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» Ideas for a bathroom in Khrushchev. Rules for repairing a Khrushchev-era bathroom, photo ideas. Removing an old bathtub and sink

Ideas for a bathroom in Khrushchev. Rules for repairing a Khrushchev-era bathroom, photo ideas. Removing an old bathtub and sink

Probably a third of the residential buildings in the city are occupied by Khrushchev buildings. These are specially designed projects, the apartments of which were distributed to the working class during Soviet times. What is happening to them today? Some problems, according to the new owners. And the whole problem comes down to planning and arrangement. One of the most basic problems is the design of a bathroom in a Khrushchev - a small room where you have to choose between a sink and a washing machine. See the video and photo below for examples.

The basics!

Many experts believe that bathroom design can please you with its simplicity through the use of some tricks. For example, you can resort to some space-saving recommendations from experts:

1. First, change the standard bathtub to a corner or shower stall.

2. You can use installation drain system and installing a tiled edge instead of standard plumbing.

3. You can also splurge a little and purchase a special sink system with a washing machine built underneath. Yes, such washing machines have a small load, but they will fit favorably into the design of a bathroom in Khrushchev. Examples of this can be seen in the photos and videos in the article.

If you do not resort to the method of connecting the bathroom, then when creating the interior it is better to give preference to light cladding of the walls and ceiling. The presented “whiteness,” as designers advise, can be diluted with a dark or bright spot in the form of stripes or borders when using tiles. As for the use of other materials in the bathroom interior, it is better to focus on an attractive designer ceiling and floor with light walls. For creative people, using floor tiles with an image in 3D dimension, as in the photo and video in the article, is suitable.

Pay attention to plumbing and approach this issue wisely. With light cladding using bright spots, bright colors look great acrylic bathtubs and shells with extra shimmer. You can also install gold-plated plumbing fixtures if they match the color scheme. This bathroom design in Khrushchev will attract admiring glances from guests and create an excellent atmosphere for your own relaxation.

Do it yourself

A small bathroom can be intelligently decorated in nautical style, if light tiles are used on the walls. The interior of a bathroom in Khrushchev in a marine style is created as follows:

1. The ceiling and floor should be made in a blue shade - the ceiling is lighter and the floor is darker. You can create something like sea pebbles on the floor.

2. Let there be stickers or applications depicting fish and shells on the walls.

4.Hang a homemade wooden anchor over the bathtub or shower, coated with a special antiseptic and protective agent from moisture.

Instead of an anchor with children, you can create a lifebuoy from foam, which is then painted and signed with the names of household members. With a creative approach, you can stretch a self-woven net of twine on the ceiling. Don't be afraid to experiment.


A bright and small bathroom does not need bright lighting. The design of a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building may involve the placement of several spotlights on the ceiling. But the area above the sink can be supplemented with lighting in the form of a lamp arrangement. Mirrors with built-in lighting also look great. In a small bathroom it can highlight the entire interior design.

Famous designer Arseny Lebedev is of the opinion: “The design should be simple, but not primitive.” This statement is quite suitable for the presented theme of bathroom design in Khrushchev.


The video was created to help people who want to create a competent bathroom interior on their own. You can also use photos and tips from designers from the article. After studying the materials, leave your review - comment. You can also subscribe to one of our channels and communicate with site users on topics that interest you.

The bathroom in Khrushchev is usually small area, which significantly complicates the process of its arrangement. It is possible to place only the most necessary items - a sink and a bathtub. Moreover, they should be as compact as possible. Mostly similar bathrooms combined type.

It is hard to imagine modern home without amenities, in particular without a bathroom.

Therefore, a toilet is installed in them. Despite many disadvantages rooms, design of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev easy to make beautiful. The right approach will help you use square meters wisely. The result will be functional, filled with comfort. interior.

It is in this room that people take water treatments to keep their bodies clean and simply to relax after a busy day.

Correct arrangement bathroom in Khrushchev is the key to its reliable service. It is characterized by difficult conditions and a special microclimate. Get comfortable room will help modern technologies and high-quality finishing materials.

For the full functioning of a bathroom, you need: a sink, a toilet, a bathtub and a closet.

To increase its small size, it is appropriate to carry out redevelopment. This can be done in two ways.

  • Replace the bathtub with a shower stall. Installation takes up little space, resulting in more free space.
  • Installation of compact pieces of furniture and sanitary ware.

Considering not big size premises and a combined toilet with a bathtub, it is not easy to think through the design of a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building.

These options can be used either independently or together. Each of them has its own merits. They allow you to do bathroom design in Khrushchev comfortable, its appearance attractive, the atmosphere cozy.

The bathroom is a place where we go several times a day to wash our hands, wash ourselves, and clean ourselves up.

Engineering communications in such houses are outdated. That's why repair you need to start by replacing them. It is worth paying attention not only to the condition plumbers , pipes, but also the ventilation system. The work of the last element plays an important role. If it is not performed efficiently, then the appearance of dampness and The formation of mold indoors cannot be avoided. Over time, the finish will deteriorate, and the unpleasant smell of rot will constantly bother you.

Like any other room, the bathroom should please the eye and have special design, even if it’s a tiny room in a Khrushchev building.

Bathroom design in Khrushchev assumes the presence of the following functional areas.

  • Performing water procedures. To do this, install a bath or shower.
  • The toilet is small in size.
  • Wash basin. A sink and mirror are installed.
  • Storing hygiene products. Special furniture is suitable for these purposes.

Typically, in a small bathroom, you can change the location of the bathtub.

The future project is being prepared in advance premises. Paper and pencil will help with this. This method is a little outdated and there is a high probability of errors. It's better to use special computer programs and simulate all room . The project will show the location of the main objects: plumbers , items, materials used, etc. Thus, every meter premises used rationally. This will make it possible to eliminate unnecessary financial expenses.

A shower cabin will also help save space, but if you can’t imagine your life without taking water treatments in the bathroom, then it’s better to refuse this offer.

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Accommodation in Khrushchevka has a number of its own characteristics. Severe requirements are placed on the choice of furniture. This is explained by the small area premises. It is necessary to choose items that do not require much space. Manufacturers plumbing equipment know about this and offer big choice items suitable for the occasion.

When planning the interior of a Khrushchev-era bathroom, study the arrangement of furnishings in the room from photographs presented on the Internet.

Wall-mounted furniture option – great idea For bathroom design in Khrushchev . It is presented not only in the form of cabinets and shelves, but also toilets and sinks. The last elements are attached to the wall. Thus, space will be used rationally, in indoors there is more free space left. Using a corner bath is suitable.

This design of a bathroom in Khrushchev can become a role model and tell you how best to optimize the cost of purchasing plumbing fixtures, finishing materials and choose the best option.

Furniture is usually made to order. It takes into account the characteristics of the premises and the requirements of the owners. When taking measurements, it is important to take into account every detail. The finishing materials used to line the walls and floors have a certain thickness. These centimeters must be taken into account. Otherwise, additional costs will be required, since the furniture will not be suitable for installation in the bathroom.

The design of the bathroom and toilet should correspond to the individuality of the owners of the house, be comfortable and, at the same time, multifunctional.

Today, more and more often bathrooms with small area you can find a shower stall. She happens to be an excellent alternative traditional bath. Occupies less space, more compact. At the same time, it is just as comfortable, it is comfortable to perform hygiene procedures in it. Suitable for use by both adults and children. In the second case, you should choose a shower stall with a deep tray.

The shower cabin is sealed, you can avoid excess moisture on the floor.

Such furniture is presented in a huge selection. The models are interesting design and a functional set. This allows you to select the one option , which will be optimal for this case.

Water consumption in the shower is significantly less, which will help save money.

Organizing space in a square room

Organization of space bathroom largely depends on its shape. If it is square, then furniture placement is done using the traditional method. The bathtub, toilet and sink are in the corners premises . As a result, the center of the room remains free to move.

The interior of the bathroom depends on the character and preferences of its owner.

Suitable for this case corner bath. If it has ergonomic dimensions, it will fit well into the overall picture interior The shower stall is located in a similar way. Its presence leaves the center of the room uncluttered, as shown in photo. As a result, the bathroom visually becomes wider.

Design of a small bathroom combined with a toilet.

The arrangement of items should be convenient for the owners. They can be in different positions: sitting, standing at the mirror, cleaning room. A niche designed for feet will cope well with this task. It is small in size and allows you to get close to the bathroom at the required distance. Similar design is arranged during the installation of screens.

Principles of placement of plumbing fixtures and furniture

Renovation of a combined bathroom - not an easy task. It requires adherence to certain principles. They are mainly related to the placement of plumbing equipment and furniture. There should be such gaps between them that the owners can the room was comfortable.

In terms of space utilization, a combined bathroom with toilet benefits significantly.

The area of ​​free space must be at least one hundred centimeters. This makes it easy to log in room. A hanger designed for storing towels is mounted at a height so that it can be easily reached by hand. However, it did not interfere with movement. The toilet is installed at a distance of 20 centimeters from walls and furniture. There should be a free space in front of him, the width of which is 40 centimeters.

Interior of a small bathroom combined with a toilet.

The sink is located twenty centimeters from walls, which is on the side. From the toilet it is equal to twenty-five centimeters. Be sure to leave free space in front of the sink. Its size is up to 80 cm.

Carrying out repairs in a combined bathroom , do not forget about communications. Access to them must be free. Otherwise, if it fails, the appearance will be ruined. interior Its restoration will require additional funds.

When arranging a bathroom, you need to take into account every detail. This is the key to its convenience.

Rectangular and narrow room shape

For rectangular bathroom It is worth using a different arrangement of objects. A small font looks good. It is installed at the end premises. There is a washbasin in front of the entrance and a toilet to the side, as shown in photo. The last element should not be obvious.

Also, you must take into account the presence of a knee, wiring water pipes and ventilation, which it is desirable to hide from view.

A narrow bathroom is not the most convenient shape in terms of arrangement. But there are ways that will help improve its quality. It will be comfortable and will visually increase its size. If the choice is a bathroom, then it should be located along the wall, which is opposite the entrance, as shown in photo.

Bathroom - limited space with everything you need.

A washing machine is an integral attribute of modern housing. It is extremely difficult to do without it. If the area of ​​the bathroom allows, then it is installed on its square meters. Bathroom in Khrushchev does not have large sizes. Therefore, with the installation household appliances problems arise. Models designed to be placed under the washbasin will help solve them. There is also options

By the way, even if you have a small bathroom, you can visually expand the space with the help of mirrors.

Finishing features

Interior design options for a small bathroom , sufficient quantity. If you show imagination and think through design, then the room will have beautiful view, comfortable, every thing is located in its place.

If you want to create a fresh atmosphere in the bathroom, use light-colored tiles when decorating the walls.

When decorating such a room, you need to choose light colors. They dominate big picture interior, as shown in the photo. Expand the premises can be partitions with a high degree of light transmission.

It is worth using tiles as a finishing material. Tile with a glossy surface looks good. It reflects light, which visually expands the boundaries of the room. Don't forget about the presence of mirrors. There may be several of them, which will also create a positive effect.

Lighting is an important component of the interior. Many light bulbs are installed, this will make the room light and spacious.

Setting up a small bathroom, It’s worth listening to the advice of experts. They tested it in practice different ways and determined the one that would be optimal. Features taken into account small area.

Such a bathroom, provided that all surfaces are stylish and of high quality, will delight you.

Designers advise paying attention to the following points.

Design tips Characteristic
Follow the laws of ergonomics Items should be multifunctional and spacious. They choose built-in cabinets, the sink and shower are hidden in cabinets.
Use mirrors, glass, light and gloss Mirror - required element interior The ceiling is presented in the form of a tension structure with a glossy surface. A spot type illumination is mounted in it. You should not use one chandelier, as it will visually reduce the area.
Pastel and contrast Pastel color scheme. You can supplement it bright accents. You can place red mosaic inserts on a light background.
The number of little things should be minimal Little things take up space. Therefore, bottles and other personal hygiene products should be in sight as little as possible. It is better to hide them in a locker that can be closed.
Choose your design style wisely By arranging a bathroom, you can recreate interesting style. At the same time, the functionality of the interior should be preserved. Great direction will do high tech. It will make the room ergonomic. Classics and the Japanese direction will give the room a conservative character.

To make the bathroom design beautiful, you need to take into account various points.

It is important not only to correctly arrange the furniture and plumbing equipment and finishing. The latter should be light, the materials used are of high quality. Ceramic tiles are ideal for cladding walls, floor. As a result, in a small bathroom elegant will be created interior. It is comfortable to wash and pleasant to be in.

VIDEO: Design of a bathroom combined with a toilet.

50 design ideas for a small bathtub combined with a toilet:

It’s hard to call Khrushchev ideal apartment- neither in terms of size nor layout. However, this cannot serve as a reason to underestimate it - once these apartments were the only opportunity for millions of our compatriots to move into separate housing.

Today, the owners of Khrushchev houses, as a rule, are people who inherited them from their grandparents. It should be noted that on the secondary housing market such apartments are inexpensive, although they are quite suitable for newlyweds or a small family. With a little effort, a Khrushchev-era apartment can be turned into a cozy and modern home. Today the topic of our article will be the design of a bathroom in Khrushchev. Photos of the most interesting options you can see below.

Style selection

Transforming any room, including something as tiny as a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building, must begin with choosing a style. These days there are a huge number of them. It is more expedient to create the design of a small bathroom in Khrushchev in three style directions: modern, Japanese style or minimalism. All of them will help you use a small room most efficiently, and you will get maximum functionality of all the items in it.

Bathroom in Khrushchev

So, what is it? Most often it is a combined bathroom with 2-3 square meters usable area. It is obvious that it cannot be overloaded with countless trinkets and furniture. We should not forget that it is necessary not only to be able to use the things you need, but also to leave free space for movement.

A toilet (in a Khrushchev building) further complicates the task. First you need to find appropriate place to install a toilet, and replace the bulky bathtub with a small corner or shower stall. In addition, it is advisable to remodel the niche for pipes by equipping it with a small, convenient and at the same time spacious cabinet. As a result of such transformations, your room will visually expand.

Experienced designers, when creating a toilet in a Khrushchev-era building, resort to the old, but win-win method of increasing space - using the maximum number of glass and mirror surfaces. The more there are, the more spacious and bright your bathroom will be. Before the beginning repair work It is necessary to carefully measure the room, taking into account all the niches, corners, and curves. This will help you use them rationally if your goal is modern design bathroom in Khrushchev.

Choosing the color of the room

Designers often joke that the bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building is so small that it needs to be treated like a small child, “dressing” her in soft, bright hues. Don’t forget that in this tiny room you often try to relieve the energy accumulated during the day (not always positive), relax and have some alone time. Therefore, experts do not recommend sterile white or excessive bright design bathroom with toilet. In Khrushchev, natural, muted shades of sand, beige, green or blue flowers. Lilac or pink also look good.


Another very important aspect. The fact is that sometimes incorrectly installed (or selected) lamps spoil the impression of the room. Moreover, they are capable of introducing a destructive imbalance.

Since we are talking about full-fledged in this case does not work, it is better to place the lamps around the perimeter. This simple trick will help further expand the space of a small room. Spotlights are most often used for this purpose, since they allow you to adjust the angle of rotation.

Try to keep the light in the bathroom bright but diffused. Fluorescent lamps are most suitable for this purpose. Properly selected lamps will help you highlight decorative items - in this case, everything depends only on your imagination. Often they use additional lighting for shelves, sinks or mirrors.

Essential elements

Now let's look at how best to decorate certain surfaces of your miniature bathroom. We will proceed from the most common option, i.e. we are interested in the design of a bathroom with a toilet. In Khrushchev, a suspended one is most preferable. However, its construction can hardly be called budgetary. Therefore, it may well be replaced by a plastic analogue, which consists of separate panels.

Looks very impressive suspended ceiling using glossy fabric. By adding a few lamps to it, you will achieve a striking transformation of the room.

How to decorate the walls?

Despite the emergence of a huge number of new modern finishing materials, the design of a bathroom in Khrushchev (you can see the photo in this article) is rarely complete without the use of ceramic tiles. This fact requires no explanation - this material is time-tested and has proven itself to be excellent for decorating rooms with high humidity. Moreover, today the manufacturers of these products delight customers with new, very impressive collections.

The size of such tiles varies from large photographic canvases (40x80 cm) to tiny mosaic elements. And the color scheme can satisfy your wildest fantasies.

In addition, the design of a bathroom in Khrushchev can be very stylish if you decide to decorate the walls plastic panels. They attract consumers due to their low price, ease of installation, which can be done independently, and also because they do not require complex preparation of the working surface.

Some fans of unusual design use new, few known materials. These primarily include “flexible stone”, which is a bit reminiscent of wallpaper from natural stone. The thickness of this material does not exceed two and a half millimeters, it is lightweight and easy to use.


The design of a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building may be different, but no matter which direction you choose, when decorating the floor you cannot do without waterproof materials. And again tiles come to the rescue. Although in Lately it began to be unceremoniously replaced by so-called “self-leveling” floors. They are very impressive, reliable, but have a significant drawback - if you want to completely change the interior, they are difficult to dismantle.

And one more nuance. Regardless of the option chosen, do not forget about heating. This type of floor is not only more pleasant to walk on - it helps get rid of excess moisture.


No matter how hard you try not to overload the room, the design of a bathroom in a Khrushchev building cannot be done without some pieces of furniture. This is a cabinet for storing small items. It makes more sense to have it made to order. It is desirable that it have an elongated shape.

You can use open shelves and spacious containers. Corner multi-level shelves are perfect for such a small room. Chipboard or wood will make the design of a bathroom in Khrushchev heavier. More suitable for making furniture fake diamond, plastic or glass.

Bathroom design in Khrushchev with a washing machine

Most owners small apartments They think that a washing machine in the bathroom is necessary, but, fearing to overload the already tiny space of the room, they put it in the kitchen. Often this option is justified - a washing machine can successfully fit into the interior of even a small kitchen, but at the same time fall out of general style bathroom

Nevertheless, many housewives want the washing machine to be located in the bathroom. In this case, a completely reasonable question arises: where to put it if there is barely enough space for the bath itself? Modern designers met the wishes of customers - now in many small rooms you can see the washing machine installed under the washbasin.

This option looks most harmonious when the sink is large and the machine does not protrude beyond its boundaries. It is quite natural that the dimensions of the unit have significant limitations - the machine should not be too wide and high. For example, a tall vertical model or a narrow horizontal machine can easily be built into additional niches. It can be attached to a sink or shower stall.

It's hard to imagine an apartment without a bathroom. This is often the first place you want to visit after a hard day at work to relax and wash away all the negativity. Therefore, you should pay enough attention to the design to make your pastime even more enjoyable.

However, the situation becomes more complicated if the bathroom is in a Khrushchev-era building, where it is usually very small and cramped. This article provides practical advice on the correct layout and conservation of bathroom space in a Khrushchev-era building.

Compact bathroom in Khrushchev

Thinking through the design of a small room and fitting all the necessary elements into it is not so easy. Therefore, it is worth starting the repair by measuring the room using a regular tape measure.

Next it’s worth checking out ready-made options bathrooms in Khrushchev-era apartments on the Internet or at the end of this article. This will allow you to assess the situation visually and help you draw up a floor plan for your room.

You should first think about the arrangement of the main elements, and only then devote time to decorations and interior items, including shelves and small cabinets.

The choice of plumbing fixtures today is very large, so it is quite possible to choose it required sizes for placement in a cramped Khrushchev building. Moreover, there is a choice of wall-mounted plumbing fixtures, which often also help save space.

Corner bathtubs are often used or showers are installed instead. If you want to buy furniture non-standard sizes You can always order it by indicating your individual sizes.

Be sure to take correct measurements and take into account the thickness facing materials, decorative finishing, since just a couple of sentiments play a big role, and the furniture simply may not fit.

If you are not sure of the correctness of the measurements, it is better to invite specialists who will make plumbing fixtures or renovate the bathroom.

Bathroom layout in Khrushchev

Combined bathroom

One option to save space is to combine a bathroom and toilet, which will add at least an additional 7 square meters. m.

In addition, this has a number of other advantages, such as:

  • Increased practical space, giving greater comfort when planning.
  • The dimensions of the plumbing fixtures may be larger than with a separate solution.
  • Savings on materials due to the absence of the need for additional wall finishing.
  • More convenient and faster cleaning.
  • Increasing the level of aesthetics by hiding the engineering system and placing plumbing according to ergonomic standards.

A good solution for a combined bathroom can be zoning the room. Of course, it won’t be possible to fully implement it in a small room, but it can help separate the bathroom from the toilet using a combination of finishing materials.

Can visually increase the space glass partition, which will dissolve in the interior, while fulfilling its main function of separation.

Also, instead of a regular bathroom, a corner one will be more compact.

Shower cabin as an alternative

As you know, a full-fledged bathroom requires a lot of space, and a small and compact bathroom is not always convenient. As an alternative to excellent practical solution there will be a shower stall.

Despite the plaque that can form in it and the weak water pressure, which makes showering difficult. The cabin has many advantages, in particular the following:

  • increasing space;
  • reduction in water consumption several times;
  • creating additional space for other elements;
  • replacement old plumbing to modern.

The best size for a cabin is 80 x 80 cm, sometimes 90 x 90 cm may be suitable. A cabin with larger dimensions is unlikely to fit in a small Khrushchev building, and it will also be too bulky.

Washing machine in small bathroom design

Placing a washing machine in a small bathroom is often very difficult. First of all, you need to correctly plan the placement of all plumbing fixtures so that not only everything fits, but also that it is as comfortable and convenient as possible.

When choosing a washing machine, you must remember that if it is wide, then even with the correct layout it is unlikely to fit. Therefore, it is important to choose a model with the smallest width, preferably front-loading.

Possibility of accommodating washing machine 34 cm wide without significant redevelopment is also quite possible. In this case, you can use a bowl-shaped washbasin.

To the side of front door You should install such a washbasin along the wall, and to the left of it there will be space for a washing machine. You can even put it under the washbasin and it will look quite attractive.

It is much easier when the bathroom is combined. This allows you to expand the space and find a place to install this equipment. You can place it opposite the toilet, choosing vertical loading for convenience.

It can also be placed between the bowl and the toilet, or it is possible to organize a special niche for this.

In addition, if the plumbing has not been changed for a long time, then most likely there are bulky coil pipes in the bathroom, taking up part of the space.

If they are dismantled and replaced with modern ones, a sufficient amount of free space will be freed up, which can be used to install a washing machine.

Which finish is best to use in a Khrushchev-era bathroom

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are most often chosen to decorate a bathroom. It is strong, durable, easy to clean and not afraid of moisture. In addition, today you can find a huge number various options design from plain color range to all kinds of designs and patterns.

In this case, it is important to choose optimal size tiles The smallest size 15x15 cm will definitely not fit. Because of large quantity seams, the effect of bringing the walls closer together will be observed, which, on the contrary, will make the room even smaller.

Too large tiles larger than 20x30 cm will make the interior look rough and massive, so it is also better to refrain from this choice. In connection with the above, it is best to stick to the golden mean and use tiles of about 20x20 cm.

Advice: using rectangular shape, you should lay the tiles horizontally, as this will visually expand the room.

In addition to size, it is also important to pay attention to color. First of all, for small rooms you should choose lighter colors, dark color will further reduce the space, this also applies to overly bright colors.

You need to choose no more than 2-3 basic shades so as not to overdo it with color. If the main part consists of cold shades, then to add coziness it is worth choosing accessories in warm colors.

Conversely, if warm shades predominate, it is worth choosing cooler colors for accessories. Also, preference should be given to a glossy surface, which can increase the space by reflecting light.

Mosaic and panels in the interior

Mosaic also belongs to ceramic tiles, but it is special kind. It consists of squares that differ in texture and color. A bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building must be very carefully decorated with such elements.

It is unacceptable to choose a bright design, as this will make the room even smaller. At the same time, abstract compositions and spatial drawings of living nature, on the contrary, help to increase space.

It is better to use panels and mosaics in a small size and not for the entire bathroom. It will look good to highlight individual areas, for example, mirrors, the location of the bathroom.

Regarding the toilet, it would be inappropriate to highlight this area. It is worth remembering that such areas should fit harmoniously and match the tone of the rest of the tiles.

PVC panels

Plastic panels are also popular when decorating a bathroom. This material is also not afraid of moisture and is more economical compared to tiles. Although it is worth noting that in terms of design choice, PVC panels are also inferior to ceramic tiles.

An interesting decision when choosing of this material will be the panel layout various sizes and design. A combination of contrasting tones also looks good, but in a small bathroom it is better to stick to lighter shades.

Ceiling and floor

Before laying the cladding on the floor, you should first cover it with waterproofing and lay heating mats that will provide comfortable temperature under any heating conditions.

You can use materials such as ceramic tiles, polymer composition, porcelain stoneware. The tiles are suitable for medium or large sizes. Regarding color, it would be better to choose a solid color.

The main nuance in the design of the ceiling is its light color, which is often best to choose white. An excellent solution would be a tension glossy ceiling, which will reflect the light and thereby make it appear taller.

However, it is quite suitable regular painting, or you can use hanging plastic structures, fiberglass, slatted ceiling.

Lighting and plumbing

The location of the plumbing in the bathroom plays an important role. A small space needs to be used as efficiently as possible to accommodate everything you need.

First of all, you need to choose a bathroom. A regular oval bathroom takes up a lot of space, so as an alternative, you can install a corner, asymmetrical or rectangular model. Right angles will avoid gaps and fill the space as much as possible.

The additional installation of a shower stall along with a bathtub is unlikely in this case. However, it can replace a bathroom and thereby save even more space. The box should be purchased as a corner or rectangular one with sliding doors.

You can also choose rectangular or corner washbasins. There is a wide selection of wall-hung sinks that can be installed above a bedside table or washing machine.

The toilet should be narrow. You can choose a design where the tank is hidden in a wall or niche.

Cabinets are suitable hanging or hidden under the washbasin. Free walls or corners can be used perfectly for this.

Regarding lighting, it is excellent to use LED spotlights embedded in the ceiling.

You can hang a small sconce above the mirror.

To others suitable option can become a flexible luminous tape, both on the ceiling and on the walls.

Thus, using the right layout and design solutions, even a small bathroom in a Khrushchev can be compactly and beautifully furnished. The main thing is to think through everything in advance and choose small-sized plumbing fixtures. From the color scheme, you should not use dark tones or bulky bright designs and patterns.

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First, a little about Khrushchev buildings; this knowledge will help you choose the right algorithm of actions during repair work. “Khrushchev” is the name given to several series of panel houses built during the time of N. Khrushchev. Then the main task was to move people from barracks and basements to apartments as quickly as possible. Accordingly, it was necessary to build a lot and quickly, the cost of housing had to be minimal. Panel houses- the optimal solution, using identical designs it was possible to assemble several options for apartment layouts. The five-story house was assembled in one month.

The main disadvantages of Khrushchev apartments are low heat-saving characteristics due to thin panels and small apartment sizes. Concerning utility networks and plumbing equipment, then it answered existing standards. Today the houses have completely expired their warranty period and are subject to demolition. But the state is not able to build the same number of affordable apartments. No production capacity various panels, commercial construction organizations have no desire to engage in mass construction of cheap housing. Promises to relocate people from Khrushchev-era apartment buildings remain only on party election campaigns, so residents have to independently renovate old premises and, to the extent possible, create modern comfort in them.

As mentioned above, the features of the construction technology and the materials used have become unusable over the course of many years of operation. What problems do you face in bathrooms?

Initial data

Since our apartment is built from old thin slabs, ditch the partitions under engineering systems is strictly prohibited. All communications must be hidden under plaster or wall covering. Our bathroom has a tiled floor, cement-sand mortar plaster, whitewashed ceilings lime mortar, the walls have panels painted with oil paint. The bathtub and sink need to be replaced, the wiring does not meet modern requirements, the pipelines and sewerage have completely expired. The chipboard doors will have to be removed, the small window can be sealed or replaced with a plastic one.

The ventilation grille is an old model; it is advisable to install an electric fan.

In a word, there is a lot of work, you need to prepare thoroughly. Let’s say right away that if you have sufficient experience, this will take at least two weeks of time; if you don’t have it, and there will also be interruptions in building materials, then repairs will take at least a month.

Preparation for repair

Don’t rush to break everything at once, think through your actions in advance. Assess the condition of the surfaces, think over the layout of utility networks and electrical wiring, and purchase all materials.

It is advisable to take the dimensions of the bathroom and draw a sketch of the placement of plumbing fixtures. On the second sheet, draw a diagram of the electrical wiring.

Once again, count the nomenclature and quantity of materials, including pipelines, shut-off valves, electrical fittings and fittings. Everything has been checked - start carrying out repair work.

Removing an old bathtub and sink

Pay special attention old sewer. It is made of cast iron pipes, the connections are caulked and are very difficult to disassemble.

Before knocking out the embossing, try to loosen it a little along the cracks, remove all possible sealing and cement. If it doesn’t work, you’ll have to carefully cut it with a grinder, and then use a hammer to split the pipe and take it out piece by piece. You will still have to replace the pipes with plastic ones, no need to spare them. The main thing is to keep the main pipes intact.

The same method should be followed when dismantling pipelines. The threads on them have oxidized and will not come off without pre-treatment with special means. Don't rush, don't try too hard. It is advisable to preserve the thread; adapters for plastic pipes will be attached to it.

What to do if it is impossible to unscrew the old connections?

  1. Cut the connection with a hacksaw or grinder 1-2 cm above the threaded connection.
  2. Thoroughly clean the pipe of any remaining old paint.
  3. Make a chamfer on the cut. Make sure that the cut is at an angle of 90° to the axis of the pipe.
  4. Prepare a die of the appropriate diameter and lubricate the thread cutting area with oil.
  5. Carefully cut the thread, the movement of the die should be reciprocating.

After dismantling all the plumbing, you can proceed to the ceiling and walls.

Removing old wall and ceiling coverings

Important. Don't forget to turn off the light in the bathroom on the panel.

There are two options for surface repair, both have their disadvantages and advantages.

  1. Finishing walls and ceilings with moisture-resistant plasterboard or OSB boards. This option is most often used construction companies. The work is done quickly, there is an opportunity to increase profits. Professional builders It is not recommended to use such materials for finishing bathrooms; physical characteristics do not meet difficult operating conditions.
  2. Plastering with cement-sand mortars. This method guarantees high performance in all respects, but requires a lot of effort and time.

The ceiling is cleaned with a spatula; in old bathrooms it is whitewashed with lime mortar. To reduce dust and make cleaning easier, it is recommended to moisten the surface generously with water. The plaster will have to be knocked off the walls. The work is hard, noisy and dusty.

Important. When carrying out work in a residential apartment building, take care of the peace of mind of your neighbors. Don't work late at night or early in the morning.

Knock down the plaster with a puncher or chisel; do not try to make the walls perfectly smooth. Small protrusions may remain, as long as they do not exceed the thickness of the new plaster. Upon completion of work, remove all construction debris.

Now you can start dismantling old door and windows. They can be removed without much precaution; these elements are not suitable for reuse. Use a prybar, a crowbar and milk. To facilitate dismantling, cut the box in several places and remove it in parts.

Installation of new utility networks

You need to start with the electrical wiring. Consider the location of sockets and switches, purchase electrical cables the corresponding section. If household appliances will be installed in the bathroom, then consider their total power.

Very important. Never connect aluminum and copper wires with twists; use special terminal blocks.

Lay cables only vertically or horizontally, this is required by the PUE.

For what? No one keeps electrical wiring diagrams at home. It often becomes necessary to drill holes in the walls for the installation of various objects, and there is a risk of damage to wires. To prevent this from happening, you need to find any socket or switch; the wires should be located vertically or horizontally from these elements. In other places you can drill holes without danger. And if the electrician did not know or did not follow the rules of the electrical installation code, then the wires can be located under the plaster in any place. A few centimeters of saved wire can cause tragic events.

Boxes of sockets and switches are initially fixed with plaster, then they are plastered. Always consider not only the thickness of the plaster, but also the tile thickness. The plane of the boxes should be at the same level or slightly lower than the plane of the tiles.

Video - Electrics in the bathroom

Video - Wiring installation

Everything is ready - you can start laying pipes. The best option– polypropylene, in all respects they meet the requirements. Due to the fact that access to the connections after installing the plumbing will be very limited, the connection is carried out as carefully as possible, minimizing the number of threaded sections. When connecting pipes and bends to pipes, check the integrity of the rubber seals. Do not insert them with great force; it is advisable to lubricate the surfaces with technical petroleum jelly. All pipe cuts must be chamfered before joining.

Important. After completing the installation of pipes, check the tightness of the connections under pressure.

Video - How to solder pipes with your own hands

Video - How to solder polypropylene in a hard-to-reach place

Video - Secrets of installing polypropylene pipes. Master class for beginners

Ceiling finishing

There are two options: level the ceiling with putty or make it hanging. The first option is preferable, but the choice is yours. How to level a ceiling with putties?

Step 1. Thoroughly clean the surfaces from dust and dirt, check the position of the plates. If there large gaps or irregularities, they should be removed. The cracks can be covered with mortar or foamed with polyurethane foam. Both options are the same in quality.

Step 2. Apply primer to the ceiling using a roller. Prepare the material according to the instructions on the package.

Step 3. Secure the fiberglass mesh with glue, level it during installation, and do not allow wrinkles to form.

Step 4. Using an even large spatula, apply the putty onto the mesh, the layer thickness is no more than two millimeters. The putty should completely cover the reinforcing mesh. After drying, are there any traces left from the spatula? No problem, smooth the surface with sandpaper.

Video - Puttying a ceiling with reinforcing mesh

Suspended ceiling

This option is not very reliable, but is used to save time.

Step 1. Beat off with water or laser level location of bearing rails. The distance between the slabs and the ceiling should level out all problem areas and hide utility networks.

Using dowels, secure the supporting profiles around the perimeter of the bathroom. At the same time, fix the vertical brackets for fastening the profiles at the joints of the plasterboard boards.

Step 2. Cut the slabs, try to minimize the number of joints.

Step 3. Attach the plates to the metal structures one by one, using self-tapping screws.

Practical advice. Drywall has low strength; make sure that the screw heads do not go through. To do this, it is recommended to first adjust the tightening force on the screwdriver or get your hand on the pieces.

Step 4. Glue strips of reinforcing plastic mesh along all joints.

Step 5. Use putty to level the surface of the ceiling, making sure that the reinforcement areas are invisible.

Video - How to putty a plasterboard ceiling

We've sorted out the ceiling, it's time to move on to the walls.

Suspended ceiling for bathroom

Plastering walls

Before starting work, you need to clean the surfaces. Keep in mind that the thickness of the plaster will be at least two centimeters (depending on the diameter of the pipes), which means that you will have to apply the solution at least twice. The thickness of one layer should not exceed 1–1.5 centimeters, otherwise cracks will certainly appear during drying.

Step 1. Install beacons. It is better to use factory-made metal profile slats for these purposes. If they are not there, then you will have to tinker with the beacons and make them from a solution. When installing beacons, constantly check the vertical position of the level. First fix the slats in the corners of the bathroom, and then the rest. Check linearity with a taut rope.

Step 2. Saturate the surfaces with primer. It will greatly increase the adhesion coefficient of plaster to reinforced concrete slabs.

Step 3. Apply the first layer of plaster. To control the thickness you will need practical skills. Using a level lath, remove only the solution protruding beyond the beacons. The surface should be as uneven as possible, this will improve the adhesion quality of the second layer. Take a break for one night to allow it to set.

Step 4. Throw on a second layer of mortar, now level the entire surface along the beacons. There is no need to strive for special cleanliness; the rougher the surface, the easier it will be to lay the tiles.

In the same way, plaster all the walls in the bathroom. The solution will harden - proceed to the ceramic tiles.

How to lay tiles

Measure the surface area, buy material with a margin of approximately 10%. The bathroom has many corners and technical protrusions; during their finishing, unproductive waste will increase.

Step 1. Think over the layout of the tiles. Building codes recommend that the middle of the joints be located opposite the front door.

Step 2. Using a rope with blue, beat off the horizontal lines. To be able to constantly monitor the quality of work, make several such lines at a distance of three rows of tiles.

Step 3. Prepare glue according to instructions. The material can be applied with a comb or an ordinary flat spatula; the choice of tool depends on your skill and professionalism.

Step 4. Start working from the bottom row, do not forget to use crosses to maintain the same gap between the tiles.

Step 5. When you have finished laying tiles on one wall, remove them from front surface remaining glue. This is much easier to do after it has hardened a bit. Fresh glue leaves marks on the surface that will have to be cleaned again.

Once all wall surfaces are tiled, begin carefully filling the joints. For bathrooms, it is better to buy special grout with antibacterial components. Mold and fungi do not grow on such material, which is very important for wet rooms.

You can use metal posts in the corners. They are easy to install and look good. Professionals prefer not to use them, but to file the tiles at the joint “on a miter” at an angle of 45°. Such work is much more difficult to do; you need to have a special machine, but the appearance of the room improves.

Floor covering

It is also recommended to finish the floor ceramic tiles. If you want to have a warm option - no problem. Completely remove the old covering and install an electrically heated floor heating system. We do not recommend engaging in such activities for several reasons.

  1. While the floor in the bathroom is heating up, you will already have time to take a bath. Why waste expensive energy resources in vain? You can turn on the heating in advance, but in this case it will remain warm even after no one is in the bathroom.
  2. Heat from the lower floor rises, so the floor in the bathroom will always be warm. The exception is that the apartment is located on the first floor.
  3. If the floor seems cold, place a mat near the bathtub and stand on it with your bare feet. Compare the price of the rug with the cost of materials and labor to install heated floors. And the comfort of taking water procedures is the same.

In connection with such arguments, we will not consider the technology of laying heated floors in the bathroom.

Step 1. Clear the floor of construction debris and check the level of the surface with a level. In most cases the quality is satisfactory, no preparatory work no alignment required.

Practical advice. If there is a fear that the tiles will peel off, then use a grinder with diamond blade cut criss-cross lines into the old flooring. The depth of the grooves is approximately 2–4 mm. Please be aware that the work is very dusty and noisy.

Step 2. Measure the floor area, buy tiles and glue.

Step 3. Mark the position of the tiles. The advice is the same as for walls - the joints should be located exactly in the middle of the front door.

Step 4. Lay rows of tiles in the usual way, starting from the wall opposite to the exit.

Step 5. Remove any glue that appears in the seams immediately or the next day.

Step 6. Seal the cracks with grout and finally clean the surfaces.

Tiles laid on the floorThe bathroom can be installed on factory metal legs or make brick stands for it. Both methods hold the load normally, choose the one that suits you. Before installing the bathtub, check its position with a level. Make sure that water from the entire bottom surface completely drains into the drain hole. Constant availability residual water will cause deterioration appearance bottom.

Before finally fixing the bathtub, secure the siphon and connect it to drain pipe. If access to the bottom of the bath is difficult, it is recommended not to install a siphon. The fact is that the device must be periodically cleaned of dirt; if this procedure is not possible, the flow of water will worsen or stop completely. If such a danger arises, connect the stack directly to the sewer, do not be afraid of the appearance of unpleasant odors. IN apartment buildings drainage system is constantly filled with water, and this prevents the appearance reverse thrust with an unpleasant odor.

Drain under the bathtub

The side surfaces of the bathtub can be covered with special plastic curtains or covered with bricks and then covered with tiles. To ventilate the space under the bathroom, one or two holes are made, closed with removable doors. Place the brick on its edge, adjust the mortar until it stops against the side of the bathtub.

Video - Installing a bath

Video - Secrets of proper bath installation

Sink installation

The algorithm of actions depends on the engineering features of the design. The sink can be overhead or attached, with or without a decorative leg. Installation of mixers, water supply and drainage is done in the same way as for a bathtub.

The dimensions of doors in Khrushchev buildings are standard 90x210 cm.

Step 1. Check the dimensions of the doorway and frame. The opening around the perimeter should be 1–2 cm larger than the box. If there are problems, fix them.

Step 2. Remove the canvas from the box; first secure the box in the opening using pegs. Constantly check its position with a level.

Step 3. Using a pobedit-tipped drill, drill holes in the wall and frame, two on each side and one on the top and bottom. Insert the dowels into the holes and fix the box in the desired position.

Step 4. Use polyurethane foam to foam the gaps between the frame and the opening, give it several hours to harden.

Important. Before foaming, be sure to moisten the surfaces thoroughly. Water significantly increases foam adhesion and accelerates its hardening.

Step 5. Using a sharp knife, cut off the protruding foam; if necessary, seal the cracks with putty or silicone.

Step 6. Hinge door leaf, adjust its position with special screws. When open, the blade must remain motionless. If it closes or opens spontaneously, this means that the box is not vertical.

The same algorithm is used to install small window In bathroom. But most of these openings are completely sealed. There is no noticeable illumination from it, but unpleasant odors from the kitchen you enter the bathroom.

Video - Bathroom renovation in Khrushchev