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» Why do pregnant women dream of dolphins? I dream of dolphins in the clear sea. I dreamed that a dolphin bit

Why do pregnant women dream of dolphins? I dream of dolphins in the clear sea. I dreamed that a dolphin bit

In most cases, the image of a dolphin has an extremely good interpretation. It is a symbol of friendship, good luck and fortune. A person who dreamed of this animal can be confident in his friends. IN Hard time people from your environment will definitely help you, and they will do it completely unselfishly. If for some reason true friendship is not familiar to you and you have difficulty finding mutual language with people who do not consider them friends, this may portend the imminent appearance next to you of persons to whom you can trust even the most intimate secrets.

A dolphin that you dreamed about on the night from Thursday to Friday is the most positive sign. Fate decides everything for you. You don't have to put in any serious effort to achieve success.

The sea with playing dolphins is a sign of life changing in better side. A dream in which you swim with dolphins has a similar interpretation. The main thing is that the animals are friendly and do not show aggression towards you.

For girls, dolphins foretell a warm and affectionate relationship. For single women, the animal hints about an upcoming meeting with a long-awaited soul mate. This relationship will definitely be sincere and will make you truly happy.

Several dolphins in a dream

If in a dream you saw not one, but several dolphins, expect dizzying success. Playing and frolicking animals symbolize promotions, salary increases and lucrative financial offers.

A dolphin in very dirty water symbolizes promiscuity or the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Pay attention to your lifestyle.

Wary but not aggressive dolphins are a sign that you are going the wrong way. It is likely that you are doing the wrong thing or have chosen the wrong course of action to achieve your goal. Try to evaluate the current situation in life and radically change it.

If dolphins save you from danger in a dream, then real life the same thing will happen. Only in the place of the animals will your friends appear, who will definitely help you solve any problem.

Negative dreams with dolphins

If a dolphin in a dream shows obvious aggression towards you, then this should be regarded as a hint of incorrect behavior. An animal that lunges at you or tries to bite you is a clear confirmation that you are waiting for luck, but are making absolutely no effort to achieve your goal. You need to think and change your attitude towards people, yourself and the entire world around you.

A dream of a dolphin on the night from Friday to Saturday foretells an upcoming mistake. Try to abandon plans, do not make transactions and do not take risks under any circumstances.

A dead lonely dolphin in a dream foreshadows changes in your personal life. Unfortunately, this is very bad sign, which symbolizes tragedy and loneliness. Most likely, you are in love with the wrong person, and a breakup will soon occur. Worry a lot about in this case not worth it. Maybe fate is simply ridding you of traitors or even enemies.

Sick or dying dolphins indicate problems in family life. It is likely that your spouse will soon cheat on you or leave for a rival.

If young man a dolphin in a stormy sea, this indicates unrequited love, excessive shyness in communicating with the opposite sex, or the presence of numerous complexes.

Dolphins are considered one of the most mysterious representatives of the fauna, meeting them gives an unforgettable feeling and joy. But if you dreamed about a dolphin, what does it mean? In order to accurately answer this question, you need to remember all the smallest details of the dream and look into the dream book.

Key values

Dreams about dolphins are a favorable sign, symbolizing liberation from what has weighed on the dreamer for a long time. This could be a serious illness, unrequited love, tense relationships with superiors at work, or depression.

Why do you dream of dolphins in the sea? Similar dreams they say that soon a person will need help from family or close friends. Another interpretation of such dreams foreshadows a change of job.

If you dreamed that dolphins were playing with each other, then this promises a fun time with old friends. If animals are frolicking in the water at a distance from the dreamer, you should think about more active image life, as interesting events pass by a person. You need to take the initiative.

Why does a woman dream about a dolphin? If a lady had a dream about a dolphin, then this symbolizes the lack of sharp and fresh sensations in intimate relationships with a man. The only way out in this situation is a frank conversation on this topic with your significant other or breaking off the relationship in order to find a new partner.

Seeing a school of dolphins in a pool in a dream symbolizes that in reality something is holding the dreamer back and preventing him from developing to his full potential. If you dreamed of dolphins in the sea, then soon a person will meet new people.

Swimming with dolphins and kissing them in a dream foreshadows some kind of difficult situation. life situation, in which friends will help a person.

Why do you dream of petting a dolphin? This dream foreshadows a person’s success in all endeavors, especially in material terms.

Did you see an animal on land? This is a symbol that the dreamer has chosen the wrong path and is doing the wrong thing. He should stop and think about what else he can change.

Why do you dream of dolphins in the pool? Such a dream characterizes the dreamer as a person for whom the opinions of others are important. You should learn to defend your own point of view.

Seeing an animal on the shore means that the dreamer should abandon his cunning plans, since they will not bring anything good. Seeing a dolphin in the clouds is a sign that a person spends too much time on dreams rather than on real actions and deeds. Thus, it will not be possible to achieve your goals.

If you saw a dolphin jumping through a ring, then you are under psychological pressure from the other half. You should be bolder and openly express your feelings and emotions. This will help avoid scandals and misunderstandings in the future.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

What does swimming with dolphins mean?

Looking at animals is one thing, but it’s a completely different situation if you’re lucky enough to touch a dolphin, much less swim with it.

If a girl or woman dreamed that she was swimming with dolphins, then this promises a new romantic acquaintance and passionate love, and for a man - love success, for a married couple - wonderful and unforgettable vacation far from home.

According to esoteric dream book swimming with aggressive dolphins means that the dreamer is not making enough effort to achieve his goals. If animals behave calmly, then this portends a measured family life.

Swimming with small dolphins means good news from afar; with a pregnant female means an improvement in your financial situation. What does it mean to swim with dolphins in a dream in stormy weather? The meaning of this dream is favorable. The person will soon have a financial patron.

Swimming with dolphins and petting them means helping loved ones in a difficult situation. Riding on the back of an animal means a new romantic acquaintance, which will give rise to a serious and passionate relationship. Don't be afraid to take a step towards your hot feelings.

If in a dream dolphins accepted a person into their pod and he began to live among these sea animals, then this promises communication with intelligent and highly moral people. Such meetings will bring positive emotions to the dreamer.

If an animal bites a person in a dream, this indicates that the owner of the night vision needs to work a lot more to achieve his goal. Otherwise you should not expect success.

If the dreamer dreamed that he was feeding animals, then this portends great happiness and fulfillment of cherished desires.

Did you have a dream in which a dolphin was getting something from the bottom of the sea? In the near future, you should expect monetary profits and resolution of all financial issues.

If a person saw himself in the form of a dolphin among other animals, then this promises great family celebration. Another interpretation of the dream foreshadows a new place of work in a friendly team.

Swimming with dolphins in dark water means unexpected troubles; in muddy water, it means illnesses and slander about the dreamer. Did you dream that the animals swam ahead, and the person lagged behind them a little? Such a dream promises loneliness and problems with starting a family.

Swimming with a wounded animal means a big family scandal or even separation. Another interpretation of the dream is dismissal from work or demotion.

If a person dreamed that he was drowning, but the dreamer was saved by a dolphin, they will come to the rescue in difficult times strangers.

Different interpretations of famous personalities

For many outstanding people, especially for psychoanalysts, soothsayers, healers and esotericists, the issue of the presence of animals in human night visions is relevant. However, each of them has their own interpretation of such dreams.

Sigmund Freud associated the interpretation of each dream with the characteristics of a person’s sexual sphere. Night visions of dolphins are also no exception. He claims that dreams about these sea animals symbolize an acute lack of extreme sensations in intimate relationships with a partner, so the owner of the vision begins to look for them with someone else. The dreamer has a great desire to experiment in bed, but this is not mutual. It is necessary to bring something new and original to sexual relations. Riding an animal in a dream means making love in a pool or sea. If a girl dreamed that she was swimming next to a dolphin, then this promises her a successful marriage and the birth of a child. A pod of dolphins seen around a ship warns of possible treason. You should be more attentive to your partner. A wounded animal promises a disease of the genital organs. A dead dolphin symbolizes the possible development of erectile dysfunction. If a man dreamed that he was riding a dolphin, then this indicates homosexual inclinations; if a woman dreamed, then this symbolizes her desire to have a lot sexual partners.

According to English dream book dolphins in a dream foreshadow disappointment in your dreams and unrealistic hopes. Also, animals in the sea can warn the dreamer that one of his friends may drown. Such dreams are dangerous for those people who are planning to go on a long journey in the near future. It makes sense to postpone the trip for some time, since there is a threat to the health and life of the dreamer.

Miller's dream interpreter says that dolphins are a symbol of meeting interesting, spiritually developed people. The conversation will bring only pleasant impressions. Watching animals in the pool is an unfavorable sign that ill-wishers are trying to influence the dreamer’s decision.

According to the 21st century dream book, a night vision in which dolphins splash happily in the sea portends rapid career growth or promotion wages, award.

Apostle Simon the Canaanite claims that dolphins dream of joining the family.

The Bulgarian seer Vanga considers dreams about dolphins very good sign, which promises financial prosperity and stability of financial situation. Also, such night visions may indicate that the dreamer will soon come up with a successful idea that will bring profit and promotion. You can safely begin to implement your plans into reality.

According to dream interpreter Loff, dolphins warn a person that he should take a vacation as soon as possible and have a good rest. Otherwise he will not escape the disease nervous system. To see a sea animal entangled in fishing nets means that an unforeseen situation will soon occur, for which a person will be forced to ask close friends or relatives for help. If an animal is swimming through a stormy stream, then this dream tells the owner of the vision that he is setting impossible tasks for himself.

Phelomen claims that swimming on the back of a sea animal warns the dreamer of love discord. A person should take a closer look at his soulmate to avoid disappointment. A couple may have different views on life. It is necessary to learn to find compromises and a middle ground in relationships. This will prevent a possible break in the union.

According to the Chinese dream book, a dolphin in the sea portends an increase in career ladder. Also, such dreams may indicate that a person is tired of the monotony of life. It is necessary to try to bring a little romance and novelty into the everyday course of affairs.

Family dream book suggests that sea animals can promise acquaintance with very good people, with whom the dreamer will have many common interests. If in a dream you ride on a sea animal, then in reality you should correctly calculate your strength and not set yourself impossible tasks. Otherwise, disappointment cannot be avoided.

According to the interpreter of Juno's dreams, a dream about a dolphin foreshadows the birth of a child, who in the future is destined to save more than one human life. Seeing several dead sea animals is a sign of unforeseen circumstances.

According to the interpretations of the Mayan people, swimming in the same body of water with dolphins indicates the dreamer’s reliability. You can rely on a person in difficult times and be confident in his devotion.

Grishina’s dream book warns that if you see a fight with an aggressive animal in your night vision, then the person is dissatisfied with something. Perhaps he shouldn't be presented with high requirements to other people.

Meneghetti claims that sea animals promise a strong and tender family union. Thanks to their sincere feelings, the couple will be able to overcome any adversity in life.

According to modern dream book If a pregnant woman dreams that she is petting and feeding dolphins, then this means a good appetite for the newborn.

If you dreamed of a black dolphin, then this promises disappointment in your partner, best friend or a work project for which a person had high hopes. To achieve success, the dreamer lacked one step. The reason for this was low self-esteem and lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths.

Why do you dream about dead dolphins? The dream foreshadows difficult situation which will lead a person into a dead end. All hopes and risks will not be justified. However, it is necessary to take advantage of the current situation.

Dolphins in the role of circus performers in a dream suggest that in reality a person often overacts and behaves unnaturally. In order to change your life in a positive direction, you should become more honest and frank. If the animal refuses to perform tricks, then this indicates that the person is in unpleasant company. It is necessary to change the circle of communication.

To see an animal jumping into the sea in a dream is a favorable sign that tells a person that he is doing everything right and should not deviate from his intended goals. Treating dolphins in a dream is a symbol of the need to show increased care for one of your loved ones. If a dolphin washed ashore, this indicates that the dreamer will soon need the help of friends.

Did you dream about how sharks attacked a school of dolphins? This promises a serious fight with competitors. Watching an animal joyfully jump out of the water is a sign of good news from afar.

Often in your dreams, seeing animals swimming in a closed water space symbolizes that a person is being subjected to psychological pressure, which prevents him from revealing himself as a person. creative personality. If you dreamed of dolphins who can talk, then this portends good news from afar.

Feeding animals in a dream means helping loved ones in difficult times. If there was not enough food for all the animals, then this symbolizes excessive dedication. At the same time, the person forgets about his problems.


Interpretations of dreams about dolphins are varied and contradictory. But if we see some warning sign in a dream, we should be grateful for it. In order to accurately find out the meaning of a dream, you need to listen carefully to what your intuition tells you after waking up from sleep.

Dolphins are very good harbingers from dreams. But under certain conditions, they can be an important warning for the sleeping woman, which will help her prevent trouble or protect herself from problems. More precisely and in detail, what dolphins dream about is described below.

Dream Interpretation: Why does a woman dream about dolphins?

Loff’s dream book notes that dreams involving dolphins are often dreamed by people who are tired of work and everyday worries. This is a clear sign from the dream that the girl needs urgent rest, otherwise she faces various diseases of the nervous system. Dolphin entangled in a net? A woman should not be embarrassed to ask friends and family for help. There are situations in life when you cannot solve problems on your own.

Miller is sure that representatives of the fair sex, who idolize money and power, see dolphins in their dreams. They are easily influenced by richer influential people. This significantly interferes with personal growth and development. If a girl watches a family of dolphins in the sea, it means that prosperity reigns in her family.

Freud believes that the sea with dolphins reflects a woman's sex life. If these are calm waters with peacefully frolicking animals, it means that everything is fine with the sleeping woman in an intimate sense. But sick or dead dolphins in a stormy sea suggest that the girl is suffering from sexual dissatisfaction, frigidity, etc.

Swim with dolphins

It would be great if a representative of the fair sex had to swim with dolphins in a dream. Such a plot indicates that a very pleasant atmosphere reigns around the dreamer. calm atmosphere. A woman is loved and trusted by those around her. Even if some problems arise in the sleeping woman’s life, those around her will always come to her aid.

For unmarried young ladies, a fun, joyful swim with dolphins portends mutual love. And for family members - great holiday, which will be remembered for a long time.

People are not always able to independently unravel the secret meaning of their night visions. In this case, you can always turn to the dream book for help. Dolphins in real life evoke extremely positive emotions. However, their appearance in a dream can predict both good and bad events. So, what interpretation do the guidebooks to the world of dreams offer?

Seeing dolphins in a dream: Miller's dream book

What does the American psychologist think about all this? What interpretation does Miller’s dream book offer? A dolphin can be seen in a dream by someone who in reality tends to quickly fall under the influence of others. The dreamer's life is controlled by other people. He doesn't accept independent decisions, but only follows someone else's will. This must definitely be fought, otherwise a person’s dreams will never come true.

Dolphins in the sea are a symbol that promises misfortune and trouble. The person is in danger of trouble on the personal front. He risks quarreling and breaking up with his other half. Also, such a dream may warn that it is better to refrain from sea trips in the near future. This warning applies not only to the sleeper himself, but also to his loved ones.

Girls, women

Why do you dream about a dolphin? The dream book also contains an interpretation that applies only to the fair sex. Often the appearance of this animal in night dreams prophesies for women a new addition to the family. A child can be born not only to the dreamer, but also to her relatives.

Young girls dream of a dolphin as a sign of joyful and bright events. The life of the sleeping woman will soon change for the better. It is possible that a worthy contender for her hand and heart will appear on the horizon. However, the dreamer should still be careful when communicating with new acquaintances, as there may be scammers among them.

Why do married ladies dream of a dolphin? The dream book connects this with sexual dissatisfaction. For pregnant women, such a symbol promises a calm and successful childbirth, the birth of a strong and healthy baby.

For men

What does the appearance of a dolphin in night dreams mean for representatives of the stronger sex? For men, such dreams promise reliable and strong relationships. It is not at all necessary that this prediction is related to personal life. For example, an entrepreneur can acquire a partner with whom he will cooperate for a long time and fruitfully.

River, sea

The interpretation directly depends on the water in which these animals swim in their night dreams. What options does the dream book consider? Dolphins in the water, if it is clear and clean, promise changes for the better. Soon a person will advance up the career ladder. He will be able to occupy a higher position thanks to the patronage of his superiors or the help of friends.

If dolphins splash in river water, such a plot indicates that a person is faced with the need to make a difficult choice. He must make an important decision on his own. You should not seek advice from others or try to shift all responsibility onto them.

Why else can you dream of dolphins in the water? The dream book also considers such an option as their games at sea. Such dreams indicate the importance of the role played by friends and relatives in a person’s life. If a person misses loved ones, then it’s time the right time in order to meet them.

Catch him

In his nightly dreams, a person may be trying to catch a dolphin. If he succeeds, what does such a plot mean?

If the dreamer simply grabbed the dolphin with his hands, in reality good luck will accompany all his endeavors. There is also no doubt that he is surrounded faithful friends. In difficult times, the sleeper can safely count on their help and support.

If a person catches a dolphin and releases it in his dreams, in real life he will not be able to defend his position. The debate will be won by his opponent, who has much more more experience in such matters.

To be hooked is a desire for unjustified risk. The sleeper is preparing to take a decisive step, but the outcome of the business he has planned is difficult to predict. You shouldn’t make hasty decisions, it’s better to think everything through.

Swim, swim with him

What does it mean to swim with dolphins? Dream Interpretation offers various options answers to this question:

  • In the near future, the dreamer may change his surroundings. There is a high probability that a person will go on a trip or business trip.
  • The sleeper can change jobs. Unfortunately, it will take him a long time to get used to the new team.
  • Swimming with dolphins sometimes promises the appearance of rivals. The dreamer will suffer from jealousy, and this will lead to the fact that his relationship with his other half will deteriorate. If a person does not want this, he should learn restraint.

Lots of dolphins

What else can a dream book tell about dolphins? The interpretation of night dreams, in which there are many of these animals, is also of interest. Such a plot indicates that the sexual activity of the sleeper can only be envied. A person needs to be careful when choosing partners.

Many dolphins are a symbol that can mean that new projects will be successfully implemented. Luck has turned its face to the sleeping person, you should definitely take advantage of this. The main thing is not to deviate from the chosen path, not to waste energy on trifles.

ride it

In his dreams, a person can perform amazing actions, including riding a dolphin. What does such a dream warn about? In reality you should be careful. You should not trust your partner if the romantic relationship has recently begun. WITH most likely this person will not be able to appreciate the love that the dreamer has for him.

Riding dolphins is a symbol that can also predict the cycle of events. For the most part they will be negative. A person will have to get out of one dangerous situation after another. Stress resistance, which must be developed in oneself, will help him cope with all problems.

pet him

What other information about dolphins can the dream book provide? Why, for example, do you dream of stroking this animal:

  • Moving, repairs, new job- they are waiting for the sleeping person big changes. It will not be easy for him to adapt to new conditions; he should prepare for difficulties and prepare to fight them.
  • Some dream books make negative predictions. A person will spend a lot of money and energy in order to make his dream come true. However, his plans, unfortunately, were not destined to come true.

In a swimming pool

What other interesting things will the dream book help you learn about dolphins? The interpretation of night dreams in which a person sees these animals in the pool also deserves attention. What are you waiting for?

A dolphin in a pool is a symbol that can warn a sleeper that he is surrounded by insincere people. They try to pass themselves off as true friends, but in reality they do not like the dreamer and envy him.

In the near future, you should not listen to other people's advice. Even if the one who gives them is guided by good intentions. The person himself knows better the answer to the question of what he should do. You just need to learn to trust your own intuition.

People who actively impose their opinions on the sleeping person should be avoided. Otherwise, he will have to follow other people's instructions all his life.

Wounded, dead

What can the appearance of wounded dolphins in night dreams warn about? In this case, the dream book does not bode well for the sleeper. In reality, a person will face major troubles, or he will have to deal with the problems of his loved ones. The dreamer may also be struck by a serious illness, with which he will be forced to struggle for a long time. First of all, you should beware of sexually transmitted diseases and diseases of the genital organs.

What else could be the interpretation of dreams about dolphins? The dream book gives a negative assessment of night dreams in which dead animals appear. In reality, a person will face changes that will force him to plunge into a stressful state. Because of DC voltage His relationship with his other half will deteriorate, and problems will begin in the sexual sphere.

Dreams with dolphins foreshadow good changes in a woman’s destiny. But sometimes they are harbingers of events that are better prevented. Friendly dolphins don’t just appear in dreams, and our selection will help you decipher their desire to help a woman.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Riding on the back of a dolphin means that in reality you refuse to accept reality. To dream that a school of dolphins are caught in a net indicates that your close person prevents you from fulfilling your desires. Being in a water park and watching the tricks of dolphins promises a woman retribution for insincerity. If the animals refuse to obey the trainer, then your social circle needs to be urgently changed.


A dolphin jumping out of the water in a woman’s dream portends good news. If the sea is cold, then the pressing matter must be carefully considered; If it’s warm, then everything goes according to plan. A friendly animal means that in reality you lack toughness and perseverance. A woman dreams of a young dolphin when she expects to meet interesting man. Many dolphins in the ocean portend an invitation to a party where influential men will be present. Watching a family of dolphins swim into the distance speaks of well-being in your own home.

Vanga's Dream Book

If a woman dreams of a dolphin, Vanga explains it as a promotion up the career ladder. A playful, healthy animal talks about meeting a person who will make you profitable proposition. A few dolphins swimming past are nothing more than a desire to start life anew and change the usual way of life. Dolphins different color represent new friends. Keeping your hand on the back of a dolphin promises a woman intense, hard work for a long time. For a woman, splashing in the river with dolphins means that she has devoted, faithful friends. An aggressive mammal portends a quarrel or disagreement with household members.


The psychoanalyst believed that dreams in which dolphins appear indicate a lack of new sexual sensations. The partner is no longer happy, and the woman increasingly looks at other men and wants to try something unknown. Hugging a dolphin in a dream means having sexual intercourse in the water in reality. A wounded animal portends a venereal disease. The corpse of a dolphin indicates a decrease in sexual desire, which can lead to complete frigidity. If you dream that sea inhabitants are playing with each other in the sea, it means that in terms of sex, everything is fine with you.


According to Loff’s dream book, any dream with dolphins is dreamed by women who are tired of the monotonous pastime. A large animal portends nervous exhaustion and the onset of depression. If an animal is stuck in a net, it means you need to accept help from other people and not deal with troubles alone. In a dream, a dolphin covered him with his body, which means that the boss demands too much and overwhelms him with unnecessary work. Women dream of a multi-colored dolphin as a sign of a successful, happy marriage.

Interaction with dolphins

Swimming with a dolphin in a dream is a very good omen, promising a woman the love of others and well-being. For unmarried girl such a vision speaks of mutual love. For a non-free lady, such a dream means an excellent holiday abroad. Swimming in clear water next to several animals is nothing short of acceptance the right decision. If swimming individuals behave aggressively, then to achieve success the woman needs to be assertive.

Stroking a dolphin for a woman means a favorite job that brings pleasure.

Riding a mammal is explained as meeting a prominent man who will be deeply in love with you. Riding on the back of a small dolphin speaks of a passive attitude towards life and fear of changing it.

For a pregnant woman, dreams of dolphins promise a trouble-free birth. Little dolphins foreshadow the birth of a smart, beautiful child.

Giving food to a dolphin means that you will soon be thanked for your selfless help.

Kissing an animal means a way out of a difficult situation.

If an animal saves the dreamer from death, it means that a stranger will come to her aid in reality.

Touching a mammal in a dream speaks of a good atmosphere in the family.

Hugging several dolphins denotes strong affection for your other half.

A woman swimming in a school of dolphins foretells friendship with several people.

Being on a ship and watching dolphins in the sea warns of the appearance of a woman who wants to take your man away.

Dreaming of saving an animal from death means earning the trust of a high-ranking official.

Pulling a dolphin's fin in the sea indicates a desire to move forward, despite obstacles.

Sailing in a boat with a dolphin and talking to it promises the dreamer an unexpected gift from a fan and joyful impressions.


If a woman sees dolphins in an indoor pond in a dream, it means strong pressure from her husband or boyfriend. If animals swim in clean water, which means you will soon realize your creative potential. Cloudy or dirty water in a dream foreshadows a serious illness.

An animal in the sea promises the dreamer a transfer to another position or a change of job. Clear water, where the seabed is visible, speaks of happiness in your personal life. Black water indicates the onset of the disease.

A dozen dolphins in the pool are explained by the fact that someone close to her is preventing a woman from becoming successful and making a name for herself.

A mammal thrown onto land in a dream is interpreted as an unwillingness to obey other people.

Pulling a dolphin ashore on your own indicates a desire to radically change your destiny.

Several animals washed ashore indicate the futility of the plans and the precarious position in society.

What was he like?

  • The white color of the animal speaks of imminent marriage or mutual feelings.
  • If you dream of a white and black dolphin nearby, it means that the woman will be lucky in all areas of life.
  • Pink mammals speak of unfulfilled dreams and regret about wasted time.
  • A red dolphin warns of an accident on the road.
  • If a dolphin attacked a sleeping woman, then you need to be more loyal to others and stop criticizing them.
  • A pregnant female dreams of monetary reward and material stability.
  • A playing dolphin foreshadows a meeting with distant relatives.
  • A wounded animal is dreamed of before a family quarrel or divorce.
  • You dream of an aggressive animal before an important event or presentation.
  • A dolphin with two heads portends big win or sudden career growth.
  • A beautiful, stately animal indicates betrayal with nice man who will later become your lover.
  • A dolphin with human limbs speaks of the betrayal of a loved one or the treachery of a close friend.
  • An animal with ulcers on its body warns of the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
  • If you dream of a talking dolphin, it’s time to get serious about your career.
  • A dolphin sitting on a tree portends a sudden change in weather or a cataclysm.
  • A dolphin in an apartment promises a woman uninvited guests and a big company.