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» How is the sealing of the seams of a wooden house performed? What is better - caulking or a warm seam for a wooden house? Insulation of logs warm seam

How is the sealing of the seams of a wooden house performed? What is better - caulking or a warm seam for a wooden house? Insulation of logs warm seam

Ecologically clean wood has long been considered an excellent material for building a house. Huts or log cabins built of wood are good because they breathe easily. In summer, such buildings do not get very hot, like brick or stone houses, and it is comfortable to stay in them even in the heat, and in frosty winters, wooden walls keep heat well, not letting cold into the room. For these reasons, many people prefer to build their cottages and country houses from wood.

However, along with the above advantages, the tree also has many disadvantages. So, under the influence of natural factors, it undergoes deformation and deterioration. Moisture contributes to the swelling of wood logs, in dry weather they dry out. All this leads to the fact that gaps begin to appear between the crowns of the log house, through which wind and cold can enter the house, and rain and dampness are the causes of wood decay and its gradual destruction. But these processes can be prevented if the log house is insulated and the log joints are sealed in time. The salvation of the dwelling is the high-quality sealing of the seams between the crowns. What materials are better to use for sealing walls and how is seaming done in a wooden house correctly?

Is it worth caulking a wooden house?

The most famous interventional heaters are moss, hemp and tow. The advantages of these natural materials are resistance to temperature fluctuations, bactericidal and mold fungi, low thermal conductivity, good moisture absorption. But fewer and fewer people building log cabins use these materials to seal the seams in a wooden house. Why did the demand for moss, tow and hemp decrease so much?

The process of caulking the gaps and gaps between the crowns is quite laborious and time consuming, because it is required to carefully and evenly plug them with natural materials using a chisel. The walls cannot be caulked immediately after the construction of the log house, since it will take at least a year to shrink, and during this time the moisture can already begin its destructive work. The disadvantage of caulking tow and moss is the fact that this process will need to be repeated more than once. The thing is that birds love to “steal” materials from people to build nests. Pulling moss and tow out of cracks and joints, they violate the integrity of the seal and give the wooden frame a sloppy, disheveled look. Winds also worsen the appearance of the walls. As for material such as hemp, it is subject to attacks by moths, which, through their activities, harm the seal.

Knowing these shortcomings of natural heaters, manufacturers of building materials produce more advanced sealants to improve the quality of insulation of all cracks and seams of a wooden house. What are the advantages of modern wall insulation?

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How to insulate walls with tape tow and linen rope?

One of the improved sealants is natural tow in rolls. It is made from flax, which is first well combed on carding machines, then the fibers are polarized and turned into a tape 15 cm wide. Next, the fibers are cleaned of various impurities. The result is an excellent sound and heat insulating material with good waterproof properties.

Unlike ordinary tow, tape is easier and denser to fit between the joints, it is not so brittle due to its softness.

Due to the naturalness of the material, the log walls breathe well and do not rot. Tape tow seams are more durable, and it is not easy for birds to pull it out of the cracks. The rolled material is laid, like the usual one, along the crowns and along their edges with the help of a chisel or a special caulking spatula, carefully tucking the edges of the tape into each seam and slot. The result is a reliable seal between the logs, and the appearance of the log house is quite attractive.

A house insulated with linen rope looks even more beautiful. Such sealing of seams is called rope. As a heater, a three-strand linen rope is used, which is fixed to the seam with staples or nails. To work on the following materials and tools are needed:

  • tape measure or ruler;
  • scissors;
  • linen rope;
  • a hammer;
  • short nails;
  • metal staples;
  • tassel;
  • wood impregnation.

The acquired linen rope is placed along the line of the inter-beam seam and every 15 cm, pulling it well, a bracket or a nail with a small hat is hammered into the timber. At the corners of a wooden house, the distance between the fasteners may be smaller. In order for the rope sealing to look aesthetically pleasing, when driving in nails or staples, the following action is performed: first, a strand of rope is slightly opened, then fasteners are hammered in, the rope itself is tucked against the wall of the log house and pulled. The strand is closed, and the staple or nail head is hidden under it from prying eyes.

When the sealing of the seams with a natural linen cord is completed, care should be taken to preserve it for a long time. To do this, you need to take a protective impregnation for wood and carefully process all the rope edges with it. You can perform this procedure, impregnating at the same time the log walls themselves. Despite the fact that the process of sealing all the seams of a wooden house is quite long, it is not difficult, and you can do it without resorting to the help of other people. Rope insulation of seams in a wooden house is highly reliable, perfectly protects the log house from moisture and gives the structure an unusual but attractive look.

Insulation technologies

Modern insulation technologies present a rich choice as well as construction technologies. The most popular ways of warming:

Insulation with polyurethane foam - suitable for insulating a house made using any construction technology: from stone to frame.

Insulation with polyurethane foam plates - suitable for almost all types of houses. You can sheathe houses from timber and logs.

Warming with mineral wool - more suitable for warming frame structures.

Insulation according to the "Warm joint" technology with special sealants for wood - ideal for insulating houses made of both timber and logs, as well as chopped log cabins.

Increasingly, the insulation of a wooden house is carried out by private craftsmen using the "warm seam" technology. Many construction companies and repair teams use wood sealant to insulate country houses from logs and log cabins.

How to insulate a wooden house using the Warm Seam technology?

How to make a warm seam?

If you have decided which sealant is right for you, then you can proceed to the next step - performing work on sealing the seams. In principle, the work of applying sealant to wood is not technically difficult. The simplicity of the technology allows you to make a warm seam with your own hands. The only question is time, because. a warm seam requires painstaking work. Nevertheless, a more accurate seam will be obtained by professionals in their field - painters who have "filled their hands" on thousands of running meters of a seam. A dilemma often arises here: contact a private master or conclude an agreement with a professional construction team. Whoever would be preferable for you, you should pay attention to the observance of technology by the master.

Warm seam technology involves the following stages of work:

1. Mechanical cleaning of the seam.

2. Laying of an anti-adhesion plait from extruded polyurethane.

3. Application and leveling of wood sealant.

If the technology is followed, a warm seam will last a long time and make the house warmer than ordinary caulking. In addition, for those who care about the appearance of facades and walls inside the house, caulking with sealant is more suitable than the traditional one. Sealing the seams prevents not only heat loss, but also the penetration of moisture into the house. And sealing the ends of the log will prevent the penetration of excess moisture into the body of the wood, thereby protecting the log from decay.

I never thought that the house could be warm without batteries and hot water bottles. We have stove heating in our dacha and in winter we had to get up at night to add firewood and fill a bottle of hot water in order to put it in bed and not freeze. But after the guys insulated the seams in my house outside and inside the house it became warm and cozy. And now I heat the stove three times less - once a day. Thank you for your work!

Alexey A.

I called, drove up, agreed, did as promised on time and with high quality. Well done! They know their business and do not take on the impossible. I had wishes that, as it turned out, are very difficult to fulfill in practice. Nikolai immediately suggested a suitable alternative and clearly explained why it was necessary to do so. Now my house looks like new! I want to upgrade my fence! Will you give a discount?

Milena A.

I saw photos of their houses with firing from friends and I really liked it. I turned to the guys and now I have a very beautiful bath! Neighbors come to see and I recommend these wonderful guys to everyone! By the way, one of the pictures also has my nice bathhouse) Thank you!

Yuri H.

My son and I decided to go through the seams with sealant, bought in the market and two weeks of my vacation flew by like 1 day. First, we had a whole wall washed away by rain! Just washed away! I couldn't believe it! I had to do it again. The following year, I discovered that the sealant had cracked in some places. I decided to buy a normal and proven one, I came to Mytishchi to choose a color, and then it turned out that they know how to apply it normally. They did everything right. At the same time I learned that the cord is necessary. In general, thank you! I had to contact them right away. And so I wasted my time and money.

The sealant is used for sealing built-in elements made of plastic, metal, wood, door jambs, connecting seams of wooden and plastic window frames, for sealing cracks up to 5 cm wide. Sealant is used for both exterior and interior work. It can be used to repair the facade, masonry, as well as various wooden and plastered surfaces. It is mainly used for wooden houses. They can process materials with reduced strength, including foam concrete and gypsum-based materials. The main scope of application is the Warm Seam technology. With the help of this technology, it is possible to effectively eliminate the heat loss of wooden houses by blocking the outflow of heat through cracks, cracks and gaps between the logs. The use of sealant for these purposes allows you to protect the house from drafts, cold, mold and other common problems.

Special sealants for wood of the Accent and Terma-Chink "Warm Seam" line are based on acrylic polymers, due to which they have higher performance than their counterparts. They are highly elastic, resilient, water-based and do not contain solvents, making them suitable for indoor use. After drying, the surface can be painted with water-dispersion paints, enamels, wood varnishes. A guarantee of quality and durability is the use of a range of materials from one manufacturer.

Application temperature from +5°С to +35°С
Operating temperature from -40°С to +70°С

The sealant is not recommended for use at temperatures below +5°C and humidity over 80%, since the drying time of the sealant increases dramatically, and due to the evaporation of water from its surface, it cools below the ambient temperature and it will be subject to the problem of moisture condensation from the surrounding air on its surface, which can cause the unformed film to be washed off. It is also not recommended to apply the material in the rain (even drizzling). At high humidity, the drying time of the sealant increases, and drops of water can cause the unformed film to be washed off.

In hot and dry weather, it is worth paying attention to the contact of the sealant with the base (wood temperature can exceed + 35 ° C), which can be disturbed by the rapid drying of the material due to the absorption of water by the wall surface. A full-fledged polymer film does not have time to form and the adhesion of the sealant to the surface decreases. In this case, the base should be primed or moistened with water before processing to reduce the absorbency of the wall surface.

Do not apply in direct sunlight, use protective canopies. Direct sunlight accelerates the formation of a dense surface film and can cause the formation of bubbles and blisters on the surface due to the evaporation of water from the depth of the applied sealant layer or air trapped in the layer when sealant is taken from a bucket. A protective canopy is erected from the roof to the ground to shade the treated wall surface, leaving space for air to circulate freely along the wall. Wall shading time is 3-5 days.

If the house is very hot inside (heating) and not ventilated, then the air pressure inside the house is higher than outside, which can also lead to the formation of bubbles on the surface of the sealant applied from the outside.

Application technology

Before applying the sealant (the sealant is applied at a stable average daily temperature of at least +5 ° C), the surface should be cleaned of tar, dust, oils and other contaminants, it should be noted that it is better to apply the sealant a year and a half after the construction of the log house, when the house sags enough. Sealing inside the house under the same conditions, but the house must stand under heating for at least 2 months at sub-zero temperatures outside the house.

When applying in an older home, check the wood for signs of decay and rot. Remove or replace damaged wood. It is recommended to remove insufficiently bonded and fragile coatings, adhesion can be checked with a trellis notch. When testing coatings on wood or similar material, the notches are made at an angle of 45° to the grain direction of the material. The notch must completely cut through the coating to reach the base), the distance between parallel notches is 1-2 mm. Repeat this operation at an angle of 90° to the original cuts to obtain a lattice (at least 6x6 cuts). When testing coatings applied to hard and wood surfaces to be painted, adhesive tape may be used. To check the density of contact with the coating, press the tape with a fingertip or fingernail. The color of the coating seen through the tape is an indication of the full contact of the tape with the coating. 5 minutes after gluing the tape, it is removed by holding the free end and gently tearing it off in 0.5-1.0 s at an angle of approximately 60°. If the area of ​​delaminations (adhered to the adhesive layer of the tape) exceeds 10% of the grid area, the coating is considered unsuitable and must be removed. However, it should be noted that when applying sealant to old coatings from another manufacturer, we cannot guarantee the durability of such a combination.

Surfaces that absorb water quickly should be treated with a deep penetration primer to reduce/even out absorbency. The primer can also be prepared from sealant by diluting it with water in a ratio of 1:1.

The edges of the seam must be dried (small humidity is allowed) and dedusted. Too deep seams should be pre-laid with a high-pressure polyethylene foam cord, securing it inside with caulking, special glue or nails. The polyethylene foam cord is used for the correct configuration of the warm seam. After drying, the sealant sticks to the top and bottom logs, but does not stick to the cord. As a result, an elastic membrane is formed.

Joints must be completely filled during application. The presence of voids is not allowed. The optimal layer thickness is 4-6 mm, it is not recommended to apply a thicker layer of 8-10 mm due to the long drying time (more than 4 weeks). After applying the sealant, it must be immediately (15-30 minutes from the moment of application) smoothed / leveled with a spatula, and the smoothness of the resulting seam can be given with a spatula moistened with water or a wet brush with soft bristles.

Excess sealant, immediately after application, can be easily removed with a wet cloth. You can glue the edges of the seam with masking tape, which is removed after applying and leveling the sealant.

Until the sealant dries, the seam must be protected from water and direct sunlight. Complete polymerization occurs within a week (at a temperature of 20 ° C and a humidity of 60%), however, the sealant begins to perform its functions already in the course of solidification.

A wooden house is not just a beautiful, environmentally friendly and comfortable home. Wood retains heat well, so if the sealing of a wooden house is carried out correctly, heating costs will be reduced by 30-40%.

Insulation of the house using the "Warm seam" technology

With the advent of new insulating materials, it became possible to insulate a wooden house more reliably and efficiently. The sealing of the log house using the “Warm Seam” technology is carried out just once, and the service life of such seams is more than 20 years.

The main material that is used to eliminate "cold bridges" in a log house is acrylic sealant. It is elastic, that is, the seam stretches or shrinks depending on the seasonal fluctuations in the size of the log house, perfectly seizes with wood and prevents moisture, dirt, mold, and pests from entering the joints.

The wood joint sealant is resistant to UV rays and temperature changes, does not emit toxic substances and can be safely used even indoors. Mezhventsovy sealant for wood can be painted in different colors, so that the seam becomes a kind of decorative element of the log house.


Sealing allows you to optimize the temperature and humidity conditions for living in the house

The absence of heat leakage from interventional gaps will reduce the cost of heating a wooden house

Sealing allows you to reduce costs and refuse additional investments in periodic caulking

Sealed interventional gaps will avoid blowing through the log walls of a wooden house in wet and cold weather

Airtight openings prevent insects and mold growth in the openings

A wide range of colors and textures combined with wood enhances the look of your home.

Warm seam prices for services for a wooden house

*The cost of all materials is already included in the price of the work.

Warm seam for logs

diameter up to 220mm

*150 rub. per running meter
diameter up to 260mm *170 rub. per running meter
diameter up to 300mm *195 rub. per running meter
Warm seam for log house

from *195 rub. per running meter
Preparing for a warm seam

Removal of an old caulk from 20 rubles. per running meter
Removal of old sealant from 40 rubles. per running meter

Why is it cold in a wooden house?

Any wood under the influence of the environment changes its parameters over time. Cracks form between the logs, drafts begin to walk in the house, and the heat leaves. Our ancestors were well aware of this feature of wood. Therefore, the caulking of a wooden frame was an important stage in the construction. The space between the crowns was densely filled with moss. The first time is in the process of construction, and the second time - a year later, when the log house "settles".

So in most cases they do now, only the insulation of wooden houses is produced with tow, jute, linen. Natural materials look beautiful, protect joints well and keep warm. But they require regular updating, since the insulating material cannot fill the increasing gaps, it is blown out by the wind, birds take it away, and insects can settle in it.

The new technology of home insulation with sealants for wood, which is used by the Teply Dom company, is devoid of all these shortcomings.

REMMERS sealant color palette

How is the insulation of the log house with sealant?

The warming of the log house using the “Warm Seam” technology is carried out 1-1.5 years after the completion of construction, when the process of shrinking the house is completed. The technology includes several stages:

  • The seams between the logs are prepared for processing: the old insulation is removed, the cracks are cleared, dust and dirt are removed, and they are coated with a special impregnation.
  • The prepared surface is primed.
  • A sealing cord is laid, which fills deep gaps and cracks, creating the basis for a layer of sealant.
  • Using a pneumatic mechanism, the seams are filled with sealant, which is leveled with a spatula. The recommended joint thickness is 4-6 mm.
  • The joint is finalized by smoothing the surface of the sealant, giving it a neat appearance.
  • Within 2-7 days, the sealant hardens. The curing time depends on the initial moisture content of the wood and the ambient temperature.

It is better to entrust the warming of a wooden house with a warm seam to professionals. The specialists of the company "Teply Dom" will help you choose the most suitable type of sealant, and our masters will quickly and accurately carry out all the work.

We use only the best, proven sealants from RAMSAUER (Austria) and other leading manufacturers. This allows the customer to guarantee the high quality of the seam, the absence of "cold bridges" and the long service life of materials.


  • Can I trust you with my house? "Teply Dom" has been on the construction services market for more than 6 years and during this time there has not been a single dissatisfied client. All work is carried out "in white" in compliance with all technologies.
  • Hope you are doing a good job. What guarantees can you give? The quality is guaranteed by the contract. We also provide a Guarantee on the quality of work performed up to 7 years for all work done.
  • Do I need to buy materials and take care of the garbage? No, we do turnkey work: we take care of the purchase and delivery of materials. The site is guaranteed to be clean. We also take out the trash ourselves.
  • Who will directly carry out the work? We have our own builders. All workers are qualified, trained specialists, Slavs.