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» How to grow pineapple at home - exotic on the window! How to grow pineapple - tropical exotic at home

How to grow pineapple at home - exotic on the window! How to grow pineapple - tropical exotic at home

Many people have repeatedly wondered how to grow a pineapple at home from the top. This is one of the most amazing fruits in the world, native to hot tropical countries. However, under controlled conditions, the plant can be grown in temperate climates, and even in a city apartment.

How to grow pineapple at home?

Most people set out to grow pineapple for decorative purposes or out of interest, but it is quite possible to ripen the exotic fruit on the windowsill. Of course, this will require effort and patience. In addition, you should not expect that an indoor pineapple will reach its usual size and be similar to those sold in stores, but it is possible to grow a small fruit weighing about 300 g.

So, when you decide to get an exotic plant in your apartment, you need to take into account that pineapple belongs to the Bromeliad plant family. This means that it develops until the fruit ripens, after which it dies. That is why it is recommended to think in advance about how to grow pineapple at home, because there are several ways to propagate it. So:

  • rooting of the top of a ripe fruit is the most common and affordable way cultivation;
  • pineapple from seeds - also affordable option, but longer and more labor-intensive;
  • propagation by shoots that appear on the plant during the flowering period.

When deciding to grow a pineapple for the first time, it is better to use one of the first two methods, since for the latter you need to find somewhere flowering plant to take escapes from him. Most often, home gardeners grow pineapples from the tops, but you can try to germinate the seeds, the main thing in this case is to find good seed material.

How to grow pineapple at home (video)

Growing a pineapple from the top

Growing pineapple from the top of a purchased fruit takes place in several stages. In order for the experiment to be successful, you need to get to know each of them in detail. So:

  1. Choosing the right one planting material, on which the success of the operation largely depends. You need to germinate the top of a ripe fruit; green or overripe pineapple is not suitable for this purpose. When choosing it in a store or at the market, you need to pay attention to the leaves: they should be rich green, hard and healthy. If in some places the foliage begins to turn yellow or dry out, then it is better to put the fruit aside and look for another specimen. You also need to carefully choose pineapples in winter period, since at this time of year they are often frostbitten. Focus on the smell - ripe fruits have a very characteristic smell. The skin of a good fruit has a beautiful golden brown color, without gray spots.
  2. Preparing the top. First of all, you need to separate the tuft from the pulp: to do this, you need to collect all the foliage into a bunch with one hand and slowly, very carefully scroll through it. The process is reminiscent of unscrewing the cap from a tightly closed bottle. As a result, the crown along with the stem should move away. If this does not happen, you can use a knife to cut top part pineapple In this case, it is necessary to cut off all the pulp so that the top does not rot, after which all that remains is to separate a few centimeters of the stem from its lower part. As a result, small brown dots will be visible on the circle - these are root buds from which roots will appear in the future.
  3. Sprouting roots. In order for the top to give roots, it is enough to immerse it 3-4 cm in a container of water room temperature. The glass should be placed in a warm place where there are no drafts or temperature changes. After a week, roots should appear.
  4. Planting sprouted tops. You can plant it immediately in a large pot with a diameter of 30-35 cm, or in a smaller container, but then you will need to replant the grown plant. Pineapple grown at home does not tolerate crowding: as soon as it lacks space, the leaves begin to dry out, and the plant itself stops growing and developing. A pineapple grown in such conditions will never bloom or bear fruit. There must be a drainage layer and holes to get rid of excess water.

How to root a pineapple (video)

Plant care

As you know, pineapples grow in hot countries, so cold is contraindicated for them. Those who decide to grow it in a temperate climate need to keep an eye on temperature conditions, otherwise the plant will die. So, in summer period You can take it out onto the balcony or into the garden, avoiding direct sunlight. Fresh air will do it good - over the summer the plant will noticeably grow and become stronger.

In the cold season, pineapple feels good away from radiators and heaters, in a room where there are no drafts. For better wintering, it is recommended to place the plant on the south side so that it can receive the maximum sunlight. Regardless of the time of year, it requires 6 hours of daylight, and the optimal temperature is considered to be +22...+26°C.

An adult plant requires moderate watering; in winter, once a week is enough. Moreover, it adapts well to droughts and tolerates them better than overwatering. In the summer, when the pineapple lives outdoors, it needs to be sprayed periodically. Excess moisture will be absorbed from the bases of the leaves and quickly evaporate from their surface when blown by the wind. The soil in the pot should be well ventilated, which is why a drainage layer is needed. At the same time, it should not dry out completely between waterings. In summer, when the plant is actively growing, it needs to be watered more often than in winter. But don’t overdo it, make sure that mold and a marshy smell don’t appear, which indicate acidification of the soil. If this does happen, you will have to completely renew the soil, otherwise the plant will rot and die.

For harmonious growth and development of pineapple, it must be fed periodically. As a rule, once a month during the growing season is sufficient. Fertilizer can be bought in specialized stores that sell everything for the garden. You can use a liquid form of fertilizer to spray the plant, after diluting it with water, as written on the label.

Thus, growing a pineapple from the top on a windowsill is a very real idea that can be brought to life by following the recommendations given. This one is simple and exciting process very addictive, and after 2-2.5 years, the plant will delight caring owner beautiful flowering and aromatic fruit.

Many amateur gardeners often experiment with growing the most unusual plants at home. If someone thinks that pineapple is not suitable for growing in a pot, then this is not so. In fact, knowing some of the intricacies of growing various exotic crops, you can easily germinate almost any fruit purchased in a store. However, for many, the most interesting topic is how to plant a pineapple from the top yourself. To understand this issue, it is worth studying general information about this amazing plant.


Pineapple represents perennial, which forms rather dense leaves during the growing season, which are subsequently transformed into a dense rosette. A very thick and durable stem grows from it, at the top of which a peduncle appears. Its length can reach up to 50 cm. The plant blooms with spike-shaped flowers.

The pineapple first appeared in Brazil, so this country is considered its legal homeland. There are a total of 8 varieties of this unusual plant.

Today, pineapples are sold in almost all chain stores. At the same time, the price of overseas fruit is low. While eating the delicious pulp, everyone has at least once wondered how to plant a pineapple. To some, such an idea seems stupid, but it can actually be brought to life. The main thing is to properly prepare everything you need.

Preparing planting material

Before planting a pineapple at home, you need to make sure that all the effort expended will not be in vain. The simplest and most effective way is to plant the crown, or as it is also called, the top of the sweet fruit.

First of all, you need to carefully examine the pineapple itself. If the fruit is unripe or diseased, then it will not be possible to grow a normal plant from it. Also, pineapples purchased in winter are not suitable for planting. The fact is that in winter fruits are stored at outside temperature. Because of this, the top of the plant becomes frostbitten, and therefore a normal root system cannot develop from it.

Preparing containers and soil

Before planting a pineapple at home, you need to prepare the soil for the exotic plant and a reservoir. Any free space can be used as a container. flower pot. In size it should be slightly larger than the height of the top, which is planned to be used as source material. In addition, the pot must be equipped with holes to remove excess moisture.

Before planting your pineapple, you need to fill the container appropriately. The first layer is the shards. After this, the pot is filled with expanded clay or pebbles. The thickness of this layer should be about 2 cm.

You also need to prepare the planting substrate. For this, a mixture of peat and sand in a 1:1 ratio is best. A few days before planting the pineapple tuft, it is necessary to disinfect the soil. To do this, just pour boiling water on the ground. Thanks to this treatment, the soil will be sufficiently moist.

Choosing pineapple

In addition to purchasing fruit at the right time of year, you also need to pay attention to the fruit itself. Pineapple leaves should be thick, firm and a rich green color.

It is recommended to smell the pineapple. It should have a pleasant aroma. If an unpleasant or sour odor emanates from the fruit, then it is better to discard such a fruit. To increase the chances of growing a full-fledged plant, it is recommended to purchase several pineapples at once.

Preparing the crest

Also, before planting the top of a pineapple at home, you need to carefully cut off the tuft from the fruit using a sharp knife. In this case, you need to try not to damage the core. If there is any pulp left on the tuft, it must be removed. Otherwise, it will begin to rot and the rhizome will not develop. It is also worth separating the lower leaves.

After preparing the starting material, you need to dry the top a little. To do this, you need to lay it in an upright position in a cool, dark place for several weeks. During this time, the wounds of the cutting will heal, and that’s it. nutrients will begin to be used exclusively for the development of the root system of the future plant.

Sprouting a crest

Continuing to consider the question of how to plant a pineapple from the top at home, let’s take a closer look at the process of germination of this fruit. In order for the plant to take root, it is necessary to lower the tuft into water 3-4 cm. At the same time, it should be at room temperature. It is best to use a regular opaque glass or cup for this.

In this case, it is advisable to place the plant in a fairly illuminated place. However, there should not be too much sun. It is also worth making sure that there are no drafts in the room and that the air temperature does not change. If the conditions are correct, then after 4-7 days you will notice small roots at the top.

How to plant a pineapple at home: photos, subtleties of growing

After the top has grown roots, you can prepare to transplant the plant into a pot. To do this, it is better to choose a fairly large container, the diameter of which will be about 35 cm with a height of about 30 cm. If you only have a smaller pot, then you can use it for the first time. However, a little later it is necessary to transplant the plant into a larger container. Otherwise, the pineapple leaves may begin to dry out and the fruit may not form.

It’s not enough to know how to plant pineapple at home. You still need to take care of it, don’t forget to water it. Water should be added in moderation on a regular basis. If you overwater the plant, then drainage system may not be able to handle the amount of moisture. Because of this, the pineapple rhizome may rot. The opposite situation can happen if the plant does not have enough water. In this case, its leaves will begin to dry out.

It is also worth periodically spraying the plant with a spray bottle. In addition, it is recommended to wipe the pineapple leaves with warm water.


So, we learned how to plant a pineapple. Photos in the article can also help in this process. Now you need to wait until the rosette is completely rooted. At the next stage, the plant is transplanted into another pot. bigger size according to the same scheme as described above. After this, you need to cover the plant with a special cap, which can be removed after 2-3 weeks.

After this, the pineapple needs to be watered regularly with warm or even hot water. In this case, you need to add liquid a little less often, as the soil dries. As new leaves develop, moisture will begin to accumulate in their axils, thanks to which new roots will form.

When talking about how to plant a pineapple correctly, it is worth considering that this plant loves the sun and tolerates drought well. In summer, it is recommended to place the rooted flower on a well-lit windowsill or balcony. However, before the rain it is better to clean it indoors. Also, if desired, you can transplant the pineapple into a greenhouse for the summer. This environment will be optimal for him.

Top dressing

Any plant needs an additional source of nutrients and necessary conditions. Pineapple grows best at temperatures from +20 to +25 degrees. For his best development It is recommended to add mineral fertilizers to the soil. However, this plant requires half as much of them when compared with other crops.

If a pineapple grows in a greenhouse throughout the summer, then with the onset of the first cold weather it must be brought indoors and placed in the most illuminated place.

In addition, experts who are well versed in how to plant pineapple recommend feeding the exotic plant with mullein several times a month.

How to stimulate flowering?

So that the plant grows fully and begins to bear fruit, as in natural environment habitat, it is necessary to properly care for it. The pineapple must accumulate a sufficient amount of minerals and nutrients. Only in this case will it enter the full flowering phase. However, sometimes this happens a little later than expected.

If this happens, then additional measures can be taken to stimulate flowering. To do this, experts advise mixing 1 teaspoon of ethylene and calcium carbide. The mixture is diluted in 0.5 liters of warm water. The resulting solution is infused for 24 hours. After this, it must be strained in such a way as to remove all sediment. The central part of the plant rosette is treated with the prepared liquid. The procedure must be repeated daily for 7 days. After this, the pineapple will bloom quite quickly, and the process can last up to several months.

Another effective way- apple. It needs to be cut in half. One part of the fruit must be lowered into the ground with the plant, and the second must be placed in a leaf rosette. After this, the pineapple is covered with polyethylene for 2-4 weeks. Apples emit natural ethylene, which stimulates the flowering process very well.


In addition to knowing how to plant a pineapple correctly, you also need to be prepared for all the ailments that the plant may suffer from. Therefore, you need to take into account several useful recommendations:

  • If the plant's leaves turn pale, this indicates that it is not receiving enough light. The pineapple needs to be moved to the sun.
  • If the plant does not bloom, then it is worth considering that at home it enters this stage after 18, and sometimes after 30 months. In industrial conditions, the culture of this species is treated with ethylene gas.
  • If the lower leaves begin to dry out, wrinkle or curl, this indicates that the plant is suffering from strong drafts. In this case, it is enough to move the pineapple to another place and not open the windows too often.
  • When dust forms, it is necessary to periodically wipe the leaves with a cloth soaked in warm water.
  • If the leaves have begun to die off, this should not be a cause for concern if the plant has recently fruited. Sometimes the pineapple dies after this, but a new flower can be grown from the remaining rosette.
  • When a crop grows too slowly, it may need an additional supply of microelements. To do this, it is enough to feed the plant.

This way you can grow your own exotic plant at home.

Pineapples have been cultivated in greenhouses for a very long time. But it turns out that you can grow them yourself at home if you know how to plant a pineapple from its top. Unpretentious plant will grow even in northern regions if appropriate care is provided. And decorate festive table fruit grown with your own hands is a real pleasure for everyone.

How to choose the right pineapple?

In order to get a new one from the cut off top of a pineapple at home, you need to choose this product correctly. That's right - this means buying a ripe, but not overripe fruit.

There are rules to help you make the right choice.

  1. Look for fresh pineapple in the store (a product that has been lying on the counter for a long time may not take root or a weak plant will develop from it).
  2. The crest should not be frostbitten.
  3. When examined, the top should be firm, not dry, with elastic, bright green large leaves. Attendance at them dark spots, damage, cuts or dry ends are unacceptable.
  4. The pineapple itself should not be overripe or underripe. Ideally, it should have a golden-green peel, and the fruit itself should be elastic.

The optimal time to purchase the “right” product for subsequent cultivation at home is considered to be the period from late summer to mid-autumn.

How to prepare for planting

Before planting, the tuft of a purchased pineapple should be separated. This can be done using one of the options.

  1. Twisting: grasp the leaves with one hand, and with the other, holding the fruit, slowly twist the top out of it.
  2. Cutting: carefully cut off the top of the fruit with a knife, leaving a distance of 4-5 cm to the leaves, while the lower leaves are removed, and the pulp is cut to a root 1.5-2 cm long.

The resulting “sprout” is dipped into a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate for disinfection.

Instead of solutions, you can use wood ash or crushed activated carbon. You can sprinkle the root with one of them or prepare a mixture of them.

Drying the top is an important point. It is wrapped with lace, rope or wire and then hung for 10-14 days. At the same time, its leaves should hang down.

This procedure will ensure the outflow of all substances important for the plant into the root formation zone and heal the cut.


Growing a plant at home occurs in the usual flower pot volume up to 0.5 l with drainage for draining water. A small layer of pebbles is laid on its bottom, and the container is filled with soil (mix garden soil, humus, peat, sand in equal quantities). You can purchase ready-made soil ( soil will do for growing plants from the Bromiliaceae family).

A small depression is made in the soil in the center of the pot, up to 3-5 cm deep and 5-7 cm wide (depending on the size of the root being planted). To save the plant from rotting, crushed activated carbon can be poured into the recess. Root rot can result from waterlogging of the soil or from insufficient drying.

Planting is carried out according to the following rules.

  1. The root is placed vertically in the recess, sprinkled with earth and lightly compacted.
  2. The top is fixed to avoid tilting: sticks (plastic or wooden) are placed along the edges of the container. Each stick is connected to the top with threads.
  3. The soil is slightly moistened (it should not be flooded).
  4. The plant is covered on top with a transparent container or plastic bag.
  5. The pot is placed at home in a fairly warm and well-lit place without drafts.

After 1-1.5 months, the top will give roots. This can be determined by the young leaves that appear. The package (container) can be removed only after they appear.

Rules for growing and care

Pineapple is a non-capricious and unpretentious plant to grow. It does not require special care. But there are several conditions that are important to consider.

  • Temperature

The plant loves light and warmth. Growing pineapple from its top should take place at a temperature of 23-25°C. During the winter months, you can maintain the desired temperature with a heater or lamp.

If the pot with the plant is on the windowsill, it must be protected from drafts and accidental frostbite.

  • Watering

Being a tropical plant, pineapple easily tolerates heat and lack of moisture. The main mistake gardeners make is frequent and abundant watering. At home, it needs to be watered abundantly only twice a week, and in winter this should be done even less often.

Excess water will lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant. Watering should only be done with warm water and when the soil in the pot is really dry!

It is not only the soil under the crop that should be watered. Water must also be poured into the leaves so that they can accumulate it within themselves.

  • Top dressing

When growing pineapple at home, you do not need to frequently feed it with fertilizers. It is enough to add any organic or complex fertilizer, intended for indoor flowers.

Do not use alkaline fertilizers (lime, ash). Even a small amount of them will lead to the death of the plant.

In order to prepare the crop for fruiting and enhance vegetative growth, in the third year every 14 days it should be fed with any organic fertilizer. At home, for this purpose, you can use mullein infusion, which contains all the important trace elements. To prepare an infusion, simply fill a bucket of water (10 liters), fill it one-third with manure, add water and infuse for 5-8 days with occasional stirring. When the fermentation of the manure is complete, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8.

To stimulate fruiting and improve the quality of the future fetus, it is recommended to carry out another feeding. Carbide showed itself well as a stimulant. A small piece of it (12-15 g) is placed in a container (1 liter) of water - bubbling and release of acetylene will be observed. After the reaction has subsided, the solution (30 ml) is poured into a funnel made of leaves, where the growth point is located. The procedure must be repeated again every other day. A peduncle will appear from a simple point in 1.5 months.

  • Lighting

Growing at home requires the plant to be in a sufficiently lit room. On cloudy days or in the autumn-winter season, it is necessary to turn on a lamp installed 20-25 cm from it for 7-10 hours.

An indicator that the crop has enough light are large, wide leaves and the light crimson color of the edges of young leaves.

  • Transfer

The growing plant should be promptly transplanted into a new, larger pot. Typically, replanting is carried out once a year in the spring. For the culture, you need to select a low but wide enough container. Its similar shape corresponds to the peculiarity of pineapple roots - they are located in top layer soil and do not go deep. A wide-diameter dish promotes good soil aeration - this is very important for the growth of a green pet.

Pineapple is an exotic crop that can be easily grown. But every gardener should be patient in order to grow its fruit at home. It usually appears in the fourth year after planting the top. Cultivation, subject to all care rules, allows you to get a fruit weighing up to 1.5 kg. And the fact that this tropical plant grows at home is an outstanding result for which you can work hard!

Pineapple (lat. Anánas) is a genus of herbaceous plants of the Bromeliaceae family, numbering nine species. Homeland of pineapple - South America. Large tufted pineapple (Ananas comosus) - popular fruit crop, grown in the tropics throughout the planet. To grow it, it is not at all necessary to move to warm countries - from the article we will learn how to grow pineapple at home.

Ripening pineapple.

Pineapple is a terrestrial plant with spiny stems and leaves. It has many adventitious roots that grow in the leaf axils, absorbing the water retained in them. Pineapple leaves are quite wide and fleshy, covered with a special epidermal layer. The plant retains its moisture supply in them. The leaves can reach 140 centimeters in length.

After the leaf rosette is fully formed, it forms a long peduncle covered with many bisexual flowers. Based on the results of two weeks of flowering, the golden fruit grows brightly orange color, resembling a pine cone in shape.

Benefits of pineapples for the human body

The volume of ripe pineapples is approximately 85% water - which is why it is so juicy and thirst-quenching. Pulp yellow color very sweet and has a unique aroma.

Pineapple contains a large number of elements: acids, sugars, fats, proteins, alkaloids, various trace elements and important vitamins (A, E, PP, C and many B vitamins). The fruit is very tasty and healthy - an excellent tonic for people of all ages. The calorie content of pineapple is approximately fifty kilocalories per 100 g of product.

Experts identify in its composition such useful microelements as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, and carotene. It is worth mentioning separately the content of bromelain, which burns fat, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps with varicose veins and helps cleanse the body's blood vessels.

Pineapple juice normalizes liver and kidney function and stimulates intestinal function. Due to the abundance of vitamin C in it, it is recommended for use to prevent colds. Pineapple juice is also useful for hypertensive patients, because it cleanses the blood of cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure.

Growing at home using a crown

The crown of a pineapple is the top of the fruit.

To understand how to plant a pineapple at home, it’s enough to understand a few simple methods. The easiest way to do this is by planting the crown of the fruit.

Pineapple selection

All you have to do is walk to the grocery store to buy a pineapple. You need to carefully examine it - it must be ripe, and its top must be intact and not dry. It is not recommended to plant indoor pineapple in winter - as you might guess, during this period the fruit can remain in the cold for quite a long time. A frozen rosette is not suitable for planting.

A fruit with an intact top and green, not dried out leaves is required. It is recommended to grow this pineapple at home in summer or early autumn.

Planting the crown

First, you will need to cut off the crown so as not to touch the core with the knife. It will need to be cleared of pulp - otherwise the planted pineapple will begin to rot after some time. For the same reason, it is necessary to remove the lower rows of leaves so that the trunk of the plant, about one centimeter high, is visible. After these procedures, you will have to postpone planting for several weeks - the crown must dry thoroughly.

Choosing a pot and soil

To completely guarantee the successful growth of pineapples, you need to take care in the right pot and the soil for them.

A pot slightly larger than the seedling will do. It is better to use a container with holes to drain excess moisture. The shards are placed in the pot, and a layer of pebbles (about two centimeters) is placed on top of them.

Cultivate and moisten the soil - only after this can the dried crown be planted. It should be level in the ground lower leaves. Pack the soil thoroughly.

After this, you will need to water and spray it abundantly, and also create an impromptu greenhouse (it is enough to cover the plant with a plastic bag or cap). The pot with pineapple should be in a warm and bright place. To avoid greenhouse effect, do not place the pineapple in direct sunlight.

After the first four weeks, the crown will give its first roots - until then, do not water the plant, just spray the leaves daily.

Transplanting and watering

Rooting a pineapple.

When the plant takes root, transplant it into a large pot. It is better to use soil of the same composition. After transplanting, you need to cover the fruit with polyethylene - you can remove it in a couple of weeks.

When watering pineapples, only warm water should be used. Watering should be done when the soil is dry. Watering is rare but plentiful - the pineapple retains moisture in the leaves, which is used as feed for additional roots.

This plant loves sunlight, so in summer it can be left on the balcony, on the window, or displayed in a greenhouse along with cucumbers or tomatoes.

Care and feeding

To grow this tropical fruit, you need a temperature of about 25 degrees above zero.

During the growing season (late spring, summer), pineapple needs feeding. It should be fertilized no more than once every two weeks. Gardeners unanimously recognize mullein the best fertilizer for pineapple. You can use mineral fertilizers - their concentration should be half that for other plants. With the beginning of autumn, the pineapple needs to be returned to a warm room.

Stimulating pineapple flowering

Pineapple flower.

Pineapple blossoms at proper care usually starts two years after planting in a pot.

Delays in the onset of the flowering period are also possible. If the plant has been properly cared for, but it does not bloom, you will have to help it. To do this, you need to get ethylene. This is quite simple to do by mixing 0.5 liters of water and one teaspoon of calcium carbide. The resulting solution should sit for 24 hours, after which it should be poured into a new container so that the sediment remains at the bottom of the old one. The resulting liquid must be poured directly into the central part of the leaf rosette once a day for a whole week. This procedure ensures pineapple flowering for a period of up to several months.

Reproduction after fruiting

Since pineapple is a herbal plant, it dies after fruiting. Death usually occurs within a couple of years. The pineapple leaves behind many small shoots with which you can grow new fruits. After they produce the first roots, they can be safely separated and transplanted into separate containers. Such shoots will flower much earlier than their mother plant, grown from a pineapple crown.

Planting using seeds

Pineapple seeds.

You can also plant pineapple seeds. You need a large, ripe fruit, from which you need to get the brown seeds. They are washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried thoroughly.

In addition, in specialized stores you can buy seeds and grow decorative inedible pineapple. Caring for a purchased plant is no different from the method described here.

Now you need to prepare the ground for sowing the seeds. Great option will become a mixture of leaf soil, sand and peat, taken in equal quantities. Sowing is done to a depth of no more than two centimeters, after which the seeds are watered abundantly warm water and covered with a cap or plastic film. Containers with planted seeds should be placed in a warm and dry place. The higher the air temperature, the faster the first shoots will appear.

There is no exact period for seed germination - for some gardeners it takes only two months, for others it takes six months. We'll have to be patient.

The sprouts that appear must be regularly watered and sprayed. Young shoots need to be fed chicken droppings or mineral fertilizers. Ventilation of young plants and their adaptation to dry climates is critical.

As soon as the pineapple leaves reach five centimeters in length, they will need to be transplanted into individual pots With loose soil. Fertilizing becomes similar to the previous method - the pineapple will need to be fertilized with mullein once every two weeks.

Growing pineapple at home both with seeds and with the help of the top is quite exciting activity. During flowering it smells nice, try grown with my own hands exotic fruit- an incomparable pleasure.

Pineapples are one of the most unusual tropical fruits in the world. Pineapple can be grown in a temperate climate zone under controlled conditions or in an apartment. Most often, for cultivation for decorative purposes, the crown of the pineapple fruit is used as planting material; in this case, the most difficult stage of cultivation is obtaining the roots. But it is worth noting that it is also possible to obtain a plant from pineapple seeds; the problem here is in the selection of seed material.

With a certain amount of patience and care, perhaps even grow your own pineapple at home on the windowsill. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve a full-size plant and a large fruit, but the overseas guest will undoubtedly become your favorite houseplant.

Pineapple belongs to the bromeliad family and is related to some ornamental plants, sold in nurseries. Plants of this family are interesting because they accumulate water (dew) and nutrients in the places where the leaves are attached to the trunk, forming reservoirs. And from there, moisture is absorbed by the plant through the hairs; thus, bromeliads have adapted to survive during dry periods. Pineapple, however, uses roots as its main source of nutrition.

Growing pineapple from a tuft.

First you need to purchase a ripe pineapple. Here you will find comprehensive tips on how to choose a ripe pineapple. The tuft of a pineapple suitable for planting should have healthy, strong, green, living leaves, and the skin of the fruit should be golden brown. The presence of gray spots on the base of the leaves indicates the presence of scale insects; it is better not to use such pineapples for planting. For greater probability, choose two pineapples; if one of them dies, the experiment can be continued with the other, or immediately select a stronger specimen.

Next, you need to prepare the pineapple crown for planting. Wrap your hand around all the leaves and twist slightly. The pappus should separate from the fruit with a small stem underneath. You can also use a knife to cut off the top of the pineapple, but the remaining pulp must be separated from the crown to prevent further rotting. Remove a few of the lower leaves so that a few centimeters of the base of the pineapple trunk are exposed, and roots should then emerge from it. After trimming and peeling, leave the pineapple for a few days to allow the cut and leaf scars to dry out and not rot.

To obtain roots, use the simplest and, as practice shows, the most effective method: Place the dried crown in a glass of water so that the water covers the exposed trunk. Place a glass with pineapple on the windowsill next to your indoor plants. Monitor the water level and periodically replace the water completely; after about three weeks, the pineapple should take root. When the roots reach a couple of centimeters in length, then the pineapple can be planted in the ground.

A mixture of equal parts soil is suitable as a rooting substrate. indoor plants, peat and river sand. For initial planting, take a small pot with a diameter approximately equal to the size of the tuft. Organize good drainage from expanded clay so that frequent watering does not cause stagnation of moisture and soil rotting. A young pineapple likes the soil to be constantly moist, but not flooded. Also, it should not be under straight lines. sun rays, but the place must be lit.

Rooting a homemade pineapple will take six to eight weeks. A good sign will be the appearance of new leaves, which means the plant has taken root, has taken root and is ready to continue growing. If there are no signs of life in the pineapple after two months, you can think about replanting a new plant.

In the future, the original leaves of the pineapple tuft will turn brown and die; their place should be taken by grown greenery. As old leaves die, they need to be carefully trimmed. A grown pineapple should be watered no more than once a week.

After about one year of growth, the indoor pineapple needs to be transplanted into a larger pot with the addition of soil mixture, the same composition as soil for cacti. Pineapple does not tolerate stagnant water, so high-quality drainage from gravel and expanded clay is prerequisite successful cultivation pineapple at home. During winter months Pineapple growth stops, after a period of dormancy, development should continue in the spring. If this does not happen, the pineapple has probably already depleted the soil and requires the next replanting to replace part of the old soil.

Caring for homemade pineapple. Light and temperature.

Pineapple is a tropical plant and cold, and especially frost, will kill it. If you live in a temperate climate, your indoor pineapple can be placed on the balcony or taken out into the garden in a moderately lit place for the summer. Finding on fresh air stimulates its growth. The pineapple should be located in a well-lit place for at least 6 hours a day, regardless of the time of year.

During cold months, keep the plant indoors, free of drafts and away from heating devices. During winter, place your pineapple tree in a south-facing position to get maximum sunlight. Optimal temperature for pineapple it is 22-26 degrees Celsius, if you feel comfortable, then indoor pineapple feels good.

Watering and fertilizing a pineapple in a pot.

A mature pineapple does not need frequent watering and is not poorly adapted to drought. When growing pineapple, it is enough to water the plant once a week. When the plant is outdoors, you can sometimes spray the leaves with water and then the liquid will be absorbed by the pineapple from the bases of the leaves, and the excess will quickly evaporate under the influence of the wind. The soil in the pot should not dry out completely, but on the other hand, the water should not linger and flow out as much as possible through the drainage. During the period of active growth, indoor pineapple needs to be watered more often than in winter. In case of overwatering and rotting of the soil (the appearance of mold, marshy smell), the soil must be completely replaced, otherwise the plant may die.

Feed your pineapple carefully, about once a month and only during the growing season. It is possible to fertilize with liquid fertilizers by spraying the leaves, but in this case, make sure that the nutrient mixture does not fall on the young leaves, otherwise they may be damaged.

Pests and diseases.

An indoor pineapple will have minimal exposure to pests with proper care. However, even in the house, pineapple can be attacked by mealybugs and various pliers. These pests can be removed by washing the plant with soapy water and then rinsing clean water. It is possible to use insecticides, be sure to follow the instructions in the product instructions.

Another disease that can affect your pineapple is core rot, caused by a fungus. The central leaves of a diseased plant turn black and are easily pulled out of the trunk. When affected by fungus, pineapple can be preserved by pouring fungicide into the core of the plant. If the remedy destroys the infection, the plant will produce a side shoot; the old trunk can be cut off over time.

Flowering and fruiting of pineapple at home.

IN natural conditions It takes pineapples up to 26 months to produce a new fruit. When growing pineapple at home, the flowering time can change in any direction. Usually after about 16 months, when the pineapple reaches a height of at least 25 cm in height, you can count on the appearance of an inflorescence. The bud begins to form at the top of the plant, gradually moving away from it on the stalk growing upward, which is a continuation of the trunk. Within two months, flowering should begin, lasting two weeks. Bright blue flowers Row after row comes off. Each flower opens for just one day.

After the last flower dries, the fruit begins to develop. The period of its development and ripening ranges from 3 to six months, depending on the conditions and variety of pineapple.

Forced fruiting of indoor pineapple.

Often when growing pineapple in a pot, flowering is delayed or may not happen at all. If the pineapple has developed sufficiently and reached the required age, then it can be stimulated to flower. Ethylene is a stimulant for forced fruiting of bromeliads. To obtain it, pour a teaspoon of calcium carbide into half a liter of water and keep the solution in a closed jar for a day. Then pour the liquid into another container, freeing it from sediment. This water will be an aqueous solution of ethylene. Once a day for a week, pour 50 grams of the solution into the base of the upper leaves of the pineapple.

After this procedure, flowering should begin in 4-6 weeks. If this does not happen, it means your indoor pineapple is not yet ready to bear fruit, or is sick.

After fruiting, a pineapple, like any other herbaceous plant will die, but this will happen gradually with the release of many side shoots, which are usually used for breeding pineapples on an industrial scale. Try growing your own pomegranate tree from seeds at home and getting it to bear fruit.

It turns out that pineapples have some harmful properties, so not everyone can eat them!

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