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» Where can a teenager really earn money. Where can a teenager really make money How does a guy at the age of 18 make money

Where can a teenager really earn money. Where can a teenager really make money How does a guy at the age of 18 make money

During the summer holidays, many schoolchildren and students are wondering how to make money for a teenager on the Internet or on part-time jobs. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employers can conclude a formal contract with persons who have reached the full age of 14. At the same time, the work should be easy, not interfere with the educational process, not pose a threat to life and health. The question of how to earn some money for a teenager during the holidays is of interest to many children.

Ways to earn money for teenagers

A variety of activities are offered to minors for part-time work. These can be vacancies for service personnel, a car wash employee or promoter, a pedestrian courier, offers to get a job as a waiter. On the Internet, earnings are possible on survey sites, writing texts to order, mini-tasks for promoting sites on specialized resources. Online work for teenagers is provided without the consent of parents or guardians.

For persons under the age of 18, a reduced working week should be established: for children under 16 - no more than 24 hours, for adolescents 16-18 years old - no more than 35 hours. Sometimes (with the written consent of the parents) children over the age of 12 are allowed to work, the working week for which is set at 17.5 working hours. If a minor studies and works at the same time, then the norms for the amount of working time are significantly reduced.

Some children who are fond of crafts made from polymer clay, wood or other materials sell their work to acquaintances, friends or through the Internet bulletin board, free newspapers, forming a small but own business. Girls sell jewelry made by their own hands, boys can make toys and beautiful models of equipment. After some time, such a hobby develops into a full-fledged creative work or forms sales skills in a teenager.


The profession of a promoter involves working to promote goods or services. For a teenager promoter, the main task is to distribute leaflets, put up advertisements, present a particular product or service in public places (tasting of any food or a visual demonstration of the service). Children of different ages (from 12 to 18 years old) are taken to work as a promoter, as a rule, without official employment.

Service staff

For minors, the main way to earn money is unskilled labor as service personnel - waiters, cleaners, cloakroom attendants. You can get a job on such a vacancy after reaching 16 years. Labor is not highly paid: for a full-time job, you can get an average of 15 thousand rubles. You can get a job as a waiter at a fixed rate per shift. The main disadvantage of this work is that employers often avoid officially hiring minors and tend to pay them less than they should.


As a rule, the work of a courier implies the presence of personal vehicles, but in some companies specializing in the delivery of various documents or correspondence, it does not matter if a person applying for a vacancy as a courier has a car, so they hire minors. The payment for such work is low - 500-700 rubles / day. Sometimes working as a courier can be tiring for a teenager, so it is not recommended to work like this for children under 15-16 years old.

car wash

It is impossible to officially get a job at a car wash if you are under 18 years old in most regions. This is due to the presence of combustible substances in the room, dangerous mechanisms. However, employers sometimes provide minors with vacancies without an employment contract, but at the same time, he is obliged to notify the teenager's parents about the dangers of working at a car wash and take written permission from them.

Make money online for teenagers

There are many real ways to earn without leaving home. Modern teenagers can secure a permanent income with the help of the Internet. There are a large number of article exchanges, file hosting and other resources that offer small monetary rewards for certain tasks. You can earn good money even with the help of accounts on social networks: for work, it would seem, not intended.

A huge advantage of online earning options is the ability to get money without special skills at home for completing small projects. It is possible for a student to independently earn pocket money using the Internet without prejudice to his studies, since working with the help of the Internet involves a free schedule. The salary is credited to electronic wallets (Yandex money, Webmoney). Earnings for teenagers on the Internet are not regulated by labor legislation.

On file hosting

Earning money on file hosting is as follows: you upload a certain file containing information of any kind (video, audio, text) to the site of a certain resource, after which electronic money is credited for each download of this file, which can then be withdrawn to an electronic wallet. The average cost of 1000 downloads is $3-5.

On reviews

One of the most popular and easiest ways to earn pocket money on the Internet is to write reviews on resources for selling goods or performing services. Sellers order positive reviews in order to increase sales or bring a position to the TOP of the discussed products in order to draw the attention of buyers to it. The amount of payment for writing a review is low, ranging from several tens to several hundred rubles, depending on the company that ordered the material and on the number of views of the reviews.

In photobanks

Additional income can be the sale of unique photographs on stock exchanges or in special image databases - photobanks. You can sell any photo, the main thing is that it be unique and of good quality. They don't pay very much for images - from a few tens of rubles to several hundred. Photographs are purchased by designers, editors, both for their own sites and for the resources of their clients. The main disadvantage of this type of income is instability - a photo can be bought immediately or a few months after it is uploaded to the resource.

Clicks on ads

One of the easiest ways to make money with a computer is by clicking on ads and surfing websites for a fee. The essence of the work is to increase the traffic of site attendance. The main disadvantage of such a part-time job is very low pay. For one click, they offer only a few kopecks, and in order to withdraw even a few hundred rubles, you will have to spend a lot of time on ad clicks.

Work as a copywriter

There are many offers for copywriters on special freelance exchanges. The essence of such work is to create a unique text according to the requirements of the customer. Copywriting is paid in different ways: for the entire article or for 1000 characters. The amount of money that can be earned by creating text content depends on the volume, quality of the article and its purpose. For example, texts for advertising are rated an order of magnitude higher than informational articles. However, for such work, one must study well and be able to correctly express one's thoughts.

Adolescence is a period when a minor is no longer a baby, but not yet an independent adult. At this time, the final growing up, estrangement from parents and universal control takes place. Many teenagers begin to wonder where to get the money. A teenager always wants something new. The demands of modern children are extensive, and not all parents are ready to satisfy them. Therefore, some young people are looking for ways to earn money or are simply thinking about where at one age or another they can ask for pocket money. Next, everything about getting money by teenagers will be told.


Where can I get money for a teenager urgently? The most effective and obvious option for the development of events is to contact the parents. They are legal representatives of minors. It is the responsibility of parents to fully provide for the needs of children until they reach 18 years of age.

Accordingly, if a child needs money, he can ask his mother or father for it. For pocket expenses, modern teenagers are almost always allocated certain funds. But, as already mentioned, not all parents are ready to satisfy the desires of their children. Teenage appetites are limitless. Buying another phone or gadget is not a vital action. Therefore, some parents refuse to buy.

Then where to get money for a teenager? What to do when parents refuse to finance certain desires of a child?


The next option is to ask for a loan. It is best to contact close people. For example, to friends or relatives. Especially if the amount is small.

The disadvantage of this approach is that the borrowed funds still have to be repaid. Therefore, sooner or later you will have to think about where to get the money. A teenager living in the modern world is offered a huge number of different options for the development of events.


Where else can you get money? The most obvious answer is a call to work. This means that a teenager just needs to get a job and get a certain amount of finance with his work. Quite normal and common. Especially in the summer.

Some parents discourage their children's desire for employment. You don't need to do that. After all, if a child thinks on his own about where he can get money for his desires and requests, we can talk about the correct growing up of a minor.

Summer work is very popular among teenagers. Where can a teenager get money? Modern employers in Russia offer many vacancies for part-time jobs. Next, we will talk about exactly where modern youth work.


The first way to earn money is employment as a courier. Many say that such work is popular in the summer. What exactly to deliver? This is not so important. Most often in practice, children deliver announcements to mailboxes, as well as free newspapers. Sometimes teenagers are trusted with small loads or food delivery. A huge advantage here is the presence of a bicycle. In addition, the child should know the city and its roads well.


Where to quickly get money for a teenager? You can try to earn them by working at the post office. In general, the process will resemble courier delivery. The only difference is that you need to look for temporary job advertisements at post offices.

In some cases, work at the post office involves not only the delivery of letters and small parcels, but also serving the population. For example, as a cashier-operator. They don't pay very much at post offices, but this will be enough for pocket expenses.

Cleaning of gardens/plots

Where can a 14-year-old teenager get money? The next position is not for everyone. Boys usually face it. We are talking about cleaning gardens and private plots (houses).

The work consists in ennobling gardens and flower beds near various institutions. Such work is in demand in the summer, when gardeners hired for permanent work go on vacation.

In Russia, such work is not particularly popular. It is attractive for nature lovers. Planting trees and flowers, caring for gardens and bushes is not so difficult. Even a teenager will cope with the task!

dog walking

But that's not all! Where can a teenager get money? For example, you can offer dog walking services. This tradition came to Russia from America. There, many children and young people earn in this way.

Many citizens simply do not have time to walk their four-legged friends. If a teenager loves dogs, is not afraid of them and is ready for increased responsibility, you can offer such services. It is advisable to look for clients near your place of residence. Earnings are usually issued after walking the dog. You can earn big money this way if you try very hard. For one walking they usually ask for 150-200 rubles.


Where can I get money for a teenager of 17 years old? If a person likes to communicate with children, you can offer tutoring services in a variety of subjects. Often, by the age of 17, teenagers not only study, but also teach. For example, children from elementary grades.

In addition, for money you can help with homework and essays. Even some young people and adults, experienced teachers earn extra money as tutors. This is a great way to make money. Schoolchildren thus earn less than experienced teachers, but you can get money for pocket expenses and more or less large purchases (phone, tablet, and so on). If the clients like the lessons, the student will be able to enjoy the glory of the tutor in the future.


Where can I get money for a 15-year-old teenager? You can get a job as a counselor at a summer camp. More specifically, his assistant. Directly counselors are allowed to work only after 18 years. This is due to the increased responsibility for minor children.

What is the job of an assistant counselor? Such people (they can be of any age) carry out personal assignments of their boss. In fact, teenagers are also counselors, but without criminal responsibility and with an observer. How much can you earn this way? This is an individual question. It is necessary to agree on earnings in advance, because some camps do not at all provide for the payment of assistant counselors.

Ad Poster

Where can a teenager get money for a phone or not the most expensive tablet? Today, the vacancy called "poster of ads" is very popular today. The work is somewhat reminiscent of courier delivery - it also requires the child to have good orientation in the city.

What are the tasks of an employee? It is necessary to put up various announcements around the city. Usually there are specially designated places for this. But posters are often told to stick the appropriate pieces of paper on poles, entrances and bus stops.

Earnings depend on the number of pasted ads. Some employers promise daily or weekly payouts. So, for 7 days of work, some teenagers earn 2-3 thousand rubles. It is desirable to work without intermediaries. This way you can increase your earnings.


And where to get money for a teenager-girl? Today, handmade goods are in great demand. They are called handmade. You can do needlework and sell your products. A good way to make money. Especially if the child really has a talent for some kind of needlework. Often this approach helps to earn a lot of money.

Not only teenagers, but also adults are engaged in the sale of hand-made. What are they buying? Jewelry, textiles, clothes, handmade soap, original chocolates and even candles. Cakes, sweets and other food can also be sold. Earnings will directly depend on the sold goods. The price must be calculated on the principle of "the cost of the goods + its markup."

car wash

As a rule, "express" washing is in great demand among the population. If a teenager himself offers his services, earnings will depend on a personal agreement with the driver. Otherwise, the car service will offer a specific salary based on the work done.

What is needed for employment and successful work? Good physical shape, attentiveness and friendliness. The work is not the easiest, but quite profitable.


A simpler vacancy is the position of a promoter. Today, even children aged 10-12 can find a job in this way. The essence of the work is simple - distribute leaflets.

Earnings will depend on the amount of material distributed. They pay money by agreement with the employee - once a week or daily. Often, children work as promoters all year round on weekends. Usually the working day lasts 4 hours. You can earn money for pocket expenses and small expenses, but for quick and significant earnings you will have to find another place.

Repair work

Where can a teenager earn money? The following offer is ideal for boys who know how to work with technology. They may offer repair services for computers and other gadgets.

Income depends on the number of orders. The advantage is the opportunity to work on a free schedule all year round. Some people start their careers this way.

Internet to help

All previously proposed methods require the child to go outside. But in the modern world, you can earn money without going to work every day. What is this about?

The Internet is where some people have learned to make good money. But how exactly? Where can I get money for a teenager on the Internet? The main ways of earning here require the age of majority!

Among the available methods of making a profit, there are:

  1. Surfing. It consists in viewing sites for money through a browser or specialized programs. You can get up to 2,000 rubles a month from one job offering service. It is recommended to pay attention to VipIP, Wmmail, SeoSprint.
  2. Working with file hosting Some file sharing services pay for a certain number of downloads of a particular document. For example, Deposit Files, Vip-File Letitbit and so on. The work is difficult, since the main problem is to attract an audience to download a document that has been "uploaded" to the service in advance.
  3. Writing reviews. Some review sites pay to post product reviews. iRecommend is in great demand. It guarantees earnings for the number of views of a review. What to write about? About everything that a teenager used. You can't make a lot of money this way. The maximum will be to get 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, this is a good way to passively earn money. It is enough to write new reviews every few weeks so that the profile is not deactivated.

But that's not all. There are other ways to work online. What is this about?

We promote communities

Where can a teenager get money on the World Wide Web? Programmers and web designers can offer community promotion services on social networks. You need to attract new users to the public. For this, the person will be paid money.

In addition, some are offered to perform simple tasks like "put like", "make a repost", "add as a friend". For such work, it is better to use a variety of services and programs. For example, LikesRock or VKTarget. It will be possible to get several thousand rubles in this way.

For photographers

Some teenagers are fond of photography. You can make good money from this hobby. The thing is that there are photobank sites on the Internet. They pay for downloading certain photos. By posting your creations here, the child will be able to earn some extra money.

The presence of a professional or semi-professional camera, as well as the skills of "Photoshop" is desirable. So it will be possible to create truly interesting and attractive photos and pictures.


Now it is clear where to get money for a teenager. If parents do not provide pocket money, you just need to find a job. In addition to the listed vacancies, teenagers and students are often employed as waiters, sales managers, cashiers and workers in fast food cafes.

What to give preference? The answer directly depends on the desire of the child. It is not recommended to protect him from independence. Especially if he wants to consistently receive money for personal expenses.

Many schoolchildren are faced with the fact that their family budget is not designed to buy things or pay for services that are not listed as “essentials”. Sometimes, in order to go to the movies, buy a new bag or buy some especially cool sneakers, a schoolboy needs to look for a part-time job. The question arises: how to make money for a teenager who does not have a higher education and work experience? Believe me, everything is not as difficult as it seems! Schoolchildren who, at the age of 14, are already thinking about where to make money, have every chance of securing a minimum financial independence, managing their money on their own and not asking their parents for “ice cream”.

Step #1: Assessing Prospects

Earning money is the first conscious step into adulthood, which is often encouraged by parents. Have you already received your passport? Then you can consider yourself a fully capable, eligible member of society for employment. Unfortunately, not all employers consider candidates from 14 to 16 years old, and the earnings of schoolchildren in most cases are associated with hard, low-skilled, monotonous work. And yet, some employers sincerely welcome candidates aged 14 to 18. As a rule, schoolchildren and junior students are not yet confident in themselves, do not make demands on the employer and agree to meager wages.

If you are under 18 years old, but you are determined to find a part-time job, consider the following. When and how to make money for a student is not one, but two questions. Keep in mind that the best time to earn money is in the summer, without being distracted from your studies. School time creates the basis for your further development, and one day the success of your career may depend on your education. You should not rush to earn money and forget about your studies - how do you know what will happen in a couple of years? Try not to consider part-time work as a long-term development strategy. Remember that this is just a temporary way out of the situation.

Step #2: job search

Where to look for a part-time job for the summer and after school? Look around - newspapers, the Internet, your friends and relatives ... all these are sources of information that will help you find a job. Check out news sites or newspaper columns for part-time job ads - they will surely point you to some interesting vacancies. As a rule, boys and girls aged 14-18 can respond to ads looking for a courier, seller or promoter. Most often, such information is placed on street stands, in free newspapers or on city websites.

Contact the employment service - for example, the youth labor exchange. Who can know how to quickly make money for a teenager, better than the workers of such an exchange? Recently, youth employment services are developing by leaps and bounds, making a worthy competition to "adult" employment centers. Of course, the labor exchange is unlikely to offer you a highly paid job, but it will suggest interesting vacancies - for example, vacancies for sales assistants, telephone operators, couriers and promoters.

Keep in mind that good vacancies at labor exchanges close very quickly, so if you are looking for a place for a summer part-time job, contact the employment service before the holidays start.

Another way to find a part-time job is to turn to older friends or parents. Perhaps one of your friends or relatives has a vacancy that seems interesting to you. Moreover, your parents will surely appreciate your zeal, remember your wishes, and as soon as they have new options, you will learn about them first-hand. Perhaps they will even “hold” a vacancy for you.

Step #3: age rating of vacancies

If you are barely 14 years old, then first you will have to enlist the support of your parents and their consent to your employment. Otherwise, the employer will not be able to conclude a civil law and employment contract with you. So, suppose that you have received the consent of the parents, and always in writing. How can children earn money and not “fail” in school? You can get a job as an ad poster, promoter or courier. The time of your part-time work is legally limited - you will have only 24 working hours per week. But don't think it's not enough! Posters and couriers are constantly on the move, and by the end of the school day you will be so tired that you will rejoice at the opportunity to finally rest.

If you are over 15 years old, you do not need written permission from your parents. You can get a job as a promoter or flyer, but remember that handing out flyers involves constant walking and the ability to smile all the time (you should lure customers to the club / store / supermarket, and not scare them away with your gloomy appearance!) software on the computer of the "client" (provided that they themselves can handle it). Schoolchildren can earn extra money as sellers - ice cream, balloons, hot dogs or a variety of food in establishments like McDonald's.

If you are over 16, you are eligible to work 35 hours a week and qualify for more various positions. For example, you can get a job as a secretary (relevant if you can type quickly), as a waiter, sales assistant or telephone operator.

Step 4: Take the initiative

In the event that you do not want to officially find a job, but you are ready to work, think about a small “private business”. If you know any school subject well (foreign languages, physics, chemistry, mathematics), place an ad about the provision of various tutoring services. For example, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will make your help indispensable for lagging schoolchildren or elementary school students. Offer to babysit for a modest cash reward - or place an ad on behalf of a potential "nanny" for a child 2-5 years old. Of course, you must be sure that you can find a common language with the child, otherwise his parents will quickly refuse your services. The best "nannies" are girls from 14 to 18 years old who have younger brothers and sisters. Also, girls should not forget about the distribution of cosmetics - many young ladies managed to make the distribution of cosmetics their main source of income. Boys aged 14 to 18 can offer their neighbors services such as washing cars, cleaning home gardens, and doing "dacha work". Remember that the main thing is to take the initiative, and then you definitely will not be left without earnings!

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Good day, dear visitors of our site about earnings. If you are reading our blog, then you are interested in all the possible ways to earn extra income online. Such activities are becoming more relevant and in demand every day, since absolutely everyone can do it: from students to qualified specialists in various fields. Online work is especially popular among students who are starting to live independently and are looking for various sources of income. In this article, you will learn about how you can make money at 18. We will tell you about the most interesting methods of working without investments. So, you can choose the most suitable options and immediately start making a profit by combining part-time work with study and other important things.

Features of earnings for 18-year-olds

Many users sooner or later face the problem of lack of money. Therefore, they are looking for all kinds of methods of part-time work, in particular, online. It is the work on the network that will allow you to combine income generation with other important things (such as household chores, study, etc.).

Adult users face a lot of difficulties while looking for a job, because they need to find a way to earn money that would not take up all their free time and allow them to study at the same time without compromising work and vice versa. In addition, due to the lack of experience in any field, not every potential employer is ready to employ them.

Another serious obstacle is the fact that many employers do not appreciate the work of teenagers. Usually they are paid lower wages, but rather high demands are put forward. Therefore, there is a need to find reliable sources of income, where all efforts and labors will be adequately rewarded.

That is why many 18-year-old users are looking for work on the Internet. And this is the right decision, because today a lot of people from different parts of the world earn money online. Our site describes the most. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Paid surveys

Filling out surveys is the most appropriate way to earn money when you are 18 years old. For such work, no specialized knowledge, skills or abilities are needed. You will only need to answer a variety of questions that relate to mass-use products (food, drinks, communication services, etc.).

All you need is your personal life experience and the desire to earn. The essence of this activity is simple, and is to perform the following steps:

  • acquaintance with various survey sites, studying the main features of working with them, the rules and conditions of payments;
  • selection of one or more projects in which you will earn; in this case, it is recommended to choose as many sites that suit you as possible, so you can increase your earnings;
  • passing the registration procedure on all selected resources (during registration, it is necessary to indicate a valid e-mail, confirm your profile and specify all the required information in detail);
  • waiting for invitations that will be sent to your e-mail and responding to them in a timely manner (it is important to immediately follow the links to take the survey, since the questionnaires may be closed over time);
  • filling out a survey (it is imperative to read the questions and give truthful answers to each of them; many projects today skillfully identify unscrupulous participants, after which their profiles are blocked or invitations to participate cease to come regularly).

If all these conditions are met, this way of earning for 18-year-olds can bring a good additional income. On average, for one completed survey, participants receive from 50 to 100 rubles. At the same time, you will spend an average of half an hour on its passage.

We bring to your attention a list of the most common projects that consistently send out invitations and are guaranteed to make payments to all participants.

is one of the largest survey projects that conducts not only various marketing researches, but also interesting contests where you can win various prizes. The funds earned in the project are easily withdrawn to a phone number, card or transferred to and Yandex Money.

is a well-known and popular questionnaire today, which is trusted by many Russians. By registering and filling out a profile, you can wait for invitations and fill out surveys for a small fee. Earned funds can be transferred to Yandex Money or donated to charity. Mobile phone withdrawal is also available.

- a young, but promising questionnaire that is suitable for all 18-year-olds who want to earn money. Payment here is charged in rubles, and they, in turn, are displayed on payment systems without problems and delays. To withdraw money, residents of Russia need to accumulate at least 300 rubles.

is a survey site that conducts interesting marketing research with the support of SINT. Here, not only 18-year-olds, but also 14-year-old citizens of Russia and Ukraine can make a profit. Already in a month, users are quite capable of earning the minimum amount of money for withdrawal.

— a popular questionnaire that conducts marketing research and gives out rewards in the form of bonuses for this. Received bonuses can be exchanged for various prizes, discount coupons or donated to charity.

- a fairly popular survey site among users of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus. Offers earnings to 18-year-olds (about 20-60 rubles per completed survey). Money can be withdrawn to electronic wallets and then cashed out.

— a project with surveys that gives bonus 80 rubles to everyone who has gone through the registration procedure and filling out a profile. After that, you will receive invitations by mail and will be able to receive financial rewards for the tests you have passed.

is an international type questionnaire that offers participants favorable conditions for cooperation. Good pay, regular invitations and stable payments to e-wallets are not all the advantages of this project. An excellent part-time job for both students and professionals who are looking for additional income.

InternetOpros is a Russian survey project that managed to win the trust of a large audience of users. The essence of working on this resource is extremely simple: you register, wait for invitations, completely fill out the questionnaire and receive a reward for this. Withdrawal of funds is possible only to the mobile phone account.

GlobalTestMarket- a very beneficial questionnaire for adult citizens of Russia. Users here are well paid for completing surveys in the form of points. In the future, each participant can convert them into real money and withdraw to Paypal or exchange them for various vouchers.

ThePanelStation is a project in which registration is available to everyone who has received a special invitation. Surveys appear quite regularly, and payment for them is calculated in points. The site system involves the exchange of points received for money, which are subsequently withdrawn to electronic wallets.

These are the most popular projects in which you can earn little money and spend it for your personal purposes. We recommend that you study in detail the features of each site and register in all suitable projects.

Earnings on captcha recognition

This is another good one. To earn at the age of 18 on captcha, you must meet minimum requirements:

  • have a computer or laptop with Internet access;
  • be able to type fast enough on the keyboard;
  • have some free time and desire to earn.

Surely, you have already encountered captcha in your daily life while surfing the net. It is a picture with encrypted characters that you need to enter in a special field to confirm that you are not a robot. Today, there are various projects that are willing to pay money for decoding such pictures.

You will only need to register in one or more of these projects and start. The payment here is small, but in 2-3 hours it is quite possible to earn about 100 rubles. We invite you to consider the most popular projects of this way of earning:

is a fairly large project that has been operating for many years, and during this time has managed to gain the trust of a large audience of users. The faster and better you solve the pictures, the sooner you can get your profit. For almost all 18-year-olds, this project is suitable for earning money, since you do not need to work hard and have any experience.

is a stable project that offers a wide variety of tasks for captcha recognition. So, you can decipher the usual captcha, consisting of numbers and letters, as well as recaptcha, which is a set of pictures, among which you need to choose images of the same topic. Diligent workers receive certain incentives.

These are the two largest and most reliable projects that enable teenagers to earn money by solving captchas. You can register on one site or on both at once in order to evaluate their differences, advantages and disadvantages.

Work in social networks

Any adult user can have a small additional income. Since social networks are now extremely popular among people all over the world, work on these sites is also in high demand. The variety of tasks offered is quite wide. Yes, you can earn money for such actions: