22 photos interesting options updated: June 16, 2017 by: Andrey Zinchenko

Decorative is often used to decorate walls in an apartment or private house. A photo in the interior allows you to appreciate the versatility and attractiveness of the coating being formed. This is relevant for all rooms. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the available types of plaster and its distinctive features, as well as solutions implemented in various interiors.

Read in the article

What is decorative plaster - scope of application

Before you find out where this finishing material can be used, it is worth finding out what decorative plaster is. This is a special solution designed for finishing internal and external walls. allows you to significantly improve the decorative and aesthetic characteristics of the finished surface, add style and uniqueness.

When choosing a mixture for preparing decorative plaster, you should definitely take into account where it will be applied and under what conditions it will be used. Manufacturers offer solutions:

  • The special composition ensures sufficient strength of the formed coating. It is not afraid of significant temperature fluctuations, remaining unchanged under the influence of precipitation and in conditions of high humidity;
  • for interior work. Their distinctive feature is environmental friendliness. This composition is not capable of harming human health. However, due to the lack of resistance to temperature fluctuations, they cannot be used for facade decoration;

  • universal. Mixtures that can be used inside and. They are more expensive than analogues that have a narrower purpose. In their production, substances that are safe for humans are used.

Attention! Facade plaster cannot be used for decorative finishing of walls inside the house.

decorative plaster marshall decor stone

Advantages and disadvantages of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster has a number of advantages, thanks to which many designers choose this particular finishing material. She:

  • decorates well the existing irregularities and defects on the walls;
  • can be applied to most substrates, regardless of their length and configuration;
  • before applying the mixture there is no need to thoroughly prepare the base;
  • does not absorb odors;
  • allows the formation of a coating with good breathable properties;
  • has high ;
  • presented in a wide range. For a specific room, you can select the composition of the desired color and texture;
  • allows you to create a unique, unique design.

Photos of decorative plaster for interior work indicate the possibility of forming various coatings.

The disadvantages of decorative plaster include its high cost. Not only the material itself will be expensive, but also the work involved in its application. Those who can finish the walls themselves have good opportunities for savings. The difficulty of dismantling the formed coating is another drawback. You will have to spend a lot of time to remove the annoying layer of decorative plaster from the walls.

Types of decorative plaster - photos with names

The composition of the mixture used largely determines the appearance of the coating being formed. To get the desired result, you should familiarize yourself with the types of decorative plaster. Photos with names will allow you to compose general idea about the surface being formed.

Related article:

Composition and types of coating, manufacturers, examples of using decorative mixtures, how to prepare it yourself, instructions for application - in this material.


The composition of such decorative plaster includes particles various sizes, allowing the formation of a certain structure. This should include “Bark beetle plaster” and “Fur coat plaster”. Belonging to the same type, such compositions differ in the method of application and the final result.

“Bark beetle” is relevant for the design of building facades. Inside the house, such decorative plaster is used quite rarely and mainly for decoration. non-residential premises. Thanks to its special composition, “Bark Beetle” quite well imitates the structure of wood worn away by bark beetles. The presence of mineral chips in the mixture allows the formation of an interesting relief that has a different direction depending on the movement of the spatula: vertical, horizontal, at an angle or chaotic.

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In our material you will find photo examples, detailed step by step instructions, nuances and features that are worth learning about, an overview of leading bark beetle manufacturers and average prices.

Coat plaster has been used for quite a long time. For its formation, various compositions can be used, including cement-sand. The mixture is applied manually or using a pneumatic gun. When forming a fur coat indoors, you should cover the top surface with dirt-repellent properties.

decorative plaster bark beetle


A carefully selected composition of components allows us to develop mixtures that can be used to create a coating that imitates various surfaces: leather, brick, stone or velvet. With their help, you can create a unique relief, for example, a three-dimensional panel.

Decorative plaster white would be appropriate for a room decorated in Scandinavian or American style. It is often used as a basis for painting.

Can be used to form the desired pattern various instruments. In some cases, in addition to standard rollers and stamps, I use natural materials. Branches, leaves or feathers, pressed into the semi-hardened mass, make it possible to give the surface uniqueness and originality. As a result, three-dimensional designs appear on the surface, for example, floral motifs.

Among modern production technologies, the Grafito system, which is a thin-layer printed concrete, is especially popular. When using it, it is possible to create an exact imitation of masonry, fabric, wood or leather on the walls.

Related article:

. Videos, photos, features of different mixtures, how to apply correctly detailed instructions, a review of prices and manufacturers, additional tips and recommendations are in this article.

Reviews for PARADE textured decorative plaster are quite high:

Galina-enkova, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny: Advantages: Easy and fast, beautiful and fashionable.

Disadvantages: no

More details on Otzovik:

Evgeniy20, Russia, Vologda: Pros: inexpensive, easy to apply

Disadvantages: No

PARADE textured plaster has proven itself very well for me. A structural coating based on artificial resins with a characteristic structure in the form of grooves and grooves. Very durable and easy to apply. This plaster forms a durable coating that is resistant to moisture and stress. Gives good adhesion to any surfaces.

More details on Otzovik:

decorative plaster PARADE


If you need decorative plaster on the walls, which can add coziness to the room. Flock mixtures will help with this, allowing you to create on the walls the softness characteristic of fabric. They are used when decorating a children's room or bedroom.

A distinctive feature of such compositions is the presence of flakes painted in different colors. The one used ensures alternation of different color areas without joints. You can create such a coating with your own hands.

decorative flock plaster


A composition that allows you to form the most durable coating. Manufacturers offer mixtures with various fractions. This allows you to select the composition for a specific one. Various colors available. It is possible to form a relief volumetric coating.

Marble plaster is most often applied in the kitchen or hallway.

decorative marble plaster


An expensive type of interior decoration. Allows you to form a beautiful coating that quite accurately imitates noble rocks. The stunning visual depth that is inherent in translucent marble slabs will create the effect of an internal glow.

It has excellent artistic properties. Provides the formation of a truly highly artistic abstract painting. Relevant not only for the living room, but also for the bathroom. Available in various colors.

Attention! To apply Venetian decorative plaster, you should hire professionals.

Related article:

Photos and features of the coating, composition, production, pros and cons, types of coating, preparation and technique for applying plaster, tips and recommendations from experts - in our publication.

Venetian decorative plaster

Silk plaster: photo in the interior

Natural silk has always been considered a sign of luxury and wealth. A photo of decorative wet silk plaster in the interior shows that such walls inevitably become the center of attention.

The use of silk plaster allows you to give the walls high decorative qualities. At the same time, no increased requirements are imposed on the foundation. It can be applied to any surface, including concrete and brick. The absence of seams will allow you to achieve the effect of high-quality wallpaper. You can apply the composition yourself. Due to its low wear resistance, it is better to apply the composition in living rooms. Photos of silk plaster indicate that it is actively used when decorating living rooms.

silk decorative plaster

The following video will allow you to clearly see the existing types:

Composition of decorative plaster mixture

The composition of decorative plaster may include various elements, defining the possible area of ​​use of decorative plaster. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the main types to make it easier to make a choice.


They have high strength characteristics. Supplied in the form of a dry mixture, which is prepared before application. Can be applied to mineral substrates. Due to its high performance characteristics it can be used for finishing.


Acrylic plasters are supplied already in the form ready solution. They have a high level of adhesion to all mineral surfaces. Allows the formation of an elastic coating. The moisture absorption coefficient is small. The compositions are flammable and are not the best option for cladding. Leonardo photo plaster reflects the presentability of the coating being formed.

decorative plaster Leonardo


The basis of the silicate plaster mixture is “liquid” potassium glass. Supplied in the form of an emulsion, which should be thoroughly mixed before application. The compositions are characterized by excellent vapor permeability. Forms an elastic coating. Finished surfaces do not require special care, however, once opened, the container with the emulsion cannot be stored for long.

decorative silicate plaster


The compositions are vapor permeable. They have a long service life. Sold ready-made. The desired shade of the surface can be obtained by adding the desired color to the composition. Can be applied to old, worn surfaces. High level water resistance makes application in the bathroom possible.

decorative silicone plaster

Decorative plaster photos in the interior of various rooms: help for the right choice

Attractive appearance and good performance characteristics make wall decoration with decorative plaster relevant. Photo ready-made solutions will allow you to find interesting idea for your home. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the already implemented solutions, one of which may become the basis for developing the design of a specific room.

Decorative plaster in the kitchen photos and types

Materials with suitable characteristics should be used to decorate kitchen walls. Decorative plaster is often used in the kitchen. Photos and types of already implemented solutions can be seen below.

1 of 6

If preference is given acrylic composition, two layers should be applied. The choice can be made in favor of glossy or matte finish. A few more photos of decorative plaster in.

Photo of decorative plaster in the interior of the corridor and hallway

Special operating conditions place increased demands on the finishing materials of the corridor. Photos of decorative plaster in the interior confirm that such materials make it possible to create high-quality and beautiful coating at correct selection composition.

Considering the operating conditions of the corridor or hallway, best choice will become washable decorative plaster. If necessary, it will always be possible to remove the resulting contaminants from its surface.

In addition to the functionality of the finishing material used, its attractive appearance should be taken into account. Given the lack of natural space, preference should be given to the material in light colors. Photos of decorative plaster will help you place the right accents.

Decorative plaster in the bedroom

Bedroom decoration is worth paying attention to Special attention. The environment created should be conducive to relaxation and comfortable rest. Attention must be paid to every detail, including shade and texture.

Decorative plaster in the bedroom looks appropriate due to the possibility of creating a surface with different textures. Quite a popular Venetian and textured compositions. With their help, accents are placed and the desired result is achieved.

Decorative plaster photo in the toilet

Finishing materials for a toilet or bathroom must have a sufficient level of moisture resistance. When choosing a suitable composition, you should definitely take this circumstance into account. A photo of decorative plaster will help you choose suitable solution.

Decorative plaster in the living room

It is customary to greet guests in the hall or living room. That is why special attention should be paid to the design of this room. You should ensure that the room is not only cozy, but also beautiful. That is why the used Decoration Materials should be not so much functional as attractive.

A photo of decorative plaster on the walls clearly demonstrates that such a material can be the best choice. With its help you can add personality and style to a room of any size. The large assortment offered by manufacturers will allow you to choose the right solution for any apartment or private house. The choice can be made in favor of a single-color material or combining several shades.

Is it possible to make decorative plaster with your own hands?

If you cannot find a suitable composition among ready-made mixtures, you can use decorative plaster. This material includes:

  • A binder that can ensure the plasticity of the solution. This can be traditional lime or a modern synthetic material;
  • Filler. Most often, the choice is made in favor of colored or white Portland clinker cement, colored filler or pigment;
  • Solid inclusions, which can be used as wood fibers, marble or granite chips, quartz sand, synthetic granules;
  • Additives that can be plasticizing or hydrophobic.

If you use smooth decorative plaster without solid inclusions, you can turn it into decorative plaster by using a special application technique. You can achieve the desired texture using a roller, stencil, notched spatulas, brushes, trowels, plastic bags and other improvised means.

How to properly apply decorative plaster with your own hands

The order of work depends on the desired result. You can form decorative plaster as follows:

  • The first smooth layer is formed, which will act as a background;
  • After the composition has completely dried, the surface is sanded;
  • A layer of primer is applied;
  • A stencil is applied;
  • A convex pattern is formed. A three-dimensional pattern will give the formed coating individuality. Floral patterns imitating bunches of grapes and climbing plants look quite beautiful;
  • Existing sharp edges are treated with a fine abrasive;
  • A layer of coloring composition is applied.

Attention! The convex image should not be made thicker than 5 mm to avoid cracking in the future.

Without having the skills to make decor, you can use the following method of forming a decorative coating:

Photo Description of work

A layer of plaster is applied.

Cellophane is applied to the prepared surface. It is advisable to choose a material that is stiffer. The desired pattern is formed by chaotic movements.

After the composition has hardened, existing roughness is removed using fine sandpaper.

Where can you buy decorative plaster? Review of prices, catalogs, manufacturers

When making a choice between wallpaper and decorative plaster on the eve of renovation, you should definitely evaluate the final result and compare the prices for its implementation. average cost depends on the composition. We invite you to find out how much it will cost to finish one square of surface with various compositions:


decorative plaster MARMORINO


decorative plaster SIRENE

Thus, decorative plaster allows you to create a beautiful surface in any room. If you also chose this material for decorating your home, share in the comments what composition and why you preferred.