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» How to tile corners in a bathroom. Correct placement of tiles in corners. Trim method

How to tile corners in a bathroom. Correct placement of tiles in corners. Trim method

Tiles are a popular and popular material,
used for facing works Oh. As a rule, apartment owners use it to decorate bathrooms and kitchens, because it has a number of advantages compared to competitors:
Don't be afraid of moisture. The tile can be used even in particularly wet areas– bathrooms and toilets and this will not have any negative impact on her;
Hygiene. The tiles do not harbor harmful microorganisms, mold and mildew;
Wear resistance. You can even use this material on the floor of rooms with active traffic. On its surface, if the tiles are laid correctly, no defects will form;
Durability. The approximate service life of tiles is several decades, which means that during this entire time you can forget about repairs;
And many others.

What will you learn from this article?

And in this article we will tell you how to properly tile the corners of a bathroom, because it is usually problematic for people without experience to do this. After the surface on which the tiles will be laid becomes as smooth as possible, all that remains is a small matter - carefully laying the tiles. However, in the process you may come across a small difficulty - joining two panels. In principle, there is nothing particularly difficult about this, you just have to follow the right technology.

How to lay tiles in corners

We know about three methods of laying tiles, which we will describe. Your goal is to choose the most understandable one and apply it in practice:


Let's start with the most technically difficult method. Before laying the tiles, they are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. This is done using a special tool - a tile cutter. Tile cutters are sold in almost all construction stores, so if you don’t have one on your household, it doesn’t matter, finding and buying it won’t be difficult. In fact, it is advisable that this work be done by professional masons; they can design the corner beautifully and in a very original way.


If you decide to use the second method, you will need special corner profiles. They are attached to the wall using silicone sealant. This method is much easier to implement; the only difficulty is that you will have to correctly select the corner according to the thickness and size of the tile inserted into the profile. The end result - the most even angle possible - will be worth the effort. The corners that will be used in this method come in different sizes. color solutions In addition, the material used to make them may be different. They can be metal, plastic or aluminum.


The third option is very simple and involves laying tiles in the corners end to end. You will end up with the edge of one tile on the wall covering the edge of another panel, which is perpendicular.

Tiles in corners must be laid correctly. How? We'll tell you

Typically, professional masons will start laying tiles on the walls and then move on to the floors. This method is more correct in terms of cleaning, since you do not have to clean the floor from glue and other debris that arises during the installation process.
Laying tiles between the floor and the wall is especially effortless; it is usually covered with a plinth. For this reason, a small gap is left under the baseboard in the bottom row.
By the right technology Laying tiles on the wall begins from the most visible corner. When applying glue to the wall, use a comb, otherwise called a notched trowel. After laying the tiles on the wall, move on to the floor. Laying tiles on the floor is carried out from the bottom row from the corner.

Have you seen how beautiful it looks? In some cases, it is a beautiful sight.

Checking horizontality

Next, you need to check how horizontal the row is; to do this, use building level. In order to ensure even seams (gaps between tiles), crosses or more universal tools are used - tile leveling systems. As an online store, we sell both of these types of tools, each of which we will describe at the end of this article.
Using this method, we need to lay out the panels before the next turn. If the tile does not lie completely at the end of installation and requires cutting, it should be left. This pattern also applies to window openings. At the very beginning, you need to fill the wall space adjacent to them with whole tiles, and where the tiles do not fit without trimming, leave them for the final stage of work.
The next problem you will encounter is the need to trim the tiles at the outlets of the plumbing - pipes. This is all quite problematic and you need to cut the tiles as carefully as possible. To lay tiles in such places, plumbing extensions are dismantled so that laying occurs as quickly as possible. comfortable conditions. As a rule, in such places, there is a need not to trim the tiles, but to drill them. To do this, use a diamond bit attachment attached to the drill.

The nuances of laying tiles in corners

When starting to lay tiles in the corner, you should already decide on the method. Each of them is rational and correct in its own way, but there is one thing common to all of them. When laying tiles, you need to check them for horizontalness and verticality, using a building level. Another important nuance– choice of tile size. Read about how to choose the right size tiles!! Before going to hardware store, measure the walls and floor and try to buy tiles of such a size that they fit into the room entirely and do not need trimming. If it’s impossible to “get in” like this, try to ensure that the tiles are laid down in at least large pieces.
There are no additional recommendations for traditional butt laying of tiles; the main thing is to use a building level to ensure that its surface is level. It happens that before laying tiles in the corners, it becomes necessary to make an undercut. In such cases, use the most convenient tool for this - a tile cutter. Thanks to it, you can make an even seam that will not chip during use and trimming.

Tile leveling systems will help you carry out tiling work with the highest quality possible!

Our online store invites you to buy new innovative tools presented at Russian market, which allow you to lay tiles with the highest quality. Our assortment includes three varieties of the most popular on the domestic market leveling systems- these are DLS, SVP and Litolevel. All of them have excellent factory quality, leave production with a complete absence of defects, and are made of impact-resistant plastic. It is impossible to say for sure from which category of people they have gained the greatest popularity. Newbies who have used it at least once leveling systems, speak flatteringly about them, as they helped them lay tiles with high quality without experience. Professional masons appreciate the work c leveling systems, since they significantly simplify the carrying out of facing work and, in addition, allow the work to be done several times faster. Thus, they manage to complete several norms during a working day and, accordingly, earn more. Except leveling systems We also sell 3D crosses, which are also popular among installers. If we compare systems and crosses, the former are more universal and allow, in addition to obtaining even seams, to organize a perfectly flat surface, thereby solving two problems. Price leveling systems slightly higher, but they are more functional.

By using tile leveling systems, you will receive the following benefits:

The absence of crooked seams and the presence flat surface;
No “landslide” effect – the tiles do not slide at all and stay in the place where you originally fixed them;
Speeds up the finishing work two to four times, which is especially beneficial in cases where large volumes need to be done, since this factor increases productivity;
Using tile leveling systems, even a beginner can lay tiles with high quality;
Included tile leveling systems There is one reusable part that allows you to save on installation costs in the following rooms. In all rooms starting from the second, you save fifty percent of the cost;
The tiles do not sag after the glue dries;
And many others.

What other problems might you encounter?

In addition, various negative aspects often arise with the use of an uneven floor, which, when faced with, you understand that it was worth eradicating in the bud during the repair process:
Uneven floors lead to falls and injuries. And where, if not at home, should a person be safe?
In addition, when the floor comes into contact with furniture, chips and cracks will form in uneven areas. This leads to the fact that the floor is perceived as repulsive and the entire aesthetics of the room is spoiled;
In places where there are strong tile protrusions, due to differences in the plane, accumulations of dirt and dust tend to form.
And much more, which tells us that repairs must be done efficiently and only then will the owner of the home feel comfortable!

Technologically, the process of working with systems is not complicated

To work with tile leveling systems You don’t need to have seven spans in your forehead. The process of working with them is not complicated. Let's talk about this in a more general way and will not dwell on any specific individual system. Usually, leveling system, consists of two parts. One part is the leg, and is responsible for ensuring that the seam is even. It comes into contact with the glue and at the end of the work, after dismantling the system, it partially remains in the seam, but after sealing with a fugue, it becomes invisible. The second part performs the function of a coupler and is inserted into top part the first part, at the end of the work, it is knocked down with a rubber hammer and can be used many times more. There is a third part in the Litolevel tile leveling system, called a pressure washer. As you probably already understood, it is screwed onto the leg and pulls the second part together with the tile. IN financially, all systems are effective and have approximately the same, comparable cost. So, which one to use is up to you to choose!

You can buy tile leveling systems with delivery from us

Our online store sells tile leveling systems in all regions Russian Federation. To buy our products, fill out simple form, after that our manager will contact you to clarify the details of the order. We have a calculator on our website, using which you can calculate as accurately as possible the quantity of products you need. We promise that we will deliver the goods to you as quickly as possible, anywhere in the city. Do your repairs conscientiously, have a nice day!

We continue to talk about the secrets and intricacies of tiled work, and today you will learn about one more interesting topic. We will talk about how to properly lay tiles on the outer corner in the bathroom. In most cases, bathrooms have the shape of a rectangle with no external corners, which means this problem does not exist at all. But, on the other hand, for those who make a combined bathroom or equip a niche to hide plumbing pipes in it, the configuration of the room may be different, and in this case you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to lining the external corners.

How to lay tiles on an external corner

When we say: tiles for the outer corner of the room, or for the inner one, I think no one questions what this means, but just in case, I’ll show you in the pictures:

At first glance, everything seems similar. But in reality, the approach to cladding is fundamentally different.

In the article, you and I have already seen a fragment of a video in which a craftsman was tiling an internal corner. The main thing there was to provide a gap between the tiles for grouting, that's the whole trick.

In the case of external corners, you cannot simply lay tiles on the corner, since the corner will be sharp and ugly. The trick is that the edges of adjacent tiles on the outer corner must be ground with a grinder at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, the tiles leaning against each other form a right outer angle of 90 degrees.

Watch the video and everything will immediately become clear to you:

If the outer angle is not 90 degrees, but say 70, you will need to get creative and sharpen the tiles at an angle of 35 degrees. In general, it is quite difficult to sharpen tiles at certain angles by eye, and I advise you to use a school tool such as a protractor. The same should be done for angles greater than 90 degrees. For example, for an angle of 120 degrees, you need to sharpen the tiles at an angle of 60 degrees.

When doing work on external corners, I strongly recommend buying several cheap tiles and practicing sharpening them at different angles so as not to kill the expensive tiles.

That's all. Today we learned how to properly lay tiles on an external corner.

Lessons on bathroom and toilet renovation

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Wise people said: a house cannot be built without corners, and, therefore, any of the rooms in which there is a need to glue tiles will only confirm the truth of the saying by the presence of not even one corner, but two, three or more.

You can divide them:

  • An internal corner is the area of ​​a room where the surfaces of two walls meet.
  • An external corner, the junction of two adjacent walls, with the formation of protruding sections.

If tiling the walls does not raise any questions, then laying tiles in the corners can lead to a dead end. home craftsman. There are many places in a house or apartment where tiles are used for decoration. This could be a kitchen, bathroom, hallway or corridor, and even a balcony. But most telling is the bathroom, where there are many intersections of adjacent walls. The installation of niches, communication boxes, door and window openings in the bathroom is associated with the formation of external or internal wall joints.

And here the difficulty arises, how to correctly and beautifully reduce the intersection of two planes of the walls; the most difficult thing is to maintain the same level of two adjacent walls.

Preparation stage

Before you start gluing tiles in the bathroom, you should lay out the tiles. The quality of the work performed will depend on the correct execution of this process. When starting the layout, they measure the bathroom space, then inspect and evaluate the surface of the walls on which it is planned to glue the tiles.

If necessary, additional preparation of the base is carried out. During the laying process, all wall joints are subject to inspection to select a ceramic laying method. When the corner is not visible due to furniture or plumbing in the bathroom, the installation method can be simple.

To ensure that the intersection of walls is perfect and flawless, several methods are used. It should be noted that some of them can be implemented only with special equipment, and having experience in the work will not be superfluous.

Existing methods for joining tiles in corners

  • Arrangement of the angle using trims.
  • Perpendicular arrangement of tiles of adjacent walls.
  • Trimming tiles at 45 degrees.
  • Installation on the outer corner of a special format tile.

For the right choice method of designing the intersection of adjacent walls, we will describe each of the listed methods in more detail.

Trim method

The most common method, of course, will be the use of special devices - trims. This is a decorative profile forming an external or internal corner. They come in a wide range of colors, which allows you to match this element to almost any color of wall tiles. Made from metal or plastic.

The use of special corners - trims

The external corner is formed using L-shaped convex trims. To install the internal corner, trims with a concave arc are used; they can also be used as a kind of plinth when transitioning tiles from the walls to the bathroom floor. In addition, joints are made using trims different types ceramics on one wall plane.

Along with the aesthetic and decorative qualities of decorating an external corner using trims, the profile perfectly protects the corner from various types of mechanical influences. The advantages include the relative simplicity of the work performed and the absence of the need to use special tools and equipment.

You can glue the profile using silicone or acrylic sealant, liquid nails or special adhesives. There are some designs of trims that allow their installation on an adhesive solution used for facing the main body of tiles, while part of the trim goes under the tile and is glued there with an adhesive mixture. Cladding the walls and corners of the box using this method is applicable to any type of tile.

There is also a simplified version of trims on sale - this is a decorative corner. It is placed around the perimeter of door and window openings, and is mounted on the tile mortar of the vertical row of one of the walls, and the tile of the vertical row of the other wall is adjacent to the product butt-to-end.

It is advisable to make the outer corner of the bathroom walls with whole, uncut tiles.

Ceramic tiles in the bathroom

This is the usual laying of ceramics end-to-end, and is the easiest way to lay tiles to form a corner of a wall or box. In this option, you need to glue the tiles at 90 degrees of one element relative to the other. As a result, one end of the tile is covered with the top tile, and the second is visible.

If the joining is performed using a cut fragment, then it should be done at the bottom, covering the cut with a whole tile.

There is another option for perpendicular joining of elements at the intersection of walls; it is applicable for the installation of curb protrusions. The principle of the method is that the horizontal top tile needs to be glued with an overhang over vertical row. The edge of the protruding tile should be without a cut and overhang no more than 4-5 mm, then it will look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

The method is applicable only if it is impossible to view the finish from below.

Trimming the end of the tile

Let’s immediately make a reservation that for high-quality implementation this method It is mandatory to have special equipment and appropriate skills to perform this type of work. This task is very complex and time-consuming; it is necessary to cut the tiles of adjacent walls at an angle of 45 degrees, so that at the junction an angle of 90 degrees is formed. Washed down elements can be done in three ways:

  1. Using an electric tile cutter with a diamond blade.
  2. Make a cut with a grinder.
  3. Make the required cut using sandpaper.

Laying tiles in this way is a difficult task for a person who does not have the appropriate skills, and therefore it is advisable to practice on unnecessary fragments. The sawed-off elements must be glued in such a way that the undercuts of adjacent tiles fit perfectly together, forming a right angle.

To obtain a straight line, it is best to make a cut using an electric tile cutter with an inclined bed.

Making a joint with specially shaped tiles

And finally, the method is to lay a corner using a tile made in a special way in the form of two perpendicular elements creating an angle of 90 degrees. Such a product must be glued using the same adhesive mixture as the main body of bathroom wall cladding. In this case, the tiles should be laid away from the product.

Elimination of possible defects

There is no need to be very upset if minor defects arise during the execution of work. Even professionals sometimes make some mistakes, the main thing is to know how to correct them without damaging the overall appearance.

  • If, when tiling, the joint of the walls turns out to be uneven, you can correct the situation by adjusting the layer of adhesive mixture under one or another tile.
  • If the required 45-degree cut is not formed during the cutting of the material, then a more precise fit can be achieved using sandpaper.
  • In case of flaws at the junction, there are two methods to solve this problem:
  1. possible joint defects are treated with standard joint grout;
  2. chips and gaps are closed decorative profile, which can be glued to silicone sealant or liquid nails.

There are different ways to join tiles in corners. Everything depends on imagination and judgment “what is good and what is bad.” For an internal corner, two connection methods are possible:

  • Joining tiles using an internal overlay corner.

The inner corner of the cladding can be decorated with a plastic corner. But this method is being used less and less often. There is a reason for this - why do we need an extra detail?

  • Easy pairing of tiles.

You can arrange the joining of two tiles on the wall in the corner without plastic, just with a seam. Typically, such a seam is placed on the invisible side of the corner. If you lay tiles in a corner without a seam, then after grouting, there will be a black gap at the joint. The only way to fix it later is with silicone. And it’s good if the color of the silicone and the grout match. Which happens rarely.

Joining tiles at the inner corner.

Flaws. A crack may appear in the grout in such a connection. Western technologies recommend for plasterboard and similar structures to fill vertical joints on internal corners sanitary silicone. For brick walls, such a precaution is unnecessary.

Sealing the inner corner of the shower cabin with silicone.

With options for the outer corner, a person's imagination is more fruitful. Here you can use five docking methods:

  • The most common is to cover the edge of the tile with an applied outer corner. It can be plastic, aluminum or brass. But this does not change the essence and method of installation. Installation is carried out while laying the tiles. Disadvantages – This is another design element. The smaller the number of similar parts, the more interesting design. And further. Corners get dirty faster and are more difficult to clean along with ceramics.

Outer plastic corner on the box

  • Lately tiling in corners with outside corners is becoming less popular. “Everything is like everyone else” is the main culprit of this cooling. This is being replaced by the technology of grinding tiles at the end at an angle of 45 degrees. This makes it possible to do without corners. The angle becomes more natural and harmonious. But making such an angle requires skill and tools. What does not make this method cheaper than the previous ones. The second disadvantage of this solution is increased vulnerability. At the slightest impact, the tile at the grinding site breaks off.

Designing tiles on coal without plastic

  • The third method is less common, but still present in the finishing of external corners. Especially when faced with hog tiles. Its meaning is to alternately align the end of the tile on one side, then on the other. There are people who think that “this is beautiful.” It's their right. And maybe there is something in this.

Option for tiling a corner with “hog” tiles

  • The fourth technique can be considered a variation of the previous one. Only the end of the tile is visible on one side of the corner. It is not hidden or ennobled in any way. This method is typical for tiles on steps and protruding plinths. It is impossible to do otherwise in these cases. The only trick that can be used is to expose the painted end of the tile. On many tiles, one of the four ends is the color of the tile. Another option is possible when facing with natural stone.

The end of the tile on the plinth.

The end of the tile in the shower stall.

  • The fifth method is very rare and not for everyone. I'm one of those fans. The idea of ​​this corner design is that none of the tiles protrude onto the corner line, but are located in their own plane. The inner corner formed from the two ends of the tiles is formed using grout in a semicircle.

Below is a video where there are still fans of this angle:

  • Sixth method. Little known but interesting in concept and method of implementation.

Excerpts from questions from letters and consultations:

1. How to tile an internal corner when uneven walls?

On uneven walls, before starting tiling, it is necessary to lay out the tiles. Having previously determined where and how far the angle goes from the vertical. Otherwise, it is possible that starting from the bottom with a whole tile, a gap of several centimeters will appear under the ceiling in the corners (depending on the walls).

Tiles on the inner corner with curved walls.

If you start filling these gaps with pieces of tiles, then the entire wedge on the wall will be visible. The seams are located more or less vertically. Therefore, each case has its own tile layout. But general rule such that you need to place pieces of tiles along the edges (if the layout allows). Moreover, the pieces should be large, more than half of the tile. In such a trim, the deviation of the walls from the vertical is not visible.

Other tile options in the corner.

2. “ do they join tiles at corners abroad?”

They don’t “bother” much. Basically, the “G” chrome corner covers the end of the tile:

How to lay tiles in corners without ruining the appearance?

Popular wisdom says that it is impossible to build a house without corners! Therefore, indoors it is necessary to learn how to qualitatively finish internal and external corners.

If tiles are used as a facing material, then it is important to know how to lay tiles in the corners. Not knowing this issue can lead many home craftsmen into a dead end, while laying tiles in a straight line will not pose any particular difficulties. We will try to fully answer the question of how to properly lay tiles in corners, relying on the knowledge and experience of our craftsmen.

Docking methods

There are several methods for finishing wall corners. In this article, we suggest you consider the following options:

  • Direct docking.
  • Edge trimming.
  • Using trims.
  • Corner tiles.

Each of these methods has its own differences. We are confident that one of the listed methods will help you lay tiles.

Direct docking

You can lay tiles at right angles. This is the easiest way without any hassles. That is, it is assumed that the tiles are joined to each other without any trimming. As a result, one slice will be hidden, and the second in plain sight.

This method allows you to with the least effort level the corner in any part of the wall, even the most inaccessible one. If the tiles converge into a corner and one of the edges is cut off, then think about it so that it is not visible. It is better to have a factory cut on the outside.

Another method that involves perpendicular joining can also be included in this category of joining tiles. This method is only relevant if a special border is used to cover the protrusions.

The principle of joining tiles is as follows: the tile is glued to the surface so that the top tile, located horizontally, hangs over the edge. In this case, the joint of the tiles in the corner will be neat (provided that the canopy reaches no more than 5 mm). In this case, it is important that the overhanging edge has a factory cut.

Laying tiles in an internal corner - video

Edge Trimming

We can safely say that this is the most difficult way to decorate the corners of ceramic tiles. It is mainly used by those who have special equipment for cutting tiles or by experienced tilers.

The idea is that the sides of two tiles are cut at 45°. The result is a perfect 90° angle. Mostly the tiles are placed so that there is a small gap near the walls. A tile at least half the width of the whole is placed in it.

And it’s not difficult to lay it down, because it has rectangular shape. To form such a clear angle, you need to understand that the walls must be perfectly aligned. If the angle of the wall, both internal and external, does not have 90°, then cutting 45° corners on the tiles does not make sense.

As for the cut, it is best done with an electric tile cutter. As cutting element there should be a diamond-coated circle protruding. Due to high speeds, a perfectly even and smooth cut is obtained.

The only thing is that the guide on the bed must first be set at 45°. After such a cut, you will not need to further process this side of the tile.

Some craftsmen have adapted to use a budget option, making a cut with a regular tile cutter, and adjusting the edge grinder. However, this method has its drawbacks. It is extremely difficult to make a perfect cut, as is the case with an electric tile cutter.

If you already have a tile cutter, and it has the ability to change the cutting angle, then you can beautifully design the internal and external corners of the walls.

A visual example of tiling a corner with cutting tiles at 45 degrees

Using Trims

This decoration of wall corners is in great demand. Docking tiles using trims greatly simplifies the cladding process. They exist both internal and external.

One of the main advantages is that it is possible to choose the trim yourself different color, which will be most suitable for decorating the corner. They can be plastic or metal. Accordingly, they differ in cost, the first ones are much cheaper. Among workers, trims are also called corners.

So, to finish the outer corner, a corner is used L-shaped. It has a slight bulge. Corners for internal corners have a concave shape. They are often used as a transition from tiles to a bathtub.

The advantages of such corners:

  1. Excellent aesthetic properties.
  2. Excellent protection corners from possible mechanical damage. If you accidentally catch a corner with a heavy object, you will have to replace not the tile, but just the corner. And if the corner is metal, then no damage will be visible at all, except perhaps a small scratch.
  3. Trims are convenient for finishing wall corners. There should be no difficulties during laying the tiles.
  4. When forming a tile corner, there is no need to use expensive equipment, such as a tile cutter. It is enough to have a level at hand.
  5. Trim is glued using liquid nails or silicone. Special adhesives can also be used. Some specialists can lay such corners on the same mortar that is used to lay the tiles.

Options correct installation tiles for external and internal corners - video

Corner tiles

Ordinary corner tiles are often used to decorate wall corners. But not all manufacturers produce tiles of this shape. By far, this is the easiest way to trim corners. In appearance, they are presented as two tiles connected at 90°.

However, they are used primarily for external corners. When laying tiles of this shape, glue is used, onto which the remaining tiles are laid in a straight line.

The result is beautiful. Using special corners made of metal or plastic cannot even compare with this method.

Elimination of defects

Regardless of which method you choose, it may simply not be possible to do all the work perfectly. Especially if you are a beginner, non-standard situations can and will arise during your work.

Moreover, due to lack of experience, some nuances may simply get out of control. And if you need to lay boar tiles, then questions may arise about how to properly lay out the joint in the corner.

For example, one of the difficulties you may encounter is that it is difficult to achieve a perfect 45° cut. So, you can grind off the excess sandpaper until you get the desired result.

If you overdid it and your cut was too large, then do not rush to break the tile. Leave it until the next joint. Perhaps there will need to be tiles already.

But what if during the work chips form on the surface of the tile. It is clear that this is not a completely rosy situation. However, you can get rid of them using regular grout. If it is difficult to disguise them in the corner, then you can cut out a plastic corner and glue it to liquid nails or silicone. Everything will go very quickly and easily.

Conclusion So, now we have considered the question of how to lay tiles in the corners. This work is important, because very often a person’s gaze is directed precisely to the corners. Therefore, you should not rush when laying them, but try to do everything according to the level.

If there is no level, then you can use a rule to make everything visually smooth. Considering that all the technological aspects cannot be described here, we invite you to additionally watch a video that clearly shows the methods for finishing corners.

Good day to all forum members! During the renovation of the kitchen and bathroom, a question arose. How to decorate the outer corner of ceramic tiles? When I entered the apartment after laying the tiles, I was VERY disappointed. The corner joints of the tiles caught my eye. The craftsmen tried to calm me down by gluing a plastic corner in the color of the tile, but my inner instinct did not allow me to sleep peacefully that evening, since I had seen such corners back when I was renovating my parents’ apartment 10 years ago. I asked myself: haven’t they come up with anything more aesthetically pleasing since then?! I found a post on this forum by a master about cutting tiles at an angle of 45*. My husband read on the Internet that during use, tiles with such seams (under 45) begin to crack over time, and then they install a corner anyway. But in our case, as I understand it, it’s too late to think about it - the tiles are already on the walls. Dear masters, please tell me which ones are available for us alternative options solving this issue. Or is it really just a plastic corner? Thank you in advance!!!

Of course with quality tiles And high-quality installation it at 45 degrees (almost), nothing will crack. But I prefer a built-in semicircular one outer corner to match the color of the tiles. So it occurred to me to drag some kind of stepladder into the bathtub. He turned awkwardly - grunting at the corner, crooked! Oops, and a chip in the coal. Yes, in the most visible place, according to the law of meanness (And if there was a built-in plastic corner there, nothing would happen. For internal corners, a plastic corner is of no use, there it is enough to cut the slab evenly even with a glass cutter. But in your case, it’s too late for that too think, only if you dismantle the entire corner and re-lay it out with the corner.

And gluing a plastic corner on top of a ready-made corner so that it would then stick out above the surface of the tile... Even if it matches the color... This, of course, is not comme il faut at all.

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Laying tiles yourself on an internal corner

  • Features of material selection
  • Preparatory work
  • Laying tiles and all the nuances of this process
  • Recommendations for the construction process
  • Finish the process with cladding

Today, ceramic tiles are a popular facing material. It is widely used for tiling bathrooms, kitchens, and also as flooring in the hall. The fact is that this material has a number of advantages that are difficult not to notice. Since tiles resist the negative effects of moisture and heat well, they are often used to decorate bathrooms and kitchens. Thanks to high level Due to wear resistance, it is used as flooring in the hallway. When laying products, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, especially when we're talking about about such a stage as laying tiles, the inner corner is that part of the room where work must be carried out with extreme caution.

Laying tiles in corners is carried out with special care and caution.

These properties are the reason why tiles are integral part any home. Although ceramic tiles are often used in finishing works ah, its styling should only be done experienced builder, since durability and aesthetic appearance coverings.

If you decide to carry out finishing work using a ceramic structure yourself, then you must take into account some of the nuances of this process. Some difficulties may arise when working with this material. So, the most common problem is laying tiles in the outer corner. Of course, there are other problems that relate to choice building materials and tools that will be needed for finishing work.

Features of material selection

Scheme for laying tiles in the corner using PVC profiles.

Before tiling (i.e. laying tiles in the inner corners), it is necessary to choose the right one. When choosing tiles, you need to consider where they will be used.

If you decide to leave workplace in the kitchen, then you must choose a material that not only resists well high humidity, but also heating. This is especially true for the material that will be used near the stove or other heating elements.

It is worth understanding that the system that is used as a floor covering must have special properties than that used for wall cladding. For example, floor tiles must have high wear resistance and strength, as it will be subject to heavy loads.

An important criterion for selecting a floor structure is its slip coefficient. In the bathroom and kitchen there is always a risk of water getting on the floor, which in turn can lead to a fall. The tiles should be as slip resistant as possible.

As for the appearance of the material, it all depends on your preferences. But if this is your first time laying ceramic tiles, then it is better to give preference to a plain material.

If you still choose a system with a pattern, then you must prepare yourself for complex and lengthy work, since you will need to create a drawing from these patterns.

For finishing work that involves laying tiles, you will need some tools and equipment:

The tiles are laid using a spatula, level, crosses and tape measure.

  • putty knife;
  • trowel;
  • roulette;
  • marker;
  • level;
  • Bulgarian;
  • level.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of mixture on which to lay facing material. The durability of the coating will depend on this. Will also be needed corner profile, plastic crosses, grout, as well as special tool for cutting ceramic tiles (tile cutter).

The simplest solution to the issue is direct docking. In this case, the elements are laid perpendicular to each other, that is, so that one cut remains visible, and the other is hidden under the upper fragment.

In this case, a corner in any part of the walls is closed with minimal effort. If adjustment of the tile is necessary, it is advisable to place the cut edge under the bottom. The disadvantage of this method is the presence of a seam at the junction. Later it is sealed with grout, but this still affects appearance surfaces.

Options for laying tiles at internal joints

There is another way to join tiles perpendicularly in the corners. This method Suitable, for example, for finishing curbs or bathroom frames. The main condition is that the cladding should not be visible from below.

The essence of the method is as follows: it is necessary to glue the tile so that the horizontally located (top) tile hangs over the edge. The corner will turn out neat if the width of the canopy is within 3-5 mm. The only condition is that the edge must be solid.

Edge Trimming

For more accurate work you will need special equipment. The method is based on cutting the edge of the tile at 45 degrees. The task is performed in the following ways:

  • grind the edge with a grinder;
  • a tile cutter is used;
  • sandpaper is used.

The best option is to process tiles with an electric tile cutter with an inclined bed.

How to lay such wall tiles? For this purpose, the tiles are cut and glued with mortar into the corner so that their edges coincide and form a solid covering.

One way to lay tiles in internal and external corners is to trim the chamfer at 45 degrees.

For beginners, laying tiles in the bathroom using this method is not easy. If possible, practice on unnecessary material. Please ensure that the surface of the walls is as smooth as possible, otherwise you will need to lay a layer of glue of different thicknesses on it, which will disrupt the position of adjacent elements.

Using Trims

These are special inserts. The method using them is the most popular. They represent plastic profile, forming the angle of the desired direction. An L-shaped pad is used for external projections. A inner surface looks like a concave arc. Narrow convex models are also used.

One more important issue needs to be resolved - how to glue the plastic corner to the tile. Several options are possible:

  • sealant;
  • glue;
  • liquid Nails.

Often, such trims have a special design that allows them to be laid on the solution. A special plate is driven under the tile and fixed tile adhesive. This installation is extremely simple, the surface acquires a neat appearance, and the joints are protected from moisture and bacteria.

Some options for cladding inserts

The external plastic corner and trims at the junctions with the plumbing (curbs) are fixed differently, for example, using silicone or acrylic sealant. How exactly to glue the plastic to the tiles in the bathroom does not make much of a difference. This type of finishing of walls or corners of the box is suitable for almost any type of material.

Corner tiles

Another option for processing wall corners involves using tiles of a special format. Some manufacturers produce special corner elements. They look like two perpendicularly connected parts forming a right angle.

Finishing the steps

Laying such tiles is extremely simple. To glue it, use a solution, as for other finishes. If you use such a corner, laying is done in the direction away from it. However, this rule applies primarily to finishing borders in the bathroom.

Corner elements are an alternative to plastic. It allows you to maintain the integrity of the surface design ceramic tiles.

Differences between external and internal corners

When carrying out work, remember the difference between internal and external elements. The first option is the space where the surfaces of two walls meet along the perimeter of a standard room. The second is a protruding area.

The most striking difference is demonstrated when installing plastic corners for tiles. Trims have fundamental differences from each other, depending on their purpose for a particular area.

Examples of designing corners using trims

Also keep in mind that it is easier to glue the internal trim tiles, because in case of deviation from the norms, the situation is corrected with the help of glue and grout. In general, the fugue looks more organic on the inner corners of the walls. In the bathroom this is of particular importance, because external projections, for example, when installing a box, are more susceptible to destruction. Over time, the fugue simply crumbles and is washed out from there. That is why it is better to lay an additional plastic corner on the tile, which will not only protect, but also decorate the surface.

Elimination of defects

It is not always possible to do the job flawlessly, especially for beginners. Nevertheless, it is possible to remove some shortcomings. If you cannot lay a corner with ceramic tiles evenly, try to compensate for the flaws with mortar, for example, by raising the adjacent element to the desired level.

When pruning, it is not always possible to achieve a slope of exactly 45 degrees. If not enough material is cut, the excess can be easily sanded down until you have a smooth angle.

Another point is the presence of defects at the junction. There are two options to fix the problem. First - installation is carried out in the prescribed manner, and chips and gaps are covered with grout during the process decorative finishing. The second option is that after the mortar and fugue have dried, a plastic profile is glued to the corner to mask these wall defects. Its installation is done using silicone or liquid nails.

Finishing corners is not an easy job, but it can be done if you follow the tips presented above.